1 s2.0 S2095756421000386 Main
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1 s2.0 S2095756421000386 Main
Review Article
Mechanical principles of interlayer bonding failure are analysed and K-value can be proposed as an ideal parameter.
The shear, tensile, torsion and non-destructive tests combining with corresponding mechanical parameters are summarized.
Some influence factors appear to play a significant role in increasing the risk of interlayer bonding failure.
Article history: Higher requirements are put forward for interlayer bonding property with the increase of
Received 13 April 2020 traffic load, including bearing capacity and durability. Typical diseases caused by insuffi-
Received in revised form cient adhesion between layers are slippage cracking, de-bonding and pavement defor-
3 October 2020 mation. The correct characterization of bonding property becomes necessary with evolving
Accepted 13 October 2020 concerns of interlayer failure and material innovations. In the past forty years, many re-
Available online 5 May 2021 searches have focused on the evaluation of interlayer bonding property, and some valuable
conclusions have been drawn. In this review, the mechanism, evaluation method and
Keywords: influencing factors of the interlayer bond strength are reviewed. The common test
Interlayer bonding equipment can be classified into the shear, pull-off and torsion test. Different influence
Asphalt pavement factors are analyzed including tack coat property, temperature, asphalt aging and surface
Interface strength condition. It is recommended to select the appropriate tack coat rate, and apply the tack
Tack coat coat under the conditions of clean, dry, high surface texture and good compaction. How-
Influencing factors ever, the interlayer failure mechanism and the interaction between the different influ-
encing factors need to be further studied. The future work can focus on the correlation
between different test methods and evaluation parameters, which would address the lack
of harmonization or consistency among various evaluation approaches. Meanwhile, it is
significant to add the evaluation of interlayer bonding property into the system of pave-
ment design.
© 2021 Periodical Offices of Chang'an University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on
behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Fig. 1 e Examples of typical damage caused by interlayer failure (from the survey of the toll plaza of highway in Jilin
Province, China). (a) Shoving. (b) De-bonding. (c) Cracking.
376 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2021; 8 (3): 374e387
Fig. 4 e Classification of the interface damage. (a) Sliding failure. (b) Pull-off failure. (c) Tear failure.
based on interlayer shear strength and stiffness was similar binder. The interlayer shear strength approximately conforms
for different pavement layers. to the Coulomb's criterion (Ahmed et al., 2015; Ai et al., 2007;
Handin, 1969)
2.2. Mechanics mechanism t ¼ c þ stanð4Þ (2)
In accordance with the cracking propagation of fracture me- where c is the cohesion force of the material (MPa), s is the
chanics, the failure modes of interlayer can be classified by the normal stress caused by external load (MPa), 4 is the internal
external manifestation of the damage. The failure modes can friction angle of interlayer (rad). The peak envelope line of
be divided into sliding, pull-off, and tear failure (Roberts and Mohr plain can be considered as the failure criterion of Cou-
Kibler, 1971; Wilkins, 1980; Yukio et al., 1983). The bonding lomb's law.
failure of the asphalt layer is prone to in-plane shear mode The pull-off (tensile) failure is that the upper and lower
(Fig. 4(a)) and tensile mode (Fig. 4(b)) during the service life layers are separated in the vertical direction. The main dif-
(Raab and Partl, 2004a,b). The schematic diagram is as ference between pull-off and sliding failure is the energy
shown in Fig. 4. release rate. At the same time, the construction of different
In interface mechanics, the sliding failure is the relative layers is disconnected in asphalt pavements. Pull-off test is
horizontal displacement between the upper and lower layers widely used to evaluate the damage of interlayer caused by
of the interface. Under the horizontal shear stress, the inter- vertical tension (Hakimzadeh et al., 2012; Mohammad et al.,
face damage will be similar to the sliding failure (Fig. 4(a)). In 2009; Tschegg et al., 1995). The state of art is discussed in
this case, the horizontal shear strength is a threshold of the section 3.2.
