Department of Civil Engineering

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Sl. No Code No. Course Title
1 20CE2001 Surveying and Geomatics Engineering 3 0 0 3
2 20CE2002 Mechanics of Solids 3 0 0 3
3 20CE2003 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 3 0 0 3
4 20CE2004 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 3 0 0 3
5 20CE2005 Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering 3 0 0 3
6 20CE2006 Solid Waste Management 3 0 0 3
7 20CE2007 Transportation Engineering 3 0 0 3
8 20CE2008 Traffic Engineering and Management 3 0 0 3
9 20CE2009 Smart City Planning and Management 3 0 0 3
10 20CE2010 Engineering Sustainability: Analysis and Design 2 0 0 2
11 20CE2011 Analysis of Structures 3 0 0 3
12 20CE2012 Mechanics and Design of Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
13 20CE2013 Design of Steel Structures 3 0 0 3
14 20CE2014 Water Resources Systems 3 0 0 3
15 20CE2015 Quantity Surveying and Estimation 3 0 0 3
16 20CE2016 Construction Technology and Automation 3 0 0 3
17 20CE2017 Disaster Preparedness and Planning 3 0 0 3
18 20CE2018 Construction Engineering and Management 3 0 0 3
19 20CE2019 Design of Precast Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
20 20CE2020 Artificial Intelligence in Project Management 3 0 0 3
21 20CE2021 Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Laboratory 0 0 2 1
22 20CE2022 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory 0 0 2 1
23 20CE2023 Materials Testing and Evaluation Laboratory 0 0 2 1
24 20CE2024 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 0 0 2 1
25 20CE2025 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 0 0 2 1
26 20CE2026 Concrete and Quality control Laboratory 0 0 2 1
27 20CE2027 Transportation Engineering Laboratory 0 0 2 1
28 20CE2028 Structural Design Laboratory 0 0 2 1
29 20CE2029 Design Studio - 4D and 5D 0 0 2 1
30 20CE2030 Design Studio – 6D and 7D 0 0 2 1
31 20CE2031 Concrete Technology 3 0 0 3
32 20CE2032 Prestressed Concrete 3 0 0 3
33 20CE2033 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design 3 0 0 3
34 20CE2034 Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures 3 0 0 3
35 20CE2035 Building Information Modelling 3 0 0 3
36 20CE2036 Municipal Waste Management 3 0 0 3
37 20CE2037 Noise Pollution and its Control 3 0 0 3
38 20CE2038 Environmental Laws and Policy 3 0 0 3
39 20CE2039 Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures 3 0 0 3
40 20CE2040 Heritage Science and Technology 3 0 0 3
41 20CE2041 Basics of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System 3 0 0 3
42 20CE2042 Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Services 3 0 0 3
43 20CE2043 Ground Improvement Techniques 3 0 0 3
44 20CE2044 Sustainable Design of Campus 3 0 0 3
45 20CE2045 Building Automation and Additive Manufacturing 3 0 0 3
46 20CE2046 Data Analytics for Civil Engineering 3 0 0 3
47 20CE2047 Intelligent Transportation Systems 3 0 0 3
48 20CE2048 Airport and Aerotropolis 3 0 0 3
49 20CE2049 Air Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry 0 0 2 1
50 20CE2050 AR/VR/MR for Civil Engineering 0 0 2 1
51 20CE2051 Global Climate Change and Its Impact 3 0 0 3
52 20CE2052 Green Buildings 3 0 0 3
53 20CE2053 Smart Buildings 3 0 0 3
54 20CE2054 Interior Design 3 0 0 3


55 20CE2055 Docks and Harbour 3 0 0 3
20CE3025 LTCC-CE-001 - Advanced Design of Reinforced Concrete
56 3
57 20CE3026 LTCC-PM-001 - Project Management for Engineers 3
58 20CE3027 LTCC-DE-001 - Applied Industrial IoT 3
59 20CE3028 LTCC-DE-002 - Geospatial Practices for Engineers 3
60 21CE1001 Engineering Mechanics 3 0 0 3
61 21CE3001 Foundations of Building Information Modelling 3 0 0 3
62 21CE3002 Digital Age Construction with BIM 3 0 0 3

Course code L T P C
20CE2001 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To introduce the principle of surveying methods
2. To teach different methods of surveying
3. To provide knowledge about the surveying applications in Civil Engineering
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Perform basic land surveying instruments and perform related calculations.
2. Select methods to measure angles and distances
3. Schedule field surveying operations
4. Examine the implementation of surveying procedures for setting out curves
5. Appraise the usage of equipment’s and methods in triangulation survey
6. Formulate the surveying methods and executions
Module: 1 Introduction to Surveying: 9 Hours
Surveying: Principles, linear and angular methods, levelling: principles of levelling-instruments bench mark,
temperory and permanent adjustment-booking and reducing levels; differential, reciprocal leveling, profile
levelling and cross sectioning, curvature and refraction correction – reciprocal levelling, errors in levelling;
contouring: characteristics, methods, uses.

Module: 2 Theodolite Surveying 8 Hours

Theodolite–principle and practices –types- temporary and permanent adjustments- horizontal and vertical
angles – repetition and reiteration methods – traversing - closing error and distribution-bowditch’s rule –
omitted measurements -heights and distances single plane method.

Module: 3 Tacheometric Surveying 7 Hours

Tacheometric surveying - principle of stadia method – distance and elevation formulae for staff held vertical –
instrumental constants - anallactic lens -tangential method

Module: 4 Curves and Setting Works 7 Hours

Curve surveying: curves types - elements of simple curves – setting out simple curves by linear and angular
methods – transition curve - requirements and functions. setting out introduction- setting out of a building and

Module: 5 Modern Surveying 7 Hours

Total Station – parts of a total station - accessories –advantages and applications - errors in total station survey-
processing and preparation of maps, area, contouring
Module: 6 Drone Surveying 7 Hours
Introduction - benefits of drone surveying - Application of drone surveying – flight planning and regulations –
image acquisition and processing - topographic modelling.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Punmia B. C., Ashok k Jain, Arun K Jain., “Surveying”, Vol I,II,III, Laxmi Publications, 2005
2. Arora, K.R., “Surveying, Vol-I, II and III”, Standard Book House, 2015.
Reference Books
1. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill and Co., New Delhi 2015.
2. Bhavikatti. S.S., “Surveying: Theory and Practice”, IK International Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2016


3. Madhu, N, Sathikumar, R and Satheesh Gobi, “Advanced Surveying: Total Station, GIS and Remote
Sensing”, Pearson India, 2006.
4. Paul R. Wolf, Charles D. Ghilani, “Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics”, Prentice Hall,
5. George Dekoulis., “Drones Applications’’, Intech open, 2018
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2002 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide knowledge about the analytical methods for determining the strength, stiffness
(deformation characteristics), and stability of the various members in a structural system.
2. To familiarize the fundamental concepts of stress, strain and deformation of solids with applications
to bars, beams and trusses.
3. To impart the procedures to estimate the load carrying capacity of various structural components and
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Illustrate the concepts and principles of Engineering Mechanics
2. Explain the behaviour of structural elements
3. Analyze the structural members for various forces
4. Estimate the response of the elements
5. Develop suitable response intricacies
6. Adapt suitable analysis procedure
Module: 1 Simple Stresses and Strains 9 Hours
Stress - Strain-types of stresses and strain - Hooke’s law - tension -compression and shear - stressstrain
diagrams - relation between elastic constants - Hoop stress - composite bars in tension and compression -
Principle of superposition - bars of varying sections and of different materials - Thermal stresses and strains -
principal stresses and strains - Mohr’s circle. Theory of failures.

Module: 2 Determinate and Indeterminate beams 12 Hours

Beams and Bending - Types of loads, supports - Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for statically
determinate beam with concentrated load, uniformly distributed load, uniformly varying load - Point of Contra
flexure - Theory of Simple bending. Indeterminate Beams- Shear force and Bending moment for Fixed,
Continuous and Propped Cantilever beams.

Module: 3 Deflection of Beams 8 Hours

Slope and deflection of beams - Macaulay’s method - Moment area method - Conjugate beam method.

Module: 4 Thin and Thick Cylinders 6 Hours

Introduction - Thin Cylindrical Cylinder - hoop stress - longitudinal stresses - Lame’s theory.

Module: 5 Torsion in circular shaft 5 Hours

Torsion - Torsion equation - solid and hollow circular shaft - Torsional rigidity - power transmitted by the
Module: 6 Theory of Columns 5 Hours
Theory of columns - Long column and short column - Euler’s formula - Rankine’s formula - Secant formula -
Beam column.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Rajput.R.K. “Strength of Materials”, S.Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi 2014.
2. Bhavikatti, S., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 and 2, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011
Reference Books
1. Egor.P.Popo V, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2001
2. Vazirani.V.N, Ratwani.M.M, Duggal .S.K, “Analysis of Structures: Analysis, Design and Detailing of
Structures-Vol.1”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 2014.


3. Timoshenko.S.P. and Young .D.H., “Elements of Strength of Materials”, V Edition, Affiliated EastWest
Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
4. Vaidyanathan, R. and Perumal, P., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 and 2, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,
5. Ramamrutham S, “Theory of structures”, Dhanpat Rai publications, 2004 Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable
Electricity and the Grid: The Challenge of Variability”, Earthscan , 2012
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2003 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To introduce fundamental concepts of fluid statics and dynamics
2. To familiarise the concepts of flow measurements and flow characteristics in open channels and pipes
3. To provide knowledge about working principle and operation of pumps and turbines
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
1. Recall the behaviour of fluids under static condition, measure pressure changes and estimate total
pressure on plane surfaces
2. Demonstrate flow measurement methods
3. Identify the flow pattern and estimate total energy
4. Select method to design pipe flows including losses
5. Formulate and solve boundary layer problems
6. Relate the physical parameters using dimensional analysis
Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
Fluid Properties – Newton’s law of Viscosity – Classification of Fluids - Fluid Statics - Pressure – Pascal’s
law – Atmospheric, Absolute, Gauge and Vacuum pressures – Pressure measurement - Hydrostatics: Forces on
plane and curved surfaces-Total pressure and Centre of pressure

Module: 2 Fluid Movement and Measurements 8 Hours

Equations of Motion Euler’s equation in one dimensional form – Bernoulli’s equation – Flow measurements:
Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Weirs and Notches
Flow Through Pipes: Loss of energy in pipes – Hydraulic Gradient, Energy Gradient – Major energy loss –
Minor energy losses

Module: 3 Uniform Flow 7 Hours

Open channel flow – Types, Geometrical elements of open channel –Velocity distribution in open channel –
Steady uniform flow - Chezy’s equation, Manning’s equation – Most Economical sections for uniform flow –
Specific energy and specific force – Critical depth and velocity

Module: 4 Gradually varied and rapidly varied Flow 8 Hours

Dynamic equations of gradually varied flow – Water surface flow profile classifications - Critical, Subcritical
and Super-critical flow – Hydraulic jump – Energy dissipation.

Module: 5 Turbines 7 Hours

Impact of Jets - Hydraulics Turbines – Layout and Components of Hydro-electric project – Impulse turbine -
Reaction turbines – Francis turbine – Kaplan turbines – Draft tube – Performance of turbines, Headlosses and
efficiencies, Specific speed
Module: 6 Pumps 7 Hours
Centrifugal pumps – Working principle – Single stage and multi-stage pumps - Minimum speed – Cavitation
– Specific speed - Performance curves - Reciprocating pumps – Working principle of reciprocating pumps –
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” , S.Chand and Co., New Delhi,
2. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2005


Reference Books
1. Modi, P.N. & Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard Book
House, New Delhi, 2007
2. Som S.R, & Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012
3. Subramanya, K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
4. Yunus A.Cengel., “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., 2010.

5. Chandramouli, “Applied Hydraulic Engineering”, Yes Dee Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2017.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2004 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart the knowledge to classify the soil based on the index properties and to access their
engineering properties based on the classification
2. To familiarize the students on compaction, stress transformation, consolidation and shear strength of
3. To familiarize the geotechnical design of different type of foundations and retaining walls.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
1. List the basic equations of elasticity
2. Distinguish between the applications of different types of finite elements.
3. Develop the finite element discrimination for seepage, consolidation soil structure interaction
4. Identify the suitable foundation for construction
5. Design the foundation system for shallow depth
6. Analyse the earth retaining structures for different soil medium
Module: 1 Soil Characterization 8 Hours
Nature of soil – soil types and soil formation - Geological cycle - Phase diagrams - Functional relationships
based on index properties - Physical characterization of soil - Dry and Wet sieve analysis - Atterberg’s Indices
- Standard nomenclature - IS Soil Classification.

Module: 2 Permeability and Seepage 7 Hours

Darcy's law and its validity - factors affecting permeability - permeability tests - permeability of stratified soil
masses - seepage pressure - quick condition - flow nets

Module: 3 Compaction & Consolidation of soil 8 Hours

Definitions - Differentiate between compaction and consolidation - compaction mechanism and proctor tests
- field compactions methods - factors affecting compaction - consolidation mechanism through spring analogy
- Terzaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory (only formula): Time factor, pre-consolidation pressure,
consolidation settlement

Module: 4 Stress Distribution and Shear Strength of Soil 8 Hours

Stress distribution – soil media – Boussinesq theory – Use of Newmarks influence chart – Mohr's strength
theory - Mohr- coulomb’s strength theory - Modified Mohr coulomb’s theory - shears parameters through lab
- field tests based on drainage conditions

Module: 5 Site Investigation 7 Hours

Methods of exploration – auguring and boring – Wash boring and rotary drilling – Depth of boring – Spacing
of bore hole – Sampling techniques – undisturbed sampling methods - Split spoon sampler - Thin wall sampler
- Penetration tests (SPT and SCPT) - Bore log report – Data interpretation
Module: 6 Shallow Foundation and Deep Foundation 7 Hours
Shallow Foundations: Types, Basic terms, SBC computation using IS and Terzaghi methods. Deep
Foundations: Pile - Pile capacity
Total Lectures 45 Hours


Text Books
1. Arora, K.R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers and Distributors,
NewDelhi, 2011.
2. Murthy, V.N.S., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers Distribution Ltd., 2002
Reference Books
1. Gopal Ranjan and Rao A.S.R. “Basic and Applied soil mechanics”, New Age International Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, 2005
2. Purushothama Raj. P., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education,
3. Varghese, P.C.,”Foundation Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2005
4. Punmia B C, Ashok Kumar Jain “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Lakshmi Publications
Pvt Ltd, 16th edition, 2005
5. Ramamurthy T N and Sitharam T G “Geotechnical Engineering (Soil Mechanics)”, S Chand Ltd., 2008
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2005 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To learn to design, construct, operate and maintain water conveyance system.
2. To understand design, build, operate and maintain sanitation system.
3. To learn to support the treatment and recycle system of wastewater, sewerage, and solid waste.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Select appropriate treatment to raw water
2. Design the pipe-network for water supply and sewage disposal effectively.
3. Calculate and Estimate the quantity and quality of water used for domestic as well as construction.
4. Design the water distribution and sewer networks.
5. Make use of available standards.
6. Prepare the plan and implement house plumbing work effectively.
Module: 1 Water Supply 8 Hours
Sources and suitability of water –Water demand and types – Population forecasting – Quality of water – Water
borne diseases – Water quality standards – Water quality index.

Module: 2 Wastewater Engineering 9 Hours

Water treatment plan: objectives, location and layout – Characteristics of wastewater – Sewage treatment and
sewerage system – Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater, sludge treatment and disposal –
Effluent discharge standards – Primary and secondary treatment unit operations and unit processes of

Module: 3 Conveyance of Water 8 Hours

Introduction to Conveyance of water – Types of pipes – Pipe joints and distribution system – Laying of pipes
– Valves and its types – Types of meter – Fitting & fixtures – Leakage control methods – Water conservation.

Module: 4 Sanitation System 8 Hours

Introduction of sanitation system: Objectives, Collection methods – Conservancy system – Water carriage
system – Drain and its classification – Sewer joint – Sewer section – Manhole – Laying – Appurtenances
– Maintenance works: Cleaning operations, Causes of odor, Requirements, & equipment and tool – Safety
measures for sewer men.

Module: 5 House plumbing 7 Hours

Plumbing: terms, tools, pipes, fittings, practice & operations – fixing and jointing pipes and accessories –
traps – drainage plant – safety and precautions – sanitary fittings.
Module: 6 Recycling of Wastewater and Sludge 5 Hours
Introduction to Recycling – Advanced recycling method – Sludge management
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Goel S., “Water and Wastewater Engineering”, Cambridge University Press, 2019


2. Punmia, B.C “Water Supply Engineering”, Laxmi Publications, 2012
Reference Books
1. Davis M.L, and Cornwell D.A., “Introduction to Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. Peavy H.S., Rowe D.R., and Tehobanoglous G., “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill. 1985.
3. Kenneth W., Warner F.C., and Davis W.T, “Air Pollution its Origin and Control”, Prentice Hall, 1997.
4. Mishra P.C., “Fundamental of Air and Water Pollution”, South Asia Books, 1990.
5. Masters G., “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”, Prentice Hall. 2004.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2006 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge and skills with different aspects of the types, sources, generation,
storage, collection, transport, processing and disposal of solid waste.
2. To impart knowledge on various recycling options available for the solid waste.
3. To educate the engineering principles, design criteria, methods and equipments available to manage the
solid waste
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Analyse the nature and characteristics of municipal solid wastes
2. Sort out the functional elements for solid waste management
3. Apply the techniques and methods used in transformation, conservation and recovery of
materials from solid waste
4. Identify and design waste containment systems
5. Gain knowledge in regulatory requirements regarding municipal solid waste management
6. Apply the basic scientific principles for solving practical waste management challenges
Module: 1 Introduction to Solid Waste 8 Hours
Types and sources of solid waste – classification of solid waste - need for solid waste management - salient
features of Indian legislations on management and handling of municipal solid wastes.

Module: 2 Storage, Collection and Transport of Wastes 8 Hours

Handling and segregation of wastes at source – storage and collection of municipal solid wastes – analysis of
collection systems - need for transfer and transport – transfer stations optimizing waste allocation–
compatibility, storage, labeling and handling of hazardous wastes.

Module: 3 Waste Characterization and Source Reduction 7 Hours

Waste generation rates – factors affecting waste generation-composition, physical, chemical and biological
properties of solid wastes –waste sampling and characterization plan - source reduction of wastes –waste
exchange - extended producer responsibility.

Module: 4 Waste Processing Technologies 8 Hours

Objectives of waste processing – material separation and processing technologies – biological and chemical
conversion technologies – methods and controls of composting - thermal conversion technologies and energy
recovery – incineration - treatment of biomedical wastes, waste characterization, waste reduction and
environmental control.

Module: 5 Waste Disposal 7 Hours

Waste disposal options – disposal in landfills: landfill classification, types and methods, site selection, design
and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills and landfill bioreactor - leachate and landfill gas
management, Environmental Risk Assessment: Risk, Methods, case studies.
Module: 6 Energy from Solid Waste 7 Hours
Composting – incineration - biogas generation - case study on best practices - Swachhbharat features – Solid
waste management at Industries: Generation in agriculture, process industry, Mineral and Metallurgical
industry, Disposal of industrial and mill tailings, Resource and energy recovery, Recycling of solid waste.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books


1. Bhide A.D. and Sundaresan, B.B, “Solid Waste Management Collection”, Processing and Disposal,
2. Paul T Willams, “Waste Treatment and Disposal”, John Wiley and Sons, 2000
Reference Books
1. Tchobanoglous.G. Theisen, H. M., and Eliassen, R. “Solid. Wastes: Engineering Principles and
Management Issues”. New York: McGraw Hill, 1993.
2. Manual on “Municipal Solid Waste Management”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Manser A.G.R. and Keeling A.A, “Practical Handbook of Processing and Recycling of Municipal solid
Wastes”, Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, 1996
4. George Tchobanoglous and Frank Kreith, “Handbook of Solid waste Management”, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2002
5. Government of India, “Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban
Development, New Delhi, 2000
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2007 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To Introduce characteristics of highway and railway engineering
2. To Give overview on the basics of highway and railway engineering
3. To impart the various process and methods involved in the planning, development, design,
construction and maintenance of highway and railway engineering.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of development of highway and railway engineering
2. Explain the components of highway and railway engineering
3. Carryout the engineering surveys involved in planning of highway and railway
4. Design the geometric elements of highway and railway engineering
5. Recognize the functions of structural elements of highway and railway engineering
6. Identify the materials used for the construction of highway and railway engineering
Module: 1 Introduction to Highway and Railway Engineering 7 Hours
Characteristics- Historical development – Highway and Railway development in India– Classification –
Engineering Surveys – Highway and Railway planning in India- Highway and Railway Projects – Built
Operate Transfer(BOT),Built Own Operate and Transfer(BOOT),and Public Private Partnership(PPP)

Module: 2 Traffic Engineering Studies and Analysis 7 Hours

Sampling in traffic studies; adequacy of sample size; application of sampling methods for traffic studies,
objectives, methods of traffic study, equipment, data collection, analysis and interpretation (including case
studies) - Spot speed - Speed and delay - Volume - Origin – destination - Parking. Traffic manoeuvres and
Stream Characteristics; application in intersection design.

Module: 3 Highway Pavement materials and Design 8 Hours

Introduction- Flexible pavements: factors affecting design and performance-design of flexible pavements –
Rigid pavements: components and functions – factors affecting design and performance-design of concrete

Module: 4 Geometric Design of Highways 8 Hours

Cross section elements; sight distance, design of horizontal alignment–design speed, super elevation, extra
widening- transition curve-design of vertical alignment– summit curve and valley curve-design of

Module: 5 Railway Planning and Construction 8 Hours

Elements of permanent way – Selection of gauges - Route alignment surveys, conventional and modern
methods--Geometric design of railway, gradient, super elevation, widening of gauge on curves- Level


Crossings - Track Stress, coning of wheels, creep in rails, defects in rails. Points and crossing – station and
yards–signalling and control system.
Module: 6 Railway Maintenance 7 Hours
Earthwork – Stabilization of track on poor soil - Tunneling Methods, drainage and ventilation – Calculation of
Materials required for track laying - Construction and maintenance of tracks – Signalling - Railway Station and
yards and passenger amenities
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Khanna,S.K.,Justo,C.E.GandVeeraragavan,A,“HighwayEngineering”,Revised10thEdition, Nem
Chandand Bros,2017
2. Venkatramaiah C.., Transportation Engineering-Vol.2 Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbours, Bridges
and Tunnels., Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad, 2015.
Reference Books
1. KadiyaliL.R, “Transportation Engineering”, Khanna Publishing, 2016
2. FredL.Mannering,ScottS.Washburn,WalterP.Kilareski,“PrinciplesofHighwayEngineering and Traffic
Analysis”, 6thEdition, John Wiley, 2016
3. Rangwala, “Railway Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 27th Edition 2017
4. Saxena S.C. and Arora S.P. “A Text Book Of Railway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai Publications , 2010
5. Hutchinson, B.G., `Principles of Urban Transport System Planning' - McGraw Hill Book Co., London,
UK, 1982.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


20CE2008 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To familiarize the fundamentals of traffic engineering
2. To enable to identify the different theories of traffic flow
3. To impart the importance of traffic safety and management
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the fundamentals of traffic engineering
2. Carry out different traffic studies
3. Design channels, intersections, signals, roundabouts and parking arrangements
4. Express the application of traffic flow theory
5. Enhance safety and environment in all design aspects
6. Develop Traffic management Systems
Module: 1 INTRODUCTION 8 Hours
Scope of Traffic Engineering - Elements of Traffic Engineering - road user, vehicle and road way. Road
Characteristics – Road user characteristics – PIEV theory – Vehicle characteristics - IRC standards - Design
speed, volume – Performance characteristics – Fundamentals of Traffic low – Urban Traffic problems in India.

Module: 2 TRAFFIC SURVEY 8 Hours

Speed, journey time and delay surveys – Vehicles Volume Survey including non-motorized transports –
Methods and interpretation – Origin Destination Survey – Methods and presentation – Parking Survey –
Accident analyses -Methods, interpretation and presentation – Statistical applications in traffic studies and
traffic forecasting


Concept, applications and significance - Highway capacity - Capacity of urban and rural roads - PCU concept
and its limitations – Road user facilities - Parking facilities - Cycle tracks and cycle ways - Pedestrian facilities
– Traffic flow theory


Design of at-grade intersections – Principles of design – Channelization - Design of rotaries - Traffic signals -
pre-timed and traffic actuated - Design of signal setting - phase diagrams - timing diagram – Signal co-


ordination – Roundabouts - Grade separated intersections - Geometric elements for divided and access
controlled highways and expressways

Module: 5 ROAD SAFETY 8 Hours

Street lighting -Traffic signs including Variable Message sign and road markings – Significant roles of traffic
control personnel – Networking pedestrian facilities and cycle tracks - Traffic regulation and control Traffic
safety – Principles and practices – Road safety Audit – Traffic and environment hazards – Air and Noise
Pollution – causes - abatement measures – Promotion and integration of public transportation – Promotion of
non-motorized transport
Area Traffic Management System – Traffic System Management (TSM) with IRC standards – Traffic
Regulatory Measures-Travel Demand Management (TDM) – Direct and indirect methods – Congestion and
parking pricing – All segregation methods-Coordination among different agencies – Intelligent Transport
System for traffic management, enforcement and education – Car pooling
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Kadiyali.L.R. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2013
2. Salter. R.I and Hounsell N.B, “Highway Traffic Analysis and design”, Macmillan Press Ltd.1996
Reference Books
1. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn and Walter P.Kilareski, “Principles of Highway Engineering and
Traffic Analysis”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011
2. Garber and Hoel, “Principles of Traffic and Highway Engineering”, CENGAGE Learning, New Delhi,
3 Coleman A. O'Flaherty, “Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering” CRC Press, 2018
4. Hobbs.F.D., “Traffic Planning and Engineering”, University of Brimingham, Peragamon Press Ltd, 2005
5. SP:43-1994, Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Specifications: Guidelines and Special Publications on Traffic
Planning and Management
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2009 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the concepts of Smart City
2. To learn the components of Smart City
3. To learn the application of Smart City
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the concepts of smart city
2. Understand the components of Smart City
3. Apply the concepts of urban mobility
4. Apply the smart energy and smart building concepts
5. Apply the smart water management concepts.
6. Analyse the smart cities across the countries
Module: 1 Smart Cities: State of Art 8 Hours
Evolution of Smart City, Components of Smart City, Mobiles phones and big data for smart technology, policy
framework for smart cities

Module: 2 Smart urban Mobility 8 Hours

Need for urban mobility, Components, Land use, urban form, Transit oriented development (TOD), ICT
support for smart mobility.

Module: 3 Smart Energy 7 Hours

Urban Density and Energy Use, Concepts of Smart Energy, Strategies in making a City Energy smart, Smart
Grid, Use of Electric Vehicles.

Module: 4 Smart Buildings 8 Hours


Definition, Major Sub-systems-Lighting, HVAC, Vertical transportation, Energy monitoring and management,
communication monitoring and survelliance, Fire safety and Early warning system, Access control and system
security, Benefits and policies

Module: 5 Smart Water Management 7 Hours

Water- Growing demand and shrinking resources, Water resources and cycle, Steps in implementing smart
water management, Categories and Options, policy challenges
Module: 6 Smart City: Case Studies 7 Hours
International: City of Singapore, Vienna, Philadelphia, Indian: AMRUT Mission, City of Pune, Amritsar,
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Anil kumar ,” Introduction to Smart Cities”, Pearson Education India, 2019
2. Binti Singh, Manoj Parmar, “Smart City in India Urban Laboratory, Paradigm Or Trajectory”, Taylor &
Francis, 2019
Reference Books
1. Houbing Song, Ravi Srinivasan, Sabina Jeschke, Tamim Sookoor, “Smart Cities Foundations, Principles,
and Applications”, Wiley 2017
2. Leonidas Anthopoulos, “Smart City Emergence Cases From Around the World”, Elsevier Science, 2019
3. Sukanya Krishnamurthy, Torsten Schroeder, “Architecture and the Smart City”, Taylor & Francis 2019
4. Claudio Coletta, Leighton Evans, Liam Heaphy, Rob Kitchin, “Creating Smart Cities”, Taylor & Francis,
5. Schahram Dustdar, Stefan Nastić, Ognjen Šćekić , “Smart Cities The Internet of Things, People and
Systems”, Springer International Publishing, 2017
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2010 2 0 0 2
Course Objective:
1. To understand the concepts of sustainability
2. To learn the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability
3. To learn the application of sustainability concepts in civil engineering
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the concepts of sustainability
2. Understand the Concepts of Economic Sustainability
3. Analyse the Concepts of Environmental Sustainability
4. Analyse the Social aspects of sustainability
5. Apply the concepts of sustainability to environmental and geotechnical engineering.
6. Apply the concepts of sustainability to construction and transportation engineering
Module: 1 Introduction to Sustainability 5 Hours
Definition - Principles - Triple bottom line of sustainability - Paradigm shift on sustainability - Civil Engineer
perspective of sustainability

Module: 2 Economic Sustainability 5 Hours

Traditional Sustainable Economics - Life cycle cost analysis - Present future and annual worth - Rate of Return
- Benefit/Cost Ratio.

Module: 3 Environmental Sustainability 5 Hours

Structure of Life cycle assessment - LCIA categories - Product category rule (PCR) and Environmental Product
Declaration (EPD) - Ecological footprint - Water footprint - planet boundary.

Module: 4 Social Sustainability 5 Hours

Existing Civil Engineering Concepts - Social Media and Civil Engineering - Human Development Index (HDI)
- Social Impact Assessment.

Module: 5 Applications in Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering 5 Hours


Low Impact Development - Drinking water treatment - Outdoor air quality - Coastal Resilience-Living
shorelines - Alternate filler materials - Stabilized earth wall - Geothermal energy foundations,
Module: 6 Applications in Construction and Transportation Engineering 5 Hours
Use of Flyash, bamboo - Design for adaptability and deconstruction (DFAD) - material and waste management
- Community participation - Worker Safety - Multimodal transportation - Intelligent transportation system -
Crash modification factors.
Total Lectures 30 Hours
Text Books
1. Andrew Braham, Sadie Casillas, “Fundamentals of Sustainability in Civil Engineering”, CRC Press, 2020
2. Sybil Derrible, “Urban Engineering for Sustainability”, MIT Press, 2019
Reference Books
1. Yates J. K., Daniel Castro-Lacouture, “Sustainability in Engineering Design and Construction”, CRC
Press 2018
2. Sivakumar Babu G.L., Sireesh Saride, B. Munwar Basha,” Sustainability Issues in Civil Engineering”,
Springer Singapore2018
3. Jan Seidel,” Sustainability in Civil Engineering”, GRIN Verlag 2007
4. Toolseeram Ramjeawon ,” Introduction to Sustainability for Engineers” CRC Press 2020
5. Barbara A. Luke, Richard Newport Wright, William Edward Kelly ,”Engineering for Sustainable
Communities Principles and Practices” ASCE, 2017
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2011 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide knowledge about different methods of analysis
2. To impart the different techniques available for the analysis of structures
3. To enable to identify the best suitable method of analysis
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Illustrate the concepts and principles
2. Explain the behaviour of structural elements
3. Analyze the structural members for various forces
4. Analyze the response of the Structural elements
5. Develop suitable response intricacies
6. Adapt suitable analysis procedure
Module: 1 Energy Method Principles 7 Hours
Work energy principles – Principle of virtual work-Castigliano’s first, second theorem. Static indeterminacy -
analysis of indeterminate structures, beams, pin jointed and rigid jointed structures.

Module: 2 Slope Deflection Method 8 Hours

Kinematic indeterminacy - Analysis of Continuous Beams and Portal Frames - Bending Moment and Shear
Force Diagram.

Module: 3 Moment Distribution Method 8 Hours

Fixed End Moments, Stiffness factor, Distribution factor -Analysis of Continuous Beams- with and without
sinking of supports, Portal Frames- with and without sway - Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram.

Module: 4 Influence Lines 7 Hours

Influence lines for bending moment and shear force - Muller Breaslau’s - principle - determinate and
indeterminate beams.

Module: 5 Analysis of Arches & Cables 8 Hours

Three hinged Parabolic and Circular and two hinged arches - Cables tension forces in towers.
Module: 6 Stiffness Method 7 Hours
Forces not acting at co-ordinates-Formulation of Structure Stiffness matrix -Determination of Displacements -
Application to determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames.
Total Lectures 45 Hours


Text Books
1. Bhavikatti S.S, “Structural Analysis Volume-I and Volume II”, Vikas Publications, 2011
2. Vazrani & Ratwani, “Analysis of Structures”, Khanna Publications, 2002
Reference Books
1. Reddy C. S., “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
2. Wang, C.K, “Indeterminate Structural Analysis”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 2010
3. Hibbeler, “R.C.;Structural Analysis”, Pearson Education Asia publication, 2008
4. Devdas Menon, “Structural Analysis”, Narosa Publishing House, 2017
5. Pandit and Gupta; Structural Analysis; Tata McGraw Hill, Pub. Co.Ltd
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2012 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide students with a rational basis of the design of reinforced concrete members and structures
2. To enhance with the advanced understanding of material and structural behavior
3. The subject will be approached by looking into the behavior of reinforced concrete at different levels:
material level, element level and structural and systems level
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the design philosophies for RCC elements
2. Demonstrate the behaviour of elements for load calculations
3. Illustrate the LSM for estimating stress resultants
4. Design the section and reinforcement for the structural elements
5. Develop suitable detailing diagrams
6. Prepare the design for buildings
Module: 1 Material and its behaviour 8 Hours
Introduction - Composition of RCC - Design criteria - strength properties - stress strain behavior - Micro-
Cracking Mechanism - Multi-Axial Loading Responses - Failure Theories – Plasticity – Fracture

Module: 2 Element level behaviour 8 Hours

Bending - shear transfer – creep – shrinkage - ductility failure modes - IS code - Limit State of Collapse - limit
state of serviceability.

Module: 3 Slabs and Beams 7 Hours

Design of one way, two way, continuous slabs - singly reinforced, doubly reinforced, cantilever beams.

Module: 4 Columns and Footing 8 Hours

Short column- axially loaded - uniaxial bending - biaxial bending columns - long column - isolated, combined

Module: 5 Multistorey Building 7 Hours

Planning, preliminary design, analysis and final design of a framed RCC building
Module: 6 Field Practice 7 Hours
Reading reinforcement diagrams of existing buildings, Study of an existing RCC building, Case Studies
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdass Menon, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd., 2003
2. Ashok, Kumar Jain, “Limit state design of Reinforced Concrete”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,2007
Reference Books
1. Sinha. S.N. “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
2. Purushothaman. P, “Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
3. Krishna Raju. N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi


4. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi
5. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2013 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge on design connections, tension and compression members.
2. To enable to design Flexural members.
3. To enable to design Industrial Building.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the behaviour of members
2. Estimate the forces in members.
3. Design the member for forces
4. Choose suitable codal provisions
5. Explain the design intricacies
6. Formulate the design for steel structures
Module: 1 Connections 8 Hours
Properties of structural steel- classification of steel sections- limit state design concepts- loads and load
combination, connection- welding, bolting- design of bolted and welded joints- simple connections - efficiency
of joints.

Module: 2 Tension Members 8 Hours

Types of sections- net area- net effective sections of angle and tee in tension – block shear - lug angles- design
of tension splice - concept of shear lag - built-up sections - splicing of tension members

Module: 3 Compression Members 7 Hours

Compression members – effective length - slenderness ratio – buckling – mode of failure - design of
compression members - design of single and compound section members- design of laced and battened columns
– slab base and gusseted base

Module: 4 Beams 8 Hours

Design of laterally supported and unsupported beams- built up beams- design of welded plate girders-
intermediate and bearing stiffeners - economical design aspects

Module: 5 Truss 7 Hours

Roof truss - loading types - wind pressure - Roof and side covering- Design of purlin and elements of truss -
end bearing - Design of gantry girder

Module: 6 Industrial Framed Structures 7 Hours

Planning and design of roof truss supporting system and column base - Introduction to PEB frames - Modeling
of steel section - Optimal design of steel section - AI based stability assessment
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Duggal. S.K, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2014
2. Bhavikatti.S.S, “Design of Steel Structures by Limit State Method as per IS:800–2007”, IK
International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2014
Reference Books
1. Subramanian.N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013.
2. IS: 875(Part3): Wind Loads on Buildings and Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards
3. IS 800:2007, General construction in steel, Bureau of Indian Standards
4. Shiyekar. M.R., “Limit State Design in Structural Steel”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Learning Pvt.
Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2013.
5 Dayaratnam P, “Design of Steel Structures”, S. Chand Ltd, 2008


Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2014 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of surface, ground water hydrology and irrigation
2. To enable the student to develop skills to appreciate water resources systems
3. To know the purpose of various hydraulic structures
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Recognise the concepts to manage water resources and apply for hydrological modelling
2. Decide and plan basic water resources projects
3. Analyse the flow in streams
4. Appreciate the importance of reservoirs and hydraulic structures
5. Identify the irrigation methods
6. Plan structures for recharging groundwater
Module: 1 Surface Hydrology 8 Hours
Hydrologic Cycle – Precipitation – Measurement of precipitation – average precipitation - Evaporation –
Factors affecting evaporation – Empirical methods – Transpiration – Evapotranspiration – Empirical methods
– Infiltration – Measurement of Infiltration capacity

Module: 2 Runoff 8 Hours

Introduction – Factors affecting runoff – Estimation of Runoff and yield – Empirical methods – maximum
flood discharge.
Hydrograph Analysis: Hydrograph – Components of Hydrograph – Base flow separation - Unit Hydrograph
– Derivation of Unit Hydrograph an isolated storm & a complex storm – S-Curve – Derivation of S-Curve –

Module: 3 Reservoir Planning 7 Hours

Introduction – Types of reservoirs – Types of flood control reservoirs – Selection of site for a reservoir – Mass
inflow curve and demand curve –Analytical method for determination of storage capacity – Flood routing
(definition only)

Module: 4 Ground Water Hydrology 8 Hours

Types of Geologic formation and aquifers – Water table and peizometic surface – Aquifer properties – Darcy’s
law – Dupuit – Thiem’s theory – Steady flow to a well in an unconfined aquifer – steady flow to a well in a
confined aquifer – Specific capacity and well efficiency – Groundwater recharging

Module: 5 Irrigation Systems 7 Hours

Base period – Wilting point – Delta - Duty –Determination of irrigation and water requirements – Irrigation
and water efficiencies - Factors affecting duty – Methods of improving duty.
Irrigation Methods: Canal irrigation – Lift irrigation – Tank irrigation – Surface Irrigation – Merits and
demerits –Sprinkler irrigation – Drip irrigation
Module: 6 Hydraulic Structures 7 Hours
Control Structures, River training and control Dams – types – Canal Regulation works – Canal falls – Head
and Cross regulator – Canal escapes – Cross drainage works – Diversion Head works – Weirs and Barrages –
Causeways and Culverts.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Subramanya, K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4 th edition, 2013.
2. Arora, K. R., “Irrigation, Water Power and Water Resources Engineering”, Standard Publishers
Distributors, 2012
Reference Books
1. Linsley, R. K. and Franzini, J.B., “Water Resources Engineering”, McGraw Hill Inc, 4th edition 2013.
2. Sahasrabudhe, S.R., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Katson Publishers, 3rd


3. Michael, A.M., “Irrigation – Theory and Practices”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Garg S. K., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2009.
5 Muluneh Yitayew, Louis Waller, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Springer International Publishing,
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2015 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart the knowledge about the types of estimates
2. To identify the methods used for different structural components
3. To provide knowledge about rate analysis and process of preparation of bills
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. List the detailed specification for different types of structures
2. Plan the rate analysis of civil engineering works
3. Determine the rates of various items of civil works
4. Justify estimated cost of civil construction projects
5. Evaluate the actual value of any property
6. Explain specifications and tendering process for contracts
Module: 1 Introduction to Estimates And Specifications 8 Hours
Quantity surveying– purpose of estimates - types of estimates - various items to be included in estimates -
principles in selecting units of measurement for items, various units and modes of measurement for different
trades - IS 1200, specifications – purpose and basic principles of general and detailed specifications: detailed
specifications for various items of work

Module: 2 Analysis of Rates: 8 Hours

Rate analysis and preparation of bills (BOQ) - data analysis of rates for various items of works – abstract
estimates for Building projects

Module: 3 Building and Sanitary Works: 9 Hours

Quantity surveying of building – method of estimate, estimate of walls - estimate of masonry platform -
estimate of single room building with verandah - estimate of two roomed building - sanitary - estimation of a
septic tank and soak pit

Module: 4 RCC works and Structures and Roads: 8 Hours

RCC works and structures and roads: R.C.C and Steel works - RCC Slab – beam – column with foundation -
RCC framed building - Road- RCC slab culvert - detailed estimate for WBM - Bituminous road – introduction
to MEP in building

Module: 5 Valuation 7 Hours

Valuation: rent fixation, gross income, net income – depreciation - methods of depreciation: straight line
method, declining balance method, sinking fund method, plinth area method
Module: 6 Report preparation 5 Hours
Introduction – Report On Estimates for the Construction of Residential Building – Report on Estimate for
Construction of a Culvert – Report on the Estimate for a Road Construction – Principle for the preparation of
Water supply Scheme.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Dutta.B.N, “Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering Theory and Practice,” UBS publishers 2016.
2. Birdie.G.S, “A Text Book on Estimating and Costing”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2000.
Reference Books
1. Jogleka.P.T, “Practical Information for Quantity Surveyors”, Institution of Surveyors, 2017.
2. Vazirani V. N., “Civil Engineering Estimating and Costing”, Khanna Publishers, 2004
3. Kohli R.C, “A Textbook of Estimating, Costing and Accounts ( Civil)”, S. Chand Publishing, 2012
4. Rangwala .S.C, “Valuation of Real Properties”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 2008.


5. IS 1200 : Part 1– 19 – Method of measurement of buildings and civil engineering works
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2016 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart the knowledge on the construction practices adopted in the field.
2. To select heavy equipment based on applications, utilization, productivity and other factors.
3. To provide knowledge about automation in construction
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Adopt the construction practices adopted in the field
2. Demonstrate basic knowledge about construction equipment
3. Identify the equipment types for different construction projects
4. Evaluate the material handling equipment and the equipment productivity
5. Demonstrate construction project management skills
6. Adapt automation in construction site
Module: 1 Building Layout 8 Hours
Site selection – building types – requirements – bye laws – necessity – building approval – principles of
planning – functional requirements – loads on buildings – load bearing structure – Framed structure – precast
structure - green building concepts

Module: 2 Construction Practices 8 Hours

Foundations - Shallow and Deep Foundations - Brick Masonry - Plastering and Pointing – temporary structures
– Formwork - Shoring - Scaffolding - Underpinning - Roofing - Flooring - Joints in concrete -

Module: 3 Service Requirements 7 Hours

Fire Protection - Thermal Insulation - Ventilation and Air conditioning - Acoustics and Sound Insulation -
Damp Proofing – Anti Termite treatment

Module: 4 Construction Equipments 8 Hours

Planning of equipment – selection of equipment –- excavation - tunneling operation – equipment for drilling
and blasting - pile driving equipment - Equipment management in projects - maintenance management –
equipment cost – operating cost – cost control of equipment - safety management

Module: 5 Materials Handling & Erection Equipment: 7 Hours

Forklifts and related equipment - portable material bins –conveyors – industrial trucks- position equipment-
unit load equipment-storage equipment- equipment for transportation of materials- erection equipment - crane
types - mobile crane - Erection Technology - Prefabrication in Construction Industry - equipment productivities
- use of drones for spread out sites – safety measures
Module: 6 Automation in Construction 7 Hours
Introduction – advantage and disadvantage of Automation in construction – contour crafting – use of robots for
repetitive activities – painting robot – 3D printing in construction – Robotic production of precast elements –
robotic in earthworks – digital technologies in construction
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Bhavikatti SS, “Building construction”, Vikas Publishing House, 2012
2. Mahesh Verma, “Construction Equipment Planning and Applications”, 5 th edition, Metroplolitan Book
Co. Publishers,, 2005
Reference Books
1. Punmia B.C., “Building construction”. Laxmi Publications, 2008
2. Gurcharan Singh, “Building Planning, Designing And Scheduling”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi,
3. Arora, S. P. and Bindra S. P., “Building Construction”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2003
4. Leonhard E. Bernold, “Construction Equipment and Methods: Planning, Innovation, Safety”, Wiley
Global Education, 2013


5. Douglas D. Gransberg, Calin M. Popescu, Richard Ryan, “Construction Equipment Management for
Engineers, Estimators, and owners”, CRC Publishers, 2006
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2017 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To introduce about types of natural and environmental disasters.
2. To enable to develop skills in various stages of disaster preparedness, mitigation and Management.
3. To provide knowledge on the methodologies for disaster risk assessment.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Recall the types of disasters and its causes.
2. Understand disaster cycle and assess the risks.
3. Apply disaster concepts to disaster management
4. Analyse relationship between development and disasters.
5. Decide the roles and responsibilities of organizations and institutions to society and its organizational
6. Design the disaster management and mitigation plan.
Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
Concepts and definitions: disaster – hazard – vulnerability - risks – severity - frequency and details - capacity
- impact – prevention - mitigation - Disaster management cycle – its phases - prevention, mitigation,
preparedness, relief and recovery - structural and non-structural measures - risk analysis - vulnerability and
capacity assessment - early warning systems.

Module: 2 Disaster Classification 8 Hours

Disasters classification - Natural disasters: floods, draught, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, coastal
erosion, soil erosion and forest fires - Manmade Disasters: industrial pollution, nuclear radiation, chemical
spills, fire accidents and terrorist strikes. Causal Phenomena - typical effects - general characteristics - measure
and predictability - specific preparedness measures.

Module: 3 Disaster Impacts 7 Hours

Environmental – physical – social – ecological – economic - political – health - psycho-social issues -Hazard
locations: global and national disaster trends - climate change and urban disasters, Medical Health Response
to Different Disasters.

Module: 4 Disaster Management 7 Hours

Pre disaster tools: Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA), Environmental Management Systems (EMS),
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental Vulnerability/Hazard Mapping. Policies and
legislation for disaster risk reduction – Hazard and vulnerability profile of India – mountain and coastal areas
– ecological fragility.

Module: 5 Institutional Framework 7 Hours

Roles and responsibilities - Institutions arrangements (Community based Organisations) - financial
arrangements - Role of Central, State, District and Armed Forces in disaster response - Police and other
Departments - NGOs and other stakeholders - Institutional Framework - Nodal Ministries related with disaster
– social responsibility.
Module: 6 Post Disaster Management 8 Hours
Post disaster environmental response – water, sanitation, food safety, waste management, disease control,
security and communications. Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Recovery: Reconstruction and
Rehabilitation, Disaster Resistant House Construction, Sanitation and Hygiene, Education and Awareness,
Dealing with Victims’ Psychology, Long-term Counter Disaster Planning.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Pradeep Sahni, “Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia”, Prentice Hall,2004
2. Singh B.K., “Handbook of Disaster Management: Techniques and Guidelines”, Rajat Publication;2008
Reference Books


1. Jon Ingletone, “Natural Disaster management”, Tulor Rose, 1999
2. Iyengar, C.B.R.I. “Natural Hazards in the Urban Habitat”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2001.
3. Ghosh G.K., “Disaster Management”, APH Publishing Corporation, 2006
4. Disaster Medical Systems Guidelines. Emergency Medical Services Authority, State of California, EMSA
no.214, June 2003
5. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
in Emergency Settings. Geneva: IASC. Feb. 2007
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2018 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To introduce the latest construction technologies adopted in Industry
2. To impart knowledge on project management and monitoring techniques
3. To inculcate the concepts of construction management tools and techniques to improve productivity
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
1. Recall the basics of building components
2. Understand the items / facets of construction engineering
3. Apply the construction engineering techniques for various components
4. Demonstrate construction project management skills and apply tools of project management
5. Explain the importance of project management
6. Propose an Engineering and Management Plan
Module: 1 Aspects of Construction Engineering: 7 Hours
Site selection – site layout - site clearance - components of building - construction sequence - setting out
buildings – excavation – timbering - foundation types - shoring and strutting - anti-termite treatment -
dewatering and backfilling

Module: 2 Constructions Methods: 7 Hours

Methods of construction - Masonry constructions – bonds in masonry construction - concrete constructions –
Framed construction - Pre-engineered construction – Prefabricated construction – precast and prestressed
construction – steel construction - Joints in the construction

Module: 3 Underground and Underwater Construction: 7 Hours

Tunnel – shaft sinking – tunnel driving in hard and soft strata – bedding of conduits – cement grouting – tunnel
lining method – underwater construction – challenges – underwater drilling, blasting, concreting – concrete
diaphragm walls – dewatering methods – effect of groundwater movement

Module: 4 Project Management: 8 Hours

Basics forms of organization - concepts and need of management in construction -principles of management -
functions of management – role of Project management consultants (PMC) - construction project planning: life
cycle, identification, preparation, appraisal - planning – implementation - monitoring and control

Module: 5 Construction Management: 8 Hours

Site mobilization – demobilization aspects – network: need, importance - bar chart – CPM – PERT – Repetitive
Project modeling techniques - analysis of network - time-cost trade off - scheduling technique - resource
allocation and levelling – reporting techniques
Module: 6 Resources Productivity: 8 Hours
Product quality control – labour safety – protection of environment – labour productivity control – equipment
productivity control – materials productivity control – material wastage analysis – role and functions of
construction managers - Improve resources productivity – functions of equipment management – measurement
of in-progress activity
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Seetharaman, S., “Construction Engineering and Management”, Umesh Publications, 2007
2. Sengupta, B., and Guha, H., “Construction Management and Planning”, Tata McGraw-Hill Book cc, 2000


Reference Books
1. Aviad Shapira, Robert Schmitt, Robert L. Peurifoy, Clifford J. Schexnayder, “Construction Planning,
Equipment and methods”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 8 th edition, 2010
2. Rana, V. K., “Construction Management Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing CO, 2000
3. Chitkara, K. K., “Construction Project Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing COM, 2000
4. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, “Project Management for Construction – Fundamental Concepts for
Owners, Engineers, Architects and Builders”, Prentice Hall, Pittsburgh, 2000
5. Punmia, B.C., Khandelwal, K.K., Project Planning with PERT and CPM, Laxmi Publications, 2016
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2019 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart the knowledge of production, transportation and erection process of precast elements
2. To explain the design concept of precast structural members
3. To impart the behaviour and analysis of different types of precast joints
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the suitable prefabrication building system
2. Explain the behavior of precast elements
3. Classify different types of joints for prefabricated structures
4. Analyse the building system and joints
5. Design the components of precast building system
6. Appraise the possibilities of progressive collapse
Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
Introduction – Precast concrete structural elements -Prefabricated systems - Advantages – Modular
coordination - Materials – Production – Transportation – Erection – smart lifting systems - Quality control -
automation in precast concrete production and construction

Module: 2 Prefabricated Components 8 Hours

Over all structural system - roof and floor system - components - facial elements - design considerations and
requirements ––bearing for precast units

Module: 3 Design Principles 7 Hours

Loading - load factor - modeling - analysis of frames - design of members - slab - beam – wall - guidelines -
energy saving techniques - code provisions

Module: 4 Joints and Connections 8 Hours

Joints and connections – tolerance - connection materials - requirements of structural joints – types of joints –
detailing of joints - diaphragm connection – beam to column and column to column and column to foundation
connections – advanced shear connections -joint fillers

Module: 5 Prestressed Precast Concrete 7 Hours

Design requirements for safety against progressive collapse – design of ties - introduction to prestressed precast
concrete - stability and failure analysis - Prestressed precast elements
Module: 6 Applications and Case Studies 7 Hours
Precast frame – roll of BIM in coordination - application of sensor systems in precast technology - advanced
materials for precasting - Case studies on precast construction and failures
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2015
2. Kim S. Elliott “Precast Concrete Structures”, CRC Press, 2019
Reference Books
1. .IS 15916 (2011): Building Design and Erection Using Prefabricated Concrete - Code of Practice
2. Code of Practice for Precast concrete construction 2003, PCI Design hand book
3. IS 12592 : 2002 Precast Concrete Manhole Cover and Frame – Specification
4. Hubert Bachmann, Alfred Steinle, “Precast Concrete Structures” Wiley, 2011.


5. Robert E. Englekirk, “Seismic Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Buildings”, Wiley, 2003
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2020 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the principles and concepts of Artificial intelligence
2. To understand the principles of Machine learning
3. To study the application of AI in project management
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the problems in Civil Engineering and solve using AI
2. Formulate problems and make decisions
3. Explain various search algorithms for problem solving
4. Apply Artificial Intelligence in real time problems
5. Participate in the design of systems that act intelligently and learn from experience
6. Assess the applicability, strengths and weaknesses of the basic knowledge representation
Module: 1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 8 Hours
Definitions, Knowledge in AI-Representing Knowledge- Metrics, Reasoning-Forward and Backward-
Reasoning with uncertainty, Search-Exhaustive-Simple-Heuristic-knowledge rich

Module: 2 Machine Learning 8 Hours

Navies Bayes Classifiers, Bayesian Networks, Decision trees, K-means clustering algorithm, Artificial Neural

Module: 3 Engineering Design and Project Planning 7 Hours

Design- ANN for selection, GA for optimization, Planning- KBES- Estimation, ANN-Sequencing of project
activities, GA-Schedule of Construction activities, Fuzzy logic- Determine Project Priorities

Module: 4 AI in Cost Estimation 8 Hours

Estimate the Suitable mark, Predict possible cost overruns, Optimize the cost time trade off

Module: 5 AI in Risk Management 7 Hours

Estimate probability of occurrence, Monte Carlo Simulation for risk evaluation and adaptation, model
probability distributions.
Module: 6 AI in Performance Management 7 Hours
Predict performance of future projects, Expert decisions, Improve Management efficiency, Case Studies-
Impact of AI in Project Management
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Krishnamoorthy C.S., Rajeev S, “Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers”, CRC Press,
2. Pijush Samui, “Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering”, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012
Reference Books
1. Rajesaekaran S, Vijayalakshmi Pai G.A, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
Synthesis and Applications”, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi 2003
2. Rich E, K Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw Hil, 2009
3. Saroj Kaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning. 2011
4. Paresh Chandra Deka, “A Primer on Machine Learning Applications in Civil Engineering”, CRC Press
Book, Taylor and Francis Group, 2019
5. Russell, Norvig, “Artificial intelligence, A Modern Approach”, Pearson Education, 2nd edition, 2004
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


20CE2021 LABORATORY 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To train to acquire skill in operation of various survey instruments
2. To give hands on training on the use of conventional and modern tools of surveying
3. To enhance the knowledge to carryout and interpret the field surveying procedures
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Memorize the procedures of usage of surveying instruments
2. Identify the method for a typical survey
3. Demonstrate the appropriate methods of surveying
4. Organize the field operations during surveying
5. Use modern survey equipment to measure areas and volumes
6. Construct layouts and diagrams as per the field data
List of Experiments:
1. Fly Levelling
2. Reciprocal Levelling
3. REM – Remote Elevation Measurement
4. Longitudinal and Cross sectioning (LS & CS)
5. Find out horizontal angles
6. Height and Distances by Base Inaccessible method
7. Stakeout using total station
8. Setting out of Curve- Angular Method
9. Contouring Using Total Station
10. Area Calculation using Drone Image and GIS
11. Volume Calculation using Drone Image and GIS
12. Contouring using Drone Image and GIS
Text Books
1. Punmia B. C., Ashok k Jain, Arun K Jain., “Surveying”, Vol I,II,III, Laxmi Publications, 2005
2. Arora, K.R., “Surveying, Vol-I, II and III”, Standard Book House, 2015.
Reference Books
1. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill and Co., New Delhi 2015.
2. Bhavikatti. S.S., “Surveying: Theory and Practice”, IK International Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2016
3. Madhu, N, Sathikumar, R and Satheesh Gobi, “Advanced Surveying: Total Station, GIS and Remote
Sensing”, Pearson India, 2006.
4. Paul R. Wolf, Charles D. Ghilani, “Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics”, Prentice Hall,
5. George Dekoulis., “Drones Applications’’, Intech open, 2018
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


20CE2022 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To give hands on training on principle and working of different flow measuring instruments
2. To impart knowledge on working of different types of turbines and pumps.
3. To demonstrate energy losses in pipe connections
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Recall the principles of instruments used in flow related measurements.
2. Demonstrate energy losses in pipe connections.
3. Experiment and select turbines and pumps
4. Demonstrate instrumentation techniques in pipes
5. Develop monitor pressure variation using sensors
6. Control pipe distribution networks
List of Experiments:
Fluid Mechanics
1. Determination of Darcy’s Friction Factor with pressure sensors


2. Calibration of Flow Meters.
3. Flow over weirs / Notches.
4. Flow through Mouth piece / orifice.
5. Determination of Minor Losses in pipes fitted with pressure transducers
6. Determination of Metacentric height
Fluid Machinery
1. Performance of Centrifugal Pump fitted with sensors for head measurement
2. Performance of Submersible Pump fitted with pressure and flow sensors
3. Performance of Gear Oil pump
4. Performance of Jet pump
5. Load Test on Pelton Wheel fitted with SCADA and sensors
6. Load Test on Francis Turbine fitted with SCADA and sensors
Text Books
1. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S.Chand and Co., New Delhi,
2. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2005
Reference Books
1. Modi, P.N. & Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard Book
House, New Delhi, 2007
2. Som S.R, & Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012
3. Subramanya, K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
4. Yunus A.Cengel., “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
5. Chandramouli, “Applied Hydraulic Engineering”, Yes Dee Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2017.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2023 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To demonstrate the basic principles in the areas of mechanics of materials and structural analysis
2. To apply the theory of mechanics of solids on real specimens
3. To give hands on training on testing of real specimens
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Be familiar with the operations and laboratory testing equipment
2. Conduct various tests on steel and other materials following BIS code
3. Interpret the laboratory test results
List of Experiments
1. Tension Test on Mild Steel
2. Double Shear Test on Mild Steel
3. Brinell Hardness Test
4. Rockwell Hardness Test
5. Charpy and Izod Impact Test
6. Test on Open Coil Helical Springs
7. Test on Closed Coil Helical Springs
8. Test on Carriage Springs
9. Verification of Maxwell reciprocal theorem
10. Deflection Test on Steel Beam
11. Compressive Test on Bricks
12. Torsion Test on mild steel
Text Books
1. Bansal, R. K, “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications (P). Ltd., 2007.
2. Rajput, R. K, “Strength of Materials”, S Chand and Co., 2007.
Reference Books
1. Timoshenko S.P., “History of Strength of Materials”, Dover Publications, 1953.
IS 1500:2005 (ISO 6506-1:1999), Indian Standard “Method for Brinell Hardness Test For Metallic
Materials”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi


IS 280:2006 Indian Standard “Mild Steel Wire for General Engineering Purposes”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2024 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To provide the hands on training in determination of Engineering and index properties of soils,
applied in field problems.
2. To provide the knowledge on the use of experimental results pertaining to foundation problems
3. To estimate shear strength of soils by direct shear test, triaxial shear test, vane shear test and
unconfined compressive test
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Determine the index properties of soil
2. Determine the insitu density and compaction characteristics of soil
3. Determine the engineering properties of soil
4. Calculate the shear strength parameters of the soil
5. Analyse the settlement of the saturated soil using PLAXIS 2D
6. Determine the optimum moisture content and dry density of the soil
1. Determination of moisture content using i) Oven drying method and ii) Infrared moisture balance iii)
2. Determination of moisture content and specific gravity of soil
3. Determination of relative density of soil
4. Grain size distribution using Sieve Analysis
5. Standard Proctor compaction test
6. Determination of field density using i) Sand replacement method and ii) core cutter method
7. Determination of Liquid limit, Plastic limit & Shrinkage limit
8. Permeability test using i) Constant head method and ii) Variable head method
9. Direct shear test
10. California bearing ratio test
11. Unconfined Compression test
12. Consolidation Test
13. Triaxial Compression test
14. Analysis of foundation design using PLAXIS 2D
15. Analysis of retaining wall design using PLAXIS 2D

Text Books
1. John T. Germaine, Amy V. Germaine, “Geotechnical Laboratory Measurements for Engineers”, Wiley,
2. Ravi Kumar Sharma “A Laboratory Manual on Soil Mechanics: (Testing and Interpretation) I.K.
International Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2016
Reference Books
1. Saibaba Reddy, E. Ramasastri, K. “Measurement of Engineering Properties of Soils”, New age
International (P) limited publishers, New Delhi, 2008
2. Lambe T.W., “Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2008
3. IS Code of Practice (2720) Relevant Parts, as amended from time to time, Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi
4. Venkatappa Rao G.and Goutham .K. Potable, “Geosynthetics Testing – A laboratory Mannual”, Sai
Master Geoenvironmental Services Pvt. Ltd., 1st Edition 2008
5. Braja M. Das, “Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual”, Oxford University Press, 2002
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


Course code L T P C
20CE2025 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To conversant with the experimental procedures for quantitative estimation of water quality
2. To give hands on training on the testing water sample for drinking water
3. To give training on the determination of wastewater characteristics and microbiological
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Examine the characteristics of water and waste water.
2. Suggest suitable treatment method to water for drinking purpose.
3. Check the microbiological presence in the water and wastewater.
Module List of Experiments
1. pH in given sample
2. Electrical conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total solids and settable solids present in given
3. Acidity and Alkalinity in given sample
4. Turbidity and optimum coagulant dose of a sample from jar test experiment
5. Hardness, Chlorides, Sulphates in given sample
6. Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen
7. Demand (COD) for given sample
8. Monitoring of air pollutant (PM10 / PM2.5) using High volume sampler
9. Determination of chemical species ions, trace elements, total organic carbon, water soluble organic
carbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon using advanced instruments (i.e., IC, AAS, GC) in air
10. Determination of emission factors of air pollutants for combustion sources,
11. Determination of bioaerosol and volatile organic compound.
12. Monitoring and analysis of meteorological parameters (i.e., wind speed, wind direction, temperature,
relative humidity, solar radiation etc). Wind rose plotting based on the winds measurements.
13. Determination of link or relationship between Personal exposure assessment and indoor air quality
Text Books
1. Rao Surampalli, Rama Pulicharla, Tian C. Zhang, “Handbook of Environmental Engineering”, McGraw-
Hill Education, 2018
2. Varandani N. S, “Environmental Engineering”, Pearson Education India., 2017
Reference Books
1. Sawyer, N.C., and McCarty, P.L., “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering”, McGraw- Hill Book Co.,
New York, 2003.
2. Lee C. C, “Environmental Engineering Dictionary”, Government Institutes, 2005
3. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, APHA-AWWAWPCF, latest Edn.,
Washington (D.C). 1995.
4. Jack G. Kay, George E. Keller, Jay F. Miller, “Indoor Air Pollution: Radon, Bioaerosols, and VOCs”,
CRC Press, 1991.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2026 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To provide good understanding of concepts and their applications in the lab
2. To understand the characteristics and behavior of civil engineering materials used in buildings and
3. To impart knowledge about statistical analysis and interpret laboratory test results
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Determine the workability of cement concrete


2. Characterize various highway materials through relevant tests
3. Design the mix which fulfills the required properties for fresh and hardened concrete
1. Standard Consistency and Setting time Test Cement
2. Fineness Test on Cement - sieve, Blaines apparatus
3. Soundness and compressive strength of cement
4. Specific Gravity, Density of aggregates
5. Bulking of fine aggregate
6. Grading of fine aggregate
7. Elongation and Flaky index
8. Slump cone test
9. Compaction Factor test
10. Mix Design by Indian Standard Method
11. Compressive strength and Modulus of Elasticity of concrete
12. Tensile Strength and Flexural strength of concrete
13. Core test (Demo)
14. Rebound hammer test
15. UV test

Text Books
1. Malhotra V. M, Nicholas J. Carino, “Handbook on Nondestructive Testing of Concrete”, CRC Press, 2006
2. IS 269 : 1989, Indian Standard, “Ordinary Portland cement - 33 Grade Specification”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi
3 IS 383 : 1970, Is 1489 ( Part 1 ) : 1991, 1S : 12269 -1987, IS: 303-1970 (Second Revision), IS 2386 –
1963 Part I, III, IS : 2430 – 1986

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2027 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To understand different tests to find various properties of aggregates
2. To enable the students to conduct different tests on bitumen
3. To enable the students to conduct different tests on Soil subgrade and hence to assess their suitability
in pavement construction.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Conduct traffic studies for estimating traffic flow characteristics
2. Characterize the pavement materials
3. Perform quality control tests on pavements and pavement materials
4. Estimate earth work from longitudinal and cross-section details
5. Design grade intersections
6. Assess the quality of various pavement materials and their suitability in highway construction
List of Experiments :
1. Aggregate crushing value
2. Aggregate impact value
3. Los Angeles abrasion value
4. Shape tests-Flakiness index and Elongation index
5. Angularity of course aggregates and fine aggregates
6. Specific gravity and water absorption of course aggregate
7. Stripping value of road aggregates
8. Dry Packing characteristics of aggregates (ASTM C29/ C29 M – 97)
9. California Bearing Ratio test (Soaked and Un-soaked CBR)
10. Dynamic cone penetration test (ASTM D6951 (2015) procedure)
11. Penetration value of bitumen
12. Softening point of bitumen
13. Ductility of bitumen
14. Flash and Fire point of bitumen


15. Measurement of mixing and compaction temperature of bitumen
Text Books
1. MoRTH, “Specification for Road and bridge works”, (5th revision) 2013
2. Kadiyali L .R., “Principles and Practices of Highway Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, 2009
Reference Books
1. MS-2 manual Seventh edition, Asphalt Institute, 2015
2. Khanna S. K., C. E. G. Justo, A Veeraragavan, “Highway Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, 10e
3. Mc Shane, WR and RP Roess, Traffic Engineering, Prentice Hall
4. Pignataro LJ. Traffic Engineering: Theory and Practice; Prentice hall, Inc.
5. IS, ASTM, AASHTO, TRL, IRC, BS procedures / specifications and guidelines.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2028 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To demonstrate the basic principles in the areas of mechanics of materials and structural analysis
2. To apply the theory of mechanics of solids on real specimens
3. To give hands on training on testing of real specimens
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Analyse the RCC and steel structures
2. Design the RCC and steel structures
3. Interpret the member forces and reaction
4. List the different types of loads
5. Understand the stresses developed due to external loads
6. Evaluate the member capacity in RC frames
List of Experiments
1. Introduction to analysis and design.
2. Analysis of continuous beam
3. Analysis of single Storey Frame
4. Analysis of Multi-Storey Frame
5. Design of multi-Storey Frame
6. Analysis of Multi-Storeyed building
7. Design of Multi-Storeyed building
8. Wind load analysis on RCC building
9. Analysis and Design of Steel truss
10. Analysis and Design of Footing
11. Analysis of Bridge Deck
12. Analysis, Design and Report of a 3 Storey building
Text Books
1. Sharma T.S, “STAAD Pro V8i for Beginners” 2014
2. Sharma T.S “Design of RCC Buildings using Staad Pro V8i, 2017
Reference Books
1. SAP 2016 - Reference manual
2. STAAD Pro 2007 V8i – Analysis Reference Manual, 2015
3. STAAD Pro Exercise Book – CAD Desk, 2020
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2029 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To learn use of project management in 4D time
2. To understand 5D cost in Autodesk Revit.
3. To learn how to add 4D and 5D into 3D model
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to


1. Understand the concepts of scheduling for buildings
2. Understand the BIM tools for construction planning
3. Apply BIM tools for 4D time scheduling
4. Evaluate the costing for various components
5. Apply BIM tools for 5D costing
6. Apply 4D and 5D into 3D model
List of Experiments:
1. Creating a schedule showing the build stages for residential building
2. BIM tools and new workflows of construction planning
3. Scheduling and planning with 4D BIM for residential building
4. Costs and Pricing for various items of a residential building
5. 5D costing in Revit
6. Integrating 4D and 5D into 3D model
Reference Books
1. ASCENT, Autodesk Revit 2021 Structure Fundamentals, SDC Publications, 2020
2. Elise Moss, Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture Basics, SDC Publications, 2020
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council

Course code L T P C
20CE2030 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To understand the concepts of sustainability (6D)
2. To understand the concepts of facility management and application (7D)
3. To learn to implement 6D and 7D in real time buildings
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of Energy analysis
2. Apply relevant tools for energy analysis
3. Apply LEED tracking systems
4. Evaluate the life cycle using BIM
5. Apply BIM for facility management
6. Apply BIM for Technical support
List of Experiments:
1. Conceptual Energy analysis in building using relevant tool
2. Detailed Energy analysis using specific tool
3. LEED tracking
4. Life cycle assessment using BIM
5. BIM for maintenance plan
6. BIM for technical support and asset management
Reference Books
1. ASCENT, Autodesk Revit 2021 Structure Fundamentals, SDC Publications, 2020
2. Elise Moss, Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture Basics, SDC Publications, 2020
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2031 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To study details regarding properties and testing of building materials.
2. To study properties of concrete and concrete mix design.
3. To impart the basic concepts in different types of concrete
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Categorize the construction materials, their components and manufacturing process,
2. Identify the quality control properties of concrete making materials
3. Design the mix design of concrete based on various parameters.
4. Predict the properties of concrete in fresh and hardened concrete.


5. Adopt the different types of concrete in details.
6. Demonstrate non- destructive techniques on concrete structures
Module: 1 Cement 8 Hours
Cement - Ingredients - Manufacturing process - Types and grades - Properties of cement and Cement mortar -
Tests on Cement - Fineness - Soundness, Consistency - Setting time

Module: 2 Aggregates 8 Hours

Aggregate – classification - Grading – Fine aggregate - grading – Bulking - Coarse Aggregate -Crushing
strength - Impact strength - Flakiness Index - Elongation Index – Abrasion resistance

Module: 3 Fresh and Hardened Concrete 7 Hours

Workability – workability tests – Segregation - Bleeding – Properties of Hardened concrete – Compressive
strength – split tensile strength – flexural strength – mixing equipment – transporting methods – compacting
method – equipment used – Modulus of elasticity – durability of concrete – water absorption – permeability –
corrosion test – acid resistance

Module: 4 Concrete Mix Design 8 Hours

Principles of Mix Proportioning – Properties of concrete related to Mix Design – Design Mix and Nominal
Mix – BIS Method of Mix Design

Module: 5 Special Concretes 7 Hours

Light weight concretes – foam concrete- self compacting concrete – vacuum concrete – High strength concrete
– Fibre reinforced concrete – Ferrocement – Ready mix concrete – SIFCON – Shotcrete – Polymer concrete –
High performance concrete – Geopolymer Concrete- Bio Concrete

Module: 6 Nondestructive Test 7 Hours

Semi destructive and non-destructive test - Rebound hammer test – ultra sonic pulse velocity test – RCPT test
– permeability test - rebar analyser – corrosion test
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Shetty M.S., “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand & Company, 2013
2. Bhavikatti, “Concrete Technology”, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Limited. 2015
Reference Books
1. Gambhir M.L., “Concrete Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004
2. Aminul Islam Laskar, “Concrete Technology Practices”, Narosa Publishers, 2015
3. Santhakumar A R, “Concrete Technology”, Oxford University press, 2018
4. Nevellie, “Properties of Concrete”, Longman Scientific & Technical, 2005
5. IS383: 2016, Course and Fine aggregate for concrete - Specification
6 IS10262: 209, Guidelines to Concrete Mix Design.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


20CE2032 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide knowledge on various prestressing methods, types and advantages of prestressing
2. To enable to design prestressed concrete structures subjected to flexure
3. To impart the procedures for evaluation and estimation of losses of prestressing
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify appropriate prestressing techniques
2. Explain the concepts of prestressing
3. Analyse the prestressed concrete structures
4. Design the prestressed concrete structural elements
5. Appraise on the quality parameters of PSC structures
6. Investigate the rationale for failure of a PSC structure
Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours


Basic concepts – advantages – materials required- systems and methods of prestressing –analysis of sections –
stress concept – strength concept – load balancing concept – effect of loading on the tensile stresses in tendons
– tendon profile - health monitoring of PT systems - tendon force monitoring with smart strand

Module: 2 Design for Flexure 8 Hours

Basic assumptions for calculating flexural stresses – limit state of collapse - permissible stresses in steel and
concrete – moment of resistance – design for flexure - layout of cables and location of wires in pre and post
tensioned members

Module: 3 Design for Serviceability 7 Hours

Factors influencing deflections – calculation of deflections – short term and long term deflections – losses of

Module: 4 Design of Anchorage Zone 8 Hours

Determination of anchorage zone stresses in post-tensioned beams by Magnel’s method, Guyons’ method and
IS1343 code – design of anchorage zone reinforcement – spalling tension - external tendons - re grouting

Module: 5 Continuous Beam 7 Hours

Methods of achieving continuity in continuous beams –analysis for secondary moments – concordant cable
and linear transformation – calculation of stresses – principles of design
Module: 6 Precast Elements 7 Hours
Introduction to post tensioned precast structural elements - Case studies - failure – nonstructural elements -
applications - Modeling of PT elements and conceptual design
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Krishna Raju N., “Prestressed concrete”, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Company, NewDelhi, 2015
2. Rajagopalan.N, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publishing House, 2014.
Reference Books
1. IS1343: 2012, “Code of Practice for Prestressed Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi,
2. IS 1785 : Part I and II : 1983 Specification for Plain Hard-drawn Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete
3. Lin T.Y. and Ned.H. Burns, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Third Edition, Wiley India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
4. Dayaratnam.P., “Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Oxford and IBH,2013
5. Praveen Nagarajan “Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Pearson, 2013
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2033 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the basic principles of free and forced vibration of SDoF and MDoF
2. To analyze the forces in the members as per IS 1893 and ductile detailing as per IS 13920
3. To understand the principles of vibration control methods and retrofitting techniques
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the elements of vibratory system and to develop mathematical models
2. Determine the fundamental frequency and mode of vibration of structural elements
3. Estimate the response of structures subjected to dynamic forces
4. Apply theory of dynamics to structures subjected to seismic forces
5. Illustrate the codal provisions for seismic resistant design
6. Recommend suitable alternate techniques and retrofitting methods
Module: 1 Free and Forced Vibration of SDoF 8 Hours
D'Alembert's principle - principle of virtual work -idealization of a structure as SDOF system - Equation of
motion - damped and undamped free vibrations - critical damping - logarithmic decrement - un-damped forced
vibration- response to harmonic excitation


Module: 2 Free Vibration of MDOF System: 8 Hours
Mathematical model of MDOF system - natural frequencies and mode shapes – orthogonality conditions -
analysis for natural frequencies and mode shapes - solution of the Eigen value problems

Module: 3 Forced Vibration of MDOF System 7 Hours

Idealizations of multi-storeyed building frames for dynamic analysis- Portal and cantilever method for lateral
load analysis

Module: 4 Introduction to Seismology 8 Hours

Elements of Seismology- Causes of Earthquake- Plate Tectonics- Seismic Waves- Magnitude and Intensity-
Precursors for earthquake.

Module: 5 Analysis and Design as per Codal provisions 7 Hours

Architectural features as per codal provisions- estimation of earthquake forces as per codal provisions
IS1893:2016 – static and dynamic methods- Ductile detailing as per IS 13920:2016
Module: 6 Lessons from past earthquakes 7 Hours
Failure of buildings due to earthquakes, Buildings designed as per Codal provisions and their performance,
Early warning systems for earthquake
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Paz Mario, “Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt.
Ltd., 2012
2. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Prentice Hall of
India, 2009
Reference Books
1. Anil K Chopra, “Dynamics of structures” Prentice-hall, 2015
2. Duggal,S.K. “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2007
3. James C. Anderson, Farzad Naeim, “Basic Structural Dynamics”, Wiley, 2012
4. Madhujit Mukhopadhyay “Structural Dynamics : Vibrations & Systems” , Ane Books India, 2008
5. Damodarasamy S. R., Kavitha S.” Basics of Structural Dynamics and Aseismic Design”, PHI Learning,
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2034 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To learn various inspection and maintenance of structures
2. To understand the repair techniques of damaged structures
3. To get exposed to retrofitting and demolition techniques.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand distress and damages to concrete steel and masonry structures
2. Inspect the structures for its maintenance
3. Interpret damage of structures using various tests
4. Apply of repair techniques to damage structures and various
5. Evaluate the strength of structural elements
6. Retrofit and strengthen RCC and Steel structures
Module: 1 Inspection And Maintenance 8 Hours
Distress structures-Inspection - Cracks and Damages : R.C. C, Masonry, Steel structures-Causes of
Deterioration - Visual examination of cracks – Evaluation of cracks - Assessment Procedure- prevention and
remedy Maintenance - importance of maintenance - routine and preventive maintenance.

