Chapter 1 TEMPLATE

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A Qualitative Research Paper Presented

to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
General Vito Belarmino Integrated National High School
Kalubkob, Silang, Cavite

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

under the Academic Track
Accountancy, Business and Management Strand

June 2023

This chapter presents the background and purpose of the study,

research questions, theoretical framework, conceptual framework,

significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of


Background of the study

Since its outbreak in late December 2019, Covid-19 wreaked

across the world and like any critical sector, education has been hit hard.

Students, Schools, Colleges and Universities have been deeply impacted.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO), over 800 million learners from around the world

have been affected, 1 in 5 learners cannot attend school, 1 in 4 cannot

attend higher education classes, and over 102 countries have ordered

nationwide schools closures while 11 have implemented localised school

closure. Globally, over 200,000 cases of the coronavirus have been

reported in more than 160 countries, which have resulted in more than

8,000 deaths and left several states dealing with severe outbreaks. The

Covid-19 pandemic will adversely impact the progress some governments

were making around increasing the education budget. Therefore, this is a

crisis that requires urgent attention and collective action by all

governments, stakeholders and communities. In response to the Covid-19

pandemic, the Philippines Department of Education (DepEd) implemented

distance learning modalities to ensure continuity. DepEd, however,

recognizes the challenges in delivering alternative learning modalities to

27.7 million basic education students. Given the challenges of distance

learning and unequal access to resources, poor-performing and

marginalized students may fall further behind. Before the pandemic,

issues of quality of basic education have been raised as the Philippines

ranked lowest in recent regional and international learning assessments.

DepEd is seeking innovate strategies to address problems in education

during the pandemic and in achieving learning outcomes as students

transition to in-person classes. Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)

proposes to conduct exploratory research on teaching at the right level

(TaRL) with DepEd. TaRL is a potential strategy to address the learning

gaps among Filipino students. The J-Pal grant will enable IPA to explore

opportunities for DepEd to incorporate TaRL in the Philippine education

system. Distance education is a process of planned teaching learning

setting and requires communication and a special corporate organization

via technologies (Moore & Kearsley 2012).

I understand that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected individuals

and communities in different ways, and it’s important to acknowledge and

respect individual experiences and perspectives. The pandemic has

highlighted the importance of access to education, healthcare, and

technology and has emphasized the need for effective crisis management

and preparedness. It is crucial that we continue to work towards

addressing the impact of the pandemic and ensuring equitable access to

resources and opportunities for all individuals, including Grade-10

Agoncillo students in General Vito Belarmino Integrated National High

School. As given to response of Department of Education (DepEd) in

situation, they implemented blended learning for students as a substitute

for face-to-face classes. For Grade 10 students in General Vito Belarmino

Integrated National High School, the pandemic likely impacted their

academic and social experiences in several ways.

The purpose of the research was to provide insights and

understanding about the lived experience of grade 10 Agoncillo in General

Vito Belarmino Integrated National High School amidst the Covid-19

pandemic. The goal was to identify the challenges that students may have

faced in terms of their academic and social experiences, and to provide a

general understanding of the impact of the pandemic on education in the

region. The research aimed to raise awareness about the difficulties that

students may be facing and to promote discussions on how to support

them during these challenging times. Overall, the purpose of the research

was to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of the Covid-19

pandemic on education and student’s lives.

Research Questions

The proposed research has questions that must be answered by the

respondents and is summarized as follows:

1. What are the experiences of Grade 10 students amidst Covid-19


2. What are the problems faced by Grade 10 students during pandemic?

3. How Covid-19 affected our lives as students?

4. How Grade 10 students survived their school year during Covid-19?

Theoretical Framework

This study will be anchored to conservation of resources theory by Hobfoll,

1988, 1989.

The CoR theory (Hobfoll, 1988, 1989) suggests that people experience stress

when they feel the threat of resource loss, a real net loss of resources, and/or a

lack of gained resources after resource investments. Two types of resources are

examined by this theory. On the one hand, individuals’ external resources are

object resources (e.g., for university, student, laptop, for taking online courses,

living expenses) social resources (e.g., stable internet and digital support offered

by the university). On the other hand, individuals’ internal resources includes

personal resources (e.g., time and health; Chen et al., 2015; Hagger, 2015). The

CoR theory is relevant to better understand the impacts of covid-19 on University

and middle school students’ well-being as they need to follow fully or partially

online courses, they are forced to reduce the social activities to the minimum level,

Covid-19 remains an international threat to both life and economies, resulting in

widespread public nervousness. This continuing global pandemic concurrent with

the changes in university life are likely to decrease student well-being.

Conceptual Framework


-Grade 10 Agoncillo in Step 1: Determine the Lived Experiences of

GVBINHS amidst Covid-19. respondents. Grade 10 Agoncillo in
-Grade 10 Agoncillo GVBINHS amidst Covid-19.
Step 2: Ask the permission
-Experiences of Grade 10 of respondents if he/she
students amidst Covid-19. can participate in the
-Problems faced by Grade
10 students during
Step 3: Conduct a survey.
-Covid-19 affecting the
lives as students.
Step 4: Analyse the data.
-Grade 10 students
surviving school year
during Covid-19.
Step 5: Interpreting the

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will focus on the lived experiences of Grade 10 Agoncillo in GVBINHS

amidst Covid-19. The data collection will be conducted to 10 randomly selected G-10

students in GVBINHS school year 2023-2024 who will represent the population. Each of

the respondents will be given the same questionnaires to answer and will undergo an

interview. The main source of data will be the recorded interview and set of questions

which is prepared by the researchers.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following:

STUDENT. This study will be beneficial for them because they can learn on how to

build a greater connection and time management between home and school.
TEACHERS. This study will be beneficial for them because they can still cultivate their

teaching skills that are used in blended learning during pandemic until the present time.

PARENTS. This study will help them know the lived experiences of their children

as a student during pandemic.

SOCIETY. This study may help contributes of social consequences of

extraordinary measures in students as young, healthy, and highly educated person

in society.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study may help them to know the lived

experiences of students during Covid-19.

Definition of Terms

COVID-19. It refers to an acute disease in humans caused by Coronavirus, which is

characterized mainly by fever and cough and is capable of progressing to severe


Operationally. A Covid-19 is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the

SARS-COV-2 virus.

CRUCIAL. It refers to a decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of


Operationally. A word crucial is often used to talk about matters that may cause

anxiety or other emotions.

LIVED EXPERIENCES. It refers to a depiction of a person’s experiences and decisions,

as well as the knowledge gained from these experiences and choices.

Operationally. Lived experiences explains the knowledge, studies on culture, linguistics

and communication that they have gained.

OUTBREAK. It refers to a sudden or violent start of something unwelcome such as war,

disease, etc.

Operationally. An outbreak is a sudden rise in the number of cases of a disease during

PANDEMIC. It refers to a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole

country or the world at a particular time.

Operationally. A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease that affects the

studies or going school of a student.

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