interlayer failure point. Due to the lack of internal friction, For the double-layer composite beam of asphalt mixture,
the interface is more vulnerable to shear failure especially when normal stress is applied to the mid-span, the poor
when the vehicle is braking or starting. There are many interface bonding usually leads to the compression at the
factors influencing the interlayer shear failure, which are upper layer and tension at the lower layer (Fig. 5). If the stress
mainly divided into: (1) the design of pavement structure states of different layers are not similar, there will be energy
and alignment is unreasonable, resulting in the excessive difference between layers. Thus, the interface is prone to
shear stress (Canestrari et al., 2013); (2) the insufficient deform or distort.
bonding property of tack coat materials leads to the sudden
change of shear stress (Mohammad et al., 2002a; Raab and
Partl, 2004a,b; Woods, 2004). Therefore, it is necessary to 3. Experimental characterization
analyze the mechanics mechanism of interlayer shear
strength. 3.1. Shear test
Coulomb's failure law is generally adopted as the failure
criterion of asphalt mixture. The mixture strength is derived Nowadays, shear test is the most widely used method to
from the friction between aggregates, the adhesion between evaluate interlayer bonding property. There have been a great
asphalt binder and aggregate, and the cohesion of asphalt number of studies about the interlayer shear test from the late
Fig. 5 e Deformation of composite beam. (a) Composite beam with tack coat. (b) The deformation of composite beam.
378 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2021; 8 (3): 374e387
1970s. As mentioned before, Uzan's team carried out inter- showed shear-torque fatigue loading led to delaminating of
layer direct shear test on the cube specimen under different the double layers. The location and evolution of AE were
temperatures. The influence of the tack coat rate and normal utilized as a metric to quantify the interlayer damage. The
stress on shear strength was analyzed (Uzan et al., 1978). bonding strength between different HMA layers was tested
Tschegg et al. (1995) adopted a wedge-shaped split test to by Florida DOT shear tester, the UTEP pull-off test, and the
evaluate the bond property between layers. A wedge-shaped torque bond test (Tashman et al., 2006). The interlayer shear
gap between layers was cut from the cube specimens. The strength, torsional shear and tensile strength can be
interlayer stress was divided into horizontal and vertical measured by these three test machines. FDOT shear tester
stress by adjusting the angle of wedge-shaped gap. The aim was recommended as a laboratory test, rather than a field
was to simulate the actual load on pavement interlayer, and test. This machine was able to better simulate the stress
then the fracture energy was obtained under different state caused by the debonding of interlayer.
interlayer bonding conditions. With the further development Consequently, the commonly used shear tests have been
of compaction machines, and the gyratory compaction was widely applied to the investigation of the interface damage in
considered to be analogous to the actual compaction status the pavements. The test conditions are similar to the inter-
during the pavement construction. layer slippage, especially for the braking or starting of the
Mohammad et al. (2002a) fabricated the standard specimen vehicle.
by Superpave gyratory compactor (SGC). Then constant-
height repeated shear test was carried out under different 3.2. Pull-off test
tack coat types. The effects of test temperature, tack coat
types and application rate on shear strength were studied. The pull-off or tensile test can be conducted on site or in the
The results showed that the temperature had a great lab. The tensile stress is imposed on the double-layer speci-
influence on the interlayer stability, and the shear strength mens (Canestrari et al., 2013). Kumar and Saride (2018a)
at 25 C was about 5 times of that at 55 C. Canestrari et al. evaluated the anti-cracking property of geosynthetic-
(2005) used Ancona shear testing research and analysis interlayers by direct tensile test. In this work, the digital
(ASTRA) to test the shear strength of tack coat under imaging technology was adopted to investigate the vertical
different interlayer conditions. By changing the curing time, displacement, evolution and propagation of the crack. The
preparation method, material properties, temperature and geosynthetics can reduce the cracking probability of the
treatment process of the double-layer composite specimens, double-layer asphalt specimen with lower tensile strain.
the peak shear stress tpeak was recommended as the Moreno-Navarro and Rubio-Ga mez (2013) used the so-called
parameter of evaluating the bonding property. UGR-FACT equipment to analyze the influence of tensile and
Raab et al. (2012) used layer parallel shear test (LPDS) and shear stresses caused by traffic loads. The test equipment
shear box testing to comprehensively evaluate the interlayer simulated the actual traffic load and fatigue process.
shear resistance, and analyzed the diameter of the ball Mohammad et al. (2009) proposed a new pull-off device for
(simulating the aggregate size) on shear bonding strength field testing, which can be used to calculate the bonding
and stiffness. Raposeiras et al. (2012) focused on the strength of the tack coat. The research showed that the
influence of the surface texture and the tack coat rate on the softening point was a suitable parameter for the interlayer
interlayer shear strength through the laboratory simulation. pull-off test. The results of this study were incorporated into
The research showed that the interlayer macro structure National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
and the tack coat dosage had a significant impact on the project 9e40. The purpose of this project is to analyze the
interlayer treatment. Canestrari et al. (2013) organized a best application technology, equipment types, calibration
laboratory comparative test to measure the maximum shear, procedures, and tack coat rate. The final project report is
torque load and the corresponding displacement. The aim provided as NCHRP report 712 (Mohammad et al., 2012).
was to accurately evaluate the interface adhesion and solve
the problem of lack of correlation and coordination between 3.3. Torsion test
the different test methods. The shear or torque strength was
a function of the following parameters: diameter, test In the torque test, the steel plate is attached to the top of the
temperature, speed, applied stress and age of the sample. sample as a connector between the specimen and torque
Different test procedures were compared and corresponding wrench. The torsional stress is imposed on the specimen and
adhesion performance was proposed. Isailovic and Wistuba the peak torque is used as the parameter to evaluate the bond
(2018) focused on the influence of various loading modes strength between layers (BBA, 1998; Canestrari et al., 2013).
(i.e., monotonic and cyclic direct shear tests) on the The initial torsional bond test was carried out in Sweden as
interface shear resistance. The shear strength obtained from a field device to evaluate the interlayer bond strength. Then
monotonic shear tests can only be an imprecise index of this test method has been widely used in England and was
long-term interface bond property, while the cyclic shear incorporated into the test specification (Walsh and Williams,
test can be used to evaluate the interface fatigue failure 2001). In the guideline of British Board of Agre ment (BBA),
accurately. Ragni et al. (2020) adopted acoustic emissions the maximal shearing torque at a certain temperature is
(AE) to analyze the interlayer fatigue property. The result adopted as the evaluation index (Walsh and Williams, 2001).
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2021; 8 (3): 374e387 379
Similar to the tensile test, this test is limited when the interlayer bonding strength is greater than the
Difficult to generate the pure shear stress at the interface, no consistent conclusion about the use of
tory. The metal plate is utilized as a tool adhering to torque
The test is limited when the interlayer bonding strength is greater than the tensile strength of the
meter. The torque is applied to the metal plate until the
interlayer failure (generally torque is greater than 300 N$m).
Oregon field torque tester (OFTT) can effectively capture the
long-term torsion resistance of asphalt pavements with tack
coat (Mahmoud et al., 2017). By analyzing the correlation
between the results of OFTT and laboratory shear test, the
maximal torque value from OFTT was highly correlated with
the shear strength. The advantages of OFTT are moderate
price, easy to operate and less destructive.
close range.
Most characterizations of interface bonding are carried out
by the shear and pull-off tests. Some researchers combine
Fig. 6 e Three modes of interlayer tests. (a) Shear test. (b) Torsion test. (c) Pull-off test.
variability and precision is also a key issue to be considered for 4.2. Interlayer shear fatigue resistance
different equipment.
In asphalt pavements, fatigue is the attenuation of mechani-
cal property due to cyclic vehicle loading, which leads to
localized structural damage and the propagation of cracking
4. Mechanical characterization
(Kumar and Sireesh, 2018). During the service life of
pavement, the interlayer material is in the state of repeated
4.1. Horizontal sliding failure
cyclic stress or strain (Diakhate et al., 2011; Kumar and
Saride, 2017). The fatigue failure is caused by the repeated
Interlayer shear strength in asphalt pavements is the ability of
vehicle loading and accumulation of shear damage (Li et al.,
a tack coat material against the yield or structural failure
2014; Romanoschi and Metcalf, 2001; Tozzo et al., 2014;
when the horizontal shear stress is applied (Vinay Kumar
Walubita et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2017b; Yang et al., 2020).