Module: 2 Strength and Durability Aspects 8 Hours

Quality Assurance-Strength, permeability, Thermal properties-Effects due to Climate, Corrosion,
Temperature-Effect of Cover thickness-Steel Structures: Erection-Fabrication-Defects in Joints –Corrosion-


prevention and remedial measures-masonry structures: defects in masonry –preventive and remedial

Module: 3 Damage Diagnosis and Assessment 7 Hours

Non Destructive Testing using Rebound hammer, Ultra sonic pulse velocity - Semi destructive testing - Probe
test - Pull out test - Chloride penetration test - Carbonation - Carbonation depth testing - Corrosion activity
measurement - Substrate preparation - Importance of substrate/surface preparation - General surface
preparation methods and procedure - Reinforcing steel cleaning

Module: 4 Repair Techniques 8 Hours

Epoxy injection – Shoring - Underpinning - Corrosion protection - Corrosion inhibitors-Corrosion resistant
steel-Coating to reinforcement- Cathodic protection- miscellaneous methods – special techniques for repairing,
heritage structures

Module: 5 Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Structures: 7 Hours

Design Philosophy-Methods of Retrofitting -Strengthening Techniques - Strengthening of beams-Slabs,
Columns, Footings - RCC Structures - Repair of Structures distressed due to Corrosion –Fire Earthquake
Module: 6 Demolition Techniques 7 Hours
Sequence of operations - demolition of structural elements - Engineered demolition methods –Case study
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Varghese P. C, “Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation and minor works of buildings”, PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd, 2014.
2. Modi, Poonam I, Patel, Chirag N., “Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures”, PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd.. 2015
Reference Books
1. Dodge Woodson.R “Concrete Structures, Protection, Repair and Rehabilitation”, Butterworth-
Heinemann,Elsevier,New Delhi 2012
2. Shetty.M.S. “Concrete Technology-Theory and Practice”, ,S.Chand and Company, 2008.
3. Vidivelli.B “Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures”, Standard Publishes Distribution.1st edition 2009.
4. Ravishankar.K. Krishnamoorthy.T.S, “Structural Health Monitoring, Repair and Rehabilitation of
Concrete Structures”, Allied Publishers, 2004.
5. Chakrabarti A, “Handbook on seismic retrofit of buildings”, Narosa Publishing House, 2010.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2035 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. Introduce the tools of BIM
2. Explain the concepts of BIM
3. Demonstrate the modeling features of BIM
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Model the architectural features
2. Select the appropriate materials for MEP
3. Analyse the efficiency of HAVC system
4. Plan the schedule for the construction projects
5. Estimate the cost of project
6. Interpret the clash analysis report
Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) -BIM Benefits- Construction and fabrication Benefits-
Design Benefits-Discussions of the Roles and Impacts of BIM in the Design - Tools (Autodesk/Tekla/Bentley)
- hardware system requirements

Module: 2 BIM workflow 8 Hours

Quantification - Perform Virtual Take off - Perform 2D takeoff - Manage Takeoff Data - Update and Analyze
data - Export Takeoff Data - Autodesk Rendering - Autodesk Rendering Overview - Adding Materials to a


Model - Creating and Editing Materials - Material Mapping - Lighting - Sun and Sky Lights -Exposure Control
- Ground Planes - Photorealistic Rendering - Data visualization

Module: 3 BIM Modeling – Architecture, Structure 7 Hours

Creation of Architectural and Structural models 3D - Structure and MEP- Creating Sets- Building Elements-
Structural Systems- Planning and Design - Intrusion detection - Lighting Control - Indoor Air quality services
- Elevators/ escalators - parking lot monitoring system - card and keypad access - fire safety - Model checking
- Information retrieval

Module: 4 Electrical and plumbing 8 Hours

Electrical Design - Spaces and Lighting - Lighting Analysis - Light Fixtures - Site Lighting - Power and
Communication - Modeling - Creating Circuits - Creating Fire Alarm System Model - Creating Power
Distribution Systems - Modeling Conduits- Wiring- Heating and Cooling Load Analysis - Report - Logical
Systems - Air Systems - Mechanical System & Duct Work - Mechanical Piping System - Pipe Fittings - Filters
- plumbing and water monitoring

Module: 5 Construction Management 4D 7 Hours

Project Management- Construction Engineering and Management- Facility Management - BIM based Quantity
and Cost Estimation - BIM 4D Simulation: Project scheduling and construction-based monitoring -
Construction Cost Estimating and Scheduling - BIM 360 – Cloud based BIM Management
Module: 6 BIM Design coordination and Clash analysis 7 Hours
BIM and Clash Detection- BIM and Elements of Cost Estimation 5D - Clash Detection - Over View of Clash
Detective Tool - Clash detective Window - Working With Clash tests - Use Clash Tests - Set Clash Rules -
Select Object for Clashing - View Clash results - Produce clash Reports - Introduction to Project life cycle
information (6D) - Collaboration - data handling - Point cloud - Risk assessment - Decision making
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Hardin, B., & McCool, D. (2015). BIM and construction management: proven tools, methods, and
workflows. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Eynon, J. (2016). Construction Manager's BIM Handbook. John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books
1. Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., & Liston, C. “BIM handbook: A guide to building information”,
2. Teicholz, P. (Ed.). “BIM for facility managers”, John Wiley & Sons. 2013
3. Pittard, S., & Sell, P. (Eds.). “BIM and Quantity Surveying”, Routledge. 2016
4. Duell, R., Hathorn, T, and Hathorn, T.R. “Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 Essentials”, Wiley and Sons,
Inc. 2015
5. Raymond Issa, Svetlana Olbina “Building Information Modeling: Applications and Practices”, American
Society of Civil Engineers, 2015
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2036 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge and skills with different aspects of the types, sources, generation, storage,
collection, transport, processing and disposal of solid waste.
2. To impart knowledge on various recycling options available for the solid waste.
3. To educate the engineering principles, design criteria, methods and equipments available to manage
the solid waste
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Analyze the nature and characteristics of municipal solid wastes
2. Sort out the functional elements for solid waste management
3. Apply the techniques and methods used in transformation, conservation and recovery of materials
from solid waste
4. Identify and design waste containment systems


5. Gain knowledge in regulatory requirements regarding municipal solid waste management
6. Apply the basic scientific principles for solving practical waste management challenges
Module: 1 Sources and Classification 8 Hours
Types and sources of solid waste – classification of solid waste - need for solid waste management - salient
features of Indian legislations on management and handling of municipal solid wastes

Module: 2 Waste Characterization and Source Reduction 8 Hours

Waste generation rates – factors affecting waste generation-composition, physical, chemical and biological
properties of solid wastes –waste sampling and characterization plan - source reduction of wastes –waste
exchange - extended producer responsibility

Module: 3 Storage, Collection and Transport of Wastes 7 Hours

Handling and segregation of wastes at source – storage and collection of municipal solid wastes – analysis of
collection systems - need for transfer and transport – transfer stations optimizing waste allocation–
compatibility, storage, labeling and handling of hazardous wastes – E-waste

Module: 4 Waste Processing Technologies 8 Hours

objectives of waste processing – material separation and processing technologies – biological and chemical
conversion technologies – methods and controls of composting - thermal conversion technologies and energy
recovery – incineration - treatment of biomedical wastes

Module: 5 Waste Disposal 7 Hours

Waste disposal options – disposal in landfills: landfill classification, types and methods, site selection, design
and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills and landfill bioreactor - leachate and landfill gas
management – E-waste disposal
Module: 6 Energy from Solid Waste 7 Hours
Composting – incineration - biogas generation - case study on best practices - Swachhbharat features –
Resources recovery from E-waste
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Bhide A.D. and Sundaresan, B.B, “Solid Waste Management Collection”, Processing and Disposal,
2. Paul T Willams, “Waste Treatment and Disposal”, John Wiley and Sons, 2000
Reference Books
1. Tchobanoglous.G. Theisen, H. M., and Eliassen, R. “Solid. Wastes: Engineering Principles and
Management Issues”. New York: McGraw Hill, 1993.
2. Manual on “Municipal Solid Waste Management”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Manser A.G.R. and Keeling A.A, “Practical Handbook of Processing and Recycling of Municipal solid
Wastes”, Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, 1996
4. George Tchobanoglous and FrankKreith, Handbook of “Solid waste Management”, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2002
5. Government of India, “Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management”, CPHEEO, Ministry of
UrbanDevelopment, New Delhi, 2000
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2037 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To learn the fundamental concepts for noise pollution and its mitigation.
2. To impart knowledge on the sources, effects and control techniques for noise pollution.
3. To impart knowledge on measurement and analysis of noise.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the nature and characteristics of noise pollution
2. Analyze the noise pollution problems
3. Detect the various effects of noise pollution


4. Apply suitable preventive measures and identify the technologies and methods to control of noise
5. Choose suitable noise adsorbent materials
6. Gain knowledge about the various noise pollution regulations
Module: 1 Noise Pollution and Its Principles 8 Hours
Introduction – Sound as a wave – Sound Levels – Decibel Scale – A-Weighting – Noise Metrics – Measuring
Noise – Outdoor Sound Propagation – Debates and Challenges.

Module: 2 Noise Pollution and Health 8 Hours

Introduction – Noise-health problems – Noise-stress relationship & effects overview – Noise pollution &
annoyance – Noise pollution & sleep disturbance – Noise pollution & cardiovascular disease – Noise pollution
& cognitive impairment in children – Special case of low-frequency noise.

Module: 3 Strategic Noise Mapping 8 Hours

Introduction – Indian noise policy and legislation – Environmental noise directive – Strategic noise mapping
– Strategic noise mapping in Asian countries and European Union

Module: 4 Transportation Noise 7 Hours

Introduction – Road traffic noise – Railway noise – Aircraft noise – Limitation and further considerations.

Module: 5 Industrial and Construction type Noise 7 Hours

Noise criteria – Industrial noise – Port noise – Air ports as industrial sources – Wind farm noise –
Construction noise – Mining mineral / extraction sites.
Module: 6 Noise Mitigation Approaches and Future Directions 8 Hours
Introduction – Fundamental definitions – Strategic noise mitigation: the noise action planning process –
Mitigation approaches – Source based abatement – Sound absorbent materials –Anti noise device –
Propagation measures – Case studies in noise abatement – Cost-efficiency issues – Progress – Limitation
and future research priorities.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Bhatia, S.C., “Text Book of Noise Pollution and Its Control”, Atlantic publication, 2007.
2. Polak, K.J., “Noise Pollution and Its Control”, CBS, 2019.
Reference Books
1. Milne, A., “Noise Pollution: Impact and Counter Measures”, David and Charles PLC, 2009.
2. Singal S. P, “Noise Pollution and Control Strategy”, Alpha Science International, 2005
3. Malcolm J. Crocker, “Noise and Noise Control”, Volume 2, CRC Press, 2018
4. Malcolm J. Crocker, “Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control”, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
5. Peters R J, “Acoustics and Noise Control”, Routledge, 2011
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2038 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To analyze the legislative and judicial responses to environmental problems
2. To apply environment advocacy and approaches for using litigation in environment protection will
receive special attention
3. To expose to the administrative system of environment related laws such as air, water, land, and
hazardous substances etc
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Recall different policies and rules framed for the environmental protection
2. Recognize the formation of boards at different levels
3. Discuss the functions of central pollution board and the state pollution boards.
4. Know about different duties of pollution control boards
5. Assess about the actions taken by government for the violation of rules
6. Enumerate about the prevention of advanced pollution
Module: 1 Water Act 8 Hours


Constitution, functions and powers of central and state boards - prevention and control of water pollution –
penalties, prevention and control of pollution rules; Annual report.

Module: 2 Air Act 8 Hours

Constitution, functions and powers of central and state boards - prevention and control of air pollution -
penalties; prevention and control of pollution rules - annual report.

Module: 3 Environmental (Protection) Act 7 Hours

General powers of the Central Government - prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution –
rules - recipient system - standards for emission - prohibition and restriction on location of industries -
furnishing information to authorities and agencies - prohibition and restriction on handling hazardous

Module: 4 Hazardous Wastes (Management And Handling) Rules 8 Hours

Tran boundary movement - responsibility of the occupier - grant of authorization - power to respond or cancel
- packaging, labeling, transport, disposal or import - accident reporting – appeal - rules for manufacture, storage
- mitigation of the major accident, safety reports - preparation of on-site and off-site emergency plans

Module: 5 International Environmental Law 7 Hours

Introduction to International law - International humanitarian law and environment - sources of international
law - law of treaties - signature ratification - evolution of international environmental law - customary principles
- common but differentiated responsibility - kyoto-protocol
Module: 6 Rules and Regulations 7 Hours
Bio-medical waste (Management and handling) rules - ozone depleting substances (Regulations and Control)
rules - recycled plastics manufacture and usage rules - Noise pollution rules.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Kaushik C P, Anubha Kaushik , “Perspectives in Environmental Studies”, 4th edition, New Age
International Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 2006
2. Layzer, J. “The Environmental Case: Translating Values into Policy”, 3rd edition, CQ Press 2012.
Reference Books
1. Vig, N. J. and Kraft, M. E. “Environmental Policy: New Directions for the Twenty First Century”, 8th
edition, CQ Press 2013.
2. Divan S. and Rosencranz A, “Environmental Law and Policy in India”, 2 nd edition, Oxford, New Delhi,
3. Leelakrishnan P, “Environmental Law in India”, 3rd edition, Lexis Nexis, India, 2008
4. Elizabeth Fisher “Environmental Law: A Very Short Introduction” Oxford University Press; 1 edition
5. Angus Morrison-Saunders, “Advanced Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment”, Edward
Elgar Pub, April 27, 2018
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


20CE2039 STRUCTURES 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge about surface and ground water irrigation methods
2. To acquire ideas about different types of irrigation structures
3. To understand the operation of irrigation water management structures
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. state the concepts of duty, crop and crop seasons
2. classify the irrigation methods
3. demonstrate the irrigation methods
4. examine irrigation structures
5. appraise and design of impounding structures and cross drainage works
6. construct and operate the irrigation projects


Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
Irrigation – Types of irrigation – Necessity of Irrigation – Merits and demerits of irrigation – Crop and crop
seasons – Optimal use of water – consumptive use of water –Factors affecting crop water requirements –
Irrigation water standards

Module: 2 Water Application 8 Hours

Groundwater phases – Irrigation scheduling - Wilting point – Base period – Delta - Duty –Determination of
irrigation and water requirements – Irrigation and water efficiencies - Factors affecting duty – Methods of
improving duty.

Module: 3 Irrigation Methods 7 Hours

Canal irrigation – Lift irrigation – Tank irrigation – Surface Irrigation – Merits and demerits –Sprinkler
irrigation – Drip irrigation

Module: 4 Diversion and Impounding Structures 8 Hours

Weirs – elementary profile of a weir – weirs on pervious foundations - Percolation ponds – Tanks and Sluices
– Gravity dams – Earth dams – Arch dams – Spillways – Factors affecting location and type of dams – Forces
on a dam – Hydraulic design of dams- safety monitoring sensors.

Module: 5 Canal and Control Structures 7 Hours

Alignment of canals – Classification of canals – Canal drops – Hydraulic design of drops – Cross drainage
works – Hydraulic design of cross drainage works – Canal Head works – Canal regulators – Aqueducts.
Module: 6 Irrigation Water Management 7 Hours
Need for optimization of water use – Minimizing irrigation water losses – water pricing - On farm development
works - Participatory irrigation management – Water users associations – Changing paradigms in water
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Punima B.C. & Pande B.B .Lal, “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering”, Laxmi Publishing, New Delhi
2. Santhosh Kumar Garg, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2016.
Reference Books
1. Dilip Kumar Majumdar, “Irrigation Water Management (Principles & Practices)”, Prentice Hall of India
(P), Ltd, 2000
2. Basak, N.N, “Irrigation Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New Delhi, 1999.
3. Asawa, G.L., “Irrigation Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, 2000
4. Sharma S.K., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, S. Chand Ltd, 2017
5. Michael, A.M., “Irrigation – Theory and Practices”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2017.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2040 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To enable the students with the importance of the heritage, museums and historic buildings
2. To identify the actual tasks in Cultural Heritage preservation
3. To introduce the basic principles, concepts and philosophies of cultural heritage management
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Critically examine and apply visual and narrative perspectives on cultural heritage
2. Highlight the fundamental principles of conservation
3. Identify the principal organizations involved with heritage protection in India
4. Manage heritage including planning, risk assessment and preparedness, disaster management,
tourism, archaeology, sustainability and livelihoods
5. Suggest for the conservation and sustainability
6. Adopt digital preservation technology for Cultural Heritage
Module: 1 Fundamentals of Heritage Conservation – Concepts: 8 Hours


Heritage - types of heritage (tangible, intangible and living) - Classification of cultural assets - History and
development of conservation - Conservation principles and practices - Ethics in conservation - Degrees and
measures of intervention

Module: 2 Conserving heritage 8 Hours

Principles and Approaches of conservation - Heritage Conservation from global and local perspectives - Global
environmental history and politics - Natural resource conflicts - Culture-nature linkages in Heritage - Ecology
and the Human Interface - Heritage and Sustainable Tourism

Module: 3 Cultural Heritage Management 7 Hours

Conservation plan - Management plan - Project management - Heritage economics - risk preparedness -
Disaster management - Sustainable conservation - archaeology - community participation - cultural heritage
management- City Development Plan - Smart City

Module: 4 Management of Historic building 8 Hours

Requirement of regular maintenance - special repairs - annual repairs - challenges in historic buildings - visitor
management - site infrastructure - Management of conservation projects – types of contract - specification for

Module: 5 Conservation Technology 7 Hours

Local material and techniques for conservation - eco-friendly approaches - global issues on heritage
conservation - sustainable conservation - challenges of heritage preservation.

Module: 6 Digitization of Cultural Heritage 7 Hours

Cultural heritage – fundamentals of digital preservation – cultural relics and ancient ruins – digitization of
cultural heritage – rendering technology – methods of rendering – simulation technology - Impact of Industry
4.0 on Architecture and Cultural Heritage
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Rogerio Candelera M.A., “Science, Technology and Cultural Heritage”, CRC Press, 2014
2. Mukerjee S. and Chakraborty D. (Eds) “Environmental scenario in India”, Routledge, London, 2012
Reference Books
1. Mingquan Zhou, Guohua Geng, Zhongke Wu, “Digital Preservation Technology for Cultural Heritage”,
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
2. George Pavlidis, “Applying Innovative Technologies in Heritage Science, Information Science
Reference, 2020
3. Miguel Angel Rogerio-Candelera, Massimo Lazzari, Emilio Cano, “Science and Technology for the
Conservation of Cultural Heritage”, CRC Press, 2013
4. Bolognesi, Cecilia Maria, Santagati, Cettina, “Impact of Industry 4.0 on Architecture and Cultural
Heritage”, IGI Global, 2020
5. Sameer Kochhar, Deepak B. Phatak, H. Krishnamurthy, Gursharan Dhanjal, “Infrastructure and
Governance”, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2008
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


Course Objective:
1. To introduce the basic concepts and principles of various components of remote sensing.
2. To understand the satellite image analysis and interpretation
3. To provide an exposure to GIS and its practical applications in civil engineering.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Recall the principles of remote sensing and GIS
2. Describe the analysis methods RS and GIS data
3. Interpret the data for modeling applications
4. Distinguish sensors and satellites datas for specific applications
5. Appraise the usage of data models


6. Formulate methods to solve issues related to environment using RS and GIS techniques
Module: 1 EMR and its interaction with atmosphere and earth material 8 Hours
Definition of remote sensing and its components – Electromagnetic spectrum – wavelength regions important
to remote sensing – Wave theory, Particle theory, Stefan-Boltzman and Wein’s Displacement Law –
Atmospheric scattering, absorption – Atmospheric windows – spectral signature concepts – typical spectral
reflective characteristics of water, vegetation and soil

Module: 2 Platforms and Sensors 8 Hours

Platforms types – orbit types, Sun-synchronous and Geosynchronous – Passive and Active sensors – resolution
concept – Pay load description of important Earth Resources and Meteorological satellites – Airborne and
spaceborne TIR and microwave sensors.

Module: 3 Image interpretation and analysis 7 Hours

Types of Data Products – types of image interpretation – basic elements of image interpretation - visual
interpretation keys – Digital Image Processing – Pre-processing – image enhancement techniques –
multispectral image classification – Supervised and unsupervised.

Module: 4 Geographic Information System 8 Hours

Introduction – Maps – Definitions – Map projections – types of map projections – map analysis – GIS definition
– basic components of GIS – standard GIS softwares – Data type – Spatial and non-spatial (attribute) data –
measurement scales – Data Base Management Systems (DBMS)

Module: 5 Data Entry, Storage and Analysis 7 Hours

Data models – vector and raster data – data compression – data input by digitization and scanning – attribute
data analysis – integrated data analysis – Modeling in GIS Highway alignment studies – Land Information
Module: 6 Applications of GIS in Civil Engineering 7 Hours
Deformation studies of deflection - Dam deformation - structural movement - Pavement yield - shifting sand-
bank and shoreline – Landslide Risk Analysis - Monitoring Urban Growth - traffic analysis - accident analysis
- site suitability analysis for transport infrastructure – Vehicle routing – Highway maintenance system –
Intelligent Transportation System - Flood damage assessment – Flood Modelling
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Anji Reddy M, “Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems”, B S Publications,
2. C.P.Lo.Albert K.W.Yeung, “Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems”, 2nd edition,
PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi, 2014.
Reference Books
1. Andrew N. Rencz, “Manual of Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing for Natural Resource Management and
Environmental Monitoring”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, April 2004
2. Basudeb Bhatta, “Remote Sensing and GIS”, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press 2011.
3. Kali Charan Sahu, “Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems”, Atlantic
Publishers, 2018.
4. Lillesand and Kiefer, “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”, Wiley Publications, 2011.
5. George Joseph and C Jeganathan, “Fundamentals of Remote Sensing”, Orient Blackswan Publishers,
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


20CE2042 SERVICES 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To enable the students on MEP services on construction
2. To facilitate to design HVAC system and latest technology development in air conditioning system
3. To identify the Fire system module, systematic design of Fire alarm and protection system standards
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Manage building services provisions in big construction sites.


2. Design plumbing module for water distribution piping and water drainage system and recycling of
3. Synchronize the construction activities with installation of building services.
4. Select the suitable electrical as well as mechanical services for particular requirements of buildings.
5. Ensure green building applications to the new constructions
6. Adopt the different safety procedures that can be used to ensure a safe worksite
Module: 1 Mechanical Services 8 Hours
Introduction – mechanical services - Lift - Lift Types - Design Considerations - Location, Sizes - Component
– Pit - Elevators - Escalators - elevators types – Conveyors – Conveyor types – Lighting and Ventilation
services – Ventilation types

Module: 2 HVAC System 8 Hours

Concept of HVAC - Classification of Air-Conditioning System - Heat load calculation - Air distribution system
- commercial AC ducting system - Centralized air conditioning systems - chilled water system - working
principles - Split/ Window AC - VRF air condition - heat pump system - ducts grills and diffusers - Energy
Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in HVAC system

Module: 3 Electrical Services 7 Hours

Electricity - electricity generation - codes for Electrical system – power plants - Electrical equipment -
Transformers - Diesel generator - protection devices and circuit breakers - importance of capacitors - power
factor - harmonic control – cable types - lighting types - design of lighting - electrical earthing systems

Module: 4 Plumbing Services 8 Hours

Fundamentals of plumbing system - water distribution system - its working principle - water requirements as
per NBC - water distribution system - water demand & storage calculations - overhead tanks - water treatment
system – house drainage system - storm water drainage system – Manholes- wastewater sewage system

Module: 5 Fire Alarm and Protection System 7 Hours

Basics of Fire Alarm - Protection System - causes of fire - preventive measures - fire resistance specification
and requirements - application and usage - fire protection laws - fire protection system types - water storage
calculation for fire protection - Fire alarm systems types - smoke detectors
Module: 6 Building Management System 7 Hours
BMS System – importance in MEP services - working of the BMS system - Operational consideration -
Maintenance - Energy Management through BMS system - solar PV power system - grid and off grid system
- solar power system – green building components and services
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Paul Tymkow, Savvas Tassou, Maria Kolokotroni, Hussam Jouhara, “Building Services Design for
Energy Efficient Buildings”, Routledge, 2013
2. Purnima B C, ‘Environmental Engineering-I-Water Supply Engineering”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd,
New Delhi, 2005
Reference Books
1. Ch’ing, Francis DK, Binggeli, Cork, “Interior Design Illustrated”, Wiley Publications, New Jersey,
2004.2.Hall, Fred, Greeno, Roger, “Building Services Handbook”, Butterworth Heinemann, UK, 2001
2. Rangwala SC, “Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 29th
edition, 2016
3. Gurucharan Singh, “Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering (Environmental Engineering)”, Standard
Publishers Distributors, 2007
4. Roger Greeno, “Building Services, Technology and Design” CRC Press, 2014
5. Jackie Portman, “Building Services Design Management”, Wiley Publications, 2014
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2043 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart fundamental knowledge of Ground Improvement Techniques
2. To understand the importance of Ground Improvement method.


3. To adopt appropriate method of Ground Improvement according to site conditions and requirement
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the types of ground improvement techniques and soil distribution in India
2. Identify the different types of stabilization techniques
3. Classify various types of ground improvement techniques.
4. Investigate the performance of the technique adopted.
5. Choose the appropriate method of Ground improvement based on their construction methods.
6. Measure the benefits due to the adopted ground improvement method.
Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
Introduction to engineering ground modification- classification of ground modification techniques- soil
distribution in India-reclaimed soils- ground improvement potential

Module: 2 Grouting 8 Hours

Grouting – aspects – groutability - grouting materials - suspension grouts and solution grouts - compaction
grouting - procedure and applications of grouting.

Module: 3 Chemical Stabilization 7 Hours

Chemical stabilization – granular admixtures - cement - calcium chloride - fly ash – bitumen - chemical
admixtures - construction methods.

Module: 4 Ground Anchors 8 Hours

Ground anchors – applications - types and components - anchor tests - rock bolts –applications and types- rock
bolt action around an excavation - soil nailing – construction sequence –analysis of nailed soil

Module: 5 Compaction 7 Hours

Compaction- moisture density relationship - shallow surface compaction-rollers – operational aspects - deep
compaction – explosion - heavy tamping- vibro-compaction and vibro- replacement - properties of compacted
soil - compaction control tests
Module: 6 Hydraulic Modification 7 Hours
Hydraulic modification- Methods of dewatering- open sumps and ditches –wellpoint systems, deep well
drainage - vacuum dewatering– electro osmosis – design of dewatering for excavations.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Purushothamaraj P., “Ground Improvement Techniques” ,University Science Press, 2011
2. Bujang B.K. Huat, Arun Prasad, Sina Kazemian, Vivi Anggraini, “Ground Improvement Techniques”,
CRC Press, 2019
Reference Books
1. Peter G. Nicholson, “Soil Improvement and Ground Modification Methods, Elsevier, 2014
2. Peter G. Nicholson, “Soil Improvement and Ground Modification Methods”, Elsevier, 2014
3. Som, N and Das, S. P, “Theory and practice of Foundation Design”, Eastern Economy Edition, India,
4. Rawlings,C G, Hellawell,E. E. and Kilkenny,W. M,. “Grouting for Ground Engineering”, Ciria,
London, 2000.
5. Davics, M. C. and Schlosser, F. “Ground Improvement Geosystems”, Thomas Telford, London, 1997.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2044 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the importance of sustainability in Institute
2. To learn the implementation of sustainability in the thrust areas
3. To learn the design for sustainability for the Institute
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the Waste management concepts in the institute
2. Apply sustainability principles for Energy


3. Analyze the importance of food and sustainability
4. Apply Water related sustainability concepts
5. Analyse the concepts related to health and sustainability
6. Evaluate a strategy for developing sustainable institute
Module: 1 Green Engineering for Waste Management in Institute 8 Hours
Recycling program for University waste - Reduce the use of plastic and paper in campus - Organic and
inorganic waste treatment - Sewerage disposal Case Study: University Gadjah Mada

Module: 2 Sustainability Principles for Energy 8 Hours

Energy flow analysis in buildings - Waste to energy in campus - Methods of conservation of energy - Case
Study: Osaka University, Japan, NTU Singapore

Module: 3 Sustainability in Food production 7 Hours

Sustainable food systems and agriculture: Food security - Self-production with available resources - Food
conservation methods - Case Studies: Illinios University

Module: 4 Sustainability in Water Conservation 8 Hours

Recycling and Reuse of Water - Water conservation methods - Efficient building operation - Low water
landscape strategies - Case Study: George town University

Module: 5 Sustainability in Health 7 Hours

Design of Walkable/cycling spaces - Sick building syndrome - Thermal comfort in classrooms - Sanitation and
Hygiene in campus - Air pollution control methods inside campus - Case Study
Module: 6 Applications of sustainability concepts 7 Hours
Design and Execute a sustainable concept in the campus focussing on the thrust areas on the University
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Abu Zahrim Yaser, “Green Engineering for Campus Sustainability”, Springer Singapore, 2019
2. Andrew Braham , “Fundamentals of Sustainability in Civil Engineering”, CRC Press, 2017
Reference Books
1. Yates J. K., Daniel Castro-Lacouture, “Sustainability in Engineering Design and Construction”, CRC
Press 2018
2. Sivakumar Babu G.L., Sireesh Saride, B. Munwar Basha,” Sustainability Issues in Civil Engineering”,
Springer Singapore2018
3. Jan Seidel,” Sustainability in Civil Engineering”, GRIN Verlag 2007
4. Toolseeram Ramjeawon ,” Introduction to Sustainability for Engineers” CRC Press 2020
5. Barbara A. Luke, Richard Newport Wright, William Edward Kelly ,”Engineering for Sustainable
Communities Principles and Practices” ASCE, 2017
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


20CE2045 MANUFACTURING 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the concept of automation in building
2. Identify different areas of automation in construction Industry
3. To understand 3D printing and its application
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Describe about building automation and its technologies
2. Explain different areas of automation in construction
3. Apply automation in different industry
4. outline the importance of 3D printing in construction Industry
5. Explain Different 3D printing technologies in construction industry
6. Demonstrate application of 3D printing with different Case studies
Module: 1 Introduction to automation in construction: 8 Hours


Advantages and Disadvantages – Need – adaptation of automation in construction industry- use of building
information modelling technology – robotics in construction – programmable construction machines –Project
management in Automation - Application.

Module: 2 Areas of automation in Construction: 8 Hours

Roads & Runways construction – Structures - Buildings construction – Ports – Tunnels - Factories and
industries – Glazing for façade - Case Studies and examples

Module: 3 Applications of Automated Construction and Robotics 7 Hours

Automation and robotics in construction sector and precast concrete industry - prefabrication of masonry and
on site masonry construction - the production of steel components - suggested automation concepts -
digitalisation in construction automation- new equipment & latest machineries like SRP, Boom lift, spider-kit,

Module: 4 Applicability and Limitations of 3D Printing for Civil Structures: 8 Hours

Application of 3D printing in Concrete Construction – 3D printing for civil structures - challenges of 3D
printing for civil structures - future directions of 3D printing for civil structures – Advantages and

Module: 5 Current 3D Concrete Printing Technologies: 7 Hours

Extrusion based Technique - CONPrint3D: Concrete On-Site 3D printing - Large-Scale 3DCP using Ultra
High-Performance Concrete - Powder based Technique - Dshape - Emerging Objects – Powder based 3DCP
using Geopolymer
Module: 6 Best Practices and Applications of 3D Printing in the Construction 7 Hours
Application of 3D Printing - Time, Cost, and Materials Savings - Different Case Studies
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Jay G. Sanjayan, Ali Nazari, Behzad Nematollahi, “3D Concrete Printing Technology: Construction and
Building Applications” 1st Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2019
2. Alan Chamberlain, “Automation and Robotics in Construction XI”, Elsevier, 2012
Reference Books:
1. Anton weiberg, “Towards design Automation for additive manufacturing – A multidisplinary
optimization approach”, Lic-tricrk, 2019
2. John T wen, “Intelligent building control system”, Springer international Publishing , 2018
3. Roman Szewczyk, “Advances in Automation, robotics and measurement techniques”, Springer
International Publishing , 2018
4. Balasubramaniyan K.R.. and.Sentil Kumar V, “Additive manufacturing application for metals and
composites”, IGI Global Publishers, 2020
5. Hordijk D.A., Luković M., “High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet”, Springer
International Publishing, 2017
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2046 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To use R Programming for analysis of data
2. To visualize outcome in the form of graphs, charts
3. To analysis data using various statistical tools like correlation and regression
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. State the capabilities of R and its data, variable types
2. Describe various operators, control statements and scoping rules in R
3. Apply R programming for manipulation of datasets
4. Produce various graphs using R
5. Obtain distribution plots using R
6. Analyse dataset using Statistical Tools available in R


Module: 1 Statistical Data Analysis 7 Hours
Basic Statistics – Outlier - regression Analysis: Linear, Multiple, Logistic, Poisson - Survival Analysis -
Nonlinear Models: Splines, Decision Tree, Random Forests - Support Vector Machine – Clustering –
Correlation – Covariance - Statistical simulation - T-Tests.

Module: 2 Probability Distribution 7 Hours

Populations and samples - Statistical modeling - Probability Distributions: Normal, Binomial, Poisson and
Other Distributions

Module: 3 Introduction to R 8 Hours

Data Science - Big Data and Data Science hype – Datafication – Statistical Inference - Intro to R - overview of
R - elements and data structures - Sessions and Functions - Variables, Data Types - Vectors, Scalars - Data
Frames – Lists – Classes - Data input/output - Data storage formats - Subsetting objects - Vectorization

Module: 4 Programming in R 8 Hours

R Programming - Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and values – Structures - Control Statements – Loops -
Pointers in R – Recursion - Scoping Rules - Loop functions - Array and Matrices

Module: 5 Data Manipulation 7 Hours

Math and Simulation in R - Functions, Math Function - Probability Calculation - Cumulative Sums and
Products- Minima and Maxima- Data sorting - Linear Algebra Operation on Vectors and Matrices - Set

Module: 6 Data Visualisation 8 Hours

Graphics - Creating Graphs - Customizing Graphs - lattice library – Visualization - Box plot – Histogram -
Pareto charts - Pie graph - Line chart – Scatterplot - Developing graphs
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Norman Matloff, “The Art of R Programming, Cengage Learning”, Starch Press, US-Publisher, 2017
2. Larry Pace, Joshua Wiley, “Beginning R -An Introduction to Statistical Programming”, 2nd Edition,
Apress, 2015
Reference Books
1. Mark Gardener, “Beginning R -The Statistical Programming Language”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.
2. Chris Brunsdon, Lex Comber, “An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping”, 2 nd Revised
Edition, Sage Publications Ltd (UK), 2019
3. Jared P. Lander, “R for Everyone Advanced Analytics and Graphics”, 2nd Edition, Addison- Wesley
Professional PTG, 2017
4. Hamid Reza Pourghasemi, “Spatial Modeling in GIS and R for Earth and Environmental Sciences”,
Elsevier (S&T), 2019
5. Michael J. Crawley, “The R Book”, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2047 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To learn the fundamentals of ITS.
2. To study the ITS functional areas
3. To employ the ITS implementation in developing countries
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. understand the concept of its, with particular emphasis on advanced traffic management and
2. information issues explain the human factor issues for its generalize the sensor and
communication technologies
3. apply the various its methodologies
4. define the significance of its under Indian conditions
5. describe the elements of Vehicle Location, Route Navigation and Guidance concepts


Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
ITS Objectives - Historical Background - Benefits of ITS - Architecture – ITS Architecture Framework –
Dynamic Message Sign - ITS Data collection techniques – Detectors - Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) -
Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Video data collection.

Module: 2 Telecommunications in ITS 8 Hours

Importance of telecommunications in the ITS system, Information Management - Traffic Management Centres
(TMC) - Vehicle – Road side communication – Vehicle Positioning System ITS functional areas – Advanced
Traffic Management Systems (ATMS)

Module: 3 Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS) 7 Hours

Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) - Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS) - Advanced Public
Transportation Systems (APTS) - Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS)

Module: 4 ITS User Needs and Services 8 Hours

Travel and Traffic management - Public Transportation Management - Electronic Payment - Commercial
Vehicle Operations - Emergency Management - Advanced Vehicle safety systems - Information Management
- Incident Management

Module: 5 Automated Highway Systems 7 Hours

Vehicles in Platoons – Integration of Automated Highway Systems - ITS Programs in the World – Overview
of ITS implementations in developed countries -ITS in developing countries – Case studies
Module: 6 Case Studies 7 Hours
Case studies on ITS – national – international - importance
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Sussman, J. M., “Perspective on ITS”, Artech House Publishers, 2005
2. Kan Paul Chen, “ITS Hand Book 2000: Recommendations for World Road Association”, (PIARC) John
Miles, 2000
Reference Books
1. Henry F.Korth, and Abraham Siberschatz, “Data Base System Concepts”, McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. Turban E., “Decision Support and Export Systems Management Support Systems”, Maxwell Macmillan,
3. Sitausu S. Mittra, “Decision Support Systems – Tools and Techniques”, John Wiley, New York, 1986.
4. Cycle W. Halsapple and Andrew B.Winston, “Decision Support Systems – Theory and Application”,
Springer Verlog, New York, 1987
5. National ITS Architecture Documentation, US Department of Transportation, 2007 .
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2048 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide knowledge about the basic components of airports.
2. To describe the process and methods of operating and utilization of airport capacity
3. To impart basic understanding of the infrastructure of airports and Aerotropolis
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand and apply basic concepts of aviation regulations, and financing structure for airports
2. Design the airfield geometric elements and runway
3. Understand and apply basic concepts of capacity analysis for airside and landside planning
4. Evaluate airport capacity, safety and security
5. Demonstrate basic principles of pavement design
6. Demonstrate basic concepts of airside and landside aviation infrastructure management
Module: 1 Air Transport Characteristics: 8 Hours
Airport classification-airport planning: objectives, components, layout characteristics, socio-economic
characteristics of the catchment area - typical airport layouts - case studies


Module: 2 Runway Design & Capacity Determination: 8 Hours
Airport Site selection and ICAO stipulations - geometric design of the airfield: runway design- orientation,
wind rose diagram – runway length – problems on basic and actual length - Determination of runway capacity
and delay - taxiway and gate capacity - holding aprons - terminal aprons - airport drainage

Module: 3 Airport Terminal Design: 7 Hours

Function of airport passenger and cargo terminal - design of air freight terminals - airport access - airport
landside planning - capacity; parking and circulation area.

Module: 4 Airfield Pavement Design and Passenger Facilities: 8 Hours

Configuration and pavement design principles – elements of taxiway design – airport zones – passenger
facilities and services

Module: 5 Airport and Aerotropolis: 7 Hours

Modeling cities after airports - Socio-Economic Benefits - Fit for Globalization - Eco-innovations and
Economic perspectives - Design of Sustainable Aerotropolis - Defining the aerotropolis - Location Quotient
Analysis - conceptual design - Strategic planning - Stakeholder management - Market and demand studies -
Alignment with air traffic planning - Integrated land use plan
Module: 6 Air Traffic Management: 7 Hours
Navigational aids: lighting, sign, markings - ground based systems - satellite based systems – air traffic control
- surveillance facilities – airfield lighting - air traffic management
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Khanna S K, Arora M G and Jain S S, “Airport Planning and Design”, Nemchand and Brothers, Roorkee,
2. Subhash C. Saxena, “Airport Engineering: Planning and Design”, CBS Publisher, 2012
Reference Books
1. Robert Horonjeff, Francis X. McKelvey, William J. Sproule, Seth B. Young “Planning and Design of
Airports” 5th Edition
2. Planning and design guidelines for Airport terminal facilities, Advisory circular, department of
transportation, Federal Aviation Administration 1988
3. Norman J. Ashford , Saleh A. Mumayiz, Paul H. Wright, “Airport Engineering: Planning, Designand
Development of 21st-Century Airports” , John Wiley and Sons – 5 Sep 2012
4. Asheesh Kumar, “Planning and Design of Airport”, Vayu Education of India, 2015
5. Joaquin Romero, “Airport-Centric Development: The Aerotropolis Concept and Capacity Needs”, Nova
Publishers, 2013
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2049 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To introduce students to the most important issues in atmospheric chemistry.
2. To understand the coupling between air quality and climate change.
3. To learn the transport mechanisms and dispersion of air pollutants in the atmosphere.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Predict fate of molecules and radicals under typical atmospheric conditions.
2. Understand the basics of atmospheric structure, circulation and composition.
3. Understand the sources and sinks of aerosols and how they affect climate
4. Understand the Major surface air-quality issues and their associated control strategies
5. Explain basic principles of greenhouse effect and compute global warming potentials.
6. Predict major atmospheric degradation pathways of natural and anthropogenic trace
Module List of Experiments 30 hours
1. Air quality monitoring techniques; Monitoring of air pollutant using high volume


2. Ambient monitoring of particulate matter using cyclone based sampler,
3. Ambient monitoring of Bio-aerosol.
4. Chemical characterization of air sample using advanced instruments (i.e., IC, AAS,
5. Monitoring and analysis of meteorological parameters.
6. Wind rose plotting based on the winds measurements.
7. Determination of link or relationship between meteorological parameters and ambient
air quality
8. Determination of aerosol optical depth by using AERONET.
9. Determination of dispersion mechanism of particulate matter using drone technology.
10. Determination of organic compound (i.e., TVOC, formaldehyde etc) using advanced sensor.
Text Books
1. James P. L., “Methods of air sampling and analysis”, Routledge, 2017.
2. VarWork K., Warner C.F., and Davis W.T., “Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control”, Pearson, 1998.
Reference Books
1. Lodge J.P., “Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis”, CRC Press, 1988.
2. IS 5182, Indian Standards-Methods for measurement of air pollution, Part-14 – Guidelines for planning
the sampling for atmosphere, BIS, 2000.
3. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water”, APHA-AWWAWPCF, latest Edn.,
Washington (D.C). 1995.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2050 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To learn the concepts of AR,VR and MR
2. To understand the applications of XR
3. To learn to develop models using appropriate tools
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the concepts AR,VR, MR
2. Understand the application of XR in Civil Engineering
3. Create models using VR using appropriate tools
4. Create Models using AR using appropriate tools
5. Create Models using MR using appropriate tools
6. Apply the concepts to real time models
List of Experiments:
1. XR-Terminology, Concepts and Technology
2. Create basic VR scenes in WebXR or Unity.
3. Create immersive VR scenes in WebXR or Unity.
4. Create marker-based AR scenes in WebXR or Unity.
5. Create marker-less AR scenes in WebXR or Unity
6. VUFORIA STUDIO – Creation of AR/MR Content
Reference Books
1. eLearning Industry, Step Into The Screen: AR/VR Technology's Role In The Future Of eLearning, 2020
2. Unity Manual,, 2019
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2051 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To enable to understand the global climate change scenario, causes and consequences
2. To introduce the concepts about climate change modelling
3. To familiarise the policies and protocols followed for mitigation of climate change


Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the climate and its change
2. List the factors affecting global climate change
3. Analyze the impacts of global climate change
4. Explain the importance of climate change in various fields
5. Develop Climate Change Models
6. Appreciate the importance of policies and regulations for mitigation of climate change
Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
Climate - the atmosphere - circulation - stability, chemistry of atmosphere - atmospheric and ocean circulation
- concept of energy balance - monsoon rain – clouds – storms - climate - cloud formation and climate - global
wind systems - storm - hurricanes

Module: 2 Climate Change 8 Hours

Causes - internal forcing mechanism- external forcing mechanism – El Nino and El Nina effects - physical
evidences – tropical – desert – polar - mid-latitude climates and their role in global climate change.

Module: 3 Greenhouse Gases 7 Hours

Greenhouse gases - its impact – acid rains – causes – effects- solution- prevention – ozone layer – ozone
depletion – ozone hole and global warming - CO2 Emissions.

Module: 4 Impact on Agriculture 8 Hours

Food security - land use – forestry - human health – water supply – sanitation - infrastructure and economy

Module: 5 Impact on Water 7 Hours

Importance of water – water resources- oceans- global ocean circulation - water-related adaptation to climate
change in the fields of ecosystems and biodiversity- variations in past climates in ocean and lake sediment
cores, ice cores, corals, tree rings - influences and feedbacks of hydrological changes on climate – climate
Module: 6 Role of Organization 7 Hours
Mission of the inter-Governmental panel on climate change -International agreements and protocols - future
use of energy and fossil fuels - role of Governments, industries and individuals - case studies: Antarctica –
Greenland – North Pole – India.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Singh, K. P., “Geomorphology and global climate change”, 2011.
2. Alper Baba, Gökmen Tayfur, “Climate Change and Its Effects on Water Resources” Springer Publishers,
Reference Books
1. Syed M. H., “Climate Change”, Daya Publishing House, 2009
2. Syed M.H, Encyclopedia of SAARC Nations, Gyan Publishing House, 2003
3. George Luber, Jay Lemery, “Global Climate Change and Human Health: From Science to
Practice”,ISBN: 978-1-118-50557-1November 2015
4. Edmond Mathez “Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future”, Columbia
University Press (1st edition, 2009)
5. Thomas R Karl , Jerry Melillo., “ Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States”, U S Global
Change Research. 2009
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2052 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To know the concept of Green building and its features
2. To impart knowledge about Green building System
3. To inculcate the application of Green Project Management
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to


1. Understand the factors influencing Green building concept
2. Identify and Compare different rating system
3. Select proper site and adopt green building techniques
4. Plan energy efficient building envelopes and reduce carbon foot print
5. Select the Building material and reduce ,reuse and recycle waste
6. Evaluate the performance of Green buildings and enhance indoor air quality
Module: 1 Introduction to Green Buildings 8 Hours
Definition -Sustainable development, Features of green buildings, Benefits towards sustainable development-
Green building rating systems – GRIHA, IGBC and LEED, overview of rating systems.

Module: 2 Site Selection and Planning 8 Hours

Site selection-Landscape-Soil erosion control- heat island effect-Orientation - Day lighting - Ventilation-
Water conservation -Rainwater harvesting- Irrigation systems-Water efficient Plumbing systems- Waste
water treatment- recycle and reuse systems

Module: 3 Energy Efficiency 7 Hours

Environmental impact-Building constructions- Operational energy - life cycle energy- -Energy efficient
building envelopes-Lighting technologies–Heating and Air-conditioning systems - Zero ozone depleting
potential (ODP) materials-Wind and solar energy harvesting- Net zero buildings.

Module: 4 Building Materials 8 Hours

Local building materials: -Natural & renewable materials - Recycled content: agro and industrial waste-Reuse
of waste and salvaged materials -Waste Management: Construction waste materials- Household waste-Organic
waste management

Module: 5 Indoor Environmental Quality 7 Hours

Causes and sources –Indoor air-Risks-Indoor Air Pollutant – ASHRAE guidelines-Air quality Models –
Assessment - Occupant Comfort: Day lighting, air ventilation- exhaust systems- low VOC paints, materials &
adhesives, building acoustics
Module: 6 LEED Rated Buildings & Case Studies: 7 Hours
Energy Economics –Life Cycle Costing –Green project Management and Certification- Green Strategies –
Documented Benefits –Cost Control Strategies- Case studies : Platinum / gold / silver building–trends in
building rating systems –IGBC standards
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Md Zakiar Rahman, Most sharmin Islam. Md. Shahedur Rashid, “ Practice of Green Building
Technologies and Water Conservation Process”, LAP, Lambet Academic Publishing, 2012
2. Charles J. Kibert, “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, 2nd Edition, Wiley,
New Jersey, 2007
Reference Books
1. Green building guidelines: Meeting the demand for low-energy, resource-efficient homes. Sustainable
Buildings Industry Council, Washington, D.C., 2004
2. Kibert, C. “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, John Wiley and Sons, 2005
3. GRIHA version 2015, GRIHA rating system, Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment.
4. IGBC Green Homes Rating System, Version 2.0., Abridged reference guide, 2013, Indian Green Building
Council Publishers.
5. SAM Kubba, (2012), Handbookof Green building Design and Construction: LEED, BREEAM, and Green
Globes” Elsevier Science
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2053 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To enhance the knowledge of Smart Building Technologies
2. To apply the concept of Building Automation
3. To Evaluate the functioning of Smart Buildings


Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the system of Smart Technology
2. Implement the design principles and strategy in Smart buildings
3. Illustrate philosophy of building automation systems
4. 4.Analyze the intelligent building design concepts
5. 5.Design fire safety and security systems for intelligent buildings
6. 6.Integrate the building management systems and adopt them in intelligent buildings
Module: 1 Smart Buildings Technologies 8 Hours
Introduction-Smart buildings-Internet of things (IoT)- Information and Communication Technologies-Mobile
Applications, Cloud Application in Smart buildings- Building Management systems - Artificial Intelligence -
Smart Sensors for facility Management

Module: 2 Building Management System (BMS) and Automation 8 Hours

Building automation system- Architecture and Components - Building Management System: IBMS -
Integration: IBMS Architecture, Normal & Emergency operation. Advantages of BMS -EPBX System -
Integration of systems –Design of BMS.

Module: 3 HVAC & Lighting Controls Systems 7 Hours

Human Comfort: Air Quality-Thermal comfort in buildings-Ventilation-Classification of HVAC - DDC
applications - Control Panel: HVAC Control Panel, Networks, BACNet, Modbus, LON-Electrical Installation
– Power Transmission -Smart Lighting Systems

Module: 4 Fire Protection Systems 8 Hours

Introduction –Causes-Stages of Fire-Fire Service Installation-Fire Alarm -Principles of Operation-Fire
Sensors-Smoke detectors and their types- Fire control panels-Fire and Life safety-Fire Management in

Module: 5 Security Systems 7 Hours

Introduction to Security Systems-Concepts-Perimeter Intrusion- Security Design- Access control system -
RFID enabled access control- Computer system access control – CCTV-Components of CCTV system -
Central alarm systems –Structural health monitoring systems
Module: 6 Building Electronics & Case Studies 7 Hours
Microprocessor based control -programmable logic controller – communication principles -Satellite
communication - Fiber optic backbone - Smart Buildings - IoT, Cloud Computing and Digital Ceiling
Application - Case Studies
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Shengwei Wang, “Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation”, Spon Press, London, 2009.
2. Derek Clements and Croome, “Intelligent Buildings: An Introduction”, Routledge, 2013
Civil Engineering.
Reference Books
1. Derek Clements and Croome, “Intelligent Buildings: An Introduction”, Routledge, 2013
2. James Sinopoli “ Advanced Technology for Smart Buildings”, Artech House, 2016
3. James.M.Sinopoli, Smart Buildings Systems for Architects, Owners and Builders Publishers:” Butter
worth Heinemann, 2009
4. James Kachadorian “ Passive Solar House: the complete Guide to Heating and cooling Your Home “
Chelsa Green Publishing: Revised and expanded Second edition, 2006
5. Ron Bakker, “Smart Buildings: Technology and the Design of the Built Environment”, RIBA Publishing,
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2054 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To introduce the principles of Interior Design
2. To develop skill required for Interior Design


3. To handle Interior Design Projects
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Interpret functionality requirement in Interior Design
2. Distinguish functional value from those of aesthetic value
3. Apply visual elements and principles in designing interiors
4. Analyze designs in various contexts of Color and Lightings
5. Evaluate design criteria involved in the design of furniture and landscaping elements
6. Appraise the applications in Commercial interiors
Module: 1 Conceptual Design 8 Hours
Interior design and interior decoration -Philosophy of art-Type of arts -Interiors in China-Japan-American –
African Interiors- History of Interior Indian Tradition - Cultural and ethnic influence - Functions & Qualities
of a good designer - Perception of Interior Design- Interior Design and integration with architecture

Module: 2 Elements and Principles of Interior Design 8 Hours

Point or mark, line, form and shape, two dimensional & three dimensional categories- size, color, texture,
pattern, space, light-Harmony, Balance, Rhythm, Emphasis, proportion.-Application of design principles in

Module: 3 Colour and Lighting 7 Hours

Concept & significance of color - interiors and exteriors-Dimensions of color -Color systems – Prang Colour
System- Munsell Colour System-Application of color harmonies - interiors and exteriors –Effects of light on
color- Artificial lighting - Light sources-Types and uses-specific factors– Lighting accessories

Module: 4 Spatial Layout of Furniture 8 Hours

Human Factors- Furniture Design-Room Plan And Furniture Arrangement- Furniture types -Graphical
Compositions in Wall, Flooring - Furniture and Ceiling Details - Design Project-Illumination False Ceiling -
Wall Paneling - Air Conditioning features - Traffic Pattern and Furniture Layout: Residential, Commercial,

Module: 5 Landscape Design 7 Hours

Interior Landscaping-Physical requirement of plants- Interior landscaping elements-Pot culture-Indoor Plants-
Roof and Deck Landscaping- design of Courtyard, Outdoor design, Terrace design
Module: 6 Commercial Interiors 7 Hours
Interior Design– restaurants and hotels, public utility services – Airport, Educational Institution, Hospitals
Shopping Complex, Exhibition, Schools, Malls, Universities and trade Fairs
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Chaudhari, S.N, “Interior Design”, Jaipur: Aavishkar Publishers, India. 2005
2. Kasu, A.A, “Interior Design”, Delhi: Ashish Book Centre,Delhi, 2005
Reference Books
1. Irelan, Jeannie. “History of Interior Design”, New York: Fairchild Books, Inc., 2009.
2. Newton,D.&Hayes, K. “Kitchen and bath drawing. Hackettstown”, New Jersey: The National Kitchen &
Bath Association, 2006
3. Simon Dodsworth, Stephen Anderson, “The Fundamentals of Interior Design”, Blooms burry
Publishing, 2015
4. Gupta, C.B., Dr. Nair, Rajan, “Marketing Management”, Sultan Chand & Som, New Delhi, 2003
5. Choudhury, A.K.R., “Modern Concepts of Colour and Appearance”, Oxford and IBH Pubhsning Co. Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2000
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE2055 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To Study the basics of docks and harbour
2. To import knowledge on various marine structures and navigation aids at port
3. To Understand various design elements in docks and harbor


Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Recognize the importance of water transport with proper planning and designing of harbour and docks
2. Impart diverse knowledge of Docks and Harbour
3. Identify various component parts of dock and harbour
4. To give knowledge of maintenance techniques at Harbour and docks
5. Know importance of navigation aids at harbor and docks
6. Design components of Harbor and docks
Module: 1 Introduction 7 Hours
Water transportation history - International and national level development and policy - classification of
harbours - natural and artificial - Major ports in India - administrative set up - harbour economics.

Module: 2 Harbour Planning 8 Hours

Harbour components - ship characteristics - characteristics of good harbour - principles of harbour planning -
harbour size - site selection criteria - layout of harbours - harbor planning surveys

Module: 3 Marine Structures 7 Hours

General, breakwaters – function - types general design principles - wharves, quays, jetties, piers, pier heads,
dolphin, fenders - mooring accessories and function – types – suitability - design and construction features

Module: 4 Docks and Locks 8 Hours

Tidal basin - wet docks – purpose - design consideration - operation of lock gates and passage - repair docks -
graving docks - floating docks - marine railway.

Module: 5 Port Amenities, Navigation Aids and Harbour Maintenance 8 Hours

Ferry - transfer bridges - floating stages and transit sheds – warehouses - cold storage – aprons - cargo handling
equipment - purpose and general description - Navigation Aids - Channel and entrance demarcation - buoys,
beacons, lighthouse - electronic communication devices
Module: 6 Harbour Maintenance 7 Hours
Costal protection - purpose and devices – dredging – dredger types – suitability - disposal of dredged materials
- mechanical and hydraulic dredgers.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Srinivasan R., “Harbour, Dock and Tunnel Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.; 28th
Edition. 2016
2. Kadiyali L.R. “Transportation Engineering”, Khanna Publishing, 2016
Reference Books
1. Bindra S. P., “A Course in Docks and Harbour Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai &Sons,New Delhi. 1992
2. Brysson Cunningham, “The Dock and Harbour Engineer's Reference Book”, 2 nd edition, ICE Virtual
Library, 2011
3. Subramanian K.P., “Highways, Railways, Airport and Harbour Engineering”, V Scitech Publications
(India), Chennai, 2010
4. Adrian Jarvis, “Port and Harbour Engineering”, Taylor and Francis, 2016
5. John W. Gaythwaite, “Design of Marine Facilities: Engineering for Port and Harbor Structures”, Third
Edition, ASCE Press (2016)
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Industry (L & T) Course

About the Course:
1. Industry-led application-oriented courses for enhancing the employability of students
2. A tailor-made course curated by the Subject Matter Experts of L&T, covering design concepts and
practical aspects for the design & construction of reinforced concrete buildings.
3. Interactive e-Learning | Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT) | Collaborative tools & Assessment
Industry Knowledge & Skills covering:


This course on new-age technologies is a must for every engineer who is keen to have a career in Geospatial
Industry. The course captures the fundamentals of location technology and gives a glimpse of the various
geospatial components that are used for solving real-world problems. Also, the students would get insights into
the tools & techniques that are applied across various projects
Modules / Week
1 Introduction & Codes Course overview | Introduction to National Building Code (NBC), IS
456, IS 1343 | Codes for reinforcement detailing | Codes for loads |
International codes | Reference Handbooks
2 Design Basis Parameters – Geometric parameters | Occupancy categories | Site location &
Part 1 association parameters | Design life | Material specifications
3 Design Basis Parameters – Exposure & cover requirements | Fire rating | Load combinations |
Part 2 Serviceability requirements | Analysis tools & other items
4 Building Load Types – Introduction | Dead Loads | Super imposed Dead Loads | Live Loads |
Part 1 Wind Loads
5 Building Load Types – Earthquake Loads | Hydrostatic Loads | Earth Pressure | Conclusion
Part 2
6 Setting the Structural Introduction | Coordination with other trades | Columns | Floor system
Scheme – Part 1
7 Setting the Structural Lateral system | Basement layout | Global stability considerations |
Scheme – Part 2 Foundations | Conclusion
8 MidCourseAssignment/Project
9 Structural Models – Part 1 Introduction | 3D global structural model
10 Structural Models – Part 2 Floor system – Hand methods | Floor models | modelling | Foundation
model | Conclusion
11 Design of Structural Introduction | Design of Beams & RC slabs
Elements – Part 1
12 Design of Structural Design of PT Slabs & Columns
Elements – Part 2
13 Design of Structural Design of Shear walls, Retaining walls, Water tanks, Foundations &
Elements – Part 3 Conclusion
14 Detailing of Structural Introduction | Detailing of Reinforcement, Slabs, Beams, Columns &
Elements – Part 1 Shear walls
15 Detailing of Structural Detailing of Retaining Walls & Foundation | Bill of Quantities |
Elements – Part 2, BOQ Conclusion
& Conclusion
16 EndCourseProject
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE3026 0 0 0 3
About the Course:
1. Industry-led application-oriented courses for enhancing the employability of students
2. This unique course curated by the Subject Matter Experts of L&T, covers all the aspects of project
management that are critical for the implementation of projects.
3. Interactive e-Learning | Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT) | Collaborative tools & Assessment
Industry Knowledge & Skills covering:
This course has been designed to help the students get an understanding of the importance of project
management during the life-cycle of projects. The students would get insights on the end-to-end process from
planning to execution of large projects which would be explained by way of case studies. This course is a must
for every engineer who aspires to become a Project Manager.
Modules / Week
1 Introduction to Project About projects & examples | Significance of projects in nation building
Management | About project management | Project organizations (Asset owner &
contractor) | Project acquisition & execution


2 Project Acquisition & Project Acquisition & Handover: Business development & sales |
Handover Tendering & cost estimation | L1 & contract award | Project hand over
to execution team
3 Project Initiation Understanding the project & its objectives | Project stakeholders |
Setting communication protocols | Identifying key project team
members | Project kick-off process
4 Overall Project Management Scope of work | Key deliverables & project requirements | Completion
Plan time & key milestones | Project cost & budget | Performance parameters
& guarantees
5 Scope Management About scope management | Developing scope management plan |
Understanding technical specifications & Project requirements | Work
break down structure | Creating scope baseline | Controlling scope
6 Project Planning & About schedule management | Developing schedule management plan |
Scheduling – Part 1 Understanding contractual schedule & milestones | Estimation of
activities’ duration, sequencing & relationships
7 Project Planning and Techniques in planning & scheduling | Bar chart, Gantt chart, networks
Scheduling – Part 2 | PERT & PERT analysis | CPM network | Baseline, monitor & control
8 MidCourseAssignment/Project
9 Costing & Budgeting Review pre-tender cost estimation | Preparation of detailed cost estimate
| Budget & approval process | Cost baseline | Monitor & control costs |
Variance analysis | Earned value analysis
10 Quality Management Objectives | Quality control & assurance | Tools used in quality control
| Quality management | Perform quality assurance activities | Monitor
& control quality
11 Project Risk Management – Introduction | Different types of risks | Risk management | Risk appetite
Part 1 & threshold limit | Risk profile | Risk management process | Risk
12 Project Risk Management – Risk analysis (Qualitative & quantitative) | Risk Response | Execute risk
Part 2 response | Monitor risks | Prepare & update risk register
13 Contracts & Claim Basic concepts & definitions | Contract classifications | Understanding
Management contract clauses | contract administration & interpretation | Change
management | Claims management | Dispute resolution
14 Supply Chain Management About subcontracting | Benefits & risks | Subcontracting strategy & plan
| Subcontract formation & administration | Performance monitoring |
Procurement process | Procurement contracts, risks & benefits |
15 Project Closure Completion of key deliverables | Closure of purchase orders &
subcontracts | Commercial closure | Demobilization of resources |
Project hand-over | Closure of main contracts
16 EndCourseProject
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
20CE3027 0 0 0 3
About the Course:
1. Industry-led application-oriented courses for enhancing the employability of students
2. This niche course curated by the Subject Matter Experts of L&T, gives an insight into the latest digital
technology – Internet of Things used across various industries. This course gives an overview on the
application of IoT in Construction.
3. Interactive e-Learning | Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT) | Collaborative tools & Assessment
Industry Knowledge & Skills covering:
This specialized course on Industrial Internet of Things is one of the emerging courses that has a high demand
in today’s industry. This course gives an overview of the IoT technology and its application in the construction
industry though interesting case studies and simulations. This course will open new job opportunities for the
students in the emerging technology space.


Modules / Week
1 Introduction to Industrial About IoT | Difference from standard IoT & its impact on industries |
IoT Examples
2 Industrial IoT Difference between OT & IT | Overview of various layers in IIoT
Architecture – Part 1 architecture | Functions of each layer
3 Industrial IoT IIoT Platform overview | Architectural components | Introduction to
Architecture – Part 2 Cloud & Onprem architecture
4 Data Acquisition – Part 1 Fundamentals of Sensors | Types of Sensors | Choice of Sensors
5 Data Acquisition – Part 2 Working principles of some types | Types of measurements (Direct,
Indirect, Derived)
6 Data Acquisition – Part 3 Exercise in choosing the right sensors for a given IIoT situation
7 The Edge – Part 1 About Edge | Types of Gateways | Features required | Choice of Gateway |
Examples | Gateway programming fundamentals
8 MidCourseAssignment/Project
9 The Edge – Part 2 DIY - Exercise to choose the right gateway and develop a gateway program
for a given problem
10 Connectivity & Protocols Connectivity - Wired / WiFi / GSM | Standard industrial protocols (HTTP,
- Part 1 MQTT, XMPP, AMQP, CoAP, Modbus, Websockets, Node)
11 Connectivity & Protocols Choice of protocol | Protocol conversions & Adapters
- Part 2
12 Platform Architecture – Types of Architecture | Choices available (Cloud, On-prem) | Lambda
Part 1 Architecture - Hot Path/ Cold Path | Data Ingestion | Stream processing
13 Platform Architecture – Data storage | Types of storage | Choice of right storage| Data processing
Part 2
14 Platform Architecture – Data Analytics | Visualization | Examples of Use case-based Analytics
Part 3
15 Security Security concerns | Device security | Connection security | Platform / Cloud
Security | Threat modeling
16 EndCourseProject
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


20CE3028 ENGINEERS 0 0 0 3
About the Course:
1. Industry-led application-oriented courses for enhancing the employability of students
2. This niche course curated by the Subject Matter Experts of L&T, covers the surveying methodologies
and mapping of geographical features. It also gives an insight into the latest technology and tools that
are used in the industry
3. Interactive e-Learning | Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT) | Collaborative tools & Assessment
Industry Knowledge & Skills covering:
This course on new-age technologies is a must for every engineer who is keen to have a career in Geospatial
Industry. The course captures the fundamentals of location technology and gives a glimpse of the various
geospatial components that are used for solving real-world problems. Also, the students would get insights into
the tools & techniques that are applied across various projects
Modules / Week
1 Introduction to Geospatial About geospatial technology & it’s importance | Components of
Technology geospatial technology
2 Geospatial in Construction Usage in construction sector | Classification of geospatial
3 Fundamentals of Geospatial Introduction to surveying & mapping
Engineering – Part 1
4 Fundamentals of Geospatial Introduction to sensors & scanners
Engineering – Part 2
5 Fundamentals of Geospatial Introduction to Platforms, GNSS & CoRS
Engineering – Part 3
6 Fundamentals of Geospatial Stockpile quantity estimation
Engineering – Part 4


7 Fundamentals of Geospatial Subsurface investigation & bathymetry survey
Engineering – Part 5
8 MidCourseAssignment/Project
9 Geographic Information System – Introduction to GIS | GIS data models
Part 1
10 Geographic Information System – Components of Map | CAD to GIS conversion
Part 2
11 Geographic Information System – Spatial analysis | GIS database management
Part 3
12 Geospatial Information Technology – Introduction to enterprise GIS | Components
Part 1
13 Geospatial Information Technology – Web & Mobile GIS | System integration
Part 2
14 Geospatial Information Technology – DSS | Customization of desktop GIS | Role of open source
Part 3
15 Future trends of Geospatial Geospatial standardization | Benefits of geospatial technology |
Technologies Future trends
16 EndCourseProject
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21CE1001 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide knowledge about statics with emphasis on force equilibrium and free body diagrams.
2. To understand the concept stresses and response of elements.
3. To understand the mechanical behaviour of materials under various load conditions.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Illustrate the concepts of mechanics
2. Identify the principles of dynamics
3. Examine the concepts of kinetics
4. Analyse the stresses in the members
5. Apply the equilibrium concepts in analysis of members
6. Apply the basic principles to solve problems in mechanics
Module: 1 Basics of Statics 8 Hours
Fundamental Principles – Coplanar forces – Resolution and Composition of forces and equilibrium of particles
– Forces of a particle in space – Equivalent system of forces – Principle of transmissibility – Single equivalent
force – Free body diagram – Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions and three dimensions.

Module: 2 Analysis of Structures 8 Hours

Types of supports and their reactions – Plane trusses and frames - Analysis of forces by method of joints and
method of sections.

Module: 3 Friction 7 Hours

Characteristics of dry friction – simple contact friction – Wedges and Ladder friction.

Module: 4 Properties of Surfaces and Solids 8 Hours

Centroid - First moment of area – Second moment of area – Moment and product of inertia of plane areas –
Transfer Theorems - Polar moment of inertia – Principal axes – Mass moment of inertia.

Module: 5 Kinematics 7 Hours

Displacements, Velocity and Acceleration – Rectilinear motion – Curvilinear motion – Tangential and Normal
components – Radial and Transverse components.
Module: 6 Energy and Momentum Methods 7 Hours
Principle of work and energy for a particle and a rigid body in plane motion – Conservation of energy - Principle
of impulse and momentum for a particle and a rigid bodies in plane motion –Conservation of momentum.


Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Irving H. Shames, “Engineering Mechanics”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006
2. Beer F. P and Johnston E. R, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics & Dynamics”, 9th Ed, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2011
Reference Books
1. Egor, P.Popov, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003
2. Hibbler R. C., “Engineering Mechanics: Principles of Statics and Dynamics”, Pearson Press. 2006
3. Andy Ruina and Rudra Pratap, “Introduction to Statics and Dynamics”, Oxford University Press, 2011
4. Shanes and Rao, “Engineering Mechanics”, Pearson Education, 2006
5. Bansal R.K, “A Text Book of Engineering Mechanics”, Laxmi Publications, 2010
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21CE3001 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To gain experience in how to work in teams, in which they are exposed to holistic view of the building
2. To learn different aspects of collaborative modeling, BIM based scheduling and estimating
3. To integrate personal and group knowledge to achieve positive results in complex engineering and
construction tasks.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
2. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
3. Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
4. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
5. Acquire the skills necessary for using BIM
6. Analyze the building operations using software tools
Module: 1 An overview of BIM 8 Hours
Introduction to Building Information Modelling (BIM) – BIM benefits – Construction benefits – Building
lifecycle of BIM – BIM workflow process – Basic principles of Level of Development (LOD) – Differences
between the Level of Details.

Module: 2 Implementation of BIM 7 Hours

BIM roles and responsibilities – Impact of BIM in design – benefits of BIM Dimensions – Managing BIM in
different sectors of AEC Industry – BIM Practices in foreign countries – Real time buildings that are built with
BIM model.

Module: 3 BIM Modelling 8 Hours

Application of Revit in BIM Modelling – Creation of Architectural models – Development of site systems –
Structural systems – Modelling of Structural elements – Material management – Creation of family components
and editing – Placing electrical and plumbing fixtures – Modelling mechanical duct systems.

Module: 4 Working with BIM data 8 Hours

Quantification – Performing and managing virtual takeoff data – Mapping of Material data for Schedules –
Quantity schedule preparation – Creating Sheets – Revision Manager – Adding Detailing components and
drafting views.

Module: 5 BIM Design Co-ordination and Management 7 Hours

BIM in clash detection checks – Generating clash detection reports – Linking file between disciplines –
Managing shared positioning – Monitoring changes and Project co-ordination – Creation of Central Model and
enabling work-sharing between the team.
Module: 6 Case Studies 7 Hours
BIM for Operations & Maintenance for Network Rail – BIM in renovation and execution Plan for Pollution
control Plant Project – LOD 400 BIM Model for an Airport – 3D Laser Scan to BIM and inspecting the Quality
and Quantity of the Project.


Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Pittard, S., & Sell, P. (Eds.). (2016). BIM and Quantity Surveying. Routledge.
2. Hardin, B., & McCool, D. (2015). BIM and construction management: proven tools, methods, and
workflows. John Wiley & Sons.
3. Issa, R. R., & Olbina, S. (Eds.). (2015, May). Building Information Modeling: Applications and Practices.
American Society of Civil Engineers.
4. BIM Handbook (2011): A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers,
Engineers and Contractors- Chuck Eastman, et al.
5. Kymmell, W. (2007). Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects
with 4D CAD and Simulations (McGraw-Hill Construction Series). McGraw Hill Professional.

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council


21CE3002 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To integrate personal and group knowledge to achieve positive results in complex engineering and
construction tasks.
2. To learn real time data monitoring
3. To Optimize the Construction of Precast Buildings using BIM.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Apply knowledge of BIM Workflow in Concept development and Model Development.
2. Identify and formulate the time and cost attributes.
3. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
4. Evaluate the design system of precast Engineering
5. Develop the workflow process and integrating using different tools
6. Analyze and predict the structure using real time data monitoring

Module: 1 Structural BIM 8 Hours

Introduction to Structural systems – Initial Preliminary design of structure – Determining the Internal forces –
Iterative design – Integrated generation of reinforcement detailing drawings and rebar schedules – Visual
Programing for Parametric Structures.

Module: 2 BIM in Construction Management 7 Hours

Construction Engineering and Management – BIM based quantity and cost estimation – Project Scheduling –
Construction based 4D simulations – Tracking construction stage – Advanced Cost Management techniques.

Module: 3 Green Facility BIM 8 Hours

Early phase conceptual model – Insight Energy Analysis – Visualizing the Solar Impact – Modelling and
Energy Analysis for Parametric Structures – Natural Ventilation Analysis – Carbon Footprint analysis data –
Cloud based Green Building Studio.

Module: 4 Optimization of Precast construction planning using BIM 8 Hours

Modelling and Creation of Precast Elements – Configuration of Precast Connections – Essential Precast Design
– Generation of Precast Concrete Reinforcement detailing drawings – Planning and Monitoring the Precast
Fabrication with Collaborated team.

Module: 5 BIM Interoperability 7 Hours

Open data exchange within AEC workflows – Common data environments – Integrations and APIs of BIM –
Data exchange through IFC files – BIM Interoperability tools – Study on BIM interoperability between
Autodesk-Bentley-Trimble Products.
Module: 6 BIM Optimization and Digital Twin 7 Hours
Role of Digital Twins and its levels – BIM vs Digital Twin – Assent Information model and management –
Real time data monitoring and prediction – Automation of Decision making based on future prediction – AI
based reinforcement optimization.


Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Pittard, S., & Sell, P. (Eds.). (2016). BIM and Quantity Surveying. Routledge.
2. Hardin, B., & McCool, D. (2015). BIM and construction management: proven tools, methods, and
workflows. John Wiley & Sons.
3. Brad Hardin ,Dave McCool,(June 2015) BIM and Construction Management, Proven tools, Methods
and workflow, 2nd Edition.
4. Issa, R. R., & Olbina, S. (Eds.). (2015, May). Building Information Modeling: Applications and Practices.
American Society of Civil Engineers.
5. Kymmell, W. (2007). Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects
with 4D CAD and Simulations (McGraw-Hill Construction Series). McGraw Hill Professional.

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council



Sl. Credits
Code No. Name of the Course
No L T P C
1 19CE2004 Field Practices III (Smart Materials and Systems) 0 0 1 0.5
2 19CE2005 Engineering Solutions for Real World Problems 1 0 4 3
3 19CE2006 Field Practices – IV (Sustainable Design Practices) 0 0 1 0.5
4 19CE2007 Field Practices – V (Green Technology In Construction) 0 0 1 0.5
5 19CE2008 Field Practices – VI (Building Information Modelling) 0 0 1 0.5
6 19CE2009 Field Practices – VII (Interior Design) 0 0 1 0.5
7 19CE2010 Building Information Modelling 3 0 0 3
8 19CE2011 Building Automation and 3D Printing 3 0 0 3
9 19CE2012 Applications of IoT in Civil Engineering 3 0 0 3
10 19CE2013 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering 3 0 0 3
Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Civil 3 0 0 3
11 19CE2014
12 19CE2015 Interior Design and Landscaping 3 0 0 3
13 19CE2016 Occupational Health and Safety 3 0 0 3
14 19CE2017 Environmental Management System 3 0 0 3
15 19CE2018 Geographic Information Systems Laboratory 0 0 2 1
16 19CE2019 Drone Survey and Mapping Laboratory 0 0 2 1
17 19CE2020 Construction Safety 3 0 0 3
18 20CE1001 Building Science and Engineering 3 0 0 3
19 20CE1002 Engineering Mechanics 3 0 0 3
20 20CE1003 Green Design and Life Cycle Assessment 2 0 0 2
21 20CE1004 Sustainable Building Materials 2 0 0 2
22 20CE1005 Applied Mechanics Laboratory 0 0 2 1
23 20CE1006 Design Studio - 2D Drafting 0 0 2 1
24 20CE1007 Design Studio - 3D modelling 0 0 4 2
25 20CE3001 Advanced Structural Analysis 3 0 2 4
26 20CE3002 Design of Concrete Structural Systems 3 0 4 5
27 20CE3003 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 3 0 0 3
28 20CE3004 Finite Element methods in Civil Engineering 3 0 2 4
29 20CE3005 Advanced Design of Steel Structures 3 0 4 5
30 20CE3006 Design of Substructures 3 0 0 3
31 20CE3007 Structural Art: Principles and Practice 3 0 0 3
32 20CE3008 Theory and Applications of Cement Composites 3 0 0 3
33 20CE3009 Design of Industrial Structures 3 0 0 3
34 20CE3010 Structural Optimization 3 0 0 3
35 20CE3011 Structural Health Monitoring 3 0 0 3
36 20CE3012 Design of High Rise Structures 3 0 0 3
37 20CE3013 Design of Formwork 3 0 0 3
38 20CE3014 Risk Assessment and Probabilistic Analysis 3 0 0 3
39 20CE3015 Bridge Engineering 3 0 0 3
40 20CE3016 Condition Assessment of Existing Structures 3 0 0 3
41 20CE3017 Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
42 20CE3018 Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
43 20CE3019 Experimental techniques and instrumentation 3 0 0 3


44 20CE3020 Fire resistant design of structures 3 0 0 3
45 20CE3021 Analysis and design of precast concrete structures 3 0 0 3
46 20CE3022 Cement and concrete chemistry 3 0 0 3
47 20CE3023 Design of Composite structures 3 0 0 3
48 20CE3024 Sustainable Construction 3 0 0 3


(Smart Materials and Systems) 0 0 1 0.5
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the smart materials available in market
2. To identify the use of smart material in civil applications
3. To understand the use of smart materials for civil applications
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the smart materials for civil applications.
2. Use Smart material for various HVAC systems
3. Develop smart systems for electronic items
4. Develop smart systems for electrical items
5. Develop a smart systems for services
6. Develop a smart home integrating the components
1. To identify the various smart materials and sensors that can be used for buildings
2. Develop a smart room for weather mapping and HVAC systems
3. Develop the smart room for lighting control
4. Develop the smart room to control doors ,Electronic gadgets,
5. Develop a system to monitor water levels
6. Develop a system to automatically control motor
Reference Books:
1. A. H Robbins, W.C. Miller, “Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice”, Fifth Edition, Delmar.
Cengage Learning, New York, 2013.
2. Robert B, Northrop, “Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements”, CRC press, Taylor and
Francis group, Second Edition 2011
3. J Larminie J, Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained”, John Wiley, & Sons, New York
4. Haitham Abu-Rub, Mariusz Malinowski, Kamal Al- Haddad, “Power Electronics for Renewable
Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications, John Wiley & Sons Limited, Sussex,
5. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory", 11th Pearson
new International Education, 2013.


Course Objectives
1. To help students to identify the need for developing newer technologies for industrial / societal
2. To train students to propose and implement relevant technology for the development of the
prototypes / products
3. To make the students to learn the use the methodologies available for analysing the developed
prototypes / products
Course Outcomes


At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Identify real life problems related to society
2. Formulate the objectives for the problem identified
3. Formulate the methodology for the problem
4. Design the components/solution procedure
5. Fabricate/Analyze the components/solution
6. Evaluate the efficiency of the developed solutions
Modules of the course
1. Identification of real life problems
2. Field visits can be arranged by the faculty concerned
3. 4-5 students can form a team
4. Minimum of four hours on self-managed team activity
5. Appropriate scientific methodologies to be utilized to solve the identified issue
6. Solution should be in the form of fabrication/coding/modeling/product design/process
design/relevant scientific methodology(ies)
7. Consolidated report to be submitted for assessment
8. Project outcome to be evaluated in terms of technical, economical, social, environmental, political
and demographic feasibility
1. Kristi Lew, “Solving Real World Problems with Environmental and Green Engineering”,
Britannica Educational Publishing, 2015.
2. Maja Bystrom, Bruce Eisenstein, “Practical Engineering Design”, CRC Press, 2017.
3. Jeff Butterfield, “Problem-Solving and Decision Making: Illustrated Course Guides”, Cengage
learning, 2012.

