Coconut Brix

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(3): 1814-1817

E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2018; 7(3): 1814-1817 Comparative analysis of coconut water in four
Received: 01-03-2018
Accepted: 05-04-2018 different maturity stages
AC Kannangara
Department of Food Science and AC Kannangara, VGG Chandrajith and KKDS Ranaweera
Technology, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri
The objective of the present study was to investigate the variation of physicochemical properties of
VGG Chandrajith
coconut water taken from coconuts obtained at different maturity stages. The four maturity staged
Department of Food Science and considered in this study were maturity stage 1 of the developmental stage of 7 months, maturity stage 2
Technology, University of Sri of the development stage of 9 months, maturity stage 3 of the development stage of 11 months and
Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri maturity stage 4 of the development stage of 13 months. Coconut water samples of each maturity stage
Lanka were analysed to determine the Total soluble solids (TSS), pH, Electrical conductivity, Titratable acidity
and the electrolyte concentration. It could be concluded that Total soluble solids (TSS), pH, Electrical
KKDS Ranaweera conductivity, and the electrolyte concentration were increased with maturation of coconuts but Titratable
Department of Food Science and acidity was reduced. The data were analysed by Minitab 17 statistical package.
Technology, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Keywords: Coconut Water, Electrolyte concentration, Electrical conductivity, maturity stages

1. Introduction
The coconut fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) has been a great source of
versatility and has probably been used by humans for centuries. Coconut water is considered
as a refreshing and rehydrating drink as it contains sugars, vitamins, minerals, growth
promoting factors, proteins and amino acids. It is reported that coconut water is the most
sterile liquid and can be administered intravenously in small doses to the patients. Specially
used as diluted solution with water for patients suffering diarrhea. The edible part of the
coconut fruit (coconut meat and coconut water) is the endosperm tissue. Endosperm tissues
undergo one of three main modes of development, which are the nuclear, cellular and helobial
modes and the development of coconut endosperm belongs to the nuclear mode [1]. Nutrients
from coconut water are obtained from the seed apoplasm (surrounding cell wall) and are
transported symplasmically (through plasmodemata, which is the connection between
cytoplasms of adjacent cells) into the endosperm [2]. Apart from its consumption as a natural
drink, one of the most important uses of coconut water is medicinal [3]. In the Indian ayurvedic
medicine, it is described as “unctuous, sweet, increasing semen, promoting digestion and
clearing the urinary path” [4]. Coconut water is significantly sweeter, caused less nausea,
fullness and no stomach upset. It was also easier to drink in large quantities than the
carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage and plain water. Concerning blood pressure, a mixture of
coconut water and Mauby bark syrup (Colubrina arborescens) from Trinidad and Tobago
could have a beneficial effect on human hypertension [5].
Minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper, sulfur and
chloride are present in coconut water. Potassium rich, tender coconut water increases the
urinary output [6].

2. Materials and Methodology

2.1 Sample Collection
Tender coconuts and king coconuts used for the research study were obtained from a coconut
plantation at Polgahawela, Sri Lanka.

2.2 Sample Preparation

Harvesting of Coconut
Coconuts of four different maturity stages were obtained. Maturity stage 1of the
Correspondence developmental stage of 7 months, maturity stage 2 of the development stage of 9 months,
VGG Chandrajith maturity stage 3 of the development stage of 11 months and maturity stage 4 of the
Department of Food Science and
development stage of 13 months that are in sound condition were used as the source of
Technology, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri coconut water which were harvested during the cooler part of the day.
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Washing the coconut fruits According to the figure 1, the initial Brix values of samples,
First the coconut fruits were washed with potable water for maturity 01 and maturity 02 appear gradual increasing and
the removal of extraneous matter. Then washed coconut fruits brix value between samples, maturity 03 and maturity 04
were soaked in a dilute bleach solution (1 tablespoon bleach gradually decreasing. The maturity stage number 02 appears
per 4.5 liters of water) for 15 minutes. Then the sanitized the highest value of the TSS value. The reason behind this is
coconut fruits were transferred to a clean surface off the when coconut fruits becomes to the maturity stage 02, they
ground to air dry. start the development of the kernel, and therefore at this stage
it starts the reduction of TSS value. When developing kernel
Sanitization of tools and implements for processing it absorb the soluble materials existing in the coconut water.
All tools and implements were washed with a cleaning agent Therefore, TSS value of the coconut water decreased with
and potable water and transferred to sanitizer (1 tablespoon maturity.
bleach per 4.5 liters of water) for 15 minutes.
3.2 Variation of pH
Sanitization of PET bottles and caps The pH of the coconut fruits was measured at room
All bottles and caps were washed with potable water and temperature. Results pertaining to changes occurrence on pH
sanitized by soaking in a dilute bleach solution (1 tablespoon of the coconut fruit against the maturity of the coconut fruits
bleach per 4.5 liters of water) for 15 minutes and allowed to are given in figure 2.
air dry in the inverted position.
The water was obtained within 48 hours of harvest. Filtration
using a sanitized stainless steel strainer to remove fibers and
endosperm (meat) particles. Coconut water was separately
filled into the sterilized PET bottles.

