What Are Drugs!!
What Are Drugs!!
What Are Drugs!!
Uses of Drugs:
Medicational drug use: A pharmaceutical or medical drug is a
medication that is used to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease. Drug
treatment (pharmacotherapy) is an essential aspect of medicine that is
based on the study of pharmacology. The discovery and development of
pharmaceuticals is a costly undertaking performed by pharmaceutical
firms, university scientists, and governments. Governments usually
control what medications can be promoted, how they are marketed, and,
in certain countries, drug price.
Recreational drug use: Recreational drug use is defined as the
use of a drug (legal, regulated, or illegal) with the primary goal of
altering the state of consciousness through alteration of the central
nervous system to produce positive emotions and feelings. The
hallucinogenic substance LSD is a psychoactive substance widely used
for recreational purposes. Some national laws prohibit the usage of
various recreational and medical drugs having the potential of
recreational use are often heavily regulated. However, many
recreational drugs are legal in many jurisdictions and generally
accepted culturally. Cannabis is the world's most common regulated
recreational drug. Its use is illegal in many nations, but it is legal in
others, typically with the caveat that one can only use it personally. It
may be used in the form of marijuana leaves or hashish resin.
Marijuana is a milder strain of cannabis than hashish. Consumption and
purchase of legal recreational drugs may be subject to an age limit.
Alcohol, tobacco, betel nut, and caffeine products are some recreational
drugs that are legal and tolerated in many countries, and in some parts
of the world, the legal use of drugs such as khat is trendy. A variety of
legal intoxicants, colloquially known as "legal highs," are used
recreationally. The most common of these is alcohol.
There are undoubtedly both positive and negative consequences
of drug use. While we think of them as harmful substances, they
can also be life-saving. It is up to the person whether they use
them as medication or an addiction. Nobody may, however,
dispute its long-term side effects, which can be psychological or
physiological. Teens involved in drug abuse and trafficking
could be the worst thing for a country battling drug addiction.
Transparency with our adolescents about drugs would help us
eliminate it from the ground up.