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Q: Outline the changes in the relationship between the Muslims and the Jews of Medina
between 622- 632 AD.

Charter of Medina:

In 622 AD, when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) reached Medina, he (PBUH) gave equal treatment to all
people. He (PBUH) devised a covenant with the people of Medina (Muslims and non-Muslim Arabs),
including the three Jewish tribes i.e. Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nazir, and Banu Quraiza. This agreement
clearly defined their responsibilities and privileges i.e they were allowed full religious freedom, and in
case of an external attack, all parties were to defend Medina unitedly. These Jews were initially on
excellent terms with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) , but with the passage of time, they distanced
themselves from Holy Prophet (PBUH). And they not only mocked the Quranic revelations, but also
doubted his claims of Prophethood.

Banu Qainuqa:

In 624 AD, all of the three Jewish tribes dissolved their alliance with the Muslims one by one, and
were accordingly punished by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for their betrayal. The Banu Qainuqa were
the first to break the Covenant of Medina. They insulted a Muslim woman while she was in a Jew’s
shop. A Muslim who was there got enraged, and killed the Jew. But was himself also killed by a
group of Jews. When the matter was brought to the Holy Prophet (PBUH), he immediately raised an
army and laid siege to Banu Qainuqa’s residences. The siege lasted for 15 days and finally they
surrendered. They were forced to leave Medina, and so, they migrated to Syria.

Ka’ab Bin Ashraf:

After the Battle of Badr, Ka’ab Bin Ashraf, who was an influential leader of Jews, propagated against
Muslims and maintained a secret communication with Abu Sufyan. He even tried to assassinate the
Holy Prophet (PBUH). In the 3 AH (625 AD), Ka’ab was executed for his activities against the

Banu Nazir:

In 4 AH, the Banu Nadir plotted to murder the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and at the insistence of Quraish,
planned to rise against the Muslims. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent them a message to leave Medina
within ten days, but they rejected it and shut themselves up in their fortresses. At this, the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) led an army against them and laid siege to their forts. After a siege of two weeks,
they surrendered. They were exiled from Medina, and they settled at Khyber.

Banu Quraiza:

The third tribe, Banu Quraiza, openly joined the Quraish in the Battle of Trench (627 AD). After the
Battle, they were told to leave the city as a punishment for their treachery. But on their refusal, the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) besieged their settlements. At last, they agreed to abide by the decision of
Sa’ad Bin Mu’az (RA), who decided their fate according to the Jewish Law of Old Testament.
Therefore, their men were slain, women and children were enslaved, and their properties were

The Holy Quran mentions the fate of Banu Quraiza in the following verse:

“And those of the People of the Book who aided them (allies), Allah did take them down from their
strongholds and cast terror into their hearts; some you slew and some you made prisoners”.

Khyber Expedition:

Most of the Jews who were expelled from Medina, took shelter at Khyber near the border of Syria.
Here they began to plot against the Muslims. In 7 AH (629 AD), the fortresses at khyber were
besieged and captured by the Muslims. The Jews were allowed to remain there by going half of their
agricultural production to Muslims. This finally robust an end to Jewish hostility and resistance.

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