The Agile Edge Managing Projects Effectively Using

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The System that

Supports the Process
“If everyone is moving forward together, success will take care of itself.”
Henry Ford

Chapter Purpose

As an Agile Coach and Agile Scrum Practitioner,

I will describe in detail the components of the Agile Scrum
Infrastructure. Specifically a deep dive will be taken into User Stories,
The Agile Tree Hierarchy, the AgileScrumTeam, Ceremonies, and the
Burn Down Chart
So that ScrumMasters, ProductOwners, DevelopmentTeam, and
TestTeam members can understand what the infrastructure is behind
Agile Scrum.
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What I have come to realize after years of using Agile Scrum is that
teams grow over time in the use of Agile Scrum. And as the teams ma-
ture, the more Agile Scrum processes they have in place, making them
even more effective. The key systems they all have in common are:

• User Stories
• Ceremonies
• Story Pointing
• Burn Down Chart

These three systems represent the minimum level of conceptual

knowledge needed to be effective in the use of Agile Scrum. Executing

Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.
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well on these items is essential to seeing any benefit from Agile Scrum. So,
please continue reading in order to understand these areas even more.

User Stories
Learning about User Stories is critical because they are the main com-
ponent of Agile Scrum. No matter what you are doing on an Agile
ScrumTeam, it all relates back to User Stories. Now that you know a bit
about User Stories, here are some expectations User Stories should meet:

• They should facilitate the creation of a working code that

meets the needs of a stakeholder, where the value of asked-
for change is in excess of the investment.
• Convey information to the reader about what needs to get
done, in the way it was meant by the writer to be interpreted
• Decomposed to the point where their estimated duration
can fit within the time-box of an iteration.
• They are sufficiently descriptive to support the creation of
test cases.

The template for User Stories, which the founders of Agile Scrum cre-
ated, is brilliantly constructed. It is easy to learn, easy to remember, and
forces a User Story creator to capture a well-carved slice of meaning from
its parent User Story. But, just to be sure they accomplish their core func-
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tion, User Stories should be reviewed by a peer to ensure, to the greatest

extent, that the User Story conveys the intended meaning. And, before
they are accepted into an iteration, the DevelopmentTeam and TestTeam
need to agree that the User Stories are meaningful and complete.
Below, please find an explanation of the three parts of a User Story. I
am doing this so that those who use User Stories can better understand
how to be effective in writing and in using them:

As a
Describes the “who” is asking for the work to be done. This has three

• If the creator of the User Story is ever needed for consultation,

it provides a clue to the home organization of the initiator.
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• This part provides context for understanding what the

person is asking for.
• It makes the creator focus on their perspective, or role, they
are taking on when they create each User Story. That is, it
forces the User Story writer to take on a specific perspective.

I want
The words “I want” steers the User Story writer to explicitly spell out
what they have in mind. This “ask” is to be within the “scope” of the
performing organization’s vision statement, and the mission statement
of the AgileScrumTeam. Another value to this is that it clearly calls out
the work that is supposed to add business value.

So that
“So that” is the part of the template which describes the reason for the
User Story, in terms of value-addition to the business. It can either be
qualitative or quantitative. I feel this supports the creation of excellent
test cases, test scripts, and acceptance criteria. Also, this will describe the
end use of the User Story, which will further explain the use of the “I
Want” part.
Please note that during iteration planning, the DevelopmentTeam and/or
TestTeam should have the option of not picking up User Stories to work on if
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they are not useable. If defective User Stories are committed to and brought
into an iteration, then they will likely destroy any cadence that the team
has developed. And, this would also erode trust as the same ProductOwner
who encouraged the team to accept incomplete User Stories will be the first
to get mad at the team when it cannot deliver.

Ceremonies are similar to meetings, but have a specific purpose based
on which ceremony is being executed. Each has its own expected result,
which does not change. Some ceremonies fall on specific days in the
Agile cycle, and they are to be placed onto all ScrumTeamMember’s
Outlook calendars, and scheduled out for a very long time. This will
eventually result in AgileScrumTeam members having this time marked

Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.
Created from sheffield on 2022-12-03 20:49:15.

out for the Ceremonies, and, they will from a habit behavior of getting
ready and showing up, prepared.
As for when to hold the Ceremonies with respect to the Iteration cy-
cle, I like to hold the Backlog Grooming and Iteration planning a few
days before the Iteration starts. And then, holding the Demo and Ret-
rospective on the last day of the iteration works quite well. The Daily
Stand Up, and Parking Lot is to take place, without fail, once per busi-
ness day; preferably at the start of the work day. All team members are
expected to attend the Day Standup.
Please find below a chart that outlines how I like to schedule Cere-
monies in relationship to an iteration. The assumption is that we are
using a 2-week Iteration Cycle, starting on a Monday.

