Kempten University
Kempten University
Kempten University
Fakultät Elektrotechnik
Electrical Engineering
Date: 19. November 2020
Hochschule Kempten University Module Handbook Master Course Electrical Engineering
1 Program Description and Objectives Page I
2 Module Descriptions 10
Module Descriptions for Semester 1 (Summer Semester) 10
EE101 – Advanced Control Systems 11
EE102 – Electrical Drive Systems 14
EE103 – Microelectronics 17
EE104 – TelecommunicationSystems 20
EE105 – Power Electronics 23
EE106 – Scientific Project with Seminar 26
Module Descriptions for Semester 2 (Winter Semester) 29
EE201 – Digital Signal Processing 30
EC215 – Interface Electronics 33
EC216 – Human Resource Management and Leadership 36
EC217 – Wind Power Systems 39
EC221 – Electronics Cooling 42
EC222 – Digital System Design 45
EC224 – Electronics in Space and on Ground 48
EC225 – nn 51
Module Descriptions for Semester 3 (Summer Semester) 52
EE301 – Master Thesis 53
1 Program Description and Objectives Page 1
On the one hand, the emphasis of the course is placed on methodical competence, instruction
to analytical and creative thinking, the capacity for abstract thinking and the ability to transfer
knowledge as well as on systematic, maths-based approaches using state-of-the-art simulation
tools. On the other hand, the course also focuses on enabling the students to undertake inde-
pendent further training and education on a scientific level.
The classic fields in which graduates of the program work are: energy generation, -transmission,
-distribution and application, electrical drives & automation technology, mechatronics, elec-
tronics, micro computer technology, communication technology, high frequency technology,
radio and television technology as well as computer engineering, just to name a select few.
Program Outline
The master’s study program “Electrical Engineering” takes 3 semesters. It consists of two se-
mesters with lectures and practical exercises and a third semester to primarily address your
Master Thesis. Every study semester accounts for 30 ECTS.
The course is mostly application-oriented and very practice related. You will find an overview
of the compulsory and optional courses on next page.
The program is designed in such a way that students, who have completed their Bachelor’s
respectively diploma's degree at the University of Applied Sciences in Kempten, have the al-
ternative opportunity during the 2nd and 3rd semester to complete their studies in Northern
Ireland at the University of Ulster and will receive a dual degree. We are looking back at more
than 15 years successful experience with this approach. Studying abroad for a certain period of
time is usually highly valued by corporations, as additional significant qualifications are gained
which can be beneficial for the company’s tactical and strategic operation.
Graduates of the German Diploma program of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering
have the opportunity to skip one theory semester with a formal acceptance procedure. In this
case the total length of the master‘s program is only two normal semesters.
Through the selection of Elective Modules and the topic of your Scientific Project as well as
the topic of your Master Thesis you can, to a certain extent, apply a major to your studies.
The third semester is generally characterized through the Master Thesis. This final work can
either be done in a company in cooperation with a professor from the University of Applied
Sciences in Kempten or alternatively a professor from a partnering university. It can also be
conducted in one of the University’s laboratories.
Learning Outcomes
During their course of study, students of the Master’s Degree Course “Electrical Engineer-ing”
acquire an additional qualification which enables them to systematically work on complex and
difficult tasks from the entire field of electrical engineering by means of scientific methods and
an application-oriented approach. In particular, an essential learning outcome of the course is
to enable students to work on tasks and problems which feature a distinct systemic character,
which means that various individual fields of electrical engineering interact. The methodical
and systemic skills and knowledge imparted, the linguistic competence in English, the intercul-
tural competence as well as the broad-based and wide-ranging specialist knowledge taught in
the compulsory and elective modules are additional learning outcomes which enable the grad-
uates to gain a firm foothold in all fields of electrical engineering both in development and
planning departments and in research institutes – both in Germany and abroad.
The curriculum of the Master’s Degree Course “Electrical Engineering” of the Faculty “Elec-
trical Engineering” was developed in cooperation with the local industry. A focal point of the
local industry is in the field of automation technology and industrial electronics – a field in
which various disciplines from the field of electrical engineering meet and interact. These dis-
ciplines are: electrical drive technology, power electronics, energy technology, electronics,
communication technology, and control engineering. The small and medium-sized businesses
in the region require the Master’s Degree Course to qualify students to work on complex sys-
tems from the field of electrical engineering for which the skills, knowledge and competence
acquired during the Bachelor’s Degree Course “Electrical Engineering and Information Tech-
nology” are not sufficient. In addition, graduates from the Master’s Degree Course “Electrical
Engineering” are expected to have linguistic competence in English as well as intercultural and
leadership competences.
The learning outcomes of the Master’s Degree Course “Electrical Engineering” can be de-
scribed by the range of competences imparted that are detailed below:
1. Specialist and methodical competence: The broad range of specialist knowledge im-parted
in various fields and on a high level enables graduates to think in an integrated manner and to
develop solutions to tasks and problems which, owing to their high degree of complexity and
their interdisciplinary nature, cannot be found by a graduate of the Bachelor’s Degree Course.
In their comprehensive Master’s Thesis, students prove their ability to recognize and identify
complex tasks and problems from the field of electrical engineering and to find a solution for
them. All graduates have profound knowledge in the following compulsory modules:
• Advanced Control Systems
• Electrical Drive Systems
• Power Electronics
• Microelectronics
• Telecommunication Systems
• Digital Signal Processing
The five optional modules enable the students to acquire additional individual specialist quali-
1 Program Description and Objectives Page 5
The lecture and seminar contents, the level and the study objectives are described in the module
The learning outcomes of the Master’s Degree Course “Electrical Engineering” in this sec-tion
can be classified as follows:
• Specialist knowledge and specialist skills, imparted by means of lectures and internships.
