Simple Past Simple Present Simple Future: V2 Vs Will / To Be Going To V1
Simple Past Simple Present Simple Future: V2 Vs Will / To Be Going To V1
Simple Past Simple Present Simple Future: V2 Vs Will / To Be Going To V1
At one particular time in the past, this happened. It In general, the simple present expresses events or At one partucilar time in the future, this will happen.
began and ended in the past situations that exist always, usually, habitually; tbey past
exist now, have existed in the past, and probably will
exist in the future.
Mutlu went to sleep at 10:00 last night. I arrived at It is now 11:00. Kubra went to sleep at 10:00 Mutlu will go to sleep at 10:00 tomorrow night. We
11:00. He was still asleep. His sleep began before tonight, and he is still asleep. His sleep began in the will arrive at I l:00. The action of sleeping will begin
and was in progress at a particular time in the past. past, at progress at the present time, and probably before we arrive, and it will be in progress at a
It continued after I arrived. will continue. partirular time in the future. Probably his sleep will
First Zeynep finished eating. Later Zehra arrived. Zeynep finished eating sometime before now. The First Mutlu will finish eating. Later Zeynep will arrive.
Zeynep's eating was completely finished before exact time is not important Mutlu's eating will be completely finished before
another time in the past. another time in the future.
Sbj + had + been + Sbj + have/has + been + Sbj + will have + been +
Zehra had been studying for 2 hours before Kubra Zeynep has been eating for 2 hours Mutlu will have been studying for 2 hours by the
came time Zeynep arrives