Day of Iteration Ceremonies for Current for Next
Week Day Iteration Iteration
Any As needed Vision N/A
Wednesday −3 (can also Backlog Grooming
take place on
Thursday −2 Iteration Planning N/A
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Monday 1 Daily Standup + Parking Lot N/A

Tuesday 2 Daily Standup + Parking Lot N/A
Wednesday 3 Daily Standup + Parking Lot N/A
Thursday 4 Daily Standup+ Parking Lot N/A
Friday 5 Daily Standup (Halfway through N/A
the iteration+ Parking Lot
Monday 6 Daily Standup (Last Monday of N/A
Iteration) + Parking Lot
Tuesday 7 Daily Standup + Parking Lot Start Backlog
Grooming for next
Wrap up visioning
for next Iteration
Wednesday 8 Daily Standup + Parking Lot, Start Iteration
Planning for next

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Thursday 9 Daily Standup, Parking Lot, Continue Iteration

identify all User Stories for the Planning for next
Demo, and do a Dry run of the cycle
demo. EOD (End of Day) is the
cut-off for approval of items in
the Demo.
Friday 10 Daily Standup, Parking Lot, Complete
Retrospective, and Demo Iteration planning
for next iteration

Please find below a list of ceremonies and related information. As a

friendly reminder, the more of these Ceremonies that are performed,
and performed correctly, the more you will see the benefits of Agile
Story Pointing
The idea of Story Pointing is to create, at a macro level, a rough plan-
ning estimate. The easiest way to explain Story Pointing is to assume
that all participants in a Story Point meeting are co-located, and are in
the same meeting room to create Story Points for User Stories. They are
only allowed to estimate using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 …
(for the mathematically inclined people reading this, this unusual num-
ber sequence is closely based on the Fibonacci sequence).
The team picks a well-understood User Story, of average duration. A
Story Point of “8” is then associated with that average User Story, this is
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called the “pivot.”

Then, the ScrumMaster shows the team a new User Story to esti-
mate. Here is an exhibit of the numbers to apply Story Points to User

How This One Relates to the Pivot User Story’s Story

(A Story Point of 8) Point Value
Clearly larger than the pivot User Story 21 or 34 or higher
A little bigger than the pivot User Story 13
Pretty much the same as the pivot User Story 8
Somewhat smaller than the pivot User Story 5 or 3
A lot smaller than the pivot User Story, it would be rare to
find a User Story for this effort less than this number. 1

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Ceremony: Purpose Process/Agenda: Who: When:

Daily Standup Establishes accountability for Agenda: The leader for this conversation is the ScrumMaster. Daily, working days. This meeting is time-boxed to 15
team members. Identify (but not Each team member is to answer these four questions: The ScrumMaster, the Product Owner, the minutes. A time-box is when a team is committed to
discuss) issues and impediments. 1. What I did yesterday? DevelopmentTeam, and the TestTeam are active starting and ending an activity at an agreed-upon time.
2. What will I do today? participants. Comment: these are never canceled or re-scheduled
3. Do I have impediments? Comment: no one is to interrupt or add any words to Comment: ScrumMaster should make note of anyone
4. Have I updated the ALCM? someone’s sharing time during the daily stand up. who provides the same status for a few days; if this

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Extra content should be moved to the Parking Lot. happens, it is a signal that the person likely has an
Vision Create User Stories Agenda: ProductOwner must attend. Should be pre-scheduled weekly; however, these
ScrumMaster and selected team members assist ScrumMaster, ProductOwner, and selected team Ceremonies are on demand, based on ProductOwner’s
ProductOwner in the creation of User Stories. members need to have UserStories created.
Comment: This ceremony can be held at a time that Comment: If you preschedule this Ceremony (which
works well with the iteration start and stop dates. It is a good idea), it is OK cancel the upcoming
can also be scheduled on demand. meeting if you have nothing to discuss.
Iteration Planning DevelopmentTeam and TestTeam Process: Leader: ScrumMaster This takes place at the beginning of an iteration.
members as for User Stories to work Input: Groomed, well written, User Stories that Attendance: ScrumMaster, DevelopmentTeam and
on in current iteration. have a priority and Story Point estimate assigned. TestTeam.
1. Work committed to during an Process: BuildTeam selects User Stories to work on ProductOwner is optional.
iteration must not exceed the during the current iteration. As User Stories are
team’s capacity. selected, the BuildTeam members, and the persons
2. When a BuildTeam member taking the User Story are committed to doing the work.
asks for work, they are Output: BuildTeam has Usable User Stories to work
committing to complete the on during the upcoming iteration

Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.
User Story during the Comment: if the Build Team cannot understand a User
upcoming iteration. Story, it should be left on the Product Backlog
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Retrospective Identify outcomes that were both Process: The ScrumMaster should lead, and the entire Frequency; soon after every iteration.
good, and, topics that identify Input: All AgileScrumTeam members capture their AgileScrumTeam should participate.
areas for improvement. relevant observations regarding lessons learned. These are
Comment: Agile teams welcome shared at the retrospective.

Created from sheffield on 2022-12-03 20:49:15.

improvement, and do not punish Process:
team members for mistakes. In 1. Positive and improvement comments are
Agile Scrum, we believe collected and captured in the ALCM (Agile Life
mistakes are a natural human Cycle Manager, a repository for all information
activity, and excellent needed to do the project)
opportunities for learning and 2. Improvement items are captured in the ALCM
team growth. 3. AgileScrumTeam determines which items it would
Comment: Realistically, at some like to tackle
point, if one person keeps Comment: Do not put a name next to items collected
making critical errors, the at this meeting. The reality is that typically one
ScrumMaster should take identified issue signals that there are many involved.
corrective action. Comment: Activities identified by the team should be
converted into User Stories and placed on the backlog.
The main purpose of the Demo 1. A Demo should take place at least once per
Demo Process: This is typically led by the ScrumMaster. I have heard
(AKA Demonstration) is actually behavioral. It is to Input: Lists of improvements and successes achieved of AgileScrumTeams that have their ProductOwner
A Demo can take place on demand, especially if a
show off the work product of an

Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.
during the current iteration. run the meeting (this is a good way to hold the interest
complex User Story is to be inspected. However,
Iteration to drive overall im-
Process: refine each time from the supplied list, and of the ProductOwner, and keep them from multi-
provement so participants in these User Stories are to be shared again at Demo
any new items that emerge at meeting time. Capture tasking during the Demo)
success can receive accolades time.
these items. To the greatest extent possible the entire
from the team.
Once capturing of items is complete, the team should AgileScrumTeam should be present to bask in the
identify which items should be converted into User glory of a completed iteration.
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Ceremony: Purpose Process/Agenda: Who: When:

A secondary purpose is
occasionally this meeting is to
have the ProductOwner approve
work products. However work
products should be approved
soon after they are finished.

Created from sheffield on 2022-12-03 20:49:15.

Comment: have you ever noticed
that some people get more work
done right before a status
meeting (in any situation?) This
is one reason the Demo is so

Parking Lot Easy way for the team to meet, in Items for discussion are entered into the ALCM and All members should at least be present at the start of Daily, 15 minutes long, immediately after the Daily
a nonformal way, to collaborate. this becomes the agenda. In Waterfall, this list would this ceremony to find out if a topic impacts them. Standup.
be referred to as an “issues log.” Comment: Most texts do not call this activity out as a
ceremony. However, it does seem very similar in
nature to processes that bare the title of ceremony.

Comment: Ceremonies that support the iteration, and are explicitly tied to the iteration’s cycle, should be scheduled immediately
after a team determines the duration of its iterations. This way, all team members can plan to attend well in advance of the cyclically
held ceremony.

Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.

