A Quick Note On Paid Posts - by Lauren Hough - Badreads

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A quick note on paid posts

Lauren Hough Sep 29 110 12

Lauren Hough Sep 29

Just a quick note on locked posts: Anytime I lock a post, I

hear from people wondering why. And I thought maybe
that was obvious and we’d covered it here but apparently
not. So….

There a few reasons I’ll set a post to paid only. I still

haven’t quite gotten used to people reading the things I
write, and I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to people
talking to me about them. I am aware that this is a
problem, but there it is. Sometimes something I write is a
little more personal than say, a post about my van. This
probably sounds strange, but I’m a private person. I don’t
know how I reconcile that with what I do for a living. It’s a
mindfuck to say the least. Weed helps. But with some
things, I feel better limiting the audience, even a little.
Some days the simple fact of comments gets into my
head. Sometimes I worry something will be too easily
taken out of context.

That being said, the locked posts are almost never what
I’d consider my better essays. Most of the content on here
has and will remain free. But, while I’ll write either way, I
don’t need to publish it anywhere. I do this to make
money, which buys me time to write. I thought I’d hate it,
posting here. I figured I’d grudgingly do it to buy enough
time to finish another book. But it’s made writing fun again
—lower pressure I guess. It feels like blogging. But
somehow, and I still have a hard time believing it, I get paid
to write, and this is part of it. I’m as shocked as anyone
that I can support myself off it. Helps that I’m extremely
cheap. And if reading the paid posts is what makes it
worth subscribing, that works out pretty well for the whole
making money part of the job.

So, thank you. I do not hold it against anyone for not

subscribing, for cancelling, for dipping in and out. Do you.
I don’t even check, I promise. I’m as annoyed as you are
that everything’s a subscription these days. But here we
are. I do appreciate those who do subscribe and share. It
really is fucking mindblowing that I get paid to do this, and
that y’all are willing to pay me. Let’s never speak of this
again. It’s uncomfortable as hell. Leave the cash on the

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