Doctor Faustus

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Doctor Faustus (Maarlowe) Character List

Faustus Himself
He sells his soul to the devil
A brilliant man, who seems to have reached the limits of natural knowledge. Faustus is a scholar
of the early sixteenth century in the German city of Wittenburg. He is arrogant, fiery, and
possesses a thirst for knowledge. As an intellectual, Faustus is familiar with things (like demon
summoning and astrology) not normally considered academic subjects by today's universities.
Faustus decides to sell his soul to the devil in exchange for earthly power and knowledge and an
additional 24 years of life. He proceeds to waste this time on self-indulgence and low tricks.

Faustus is the absolute center of the play, which has few truly developed characters.
From the Hebrew, mephitz, destroyer, and tophel, liar. A devil of craft and cunning. He is the
devil who comes at Faustus' summoning, and the devil who serves Faustus for 24 years. In lore,
Mephostophilis (also spelled Mephistopheles, or Miphostophiles, and also called Mephisto)
seems to be a relative latecomer in the recognized hierarchy of demons. He possibly was created
for the Faustus legend.

In Marlowe's play, Mephostophilis has layers to his personality. He admits that separation from
God is anguish, and is capable of fear and pain. But he is gleefully evil, participating at every
level in Faustus' destruction. Not only does Mephostophilis get Faustus to sell his soul; he also
encourages Faustus to waste his twenty-four years of power.
Servant to Faustus. He steals Faustus' books and learns how to summon demons. At the end of
the play, he seems concerned about his master's fate.
Good Angel and Evil Angel
Personifications of Faustus' inner turmoil, who give differing advice to him at key points. Their
characters also reflect Christian belief that humans are assigned guardian angels, and that devils
can influence human thoughts.
Friend to Faustus, who teaches him the dark arts. He appears only in Act One.
Friend to Faustus, who teaches him the dark arts. He appears only in Act One.
Satan. "Lucifer" original meant Venus, referring to the planet's brilliance. In Christian lore,
Lucifer is sometimes thought to be another name of Satan. Some traditions say that Lucifer was
Satan's name before the fall, while the Fathers of the Catholic Church held that Lucifer was not
Satan's proper name but a word showing the brilliance and beauty of his station before the fall.
He appears at a few choice moments in Doctor Faustus, and Marlowe uses "Lucifer" as Satan's
proper name.
One of Lucifer's officers. A powerful demon.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Personifications of the Seven Deadly Sins, not acts but impulses or motivations that lead men to
sinful actions. They array themselves in a pageant before Faustus, although scholars think now
that this section was not written by Marlowe.
Clown / Robin
Robin learns demon summoning by stealing one of Faustus' books. He is the chief character in a
number of scenes that provide comic relief from the main story.
A friend of Robin's. He is one of the characters peopling the few comic relief scenes.
A horse ostler, or groomer, and friend to Robin. With the Clown, he summons Mephostophilis,
who is none too pleased to be called.
A wine merchant or a wine maker. This Vintner chases down Robin and Rafe after they steal a
silver goblet from him.
A man who meets Faustus while carting hay to town. Faustus swindles him.
A man who buys Faustus' horse. Faustus swindles him.
An ale wench. She treats Robin and his friends kindly.
The Pope
Yeah, that Pope. In a move that would have pleases his Protestant audience, Marlowe depicts
him as cruel, power-mad, and far from holy. Faustus plays some cheap tricks on him.
A man who would be Pope, selected by the German emperor and representing the conflicts
between Church and state authority.
King of Hungary. He serves the Pope.
The German Emperor. Faustus performs at his court.
Knight in the court of the German Emperor. Friend to Benvolio and Frederick. When Benvolio
seeks revenge against Faustus, Martino decides to help out of loyalty.
Knight in the court of the German Emperor. Friend to Martino and Benvolio. When Benvolio
seeks revenge against Faustus, Frederick decides to help out of loyalty.
Knight in the court of the German Emperor. Friend to Martino and Frederick. When Faustus
humiliates him, he seeks revenge.
A man attending at the court of the German Emperor.
Duke of Vanholt
A nobleman. Faustus performs illusions at his court.
Duchess of Vanholt
A noblewoman. Faustus fetches her grapes in January.
Spirits in the shapes of Alexander the Great, Darius, Paramour, and Helen
Faustus' illusions.
An Old Man
A holy old man. He tries to save Faustus by getting him to repent, and for his good deed, Faustus
initially thanks him. But later, Faustus sends devils to harm the Old Man.
Doctor Faustus (Marlowe) Summary and Analysis of Act I, Chapters 1-2
Prologue and Act One, Scenes 1-2:


Prologue. The Chorus announces that the story will not be wars, love affairs in royal courts, or
great deeds, but the tale of Faustus. Faustus was born of ordinary parents, in Rhodes, Germany.
When he came of age he went to Wittenberg to live with relatives and study at the university.
Due to his great talent, he quickly completed his studies and became a doctor of divinity, known
for his brilliance in theological matters. But alluding to the story of Icarus, the Chorus says that
Faustus' "waxen wings did mount above his reach" (l. 21). He has begun to study necromancy,
the black arts, and loves magic more than theology. This is the man now sitting in his study.
Scene 1.1. Sitting alone in his study, Faustus considers the different fields of knowledge. He
considers logic, personified in Aristotle. But when he reads "to dispute well logic's chiefest end"
(1.1.7) he says disdainfully, "Affords this art no greater miracle?" (1.1.9). He has mastered this
art and achieved its goals already. In likewise fashion he considers other disciplines. Medicine,
personified in the ancient physician Galen: though Faustus has become a great physician, he still
has no power over life and death. Law, personified in the codifier of Roman law, Justinian:
Faustus considers law a field with a petty subject. Divinity: Faustus reads in different places that
the reward of sin is death, and that all men sin. He reasons that all men sin, and so all men must
die, and dismisses this doctrine as "Che sera, sera." He bids Divinity farewell.

He turns to magic. Delighted by the art, he points out that even kings' powers are limited within
territories. But with the help of magic, Faustus can become a demi-God.

Faustus' servant Wagner enters, and Faustus bids him summon his friends, Valdes and Cornelius.
Wagner goes.
Faustus declares that the advice of his friends will be helpful in the pursuit of magic. A Good
Angel and Evil Angel enter. The Good Angel tells Faustus to put the evil book of magic aside,
and the Evil Angel tells Faustus to pursue magic will lead to power on earth. The angels exit.
Faustus thrills at the thoughts of the strange wonders he'll perform with his sorcery. Cornelius
and Valdes enter. He tells them that their advice has won him over: he will practice the magical
arts. He will also pursue magic because he has realized it is the only subject vast enough for his
mind. Valdes is delighted, and thinks that Faustus brilliance combined with their experience will
make them all lords of the earth and the elements of nature itself. Cornelius tells him that his
learning is sound foundation for necromancy, and with magic they will be able to find hidden
treasure in the seas and earth. Valdes suggests some books, Cornelius suggests method, and
Faustus invites them to dine with him. He vows to conjure that very night.

Scene 1.2. Two scholars wonder where Faustus is. They spot Wagner, and ask the location of
Wagner's master. Wagner toys with them, mocking the language of scholars, before finally
telling them that his master is with Valdes and Cornelius. Wagner leaves. The scholars are
horrified, because Valdes and Cornelius are well known to be necromancers. They decide to go
to inform the Rector. The First Scholar worries that nothing can help Faustus now, but the
Second Scholar says that they must do what they can.
Prologue and Act One, Scenes 3-5:


Scene 1.3. Enter Lucifer and Four Devils. Faustus invokes them, performing the necessary
incantations to make Mephostophilis appear. He commands Mephostopholis to depart, as his
devilish form is too ugly to attend on Faustus. He is to return in the guise of a friar. When the
devil departs to change his form, Faustus is delighted at the creature's obedience.
Mephostophilis asks Faustus' will; when Faustus demands that the devil serve him,
Mephostophilis informs him that his master is Lucifer, and he cannot serve Faustus without his
lord's leave. It was not Lucifer who charged Mephostophilis to appear. The devil came of his
own will, when he heard Faustus' profane incantations. So do all devils make haste at the sound
of sacrilegious magic, in hopes of winning the profaner's soul.