• Understanding of complex connections in the field of electrical engineering by related exer-
cises and practical lab work.
• Application of knowledge and methods within the scope of the “Scientific Project” and the
Master’s Thesis.
• Analysis of tasks and problems from the field of electrical engineering in all lectures and
• Synthesis of specialist knowledge from various individual areas with the objective of devel-
oping new systems. This learning outcome is achieved during the Master’s Thesis.
• Evaluation, i.e. assessment of results and solutions. This learning outcome is achieved during
the Master’s Thesis and in the seminars.
3. Intercultural competence: Given that the share of students from abroad in the Master’s
Degree Course “Electrical Engineering” is approximately 50%, intercultural competence is im-
parted, as well. For example, the Director of Studies ensures that internship groups always con-
sist of a mix of German and international students, which requires them to cooperate. Conse-
quently, another learning outcome is qualification of the students to cooperate with people com-
ing from another culture.
1 Program Description and Objectives Page 6
Commencement of Study
The master’s program of “Electrical Engineering” at the University of Applied Sciences in
Kempten begins in the summer semester (March 15.) and also in the winter semester
(October 1.).
Study Fees
Per semester a fee of only 42 Euro for the student welfare organisation is required.
Study advice
For more information please contact the Director of the Master’s Study Program “Electrical
Engineering“ and foreign exchange representative of the faculty Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmuth Biechl
Building TE, room 135a
Phone: +49(0)831 2523-253
Application Procedure
Deadline of the application for the Master's study Electrical Engineering for the winter semes-
ter is January 15 resp. June 30 for the summer semester (see schedule below).
Foreign students are required to submit the following documents:
Submit all required documents with the remark "Master Electrical Engineering" to the address
below. Please do not send other documents and make sure that your application is complete.
Otherwise we cannot process your application.
Please do not apply if you have obtained less than 80% of the total achievable points in your
Bachelor's study.
Hochschule Kempten
Sekretariat der Fakultät Elektrotechnik
Bahnhofstr. 61
87435 Kempten
1 Program Description and Objectives Page 8
Winter Semester:
Dec. 1 – Jan. 15: Application Period
Febr. 1: Notification regarding Admission resp. Rejection by Email
February 15: Dispatch of the Admission Letter by Email and Mail
June 30: Application Deadline for Room in Dormitory
September 15 – 30: Arrival in Kempten
October 1: Start of Master’s Study (Winter Semester)
Summer Semester:
May 15 - June 30: Application Period
July 15: Notification regarding Admission resp. Rejection by Email
July 30: Dispatch of the Admission Letter by Email and Mail
December 15: Application Deadline for Room in Dormitory
March 1 – 14: Arrival in Kempten
March 15: Start of Master’s Study (Summer Semester)
1 Program Description and Objectives Page 9
Personal Requirements
For the master’s program “Electrical Engineering” at the University of Applied Sciences in
Kempten a Bachelor degree in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering with a mini-
mum grade level of at least “good” (better than 2.6 according to the German marking system)
is required. Congener study courses can be accredited on request.
You will need to demonstrate proficiency of the English language (verbal & written). This can
be accomplished through one of the following four options:
• TOEFL (Test of English as a foreign language): At least 75 points in the internet based test
(iBT) or 206 points in the computer based test (CBT) or 525 points in the paper based test
• German students who reached at least the mark 2.5 in a compulsory Module “English” dur-
ing their Bachelor study, qualify automatically.
If you have enjoyed in your prior studies of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering or
any cognate study program working on demanding topics and you passed the program with a
grade level of “good” or “very good” (not less than 80% of the maximum CGPA), then you
have fulfilled the fundamental prerequisites of our master’s program. In addition, if you wish
to advance your knowledge in electrical engineering and communication technology and ac-
quire language methodology and problem solving skills in order to prepare yourself for tough
and complex assignments, then you should sincerely consider participating in this advanced
2 Module Descriptions Page 10
2 Module Descriptions
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung zielt darauf ab, den The aim of the course is to provide students with the
Studierenden die nötigen Kenntnisse mitzugeben, necessary foundation to effectively deal with more
um effektiv mit komplexeren Regelungssystemen complex control systems and to give students a
umzugehen und ein breiteres Verständnis für die broader understanding of control system design and
Analyse und das Design von Regelungen zu analysis.
2 Module Descriptions Page 12
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Beschreibung von Prozessen über Zustandsgleich- - Characterization of processes using state space
ungen; Design und Optimierung von Zustands- equations; Design and optimization of state space
reglern; Entwurf von Beobachtern; Analyse von controllers; Design of state observers; Analysis of
Regelkonzepten mit Rechnerwerkzeugen; Eigen- control concepts using computer based tools; Self-
ständige Bearbeitung von komplexen linearen und contained treatment of complex linear and
nichtlinearen Problemstellungen aus der nonlinear problems in the area of control
Regelungstechnik; Präsentation und Diskussion engineering; Presentation and discussion of results
von Ergebnissen der praktischen Übungen im of practical exercises in a scientific colloquium in
Rahmen eines wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums in English.
englischer Sprache.
Lehrinhalte: Module Contents:
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Åström; Murray: Feedback Systems. Princeton, Åström; Murray: Feedback Systems. Princeton,
2008. 2008.