2.3 Physicochemical Analysis of coconut water at different

maturity stages.
Total Soluble Solids (TSS) - The brix values (TSS) of
samples were measured using a portable hand held
refractometer at room temperature.

pH Value - The digital pH meter (Hanna Instruments Fig 2: Changes of pH of coconut fruits with maturity
HI84435-01 Mini Titrator and pH Meter) was calibrated
against standard buffer solutions. The samples were mixed According to the figure 2, the initial pH values of sample
well to homogenize and the pH values were measured using maturity 01 increases up to maturity 02 and pH value of
the calibrated pH meter. samples maturity 02, 03 and 04 appear the same pH values.
The pH of the samples varied slightly with maturation;
Electrical Conductivity - The conductivity meter was overall, the pH of coconut water increased as the coconuts
calibrated against standard buffer solutions. The samples were matured from 7 to 9 months and thereafter pH level fluctuate
mixed well to homogenize and the conductivity was measured with slight values. In this case, pH increased steadily
using the calibrated conductivity meter. throughout maturity stage 1 and 2, and then slightly decreased
in maturity stage 03 and again pH slightly increased in
Titratable Acidity (TA) - Titratable acidity was determined maturity stage 4.
according to the AOAC method [7]. The findings on the increase of pH with maturity supported
those of [8] who found that pH increased from 4.7 to 6.3 with a
Determinations of minerals by atomic absorption maturity in their samples.
spectrophotometer - Dry ashing and the metals were
quantified by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (Buck 3.3 Variation of conductivity
Scientific model 210 VGP) Changes occurring in electrical conductivity of coconut water
during the maturation was measured using a conductivity
3. Results and Discussion meter. The figure 3 shows the change in electrical
The resulting data were statistically analyzed using Minitab conductivity of coconut water with different maturity stages.
17 statistical software and can be interpreted as follow.

3.1 Variation of Total soluble solids (TSS).

Fig 3: Variation of electrical conductivity of coconut water with

Fig 1: Changes of TSS of coconut fruits with maturity
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Conductivity is a measure of the concentration of ions in

solution. The units are given in micro Siemens/cm (mS/cm)
and milliSiemens/cm (mS/cm). Highest mean value appear in
maturity stage four and lowest mean appear in maturity stage
02. The electrical conductivity of natural cococnut water is
5.9±0.3 mS/cm [9] and the conductivity of the study samples
maturity stage 01 and maturity stage 3 are observed within
that range and maturity stage 02 and maturity stage 04 slightly
deviate from the range. Variety difference or the maturity
stage difference can caused to the above deviation.

3.4 Variation of Titrable acidity.

Fig 6: Changes of potassium content of coconut water with maturity
The degree of TA was measured at ambient temperature.
Results pertaining to changes occurrence on TA against
Potassium concentration of the coconut water increase with
maturity level are given in figure 4.
maturity. Because coconut water volume reduce with
maturity. Potassium concentration gradually increase with the
maturity of coconut water. As findings of the limits of
Potassium level 299.06± 14.32 mg/100ml. readings are above
these limits, maturity difference and variety changes can
cause to that deference [10].

Magnesium concentration measured by atomic absorption
spectroscopy. Limits of the measurement is mg/100ml.

Fig 4: Changes of Titrable acidity of coconut fruits with maturity

The titratable acidity of the samples were expressed as malic

acid %. Acidity affects the flavour of coconut water.
According to the all these fig 4 highest value appear in
maturity stage 01 and lowest value appear in maturity stage

3.5 Variation of Electrolyte content

Sodium concentration measured by atomic absorption Fig 7: Changes of Mg content of coconut water with maturity
spectroscopy. Limits of the measurement is mg/100ml.
Magnesium concentration of the coconut water increase with
maturity. Because coconut water volume reduce with
maturity. Magnesium concentration gradually increase with
the maturity of coconut water. As findings of [10] limits of
Magnesium level 22.49 ± 4.52 mg/100ml.

Calcium concentration measured by atomic absorption
spectroscopy. Limits of the measurement is mg/100ml.

Fig 5: Changes of Sodium content of coconut water with maturity

Sodium is one of the important mineral for humans. Sodium

concentration of the coconut water increase with maturity.
Because coconut water volume reduce with maturity.

Potassium concentration measured by atomic absorption
spectroscopy. Limits of the measurement is mg/100ml.
potassium is the major electrolyte in coconut water.
Fig 8: Changes of Calcium content of coconut water with maturity

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Calcium concentration of the coconut water increase with 8. Pue AG, Rivu W, Sundarrao C, Singh K. Preliminary
maturity. Because coconut water volume reduce with studies on changes in coconut water during maturation of
maturity. Calcium concentration gradually increase with the the fruit, Sci. New Guin. 1992; 18:81-84.
maturity of coconut water. As findings of the [10] limits of 9. Franco AP, Yamamoto LY, Tadini CC, Gut JAW.
calcium level 33.69 ± 2.52 mg/100ml. Dielectric properties of green coconut water relevant to
microwave processing: Effect of temperature and field
Zink frequency. Journal of Food Engineering. 2015; 155:69-
As a results of ANOVA test P value is lower than 0.05. 78.
Therefore we can conclude that there is a significance 10. Manjunatha SS, RPS. Modelling the rheological
difference between the Zink concentration of coconut water at behaviour of tender coconut (Cocos). International Food
different maturity stages under 95% level confidence level. Research Journal. 2013; 20(2):731-743.
Zink concentration of the coconut water increase with
maturity. Because coconut water volume reduce with

Fig 9: Changes of Zink content of coconut water with maturity

Zink concentration gradually increase with the maturity of

coconut water. As findings of the [10] limits of calcium level in
matured coconut water is 0.28 ± 0.02 mg/100ml.

4. Conclusion
A significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in TSS, pH,
electrical conductivity, electrolyte concentration, Titratable
acidity among the four maturity stages of coconut water. The
total soluble solids were reduced during maturation. The pH
was increased with maturation. The electrical conductivity
was increased with maturation. The electrolyte concentration
of all the considered minerals were increased with the
maturity stage. The titratable acidity was reduced with

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