Faustus is all too eager to swear allegiance to Lucifer. He denies judgment after death, and he
asks Mephostophilis a series of questions. The devil informs Faustus that Lucifer was once an
angel, beloved of God, who by aspiring pride and insolence earned banishment from heaven. The
devils with Lucifer in hell are those who conspired with him against God. When Faustus hears
that they are banished to hell, he becomes curious: how can Mephostophilis be before him now,
outside of hell? The devil informs him that he is always in hell, for true hell is separation from
God. He begs Faustus to leave him alone with these questions, which "strike a terror to my
[Mephostophilis's] fainting soul" (1.3.82).

Faustus chides the demon, telling him to take lessons from Faustus when it comes to manly
fortitude. He bids Mephostopholis fly down to Lucifer to tell him that Faustus is ready to sell his
soul. In exchange he wants twenty-four years of power and luxury, with Mephostophilis in
complete obedience to his whims. Mephostophilis exits.

In soliloquy, Faustus exclaims that even if he had "as man souls as there be stars" (1.3.92), he'd
sell them. He thrills at the power he'll soon have.

Scene 1.4. Wagner sees a poor Clown, and seems intent on making the Clown his servant. He
jests that the Clown's poverty would compel him to sell his soul for a raw shoulder of mutton.
The Clown replies that the mutton would have to be cooked and with good sauce. After some
banter, during which the Clown refuses to serve, Wagner offers the clown some money. When
the Clown takes the money, Wagner sees the acceptance as compliance to servitude, and begins
to give orders. The Clown tries to give the money back. To break the Clown's resistance, Wagner
summons two devils, Baliol and Belcher. The terrified Clown agrees to serve Wagner. Wagner
take the devils away, and the impressed Clown follows him, asking if in exchange for service he
can learn to summon devils. Wagner promises that he will teach the Clown how to change
himself into an animal, and the clown bawdily says that he would like to be flea, so he can tickle
the slits of women's skirts. Keeping alive the threat of summoning the demons again, Wagner
bids the Clown to follow him, and the Clown obeys.
Scene 1.5. Faustus seems to be having second thoughts, unable to decide whether he should sell
or keep. The Good Angel and Evil Angel appear again, the Good Angel telling him to think of
heaven, and the Evil Angel telling him to think of wealth. The thought of wealth makes up
Faustus' mind. Mephostophilis returns, exhorting Faustus to sign away his soul in a contract
written in his own blood. Faustus asks Mephostophilis why the devils want his soul, and the
heart of Mephostophilis' answer is this: "Solamen miseris, socios habuisse doloris" (1.5.42).
("Comfort in misery is to have companions in woe.")
When Faustus cuts his arm for the contract, the blood congeals too quickly to make good ink.
While Mephostophilis is gone to fetch the fire to liquefy his blood again, Faustus wonders if his
very blood is trying to stop him. But the devil returns, and Faustus signs. The deal is done.

On his arm, the inscription "Homo fuge" ("Fly, oh man") has appeared. The message disturbs
Faustus, but Mephostophilis leaves and fetches devils to delight him. They crown Faustus,
bedeck him in riches, dance, and then leave. Mephostophilis returns.

Faustus declares the terms of the agreement. Faustus can take spirit shape in "form and
substance." Mephostophilis is subject completely to his whim, and must stay nearby, invisible. In
exchange, after twenty-four years, the devils will have his soul.