Franklin; Powell; Emami-Naeini: Feedback control Franklin; Powell; Emami-Naeini: Feedback control
of dynamic systems. Prentice Hall, 5th ed. of dynamic systems. Prentice Hall, 5th ed.
Dorf; Bishop: Modern Control Systems. Prentice Dorf; Bishop: Modern Control Systems. Prentice
Hall, 11th ed. Hall, 11th ed.
1,5-stündige schriftliche Prüfung mit Fokus auf A 1.5-hour written exam focusing on knowledge
Wissen und Verständnis: 70 %. and understanding: 70 %.
Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Miniprojekts ist Successful completion of the miniproject is the
Voussetzung für die Zulassung zur schriftl. Prüfung. precondition for access to the written examination.
- Ein hand- oder maschinenbeschriebenes DIN-A4- - One hand or machine written DIN-A4-sheet
Blatt (beide Seiten); (both sides);
- keine programmierbaren Taschenrechner. - programmable calculator not allowed.
2 Module Descriptions Page 14
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Biechl Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Biechl
Lehrmethoden, SWS, ECTS-Leistungspunkte (LP) Teaching Methods, SWS, ECTS-Credit Points (CP)
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt die theoretischen The course covers the theoretical background,
Zusammenhänge, die analytischen Methoden und analytical methods and practical skills for
praktischen Fähigkeiten zur Modellbildung, modelling, simulation, analysis, design and
Simulation, Analyse, Entwurf und Optimierung optimisation of electrical drive systems.
elektrischer Antriebssysteme.
2 Module Descriptions Page 15
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
1 Einführung 1 Introduction
2 Grundlagen der Simulationstechnik 2 Fundamentals of simulation technique
2.1 Zustandsdarstellung dynamischer Systeme 2.1 State representation of dynamic systems
2.2 Numerische Integration von DGL 2.2 Numerical integration of differential equations
3. Mathematische Modellierung elektrischer An- 3. Mathematical modelling of electrical drive
triebssysteme systems
3.1 Fremderregter Gleichstrommotor 3.1 DC-motor with separate excitation winding
3.2 Einphasentransformator 3.2 Single-phase transformer
3.3 Drehstromasynchronmotor 3.3 Three-phase induction motor
3.4 Leistungselektronik 3.4 Power electronics
2 Module Descriptions Page 16
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
1. Fitzgerald; Kingsley; Umans: Electric Machinery. 1. Fitzgerald; Kingsley; Umans: Electric Machinery.
Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, 2003, 6th ed., ISBN: Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, 2003. 6th ed., ISBN:
0-07-366009-4. 0-07-366009-4.
2. Guru, B.S.; Hiziroglu, H.R.: Electric Machinery 2. Guru, B.S.; Hiziroglu, H.R.: Electric Machinery
and Transformers. Oxford University Press, 2001, and Transformers. Oxford University Press, 2001,
3rd ed., ISBN:978-0-19-513890-0. 3rd ed., ISBN:978-0-19-513890-0.
3. Wildi, Th.: Electrical Machines, Drives and 3. Wildi, Th.: Electrical Machines, Drives and
Power Systems. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, 6th ed., Power Systems. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, 6th ed.,
ISBN: 0-13-196918-8. ISBN: 0-13-196918-8.
4. Boldea; Tutelea: Electric Machines, Steady State, 4. Boldea; Tutelea: Electric Machines, Steady State,
Transients and Design with MATLAB. CRC Press, Transients and Design with MATLAB. CRC Press,
Taylor&Francis Group; 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4200- Taylor&Francis Group; 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4200-
5572-6. 5572-6.
Leistungsnachweis (Praktikum, Übung, Prüfung): Assessment (Lab, Course Work, Examination):
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 70 % aus einer The final mark results to 70% from the written exam
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten) sowie zu 30 % (90 minutes) and to 30% from the practical
aus den praktischen Laborversuchen (einschließlich exercises in the lab (including 2 presentations).
zweier Vorträge). Jeder Teil der Prüfung muss Each part of the examination requires successful
separat bestanden werden. passing.
- Ein hand- oder maschinenbeschriebenes DIN A4 - One hand or machine written DIN A4 sheet
Blatt (beide Seiten); (both sides);
- keine programmierbaren Taschenrechner. - programmable calculator not allowed.
2 Module Descriptions Page 17
EE103 – Microelectronics
Modulname: Module Title:
Microelectronics Microelectronics
Modul Kode Nr.: Bearbeitungsdatum: Module Code No.: Ref.-Date:
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt den theoretischen The course covers the theoretical background,
Hintergrund, die analytischen Methoden und analytical methods and practical skills to design
praktischen Fähigkeiten zur Entwicklung integrated solid state circuits.
integrierter Halbleiterschaltungen.
2 Module Descriptions Page 18
Microelectronics Microelectronics
Modul Kode Nr.: Bearbeitungsdatum: Module Code No.: Ref.-Date:
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Entwicklung und Aufbau neuer integrierter - Design and realization of integrated electronic
Schaltungen; Durchführung von Messungen und circuits; Measurement and test of integrated
Tests an integrierten Schaltungen; Kenntnisse über circuits; Knowledge about memories and
Speicher und Eingangs/Ausgangsstrukturen; input/output circuits; Application of system
Anwendung üblicher Methoden für den development tools; Simulation of integrated
Systementwurf; Durchführung von circuits with Spice; Competence to learn and apply
Schaltkreissimulationen mit SPICE; Kompetenz new development strategies for integrated circuit
zur Einarbeitung in neue Entwurfsmethoden und design.
deren Anwendung auf mikroelektronische
Microelectronics Microelectronics
Modul Kode Nr.: Bearbeitungsdatum: Module Code No.: Ref.-Date:
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Baker, R.J.: CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Baker, R.J.: CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and
Simulation. Wiley, 2008, revised 2nd ed., ISBN 978- Simulation. Wiley, 2008, revised 2nd ed., ISBN 978-
0-470-22941-5. 0-470-22941-5.