Course Objective
1. To make the students understand the concepts of sustainability
2. To understand the variation in the use of materials, design in various buildings
Course Outcomes
At the End of the course students will be able to
1. Identify various building materials used over a period of time
2. Identify the spatial and environmental concepts in design
3. Design of buildings based on climatic response
4. Apply the concepts of ambience and comfort in buildings
5. Compare the sustainable practices in various time frame
6. Incorporate sustainable practices in modern construction.
Case Study 1
To identify and document a building or a group of buildings from a pre-industrial, vernacular, traditional
settlement in India and
 To comprehensively study the building in terms of it layout, use of materials, spatial and
environmental concepts, user comfort, ambience, distinct features etc.,
 understand its climate responsive design strategies, sustainable practices and their contemporary
Case Study 2
To identify a modern building or a group of buildings built within the last decade and
 document and analyze their layouts, use of materials, spatial and environment concepts, ambience,
user comfort etc.,
Comparison of Case Studies 1 and 2


1. To compare and contrast case studies 1 and 2 to understand the shift in societal values and their
subsequent effect on sustainability
Reference Books
1. Gurucharan Singh Kainth, “Climate Change, Sustainable Development and India”, LAP Lambert,
2. Janis Birkeland, “Positive Development: From Vicious Circles to Virtuous Cycles through Built
Environment Design” , Routledge, 2008
3. Sustainable Building - Design Manual: sustainable building design practices- TERI 2004
4. Ross Spiegel, “Green Building Materials: A Guide to Product Selection and Specification”, 3rd
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2010
5. K.S. Jagadish, “Alternative building materials and technologies”, New Age International, 2013
6. The Barefoot Architect: A Handbook for Green Building, Shelter Publication, 2007

Course Objective
1. To understand the green building concept
2. To understand the various green materials and its properties
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the green building concepts for buildings
2. Identify alternate materials for construction
3. Determine the properties of available materials
4. Determine the properties of low cost green materials
5. Determine the properties of recycle materials
6. Suggest suitable alternate solution for modern construction
1. Concepts of Green building and LEED rating
2. Comparison of bricks and laterite blocks
3. Properties of stabilized mud blocks
4. Green rating analysis of a building
5. Comparison of fibre reinforced beam with RCC beams
6. Study on properties of bamboo reinforced beam
7. Studies on properties of bamboo reinforced column
8. Studies of Plastic fibres in concrete
9. Ferro-cement panels compared to normal panels
10. Preparation of recycled materials for usable raw materials
11. Compressive strength of concrete with recycled materials
1. Abe Kruger, Carl Sevilla, “Green Building: Principles and Practices in Residential Construction”,
Cengage Learning, 2012.
2. Charles J. Kibert, “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, Wiley 2012.


Course Objectives
1. To understand the principles of BIM
2. To make the students familiarize with the use of REVIT BIM
Course outcomes
1. Use tools of the software to create models
2. Model the components of the buildings
3. Model the non-structural components in buildings
4. Apply the materials to the model.
5. Create schedules for the models
6. Crete walkthrough of the models developed
1. Introduction to Revit Software & the workflow of BIM
2. Modelling of Walls and to Floors
3. Modelling of Roofs and Adding Structural Component
4. Modelling of Staircase and Creating Ramps & Railings
5. Placing of Components and Modelling Components In-Place
6. Material Management and Working with Sections
7. Creating Ceilings and Including Night lights in the project
8. Modelling the Site and Creating Schedules
9. Working with Conceptual Mass and Rendering the Views
10. Creating a Walkthrough video and Documentation work
Reference Books:
1. ASCENT, Autodesk Revit 2021 Structure Fundamentals, 2020, SDC Publications
2. Elise Moss, Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture Basics,2020, SDC Publications
3. Jeff Hanson, Daniel John Stine AIA, CSI, CDT, Autodesk Revit 2021 Architectural Command
Reference, 2020, SDC Publications


Course Objectives:
1. To impart visualizer and create 3D Model
2. To acquire knowledge on interior designs and decorations
3. To train and to design perfect interiors by using industry-standard 3D software.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
1. apply knowledge related to interiors in construction
2. bring technical solutions to evoke or reflect on clients requirements.
3. design and decorate for the growing population
4. apply basic design concepts to technical concepts
5. adopt the spurt in demand for Interior Designers
6. create the attractive interiors
1. Introduction to 3D Modelling software
2. Hands on training using Tools and Techniques of the software
3. Working with Props
4. Architectural modelling of the building
5. Creating Objects and Props
6. Creating Interiors and furniture


7. Use of Colour theory and its effect
8. Camera & Lighting effect on a building
9. Render Final Output of the building
10. Real time rendering with walk through
Reference Books
1. Gary Gordon and Jamco L. Nuckolls, “Interior lighting for Designers”, Third edition, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1995.
2. Jack E.Ingels, “Landscaping Principles and Practices”, Delmar Publishers. 2002
3. Tutorials: Animation - Autodesk | 3ds Max Design, Engineering
4. Autodesk 3ds Max 2017: Fundamentals

3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide an introduction to Building Information Modeling
2. To familiarize with the Project performance and produce better outcome
3. To demonstrate design solutions and objectives and share design feasibility studies for construction.
Course outcome:
Student will be able to
1. utilize the tools to design Building information models
2. design the components for BIM workflow
3. formulate the structural systems using tools
4. design the accessories for the structural systems
5. demonstrate the coordination of various elements based on defined standards.
6. exhibit the design solutions and feasibility for Construction
Module 1: Introduction (6 hours)
Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) -BIM Benefits- Construction and fabrication
Benefits- Design Benefits - Roles and Impacts of BIM in Design - Tools - hardware system requirements
Module 2 : BIM Workflow (7 hours)
Quantification - Virtual Take off - Perform 2D takeoff - Manage Takeoff Data - Update and Analyze data
- Export Takeoff Data - Autodesk Rendering - Autodesk Rendering Overview - Adding Materials to a
Model - Creating and Editing Materials - Material Mapping - Lighting - Sun and Skylights - Exposure
Control - Ground Planes - Photorealistic Rendering
Module 3: BIM Modelling – Architecture, Structure (8 hours)
Creation of Architectural and Structural models - application of Revit Architecture - Structure and MEP -
Creating Sets - Building Elements - Structural Systems - Planning and Design - Intrusion detection -
Lighting Control - Retrofit - Indoor Air quality services - Elevators/ escalators - parking lot monitoring
system - card and keypad access - fire safety - Hands on training
Module 4: Electrical and Plumbing (8 hours)
Electrical Design - spaces and lighting - lighting analysis - light Fixtures - site lighting - Power and
Communication - modeling - creating circuits - Creating fire alarm system model - creating power
distribution systems - modelling conduits – wiring - heating and cooling load analysis - report - logical
systems - air systems - mechanical system & duct work - mechanical piping system - pipe fittings - filters
- plumbing and water monitoring - Hands on training
Module 5: BIM Design Coordination, Clash Analysis and Navis Works (8 hours)
BIM and clash detection- BIM and elements of cost estimation - clash detection - over view of clash
detective tool - clash detective window - working with clash tests - use clash tests - set clash rules - select
object for clashing - view clash results - produce clash reports - hands on training
Module 6: Construction Management (8 hours)


Project Management- construction engineering and management - facility management - BIM based
quantity and cost estimation - BIM 4D Simulation: Project scheduling and construction-based monitoring
- construction cost estimating and scheduling - BIM 360 – cloud based BIM Management - Hands on
Text Books:
1. Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., Liston, C, “BIM handbook: A guide to building information”,
John Wiley & Sons., 2011
2. Hardin, B., & McCool, D, “BIM and construction management: proven tools, methods, and
workflows”, John Wiley & Sons, 2015
1. Teicholz, P. (Ed.), “BIM for facility managers”, John Wiley & Sons. 2013
2. Eynon, J. “Construction Manager's BIM Handbook”, John Wiley & Sons, 2016
3. Pittard, S., & Sell, P., “BIM and Quantity Surveying”, Routledge. 2016
4. Duell, R., Hathorn, T, and Hathorn, T.R., “Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 Essentials”, Wiley and
Sons, Inc. 2015
5. Karen M. Kensek, “Building Information Modeling”, Routledge, 2014

Course Objective:
1. To understand the concept of automation in building
2. To identify different areas of automation in construction Industry
3. To understand 3D printing and its application
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. describe building automation and its technologies
2. explain different areas of automation in construction
3. apply automation in construction industries
4. outline the importance of 3D printing in construction industry
5. explain 3D printing technologies in construction industry
6. demonstrate application of 3D printing with different case studies
Module 1: Introduction to Automation in Construction (7 hours)
Automation concepts - advantages and disadvantages – need – adaptation of automation in construction
industry- use of building information modelling technology – robotics in construction – programmable
construction machines – Project management in Automation application.
Module 2: Areas of Automation in Construction (7 hours)
Roads - Runway construction – Building construction – Ports – Tunnels - Factories and industries – Glazing
for façade - Case Studies and examples
Module 3: Applications of Automated Construction and Robotics (8 hours)
Automation and robotics in construction sector - precast concrete industry - prefabrication of masonry - on
site masonry construction - the production of steel components - digitalisation in construction automation
- new equipment and latest machineries like SRP, Boom lift, spider-kit, manitou
Module 4: Applicability and Limitations of 3D Printing for Civil Structures (8 hours)
Application of 3D printing in concrete construction – 3D printing for civil structures - challenges of 3D
printing for civil structures - future directions of 3D printing for civil structures – advantages and
Module 5: 3D Concrete Printing Technologies (8 hours)


Extrusion-Based Technique - Contour Crafting - Concrete Printing - CONPrint3D: Concrete on-site 3D
printing - Large-Scale 3DCP using Ultra - High Performance Concrete - Current Examples of Extrusion-
based 3DCP Elements/Structures
Powder based Technique - Dshape - Emerging Objects – Powder based 3DCP using Geopolymer
Module 6: Best Practices and Applications of 3D Printing in the Construction Industry (7 hours)
Application of 3D Printing - Time, Cost, and Material Savings - case studies

Text Books:
1. Jay G. Sanjayan, Ali Nazari, Behzad Nematollahi,“3D Concrete Printing Technology: Construction
and Building Applications”, 1st Edition Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers, 2019
2. Alan Chamberlain, “Automation and Robotics in Construction XI”, Newnes, 2012
1. Thomas Bock, Thomas Linner, “Site Automation”, Cambridge University Press, 2016
2. Arnaud Perrot, “3D Printing of Concrete: State of the Art and Challenges of the Digital
Construction evolution”, John Wiley & Sons. 2019
3. Hermann Merz, Thomas Hansemann, Christof Hübner, “Building Automation: Communication
systems with EIB/KNX, LON and BAC net”, Springer, 2018
4. Thomas Bock, Thomas Linner, “Robot Oriented Design”, Cambridge University Press, 2015
5. Abraham Warszawski, “Industrialized and Automated Building Systems: A Managerial
Approach”, Routledge, 2003

Course Objective:
1. To learn the concepts of IoT
2. To identify the different techniques and applications in IoT
3. To apply the IoT in Civil Engineering projects
Course outcome:
Student will be able to
1. understand the concepts of IoT
2. recognize the frameworks for IoT
3. identify the different techniques in IoT
4. relate IoT in Transportation and Environmental Engineering
5. apply IoT in infrastructure projects
6. design and develop a smart city in IoT.
Module 1: Introduction to the Internet of Things (7 hours)
Definition and Basic Foundation - IoT Vision from an Opportunistic Networking Perspective - Architecture
Framework for Designing IoT Systems - Integration of Cloud Computing and IoT, Big Data, Data
Analytics: Opportunities and Challenges
Module 2: Frameworks for the Internet of Things (8 hours)
Data store process - Communication Layer - Mapping Layer - Storage Layer- data-retrieval process - Data
Retrieval - Data Interoperability and Integration - cloud-based implementation - cloud Computing
Environment: IoT security, Industry 4.0, Smart factories
Module 3: IoT in Environment and Transportation Engineering (8 hours)
Real-Time observation - Highway safety of Smart Cities - Connected Bicycles: Research Opportunities in
Wireless Sensor Network - Connected Cars - IoT application in Environment Water resources Engineering
Module 4: IoT in Infrastructure (8 hours)
Construction Management - Corrective to preventive maintenance - Tracking labour hours – Sensohive
Maturix, Doka Concremote and Giatec Smart Rock - Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous
vehicles - smart vid, Egnyte, Dodge Data and Analytics and PCL Construction, waste reduction and safety.


Module 5: IoT In Smart City (7 hours)
Enabling Smart Cities through IoT: The ALMANAC Way -Smart City Concept - Smart Streets - Smart
Buildings - Waste Management and Structural Health Monitoring - BIM Optimization and Digital Twins
– Supply Chain management - Self-Adaptive Cyber - City System
Module 6: Case Studies (7 hours)
Implementation of IoT in Construction Industry - civil infrastructure monitoring application – City
Text Books:
1. Ricardo Armentano, Robin Singh Bhadoria, Parag Chatterjee, Ganesh Chandra Deka, “The Internet
of Things Foundation for Smart Cities, ehealth, and Ubiquitous Computing”, CRC Press Taylor &
Francis Group, 2018.
2. Samuel Greengard, “The Internet of Things”, MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, 2015
1. Cuno Pfister “Getting Started with the Internet of Things: Connecting Sensors and Microcontrollers
to the Cloud” Maker Media, Inc 2019
2. Rowan Trollope, David Hanes, Patrick Grossetete, Jerome Henry, Rob Barton, Gonzalo Salgueiro
“IoT Fundamentals - Networking Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for the Internet of
Things” Cisco Press, 2016
3. Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, “Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach”, Bahga &
Madisetti, 2014
4. Fadi Al-Turjman, “Intelligence in IoT-enabled Smart Cities”, CRC Press, 2018
5. Umit Isikdag, “Enhanced Building Information Models: Using IoT Services and Integration
Patterns”, Springer, 2015


Course Objectives:
1. To understand the principles and concepts of Artificial intelligence
2. To comprehend the Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic systems
3. To study the application of AI in Civil Engineering Problems
Course Outcome:
The Student will be able to
1. identify the problems in Civil Engineering and solve using AI
2. formulate problems and make decisions
3. explain various search algorithms for problem solving
4. apply Artificial Intelligence in real time problems
5. participate in the design of systems that act intelligently and learn from experience
6. assess the applicability, strengths and weaknesses of the basic knowledge representation
Module 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (8 hours)
Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning-Learning from Data-Research in Machine Learning-Artificial
Neural Network-Fuzzy Logic – Population based search
ANN concept – Model of ANN - Back Propagation - Counter Propagation - Working Principles
Module 2: Fuzzy Logic (8 hours)
Introduction - Membership functions - Rule Base - Fuzzy decision Making -Control systems - Merits and
Demerits - Fuzzy Inference system
Module 3: AI Application in Infrastructure Engineering (8 hours)
AI in Smart infrastructures – highways – bridges – airports – railroads – buildings - dams– Earthquake-
Induced Liquefaction- AI in Transportation planning - Pavement Maintenance -AI in traffic Management -
Accident Prevention


Module 4: AI Application in Water Resources Engineering (7 hours)
Rainfall Forecasting– Storm water and ground water management –Water quality- Waste management-
Recharge ground water
Module 5: AI Application in Construction Management (7 hours)
AI in Decision-Making - Resources Optimization - Construction cost- Construction budget - Maintenance
- Construction Demand- Labour Productivity.
Module 6: AI Application in Geotechnical Engineering (7 hours)
Bearing capacity-settlement-stability of slopes-different soil properties-Earth retaining structures
Text Books:
1. Krishnamoorthy C.S., Rajeev S, “Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers”, CRC
Press, 2018
2. Pijush Samui, “Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering”, LAP LAMBERT Academic
Publishing , 2012
1. Rajesaekaran S, Vijayalakshmi Pai G.A, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
Synthesis and Applications”, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi 2003
2. Rich E, K Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw Hil, 2009.
3. Saroj Kaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning. 2011
4. Paresh Chandra Deka, “A Primer on Machine Learning Applications in Civil Engineering”, CRC
Press Book, Taylor and Francis Group, 2019
5. Russell, Norvig, “Artificial intelligence, A Modern Approach”, Pearson Education, 2nd edition,


19CE2014 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce The Students to state-of-the-art methods and modern programming tools for data
2. To introduce the computer applications in civil engineering
3. To explore various paradigms for knowledge encoding in computer systems.
Course Outcome:
The Student will be able to
1. illustrate the concepts of machine learning and deep learning
2. understand complexity of machine and deep learning algorithms and their limitations
3. comprehend modern notions in data analysis oriented computing
4. apply common algorithms in practice and implement it
5. perform distributed computations
6. execute experiments in Machine Learning using real-world data.
Module 1: Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning (7 hours)
Unsupervised and Supervised – Reinforcement – Hybrid models, Crisp and non-crisp – Optimization
problems – Examples of unsupervised and supervised learning – Design of construction – Analysis in
monitoring construction health.
Module 2: Neural Networks (8 hours)
Introduction to Neural Networks – Multi-Layer Perceptron; Conventions, restricted non-linearity – Basic
Perceptron – Optimisation – Estimating network parameters for a regression problem – flow prediction –
Pipeline and discrete optimization – Damage detection in structure – Environmental modelling.
Module 3: SVMS (Support Vector MachinE) (7 hours)
Introduction –Basic optimization problem: margin maximization – Basic SVM optimization – Kernel trick
– Lagrange multipliers - Soft-Margin SVM – SVM in road projects and liquefaction.


Module 4: Deep Unsupervised Learning (8 hours)
Auto-encoders; standard, sparse, enoising, contractive variational - Auto-encoders – Adversarial generative
networks – Dynamic memory networks – Deep unsupervised learning in structural engineering.
Module 5: Deep Learning in Civil Engineering (8 hours)
Quality Management – Safety Management – Measure interior floor plans– 3D Interior Constructional
Module 6: Case Studies (7 hours)
Applications: Construction – Transportation – Infrastructures – Surveying – Water resources –
Environmental engineering.
Text Books:
1. Bishop C.M., “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, Springer, 2015
2. Paresh Chandra Deka, “A Primer on Machine Learning Applications in Civil Engineering”, CRC
Press., 2019
Reference Books:
1. Flach P., “Machine Learning: The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data”,
Cambridge University Press; First Edition, 2012.
2. Russell S.J., and Norvig P., “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Prentice-Hall; 3rd
Edition, 2010.
3. Mohssen Mohammed, Muhammad Badruddin Khan, Eihab Bashier Mohammed Bashier “Machine
Learning: Algorithms and Applications”, CRC Press. 2016
4. Pedro Larrañaga, David Atienza, Javier Diaz-Rozo, Alberto Ogbechie, Carlos Esteban Puerto-
Santana, Concha Bielza, “Industrial Applications of Machine Learning”, CRC Press., 2018
5. Charles R. Farrar, Keith Worden, “Structural Health Monitoring: A Machine Learning
Perspective”, John Wiley & Sons., 2012

Course Objectives:
1. To impart visualizer and 3D modeler
2. To acquire knowledge on Interior designs and decorations
3. To design perfect interiors by using industry-standard 3D software.
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. apply interior knowledge in the interior design projects
2. adopt technical solutions to evoke or reflect on clients requirements.
3. design and decorate for the requirement of the project
4. implement basic design concepts to technical concepts
5. adapt workflow to complete the multiple projects concurrently
6. create the attractive interiors
Module 1: Principles and Elements of Design (7 hours)
Architectural effects on wall planes - roof planes - visual impact – Ratio: proportions – golden section -
relationships – design principles - unity - variety – rhythm - doors, windows and ventilators etc. - room
plans and furniture arrangement – soft furnishings - modular, knockdown and economy furniture - traffic
pattern and furniture layout for residence, commercial and office areas
Module 2: Usage of Space: (7 hours)
Interior space - spatial qualities: form, scale, outlook; structuring space with interior design elements -
spatial form - spatial dimension - Overview of Construction Materials - Functionalities of Interior Elements
Module 3: Color Theory and Lighting (7 hours)
Point, line, volume, shape, texture and colour - lighting and colour in interiors - artificial lighting - effect
of color in lighting - Digital Sketching - 3D Modeling - Texturing - Light shelves to reduce - increase the
light flux level - reflection inside the building - Rendering


Module 4: Flooring, wall panelling and ceiling services (8 hours)
Floorings and floor coverings – walls – wall finishes and ceilings - Interior services - air-conditioning
system and applications - fire safety - acoustics and sound insulation - electrical systems
Module 5: Landscaping (6 hours)
Interior landscaping – definition - classification of plants, indoor plants and their functions
Module 6: Quantity analysis (8 hours)
Architecture and Interior works at site - Quantity take-offs for interior finishes - Methods of Measurements
- Ratios and Analysis - Profit and Loss Analysis - Labour and Machinery deployed at Construction Site -
Post construction billing.
Text Books:
1. Simon Dodsworth, Stephen Anderson, “The Fundamentals of Interior Design”, Bloomsbury
Publishing, 2015
2. Jack E.Ingels, “Landscaping Principles and Practices”, Delmar Publishers. 2002
Reference Books:
1. Fiona Leolie, “Designs for 20th century Interiors”, VH Publications, London.2000
2. Torquil Barker, “Concepts of lighting, Lighting design in Architecture”, 2001
3. Premavathy Seetharaman and Parveen Pannu, “Interior Design and Decorations”, CBS Publishers,
4. Jain V.K, “Fire Safety in Buildings”, New age International (Pvt Ltd) publishers, Chennai, 2007
5. Linda O'Shea, Chris Grimley, Mimi Love “The Interior Design Reference and Specification Book:
Everything Interior Designers Need to Know Every Day”, Rockport Publishers, 2013

Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge on health problems and safety measures associated with occupations
aspects of workers.
2. To identify a conceptual framework for the practice of occupational health and safety.
3. To impart the toxicological properties of materials.
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. illustrate the concepts of occupational health safety
2. identify the diseases related to occupation
3. examine the standard analysis like HAZOP, FMEA, ETA, FTA.
4. analyse the hazards in industrial operation and propose prevention measures.
5. identify the toxic materials and quantify its toxicity.
6. illustrate the safety management in industries by suggesting safety measures.
Module 1: Occupational Health (7 hours)
Introduction – Occupational health hazards and its classification – Hazardous chemical properties and
health effects – Exposure: Occupational diseases due to metals & dusts, fumes & chemical compounds,
Permissible limits and threshold values - Dose and response evaluation – lethal dose and lethal
concentration – Introduction to Ergonomics and its constituents –Application of ergonomics occupational
Module 2: Safety (7 hours)
Interlocution and Concept – Nature – philosophy – psychology of safety – Total safety – Available safety
terminology – Factors: accident relevant factors and psychological factors.
Module 3: Accident Prevention and Safety Management (7 hours)
Accident types – Causation – Available reasons for prevention – prevention for accident – Impending safety
factors – safety management and its responsibilities – Safety functions and its organization – Management
principles – Concept and element of management.


Module 4: Electrical Safety, Fire and Explosion (9 hours)
Electricity hazards – Indian standards – Assessment of effects of electrical parameters on human body –
Available safety measures for electric works – Fire and explosion phenomena – Classification of fire and
extinguishers fire prevention & protection system – Control devices – fire awareness and signs –
Underwater safety and precautions; well sinking, caissons underwater concreting, cofferdams - special
operations connected with irrigation work - Safety in use of machinery and equipment’s related to
underwater portions – Height of discharge; Discharge (Liquid/Gas/Vapour) - Incidence of accidents - Safety
features associated with design, construction and use of stairways, ramps - Other safety requirements
working at heights
Module 5: Hazards Identification and Control Techniques (8 hours)
Hazards and detection techniques – Risk assessment – Preliminary hazards analysis (PHA) – Hazards and
Operability (HAZOP) study – Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) – Fault tree analysis – Event tree
analysis – Hazards control – Onsite – offsite emergency plans.
Module 6: Personal Protective Equipment and Case Studies (7 hours)
Introduction and importance of personal protective equipment –Indian standards – Selection factor of PPE
– Respiratory and non-respiratory equipment – Safety in different industries / factories as case study.
Text Books:
1. Irving H. Shames, “Occupational Health and Safety Management: A Practical Approach”, 3rd
Edition, CRC Press, 2015
2. Foster J. and Barnetson B., “Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces”, Athabasca University
Press, 2016.
Reference Books:
1. Kohn L. and Friend M.A., “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health”, Bernan Press; Sixth
edition, 2014
2. Mishra R. K., “Occupational Health Management”, Aitbs Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 2015
3. Charles D. Reese, “Occupational Health and Safety Management: A Practical Approach”, CRC
Press. , 2008
4. Sharon Clarke, “Occupational Health and Safety”, CRC Press. 2016
5. Robert H. Friis, “Occupational Health and Safety for the 21st Century”, Jones & Bartlett Publishers,

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on systems approach to Environmental Management.
2. To acquire knowledge of Environmental System Management Implementation
3. To get practice in introducing Environmental Management Systems
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. describe, develop and interpret methods of the Environmental Management Systems according to
ISO 14001standards.
2. critically evaluate methods and possibilities within Environmental Management Systems from
a system perspective.
3. conduct Environmental Auditing for various Industries / Projects.
4. appreciate the elements of Corporate Environmental Management systems complying to
international environmental management system standards
5. lead pollution prevention assessment team and implement waste minimization options
6. develop, Implement, maintain and Audit Environmental Management systems for Organisations


Module 1: Introduction to Environmental Management Systems (EMS) (7 hours)
Introduction to Environmental Management System: Definitions and terms - Environmental Management
Systems Framework – approach to develop an Environmental Management System
Module 2: Introduction and Implementation of ISO 19011 (7 hours)
Environmental management system audits as per ISO 19011 - Roles and qualifications of auditors -
Environmental performance indicators and their evaluation – waste audits and waste minimization
Module 3: Introduction and Implementation of ISO 14001(7 hours)
Introduction and implementation of ISO 14001: environmental policy – planning - implementation and
operation – checking - management review.
Module 4: Applications of EMS (8 hours)
Applications - EMS in terms of Process flow chart - effluent generation - composition and treatment of
effluents from industries: sugar, pulp and paper, electroplating, dairy, oil refineries - cement industries,
Ready mixed concrete plant, crushing industries
Module 5: Introduction to Environmental Auditing (7 hours)
Introduction to Environmental Auditing Category ‘A’ and ‘B’ types of projects - Procedures and Guidelines
- Environmental Audit.
Module 6: Applications (9 hours)
Applications of EMS, Waste audits and pollution prevention opportunities in Textile, Sugar, Pulp & Paper,
Electroplating, Tanning industry, Dairy, Cement, Chemical industries.

Text Books
1. Philip J. Stapleton “Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for Small and
Medium-Sized Organizations”, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2001
2. Paul L Bishop, “Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice”, McGraw- Hill International,
Boston, 2000.
1. Christopher Sheldon and Mark Yoxon, “Installing Environmental management Systems – a step
by step guide” Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 2012.
2. ISO 14001/14004: Environmental management systems – Requirements and Guidelines –
International Organisation for Standardisation, 2004
3. ISO 19011: 2002, “Guidelines for quality and/or Environmental Management System auditing,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2002
4. Stephen Tinsley, Ilona Pillai, “Environmental Management Systems: Understanding
Organizational Drivers and Barriers”, Taylor & Francis., 2012
5. Philipp Weiß, Jörg Bentlage “Environmental Management Systems and Certification”, Baltic
University Press., 2006


19CE2018 0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the fundamentals and components of Geographic Information System
2. To provide details of spatial data structures, input, management and output processes.
3. To enable the conduction of spatial analysis and preparation of output maps
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. apply the techniques used for storage and management of spatial data
2. understand the geospatial basic concepts
3. edit the database and perform analysis


4. process the images and apply classification techniques to the satellite imageries
5. provide solutions through maps for specific problems
6. generate maps integrating BIM and ArcGIS maps
1. Introduction to ArcGIS and Geo-spatial concepts (1 hour)
2. Spatial and Non-spatial data types (1 hour)
3. Map Projection and datum concepts ( 1 hour)
4. Creation of spatial database and editing ( 1 hour)
5. Working with the satellite data (2 hours)
6. Conversion and export of different maps to ArcGIS (1hour)
7. Spatial analysis with geo-processing tools (2hours)
8. Integration of field survey data in ArcGIS (2hour)
9. Integration of SAP and BIM with ArcGIS (1 hour)
10. Creating maps, Exporting and printing maps (3hour)
Text Books:
1. Anji Reddy, M. “Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System” 2nd
edition. BS Publications, Hyderabad, 2012.
2. Chandra A.M., “Geoinformatics”, New Academic Science, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Lo Albert C.P. Yeung K.W. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information
Systems, Prentice Hall of India Publishers, 2006
2. Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, “Principles of GIS”, Oxford University Press, 2000
2. Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver, Srinivasa Raju, “An Introduction
Geographical Information Systems, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basics of drone technology with reference to land surveying
2. To provide training on collecting GPS waypoints along with flight planning
3. To provide exposure to collect data and to carry out the post processing of images/data
Course Outcome:
The Student will be able to
1. use drones for land surveying
2. decide the payloads according to the survey
3. plan the flight as per regulations
4. collect the data after deployment of the drone
5. integrate the survey data along with GIS and other softwares
6. conduct 3D modelling and generate surface maps/outputs/reports
1. Introduction to land surveying and usage of drones (1 hour)
2. Types of drones, Payloads and multi-rotor components (1 hour)
3. Application of Drones in civil engineering (1 hour)
4. UAV regulations and flight planning (1 hour)
5. Drone deployment and capturing data ( 2 hours)
6. Flight simulation (2hours)
7. Field work for collecting waypoints, site observation, data collection (2 hours)
8. Integration of Drone data with GIS (1hour)
9. Digital surface modelling and Generation of contours (2 hours)
10. Generation of outputs and reports (2 hours)


Text Books:
1. George Dekoulis, “Drone Applications”, Inteltech Open ltd., UK, June 2018
2. Reg Austin, “Unmanned Aircraft Systems”, Wiley International ltd., 2010
1. Syed Omar Faruk Towaha, “Building Smart Drones with ESP8266 and Arduino”, Packt Publishing
Ltd. 2018
2. Daniel R. Faust, “Civilian Drones”, Rosen Publishing Group, Inc, 2016

3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To establish and maintain a safety and health program for all workers
2. To improve safety and health for small contracts, the self-employed and all working on small
3. To participate in the program and provide input and report safety or health concerns.
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. ensure the security of the workers and protect the firm against lawsuits and damages
2. develop the essential aspects of health and safety in construction
3. adopt the management tools for structural Safety, Environment and Occupational Health
4. interprets the local technical standards and regulations on labour risks prevention, environmental
management applicable to construction works.
5. implement the safety and health issues in construction works and the typical hazards of the
construction activity.
6. select the most effective personal and collective safety equipment, based on the risks in construction
Module 1: Accident Prevention (7 hours)
Safety during project execution - Training project staff and operation staff - stages of project construction
- safety during receiving, unloading, shifting and storage - safety guidelines for storage – general safety
facilities at construction sites - emergency rescue equipments - exhaust gases.
Module 2: Safety in Cutting and Brazing (7 hours)
Welding and cutting in tank vessels and drums - confined spaces - personal protection - health hazards -
Safety in Concrete construction - formworks and shoring - bar bending schedules - concrete placement -
general requirements for vertical and tubular welded frame shoring - safety in use of power tools.
Module 3: Formworks Safety (7 hours)
Assembling and dismantling and their safety – Scaffolding - types of scaffolding- design and inspection
of scaffolding - scaffolding erection procedure - safety precaution while erecting scaffolding - dismantling
of scaffolding.
Module 4: Safety in Handling Construction Machineries (8 hours)
Heavy/ Long Items - Earth Movers equipment’s - Hazardous Materials - Material handling equipment’s
machineries for lead & lifting of the materials like Hoist - Tower crane - Bobcat Mobile tower crane -
concrete pumps- Boring machineries.
Module 5: Statutory Obligations (8 hours)
Labour act – ESI, PF, law & regulations - Labour license -Fitness certificate – Minimum wages Act -
Occupation certificate – FSI – General guidelines for building approvals
Module 6: Safety in Demolition Operations (8 hours)
Planning and Permit - Planning the sequence of demolition - Safety Precautions
during demolition, carrying out repairs, additions and alterations – Case study.


Text Books:
1. Basudev Panda, “Industrial Safety, Health Environment and Security”, Laxmi Publications, 2012
2. Safety Management in the Construction Industry Publishers: A Guide Published by National
Institute of Construction Year: 2005
1. Allan St. John Holt, “Principles of Construction Safety”, John Wiley & Sons. 2001
2. John Schaufel berger and Ken-Yu Lin, “Construction Project Safety”, John Wiley & Sons, 2013
3. Bhattacharjee S. K “Safety Management in Construction (Principles and Practice)”, Khanna
Publishers, 2008
4. Poonia M P, Sharma S C, “Industrial Safety and Maintenance Management”, Khanna Publishing,
5. Grundy. J, “Construction Technology”, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. 2006


20CE1001 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To introduce the students to the fundamental principles of building physics
2. To understand the functional efficiency in the built environment.
3. To learn the practical applications in the design of built environment
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the climate responsive design of buildings
2. Illustrate the thermal comfort and energy efficiency requirements
3. Illustrate acoustics, in the design of buildings
4. Demonstrate the principles of noise control
5. Design for visual quality and day lighting
6. Appraise the design principles in real time environment
Module: 1 Climatology 8 Hours
Climate geographical and physical factors - Temperatures, Rainfall, Wind, Sky, ground, Vegetation -
Micro climate and Macro climate – seasons - movement of buildings - sun protection devices

Module: 2 Thermal comfort in buildings 8 Hours

Low energy use and high thermal comfort in buildings- thermal performance targets - basics of heat
transfer mechanisms, - thermal comfort parameters and regulations - performance of building envelope
- thermal balance of buildings - basic thermal calculations and simulations - Active and passive
technologies for thermal comfort.

Module: 3 Energy efficiency in buildings 8 Hours

Energy flow - natural energy gains - energy use – indicators - indoor comfort - technical and economic
feasibility - cultural values - energy supply and environmental aspects - energy neutral and energy
positive building.

Module: 4 Building acoustics 7 Hours

Fundamentals of building acoustics – room acoustics and reverberation - Sound Absorption- Quality
indicators - Acoustic materials – Design principles of auditorium.

Module: 5 Day Lighting 7 Hours

Visual quality in built environment - Effective day lighting design - Integrated design approach- Static
daylighting metrics -context of LEED -solar shading.


Module: 6 Case studies 7 Hours
Building with thermal comfort - energy efficiency - auditorium for acoustic study - natural day lighting.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Jens Pohl, “Building Science: Concepts and Application”, Wiley – Blackwell, 2011
2. Tor Erik Vigran, “Building Acoustics”, CRC Press, 2014
Reference Books
1. Egan, M. D., & Olgyay, V. “Architectural lighting”, McGraw-Hill. 2002
2. Szokolay, S. V. “Introduction to architectural science: the basis of sustainable design”. Routledge.
3. Marshall Long, “Architectural Acoustics”, Elsevier Science, 2005
4. Hugo Hens, Building Physics, Heat, Air and Moisture, Wiley Publishers, 2017
5. Anson M., Ko J.M., Lam E.S.S, “Advances in Building Technology”, 2002
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE1002 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide knowledge about statics with emphasis on force equilibrium and free body
2. To understand the concept stresses and response of elements.
3. To understand the mechanical behaviour of materials under various load conditions.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Illustrate the concepts of mechanics
2. Identify the principles of dynamics
3. Examine the concepts of kinetics
4. Analyse the stresses in the members
5. Apply the equilibrium concepts in analysis of members
6. Apply the basic principles to solve problems in mechanics
Module: 1 Introduction: 8 Hours
Centroid - centre of gravity - moment of inertia of plane sections - theorems of moment of inertia -
composite sections - mass moment of inertia of circular plate, cylinder, cone, sphere, hook.

Module: 2 Dynamics: 8 Hours

Particle dynamics- rectilinear motion - plane curvilinear motion - relative and constrained motion -
newton’s second law: rectangular, path, and polar coordinates - work-kinetic energy, power and potential
energy - impulse-momentum- impact - direct and oblique

Module: 3 Kinetics of rigid bodies: 7 Hours

Principles in dynamics - types of motion - D’Alembert’s principle: plane motion and connected bodies -
work energy principle: plane motion and connected bodies - kinetics of rigid body rotation

Module: 4 Elasticity and Elastic Constants 8 Hours

Introduction – Stress and strain – Hooke’s law – Three types of Elasticity – Rigidity modulus – Young’s
modulus – Bulk modulus – Relation connecting elastic constants – Poisson’s Ratio – Torsional pendulum

Module: 5 Basic Structural Analysis: 7 Hours


Stability of equilibrium - equilibrium in three dimensions - method of sections - method of joints - simple
trusses - beams - types of beams- member forces
Module: 6 Simple stresses and strains: 7 Hours
St. Venant’s principle - types of stresses and strains, Hooke’s law – stress – strain diagram for mild steel
– working stress – factor of safety – lateral strain, Poisson’s ratio and volumetric strain – relation between
moduli – bars of varying section – composite bars– temperature stresses
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Irving H. Shames, “Engineering Mechanics”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006
2. Beer F. P and Johnston E. R, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers”, Vol I - Statics, Vol II, – Dynamics,
9th Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
Reference Books
1. Egor, P.Popov, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003
2. Hibbler R. C., “Engineering Mechanics: Principles of Statics and Dynamics”, Pearson Press. 2006
3. Andy Ruina and Rudra Pratap, “Introduction to Statics and Dynamics”, Oxford University Press,
4. Shanes and Rao, “Engineering Mechanics”, Pearson Education, 2006
5. Bansal R.K, “A Text Book of Engineering Mechanics”, Laxmi Publications, 2010
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE1003 2 0 0 2
Course Objective:
1. To understand the concepts of carbon emission by the construction industry
2. To learn the mitigation methods to reduce carbon footprint
3. To study the LCA and green design techniques
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
1. Identify the carbon emission from the buildings
2. Illustrate the energy efficiency principles
3. Apply the energy analysis models
4. Analyze the sustainability of buildings
5. Apply the social and economic aspects in green buildings
6. Formulate techniques for green design in buildings
Module: 1 Green Energy Concepts: 5 Hours
Greenhouse gases – Global warming – climate change – global change – life cycle assessment –
embedded carbon – other footprints - Energy consumption in different sectors - Carbon emission from
energy use in buildings.

Module: 2 Benefits of energy: 5 Hours

Environmental benefits – economic benefits – corporate Image benefits – Personal and social benefits -
Energy efficiency principles - building energy management systems - GHG mitigation in buildings.

Module: 3 Green analysis: 5 Hours


Standards – Product based standards – Activity based standards – Iterative carbon management steps –
Carbon footprint analysis – rating systems - Green analysis - Low carbon refurbishment process -
embodied energy considerations for existing buildings in different sectors

Module: 4 Carbon Footprint Measurement: 5 Hours

Greenhouse gas emission measurement – business and financial measurement – customer and
stakeholder satisfaction measurement – Energy analysis in construction

Module: 5 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) : 5 Hours

Life cycle inventory analysis - cost-benefits analysis - Economic input-output life cycle assessment -
Social and economic aspects – sustainability assessment – Environmental Impact assessment
Module: 6 Green Design Techniques: 5 Hours
Environmental impacts during construction - low carbon materials - green transport - case study - aspects
of sustainability
Total Lectures 30 Hours
Text Books
1. Matthew John Franchetti and Defne Apul , “Carbon Footprint Analysis: Concepts, Methods”, CRC
Press, 2012
2. Giri N.K, “Alternate Energy (Sources, Applications and Technologies)”, Khanna Publishers, 2012
Reference Books
1. Linda Reeder, “Guide to Green Building Rating Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, 2010
2. Olivier Jolliet, Myriam Saade-Sbeih, Shanna Shaked, “Environmental Life Cycle Assessment”,
CRC Press, 2015
3. Francesco Pomponi, Catherine De Wolf, Alice Moncaster Embodied Carbon in Buildings”,
Springer, 2018
4. Sunil Shah, “Sustainable Refurbishment”, Wiley – Blackwell, 2012
5. Xianguo Li , “Green Energy: Basic Concepts and Fundamentals” McGraw-Hill, 2011
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE1004 2 0 0 2
Course Objective:
1. To understand the properties of building materials
2. To get a comprehensive overview of materials used for sustainable buildings.
3. To understand the effects of technology on materials and the way they are used with respect to
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
1. Identify the sustainable building materials
2. Distinguish between conventional and modern construction materials
3. Define the concepts of embodied carbon or carbon footprint
4. Identify the different sustainable construction techniques
5. Analyze the usage of waste materials for construction
6. Analyze the use of smart materials
Module: 1 Conventional Building Materials 5 Hours


Rocks - Stones - characteristics of stones – material property – Bricks and blocks - Properties of clay
bricks - material test – Timber - Cement - Concrete – Steel – Aluminium - Rubber - plastics – Glass -
Foundations – plinth – sill – Lintels – Arches - stair cases - Flooring - Roofs and roof covering - Damp
proofing – Termite proofing - Plastering and Pointing - Joinery - Painting

Module: 2 Sustainable Building Materials 5 Hours

Introduction to sustainable building materials, qualities, use, examples - Natural building materials,
locally available and locally manufactured materials, bio materials - Salvaged and recycled materials -
Nontoxic materials: low VOC paints, coating and adhesives

Module: 3 Sustainable Construction Techniques 5 Hours

Alternative construction techniques such as SMB, CSEB, and steam cured blocks, composite beam and
panel, funicular shells, filler slabs, reinforced concrete masonry, vaulted roofs, ferro-cement walls etc., -
Case studies

Module: 4 Innovations in Construction Materials: 5 Hours

Geopolymer concrete – ICF materials - recycled materials – Nano materials in construction – 3D Printing

Module: 5 Innovative use of Materials 5 Hours

Use of waste materials - paper, glass bottles, tires, shipping containers - use of post-consumer and
industrial waste - fly-ash - building demolition waste – use of salvaged materials from flooring, columns,
beams, timber, glass, etc
Module: 6 Smart Materials: 5 Hours
Piezoelectric material – shape memory alloy – light emitting concrete – photochromotic materials - ER
and MR rheological fluids - fiber optics - pollution absorbing bricks – smart concrete – bacterial concrete
– biomimics – thermochromic materials
Total Lectures 30 Hours
Text Books
1. Jamal Khatib, “Sustainability of Construction Materials”, Woodhead Publishing, 2016
2. Ross Spiegel.G, “Green Building Materials A Guide to Product Selection and Specification”, 3rd
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Reference Books
1. Sustainable Building - Design Manual Pt 1 & 2, The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI, 2004
2. Traci Rose Rider, Stacy Glass, Jessica McNaughton, “Understanding Green Building Materials”,
W.W.Norton and Company, 2011
3. Johan van Lengen, “The Barefoot Architect: A Handbook for Green Building”, Shelter Publication,
4. Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Luisa F. Cabeza, Joao Labrincha, “Eco-efficient Construction and
Building Materials”, Woodhead Publishing, 2014
5. Michelle Addington, Daniel Schodek, “Smart Materials and Technologies in Architecture”
Architectural Press, 2012
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE1005 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge on the basics of the vector and scalar representation of forces and moments
2. To acquire knowledge on linear momentum, friction and rotation of particles
3. To impart knowledge on the concept of stress strain and elasticity
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Demonstrate the ability to solve the problems based on modulus of elasticity
2. Demonstrate the ability to solve the moment of Inertia
3. Demonstrate the rigidity modulus
4. Determine the reactions of simply supported beam with various loads
5. Determine the reactions of simple truss
6. Solve the forces in truss elements
List of Experiments
1. Young’s Modulus – Uniform bending
2. Young’s Modulus –Non-Uniform bending
3. Young’s Modulus - Cantilever
4. Moment of Inertia of different bodies - Torsional pendulum
5. Rigidity Modulus – Torsional Pendulum
6. Reactions of a simply supported beam with point load
7. Reactions of a simply supported beam with udl
8. Reactions of a simply supported beam with uvl
Total Lectures 16 Hours
1. Irving H. Shames, “Engineering Mechanics”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006
2. Beer F. P and Johnston E. R, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers”, Vol I - Statics, Vol II, –
Dynamics, 9th Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE1006 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To adopt the principles of building planning bye laws in drawing
2. To draft the plan, elevation and section of various structures
3. To create the drawing using modern software
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the basic commands of the 2D drafting
2. Define the principles of civil engineering drawing and planning
3. Apply the building bye-laws for planning of buildings
4. Develop plan, elevation and section and site plan of various types of residential buildings
5. Develop plan, elevation and section and site plan of various types of Commercial buildings
6. Prepare the layout for the approval submission.
List of Experiments


1. AutoCAD Commands
2. Bye laws to be followed for planning of buildings
3. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of residential buildings-single storey buildings (load
4. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of residential buildings-one storey buildings(framed
5. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of residential buildings-two storey buildings (load
6. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of residential buildings-single storey buildings (Framed
7. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of institutional buildings - school (framed structure)
8. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of industrial buildings- workshop (steel structure)
9. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of hospital building
10. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of auditorium building
Total Lectures 16 Hours
1. Balagopal Prabhu, T. S., “Building Drawing and Detailing”, Spades Publishing, KDFA Building,
Calicut, 2012
2. AUTO CAD Tutorials and Manual- Autodesk Work Book on AUTO CAD Level I and II
CAD/CAM centre, Coimbatore
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE1007 0 0 4 2
Course Objective:
1. To understand the concepts of 3D modelling
2. To create various elements of building using 3D software
3. To create walkthrough and demonstrate the models
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Use tools of the software to create models
2. Model the components of the buildings
3. Model the non-structural components in buildings
4. Apply the materials to the model.
5. Create schedules for the models
6. Create walkthrough of the models developed
List of Experiments
1. a) Introduction to Revit Software & the workflow of BIM
b) Starting up with Revit
2. a) Introduction to Walls
b) Introduction to Floors
3. a) Introduction to Roofs
b) Adding Structural Component


4. a) Modelling Staircase
b) Creating Ramps & Railings
5. a) Placing of Components
b) Modelling Components In-Place
6. a) Material Management
b) Working with Sections
7. a) Creating Ceilings
b) Including Night lights in the project
8. a) Modelling the Site
b) Creating Schedules
9. a) Working with Conceptual Mass:
b) Rendering the Views
10. a) Creating a Walkthrough video
b) Documentation work
Total Lectures 16 Hours
1. ASCENT, Autodesk Revit 2021 Structure Fundamentals, SDC Publications, 2020

2. Elise Moss, Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture Basics, SDC Publications, 2020
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3001 3 0 2 4
Course Objective:
1. To idealize, formulate, and analyze, determinate and indeterminate structures using matrix structural
analysis methods.
2. To determine the force distribution and deformed shapes of structures.
3. To understand the stability concept of frames.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the degrees of freedom and formulate flexibility and stiffness matrix
2. Analyze the truss using stiffness methods
3. Analyze the beams elements using appropriate methods
4. Analyze the elements using advanced methods
5. Evaluate the structural stability of frames
6. Analyze the elements using software tools
Module: 1 Matrix methods 8 Hours
Introduction- static indeterminacy and kinematic indeterminacy – degree of freedom – coordinate system
– structure idealization stiffness and flexibility matrices – suitability element stiffness equations –
elements flexibility equations – mixed force – displacement equations – for truss element, beam element
and tensional element. Transformation of coordinates – element stiffness matrix – and load vector – local
and global coordinates

Module: 2 Stiffness Methods 7 Hours


Assembly of stiffness matrix from element stiffness matrix – direct stiffness method – general procedure
– band matrix – semi bandwidth – direct stiffness matrix method

Module: 3 Analysis of Plane Truss 8 Hours

Plane Trusses - Coordinate Systems - Degrees of Freedom - Member Stiffness and Local Coordinates -
Coordinate Transformations - Member Stiffness and Global Coordinates - Assembly of Structure
Stiffness - Direct Stiffness and Code Number Methods - Analysis

Module: 4 Analysis of Beams 8 Hours

Formation of the Global Analysis Equations for Beams - Member Stiffness: Local and Global
Coordinates - Assembly of Structure Stiffness - Analysis Procedure

Module: 5 Special analysis procedures: 7 Hours

Static condensation and sub structuring – initial and thermal stresses. Analysis of grid by matrix methods.
Module: 6 Stability of Frames 7 Hours
Various Boundary Conditions – Differential equations – Slope Deflection method
Total Lectures 45 Hours
List of Experiments (MATLAB)
1. B.M, Slope and deflections in beams – Simultaneous equations
2. Shear, Moment and deflection of beams - Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule
3. Analysis of continuous beam -flexibility methods
4. Analysis of plane truss-stiffness methods
5. Analysis of space truss-stiffness methods
6. Analysis of grid by matrix methods
Total Practical hours 14 hours
Reference Books
1. Gianluca Ranzi, Raymond Ian Gilbert, “Structural Analysis: Principles, Methods and Modelling”,
2. Manolis Papadrakakis, Evangelos Sapountzakis, “Matrix Methods for Advanced Structural
Analysis”, Butterworth Heinemann, 2017
3. Devdas Menon, “Advanced Structural Analysis”, Alpha Science International, 2009
4. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran, “Advanced Structural Analysis with MATLAB®”, CRC Press, 2018
5. Igor A. Karnovsky, Olga Lebed, “Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis”, CRC Press, 2010

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3002 3 0 4 5
Course Objective:
1. To understand the behavior of reinforced concrete structures
2. To understand the design of various structural elements
3. To understand the failure of buildings in field and improvement procedures
Course Outcome:


At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the behavior of structural elements
2. Calculate the loads acting on a RC structure according to codal provisions.
3. Design the RC structures for its behavior.
4. Design and detail the structural drawings using IS codes.
5. Apply the structural systems based on the field requirement.
6. Apply suitable techniques for failure of structures
Module: 1 Basic Design Concepts: 8 Hours
Limit state - serviceability – deflection and crack width - short term deflection – long term deflection -
mechanism of flexural cracking - crack width: IS, BS and ACI Codes – Shrinkage and thermal cracking

Module: 2 Frame Analysis and Design 7 Hours

Static and Dynamic loading on structures - Analysis and design of multistory RCC frame- Optimal design
of structural elements

Module: 3 Slabs: 8 Hours

Grid floor – Yield line theory- flat slabs – Post tensioned stress distribution – Design of PT slabs

Module: 4 Inelastic Behaviour of Beams: 8 Hours

Inelastic behaviour –Moment curvature behavior - concept of plastic hinges – moment redistribution -
Check on rotation capacity

Module: 5 Special Structures: 9 Hours

Design of Bunkers – Design of Silo – Design of shear wall framed structure – Deep beams and corbels

Module: 6 Field Practices: 6 Hours

Building failure - Structural Integrity - Design of Beam column joints - connections under special
situations - Fire resistance of structural members – Quality control of concrete
Total Lectures 45 Hours
List of Projects
1. Comparison of design of RCC roof and PT slab system
2. Design of RC Shear Walls subjected to Seismic forces
3. Influence of orientation of shear walls on structural behavior of RC buildings
4. Design of flat slab for a commercial building
5. Comparison of design of RCC roof and grid slab system
6. Design of a corbel for an industrial building
Total Practical hours 30 hours
Reference Books
1. Bhavikatti S.S, “Advanced RCC Design”, New age International Pvt. Ltd. 2006
2. Subramanian. N., “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, Oxford University Press, New
Delhi. 2013
3. Krishna Raju, “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, CBS Publishers and distributors, New
Delhi, 2016
4. Varghese, P.C, “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.
5. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Prentice Hall of India, 2007


Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


Course code L T P C
20CE3003 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the basic principles of free and forced vibration of SDoF and MDoF
2. To analyze the forces in the members as per IS 1893 and ductile detailing as per IS 13920
3. To understand the principles of vibration control methods and retrofitting techniques

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the elements of vibratory system and develop mathematical models
2. Determine the fundamental frequency and mode of vibration of structural elements
3. Estimate the response of structures subjected to dynamic forces
4. Apply theory of dynamics to structures subjected to seismic forces
5. Illustrate the codal provisions for seismic resistant design
6. Recommend suitable alternate techniques and retrofitting methods
Module: 1 Principles of Dynamics 7 Hours
Principles of vibration analysis: D'Alembert's principle - Hamilton's principle – principle of virtual work
-idealization of a structure as SDOF system - Equation of motion - damped and undamped free vibrations
- critical damping - logarithmic decrement - un-damped forced vibration. Response to support motion -
response to harmonic excitation, response to arbitrary periodic loading- Duhamel's integral

Module: 2 Free Vibration of MDOF System: 8 Hours

MDOF system (Lumped mass): Mathematical model of MDOF system - free vibration of undamped
MDOF systems - natural frequencies and mode shapes – orthogonality conditions - analysis for natural
frequencies and mode shapes - solution of the Eigen value problems. Identification of natural frequency
and Mode shape using accelerometers and shake table in laboratory

Module: 3 Forced Vibration of MDOF System: 8 Hours

Idealizations of multi-storeyed building frames for dynamic analysis - Shear buildings – stiffness,
flexibility and mass matrices - Free and forced vibration with and without damping – solution by step by
step direct integration - central difference method - Houbolt method - Wilson-θ-method - Newmark
method. Mathematical model for continuous system

Module: 4 Earthquakes and Ground Motion: 8 Hours

Engineering seismology - - seismic zoning of India- microzonation- peak horizontal acceleration (PHA)
- response spectra - evaluation of earthquake forces as per codal provisions – static and dynamic methods-
lessons learnt from past earthquakes

Module: 5 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures: 8 Hours

Structural systems - building types - causes of damage - planning considerations - philosophy and
principle of earthquake resistant design - guidelines for earthquake resistant design - earthquake resistant


masonry buildings - design consideration - Earthquake resistant design of R.C.C. Buildings – ductile
detailing of structures – rigid frames – shear walls
Module: 6 Vibration Control Techniques: 6 Hours
Vibration control - principles and application - Case studies - methods of retrofitting

Total Lectures 45 Hours

Reference Books
1. Anil K Chopra, “Dynamics of structures” Prentice-hall, 2015
2. Paz Mario, “Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors
Pvt. Ltd., 2012
3. Duggal,S.K. “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2007
4. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Prentice
Hall of India, 2009.
5. Paulay,T and Priestley, M.J.N., “Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry buildings”,
John Wiley and Sons, 1992.

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


Course code L T P C
20CE3004 3 0 2 4
Course Objective:
1. To understand the concept of finite element procedures
2. To understand the concepts of Shape function, Stiffness matrix and Load vector for one, two and
three dimensional finite elements
3. To give an exposure to mesh generation techniques and working of commercial software.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the principles for the development of finite element models
2. Develop shape function, strain displacement relation, stiffness matrix and consistent load vector
3. Explain the finite element procedure for structural element
4. Analyze one, two and three dimensional problems
5. Choose appropriate finite element for analysis depending on the nature of problem
6. Develop finite element models using suitable software
Module: 1 Introduction and Finite Element Formulation : 7 Hours
Concept of Finite element –Introduction to elasticity-Strong and Weak Formulations -Variational
Principles-Virtual work and Galerkin’s Weighted residual method - Finite element method :
displacement approach

Module: 2 Element Properties: 7 Hours

Concept of Shape Function - Plane Stress and Plane strain, Natural coordinates, Triangular Elements,
Rectangular elements - Langrange and Serendipity elements - Hermitian family-Solid elements -
Isoparametric Formulation - Stiffness matrix of isoparametric formulation -Numerical Integration: Two
and three dimensional


Module: 3 Analysis of Structural Elements: 8 Hours
Global, Local and Natural coordinate systems- Consistent load vector -Stiffness of Truss member-
Analysis of Truss-Stiffness of beam member-Finite element analysis of continuous beam-Plane Frame
analysis-Analysis of Grid and Space frame

Module: 4 Two and Three Dimensional Solids: 8 Hours

Constant Strain Triangle - Linear Strain Triangle - Rectangular elements - Numerical evaluation of
element stiffness - Gaussian Quadrature - Weights and Gauss points - Selective and reduced integration-
Axis symmetric element - Tetrahedron element family - Parallelepiped element - Hexahedron Element
family - ZIB 8 and ZIB 20 elements.

Module: 5 Analysis of Plates and Shells 7 Hours

Analysis of Plates: Introduction to Kirchhoff and Mindlin Plate theories- Triangular and rectangular
Plate elements - BFS Element, Mindlin plate element; Analysis of Shells: Faceted element for shells -
Semi-loof elements - Degenerated shell elements – 4 noded bilinear shell element-Axisymmetric shell
elements – shear and membrane locking; Finite strip method: Development of stiffness matrix and
consistent load vector
Module: 6 Meshing and Applications of FEM 7 Hours
Auto and adaptive mesh generation-Mesh Refinement technique- P and H mesh refinement –Commercial
Software-Modeling and analysis using Software- Finite element model Vibrational Buckling-
Application to folded plates and bridge decks, Elastic stability-Dynamics-Fluid Mechanics
Total Lectures 45 Hours
List of Experiments (ANSYS)
1. Analysis of an assembly of bar elements
2. Analysis of a plane truss
3. Analysis of a space truss
4. Analysis of a 2D frame
5. Analysis of a 3D frame
6. Analysis of a grid
Total Practical hours 14 hours
Reference Books
1. Reddy, J.N., “ An Introduction to Finite Element Method”, McGraw-Hill International edition, 2008
2. Tirupathi, R.Chandrupatla and Ashok, D. Belegundu, "Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering", Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.,New Delhi 2004
3. Bathe, K.J., “Finite Element Procedure”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2014
4. Chandrakant, S.Desai and John, F.Abel, "Introduction to the Finite Element method, A numerical
Method for Engineering. Analysis", CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Deli, 2005
5. Cook R.D., “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Method”, Wiley John & Sons, 2014

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3005 3 0 4 5


Course Objective:
1. To understand the behavior of steel connections
2. To familiarize with the analysis and design of the industrial buildings
3. To evaluate the performance of light gauge steel structures
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify appropriate structural steel section
2. Explain the behavior of different steel structural elements
3. Perform analysis of steel structures
4. Design the components of steel structural elements and connections
5. Appraise on the quality parameters for steel structures
6. Investigate the reasons for failure of a steel structure
Module: 1 Structural Steel: 8 Hours
Properties of steel: Mechanical properties, Hysteresis, ductility – Hot rolled sections: compactness and
non-compactness, slenderness, residual stresses - Moment rotation behaviour - Cross-section yielding
and member instability - Durability - fire resistance and corrosion

Module: 2 Design of Steel Elements: 7 Hours

Limit state method - Built-up section - members subjected to combined forces - Shear buckling strength
- Post-critical method - Shear moment interaction –– column base - Axial and moment resisting base
plates - Lateral stability

Module: 3 Design of Connections: 8 Hours

Types of connections – Design of Bolts and Welds - Strength under combined stresses - Prying action -
simple and eccentric joints and frame connections - seated connections – moment resistant connections
– clip angle connections - split beam connections – Standardization of connections

Module: 4 Design of Industrial Buildings: 8 Hours

Types of roof system - loads (wind/seismic) - Metal walls: Design of girts, sag rods, and wind posts,
crane load specifications, Euro code and AISC provisions - modeling concepts - sway and non-sway
frames - analysis and design of roof truss - Minimum weight design for truss members – pre-engineered
buildings – seismic design and detailing - purlins

Module: 5 Seismic Design of Steel Structures 7 Hours

Seismic Analysis Procdures - Seismic loading Principles - Behaviour of steel components-Moment frame
systems-Concentrically braced frames- Eccentrically braced frames
Module: 6 Design of Cold formed Steel Structures: 7 Hours
Types - Effective area - Effective stress - behaviour of unstiffened and stiffened elements – design of
beams – flexural members – lateral buckling of beams – Behaviour of compression elements - design of
compression members – wall studs
Total Lectures 45 Hours
List of Projects (Any two can be taken for each student. Each topic can be divided into 5 modules)
1. Design of a steel Industrial Building
2. Design of a Steel hanger building
3. Design of a Steel Space Structures
4. Design of a Steel parking Structure
5. Analysis and design of transmission tower


6. Analysis and design of steel chimney
Total Practical hours 30 hours
Reference Books
1. Jayagopal, L.S. and Tensing.D, “ Design of Steel structures”, Vikas Publishing, Chennai, 2015
2. Subramanian. N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2008
3. Narayanan.R., “Teaching Resource on Structural steel Design”, INSDAG, Ministry of Steel
Publishing, 2000
4. W.F. Chen, I. Sohal, ‘Plastic Design and Second-Order Analysis of Steel Frames’, Springer, 2013
5. Cheng Yu, “Recent Trends in Cold-Formed Steel Construction”, Woodhead Publishing, 2013

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3006 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the principles of subsoil exploration
2. To understand the procedure for design of substructures
3. To familiarize in the evaluation of soil shear strength parameters.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the methods of subsoil exploration
2. Evaluate the soil shear strength parameters.
3. Determine the load carrying capacity of different foundation types.
4. Analyze the concepts of settlement analysis.
5. Select appropriate foundations type based on available soil conditions.
6. Design suitable foundations based on the soil conditions
Module: 1 Shallow Foundations: 8 Hours
Subsurface exploration: Planning- Drilling and sampling –In situ testing. Ultimate bearing capacity of
strip foundations-Bearing capacity of rectangular and circular foundations in cohesive soils-Effect of
Water Table on Bearing Capacity- Settlements of footings and rafts - proportioning of foundations using
field test data

Module: 2 Pile Foundations: 7 Hours

Classification of piles - General considerations of static analysis - Ultimate bearing capacity of single
piles under axial load - Settlements of pile foundations – Group Effects – Under-reamed pile foundations
- Design of pile caps – Negative skin friction

Module: 3 Well Foundation: 8 Hours

IS and IRC code provisions - Elastic theory and ultimate resistance methods - design principles - well
construction and sinking

Module: 4 Special Foundations: 8 Hours

Foundation on expansive soils – choice of foundation – Raft foundation - Mat foundation-Combined
piled and raft foundation - Design of cantilever and basement retaining walls


Module: 5 Machine Foundations: 7 Hours
Introduction – types of machine foundation – basic principles of design of machine foundation –
vibration analysis of machine foundation – design of foundation for Reciprocating machines and Impact
machines – vibration isolation
Module: 6 Tunnels, Open Cuts and Coffer-Dams: 7 Hours
Tunnels and arching in soils - pressure computations around tunnels - open cuts - sheeting and bracing
systems in shallow and deep open cuts in different soil types - coffer dams: various types - analysis and
design - foundations under uplifting loads
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Swamy Saran, "Analysis and Design of substructures", Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
2. Varghese.P.C, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations” –PHI learning private limited, New
Delhi, 2009
3. Nainan P. Kurian, “Design of foundation system”, Narosa Publishing House, 2005
4. Kamesware Rao N. S. V, “Foundation Design: Theory and Practice”, Wiley, 2010
5. An-Bin Huang, Hai-Sui Yu, “Foundation Engineering Analysis and Design”, CRC press, 2018

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3007 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To learn the principles and design of innovative structures
2. To model and analyse the structures using relevant software
3. To understand the implementation techniques
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the type of the shell to be employed for the structure
2. Develop equations and design different type of shells
3. Model shells using software knowledge
4. Analyse the shells to determine the resultant stresses
5. Determine the effective techniques for construction
6. Design innovative structures to suite the modern day construction
Module: 1 INTRODUCTION 7 Hours
Need for the study, History of architecture in India, Design principles for unique system- form, functions
and structure

Module: 2 TYPES OF SHELLS 8 Hours

Types of shells- Shells of revolution and shells of translation- Techniques of shell construction- cast-in-
situ, pre-stressed, precast, Formwork/Shuttering, effective thickness, reinforcement, durability aspects.



Membrane theory of doubly curved shells- Design of Spherical dome, Parabolic dome and Conical roof-
Deriving the equations and transferring into structural models


Design of R.C. cylindrical shell with edge beams-theory for long shells – Beam theory-Arch theory -
Design of shells with ASCE manual –Design of North Light Shell

Module: 5 CREEP IN SHELLS 7 Hours

Creep- Creep buckling and stability analysis- Case study on failure of shells under creep
Intrications in the design of shells and plate structures- Construction methods and techniques - Case
Study Buildings: Felix Candela, Sundaram Architects etc
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Ramaswamy G S., “Design Construction, Concrete Shell Roofs”, CBS Publishers, 2005.
2. Subramanian Narayanan “Space Structures: Principles and Practice”, Multi-Science Publishing,
3. Billington, D. “Thin Shell Concrete Strucutres”, Mc-Graw Hill Book Co., New York, 2000.
4. Varghese.P.C., “Design of Reinforced Concrete Shells and Folded Plates”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
5. Ramasamy.G.S, Mick Eekhout, Suresh.G.R, “ Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel space
Frames”, Thomas Telford 2002
6. ASCE Manual No.31, Design of Cylindrical Shells.

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


Course code L T P C
20CE3008 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge on various type of Composite materials
2. To understand the mechanical behavior of cement composites
3. To develop new cement composites
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Classify the materials as per orthotropic and anisotropic behaviour
2. Formulate constitutive behaviour of composite materials
3. Estimate strain constants using theories applicable to composite materials
4. Compare the mechanical behavior based on the approaches to stiffness.
5. Adopt nanomaterials in cement composites
6. Develop the new cement composites.
Module: 1 CEMENT COMPOSITES: 8 Hours
Cement composites types – terminology - constituent materials - their properties - Fiber-reinforced
cementitious composites – high-strength cementitious composites - ferrocement - SIFCON – polymers
in concretes - preparation of reinforcement - casting and curing - shrinkage-compensating concrete -
engineered cementitious composites


Classification - characteristics of composite materials - basic terminology - advantages – pore size
distribution - orthotropic and anisotropic materials - engineering constants for orthotropic materials -
restrictions on elastic constants


Behavior of ferrocement - fiber reinforced concrete: tension, compression, flexure, shear, fatigue and
impact - durability - corrosion mechanism – corrosion test


Mechanics of materials approach to stiffness – determination of relations between elastic constants -
Elasticity approach to stiffness – bounding techniques of elasticity – exact solutions - Elasticity solutions
with contiguity – Halpin – Tsai equations – comparison of approaches to stiffness.


Nano materials in cement – dispersion – microstructure – characteristics of Nanoparticles in cement -
Potential of Carbon Nanotube – Graphene oxide - recycled cellulosic waste
Fiber reinforced concrete and ferrocement: Housing, water storage, boats - miscellaneous structures -
case studies – learning from failures
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Ronald F. Gibson “Principles of Composite Material Mechanics”, 3rd Edition CRC Press, 2011
2. Andrzej M. Brandt, “Cement-Based Composites: Materials, Mechanical Properties and
Performance”, Routledge, 2009
3. Isaac M. Daniel and OriIshai - Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, Oxford University
Press, Second Edition, New Delhi, 2007
4. Chris L Page, M M Page “Durability of Concrete and Cement Composites”, Woodhead Publishing,
5. Antoine E. Naaman, “Ferrocement and Laminated Cementitious Composites” Techno Press, 2000

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3009 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge on the requirements and functional planning of industrial structures
2. To give exposure on analysis of the industrial structures
3. To train in the design of towers and chimneys
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the suitable industrial roofing system
2. Explain the requirements of industrial building
3. Analyse transmission towers with required foundations


4. Design various components of industrial buildings
5. Discuss the behaviour of machine foundation
6. Plan industrial structures for functional requirements
Classification of industries and industrial structures - planning for layout requirements regarding
lighting, ventilation and fire safety - Protection against noise and vibration - guidelines of factories act.

Module: 2 PORTAL FRAMES 8 Hours

Design of portal frame with hinge base - design of portal frame with fixed base - gable structures - IS
1893 Part IV provisions - Special design considerations - Vibrations and noise - Details of slabs on grade


Steel and RCC - Gantry girder - crane girders - design of Corbels and nibs – mezzanine floor - crack
control, joints, form deck, permanent forms, openings, Mass concrete - Erection and handling stress


Types of Power plants – containment structures - cooling towers - bunkers and silos - pipe supporting


Analysis and design of transmission line towers - sag and tension calculations - testing of towers – design
of self-supporting chimney - design of chimney bases.
Module: 6 FOUNDATION 7 Hours
Design of foundation for Towers, chimneys and cooling towers - machine foundation - design of turbo
generator foundation
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Jurgen Axel Adam, Katharria Hausmann, Frank Juttner, Klauss Daniel, “Industrial Buildings: A
Design Manual”, Birkhauser Publishers, 2014.
2. Manohar S.N, “Tall Chimneys - Design and Construction”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2014
3. Santhakumar A.R. and Murthy S.S., “Transmission Line Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.
4. K.G. Bhatia , “Foundations for Industrial Machines: Handbook for Practising Engineers”, Taylor
and Francis, 2009
5. Julian Weyer, Sergio Baragaño, “Industrial Building Planning and Design”, Design Media
Publishing Limited, 2014

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3010 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the fundamental of optimization technique
2. To differentiate various optimization algorithm
3. To apply the optimization methods to decision making problems


Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Identify different optimization Techniques
2. Use appropriate method for a particular problem
3. Formulate objective function and constraints
4. Apply to real time construction management problems
5. Solve the problems using optimization Techniques
6. Compute the optimization techniques to structural design
Module: 1 INTRODUCTION 8 Hours
Definition - Variables - Objective Function - Constraints - Design space - Feasible and infeasible -
Convex and Concave - Local and global optima - Formulation of structural optimization problems


Formulation of Linear optimization models, Civil engineering applications. Simplex method, special
cases in simplex method, Method of Big M, Two phase method, duality, sensitivity analysis.


Dynamic programming: Multi stage decision processes, Principle of optimality, Recursive equation,
Application of D.P. Non-Linear programming: Single variable unconstrained optimization –Local &
Global optima, Uni-modal Function- Sequential Search Techniques: Dichotomous, Fibonacci, Golden
Section methods.


Polynomials - degree of difficulty - reducing G.P.P to a set of simultaneous equation-Unconstrained and
constraint problems with zero difficulty - concept of solving problems with one degree of difficulty -
Bellman’s principle of optimality - representation of a multistage decision problem - concept of sub-
optimization problems using classical and tabular methods-Design of Truss members for minimum


Multivariable optimization without constraints-The gradient vector and Hessian Matrix, Gradient
techniques, steepest ascent/decent technique, Newton‘s Method. Multivariable optimization with
equality constraints-Lagrange Multiplier Technique.
Module: 6 APPLICATION 7 Hours
Methods for optimal design of structural elements, continuous beams - single storied frames using plastic
theory - Minimum weight design for truss members - Fully stressed design - Optimization principles to
design of R.C. structures such as multi-storey buildings, water tanks and bridges. Structural optimization
for transient (dynamic) problems.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Rao S.S. “Engineering Optimization Theory & Practice”, Wiely, 2009
2. J.K.Sharma “Operations Research (3 Edition) : Theory And Applications”, 3rd Edition, Macmillan
India Limited, 2006
3. Hamdy A.Taha, “Operations Research”, Pearson Education Limited, 2017
4. Ravindran, K. M. Ragsdel, G. V. Reklaitis, “Engineering Optimization: Methods and
Applications”, Wiely, 2006


Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3011 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge on distress diagnosis
2. To understand various methods of health monitoring
3. To apply various methods for repair and rehabilitation
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of Structural health
2. Diagnosis the distress in the structure understanding the causes and factors.
3. Assess the health of structure using static field methods.
4. Assess the health of structure using dynamic field tests.
5. Apply techniques of Remote monitoring using IoT
6. Suggest repairs and rehabilitation measures of the structure
Factors affecting Health of Structures, Causes of Distress, Regular Maintenance


Concepts, Various Measures, Structural Safety in Alteration. Structural Audit: Assessment of Health of
Structure, Collapse and Investigation, Investigation Management, SHM Procedures.


Types of Static Tests, Simulation and Loading Methods, sensor systems and hardware requirements,
Static Response Measurement


Types of Dynamic Field Test, Stress History Data, Dynamic Response Methods, Hardware for Remote
Data Acquisition Systems,


Importance and Advantages – Methodology – IoT applications in SHM – Application Machine leaning
Techniques in SHM
Local and Global retrofitting techniques- Case Studies .
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Daniel Balageas, Claus_Peter Fritzen, Alfredo Güemes, “Structural Health Monitoring”, John
Wiley and Sons ltd., 2006
2. Douglas E Adams “Health Monitoring of Structural Materials and Components_Methods with
Applications”, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
3. J. P. Ou, H. Li and Z. D. Duan, “Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure”, Vol1,
, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, 2006


4. Victor Giurglutiu, “ Structural Health Monitoring with Wafer Active Sensors”, Academic Press

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3012 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the behaviour of tall buildings
2. To carry out analysis of the resultant forces in various structural forms
3. To understand the stability behavior of tall buildings
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the loads on tall buildings
2. Illustrate the behaviour of various structural forms
3. Adopt suitable techniques for analysis
4. Analyse the forces in the structures
5. Assess the long term effects in tall buildings
6. Assess the model for Analysis
Introduction - Design criteria for structural design of Tall building - Concept of premium for height -
Development of high rise architecture


Building performance –cost, quality and time - Environmental requirements - Introduction to safety and
Health Management System - Stages of site Investigation - Site Reconnaissance & Ground investigation
- Field tests & Laboratory tests - foundation systems


Material handling considerations - Earthmoving equipment’s - Horizontal and vertical movements -
Selection & Utility of Cranes (Tower Cranes & Climbing Cranes) – Industrialization - Robotics in


Outlook of Design considerations and Characteristics of wind, Codal wind loads and cladding pressures
on behavior of tall buildings - Tall building behavior - seismic design philosophy - Second order effects


Introduction of Various structural forms and their importance to high rise architecture - Introduction to
various Flooring Systems in concrete & steel structures.
Approaches for analysis - Assumptions involved in modeling - Reduction techniques..


Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Bryan Stafford Smith and Alexcoull, “Tall Building Structures - Analysis and Design”, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2005.
2. Taranath B.S., “Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings”, McGraw Hill, 2012
3. Mehmet Halis Günel, Hüseyin Emre Ilgin, “Tall Buildings: Structural Systems and Aerodynamic
Form” Taylor and Francis 2014
4. Beedle, L.S.; Ali, M.M.; Armstrong, P.J. “The Skyscraper and the City: Design, Technology, and
Innovation”; The Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston, NY, USA, 2007
5 Lynn S. Beedle. “Second Century of the Skyscraper” Springer US 2012
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3013 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the requirements for design of formwork
2. To compare and select the type of formwork materials
3. To analyse and design various types of formwork
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Analyse the requirements for design of formwork
2. Select proper formwork, accessories and material.
3. Evaluate the strength of form work of RC elements.
4. Design the form work for Special Structures.
5. Understand the working of flying formwork.
6. Investigate the formwork failures through case studies
Module: 1 INTRODUCTION 7 Hours
Requirements - selection of formwork – need for formwork - temporary structure – formwork types


Timber, plywood, steel, aluminium, plastic and accessories. Horizontal and vertical formwork supports
- loads and pressure on formwork - Vertical load - Lateral pressure - load test

Module: 3 FORMWORK DESIGN 8 Hours

Concepts - Factors affecting the design strength of formwork- Safety factor - formwork systems and
design for foundations, walls, columns, slab and beams - Struts and ties - bracing


Special structures: shells, domes, folded plates, overhead water tanks, natural draft cooling tower,

Module: 5 FLYING FORMWORK 8 Hours

Table form, tunnel form, slip form - formwork for precast concrete - formwork management issues –pre-
and post-award.


Module: 6 CASE STUDIES 8 Hours
Formwork failures: causes and case studies in formwork - failure formwork issues in multi-storey
building construction
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Peurify , “Formwork for Concrete Structures,” , Mc Graw Hill India, 2015.
2. Kumar Neeraj Jha , “Formwork for Concrete Structures”, , Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2012
3. Christopher Souder, “Temporary Structure Design”, John Wiley and Sons, 2014
4. Garold (Gary) D. Oberlender, Robert L. “Peurifo Formwork for Concrete Structures” McGraw Hill
Professional, 2010
5 IS 14687: 1999, “False work for Concrete Structures – Guidelines”, BIS
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3014 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the basic concepts of risk analysis and the relationship between probability theory
and modeling, risk analysis, and decision analysis
2. To understand probabilistic modeling, in the evaluation of risk
3. To learn the interpretation of the basic tools of risk analysis
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the uncertainty in structural systems
2. Extend reliability analysis concepts from structural elements to structural systems
3. Interpret the tools of risk analysis.
4. Use appropriate tools for decision making
5. Estimate the cost-benefit analysis
6. Application in real time problems
Concept of uncertainty in reliability based analysis and design - Random variables- Concept and
definition, Probability axioms and probability functions - Conditional probability - Common probability
density and distribution functions and its descriptors - Correlation between random variables.


Functions of random variables -Expectation and moments of functions of random variables - Concept of
failure of a structure - Reduced variable space


Basic definition of reliability index - First order second moment index - Hasofer-Lind reliability index -
Rackwitz - Fiessler reliability index - Second order reliability method.