He questions Mephostophilis about hell, asking where it is. Mephostophilis tells him that hell is
not so much a set place: "Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed / In one self place" (1.5.124-
5). Furthermore, ". . . when all the world dissolves / And every creature shall be purified, / All
places shall be hell that is not heaven" (1.5.127-129). Faustus doesn't seem to understand, and
dismisses hell as a fable. Mephostophilis' reply is chilling: "Ay, think so still, till experience
change thy mind" (1.5.131). They continue to talk, but Faustus can't seem to grasp what the devil
is saying about the nature of hell.

He demands that Mephostophilis bring him a wife. Mephostophilis brings him a devil dressed as
a woman, and tells him that rather than bring him a wife, he'll bring him many different women,
one for every moment of desire.

Faustus asks for knowledge: he demands books on all manner of incantations, astrology, and
botany, and Mephostophilis provides all of this on demand.

Prologue and Act Two:


Scene 2.1. Faustus is in his study with Mephostophilis. He cursed the devil, for depriving him of
heaven. Through shallow logic, Mephostophilis proves that heaven is inferior to man. The Good
and Evil Angel enter, repeating their old advice. The Good Angel tells him there is still time to
repent, and the Evil Angel tell him that as he is a spirit now, God cannot pity him.
Faustus speaks of the conviction that he cannot repent. The despair of that fact would drive him
to suicide, if it weren't for the pleasures he has seen. Homer has performed for him, and
Amphion (a character from Greek myth) has played his music. He distracts himself now by
asking Mephostophilis a series of questions about the structure of the heavens. When his
questions about astronomy have been answered, he asks who made the world. Mephostophilis
doesn't like this question, and when Faustus speaks of God, the devil flees.

The Good Angel and Evil Angel arrive, repeating their advice about repentance. They depart,
and Faustu calls out to Christ to help him. Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Mephostophilis arrive to
intimidate Faustus. They say he injures them by saying the name of Christ, and he agrees to say
it no more. To entertain him, they parade the Seven Deadly Sins before him. Faustus is delighted.
Lucifer promises to show Faustus hell that night, and gives him a book on shapeshifting.
Scene 2.2. The Clown, here called Robin, has gotten one of Faustus' magic books. He's
with Dick, apparently a servant, and two men banter. The Clown has the magic book, but
apparently cannot read it. The scene ends with the two men going off to get a drink.

Prologue and Act Three:


Scene 3.1. The Chorus describes how Faustus went to the top of Mount Olympus, and in a
chariot drawn by dragons, studied the stars and the celestial structure. He then rode a dragon's
back to study cosmography, the shapes of coasts and kingdoms, and is now flying to Rome,
where the feast honoring St. Peter is about to be celebrated.
Scene 3.2. Mephostophilis and Faustus arrive in Rome, Faustus describing the places he's been.
They wait in the Pope's own private chamber for him, as Mephostophilis describes Rome's
wonders. When Faustus wants to see them, Mephostophilis restrains him, so that they can
torment the Pope and his subordinates.
The Pope enters with cardinals, Bishops, and Raymond, King of Hungary, and Bruno, a man in
chains. Bruno is a man whom the Emperor of Germany tried to make Pope, and he is now
vanquished. The Pope makes Bruno bow as his foot stool and abuses him verbally. The Pope
sends cardinals to proclaim the statutes naming Bruno's fate. Faustus, who watches with
Mephostophilis, unseen, orders Mephostophilis to follow the cardinals to the consistory and
magically put them to sleep. He plans to restore Bruno's liberty and return him to Germany. The
Pope informs Bruno that the Emperor and he are to be excommunicated, in order that the
Pontiff's supremacy might be made clear.
Faustus and Mephostophilis re-enter, magically disguised as the cardinals who are now sleeping,
under Mephostophilis' spell. They declare the sentence of the Synod (council of Bishops). They
take Bruno away, supposedly to be burned at the stake. The Pope blesses them, which
Mephostophilis loves ("So, so, was never devil blessed thus before" [3.3.197]), and they take
Burno away.

Scene 3.3. Faustus and Mephostophilis look forward to the confusion when the cardinals awake
and return to the Pope. They make themselves invisible, and the antics continue.

