Betec M-5: Product Description

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Product Data Sheets

One-component waterproofing system by crystallisation for the protection of
concrete against water penetration

Product Description

BETEC ® M-5 is a special blend of cement, quartz sand and active chemicals in powder form for the protection of
concrete against water penetration. BETEC ® M-5 provides in-depth waterproofing and protection against water
penetration by pressure of osmosis and reacts with moisture and free lime in the concrete, forming crystals which seal
the capillaries and pores for waterproofing/damp-proofing of new and existing structures.

BETEC ® M-5 can be applied by one of the following methods:

1. Slurry application by brush or spray for in-depth crystallisation of concrete post treatment.
2. Dry powder sprinkling onto lean concrete before laying the slab or on freshly placed concrete surface.
3. Integrated as a concrete additive at the time of batching, allowing catalytic crystalline growth within the concrete
making it waterproof.

Product Advantages

Offers long-term waterproofing even under high water pressure, both on the positive and negative side
Fully integrated with the concrete, becoming an integral part of the concrete structure
Waterproofs concrete deeply due to the penetration of insoluble crystals in the capillary system. Crystallisation
starts from the surface and continues to penetrate into the concrete over time
Reduces shrinkage and hairline cracks
Seals hairline cracks that may occur from subsequent shrinkage or settlement, and static cracks
Can be applied on wet surface when used as a slurry coating
Non-toxic and odour free


Floor, basement wall and slab

Swimming pool, water feature
Bathroom, balcony, wet area and planter box
Water-retaining structure
Parking deck

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Product Data Sheets

Installation by Slurry Application

Surface Preparation

Chase out all holes and voids and fill with appropriate type of Mortar from GCP Applied Technologies to provide a
smooth, level surface. Mortar joints should be flush pointed.
Remove all bitumen, oil, grease, dirt and other surface contaminants by wire brushing and pressure washing.
Cut back any protrusions.
Pre-water or damp the surface prior to application.


Mix BETEC ® M-5 with water at water-cement ratio of 1:2.5.

Mix until a homogeneous slurry, free from all lumps is formed.
Scrape any unmixed material from the side of the mixing container with a trowel and mix in.
Mixed materials should be used within 20 minutes, recommended not more than 30 minutes. It can be slurred again
when hard but DO NOT ADD WATER AGAIN.


Apply the first coat of BETEC ® M-5 mixed materials onto the prepared surface using a brush, trowel, squeegee or
roller in a stifling action.

Physical Properties


Initial Set min ≥ 20

Final Set hr ≤ 24

Water Pressure Resistance MPa ≥ 0.8*

Water Prenetration @ 5 bars for 72 hrs mm 12

Typical test values may represent average values from samples tested. Test methods noted may be modified.

* Typical test values based on slurry application with 2 coats at 1.5 to 2mm thickness.



20kg Plastic pail 18 months storage under dry conditions

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Product Data Sheets

Apply the second coat finish depending on site conditions and film thickness required.
Before applying the second coat in alternate direction, leave the first coat to dry approximately 1- 2 hours
depending on the thickness, recommended not more than 24 hours.
If overcoating is done more than 24 hours after applying the previous coat, or the previous coat has already dried
out, the surface must be pre-wetted again.
Protect treated surfaces from rainfall, frost and puddling of water and requirements.

Installation by dry sprinkle application:

The surface does not need to be dry, but standing water must be removed.
Remove all debris and laitance.
Pre-calculate the amount of BETEC ® M-5 required and dry sprinkle them evenly throughout the area prior to
concrete placement.

Cure and Protection

Sprinkler curing is needed when the coat is in semi-dry condition. Curing water must be clean and water flow should
be managed to prevent from damage of the coating.
In open conditions with temperature from 10ºC - 20ºC, sprinkler curing is needed every 3 - 5 hours.
Curing needed when the coat turns white.
Protect treated surfaces from rainfall, frost and puddling of water and requirements.

Installation by integration with concrete application:

Mix BETEC ® M-5 with a small amount of water to form slurry.

Add required amount into the central batching mixer or readymix concrete truck. Ensure an even and homogeneous
mix is achieved throughout before discharging the concrete.
For advice on concrete mix design, please contact GCP Applied Technologies Technical Service.


All tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately with clean water after use. Hardened material can only be
removed mechanically.


For slurry application: Apply BETEC ® M-5 at 0.8 to 1.2kg / coat / m2 in 2 coats by brush or spray.
For dry sprinkle application: Apply BETEC ® M-5 at 1.2kg / m2 onto lean concrete binding prior to placing fresh
For integration with concrete: Add BETEC ® M-5 at the rate of 0.8% to1.2% of the cementitious content on a pre-
approved mix design.

Health and Safety

Read the product label and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before use. Users should acquaint themselves with all
risk and safety phrases. MSDS can be obtained from GCP Applied Technologies.

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Product Data Sheets

Technical Services

For assistance with working drawings for projects and additional technical advice, please contact GCP Applied
Technologies Technical Services. | For technical information: [email protected]

We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate, and is offered for consideration, investigation and verification by the user, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements,
recommendations, and suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation, or suggestion is intended for any use that would infringe any patent, copyright, or other third party right.

BETEC is a trademark, which may be registered in the United States and/or other countries, of GCP Applied Technologies, Inc. This trademark list has been compiled using available published information as of the publication date and may not accurately reflect current
trademark ownership or status.

© Copyright 2017 GCP Applied Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

PT GCP Applied Technologies Indonesia, Cikarang Industrial Estate Kav C-32, Cikarang, Bekasi 17530.

GCP Applied Technologies Inc., 2325 Lakeview Parkway, Alpharetta, GA 30009, USA
PT GCP Applied Technologies Indonesia, Cikarang Industrial Estate Kav C-32, Cikarang, Bekasi 17530
This document is only current as of the last updated date stated below and is valid only for use in Indonesia. It is important that you always refer to the currently available information at the URL below to provide the most current product information at the time of use.
Additional literature such as Contractor Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Detail Drawings and detailing recommendations and other relevant documents are also available on Information found on other websites must not be relied upon, as they may not be
up-to-date or applicable to the conditions in your location and we do not accept any responsibility for their content. If there are any conflicts or if you need more information, please contact GCP Customer Service.

Last Updated: 2022-11-24

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