Weste, N.; Harris, D.: CMOS VLSI Design. N. Weste; D. Harris: CMOS VLSI Design.
Smith, M.: Application Specific Integrated Circuits. Smith, M.: Application Specific Integrated Circuits.
Jaeger, R.C.; Blalock, T.N.: Microelectronic Circuit Jaeger, R.C.; Blalock, T.N.: Microelectronic Circuit
Design. McGraw Hill. Design. McGraw Hill.
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 70 % aus einer Marking depends 70% on written examination
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten) und zu 30% aus (90 minutes) and 30% on assignments of a
Leistungen des Laborpraktikums. laboratory.
EE104 – TelecommunicationSystems
Modulname: Module Title:
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt den Studierenden The course provides students with basic theoretical
grundlegende theoretische und praktische and practical knowledge about design,
Kenntnisse über Entwurf, Implementierung und implementation, and operation of modern
Betrieb moderner Telekommunikationssysteme. telecommunication systems.
2 Module Descriptions Page 21
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 70 % aus einer The final mark is composed of the mark in written
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten) und zu examination (70%, duration 90 minutes) and of
30 % aus der erfolgreichen Teilnahme am successful participation in practical training in
Laborpraktikum. laboratory (30%).
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Passive und aktive Bauelemente in der - Passive and active components for power
Leistungselektronik electronics
- Besimmung der Durchlass- und Schaltverluste - Determining of forward and switching losses
- Grundschaltungen: Buck-, Boost-, Inverswandler, - Fundamental circuits: Buck-, boost-, inverting
Flyback, Wechselrichter buck-boost-, Flybackconverter, inverter
- Regelung und Ansteuerung - Controlling and driving
- Prinzip von ZVS und ZCS - ZVS and ZCS-principle
2 Module Descriptions Page 25
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Erickson, R.W., Maksimovic, D.: Fundamentals of Erickson, R.W., Maksimovic, D.: Fundamentals of
Power Electronics, Springer Science + Business Power Electronics, Springer Science + Business
Media New York, 2nd ed., 2001. Media New York, 2nd ed., 2001.
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 70 % aus einer The final mark is composed of the mark in written
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten) und zu 30 % aus examination (70%, duration 90 minutes) and of
der erfolgreichen Teilnahme am Laborpraktikum. successful participation in practical training in
laboratory (30%).
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Biechl Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Biechl
Lehrmethoden, SWS, ECTS-Leistungspunkte (LP) Teaching Methods, SWS, ECTS-Credit Points (CP)
Vorlesung: Lecture:
Selbstständige Arbeit: 120 h Independent Work: 120 h
Seminar: 2 x 15 x 1,00 h = 30 h Seminar: 2 x 15 x 1,00 h = 30 h
Gesamtaufwand: 150 h Total Effort Hours: 150 h
Lehrsprache: Teaching Language:
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Dieses Modul wird angeboten, um die Studierenden This module is offered to enable students with the
zu Entwurfs- und Managementmethoden zu befä- appropriate design and project management skills
higen, wie sie für die Durchführung eines elek- needed to work out an electrical engineering project.
trischen Ingenieurprojekts benötigt werden.
In das Projekt wird grundlegendes Unterrichtsma- The project includes specific course material that
terial eingebunden, das für die erfolgreiche contributes to a successful work.
Bearbeitung der Aufgabenstellung hilfreich ist.
Die experimentelle und/oder praktische Arbeit sollte The experimental and/or theoretical work should be
zum Profil des Studiums passen. in accordiance with the profile of the study.
2 Module Descriptions Page 27
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Elementares Wissen über die Éntwurfsprinzipien - Basic knowledge of the design principles and
und -methoden im gewählten Projektbereich. methodologies in the chosen project area.
- Die Projektarbeit sollte daher den Zielen des - Therefore the project work should correspond to
Studiums entsprechen. the objectives of the study.
- Anwendung von Fachwissen auf eine zeitlich auf - Application of expert knowledge on a time limited
150 Stunden begrenzte, jedoch anspruchsvolle scientific work (150 hours) on a high academic
elektrotechnische Aufgabenstellung; Einsatz von level in the field of electrical system engineering;
Analyse-, Simulations-, Identifikations-, Synthese- Application of analysis, simulation, identification,
und Optimierungsverfahren; Anwendung von design and optimization methods; Application of
Methoden des Projektmanagements; Teamarbeit; project management methods and procedures;
Präsentation, Diskussion und Dokumentation der Ability to work in a team and to be a team leader;
Aufgabenstellung, von Problemen, Presentation, discussion and documentation of
Lösungsansätzen, Zwischen- und Endresultaten scientific tasks, problems, solutions, intermediate
sowie Evaluationsergebnissen in einem Seminar in resp. final results including evaluation in English
englischer Sprache. in a scientific seminar.