Simulation techniques in reliability estimation - Importance sampling / Variation reduction techniques -
Time variant reliability


Probabilistic risk assessment - risk management - Multistage decision model - value of perfect
information - Axioms of rationale behavior - introduction to utility, risk aversion - multivariable utility
theory - decision analysis - risk management
Background and fundamental premises - time value of money - basis for comparison of alternatives -
including uncertainity - evaluating public activities - Case studies
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Thuesen, G. J., and Fabrycky, W. J. “Engineering Economy”. 9th ed. Englewood Cliff, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2000.
2. Alfredo H-S. Ang, Wilson H. Tang, “Probability Concepts in Engineering”, Wiley 2007
3. William DeCoursey, “Statistics and Probability for Engineering Applications” Elsevier Science,
4. Terrance Reilly, Clemen, Robert T. “Making Hard Decisions”. South-Western College Publishing,
5 Lee Ostrom, Cheryl Wilhelmsen, “Risk Assessment: Tools, Techniques, and Their Applications”,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. July 2019
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3015 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge of the loading standards of IRC
2. To familiarize the design principles of bridges
3. To analysis understand the analysis and design of different types of bridges.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Classify bridges according to loading and site conditions
2. Explain the behavior of different types of bridges
3. Analyze different types of bridges
4. Design the different components of bridges
5. Appraise on the quality investigation of bridge structures
6. Investigate the reasons for the failure of bridge structures
Module: 1 SHORT SPAN RC BRIDGES: 8 Hours
Types of bridges and loading standards - IRC: 112, IRC: 6, Special vehicle loading and Fatigue load
for bridge design - choice of type - I.R.C. specifications for road bridges – design of RCC solid slab
bridges - analysis and design of slab culverts, Tee beam and slab bridges.

Module: 2 LONG SPAN RC BRIDGES 7 Hours

Design principles of continuous girder bridges, box girder bridges, balanced cantilever bridges – arch
bridges – box culverts - cable stayed and suspension bridges.


Flexural and torsional parameters – Courbon’s theory – design of girder section – maximum and
minimum prestressing forces – eccentricity – live load and dead load shear forces – cable zone in girder
– check for stresses at various sections – check for diagonal tension – diaphragms – End block

Module: 4 STEEL BRIDGES 8 Hours

General – Railway loadings – dynamic effect – Railway culvert with steel beams – Plate girder bridges
– Box girder bridges – Truss bridges – vertical and horizontal stiffeners.


Different types of bearings – design of bearings – design of piers and abutments of different types – types
of bridge foundations – design of foundations.
Module: 6 CASE STUDIES 7 Hours
IS 1893 PIII provisions - special design considerations - composite bridges - health monitoring
techniques - application of sensor - case studies- learning from failures
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Jagadeesh.T.R. and Jayaram. M.A., “Design of Bridge Structures”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Johnson Victor, D. “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi,
3. Krishna raju N, “Design of Bridges”, Oxford and IBH Publishing, New Delhi, 2010
4. Ponnuswamy, S., “Bridge Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
5 IRC 6:2016, Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Indian Road Congress
6 IRC 112: 2014, Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges, Indian Road Congress
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


Course code L T P C
20CE3016 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the various assessment procedures
2. To impart knowledge on evaluation of structural materials and systems
3. To classify the use destructive and non destructive techniques
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand the procedure for identifying the structure exposed to aggressive environment.
2. Apply the guidelines for structural condition assessment of existing buildings
3. Identify techniques for evaluating concrete masonry and wood
4. Select the destructive and non destructive techniques to suite the projects
5. Interpret and use destructive and nondestructive test results
6. Evaluate and report the conditional assessment of existing structure


Objectives- causes of building distress-purpose of report - authorization-need for analysis- steps in
conditional assessment-preliminary evaluation methods - Onsite investigation and off site investigation-
Rapid(visual) investigation - Details of visual investigation - Performing structural condition assessment
- study of document and other evidence - preliminary numerical analysis-reporting-decision on
immediate action - Recommendation of detailed assessment


Detailed assessment- mandated or damage or deterioration-professional competence-professional
responsibility and liability-professional requirement - detail documentation search and review-building
examination-forms and check list- Role of Non-Destructive Techniques in Condition Assessment -
Non-destructive testing: Rebound Hammer, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tests test in condition assessment
– Corrosion- Carbonation - Destructive Vs Non-destructive-guidelines-structural systems – concrete
wood-masonry and Metals


Collection of existing data: design/construction Phase - repair interventions-inspections-Analzing
existing data-data quality assessment-Probability of Detection (PoD)-Planning evaluation techniques-
Inspection Procedure-condition survey: concrete, masonry, wood and metal structures- survey
inspection checklist- Design materials evaluation program- Selection of destructive and nondestructive
testing-identify the limitations of NDT techniques - interpreting tests results -Diagnose problems- assess
strengths and weaknesses of structural materials


Project-Planning group-Identifying hazard- proactive strategies –reactive strategies- economic
considerations-deterioration modeling-mechanisms planning the evaluation-statistical procedures-
destructive and nondestructive test on concrete-evaluate cracks in concrete and masonry- analyze wet
masonry walls – evaluate Heritage structures - evaluating corrosion -interpret test results - develop
inspection checklist - condition assessment projects - evaluating test data- Assessing damage -
suitability for future use-recommendation-implement action


Quality Assurance report - existing conditions - summary- list of components reviewed -observations
and findings - structural integrity- structural capacity checks - interpretations and findings - photographic
documentation - rehabilitation recommendations - field measurements.
Module: 6 CASE STUDIES 7 Hours
Structural systems: columns damaged condition - columns damaged condition & seepage through
basement – kitchen -wash area floor condition (first floor) - walls dampness & chajja condition (ground
floor)- spalling of concrete in columns- spalling of concrete in beams- chajjas/ fins damaged Condition-
Chajjas/ Parapet and Columns Damaged Condition-HVAC-Pumping-Electrical systems-Parking
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Cairns, J., Gehlen, C., Andrade, C., Bartholomew, M., Gulikers, J., Leon, F. J., Matthews, S.,
McKenna, P., Osterminski , K., Paeglitis, A., & Straub, D. “Condition Control and Assessment of
Reinforced Concrete Structures Exposed to Corrosive Environments”. (fib Bulletin; Vol. 59).
International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib)., 2011)
2. Guideline for Structural Condition Assessment of Existing BuildingsSEI/ASCE11-99


3. Robert T. Ratay, “Structural Condition Assessment” Wiley, 2005
4. R. Dodge Woodson,”Concrete structures, protection repair and rehabilitation,” Butterworth-
Heinemann , 2009
5 Mark G. Alexander, Hans-Dieter Beushausen, Frank Dehn, “Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and
Retrofitting ”, CRC Press, 2008

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3017 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand of the types of cracks
2. To impart knowledge on crack models
3. To apply damage mechanics for concrete
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Classify the various types of cracks
2. Comprehend the fundamentals of fracture mechanics
3. Identify the cracking of concrete structures based on fracture mechanics.
4. Implement stress intensity factor for notched members
5. Apply fracture mechanics models to high strength concrete and FRC structures.
6. Ascertain the associated and non-associated flow cracks
Fundamentals of fracture mechanics – types of cracks – stress intensity factor - Crack in a structure -
Mechanisms of fracture - crack growth

Module: 2 STRUCTURAL CRACKS: 7 Hours

Crack in a structure - mechanisms of fracture in structural concrete - crack growth - cleavage fracture -
ductile fracture - fatigue cracking - environment assisted cracking - service failure analysis

Module: 3 STRESS AT CRACK TIP: 8 Hours

Stress at crack tip - linear elastic fracture mechanics, Griffith’s criteria - stress intensity factors - crack
tip plastic zone - Erwin’s plastic zone correction - R curves – compliance - concept of CTOD and CMD

Module: 4 MATERIAL MODELS: 8 Hours

General concepts – Material models - crack models - band models - models based on continuum damage
mechanics - modeling of quasi brittle materials

Module: 5 APPLICATIONS: 8 Hours

Applications to high strength concrete - fibre reinforced concrete - crack concepts – numerical modeling


Discrete crack concept - Smeared crack concept - Size effect - Plasticity models for concrete –
Associated and non-associated flow - Failure surfaces for quasibrittle materials - Crack tip element -
finite element model for crack tip


Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Suri C. T. and Jin Z.H., “Fracture Mechanics”, 1st Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2012.
2. Alberto Carpinteri, “Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Reinforced Concrete”, CRC Press, 2014
3. Prashant Kumar, “Elements of fracture mechanics”, 1st Edition McGraw Hill Education; 2017.
4. Simha K R Y, “Fracture Mechanics for Modern Engineering Design”, Universities Press 2001.
5. Anderson L, “Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications”, 4th Edition, CRC Press; 2017

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3018 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the principles of pre-stressing
2. To learn the analysis and design of the prestressed concrete elements
3. To understand the concepts of prestressing techniques
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. List the prestressing techniques
2. Understand the concepts of prestressing techniques
3. Analyse prestressed concrete structures
4. Design prestressed concrete structural elements
5. Appraise on the quality parameters of PSC structures
6. Investigate the rationale for failure of a PSC structure
Module: 1 INTRODUCTION 7 Hours
Review - basic concepts of prestressing- IS 1343-2012 code provisions - factors affecting strength and
deflection - layout of cables - risk of extreme events; including blast, impact, seismic and fire effects -
introduction to ACI and BS code provisions


Behaviour of flexural members - determination of ultimate flexural strength – code provisions - design
of flexural members - design for shear, bond and torsion - design check list

Module: 3 CONTINUOUS BEAM 8 Hours

Analysis and design of continuous beams - methods of achieving continuity - concept of linear
transformations - concordant cable profile and gap cables –design of cantilever beams


Design of one way and two way spanning floors - flexure in flat slab - tendon profile - anchorage
bursting reinforcement

Module: 5 PIPES AND COLUMNS 8 Hours

Types, IS 783 guidelines, Analysis and design of prestressed concrete pipes - compression members -
tensions members - sleepers


Composite beams - applications - analysis and design, ultimate strength - partial prestressing - design for
circular prestressing - advantages and applications.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Arthur H. Nilson, “Design of Prestressed Concrete”, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2009.
2. Krishna Raju, “Prestressed Concrete”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2008.
3. Lin.T.Y,and Burns.H, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, John Wiley and Sons Inc,
New York, 2009
4. RajagopalanN, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Sinha N.C and Roy.S.K, “Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete, S. Chand Publishing, 1985

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Course code L T P C
20CE3019 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To inculcate knowledge on the principles of measurements of static and dynamic response of
2. To illustrate the construction and working principles of various devices
3. To formulate complex structures for static and dynamic load
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Implement the principles of measurements for static and dynamic response of structures
2. Plan various experiments and the instruments
3. Adopt the various measuring devices for various parameters
4. Choose the appropriate data recorders and improve data interpretation
5. Evaluate the distress in structures
6. Analyze the structure by non-destructive testing methods and model analysis
Measurement systems, statistical and error analysis - Test planning - design and implementation -
testing sequence and experimental plan – model accuracy - reliability of results - Characteristics of
measuring devices


Loading principles - Methods of load application - loading framesc - Load distribution arrangement -
safety considerations - Loading Devices - Hydraulic jacks and pressure gauges – Electronic load cells –
Proving Rings – Pressductor - Principles and operations of UTM actuators - control - mechanical,
electrical, electronic system – calibration


Displacement, rotation and curvature measurements - Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
– Deflectometer - Strain measurement systems - principle – classification - performance and uses – strain


Rosette analysis - Photo elasticity - principle and applications - Characteristics of Structural Vibrations
–Vibration exciter - mode shapes, natural frequency - damping factors from free and forced vibrations -
Pseudo-dynamic tests - shake table tests - Transducers for velocity and acceleration measurements -
Vibration meter – Seismographs - wind tunnels – Flow meters – Venturimeter


Fiber optics - sensors types for displacement, velocity, acceleration, pressure, loads, strains, full-field
measurements – Display and recording of signals – Cathode Ray Oscilloscope - Data Acquisition -
analog and digital systems - Computerized data processing - Data archiving and curating - data quality
control - Principles of data analysis

Module: 5 MODEL ANALYSIS: 8 Hours

Similitude and structural models: dimensional analysis - Buckingham's Pi theorem - scale factors and
dynamic similitude - uses and applications of models - types of model investigation - indirect and direct
models - elastic and inelastic models - size effects - physical modeling – Similitude - dimensional
analysis - principles of model analysis
Diagnosis of distress in structures – Crack observation - crack measuring devices – damage assessment
– controlled blasting for demolition – Techniques for residual stress measurements – Structural Health
Monitoring - corrosion mechanism in reinforced concrete – Half cell potentiometer – rebar locator -
impulse radar techniques - Holography - Ground penetrating radar
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Hollman J. P, “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, 7th edition, McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
2. Ganesan.T.P, “Model Analysis of Structures”, University Press, India, 2000.
3. Sadhu Singh, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
4. Jack Philip Holman, “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, McGraw-Hill, 2001
5. Eroglu, “Experimental Methods in Measurement and Instrumentation for Electrical and Mechanical
Engineers”, Universal Publishers, 2010

Recommended by Board of Studies

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20CE3020 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart the knowledge on fire resistance of concrete
2. To understand the behaviour of structural members subjected to fire
3. To design the structural elements for fire load
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Classify different types of fire
2. Identify the modes of failures
3. Explain the material characteristics exposed to fire
4. Analyse the distribution of temperature in concrete


5. Evaluate the strength of fire affected member
6. Design the structural elements for fire loading
Module: 1 INTRODUCTION 7 Hours
Classification of fire - fire action - fire scenario - fire test and assessment procedures - consequences of
fire on a concrete structure – codal provisions– Time temperature relations - ISO and hydrocarbon
curve - concrete and fire safety - failure modes in fire – Process of combustion – fuel controlled fire


Factors affecting fire resistance of concrete and steel - material characteristics - effect of cover and size
on fire resistance - density - moisture content - porosity - effect of rebar and mechanical properties of
concrete under fire - stress strain behaviour - performance of structural steel


Thermal properties - thermal conductivity - specific heat - coefficient of thermal expansion - thermal
diffusivity - significance and types of spalling - thermal stress - thermal strain - thermal cracks -
temperature distribution - Thermo-gravimetric analysis - differential thermal analysis.


Fire resistance of RCC and Steel structures – fire resistant design problems as per EN standards -
Isotherm method – RCC slab – Simply supported beam – column – steel beams and columns –
composite structures

Module: 5 FIRE PROTECTION 8 Hours

Basic concepts of fire protection – process of combustion – Ventilation and fuel controlled fire - fire
resistance - fire safety- urban planning – escape and refuge - General requirements as per IS and NBC -
characteristics of fire resisting materials – firefighting installations – devices - fire safety measures–
hydrants – protective coatings
Introduction - Data collection - damage analysis - diagnosis - chemical analysis - damage classification
- repair criteria - repair methods - role of fibers - NDT methods - case studies on fire damaged structures.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. IS 3809-1979, Fire Resistance Test of Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
2. IS 1641-1988, Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): General principles of fire
grading and classification, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
3. Tom lennon, “Structural Fire Engineering”, ICE Publications 2011
4. “Fire Resistance Design of steel framed buildings”, SCI hand book
5. Paulo Vila Real & Jean-Marc Franssen, “Fire Design of Steel Structures”, Wiley Publications 2012
6 EN 1992-1-2: Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Structures. Part 1-2: Structural fire design, Bratislava,
SÚTN 2007.

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


Course code L T P C
20CE3021 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the prefabricated building system and to familiarize the precast frame analysis.
2. To demonstrate the concepts of design of precast column, beam, floor and shear wall.
3. To familiarize the concepts of connection and progressive collapse of precast system.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify the precast concrete materials and systems
2. Analyze the precast frames.
3. Identify suitable precast floor and beam for a precast structure.
4. Choose appropriate precast column and shear wall for a precast structure.
5. Apply proper connection techniques to a precast structure
6. Apply suitable techniques to mitigate vulnerable effects of progressive collapse.
Prefabrication technology – the advantages of factory production – Materials used in precast structures
– Standardization- elements and components – Tolerance and calculations for fit - production – handling
–Transportation and Erection – Sustainability.


Types of precast concrete structures – Simplified frame analysis – Design loads on beams and frames –
Serviceability limit state – Ultimate limit state – Instability limit state – Accidental limit state – Gravity
and horizontal ultimate loads on frames – Comparison of standard designs to BS 8110 and Eurocodes.


Precast concrete flooring options – Flooring arrangements – Structural design of individual units –
Design of composite floors. Types of precast beams – Non–composite reinforced concrete beams –
Composite reinforced beams.


Precast concrete columns – Geometry, strength and general requirements – Column design for factory
handling – Column design for pitching and erection – Design rules in BS EN 192 1-1 for columns in
precast structures. Shear walls – Horizontal and vertical stability –Types of precast concrete shear walls
– Distribution of horizontal loading.


Definitions – Compression joints – Shear joints –Tension joints – Pin jointed connections – Moment
resisting connections – design philosophy of moment resisting connection – Floor connections at load
bearing walls – Beam to column connections – Column to foundation connections.
Abnormal loads and Progressive Collapse – Importance of avoiding progressive collapse – Indirect
design method – Alternative load path method - Case studies on precast concrete buildings construction
– failure of precast joints and members.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2013


2. Alfred Steinle, Hubert Bachmann, Mathias Tillmann, “Precast Concrete Structures”, John Wiley &
Sons, 2019.
3. Design of precast concrete structures against accidental actions, fib Fédération internationale du
béton, 2012
4. Hubert Bachman., “Precast Concrete Structures”, Wiley online library, Germany, 2012
5. IS 15916 (2011): Building Design and Erection Using Prefabricated Concrete - Code of Practice
6 Code of Practice for Precast concrete construction, PCI Design hand book, 2003

Recommended by Board of Studies

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20CE3022 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the hydration chemistry of cement paste
2. To study the microstructure of concrete
3. To learn the modern micro structure analysis techniques
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Classify the phase system of cement
2. Explain the cement hydration process
3. Analyse the properties of cement paste and concrete
4. Illustrate the hydration of cement with mineral admixtures
5. Examine the properties of hardened paste
6. Adopt modern micro structure analysis technique
Cement manufacture - Principles of cement classification – clinkering process - phase diagram of cement
chemistry system – Tricalcium Silicate and Alite Phase - Dicalcium Silicate and Belite phase - Aluminate
phase in clinker - influence of minor constituents – cement types – quality control in production - Blended
cement - effect of chemical composition – Role of flyash, silica fume, slag and metakaolin - formation
of secondary gel – strength development – characteristics of blended cement

Module: 2 CEMENT CHEMISTRY: 7 Hours

Hydration of cement constituents – strength development - microstructure of cement paste – Hydraulic
reactivity - properties of cement paste - rheological properties of - volume changes of the plastic paste -
delayed ettringite - permeability of paste - interfacial transition zone (ITZ)

Module: 3 PORE STRUCTURE: 8 Hours

Pore structure - surface area of cement paste - water content of CSH gel - pore system - classification of
pores - application of mercury intrusion porosimetry - effect of w/c ratio on age - curing conditions of


Cement paste – aggregate bond - paste–reinforcement bond - corrosion mechanism – corrosion in
concrete in chlorides solutions - effect of high temperature on hydrated cement paste - solids in the
hydrated cement paste - voids in the hydrated cement paste - water in the hydrated cement paste –
chemical binders


Chemical admixtures – Admixture type and dosage - Admixtures for workability – flowability -
Segregation resistance – Poly carboxylate ether based materials – napthalene based materials – cement
and admixture compatibility – Mechanism and action of water reducers – polymers for concrete
Module: 6 Instrumental Analysis: 7 Hours
Thermo analytical techniques in cement chemistry – Infrared spectroscopy - Elemental Analysis -
Mechanical and Physical Analysis (Mechanical Behavior of Paste) - Scanning Electron Microscopy
(SEM) - X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) - Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy (EDAX) - Transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) - Thermogravimetric
Analysis of Concrete (TGA) – Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Kurdowski & Wieslaw, “Cement and Concrete Chemistry”, Springer Publications 2014
2. Ghosh S.N, “Advances in Cement Technology: Chemistry, Manufacture and Testing”, CRC Press,
3. Santhakumar A.R, “Concrete Technology” Oxford University press, Delhi, 2006
4. Peter Hewlet, “Lea's Chemistry of Cement and Concrete”, Elsevier., 2003
5. Bensted J.and. Barnes P “Structure and Performance of Cements”, 2nd Edition, Edited by, Spon
Press, London, 2002.

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3023 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the behaviour of composite structures
2. To study the design of steel concrete composite elements
3. To understand the concept of shear connectors
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Classify different types of shear connectors
2. Recommend suitable type of profile sheeting
3. Examine the elastic behaviour of composite structural members
4. Analyze the steel concrete composite elements
5. Design different types of composite elements
6. Evaluate the strength of shear connectors
Module: 1 Introduction: 7 Hours
Introduction to steel - concrete composite construction – materials - Composite action – Moment of
resistance - Serviceability - Design criteria - provisions on IS, BS and Euro codes - Lateral stability

Module: 2 Design of Composite Flexural Members: 7 Hours

Design of composite beams - simply supported and continuous - Design of slabs - profiled sheeting -
stiffeners - composite floor specification, Classification, Moment of resistance and fire rating - Modeling
of composite materials


Module: 3 Design of Composite Columns and Trusses: 8 Hours
Design of columns - Encased column - Infilled column - axially, uni-axially and bi-axially loaded
columns - design of composite trusses

Module: 4 Design of Connections: 8 Hours

Shear connectors – types – design of connections in composite structures – behaviour of shear connectors
– partial and full interaction of shear connectors

Module: 5 Building Envelope Design: 8 Hours

Building envelope design principles and strategy- strength and stability – control of heat flow – control
of air flow – control of water vapour flow - design for fire – durability - Sustainability - passive protection
Module: 6 Case Studies: 7 Hours
Case studies on steel - concrete composite construction in buildings - fire resistance - seismic behaviour
of composite structures
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Johnson R.P., “Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete Beams, Slabs, Columns and Frames
for Buildings”, Vol.I, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2014.
2. Panchal D R., “Composite steel concrete structures”, Scholars Press, Latvia Europian Union, 2015
3. Duggal S K., "Limit state design of steel structures", Tata McGraw hill, New Delhi, 2010
4. Oehlers D.J. and Bradford M.A., “Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Members,
Fundamental behaviour”, Pergamon press, Oxford, 1995.
5. Owens.G.W and Knowles.P, “Steel Designers Manual”, Steel Concrete Institute (UK), Oxford
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1992

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Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20CE3024 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide students a strong awareness in sustainable construction need
2. To impart knowledge on sustainable construction practices
3. To learn the contribute on energy efficiency and green building
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify sustainable design aspects
2. Evaluate the life cycle assessment
3. Design building based on environmental aspects
4. Incorporate energy efficiency in design of buildings
5. Design environmental friendly buildings
6. Apply green building ratings


Emphasis on the built environment - Basic design of buildings - infrastructure with low to no impact on
the environment


integration of human and economic aspects in the design - need of sustainable buildings - factors like
population growth, well-being, energy consumption - technological progress connected with buildings -
growth in consumption - Buildings' contribution to environmental devastation


Use of recycled concrete aggregate - disposal of waste by the construction industry - Sustainability and
Rehabilitation in concrete buildings – Eco-friendly constructions – planning – materials - cost effective


Environmental considerations - personal behavior - inspiration from nature - sustainable design - design
of sustainable buildings


Climate - solar radiation - Perform an energy-load analysis/ audit of a building - Decrease water
consumption inside buildings - Photovoltaic buildings
Module: 6 GREEN BUILDING: 7 Hours
Elements- Design- LEED rating system - Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) - Green Rating for
Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) - Energy Consumption Building Code (ECBC)
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Reference Books
1. Gajanan M. Sabnis. “Green Building with Concrete: Sustainable Design and Construction”, CRC
2. Sam Kubba, “LEED Practices, Certification, and Accreditation Handbook”, BnH Inc.,2013
3. Paul Appleby . “Integrated Sustainable Design of Buildings”, Earthscan Pvt Ltd.,2013
4. Nanjunda Dc “Re-discovering Rural Development: A Reflection on Potential and Prospects”;
Sarup & Sons, New Delhi, 2013
5. Charles J kibert; “Sustainable construction: Green Building design and delivery”, John Wiley &
Sons; 2005

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020



Sl. Credits
Code No. Course Name
No L T P C
1 18CE2063 Infrastructure for Renewable Energy 3 0 0 3
2 18CE2064 Surfacewater Storage Structures 3 0 0 3
3 18CE2065 Sustainable Infrastructure for Food Production 3 0 0 3
4 18CE2066 Building Architecture and Health 3 0 0 3
5 18CE3084 Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation 3 0 0 3
6 18CE3085 Fire Resistant Design of Structures 3 0 0 3
7 18CE3086 Analysis and Design of Precast Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
8 18CE3087 Cement and Concrete Chemistry 3 0 0 3
9 18CE3088 Design of Steel Concrete Composite Structures 3 0 0 3
10 18CE3089 Waste to Energy 3 0 0 3
11 19CE1001 Engineering Drawing for Civil Engineers 0 0 6 3
12 19CE1002 Field Practices - I (Smart Architectural Planning) 0 0 2 1
13 19CE1003 Field Practices - II (Intelligent Measurement Techniques) 0 0 1 0.5
14 19CE2001 Civil Engineering – Societal and Global Impact 2 0 0 2
15 19CE2002 Energy Science and Engineering 2 0 0 2
16 19CE2003 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4

3 0 0 3
Course learning Objective:
1. To introduce the basics of renewable energy sources and their components.
2. To impart knowledge on the various methods of power generation by renewable energy sources
3. To appraise on the scope of renewable energy infrastructure development.
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. Illustrate the fundamental aspects of renewable energy sources.
2. Plan and set out different types of power plants.
3. Develop various renewable energy infrastructure.
4. Derive the cost effective solutions for power generation and construction.
5. Select the appropriate the technology for power requirements.
6. Provide the technological solutions for present and future energy demands
Module 1:WIND ENERGY: Site selection - classification of wind turbines – components - foundations –
installations- housing for electrical switchgear –integration to the grid - SCADA central equipment –losses
and efficiency – cost estimation - maintenance – repair and rehabilitation
Module 2: SOLAR ENERGY: Site selection – solar intensity – meteorological parameters – solar panels
- types – power production - installation of solar panels - mounting structures - integration to the grid –
cost estimation
Module 3: TIDAL ENERGY: Site selection – tides and tidal current– basic laws of tidal power
generation– transport and dissipation - tidal barrages - Basin systems: Single and Double Basin system
turbines and generators – cost estimation – maintenance.
Module 4: HYDEL ENERGY: Site selection – classification – components - hydropower generation
capacity power house tunnels and underground structures – cost estimation.

Module 5: GEOTHERMAL ENERGY: Conduction, convection and radiation– heat flow mechanisms –
heat exchange systems – heat pumps - Geo thermal power generation – factors influencing– enhanced
geothermal system – sequestration - cost.
Module 6: BIO-ENERGY: Bio-digesters- components – feed stocks - generation rate – factors influencing
– high rate digesters – construction – sludge management – energy recovery from Municipal solid waste -
co-digestion – fecal sludge management

Text Books:
1. Boyle. G, “Renewable energy: Power for a sustainable future”, Oxford University press. 2004
2. Khan B H, “Non-Conventional Energy Resources”, The McGraw –Hill Second edition, 2006
1. Godfrey Boyle, Bob Everett and Janet Ramage, “Energy Systems and Sustainability. Power for a
sustainable future”, Oxford University press, 2010
2. Rai G. D., “Non-conventional energy sources”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Gilbert M. Masters, “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”, 2 Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2003.
4. Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Electricity and the Grid: The Challenge of Variability”, Earthscan ,
5. Gevorg Sargsyan, Mikul Bhatia, Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee, Krishnan Raghunathan, Ruchi Soni
“Unleashing the Potential of Renewable Energy in India” World bank report, 2011

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge about various types of water impoundment structures
2. To introduce the guidelines for design and maintenance of the structures.
3. To give exposure about rehabilitation measures for the structures
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Acquire knowledge on the importance of storage and conveyance of surface water
2. Sketch the plan of the components of structures
3. Articulate the utilization level of structures
4. Outline the Operation and management of the structures
5. Measure the performance of structures
6. Interpret the measures to rehabilitate the structures
Module1: PONDS AND TANKS: Components – types – spillway requirements – feeder canals –
embankment configuration - compaction – clay blankets – waterproof linings - capacity estimation -
protection and safety – operation and maintenance - desilting
Module 2: LAKES: Lake ecosystem – flora and fauna - water balance – Inflow, outflow, evaporation,
storage - Water quality – atmospheric load – point and non-point load – sedimentation - eutrophication –
Causes and control measures – lake restoration
Module 3: RESERVOIRS: Investigation for reservoir sites - storage zones - storage capacity and yield of
a reservoir using mass curve - sedimentation – life of reservoir – dredging – water budget - reservoir
operation policies
Module 4: DAMS: Types – components – forces acting - elementary and practical profile - evaluation of
profile by method of zoning - failure - estimation of seepage through and below the dam - seepage control
Module 5: WATER HARVESTING STRUCTURES: Roof top harvesting – scheme layout – roof water
collection structures – components – percolation ponds – guidelines and design aspects – contour bunds –
check dams – gabions - site characteristics – design guidelines – artificial recharging structures

Module 6: MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION: Periodical maintenance - risk assessment and
management - maintenance and rehabilitation of storage structures - financial implications – restoration of
old storage structures – Temple ponds

Text Books:
1. Garg S.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers N.D. 13th
edition, 2009.
2. Modi, “Irrigation, Water Resources and water power engineering”, P.N. -Standard Book
House, New Delhi, 2nd edition, 2008.
1. Punmia and Pandey, “Irrigation & Water Power Engineering”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2016.
2. Dandekar M.M and Sharma K.N., “Water Power Engineering”, 2nd edition Vikas publishers,
3. Asawa G.L. “Irrigation and Water Resources engineering”, New Age International (P) Ltd.
Publishers, 1st edition, 2005.
4. Arora K. R, “Irrigation, Water Power and Water Resources Engineering”, Standard Publisher
Distributors, 2002
5. Hossain Ali, “Practices of Irrigation & On-farm Water Management”, Volume 2, Springer
Science & Business Media, 2011


Course Objectives:
1. To inculcate knowledge on sustainable infrastructure
2. To impart understanding on process and systems of infrastructure.
3. To inculcate the application of structures for agricultural use
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Acquire knowledge about the sustainable development of fields
2. Select the various structures for agricultural use
3. Plan conveyance and water distribution system
4. Identify and use highly efficient irrigation methods
5. Monitor and maintain the storage structures
6. Execute farming using green-house technology

Module1: SUSTAINABLE FIELD DEVELOPMENT: Introduction - sustainability - principles and

criteria - soil quality and topography - sustainable land management – rainfall data - factors influencing the
crop selection – farming and irrigation practices - land reclamation –
Module 2: WATER MANAGEMENT: Regulator – canals - canal profile - lining cross drainage works
- distributaries - flow measurements
Module 3: EFFICIENT IRRIGATION METHODS: Soil moisture - surface irrigation – subsurface
irrigation - sprinkler and drip irrigation-fertigation- deep root irrigation- soil-less culture – mulching-coir
pith - drought management – smart irrigation methods
Module 4: SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE: Poly house - features and specifications -applications -
green house - benefits of sustainable Agriculture - Pod house – organic farming – pest control
Module 5: STORAGE APPURTENANCES: Storage - storage methods - influence of environmental
factors: Temperature, Moisture, Oxygen - deterioration of storage grains - drying and storing in ventilated
buildings - natural ventilation- forced air ventilation -ware housing - types of ware houses - cold storage –
climate atmospheric storage - silos – bunkers – transportation system

Module 6: MODERN FARMING: Roof tops and vertical farming - roof garden – specifications - water
proofing - drainage – green roofing - Hydrophonics – Aerophonics - Aerofarms- Plantscrapers - Skyfarm –

Text Books:
1. Bry Sarte S., “Sustainable Infrastructure: The Guide to Green Engineering and Design”, 1st
edition, Wiley,2010
2. Fenner , Richard.A , Charles Major Ainger, “Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into
Practice (Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure Series)”, ICE Publishing, 2013
1. Asawa G.L. “Irrigation and Water Resources engineering”, New Age International (P) Ltd.
Publishers, 1st edition, 2005.
2. Christou. P, Savin.R, Costa Pierce.B, Miszta.I, Whitelaw.B, “Sustainable Food
Production”, Springer; 2013
3. Sargis S Safarian, “Design and construction of silos and bunkers”, Van Nostrand
4. Arden B. Andersen, “Science in Agriculture: Advanced Methods for Sustainable
Farming”, Acres USA, Second edition, 2000
5. Ken Yeang, Lucy Bullivant, “Eco Skyscrapers- Vol II”, Images Publishing, 2011

3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the principles in the design of healthy buildings
2. To design healthy residential, commercial, educational building
3. To design health care centers
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. Choose suitable locations for various building types for healthy environment
2. Illustrate the features of health architecture in buildings
3. Organize the elements required to building healthy buildings
4. Examine the health of existing buildings
5. Determine suitable technologies to improve the health of buildings
6. Develop the design concepts for health of the buildings
Module 1: BUILDING ATTRIBUTES: Human-Nature relationship - environmental design- biophilic
design- elements - attributes; environmental features - nature, shapes and forms: natural patterns and
processes- space and light – orientation - design based on function, natural light and health- psychology -
day lighting strategies- waste management – building management system – emergency response systems.
Module 2: RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS: Planning strategies - Site selection and orientation - natural
light and ventilation: colors and furnishings - open spaces- recreation– water harvesting and recycling –
maintenance - drainage systems
Module 3: INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS: Planning strategies - Site selection and orientation -
Integrated design- site selection, social factors, climatic considerations, acoustics - building structure
envelope - roof design - natural ventilation- storm water, ground water management - maintenance – waste
management - case studies
Module 4: COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS: Planning strategies - site selection and orientation - spaces-
internal work environment - heating and ventilation systems - environmental science aspects, lighting- types
of work place illness- maintenance of working environment- occupational health services- sick building
syndrome – risk management systems

Module 5: INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS: Site location- natural lighting- environmental issues- safety
measures- transport facilities - occupational safety and hazards – industrial waste management- case studies
Module 6: HOSPITAL BUILDINGS: Planning strategies - site selection and orientation – essential
components - occupational safety and hazards biomedical waste management - case studies

Text Books:
1. Andrew L. Dannenberg, Howard Frumkin, Richard J. Jackson, “Making Healthy Places: Designing
and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability”, Island Press, 2012
2. Mohamed Boubekri, “Daylighting, Architecture and Health: Building Design Strategies”,
Routledge, 2008
1. Workplace Environmental Design in Architecture for Public Health, Stamatina Th. Rassia,
Springer 2017
2. Lisa Gelfand, “Sustainable School Architecture: Design for Elementary and Secondary
Schools”,John Wiley & Sons, 29-Mar-2010
3. Stephen Verderber, “Innovations in Hospital Architecture”, Taylor and Francis 2010
4. Andrew L. Dannenberg, Howard Frumkin, Richard J. Jackson, “Making Healthy Places: Designing
and Building for Health, Well-being, and sustainability”, Island Press, 2013
5. Robin Guenther, Gail Vittori, “Sustainable Healthcare Architecture”, John Wiley & Sons, 2013


Course Objectives:
1. Inculcate knowledge on the principles of measurements of static and dynamic response
2. Illustrate the construction and working principles of various devices
3. Formulate complex structures for static and dynamic load
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Implement the principles of measurements for static and dynamic response of structures and
carryout the data analysis
2. Plan various experiments and the required instruments
3. Adopt various measuring devices for various parameters
4. Choose the appropriate data recorders
5. Evaluate the distress in structures
6. Analyze the structure by non-destructive testing methods and model analysis
Module1:FORCE AND STRAIN MEASUREMENT: Experimental stress analysis – Data analysis -
Characteristics of measuring devices - Calibration - Errors in measurements - Hydraulic jacks – Electronic
load cells – Proving Rings – Pressductor - Principles of operations of UTM - Photo elasticity - principle
and applications - vibrating wire sensors– Fibre optic sensors - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
(LVDT) - Strain gauge – principle – classification - performance and uses – strain Rosette analysis
Characteristics of Structural Vibrations –Vibration exciter - Transducers for velocity and acceleration
measurements - Vibration meter – Seismographs – Display and recording of signals – Cathode Ray
Oscilloscope – XY Plotter – Data Acquisition system.
Module 3: FLOW MEASURANDS: Wind tunnel test – necessity – wind tunnel test types – Bernoulli’s
Principle – pressure measurements - Dead weight tester - flow meter types – venturimeter – flow obstruction
methods – drag effects - Interferometer
Module 4: MODEL ANALYSIS: Dimensional homogeneity - Model analysis – laws of similitude –
Model materials – necessity for model analysis – advantages – applications – scale effect in models –
Indirect model study – direct model study - limitations of models – usage of influence lines in model studies

Module5: DAMAGE ASSESSMENT: Diagnosis of distress in structures – crack observation - crack
measuring devices – damage assessment –- brittle coating controlled blasting for demolition – techniques
for residual stress measurements
Module6: NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING METHODS: Load testing on structures, buildings, bridges
and towers –– Rebound Hammer – acoustic emission – ultrasonic testing principles and application –
corrosion of reinforcement in concrete – Half cell potentiometer –corrosion analyzer – rebar locator -
impulse radar techniques - Holography - Impact echo - impulse radar techniques - Ground penetrating radar

1. Hollman J. P, “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, 7th edition, McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
2. Ganesan.T.P, “Model Analysis of Structures”, University Press, India, 2000.
3. Sadhu Singh, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
4. Sirohi.R.S.,Radhakrishna.H.C, “Mechanical Measurements”, New Age International (P) Ltd. 1997.
5. Srinath, L.S., Raghava, M.R., Lingaiah, K., Garagesha, G., Pant B., andRamachandra, K.,
“Experimental Stress Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1984.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Impart the knowledge on fire resistance of concrete
2. Understand the behaviour of structural members subjected to fire
3. Design the structural elements for fire load
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Classify different types of fire
2. Identify the modes of failures
3. Explain the material characteristics exposed to fire
4. Analyse the distribution of temperature in concrete
5. Evaluate the strength of fire affected member
6. Design the structural elements for fire loading
Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Classification of fire - fire action - fire scenario - fire test and assessment
procedures - consequences of fire on a concrete structure – codal provisions– Time temperature relations -
ISO and hydrocarbon curve - concrete and fire safety - failure modes in fire – Process of combustion – fuel
controlled fire
affecting fire resistance of concrete and steel - material characteristics - effect of cover and size on fire
resistance - density - moisture content - porosity - effect of rebar and mechanical properties of concrete
under fire - stress strain behaviour - performance of structural steel.
Module 3: THERMAL BEHAVIOUR: Thermal properties - thermal conductivity - specific heat -
coefficient of thermal expansion - thermal diffusivity - significance and types of spalling - thermal stress -
thermal strain - thermal cracks - temperature distribution - Thermo-gravimetric analysis - differential
thermal analysis.
Module 4: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS: Fire resistance of RCC and Steel structures –
fire resistant design problems as per EN standards - Isotherm method – RCC slab – Simply supported beam
– column – steel beams and columns – composite structures.
Module 5: FIRE PROTECTION: Basic concepts of fire protection – process of combustion – Ventilation
and fuel controlled fire - fire resistance - fire safety- urban planning – escape and refuge - General

requirements as per IS and NBC - characteristics of fire resisting materials – firefighting installations –
devices - fire safety measures– hydrants – protective coatings
STRUCTURES: Introduction - Data collection - damage analysis - diagnosis - chemical analysis - damage
classification - repair criteria - repair methods - role of fibers - NDT methods - case studies on fire damaged

1. IS 3809-1979, Fire Resistance Test of Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
2. IS 1641-1988, Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): General principles of fire
grading and classification, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
3. Tom lennon, “Structural Fire Engineering”, ICE Publications 2011
4. “Fire Resistance Design of steel framed buildings”, SCI hand book
5. Paulo Vila Real & Jean-Marc Franssen, “Fire Design of Steel Structures”, Wiley Publications 2012
6. EN 1992-1-2: Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Structures. Part 1-2: Structural fire design,
Bratislava, SÚTN 2007.


Course Objectives:
1. Study different types of prefabricated building system
2. Analyse and design precast buildings
3. Learn the connections in precast buildings
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Select the suitable prefabricated building system
2. Identify the suitable erection technique
3. Explain the behaviour of pre-stressed precast element
4. Analyze the precast structural frame
5. Design the precast structural element
6. Examine the behaviour of joints in precast frame
Module 1: PRECAST CONCRETE BUILDING SYSTEMS: Prefabrication technology - planning -
Materials - elements and components – production – element fabrication – handling - Transportation -
erection - overall structural systems - systems for lateral load resistance
Module 2: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Introduction - Materials - Loads - Load factors
- Analysis of frame with stability elements - modelling and analysis - Design consideration - Safety against
progressive collapse - Design problems - Beams and Slabs
Module 3: PRE-STRESSED PRECAST CONCRETE: Background and scope - Advantages - typical
applications of pre-stressing for precast elements - Limitations - Special analysis and design aspects for
pre-stressed precast elements - pre-tensioned elements - post tensioned elements - Case studies on
Module 4: SEISMIC DESIGN OF PRECAST STRUCTURES: Design philosophy - design approaches
- limitations of precast concrete applications in seismic regions - moment resisting frames - structural walls
- diaphragms - support details - detailing
Module 5: JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN PRECAST BUILDINGS: Introduction - requirements -
details of connections - column to foundation connections - wall panel to foundation connections - column
to column to connection - floor to beam connection - wall panel to wall panel connection - connection

Case studies on precast concrete buildings construction – failure of precast joints and members – Modeling
of precast of structures – Mini project on design of precast building design.

1. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2013
2. Hubert Bachman., “Precast Concrete Structures”, Wiley online library, Germany, 2012
3. Eph Bljuger F., “Design of Precast Concrete Structures”, E. Horwood, 1988
4. IS 15916 (2011): Building Design and Erection Using Prefabricated Concrete - Code of Practice
5. Code of Practice for Precast concrete construction, PCI Design hand book, 2003

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To know about modern micro structure analysis techniques
2. To study the microstructure of concrete
3. To understand the hydration chemistry
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Classify the phase system of cement
2. Explain the cement hydration process
3. List the types of pores in concrete
4. Analyse the properties of cement paste and concrete
5. Discuss the hydration of cement with mineral admixtures
6. Examine the properties of hardened paste
Module 1: PHASE SYSTEMS: Principles of cement classification - different phase systems of cement
chemistry (CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–Fe2O3) system - Thermo chemistry of clinkering Process - Phase
Composition of Portland Cement - Tricalcium Silicate and Alite Phase - Dicalcium Silicate and Belite phase
- Aluminate phase in clinker
Module 2: CEMENT HYDRATION: Effect of constituents of cement on hydration – properties of cement
paste - rheological properties of concrete - microstructure and strength of cement paste - volume changes
of the plastic paste - permeability of paste - interfacial transition zone (ITZ) - chromium reducers - phases
in the CaO– SiO2–H2O System
Module 3: CHEMICAL STRUCTURE AND BOND: The Microstructure of C-S-H Gel - chemical
structure of C-S-H Phases - delayed ettringite - cement paste – aggregate bond - paste–reinforcement bond
- corrosion of concrete in the chlorides solutions - effect of high temperature on hydrated cement paste -
microstructure of the hydrated cement paste - solids in the hydrated cement paste - voids in the hydrated
cement paste - water in the hydrated cement paste
Module 4: PORE STRUCTURE: Introduction - pore structure and surface area of cement paste - water
content of CSH gel - pore system and classification of pores - application of mercury intrusion porosimetry
- effect of w/c ratio on age and curing conditions of concrete
Module 5: CHEMICALS FOR CONCRETE PRODUCTION: Chemical admixtures – Admixture type
and dosage - Admixtures for workability – flowability - Segregation resistance – Poly carboxylate ether
based materials – napthalene based materials – cement and admixture compatibility – Mechanism and
action of water reducers – polymers for concrete
Module 6: MICROSTRUCTURE INVESTIGATION: Mineral Admixture - flyash, silica fume, slag and
metakaolin - formation of secondary gel - Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) - X-Ray Diffraction
(XRD) - Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy (EDAX) - Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) -
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) - TGA - DSC

1. Kurdowski &Wieslaw, “Cement and Concrete Chemistry”, Springer Publications 2014
2. Ghosh S.N, “Advances in Cement Technology: Chemistry, Manufacture and Testing”, CRC Press,
3. Neville, A.M., “Concrete Technology”, Longman Scientific & Technical, 2005
4. Santhakumar A.R, “Concrete Technology” Oxford University press, Delhi, 2006
5. Peter Hewlet, ‘Lea's Chemistry of Cement and Concrete”, Elsevier., 2003


Course Objectives:
1. Develop an understanding on the behaviour of composite structures
2. Study the design of steel concrete composite elements
3. Impart knowledge on shear connectors
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Classify different types of shear connectors
2. Recommend suitable type of profile sheeting
3. Examine the elastic behaviour of composite structural members
4. Analyze the steel concrete composite elements
5. Design different types of composite elements
6. Evaluate the strength of shear connectors
Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to steel - concrete composite construction – materials -
Composite action – Moment of resistance - Serviceability - Design criteria - provisions on IS, BS and Euro
Module 2: DESIGN OF COMPOSITE FLEXURAL MEMBERS: Design of composite beams - simply
supported and continuous - Design of slabs - profiled sheeting - stiffeners
Module 3: DESIGN OF COMPOSITE COLUMNS AND TRUSSUS: Design of columns - Encased
column - Infilled column - axially, uni-axially and bi-axially loaded columns - design of composite trusses.
Module 4: DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS: Shear connectors – types – design of connections in
composite structures – behaviour of shear connectors – partial and full interaction of shear connectors
Module 5: BUILDING ENVELOPE DESIGN: Building envelope design principles and strategy-
strength and stability – control of heat flow – control of air flow – control of water vapour flow – control
of sound transmission - control of fire – durability - Sustainability
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Case studies on steel - concrete composite construction in buildings - fire
resistance - seismic behaviour of composite structures.

1. Johnson R.P., “Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete Beams, Slabs, Columns and Frames
for Buildings”, Vol.I, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2004.
2. Panchal D R., “Composite steel concrete structures”, Scholars Press, Latvia Europian Union, 2015
3. Duggal S K., "Limit state design of steel structures", Tata McGraw hill, New delhi, 2010
4. Oehlers D.J. and Bradford M.A., “Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Members,
Fundamental behaviour”, Pergamon press, Oxford, 1995.
5. Owens.G.W and Knowles.P, “Steel Designers Manual”, Steel Concrete Institute (UK), Oxford
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1992.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge about energy untaken on waste
2. To introduce various energy sources and drawing technologies existing
3. To enable the student to apply the technology
Course Outcomes:
Student will be
1. Identify the energy attributes presented in waste
2. Understand and choose the different principles of energy from waste techniques
3. Implement energy from waste concepts
4. Conduct characterization of different energy sources in waste
5. Analysis different types energy driving techniques from waste
6. Design efficient and effective energy conservation techniques from waste
Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY FROM WASTE: Classification of waste as fuel – Agro
based, Forest residue, Industrial waste – Municipal solid waste – Conversion devices – Incinerators,
gasifiers, digestors
Module 2: BIOMASS PYROLYSIS: Pyrolysis – Types, slow fast – Manufacture of charcoal – Methods
- Yields and application – Manufacture of pyrolytic oils and gases, yields and applications.
Module 3: BIOMASS GASIFICATION: Gasifiers – Fixed bed system – Downdraft and updraft
gasifiers – Fluidized bed gasifiers – Design, construction and operation – Gasifier burner arrangement for
thermal heating – Gasifier engine arrangement and electrical power – Equilibrium and kinetic
consideration in gasifier operation.
Module 4: BIOMASS COMBUSTION: Biomass stoves – Improved chullahs, types, some exotic
designs, Fixed bed combustors, Types, inclined grate combustors, Fluidized bed combustors, Design,
construction and operation - Operation of all the above biomass combustors.
Module 5: BIOGAS: Properties of biogas (Calorific value and composition) - Biogas plant technology
and status - Bio energy system - Design and constructional features - Biomass resources and their
classification - Biomass conversion processes - Thermo chemical conversion - Direct combustion -
biomass gasification - pyrolysis and liquefaction - biochemical conversion - anaerobic digestion - Types
of biogas Plants – Applications - Alcohol production from biomass - Bio diesel production
Module 6: URBAN WASTE TO ENERGY: Municipal solid waste to energy generation - Biomass
energy programme in India – world energy council waste to energy initiatives - case studies.

1. Desai, Ashok V, “Non-Conventional Energy”, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,1990.
2. Khandelwal, K. C. and Mahdi, S. S., “Biogas Technology - A Practical Hand Book” - Vol. I & II,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,1983.
3. Challal D. S, “Food, Feed and Fuel from Biomass”, IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,1991.
4. WereKo-Brobby C. Y and Hagan E. B., “Biomass Conversion and Technology”, John Wiley &
Sons, 1996.

Course Objectives:
1. To draw and interpret various projections of 1D, 2D and 3D objects
2. To enable to prepare and interpret the drawings of buildings
3. To provide knowledge to make basic engineering drawings using both geometric instruments as
well as softwares

Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Sketch two-dimensional orthographic drawings and three-dimensional isometric views.
2. Create and modify two-dimensional orthographic drawings using AutoCAD software, complete
with construction lines, dimensions, and layers, conforming to industry standards.
3. Create three-dimensional solid models using AutoCAD software, and generate paper space layouts
from model space geometry.
4. Visualize three-dimensional solids from two-dimensional pictures.
5. Create a portfolio of drawings to demonstrate their abilities to potential employers.
6. Communicate effectively using manual and computerized graphical techniques.
List of Exercises:
Auto CAD:
1. Introduction to AutoCad : File creation, Fix the page limits and Title block.
2. Drawing and plotting: Snap, Grid, Limits, Osnap, line types and weights, text, plotting.
3. Drawing Commands: Methods of drawing lines, arcs, circles and Polygons.
4. Modifying Commands: Erase, trim, array, lengthen, break, mirror, offset, move, copy etc.
Layers, Dimensioning, Hatching methods to show different materials.
5. Isometric view of solids Elements
6. Plan of one room building.
7. Introduction to use of drawing instruments and Lettering practice. Construction of polygons
dimensioning practice of lines, circles, arcs using aligned and chain dimensioning systems.
8. Projection of points in different quadrants.
9. Projection of lines
10. First angle projections, conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views
11. Projections of prism, pyramid, cylinder and cone - axis parallel to one plane and perpendicular to
the other plane, Parallel to both planes.
12. Introduction to Isometric projection - Isometric views of basic solids - prism, pyramid, cylinder
and cone – perspective projections – one point method

Text Books:
1. Gurcharan Singh, “Civil Engineering Drawing”, Standard Publishers Distributors, 2005
2. Shah, M.B. and Rana B.C, “Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics”, Pearson Education,
Reference Books:
1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. and Ingle P.R., “Engineering Drawing”, Charotar Publishing House,
2. Agrawal B. and Agrawal C. M, “Engineering Graphics”, TMH Publication, 2012
3. Narayana, K.L. and P Kannaiah, Text book on “Engineering Drawing”, Scitech Publishers, 2008
4. David A. Madsen, David P. Madsen “Engineering Drawing and Design”, Cengage Learning, 2016
5. IS 962 : 1989, IS 965 : 1963


19CE1002 0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To be familiar with the Sketchup software in developing Plan for any building and 3D View of
building and other components involved in it.
2. Familiar to visualize the realistic view of interior and exterior part of the building and output from
different rendering tools.
3. To be familiar with the wholistic view of any proposed residential building of their own use.

Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the concept of Planning
2. Interpret the components of the building by creative visualization.
3. Develop the complete model of a building.
1. Planning of the one roomed Building.
2. Extrusion of the Plan.
3. Fixing the interior and exterior components of the building.
4. Creating wholistic view of the building using Lumion / VRay Desk.


19CE1003 0 0 1 0.5
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize with the drawing and execution of a plan
2. To familiarize with the setting out of foundation
3. To construct the foundation as per plan
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Develop a building plan with measurements.
2. Executesetting-out of foundation and excavation the building plan
3. Construct foundation of the building
1. Building Plan for a Single Room Building with measurements. - Column Centre line Drawing for
marking of columns - Footing Centre line Drawing for excavation of soil.
2. Setting out of Foundation in the field.
3. Foundation Excavation of Soil.
4. Construction of Foundation and backfilling

2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To provide awareness of the importance of civil engineering and the impact it has on the
society and at global levels
2. To impart awareness of the impact of civil engineering for the various specific fields of
human endeavor
3. To inculcate the need to think innovatively to ensure sustainability
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the impact of civil engineering projects on the society at large and on the global arena.
2. Justify the need for infrastructure for energy generation
3. Recommend sustainable environment keeping aesthetics intact
4. Bring out the scope of civil engineers for environment protection
5. Build good environment by reducing the factors impacting the quality of life
6. Apply professional and responsible decisions on the environmental effects
Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Recent major civil engineering breakthroughs and innovations- global
warming - impact and causes- evaluating future requirements for various resources - GIS and applications
for monitoring systems - human development index - ecological footprint of India vs other countries and

impacting the world - The ancient and modern marvels and wonders in the field of Civil Engineering- future
vision for Civil Engineering
Module 3:INFRASTRUCTURE: Metrocities, smart cities, futuristic visions- transportation – energy
generation - water provisioning- telecommunication needs- awareness of various codes and standards
governing infrastructure development- innovations and methodologies for ensuring sustainability
Module 4: EFFECTS ON ENVIRONMENT: Solid waste management, water purification, wastewater
treatment and recycling, hazardous waste treatment- flood control - river interlinking- multi-purpose water
projects, atmospheric pollution- global warming phenomena and pollution mitigation measures, stationarity
and nonstationarity- environmental metrics and monitoring
Module 5: BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Facilities management -climate control- recycling -temperature
and sound control in built environment - intelligent and smart buildings - aesthetics of built environment-
innovations and methodologies for ensuring sustainability
Module 6: CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Environmental impact analysis procedures- advanced
construction techniques for better sustainability- techniques for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in
various aspects of civil engineering projects.

Text Books:
1. Michael Murray, “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry”, Taylor and
Francis, 2009
2. Robert L. France “Handbook of Water Sensitive Planning and Design”, CRC Press. 2002
Reference Books:
1. Brito, Ciampi, Vasconcelos, Amarol, Barros,“Engineering impacting Social, Economical and
working environment”, 120 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2013
2. Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice, Anji Reddy, Mareddy, Anil
Shah and Naresh Davergave, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017
3. Centre for Water Sensitive Cities, “Blueprint for a water sensitive city”, Monash University, 2012
4. Žiga Turk,“Global Challenges and the Role of Civil Engineering”, Chapter 3 in: Fischinger M.(eds)
Performance-Based Seismic Engineering: Vision for an Earthquake Resilient Society.
Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 32. Springer, Dordrecht, 2014
5. NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering, “Engineering for the Developing World - The Bridge”,
Vol 34, No.2, Summer 2004.
6. Allen M. “Cleansing the city”, Ohio University Press. Athens Ohio,2008

2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To provide an introduction to energy systems and renewable energy resources
2. To provide knowledge to explore society’s present needs and future energy demands
3. To impart knowledge on design of various civil engineering systems/ projects dealing with energy
generation paradigms in an efficient manner.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. List and explain the main sources of energy and their primary applications nationally and
2. Understand the energy sources and scientific concepts/principles behind them
3. List and describe the primary renewable energy resources and technologies.
4. Describe the challenges and problems associated with the use of various energy sources, including
fossil fuels, with regard to future supply and the impact on the environment.
5. Collect and organize information on renewable energy technologies

6. Understand the Engineering involved in projects utilizing these sources
Module 1:INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY SCIENCE: Scientific principles - historical interpretation
to place energy use in the context of pressing societal, environmental and climate issues- Introduction to
energy systems and resources - Introduction to Energy, conventional and non-conventional sources,
sustainability and the environment.
Module 2: ENERGY SOURCES: Overview of energy systems, sources, transformations, efficiency, and
storage - fossil fuels (coal, oil, oil-bearing shale and sands, coal gasification) - past, present and future
Module 3: REMEDIES AND ALTERNATIVES FOR FOSSIL FUELS: Hydropower, biomass, wind,
solar, nuclear, wave, tidal and hydrogen- sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy
systems- possibilities for energy storage or regeneration.
Module 4: ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT: Energy efficiency and conservation- introduction to clean
energy technologies - importance in sustainable development - carbon footprint - energy consumption and
sustainability- introduction to the economics of energy- linkages between economic and environmental
Coal mining technologies - oil exploration offshore platforms - underground and under-sea oil pipelines -
solar chimney project - wave energy caissons - nuclear reactor containment buildings and associated
buildings - hydroelectric power project
Module 6: ENGINEERING FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION: Concept of green building and green
architecture- LEED ratings - embodied energy analysis - tool for measuring sustainability - energy audit of
facilities - optimization of energy consumption.

Text Books:
1. Giri N.K, “Alternate Energy (Sources, Applications and Technologies)”, Khanna Publishers,
2. Amlan Chakrabarti, “Energy Engineering and Management”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2011
3. John Andrews and Nick Jelly, “Energy Sciences: Principles, Technologies and Impacts”, OUP
Oxford, 2017
Reference Books:
1. Boyle, Godfrey, “Renewable Energy”, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2004
2. Jean-Philippe- Zaccour, Georges (Eds.), “Energy and Environment Set: Mathematics of Decision
3. Making”, Loulou, Richard- Waaub, XVIII, 2005
4. Ristinen, Robert A. Kraushaar, Jack J. AKraushaar, Jack P. Ristinen, Robert A, “Energy and
theEnvironment”, 2 Edition, John Wiley, 2006
5. UNDP, “Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability”, World Energy assessment, 2000
6. Adrian Bejan, Peter Vadász, Detlev G. Kröger, “Energy and the Environment”, Springer Sciencand
Business Media. 1999

3 1 0 4
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about statics with emphasis on force equilibrium and free body diagrams.
2. To expose to the stresses and response of elements.
3. To impart the mechanical behavior of materials under various load conditions.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Illustrate the concepts of mechanics
2. Identify the philosophies to suite suitable sections
3. Examine the forces in the members
4. Analyse the response of the elements

5. Evaluate the behavior based on the response
6. Apply the basic principles to solve problems in mechanics
Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Centroid - centre of gravity - moment of inertia of plane sections -
theorems of moment of inertia - composite sections - mass moment of inertia of circular plate, cylinder,
cone, sphere, hook.
Module 2: DYNAMICS: Particle dynamics- rectilinear motion - plane curvilinear motion - relative and
constrained motion - newton’s second law: rectangular, path, and polar coordinates - work-kinetic energy,
power and potential energy - impulse-momentum- impact - direct and oblique.
Module 3: KINETICS OF RIGID BODIES: Principles in dynamics - types of motion - D’Alembert’s
principle: plane motion and connected bodies - work energy principle: plane motion and connected bodies
- kinetics of rigid body rotation
Module 4: BASIC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: Stability of equilibrium - equilibrium in three
dimensions - method of sections - method of joints - simple trusses - beams - types of beams
Module 5: VIRTUAL WORK AND ENERGY METHOD: Virtual displacements - degrees of freedom
- energy equation for equilibrium - analysis of statically determinate beams - cantilever, simply supported
beam, overhanging beam: point load, UDL and UVL
Module 6: SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS: St. Venant’s principle - types of stresses and strains,
Hooke’s law – stress – strain diagram for mild steel – working stress – factor of safety – lateral strain,
Poisson’s ratio and volumetric strain – relation between moduli – bars of varying section – composite bars–
temperature stresses

Text Books:
1. Irving H. Shames, “Engineering Mechanics”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006
2. Beer F. P and Johnston E. R, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers”, Vol I - Statics, Vol II, –
Dynamics, 9th Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
3. Egor, P.Popov, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Hibbler R. C., “Engineering Mechanics: Principles of Statics and Dynamics”, Pearson Press.
2. Andy Ruina and Rudra Pratap, “Introduction to Statics and Dynamics”, Oxford University Press,
3. Shanes and Rao, “Engineering Mechanics”, Pearson Education, 2006
4. Bansal R.K, “A Text Book of Engineering Mechanics”, Laxmi Publications, 2010
5. Khurmi R.S., “Engineering Mechanics”, S. Chand and Co. 2010


S. No. Course Code Course Name Credits

1 17CE2067 Strength of Materials for Agricultural Engineering 3:1:0
2 18CE1001 Basics of Surveying and Levelling 1:0:1
3 18CE2001 Smart Cities and Future Urbanism 3:0:0
4 18CE2002 Basics of Soil Mechanics 2:0:1
5 18CE2003 Building Construction and Cost Estimation 2:1:0
6 18CE2004 Watershed Hydrology 2:0:1
7 18CE3001 Biotechnological Applications for Geotechnical Engineering 3:0:0
8 18CE3002 Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology 3:0:0
9 18CE3003 Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology 3:0:0
10 18CE3004 Surfacewater Hydrology 3:0:0
11 18CE3005 Groundwater Hydrology 3:0:0
12 18CE3006 Design of Hydraulic and Conveyance Structures 3:0:0
Advanced Hydrology and Environmental Engineering
13 18CE3007 0:0:2
14 18CE3008 Aquatic Ecosystems 3:0:0
15 18CE3009 Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources 3:0:0
16 18CE3010 Urban Water Management 3:0:0

Sl. No Code No. Course Name
1 18CE1002 Civil Engineering - Societal and Global Impact 2 0 0 2
2 18CE1003 Energy Science and Engineering 2 0 0 2
3 18CE1004 Engineering Drawing for Civil Engineers 0 0 6 3
4 18CE2005 Disaster Preparedness and Planning 2 0 0 2
5 18CE2006 Construction Engineering and Management 3 0 0 3
6 18CE2007 Geology and Materials 3 0 0 3
7 18CE2008 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4
Instrumentation and Sensor Technologies for Civil
8 18CE2009 3 0 0 3
Engineering Applications
9 18CE2010 Materials Testing and Evaluation Laboratory 0 0 2 1
10 18CE2011 Engineering Practices Laboratory 0 0 4 2
11 18CE2012 Computer - Aided Civil Engineering Drawing 0 0 3 1.5
12 18CE2013 Computer Applications Laboratory 0 0 3 1.5
13 18CE2014 Design and Drawing 0 0 3 1.5
14 18CE2015 Fluid Mechanics 3 0 0 3
15 18CE2016 Solid Mechanics 3 0 0 3
16 18CE2017 Surveying and Geomatics 3 0 0 3
17 18CE2018 Structural Analysis 3 0 0 3
18 18CE2019 Hydraulic Engineering 3 0 0 3
19 18CE2020 Reinforced Concrete Elements 3 0 0 3
20 18CE2021 Design of Steel Structures 3 0 0 3
21 18CE2022 Soil Mechanics 3 0 0 3
22 18CE2023 Foundation Engineering 3 0 0 3
23 18CE2024 Concrete Technology 2 0 0 2
24 18CE2025 Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering 3 0 0 3
25 18CE2026 Environmental Engineering 3 0 0 3
26 18CE2027 Transportation Engineering 3 0 0 3
27 18CE2028 Quantity Surveying and Estimation 3 0 0 3
28 18CE2029 Survey Laboratory 0 0 2 1
29 18CE2030 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory 0 0 2 1
30 18CE2031 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 0 0 2 1
31 18CE2032 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 0 0 2 1
32 18CE2033 Concrete and Highway Laboratory 0 0 2 1
33 18CE2034 Design Project 0 0 4 2
34 18CE2035 Interior Design 2 0 0 2
35 18CE2036 Construction Equipment and Automation 2 0 0 2
36 18CE2037 Structural Geology 2 0 0 2
37 18CE2038 Expansive soil 2 0 0 2
38 18CE2039 Ground Improvement Methods 2 0 0 2
39 18CE2040 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
40 18CE2041 Prestressed Concrete 3 0 0 3
41 18CE2042 Design of Precast Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
42 18CE2043 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design 3 0 0 3
43 18CE2044 Repairs and Rehabilitation of Structures 3 0 0 3
44 18CE2045 Masonry Structures 3 0 0 3
45 18CE2046 Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures 3 0 0 3
46 18CE2047 Open Channel Flow 3 0 0 3
47 18CE2048 Groundwater Engineering 3 0 0 3
48 18CE2049 Surface Hydrology 3 0 0 3
49 18CE2050 Environmental Laws and Policy 3 0 0 3
18CE2051 Basics of Remote Sensing and Geographical
50 3 0 0 3
Information System
51 18CE2052 Municipal Solid Waste Management 3 0 0 3
52 18CE2053 Air and Noise Pollution Control 3 0 0 3
53 18CE2054 Pavement Materials and Design 3 0 0 3
54 18CE2055 Airport Planning and Design 3 0 0 3
55 18CE2056 Town Planning and Architecture 3 0 0 3
56 18CE2057 Structural Design of Foundation 3 0 0 3
57 18CE2058 Traffic Engineering and Management 3 0 0 3
58 18CE2059 Green Buildings 3 0 0 3
59 18CE2060 Global Climate Change and its Impact 3 0 0 3
60 18CE2061 Smart Buildings 3 0 0 3

Civil Engineering
61 18CE2062 Energy Efficient Buildings 2 0 0 2
62 18CE3011 Advanced Solid Mechanics 3 0 0 3
63 18CE3012 Structural Dynamics 3 0 0 3
64 18CE3013 Finite Element Methods in Structural Engineering 3 0 0 3
65 18CE3014 Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures 3 0 0 3
66 18CE3015 Theory of Structural Stability 3 0 0 3
67 18CE3016 Numerical Analysis Laboratory 0 0 4 2
68 18CE3017 Advanced Concrete Laboratory 0 0 4 2
69 18CE3018 Model Testing Laboratory 0 0 4 2
70 18CE3019 Structural Design Laboratory 0 0 4 2
71 18CE3020 Theory of Thin Plates and Shells 3 0 0 3
72 18CE3021 Theory and Applications of Cement Composites 3 0 0 3
73 18CE3022 Advanced Steel Design 3 0 0 3
74 18CE3023 Design of Advanced Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
75 18CE3024 Structural Optimization 3 0 0 3
76 18CE3025 Design of High Rise Structures 3 0 0 3
77 18CE3026 Design of Formwork 3 0 0 3
78 18CE3027 Design of Masonry Structures 3 0 0 3
79 18CE3028 Advanced Design of Foundation Structures 3 0 0 3
80 18CE3029 Design of Bridges 3 0 0 3
81 18CE3030 Soil Structure Interaction 3 0 0 3
82 18CE3031 Design of Industrial Structures 3 0 0 3
83 18CE3032 Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates 3 0 0 3
84 18CE3033 Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
85 18CE3034 Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
86 18CE3035 Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control 3 0 0 3
87 18CE3036 Surface Flow Hydrology 3 0 0 3
88 18CE3037 Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology 3 0 0 3
89 18CE3038 Water Resources Planning and Systems Engineering 3 0 0 3
90 18CE3039 Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology 3 0 0 3
91 18CE3040 Hydrology laboratory 0 0 4 2
Advanced Environmental Engineering
92 18CE3041 0 0 4 2
93 18CE3042 GIS Laboratory 0 0 4 2
94 18CE3043 Computational Techniques Laboratory 0 0 4 2
95 18CE3044 Solid and hazardous waste management 3 0 0 3
96 18CE3045 Environmental Impact Assessment 3 0 0 3
97 18CE3046 Cleaner Production and Sustainable Development 3 0 0 3
98 18CE3047 Environmental Policies and Legislation 3 0 0 3
99 18CE3048 Nanotechnology in Environmental Engineering 3 0 0 3
Civil Engineering
100 18CE3049 Electrochemical water processing and water treatment 3 0 0 3
101 18CE3050 Noise Pollution and Control Techniques 3 0 0 3
102 18CE3051 Occupational Health and Safety 3 0 0 3
103 18CE3052 Groundwater Hydrology 3 0 0 3
104 18CE3053 Design of Hydraulic and Conveyance Structures 3 0 0 3
105 18CE3054 Principles of Integrated Water Resources Management 3 0 0 3
106 18CE3055 Hydro Power Engineering 3 0 0 3
107 18CE3056 River Mechanics and Sediment Transport 3 0 0 3
108 18CE3057 Forest, urban and agricultural Watershed Management 3 0 0 3
109 18CE3058 Wetland Hydrology 3 0 0 3
110 18CE3059 Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources 3 0 0 3
111 18CE3060 Urban Water Hydrology and Management 3 0 0 3
112 18CE3061 Remote Sensing and Geographical information system 3 0 0 3
113 18CE3062 Subsurface Investigations and Field Testing 3 0 0 3
114 18CE3063 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3 0 0 3
115 18CE3064 Strength and deformation characteristics of soils 3 0 0 3
Theoretical Soil Mechanics with Finite Element
116 18CE3065 3 0 0 3
117 18CE3066 Dynamics of Soils and Foundations 3 0 0 3
118 18CE3067 Soil Mechanics Laboratory - I 0 0 4 2
119 18CE3068 Soil Mechanics Laboratory - II 0 0 4 2
120 18CE3069 Subsoil Exploration Laboratory 0 0 4 2
121 18CE3070 Geotechnical Design Studio 0 0 4 2
122 18CE3071 Ground Improvement Techniques 3 0 0 3
123 18CE3072 Pavement Analysis and Design 3 0 0 3
124 18CE3073 Environmental Geotechnology 3 0 0 3
125 18CE3074 Mechanics of unsaturated soils 3 0 0 3
126 18CE3075 Rock mechanics in Engineering Practice 3 0 0 3
127 18CE3076 Earth Retaining Structures 3 0 0 3
128 18CE3077 Reinforced Soil Structures 3 0 0 3
129 18CE3078 Geology in Geotechnical Engineering 3 0 0 3
130 18CE3079 Slope Stability and Landslides 3 0 0 3
131 18CE3080 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 3 0 0 3
Professional Practices in Design of Geotechnical
132 18CE3081 3 0 0 3
133 18CE3082 Offshore Engineering 3 0 0 3
134 18CE3083 Disaster Management 2 0 0 0

Civil Engineering
Credit: 3:1:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the basics of solid mechanics
 To draw the bending moment and shear force diagram for determinate and indeterminate beams
 To learn the different types of stresses on structural elements
Course Outcomes:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
 understand the basic concepts of solid mechanics
 sketch shear force and bending moment diagram for determinate beams
 interpret the stresses acting on beams
 determine shear force and bending moment for indeterminate beams
 determine the buckling load on columns for different end conditions.
 calculate deflection for determinate beams under standard loading condition

Rigid and deformable bodies – Stability, strength and stiffness- Stress strain behaviour of ductile and brittle
material in uniaxial state of stress - Hooke’s law - Poisson’s ratio – Relationship between elastic constants
- Relationship between loading - Shear force and bending moment - Shear force and bending moment
diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams subjected to concentrated loads and
uniformly distributed loads - Maximum bending moment and point of contra flexure - Theory of simple
bending assumptions – Simple bending equation –Section modulus - Application of bending equation -
Shear stresses-variation of shear stress in beam cross section - Application of shear stress relations for
rectangle, circle and triangle cross sections - Fixed Beams - Fixed end moments, reactions, slope and
deflection for standard cases of loading - Continuous beams - support reactions and moments – Theorem
of three moments – Shear force and bending moment diagrams - Behaviour of short and long columns -
Euler’s theory of long columns – Critical loads for prismatic columns with different end conditions -
Rankine-Gordon Formula - Deflection in statically determinate beams – Double integration method.

Text Books:
1. Rajput.R.K. “Strength of Materials”, S.Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi 2015.
2. Bansal R.K “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Egor.P.Popo v, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2001
2. Vazirani.V.N, Ratwani.M.M, Duggal .S.K, “Analysis of Structures: Analysis, Design and Detailing
of Structures-Vol.1”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 2014.
3. Timoshenko.S.P. and Young .D.H., “Elements of Strength of Materials”, V Edition, Affiliated East-
West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
4. Beer. F.P. and Johnston.E.R., “Mechanics of Materials”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2010.
5. Subramaniam.R., “Strength of Materials”, Oxford university Press, 2005


Credit: 1:0:1

Course Objectives:
 To give hands-on training on the use of chains and levelling instruments
 To introduce the levelling concepts
 To familiarize the students with basic surveying procedures and modern surveys.
Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 recall the principles of surveying equipment
 select methods to measure distances
 schedule field surveying operations.
 examine the implementation of surveying procedures for contour surveying
 appraise the usage of equipment and methods in levelling procedures
 formulate the surveying methods and executions

Introduction and Chain Surveying - Definition, principle and classification of surveying – conventional
signs – equipment used in chain survey – ranging and chaining – setting perpendiculars –Errors in chaining
– corrections due to sag, slope, curvature, temperature, pressure – Compass: Basic principles - Types -
Bearing - Sources of errors - Traversing - Plotting - Adjustment of closing error - Levelling - Type of levels
and staves – bench marks – temporary and permanent adjustments – fly, check, profile levelling – booking
- reduction – arithmetic checks –Errors in levelling - Theodolite - Types - Description - Horizontal and
vertical angles - repetition and reiteration methods – Traversing - Closing error and distribution-Bowditch’s
and Transit rule – Omitted measurements -Heights and distances - Contouring, Areas and Volumes
Contouring – characteristics and uses of contours – calculation of areas from field notes and plan – graphical
and instrumental methods – volume of earth work – Total stations
Marking the boundary of a plot on the ground using chain - Running a closed compass traverse – plotting
and adjustments - Fly levelling - Contour survey of an area preparation of contour map - Finding height of
object by using Theodolite - Introduction to Total Station (Area calculation)

Text Books:
1. Kanetkar, T.P and Kulkarni, S.V., “Surveying and levelling parts 1 and 2”, Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, Pune, 2010.
2. Bhavikatti SS, “Surveying and leveling”, I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2008
Reference Books:
1. Rangwala S. C., “Surveying and Levelling”, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2011
2. Basak, N, “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill and Co, 2014


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To interpret and select the needs for consumers and stakeholders in smart cities;
 To introduce the Smart Cities Mission in India and the issues related with it;
 To familiarize the concept of Smart City.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 familiarize the concept of Smart Cities
 familiar with Smart City Mission in India
 understand the Environment Domain of Smart City and provide solutions
 understand the Transportation Domain of Smart City and provide solutions
 understand the Public Service Domain of Smart City and provide solutions
 Assess the performance of Smart Cities.

