LabManual Chpt6
LabManual Chpt6
LabManual Chpt6
I. Introduction
This week we introduce the transistor. Transistors are three-
terminal devices that can amplify a signal and increase the signal’s
power. The price is that we must also supply DC power to it (hence,
the need for three terminals). Figure 6.1 shows a classic transistor
package style. EB C
The three terminals are called the emitter, the base and the
collector. The base is the control terminal – a small current enters
here and controls the big current that flows from collector to emitter.
The notation may seem odd, but
remember that electrons actually carry most currents and they
have negative charge. A positive current flowing from the Figure 6.1: A TO-92
collector to the emitter means that electrons are flowing from transistor package.
the emitter to the collector.
In this chapter we will use a simple model for this device to try to understand its rather
complicated behavior. As we continue through the semester we will encounter additional
devices that require some sort of approximate models to describe their expected behavior.
Since there are always approximations to the real devices they will have certain
shortcomings or conditions were the models no longer apply.
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Chapter 6: Transistors, part 1
I be
reversed, and a current will flow from the emitter to the base only if the base voltage is
negative with respect to the emitter. A collector current will flow from the emitter only if
the collector is negative with respect to the emitter. The arrow on the emitter tells you
which way the current is supposed to flow, and which also indicates whether the base
voltage must be positive or negative with respect to the collector.
Ice=βIbe Ice=βIbe
I be
e e
Let’s summarize the conditions required for an npn transistor to conduct (the
“transistor rules”):
1. Vbe > 0. Since this is a diode, Vbe should be roughly 0.6V when it is conducting.
2. Vbc < 0. This is a back-biased diode with enough voltage that the base current
normally flows to the emitter. You do not want current to flow from the base to
the collector (i.e. Vbc > 0).
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Chapter 6: Transistors, part 1
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Chapter 6: Transistors, part 1
called saturation.
B. Transistor Switch
We can use a transistor switch to control a big current with a small current. This is
just a current source with the device you wish to switch in place of the load resistor. A
common application is to use a digital (0 or 5V) signal with moderate impedance to
control a device requiring a lot more power. In next week's lab, we will use the 5V TTL
(transistor-transistor logic) output of your function generator to drive a light bulb.
In designing a transistor switch you want most of the voltage drop to be across your
device. If Vce is large then the power dissipated inside the transistor (IceVce) will destroy
the transistor. You can get around this in your design by designing the switch for
saturated operation. Since the switch runs in saturation mode, some of the base current
will flow up to the collector and the apparent β will be smaller than our nominal 100. A
common design strategy is to design for a “generous base current,” which could be
satisfied with an effective gain of roughly 10.
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Chapter 6: Transistors, part 1
= .
(6.3) ZSOURCE 1+β
The derivation of this formula is left to the reader.
D. An Inverting Amplifier
The final circuit is the inverting amplifier, which
is also called a common collector, and is shown in
figure 6.5. An inverting amplifier is similar to an
emitterfollower with two changes. It has an
additional resistor between the power supply and
the collector, and the output is at the collector
terminal. Of course our transitor rules still force the VOUT
emitter to be VIN – 0.6V, and this will set the
transistor current to be
VIN − 0.6V
When this current passes through the collector resistor, it will generate a
voltage drop of
VIN − 0.6V
Rc .
which means that the voltage drop across the collector resistor will be approximately −
Rc Re times the input voltage. The output is then given by VOUT = VCC - Rc / Re × (VIN -
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Chapter 6: Transistors, part 1
The minus sign means that when the voltage at the base is zero, the collector will read the
full supply voltage. When the voltage at the base is high there will be a big current and the
collector voltage will drop almost to zero. Thus the output will be exactly the oposite of
the input. If you find this disturbing you can use two inverting amplifiers in series to get a
noninverting amplifier.
Design Exercises
Design Exercise 6-1: Design a NPN transistor current source with a base supply voltage
of 5 V, a collector supply voltage of 10 V, and a target constant current of 10 mA.
Assuming that β=100, determine the value of the base resistor, and the range of
collector/load resistance over which you expect the current source to produce 10 mA.
What happens when the collector/load resistance goes above this range?
Design Exercise 6-2: Design a NPN transistor switch for a light bulb with a resistance of
50 Ω and a collector supply voltage of 6 V. Make sure the current into the base will
guarantee operation in saturation mode (gain of roughly 10, instead of β=100) which is
roughly independent of the exact light bulb resistance.
Design Exercise 6-3: Consider an NPN emitter follower amplifier that has R e=8 Ω.
Calculate the input impedance for the amplifier. Assume that your input signal has a DC
bias of 3 V, and an AC amplitude of 1 V, and that β=100. Determine the collector supply
voltage necessary to keep the average power dissipated in the transistor to below 0.5
Watts. What is the power dissipated in the 8 Ω load resistor?
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Chapter 6: Transistors, part 1
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Chapter 6: Transistors, part 1
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