Lehrinhalte: Module Contents:
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Davis, J.: Communication Skills: A Guide for Davis, J.: Communication Skills: A Guide for
Engineering and applied Science Students. Wiley, Engineering and applied Science Students. Wiley,
2001. 2001.
Ingre, D.: Engineering Communication: A Practical Ingre, D.: Engineering Communication: A Practical
Guide to Workplace communications for Guide to Workplace communications for
Engineering Students. CL-Engineering, 2007. Engineering Students. CL-Engineering, 2007.
Alred, G.: The Handbook of Technical Writing. St. Alred, G.: The Handbook of Technical Writing. St.
Martins's Press, 2004. Martins's Press, 2004.
Microsoft: Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Microsoft: Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical
Publications. Microsoft Press, 2004. Publications. Microsoft Press, 2004.
Pringle, A.S.: Technical Writing 101. Scriptorium Pringle, A.S.: Technical Writing 101. Scriptorium
Press, 2003. Press, 2003.
Die Leistungsbewertung erfolgt anhand einer kom- The project assessment will be based on the
binierten Begutachtung der theoretischen und/oder combined assessment of theoretical and/or practical
praktischen Arbeitsergebnisse, der Projektdokumen- work results, the project documentation and the
tation und der Abschlussdiskussion. final presentation. All elements will be assessed
Alle Teile werden anhand fester Kriterien beurteilt: using a criterion-based marking scheme:
Arbeitsergebnisse: 50% Project work results: 50%
Dokumentation durch Abschlussbericht: 30% Documentation with final project report: 30%
Abschlusspresentation mit Diskussion 20%: Final presentation with discussion: 20%
Prüfung: Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: Examination: Permitted Auxiliaries:
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
-- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
Beschreibung und Analyse zeitdiskreter bzw. Characterization and analysis of discrete-time resp.
digitaler Signale im Zeit- und Frequenzbereich; digital signals in time and frequency domain, also
Durchführung von Spektralanalysen digitaler using computer based tools; Accomplishment of
Systeme mit Hilfe der diskreten Fourier- spectral analysis of digital signals using discrete
Transformation; Anwendung geeigneter Fourier Transform; Application of appropriate
Fensterfunktionen; Interpretation von Ergebnissen windows for spectral analysis; Interpretation of
der Spektralanalyse; Auslegung und Analyse results from spectral analysis; Design and analysis
digitaler FIR- und IIR-Filter; Implementierung of digital FIR and IIR filters; Implementation of
sowie messtechnische Untersuchung digitaler metrological examination of digital filters;
Filter; Präsentation und Diskussion von Presentation and discussion of results of practical
Ergebnissen praktischer Übungen in einem exercises in a scientific colloquium in English.
Lehrinhalte: Module Contents:
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Proakis: Digital Signal Processing. Prentice Hall, 4th Proakis: Digital Signal Processing. Prentice Hall, 4th
ed. ed.
Porat: A Course in Digital Signal Processing. John Porat: A Course in Digital Signal Processing. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997.
Lathi, Ding: Modern Digital and Analog Lathi, Ding: Modern Digital and Analog
Communication Systems. Oxford University Press, Communication Systems. Oxford University Press,
4th International Edition. 4th International Edition.
Lathi: Signal Processing and Linear Systems. Lathi: Signal Processing and Linear Systems.
Oxford University Press, 2010,International Edition. Oxford University Press, 2010,International Edition.
Hayes: Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Hayes: Statistical Digital Signal Processing and
Modeling. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996. Modeling. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.
Peebles: Probability, Random Variables and Peebles: Probability, Random Variables and
Random Signal Principles. McGraw-Hill, 4th Random Signal Principles. McGraw-Hill, 4th
International Edition. International Edition.
- Ein hand- oder maschinenbeschriebenes DIN-A4- - One hand or machine written DIN A4 sheet
Blatt (beide Seiten); (both sides);
- Keine programmierbaren Taschenrechner. - Programmable calculator not allowed.
2 Module Descriptions Page 33
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt den theoretischen The course covers the theoretical background,
Hintergrund, die analytischen Methoden und analytical methods and practical skills to use data
praktischen Fähigkeiten zum Einsatz von converters and interfaces.
Datenkonvertern und Verbindungsstrukturen.
2 Module Descriptions Page 34
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Umsetzung der Prinzipien der analog-digital und - Application of analog digital and digital analog
digital-analog Wandlung (Datenkonvertrer) in data conversion methods;
- Analysen und Messungen an Datenkonvertern; - Analysis, design and measurement of data
- Auswahl von Datenkonvertrern und Umsetzung in converters;
einem System mit geeigneten Buskonzepten. - Selection of data converters and application to a
system with appropriate Bus concepts.
-Anwendung von Datenkonvertern und Bussen - Application of data converter and busses
- Entwurf von verschiedenen Datenkonverter - Design and architecturs of data converters: R2R,
Architekturen: R2R, Interpolating, Sigma-Delta, interpolating, sigma delta, pipeline, flash,
Pipeline, Flash, Successive Approximation successive approximation
- Eigenschaften, statische und dynamische Messung - Properties, static and dynamic measurement of
von Datenkonvertern: Offset, Gain Error, data converters: offset, gain error, linearity,
Linearität, Spektrum spectrum
- Busse, Protokolle und Eigenschaften - Busses, protocolls and properties
2 Module Descriptions Page 35
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Baker, R.J.: CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Baker, R.J.: CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and
Simulation. Wiley, 2008, revised 2nd ed., ISBN 978- Simulation. Wiley, 2008, revised 2nd ed., ISBN 978-
0-470-22941-5. 0-470-22941-5.