Civil Engineering
Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO SMART CITIES: Smart Cities in India– concept, origin and ideology -
characteristics of smart cities – smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, smart
environment, smart living – smart building
SMART CITIES MISION IN INDIA: Smart City Mission – Objectives, features, coverage and duration
- strategy, challenges, profile of smart cities - Mission implementation – selection process
Unit II - ENVIRONMENTAL DOMAIN: Pollution reduction – Noise, carbon emissions, groundwater
contaminations - climate change – flooding, drought, water supply– ageing Infrastructure, smart metering,
security, sewer - waste collection and management – route Inefficiencies, landfill monitoring.
Unit III - TRANSPORTATION DOMAIN: Transportation Planning – Transport Philosophy - Travel
demand estimation - Public transport - External connectivity - Internal transport - Pedestrian facilities,
streetscape, signage systems, smart transportation systems.
Roadways / Highways – congestion, accident / Breakdown notifications, maintenance, bad motorists,
parking, pollution, fuel scarcity and pricing.
Railways – On-time Services - Ageing Infrastructure - Service Over / Under Utilization, Integration with
Other Public Transport Services.
Aerospace – Over / Under Utilization, Pollution, Security, Integration with other Public Transport Services.
Unit IV - PUBLIC SERVICE DOMAIN: PUBLIC SERVICES: Safety – Natural disasters – Maintenance
- Notification and Awareness - Child / Elderly / Disabled Person Welfare - Police – Crime, Prevention -
Civil Unrest, Parking Traffic - Fire – Response Times, False Alarms, Delayed Notifications - Unaware of
Dangers within a Situation - Health – Long Waiting Times - Disease Control and Prevention - Community
Outreach - Bin Filling - Employee and Asset Oversight.
CASE STUDY: Smart about the Smart City – Critical evaluation of performance of Smart City concept -
contradiction of being smart – Smart vs Dull - Fast vs Slow - Urban and Digital divide - social divide -
Financial and Economic viability of smart cities - case study – Tel Aviv – the Smartest City

Text Books:
1. Amitabh Satyam and Igor Calzada, “The Smart City Transformations: The Revolution of 21st
Century”, Bloomsbury India, New Delhi, 2017
2. ArunFirodia, “Smart City”, Vishwkarma Publications, Pune, 2015
3. Mani, N, “Smart Cities and Urban Development in India”, New Century Publications, New Delhi,
4. Tripathi Gupta, “Smart Cities Transforming India”, Pentagon Press, New Delhi, 2016
Reference Books:
1. Sylviane Toporkoff, Sebastien Levy, Alan Shark, “Smart Cities for a Bright Sustainable Future –
A Global Perspective”, Kindle Edition, Washington, 2014
2. Alex Grosu, “Public Transport in Smart Cities: An Utopian View by Alex Grosu”, Kindle Edition,
Amazon Digital Services LLC, 2017
3. Dutton, W. H., Blumler, J. G., and Kraemer, K. L. “Wired cities: Shaping future
communication”, New York: Macmillan, 1987
4. Stamatina Th. Rassia, Panos M. Pardalos, “Cities for Smart Environmental Energy Futures:
Impacts on Architecture and Technology (Energy Systems)’, Springer, Softcover reprint of the
original, 1st Ed 2014 Edition, 2015
5. Houbling Song, Ravi Srinivasan, Tamim Sookoor, Sabina Jeschke, “Smart Cities: Foundations,
Principles and Applications”, Wiley Publishers, 1st Edition, 2017

Civil Engineering
Credits: 2:0:1

Course Objectives:
 To gain knowledge about index and engineering properties of soil
 To study about stress distribution and settlement behaviour of soil
 To gain knowledge on stability of soils.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 explain the multiphase nature of soils and to derive quantities relating to the volumes and masses
of the different phases of a soil
 describe and classify soils according to Indian Standard
 predict the flow through soil.
 estimate the magnitude of settlement due to consolidation process.
 determine shear strength parameters and stress changes in soil
 evaluate the index and engineering properties of soil.
Introduction to soil mechanics, phase diagram, physical and index properties of soil - engineering
classification of soils – Atterberg’s limits - Effective and neutral stress - Seepage Analysis - Flow net
construction- Capillary phenomena - Two dimension flow - Darcy’s law - Permeability - Constant head
method - falling head method - Stratified Strata - Factors influencing soil permeability - Seepage -
Laplace’s equation - Quick sand - Liquefaction - Flow nets - Shear strength of cohesive and cohesion less
soils - Mohr-Coulomb failure theory - Measurement of shear strength - Direct shear, Triaxial compression,
UCC and Vane shear tests - Pore pressure parameters
Determination of water content - Specific gravity of soil - Field density of soil by core cutter method - Grain
size analysis by sieving - Atterberg’s Limit - Standard proctor test - Unconfined compressive strength of

Text Books:
1. Punmia B C, Jain A K and Jain A K. “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”. Laxmi Publications (P)
Ltd. New Delhi, 2005.
2. Ranjan Gopal and Rao A S R., “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, Welley Easters Ltd., New
Delhi, 1993.
Reference Books:
1. Singh Alam, “Soil Engineering”, Vol. I, CBS Publishers and Distributions, Delhi, 1994.
2. Arora, K.R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi,
3. Venkatramiah, “Geotechnical Engineering”, New Age International (P) Limited, 1993.
4. Purushothama Raj. P., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering” Pearson Education, 2008


Credits: 2:1:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the properties of building materials
 To identify the building components and their functions
 To estimate the cost of the structure
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Civil Engineering
 define the physical and mechanical properties of earth materials
 identify the physical and mechanical properties of the building materials
 adopt the construction methodology for different types of construction
 evolve the detailed specification for different types of structures
 determine the rates of various items of civil works
 justify estimated cost of civil construction projects

Rocks - Stones - characteristics of stones – material property – Bricks and blocks - Properties of clay bricks
- material test – Timber - Cement - Concrete – Steel – Aluminium - Rubber - plastics – Glass - Foundations
– plinth – sill – Lintels – Arches - stair cases - Flooring - Roofs and roof covering - Damp proofing –
Termite proofing - Plastering and Pointing - Joinery - Painting - introduction to Quantity surveying –
purpose of estimates - Types of estimates - Principles in selecting units of measurement for items, various
units and modes of measurement for different trades - detailed specifications for various items of work -
Types of agricultural buildings - related needs - Methods of estimation - estimate of walls - estimate of
warehouse - polyhouse - Rate analysis and preparation of bills – Rates for various items of works –
Economic methods for evaluating investments in buildings and building systems

Text Books:
1. Varghese P.C., “Building materials”, Prentice Hall, 2005.
2. Dutta.B.N, “Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering Theory and Practice”, UBS Publishers
Distributors Pvt Ltd, 2016.
Reference Books:
1. Bhavikatti S, “Building Constructions”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 2007.
2. Rangwala, S.C., “Engineering Materials”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 2008.
3. Surendra Singh, “Building Materials”, Vikas Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1996.
4. Birdie.G.S, “A Text Book on Estimating and Costing”, DhanpatRai and Sons, New Delhi, 2000.
5. Rangwala .S.C, “Valuation of Real Properties”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 1984.


Credits: 2:0:1

Course Objectives:
 To understand the concepts of watershed
 To characterize the watershed parameters
 To learn the measurement of hydrological parameters
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 recall the watershed characteristics
 determine the streamflow parameters
 apply the knowledge of hydrograph analysis for rainfall-runoff modeling
 conduct water-budget analysis
 Interpret the effect of landuse changes on watershed characteristics
 conduct watershed analysis to improve the watershed management
Watershed characteristics - Hydrologic cycle - Watersheds – Water Balance – Surface and groundwater
hydrology - Characteristics of hydrologic data - Rainfall-runoff - rainfall measurement – Representation of
rainfall - Stream characteristics - Stream flow measurement - Water balance analysis - Abstractions –
Evaporation, infiltration and interception – Infiltration indices – measurement of evaporation -

Civil Engineering
Morphometric analysis of watersheds - Hydrologic processes in different land covers: agricultural, forest,
urban, floodplain and wetlands - Types of watershed models - Effects of landuse change; Climate change.
Estimation of average annual rainfall - Estimation of missing data of rainfall - Computation of runoff by
SCS method and rational method - Streamflow velocity measurement - Derivation of unit hydrograph -
Derivation of S-Curve - Conduction of flood routing

Text books:
1. P V Seethapathi, “Hydrology of Small Watersheds”, TERI Press, 2014.
2. Subramanya K., “Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi, 2009.
3. Ragunath H.M., “Hydrology”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
Reference books:
1. Chatterjee, S. N., “Water Resources Conservation and Management”, Atlantic Publishers, 2008
2. Murthy, V.V.N., “Land and Water Management”, Khalyani Publishers, 2004
3. Muthy, J. V. S., “Watershed Management”, New Age International Publishers, 1998
4. Mutreja, K.N., “Applied Hydrology” - Tata McGraw Hill, 1986.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on microbiological applications
 To learn on the biotechnological processes
 To apply the bio-cementation process
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 recall the various microorganisms, their classifications and characterization
 explain the various biotechnological processes
 quantify the biomass contents in a biotechnological product.
 compare the different mechanisms of ground improvement
 justify the importance of microbially induced calcite precipitation
 develop biotechnological processes for potential geotechnical applications

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY: Microorganisms – groups of microorganisms –cells

of microorganisms -classification and identification of fungi, algae and protozoa - enzymes as the catalysts
of biochemical reactions - types of biogeochemical reactions - biogeochemical reactions - geotechnical
modifications in-situ; bio-safety in geotechnical applications - major groups of bacteria suitable for
geotechnical biotechnological processes
Unit II - INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY: Biotechnology: Bioprocesses used in
geotechnical biotechnology -stages of biotechnological process - upstream processes - acquiring of
microbial strain from collection - selection of an enrichment culture, ecosystem and construction of
genetically engineered microorganisms - core biotechnological process: batch cultivation – continuous
cultivation - downstream processes - separation and concentration of biomass contents - aggregates of
cells - separation and concentration of products - drying, mixing and packing of biotechnological products
Unit III - BIO-CEMENTATION: Calcium based microbial cementation in nature – calcium based
cementation in macro-organisms- urease-dependent calcium-based microbial cementation - (MICP) in
Engineering: Biochemistry of MICP - Use of Urease for MICP - Bacteria used in MICP - use of enrichment
culture of in digenous microorganisms with urease activity in-situ - biocementation by injection,
percolation, and spraying - activated sludge of municipal wastewater treatment plants as raw material dry
Civil Engineering
calcium-based biocement - Geotechnical Engineering applications of MICP
Unit IV- BIOTECHNOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF SOIL: Bio-aggregation to control wind soil
erosion and dust emission- dust control technologies - Bio crusting using microbial Polysaccharides -
Bioclogging; Biocementation of soil - Bio desaturation of water-saturated cohesionless soil - Bio
encapsulation of soft soil; Bio immobilization of the Pollutants in Soil - sanitation of soil - comparison of
the different mechanisms of ground improvement
Unit V- BIOREMEDIATION OF SOIL: Bioremediation of soil: options - advantages and disadvantages
of biogeotechnologies for remediation -problems of bioremediation –in-situ and off-site - microbiological
preparations for bioremediation - biotechnological control of dispersion of pollutants - leaching of the
pollutants from sand - biomediated immobilization of sand- biomitigation of soil liquefaction through
biogas production in situ - denitrification as a source of biogas production in situ - stability of biogas bubbles
in soil -biogas production in-situ decreased primary consolidation settlement in clayey soils.

1. Fernando PacecoTorgal and J.A.Labrincha, “Biotechnologies and Bio-inspired Materials for the
Construction Industry: An Overview”, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor
and Francis Group, 2013, pp 1-12
2. Fernando Paceco Torgal, J.A.Labrincha, M.V.Diamanti, C.P.Yu and H.K.Lee (Editors),
“Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering”, Springer International Publishing,
Switzerland, 2015
3. Volodymyr Ivanov and Viktor Stabnikov, “Construction Biotechnology”, Springer, 2017, ISBN:


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on the transformation of chemicals in the environment
 To educate the basics of microbiology involved in air, water and soil.
 To study the basics of environmental chemistry, chemical reactions and electro kinetic properties.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 learn basic chemistry concepts
 gain competency in solving environmental issues
 able to determine chemical calculations required for treatment purpose
 identify contaminating chemicals and learn the conceptual skills
 apply micro- organisms for the treatment of wastes
 evaluate type, growth metabolism and culturing techniques of micro organisms

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Importance of chemistry, Nano technology and biotechnology in

environmental engineering- basic definitions-equilibrium-activity- various laws – gas laws-oxidation –
reduction- stoichiometry-kinetic principles- sorption- adsorption theories.
Unit II - ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY PRINCIPLES: Enzymes and cofactors- Colloidal
chemistry- properties- destabilisation of colloids- Acids and bases-buffer index- Water and wastewater
analysis- quantitative chemistry and instrumental methods- optical –electrical- chromatographic methods-
soil and atmospheric chemistry.
Unit III- APPLICATIONS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY: applications of Nano material in water and
wastewater treatment-synthesis of materials-separation techniques-membrane filtration-types - Nano
materials as adsorbents and oxidants- fate and toxicity

Civil Engineering
Unit IV- MICROBIOLOGY: classification of microorganisms- bacteria- viruses- protozoa-algae-
classification- morphology- reproduction –culturing - growth curve- factors affecting growth- control of
Unit V- MICROBIOLOGY APPLICATIONS: applications in water and wastewater treatment
environmental biotechnology – aerobic process: activated sludge process, oxidation ditches, rotating
drums- oxidation ponds, anaerobic process: anaerobic digestion- anaerobic filters-biodegradation- bio-
augmentation- bio-magnification, bioassay.

1. Sawyer, C.N. and McCarty, P.L., and Parkin, G.F. “Chemistry for Environmental Engineers”, 3 rd
Edition. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013
2. Ronbald A. Hites , “Elements of Environmental Chemistry”, Wiley, 2007.
3. Bhatia, S.C., “Handbook of Environmental Microbiology”, Vol. I, II and III, Atlantic Publ. and
Dist. Ltd., 2008.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on characteristics of water and wastewater, primary and secondary
 To educate the methods of disposal of sludge and treated wastewater.
 To educate the students on the working principles and design of various physical, chemical
treatment systems for water and wastewater.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 Imparts knowledge on characteristics and standards of water and wastewater
 Understand principle of water and wastewater treatment systems
 Design water and wastewater treatment systems.
 Evaluate efficiency of treatment units
 Illustrate the design principles of industrial wastewater
 Apply knowledge on the disposal and treatment of sludge.

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Importance of water- quality and characteristics of water- physical- chemical-
biological- standards; need of treatment- treatment methods for surface and ground water – natural
treatment principles- sedimentation- aeration.
Unit II - WATER TREATMENT: Principle and design - aeration- types of aerators- coagulation –
filtration- rapid sand filtration- disinfection methods- softening- lime soda process- carbonation- ion
exchange- reverse osmosis- dialysis- removal of colour- de-fluoridation.
Unit III - WASTEWATER TREATMENT: Principle and design - screens, grit chamber- skimming
tank- primary sedimentation tank- secondary treatment- activated sludge process- trickling filter- oxidation
ponds- RBC- towers- tertiary treatment: chemical oxidation -advanced oxidation process- adsorption,
removal of toxics
Unit IV- INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT: Differences between domestic and industrial
wastewater- characteristics-population equitant-reduction of strength- equalization- proportionating-
neutralization-removal of oils and fats- removal of organic solids- precipitation- removal of nitrogen and
phosphorous compounds.
Unit V- SLUDGE TREATMENTDISPOSAL: Characteristics of sludge- sludge treatment methods-
reduction of moisture content- anaerobic and anaerobic treatment methods – energy from sludge-sludge
beds- disposal methods- sludge as fertilizer.
Civil Engineering
1. “Manual on water supply and Treatment”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, GoI, New
Delhi, 2009.
2. Bajwa, G.S., “Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering”, Deep Publishers, Simla, 2003
3. Metcalf and Eddy, “Wastewater engineering, Treatment and Reuse”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2003.
4. Kuruvilla Mathew, Stewart Dallas, Goen Ho, Decentralized Water and Wastewater Systems, IWA
Publications, 2008


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives
 To provide a basic knowledge on different components of hydrologic cycle
 To impart practical experience in hydrological data acquisition, analysis
 To interprete hydrologic components on temporal and spatial scales
Course Outcome
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 posses a thorough knowledge of the hydrological processes associated with surface water
 analyze basic hydrologic data
 estimate the surface runoff
 measure flow in the streams
 conduct Probability analysis for extreme events
 conduct water budget analysis

Unit I - BASIC HYDRAULICS AND HYDROLOGY: Definition and introduction to hydraulics and
hydrological science - Structure and properties of water - Conservation of mass and energy – Atmosphere
– atmospheric air circulation – Cyclones, Fronts, Clouds - Hydrologic cycle: global to local scales-
Radiation balance –Evaporation and condensation.
variable – Frequency distributions – Frequency analysis – Correlation coefficient – Method of least squares
– Variance analysis - Simple and multiple regression analysis – Deterministic approach in hydrology -
Stochastic hydrology - Introduction to: time series, deterministic and stochastic models.
Unit III - PRECIPITATION: Precipitation - Types of precipitation - Temporal and spatial distribution of
precipitation - Precipitation measurement: precipitation gauges, satellite estimates of precipitation, radar
measurement of precipitation - Interpretation of precipitation data: estimating missing precipitation data,
double-mass analysis - Average precipitation over area: isohyets and Thiessan polygon - Depth-area-
duration analysis.
Unit IV - RUNOFF AND STREAM FLOW: Phenomenon of runoff - Surface retention – Infiltration
Runoff cycle - Estimating the volume of storm runoff: storm analysis - Basin characteristics - Streamflow
measurements and rating curves - Flood estimation: unit hydrograph, flood frequency analysis, flood
routing - Sediment yield and reservoir sedimentation.
Unit V - HYDROLOGIC ABSTRACTIONS: Factors affecting evaporation process - Water budget -
Determination of reservoir evaporation - Energy budget - Determination of reservoir operation-Estimation
of evaporation using Pan evaporimeter dataThornthwaite and Penman -Monteith methods - Lysimeter
determination of evapotranspiration - Interception – Soil moisture - Infiltration loss estimation.

1. Subramanya K., “Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi, 2017.
2. Ragunath H.M., “Hydrology”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
Civil Engineering
3. VenTe Chow, “Hand book of Hydrology”, McGraw Hill Publications, New York, 1995.
4. JeyaRamiReddy.P.,“Hydrology”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2005.
5. Vijay P.Singh, Elementary Hydrology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004.
6. Mutreja, K.N., “Applied Hydrology” Tata McGraw Hill, 1986.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the behavior of groundwater movement
 To estimate the groundwater modeling parameters
 To equip with analytical techniques to solve groundwater problems
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 Understand the occurrence, distribution and movement of ground water
 enumerate the properties of groundwater
 calculate the aquifer parameters
 to resolve groundwater related problems including response of aquifers to pumping wells
 to develop a basic model for contaminant transport in subsurface media
 model and estimate groundwater recharge

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO GROUNDWATER: Groundwater in Hydrologic Cycle – Occurrence of

groundwater – Vadose Zone water; soil-water relationship - Hydrogeology – Hydrometeorology – soil
sample analysis - Water bearing materials - Types of aquifers
Unit II - GROUNDWATER HYDRAULICS: Groundwater Movement - Darcy’s law and its limitations
- Stream lines and flow net analysis – Discharge and draw down for various condition of groundwater flow
- Principles of groundwater flow and its equation – Dupuit – Forchheimer assumptions – Influent and
Effluent streams - Evaluation of well loss parameters – Partial penetration of wells – Interference of wells
– Collector wells and Infiltration galleries.
Unit III - PUMPING TEST ANALYSIS: Determining aquifer parameters for unconfined, leaky and non-
leaky aquifers – steady and transient conditions - Slug test – Locating hydro geological boundaries –
Determination of well characteristics and specific capacity of wells – Well characteristics of large diameter
Unit IV - GROUNDWATER TRANSPORT PROCESSES: Mass balance for transport of an ideal tracer
– Contaminant transport mechanisms: advection, dispersion and diffusion – 1D, 2D and 3D solute transport
– Pulse and step inputs – Solutions to advection, dispersion equation.
Unit V - GROUNDWATER RECHARGE AND MODELLING: Methods of artificial groundwater
recharge – Groundwater assessment and balancing – Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers – Land
Subsidence - Wells in hard rock areas - Geophysical survey – Infiltration test – Permeability test – Drum
culture experiment – Groundwater data analysis – Groundwater Models – MODFLOW, MODPATH and
MT3D - Regional Groundwater Modeling.

1. Todd D.K., “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York, 2011.
2. Raghunath H.M. “Groundwater”, 3rd Edition, Wiley Eastern Limited, NewDelhi , 2007.
3. Bouwer H., “Groundwater Hydrology”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978.
4. Fetter C. W., “Applied Hydrogeology”, Merril Publishing Co., Columbus, OH, 2001.
5. Driscoll, “Groundwater and Wells”, Johnson Filtration Systems, Inc., 1986.
6. Hantush M.S., “Hydraulics of wells in Advances in Hydro Science”, Academic Press, 1964.

Civil Engineering
7. Ojha, C.S.P, Berndtsson, R and Bhunya, P., “Engineering Hydrology”, Oxford University
Press,New Delhi, 2008.
8. K. R. Karanth, "Hydrogeology", TataMcGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1987


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge about various types of hydraulic structures
 To introduce the planning and design concepts of hydraulic structures.
 To inculcate the importance of basic water supply and drainage systems in society
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the design criteria for various the types of dams
 analyze and design various hydraulic structures
 design a water supply distribution network
 design irrigation channels and cross drainage works
 estimate the hydropower potential
 design penstocks and surge tanks

Unit I- INTRODUCTION TO HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES: Introduction, types of hydraulic

structures, storage, diversion, conveyance and distribution structures, capacity of a reservoir, reservoir
silting, types of dams, factors governing selection of type of dam, selection of site for dam, preliminary and
final investigations of dam sites, dam safety, design and construction of gravity and earth dams, flow-nets.
Unit II - DAM OUTLET WORKS: Principles and classification, design of ogee and open channel
spillways- cavitations in spillway -energy dissipation devices, basins, buckets and gates- canals: types,
components, selection.
Unit III - DESIGN OF IRRIGATION CHANNELS: Theory and design principles, design of canal
sections in alluvial soil and hard rock zones canal inlets and sluices, gates maintenance problems, design
examples of regulators and canal falls - Design of irrigation channels- principles of design- theories- canal
head works- canal masonry works- canal outlets- maintenance of canals- cross drainage works- flow
measuring devices.
Unit IV - WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS:flow through pipes, solving pipe network, flow
problems- use of computer software for network analysis- cross country pipelines, hydraulic transient
Unit V- HYDROPOWER STRUCTURES: Types of hydropower structures, components of a
hydropower structure, intakes and trash racks, water conductor systems, penstocks, power canals, tunnels,
surge tanks, anchor blanks.

1. Punmiaand Pandey, “Irrigation and Water Power Engg.” Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi,
2. Dandekar M.M and Sharma K.N, “Water Power Engineering”, 2nd edition Vikas publishers, 2013.
3. Asawa G.L. “Irrigation and Water Resources engineering” -New Age International (P) Ltd.
Publishers, 1st edition, 2005.
4. Garg S.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers N.D. 13th edition,
5. Modi, “Irrigation, Water Resources and water power engineering”, P.N. -Standard Book
House,New Delhi, 2nd edition, 1990.
6. Design of small dams, United States Bureau of Reclamation, Third Edition, 1987.
Civil Engineering
Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To impart practical knowledge in hydrologic processes and aquifer parameters
 To demonstrate the sampling techniques and analytical methods in assessing air and water quality
 To introduce the principle of instrumentation in air and water quality analysis
Course Outcomes:
At the end of course, the student will be able to
 make use of groundwater flow and transport models
 estimate the aquifer parameters and carryout groundwater budget
 analyse the subsurface characteristics and conduct water balance studies
 collect, monitor and assess air and water quality of samples
 make use of instrumentation techniques and analyse the impact of pollution
 design suitable treatment method and control measures for water and air pollution problems
List of Experiments:
1. Rainfall data using mass curve, hyetograph from obtained data and Theissen polygon method
2. Determination of Φ – index by double ring type infiltrometer
3. Determination of rate of evaporation and calculation of crop water requirement
4. Pumping test on well
5. Determination of hydraulic conductivity
6. Electrical resistivity method
7. Determination of heavy metals in the sample using UV Spectrophotometer
8. Estimation of Total Organic Carbon
9. Determination of Chemical
10. Determination of Biological Oxygen Demand
11. Microbial analysis using MPN method
12. Synthesis of nanoparticles
13. Solid waste analysis (Density, Components and Energy value)
14. Noise measurement
15. Determination of air quality
1. Fetter C.W., “Applied Hydrogeology”, Merril Publishing Co., Columbus, OH, 2001.
2. Hiscock., “Hydrogeology, Principles and Practice”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2005.
3. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, TataMcGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
4. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 14th edition, American Public
Health Association, Washington, DC, 1999.
5. Environmental Engineering Organisation, Government of India, New Delhi, 2010.
6. C.N Sawer, P.L. MacCarty and G.F. Parkin, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and
Science”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fifth edition, New Delhi, 2003.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the principles of natural ecosystems,
 To analyse the social dimensions and approaches
 To plan and implement the management of ecosystems
Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 understand the human intervention in ecosystem functions
 implement the reuse concepts
 examine the issues in aquatic ecology
 estimate environmental flows
 formulate sustainable ecosystems

Unit I - PRINCIPLES OF ECOSYSTEMS: Introduction to Ecosystems – Ecosystem structure and

function – Ecosystem development – Atmosphere - Freshwater ecosystems – Agro ecosystems.
Unit II - AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS: Ecosystem processes – Lakes, Rivers and Estuaries - Agricultural
vs Ecosystem productivities – Riparian processes and interactions – Eco-hydrology – Impacts of human
intervention – Water-food-ecosystem linkages – Living organisms in water- -Chemical classification of
river water- -Influence of Chemical Factors on the Biota.
Unit III - ECOSYSTEM SERVICES: Water for irrigation – Livelihoods – Industrial / developmental
needs – domestic and drinking water sector – Green, Blue and Grey water concepts – Economic instruments
– Virtual water and trade.
Unit IV - FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS: Streams and Rivers – floodplains and wetlands –
modification of floodplain ecosystems – interbasin transfer and water needs – human induced changes in
lakes – Effect of climate change - modelling
Unit V - ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT: Ecosystem assessments – Environmental flows – Future
freshwater challenges – Waterquality – Biological indicators – waterquality monitoring and assessment –
Social and political issues of water use - Sustainable Ecosystems - Environmental governance.

1. MalinFalkenmark and Johan Rockstrom, “Balancing water for Humans and Nature, Earthscan”,
VA, USA, 2005.
2. Caroline M Figueres, Cecilia Tortajada and Johan Rockstrom (ed), Rethinking, “Water
Management”, EarthScan, VA, USA, 2005.
3. Jeffries, M and Mills, D. “Freshwater Ecology, Principles and Applications”, Belhaven Press,1990
4. Gooch, G. D., A. Rieu-Clarke and P. Stalnacke (eds), “Integrating Water Resources Management:
Interdisciplinary methodologies and strategies in Practice”, IWA Publishing, London, UK, 2012.
5. Jorgensen, S., J. G. Tundisi, J. M. Tundisi, “Handbook of inland aquatic ecosystem management”,
CRC Prerss, FL, USA, 2013
6. Sithamparanathan, J., Rangasamy, A. and Arunachalam, N., “Ecosystem principles and sustainable
agriculture”, Scitech Publishers, Chennai, 1999.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the hydrologic cycle with reference to climate
 To assess the impact on ecosystem services
 To diagnose the cause of climate related water issues
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 enumerate the characteristics of climate change
 assess the impact of climate change
 utilize the tools for vulnerability assessment
 incorporate the adaptation techniques
Civil Engineering
 plan the mitigation activities
 implement the mitigation activities as per the policies

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO CLIMATE : Definitions- Climate, Climate system, climate change –

Drivers of Climate change – Characteristics of climate system components – Large scale climate -
Greenhouse effect – Carbon cycle – Wind systems - Trade winds and the Hadley cell – Ozone hole in the
stratosphere - El Nino, La Nina – ENSO- Regional differences
Unit II - IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE : Global Climatology – Indian Scenario – Observed
changes and projected changes of IPCC – Monsoon onsets, withdrawals and breaks – Cyclones in India –
Indian rainfall in different seasons – interannual variability of monsoon - Impacts on sectoral vulnerabilities
– SRES – different scenarios
Unit III - TOOLS FOR VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT : Need for vulnerability assessment – Steps
for assessment –Approaches for assessment – Models – Quantitative models, Economic model, Impact
matrix approach - Box models - Zero-dimensional models - Radioactive-convective models - Higher-
dimension models - EMICs (Earth-system models of intermediate complexity) - GCMs (global climate
models or general circulation models) – sectoral models
climate change in the fields of Ecosystems and biodiversity, - Agriculture and food security, land use and
forestry, Human health, water supply and sanitation, infrastructure and Economy (insurance, tourism,
industry and transportation) - Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable development Sector-specific
mitigation - Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) - Land-use change and management, Cropland
management, Afforestation and Reforestation - Potential water resource conflicts between adaptation and
mitigation - Implications for policy and sustainable development.
Unit V - CASE STUDIES: Water resources assessment case studies – Ganga Damodar Project , Himalayan
glacier studies, Ganga valley project - Adaptation strategies in Assessment of water resources- Hydrological
design practices and dam safety- Operation policies for water resources projects - Flood management
strategies - Drought management strategies - Temporal and spatial assessment of water for Irrigation -Land
use and cropping pattern - Coastal zone management strategies.

1. SangamShreshta, Mukund S. Babel and Vishnu Prasad Pandey., “Climate Change and Water
Resources”, CRC Press, 2014.
2. IPCC Report Technical Paper VI – “Climate change and water” , 2008.
3. Anil Markandya, “Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Prospects for Developing
Countries”, Routledge, 2002
4. UNFCC Technologies for Adaptation to climate change, 2006.
5. P R Shukla, Subobh K Sarma, NH Ravindranath, Amit Garg and Sumana Bhattacharya, “Climate
Change and India: Vulnerability assessment and adaptation”, University Press (India) Pvt Ltd,
Hyderabad, 2003.
6. Preliminary consolidated Report on “Effect of climate change on Water Resources”, GOI, CWC,
MOWR, 2008.
7. Dash Sushil Kumar, “Climate Change – An Indian Perspective”, Cambridge University Press India
Pvt. Ltd, 2007


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the concepts of urbanization and its impact on the natural water cycle
 To know the utilization of urban stormwater models for better storm water management

Civil Engineering
 To prepare urban stormwater master plan
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 identify factors affecting urban hydrological cycle
 estimate urban water demand and stormwater quantity
 maintain the elements of drainage systems
 determine the runoff and peak flow
 plan and design stormwater control and disposal systems
 develop integrated urban water management system

Unit I - URBAN HYDROLOGIC CYCLE: General introduction to urbanisation and its effect on water
cycle – urban hydrological cycle – trends in urbanisation – Effect of urbanisation on hydrology. Urban
Hydrological cycle – time of concentration – importance of short duration of rainfall and runoff data –
methods of estimation of time of concentration for design of urban drainage systems.
Unit II - URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT MODELS: Types of models – Physically based –
conceptual or unit hydrograph based – Urban surface runoff models – Various model available for
stormwater management - Management models for flow rate and volume control rate – Quality models -
Stormwater Analysis - calculation of runoff and peak – Design of stormwater network systems – water
distribution networks.
Unit III - URBAN STORM WATER MANAGEMENT: Storm water management practices (Structural
and Non-structural Management measures) – Detention and retention concepts – Modelling concept –
Types of storage – Magnitude of storage – Hydraulic analysis and design guidelines – Flow and storage
capacity of urban components – system tanks.
Unit IV - MASTER DRAINAGE PLANS: Master drainage plans – issues to be concentrated upon –
typical content of an urban drainage master plan – interrelation between water resources investigation and
urban planning processes – planning objectives – comprehensive planning – use of models in planning..
Unit V - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: Elements of drainage systems – open channel –
underground drains – appurtenances – pumping – source control - Operation and maintenance of urban
drainage system – interaction between stormwater management and solid waste management

1. Geiger, W.F., Marsalek, F., and Zuidena, F.C., (Ed), “Manual on Drainage in urbanized areas”,
Vol.1 and Vol.II, UNESCO, 1987.
2. Hengeveld, H. and C. De Voch.t (Ed)., “Role of Water in Urban Ecology”, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1982.
3. Martin, P. Wanelista and Yousef, A. Yousef., “Stormwater Management”, John Wiley and sons,
4. Stahre, P., and Urbonas, B., “Storm water Detention for Drainage, water quality and CSO
Management”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1990
5. Wanielista, M.P., and Yousef, Y.A., “Stormwater Management”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, 1993


IMPACT 2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To provide awareness of the importance of civil engineering and the impact it has on the society
and at global levels
2. To impart awareness of the impact of civil engineering for the various specific fields of human

Civil Engineering
3. To inculcate the need to think innovatively to ensure sustainability
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the impact of civil engineering projects on the society at large and on the global arena.
2. Justify the need for infrastructure for energy generation
3. Recommend sustainable environment keeping aesthetics intact
4. Bring out the scope of civil engineers for environment protection
5. Build good environment by reducing the factors impacting the quality of life
6. Apply professional and responsible decisions on the environmental effects

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Recent major civil engineering breakthroughs and innovations- global
warming - impact and causes- evaluating future requirements for various resources - GIS and applications
for monitoring systems - human development index - ecological footprint of India vs other countries and
impacting the world - The ancient and modern marvels and wonders in the field of Civil Engineering- future
vision for Civil Engineering
Module 3:INFRASTRUCTURE: Metrocities, smart cities, futuristic visions- transportation - energy
generation - water provisioning- telecommunication needs- awareness of various codes and standards
governing infrastructure development- innovations and methodologies for ensuring sustainability
Module 4: EFFECTS ON ENVIRONMENT: Solid waste management, water purification, wastewater
treatment and recycling, hazardous waste treatment- flood control - river interlinking- multi-purpose water
projects, atmospheric pollution- global warming phenomena and pollution mitigation measures, stationarity
and nonstationarity- environmental metrics and monitoring
Module 5: BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Facilities management -climate control- recycling -temperature
and sound control in built environment - intelligent and smart buildings - aesthetics of built environment-
innovations and methodologies for ensuring sustainability
Module 6: CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Environmental impact analysis procedures- advanced
construction techniques for better sustainability- techniques for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in
various aspects of civil engineering projects.

Text Books:
1. Michael Murray, “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry”, Taylor and
Francis, 2009
2. Robert L. France “Handbook of Water Sensitive Planning and Design”, CRC Press. 2002
Reference Books:
1. Brito, Ciampi, Vasconcelos, Amarol, Barros,“Engineering impacting Social, Economical and
working Environment”, 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2013
2. Centre for Water Sensitive Cities, “Blueprint for a water sensitive city”, Monash University.2012
3. Žiga Turk,“Global Challenges and the Role of Civil Engineering”, Chapter 3 in: Fischinger M.
(eds) Performance-Based Seismic Engineering: Vision for an Earthquake Resilient Society.
Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 32. Springer, Dordrecht, 2014
4. NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering, “Engineering for the Developing World - The Bridge”,
Vol 34, No.2, Summer 2004.
5. Allen M. “Cleansing the city”, Ohio University Press. Athens Ohio,2008

Civil Engineering
2 0 0 2

Course Objectives:
1. To provide an introduction to energy systems and renewable energy resources
2. To provide knowledge to explore society’s present needs and future energy demands
3. To impart knowledge on design of various civil engineering systems/ projects dealing with energy
generation paradigms in an efficient manner.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. List and explain the main sources of energy and their primary applications nationally and
2. Understand the energy sources and scientific concepts/principles behind them
3. List and describe the primary renewable energy resources and technologies.
4. Describe the challenges and problems associated with the use of various energy sources,
including fossil fuels, with regard to future supply and the impact on the environment.
5. Collect and organize information on renewable energy technologies
6. Understand the Engineering involved in projects utilizing these sources

Module 1:INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY SCIENCE: Scientific principles - historical interpretation

to place energy use in the context of pressing societal, environmental and climate issues- Introduction to
energy systems and resources - Introduction to Energy, conventional and non-conventional sources,
sustainability and the environment
Module 2: ENERGY SOURCES: Overview of energy systems, sources, transformations, efficiency, and
storage - fossil fuels (coal, oil, oil-bearing shale and sands, coal gasification) - past, present and future
Module 3: REMEDIES AND ALTERNATIVES FOR FOSSIL FUELS: Hydropower, biomass, wind,
solar, nuclear, wave, tidal and hydrogen- sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy
systems- possibilities for energy storage or regeneration
Module 4: ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT: Energy efficiency and conservation- introduction to clean
energy technologies - importance in sustainable development - carbon footprint - energy consumption and
sustainability- introduction to the economics of energy- linkages between economic and environmental
Coal mining technologies - oil exploration offshore platforms - underground and under-sea oil pipelines -
solar chimney project - wave energy caissons - nuclear reactor containment buildings and associated
buildings - hydroelectric power project
Module 6: ENGINEERING FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION: Concept of green building and green
architecture- leed ratings- identification of energy related enterprises that represent the breath of the
industry and prioritizing these as candidates- embodied energy analysis and use as a tool for measuring
sustainability - energy audit of facilities and optimization of energy consumption

Text Books:
1. Giri N.K, “Alternate Energy (Sources, Applications and Technologies)”, Khanna Publishers, 2012
2. Amlan Chakrabarti, “Energy Engineering and Management”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2011
Reference Books:
1. Boyle, Godfrey, “Renewable Energy”, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2004
2. Jean-Philippe- Zaccour, Georges (Eds.), “Energy and Environment Set: Mathematics of Decision
Making”, Loulou, Richard- Waaub, XVIII, 2005

Civil Engineering
3. Ristinen, Robert A. Kraushaar, Jack J. AKraushaar, Jack P. Ristinen, Robert A, “Energy and the
Environment”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 2006
4. UNDP, “Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability”, World Energy assessment, 2000
5. Adrian Bejan, Peter Vadász, Detlev G. Kröger, “Energy and the Environment”, Springer Science
and Business Media. 1999

0 0 6 3
Course Objectives:
1. To draw and interpret various projections of 1D, 2D and 3D objects
2. To enable to prepare and interpret the drawings of buildings
3. To provide knowledge to make basic engineering drawings using both geometric instruments as
well as softwares
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Sketch two-dimensional orthographic drawings and three-dimensional isometric views.
2. Create and modify two-dimensional orthographic drawings using AutoCAD software, complete
with construction lines, dimensions, and layers, conforming to industry standards.
3. Create three-dimensional solid models using AutoCAD software, and generate paper space
layouts from model space geometry.
4. Visualize three-dimensional solids from two-dimensional pictures.
5. Create a portfolio of drawings to demonstrate their abilities to potential employers.
6. Communicate effectively using manual and computerized graphical techniques.
List of Exercises:
1. Introduction to use of drawing instruments and Lettering practice.
Construction of polygons
Dimensioning practice of lines, circles, arcs using aligned and chain dimensioning systems.
2. Projection of points in different quadrants.
3. Projection of lines
4. First angle projections, conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views
5. Projections of prism, pyramid, cylinder and cone - axis parallel to one plane and perpendicular to
the other plane, Parallel to both planes.
6. Introduction to Isometric projection - Isometric views of basic solids - prism, pyramid, cylinder
and cone – perspective projections – one point method
Auto CADD:
7. Drawing and plotting: Snap, Grid, Limits, Osnap, line types and weights, text, file creation and
8. Modifying Commands: Erase, trim, array, lengthen, break, mirror, offset, move, copy etc.
9. Methods of drawing lines, arcs and circles.
10. Application of lines, arcs and circles to draw simple geometries.
11. Dimensioning, hatching methods to show different materials, title block and layers.
12. Isometric view of solids.

Text Books:
1. Gurcharan Singh, “Civil Engineering Drawing”, Standard Publishers Distributors, 2005
2. Shah, M.B. and Rana B.C, “Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics”, Pearson Education,
Reference Books:
1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. and Ingle P.R., “Engineering Drawing”, Charotar Publishing House,

Civil Engineering
2. Agrawal B. and Agrawal C. M, “Engineering Graphics”, TMH Publication, 2012
3. Narayana, K.L. and P Kannaiah, Text book on “Engineering Drawing”, Scitech Publishers, 2008
4. David A. Madsen, David P. Madsen “Engineering Drawing and Design”, Cengage Learning, 2016
5. IS 962 : 1989, IS 965 : 1963


MEASURES 2 0 0 2
Course Objectives
1. To introduce about types of natural and environmental disasters
2. To enable to develop skills in various stages of disaster preparedness, mitigation and management
3. To provide knowledge on the methodologies for disaster risk assessment
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Recall the types of disasters and its causes
2. Understand disaster cycle and assess the risks
3. Apply disaster concepts to disaster management
4. Analyze relationship between development and disasters
5. Decide the roles and responsibilities of organizations and institutions to society and its
organizational structure
6. Design the disaster management and mitigation plan

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Concepts and definitions: disaster – hazard – vulnerability - risks – severity
- frequency and details - capacity - impact – prevention - mitigation - Disaster management cycle – its
phases - prevention, mitigation, preparedness, relief and recovery - structural and non-structural measures
- risk analysis - vulnerability and capacity assessment - early warning systems.
Module 2: DISASTERS: Disasters classification - Natural disasters: floods, draught, cyclones,
earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, coastal erosion, soil erosion and forest fires - Manmade Disasters:
industrial pollution, nuclear radiation, chemical spills, fire accidents and terrorist strikes.
Causal Phenomena - typical effects - general characteristics - measure and predictability - specific
preparedness measures.
Module 3: DISASTER IMPACTS: Environmental – physical – social – ecological – economic - political
– health - psycho-social issues -Hazard locations: global and national disaster trends - climate change and
urban disasters.
Module 4: DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Post disaster environmental response - water, sanitation, food
safety, waste management, disease control, security and communications.
Policies and legislation for disaster risk reduction - Hazard and vulnerability profile of India - mountain
and coastal areas - ecological fragility.
Module 5: INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK: Roles and responsibilities - Institutions arrangements
(Community based Organisations) - financial arrangements - Role of Central, State, District and Armed
Forces in disaster response - Police and other Departments - NGOs and other stakeholders - Institutional
Framework - Nodal Ministries related with disaster – social responsibility
Module 6: APPLICATION AND CASE STUDIES: Case study – Natural disaster - (or) - Manmade

Text Books
1. Pradeep Sahni, “Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia”, Prentice Hall,2004
2. Singh B.K., “Handbook of Disaster Management: Techniques and Guidelines”, Rajat
Reference Books
1. Jon Ingletone, “Natural Disaster management”, Tulor Rose, 1999
Civil Engineering
2. Iyengar, C.B.R.I. “Natural Hazards in the Urban Habitat”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2001.
3. Ghosh G.K., “Disaster Management”, APH Publishing Corporation, 2006
4. Disaster Medical Systems Guidelines. Emergency Medical Services Authority, State of California,
EMSA no.214, June 2003
5. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial
Support in Emergency Settings. Geneva: IASC. Feb. 2007



Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the latest construction technologies adopted by Industry
2. To impart knowledge about advanced project management and monitoring techniques
3. To inculcate the concepts of construction management
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the basics of building components
2. Understand the items / facets of construction engineering
3. Apply the construction engineering techniques for various components
4. Classify the various techniques for different project
5. Explain the importance of project management
6. Propose an Engineering and Management Plan

Module 1: ASPECTS OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING: Components of building, steps in

construction of a residential building - site preparation – site layout, site clearing, setting out buildings –
requirement of excavation and foundation, types of foundation, shoring and strutting, anti-termite
treatment, dewatering and backfilling
Module 2: VARIOUS CONSTRUCTIONS: Masonry constructions – types and materials of masonry
constructions, bonds in masonry construction, concrete constructions – types of concrete constructions,
foundations, columns, beams, lintels, slabs, methods of construction, IS provisions (introduction), Joints in
RC construction
Module 3: ENABLING WORKS: Formwork and scaffolding – types of formworks, scaffolding works
for concreting, shoring and under-pinning, striking of formwork - reinforcement works – organising the
works, bending of reinforcement, fixing works
Module 4: FINISHING WORKS: Plastering, pointing and painting – types of plasters, special plasters,
types of pointing, painting – description of painting, whitewashing, cement paint, dry distemper - flooring
– components of floors, toppings in floor construction, choice of floor finish, floor surface hardeners, types
of flooring – concrete, stone, ceramic, wooden flooring – roof: flat roof, sloped roof - openings – doors,
windows and ventilators – standard sizes and fixing methods
Module 5: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT BASICS: Construction as industry: introduction to
construction industries - concepts and need of management in construction -principles of management:
concept, scope, functions of management - construction project planning: life cycle, identification,
preparation, appraisal - detailed planning – implementation - monitoring and control -network: need,
importance - bar chart - CPM and PERT techniques - analysis of network - time-cost trade off - scheduling
technique - updating project - resource allocation and levelling.
Module 6: MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT: Material Management: Scope,
importance, objectives, functions of material management classification and codification of material -
inventory control: need, function, economic order quantity - construction equipment management: types of
equipment and factors affecting selection - functions of equipment management - owning and operating
costs - time-value of money concept - economic life, safety, maintenance and repair of equipment.

Civil Engineering
Text Books:
1. Seetharaman, S., “Construction Engineering and Management”, Umesh Publications, 2007
2. Sengupta, B., and Guha, H., “Construction Management and Planning”, Tata McGraw-Hill
Book cc, 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Rana, V. K., “Construction Management Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing CO, 2000
2. Chitkara, K. K., “Construction Project Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing COM, 2000
3. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, “Project Management for Construction – Fundamental Concepts
for Owners, Engineers, Architects and Builders”, Prentice Hall, Pittsburgh, 2000
4. Punmia, B.C., Khandelwal, K.K., Project Planning with PERT and CPM, Laxmi Publications,
5. IS 1003 : Part 1 : 2003, IS 4082 : 1996, National Building Code, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
Delhi, 2017

3 0 0 3

Course Objectives
1. To introduce the characteristics of building materials
2. To understand the various natural dynamic processes their influence on the surface features,
natural material and their consequences.
3. To familiarize the physical properties of rocks and minerals.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the application of knowledge on geology to civil engineering structures
2. Investigate the geological formations and their contributions
3. Comprehend the significance of earth and its minerals
4. Identify geological structures and processes for rock mass quality
5. Explore modern equipments and the recent techniques to be used
6. Apply geological principles for mitigation of natural hazards and select sites for constructions

Module 1: GEOLOGY: Geology in civil engineering – branches of geology – earth structure and
composition – continental drift and plate tectonics - earth processes – weathering – work of rivers – causes
of earthquake – earthquake belts in India – Mineralogy: crystallographic systems – physical properties of
minerals – study of the following rock forming minerals – quartz family, behavior family, augite,
hornblende, biotite, muscovite, calcite, garnet – properties, behavior and engineering significance of clay
Module 2: PETROLOGY: Classification of rocks – distinction between igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks - description, occurrence, engineering properties and distribution of rocks - igneous
rocks: granite, syenite, diorite, gabbro, pegmatite and basalt - sedimentary rocks: sandstone, limestone,
shale, conglomerate and breccia - metamorphic rocks: quartzite, marble, slate, thyllite, gneiss and schist.
Module 3: STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY: Attitude of beds – outcrops – geological maps – study of
structures – folds, faults and joints – Engineering investigations –Landslides – causes and prevention - Sea
erosion and coastal protection - Tsunami
Module 4: BUILDING MATERIALS: Bricks - types - properties, mortar and concrete: cement,
aggregates, water, characteristics of concrete - properties and use of pozzolana materials - types of mortars:
lime - properties, lime concrete, timber products -properties and application
Module 5: ADVANCED MATERIALS: Polymeric materials: rubber and plastics, properties, properties
and application - polymers in civil engineering, fibers and composites, admixtures and m-sand - ceramic

Civil Engineering
materials: classification, refractories, glass, wool, mechanical and thermal properties, fire resistance
materials, uses and application.
Module 6: PROTECTIVE COATINGS: Types of structural steels, alloy steel, stainless steel, light gauge
steel, corrosion resistant materials, measures of protection and protective coatings – waterproofing
materials: properties, types and its applications - flooring materials – tiles - acoustic treatment materials

Text Books
1. Varghese P.C., “Building materials”, Prentice Hall, 2005
2. Parbin Singh, “Engineering and general Geology”, Katson publication House, 2010.
Reference Books
1. Rajput. R.K., “Engineering Materials”, S. Chand and Company Ltd., 2008
2. Shetty.M.S., “Concrete Technology (Theory and Practice)”, S. Chand and Company Ltd., 2008
3. Gambhir.M.L., “Concrete Technology”, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2004
4. Duggal.S.K., “Building Materials”, 4th Edition, New Age International , 2008
5. SP 21 , IS 1077 : 1992, IS 1141 : 1993


DYNAMICS 3 1 0 4

Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about statics with emphasis on force equilibrium and free body diagrams.
2. To expose to the stresses and response of elements.
3. To impart the mechanical behavior of materials under various load conditions.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Illustrate the concepts of mechanics
2. Identify the philosophies to suite suitable sections
3. Examine the forces in the members
4. Analyse the response of the elements
5. Evaluate the behavior based on the response
6. Apply the basic principles to solve problems in mechanics

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Centroid - centre of gravity - moment of inertia of plane sections -

theorems of moment of inertia - composite sections - mass moment of inertia of circular plate, cylinder,
cone, sphere, hook.
Module 2: DYNAMICS: Particle dynamics- rectilinear motion - plane curvilinear motion - relative and
constrained motion - newton’s second law: rectangular, path, and polar coordinates - work-kinetic energy,
power and potential energy - impulse-momentum- impact - direct and oblique.
Module 3: KINETICS OF RIGID BODIES: Principles in dynamics - types of motion - D’Alembert’s
principle: plane motion and connected bodies - work energy principle: plane motion and connected bodies
- kinetics of rigid body rotation
Module 4: BASIC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: Stability of equilibrium - equilibrium in three
dimensions - method of sections - method of joints - simple trusses - beams - types of beams
Module 5: VIRTUAL WORK AND ENERGY METHOD: Virtual displacements - degrees of freedom
- energy equation for equilibrium - analysis of statically determinate beams - cantilever, simply supported
beam, overhanging beam: point load, UDL and UVL
Module 6: SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS: St. Venant’s principle - types of stresses and strains,
Hooke’s law – stress – strain diagram for mild steel – working stress – factor of safety – lateral strain,
Poisson’s ratio and volumetric strain – relation between moduli – bars of varying section – composite bars–
temperature stresses

Civil Engineering
Text Books:
1. Irving H. Shames, “Engineering Mechanics”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006
2. Beer F. P and Johnston E. R, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers”, Vol I - Statics, Vol II, – Dynamics,
9th Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
Reference Books:
1. HibblerR. C., “Engineering Mechanics: Principles of Statics and Dynamics”, Pearson Press. 2006
2. Andy Ruina and Rudra Pratap, “Introduction to Statics and Dynamics”, Oxford University Press,
3. Shanes and Rao, “Engineering Mechanics”, Pearson Education, 2006
4. Bansal R.K, “A Text Book of Engineering Mechanics”, Laxmi Publications, 2010
5. Khurmi R.S., “Engineering Mechanics”, S. Chand and Co. 2010



Course Objectives:
1. To understand sensor theory and technology, data acquisition, and decision making.
2. To interpret the principles used in physical infrastructure/bridges/buildings/pavements.
3. To learn the IoT and its implementation
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the principles of operation and characteristics of instrumentation and integrated
sensor systems
2. Predict sensor technologies for specific applications along with limitations
3. Specify the requirements in the calibration of sensors and instruments
4. Analyze the errors during measurements
5. Design sensor systems and set up measurement systems
6. Implement smart systems using IoT


Definition-measurement and instrumentation-physical variables-common types of sensors-function of these
sensors-sensor applications- interpret signals from sensor type- types of instrumentation- sensor specifics-
permanent installations-temporary installations
Module 2: SENSOR INSTALLATION AND OPERATION: Response of sensors to various inputs-
conceptual instrumentation and monitoring program-methodology for sensor installation-differentiate types
of sensors and their modes of operation and measurement - approach to planning monitoring programs -
define target -sensor selection-measurement uncertainty – sensor pavers and sensors in batching plants,
landslides, concrete
Module 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: Statistical concepts-data reduction and
interpretation- piezometer, inclinometer, strain gauge -time domain signal processing- discrete signals-
signals and noise –calculation: mean, standard deviation-median-mode-range
Module 4: SENSOR APPLICATION: Principles - Transducer characteristics - acoustic, current,
temperature, pressure, electric, magnetic, gravity, salinity - concentration of contaminants – velocity - heat
flow and optical devices – infrastructure: bridges, buildings, pavements, batching plant, concrete, slopes,
Module 5: INTERNET OF THINGS: IoT architecture outline- standards considerations- M2M and IoT
technology fundamentals - devices and gateways - local and wide area networking- cloud computing for

Civil Engineering
Module 6: IMPLEMENTATION OF SMART SYSTEMS: Big data analytics-privacy and security –
sensing and actuator devices - smart convergent technologies - RFID and microcontrollers

Text Books:
1. Alan S Morri, “Measurement and Instrumentation Principles”, 3rd edition, Butterworth Hienemann,
2. Manabendra Bhuyan, “Intelligent Instrumentation: Principles and Applications”, CRC Press. 2010
Reference Books:
1. David A. Bell, “Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements”, 2ndedition, Oxford Press, 2007
2. TumanskiS., “Principle of Electrical Measurement”, Taylor and Francis, 2006.
3. Arun K. Ghosh, “Introduction to Measurements And Instrumentation”, Phi Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
4. Ali Al-Sabbagh, “Internet of Things and Big Data Analysis”, United Scholars Publication, 2016
5. Ilya Gertsbakh, “Measurement Theory for Engineers”, Springer, 2010.



Course Objectives
1. To demonstrate the basic principles in the areas of mechanics of materials and structural analysis
2. To apply the theory of mechanics of solids on real specimens
3. To give hands on training on testing of real specimens
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Be familiar with the operations and laboratory testing equipment
2. Conduct various tests on steel and other materials following BIS code
3. Interpret the laboratory test results

List of Experiments:
1. Tension Test on Mild Steel
2. Double Shear Test on Mild Steel
3. Brinell Hardness Test
4. Rockwell Hardness Test
5. Charpy and Izod Impact Test
6. Test on Open Coil Helical Springs
7. Test on Closed Coil Helical Springs
8. Test on Carriage Springs
9. Verification of Maxwell reciprocal theorem
10. Deflection Test on Steel Beam
11. Compressive Test on Bricks
12. Torsion Test on mild steel

Text Books:
1. Bansal, R. K, “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications (P). Ltd., 2007.
2. Rajput, R. K, “Strength of Materials”, S Chand and Co., 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Timoshenko S.P., “History of Strength of Materials”, Dover Publications, 1953.
2. IS 1500:2005 (ISO 6506-1:1999), Indian Standard “Method for Brinell Hardness Test For Metallic
Materials”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi

Civil Engineering
3. IS 280:2006 Indian Standard “Mild Steel Wire for General Engineering Purposes”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi

0 0 4 2

Course Objective:
1. To introduce the application of civil engineering theory in to practices.
2. To provide knowledge about analysis and design bar bending schedule and welding joints.
3. To impart knowledge using modern equipments in civil engineering
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. list electrical and plumbing work for buildings and factories
2. explain the bar bending schedule to supervisors
3. construct a brick masonry wall
List of Experiments
1. Plumbing Connection of PVC/CPVC pipes for water lines with elbow, coupling, Tee, bend
2. Sealants in CPVC windows and doors (demo)
3. Steel bar bending for RCC works (demo only)
4. Practices in Brick Masonry Construction
5. Practices in Brickwork Plastering
6. Wiring for residential building
7. Construction of formwork (demo only)
8. Nuts, Bolts and hinges (demo only)
9. Measurement of electrical quantities voltage, current and power
10. Welding Practices (single v-butt joint, lap joint)
11. Sheet metal works (Rectangular, Cone making)
12. Carpentry work (Middle lap joint, T joint)

Text Books:
1. Saravanapandian M, Pranitha S, Jeyapoovan T., “Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual”, VRB
Publishers Private Ltd 2009
2. Jeyachandran.K, Natarajan.S and Balasubramanian.S. “A Primer on Engineering Practices
Laboratory”, Anuradha Publications, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Bawa.H.S, “Workshop Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007.
2. Rajendra Prasad.A and Sarma P.M.M.S., “Workshop Practice”, Sree Sai Publication, 2002.
3. IS 817 : 1966 Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders

0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
1. To develop graphical skills for communicating concepts, ideas and designs of engineering
2. To get exposure to national standards relating to technical drawings
3. To examine a design critically with understanding of CAD
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Develop Parametric design and the conventions of formal engineering drawing

Civil Engineering
2. Produce and interpret 2D and 3D drawings
3. Draw conventional structures using practical norms.

List of Experiments
1. Planning and orientation of Residential buildings
2. planning and orientation of Industrial building
3. Glazed and paneled wooden door and windows
4. Residential Buildings with load bearing walls including details of Wall footing. (Plan, Section and
5. Typical two storeyed commercial RCC building including all joinery, finishing and other details
(Plan, Section and Elevation)
6. Typical two storeyed School building including all joinery, finishing and other details (Plan,
Section and Elevation)
7. MEP drawing for Residential building
8. Building with sloped roof
9. Industrial building - Trusses with Joints
10. Architectural drawing of Multi-storeyed residential buildings (3DDrawing)
11. Architectural drawing of Pre Engineering buildings (3D Drawing)
12. Auto DCR

Text Books:
1. Subhash C Sharma and Gurucharan Singh, “ Civil Engineering Drawing” , Standard Publishers,
2. Ajeet Singh, “ Working with AUTOCAD 2000 with updates on AUTOCAD 200I”, Tata- Mc Graw-
Hill Company Limited, New Delhi, 2002
Reference Books:
1. Venugopal, “Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AUTOCAD”, New Age International Pvt.
2. Sham Tickoo Swapna D, “ AUTOCAD for Engineers and Designers”, Pearson Education,2009
3. AutoCAD 2017 - Reference manual

0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce computer skills related to the field of civil engineering
2. To make the Student to analyse and design structural elements using software
3. To provide hands on experience in design and preparation of drawings relating civil engineering
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Develop and program engineering analyses using Excel
2. Design various structures for the requirements of the society as per IS codes
3. Learn to solve civil engineering problems with differential equations using software
List of Exercises:
1. Analysis and Design of Residential building for static loads
2. Analysis and Design RCC multistoried framed building for static loads
3. Analysis and Design RCC multistoried framed building for lateral loads
4. Analysis and Design of Steel framed building
5. Analysis and Design of Truss
6. Evaluation of seepage using MODFLOW
Civil Engineering
7. Creation of shape files in ArcGIS
8. Evaluation of settlement of foundation
9. Slope stability analysis of soil
10. Analysis and Design of RCC Retaining wall
11. Spread sheets for the design of Water tank
12. Spread sheets for the design of Beam

Text Books:
1. Krishnaraju,N. “Structural Design and Drawing”, Universities Press, 2009.
2. Punmia B.C, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation”, Laxmi Publications, 2017
Reference Books:
1. Krishnamurthy, D., “Structural Design and Drawing – Vol. II and III”, CBS Publishers, 2010.
2. STAAD Pro V8i - Reference manual
3. Tim Orms, Eileen Napoleon, Robert Burke, Carolyn Groessl, Laura Feaster, “Getting to Know
ArcGIS Desktop: Basics of ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo”, ESRI, Inc., 2004

0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about design and detail of RCC structures.
2. To impart knowledge about design and detail of steel structures.
3. To maintain and operate environmental structures
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the design procedures of various structures
2. Estimate the various loads on the structures
3. Appraise and design of impounding structures and cross drainage works

List of Experiments:
Design of Reinforced Concrete structures
1. Building floor system
2. Cantilever Retaining wall
3. Dog legged Staircase
4. Rectangular and Overhead Water tank
Design of Steel Structures
5. Slab base with steel column
6. Roof Truss and its connection
7. Gantry Girder
8. Framed Connections
Environmental Engineering
9. Sedimentation tank
10. Septic tank
11. Rapid sand filter
12. Layout of treatment plant components

Text Books:
1. Krishna Raju N, “Structural Design and Drawing”, University Press, 2005.
2. Duggal .S.K, “Design of steel structures”, Tata Mcgraw –Hill Publishing company Ltd, 2009.
3. Santhosh Kumar Garg “Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering” Khanna publications,

Civil Engineering
Reference Books:
1. Ramchandra, “Design of Steel Structures”, Standard Book House, Delhi-6, 2004
2. Krishna Raju, N and Pranesh, R.N., “Reinforced Concrete Design – IS 456 – 2000 Principles and
Practice”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2003
3. SP 34 – “Handbook on Reinforcement and Detailing”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi

3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce fundamental concepts of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics
2. To apply the concepts of flow measurements and analysis of flow through pipes
3. To provide knowledge about boundary layer theory and flow around submerged objects
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the behaviour of fluids under static condition, measure pressure changes and estimate total
pressure on plane surfaces
2. Demonstrate flow measurement methods
3. Identify the flow pattern and estimate total energy
4. Select method to design pipe flows including losses
5. Formulate and solve boundary layer problems
6. Relate the physical parameters using dimensional analysis

Module 1:INTRODUCTION: Fluid Properties – Newton’s law of Viscosity – classification of fluids -

fluid statics - pressure – Pascal’s law – atmospheric, absolute, gauge and vacuum pressures – pressure
measurement - hydrostatics: forces on plane and curved surfaces-total pressure and centre of pressure
Module 2:FLUID KINEMATICS: Types of flow – stream line - continuity equation – one dimensional
and three dimensional flow – velocity potential and stream function - equations of motion Euler’s equation
in one dimensional form – Bernoulli’s equation
Module 3: FLOW MEASUREMENTS: Venturimeter – orifice meter – turbulent flow - Reynold’s
experiment – Reynold’s number
Module 4: FLOW THROUGH PIPES: Loss of energy in pipes – hydraulic gradient - energy gradient –
major and minor energy losses – pipes in series and parallel –equivalent pipe
Module 5: BOUNDARY LAYER FLOW: Boundary layer and its definition - displacement thickness -
momentum thickness - energy thickness - forces on submerged bodies
Module 6: DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS AND SIMILITUDE: Fundamental and secondary dimensions
– dimensional homogeneity – Rayleigh and Buckingham Pi methods – significance of dimensionless
numbers – classification of hydraulic models – scale effect

Text Books:
1. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” ,S.Chand and Co., New
Delhi, 2008.
2. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2005
Reference Books:
1. Modi, P.N. and Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard
Book House, New Delhi, 2007
2. Som S.R, and Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Subramanya, K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2011

Civil Engineering
4. Gupta S. C, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Pearson Education India., 2006
5. Yunus A Cengel, “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., 2010.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about the analytical methods for determining the strength, stiffness
(deformation characteristics), and stability of the various members in a structural system.
2. To familiarize the fundamental concepts of stress, strain and deformation of solids with
applications to bars, beams and trusses.
3. To impart the procedures to estimate the load carrying capacity of various structural components
and elements
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Illustrate the concepts and principles
2. Explain the behaviour of structural elements
3. Analyze the structural members for various forces
4. Estimate the response of the elements
5. Develop suitable response intricacies
6. Adapt suitable analysis procedure

Module 1: INDETERMINATE BEAMS: Strain energy method: Static indeterminacy - strain energy
method - analysis of indeterminate structures, beams, pin jointed and rigid jointed structures - temperature
effect - bending moment and shear force diagram.
Module 2: BENDING AND SHEAR STRESS: Flexural stresses-theory of simple bending – assumptions
– neutral axis – bending stresses – section modulus of various solid and hollow sections – flitched beams -
shear stresses - shear stress distribution for solid sections
Module 3: SLOPE AND DEFLECTION- DETERMINATE BEAMS: Relationship between moment,
slope and deflection - Moment area method - Conjugate beam method - Macaulay’s method.
Module 4: TORSION: Torsion equation - hollow and solid circular shafts - torsional rigidity - Combined
torsion and bending of circular shafts – helical springs
Module 5: COLUMNS: Short and long columns - Euler’s theory – Critical load – Rankine’s formula –
Eccentrically loaded column – middle third rule
Failure theories: Principal stress – principal strain – shear stress – strain energy – distortion energy theory
Module 6: THIN AND THICK CYLINDERS: Hoop stress - longitudinal stress - cylinder subjected to
internal pressures - analysis of compound cylinders

Text Books:
1. Rajput.R.K. “Strength of Materials”, S.Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi 2014.
2. Bhavikatti, S., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 and 2, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. Egor.P.Popo V, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2001
2. Vazirani.V.N, Ratwani.M.M, Duggal .S.K, “Analysis of Structures: Analysis, Design and Detailing
of Structures-Vol.1”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 2014.
3. Timoshenko.S.P. and Young .D.H., “Elements of Strength of Materials”, V Edition, Affiliated East-
West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
4. Vaidyanathan, R. and Perumal, P., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 and 2, Laxmi Publications, New
Delhi, 2014
5. Ramamrutham S, “Theory of structures”, DhanpatRai publications, 2004
Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the principle of surveying methods
2. To teach different methods of surveying
3. To provide knowledge about the surveying applications in Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Perform basic land surveying instruments and perform related calculations.
2. select methods to measure angles and distances
3. schedule field surveying operations
4. examine the implementation of surveying procedures for setting out curves
5. appraise the usage of equipment’s and methods in triangulation survey
6. formulate the surveying methods and executions

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO SURVEYING: Surveying: Principles, linear and angular methods,

survey stations, survey lines- ranging, bearing of survey lines, levelling: principles of levelling-instruments-
bench mark, temperory and permanent adjustment-booking and reducing levels; differential, reciprocal
leveling, profile levelling and cross sectioning, curvature and refraction correction – reciprocal levelling,
errors in levelling; contouring: characteristics, methods, uses.
Module 2:THEODOLITE SURVEYING: Theodolite–principle and practices –types- temporary and
permanent adjustments- horizontal and vertical angles – repetition and reiteration methods – traversing -
closing error and distribution-bowditch’s and transit rule – omitted measurements -heights and distances-
single plane-double plane method
Module 3: TACHEOMETRIC SURVEYING: Tacheometric surveying - principle of stadia method –
distance and elevation formulae for staff held vertical – instrumental constants - anallactic lens -tangential
method- substense bar
Module 4: CURVES: Curve surveying: curves types - elements of simple curves – setting out simple
curves by linear and angular methods – transition curve - requirements and functions.
Module 5: TRIANGULATION AND SETTING OUT WORKS: classification of triangulation systems
- intervisibility and height of stations - signals and towers – satellite stations: reduction to centre –setting
out introduction- setting out of a building, culvert and bridge pier.
Module 6: TOTAL STATION: EDM: Total Station – parts of a total station - accessories –advantages
and applications - errors in total station survey- downloading - processing and preparation of maps, area,
contouring, downloading

Text Books:
1. Punmia B. C., Ashok k Jain, Arun K Jain., “Surveying”, Vol I,II,III, Laxmi Publications, 2005
2. Arora, K.R., “Surveying, Vol-I, II and III”, Standard Book House, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill and Co., New Delhi 2015.
2. Bhavikatti. S.S., “Surveying: Theory and Practice”, IK International Publishing House Pvt Ltd,
3. Madhu, N, Sathikumar, R and Satheesh Gobi, “Advanced Surveying: Total Station, GIS and
Remote Sensing”, Pearson India, 2006.
4. Paul R. Wolf, Charles D. Ghilani, “Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics”,
Prentice Hall, 2006
5. Uren J, Price W.F, “Surveying for Engineers”, Macmillan International Higher Education., 2010

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about different methods of analysis
2. To impart the different techniques available for the analysis of structures
3. To enable to identify the best suitable method of analysis
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Illustrate the concepts and principles
2. Explain the behaviour of structural elements
3. Analyze the structural members for various forces
4. Estimate the response of the elements
5. Develop suitable response intricacies
6. Adapt suitable analysis procedure
Module 1: MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD: Moment distribution method - analysis of
continuous beams and portals –sway and non-sway analysis- bending moment and shear force diagram
Module 2: ROLLING LOAD: Influence line –rolling loads - influence lines for bending moment and
shear force- Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem-Muller Breaslau’s - principle, determinate and indeterminate
Module 3: ARCHES: Three hinged arch – Two hinged arch – parabolic and semi-circular arches –
Concentrated loads – Uniform loads – Temperature effects – determination of reaction, normal thrust, radial
shear and bending moment – influence line for stress resultants in two hinged and three hinged arches –
load position for maximum
Module 4: SUSPENSION CABLES AND BRIDGES: Cables and suspension bridges with three hinged
stiffening girders
Module 5 : STIFFNESS METHOD: Forces not acting at co-ordinates - formulation of structure stiffness
matrix - determination of displacements - application to determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams,
frames - effect of temperature, lack of fit - static condensation technique. - use of analysis software for
application to the analysis of plane trusses and frames.
Module 6 : PLASTIC ANALYSIS: Statically indeterminate structures – beams in pure bending – plastic
moment of resistance – plastic modulus – shape factor – load factor – plastic hinge and mechanism - static
and kinematic methods – upper and lower bound theorems -plastic analysis of indeterminate beams and

Text Books:
1. Vazirani and Ratwani, “Analysis of Structures, Vol. 1 and II” , Khanna publishers, 2003.
2. Bhavikatti, S., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 and 2, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. Vaidyanathan, R. and Perumal, P., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1and 2, Laxmi Publications, New
Delhi, 2014
2. Ramamrutham S., “Theory of structures”, Dhanpat Rai publications, 2004
3. Reddy C.S., “Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
4. Negi L.S., “Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2003
5. Rajasekharan and Sankarasubramaiam, “Computational Structural Mechanics”, Prentice-Hall of
India. 2000

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the fundamentals of flow in open channels
2. To inculcate the concepts of flow variations
3. To impart the knowledge on pumps and turbines
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Define the uniform flow conditions for channels
2. Recognize the non – uniform flow conditions for channels
3. Demonstrate the application of hydraulic jumps
4. Measure flow in open channels
5. Experiment on the impact of forces exerted by the jet on inclined, curved and stationary bodies
6. Investigate the selection and operation turbines and pumps

Module 1: UNIFORM FLOW: Pipe flow and open channel flow – types of open channel flow,
geometrical elements of open channel –velocity distribution in open channel – steady uniform flow:
Chezy’s equation, Manning’s equation – most economical sections for uniform flow – computations in
uniform flow – specific energy and specific force – critical depth and velocity.
Module 2: GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW: Dynamic equations of gradually varied flow – water surface
flow profile classifications: Hydraulic slope and hydraulic curve – Flow measurements: weirs and notches
– rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal
Module 3: RAPIDLY VARIED FLOW: Application of the energy equation for RVF – critical depth and
velocity – critical, subcritical and super-critical flow – hydraulic jump – energy dissipation.
Module 4: IMPACT OF JET: introduction – force exerted by the jet on a stationary vertical plate, hinged
plate, inclined plate – force exerted by a jet on moving plate - impact of jet on vanes.
Module 5: TURBINES: Turbines – layout and components of hydro-electric project – impulse turbine -
reaction turbines – Francis turbine – Kaplan turbines – draft tube – head losses and efficiencies - specific
Module 6: PUMPS: Centrifugal pumps – working principle – single stage and multi-stage pumps -
minimum starting speed – Euler’s head, manometric head – specific speed - reciprocating pumps – working
principle of reciprocating pumps – indicator diagram - airvessels.

Text Books:
1. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S.Chand and Co., New
Delhi, 2008.
2. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2005
Reference Books:
1. Modi, P.N. and Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard
Book House, New Delhi, 2007
2. Som S.R, and Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Gupta S. C, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Pearson Education India., 2006
4. Subramanya, K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2011
5. Yunus A.Cengel., “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., 2010.

Civil Engineering

Course Objectives:
1. To impart the understanding of design philosophies of RCC elements
2. To enable design and detail the structural elements as per IS 456:2000
3. To enable plan and design a building using codal provisions
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the design philosophies for RCC elements
2. Demonstrate the behaviour of elements for load calculations
3. Illustrate the LSM for estimating stress resultants
4. Design the section and reinforcement for the structural elements
5. Develop suitable detailing diagrams
6. Prepare the design for buildings

Module 1: DESIGN PHILOSOPHY: Design Concept: working stress method, ultimate load method and
limit state method –limit state of collapse and serviceability- partial safety factors for material and loading
-stress-strain characteristics: concrete and reinforcing steel – sections: under reinforced, over reinforced
and balanced section
Module 2: SLABS: Analysis and design: one way slab - two way slabs - continuous slabs - cantilever slabs
- boundary conditions
Module 3: BEAMS: Analysis and design: singly, doubly reinforced rectangular and flanged beams –
Design for bond and anchorage, deflection and torsion
Module 4: COLUMNS: Columns classifications – braced and unbraced columns -design of short column:
axially loaded, uniaxial bending, biaxial bending - long column.
Module 5: FOOTING: Design of wall footing – design of axially and eccentrically loaded rectangular and
sloped footings – design of combined rectangular footing for two columns only.
Module 6: RC FRAMED BUILDING: - Substitute frame method - planning and design of a G+3 storied
RCC building.

Text Books:
1. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdass Menon, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., 2003
2. Ashok, Kumar Jain, “Limit state design of Reinforced Concrete”, Laxmi Publications, New
Reference Books:
1. Sinha. S.N. “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
2. Purushothaman. P, “Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., 2006
3. Krishna Raju. N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors,
Delhi 2005
4. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on design connections, tension and compression members.
2. To enable to design Flexural members.
3. To enable to design Industrial Building.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the behaviour of members
2. Estimate the forces in members.
3. Design the member for forces
4. Choose suitable codal provisions
5. Explain the design intricacies
6. Formulate the design for steel structures

Module 1: CONNECTIONS: Properties of structural steel- classification of steel sections- limit state
design concepts- loads and load combination, connection- welding, bolting- design of bolted and welded
joints- simple connections - efficiency of joints.
Module 2: TENSION MEMBERS: Types of sections- net area- net effective sections of angle and tee in
tension – block shear - lug angles- design of tension splice - concept of shear lag - built-up sections - splicing
of tension members
Module 3:COMPRESSION MEMBERS: Compression members – effective length - slenderness ratio –
buckling – mode of failure - design of compression members - design of single and compound section
members- design of laced and battened columns – slab base and gusseted base
Module 4: BEAMS: Design of laterally supported and unsupported beams- built up beams- design of
welded plate girders- intermediate and bearing stiffeners.
Module 5: TRUSS: Roof truss - loading types - Roof and side covering- Design of purlin and elements of
truss - end bearing - Design of gantry girder
Module 6: INDUSTRIAL SHED: Planning and design of roof truss supporting system and column base

Text Books:
1. Duggal. S.K, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,
2. Bhavikatti.S.S, “Design of Steel Structures by Limit State Method as per IS:800–2007”, IK
International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2014
Reference Books:
1. Subramanian.N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Gambhir.M.L., “Fundamentals of Structural Steel Design”, McGraw Hill Education IndiaPvt. Ltd.,
3. Shiyekar. M.R., “Limit State Design in Structural Steel”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Learning
Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2013.
4. Pasala Dayaratnam, “Design of Steel Structures”, S. Chand Publishers, 2008
5. IS 800 :2007, IS4000:1982, SP : 6 ( 3 )

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge to classify the soil based on index properties.
2. To familiarize the Student on compaction, flow through soils, consolidation and shear strength of
3. To impart knowledge on slope stability analysis.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the soil properties.
2. Evaluate the flow through soils.
3. Analyze the stress behaviours.
4. Demonstrate the settlement characteristics.
5. Compare various slope stability analyses.
6. Integrate the laboratory tests with strength properties

Module 1: SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND COMPACTION: Soil description – Soil structure – Phase
relation – Index properties – Particle size distribution – Atterberg’s limits – indices - BIS classification -
Compaction of soils –laboratory tests – Proctor’s compaction – standard – modified – zero voids line - field
compaction methods – factors influencing compaction of soils -compaction control
Module 2: EFFECTIVE STRESS AND PERMEABILITY: Soil - water – Static pressure in water -
Effective stress concepts in soils – capillary phenomena– Two dimensional flow – Darcy’s law –
permeability - laboratory methods - constant head - falling head methods – stratified strata - factors
influencing permeability of soils – seepage - laplace’s equation – quick sand – liquefaction - flow nets.
Module 3: STRESS DISTRIBUTION: Stress distribution in homogeneous and isotropic medium –
Boussinesq theory – Point load, Line load and UDL – Westergaard’s solution - Use of New marks influence
Module 4: CONSOLIDATION: Components of settlement –– immediate and consolidation settlement –
terzaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory – computation of rate of settlement. - √t and log t methods
– e-log p relationship.
Module 5: SHEAR STRENGTH: Shear strength of cohesive and cohesion less soils – Mohr-Coulomb’s
failure theory – Measurement of shear strength - Direct shear, Triaxial compression, UCC and Vane shear
tests – Pore pressure parameters
Module 6: SLOPE STABILITY: Stability Analysis - Infinite slopes and finite slopes – Total stress
analysis - Friction circle method – Use of stability number – Method of slices – Fellenious and Bishop’s
method –Stability number - Slope protection measures.

Text Books
1. Arora, K.R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi, 2011.
2. Murthy, V.N.S., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers Distribution Ltd.,
New Delhi. 2015
Reference Books
1. McCarthy, D.F., “Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Prentice-Hall, 2006.
2. Coduto, D.P., “Geotechnical Engineering – Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi, 2010.
3. Gopal Ranjan and Rao, A.S.R., “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age Ltd., International
Publisher New Delhi (India) 2006.
4. Karl Terzaghi , “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice”, Read Books, 2010.
5. IS 2809-1972 ,IS 1498-1970,IS 2720 (Part 1-37), SP 36 Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on site investigation methods.
2. To select geotechnical design parameters and type of foundations.
3. To familiarize the geotechnical design of different type of foundations and retaining walls.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the various site investigation methods.
2. Calculate the bearing capacity of soils and foundation settlements.
3. Analyze the various foundation system.
4. Design the foundation system for larger depths.
5. Suggest retaining structures catering to earth pressure conditions.
6. Adopt suitable subsurface instrumentation.


methods of exploration – auguring and boring – wash boring and rotary drilling – depth and spacing of bore
holes – bore log report - soil samples – representative and undisturbed – sampling methods – split spoon
sampler, thin wall sampler, stationary piston sampler – penetration tests (SPT and SCPT) – data
interpretation - selection of foundation based on soil condition
Module 2: BEARING CAPACITY: Introduction – location and depth of foundation – codal provisions –
bearing capacity of shallow foundation on homogeneous deposits – Terzaghi’s formula and BIS formula –
factors affecting bearing capacity – bearing capacity from in-situ tests (SPT, SCPT and Plate load) –
allowable bearing pressure – seismic considerations in bearing capacity evaluation - determination of
settlement of foundations on granular and clay deposits from plate load test – total and differential
settlement – allowable settlements – codal provision – methods of minimizing total and differential
settlements – ground improvement techniques
Module 3: SHALLOW FOUNDATION: Isolated footing - combined footing - mat foundation – contact
pressure and settlement distribution – proportioning of foundations – structural design of isolated and
combined footing - floating foundation.
Module 4: PILE FOUNDATION: Types of piles and their functions – factors influencing the selection of
pile – carrying capacity of single pile in granular and cohesive soil – static formula – dynamic formulae -
engineering news and Hileys– capacity from insitu tests - SPT and SCPT – negative skin friction – uplift
capacity- group capacity by different methods - Feld’s rule, converse – Labarra formula and block failure
criterion – settlement of pile groups – interpretation of pile load test - under reamed piles
Module 5: RETAINING WALLS: Plastic equilibrium in soils – active and passive states – Rankine’s
theory – cohesionless and cohesive soil – Coulomb’s wedge theory – condition for critical failure plane –
earth pressure on retaining walls of simple configurations – Culmann graphical method – pressure on the
wall due to line load – stability analysis of retaining walls – codal provision.
Module 6: CASE STUDIES AND INSTRUMENTATION: Case studies on failure of foundations -
Settlement plate – Piezometer – Load cells – inclinometer – transducers

Text Books:
1. Arora, K.R. “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi, 2011.
2. Varghese, P.C., “Foundation Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, NewDelhi,
Reference Books:
1. Murthy, V.N.S., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers and Distributers
Ltd., New Delhi, 2015.