All goes according to plan. The unfortunate cardinals return, and confusion breaks out when it
becomes clear that they don't know where Bruno is. As the Pope is sitting for his meal, Faustus
speaks blasphemies (an invisible man talking) and snatches the Pope's food and wine. A Bishop
suggests that the villain might be a ghost come from Purgatory. Faustus starts to hit the Pope,
who exits with his train. Friars return, with bell, book, and candle to perform rites that will rid
the room of the evil presence. Faustus and Mephostophilis beat up all the friars, throw fireworks,
and leave.

The Chorus returns to tell us that Faustus returns home, where his vast knowledge of astronomy
and his abilities earn him wide renown. He becomes a favorite of Emperor Carolus the Fifth
(Charles V, 1515-56), and his feats in that court we will presently see.
Scene 3.4. Robin the Clown, here working as an ostler (a person who takes care of horses)
promises his friend Rafe that with his magic book, he can perform pleasure-giving feats. They
steal a silver cup from a Vintner; when the Vintner arrives Robin summons Mephostophilis to
deal with him. The devil puts squibs (sizzling fireworks) in the backs of Robin and Rafe, and
they run around like loons. Rafe returns the cup to the Vintner, who seems unable to see
Mephostophilis is furious at having been summoned all the way from Constantinople to perform
tricks, and he tells Robin and Rafe that he will turn one into an ape and the other into a dog. He
leaves. Robin and Rafe, as yet untransformed, seem thrilled at the idea of getting to be animals.

Prologue and Act Four, Scenes 1-4:


Scene 4.1. Martino and Frederick, two nobles at the court of the German Emperor, converse
about recent events. Bruno, the Emperor's choice for pope, is back, having ridden home on a
demon's back. They are excited about the imminent performance of Faustus the conjuror for the
pleasure of the court. They try to rouse their sleeping lush of a friend, Benvolio, to come see the
show, but he refuses to come. He'll watch from the window.
Scene 4.2. Charles, the German Emperor; Bruno, Saxony, Faustus, Mephostophilis, Frederick,
Martino, and Attendants are in the court. Benvolio's at the window. The Emperor welcomes
Faustus, thanking him for delivering Bruno, and Faustus fawns on the Emperor, promising
wonders. Benvolio voices his skepticism, saying that if Faustus can conjure spirits, Benvolio is
just as likely to become a stag, like the mythical character Acteon . Faustus conjures Alexander
the Great, the Persian Emperor Darius, and Alexander's paramour, delighting the Emperor, who
has to be restrained by Faustus from embracing Alexander. Faustus also makes antlers grow on
the head of Benvolio. He threatens to summon hunting dogs (paralleling the death of Acteon),
but Benvolio appeals to the Emperor for help, and the Emperor asks Faustus to restore
Benvolio's human shape. Benvolio plots revenge. The Emperor commends Faustus and promises
him high office.
Scene 4.3. Enter Benvolio, Martino, Frederick, and Soldiers. Martino tries to stop Benvolio from
making a move against Faustus. Benvolio won't be persuaded, and his friends resolve to stand
with him. Frederick leaves to place the soldiers for ambush, and returns to warn them that
Faustus is coming. The three friends attack, and Benvolio cuts off Faustus' head. They plan to
desecrate the head, and put horns on it . . . but Faustus' body rises. Because he made his deal with
the devil and was promised twenty-four more years of life, he cannot be killed. He summons his
devils, at first commanding them to fly with them up to heaven before dragging them down to
hell. Then he changes his mind, because he wants men to see what happens to his enemies. He
tells the devils to drag the three friends through different parts of the wilderness. The devils drag
off the trio. The ambush soldiers arrive, but Faustus defeats them by commanding the trees and
summoning an army of devils.

Scene 4.4. Benvolio, Martino, and Frederick find each other in the woods. They all have horns
on their heads. They decide that attacking Faustus is futile, and so they retreat to Benvolio's
castle, to live hidden from the world until the horns go away; if the horns remain, they'll stay at
the castle forever.