Baker: CMOS: Mixed-Signal Circuit Design. Wiley Baker: CMOS: Mixed-Signal Circuit Design. Wiley
2009, 2nd ed. 2009, 2nd ed.
Kester, W.: Data Conversion Handbook. Analog Kester, W.: Data Conversion Handbook. Analog
Devices. Devices.
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 70 % aus einer Marking depends 70% on written examination
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten) und zu 30% aus (90 minutes) and 30% on laboratory participation
den Laborpraktika und termingerechter Abgabe and timely written assignments.
einer schriftlichen Ausarbeitung.
Human Resource Management and Leadership Human Resource Management and Leadership
Modul Kode Nr.: Bearbeitungsdatum: Module Code No.: Ref.-Date:
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt Kenntnisse über The course provides knowledge of the practical
das praktisch orientierte Human Resource human resource management and key management
Management und wichtige Führungsaufgaben in tasks in companies.
2 Module Descriptions Page 37
Human Resource Management and Leadership Human Resource Management and Leadership
Modul Kode Nr.: Bearbeitungsdatum: Module Code No.: Ref.-Date:
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
Human Resource Management and Leadership Human Resource Management and Leadership
Modul Kode Nr.: Bearbeitungsdatum: Module Code No.: Ref.-Date:
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Lehrmaterial ist im Hochschulnetz verfügbar Course material is available in the Intranet (contents
(Gliederung und Struktur der Vorlesung, and structure, lecture with notices, case studies and
Präsentation mit zusätzlichen Notizen, Fallstudien role games).
und Rollenspiele).
Dessler, G.: Human Resource Management. Dessler, G.: Human Resource Management.
Prentice Hall, 2011. Prentice Hall, 2011.
Armstrong, M.: Strategic Human Resource Armstrong, M.: Strategic Human Resource
Management. Kogan Page, London 2008. Management. Kogan Page, London 2008.
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 70 % aus einer Marking depends to 70% on a written examination
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten) und zu 30 % aus (90 minutes) and to 30% on a grading during lecture
dem bewerteten Leistungsnachweis während der (presentations, group work etc.).
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt die physikalischen The course gives the theoretical background of
Grundlagen der Windenergienutzung, den kon- using wind energy, the construction and design of
struktiven Aufbau moderner Windenergieanlagen modern wind turbines and practical examples.
und Berechnungsbeispiele aus der Praxis.
2 Module Descriptions Page 40
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Durchführung von Ertragsberechnungen für - Estimation of the energy yield of wind power
Windenergieprojekte; projects including economic aspects;
- Berechnung des Leistungsdiagramms eines - Computation of a power diagram of a wind farm;
Windparks; Auslegung der Regelkreise eines Design of control loops for a wind farm;
- Planung und Realisierung eines - Planning and realization of wind power projects
Windenergieprojekts unter Berücksichtigung von with regard to approval process, electrical layout
Genehmigungsverfahren, elektrischer Infrastruktur and economic considerations;
und ökologischen Randbedingungen;
- Bewertung von Komponenten einer - Rating of wind turbine components (system
Windenergieanlage. choice, supplier, etc.).
Lehrinhalte: Module Contents:
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Gasch, R.; Twele, J.: Wind Power Plants. Springer Gasch, R.; Twele, J.: Wind Power Plants. Springer
Verlag, 2012, 2nd ed. Verlag, 2012, 2nd ed.
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 100 % aus einer Marking depends 100% on written examination
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten). (90 minutes).
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt den theoretischen The course covers the theoretical background,
Hintergrund, die analytischen Methoden und analytical methods and practical skills to analyse
praktischen Fähigkeiten zur Anlayse und Auslegung and design cooling concepts for electronic devices.
von Kühlungskonzepten für elektronische Geräte.
2 Module Descriptions Page 43
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Verständnis der theoretischen Grundlagen sowie - Good understanding of the theoretical basics and
praktisches Know-how zum Wärmemanagement practical know-how for thermal management in
in elektronischen Geräten; electronics;
- Anwendung moderner Softwarewerkzeuge zur - Skills in the application of modern software tools
thermofluidischen Simulation; for thermo-fluid simulations;
- Durchführung von thermoelektrischen Analysen - Thermo-electric analysis of electronic circuits and
elektronischer Schaltungen und deren experimental verification.
messtechnische Verifikation;
- Präsentation und Diskussion der Ergebnisse von - Presentation and discussion of results of practical
praktischen Übungen im Rahmen eines exercises in a scientific colloquium in English.
wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums in englischer
Lehrinhalte: Module Contents:
- Wärmeverluste in elektronischen Schaltungen und - Heat losses in electrical circuits and components
Bauteilen - Basics of heat transfer: Conduction, convection,
- Grundlagen der Wärmeübertragung: radiation
Wärmeleitung, Konvektion, und Strahlung - Thermal network models and their implementation
- Thermische Netzwerkmodelle und in circuit simulators
Implementierung in Systemsimulationen - Heat exchangers in electronic devices
- Wärmeübertrage in der Elektronik - Fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics
- Grundlagen der Thermischen CFD
Strömungssimulation CFD - Design project
- Entwurfsprojekt
2 Module Descriptions Page 44
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Shabany, Y.: Heat Transfer - Thermal management Shabany, Y.: Heat Transfer - Thermal management
of electronics. CRC Press, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4398- of electronics. CRC Press, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4398-
1467-3. 1467-3.