Civil Engineering
2. Kaniraj, S.R. “Design aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill
publishing company Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Punmia, B.C., “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Laxmi Publications Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
4. Venkatramaiah, C., “Geotechnical Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi,
2007 (Reprint).
5. BIS 2809-1972 ,BIS 1498-1970,BIS 2720 (Part 1-37)

(Industry run course) 2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on constituents of concrete material
2. To familiarize the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
3. To enable to design the concrete mixes
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the constituent materials and composite theory
2. Comprehend the different mechanisms causing volume change from fresh to hardened concrete
3. Recall standards for production of concrete with specified strength and durability.
4. Identify the concrete type under various production conditions for different purposes
5. List the techniques of measuring the failure modes of structural concrete
6. Design a concrete mix based on various parameters

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Concrete: Properties of ingredients- w/c ratio - Production of concrete -

fresh concrete – workability -hydration - concrete additives
Module 2: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE: Behavior of concrete in compression,
tension and flexure - shear and bond - Influence of various factors on test results - creep, shrinkage and
Module 3: MIX DESIGN: Concrete mix design; Proportioning of concrete mixes, basic considerations,
cost specifications, factors in the choice of mix proportion - different method of mix design.
Module 4: DURABILITY OF CONCRETE: Curing – curing methods - Behavior of concrete in extreme
environment: hot weather, cold weather and under water conditions - permeability - sulphate and chloride
attack – efflorescence - fire resistance – corrosion resistance and its prevention – repair and rehabilitation
Module 5: STRUCTURAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT: Inspection and testing of concrete- concrete
cracking - types of cracks - causes and remedies - non-destructive tests on concrete - chemical tests on
cement and aggregates;
Module 6: SPECIAL CONCRETE: Special concrete: Ready mixed concrete – pervious concrete – self
compacting concrete- self healing concrete – Geopolymer concrete - Fibre reinforced concrete- Polymer
concrete –High performance concrete

Text Books:
1. SanthakumarA.R., “Concrete Technology”, Oxford University press, Jai Singh road, Delhi,2006
2. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology”, S.Chand and Co., New Delhi,2005
Reference Books:
1. Gambhir M.L., “Concrete Technology”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company limited, New
Delhi, 2004
2. Neville, A.M, “Properties of Concrete”, Longman Scientific and Technical, England,1995
3. Neville, A.M., “Concrete Technology”, Longman Scientific and Technical, 1990.
4. IS: 303-1970( Second Revision ), Indian Standard Specification for Coarse and Fine Aggregates
from Natural Sources for Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
5. SP 23: Handbook on Concrete Mixes, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi

Civil Engineering
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of surface and ground water hydrology
2. To enable the student to develop skills to appreciate water resources systems
3. To know the purpose of various hydraulic structures
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recognise the concepts to manage water resources and apply for hydrological modelling
2. Decide and plan basic water resources projects
3. Solve water related environment problems
4. Appreciate the importance of reservoirs and hydraulic structures
5. Plan structures for recharging groundwater
6. Maintain hydraulic structures

Module 1: SURFACE HYDROLOGY: Hydrologic cycle – precipitation – measurement of rainfall –

evaporation – factors affecting evaporation – empirical methods – transpiration – estimation of transpiration
– evapotranspiration – empirical methods – transpiration – measurement of infiltration capacity
Module 2: RUNOFF: Introduction – factors affecting runoff – Estimation of Runoff and yield – Empirical
methods – Runoff coefficient method – maximum flood discharge - empirical methods – envelope curves
Module 3: HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS: Hydrograph – components of hydrograph – base flow
separation - unit hydrograph – derivation of unit hydrograph an isolated storm
Module 4: RESERVOIR PLANNING: Introduction – types of reservoirs – types of flood control
reservoirs – selection of site for a reservoir – mass inflow curve and demand curve –analytical method for
determination of storage capacity – flood routing (definition only)
Module 5: GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY: Types of Geologic formation and aquifers – water table
and piezometer surface – aquifer properties – Darcy’s law – Dupuite and Thiem’s theory – steady flow to
a well in an unconfined aquifer – steady flow to a well in a confined aquifer – determination of
transmissibility from steady flow equations – specific capacity and well efficiency – pumping test method
for determination of S and T
Module 6: INTRODUCTION TO HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES: Control structures – modelling - river
training and control dams – types – canal regulation works – canal fall – head and cross regulator – canal
escapes – cross drainage works – diversion head works – weirs and barrages – causeways and culverts.

Text Books:
1. Subramanya, K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2013.
2. Arora, K. R., “Irrigation, water power and water resources Engineering”, Standard Publishers
Distributors, 2012
Reference Books:
1. Linsley, R. K. and Franzini, J.B., “Water Resources Engineering”, McGraw Hill Inc, 4th edition
2. Sahasrabudhe, S.R., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Katson Publishers, 3rd
3. Patra K. C., “Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering”, Alpha Science International, 2008
4. Garg S. K., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2009.
5. Michael, A.M., “Irrigation – Theory and Practices”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize with the component of water supply system and water treatment plants
2. To impart knowledge on the sources, effects and control techniques of air pollutants and noise
3. To make the student conversant with different aspects of municipal solid waste
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the impact of humans on environment and environment on humans
2. Plan the structure of drinking water supply systems.
3. Estimate sewage generation and design sewer system.
4. Perform basic design of unit operations and processes in sewage treatment.
5. Understand the nature and characteristics of municipal solid waste.
6. Converse with basic environmental legislation.

Module 1: PLANNING FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: Public water supply system –Planning -
Objectives - Sources of water and their characteristics - Design period - population forecasting -water
demand – standards - water borne diseases.
Module 2: WATER TREATMENT: Objectives - Unit operations and processes - principle and functions
of flash mixers, flocculators, sedimentation tanks, filtration, aeration, disinfection - distribution network -
water softening.
Module 3: COLLECTION AND ESTIMATION OF SEWAGE: Different types of sewers - sewerage
systems - variation in sewage flow - sewer appurtenance - estimation of storm water discharge - laying and
testing of sewers.
wastewater treatment plant, physical unit operation – screening - flow equalization - flocculation,
sedimentation - chemical precipitation - aerobic and anaerobic treatment process –sewage treatment plant
(stp) - septic tank.
Module 5: AIR AND NOISE: Composition and properties of air - quantification of air pollutants -
monitoring of air pollutants - air pollution- occupational hazards - urban air pollution - automobile pollution
- air quality standards - control measures for air pollution - construction and limitations - noise- basic
concept - measurement and various control methods.
Module 6: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT: Municipal solid waste (MSW) - composition and various
chemical and physical parameters of MSW - Effects of solid waste on environment.

Text Books:
1. Gilbert M Masters, “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”, Pearson new
international edition, third edition, 2014.
2. Basak, “Environmental Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education., 2005
Reference Books:
1. Aarne Vesilind P., Susan M. Morgan, “Introduction to Environmental Engineering”, Thompson
/Brooks/Cole; Second Edition 2008.
2. Peavy, H.s, Rowe, D.R, Tchobanoglous, G. Environmental Engineering, Mc-Graw -Hill
International Editions, New York 2013.
3. Met Calf and Eddy, “Wastewater Engineering, Treatment Disposal and Reuse”, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2010
4. Manual on :Water Supply and Treatment”. Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi.

Civil Engineering
5. IS: 10500 (2012), IS: 1172 (2002), IS: 3025(2009), The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986:
[schedule – VI], Manual on water supply and treatment – CPHEEO, National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (18 November 2009)

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart the importance of transportation and characteristics of different modes of transportation
2. To provide knowledge about the geometric and structural design of different modes of
3. To impart knowledge about planning, construction and operations of Highways, Railways, Airports
and Harbours
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of development of different modes of transportation
2. Explain the components of various transportation system
3. Carry out the engineering surveys involved in planning of transportation system
4. Design the geometric elements of different transportation system
5. Recognize the functions of structural elements of different transportation system
6. Identify the materials used for the construction of transportation modes

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO HIGHWAY ENGINEERING: Different modes of transportation –

Characteristics - Historical development of road construction- Highway development in India –
Classification of roads - Road patterns - Engineering Surveys – Highway planning in India - Highway
projects – Built Operate Transfer (BOT), Built Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT), and Public Private
Partnership (PPP)
Module 2: GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS: Cross section elements; sight distance, design of
horizontal alignment – design speed, super elevation, extra widening - transition curve - design of vertical
alignment – summit curve and valley curve - design of intersections - problems
Module 3: PAVEMENT MATERIALS: Materials used in Highway construction - soil, stone aggregates,
bituminous binders, bituminous paving mixes - portland cement and cement concrete - desirable properties
– tests - requirements for different types of pavements - problems
Module 4: PAVEMENT DESIGN: Introduction - Flexible pavements: factors affecting design and
performance - design of flexible pavements - Rigid pavements: components and functions - factors affecting
design and performance - design of concrete pavements
Module 5: RAILWAY ENGINEERING: Railway Transportation and its development – elements of
permanent way – rails, sleepers, ballast, rail fixtures and fastenings, subgrade and embankment – track
alignment – survey for track alignment – points and crossing – station and yards – signaling and control
Module 6: AIRPORTS AND HARBOURS: Airport planning - airport components – apron, terminal
building, passenger facilities and services, hangers , runway, taxiway, parking area - runway orientation –
wind rose diagram harbours – components of harbour –requirements of harbour- classification of harbours
– site selection and planning of harbours - Ports and Docks – navigational aids

Text Books:
1. Kadiyali L.R, “Transportation Engineering”, Khanna Publishing, 2016
2. Khanna, S.K., Justo, C.E.G and Veeraragavan, A, “Highway Engineering”, Revised 10th Edition,
Nem Chand and Bros, 2017

Civil Engineering
Reference Books:
1. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn, Walter P. Kilareski, “Principles of Highway Engineering
and Traffic Analysis”, 4th Edition, John Wiley
2. Rangwala, “Railway Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 2013
3. Mundrey J.S. “A course in Railway Track Engineering”. Tata McGraw Hill, 2007
4. Rangwala, “Airport Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 2013
5. IRC – 58 – 2015, IRC:37-2012, Standards for “Road and Bridge Works”, Ministry of Road
Transport and Highway (MORTH), 5th Edition, April 2013.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart the knowledge about the types of estimates
2. To identify the methods used for different structural components
3. To provide knowledge about rate analysis and process of preparation of bills
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. List the detailed specification for different types of structures
2. Plan the rate analysis of civil engineering works
3. Determine the rates of various items of civil works
4. Justify estimated cost of civil construction projects
5. Evaluate the actual value of any property
6. Explain specifications and tendering process for contracts


purpose of estimates - types of estimates - various items to be included in estimates - principles in selecting
units of measurement for items, various units and modes of measurement for different trades - IS 1200,
specifications – purpose and basic principles of general and detailed specifications: detailed specifications
for various items of work.
Module 2: ANALYSIS OF RATES: Rate analysis and preparation of bills – data analysis of rates for
various items of works – abstract estimates for Building projects
Module 3: BUILDING AND SANITARY WORKS: Quantity surveying of building – method of
estimate, estimate of walls - estimate of masonry platform - estimate of single room building with verandah
- estimate of two roomed building - sanitary - estimation of a septic tank and soak pit
Module 4: RCC WORKS and STRUCTURES AND ROADS: R.C.C and Steel works - RCC Slab –
RCC beam – RCC column with foundation - RCC framed building - Road- RCC slab culvert - detailed
estimate for WBM - Bituminous road – introduction to MEP in building
Module 5: VALUATION: Valuation: rent fixation, gross income, net income – depreciation - methods of
depreciation: straight line method, declining balance method, sinking fund method, plinth area method
Module 6: TENDERS AND CONTRACTS: Tender notice - tender document - contract-contractor and
terms and conditions of contract – agreement - contract types - relative merits - prequalification -
responsibility of owner, architect, contractor and engineer

Text Books:
1. Dutta.B.N, “Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering Theory and Practice,” UBS publishers
2. Birdie.G.S, “A Text Book on Estimating and Costing”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Jogleka.P.T, “Practical Information for Quantity Surveyors”, Institution of Surveyors, 2017.
2. Vazirani V. N., “Civil Engineering Estimating and Costing”, Khanna Publishers, 2004
Civil Engineering
3. .Kohli R.C, “A Textbook of Estimating, Costing and Accounts ( Civil)”, S. Chand Publishing,
4. Rangwala .S.C, “Valuation of Real Properties”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 2008.
5. IS 1200 : Part 1– 19 – Method of measurement of buildings and civil engineering works

0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To train to acquire skill in operation of various survey instruments
2. To give hands on training on the use of conventional and modern tools of surveying
3. To enhance the knowledge to carryout and interpret the field surveying procedures
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Memorize the procedures of usage of surveying instruments
2. Identify the method for a typical survey
3. Demonstrate the appropriate methods of surveying
4. Organize the field operations during surveying
5. Use modern survey equipment to measure areas and volumes
6. Construct layouts and diagrams as per the field data

List of Experiments:
1. Use of Dumpy level - fly levelling
2. Use of Dumpy level – reciprocal levelling
3. Measurement of horizontal angles by the method of repetition
4. Measurement of horizontal angle by the method of reiteration
5. Single plane method
6. Double plane method
7. Stadia tacheometry and determination of constants of a theodolite
8. Tangential tacheometry
9. Setting out a simple circular curve by ordinates from long chord
10. Setting out a circular curve by Rankine’s method of tangential angles
11. Measurement of area using Total station
12. Measurement of volume using Total station

Text Books:
1. PunmiaB. C., Ashok k Jain, Arun K Jain., “Surveying Vol I,II,III”, Laxmi Publications, 2005
2. Arora, K.R., “Surveying”, Vol-I, II and III, Standard Book House, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGraw Hill and Co., New Delhi 2015.
2. Bhavikatti. S.S., “Surveying: Theory and Practice”, IK International Publishing House Pvt Ltd,
3. Survey Manual, Department of Transportation (DOT), 2010


Course Objective:
1. To give hands on training on principle and working of different flow measuring instruments
2. To impart knowledge on working of different types of turbines and pumps.
3. To demonstrate energy losses in pipe connections

Civil Engineering
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the principles of instruments used in flow related measurements.
2. Demonstrate energy losses in pipe connections.
3. Experiment and select turbines and pumps
List of Experiments:
Fluid Mechanics
1. Determination of Darcy’s Friction Factor.
2. Calibration of Flow Meters.
3. Flow over weirs / Notches.
4. Flow through Mouth piece / orifice.
5. Determination of Minor Losses in pipes
6. Determination of Metacentric height
Fluid Machinery
1. Performance of Centrifugal Pump
2. Performance of Submersible Pump
3. Performance of Gear Oil pump
4. Performance of Jet pump
5. Load Test on Pelton Wheel.
6. Load Test on Francis Turbine

Text Books:
1. Modi, P.N. and Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard
Book House, New Delhi, 10th Edition, 1991.
2. Sarbjit Singh, “Experiments in Hydraulic Engineering”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2012
Reference Books:
1. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” ,S.Chand and Co., New

0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To conversant with the experimental procedures for quantitative estimation of water quality
2. To give hands on training on the testing water sample for drinking water
3. To give training on the determination of wastewater characteristics and microbiological
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. Examine the characteristics of water and waste water
2. Suggest suitable treatment method to water for drinking purpose
3. Check the microbiological presence in the water and wastewater
List of Experiments:
1. pH in given sample
2. Electrical conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).
3. Total solids and settable solids present in given sample
4. Alkalinity in given sample
5. Acidity in given sample
6. Turbidity and optimum coagulant dose of a sample from jar test experiment
Civil Engineering
7. Hardness in given sample
8. Chlorides in given sample
9. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) for given sample
10. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
11. Sulphates present in sample
12. Most probable Number (MPN)

Text Books:
1. Rao Surampalli, Rama Pulicharla, Tian C. Zhang, “Handbook of Environmental Engineering”,
McGraw-Hill Education, 2018
2. Varandani N. S, “Environmental Engineering”, Pearson Education India., 2017
Reference Books:
1. Sawyer, N.C., and McCarty, P.L., “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering”, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., New York, 2003.
2. Lee C. C, “Environmental Engineering Dictionary”, Government Institutes, 2005
3. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water”, APHA- AWWAWPCF, latest
Edn., Washington (D.C). 1995.

0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To provide hands on training in the determination of engineering and index properties of soils,
applied in field problems.
2. To provide knowledge on use of experimental results pertaining to foundation problems
3. To estimate shear strength of soils by direct shear test, triaxial shear test, vane shear test and
unconfined compressive test
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify and classify soils based on their index properties
2. Plot and evaluate the soil strength parameters
3. Interpret the experimental results with the theoretical solutions

List of Experiments:
Index Properties of Soil
1. (a) Determination of moisture content using i) Oven drying method and ii) Infrared moisture
balance iii) Pycnometer
(b) Determination of specific gravity of soil
2. Grain size distribution using Sieve Analysis
3. Grain size distribution using Hydrometer Analysis
4. Determination of Atterberg’s limit
5. Determination of field density using i) Sand replacement method and ii) core cutter method
6. Determination of relative density of soil
Engineering Properties of Soil
7. Standard Proctor’s compaction test
8. California Bearing Ratio Test
9. Permeability test using i) Constant head method and ii) Variable head method
10. Direct shear test
11. Unconfined Compression test
12. Consolidation Test

Civil Engineering
Text Books:
1. “Soil Engineering Laboratory Instruction Manual” published by Engineering College Co- operative
Society, Anna University, Chennai, 2010.
2. Saibaba Reddy, E. Ramasastri, K. “Measurement of Engineering Properties of Soils”, New age
International (P) limited publishers, New Delhi, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Lambe T.W., “Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1951. Digitized 2008.
2. Venkatappa Rao G.and Goutham .K. Potable, “Geosynthetics Testing – A laboratory Mannual”,
Sai Master Geoenvironmental Services Pvt. Ltd., 1st Edition 2008.
3. BIS :2720(Part II)-1173,BIS: 2720 (Part 3/Set 1) – 1980,BIS 2720-14 (1983), BIS 2720-Part 4
1985), BIS 2720 (Part 17-1986), BIS 2720 (Part – 13) 1986

0 0 2 1
Course Objective
1. To provide good understanding of concepts and their applications in the lab
2. To understand the characteristics and behavior of civil engineering materials used in buildings
and infrastructure.
3. To impart knowledge about statistical analysis and interpret laboratory test results
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Determine the workability of cement concrete
2. Characterize various highway materials through relevant tests
3. Design the mix which fulfills the required properties for fresh and hardened concrete

List of Experiments:
Tests on Cement and Aggregate
1. Standard Consistency and Setting time Test
2. Fineness, soundness and compressive strength of cement
3. Specific Gravity, Density and moisture content of aggregate
4. Grading of fine and coarse aggregate
Test on Fresh Concrete
5. Slump Cone Test
6. Compaction Factor test
7. Mix Design by Indian Standard Method
Test on Hardened Concrete
8. Compressive strength and Modulus of Elasticity of concrete
9. Tensile Strength and Flexural strength of concrete
1. Crushing value of Coarse aggregate
2. Impact value of Coarse aggregate
3. Flakiness index and elongation index
Test on Bitumen
4. Ductility test on bitumen
5. Softening point test on bitumen
6. Penetration test on bitumen
7. Bitumen Mix design (study)

Civil Engineering
Text Books:
1. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology”, S.Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2008
2. Martin Rogers, “Highway Engineering”, Wiley-Blackwell, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Khanna, S. K., and Justo, C.E.G., “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Bros., 2005.
2. IS 269 : 1989, Indian Standard, “Ordinary Portland cement - 33 Grade Specification”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi
3. IS 383 : 1970, Is 1489 ( Part 1 ) : 1991, 1S : 12269 -1987, IS: 303-1970 (Second Revision), IS 2386
– 1963 Part I, III, IS : 2430 – 1986

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
To impart and improve the design capability of the student. This course conceives purely a design problem
in any one of the disciplines of Civil Engineering; e.g.,
Design of a RC structure
Design of a wastewater treatment plant
Design of a foundation system
Design of a Steel structure
Design of Irrigation structure
Design of traffic intersection etc.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Have experience in designing various design problems related to Civil Engineering as per codal
Course Description:
The design problem can be allotted to either an individual student or a group of Student comprising of not
more than four. The group should submit a complete report on the design problem consisting of the data
given, the design calculations, specifications if any and complete set of drawings which follow the design.

Reference Books:
1. IS456, IS 800, MORTH Specifications, Handbook of Irrigation structures by Ellil, IRC

2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge on various developments in Interior design through ages.
2. To understand the various aspects such as spatial quality, design vocabulary, design principles,
and design process related to the design of interiors.
3. To familiarize the Interior Design on materials used in furniture and its construction and detailing
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Relate the various aspects such as form, scale, light, dimension, height, transitional elements etc.
2. Explain the process involved in design including analysis, synthesis and evaluation
3. Construct the effects that could be created by manipulating the enclosing elements such as walls,
roof etc
4. Organize the various anthropometric aspects, human factors and other design criteria involved
in the design of furniture
5. Infer the landscaping elements and their application in interior spaces
6. Appraise the need and applications of air conditioning, acoustics, electrification
Civil Engineering
Module 1:HISTORY OF INTERIOR DESIGN: Early classical period - prehistoric cave paintings –
primitive designs- interiors during Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Gothic, early Christian and Renaissance
periods - middle ages - interiors in Romanesque, Gothic, and Renaissance periods - colonial to the
beginning of the 21st century
Module 2: THEORY OF INTERIOR DESIGN: Interior space - space - spatial qualities: form, scale,
outlook; structuring space with interior design elements - spatial form - spatial dimension - design
vocabulary form – point, line, volume, shape, texture and colour
Module 3: DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Ratio; proportions – golden section - relationships – scale - balance
– symmetrical, radial, occult - harmony - unity - variety - rhythm - emphasis - design control - design
process – analysis, synthesis, design evaluation - interior design codes
wall planes to create architectural effects - roof planes - different types and their visual impact – floor
planes - various types of flooring - doors, windows and ventilators, etc. - room plans and furniture
arrangement - types of furniture - modular, knockdown and economy furniture - traffic pattern and
furniture layout for residence, commercial and office areas
Module 5: INTERIOR LANDSCAPE DESIGN: Interior landscaping – definition - classification of
plants, indoor plants and their functions - layout and components, floriculture –commercial, ornamental,
selection of plants and pest control.
integrity of the roof and structure, provisions for drainage - lighting and colour in interiors - artificial
lighting - effect of color in lighting - interior services - air-conditioning system and applications - fire
safety - acoustics and sound insulation - electrical systems

Text Books:
1. Gary Gordon and Jamco L. Nuckolls, “Interior lighting for Designers”, Third edition, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1995.
2. Jack E.Ingels, “Landscaping Principles and Practices”, Delmar Publishers. 2002
Reference Books:
1. Fiona Leolie, “Designs for 20th century Interiors”, VH Publications, London.2000
2. Torquil Barker, “Concepts of lighting, Lighting design in Architecture”, 2001
3. Peter templeton and Saunders, “Detailing for architectural acoustics”, Architectural press, 1994
4. Jain V.K, “Fire Safety in Buildings”, New age International (Pvt Ltd) publishers, Chennai, 2007
5. Linda O'Shea, Chris Grimley, Mimi Love “The Interior Design Reference and Specification Book:
Everything Interior Designers Need to Know Every Day”, Rockport Publishers, 2013

2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge about various types of equipments used for earthwork, tunneling, drilling,
blasting, dewatering, material handling conveyors
2. To familiarize the utility of equipments in construction projects.
3. To provide knowledge about robots in construction
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Differentiate the conventional method and mechanized methods
2. Identify various types of equipments for different construction projects
3. Demonstrate the prestressing using jacks and grouting
4. Recommend the equipments used for lifting of materials
5. Evaluate the material handling equipment and determine equipment productivity

Civil Engineering
6. Adapt robots in construction sites

Module 1: CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENTS AND MANAGEMENT: Introduction - conventional

construction methods vs mechanized methods and its advantages- identification – planning of equipment
– selection of equipment - equipment management in projects - maintenance management – equipment cost
– operating cost – cost control of equipment - depreciation analysis – replacement of equipment-
replacement analysis - safety management
Module 2: EQUIPMENT FOR EARTHWORK : Fundamentals of earth work operations - earth moving
operations - types of earth work equipment - tractors, motor graders, scrapers, front end waders – dozer,
excavators, rippers, loaders, trucks and hauling equipment, compacting equipment, finishing equipment.
Module 3: OTHER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Equipment for dredging: trenching, drag line
and clamshells - tunneling – equipment for drilling and blasting - pile driving equipment - erection
equipment - crane, mobile crane - types of pumps used in construction - equipment for dewatering and
grouting – equipment for demolition - under water concreting equipment
Module 4: ASPHALT AND CONCRETE PLANTS: Aggregate production- different crushers – feeders
- screening equipment - handling equipment - batching and mixing equipment - pumping equipment – ready
mix concrete equipment - concrete placing equipment and concrete pavers - asphalt plant - asphalt pavers
- asphalt compacting equipment
Module 5: PRESTRESSING JACKS AND GROUTING EQUIPMENT: Introduction -proprietary
systems-wires, strands and tendons-bars-anchorages-types - tendon couplers- ducting-equipment for
placing tendons-stressing jacks grouting system - grout mixer and agitator - grout pump - handling and
installation of H.T. - strands necessary precautions –installation of ducts and strands
equipment - portable material bins –conveyors – cranes, hoists and other equipment for lifting- industrial
trucks- position equipment-unit load equipment-storage equipment- equipment for transportation of
materials - equipment productivities - use of drones for spread out sites - use of robots for repetitive

Text Book:
1. Peurifoy, R.L., Ledbetter, W.B. and Schexnayder, C., “Construction Planning, Equipment and
Methods”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Deodhar, S.V. “Construction Equipment and Job Planning”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1988.
2. Dr.Mahesh Varma, “Construction Equipment and its planning and Application”, Metropolitan
Book Company, New Delhi. 1983.
3. Peurifoy, R.L., Ledbetter, W.B. and Schexnayder, C., “Construction Planning, Equipment and
Methods”, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 2006.
4. Arora S.P. and Bindra S.P., “Building Construction, Planning Techniques and Method of
Construction”, DhanpatRai and Sons, 1997.
5. Varghese , P.C. “Building construction”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2007

2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To gain knowledge in the origin of earth structures
2. To understand the various strain concepts
3. To enlighten the structural geology of reservoir units.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the geometry and type of structures present in earth.

Civil Engineering
2. Discuss the features formed in rocks when subjected to stress.
3. Illustrate the impact of structural geology to active tectonic settings
4. Investigate micro and macro scale deformation mechanisms (viz., brittle, ductile).
5. Predict 2D and 3D strain analysis for various deformation behaviours.
6. Interpret graphs and models used in structural geology to understand and demonstrate poly phase

Module 1: CONCEPTS OF ROCK DEFORMATION: Fundamental concepts of rock deformation -

stress: hydrostatic, lithostatic and deviatoric stress - stress ellipsoid - dilation and distortion – strain:
homogenous, non-homogenous, rotational and irrotational strain - strain ellipsoid - simple and pure shear -
types of homogenous strain - stress-strain diagrams - stages of deformation - factors affecting deformation
- progressive deformation - finite strain - measurement of strain in two dimensions.
Module 2: FAILURE MECHANISM: Brittle and shear failure – faults and fractures - Mohr circle -fault
geometry and nomenclature - features of fault planes - fragmental rocks - faulting - lineaments and deep
fractures – joints - analysis of fractures - shear zone - ductile and brittle - ductile shear zones - stress and
strain ellipsoids - their application in the study of fractures.
Module 3:CLASSIFICATION OF CYLINDRICAL FOLDS: Geometric and genetic - classification of
cylindrical folds - Canoe fold and inverted canoe fold - minor folds and their use in determining the major
fold structure -Pumpelly’s rule - mechanics of folding - superposed folding - simple fold interference
Module 4:TECTONICS: Tectonics: classification, tectonic fabric - foliation – axial plane foliation and its
origin, fracture cleavages, crenulation cleavage - transposed foliation - use of axial plane foliation and
fracture cleavages and the determination of major structures. – lineation – types, classification and origin -
geologic bodies and scale and structural co-ordinates - introduction to structural analysis and fundamentals
of geometric analysis - application of stereographic and equal area projections in the representation of
structures - geometric analysis of folds and lineations - concept of petrofabrics - use of universal stage in
fabric studies - fabric symmetry.
Module 5:GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION: Geophysical methods of exploration – electrical,
magnetic, gravitational, seismic, radioactive and geochemical methods – influence of structure and texture
of rocks - engineering properties - foundation problems in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
including recent sediments - investigations for foundation of dams and reservoirs –case studies –
Investigation of canals and deep cuts – case studies.
Module 6: APPLICATIONS: Dams: classification, foundation, abutment and reservoir problem.
geological aspects of dam investigations – Tunnels: classification - geological factors in tunneling –
Landslides: types, causes and prevention – stability of slopes – aseismic design of buildings - influence of
geological conditions on foundations - design of buildings

Text Books
1. David Pollard, Le, David D. Pollard, Raymond C. Fletcher., “Fundamentals of Structural Geology”,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
2. Ghosh.S.K., “Structural Geology: Fundamentals and Modern Developments”, Elsevier, 2013.
Reference Books
1. Krynine and Judd. “Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechniques”, Mc Graw Hill 1957
Bell F. G. Engineering Geology. Elsevier 2007.
2. Lisle R. J. and Leyshon P. R. “Stereographic Projection Techniques for Geologists and Civil
Engineers”, Cambridge University Press. 1994.
3. Marshak S. and GautamMitra, “Basic methods of Structural Geology”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1988.
4. Hobbs B.E., Means W.B. and William P. F. “An Outline of Structural Geology”, John Wiley 1976.
5. Ragan M. D. “Structural Geology”, Wiley 1969.

Civil Engineering
2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To equip to understand the properties and behaviour of expansive soils
2. To impart knowledge for the design of foundations on expansive soils
3. To enlighten the methods for modification of expansive soil
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand in detail the behaviour and physical properties of expansive soil.
2. Improve the engineering properties and make it suitable for construction.
3. Estimate dynamic properties of soils.
4. Design the foundations on expansive soil.
5. Develop the site specific design spectrum for design of sub structure and evaluation of liquefaction
6. Suggest preventive measures and stabilization of expansive soil.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION AND IDENTIFICATION: Expansive soils in India - related civil

engineering problems - formation of expansive soils in field - identification of expansive soils: X-ray
diffraction method - differential thermal analysis.
Module 2: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Soil structure and clay minerology of
expansive soil - atomic bond and molecular bonds - honey comb structure -base exchanges capacity - clay
water relation - electrolysis processes.
Module 3: FOUNDATION ON BLACK COTTON SOIL: Foundations on swelling soils - swelling
potential - mechanism of volume change - chemical composition of black cotton soil - construction
techniques in black cotton soil - modern method of construction in under reamed soil.
Module 4: GROUND IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES: Stabilization of expansive soils: lime, slag
(silica fume and aluminium sludge), cement, fly ash, chemicals and reinforced earth technique - micro
reinforced vegetation -vibro floatation - grouting and soil nailing.
Module 5: LIQUEFACTION HAZARD MITIGATION: Factors affecting the expansive soil - method
of assessment for liquefaction - effect instrumentation for monitoring - consolidation of marine clay
deposits - expansive soil model of Bingham fluid bounded by porous beds.
Module 6: STABILIZATION METHODS: Moisture control - horizontal moisture barriers - vertical
moisture barriers - subsurface drainage - peripheral drains -surface drainage -Soil replacement - soil
stabilization - lime stabilization - chemical stabilization - compaction control

Text Books:
1. John Nelson , Debora J.Miller, “Expansive soils: Problems and Practice in Foundation and
Pavement Engineering”, John Wiley and Sons, 1997
2. Kasmalkar B.J, “Foundation Engineering”, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune
Reference Books:
1. Gopal Rajan and Rao A.S.R, “Basic and applied Soil Mechanics” (Revised Edition), (New Age,
New Delhi. 1998
2. Peck,R.B., Hanson W.E. and Thornburn. W.H. Johan, “Foundation Engineering” 2nd Edition,
Wiley, New York 1976
3. Bowles J.E. “Foundation Analysis and Designing”, McGraw Hill, 1997
4. Alam Singh, “Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice” (Vol. – II), Asia Publishing House, New
Delhi, 1981
5. Amer Ali Al-Rawas, Mattheus F.A. Goosen “Expansive Soils: Recent Advances in
Characterization and Treatment” , CRC Press, 2006

Civil Engineering
2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To impart fundamental knowledge of Ground Improvement Techniques
2. To understand the importance of Ground Improvement method.
3. To adopt appropriate method of Ground Improvement according to site conditions and
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the types of ground improvement techniques and soil distribution in
2. Identify the different types of stabilization techniques
3. Classify various types of ground improvement techniques.
4. Investigate the performance of the technique adopted.
5. Choose the appropriate method of Ground improvement based on their construction methods.
6. Measure the benefits due to the adopted ground improvement method.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to engineering ground modification- classification of ground

modification techniques- soil distribution in India-reclaimed soils- ground improvement potential
Module 2: GROUTING: Grouting – aspects – groutability - grouting materials - suspension grouts and
solution grouts - compaction grouting - procedure and applications of grouting.
Module 3: CHEMICAL STABILIZATION: Chemical stabilization – granular admixtures - cement -
calcium chloride - fly ash – bitumen - chemical admixtures - construction methods.
Module 4: GROUND ANCHORS: Ground anchors – applications - types and components - anchor tests
- rock bolts –applications and types- rock bolt action around an excavation - soil nailing – construction
sequence –analysis of nailed soil
Module 5: COMPACTION: Compaction- moisture density relationship - shallow surface compaction-
rollers – operational aspects - deep compaction – explosion - heavy tamping- vibro-compaction and vibro-
replacement - properties of compacted soil - compaction control tests
Module 6: HYDRAULIC MODIFICATION: Hydraulic modification- Methods of dewatering- open
sumps and ditches –wellpoint systems, deep well drainage - vacuum dewatering– electro osmosis – design
of dewatering for excavations.

Text Books:
1. Purushothamaraj P., “Ground Improvement Techniques” ,University Science Press, 2005
2. Moseley, M. P. “Ground Improvement”, Blackie Academic and Professional, London,1993
Reference Books:
1. Manfred. R. Hausmann, “Engineering Principles of Ground Modification”, McGraw Hill, 1989
2. Orlando B. A, “Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering”, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1994
3. Som, N and Das, S. P “Theory and practice of Foundation Design”, Eastern Economy Edition,
India, 2003
4. Rawlings,C G, Hellawell,E. E. and Kilkenny,W. M. “Grouting For Ground Engineering”, Ciria,
London, 2000.
5. Davics, M. C. and Schlosser, F. “Ground Improvement Geosystems”, Thomas Telford, London,

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To enable to design staircase, retaining walls and water tanks
2. To Impart the concept of study the design of bridges
3. To familiarize with the design of miscellaneous structures
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the behaviour of various structures
2. Estimate the loads on the structures
3. Design and detail RCC structures
4. Apply suitable codal provisions
5. Formulate the design for buildings
6. Solve the field implication for design

Module 1: STAIRCASE: Technical terms - requirements of good stair - types of stairs, geometrical design
of rcc stair stair, dog legged staircase, open newel staircase (plan and sectional elevation).
Module 2: RETAINING WALLS: Types - behaviour and application of retaining wall, stability criteria,
design and detailing of cantilever and counterfort type retaining wall for various ground conditions -
Concepts of shear key.
Module 3: WATER TANKS: Design of circular tanks- flexible and rigid base - rectangular water tanks-
tanks resting on ground, underground and overhead tanks - classification of water tank and method of
analysis, permissible stresses, codal provisions.
Module 4: BRIDGES: Introduction to Bridges- classification of bridges- bridge deck system- IRC Loading
class - design consideration- slab spanning in one direction - slab spanning in two direction- Pigeaud's
chart- T-beam deck slab – Courbon’s Method.
Module 5: MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES: Introduction – corbel design - modes of failure of
corbel - IS code recommendations, design of deep beams - design aspects in deep beam - IS code
recommendations - domes types - grid floor and flat slab.
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Bridge, Multistorey building, Floor systems, Retaining walls, Domes -
Reading reinforcement diagrams of structures.

Text Books:
1. Bhavikatti S. S, “Advanced RCC Design (RCC Vol.II)”, New Age International Publishers, 2016
2. Ashok, Kumar Jain, “Limit state design of Reinforced Concrete”, Laxmi Publications, New
Reference Books:
1. Sinha. S.N. “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
2. Purushothaman. P, “Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., 2006
3. Krishna Raju. N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors,
Delhi 2005
4. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge on various prestressing methods, types and advantages of prestressing
2. To enable to design prestressed concrete structures subjected to flexure
3. To impart the procedures for evaluation and estimation of losses of prestressing
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify appropriate prestressing techniques
2. Understand the concepts of prestressing
3. Analyse prestressed concrete structures
4. Design prestressed concrete structural elements
5. Appraise on the quality parameters of PSC structures
6. Investigate the rationale for failure of a PSC structure

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Basic concepts – advantages – materials required- systems and methods
of prestressing –analysis of sections – stress concept – strength concept – load balancing concept – effect
of loading on the tensile stresses in tendons – tendon profile
Module 2: DESIGN FOR FLEXURE: Basic assumptions for calculating flexural stresses – limit state of
collapse - permissible stresses in steel and concrete – moment of resistance - – design for flexure - layout
of cables and location of wires in pre and post tensioned members
Module 3: DESIGN FOR SERVICEABILITY: Factors influencing deflections – calculation of
deflections – short term and long term deflections – losses of prestress
Module 4: DESIGN OF ANCHORAGE ZONE: Determination of anchorage zone stresses in post-
tensioned beams by Magnel’s method, Guyons’ method and IS1343 code – design of anchorage zone
reinforcement – spalling tension
Module 5: CONTINUOUS BEAM: Methods of achieving continuity in continuous beams –analysis for
secondary moments – concordant cable and linear transformation – calculation of stresses – principles of
Module 6: PRECAST ELEMENTS: Introduction to post tensioned precast structural elements - Case
studies - failure - analysis and design of precast concrete structure - Mini project

Text Books:
1. Krishna Raju N., “Prestressed concrete”, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Company, NewDelhi,2012
2. Rajagopalan.N, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publishing House, 2014.
References Books:
1. Dayaratnam.P., “Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Oxford and IBH,2013
2. Pandit.G.S. and Gupta.S.P., “Prestressed Concrete”, CBS Publishers and Distributers Pvt. Ltd,2012
3. Lin T.Y. and Ned.H. Burns, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Third Edition, Wiley India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
4. IS1343:1980, “Code of Practice for Prestressed Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi,
5. IS 1785 : Part Iand II : 1983 Specification for Plain Hard-drawn Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart the knowledge of production, transportation and erection process of precast elements
2. To enable to design the precast structural members
3. To impart the concept of analysis and design of different types of joints and its behavior
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Establish suitable prefabrication building system
2. Catalog different types of precast construction
3. Illuminate the behavior of prefabricated structures
4. Review the behavior of precast structural connections
5. Endorse suitable types of joints for prefabricated structures
6. Precast structure against progressive collapse

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction – Precast concrete structural elements -Prefabricated systems

- Advantages – Modular coordination - Materials – Production – Transportation – Erection – Quality control
Module 2: PREFABRICATED COMPONENTS: Over all structural system - roof and floor system -
components - facial elements - design considerations and requirements ––bearing for precast units
Module 3: DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Loading - load factor - modeling - analysis of frames - design of
members - slab - beam – wall - guidelines - codal provisions
Module 4: JOINTS and CONNECTIONS: Joints and connections – tolerance - connection materials -
requirements of structural joints – types of joints –detailing of joints - diaphragm connection – beam to
column and column to column and column to foundation connections – joint fillers
Module 5: PRESTRESSED PRECAST CONCRETE: Design requirements for safety against
progressive collapse – design of ties - introduction to prestressed precast concrete - case studies on precast
construction and failures
Module 6: CASE STUDY: Analysis and design of simple precast building – Mini project – elements of
prestressed – metro bridge construction

Text Books:
1. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2013
2. Kim S Elliott, “Precast Concrete Structures”, A Butterworth-Heinemann Title; 1 edition , 2002
Reference Books:
1. IS 15916 (2011): Building Design and Erection Using Prefabricated Concrete - Code of Practice
2. Code of Practice for Precast concrete construction 2003, PCI Design hand book
3. IS 12592 : 2002 Precast Concrete Manhole Cover and Frame – Specification
4. Hubert Bachmann, Alfred Steinle, “Precast Concrete Structures” ISBN: 978-3-433-02960-2, Aug
5. Bljuger F, “Design of Precast Concrete Structures”, John Wiley and Sons Inc 1988

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize the principles of dynamics of structures
2. To enable to understand the behaviour of structures subjected to seismic forces
3. To impart knowledge about analysis and detailing of structures as per codal provisions
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the dynamic properties of structures

Civil Engineering
2. Estimate the forces on the structures
3. Assess the response on the structures
4. Design the structures for shear resistance
5. Evaluate the behavior of structures
6. Integrate suitable codal provisions for applications


degree of freedom – Idealization of structure as SDOF system – formulation of equation of motion for
various SDOF system – D Alembert’s principles – effect of damping
harmonic forces- seismic instrumentation- vibration isolation- introduction to numerical methods
Module 3: MULTI DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEM: Formulation of equation of motion for
multidegree of freedom (MDOF) system – evaluation of natural frequencies and modes – Eigen values and
Eigen vectors – Response to free and forced vibration of undamped and damped MDOF systems.
seismology – definitions, introduction to seismic hazard, earthquake phenomenon – seismotectonics –
seismic zones in India- inertia forces on structures- architectural features - earthquake design philosophy
Module 5: MASONRY STRUCTURES: Behaviour during seismic events- Box action in masonry
buildings- Horizontal and vertical bonds- Protection of openings- lessons from past earthquakes
Module 6: RCC STRUCTURES: Ductility- capacity design concept- Evaluation of Earthquake forces –
IS Code 1893: 2016 – Response Spectra –Design consideration –Earthquake resistant design of R.C.C.
buildings –Design and detailing (IS 13920:2016)

Text Books:
1. Damodarasamy S.R, Kavitha.S, “Structural Dynamics and Asiesmic design”, Phi Learning Private
Ltd., 2013.
2. Duggal S.K., “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, OUP India Private Ltd.2013.
Reference Books:
1. Mario Paz, “Structural Dynamics – Theory and Computations”, Third Edition, CBS publishers,
2. Jai Krishna, Chandrasekaran. A.R., and Brijesh Chandra, “Elements of Earthquake Engineering”,
South Asia Publishers, 2009
3. Minoru Wakabayashi, “Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings”, McGraw – Hill Book
Company, 2006 4.Humar.J.L, “Dynamics of Structures”, Prentice Hall Inc., 2012.
4. Anil K Chopra, “Dynamics of structures – Theory and applications to Earthquake Engineering”,
Prentice Hall Inc., 2001.
5. Moorthy.C.V.R., “Earthquake Tips”, BMTPC, NICEE, IIT Kanpur, 2005
6. IS 1893 : Part 1 : 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures - Part 1 : General
Provisions and Buildings

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart the knowledge of causes of distress and aspects of rehabilitation.
2. To understand the techniques and materials needed for rehabilitation.
3. To get exposed to retrofitting and demolition techniques.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Evaluate a damaged structure.
2. Identify the structural and non-structural deterioration.

Civil Engineering
3. Interpret the causes, adopt the repair techniques and preventive measures for RCC, Steel and
Masonry structures.
4. Adopt the suitable materials and techniques
5. Analyse and formulate suitable rehabilitation, retrofitting and demolition procedures
6. Recommend suitable solutions for existing structures

Module1: MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR STRATEGIES: Definitions: maintenance, repair and

rehabilitation - facets of maintenance - importance of maintenance – quality assurance and quality control,
structural appraisal : concrete , steel and masonry structures – inspection, strength evaluation of existing
structures - assessment procedure for evaluating a damaged structure- planning, precautions, protective
measures - nondestructive testing methods.
Module 2: DISTRESS AND ITS CAUSES: Distress monitoring - causes for deterioration: structural
causes and non-structural causes - symptom, prevention and remedy - classification of cracks – visual
examination of cracks – evaluation of cracks- distress in sub structure – distress in super structure.
Module 3: INFLUENCE ON SERVICEABILITY AND DURABILITY: Concrete structures: effect on
strength, permeability, thermal properties - effects due to climate, temperature, chemicals and dampness -
effects of cover thickness –error in design and construction-steel structures: erection and fabrication
distress - defects in joints in steel structures – mechanism of corrosion – distress due to corrosion:
prevention and remedial measures- masonry structures: defects in brick masonry and stone masonry –
preventive and remedial measures.
Module 4: TECHNIQUES FOR REPAIR: Epoxy injection – stitching – routing and sealing – external
stressing –blanketing – overlays – judicial neglect – autogeneous healing –jacketing – polymer coating for
rebars - mortar and dry pack - gunite and shotcrete - shoring and underpinning – plating - cathodic protection
- miscellaneous methods – special techniques for repairing, heritage structures
Module5: RETROFITTING AND STRENGTHENING MEASURES: Methods of retrofitting - global
and local- techniques of retrofitting - strengthening measures – beam and column strengthening.
Module6: DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES: Sequence of operations- demolition of structural
elements- engineered demolition techniques for structures

Text Books:
1. Varghese P. C, “Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation and minor works of buildings”, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.. 2014
2. Modi, Poonam I, Patel, Chirag N., “Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures”, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd.. 2015
Reference Books:
1. Johnson, S.M., “Deterioration, Maintenance and Repair of Structures”, McGraw-Hill book
company, New York, 1965.
2. Allen, R.T., and Edwards, S.C., “Repair of concrete structures”, Blake and Sons, UK, 1987.
3. Deofferey, P .Sims, “The Rehabilitation of Dams and Reservoirs”, Brown and Root Services, UK.
4. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology- Theory and Practice”, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi,
5. IS 13935 - 1993: Indian Standard Guidelines for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To enable to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems related to masonry structures.
2. To familiarize with the complete knowledge of a masonry structure.
3. To understand the behavior of earthquake resistant masonry structures, and be able to design for
flexure, shear, axial forces, combined flexure and axial forces.

Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the production of masonry and properties of constituents
2. Layout the structural analysis of loadbearing brick and block masonry
3. Design the flexural members considering the various failure patterns
4. Study various forces acting on the masonry structures and propose suitable cross sectional
5. Evaluate the behavior of earthquake resistant masonry
6. Select materials and execute for durable masonry structures

Module 1: MASONRY MATERIALS: History of masonry – characteristics: brick, stone, clay block,
concrete block, stabilized mud block masonry units –strength, modulus of elasticity and water absorption -
masonry materials – classification - properties of mortars - selection of mortars
Module 2: STRENGTH OF MASONRY IN COMPRESSION: Behaviour of masonry under
compression - strength - elastic properties - influence of masonry unit and mortar characteristics - effect of
masonry on compressive strength - influence of masonry bonding patterns on strength - prediction of
strength of masonry in Indian context - failure theories of masonry under compression - effects of
slenderness and eccentricity - effect of rate of absorption - effect of curing - effect of ageing - workmanship
on compressive strength
Module 3:FLEXURAL STRENGTH AND SHEAR STRENGTH: Bond between masonry unit and
mortar - tests for flexural and shear bond strengths - factors affecting bond strength - effect of bond strength
on compressive strength - orthotropic strength properties of masonry in flexure - shear strength of masonry
– evaluation procedures for flexural and shear strength - permissible tensile and shear stresses.
Module 4: LOAD BEARING MASONRY BUILDINGS: Permissible compressive stress - stress
reduction and shape reduction factors - increase in permissible stresses for eccentric vertical and lateral
loads, permissible tensile and shear stresses - Effective height of walls and columns - effective length -
effective thickness - slenderness ratio – eccentricity - load dispersion - arching action – lintels - Wall
carrying axial load - eccentric load with different eccentricity ratios -opening in walls -free standing wall
Module 5: SEISMIC BEHAVIOR OF MASONRY BUILDINGS: Behaviour of masonry: earthquakes
- concepts - design procedure for earthquake resistant masonry - components - classification of masonry
arches - domes and vaults - historical buildings - construction procedure - BIS codal provision on masonry
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Failure - design of load bearing masonry for buildings using BIS codal
provisions - Mini project

Text Books:
1. Dayaratnam P, “Brick and Reinforced Brick Structures”, Oxford and IBH, 2018
2. Sinha B.P and Davis S.R., “Design of Masonry structures”, CRC Press, 2003
Reference Books:
1. Hendry A.W., “Structural masonry”, Macmillan Education Ltd., 2nd edition, 1990
2. Curtin, “Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Masonry”, Thomas Telford Sven, 2015
3. Richard E. Klingner, “Masonry Structural Design”, McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (February
8, 2010)
4. James Ambrose, “Simplified Design of Masonry Structures”, Wiley; Revised edition 1997
5. Narendra Taly, “Design of Reinforced Masonry Structures”, McGraw-Hill Education; 2 edition,

Civil Engineering
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge about surface and ground water irrigation methods
2. To acquire ideas about different types of irrigation structures
3. To enable to understand the operation of irrigation water management structures
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. State the concepts of duty, crop and crop seasons
2. Classify the irrigation methods
3. Demonstrate the irrigation methods
4. Examine irrigation management techniques
5. Appraise and design impounding structures and cross drainage works
6. Understand the concepts of irrigation projects

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Irrigation – types of irrigation – necessity of irrigation – merits and

demerits of irrigation – crop and crop seasons – optimal use of water - consumptive use of water –factors
affecting crop water requirements – irrigation water standards
Module 2: WATER APPLICATION: Wilting point – base period – delta - duty –determination of
irrigation and water requirements – irrigation and water efficiencies - factors affecting duty – methods of
improving duty.
Module 3: IRRIGATION METHODS: Canal irrigation – lift irrigation – tank irrigation – surface
irrigation – merits and demerits –sprinkler irrigation – drip irrigation
Module 4 :DIVERSION AND IMPOUNDING STRUCTURES: Weirs – elementary profile of a weir –
weirs on pervious foundations - types of impounding structures - percolation ponds – tanks and sluices –
gravity dams – earth dams – arch dams – spillways – factors affecting location and type of dams – forces
on a dam – hydraulic design of dams.
Module 5: CANAL AND CONTROL STRUCTURES: Alignment of canals – classification of canals –
canal drops – hydraulic design of drops – cross drainage works – hydraulic design of cross drainage works
– canal head works – canal regulators – aqueducts.
Module 6: IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENT: Need for optimization of water use – minimizing
irrigation water losses – water pricing - on farm development works - participatory irrigation management
– water users associations – changing paradigms in water management.

Text Books:
1. Punima B.C. and Pande B.B .Lal, “Irrigation and Water Power engineering”, Laxmi Publishing,
New Delhi 2007
2. Santhosh Kumar Garg, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers,
2016. Karunya University 2017 Civil Engineering
Reference Books:
1. Dilip Kumar Majumdar, “Irrigation Water Management (Principles and Practices)”, Prentice
Hall of India (P), Ltd, 2000
2. Basak, N.N, “Irrigation Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New Delhi, 1999.
3. Asawa, G.L., “Irrigation Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, 2000
4. Dr. K.R.Arora, “Irrigation, Water Power and Water Resources Engineering”, Standard
Publishers Distributors

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:
1. To enable understanding of various types of flows under varying conditions
2. To inculcate the principles of fluid mechanics to the solution of problems encountered in both
natural and constructed water systems.
3. To provide knowledge about model studies
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Apply their knowledge about fluid mechanics in addressing problems in open channels.
2. Estimate sediment transport in channels and reservoirs
3. Develop skills to solve problems using HEC-RAS software.
4. Make flow measurements in fields.
5. Model channel flows
6. Design channels for various regimes

Module 1: BASIC PRINCIPLES: Basic concepts of uniform flow – computations - specific energy and
specific force concepts – applications.
Module 2: STEADY VARIED FLOWS IN OPEN CHANNELS: Dynamic equation for spatially varied
flows - flow profile computations - Introduction to Flow modeling softwares - spatially varied flows and
rapidly varied flows – applications.
Module 3: UNSTEADY FLOWS IN OPEN CHANNELS: Equations of motion - uniformly progressive
wave - Rapidly varied unsteady flow – positive and negative surges - dam break problem
Module 4: SEDIMENT TRANSPORT: Sediment properties – inception of sediment motion – bed forms
- bed load suspended load – total sediment transport - design of stable channels and regime channels -
Reservoir sedimentation and trap efficiency.
Module 5: FLOW MEASUREMENTS: Sharp-crested weirs, broad-crested weirs, critical depth flumes -
Recent advancement in open channel flow measurements.
Module 6: HYDRAULIC MODELING: Physical modeling in hydraulics - dimensional analysis -
Modeling closed flows and free surface flows - distorted models - design of physical models.

Test Books:
1. Subramanya K., “Flow in Open Channels,2nd ed.”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2003.
2. Chaudhry M. H., “Open Channel Flow”, Prentice Hall of India, Eastern Economic Edition, New
Delhi. 2008.
3. Srivastava R. “Flow through Open Channels”, Oxford University Press New Delhi 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Sturm T.W., “Open Channel Hydraulics”, 2nd edition, Tata-McGraw Hill New Delhi 2011.
2. Wurbs R.A., and James W.P. “Water Resources Engineering”. Prentice Hall of India, Eastern
Economic Edition, New Delhi, 2007.
3. French, R. H., “Open Channel Hydraulics”, McGraw Hill, New York NY 1985.
4. Hubert Chanson “Environmental Hydraulics of Open Channel Flows”, Elsevier Science and
Technology , 2004
5. Streeter. V. L, “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2010

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:
1. To enable to understand the behavior of groundwater movement
2. To provide knowledge about estimation the groundwater modeling parameters
3. To equip with analytical techniques to solve groundwater problems

Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the occurrence, distribution and movement of groundwater
2. Understand the ground water potential theory and movement of groundwater
3. Determine the aquifer parameters
4. Resolve groundwater related problems including response of aquifers to pumping wells
5. Develop a basic model for contaminant transport in subsurface media
6. Model and estimate groundwater recharge

Module 1:GEOHYDROLOGY: Introduction – water bearing formations – geological formation of water

supply – subsurface distribution of water – sources of groundwater – types of aquifers – aquifer parameters
– groundwater in different rocks.
Module 2: GROUNDWATER MOVEMENT: Groundwater flow – permeability – transmissibility –
Darcy’s law – governing equations of ground water flow – steady state flow – Dupuit Forchheimer
assumptions – unsteady flow – Theis method – Jacob’s method
Module 3: WELLS AND EXPLORATION: Types of wells – construction of open wells – construction
and boring of tube wells – tube well types – well development – collector wells and infiltration wells –
design of strainer tube well
Module 4: EVALUATION OF AQUIFER PARAMETERS: Introduction – pumping test analysis –
recuperation test – well characteristics – well capacity – hydraulics of open wells – groundwater
investigation – geological methods – geophysical methods – Remote sensing methods.
Module 5: ENVIRONMENTAL GROUNDWATER: Groundwater development – hydrological maps –
groundwater quality – groundwater contamination – seawater intrusion – control measures.
Module 6: GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT: Groundwater recharge – recharge methods –
groundwater modeling – applications and case studies

Text Books:
1. Raghunath .H.M, “Ground Water Hydrology”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., Second reprint, 2008.
2. David Keith Todd, Larry W.Mays, “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Wiley and Sons, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Murthy .V.V.N, “Land and Water Management Engineering”, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi,
2. Fitts R Charles, “Groundwater Science”. Elsevier, Academic Press, 2002.
3. Ramakrishnan, S, “Ground Water”, K.J. Graph arts, Chennai, 1998.
4. Driscoll, F.,“Groundwater and Wells”, St. Paul, Minnesota, II Ed., 1986.


3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about the processes involved in water flow above the surface
2. To enable to understand the various measurement techniques
3. To inculcate the concepts of statistical applications in hydrological problems.

Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the system concepts, water budget equation and hydrologic cycle
2. Describe energy, momentum and continuity principles
3. Solve the problems related to atmospheric hydrology
4. Distinguish the modeling tools to optimize hydrographs
5. Appraise the application of statistical tools to manage hydrology related problems
6. Investigate channel flow and catchment storage problems

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Hydrologic cycle - water budget equation - Global water budget - systems
concept - transfer function operators - hydrologic model classification - Hydrologic processes: Reynold’s
Transport Theorem – continuity equation – momentum equation – energy equation – discrete time
Module 2: ATMOSPHERIC HYDROLOGY: Atmospheric circulation – water vapor – formation of
rainfall – types and forms of precipitation – perceptible water – monsoon characteristics in India
Module 3: RAINFALL MEASUREMENT: Density and adequacy of rain gauges; Thunderstorm Cell
model – IDF relationships – spatial averaging methods of rainfall – Factors affecting evaporation –
estimation and measurement of evaporation – energy balance method, aerodynamic method – Priestly-
Taylor method and pan evaporation.
Module 4: SURFACE WATER: Catchment storage concept - Hortonian and saturation overland flow –
streamflow hydrographs – base-flow separation - ɸ-index – Direct Runoff hydrograph – algorithm for
abstraction using Green-Ampt equation – SCS method – overland and channel flow modeling – time area
concepts and stream networks.
Module 5: HYDROGRAPH: General hydrologic system model – response functions of a linear
hydrologic systems and their inter-relationships – convolution equation; definition and limitations of a UH
– UH derivation from single and complex storms – Synthetic unit hydrograph, S-Curve, IUH- Flood routing
and canal routing.
Module 6: HYDROLOGIC STATISTICS: Probability concepts – random variables – laws of probability
– PDFs and CDFs; Normal and Binomial distributions – Statistical parameters: expected value – variance,
skewness, and peakedness– Frequency analysis: return period – probability plotting – Extreme value
distributions – frequency factors – Log- Pearson distribution – confidence limits.

Text Books:
1. Ven T. Chow, David R. Maidment, and Larry W Mays, “Applied Hydrology”, McGraw Hill
International Editions, 2013
2. K. Subramanya “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. Larry W. Mays, “Ground and surface water hydrology”, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2011
2. Garg SK, “Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering”, Khanna Publisher, New Delhi, 2005
3. Dingman S.L. “Physical Hydrology”, by, 2nd Edition, Waveland press, Illinois, 2010
4. Chow, V. T., Maidment, D. R., and Mays, L. W.,“Applied Hydrology”, McGraw-Hill, GB 661.2
Brutsaert, W., “Hydrology an Introduction”, Cambridge University Press, 2005

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To analyze the legislative and judicial responses to environmental problems
2. To apply environment advocacy and approaches for using litigation in environment protection will
receive special attention
3. To expose to the administrative system of environment related laws such as air, water, land, and
hazardous substances etc.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall different policies and rules framed for the environmental protection
2. Recognize the formation of boards at different levels
3. Discuss the functions of central pollution board and the state pollution boards.
4. Know about different duties of pollution control boards
5. Assess about the actions taken by government for the violation of rules
6. Enumerate about the prevention of advanced pollution

Module 1: WATER ACT: Constitution, functions and powers of central and state boards - prevention and
control of water pollution – penalties, prevention and control of pollution rules; Annual report.
Module 2: AIR ACT: Constitution, functions and powers of central and state boards - prevention and
control of air pollution - penalties; prevention and control of pollution rules - annual report.
Module 3: ENVIRONMENTAL (PROTECTION) ACT: General powers of the Central Government -
prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution – rules - recipient system - standards for
emission - prohibition and restriction on location of industries - furnishing information to authorities and
agencies - prohibition and restriction on handling hazardous substances.
movement - responsibility of the occupier - grant of authorization - power to respond or cancel - packaging,
labeling, transport, disposal or import - accident reporting – appeal - rules for manufacture, storage -
mitigation of the major accident, safety reports - preparation of on-site and off-site emergency plans
Module 5: INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: Introduction to International law -
International humanitarian law and environment - sources of international law - law of treaties - signature
ratification - evolution of international environmental law - customary principles - common but
differentiated responsibility - kyoto-protocol.
Module 6: OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS: Bio-medical waste (Management and handling)
rules - ozone depleting substances (Regulations and Control) rules - recycled plastics manufacture and
usage rules - Noise pollution rules.

Text Books:
1. Kaushik C P, Anubha Kaushik , “Perspectives in Environmental Studies”, 4th edition, New Age
International Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 2006
2. Layzer, J. “The Environmental Case: Translating Values into Policy”, 3rd edition, CQ Press 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Vig, N. J. and Kraft, M. E. “Environmental Policy: New Directions for the Twenty First
Century”, 8th edition, CQ Press 2013.
2. Divan S. and Rosencranz A, “Environmental Law and Policy in India”, 2nd edition, Oxford, New
Delhi, 2005.
3. Leelakrishnan P, “Environmental Law in India”, 3rd edition, Lexis Nexis, India, 2008.
4. Elizabeth Fisher “Environmental Law: A Very Short Introduction” Oxford University Press; 1
edition 2018

Civil Engineering
5. Angus Morrison-Saunders, “Advanced Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment”,
Edward Elgar Pub, April 27, 2018


Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the basic concepts and principles of various components of remote sensing.
2. To provide understanding about the satellite image analysis and interpretation
3. To provide an exposure to GIS and its practical applications in civil engineering.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the principles of remote sensing and GIS
2. Describe the analysis methods RS and GIS data
3. Interpret the data for modeling applications
4. Distinguish sensors and satellites data for specific applications
5. Appraise the usage of data models
6. Formulate methods to solve issues related to environment using RS and GIS techniques

Definition of remote sensing and its components – Electromagnetic spectrum – wavelength regions
important to remote sensing – Wave theory, Particle theory, Stefan-Boltzman and Wein’s displacement law
– atmospheric scattering, absorption – a
tmospheric windows – spectral signature concepts – typical spectral reflective characteristics of water,
vegetation and soil.
Module 2: PLATFORMS AND SENSORS PLATFORMS AND SENSORS: Types of platforms – orbit
types, sun-synchronous and geosynchronous – passive and active sensors – resolution concept – pay load
description of important earth resources and meteorological satellites – airborne and space borne TIR and
microwave sensors.
Module 3: IMAGE INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS : Types of data products – types of image
interpretation – basic elements of image interpretation - visual interpretation keys – digital image processing
– preprocessing – image enhancement techniques – multispectral image classification – supervised and
Module 4: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM: Introduction – Maps – Definitions – Map
projections – types of map projections – map analysis – GIS definition – basic components of GIS –
standard GIS software – Data type – Spatial and non-spatial (attribute) data – measurement scales – Data
Base Management Systems (DBMS)
Module 5: DATA ENTRY, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS: Data models – vector and raster data – data
compression – data input by digitization and scanning – attribute data analysis – integrated data analysis –
Modeling in GIS Highway alignment studies – Land Information System.
Application of GIS and RS in civil Engineering field; basic demo/hands on exposure to GIS software.

Text Books:
1. Lillesand T.M., Kiefer, R.W. and J.W.Chipman. “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation” 5th
Edition, John Willey and Sons Asia Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
2. Anji Reddy, M. “Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System” 2nd
edition. BS Publications, Hyderabad, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Lo .C.P.and.Yeung A.K.W, “Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems”,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002

Civil Engineering
2. Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, “Principles of GIS”, Oxford University Press, 2000
3. Ian Heywood “An Introduction to GIS”, Pearson Education Asia, 2011
4. Robert Shcowebgerdt, “Remote sensing models and methods for image processing”, III edition,
5. .Rees W.G, “Physical Principles of Remote Sensing”, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition,

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge and skills with different aspects of the types, sources, generation, storage,
collection, transport, processing and disposal of solid waste.
2. To impart knowledge on various recycling options available for the solid waste.
3. To educate the engineering principles, design criteria, methods and equipments available to
manage the solid waste
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Analyze the nature and characteristics of municipal solid wastes
2. Sort out the functional elements for solid waste management
3. Apply the techniques and methods used in transformation, conservation and recovery of materials
from solid waste
4. Identify and design waste containment systems
5. Gain knowledge in regulatory requirements regarding municipal solid waste management
6. Apply the basic scientific principles for solving practical waste management challenges

Module 1: SOURCES AND CLASSIFICATION: Types and sources of solid waste – classification of
solid waste - need for solid waste management - salient features of Indian legislations on management and
handling of municipal solid wastes
– factors affecting waste generation-composition, physical, chemical and biological properties of solid
wastes –waste sampling and characterization plan - source reduction of wastes –waste exchange - extended
producer responsibility
Module 3: STORAGE, COLLECTION AND TRANSPORT OF WASTES: Handling and segregation
of wastes at source – storage and collection of municipal solid wastes – analysis of collection systems -
need for transfer and transport – transfer stations optimizing waste allocation– compatibility, storage,
labeling and handling of hazardous wastes
Module 4: WASTE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES: objectives of waste processing – material
separation and processing technologies – biological and chemical conversion technologies – methods and
controls of composting - thermal conversion technologies and energy recovery – incineration - treatment
of biomedical wastes
Module 5: WASTE DISPOSAL: Waste disposal options – disposal in landfills: landfill classification,
types and methods, site selection, design and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills and landfill
bioreactor - leachate and landfill gas management
Module 6: ENERGY FROM SOLID WASTE: Composting – incineration - biogas generation - case
study on best practices - Swachhbharat features

Text Books:
1. Bhide A.D. and Sundaresan, B.B, “Solid Waste Management Collection”, Processing and
Disposal, 2001
2. Paul T Willams, “Waste Treatment and Disposal”, John Wiley and Sons, 2000

Civil Engineering
Reference Books:
1. Tchobanoglous.G. Theisen, H. M., and Eliassen, R. “Solid. Wastes: Engineering Principles and
Management Issues”. New York: McGraw Hill, 1993.
2. Manual on “Municipal Solid Waste Management”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Manser A.G.R. and Keeling A.A, “Practical Handbook of Processing and Recycling of Municipal
solid Wastes”, Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, 1996
4. George Tchobanoglous and FrankKreith, Handbook of “Solid waste Management”, McGraw Hill,
New York, 2002
5. Government of India, “Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management”, CPHEEO, Ministry of
UrbanDevelopment, New Delhi, 2000

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the causes and effects of air pollution.
2. To enable to evaluate the behavior of air pollutants.
3. To provide knowledge about appropriate control measures of air pollution
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand causes of air pollution
2. Analyze different types of air pollutants
3. Impart knowledge on different atmospheric components
4. Evaluate air pollutant behavior in the atmosphere
5. Choose appropriate control technology for air pollution
6. Develop air pollution reduction techniques

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Air pollutants – Sources of air pollution - fugitive emissions -secondary
pollutants - Pollution transport and impact on receptor - Preparation of emission inventory.
Module 2: EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION: Effects of air pollution: regional and global scale - air
pollution episodes - Smog and ozone layer - Greenhouse effect - Effects on Health, vegetation, materials
and atmosphere.
Module 3: ATMOSPHERIC METEROLOGY: Wind profile - Reactions of pollutants in the atmosphere
- their effects - topographic effects - temperature profiles in atmosphere: stability, inversion and plume
Module 4: AIR QUALITY MONITORING: Objectives - Analysis and interpretation of air pollution data
- Air pollution standards and indices - Stack monitoring - Dispersion of air pollutants and modeling -
Gaussian dispersion model.
Module 5: AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL MEASURES: Removal of gaseous pollutants:
adsorption, absorption, reaction and other methods - Particulate emission control - settling chambers -
cyclone separation - Wet collectors - fabric filters - electrostatic precipitators.
Module 6: NOISE POLLUTION AND CONTROL: Basics of acoustics - specifications of sound: sound
power, sound intensity and sound pressure levels - plane, point and line sources - multiple sources - outdoor
and indoor noise propagation - psychoacoustics and noise criteria - effects of noise on health, annoyance
rating schemes - special noise environments - Infrasound, ultrasound, impulsive sound and sonic boom -
noise standards and limit values - noise instrumentation and monitoring procedure - Noise indices - Noise
control methods

Civil Engineering
Text Books:
1. Anjaneyulu D, “Air pollution and control technologies”, Allied Publishers, Mumbai, 2002.
2. Khitoliya R K, “Environmental Pollution” , 2/e, S. Chand Publishing, 2012
Reference Books:
1. Rao C.S, “Environmental pollution control engineering”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.
2. Rao M.N, and Rao H.V.N, “Air Pollution Control” Tata-McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1996.
3. David H.F Liu, Bela G.Liptak, “Air Pollution”, Lewis Publishers, 2000.
4. Mudakavi, J R, “Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control and Analysis” IK International,
5. Air Pollution act, India, 1981

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge in the principles of pavement design
2. To understand the analyses and design as per IRC standards
3. To adopt suitable pavement design
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the principles of pavement design
2. Summarize the Traffic Considerations
3. Choose the appropriate pavement material
4. Analyze flexible and concrete pavements
5. Design flexible and concrete pavements
6. Interpret the Pavement Evaluation Techniques

Module 1: PAVEMENT MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION: Material inputs required for analysis

and design of pavements - appropriate conditions (temperature, moisture content, loading time, etc) for
characterizing pavement materials - Brief description of the principles of different laboratory and field
methods adopted for characterizing pavement materials – MORTH specifications
Module 2: TRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONS: Vehicle types - axle configurations - contact shapes and
contact stress distributions - concept of standard axle load - vehicle damage factor - axle load surveys -
lateral placement characteristics of wheels - estimation of design traffic.
Module 3: PRINCIPLES OF PAVEMENT DESIGN: Pavements types - concept of pavement
performance - structural and functional failures of pavements - different types of pavement performance
criteria- different pavement design approaches - general framework for pavement design
Module 4: FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS: Appropriate theoretical models for analysis of flexible and
concrete pavements. - analysis of layered flexible pavement systems using linear elastic layered theory -
need for use of advanced analytical techniques for flexible pavements - different softwares available for
analysis of flexible pavements - different methods of design of flexible pavements - Indian Roads Congress
guidelines - IRC:37.
Module 5: RIGID PAVEMENTS: Different theoretical models for analysis of different types of concrete
pavements- Analysis of wheel load stresses, curling/warping stresses due to temperature differential, critical
stress combinations - need for use of advanced analytical techniques for concrete pavements - different
methods of design of concrete pavements - Indian Roads Congress guidelines - IRC:58.
Module 6: PAVEMENT EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Functional and structural evaluation of
pavements - concept of roughness - International Roughness Index - Measurement of Roughness using
different types of equipment - Structural evaluation of in-service pavements using Benkelman beam and
Falling weight Deflectometer methods

Civil Engineering
Text Books:
1. Yang H Huang “Pavement Analysis and Design”, Prentice Hall, 1993
2. EJ Yoder and MW Witczak, “Principles of Pavement Design”, John Wiley and Sons. 1991
Reference Books:
1. Papagiannakis AP and Masad EA,“Pavement Design and Materials”, John Wiley and Sons, 2017
2. “AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures”, American Association of State Highway
and Transport Officials.
3. IRC:58-2015, Guidelines for the “Design of Plain Jointed Rigid Pavements for Highways”, 4 th
Revision, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.
4. IRC:37-2012 - Tentative Guidelines for the “Design of Flexible Pavements” Indian Roads
Congress, New Delhi.
5. Standards for “Road and Bridge Works”, Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MORTH),
5th Edition, April 2013.
6. IRC:81-1997, “Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements using Benkelman beam
deflection techniques”, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about the basic components of airports.
2. To describe the process and methods of operating and utilization of airport capacity and able to
formulate the problem around airports review by obstacle limitation.
3. To impart basic understanding of the infrastructure of airports and airport connections to other
modes of transport.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand and apply basic concepts of aviation regulations, and financing structure for airports
2. Design the airfield geometric elements and runway
3. Understand and apply basic concepts of capacity analysis for airside and landside planning
4. Evaluate airport capacity, safety and security
5. Demonstrate basic principles of pavement design
6. Demonstrate basic concepts of airside and landside aviation infrastructure management

Module 1: AIR TRANSPORT CHARACTERISTICS: Airport classification-airport planning:

objectives, components, layout characteristics, socio-economic characteristics of the catchment area -
typical airport layouts - case studies
Module 2: RUNWAY DESIGN: Airport Site selection and ICAO stipulations - geometric design of the
airfield: runway design- orientation, wind rose diagram – runway length – problems on basic and actual
Module 3: CAPACITY DETERMINATION: Determination of runway capacity and delay - taxiway and
gate capacity - holding aprons - terminal aprons - airport drainage
Module 4: AIRPORT TERMINAL DESIGN: Function of airport passenger and cargo terminal - design
of air freight terminals - airport access - airport landside planning - capacity; parking and circulation area.
pavement design principles – elements of taxiway design – airport zones – passenger facilities and services
Module 6: AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: Navigational aids: lighting, sign, markings - ground based
systems - satellite based systems – air traffic control - surveillance facilities – airfield lighting - air traffic

Civil Engineering
Text Books:
1. Khanna S K, Arora M G and Jain S S, “Airport Planning and Design”, Nemchand and Brothers,
Roorkee, 2012.
2. Subhash C. Saxena, “Airport Engineering: Planning and Design”, CBS Publisher, 2012
1. Rangwala, “Airport Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 2013.
2. Asheesh Kumar, “Planning and Design of Airport”, Vayu Education of India, 2015
3. Norman J. Ashford , Saleh A. Mumayiz, Paul H. Wright, “Airport Engineering: Planning,
Designand Development of 21st-Century Airports” , John Wiley and Sons – 5 Sep 2012
4. Robert Horonjeff, Francis X. McKelvey, William J. Sproule, Seth B. Young “Planning and Design
of Airports” 5th Edition
5. Planning and design guidelines for Airport terminal facilities, Advisory circular, department of
transportation, Federal Aviation Administration 1988

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on Architectural design concepts, principles of planning and composition are
2. To enable the student to understand town planning from ancient times to modern times.
3. To impart the concepts of town planning standards, landscaping and expansion of towns.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Compile the Historical Back Ground of Town Planning and architecture
2. Compose spaces of buildings using design concepts, planning principles.
3. Understand the town planning standards, landscaping features and regulations controlling
expansion of the towns and the cities.
4. Distinguish architectural styles of eastern and western world.
5. Understand the importance of architecture design
6. .Analyze the importance of modern architecture methods

Module 1: BACK GROUND OF TOWN PLANNING: Town planning in India – Town plans of
mythological Manasa -Town plans of Ancient towns: Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Pataliputra, Delhi, Acropolis
(Greece), Jerusalem, Mecca, Rome, London.
Module 2: TOWN PLANNING THEORY: Evolution of towns: problems of urban growth – beginning
of planning acts – ideal town – concept of new towns and conservative theory – comprehensive planning
of towns- Survey and analysis of town: fare maps – land use classification – transportation network –
intelligent transportation system –solid waste and sewage – economic studies – environmental aspects.
Town planning standards
Module 3: LANDSCAPING AND EXPANSION OF TOWNS: Landscaping for the towns, Town scape
- horizontal and vertical expansion of towns: garden cities, satellite towns, floating towns, sky scrapers,
pyramidal cities – smart cities
Module 4: WESTERN ARCHITECTURE: Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Mughal periods – European,
Egyptian, Greek, Roman, medieval and renaissance periods- construction and architectural styles;
vernacular and traditional architecture - Post-classic Architecture
Module 5: PRINCIPLES OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Definition of architecture: factors
influencing architectural development- characteristic features of a style - Creative principles:
function/strength, aesthetics – deciding the space and form – activity space, circulation space and tolerance
space - form expressive of function-form related with material and Structural system.

Civil Engineering
developments and impacts on society since industrial revolution - influence of modern art on architecture -
works of national and international architects - art Novuea, Eclecticism, international styles, post
modernism - deconstruction in architecture

Text Books:
1. Joy Sen, “Sustainable Urban Planning”, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), 2013
2. Gallion A B.,Eisner S., “The Urban Pattern” Van Nostrandreinhold, New York,1993.
Reference Books:
1. Dutt, B. B, “Town Planning in Ancient India”, Delhi, Isha Books, 2009.
2. Pramar, V. S. “A social history of Indian architecture”, Oxford University Press India New Delhi,
3. Roth, M. L. “Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History, and Meaning. Columbia”, West-
view Press, 2006
4. Jon Lang, “A concise history of Modern Architecture in India”, Permanent Black Publishers, New
5. Taurus Parke, “A City with view Florence”, I.B. Taurus Publishers, New York, 1994.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart a basic knowledge of the typical special foundations used in various situations
2. To familiarize with the soil design
3. To enlighten with structural design of foundations and retaining walls and special foundations
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Recall the design philosophies.
2. Identify the various types of soil design
3. Determine the loads and moments acting on the structure.
4. Estimate the quantity of reinforcement.
5. Design the structure as per Indian standards.
6. Construct the appropriate structural drawing.


to limit state design of concrete foundations - Soil pressures for structural design - Depth of footings -
Bearing capacity - settlement of shallow foundations
Module 2: STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF SPREAD FOOTINGS: Combined footings- rectangular,
trapezoidal and strap footings
Module 3: MAT FOUNDATIONS: Structural design of mat foundations - beam and slab raft foundations
- combined pile raft foundations
Module 4: PILE FOUNDATIONS: Design of different types of pile foundations - structural design of
Module 5: RETAINING WALLS: Stability analysis of retaining walls - structural design of retaining
walls- cantilever and counter fort retaining walls
Module 6: SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS: Foundations for special structures like water tanks and ground
storage tanks, transmission towers, silos and chimneys - coastal and offshore structures.