Story Points are stored along with the other metadata in the related User
Story. The main point here is that the estimate is being created by “relative
sizing.” No “hours” or “days” are used in this process. Remembering that
human behavior is to hear a dollar value and stick to it, using Story Points
removes this attachment to an early estimate as you cannot really assign a
dollar value to something so arbitrary. However, with respect to Iteration
capacity considerations, Story Points have proven to work just fine.
A word of warning. It would not be all that hard to map Story Point
values to estimate hours. If you do this, you will corrupt the value of
“relative” sizing and you could find yourself being locked into providing
a premature, solid estimate.
A number that is needed to make Story Points work is called “Veloc-
ity.” Velocity is the total number of Story Points that can be accepted
in an Iteration by an AgileScrumTeam. This number is unique to each
AgileScrumTeam and the AgileScrumTeam can change the Velocity
from Iteration to Iteration. The team determines this number by taking
a guess as to how many Story Points of work they can process in an Iter-
ation. For example, I am writing this in early January. What we did with
my AgileScrumTeam in December was to reduce our velocity signifi-
cantly as many people were on long vacations around the holidays.
For example, let us say that one step in the project from Chapter 2 is
to take off the tires of a car to install the devices that can start stinking if a
car moves faster than 75 miles/hour. That seems pretty simple as a good
mechanic can pull off tires in about 10 or less minutes. Compared to our
Pivot User Story, I think that would qualify for a Story Point of 1. As for
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filling out all the paperwork and forms needed to find and use a race track
for the car to go over the 75 miles/hour mark, that is no easier nor harder
than any other user story; so I would give that the same value as the pivot
User Story, a value of 8.
An obvious question is, how do hours ever fit in? Well, the User Sto-
ries that are small enough to be completed in one iteration, are further
decomposed one last time, by the BuildTeam. This last decomposition
results in “Tasks.” Tasks are what the BuildTeam uses to complete
work, and, hours or days are the time unit associated with those.

Burn Down Chart

A burn down chart shows how much of your available time you have
used as a team, as compared to a line that assumes a constant use of
hours, at the same level, each day.

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To understand time in a project sense, you need to understand the

two distinct terms Effort and Duration. Effort is a term from the classi-
cal project management community. It means how many hours that are
actually spent working on task. Duration is a related term; it means how
much time passes while working on an assigned task, whether the re-
source is actively engaged on task or not. For example, presume “Terri”
is working on one task, on and off for 4 days. So:

• Under Duration time reporting, the 4 days would be

included in the time she was working on the assigned task.
This is the type of estimate used during Story Pointing.
• Under Effort driven time reporting, she would report only
time on task. This is the type of estimate that is done when
you are estimating at a Task level.

How to build a Burn Down Chart

Here are our assumptions:

• You are a ScrumMaster.

• There are three people on your team, and each starts with
80 estimated hours of actual on task work effort hours,
across an iteration that lasts 2 weeks.
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• All actual and estimated hours are effort hours, and are
pulled from estimates entered onto tasks. (These estimates
and actuals are supplied by the people doing the work.)
• The person doing the work supplied the initial estimate, and on
a daily basis will supply an estimate of the work left to be done.

First, we shall use the above information to draw what I call the “Per-
fect Burn Down Line.” This is the line that assumes that all work happens
at a constant pace until all hours are used up when the Iteration ends.

• So at the start of the first iteration, we have 240 hours worth

of work to do (80 * 3), that is, 80 hours times 3 people. This
assumes they are on task from the minute they walk in the
door, till the time they leave work 8 hours later.

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• We have 10 business days in the iteration.

• We have 0 hours left of estimated hours at the end of the

This graph represents a perfect burn down. It is what I use to gauge

performance against during an iteration:

Comment: The above is the Perfect Burn Down Line. It is based on

the Effort hours accepted into an iteration. The assumption is that a
perfect Iteration would eat up and equal number of hours in a day, and
there would be no hours available at the end of the Iteration.
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Created from sheffield on 2022-12-03 20:49:15.

Comment: This is quite rare! This is the case where a team is on

schedule for the entirety of the Iteration.

Comment: This means no one is working on the iteration. The

ScrumMaster needs to talk to the BuildTeam!
Comment: When the work left is above the Perfect Burn Down Line,
and all information is accurately reflected in the Burn Down Chart, this
team is behind schedule.
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Comment: In Burn Down Charts, when the hours left to complete

line is below the Perfect Burn Down Line, this means the team is ahead
of schedule. At the start of day 4, it is apparent that the team is comfort-
ably ahead of schedule. Were I ScrumMaster, I would find out why the
sudden drop in effort hours took place. I would suspect the team did
something brilliant to get so far ahead. Once out, if my guess was cor-
rect, I would share the success, of the AgileScrumTeam, widely.

Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.
Created from sheffield on 2022-12-03 20:49:15.

Comment: When the work left line is below the perfect burn down
line, and all information is accurately reflected in the Burn Down Chart,
the team is ahead of schedule.