Incorpera, F.P.: Principles of heat and mass transfer. Incorpera, F.P.: Principles of heat and mass transfer.
John Wiley&Sons, 2013, 7th Edition, ISBN 978-0- John Wiley&Sons, 2013, 7th Edition, 2013 ISBN
470-64615-1. 978-0-470-64615-1.
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 70 % aus einer Marking depends 70% on written examination
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten) und zu 30% aus (90 minutes) and 30% on laboratory participation
den Laborpraktika und termingerechte Abgabe einer and timely written assignments.
schriftlichen Ausarbeitung.
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
keine none
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt den theoretischen The course covers the theoretical background,
Hintergrund, die rechnergestützten Methoden und computer based methods and practical skills to
praktischen Fähigkeiten zum Entwurf digitaler design digital integrated systems with the hardware
integrierter Systeme mit der description language VHDL.
Hardwarebeschreibungssprache VHDL.
2 Module Descriptions Page 46
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
Anwendung von EDA-Werkzeugen für funktionalen Application of EDA-Tools for functional and
und physikalischen Entwurf; Fähigkeit zur physical design; Qualification to do VHDL-
VHDL-Modellierung auf unterschiedlichen modelling on different abstraction levels and
Abstraktionsebenen und Verifikation mit verification with eventdriven simultion; Getting
ereigisgesteuerter Simulation; Kennenlernen der acquainted with the architecture of programmable
Architektur programmierbarer Logik-IC (PLD); Logic-IC (PLD); Experience with logic synthesis,
Erfahrung mit Logiksysnthese, Implementierung implementation and measurement of PLD.
und messtechnischer Untersuchung von PLD.
- Entwurfsmethodik für digitale IC mit - Design methodology for digital IC with electronic
automatischen Entwurfswerkzeugen (EDA) design automation tools (EDA)
- Hardwarenahe Modellbildung von Bustreibern - Hardware-specific modeling of bus drivers
- Strukturmodellierung von Addiererschaltungen - Structural modelling of adder circuits
- Algorithmische Modellierung - Algorithmic modelling
- Synthesegerechter Automatenentwurf mit - Synthesys-oriented state maschin design with
ASMDiagrammen auf Registertransferebene ASM-charts on register-transfer-level (RTL).
- Systempartitionierung, Daten- und Steuerpfad - System partitioning, data- and control path
- Gemeinsame Nutzung von Hardware-Resourcen - Ressource Sharing
- Pipelining-Strukturen im Datenpfad - Pipelining structures in the datapath
- Logiksynthese und Technologie-Mapping - Logic synthesis and technology mapping
- Verifikation mit ereignisgesteuerter Simulation - Verification with event driven simulation and
und statischer Timing Analyse static timig analysis
- Physikalischer Entwurf mit Platzierung und - Physical Design with placement and routing of
Verdrahtung programmierbarer Logik-IC (PLD) programmable Logic-IC (PLD)
- Hardware-Realisierung mit CPLD und FPGA and - Hardware-realization mit CPLD and FPGA and
mestechnische Untersuchung measurement
- Taktverteilung, Signal-Synchronisation, Reset- - Clock distribution, signal-synchronisation, reset-
Strategien strategies
2 Module Descriptions Page 47
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Zwolinski, M.: Digital System Design with VHDL. Zwolinski, M.: Digital System Design with VHDL.
Prentice Hall, Pearson Education. Prentice Hall, Pearson Education.
Chu, Pong P.: RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL: Chu, Pong P.: RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL:
Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability. Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability.
Gajski, D.D.: Principles of Digital Design. Prentice Gajski, D.D.: Principles of Digital Design. Prentice
Hall (zur Zeit nicht erhältlich). Hall (currently unavailable).
Ashenden, P.: The Student's Guide to VHDL. Ashenden, P.: The Student's Guide to VHDL.
Ashenden, P.: The Designer's Guide to VHDL. Ashenden, P.: The Designer's Guide to VHDL.
Pedroni, V.A.: Circuit Design with VHDL. Pedroni, V.A.: Circuit Design with VHDL.
Sandige, R. and M.: Fundamentals of Digital and Sandige, R. and M.: Fundamentals of Digital and
Computer Design with VHDL. Computer Design with VHDL.
Die Endnote ergibt sich zu 100 % aus einer Marking depends 100% on written examination
schriftlichen Prüfung (90 Minuten). (90 minutes).
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
- -
Kurzbeschreibung: Short Description:
Im Modul lernen die Studierenden die The students become familiar with the basic
grundlegenden Elemente einer Raumfahrtmission elements of a space mission. They are able to
kennen. Sie verstehen, wie Umgebungsbedingungen understand how the environmental conditions like
wie kosmische Strahlung, Temperatur, Vakuum cosmic radiation, temperate, vacuum and
sowie mechanische Schock- und Vibrationslasten mechanical shock and vibration loads have to be
für Nutzlast-Elektronikkomponenten charakterisiert specified for electrical payloads. One focus is the
werden. Hierbei lernen die Studierenden influence of cosmic radiation on electronics and
Kompensationsmaßnahmen wie den Einsatz von opto-electronics. In this context the students are able
strahlungsgehärteten/toleranten Komponenten, to apply compensation methods like the use of rad-
Redundanz, Abschirmung und Schutzschaltungen hard or rad-tolerant components, redundancy,
anzuwenden. shielding and protection circuitries.