Text Books:
1. Ashok K Jain, “Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design”, Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee, 2007

Civil Engineering
2. Swami Saran, “Analysis and Design of Substructures”, IBH Publishing Co Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. Bowles J.E., “Foundation Analysis and Design”, Mc. Graw Hill International Edition, New
2. P.C. Varghese, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations”, PHI-Ltd- New Delhi, 2009.
3. Tomlinson M.J, “Foundation design and Construction” , John Wiley Interscience, New York, 2001
4. Das,B. M. “Advanced Soil Mechanics”, CRC Press, 2013
5. Selvadurai, A.P.S. “Elastic Analysis of Soil Foundation Interaction.”, Elsevier Scientific
Publishing Company, New York, 1979

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize the fundamentals of traffic engineering
2. To enable to identify the different theories of traffic flow
3. To impart the importance of traffic safety and management
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the fundamentals of traffic engineering
2. Carry out different traffic studies
3. Design channels, intersections, signals, roundabouts and parking arrangements
4. Express the application of traffic flow theory
5. Enhance safety and environment in all design aspects
6. Develop Traffic management Systems

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Scope of Traffic Engineering - Elements of Traffic Engineering - road

user, vehicle and road way. Road Characteristics – Road user characteristics – PIEV theory – Vehicle
characteristics - IRC standards - Design speed, volume – Performance characteristics – Fundamentals of
Traffic low – Urban Traffic problems in India
Module 2:TRAFFIC SURVEY: Speed, journey time and delay surveys – Vehicles Volume Survey
including non-motorized transports – Methods and interpretation – Origin Destination Survey – Methods
and presentation – Parking Survey – Accident analyses -Methods, interpretation and presentation –
Statistical applications in traffic studies and traffic forecasting
Module 3:LEVEL OF SERVICE AND CAPACITY: Concept, applications and significance - Highway
capacity - Capacity of urban and rural roads - PCU concept and its limitations – Road user facilities -
Parking facilities - Cycle tracks and cycle ways - Pedestrian facilities – Traffic flow theory
Module 4: INTERSECTION DESIGN: Design of at-grade intersections – Principles of design –
Channelization - Design of rotaries - Traffic signals - pre-timed and traffic actuated - Design of signal
setting - phase diagrams - timing diagram – Signal co-ordination – Roundabouts - Grade separated
intersections - Geometric elements for divided and access controlled highways and expressways
Module 5: ROAD SAFETY: Street lighting -Traffic signs including Variable Message sign and road
markings – Significant roles of traffic control personnel – Networking pedestrian facilities and cycle tracks
- Traffic regulation and control Traffic safety – Principles and practices – Road safety Audit – Traffic and
environment hazards – Air and Noise Pollution – causes - abatement measures – Promotion and integration
of public transportation – Promotion of non-motorized transport
Module 6: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Area Traffic Management System – Traffic System
Management (TSM) with IRC standards – Traffic Regulatory Measures-Travel Demand Management
(TDM) – Direct and indirect methods – Congestion and parking pricing – All segregation methods-

Civil Engineering
Coordination among different agencies – Intelligent Transport System for traffic management, enforcement
and education – Car pooling

Text Books:
1. Kadiyali.L.R. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2013
2. Salter. R.I and Hounsell N.B, “Highway Traffic Analysis and design”, Macmillan Press Ltd.1996
Reference Books:
1. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn and Walter P.Kilareski, “Principles of Highway Engineering
and Traffic Analysis”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011
2. Garber and Hoel, “Principles of Traffic and Highway Engineering”, CENGAGE Learning, New
Delhi, 2010
3. John E Tyworth, “Traffic Management Planning, Operations and control”, Addison Wesly
Publishing Company, 1996
4. Hobbs.F.D., “Traffic Planning and Engineering”, University of Brimingham, Peragamon Press Ltd,
5. SP:43-1994, Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Specifications: Guidelines and Special Publications on
Traffic Planning and Management.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To familiarize the concepts of green building
2. To introduce holistic approach buildings
3. To provide exposure to various national and international rating systems
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the concept of holistic design
2. Implement green building concept
3. Reduce the foot print of construction operation
4. Design the green building systems
5. Evaluate the performance of green buildings
6. Asses and rate the green building

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Definition - Green Building - environmental challenges - Green building

goals - approaches to green building - Holistic design - Integrated design - codes and guidelines
Module 2: GREEN BUILDING SYSTEMS: Site design- selection of green materials - products and
practices - passive design strategy - resource efficiency- internal load reduction - indoor environment
quality – building water and waste management
Module 3: GREEN BUILDING IMPLEMENTATION: Site protection planning-health and safety
planning- health and safety planning - construction and demolition waste-reducing the foot print of
construction operation
Module 4: BUILDING COMMISIONING: Essentials of commissioning - HVAC commissioning-
commissioning of non-mechanical - cost and benefit of building commissioning
Module 5: GREEN BUILDING ASSESSMENT: Green Building Assessment USGBC LEED building
assessment standard - LEED certification process – green globes building assessment protocol-
international building assessment systems
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Platinum / gold / silver building– trends in building rating systems – IGBC

Civil Engineering
Text Book:
1. Charles J. Kibert, “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, 2nd Edition,
Wiley, New Jersey, 2007.
2. Kibert, C. “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, John Wiley and
Sons, 2005
Reference Books:
1. Jerry Yudelson, “Green building A to Z, Understanding the Language of Green Building”, New
Society Publishers, Canada, 2007.
2. Green building guidelines: Meeting the demand for low-energy, resource-efficient homes.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council, Washington, D.C., 2004.
3. Jerry Yudelson, “Green Building through Integrated Design”, McGraw Hill, USA, 2009
4. Means, R.S., “Green building: Project Planning and Cost Estimating”, Wiley, Kingston,
NewJersey, 2007.
5. Colin Porteous, “The New Eco-Architecture”, Spon Press, 2002.

3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To enable to understand the global climate change scenario, causes and consequences
2. To introduce the concepts about climate change modelling
3. To familiarize about the global climate and its impacts across the world
Course Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the climate and its change
2. List the factors affecting global climate change
3. Analyze the impacts of global climate change
4. Explain the importance of climate change in various fields
5. Develop Climate Change Models
6. Study the impacts of climate change across the Globe

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Climate - the atmosphere - circulation - stability, chemistry of atmosphere

- atmospheric and ocean circulation - concept of energy balance - monsoon rain – clouds – storms - climate
- cloud formation and climate - global wind systems - storm - hurricanes
Module 2: CLIMATE CHANGE: Causes - internal forcing mechanism- external forcing mechanism –
physical evidences – tropical – desert – polar - mid-latitude climates and their role in global climate change.
Module 3: GREEN HOUSE GASES: Green house gases - its impact – acid rains – causes – effects-
solution- prevention – ozone layer – ozone depletion – ozone hole and global warming - CO2 Emissions.
Module 4: IMPACT ON AGRICULTURE: Food security - land use – forestry - human health – water
supply – sanitation - infrastructure and economy.
Module 5: IMPACT ON WATER: Importance of water – water resources- oceans- global ocean
circulation - water-related adaptation to climate change in the fields of ecosystems and biodiversity-
variations in past climates in ocean and lake sediment cores, ice cores, corals, tree rings - influences and
feedbacks of hydrological changes on climate – climate modelling
Module 6: ROLE OF ORGANIZATION: Mission of the inter-Governmental panel on climate change -
International agreements and protocols - future use of energy and fossil fuels - role of Governments,
industries and individuals - case studies: Antarctica – Greenland – North Pole – India.

Text Book:
1. Singh, K. P., “Geomorphology and global climate change”, 2011.

Civil Engineering
2. Thomas R Karl , Jerry Melillo., “ Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States”, U S Global
Change Research. 2009
Reference Books:
1. Syed M. H., “Climate Change”, Daya Publishing House, 2009
2. Syed M.H, Encyclopedia of SAARC Nations, Gyan Publishing House, 2003
3. Alper Baba, Gökmen Tayfur, “Climate Change and Its Effects on Water Resources” Springer
Publishers, 2010
4. George Luber, Jay Lemery, “Global Climate Change and Human Health: From Science to
Practice”,ISBN: 978-1-118-50557-1November 2015,
5. Edmond Mathez “Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future”,
Columbia University Press (1st edition, 2009)

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge in the concepts of intelligent buildings
2. To provide the working principles of building automation systems, office automation systems and
communication systems
3. To get an exposure to air conditioning and fire safety arrangement in Intelligent buildings
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify impacts and benefits of intelligent buildings
2. Understand the principles of automated buildings
3. Illustrate philosophy of building automation systems
4. Analyze the intelligent building design concepts
5. Design fire safety and security systems for intelligent buildings
6. Integrate the building management systems and adopt them in intelligent buildings

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to intelligent buildings - basic concepts - building automation

system - cost analysis of intelligent buildings – smart materials - intelligent building management system.
Module 2: HEATING VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING: Introduction - Human comfort -
comfort air-conditioning – classification - air conditioning systems - electrical installations and illumination
- introduction, terminologies in electrical power engineering - electrical power transmission to buildings -
electrical power quality in buildings - lighting systems in buildings – correlating the systems
Module 3: FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS: Introduction - fire service installations type - automatic
fire alarm detection – sprinklers - hose reels hydrants - foam systems -microprocessor based alarm.
Module 4: SECURITY AND SAFETY SYSTEMS: Introduction - designing a security system - intrusion
sensors and space sensors – access control and intrusion detection systems- closed circuit television system
–selection of camera- central alarm systems – health monitoring systems.
Module 5: BUILDING ELECTRONICS: Introduction - microprocessor based control - programmable
logic controller – communication principles - telephone systems - communal aerial broadcasting – satellite
communication - fiber optic backbone
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Intelligent building practice - tall building - energy saving intelligent
building management

Text Books
1. Shengwei Wang, “Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation”, Spon Press, London, 2009.
2. Derek Clements and Croome, “Intelligent Buildings: An Introduction”, Routledge, 2013

Civil Engineering
Reference Books
1. Derek Clements Croome, “Intelligent Building Design, Management and Operations”, Thomas
Telford Publishing, London, 2004.
2. Albert Ting – pat Sowai Lok Chan, “Intelligent Building Systems”, Kluwer Academic Publisher,
U.S.A, 1999.
3. Ehrlich, C., “Intelligent Building Dictionary: Terminology for Smart, Integrated, Green Building
Design, Construction, and Management” San Francisco, Calif: Hands-on-Guide, 2007.
4. Michael Wigginton, Jude Harris, “Intelligent Skins”, Routledge, 2013
5. Manolescue P., “Integrating Security into Intelligent Buildings”, Cheltenharn, 2003

2 0 0 2
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts and benefits of energy efficiency in buildings.
2. To enable to identify the different opportunities and measures for reducing energy use in
3. To familiarize the different mechanisms for financing energy efficiency measures in buildings
Course outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Appreciate the significance and benefits of energy efficiency in buildings.
2. Identify the methodology for the energy efficiency of buildings.
3. Determine the energy efficiency of buildings
4. Improve the energy efficiency of buildings and the potential savings.
5. Implement different mechanisms for financing energy efficiency measures.
6. Interpret policies to facilitate energy efficiency


-construction building material- Environmental impact assessment (EIA) - environmental impact analysis-
energy flow in buildings - internal heat gain – delivered energy and system loss - energy performance of
buildings - certifying energy efficiency
Module 2: ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES IN BUILDINGS: Reducing heating demand -
limiting the exposed surface area of the building - improving air tightness - improving the insulation of the
building’s fabric- identifying a suitable heating system - reducing cooling demand - avoiding excessive
glazing - reducing the energy requirements for ventilation - energy star energy efficiency equipment and
appliance labelling
Module 3 :ENERGY EFFICIENCY SIMULATION: Assessment - analysis and implementation of
lighting systems - compressed air systems - heating systems, geometry of buildings - openings and shades
- thermal control - lightings and cooling controls - simulation parameters - natural ventilation - zero energy
funds- debt financing - lease or lease-purchase agreements- energy performance contracts - utility
incentives- design assistance - low-interest loans - local authority and national assistance - energy efficiency
policy- agency - regulator - adjudicating body
compliances - codes and standards - residential and non-residential buildings - new constructions-
refurbishing and renovations - certification and labelling
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Sustainable energy - improving energy efficiency - efficient lighting -
passive design

Civil Engineering
Text Books:
1. Mili Majumdar, “Energy-efficient Buildings in India”, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI),
2. Lal Jayamaha, “Energy-Efficient Building Systems: Green Strategies for Operation and
Maintenance”, McGraw Hill Professional, 2006
Reference Books:
1. Paul Tymkow, Savvas Tassou, Maria Kolokotroni, Hussam Jouhara, “Building Services Design for
Energy Efficient Buildings”, Routledge, 2013
2. Umberto Desideri, Francesco Asdrubali,“Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings: A Life
Cycle Approach”, Butterworth-Heinemann Publisher, 2018
3. Matthew R Hall, “Materials for Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort in Buildings”, Elsevier,
4. Satyajit Ghosh, Abhinav Dhaka, “Green Structures: Energy Efficient Buildings”, Ane Books, 2015
5. Bruce Harley, “Insulate and Weatherize”, The Taunton Press, 2002.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart the concept of three dimensional stress and strain analysis.
2. To suggest solutions for selected problems in rectangular and polar coordinates as well as
torsion of prismatic bars, thin walled open sections and closed tubes
3. To facilitate understanding of the plastic stress-strain relations, criteria of yielding and
elasto-plastic problems
Course outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. State the basic equations of elasticity and plasticity and recognize the methods of solution of elastic,
elastic-plastic and plastic problems of solid mechanics.
2. Explain the concept of stress at a point, strain at a point, stress or strain transformation, principal
plane and principal stress, strain- displacement relations, yield criteria, yield surface, plastic stress
-strain relation.
3. Calculate the principal stress/strain at a point in a stressed body and their associated directions.
4. Carry out rigorous analysis of a stressed body and examine its stress distribution
5. Justify the importance of rigorous analysis of solid mechanics problems by theory of
elasticity and theory of plasticity for weight- sensitive applications.
6. Develop equations governing the behaviour of physical problem consistent with the Kinematic


COORDINATES: Stress at a point – hydrostatic and deviatoric components - differential equations of
equilibrium- stress transformation laws – principal stresses – displacement field – strain at a point - strain
displacement relations – St.Venant compatibility conditions - strain transformations - principal strain -
principle of superposition - stress-strain relations - Hooke's law - St.Venant’s principle.
dimensional problems in cartesian coordinates: Plane stress and plane strain problems – Airy's stress
function - polynomials -application to bending of a beam: simply supported beam with UDL- cantilever
beam with a tip load- pure bending of a cantilever beam
problems in polar coordinates: Plane stress and plane strain problems – Airy's stress function - application
to simple problems -symmetrical stress distribution in thick cylinder - rotating disc -p ure bending of curved
bars - bending of a curved bar by force at the end- effect of circular hole on stress distribution- concentrated

Civil Engineering
force at a point of a straight boundary - forces on wedges - circular disc with diametric loading
Module 4: TORSION OF NON-CIRCULAR SECTIONS: St. Venant's warping function and Prandtl’s
stress function approaches - membrane analogy - torsion of thin walled open sections - torsion of hollow
thin walled single and multi-celled tubs.
Module 5: BEAMS ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION: Idealization of soil medium – Winkler model –
analysis of infinite beams – semi-infinite and finite beams – point load and uniformly distributed load –
various boundary conditions.
Module 6: INTRODUCTION TO PLASTICITY: Strain Hardening - idealized stress- strain curve -yield
criteria -Von Mises yield criterion - Tresca yield criterion -stress-space representation - Elasto-plastic
problems - Beams in bending - torsion of bar of circular cross section - Nadai's sand heap analogy -plastic
stress-strain relations -plastic potential.

1. Chakrabarthy, T., “Theory of Plasticity”, Elsevier, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Chandramouli, P.N., “Theory of Elasticity”, Yes Dee Publishing Private Ltd., Chennai, 2017
3. Chow, P.C and Pagano, N.J., “Elasticity, Tensor, Dyadic and Engineering approaches”, Dover
Publications Inc, New York, 1992.
4. Mendelson, A., “Plasticity - Theory and Applications”, MacMillan Co., NewYork, 1968
5. Sadhu Singh, “Theory of Elasticity”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1995
6. Timoshenko, S. and Goodier, J.N., “Theory of Elasticity”, McGraw- Hill Book Co., New Delhi,

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the basic principles of free and forced vibration (both un-damped and
damped) of single degree of freedom system
2. To become proficient in the modal analysis of multiple degree of freedom systems as well as
distributed parameter systems
3. To get exposed to the solution techniques for free and forced vibration analysis of building frames
subjected to dynamic loads
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the elements of vibratory system and to choose the relevant mathematical tools for dynamic
analysis of structure
2. Explain the causes and effects of structural vibration
3. Determine the fundamental frequency and mode of vibration of structural elements
4. Determine the response of the components of structural system
5. Compare the response of vibrating structural elements obtained by rigorous mathematical approach
and functional approximation methods
6. Explore the applications of dynamics to various field problems.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLES OF DYNAMICS: Principles of vibration analysis:

Elements of vibratory system and simple harmonic motion - D'Alembert's principle - Hamilton's principle
– principle of virtual work -idealization of a structure as SDOF system - Equation of motion - damped and
undamped free vibrations - critical damping - logarithmic decrement - un-damped forced vibration.
Module 2: FORCED RESPONSE OF SDOF SYSTEM: Response to support motion - response to
harmonic excitation, damped or un-damped – response to support motion - response to arbitrary periodic
loading- Duhamel's integral

Civil Engineering
Module 3: FREE VIBRATION OF MDOF SYSTEM: MDOF system (Lymped mass): Mathematical
model of MDOF system - free vibration of undamped MDOF systems - natural frequencies and mode
shapes – orthogonality conditions - analysis for natural frequencies and mode shapes - solution of the Eigen
value problems -Stodala Power method - Jacobi method - Holzer method - Transfer matrix methods -
Dunkerlay's equation – Rayleigh and Rayleigh-Ritz methods
Module 4: DISTRIBUTED PARAMETER SYSTEM: MDOF (Continuous system): Mathematical
model for continuous system- free and forced vibration of bars - analysis for un-damped free and forced
vibration of simply supported and cantilever beams - Effect of axial loads - Rayleigh Ritz method.
Module 5: FORCED VIBRATION OF MDOF SYSTEM: Idealizations of multi-storeyed building
frames for dynamic analysis - Shear buildings – stiffness, flexibility and mass matrices - Free and forced
vibration with and without damping – solution by step by step direct integration - central difference method
- Houbolt method - Wilson-θ-method - Newmark method.
Module 6: APPLICATION OF STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS: Vibration isolation - Tuned mass damper
- vibration absorber – vibration due to: wind - earthquake, blast, impact, machine foundations.

1. Anil K Chopra, “Dynamics of structures” Prentice-hall, 2015
2. Clough, R. W., and Penzien, “Dynamics of Structures”, McGraw Hill Book Co Ltd, 1986.
3. Leonard Meirovitch, “Elements of Vibration Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., New Delhi, 2007
4. Paz Mario, “Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt.
Ltd., 2012
5. James C. Anderson, Farzad Naeim, “Basic Structural Dynamics”, John Wiley and Sons, 2012


Course Objectives:
1. To impart the basic concept of finite element and the finite element procedure
2. To train in the development of shape functions, strain displacement relations, stiffness matrix and
load vector for one, two and three dimensional finite elements
3. To give exposure to mesh generation techniques and commercial softwares
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Define conservation of energy principle, variational principle and methods of weighted
residual for developing finite element model
2. Explain the finite element procedure by taking a simple 2D truss problem.
3. Develop the shape function, strain displacement-relation, stiffness matrix and consistent load vector
for structural members.
4. Analyze scalar and vector variable problems
5. Justify the approximate solution by finite element method by comparing with closed form solution
of bench mark problem.
6. Develop the finite element model for any given problem using appropriate finite element

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Concept of Finite element: Element types – strong and weak formulations
- Variational principles - Principle of virtual work - Rayleigh-Ritz method - Galerkin’s method of weighted
residual - Energy Principles - Displacement, stress and hybrid models
Module 2: ANALYSIS OF ONE DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM: One dimensional problems: scalar and
vector variable problems - concept of shape functions – convergence and compatibility requirements; Bar,
beam and truss elements– global, local and natural coordinate systems – generation of stiffness matrix and
consistent load vector– finite element procedure

Civil Engineering
Module 3: ANALYSIS OF TWO DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: Two Dimensional Problems: Plane
stress and plane strain problems - Triangular elements - Rectangular elements – static condensation
technique - Sub-Iso-super parametric elements - shape function - mapping - linear iso-parametric
Module 4: ANALYSIS OF THREE DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: Three dimensional elements:
Tetrahedron element family - Hexahedron Element family - ZIB 8 and ZIB 20 elements - Numerical
Integration using Gaussian Quadrature -Axisymmetric stress analysis
Module 5: ANALYSIS OF PLATES AND SHELLS: Analysis of plates: Triangular and rectangular plate
bending elements - analysis of shells - faceted element for shells - degenerated shell elements – 4 noded
bilinear shell element- degenerated axi-symmetric shell elements – introduction to finite strip method
Module 6: COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION: Auto and adaptive mesh generation techniques – mesh
refinement technique – h, p r methods of mesh refinement – requirement for selection of commercial
software for structural analysis- principles of modeling and analysis using commercial FEA software.

1. Bathe, K.J., “Finite Element Procedure”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2014
2. Cook R.D., ‘Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Method”, Wiley John and Sons, 2014
3. Hutton David, “Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis”, Mc-Graw Hill,2004
4. Rajasekaran, S., “Finite Element Methods in Engineering Design”, S.Chand and Co Ltd., New
Delhi, 2015
5. Reddy, J.N., “An Introduction to Finite Element Method”, McGraw-Hill International edition, 2008
6. Tirupathi, R.Chandrupatla and Ashok, D. Belegundu, “Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited., New Delhi, 2004.
7. Zienkiewinz, O.C., “The Finite Element Method Vol. 1 and 2”, Mc Graw Hill Book Company,
New York, 1999.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the principles of plate tectonics and seismology
2. To enrich with expertise to analyze the forces in the members as per IS 1893 and ductile detailing
as per IS 13920
3. To enlighten with the principle of vibration control methods and retrofitting techniques
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Sequence the basic principles of engineering seismology
2. Estimate the forces on the structures
3. Assess the methods for seismic resistant design
4. Illustrate the codal provisions for seismic resistant design
5. Recommend suitable alternate techniques
6. Formulate repair and rehabilitation methods for damaged structures

Module 1: EARTHQUAKES AND GROUND MOTION: Engineering seismology -seismotectonics -

earthquake monitoring - seismic instrumentation (Indian scenario) - estimation of earthquake parameters -
seismic zoning of India- microzonation- peak horizontal acceleration (PHA).
(SDOFS/ MDOFS) - response spectra - evaluation of earthquake forces as per codal provisions – static and
dynamic methods- lessons learnt from past earthquakes
systems - building types - causes of damage - planning considerations - philosophy and principle of

Civil Engineering
earthquake resistant design - guidelines for earthquake resistant design - earthquake resistant masonry
buildings - design consideration
design of R.C.C. Buildings – ductile detailing of structures – rigid frames – shear walls.
Module 5: VIBRATION CONTROL TECHNIQUES: Vibration control - principles and application-
Case studies -important structures- methods of retrofitting.
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Learning from failures - repairs and rehabilitations

1. Bruce A Bolt, “Earthquakes” W H Freeman and Company, New York, 2004.
2. Brebbia C.A. “Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VIII”,WIT Press, 2011
3. Duggal,S.K. “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2007
4. Mohiuddin Ali Khan “Earthquake-Resistant Structures: Design, Build and Retrofit”, Elsevier
Science and Technology, 2012
5. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Prentice
Hall of India, 2009.
6. Paulay,T and Priestley, M.J.N., “Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry buildings”,
John Wiley and Sons, 1992.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart the basic principles of stability of structures
2. To educate on equilibrium and energy approaches for the buckling of compression members and
beam columns made of solid as well as thin walled open sections
3. To facilitate understanding of the buckling behaviour of plates and shells and imperfection
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Gain knowledge of the stability criteria, energy theorems, and basic mathematical techniques used
to determine the critical loads of structural elements.
2. Explain the cause of bifurcation and limit point buckling of structural elements.
3. Apply equilibrium and energy approaches and develop mathematical equations for buckling of
structural elements.
4. Carry out buckling analysis of structural elements and determine the buckling loads and the
associated buckling modes.
5. Justify the applicability of approximate solution techniques for buckling of structures.
6. Predict the buckling behaviour of a portal frame by critical equilibrium approach and by using
linear elastic stiffness and geometric stiffness

Module 1: CRITERIA FOR DESIGN OF STRUCTURES: Stability, strength, and stiffness, states of
equilibrium - stability criteria - static and dynamic approach -classical concept of stability of discrete and
continuous systems - linear and nonlinear behavior
Module 2: STABILITY OF COLUMNS: Axial and flexural buckling, lateral bracing of columns,
combined axial, flexural and torsional buckling of columns: various boundary conditions - initially bent
column - eccentrically loaded column – effect of shear on buckling - large deflection of columns – inelastic
buckling of columns: double modulus theory - tangent modulus theory
Module 3: STABILITY OF FRAME: Effect of axial force on bending stiffness - stability of frames with
and without sway– buckling versus global buckling - buckling analysis critical equilibrium and by finite
element method

Civil Engineering
Module 4: TORSIONAL AND LATERAL STABILITY: Lateral stability of beams - lateral buckling of
beams in pure bending - lateral buckling of cantilever and simply supported I beams -buckling of thin-
walled open sections - torsional buckling - torsional flexural buckling.
Module 5: STABILITY OF PLATES: Stability of plates: equilibrium and energy concepts - critical load
of a thin plate under uniaxial and biaxial compression –critical load of plate in shear - post-buckling
strength- Galerkin’s method and Finite difference method
Module 6: BUCKLING OF SHELLS: Buckling of shells -Donnel’s equation - symmetrical buckling of
cylinder under uniform axial compression - cylinder under uniform external lateral pressure - cylinder
subjected to torsion -imperfection sensitivity - perfect systems - imperfect systems - sensitive and
insensitive systems - symmetric and asymmetric bifurcation - bifurcation and limit points

1. Ashwini Kukar, “Stability of Structures”, Allied Publishers Limited, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Brush, D.O., and Almorth, B.O., “Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells”, Mc Graw Hill, 1975.
3. El Naschie, M.S., “Stress, Stability and Chaos in Structural Engineering: An Energy Approach”,
McGraw Hill International Editions, 1992.
4. Iyengar, N.G.R., “Elastic Stability of Structural Elements”, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi,
5. Murali, L. Gambir, “Stability Analysis and Design of Structures”, Springer-Verlog, Berlin, 2013.
6. Robert Millard Jones, “Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells”, McGraw-Hill, 2006
7. Simister G.J. and Hodge D.H., “Fundamentals of Structural Stability”, Elsevier Ltd., 2008
8. Timoshenko, S.P., and Gere, J.M., “Theory of Elastic Stability”, McGraw-Hill, 2013.

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge in the solution of linear and nonlinear equations
2. To enable to solve linear systems of equations
3. To train to integrate software and to carry out numerical integration and solve ordinary
differential equations.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Solve the linear and nonlinear equations.
2. Analyze static and dynamic problems
3. Integrate software to solve the problems
List of Experiments:
1. Solution of cubic equation- Cardon-solution
2. Find the Roots of Non-Linear Equation using Bisection Method.
3. Find the Roots of Non-Linear Equation using Newton’s Method.
4. Curve Fitting by Least Square Approximations.
5. Solve the System of Linear Equations using Gauss – Elimination Method.
6. Solve the System of Linear Equations using Gauss - Seidal Iteration Method.
7. Solve the System of Linear Equations using Gauss – Jorden Method.
8. Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal Rule.
9. Numerical Integration using Simpson’s Rules.
10. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by Euler’s Method.
11. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by Runge- Kutta Method.
12. Newmark’s integration method for SDoF system
1. Rajasekaran, S., “ Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science”, S.Chand Ltd., 2003

Civil Engineering
2. Williams,P.W. “ Numerical Computations”, The English Language Book Society, South Ampton,
Great Britain, 1972
3. Bilal Ayyub, Richard H. McCuen, “Numerical Analysis for Engineers: Methods and
Applications”, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2015

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To demonstrate the mix-design of high strength concrete
2. To impart practical knowledge on the experimental behaviour of structural elements.
3. To train to conduct Non Destructive Tests on existing concrete structures
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Design high grade concrete and study the parameters affecting its performance.
2. Conduct Non Destructive Tests on existing concrete structures.
3. Apply engineering principles to understand behaviour of structural elements.

List of Experiments:
1. Concrete mix design for high strength concrete
2. Study of stress-strain behaviour of high strength concrete, Correlation between cube strength, cylinder
strength, split tensile strength and modulus of rupture.
3. Test on dynamic behaviour of frames
4. Behaviour of Beam / slab under flexure
5. Behaviour of Beams under Shear
6. Behaviour of short columns under axial compression
7. Evaluation of connection/joint strength of steel
8. Durability studies on concrete elements using RCPT
9. Permeability studies on concrete
10. Non-Destructive testing of existing R.C.C members
11. Corrosion studies on RCC elements
12. Identification or rebar using cover meter

1. Neville A. M, “Properties of Concrete”, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012
2. Shetty M. S., “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand and Co., 2006
3. Zongjin Li, “Advanced Concrete Technology”, John Wiley and Sons, 2011

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To demonstrate the various models for structural elements
2. To facilitate the determination of the response of the models due to static and dynamic loads
3. To enable to carry out the cyclic load tests on frames
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Demonstrate various models for structural elements
2. Determine the response of the models for static and dynamic loads
3. Examine the behavior of models for static and dynamic loads
List of Experiments:
1. Testing of cylindrical shell

Civil Engineering
2. Testing of doubly curved shell
3. Testing of Funicular shell
4. Testing of thin plate
5. Testing of thick plate
6. Test of frame models- static loading
7. Natural frequency and Mode shape of cantilever
8. Natural frequency and mode shape of simply supported beam
9. Natural frequency and Mode shape of MDoF system
10. Cyclic Load test on beam- column joint
11. Cyclic load test on frames
12. Wind load test on frames
1. Harry G.Harris and Gajanan M.Sabnis, “ Structural Modeling and Experimental Techniques”,
CRC Press, 1999
2. Suryanarayana C, “Experimental Techniques in Materials and Mechanics”, CRC Press, 2011
3. Jack Philip Holman, “Experimental methods for engineers”, McGraw-Hill, 2010

0 0 4 2

Course Objectives:
1. To build in confidence in the analysis and design of RC framed buildings and Industrial structures
2. To impart knowledge in the design of slab bridge and raft foundation
3. To train in the software and carry out pushover analysis of building frames
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Model the structural elements
2. Analyse the RCC and steel frame
3. Design and detail complete Multi-Storey Frame Buildings.
List of Experiments
1. Analysis and Design of RCC building frame for static loads
2. Analysis and Design of RCC building frame for wind load
3. Seismic Analysis and Design of RCC building by Response spectrum method
4. Seismic Analysis and Design of RCC building with shear wall
5. Analysis and Design of Industrial building with Truss
6. Analysis and Design of Industrial building with Frame members
7. Analysis and design of slab bridge
8. Analysis and Design of Raft foundation
9. Analysis of Plate using ANSYS
10. Analysis of Solid beam using ANSYS
11. Analysis of RCC frame with flat slab
12. Pushover analysis of building frame
1. ANSYS user guide and Reference Manual, 2016
2. ETABS 2016 - Reference manual
3. SAP 2016 - Reference manual
4. STAAD Pro 2007 V8i – Analysis Reference Manual, 2015

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on various plate and shell theories
2. To enable to carry out static analysis of plates
3. To enrich with skill in the static analysis of shells
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. List the assumptions made in the linear theory of plates and shells
2. Classify various type of plates and shells
3. Use analytical methods for the analysis of thin plates
4. Use analytical methods for the analysis of thin shells.
5. Justify the approximate methods for the complex problems in thin plates.
6. Develop the appropriate shell model for the pipes and pressure vessels

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Space Curves: Surfaces, shell co-ordinates - strain displacement relations
- Assumptions in shell theory - displacement field approximations -Stress resultants - equation of
equilibrium using principle of virtual work – boundary conditions.
Module 2: STATIC ANALYSIS OF PLATES: Governing equation for a Rectangular plate - Navier
solution for simply - supported rectangular plate under various loadings - Levy solution for rectangular
plate with other boundary conditions.
Module 3: CIRCULAR PLATES: Analysis under Axi- symmetric loading - Governing differential
equation in polar co-ordinates - approximate methods of analysis- Rayleigh-Ritz approach for simple cases
Module 4: STATIC ANALYSIS OF SHELLS: Membrane theory of shells- cylindrical, conical and
spherical shells
shells - application to pipes and pressure vessels
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Thermal stresses in plate/shell - case studies - learning from failures

1. Chandrashekhara K, “Theory of Plates”,., Universities Press, 2001
2. Gould P.L., “Analysis of Shells and Plates,” Springer Verlag, New York, United States, July 2012
3. Reddy, J. N., “Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates and Shells,” CRC, 2nd edition, December
4. Rudolp Szilard, “Theory and Analysis of Plates”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, United States,
5. Timoshenko, S. “Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1990.
6. UguralAnsel C., “Stresses in Plates and Shells”, McGraw Hill, 2009
7. IS:2210-1988 “Criteria For Design of Reinforced Concrete Shell Structures and Folded Plates”,
BIS, New Delhi


Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on various type of Composite materials
2. To educate the mechanical behavior of cement composites
3. To enable to analyze and design cement composite structural elements
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. List the various classification of composite materials

Civil Engineering
2. Explain the mechanical behavior of cement composites
3. Classify the materials as per orthotropic and anisotropic behaviour
4. Estimate elastic constants using theories applicable to composite materials
5. Formulate the constitutive laws of composite materials – ferrocement, SIFCON and FRC
6. Analyze and design structural elements made of cement composites.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Classification and characteristics of composite materials - basic

terminology, advantages - stress-strain relations - orthotropic and anisotropic materials - engineering
constants for orthotropic materials - restrictions on elastic constants - Plane stress problem - Biaxial
strength - Theories for an orthotropic lamina.
Module 2: MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR: Mechanics of materials approach to stiffness-
determination of relations between elastic constants, elasticity approach to stiffness - bounding techniques
of elasticity - exact solutions - elasticity solutions with continuity, Halpin, Tsai equations - comparison of
approaches to stiffness.
Module 3: CEMENT COMPOSITES: Types of cement composites – terminology - constituent
materials and their properties - construction techniques for fibre reinforced concrete – ferrocement -
SIFCON - polymer concretes - preparation of reinforcement - casting and curing.
fiber reinforced concrete: tension, compression, flexure, shear, fatigue and impact - durability and
Module 6: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Analysis and design of cement composite structural elements –
ferrocement - SIFCON and fibre reinforced concrete.
Module 5: APPLICATION OF CEMENT COMPOSITES: FRC and ferrocement: Housing, water
storage, boats and miscellaneous structures: case studies – learning from failures

1. Jones R. M, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, 2nd Ed, BSP Books, 1998.
2. Shah S.P, “Application of Fracture Mechanics to Cementitious Composites”, Springer
Science and Business Media, 2012
3. Pama R. P., “Ferrocement – Theory and Applications”, IFIC, 1980.
4. Swamy R.N., “New Concrete Materials”, 1st Ed., Blackie, Academic and Professional,
Chapman and Hall, 1983
5. Chris L. Page, M M Page, “Durability of Concrete and Cement Composites”, Elsevier, 2007

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To give exposure to the behaviour of steel connections
2. To train in the Analysis and design of the Industrial buildings
3. To help evaluate the performance of light gauge steel structures
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify appropriate structural steel section
2. Understand the behavior of different steel structural elements
3. Perform analysis of steel structures
4. Design the components of steel structural elements and connections
5. Appraise on the quality parameters for steel structures
6. Investigate the reasons for failure of a steel structure

Civil Engineering
Module 1: STRUCTURAL STEEL: Properties of steel: Mechanical properties, Hysteresis, ductility –
Hot rolled sections: compactness and non-compactness, slenderness, residual stresses
Module 2: DESIGN OF STEEL ELEMENTS: Limit state method - design of members subjected to
combined forces – design of purlins and gable column – design of slab base and gusseted bases and moment
resisting base plates.
Module 3: DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS: Types of connections – welded and bolted – throat and root
stresses in fillet welds – seated connections – unstiffened and stiffened seated connections – moment
resistant connections – clip angle connections – eccentric connections - split beam connections – framed
Module 4: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS: Types of roof system - loads
- analysis and design of roof truss – analysis and design of industrial buildings – pre-engineered buildings
- sway and non-sway frames – seismic design of steel buildings
Module 5: PLASTIC ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES: Introduction, shape factor, moment
redistribution, combined mechanisms, analysis of portal frames, effect of axial force - effect of shear force
on plastic moment - design of continuous beams - transmission line structure - loads - bracing system -
design of microwave towers
Module 6: DESIGN OF COLDFORMED STEEL STRUCTURES: Behaviour of compression elements
- effective width for load and deflection determination – behaviour of unstiffened and stiffened elements –
design of webs of beams – flexural members – lateral buckling of beams – shear lag – design of compression
members – wall studs

1. Jayagopal, L.S. and Tensing.D, “ Design of Steel structures”, Vikas Publishing, Chennai, 2015
2. Lynn S. Beedle, “Plastic Design of Steel Frames”, John Wiley and Sons, 1990.
3. Narayanan.R., “Teaching Resource on Structural steel Design”, INSDAG, Ministry of Steel
Publishing, 2000.
4. Subramanian. N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2008.
5. Wie Wen Yu, “Design of Cold Formed Steel Structures”, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1996.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To equip with the basic understanding of the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures
2. To educate the behavior of various structures
3. To instill competence in the design of the special structural elements as per various codes of
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Interpret the concept of RC design
2. Compute design loads acting on a RC structure according to codal provisions.
3. Design the RC structures for its behavior.
4. Design and detail the structural drawings for execution citing relevant IS codes.
5. Adopt the RC structure based on the field requirement.
6. Identify the solution for failure of structures


serviceability – short term deflection –long term deflection - mechanism of flexural cracking - crack width:
IS, BS and ACI Codes – Shrinkage and thermal cracking

Civil Engineering
behaviour – Stress-strain characteristics of concrete – Moment rotation behavior - Strut-and- Tie Method -
concept of plastic hinges – moment redistribution
Module 3: DESIGN OF SPECIAL RC ELEMENTS: Behaviour of cantilever walls - ordinary and shear
walls - Design of RC walls -interaction of shear walls and rigid jointed frames- Strut and tie method
Module 4: YIELD LINE BASED DESIGN: Characteristic features of yield lines – patterns – moment
capacity – ultimate load on slabs - design of slabs
Module 5: DESIGN OF SPECIAL STRUCTURE: Introduction – behaviour of bunker and silo - Design
of Bunkers – Design of Silo
Module 6: PRECAST ELEMENTS: Principle of precast construction - advantages - methods of
precasting - Design of Precast concrete components – Poles - Column brackets

1. Bhavikatti S.S, “Advanced RCC Design”, New age International Pvt. Ltd. 2006.
2. Krishna Raju, “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, CBS Publishers and distributors, New
Delhi, 2016
3. PCI Design Handbook – Precast and Prestressed Concrete (6th Edition), ISBN – 0- 937040-71-1
4. Varghese, P.C, “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.
5. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Prentice Hall of India, 2007.
6. Structural design manual, Precast concrete connection details, Society for the studies in the use of
precast concrete, Netherland BetorVerlag, 1978.
7. IS 4995: Part II- 1974, Criteria for “Design of Reinforced concrete Bins for storage of granular and
powdery materials”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
8. ACI 313: 1977. Standard practice for design and construction of concrete silos and stacking tubes
for storing granular materials, American Concrete Institute. 1977.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on optimization Techniques
2. To differentiate traditional and non-traditional algorithms
3. To apply nontraditional for optimal structural design
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify different optimization problems
2. Interpret linear, nonlinear, geometric and dynamic programming problems
3. Use various optimization techniques
4. Choose suitable optimization method for a specific problem
5. Formulate the optimization algorithm for real time complex problems
6. Carry out optimization of civil engineering problems

Module 1: LINEAR AND NON LINEAR PROBLEMS: Basic voncepts of minimum weight - minimum
cost design – objective function, constraints - linear and non-linear programming: Formulation of problems
simplex method - Two phase method - Penalty method - Duality theory - Primal - Dual algorithm -
exhaustive and unrestricted search - Dichotomous search - Fibonacci method - Golden section method -
Interpolation methods – unconstrained optimization techniques.
constrained problems with zero difficulty - concept of solving problems with one degree of difficulty -
Dynamic Programming: Bellman’s principle of optimality - representation of a multistage decision problem
- concept of sub-optimization problems using classical and tabular methods.

Civil Engineering
Module 3: GENETIC ALGORITHM: Genetic algorithms – operators – reproduction – mutation – cross
over – evolution strategies – methods for optimal design of structures, continuous beams and single storeyed
frames – minimum weight design for truss members
Module 4: ANT COLONY ALGORITHM: Ant algorithm – network – The ant – initial population – Ant
movement – Ant tours – Pheromone – evaporation –sample problem.
concepts – biological systems - artificial neural network - application characteristics - overview of learning
methods - review of probability concepts.
Module 6: FUZZY LOGIC IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Fuzzy set theory and logic – fuzzy sets
operation – fuzzy relations - membership function defuzzyfication - fuzzy based rule systems – application
to civil engineering problems

1. Belegundu A. and T. Chandrupatla, “Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engineering”,
Prentice Hall, 1999.
2. David Corns, Marco Dorigo and Fred Gloves, “New Ideas in Optimization”, McGraw Hill
Company, London, 1999.
3. Gary Parker, R. and Ronald, L., “Discrete Optimization”, Academic press 1988.
4. Rajasekaran,S. and Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm”,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 2003
5. Rao, S.S., “Engineering Optimization, Theory and Practice”, New Age International (p) Ltd., New
Delhi, 2002.
6. Ross,T.J., “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, Mc.Graw Hill, 1995.
7. GoldBerg, D.E., “Genetic Algorithm in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning”, Addison –
Wesley, 1989.
8. Spunt, L., “Optimum Structural Design”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1971.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the behaviour of tall buildings
2. To facilitate to acquire skill in the analysis of the resultant forces in various structural forms
3. To get exposure to the stability behavior of tall buildings
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the loads on tall buildings
2. Illustrate the behaviour of various structural forms
3. Adopt suitable techniques for analysis
4. Analyse the forces in the structures
5. Assess the long term effects in tall buildings
6. Integrate second order effects into the analysis.

Module 1: LOADING AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Loading- sequential loading, gravity loading,
wind loading, earthquake loading, - equivalent lateral force, modal analysis - combination of loading, –
static and dynamic approach - design philosophy – limit state method and plastic design.
Module 2: BEHAVIOUR OF VARIOUS STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS: Factors affecting growth,
height and structural form - High rise behavior: rigid frames, braced frames, in-filled frames, shear walls,
coupled shear walls, wall-frames, tubulars, cores, outrigger- braced and hybrid mega systems.

Civil Engineering
Module 3: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Modeling for approximate analysis - accurate analysis and
reduction techniques - analysis of buildings as total structural system - analysis for member forces, drift
and twist - computerized three dimensional analysis – assumptions in 3D analysis – simplified 2D analysis
Module 4: SECOND ORDER EFFCTS: Design for differential movement, creep and shrinkage effects,
temperature effects and fire resistance, P-Delta analysis, translational, torsional instability, out of plumb
effects, effect of foundation rotation
Module 5: STABILITY ISSUES: Overall analysis of frames, wall frames - approximate methods
Module 6: APPLICATION: Application of software in analysis and design - case studies - learning from

1. Beedle.L.S, “Advances in Tall Buildings”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1986.
2. Bryan Stafford Smith and Alexcoull, “Tall Building Structures - Analysis and Design”, John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., 2005.
3. Gupta.Y.P.,(Editor), Proceedings of National Seminar on High Rise Structures - Design and
Construction Practices for Middle Level Cities, New Age International Limited, New Delhi,1995.
4. Lin T.Y and Stotes Burry D, “Structural Concepts and systems for Architects and Engineers”, John
Wiley, 1988
5. Taranath B.S., “Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings”, McGraw Hill, 1988.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the requirements for design of formwork
2. To train in the selection of the type of formwork materials
3. To get exposed to analyse and design various type of formwork
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the requirements for design of formwork
2. Select proper formwork, accessories and material.
3. Design the form work for Beams, Slabs, Columns, Walls and Foundations.
4. Design the form work for Special Structures.
5. Understand the working of flying formwork.
6. Judge the formwork failures through case studies

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Requirements - selection of formwork.

Module 2: FORMWORK MATERIALS: Timber, plywood, steel, aluminium, plastic and accessories.
Horizontal and vertical formwork supports.
Module 3: FORMWORK DESIGN: Concepts - formwork systems and design for foundations, walls,
columns, slab and beams.
Module 4: FORMWORK DESIGN FOR SPECIAL STRUCTURES: Special structures: shells,
domes, folded plates, overhead water tanks, natural draft cooling tower, bridges.
Module 5: FLYING FORMWORK: Table form, tunnel form, slip form - formwork for precast concrete
- formwork management issues –pre-and post-award.
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Formwork failures: causes and case studies in formwork - failure formwork
issues in multi- story building construction

1. Peurify , “Formwork for Concrete Structures,” , Mc Graw Hill India,2015.
2. Kumar Neeraj Jha , “Formwork for Concrete Structures”, , Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2012.

Civil Engineering
3. Christopher Souder, “Temporary Structure Design”, John Wiley and Sons, 2014
4. Garold (Gary) D. Oberlender, Robert L. Peurifo Formwork for Concrete Structures” McGraw
Hill Professional, 2010
5. IS 14687: 1999, “False work for Concrete Structures – Guidelines”, BIS

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on various masonry design approaches
2. To train in the evaluation of shear strength and ductility of reinforced masonry members
3. To impart proficiency in performing elastic and inelastic analyses of masonry walls
Course outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the masonry design approaches.
2. Analyze reinforced masonry members.
3. Determine interactions between members.
4. Determine shear strength and ductility of reinforced masonry members.
5. Check the stability of walls
6. Perform elastic and In-elastic analysis of masonry walls.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Historical perspective - masonry materials - masonry design approaches

- overview of load conditions - compression behaviour of masonry - masonry wall configurations -
distribution of lateral forces.
Module 2: FLEXURAL STRENGTH: Flexural strength of reinforced masonry members: In plane and
out-of-plane loading.
Module 3: INTERACTIONS: Structural wall, columns and pilasters, retaining wall, pier and foundation.
Module 4: SHEAR STRENGTH AND DUCTILITY: Shear strength and ductility of reinforced masonry
Module 5: PRESTRESSED MASONRY: Stability of walls – coupling of masonry walls - openings –
columns - beams.
Module 6: ELASTIC AND INELASTIC ANALYSIS: Modeling techniques - static pushover analysis -
use of capacity design spectra - case studies: learning from failures

1. Hamid Ahmad A. and Drysdale Robert G “Masonry Structures: Behavior and Design”, Masonry
Society, 2008
2. Maurizio Angelillo, “Mechanics of Masonry Structures”, Springer Science and Business Media,
3. NarendraTaly, “Design of Reinforced Masonry Structures”, ICC, 2ndEdn, McGraw Hill
Professional, 2010
4. TomaeviMiha , “Earthquake-resistant Design of Masonry Buildings” , Imperial College Press,1999.
5. William George Curtin, Gerry Shaw, J. K. Beck, “Design of reinforced and prestressed masonry”,
Thomas Telford, 1988

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn principles of subsoil exploration
2. To get expertise in the design of substructures
3. To help in evaluation of the soil shear strength parameters.

Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Assimilate the principles of subsoil exploration
2. Identify and evaluate the soil shear strength parameters.
3. Determine the load carrying capacity of each type of foundation.
4. Understand the concepts of settlement analysis.
5. Select appropriate foundations type based on available soil conditions.
6. Design of reinforced concrete shallow foundations, pile foundations, well foundations and machine

Module 1: SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS: Soil investigation – methods of subsurface exploration,

methods of borings along with various penetration tests - shallow foundations in clay - shallow foundation
in sand and C-Ф soils - footings on layered soils and sloping ground - design for eccentric or moment loads
settlements of footings and rafts - proportioning of foundations using field test data
Module 2: PILE FOUNDATIONS: Methods of estimating load transfer of piles - settlements of pile
foundations - pile group capacity and settlement - laterally loaded piles - pile load tests - analytical
estimation of load- settlement behavior of piles - proportioning of pile foundations - lateral and uplift
capacity of piles.
Module 3: WELL FOUNDATION: IS and IRC code provisions - Elastic theory and ultimate resistance
methods - design principles - well construction and sinking
Module 4: SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS: Foundation on expansive soils – choice of foundation – under-
reamed pile foundation - foundation for concrete towers, chimneys – design of anchors
Module 5: MACHINE FOUNDATIONS: Introduction – types of machine foundation – basic principles
of design of machine foundation – vibration analysis of machine foundation – design of foundation for
Reciprocating machines and Impact machines – vibration isolation
Module 6: TUNNELS, OPEN CUTS AND COFFER-DAMS: Tunnels and arching in soils, pressure
computations around tunnels - open cuts - sheeting and bracing systems in shallow and deep open cuts in
different soil types - coffer dams: various types, analysis and design, foundations under uplifting loads

1. Bowles .J.E., “Foundation Analysis and Design”, McGraw Hill Publishing co., New York, 1986.
2. Nainan P. Kurian, “Design of foundation system, Narosa Publishing House, 2005
3. Swamy Saran, "Analysis and Design of substructures", Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt.
Ltd., 2006.
4. Tomlinson.M.J, “Foundation Design and Construction”, Longman, Sixth Edition, New Delhi,
5. Varghese.P.C, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations” –PHI learning private limited, New
Delhi, 2009.
6. Winterkorn. H. F., and Fang, H. Y., “Foundation Engineering Hand Book”, Van Nostrand,
Reinhold, 1976.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge of the loading standards of IRC
2. To get exposed to the design principles of bridges
3. To facilitate to acquire expertise in analysis and design of different types of bridges.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Classify bridges according to loading and site conditions

Civil Engineering
2. Understand the behavior of different bridges
3. Analyze different types of bridges
4. Design the different components of bridges
5. Appraise on the quality investigation of bridge structures
6. Investigate the reasons for the failure of bridge structures

Module 1: SHORT SPAN RC BRIDGES: Types of bridges and loading standards - choice of type - I.R.C.
specifications for road bridges – design of RCC solid slab bridges - analysis and design of slab culverts,
Tee beam and slab bridges.
Module 2: LONG SPAN RC BRIDGES: Design principles of continuous girder bridges, box girder
bridges, balanced cantilever bridges – arch bridges – box culverts - cable stayed and suspension bridges.
Module 3: PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BRIDGES: Flexural and torsional parameters – Courbon’s
theory – design of girder section – maximum and minimum prestressing forces – eccentricity – live load
and dead load shear forces – cable zone in girder – check for stresses at various sections – check for diagonal
tension – diaphragms – End block
Module 4: STEEL BRIDGES: General – Railway loadings – dynamic effect – Railway culvert with steel
beams – Plate girder bridges – Box girder bridges – Truss bridges – vertical and horizontal stiffeners.
Module 5: BEARINGS AND SUBSTRUCTURES: Different types of bearings – design of bearings –
design of piers and abutments of different types – types of bridge foundations – design of foundations.
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Case Studies- learning from failures

1. Jagadeesh.T.R. and Jayaram. M.A., “Design of Bridge Structures”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Johnson Victor, D. “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi,
3. Krishna raju N, “Design of Bridges”, Oxford and IBH Publishing, New Delhi, 2010
4. Ponnuswamy, S., “Bridge Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Raina V.K.” Concrete Bridge Practice” Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, Delhi, 1988

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To teach the basics of soil structure interaction, soil foundation models.
2. To impart knowledge on finite difference and finite element analysis
3. To help in acquiring skill in the elastic analysis of piles and piled raft.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand various soil response models applicable to soil-foundation interaction analysis.
2. Come up with elastic solutions for problems of pile.
3. Analyse soil-foundation system using software packages.
4. Understand interaction analysis on piles and pile groups.
5. Predict load deflection on laterally loaded piles.
6. Carry out design of pile raft system.

Module 1: SOIL - FOUNDATION INTERACTION: Introduction to soil – foundation interaction

problems - soil behaviour - foundation behaviour, interface behaviour - scope of soil-foundation interaction
analysis - soil response models - Winkler - elastic continuum - two parameter elastic models - elastic –
plastic behaviour -time dependent behaviour

Civil Engineering
Module 2: BEAMS ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION - SOIL MODELS: Infinite beam - two parameters
-isotropic elastic half space - analysis of beams of finite length - classification of finite beams in relation to
their stiffness – analysis through application packages.
Module 3: FRAMED STRUCTURE ON STRATIFIED SOILS: Analysis of different types of framed
structures founded on stratified natural deposits with linear and non-linear stress-strain characteristics
Module 4: PLATE ON ELASTIC MEDIUM: Infinite plate – Winkler -two parameters - isotropic elastic
medium -thin and thick plates - analysis of finite plates - rectangular and circular plates - numerical analysis
of finite plates - simple solutions - analysis of braced cuts – application packages.
Module 5: ELASTIC ANALYSIS OF PILE: Elastic analysis of single pile - theoretical solutions for
settlement and load distribution - analysis of pile group - interaction analysis - load distribution in groups
with rigid cap – piled-raft – application packages
Module 6: LATERALLY LOADED PILE: Load deflection prediction for laterally loaded piles -
subgrade reaction and elastic analysis - interaction analysis –pile-raft system - solutions through influence
charts – application packages

1. Hemsley, J.A., “Elastic Analysis of Raft Foundations”, Thomas Telford, 1998.
2. Poulos, H.G., and Davis, E.H., “Pile Foundation Analysis and Design”, John Wiley, 2008.
3. McCarthy, R.N., “Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics”, Sixth
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
4. Murthy, V.N.S., “Advanced Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
5. Saran, S., “Analysis and design of substructures”, Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2006.
6. ACI 336, Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Mats, American
Concrete Institute, Delhi, 1988

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the requirements and functional planning of industrial structures
2. To train in the analysis of the industrial structures
3. To train in the design of towers and chimneys
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the suitable industrial roofing system
2. Explain the requirements of industrial building
3. Analyse transmission towers with required foundations
4. Design various components of industrial buildings
5. Discuss the behaviour of machine foundation
6. Plan industrial structures for functional requirements

Module 1: PLANNING AND FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Classification of industries and

industrial structures - planning for layout requirements regarding lighting, ventilation and fire safety -
Protection against noise and vibration - guidelines of factories act.
Module 2: PORTAL FRAMES: Design of portal frame with hinge base - design of portal frame with
fixed base - gable structures
Module 3: INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS: Steel and RCC - Gantry girder - crane girders - design of
Corbels and nibs – design of staircase
Module 4: POWER PLANT STRUCTURES: Types of Power plants – containment structures - cooling
towers - bunkers and silos - pipe supporting structures

Civil Engineering
transmission line towers - sag and tension calculations, testing of towers – design of self-supporting
chimney - design of chimney bases.
Module 6: FOUNDATION: Design of foundation for Towers, chimneys and cooling towers - machine
foundation - design of turbo generator foundation

1. Jurgen Axel Adam, Katharria Hausmann, Frank Juttner, Klauss Daniel, “Industrial Buildings: A
Design Manual”, Birkhauser Publishers, 2004.
2. Manohar S.N, “Tall Chimneys - Design and Construction”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1985
3. Santhakumar A.R. and Murthy S.S., “Transmission Line Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992.
4. K.G. Bhatia , “Foundations for Industrial Machines: Handbook for Practising Engineers”, Taylor
and Francis, 2009
5. Julian Weyer, Sergio Baragaño, “Industrial Building Planning and Design”, Design Media
Publishing Limited, 2014

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on laminated plate theory
2. To train in the analysis of laminate composite plate by analytical methods
3. To give exposure to the finite element analysis of laminated composite plate
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. State the assumptions made in laminated plate theory
2. Distinguish between various shear deformation theories
3. Explain the relevance of various laminated plate theories and the solutions
4. Analyse the rectangular composite plates using the analytical methods.
5. Analyse the composite plates using advanced finite element method.
6. Develop the computer programs for the analysis of composite plates.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Kirchhoff thin plate theory

Module 2: CLPT AND FSDT: Displacement field approximations for classical laminated plate theory
(CLPT) and first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) - analytical solutions for bending of Rectangular
laminated plates using CLPT.
Module 3: NAVIER SOLUTIONS: Governing Equations -Navier solutions of cross-ply and angle-ply
laminated simply- supported plates - determination of stresses.
Module 4: LEVY’S SOLUTIONS: Levy solutions for plates with other boundary conditions - Analytical
solutions for bending of rectangular laminated plates using FSDT.
Module 5: FINITE ELEMENT SOLUTIONS USING CLPT: Bending of rectangular laminated plates
using CLPT.
Module 6: FINITE ELEMENT SOLUTIONS USING FSDT: Finite element solutions for bending of
rectangular laminated plates using FSDT - finite element model - Coelement formulation - post computation
of stresses.

1. Reddy J. N ., “Mechanics of Laminated Composites Plates and Shells”, CRC Press, 2004
2. Mohd Sultan Ibrahim, “Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates Based on Higher
Order Shear Deformation Theory Using Finite Element Method” International Islamic University
Malaysia, 2002

Civil Engineering
3. Turvey G.J, I.H. Marshall, “Buckling and Post buckling of Composite Plates”, Springer Science and
Business Media, 2012
4. Jianqiao Ye, “Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: 3D Modelling”, Springer Science and
Business Media, 2011
5. Reddy J. N., Antonio Miravete, “Practical Analysis of Composite Laminates”, CRC Press, 2018


Course Objectives:
1. To facilitate understanding of the types of cracks
2. To impart knowledge on crack models
3. To enable to apply damage mechanics for concrete
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Learn the various type of cracks
2. Understand the fundamentals of fracture mechanics
3. Identify and classify cracking of concrete structures based on fracture mechanics.
4. Implement stress intensity factor for notched members
5. Apply fracture mechanics models to high strength concrete and FRC structures.
6. Compute J-integral for various sections understanding the concepts of LEFM.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Fundamentals of fracture mechanics – type of cracks – stress intensity

Module 2: STRUCTURAL CRACKS: Crack in a structure - mechanisms of fracture in structural
concrete - crack growth - cleavage fracture - ductile fracture - fatigue cracking - environment assisted
cracking - service failure analysis.
Module 3: STRESS AT CRACK TIP: Stress at crack tip - linear elastic fracture mechanics, Griffith’s
criteria - stress intensity factors - crack tip plastic zone - Erwin’s plastic zone correction - R curves –
compliance - J integral - concept of CTOD and CMD.
Module 4: MATERIAL MODELS: General concepts, crack models, band models - models based on
continuum damage mechanics
Module 5: APPLICATIONS: Applications to high strength concrete - fibre reinforced concrete - crack
concepts – numerical modeling.
Module 6: FEM MODEL: Crack tip element- finite element model for crack tip

1. Broek David,” Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics”, 3rd Rev. Ed. Springer, 1982.
2. Elfgreen L., “Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures – Theory and Applications”, RILEM
Report, Chapman and Hall, 1989.
3. Suri C. T. and Jin Z.H., “Fracture Mechanics”, 1st Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2012.
4. Victor, Li C., Bazant Z. P., “Fracture Mechanics – Applications to Concrete”, ACI SP 118, ACI
5. Alberto Carpinteri, “Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Reinforced Concrete”, CRC Press, 2014

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the principles of pre-stressing
2. To get exposure to analysis and design of the prestressed concrete elements
3. To teach the concepts of prestressing techniques

Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. List the prestressing techniques
2. Understand the concepts of prestressing techniques
3. Analyse prestressed concrete structures
4. Design prestressed concrete structural elements
5. Appraise on the quality parameters of PSC structures
6. Investigate the rationale for failure of a PSC structure

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Review - basic concepts of prestressing- IS 1343-2012 code provisions -

factors affecting strength and deflection - layout of cables - introduction to ACI and BS codal provisions
Module 2: DESIGN FOR FLEXURE, SHEAR AND TORSION: Behaviour of flexural members -
determination of ultimate flexural strength – various codal provisions - design of flexural members - design
for shear, bond and torsion.
continuous beams - methods of achieving continuity - concept of linear transformations - concordant cable
profile and gap cables – analysis and design of cantilever beams
Module 4: DESIGN OF POST TENSIONED CONCRETE SLAB: Design of one way and two way
spanning floors - flexure in flat slab - tendon profile - anchorage bursting reinforcement - design of railway
Module 5: DESIGN OF PIPES AND COLUMNS: Analysis and design of prestressed concrete pipes -
columns with moments
Module 6: DESIGN OF COMPOSITE MEMBERS: Composite beams - applications - analysis and
design, ultimate strength - partial prestressing - advantages and applications.

1. Arthur H. Nilson, “Design of Prestressed Concrete”, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2004.
2. Krishna Raju, “Prestressed Concrete”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2008.
3. Lin.T.Y,and Burns.H, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New
York, 2009.
4. RajagopalanN, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Sinha N.C and Roy.S.K, “Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete”, S.Chand and Co., 1998.


CONTROL 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge about atmospheric pollution.
2. To introduce various measurement techniques and control measures.
3. To enable to make use of different tools available for atmospheric environmental pollution.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the principles of atmospheric chemistry in air pollution
2. Classify, characterize and quantify different types of air pollutants
3. Analyze the effects of air pollution on environment
4. Choose appropriate technology to control air pollution
5. Apply suitable measures in controlling air pollution
6. Develop model for atmospheric pollution

Module 1: BASIC CONCEPTS: Sources and types of air pollutants - effects on environment - sampling
and measurement of particle and gaseous pollutants.

Civil Engineering
Module 2: TRANSPORT AND DISPERSION OF AIR POLLUTANTS: Atmospheric stability and
inversion-plume rise estimation - dispersion theories.
Module 3: CONTROL OF PARTICULATES: Control methods - selection of control equipment -
principle and design aspects of settling chambers - cyclone separators – scrubbers – filters - electrostatic
precipitators - engineering control concept.
Module 4: CONTROL OF GASEOUS POLLUTANTS: Control methods - selection of control
equipment - principle and design aspects of absorption – adsorption – condensation - incineration – direct
combustion - thermal incineration - catalytic incineration - engineering control concept.
legislation for air pollution emission control - control measures for industrial application
basics of AERONET - case studies.

1. Rao C S, “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering”, New Age International (p) Limited,
2. Lawrence K.Wang, Norman C Perelra, Yung-Tse Hung, “Air Pollution Control Engineering”,
Tokyo, 2004.
3. Anjaneyulu.Y, “Air Pollution and Control Technologies”, Allied Publishers (P) Ltd, India, 2002.
4. Mudakavi, J R, “Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control and Analysis” IK International,
5. David H.F Liu, BelaG. Liptak, “Air Pollution”, Lewis Publishers, 2000.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide a basic knowledge on different components of hydrologic cycle
2. To impart practical experience in hydrological data acquisition, analysis
3. To interpret hydrologic components on temporal and spatial scales
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Possess a thorough knowledge of the hydrological processes associated with surface water
2. Analyze basic hydrologic data
3. Estimate the surface runoff
4. Measure flow in the streams
5. Conduct probability analysis for extreme events
6. Conduct water budget analysis

Module 1: BASIC HYDRAULICS AND HYDROLOGY: Definition and introduction to hydraulics

and hydrological science - structure and properties of water - conservation of mass and energy –
atmosphere – atmospheric air circulation – cyclones – fronts - clouds - hydrologic cycle - global to local
scales - radiation balance – evaporation and condensation.
variable – Frequency distributions – Frequency analysis – Correlation coefficient – Method of least squares
– Variance analysis - Simple and multiple regression analysis – Deterministic approach in hydrology -
Stochastic hydrology - Introduction to: time series, deterministic and stochastic models.
Module 3: PRECIPITATION: Precipitation - precipitation types - temporal and spatial distribution of
precipitation - precipitation measurement: precipitation gauges, satellite estimates of precipitation, radar
measurement of precipitation - interpretation of precipitation data - estimating missing precipitation data
- double-mass analysis - average precipitation over area - Isohyets and Thiessan polygon - depth-area-

Civil Engineering
duration analysis.
Module 4: RUNOFF: Phenomenon of runoff - surface retention – infiltration runoff cycle - estimating
the volume of storm runoff: storm analysis - basin characteristics
Module 5: STREAMFLOW MEASUREMENTS: Stream flow measurements and rating curves - flood
estimation - unit hydrograph - flood frequency analysis - flood routing - sediment yield and reservoir
Module 6: HYDROLOGIC ABSTRACTIONS: Factors affecting evaporation process - water budget -
determination of reservoir evaporation - energy budget - determination of reservoir operation-estimation
of evaporation using pan Evaporimeter data Thornthwaite and Penman -Monteith methods - Lysimeter
determination of evapotranspiration - interception – soil moisture - infiltration loss estimation.

1. Subramanya K., “Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi, 2017.
2. Ragunath H.M., “Hydrology”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
3. VenTe Chow, “Hand book of Hydrology”, McGraw Hill Publications, New York, 1995.
4. JeyaRamiReddy.P., “Hydrology”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2005.
5. Vijay P.Singh, “Elementary Hydrology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004.


Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge on the transformation of chemicals in the environment
2. To educate the basics of microbiology involved in air, water and soil.
3. To study the basics of environmental chemistry, chemical reactions and electro kinetic
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Learn basic chemical contents in the context of environmental studies
2. Gain competency in solving environmental issues of chemicals based pollution
3. Able to determine chemical calculations required for treatment purpose
4. Identify contaminating chemicals and learn the conceptual skills required for environmental
chemistry research
5. Apply micro-organisms for the treatment of wastes, bioleaching and bio-augmentation
6. Have insight into type, growth metabolism and culturing techniques of micro- organisms and
their application to environmental engineering

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Stoichiometry and mass balance - solubility product - chemical kinetics
principles of green chemistry- Beer Lambert’s law - limitations - UV visible spectroscopy - - atomic
spectroscopy -principles and applications
Module 2: AQUATIC CHEMISTRY: Environmental significance and determination - fate of chemicals
in aquatic environment – colloidal and surface chemistry- treatment– oxidation and reduction – sorption-
adsorption - Freundlich and Langmuir Isotherms – applications in water and wastewater treatment.
Module 3: ATMOSPHERIC AND SOIL CHEMISTRY : Atmospheric structure - chemical and
photochemical reactions in the atmosphere – photochemical smog- ozone layer depletion – acid rain-
agricultural chemicals in soil reclamation of contaminated land - electrokinetic remediation.
Module 4: CLASSIFICATION OF MICROORGANISMS: Prokaryotic, eukaryotic, structure,
characteristics, culturing of micro-organisms - environmental factors influencing microbial growth - growth
kinetics - distribution of microorganisms - water, air and soil - indicator organisms - coliforms, fecal
coliforms, E-coli, streptococcus, clostridium, MPN and MFT.

Civil Engineering
Module 5: PATHOGENS IN WASTEWATER: Introduction to water borne pathogens and parasites and
their effects on human, animal and plant health - transmission of pathogens – control of microorganisms;
microbiology of biological treatment processes – microbiology of sewage sludge
Module 6: BIODEGRADATION AND TOXICOLOGY: Microbiology of wastewater treatment –
Biodegradation, bioaugumentation, biomagnification, bioassay, microbial leaching - Ecotoxicology –
toxicity testing.

1. Sawyer C. N., P. L. McCarty, and G. F. Parkin, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering”, 5th
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Pelczar, M. J., Chan E. C. S. and Krieg, N. R., “Microbiology”, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 1993.
3. Tortora. G. J., B. R. Furke, and C. L. Case, “Microbiology- An introduction” 11th Ed.,
Benjammin/Cummings publ. Co., Inc., California, 2013.
4. Vanloon G. W. and S. J. Duffy “Environmental chemistry -a global perspective”, Oxford
University press, 3rd Edition, Newyork, 2010.


Course Objectives:
1. To introduce application of systems concepts to water resources planning
2. To enlighten with the optimization techniques in modeling water resources systems
3. To impart knowledge on National Water Policy
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Understand the steps involved in planning a water resources project in an integrated way
2. Gain knowledge about different components of National Water Policy
3. Understand the economic policy to carryout cost-benefit analysis
4. Formulate the objective function and constraints
5. Apply few optimization tools and techniques
6. Develop reservoir operation policy

Module 1: CONCEPTS OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS: Definition - approach to water resources planning

and management- water resources management - reservoir operation and water allocation policy
Module 2: OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: Overview - objectives and constraints - formulation of
linear programming models- Graphical method - simplex method - sensitivity analysis - application of
linear programming in water resources
Module 3: DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Bellman’s principle of optimality - forward and backward
recursive dynamic programming - curse of dimensionality - application of dynamic programming for
resource allocation - reservoir capacity expansion.
Module 4: WATER RESOURCES PLANNING: concepts and definitions - functions and role of water
resources - phases of water resources planning - data requirements for water resources planning - National
water policy - constitutional provisions for water resources development.
Module 5: WATER RESOURCES PROJECTS: Planning objectives - public involvement in identifying
objectives - project scale - implementation of water resources projects - planning strategies for water
resources projects
Module 6: ECONOMIC POLICY: Water allocation priorities - Master plan approach - mechanics of
water resources plan - shadow pricing on project costs - International funding agencies.

Civil Engineering
1. Vedula, P.P., and Mujumdar, S., “Water Resources Systems: Modelling Techniques and Analysis”,
TataMcGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Leonard Douglas James and Robert Rue Lee, “Water Resources Economics”, Oxford Publishers,
3. Bhave, P. R., “Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks”, Narosa Publishing house, 2003.
4. Loucks, Daniel P., van Beek, Eelco; Stedinger, Jery R., Dijkman, Jozef P.M., Villars, “Water
Resources Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models and
Applications”, UNESCO publishing, 2005.
5. Quentin Grafton R., and Karen Hussey, “Water Resources Planning and Management”, Cambridge
University Press, 2011.


Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on characteristics of water and wastewater, primary and secondary
2. To educate the methods of disposal of sludge and treated wastewater.
3. To educate on the working principles and design of various physical, chemical
treatment systems for water and wastewater.
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Impart knowledge on characteristics and standards of water and wastewater
3. Understand principle of water and wastewater treatment systems
4. Design water and wastewater treatment systems
5. Evaluate efficiency of treatment units
6. Illustrate the design principles of industrial wastewater
7. Apply knowledge on the disposal and treatment of sludge

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Importance of water- quality and characteristics of water - physical-

chemical- biological treatment- standards - need of treatment- treatment methods for surface and ground
water – natural treatment principles.
Module 2: WATER TREATMENT: Principle and design – sedimentation – aeration – types of aerators
– coagulation – filtration – rapid sand filtration – disinfection methods – softening – lime soda process-
carbonation – ion exchange – reverse osmosis – dialysis – removal of colour – de-fluoridation
Module 3: WASTEWATER TREATMENT: Principle and design - screens, grit chamber- skimming
tank- primary sedimentation tank- secondary treatment- activated sludge process- trickling filter- oxidation
ponds- RBC- towers- tertiary treatment.
Module 4: INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT: Differences between domestic and
industrial wastewater- characteristics- equalization- proportionating- neutralization-removal of oils and
fats- removal of organic solids- precipitation- removal of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds.
Module 5: SLUDGE TREATMENT DISPOSAL: Characteristics of sludge- sludge treatment methods-
reduction of moisture content- anaerobic and anaerobic treatment methods – disposal methods- sludge as
Module 6: ADVANCED TREATMENT: Advanced technologies available –depth filtration – surface
filtration – membrane filtration absorption – gas stripping – advanced oxidation process.

1. “Manual on water supply and Treatment”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, GoI,
New Delhi, 2009.

Civil Engineering
2. Bajwa, G.S. “Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering”, Deep Publishers, Simla,
3. Metcalf and Eddy, “Wastewater engineering, Treatment and Reuse”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2003.
4. Kuruvilla Mathew, Stewart Dallas, Goen Ho, “Decentralized Water and Wastewater
Systems”, IWA Publications, 2008.
5. Parimal Pal, “Industrial Water Treatment Process Technology”, Butterworth-Heinemann,

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To impart practical knowledge in hydrologic processes
2. To equip with the understanding of the practical implications of aquifer parameters
3. To enable them to conduct field experiments
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Gain better understanding of hydrologic processes
2. Estimate the aquifer parameters
3. Analyze the subsurface characteristics
List of Experiments:
1. Measurement of Rainfall data using natural siphon recording type raingauge
2. Mass curve and hyetograph from obtained data
3. Determination of Ф- index by double ring type infiltrometer
4. Measurement of permeability
5. Determination of rate of evaporation
6. Conduction of Pumping test on well
7. Average rainfall by Theissen polygon method
8. Determination of crop water requirement
9. Determination of soil particle size distribution for textural analysis
10. Determination of hydraulic conductivity
11. Determination of field density by sand replacement method
12. Conduction of Electrical resistivity test
1. Fetter C. W., “Applied Hydrogeology”, Merril Publishing Co., Columbus, OH, 2001.
2. Hiscock K., “Hydrogeology, Principles and Practice”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2005.
3. Todd D. K., “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Willey and Sons Inc., 2007.
4. Bear, J.,” Hydraulics of Groundwater”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1979.
5. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008
6. Chow V.T., Maidment D.R., Mays L.W., “Applied Hydrology”, McGraw Hill Publications, New


Course Objectives:
1. To demonstrate the sampling techniques and analytical methods in assessing air and water quality
in the laboratory
2. To introduce the principles of instrumentation in air and water quality analysis
3. To enable the Student to conduct characterization studies on solid waste

Civil Engineering
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Collect the samples for analysis
2. Monitor and assess air and water quality of samples
3. Design suitable treatment method and control measures for water and air pollution problems
List of Experiments:
1. Color and Heavy metals in the sample using UV Spectrophotometer
2. Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
3. Dissolved Oxygen and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
4. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
5. Phosphorous and Nitrates present in wastewater
6. Microbiological analysis(MPN)
7. Sedimentation column analysis
8. Rotating biological contactor (RBC)
9. Synthesis of Nanoparticles
10. Solid Waste Analysis (Density, Components and Energy value)
11. Noise Measurement by using sound level meter
12. Air Quality by air sampler.

1. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 14th ed, American Public
Health Association, Washington, DC, 1999.
2. and www.analysis.pdf.

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To demonstrate the application of different components of GIS and computational techniques in
environmental and water resources systems
2. To impart soft computing skills
3. To enable to apply tools for decision making
Course Outcome
Student will be able to
1. Understand the utilization of satellite images
2. Apply GIS for temporal and spatial data acquisition and analysis
3. Develop tools for decision making based on the criteria
List of Experiments:
1. Digitization and geo-referencing
2. Creation and Editing of Shape files
3. Layout map preparation
4. Preparation of Composite and Mosaic Images
5. Image classification
6. Land use/land cover map preparation
7. Groundwater potential map preparation
8. Watershed delineation
9. Morphometric analysis
10. Water quality mapping
11. Air quality mapping
12. Network analysis for solid waste management

Civil Engineering
1. Ian Heywood Sarah, Cornelius and Steve Carver, “An Introduction to Geographical Information
Systems”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To demonstrate the application of different computational techniques in environmental and water
resources systems
2. To impart soft computing skills
3. To enable to apply statistical tools
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand and analyze numerical solutions for linear and nonlinear systems
2. Develop soft computing techniques for prediction and forecasting
3. Apply multivariate statistical methods
List of Experiments:
1. Rainfall data analysis
2. Testing and validation of simple monthly rainfall-runoff model
3. Estimation of evapo-transpiration using Penman-Monteith Method
4. DO fluctuation model in streams and rivers
5. Groundwater Quality Assessment using GIS
6. Curve fitting
7. Correlation and regression analysis
8. Factor Analysis
9. Prediction using Artificial Neural Network
10. Water budgeting
11. Air quality modeling
12. Monitoring of Climate change
1. Rastogi, A.K., “Numerical Groundwater Hydrology”, Penram International Publishing (India),
2. John, E. G., “Introduction to Hydraulics and Hydrology with Applications for Stormwater
Management”, DELMAR, Thomson Learning, USA, 2002.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on solid and hazardous wastes.
2. To enable to choose appropriate method for solid and hazardous waste handling.
3. To provide knowledge about suitable techniques for disposal of solid and hazardous waste.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Classify waste in different categories
2. Understand the characteristics of different types of solid and hazardous wastes
3. Identify suitable methods of storage, collection and transport
4. Suggest suitable technical solutions for processing and treatment
5. Propose suitable waste disposal method
6. Explore techniques for hazardous wastes handling

Civil Engineering
hazardous waste – classification of solid and hazardous waste - need for waste management - salient features
of Indian legislations on management and handling of solid wastes
Module 2: WASTE CHARACTERIZATION: Waste generation rates – factors affecting generation-
composition, physical, chemical and biological properties of solid wastes –waste sampling and
characterization plan - source reduction of wastes –waste exchange - extended producer responsibility
Module 3:HANDLING AND TRANSPORT OF WASTES: Handling and segregation of wastes at
source – storage and collection of municipal solid wastes – analysis of collection systems - need for transfer
and transport – transfer stations optimizing waste allocation– compatibility, storage, labeling and handling
of hazardous wastes
Module 4: WASTE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES: Objectives of waste processing – material
separation and processing technologies – biological and chemical conversion technologies – methods and
controls of composting - thermal conversion technologies and energy recovery – incineration - treatment
of biomedical wastes
Module 5: WASTE DISPOSAL: Waste disposal options – disposal in landfills: landfill classification,
types and methods, site selection, design and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills and landfill
bioreactor - leachate and landfill gas management
Module 6: HAZARDOUS WASTES: Identification – classification - regulations in India - generations-
onsite storage – collection - transfer and transport - processing – disposal planning.

