Rusty Industry Rulebook

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In a quiet farming community on the outskirts of the capitol

city, a community of peasants makes an incredible discovery:

beneath their fields lay the ruins of an advanced society.

All of this commotion quickly comes to the attention of the You will build and upgrade buildings to create
Rusty King, the boisterous monarch of the land, whose love of your own economy. With it, you will fill orders
riches knows no bounds. and export goods to score points at the end of
the game. Trade with others for cash or barter
The king devises an ingenious plan to establish a great indus- for other resources. In Rusty Industry, the scor-
trial empire: assemble the brightest minds across the continents, ing system will heavily reward those who make
divide the rusty ruins of old industry among them, and pit them smart trades.
against each other to compete for a hefty sum of the profits.

You play as one of the king’s chosen entrepreneurs: buying

buildings, trading withcompetitors, and upgrading your facilities
to maximize your product output.

Complete orders and clash with rivals to build your industrial

empire from the ground up. The future of your company--and 1. Pick a starting player.
your new empire--depends on it! 2. Take turns until you run
out of export goods or orders.
3. Final round.
3. Final scoring.
1 Rulebook
1 Main Board
1 Trade Board
66 Building Cards:
(30 Auction Cards & 36 Basic Cards)
48 Order Cards
4 Character Cards
I. Invisible hand phase – replenish cards; 15 Wood Tokens
II. Industrial Phase 15 Clay Tokens
1. Production 10 Food Tokens
2. Warehouse check 10 Sulphur Tokens
3. Generate pool 10 Brick Tokens
III. Action Phase (order not important): 10 Iron Tokens
• Trade. 10 Cog Tokens
• Upgrade buildings. 24 Export Crates
• Purchase one building / get 5 gold. 20 level building tokens
• Exchange goods for Export Crates. 4 pawns
• Purchase a contract.
The cards should be placed face up, Draw 5 auction cards and place them face
and their cost in gold should be in up on the spaces for auction cards.
ascending order (the cheapest cards
on top). Place them on the board at Prepare the Export Crates
6 places for basic buildings. 3 players: 12 Export Crates.
Place the main board in the 4 players: 16 export crates.
middle of the table and the trade Shuffle the auction cards and Place them near the board.
board next to it. place the deck on the right Keep the rest of them aside.
Place all resource cubes on side of the board. You may need them for final round.
the appropriate spaces of the game board.
Give each player 1 wood and 1 clay.
Shuffle the order cards. Prepare a deck. 1st and 2nd players get 5 gold.
Place all coins on the main board.
3 players: 30 order cards 3rd and 4th get 7.
4 players: 40 order cards
Form 6 piles of the basic Place the deck next to the main board Give each player a character card.
buildings of the same type and keep the remaining cards handy. You You can deal them randomly
(separate pile of sawmills, may need them for the final round. or let them choose.
clay mines, iron mines,
brick factories, warehouses, Draw 5 contract cards and place them Each player receives a pawn for marking
and markets). face up next to the contract deck. Economy Score and places it on 0.
The pawn’s color also corresponds to
their area on the trade board.

Every player starts with 5 storage spaces

in the Warehouse and a sell-to limit of 2
in the Royal Warehouse
Cost of the card.
Level of the building.
Function of the build-
ing at that level (you
produce 2 clay at level I,
3 at level II and 4 at III).
Upgrade cost from
level I to level II.
Upgrade cost from Produces goods Uses goods on the left Increases your Increases your Royal
shown on the card. side of the arrow to storage space by Warehouse sell-to limit
level II to level III. produce goods shown the value shown. by the value shown
on the right.

Take as many actions as you would like in

whatever order. You may, however, only buy Pay cost shown in a circle between your
one building per turn. current and next level of the building (right
side of a card), that you want to upgrade.

Move the level marker one space down.

You may sell your goods to other players or The upgrade works from now on.
place them on the trading board square that
. Place any produced goods on the cards
matches your color. Other players may access
that created them (ie, wood on a Sawmill).
your trading board goods on their turns. Once
If any goods were used to produce bricks or
an item is on the trading board, it cannot be re-
cogs, return them to the reserve. Take a building card, place it in front of
turned to your Warehouse--it may only be used
in a trade or in a Royal Warehouse sale. you, and pay for it. Instead of building a
2. Place goods to be processed in Work- card, you may take 5 gold from the reserve
shops or Brick Factories accordingly. They for not using the building action
Prices for player goods are negotiable. For
will not count in your warehouse limit.
every good sold to other players, score one
These goods will only be used for process- Paying for a building:
point on your Economy Track
ing and nothing else.
There are no restrictions set on player trades. Basic building:
Sell any number of items for whatever price Pay its cost in the top left corner.
you please.
Check whether you have enough space in Auction building:
your warehouse. If you don’t have enough Pay the cost shown in the top left corner.
You may sell up to 2 goods from your trading
space, you need to choose which goods you Also pay the cost shown in the circle above
board or resource pool to the bank. You can
want to put back. the space that the card is on.
increase this limit by building a market.

You can buy as many goods from the bank as After paying for a building card, place it in
Generate a pool from the resources you
you want. The price chart regulates transac- front of you. You can upgrade or use it the
have produced and/or purchased from oth-
tions with the bank. For every good that you same turn. Remember, that it will produce
er players. You may use them now.
buy from the reserve, you lose one Economy no goods this turn.
You can exchange any number of goods for Export
Crates according to the rate shown on the board.
There are 2 tiers of goods that you can combine. Running out of Export Crates or Order Cards triggers final round.
They can be of the same kind or different
(i.e., 1 sulphur and 4 food). Place your goods into the If there are no more Export Crates or Order Cards, grab the ones that
reserve and take your Export Crates. were put aside and use them for the final rounds. Once you run out
of Export Crates or Order Cards, finish up the turn order and end the
Additionally, some buildings have the ability to pro- game after your last entrepreneur plays.
duce Export Crates from goods. The building card
will show the required goods and output at each build-
ing level.
One point for each Export
1st place 2 points.
Place an order in front of you. Pay its cost. Keep your Last place -2 points.
filled orders hidden so other players do not know how 1 point for each card
many and which of them you have.
Points for sets:
4 of the same +1.
5 of the same + 2.
1 of each color
(4 different) +1. For each 3 Economy Points,
If the contract or the auction track is full, discard score 1 point. For each
the leftmost card. negative 1 Economy Point,
lose 1 point.
Check to see if there are any empty spaces on the
The entrepreneur who scores the
auction track. If there are any, draw as many cards as
most points is the winner.
there are empty spaces and place them at the end of
the track in drawing order. Do the same for contract
cards on the contract track.

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