2 Module Descriptions Page 49
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Physikalische Grundbegriffe und deren Beziehung - Knowledge of basic physics terms and there
wie Beschleunigung, Impuls, Energie, Leistung, interaction like acceleration, mechanical impact,
Spannung, Strom, Frequenz etc. energy, power, voltage, current, frequency etc.
- Kenntnisse der Messtechnik, analogen und - Basic knowledge in the areas metrology, analog
digitalen Schaltungstechnik, Werkstoffkunde. and digital circuit design, materials.
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
Lehrmaterial ist nach Registrierung auf der After registration course material is available on the
Lernplattform Moodle verfügbar. learning platform Moodle.
- Space Mission Analysis and Design , W. Larson; - Space Mission Analysis and Design , W. Larson;
J. Wertz, Publisher Kluwer J. Wertz, Publisher KluwerMission
- European Standard for Space Electrical and - European Standard for Space Electrical and
Electronic Equipments, ECSS-E-ST-20C Electronic Equipments, ECSS-E-ST-20C
(available under (available under
- Handbook of Space Technology (Library of - Handbook of Space Technology (Library of
Flight), Wilfried Ley (Editor), Publisher: AIAA, Flight), Wilfried Ley (Editor), Publisher: AIAA,
- Space Mission Engineering: The New SMAD, - Space Mission Engineering: The New SMAD,
James R. Wertz (Editor), James R. Wertz (Editor),
Publisher: Microcosm Press Publisher: Microcosm Press
Die Endnote ergibt sich aus einer schriftlichen The written exam is counting 70% and result of the
Prüfung und dem Ergebnis der Seminararbeit seminar/coursework (participation mandatory) 30%,
(Schriftliche Prüfung 70%, Seminararbeit 30%). for the final score.
EC225 – nn
2 Module Descriptions Page 52
Teil 1: Part 1:
Allgemeine Informationen General Information
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Biechl Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Biechl
Lehrmethoden, SWS, ECTS-Leistungspunkte (LP) Teaching Methods, SWS, ECTS-Credit Points (CP)
Vorlesung: Lecture:
Selbstständige Arbeit: 870 h Independent Work: 870 h
Seminar: 2 x 15 x 1,00 h = 30 h Seminar: 2 x 15 x 1,00 h = 30 h
Gesamtaufwand: 900 h Total Effort Hours: 900 h
Lehrsprache: Teaching Language:
Englisch English
Pflicht-/Wahlpflichtmodul: Compulsory / Elective Module:
lle Studierenden müssen im letzten Semester eine All Students are required to undertake a extensive
umfangreiche 6-monatige Projektarbeit durch- six months project during final semester of the
führen, mit der sie neben ihrer Fähigkeit zum in- course, demonstrating their engineering design
genieurmäßigen Arbeiten auch organisatorische und abilities as well as proving evidence of their
kommunikative Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen. organisational and communication capabilities.
Die experimentelle oder praktische Arbeit sollte zu The experimental or theoretical work should lead to
einem tieferen Verständis ausgewählter a deeper understanding of selected topics studied as
Schwerpunkte des Studiums führen. part of the course.
Geeignete Bereiche sind z. B. Forschung, Appropriate areas are for example research, design,
Entwicklung, Qualitätssicherung, Fertigung. quality assurance, production.
2 Module Descriptions Page 54
Teil 2: Part 2:
Voraussetzungen, Lernziele und Lehrinhalte Prerequisites, Learning Outcomes, Contents
- Umfangreiches Wissen über die Analyse- und - Extensive knowledge of the analysis and design
Éntwurfsprinzipien und -methoden im gewählten principles and methodologies in the chosen project
Projektbereich. area.
- Die Masterarbeit sollte daher den Zielen des - Therefore the master thesis should correspond to
Studiums entsprechen. the objectives of the study.
Teil 3: Part 3:
Literatur, Leistungsnachweis Literature, Assessment
- -
Davis, J.: Communication Skills: A Guide for Davis, J.: Communication Skills: A Guide for
Engineering and applied Science Students. Wiley, Engineering and applied Science Students. Wiley,
2001. 2001.
Ingre, D.: Engineering Communication: A Practical Ingre, D.: Engineering Communication: A Practical
Guide to Workplace communications for Guide to Workplace communications for
Engineering Students. CL-Engineering, 2007. Engineering Students. CL-Engineering, 2007.
Alred, G.: The Handbook of Technical Writing. St. Alred, G.: The Handbook of Technical Writing, St.
Martins's Press, 2004. Martins's Press. 2004.
Microsoft: Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Microsoft: Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical
Publications. Microsoft Press, 2004. Publications. Microsoft Press, 2004.
Pringle, A.S.: Technical Writing 101. Scriptorium Pringle, A.S.: Technical Writing 101. Scriptorium
Press, 2003. Press, 2003.
Die Leistungsbewertung erfolgt anhand einer kom- The project assessment is basing on the combined
binierten Begutachtung der theoretischen und/oder assessment of theoretical and/or practical work
praktischen Arbeitsergebnisse, der Projektdoku- results, the project documentation and the final
mentation und der Abschlusspräsentation. presentation. All elements will be assessed using a
Alle Teile werden anhand fester Kriterien beurteilt: criterion-based marking scheme:
Arbeitsergebnisse: 50 % Project work results: 50 %
Dokumentation durch Abschlussbericht: 35 % Documentation with final project report: 35 %
Abschlusspräsentation mit Diskussion 15 % Final presentation with discussion 15 %
Prüfung: Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: Examination: Permitted Auxiliaries: