Aastdada: Stea, Otdd
Aastdada: Stea, Otdd
Aastdada: Stea, Otdd
, zdesudo, zioristod5-560003
Karnataka School Examlnation Assessment Roard,d
KSQAAG, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560005
2022-23 sodrd sie sdriaod stea,otdd
Admlssion Ticket of Class 8 Assessment for the
year 2022-23
, dvo08/Date of birth:
01- 06-2bo9
A3/Physical Condition:
dsepb/ Medium:
,/TUme table
sa/Subject Ro/Date sdb/Timings dadazbrandedto/
D s / 1° Language 13-03-2023
Roomimvigilator Signature
02.30 p.m to 04.30 p.m
arod a/2 Language 14-03-20233 02.30 p.m to 04,30 p.m
3todz / 3 Language 15-03-2023 02.30 pim to 0430 p.m
Meda/ Mathematics 16-03-2023 02.30 p.m to 04.30 p.m
R/Science 17-03-20233 02.30 p.m to 04.30 p.m
r o d a / Social Science 18-03-2023 02.30 p.m to 04.30 p.m
Readthefollawing instructionscompletely and follow them.
There is no provision to write the examination withouttheadmisslon ticket
indalnagar, Tumkur Roed
B A N G A L O R E - 5 6 0 0 7 3
On the day of examination you have to be in the examinatlon centre within 2.00 p.m
You will not be allowed to take up the examination if you go to the centre after 2.30 p.m
You needto carryal the requied stationéry materlals like pen pencit. Instrumeit box, eraser, sharpener, etc., with you.
You will not be allowed to go out of the examination hall til the examinatlon ends.
While going out of the examination hall, you have to subrnit your answer paper to the invigilator.
You should not cary any book, chit, paper related to theexamination sublect, electronic gadgets, moble
Phone, Digital and Smartwatches to the examination hall. You can use aralog watches.