Rules and Regulation in Volleyball

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RULES AND REGULATION IN  The toss is taken in the presence of the two

VOLLEYBALL team captains.

 The winner of the toss chooses:
BASIC RULES OF THE GAME  EITHER the right to serve or to
receive the service, AND side of the
1. TO SCORE A POINT court to take.
A team scores a point by:  The looser takes the remaining
 Successfully grounding a ball on the choice.
opponent's court;
 When the opponent team commits a fault; 5. POSITIONS
 When the opponent team receives a penalty. At the moment the ball is hit by the server,
each team must be positioned within its own court
1. TO SCORE A POINT in the rotational order (except the server).
Fault  The positions of the players are numbered as
A team commits a fault by making a playing action follows:
contrary to the rules (or by violating them in some  The three players along the net are
other way). The referees judge the faults and front-row players and occupy
determine the consequences according to the rules: positions 4 (front-left):
 If two or more faults are committed  The other three are back-row players
successively, only the first one s counted; or occupy positions 5 (back-left), 6
(back-center), and 1 (back-right). See
 If two or more faults are committed by
5.2 Rotation.
opponents simultaneously, a DOUBLE
FAULT is called and the rally is replayed.
Relative position between players:
Each back-row player must be positioned
Rally and completed rally
further back from the center line than the
A rally is the sequence of playing actions
corresponding front-row player;
from the moment the service ball is hit by the server
The front-row and back-row players,
until the ball is out of play.
respectively, must be positioned literally in the
A completed rally is the sequence of playing
order indicated in the 1st rule.
actions which results in the award of a point.
The position of players are determined and
controlled according to the positions of their feet
A set (except the deciding 5th set) is won by
contacting the ground as follows:
the team which scores 25 points first with a
minimum lead of two points.  Each front-row player must have at
In case of a 24-24 tie, play is continued until least a part of his/her foot closer to the
a two-point lead is achieved) 26-24; 27-25;...) center line than the feet of the
corresponding back-row player;
3. TO WIN THE MATCH  Each right (left) side player must have
 The match is won by the team that wins three at least a part of his/her foot closer to
sets. the right (left) side-line than the feet of
 In the case of 2-2 tie, the deciding 5th set of center player in that row.
15 points with a minimum lead of 2 points is
played for decision. After the service hit, the players may move
around and occupy any position on their court and
4. THE TOSS the free zone.
Before the match, the 1st referee conduct a
toss coin to decide who shall do the first service and 5.1 POSITIONAL FAULT
the sides of the court in the 1st set. The team commits a positional fault, if any
If the deciding set is to be played, a new toss player is not in his/her correct position at the
will be carried out. moment the ball is hit by the server. This includes
when a player is on court through illegal 5.3 ROTATION FAULT
substitution.  A rotation fault is committed when the
If the server commits a serving fault at the SERVICE is not made according to the
moment of service hit, the server's fault is counted rotational order. It leads to the following
before a positional fault. consequences:
If the service becomes faulty after the  The team is sanctioned with a point
service hit, it is positional fault that will be counted. and service to the opponent;
A positional fault leads to the following  The players rotational order must be
consequences: rectified;
 The team is sanctioned with a point  In addition, the scorer should
and service to the opponent; determine the exact moment the fault
 Players' position must be rectified. was committed, and all points scored
subsequently by the team at fault
5.2 ROTATION must be cancelled. The opponents
 The rotational order is determined by the score remain valid;
team's starting line up and controlled with  If that moment cannot be determined,
the service order and players positions no point(s) cancellation takes place,
throughout the set. and a point and service to the
 When the receiving team has gained the opponent is the only sanction.
right serve, its players rotate one position
clockwise; the player in position 2 rotates in ESSAY
position 1 to serve; the player in position 1 What is the relevance/important of knowing
rotates to position 6, etc. the rules and regulations in playing volleyball?
State your reasons for atleast three (3) sentences.
(10 points).

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