et al., 2017). The shear load is a force that tends to cause a
The interlayer fatigue failure is usually caused by poor
horizontal sliding failure on a material along a plane. The
construction practices and improper tack coat application
interlayer shear strength is influenced by the material
rates. The acoustic emission method was proposed by Ragni
property of tack coat and the structural property of the
et al. (2020) to analyze the interlayer shear fatigue property.
different asphalt layers. The properties of the tack coat
The rapid change of AE data began when the complex
material mainly depend on the viscosity and dosage (Chen
modulus decreased about 70%. By analyzing the data of
and Huang, 2010; Woods, 2004). The structure property of
mechanical and AE test, it can be concluded that traditional
the asphalt mixture mainly depends on the surface texture,
fatigue failure criterion (Nf50) is not entirely accurate to
mixture types, interaction between the aggregate and
evaluate the interlayer fatigue damage resistance. Therefore,
binder, and the compactness (Chen and Huang, 2010;
a more rigorous fatigue criterion should be proposed for the
Jaskuła, 2014; West et al., 2005).
asphalt interlayer.
Pasetto et al. (2019) studied the interlayer shear strength of
Li et al. (2014) developed a test instrument considering both
double-layered asphalt structure modified by different
horizontal and vertical stresses. The results showed that
composite membranes. Cyclic bending and single shear
under the action of repeated stress (strain), the shear fatigue
bond test were carried out for different kinds of composite
property is worse if the interlayer located at the transverse
membranes. The interlayer shear strength was higher at
joint of rigid base. They suggested to select the asphalt
unreinforced condition, while adding composite
mixture with lower thermal shrinkage, low modulus and
reinforcement between layers reduced the interlayer shear
high tensile strength to ensure better fatigue resistance of
resistance significantly. The decrease of the interlayer shear
interlayer. The fatigue property of multi-layer asphalt
strength caused the reduction of corresponding stiffness.
concrete (AC) was studied (Diakhate et al., 2011). The double
The usage of composite membranes led to the obvious
shear test device was used to evaluate the fatigue
enhancement of fatigue resistance. Raab et al. (2016)
performance under two interlayer conditions and
analyzed the interlayer shear strength by the layer parallel
temperatures. An interlayer lifetime model was proposed to
direct shear tester (LPDS). By studying the shear strength,
evaluate the fatigue life. It was suggested that the interface
the influence of various grids on the interlayer bonding
fatigue performance should be taken into account in the
property was obtained. Song et al. (2018) evaluated the
pavement design system. Song et al. (2016) conducted the
interlayer shear strength of different asphalt layer types by
shear fatigue analysis of OGFC and underlying layer. Fifty
the direct shear test. The increase of normal stress resulted
percentage reductions of modulus and plateau value of
in the increase of shear strength between different kinds of
dissipated energy were selected as the fatigue failure
asphalt layers. The horizontal shear properties under
criteria. The plateau value and contact area had a significant
different normal stress were in accordance with Coulomb
influence on interlayer fatigue damage resistance. Yang
law. The shear strength of OGFC-D was smaller than that of
et al. (2020) proposed a shear fatigue model based on
OGFC-BM under the optimum dosage, which is attributed to
interlayer shear resistance and interface stiffness of five
the different contact area and roughness of the interlayer.
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2021; 8 (3): 374e387 381
interlayer types. An evaluation approach was put forth by the The horizontal shear resistance is a major concern of the
relationship between axle-load conversion and interlayer pavement interlayer property. It is controversial which pro-
shear fatigue resistance. posed parameters can more accurately reflect the adhesion
between layers. The mechanical mechanism of poor bonding
property needs to be further studied. The interlayer test
4.3. Interlayer cracking resistance
scheme of most researches was put forward based on self-
made equipment according to their own preference. Under
Reflection cracking and slippage cracking are the common
different test scenarios, the mechanical characterization is
diseases caused by poor interlayer bonding property, which
different, and the influence of various factors on the interlayer
reduces the service life of the asphalt pavement (Saride and
mechanical property is also various.
Kumar, 2019). Slippage cracking is crescent-shaped crack
caused by the low-strength surface asphalt mixture or a
poor bond between pavement layers. The cracking occurs
5. Influence factors of interlayer bonding
due to the forces applied by braking or turning wheels of
vehicles. Reflective cracking is the crack that forms over
joints or in an overlay of a deteriorated asphalt pavement.
5.1. Tack coat property
Reflective cracks are generally caused by changes in thermal
and moisture, rather than load initiated. However, vehicle
The tack coat is generally used to improve the adhesion be-
loading will accelerate crack deterioration.
tween different asphalt layers, which is mostly made from
Shafabakhsh and Ahmadi (2019) studied the influence of
asphalt emulsion or a small carbohydrate particle formed in
rubber modified asphalt mixture on interlayer cracking
aqueous solution (Raposeiras et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2017a).
resistance. The crack growth of multi-layer specimens was
analyzed under dynamic cyclic load. The results showed
5.1.1. Tack coat rate
that the modification of tack coat was more effective than
Ample researches have been conducted on the influence of
the AC overlay modification in the aspect of cracking
tack coat rate on the bonding property. Al-Qadi et al. (2009)
resistance. The reflection cracking can be reduced
investigated three residual application rates, two types of
significantly by modifying the material of tack coat or
mixture and twenty-five road test sections. The optimum
tack coat rate was obtained by the accelerated pavement
Kumar and Saride (2018a) used direct tensile strength test
testing (APT). Chen and Huang (2010) found that the shear
(DTT) to evaluate the resistance to reflection cracking. The
strength increased to a certain maximum value with the
double-layer specimen was tested at three different
increase of residual application amount, and then the
temperatures and the energy dissipation of cracking was
strength decreases gradually. Song et al. (2015) measured the
evaluated. The geosynthetic interlayer used in this study
shear strength at four tack coat rates (0, 0.15, 0.3, and 0.5 l/
effectively improved the cracking resistance. The tensile
m2), three test temperatures, three underlying materials.
stiffness of the sample was enhanced and the fracture
Low interfacial roughness even made the tack coat losing
energy was increased by adding the composite material. The
the interface bonding at 25 C. The greater amount of tack
influence of geosynthetic interlayer on reflective cracking
coat led to the poor shear strength. In addition, the two-
and fatigue performance was also studied by bending fatigue
dimensional finite element modeling was constructed to
and tensile bond strength tests (Saride and Kumar, 2017).
evaluate the interface constitutive behavior in combination
The results showed that the interlayer material improved
with the results in the laboratory (Mohammad et al., 2011).
the performance of anti-reflection cracking. The fatigue life
The authors obtained the conclusion that types and
was increased, but the overlays were prone to debonding.
application amount of tack coat had a greater impact on
thin pavement and less influence on thick pavement.
4.4. Summary and discussion As discussed previously, premature interlayer damage is
caused by unreasonable tack coat application. In general,
The different test methods discussed in section 3 can obtain there is no consistent conclusion about the existence of op-
the interlayer mechanical parameters and their reliability. It timum application rate. Divergent views were proposed about
is worth noting that interpretations of the relationship whether the application rate can observably affect the inter-
between laboratory data and actual pavement performance layer bonding strength. The composite pavement structure
are still uncertain. During the recent years, the research without the tack coat showed the highest average shear
hotspot tends to focus on interlayer materials evaluation, strength, while the lowest average shear strength was
interface mechanical and tire-pavement response (Zofka observed when tack coat was applied at the interface (Collop
et al., 2015). For the asphalt mixture with the viscoelastic or et al., 2009). Surfacing/binder course structure types and
viscoplasticity property, the physical and mechanical mixture graduation may lead to the different conclusion.
properties are influenced by the temperature and loading Similar conclusions have been obtained by Mohammad et al.
cycles (Canestrari et al., 2013; Pei et al., 2016b; Xing et al., (2002a), Biglari et al. (2018), Wang and Zhong (2019). In most
2019). The increase of loading cycles has the similar effect to cases, increasing the tack coat rate usually resulted in a
the increase of temperature and the decrease of modulus. decrease of interfacial bonding strength at low temperature,
The disconnection between theory and practice in some while the interfacial shear strength was not significantly
laboratory experiments is a severe problem. affected at relatively higher temperature.
382 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2021; 8 (3): 374e387
increase the risk of interlayer slippage. The relationship conditions tend to play an important role in increasing the
between temperature and shear strength is summarized in risk of pavement damage caused by bond failure.
Fig. 7 (Al-Qadi et al., 2012; Canestrari and Santagata, 2005;
Recasens et al., 2006; Yao et al., 2016).
6. Conclusion and discussion
5.3.2. Asphalt aging
At present, there is still no consistent conclusion about how It has been more than forty years since the systematic
the asphalt binder aging affects interlayer bonding property research on the interlayer bonding property. The reasonable
(Wang et al., 2019). Rolling thin film oven (RTFO) was used to characterization of interlayer bonding property is essential
simulate the aging process, and the high temperature due to the continuous increase of traffic load. This review
characteristics, viscosity and dynamic mechanical tests focuses on the characterization of interlayer bonding prop-
were carried out subsequently (Li et al., 2016b). Pressure erty, including the experimental characterization, mechanical
aging vessel (PAV) was utilized to simulate the long-term characterization and influence factor.
aging procedure for tack coat fatigue test. The results At present, the shear test is the most commonly used
showed that rubber asphalt and SBS modified asphalt binder method to estimate the bonding strength. The interlayer shear
can be selected as good interlayer materials. Vasconcelos test can better simulate the realistic interlayer failure, and the
et al. (2017) evaluated the rheological properties of two operation is simple. Other types of testing equipment are
polymer modified asphalt binders. The polymer modified developed according to different purposes and loading modes.
binders were extracted and recovered from strain release It is the future trend to develop non-destructive testing to
asphalt mixture. The specimens were tested under the evaluate the interlayer bonding performance. Most NDT
conditions of RTFOT and unaged, so as to understand the methods are based on the principle of propagating waves with
influence of modification on reducing the oxidation aging. a frequency exceeding 20 Hz into the asphalt pavement. This
Other factors that cause premature interlayer damage are test is carried out on site under the condition of non-
insufficient compaction, overloading, improper curing time damaging. FWD test is the most common device utilized in the
and application condition (Canestrari et al., 2005; Pei et al., pavement deflection testing. The future work of FWD test
2016a; Wang et al., 2017a). The mixture designs of layers mainly focuses on improving the repeatability of test results.
(e.g., mixture gradation and air void) also have significant The precision in the process of evaluating stiff pavement
impacts on overall pavement performance. In summary, the structures is also a major concern.
premature interlayer failure is the result of aforementioned Obviously, the limitations of each test exist, which may
comprehensive factors. The mechanism of debonding or have a negative impact on the evaluation of interlayer bond.
interlayer slippage is not completely understood, but the In most cases, a certain device can only consider the load in a
premature damage can be reduced by avoiding the above single direction, and cannot accurately simulate the bearing
adverse factors. The mechanism of interlayer bond failure in capacity of pavement interlayer. Some of the test methods are
the laboratory or on-site is not fully understood, but some manually operated, resulting in unreliable results and poor
influencing factors can be determined. Worse application reproducibility. Combining several different tests might be an
ideal scenario to alleviate this problem.
The interlayer bonding property is influenced by various
factors including the material property, construction condi-
tion, specimen types and so forth. The effect of different fac-
tors on the interlayer bonding property is more complex in the
field than in the laboratory. The tack coat rate has been
extensively studied. But there is no consistent conclusion
about if the optimum tack coat rate exists under a certain
application condition. The optimum tack coat rate should
meet the requirements of both better performance and lower
cost. Some studies have shown that the optimum perfor-
mance can be obtained without tack coat. Meanwhile, the
bonding property between layers may not be significantly
affected by the curing time. The various influence factors and
test equipment are key issues in the standardized evaluation
of interlayer bond.
In order to ensure the bonding strength and improve the
service life, it is recommended to select the appropriate tack
coat application rate, and under the conditions of clean, dry,
sufficient friction and good compaction. Meanwhile, it is
necessary to make corresponding specifications of the test
methods and evaluation parameters, so as to make the char-
acterization of bonding strength more feasible in the future
work. The standardized test method or specification should be
Fig. 7 e Interlayer shear strength versus temperature. multi-functional, which can be easily implementable within
384 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2021; 8 (3): 374e387
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