How this is used:

When I started a ScrumTeam in the middle of summer, I realized it

was actually an accomplishment to have a working Burn Down chart to
look at. About the middle of the second Iteration it was in good enough
condition to start using it for its intended purpose. A working Burn
Down Chart is a signal that the team is functioning well in terms of
adopting the Agile Scrum Process as many items need to take place, cor-
rectly, for the Burn Down Chart to work well.
Where I use it is at the start of our official Daily Standup, I briefly
show it, and call out anything that the Burn Down chart is showing. My
current AgileScrumTeam is composed of AgileCoaches. The only issue
we ever really have, which the burn down chart shows, is a slow start on
iterations. But even that is improving over time.
With an ALCM, any executive who wants to invest a few minutes to
understand how to use the ALCM to pull statuses can easily pull a status
on any AgileScrumTeam. This means that all AgileScrumTeam mem-
bers must keep their time information up to date, or it is only a matter
Copyright © 2015. Business Expert Press. All rights reserved.

of time before the ScrumMaster gets an unpleasant phone call.

A Warning
There is a special case of the Burn Down Chart that you should be aware
of. Let us propose that there are only 2 days left of the iteration, up until
now your team was on schedule, and then your team learns that a massive
defect is discovered in the architecture you based your work effort on. In
other words, there is now a sink-hole of time to invest, and no one was
previously aware of the massive time investment. This would mean:

• this chart was fine until this point,

• the burn down chart was telling the stakeholder community
that everything was in good shape,

Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.
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• there was nothing to worry about, right up until there are

just 2 days left.

Then on the next to last day of the iteration, the chart suddenly dis-
plays a huge disparity between planned and actual. Be aware that this
chart can only display what is known, and reasonably expected. Mean-
ing, just because a burn down chart paints a rosy picture for 80% of an
iteration does NOT mean the last 20 percent will be easy-peasy.
An example was when we had 4 days left to our last iteration of the
release, and then results from friendly user testing came in with 20 de-
fects that needed to get fixed. That significantly changed our burn down
chart, quite unexpectedly.

In summary, this chapter identified the minimum infrastructure necessary
to have an AgileScrumTeam function. We covered Ceremonies, Story
Points, and Burn Down charts. After a team is comfortable with these
systems, progress in realizing the value of Agile Scrum should take place.

Knowledge Reinforcement
1. Assume that you are about to take a trip for pleasure to
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Madagascar. What is your Epic level User Story, and then break
the Epic up into four smaller user stories which address that is
2. If in the middle of an iteration it is discovered that a User Story
is too large for a release, who should the DevelopmentTeam
and/or TestTeam member notify?
3. Why is it important to put User Stories into the provided format?
4. There is a new project. Which member of the Agile Scrum Team
is are most likely to bring the project to the AgileScrumTeam?
5. Who is most responsible for creating quality User Stories that
relate directly to a project.
6. What is the last time that a team can say no to working a User
Story that is in the wrong format, lacks clarity and has wrong
or misleading metadata?

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7. Class Discussion: If a ProductOwner is too busy to attend the

team’s Ceremonies, especially Backlog Grooming and Vision:
what can be done to better engage the Product Owner? Please
note, if you ever look at the calendar of a Product Owner, you
will see that they are at back-to-back meetings all day. This is
because these people are a critical asset to the performing or-
ganization as a whole.
8. (Class discussion) Assume that you are training a new member
of a team; the new and improved ScrumMaster! She wants to
make a list of everything she should learn to be effective when
she takes over in 3 weeks. What would you recommend being
on the list? How can you use this list in your day-to-day opera-
tions with your AgileScrumTeam.
9. After a few years of using Agile Scrum, you are pretty sure you
can map Story Point numbers to hours. Would this be a good
10. Assume the following:

Story Point Value

Iteration Completed in Iteration
2 10
3 25
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4 31
5 29
6 30

What would you pick as the Velocity going forward, and why? (comment :
there are many potential correct answers to this).
11. A contractor wants to use Story Points in a variable cost contract
to determine cost to you. That is, as the AgileScrumTeam you
are thinking about hiring estimates Story Points, and then com-
pletes Story Pointed User Stories, you then get charged per Story
Point completed. Is this a good idea for you? Why or why not?

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12. Given the three Burn Down Charts below, which Agile
ScrumTeam needs the most help right now? Assume both charts
are up-to-date.
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Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.
Created from sheffield on 2022-12-03 20:49:15.
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Vanderjack, B. (2015). The agile edge : Managing projects effectively using agile scrum. Business Expert Press.
Created from sheffield on 2022-12-03 20:49:15.

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