Prologue and Act Four, Scenes 5-7:


Scene 4.5. Faustus, reflecting to Mephostophilis that his years are nearly elapsed, decides to
return to Wittenburg. A Horse-courser arrives, trying to buy Faustus' horse. Faustus agrees to the
offer, and warns the man not to take the horse into water. The man asks Faustus if he would do
the horse's urinalysis if the horse became ill, and Faustus tells the man to go. Faustus reflects on
his quickly disappearing time, and falls asleep. The Hourse-courser return, wet, because he rode
his horse into water and it turned into straw. Mephostophilis tells the man not to bother Faustus,
but the man tugs at Faustus' leg, which comes off. Faustus screams, as if in pain, and
Mephostophilis threatens to take the man to the constable. The boy promises he'll pay forty
dollars more, if they let him go, and Mephostophilis tells him to go away. After the man is gone,
Faustus seems to be fine. He has his leg again, and seems to have been playing a few tricks to
swindle the boy out of money.
Wagner enters, to tell Faustus that the Duke of Vanholt desires Faustus' company. Faustus
decides that he wouldn't mind serving the Duke, and off they go.
Scene 4.6. Enter Clown, Dick, Horse-courser, and a Carter. The Hostess enters. The Clown
(Robin) voices to Dick his worry that the Hostess will remember that he owes money. She does
remember, but doesn't seem to mind, and goes to fetch them so beer.
They talk about Faustus. The Carter complains that Faustus cheated him. When Faustus met the
Carter while the latter was carting hay to Wittenburg, the former paid a pittance for as much hay
as he could eat. Faustus ate all the Carter's hay. The Horse-courser tells them about how he was
swindled, including a modified ending where he bravely went to his house and ripped his leg off.
They think Faustus is legless, and so they decide to drink some more before going to find the
good doctor.

Scene 4.7. Enter the Duke of Vanholt, his Duchess, Faustus, and Mephostophilis. The Duke
thanks Faustus for his magic, which conjured the sight of a castle in the air. When Faustus asks
the Duchess to request what she will, she asks for ripe grapes, although it be January. Faustus
sends Mephostophilis to fetch them. The Duke wonders, and Faustus gives a lecture on how the
seasons are reversed in the southern hemisphere. Robin, Dick the Horse-courser, and the Carter
bang on the gates. They apparently want Faustus, and he tells the Duke to let them in.

They enter, all having various scores to settle with Faustus. Faustus toys with them a bit (since
they think he's missing a leg). The Hostess enters, with drink, apparently hoping to get paid.
Faustus uses magic to strike the Clown characters speechless, one at a time. They exit. The
Hostess asks who'll pay, and Faustus strikes her speechless too. She goes. The Duke and his
Lady are delighted.

Act V Scene I


Scene 5.1. The stage directions: "Thunder and lightning. Enter devils with covered dishes.
MEPHOSTOPHILIS leads them into FAUSTUS' study. Then enter WAGNER."

Wagner tells the audience that he thinks Faustus prepares for death. He has made his will,
leaving all to Wagner. But even as death approaches, Faustus spends his days feasting and
drinking with the other students.
Wagner exits, and Faustus, Mephostophilis, and three Scholars enter. At their request, he
conjures the sight of Helen of Troy. Ravished, the Scholars leave, thanking Faustus. An Old
Man enters, warning Faustus to repent, saying there is still time. Faustus seems shaken and
moved, knowing that his hour approaches quickly. He seems to think that he is doomed.
Mephostophilis gives him a dagger. Faustus tells the man that his words have brought comfort,
and asks him to leave, so that Faustus can contemplate his sins.
Faustus seems ready to repent, but Mephostophilis threatens him with physical violence. Faustus
begs pardon, and orders Mephostophilis to go torment the old man. Mephostophilis tells Faustus
that he cannot touch the Old Man's soul, but he can harm the Old Man's body. Faustus asks
Mephostophilis to bring Helen of Troy to him, to be his love, and Mephostophilis readily agrees.

