EP1108 - Special Relativity Part 1: Shantanu Desai
EP1108 - Special Relativity Part 1: Shantanu Desai
EP1108 - Special Relativity Part 1: Shantanu Desai
Shantanu Desai
January 2022
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References for Special Relativity
There are tons of references for special relativity (from basic to
intermediate to advanced). In this class we shall focus on special
relativity covered in Modern Physics books. However, for students
fascinated with the subject, some advanced references shall also be
provided. References for relativity this course are as follows:
I Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser
I Elements of Modern Physics by S.H. Patil
I Introduction to Modern Physics by H.S. Mani and G.K. Mehta
I http:
I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toGH5BdgRZ4 (Lenny
Susskind youtube lectures on Special Relativity)
I https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.02121 (Advanced)
I Relativity and Common Sense by Hermann Bondi (Advanced
and also includes General Relativity)
I Introduction to Special Relativity by Robert Resnick
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Prelude- Warmup to Michelson- Morley experiment
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Layout of Michelson-Morley experiment
HW: Read about the analogy of two boats across the river. (Ref:
Beiser or this url)
Michelson-Morley experiment
Michelson-Morley experiment
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Difference in path lengths
The time taken for light to travel from A to B and back is given by
l1 l1
t1 = +
c −v c +v
The time for light to travel from A to C and back is equal to
t2 = √
c2− v2
Difference in time (∆ ) is given by:
2l1 c 2l2
∆ = t1 − t2 = −√
c2−v 2
c − v2
Path difference = c∆
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If the apparatus is turned by 90◦ , the roles of l1 and l2 are
interchanged and
2l1 2l2 c
∆0 = t10 − t20 = √ − 2
c2−v 2 c − v2
The shift in interference fringe at D is given by
(∆0 − ∆)
δ = c
λ " #
2(l1 + l2 ) 1 1
= −
1 − v 2 /c 2 1 − v 2 /c 2
(l1 + l2 ) v 2
≈ −
λ c2
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Galilean Transformations
dx 0
vx0 = = vx − v
dt 0
dy 0
vy0 = 0 = vy
dz 0
vz0 = 0 = vz
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Galilean to Lorentz Transformations
We explain how the Galilean transformations can be extended to
incorporate laws of special relativity. Assume
. Since laws of Physics have the same form in both S and S’, one
can write x in terms of x 0 and t 0 in the same way by replacing v
with −v
x = k(x 0 + vt 0 ) (2)
Since the motion of S’ wrt S is only along X-direction, y 0 = y and
z 0 = z Plugging Eq. 1 into Eq. 2, we get:
x = k 2 (x − vt) + kvt 0
1 − k2
t = kt + x (3)
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Derivation of Lorentz Transformations
At instant t = 0 the origins of the two frames coincide and t 0 = 0
Suppose a flare is set off at the common origin of S and S’ at t = 0
and the observers in each system proceed to measure the speed at
which light spreads out. From second postulate of relativity both
observers must find the same speed equal to c. Therefore
x = ct (4)
0 0
x = ct (5)
1 − k2
k(x − vt) = c kt + x (6)
1 + v /c
=⇒ x = ct (7)
1 − (1/k 2 − 1) vc
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Lorentz Transformations
Comparing (4) and (7)
1 + v /c
1 − (1/k 2 − 1) vc
=⇒ k = √ . Therefore, Lorentz transformation equations
1−v 2 /c 2
are as follows
x0 = p (x − vt) (8)
1 − v 2 /c 2
t0 = p (t − vx/c 2 ) (9)
1 − v /c 2
y0 = y (10)
z =z (11)
L0 = x2 − x1
x 0 − x10
=p 2
1 − v 2 /c 2
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Time dilation
Clock moving with respect to an observer appears to tick less
rapidly than they do when they are at rest. This is called time
Imagine a clock at the point x’ in the moving frame S’. When an
observer in S’ finds the time is equal to t10 , the observer in S will
measure it at t1 . Then we get
t10 + vx
t1 = p
1 − v 2 /c 2
t 0 − t10
t = t2 − t1 = p 2
1 − v 2 /c 2
1 − v 2 /c 2
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Time dilation example-Decay of muons
Lifetime of a muon (known as µ-mesons in older books) in its rest
frame is equal to 2µs. Its speed relative to the Earth is equal to
2.994 × 108 seconds. Muons are produced in Earth’s atmosphere,
about 6 km from the surface of the Earth. Non-relativistically, a
muon would cover a distance of l = v τ of 600 m and should never
reach the Earth. However, many such muons are detected on
surface of the Earth. We can analyze this from two points of view
I From Earth: Muon p lifetime undergoes time dilation and is
given by t = τ / 1 − v 2 /c 2 ≈ 32µs The distance travelled by
muon = vt ≈ 9.6 km.
I From muon: Earth moves towards the muon. Distance from
muon to the Earth undergoes length contraction as seen from
the muon.
p The distance as seen from the muon =
z = z 1 − v 2 /c 2 ≈ 375m. Therefore, the Earth reaches the
muon after a time t = z 0 /v ≈ 1.25µs < τ , i.e. shorter than
muon lifetime.
This experiment has actually been done Ref: Phys. Lett 55B, 420
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