The devil brings forth the shape of Helen, and leaves. Faustus gives the most famous speech of
the play:

Was this the face that launched a thousand ships,

And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?

Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.

Her lips suck forth my soul: see where it flies.

Come, Helen, come, give me my soul again.

Here will I dwell for heaven is in those lips,

And all is dross that is not Helena. (5.1.97-103)

The Old Man re-enters, watching, as Faustus speaks of how he'll relive the myths of Greece, with
Helen as his love and himself playing Paris of Troy. He leaves with her.

The Old Man watches, and knows Faustus is lost. The devils enter, to torture him, but he is
completely unshaken. They cannot harm what matters, and he faces them without fear.

Prologue and Act Five, Scene 2 and Epilogue:


Scene 5.2. Thunder. Enter Lucifer, Belzebub, and Mephostophilis. Tonight is the night
when Faustus will give up his soul, and the unholy three seem to be looking forward to it.
Faustus and Wagner enter. Faustus asks Wagner how he likes the will, which (as we learned in
5.1) leaves all to Wagner, and Wagner expresses gratitude.
The three scholars enter. They notice that Faustus looks ill. When they suggest bringing a doctor,
Faustus tells them he is damned forever. Tonight he is to lose his soul. The scholars advise him
to repent, but Faustus thinks it's too late. He regrets having ever seen a book. The scholars and
Wagner do not sense the presence of the devils. Faustus tells them that he cannot even raise his
arms up to God, for the devils push his arms down.

The First Scholar asks why Faustus did not speak of this before, so that they might pray for him,
and he answers that the devils threatened him with bodily harm. Faustus tells them to leave him,
to escape harm when the devils come. The Third Scholar considers staying with him, but his
colleagues convince him not to invite danger. They go to the next room to pray for Faustus. The
Scholars exit.
Mephostophilis taunts Faustus. Faustus blames Mephostophilis for his damnation, and the devil
proudly takes credit for it. Mephostophilis exits, leaving with the line, "Fools that will laugh on
earth, must weep in hell" (5.2.106).

The Good and Evil Angels arrive. The Good Angel laments that Faustus has now lost the eternal
joys of heaven. Now, it is too late: "And now, poor soul, must thy good angel leave thee: / The
jaws of hell are open to receive thee" (5.2.124-5). The Good Angel exits.

The gates of Hell open. The Evil Angel taunts Faustus, naming the horrible tortures seen there.
Faustus is terrified by the sight, but the Evil Angel reminds him gleefully that soon he will feel,
rather than just see. The Evil Angel exits.

The Clock strikes eleven. Faustus begins his final monologue. He pleads beautifully, and futilely,
for time to stop its forward rush. He realizes time cannot stop, and delivers these memorable
lines: "Oh, I'll leap up to my God: who pulls me down? / See, see, where Christ's blood streams
in the firmament. / One drop would save my soul, half a drop. Ah, my Christ!" (5.2.156-8). He
has a vision of an angry God. He pleads with different aspects of nature to help him, but they

The clock strikes for half past the hour. He pleads that God will shorten his time in hell to a
thousand, or even a hundred thousand years. But he knows that hell is eternal. He wishes that
Pythagoras' theory of transmigration of souls (reincarnation) were true. He wishes that he could
be an animal, whose souls are not immortal. He curses his parents, then curses himself, and
finally curses Lucifer. The clock strikes midnight. With thunder and lightning scarring the skies,
he cries aloud for his soul to dissolve into the air, or drops of water, so that the devils cannot find
it. The devils enter. As Faustus begs God and the devil for mercy, the devils drag him away.

Scene 5.3. Enter the three Scholars. They've been much disturbed by all of the terrible noise they
heard between midnight and one. They find Faustus' body, torn to pieces.

Epilogue. The Chorus emphasizes that Faustus is gone, his once-great potential wasted. The
Chorus warns the audience to remember his fall, and the lessons it offers.

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