1. Rao M. N, “Solid and Hazardous Waste Management”, BS Publications, 2014
2. Kanti L. Shah, “Basics of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Technology”, Prentice Hall,
3. John Pichtel, “Waste Management Practices: Municipal, Hazardous, and Industrial, Second
Edition”, CRC Press. 2014
4. George Tchobanoglous and Frank Kreith, “Hand book of solid waste management”, McGraw-Hill,
2nd edition, 2002
5. Tchobanoglous, Theissen and Vigil, “Integrated solid waste management”, McGraw Hill
Publication, 2002

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To enable Student to acquire necessary skills to assess the impact of environmental and water
resources projects
2. To help Student in taking necessary steps to bring down the adverse environmental impacts
during inception of new projects
3. To make the Student prepare environmental audit reports for EIA projects.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify environmental attributes to be considered for the EIA study
2. Prepare environmental base map based on impact evaluation and analysis
3. Specify methods for prediction of the impacts
4. Conduct environmental audit
5. Evaluate the audit data and prepare the report
6. Formulate environmental management plan

Civil Engineering
Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO EIA: Basic concept of EIA: initial environmental examination -
elements of EIA - factors affecting EIA - impact evaluation and analysis – preparation - classification of
environmental parameters.
Module 2: DESCRIPTION OF THE BASELINE ENVIRONMENT: Purposes for defining the
environmental setting - selection of parameters - monitoring of physical environmental parameters -
collection and interpretation of baseline data for various environmental attributes
Module 3: METHODS OF EIA: EIA methodologies: introduction, criteria for selection of EIA
methodology- EIA methods: Ad-hoc methods, matrix methods, network method, environmental media
quality index method, overlay methods - cost/benefit analysis.
Module 4: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: Hydrologic and water quality impacts – ecological and
biological impacts – social and cultural impacts – soil and landscape changes – agro economic issues –
human health impacts – ecosystem changes.
Module 5: ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING: Environmental audit and environmental legislation -
objectives of environmental audit- types of environmental audit - audit protocol - stages of environmental
audit - onsite activities - evaluation of audit data - preparation of audit report.
Module 6: CASE STUDEIS: Case studies - preparation of environmental impact assessment statement for
environmental and water resources development projects.

1. John, G., Riki, T., Andrew, C., “Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment”, Routledge
Taylorand Francis Group, III Edition, 2005.
2. Prabhakar, V.K., “Environmental Impact Assessment”, Anmol Publications, 2001.
3. Marriott, Betty B., “Environmental Impact Assessment: a Practical Guide”, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
4. Richard, K.M., “Environmental Impact Assessment - a Methodological Perspective”, Kluwer
Academic publishers, 2002
5. Anji Reddy Mareddy, Anil Shah, Naresh, “Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and
Practice”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017


Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the importance and different approaches of cleaner production in industries
2. To impart knowledge on the process of pollution prevention and reduction along with operating
costs reduction.
3. To give exposure to methodology of cleaner production projects, methods of their implementing
into industrial establishment.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Apply different approaches in clean production
2. Understand and choose the different principles of sustainable development
3. Implement green building concepts and conduct material balance studies
4. Comment on the evolution of corporate environmental management strategies
5. Describe cleaner production measures
6. Conduct energy and waste audit

Module 1: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Indicators of sustainability – industrialization and

sustainable development – cleaner production in achieving sustainability - regulations to encourage
pollution prevention and cleaner production – regulatory versus market based approaches.

Civil Engineering
Module 2: POLLUTION PREVENTION: Historical evolution – importance of pollution prevention –
role of industry, government and institutions - environmental management hierarchy – source reduction
Module 3: PRINCIPLES OF CLEANER PRODUCTION: Benefits, promotion and barriers –
environmental management hierarchy – relation of CP and EMS – integrated prevention and pollution
limitation – best available technology concept (BAT).
Module 4: CLEANER PRODUCTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT: Assessment steps and skills -
information gathering and process flow diagram - material balance - CP option generation technical and
environmental feasibility analysis - economic valuation of alternatives - total cost analysis - CP financing-
organizing a program - preparing a program plan - measuring progress - pollution prevention and cleaner
production awareness plan - waste audit.
Module 5: SUPPORT INSTRUMENTS OF PREVENTION METHODS: Life cycle analysis – eco
labelling – International environmental standards – ISO 14001 – Green building and green energy concepts
and management.
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Industrial applications of CP, LCA, EMS and Environmental audits - green
energy and green process management.

1. Paul L. Bishop, “Pollution prevention: Fundamentals and Practice”, McGraw Hill International,
2. Prasad modak C. Visvanathan and Mandarparasnis, “Cleaner Production Audit”, Environmental
System Reviews, No.38, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, 1995.
3. World Bank Group, “Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook- Towards Cleaner
Production”, World Bank and UNEP, Washington D.C, 2005.
4. Rajiv Kumar Sinha, Sunil Herat, “Cleaner Production: Greening of Industries for Sustainable
Development”, Pointer Publishers, 2005
5. Kalam Azad, Subhash Sharma, “Clean Energy for Sustainable Development: Comparisons and
Contrasts of New Approaches”, Academic Press, 2012

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To equip with the skills needed for interpreting laws, policies and judicial decisions.
2. To analyze the legislative and judicial responses to environmental problems.
3. To expose to the administrative system of environment related laws.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Recall different policies and rules framed for the environmental protection.
2. Recognize the formation of boards at different levels
3. Discuss the functions of Central and State Pollution Control Board
4. Know about different duties of pollution control boards
5. Assess about the actions taken by government for the violation of rules
6. Enumerate about the prevention of advanced pollution

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: An introduction to the legal system - concept of laws and policies - origin
of environmental law - introduction to environmental laws and policies in India - Constitutional provisions
- Stockholm conference
Module 2: PRINCIPLES IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: Environment and governance - overview of
legislations and basic concepts - Precautionary principle - Polluter pays principle - sustainable development;
public trust doctrine

Civil Engineering
Module 3: REMEDIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION : Common law remedies - remedies
under law of tort – penal remedies – Indian penal code and code of criminal procedure – remedies under
constitutional law – writs – public interest litigation - Public liability insurance act, 1991 – the National
Green Tribunal act 2010
environment protection - environment protection act as the framework legislation – strength and
weaknesses – EIA - National Green tribunal.
Module 5: – AIR, WATER AND MARINE LAWS: National Water Policy and some state policies laws
relating to prevention of pollution - access and management of water and institutional mechanism - water
act, 1974 - Water cess act, 1977 – EPA 1986 - Pollution Control Boards - Ground water and law judicial
remedies - procedures - Marine laws of India - coastal zone regulations - legal framework on air pollution
- Air act, 1981
Module 6: INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: An introduction to International law -
International Humanitarian law and environment - sources of International law - law of treaties – signature
– ratification - evolution of International environmental law - customary principles - common and
differentiated responsibility - Kyoto protocol

1. Divan S. and Rosencranz A, “Environmental Law and Policy in India”, 2nd edition, Oxford, New
Delhi, 2005.
2. Leelakrishnan P, “Environmental Law in India”, 3rd edition, Lexis Nexis, India, 2008.
3. Kaushik C P, AnubhaKaushik, “Perspectives in Environmental Studies”, 4th edition, New Age
International Publishers Ltd.-New Delhi, 2006
4. Layzer, J. “The Environmental Case: Translating Values into Policy”, 3rd edition, CQ Press, 2012.
5. Vig, N. J. and Kraft, M. E. “Environmental Policy: New Directions for the Twenty-First Century”,
8th edition, CQ Press, 2013.

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce nanotechnology and nano-science
2. To demonstrate the various techniques for synthesis of nano-materials
3. To know about the novel developments of nanotechnology in environmental applications.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Understand the principles of nanotechnology
2. Synthesis different types of nano-particles for various applications
3. Conduct characterization studies of nanomaterial
4. Develop nano-sensors
5. Analyze the impact of nanomaterial on environment
6. Design efficient and effective treatment method


existing application of nano-materials in water and wastewater treatment - synthesis of nano-materials -
magnetic nano-particles - carbonaceous nano-particles - nano-composites - clay supported nano-particles –
aerogels - methods of synthesis - sol-gel method - micro-emulsion method - electro-spinning method -
plasma technique - chemical vapour deposition (CVD)
NANOMATERIALS: Separation techniques - morphology studies - scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
- surface charge and optical properties of nano-particles: zeta potential - UV-V’s spectrometry - elemental

Civil Engineering
composition of single nano-particles using EDAX - elemental composition of bulk nano-particles-X-ray
diffraction - FTIR
Module 3: MEMBRANE PROCESSES: Overview of membrane technology - membrane filtration types
- microfiltration - ultra filtration - nano-filtration - reverse osmosis – transport principles - membrane
fabrication and characterization - Nano-particle membrane reactor
oxides, Iron oxides, Copper, Zinc) – Carbon nano-adsorbents: CNTs (single and multi-walled), Fullerenes-
molecularly imprinted polymers for removal of micro pollutants - advanced oxidation process - photo-
catalytic oxidation - Fenton process
determining the fate of NMs /NPs in environment: aggregation, reaction, adsorption, deposition - eco-
toxicity of NMs/NPs - effect on human health and environment- introduction to nano-sensors
Module 6: CHARACTERIZATION OF NANO PARTICLES: Exposure on nano particle preparation
and interpretation of results

1. Lens P., Virkutyte J., Jegatheesan V., and Al-Abed S., “Nanotechnology for Water and Wastewater
Treatment’, IWA Publishing, 2013
2. Eugene T, Michele De Kwaadsteniest, “Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Applications”,
Caister Academic Press, 2010 4.
3. Edi-Bharat Bhushan, “Handbook of Nanotechnology”, Springer, 2004.
4. Fulekar M. H., Bhawana Pathak, “Environmental Nanotechnology”, CRC Press, 2017
5. Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Ajay Kumar Mishra, “Nanotechnology in Environmental Science”,
John Wiley and Sons, 2018


Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the basic concepts of electrochemistry
2. To help the Student understand the electrochemical methods in wastewater treatment
3. To familiarize the Student with design concepts
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts of electrochemistry
2. Analyze the characteristics of the effluent and sludge produced
3. Design electrochemical reactor
4. Understand the mechanism of electro dialysis for desalination
5. Apply electrochemical methods for heavy metal removal
6. Develop new electrodes for electro coagulation and capacitive deionization

Module 1: BASIC ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY: Chemistry and electricity - electro

neutrality and potential differences at interfaces - electrochemical cells - transport of charge within the cell-
conductivity of electrolyte solutions - cell description conventions - electrodes and electrode reactions-
standard half-cell potentials and reference electrode - Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
Module 2: ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTORS DESIGN: Costing an electrolytic process- figures of
merit - materials yield-current efficiency - percentage conversion - product quality - energy consumption-
space time yield - electrolysis parameters - principles of cell design - typical cell designs - tank cells and
flow cells - monopolar and bipolor cells.
Module 3: BIOCIDE TECHNOLOGY: Bio-ciding technology - electrolytic production of free halogens-
chlorination process description - bromination process description

Civil Engineering
Module 4: ELECTROCHEMICAL METAL RECOVERY: Metal ion removal and metal recovery -
treatment of liquors containing dissolved chromium - electrolytic method of phase separation - flue gas
desulphurization – electro-dialysis - electrochemical process for the removal of iron in acid baths.
Module 5: ELECTRODIALYSIS (ED): Electro-dialysis - performance characteristics – purpose of
electro-dialysis unit - ED units for specialized application - De-mineralizer - advantages of electro-dialysis
- general characteristics - desalination system.
Module 6: ELECTROCOAGULATION: Electrocoagulation in water treatment - principle of
electrocoagulation - reactions at the electrodes and solutions - electrode passivation and activation -
comparison between electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation - typical designs of the EC Reactors -
factors affecting Electrocoagulation.

1. Ralph Zito, “Electrochemical Water Processing”, Wiley 2011.
2. Derek Pletcher, “Industrial Electrochemistry”, Chapan and Hall Ltd 1982.
3. Allen J Bard, Larry R Faultkner, “Electrochemical methods – Fundamentals and applications”,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2001
4. Comninellis C. and G. Chen, “Electrochemistry for the environment” Springer 2010.
5. Vivek V. Ranade, Vinay M Bhandar, “Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and Reuse”,
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the fundamental concepts in the field of noise pollution and control.
2. To impart knowledge on the sources, effects and control techniques of air pollutants and noise
3. To impart knowledge on measurement and analysis of noise.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify the nature and characteristics of noise pollution
2. Analyze the noise pollution problems
3. Detect the various effects of noise pollution
4. Apply suitable preventive measures and identify the technologies and methods to control of noise
5. Choose suitable noise adsorbent materials
6. Gain knowledge about the various noise pollution regulations

Module 1: SOURCES OF NOISE POLLUTION: Sources of noise pollution, indices, environmental and
industrial noise - types - units and measurements of noise – standards.
Module 2: CHARACTERIZATION OF NOISE POLLUTION: Characterization of noise from
construction, mining, transportation and industrial activities – airport noise- control measures - noise
pollution analyzers.
Module 3: EFFECTS OF NOISE POLLUTION: Introduction - auditory effects - non-auditory effects -
noise menace - psycho - acoustics and noise criteria - annoyance rating schemes.
Module 4: PREVENTION and CONTROL OF NOISE POLLUTION: Fundamental definitions –
prevention and control of noise pollution – outdoor and indoor noise propagation - control of noise -
annoyance rating schemes - sound absorbent materials –auditorium designing – anti noise device.
Module 5: ACOUSTICS OF NOISE: Industrial noise control – special noise environments - noise indices
- Osha noise standards – public education – other non-legislative measures.
Module 6: REGULATORY ASPECTS OF NOISE POLLUTION: Legislation and administrative
function – The Rajasthan noise control act 1963 - Railway act 1890 (Related to noise only) - The Aircraft
Civil Engineering
act 1934 (Related to noise only) - Factories act 1948 (Related to noise only) - The Environmental protection
act 1986 – Noise pollution remedies.

1. Antony Milne, “Noise Pollution: Impact and Counter Measures”, David and Charles PLC, 2009.
2. Singal S. P, “Noise Pollution and Control Strategy”, Alpha Science International, 2005
3. Malcolm J. Crocker, “Noise and Noise Control”, Volume 2, CRC Press, 2018
4. Malcolm J. Crocker, “Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control”, John Wiley and Sons, 2007
5. Peters R J, “Acoustics and Noise Control”, Routledge, 2011

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge about the occupational hazards, industrial safety issues, control measures
and emergency procedures.
2. To assist the student in implementing the safe healthy practices in workplace.
3. To enable to review methods and controls in order to evaluate occupational safety and health.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify hazards in workplace
2. Analyze the industrial toxicology
3. Understand the significance of health and safety in the workplace
4. Propose methods to eliminate the hazard
5. Understand the emergency procedures and safety law
6. Implement safe work practices


industrial atmospheric contaminants – industrial health hazards – asbestos hazards – hazard reorganization
- evaluation and control
workplace modes of entry of toxic substances into the human body - industrial toxicology – cleaning
chemical spills - threshold limit values - industrial hygiene survey – diagnosis – remedial measures –
Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) - BSOSHAS18001
Module 3: INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION: Industrial ventilation - general principles of air flow - general
dilution ventilation - comfort ventilation - local exhaust ventilation - principles of hood and duct design -
duct system design - fans.
Module 4: CONTROL MEASURES: Air cleaning devices - relative efficiencies - testing of local exhaust
ventilation systems - industrial noise control - general engineering principles of control standards – rationale
for health and safety training – ergonomics – emergency preparedness.
illumination - glare – types and levels of illumination - industrial plant sanitation - housekeeping - worker
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Case studies on occupational health and safety

1. Sharon Clarke, “Occupational Health and Safety”, CRC Press, 2016
2. Danuta Koradecka, “Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health”, CRC Press, 2010
3. Friend, Mark A., Kohn, John P, “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health”, 6 th edition,
Bernan Press, 2010

Civil Engineering
4. Pradeep Chaturvedi, “Occupational Safety, Health and Environment And Sustainable Economic
Development”, Concept Publishing Company, 2007
5. Charles D. Reese, “Occupational Health and Safety Management: A Practical Approach”, 3rd
Edition, CRC Press. 2015

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the behavior of groundwater movement
2. To estimate the groundwater modeling parameters
3. To equip the student with analytical techniques to solve groundwater problems
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the occurrence, distribution and movement of groundwater
2. Enumerate the properties of groundwater
3. Determine the aquifer parameters
4. Resolve groundwater related problems including response of aquifers to pumping wells
5. Develop a basic model for contaminant transport in subsurface media
6. Model and estimate groundwater recharge

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO GROUNDWATER: Groundwater in hydrologic cycle –

occurrence of groundwater – vadose zone water - soil-water relationship - hydrogeology –
hydrometeorology – soil sample analysis - water bearing materials - types of aquifers
Module 2: GROUNDWATER HYDRAULICS: Groundwater movement - Darcy’s law and its
limitations - stream lines and flow net analysis – discharge and draw down for various condition of
groundwater flow - principles of groundwater flow and its equation – dupuit – Forchheimer
assumptions – influent and effluent streams - evaluation of well loss parameters – partial penetration
of wells – interference of wells – collector wells and infiltration galleries.
Module 3: PUMPING TEST ANALYSIS: Determining aquifer parameters for unconfined - leaky
and non-leaky aquifers – steady and transient conditions - slug test – locating hydro geological
boundaries – determination of well characteristics and specific capacity of wells – well characteristics
of large diameter wells.
Module 4: GROUNDWATER TRANSPORT PROCESSES: Mass balance for transport of an ideal
tracer – contaminant transport mechanisms: advection, dispersion and diffusion – 1D, 2D and 3D
solute transport – pulse and step inputs – solutions to advection, dispersion equation.
Module 5: GROUNDWATER RECHARGE: Methods of artificial groundwater recharge –
groundwater assessment and balancing – seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers – land subsidence -
wells in hard rock areas - Geophysical survey – infiltration test – permeability test – drum culture
experiment –
Module 6: GROUNDWATER MODELLING: Groundwater data analysis – Groundwater models –
MODFLOW, MODPATH and MT3D - regional groundwater modeling.

1. Todd D.K., “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York, 2011.
2. Raghunath H.M. “Groundwater”, 3rd Edition, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Fetter C. W., “Applied Hydrogeology”, Merril Publishing Co., Columbus, OH, 2001.
4. Driscoll, “Groundwater and Wells”, Johnson Filtration Systems, Inc., 1986.
5. Ojha, C.S.P, Berndtsson, R and Bhunya, P., “Engineering Hydrology”, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 2008.

Civil Engineering
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge about various types of hydraulic structures
2. To introduce the planning and design concepts of hydraulic structures.
3. To inculcate the importance of basic water supply and drainage systems in society
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the design criteria for various types of dams
2. Analyze and design various hydraulic structures
3. Design a water supply distribution network
4. Design irrigation channels and cross drainage works
5. Estimate the hydropower potential
6. Design penstocks and surge tanks

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES: Introduction - types of hydraulic

structures: storage, diversion, conveyance and distribution structures, reservoirs - capacity of a reservoir -
reservoir silting
Module 2:DAMS: Types of dams - factors governing selection of type of dam - selection of site for dam
-preliminary and final investigations of dam sites -dam safety - design and construction of gravity and
earth dams - flow-nets.
Module 3: DAM OUTLET WORKS: Principles and classification, design of ogee and open channel
spillways - cavitations in spillway -energy dissipation devices, basins, buckets and gates- canals: types,
components, selection.
Module 4: DESIGN OF IRRIGATION CHANNELS: Theory and design principles - design of canal
sections in alluvial soil and hard rock zones - canal inlets and sluices - gates maintenance problems -
design examples of regulators and canal falls - canal head works- canal masonry works- canal outlets-
maintenance of canals - cross drainage works - flow measuring devices.
Module 5: WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS: Flow through pipes - solving pipe network - flow
problems - use of computer software for network analysis - cross country pipelines - hydraulic transient
Module 6: HYDROPOWER STRUCTURES: Hydropower structures types - components of a
hydropower structure: intakes and trash racks, water conductor systems, penstocks, power canals, tunnels,
surge tanks, anchor blanks.

1. Punmia and Pandey, “Irrigation and Water Power Engg.” Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New
Delhi, 2016.
2. Dandekar M.M and Sharma K.N., “Water Power Engineering”, 2nd edition Vikas publishers,
3. Asawa G.L. “Irrigation and Water Resources engineering” -New Age International (P) Ltd.
Publishers, 1st edition, 2005.
4. Garg S.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers N.D. 13 th
edition, 2009.
5. Modi, “Irrigation, Water Resources and water power engineering”, P.N. -Standard Book
House, New Delhi, 2nd edition, 2008.

Civil Engineering
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of IWRM and highlight the inter-disciplinary nature
2. To expose to sustainable water resources management, water security and public-private
partnership issues
3. To brief about integrated multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional issues in developing water resource
management plans
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of IWRM principles
2. Plan integrated water resources development projects considering sustainability aspects
3. Involve in water management projects from a multi-objective and multi-purpose perspective
4. Develop various water conservation techniques
5. Understand Private Public Partnership (PPP)
6. Analyze the environmental and health issues due to different water issues

Module 1: CONCEPTS, PRINCIPLES AND TERMINOLOGIES: IWRM: definition and principles-

social, economic, environmental and institutional factors in water management - water needs for human
beings and nature - concepts of ‘blue’, ‘green’ and ‘grey’ water - ecosystem approach- Global climate
change - its effect on water resources.
development - Dublin conference and earth summit- National water policy - highlights and limitations
Module 3: RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT: River basin approach – small watershed management-
environmental flows- minimum water table.
droughts - soil erosion - reservoir sedimentation - salinity intrusion into surface and groundwater sources-
water logging in command areas - sand mining - Impact of population and anthropogenic activities on water
water in development - Rainwater harvesting – Artificial recharge – Conjunctive use of surface and
groundwater-Inter basin transfer-Conservation of ‘green’ water – Treatment of ‘grey’ water- Basics of
desalination and water treatment and recycling
Module 6: PPP AND PRIVATE MARKETS: Introduction to water economics- Water pricing - Private
sector involvement in water resources management: PPP objectives, options, process and limitations-PPP
case studies

1. Negi S.S., “Integrated Watershed Management”, Oriental Enterprises, 2001
2. Roberto Lenton, Mike Muller, “Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice: Better Water
Management for development” Routledge, 2012
3. Cech Thomas V., “Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management and
Policy”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2003.
4. Cap-Net, “Tutorial on Basic Principles of Integrated Water Resources Management”, Cap-Net,
IRC, IWMI,HRWallingford, IUCN, WSS, UNDP (
5. Integrated Water Resources Management Plans, Training Manual and Operational Guide, CIDA,

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about the working principles of different power plants
2. To enable to design power canals, silting basin, types of dams
3. To give exposure about transmission system, financial implications etc.,
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Estimate the hydropower potential
2. Analyze the financial implications and maintenance of hydropower systems
3. Design various components of hydropower system
4. Understand the construction details of a hydropower plant
5. Analyze the implication of hydropower plant in water demand and evaluation
6. Design silting basin
Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Development of water power - estimation of hydropower potential -
comparison of hydro, thermal and nuclear power - firm power - secondary power - load and load duration
curves - load factor etc.
Module 2: HYDROPOWER PLANTS: Classification of hydropower plants - run-of-river plants - valley
dam plants - high head diversion plants - diversion canal plants - pumped storage plants - tidal power plants.
Module 3: WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM: Power canals – alignment - design of power canals –
flumes - covered conduits and tunnels - drainage and ventilation in tunnels.
Module 4: PENSTOCKS: Alignment - types of penstocks - anchor blocks - spillways: types; spillway
gates - design of stilling basins - types of turbines - their utility
Module 5: POWER HOUSE: Fore bay - intakes - balancing reservoir – escape - surge shafts/ inclined
shafts - underground power stations - general transmission system:
Module 6: POWERPLANT CONSTRUCTION: General introduction - basic principles of design and
construction - financial implications of hydropower plants - maintenance of hydro power plant.

1. Birdie, “Irrigation Engineering (including Water Power Engineering)”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2012.
2. ModiP.N, “Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering”, Standard Book House-
Rajsons Publication Private Limited, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Santosh Kumar Garg, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures” 28th Revised Edition,
Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2014.
4. Manual on “Planning and design of small hydroelectric scheme”, publication no. 280, Central
Board of Irrigation and Power, 2001.
5. “Guidelines for Hydraulic Design of Small Hydro Plants”, Alternate Hydro Energy Research
Centre, 2011.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of flow through rivers and the theoretical and empirical formulation of
energy and momentum principles
2. To demonstrate the sediment transport in terms of first principles
3. To enable the Student understand the causes of river channel change and river training
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify the various types of flow and their profile

Civil Engineering
2. Analyze the transport of sediments
3. Estimate the sediment load
4. Develop strategies for sediment routing
5. Analyze the impact of erosion, deposition and sedimentation on flow
6. Design a sedimentation basin

Module 1: BASIC CONCEPTS AND EQUATIONS: Basic mathematical concepts - fluid continuum,
fluid element – kinematics and dynamics – continuity equations - equations based on conservation of
momentum and energy - potential energy and kinetic energy
Module 2: VARIED FLOWS: Free surface flow - uniform flow - gradually varied flow - flow profiles –
Prismatic channels energy and momentum principles - flow measurements: weirs, flumes - basic equations
of various flows - velocity of flood wave discharge - flood routing
Module 3: ORIGIN AND PROPERTIES OF SEDIMENTS: Incipient movement of sediments - shields
analysis - bed formation and flow regimes - sampling and measurement techniques of sediment load
Module 4: SEDIMENT ENTRAINMENT: Geo-morphological concepts: load-discharge relations,
sediment yield and denudation rate – forces on sediment particles
Module 5: SEDIMENT TRANSPORT: Forms of sediment transport - estimation of bed load transport -
shield’s diagram - Hjulstrom curves –sediment transport and bed forms - settling, deposition, consolidation,
attrition, erosion, Rouse profile
Module 6: RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION: Aggradations and degradation - design of stable channels,
river training methods, bank protection - Groynes or spurs, deflectors, cut off - Sedimentation basin

1. Garde, R.J. and Ranga Raju, K.G. “Mechanics of Sediment Transport and Alluvial Stream
Problems”, NewAge International (P) Ltd. Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Subramanya. K, “Open channel flow”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2010.
3. Yang, C.T. “Sediment transport theory and Practice”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
4. Garde, R.J. “History of Fluvial Hydraulics”, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi,
5. Garde, R.J. “River Morphology”, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.


18CE3057 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on underlying hydrologic processes associated with the flow of water through
forested watersheds
2. To give exposure about nutrient budget and agricultural management practices
3. To familiarize with water conservation techniques in a watershed
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the hydrologic principles in forest, urban and agricultural management
2. Apply the techniques for soil erosion control, flood management and storm management
3. Develop an integrated watershed management plan
4. Determine nutrient budget for a watershed
5. Develop storm water management strategy for a watershed
6. Apply water conservation techniques in green buildings

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO WATERSHED: Watershed development - definition and concepts,

objectives and need - integrated and multidisciplinary approach for watershed management- characteristics

Civil Engineering
of watershed: size, shape, physiographic, slope, climate, drainage, land use, vegetation, geology and soils -
Watershed delineation.
Module 2: FOREST WATERSHED MANAGEMENT: Influence of forests on hydrologic processes -
causes of deterioration of watershed – forests and water yield/low flows - forests and peak flows –
deforestation and accelerated erosion – forests and snow.
Module 3: AGRICULTURAL WATERSHED MANAGEMENT: Global agricultural trends –
agricultural impacts on soil and water: non-point source pollution, erosion and sediment, drainage, storage
and irrigation - nutrient budget
Module 4: WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT: Soil and water conservation – watershed development
projects – indicators – monitoring and evaluation.
Module 5: URBAN WATERSHED MANAGEMENT: Impacts of urbanization on hydrology - urban
site design – land use planning and conservation – stormwater management - flooding and floodplain
management – urban water supply – water and green buildings.
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Case study on forest hydrology of Western Ghats – case study on cultivated
watersheds – case study on urban watershed

1. Murthy, J.V.S., “Watershed Management”, New Age International Publishers, 1998.
2. Martin, M.K., Daniel T.R., and Kent, S.M., “Urban Watersheds: Geology, Contamination, and
Sustainable Development”, CRC press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2011.
3. Ghanshyam D., “Hydrology and Soil Conservation Engineering”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
NewDelhi. 2000.
4. Das Madan Mohan and Saikia Mimi Das, “Watershed Management”, PHI publishers, 2012.
5. Kenneth N. Brooks, Peter F.Folliott, Joseph A. Magner, “Hydrology and the Management of
Watershed”, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on hydrology of wetland ecosystems
2. To introduce about the management and conservation of wetlands
3. To impart the concepts of wise use of wetlands
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand different aspects of wetland management
2. Conduct water balance studies in wetland
3. Apply the hydrological principles in wetland management
4. Estimate the exchange processes in coastal wetlands
5. Model sediment dynamics in wetland conservation
6. Develop suitable wetland management strategy in catchment and coastal hydrology

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO WETLAND: Classification of wetlands - wetlands types according to

Ramsar Bureau - hydrologic features of aquatic ecosystems - terrestrial ecosystems - wetland ecosystem
Module 2: HYDROLOGY OF WETLANDS: Hydro period - signature of a wetland - water balance of
wetland - residence time - turnover time - conceptual model showing relationship between hydrologic,
chemical and biological processes - chemical cycles in wetlands
recharging - flood containing - water purification – agriculture - aquatic tourism - drinking water - inland
navigation – fisheries - biodiversity

Civil Engineering
Module 4: WISE USE OF WETLANDS: Integrated river basin management in relation to wise use of
wetlands - sustainability concept in relation to wetland management
Module 5: ESTIMATION OF EXCHANGE PROCESSES: Exchange processes in estuaries - modified
tidal prism method - coefficient of eddy diffusivity - flushing time - sediment dynamics
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Impact of man-made structures on downstream wetlands - success stories in
wetland conservation - Chilika and Loktak.

1. William J. Mitsch, James G. Gosselink, “Wetlands”, John Wiley and Sons. Copyright. Inc, 2007.
2. Michael J. Vepraskas, Christopher B, “Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and
Classification”, CRC Press, 2016
3. Mitsch W.J, M. Strakraba, S.E. Jorgensen, “Wetland Modelling”, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V,
4. Deanne Hickey, “The Role of Wetland Hydrology on Vegetative Structure in a Coastal Wetland
Environment”, University of Sydney, 2009.
5. Jos T.A. Verhoeven, Boudewijn Beltman, Roland Bobbink, Dennis F. Whigham., “Wetlands and
Natural Resource Management”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.


Course Objectives:
1. To understand the hydrologic cycle with reference to climate
2. To assess the impact on ecosystem services
3. To diagnose the cause of climate related water issues
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Enumerate the characteristics of climate change
2. Assess the impact of climate change
3. Utilize the tools for vulnerability assessment
4. Incorporate the adaptation techniques
5. Plan the mitigation activities
6. Implement the mitigation activities as per the policies

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO CLIMATE :Definitions - climate, climate system, climate change –

drivers of climate change – characteristics of climate system components – large-scale climate - greenhouse
effect – carbon cycle – wind systems - trade winds and the Hadley cell – ozone hole in the stratosphere - el
nino, la nina, enso-regional differences
Module 2: IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE: Global climatology – Indian scenario –observed
changes and projected changes of IPCC – monsoon onsets, withdrawals and breaks –cyclones in India –
Indian rainfall in different seasons – inter annual variability of monsoon -impacts on sectoral vulnerabilities
– SRES – different scenarios
Module 3: TOOLS FOR VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT: Need for vulnerability assessment – steps
for assessment –approaches for assessment – models – quantitative models, economic model, impact matrix
approach - box models - zero-dimensional models -radioactive-convective models - higher-dimension
models - EMICs (Earth-system models of intermediate complexity) - GCMs (global climate models or
general circulation models) – sectoral models
Module 4: CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION: Water-related adaptation to
climate change in the fields of ecosystems and biodiversity - agriculture and food security, land use and
forestry, human health, water supply and sanitation, infrastructure and economy (insurance, tourism,
industry and transportation) - adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable development sector

Civil Engineering
Module 5: CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION: Specific mitigation - carbon dioxide capture and
storage (CCS) -land-use change and management, cropland management, afforestation and reforestation -
potential water resource conflicts between adaptation and mitigation - implications for policy and
sustainable development.
Module 6: CASE STUDIES: Water resources assessment case studies – Ganga Damodar Project,
Himalayan glacier studies - Ganga valley project - adaptation strategies in assessment of water resources-
hydrological design practices and dam safety- operation policies for water resources projects - flood
management strategies - drought management strategies - temporal and spatial assessment of water for
irrigation -land use and cropping pattern - coastal zone management strategies.

1. Sangam Shreshta, Mukund S. Babel and Vishnu Prasad Pandey., “Climate Change and Water
Resources”, CRC Press, 2014.
2. Anil Markandya , “Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Prospects for Developing
Countries”, Routledge, 2002
3. UNFCC Technologies for Adaptation to climate change, 2006.
4. Shukla P R, Subobh K Sarma, NH Ravindranath, Amit Garg and Sumana Bhattacharya, “Climate
Change and India: Vulnerability assessment and adaptation”, University Press(India) Pvt Ltd,
Hyderabad, 2003.
5. Dash Sushil Kumar, “Climate Change – An Indian Perspective”, Cambridge University Press India
Pvt. Ltd, 2007
6. Preliminary consolidated Report on “Effect of climate change on Water Resources”, GOI, CWC,
MOWR, 2008.
7. IPCC Report Technical Paper VI – “Climate change and water”, 2008.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize the concepts of urbanization and its impact on the natural water cycle
2. To impart knowledge on the utilization of urban storm water models for better storm water
3. To enable to prepare urban storm water master plan
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify factors affecting urban hydrological cycle
2. Estimate urban water demand and storm water quantity
3. Maintain the elements of drainage systems
4. Determine the runoff and peak flow
5. Plan and design storm water control and disposal systems
6. Develop integrated urban water management system

Module 1: URBAN HYDROLOGIC CYCLE: General introduction to urbanization and its effect on
water cycle – urban hydrological cycle – trends in urbanization – effect of urbanization on hydrology- urban
hydrological cycle
Module 2: STORMWATER ANALYSIS: Determination of runoff and peak –time of concentration –
importance of short duration of rainfall and runoff data – methods of estimation of time of concentration
for design of urban drainage systems - design of storm water network systems – water distribution networks.
Module 3: URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT MODELS: Types of models – physically based–
conceptual or unit hydrograph based – urban surface runoff models – various model available for storm
water management - management models for flow rate and volume control rate – quality models

Civil Engineering
Module 4: URBAN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: Stormwater management practices (structural
and non-structural management measures) – detention and retention concepts –modeling concept – types
of storage – magnitude of storage – hydraulic analysis and design guidelines – flow and storage capacity of
urban components – system tanks.
Module 5: MASTER DRAINAGE PLANS: Master drainage plans – issues to be concentrated upon –
typical content of an urban drainage master plan – interrelation between water resources investigation and
urban planning processes – planning objectives – comprehensive planning –use of models in planning.
Module 6: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: Elements of drainage systems – open channel–
underground drains – appurtenances – pumping – source control - operation and maintenance of urban
drainage system – interaction between stormwater management and solid waste management

1. Geiger, W.F., Marsalek, F., and Zuidena, F.C., (Ed), “Manual on Drainage in urbanized areas”,
Vol.1 and Vol.II, UNESCO, 1987.
2. Hengeveld, H. and C. De Voch.t (Ed).,“Role of Water in Urban Ecology”, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
3. Martin, P. Wanelista and Yousef, A. Yousef., “Stormwater Management”, John Wiley and sons,
4. Stahre, P., and Urbonas, B., “Storm water Detention for Drainage, water quality and CSO
Management”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1990
5. Wanielista, M.P., and Yousef, Y.A., “Stormwater Management”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, 1993


Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize the principles of Remote Sensing and GIS
2. To demonstrate temporal and spatial data acquisition and analysis
3. To impart knowledge in digital image processing
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the principles and components of Remote Sensing and GIS
2. Analyze and interpret satellite images using digital image processing
3. Create thematic maps for various applications
4. Implement overlay analysis for various environmental and water resources application
5. Create spatial and temporal variation maps
6. Apply GIS and RS tool in environmental and water resources projects

Module 1: REMOTE SENSING : Basic concepts of remote sensing - electromagnetic radiation (EMR) -
interaction of EMR with atmosphere, earth surface, soil, water and vegetation - Remote sensing platforms
– monitoring atmosphere, land and water resources - LANDSAT, SPOT, ERS, IKONOS – scanners,
radiometers - data types and format.
Module 2: DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING: Satellite data analysis - image interpretation - multi-
spectral, multi temporal and multi-sensoral – digital image processing – image preprocessing – image
enhancement – image classification – data merging
Module 3: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM: Definition – components of GIS – map
projections and co-ordinate systems – data structures - raster, vector – spatial relationship – topology –
integrated GIS database - sources of error

Civil Engineering
Module 4: SPATIAL ANALYSIS: Thematic mapping – measurement in GIS: length, perimeter and areas
– query analysis – reclassification – buffering - neighbourhood functions - map overlay: vector and raster
overlay – spatial interpolation
– GIS approach for water resources system – thematic maps - rainfall-runoff modeling – groundwater
potential mapping – water quality modeling - flood inundation mapping and modeling
Module 6: SOFTWARE APPLICATION: Introduction to software in GIS and Remote sensing data
analysis and modeling

1. Lillesand T.M. and Kiefer,R.W., “Remote Sensing and Image interpretation”, 6th edition of John
Wiley and Sons, 2000.
2. John R. Jensen, “Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective”, 2nd
Edition, 1995.
3. John A.Richards, “Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis”, Springer –Verlag, 1999.
4. Ian Heywood Sarah, Cornelius and Steve Carver, “An Introduction to Geographical Information
Systems”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Victor Mesev, “Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing”, John Wiley and Sons, 2008

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge in excavations and boring techniques
2. To study in-situ soil testing methods
3. To gain knowledge on geophysical methods
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Recall the different methods of soil investigation.
2. Evaluate the properties of soil at different depths.
3. Identify the samplers to collect the disturbed and undisturbed soil
4. Conduct field test for bearing capacity.
5. Design suitable field instrumentation.
6. Prepare subsoil investigation reports.

Module 1: GENERAL: Scopes and objectives of explorations – planning a subsurface exploration – stages
in sub surface exploration – explorations for preliminary and detailed design – spacing and depth of
Module 2: OPEN EXCAVATION AND BORINGS OF EXPLORATION: Pits and trenches – drifts
and shafts – methods of boring – auger borings – wash borings –rotary drilling –percussion drilling – core
Module 3: SOIL SAMPLES AND SAMPLING METHODS: Types of soil samples – disturbed samples
–undisturbed samples – design features affecting the sample disturbance – preservation and handling of
Module 4: SOIL SAMPLERS: Split spoon samplers – scraper bucket samplers –shell by tubes and thin
walled samplers – piston samplers – Denis samplers.
Module 5: IN-SITU TESTING: Field tests – standard penetration tests – cone penetration tests – in-situ
vane shear test–plate load test – monotonic and cyclic –field permeability tests – in-situ tests using pressure
meter – observation of ground water table - instrumentation in soil engineering, strain gauges, resistance
and inductance type

Civil Engineering
Module6: GEOPHYSICAL METHODS: Geophysical methods – types - seismic methods – electrical
resistivity methods – electrical profiling method – electrical sounding method – seismic refraction method
– sub-soil investigation report.

1. Murthy V.N.S., SaiKripa, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Vol 2”, CBS Publishers
& Distributors, 1997.
2. Clayton C.R., Matthews M.C., Simons N.E., “Site Investigation”, Thomas Telford Ltd, 1995.
3. Brahma S.P.., “Foundation Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 1985.
4. Shamsher Prakash, Gopal Ranjan and Swami Saran, Meerut, “Analysis and Design of
Foundations and Retaining Structures”, Sarita Prakasham, 1979.
5. IS:1892-1979, IS:4453-1980, IS:4464-1967, IS:2132-1986.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge in selection of foundations.
2. To design the foundation based on bearing capacity and settlement.
3. To study different types of shallow foundation.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify the requirements of good foundation.
2. Select suitable foundation based on bearing capacity.
3. Explain the soil structure interaction.
4. Evaluate the foundation settlement.
5. Design shallow and special foundations
6. Suggest suitable measures for expansive and difficult soils.

Module 1: PLANNING OF SOIL EXPLORATION: Planning of soil exploration for different projects
- methods of subsurface exploration- methods of borings along with various penetration tests.
Module 2: SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS: Requirements for satisfactory performance of foundations -
methods of estimating bearing capacity - settlements of footings and rafts - proportioning of foundations
using field test data - IS codes.
Module 3: PILE FOUNDATIONS: Methods of estimating load transfer of piles- settlements of pile
foundations - pile group capacity and settlement - negative skin friction of piles - laterally loaded piles-
pile load tests - analytical estimation of load- settlement behavior of piles - proportioning of pile
foundations - lateral and uplift capacity of piles.
Module 4: WELL FOUNDATION: IS and IRC codal provisions - elastic theory and ultimate resistance
Module 5: FOUNDATIONS ON PROBLEMATIC SOILS: Foundations for collapsible and expansive
Module 6: COFFER DAMS: Various types- analysis and design Foundations under uplifting loads.

1. Day, R.W., “Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, Design and Construction”, McGraw Hill,
2. Swami Saran, “Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation”, Galgottia Publications Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2010.
3. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced concrete”, Prentice-Hall of India 2009.

Civil Engineering
4. Bowles, J.E. “Foundation Analysis and Design”, McGraw Hill, New York, 2001.
5. Winterkorn, H.F and Fang, Y.F., “Foundation Engineering Handbook”, Van Nostrand Reinhold,


Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge on stress-strain characteristics of soils.
2. To study the behaviour in the form of stress path.
3. To gain knowledge on the concepts of yield and failure criteria.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Determine the compressibility of soil.
2. Distinguish stress strain behavior between cohesionless and cohesive soil.
3. Illustrate stress path for different conditions.
4. Examine the failure criteria of soils.
5. Design Rheological models and stress paths.
6. Justify Elasto plastic and visco- elastic laws.

Module 1: COMPRESSIBILITY OF SOIL: Consolidation theories - one, two and three dimensional
consolidation theories – consolidation in layered soil – consolidation for time dependent loading –
determination of coefficient of consolidation.
Module 2: SHEAR STRENGTH OF COHESIONLESS SOILS: Shear strength of granular soils – direct
shear – triaxial testing – drained and undrained – stress-strain behaviour – dilatation – contraction and
critical states – liquefaction and liquefaction potential - factors influencing – stress-strain – volume change
behaviour of soils.
Module 3: SHEAR STRENGTH OF COHESIVE SOILS: Shear strength of clays – stress-strain
behaviour – vane shear – UCC – triaxial testing and stress path plotting – pore pressure parameter of
Skempton and Henkel – total stress and effective stress approach – shear strength of partially saturated clay
in terms of stress state variables – drained and undrained – factors influencing stress-strain and shear
Module 4: YIELD CRITERION: Concepts of yield and failure in soils – yield criteria of Von Mises,
Tresca, Kvikpatriak, Drucker and Prager - their extended form – their applicability to soils – Mohr–
Coulomb failure criterion.
Module 5: STRESS PATH AND STRESS – STRAIN LAWS: Stress path for different cases – stress
path tests – stress-strain laws for soils – hyperbolic law – linear visco-elastic and elasto – plastic laws –
yield functions, hardening law, flow rules and plastic strain computation – Elastic module – cyclic loading
– limitation of linearity elastic model – hyperbolic stress-strain model.
to critical state soil mechanics –boundary surface – Roscoe and Hvorslev’s – rheological models of Kelvin,
Maxwell and Burger as applied to soils.

1. Braja, M. Das., “Advanced soil mechanics”, McGraw Hill, 2010.
2. Atkinson, J.H and Brandsby, P.L., “Introduction to critical state soil mechanics”, Cambridge
University Press, New York, 1990.
3. Hotlz, R.D. and Kovais, W.D., “Introduction of Geotechnical Engineering”, Prentice – Hall, 1981.
4. Lambe, T.W. and Whitman R.V., “Soil Mechanics in S.I. Units” John Wiley, 1979.
5. IS :2720 (Part 15-1986 ,Part 40-1977,Part 41- 1977), IS:2720( Part 10-1973,Part 11- 1971,Part 12-
1981,Part 13-1986)

Civil Engineering
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge on basic equations of theory of elasticity for linear material.
2. To impart understanding on finite element analysis procedure by solving a simple problem.
3. To give exposure to finite element discritization and analysis of seepage and consolidations
problems and stress analysis of soil structure interaction problems.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. List the basic equations of elasticity.
2. Distinguish between the applications of different types of finite elements.
3. Explain the finite element procedure.
4. Apply the variational and weighted residual principles to formulate element stiffness matrix.
5. Justify linear stress analysis of soil structure interaction problems.
6. Develop the finite element discrimination for seepage, consolidation soil structure interaction

Module 1: BASIC EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY: Concept of continuum - state of stress at a point –

differential equations of equilibrium – stress transformation – principal stresses; state of strain at a point –
strain deformation relations – St. Venant compatibility conditions – strain transformation – principal strains;
Generalized Hook’s law’ - principle of superposition - geotechnical considerations – total stress analysis
pore pressure calculation – effective stress.
COORDINATES: Plane stress and plane strain problems – basic equations – Airy’s stress functions –
axisymmetric problems - Boussinesq problem and its applications
Module 3: FINITE ELEMENT THEORY FOR LINEAR MATERIAL: Concept of finite element –
concept of shape functions - Finite element procedure – principles of discretization - element stiffness
formulation - direct, variational and weighted residual techniques and displacements approach;
convergence criteria for displacement model - numerical integrations
Module 4: FINITE ELEMENT STRESS ANALYSIS: Displacement formulation for stress analysis:
axial element and beam element for one dimensional problems – Triangular and rectangular elements iso-
parametric quadrilateral for analysis of plane stress and plane strain problems - hexahedral and tetrahedral
elements for 3 dimensional stress analysis – axi-symmetric stress analysis – plate and shell elements
Settlement analysis - 2-D elastic solutions for homogeneous - isotropic medium - steady seepage analysis:
finite element solutions of Laplace’s equation - consolidation analysis - Terzaghi consolidation problem -
choice of soil properties for finite element analysis
Analysis of foundations – stress in soil - shallow foundations – dam foundation – pile foundation -
underground structures and earth retaining structures – application to geotechnical designs – requirement
of software for analysis of stress in foundation and for stability analysis

1. Andrew Lees., “Geotechnical Finite Element analysis – A Practical Guide”, Thomas Telford Ltd.,
2. Desai C.S., and Musharaf Zamen., “Advanced Geotechnical Engineering”, CRC Press, 2014.
3. Potts D.M., and Zdramcovic L., “Finite Element Analysis in Geo-technical engineering”, Thomas
Telford, 2001.
4. Rajasekaran S., “Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design”, Wheeler publishing 1993.

Civil Engineering
5. Desai C.S., “Elementary Finite Element Method”, Prentice Hall, Inc, 1979.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To gain knowledge on different types of machine foundation.
2. To understand the dynamic properties of soils.
3. To impart knowledge on exposure on vibration isolation techniques.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Describe the theories of vibration to solve dynamic soil problems.
2. Evaluate the dynamic properties of soil using laboratory and field tests.
3. Analyse the different types of machine foundation.
4. Design of machine foundation.
5. Compare vibration of foundation studies.
6. Implement vibration isolation techniques
Module 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATIONS: Single, two and multiple degree of freedom systems
- vibration isolation - vibration absorbers - vibration measuring instruments
Module 2: WAVE PROPAGATION: Elastic continuum medium - semi-infinite elastic continuum
medium - soil behaviour under dynamic loading.
Module 3: LIQUEFACTION OF SOILS: Liquefaction mechanism - factors affecting liquefaction,
studies by dynamic tri-axial testing - oscillatory shear box, shake table and blast tests - assessment of
liquefaction potential.
Module 4: DYNAMIC ELASTIC CONSTANTS OF SOIL: Determination of dynamic elastic constants
- various methods including block resonance tests - cyclic plate load tests - wave propagation tests -
oscillatory shear box test.
Module 5: MACHINE FOUNDATIONS: Design criteria for machine foundations - Elastic
homogeneous half space and lumped parameter solutions - analysis and design of foundations:
reciprocating and impact type machines, turbines - effect of machine foundation on adjoining structures.
Module 6: BEARING CAPACITY OF FOUNDATIONS: Bearing capacity of dynamically loaded
foundations: water towers, chimneys and high rise buildings - response of pile foundations.

1. Steven Kramer., “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”, Pearson, 2008.
2. Kameswara Rao, N.S.V., “Vibration analysis and foundation dynamics”, Wheeler Publication Ltd.,
3. Das, B.M., “Fundamentals of Soil Dynamics”, Elsevier, 1983.
4. Prakash, S., “Soil Dynamics”, McGraw Hill,1981.
5. IS 5249:1977: Method of test for determination of dynamic properties of soil.

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives
1. To attain adequate knowledge in assessing index properties.
2. To gain knowledge on Compaction and Compressibility of soils.
3. To enrich knowledge in field practices.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the origin of the soil and geological cycle.

Civil Engineering
2. Perform laboratory experiments to estimate various Atterberg’s limits and evaluate index properties
of soils.
3. Determine the permeability and compaction of soils through various laboratory and field tests.
List of Experiments:
1. Determination of Moisture Content and Specific gravity of soil
2. Grain size distribution using Sieve Analysis
3. Grain size distribution using Hydrometer Analysis
4. Atterberg’s Limits (Liquid Limit, Plastic limit, Shrinkage limit)
5. Visual Classification Tests
6. Free swell Test
7. Vibration test for relative density of sand
8. Standard proctor’s compaction test
9. Modified proctor’s compaction test
10. Falling head permeability test and Constant head permeability test
11. Consolidation test
12. Chemical analysis of soil (Chlorides and Sulphates)
1. Alam Singh and Chowdary, G.R., “Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice (Vol.2) Geotechnical
Testing and Instrumentation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2006.
2. “Soil Engineering Laboratory Instruction Manual”, Published by the Engineering College
Cooperative Society, Chennai, 1996.
3. Head, K.H., “Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing”, Vol.I and II, Pentech Press, London 1990.
4. Lambe T.W., “Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990.
5. I.S. Code of Practice (2720): Relevant Parts, as amended from time to time.

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives
1. To provide with basic understanding of physical and mechanical properties of soil.
2. To identify factors controlling soil behavior and methods to determine soil properties
3. To interpret the results and write technical reports.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify and classify soils with reference to their characteristics.
2. Determine graphically and analytically the stress state in any plane of the soil mass.
3. Perform various shear strength tests and appreciate the different field conditions which they
List of Experiments:
1. California Bearing ratio test
2. Swell Pressure Test
3. Unconfined compression test
4. Direct shear test
5. Tri-axial compression test – UU, CU, CD tests
6. Laboratory vane shear test
1. Alam Singh and Chowdary, G.R., “Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice (Vol.2) Geotechnical
Testing and Instrumentation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Head, K.H., “Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing Vol.I, II and Vol.III”, Pentech Press, London,

Civil Engineering
3. Kameswara Rao, N.S.V., “Dynamics Soil Tests and Applications”, Wheeler Publishing, New
Delhi, 2000.
4. Das, B.M., “Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual, Engineering”, Press,Austin,1997
5. I.S. Code of Practice (2720): Relevant Parts, as amended from time to time.

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To gain knowledge in various field investigation
2. To attain adequate knowledge in geophysical methods
3. To adopt appropriate test based on the available conditions.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand various site investigation techniques and their in-situ applications.
2. Specify a strategy for site investigation to identify the soil deposits and determine the depth and
spatial extent within the ground.
3. Prepare a soil investigation report based on borehole log data and various in-situ testslike SPT,
CPT, etc.
List of Experiments:
1. Exploratory borings by different methods including auger boring, wash boring, percussion drilling
and rotary drilling.
2. Standard penetration test
3. Dynamic cone penetration test
4. Static cone penetration test
5. Plate load test
6. Pressure meter test
7. Geophysical exploration tests
1. Murthy V.N.S, SaiKripa.,“Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Vol 2”, CBS Publishers &
Distributors, 1997.
2. CR Clayton, MC Matthews, NE Simons., “Site Investigation”, Thomas Telford Ltd, 1995.
3. S.P. Brahma., “Foundation Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 1985.
4. Shamsher Prakash, Gopal Ranjan and Swami Saran, Meerut, “Analysis and Design of Foundations
and Retaining Structures” Sarita Prakasham, 1979.
5. IS : 1892-1979 , IS : 1888-1982 ,IS:2131 -1981,IS:4434-1978.

0 0 4 2
Course Objectives
1. To introduce the application of FEM in Software Packages.
2. To analyze and design various structural elements using software packages.
3. To impart knowledge on computer application in civil engineering.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Recall the appropriate loading as per the standards.
2. Estimate the design stresses.
3. Evaluate foundation settlement.
List of Experiments:
1. Stability Analysis
Civil Engineering
2. Excavation Design
3. Walls and Gabions
4. Shallow foundations
5. Deep foundations
6. Settlement analysis
7. Tunnels and shafts
1. ANSYS 17.1 - Analysis Reference Manual, 2016.
2. STAAD Pro 2007 V8i Analysis Reference Manual, 2015.
3. Plaxis 2d Reference Manual, 2018.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge to identify weak soils.
2. To suggest suitable improvement methods.
3. To be familiar with equipment used for improvements.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Define the parameters of weak soil.
2. Describe field compaction methods
3. Apply drainage techniques in soil improvements
4. Analyze the reinforcement techniques in soil.
5. Design load carrying capacity of stone columns.
6. Adopt suitable ground improvement techniques.

Module1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to dewatering – scope and necessity of ground improvement

– new technologies – basic concepts – drainage methods – ground water lowering by well points – deep
well, vacuum and electro – osmosis methods.
Module2:COMPACTION AND SAND DRAINS: In-situ compaction of cohesionless and cohesive soils
– Shallow and deep compaction – Vibration methods – vibro-compaction, blasting, vibrating probe,
vibratory rollers, vibro-displacement compaction, vibroflotation – concept - factors influencing compaction
– heavy tamping – vertical drains – preloading with sand drains, fabric drains, wick drains – design of sand
drains – relative merits of different methods – limitations.
Module3:STONE COLUMN AND CONSOLIDATION: Precompression and consolidation – dynamic
consolidation – electro-osmotic consolidation – stone column – functions – methods of installation – design
estimation of load carrying capacity of stone column – settlement of stone column – lime piles – earth
reinforcement – soil nailing – types of reinforcement material – applications.
Module4:STABILIZATION: Introduction – stabilization methods – mechanical, cement, lime, bitumen,
chemical stabilization – electrical stabilization – stabilization by thermal and freezing techniques – ground
improvement by excavating and replacing – stabilization of expansive clays – prewetting – special methods
–introduction to geopolymer, nano and bio stabilization.
Module5:GROUTING: Functions – characteristics of grouts – types of grout – suspension and solution
grouts – basic requirements of grout – displacement – compaction grouting, displacement – soil fracture
grouting, jet – displacement grouting, permeation grouting – grouting equipment – injection methods –
grout monitoring.
Module6: APPLICATIONS: Applications of compaction - sand drains - applications of stone column -
consolidation - applications of grouting - applications of soil reinforcement.

Civil Engineering
1. Shroff, A.V., “Grouting Technology in Tunneling and Dam”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
2. Purushothama Raj, P., “Ground Improvement Techniques”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New
Delhi, 2005.
3. Koerner, R.M., “Designing with Geosynthetics” (fourth edition), Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.
4. Moseley M.D., “Ground Treatment”, Blackie Academic and Professional, 1998.
5. IS:4558:1983,IS:4721-1968,IS:5050-1968,IS:4999-1968.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To gain knowledge on stress assessment.
2. To design Flexible and rigid pavements.
3. To impart knowledge on different rehabilitation techniques.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify the properties of various road materials.
2. Indicate the factors affecting the pavements.
3. Examine the distress in pavements for stability.
4. Design the pavements as per Indian standards
5. Suggest stabilization techniques for soft soils.
6. Compare causes remedial measures for rehabilitation.

Module1: BASIC CONCEPTS: Pavement- types – historical developments – approaches to pavement

design – vehicle and traffic considerations – behaviour of road materials under repeated loading – stresses
and deflections in layered systems.
Module 2: FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT: Factors affecting flexible pavements – material characterization
for analytical pavement design – CBR and stabilometer tests – resilient modulus – fatigue subsystem –
failure criteria for bituminous pavements – IRC design guidelines
Module3: RIGID PAVEMENT: Factors affecting rigid pavements – design procedures for rigid pavement
– IRC guidelines – airfield pavements - Highway pavement – CRC pavements
rehabilitation, condition and evaluation surveys – causes and types of distress in flexible and rigid
pavements – PSI models – serviceability index of rural roads – pavements maintenance management and
– design criteria and choice of stabilizers – testing and field control – stabilization for rural roads – use of
geofabrics in road construction – case studies.
Module 6: MATERIAL CHARACTERISATION AND DRAINAGE: Material characterization –
failure criteria - reliability - comparison of different pavement design approaches – design overlays -
drainage system.

1. Wright, P.H., “Highway Engineers”, Johwiley and Sons, Inc. New York, 2009.
2. Kadiyali, L.R., “Transport planning and Traffic Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, 2008.
3. Design and specification of Rural Roads (Manual), Ministry of rural roads, Government of India,
New Delhi, 2001.
4. Yoder, R.J and Witchak, M.W., “Principles of Pavment Design”, John wiley, 2000.
5. IRC: 37 – 2001, IRC: 58 – 1998, The Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives
1. To acquire knowledge on the geotechnical engineering problems associated with soil
2. To study various methods of safe disposal of waste, stabilization of waste and transportation of
3. To suggest site remediation techniques.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify the causes of soil pollution and suggest suitable methods of remediation for the
contaminated sites.
2. Classify the various techniques of waste disposal.
3. Illustrate the contaminant transport and the transformation processes.
4. Evaluate the beam capacity of compacted fills.
5. Explain the case studies on utilization of solid waste and soil improvement.
6. Implement suitable methods of remediation for contaminated sites.

Module 1: SOIL AS A MULTIPHASE SYSTEM: Soil- environment interaction – properties of water in

relation to porous media – water cycle with special reference to soil medium.
Module 2: SOIL – POLLUTANT INTERACTION: Introduction to Geo-environmental engineering –
environmental cycle – sources, production and classification of waste – causes of soil pollution – factors
governing soil – pollutant interaction – failures of foundations due to pollutants – case studies.
Module 3:SITE SELECTION AND SAFE DISPOSAL OF WASTE: Safe disposal of waste – site
selection for landfills – characterization of landfill sites– risk assessment – stability of landfills – current
practice of waste disposal – monitoring facilities – passive containment system – application of
geosynthetics in solid waste management – rigid and flexible liners.
Module 4:TRANSPORT OF CONTAMINANTS: Contaminant transport in subsurface – advection –
diffusion – dispersion – governing equations – contaminant transformation – sorption – biodegradation –
ion exchange – precipitation – hydrological consideration in landfill design – groundwater pollution –
bearing capacity of compacted fills – foundation for waste fill ground – pollution of aquifers by mixing of
liquid waste – protection of aquifers.
Module 5:WASTE STABILIZATION AND DISPOSAL: Hazardous waste control and storage system
– stabilization/solidification of wastes – micro and macro encapsulation – absorption, adsorption,
precipitation – detoxification – mechanism of stabilization – organic and inorganic stabilization – utilization
of solid waste for soil improvement – case studies.
Module 6:REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SOILS: Rational approach to evaluate and
remediate contaminated sites – monitored natural attenuation – ex-situ and in-situ remediation –
solidification, bio – remediation, incineration, soil washing, electro kinetics, soil heating, vitrification, bio-
venting – ground water remediation – pump and treat, air sparging, reactive well – case studies.

1. Lagrega, M.D., Buckingham, P.L., and Evans, J.C., “Hazardous Waste Management”, McGraw
Hill, Inc. Singapore, 1994.
2. Daniel, B.E., “Geotechnical Practice for waste disposal”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1993.
3. Proceedings of the International symposium of “Environmental Geotechnology” (Vol. I and II),
Environmental Publishing Company, 1986 and 1989.
4. Ott, W.R., “Environmental Indices - Theory and Practice”, Ann. Arbor, 1978.
5. Fried, J.J., “Ground Water Pollution”, Elsevier, 1975.

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge on the study of the soil water system.
2. To interpret the results of direct shear and triaxial test.
3. To learn development of hydraulic conductivity models.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify the physical properties of air and water.
2. Explain the interdisciplinary nature of unsaturated soil.
3. Estimate the effective stress state variable and shear strength parameters.
4. Prepare suction and moisture profile.
5. Develop hydraulic conductivity models.
6. Interpret soil water characteristic curves.

Module 1: STATE OF UNSATURATED SOIL: Definition – interdisciplinary nature of unsaturated soil

– soil classification – nature and practice – stress profiles, stress state variables - material variables –
constitutive law – suction potential of soil water
Module 2: SOIL SUCTION: Soil suction - nature of water in clays, repulsive potential, repulsive pressure,
capillary action, matric suction, osmotic suction, soil water characteristic curve (SWCC)
Module 3: PHYSICS OF SOIL WATER SYSTEM: Physical properties of air and water – partial
pressure and relative humidity density of moist air – surface tension – cavitation of water - solubility of air
in water – air – water solid interface – vapour pressure lowering – soil water characteristic-curve - capillary
tube model – contacting sphere model - Young laplace equation – height of capillary rise – rate of capillary
rise – capillary pore size distribution – theoretical basis – determination – laboratory method
Module 4: STRESS STATE VARIABLES AND SHEAR STRENGTH: Effective-stress – stress
between two spherical particles – hysteresis in SWCC – stress parameter, stress tensor – stress control by
axis translation - analytical representation of stress –volume change characteristics - extended Mohr
Coulomb’s criterion – shear strength parameters–interpretation of direct shear test results and tri axial test
results – unified representation of failure envelope – influence of suction in earth pressure distribution.
Module 5: STEADY AND TRANSIENT FLOWS: Driving mechanism – permeability and hydraulic
conductivity – capillary barriers – steady infiltration and evaporation – vapor flow – air diffusion in water
- principles for pore liquid flow – rate of infiltration, transient suction and moisture profiles - principles for
pore gas flow barometric pumping analysis.
suction – psychrometers – filter paper measurement of matric suction – high air entry disks – direct
measurements – tensiometers – air-translation technique – indirect measurements – thermal conductivity
sensors – measurement of osmotic suction – squeezing technique – soil water characteristic curves and
hydraulic conductivity models.

1. Ng Charles, W.W., Menzies Bruce, “Advanced unsaturated Soil Mechanism and Engineering”,
Taylor and Francis Group, 2007.
2. Ning Lu and William, J. Likes, “Unsaturated Soil Mechanics”, John Wiley and sons, INC. New
Jersey, 2004
3. Fredlund, D.G. and Rahardjo, H. “Soil Mechanics for unsaturated soils”, John Wiley and Sons,
INC, New York.2003.
4. Geoffrey E Blight., “Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Geotechnical Practice”, 1985.
5. Ning Lu, Laureano R. Hoyes and Lakshmi Reddi, “Advances in unsaturated soil, seepage and
Environmental Geotechnics”, ASCE, Geotechnical special publication No.148.

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To understand the properties of rock and pattern of failure.
2. To inculcate the evaluation of stresses.
3. To enable to interpret the stability considerations of rock masses.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Recall the formation and classification of rocks in India.
2. Explain the strength parameters of rocks.
3. Evaluate the in-situ stresses developed and methods of measurement.
4. Analyze slope stability.
5. Summarize the design aspects in rocks.
6. Select the appropriate reinforcement of rocks.

Module 1: CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS: Rocks of peninsular India and the Himalayas – index
properties and classification of rock masses, competent and incompetent rock – value of RMR and ratings
in field estimations.
Module 2: STRENGTH CRITERIA OF ROCKS: Behaviour of rock under hydrostatic compression and
deviatoric loading – Modes of rock failure – planes of weakness and joint characteristics – Joint testing,
Mohr – Coulomb failure criterion and tension cut-off, Hoek and Brown strength criteria for rocks with
discontinuity sets.
Module 3: DESIGN ASPECTS IN ROCKS: Insitu stresses and their measurements, flat jack - over and
under coring methods – stress around underground excavations – design aspects of openings in rocks – case
Module 4: SLOPE STABILITY OF ROCKS: Rock slopes – role of discontinuities in slope failure, slope
analysis and factor of safety – Remedial measures for critical slopes – case studies.
Module 5: REINFORCEMENT OF ROCKS: Reinforcement of fractured and jointed rocks – shotcreting
– bolting – anchoring – installation methods – case studies.
rock slope stability - bolting, blasting, grouting and rock foundation design - Modern modelling techniques
- analyses in rocks.

1. John A Hudson, John P Harrison., “Engineering Rock Mechanics: An Introduction to the
Principles”, Pergamon Press Ltd, 2005
2. Goodman, R.E., “Introduction to Rock Mechanics”, John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
3. Bazant, Z.P., “Mechanics of Geomaterials Rocks, Concrete and Soil”, John Wiley and Sons,
Chichester, 1985.
4. Hool, E and Bray, J., “Rock Slope Engineering”, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, U.K. 1981.
5. Hoek, E and Brown, E.T., “Underground Excavations in Rock”, Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, U.K. 1981.
6. Obvert, L. and Duvall, W., “Rock Mechanics and the Design of Structures in Rock”, John Wiley,

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on earth pressure theories.
2. To inculcate the design of retaining walls with and without geosynthetic reinforcements.
3. To study sheet pile walls with and without geosynthetic reinforcements.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Define various classical earth pressure theories.
2. Classify different types of earth retaining structures.
3. Demonstrate braced excavation with practical examples.
4. Evaluate forces on the structures under different conditions.
5. Design earth retaining structures based on stability considerations.
6. Adopt appropriate retaining structures based on field observations.

Module 1:EARTH PRESSURE THEORIES: Introduction – state of stress in retained soil mass –
classical earth pressure theories – active and passive earth pressures – earth pressure at rest- earth pressure
due to external loads – empirical methods – wall movements and complex geometry – graphical method of
computing earth pressure – Rehbann’s and Culmann’s approach.
Retaining structure – selection of soil parameters - lateral pressure: compaction, strain softening, wall
flexibility, drainage arrangements - its influence – stability analysis of retaining structure for regular and
earthquake forces.
Module 3 RETAINING WALLS: Retaining walls – uses and types – forces on retaining walls – design
of retaining walls by limit state method – general principles – design and construction details – Design of
solid gravity walls, Semi – gravity walls, cantilever walls, counterfort walls – Stability of retaining walls –
Drainage arrangements and its influence
Module 4: SHEET PILE WALLS: Earth retaining structures – selection of soil parameters – analysis and
design of cantilever and anchored sheet pile walls – Deadman and continuous anchor – diaphragm and
bored pile walls – design requirements.
Module 5:BRACED EXCAVATION: Braced cuts in sand and clay – lateral pressure on sheeting in
braced excavation – stability against piping and bottom heaving – computation of lateral earth pressure for
braced cuts and flexible bulk heads – soil anchors – soil nailing – soil pinning – methods of design.
Module 6: REINFORCED EARTH RETAINING WALL: Reinforced earth retaining wall – general
principles - concepts and mechanism of reinforced earth – design consideration of reinforced earth –
Geotextile, geogrids, metal strips and facing elements – construction – selection of type of retaining
structures – construction practice – field observations.

1. McCarthy D.F., “Essentials of soil Mechanics and foundations; Basic Geotechnics” (sixth Edition)
Prentice Hall, 2002.
2. Rowe R.K., “Geotechnical and Geo environmental Engineering Hand Book”, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001.
3. Winterkorn H.F. and Fang H.Y., “Foundation Engineering Hand book”, Galgotia Book-source,
4. Militisky .J and Woods R., “Earth and earth retaining structures”, CRC Press, 1992.
5. IS 14458 (Part 2): Retaining Wall for Hill Area--Guidelines, Part 2: Design of Retaining/Breast

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge on geosynthetics.
2. To study the design principles and mechanism of reinforced soil and soil nailing.
3. To enlighten the applications in dams, embankments, pavements and foundation structures.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Recall the soil reinforcement interaction mechanism.
2. Classify the materials used in reinforced soil structure.
3. Demonstrate various testing and prevention methods.
4. Design various soil reinforcement structures.
5. Summarize the concepts of geosynthetics in earth reinforcement.
6. Judge the performance of reinforced structures.


background – initial and recent developments – principles – concepts and mechanisms of reinforced soil –
factors affecting behaviour and performance of soil – reinforcement interactions
Module 2: MATERIALS AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Materials used in reinforced soil
structures: fill materials, reinforcing materials, metal strips, Geotextile, Geogrids, Geomembranes,
Geocomposites, Geojutes, Geofoam, natural fibres, coir Geotextiles – bamboo – timber – facing elements
– properties – methods of testing – advantages and disadvantages – preservation methods.
Module 3: DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS: Design aspects of reinforced soil – soil
reinforcement function – separator, filtration, drainage, barrier function – design and applications of
reinforced soil of various structures – retaining walls – foundations - embankments and slopes.
Module 4: GEOSYNTHETICS AND APPLICATIONS: Introduction – historical background –
applications - design criteria – geosynthetics in roads – design – Giroud and Noiray approach –
Geosynthetics in landfills – Geosynthetic clay liner – design of landfills – barrier walls.
Module 5: SOIL NAILING AND CASE HISTORIES: Soil nailing – overview – soil – nail interaction
– behaviour – design procedure – behaviour in seismic conditions - performance studies of reinforced dams,
embankments, pavements, railroads, foundations - case studies.
Module 6: DURABILITY OFREINFORCEMENTMATERIALS: Measurement of corrosion factors,
resistivity - redox potential - water content – pH - electrochemical corrosion - bacterial corrosion – influence
of environmental factors on the performance of Geosynthetic materials.

1. Hoe I. Ling, Guido Gottardi , Daniele Cazzuffi ., “Design and Practice of Geosynthetic-Reinforced
Soil Structures”,2013.
2. Ramanatha Ayyar, T.S., Ramachandran Nair, C.G. and Balakrishna Nair, N., “Comprehensive
Reference Book on Coir Geotextile”, Centre for Development for Coir Technology, 2002.
3. Koerner, R.M., “Designing with Geosynthetics”, (Third Edition), Prentice Hall, 1997.
4. Jewell, R.A., “Soil Reinforcement with Geotextile”, CIRIA, London, 1996.
5. Gray, D.H., and Sotir, R.B., “Biotechnical and Soil Engineering Slope Stabilization”. A Practical
Guide for Erosion Control, John Wiley and Son Inc., New York, 1996.
6. Colin J F P Jones., “Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structures”, Butterworths & Co. Ltd., 1988.
7. John, N.W.M., “Geotextiles”, John Blackie and Sons Ltd., London, 1987.
8. IS 14715: IRC, SP 102.

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To enable to understand the microscopic study of rocks.
2. To impart knowledge on geophysical exploration of ground water and structural geology.
3. To familiarize the causes and preventing measures of landslides.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify mineral content, texture and structural behaviour of rocks using microscopic study.
2. Classify different faults in rocks.
3. Demonstrate various geophysical investigations.
4. Analyze the causes of landslides.
5. Explain the scope of ground water investigations in civil Engineering.
6. Interpret the causes of faults based on field recognition of unconformity.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Soil formation – survey – soils of India – texture and structure of igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks - microscopic study – microscopic study of rocks with particular
reference to texture – microscopic study of unconsolidated sediments with reference to their grain size and
mineral content
Module 2: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION: Geophysical methods of exploration – electrical,
magnetic, gravitational, seismic, radioactive and geochemical methods – influence of structure and texture
of rocks, engineering properties, foundation problems in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
including recent sediments- case histories - investigations for foundation of dams and reservoirs – problem
encountered and treatment - case studies – investigation of canals and deep cuts – case studies.
techniques – Resistivity log, Neutron log, sonic log, gamma log etc. - Bore logging methods, interpretation
- drilled core sections – rocks and soil sampling methods - core logging.
Module 4: LAND SLIDES: Landslides – causes – preventive and control measures – engineering
problems related to earthquakes - case studies.
Module 5: GROUND WATER: Ground water problems – location of water tables, composition of ground
water – groundwater surveys – conservation of groundwater – scope of ground water investigation in civil
Module 6: STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY: Altitude of beds – dip and strike –characteristics –folds types -
causes and mechanism of folding –faults classification -causes and mechanism of faults- field evidences
and recognition of faults - joint systems – classification and its types - difference between faults and joints
– definition - importance and field recognition of unconformity.

1. Parbin Singh, “Engineering and General Geology”, Katson Publication House, 2009.
2. Legget, “Geology and Engineering”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1998.
3. Krynine and Judd, “Principles of Engineering Geology and Geo techniques”, CBS Publishers and
Distributors 1998.
4. Robert S. Yeats, Robert S. Yeats, Kerry Sieh, Kerry E. Sieh., “The Geology of Earthquakes”,
Oxford University Press, 1997.
5. Blyth, “Geology for Engineering”, ELBS 1995.

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on investigation of slopes
2. To study stabilization techniques of slopes
3. To gain knowledge on analysis and design of slopes
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify the purpose of computing slope stability.
2. Classify irregular slopes with different approaches.
3. Evaluate pore water pressure.
4. Analyze the stability of slopes.
5. Interpret the failures of case studies.
6. Execute suitable ground improvement techniques in the field.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction – importance – characteristics - types of failures – causes of

failures – purpose of stability computation – investigation of failures – procedure – case studies.
Module 2: STABILITY ANALYSIS: Stability analysis – method of slices – friction circle method – soils
with cohesion – soils with cohesion and angle of internal friction - critical states for design of embankments
– stability computations – evaluation of pore water pressure.
Module 3: IRREGULAR SLOPES: Non-uniform soils – Janbu’s analysis – Taylor’s analysis – Bishop’s
analysis – total stress and effective stress approaches – composite surfaces of sliding – block sliding.
Module 4: LAND SLIDES: General characteristics - sources–stability of hill side slopes – open cuts –
engineering problems involving the stability of slopes – cuts in sand – cuts in loess – homogeneous and
soft clay slopes – sudden spreading of clay slopes – clay flows - clays containing pockets and sand masses
– slides in stiff clay slopes on shale – slopes on weathered rock; talus slopes, slopes on over consolidated
clays – slides along coastal areas and tropically weathered residual soils – long term stability of clay slopes.
Module 5: FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Field instrumentation – observation studies during construction –
post construction - piezometers – settlement plates – inclinometer – case histories.
Module 6: SLOPE STABILIZATION: Compaction of new embankments – compaction of natural masses
of soil and existing fills – compaction of deep deposits of sand – vibroflotation – compaction of
compressible soils – drainage as a means of stabilization –soil reinforcement– soil nailing.

1. Robin Chowdhury, Phil Flentje, Gautam.,“Geotechnical Slope Analysis”, CRC Press, 2009.
2. Mahanti, N.C. Samal, S.K. Datta, P. Nag.N.K., “Diaster Management”, Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi, India, 2006.
3. Lee W. Abramson, Thomas S. Lee, Sunil Sharma, “Slope Stability and Stabilization Methods”,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2002.
4. Winterkorn, H.F. and Fang, H.Y., “Foundation Engineering Handbook”, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
5. Anderson, M.G., and Richards, K.S., “Slope Stability”, John Wiley, 1987.

3 0 0 3

Course Objectives
1. To understand the dynamics of earth and its response, effect on earth structure and measures to
mitigate the effects.
2. To enable to develop the design ground motion for a site by suitable response analysis
Civil Engineering
3. To impart knowledge to prepare a hazard and risk map.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Apply the principles of earthquake loading.
2. Quantify earthquake intensity and ground motion.
3. Estimate seismic soil design parameters.
4. Analyze and design seismic resistant foundation for buildings.
5. Prepare soil risk and micro zonation maps.
6. Assess the hazard resistance to maintain and modify the soil sample.


earthquakes - causes of earthquake - earthquake fault sources - elastic rebound theory - seismic wave in
earthquake shaking - definition of earthquake terms - locating an earthquake - quantification of earthquakes.
Module2: GROUND MOTION CHARACTERISTICS: Strong motion records -characteristics of
ground motion - factors influencing ground motion - estimation of frequency content parameters - seismic
site investigations - evaluation of dynamic soil properties.
GROUND MOTION: Wave propagation analysis - site amplification - ground response analysis - method
of analysis - one dimensional analysis - equivalent linear analysis – shear beam analysis - site effects -
design ground motion - developing design ground motion - application of software package - codal
Module 4: LIQUEFACTION AND LATERAL SPREADING: Liquefaction related phenomena -
liquefaction susceptibility: historical, geological, compositional and state criteria - evaluation of
liquefaction by cyclic stress and cyclic strain approaches - lateral deformation and spreading - criteria for
mapping liquefaction hazard zones.
Module 5: SEISMIC STABILITY ANALYSIS: Earthquake resistant design of building foundation -
design considerations - geotechnical - architectural - structural - capacity design - seismic analysis.
earthquake response of slopes - evaluation of slope stability - pseudostatic analysis - Newmark's study of
block analysis - dynamic analysis - earth pressure due to ground shaking valuation - lateral deformation -
codal provisions.
Module 6: EARTHQUAKE HAZARD MITIGATION: Seismic risk vulnerability and hazard - risk
mapping - scale – changing percept of risk – vulnerability atlas of India - hazard assessment - maintenance
and modifications to improve hazard resistance - seismic microzonation – methodology – scale of mapping
- different type of foundation and its impact on safety.

1. Krammer S.L., “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”, Prentice Hall, International Series,
Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
2. McGuire, R.K. “Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis”, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute,
3. Wai-Fah Chen and Charles Scawthem, “Earthquake Engineering Hand book”, Caspress, 2003.
4. Robert W. Day, “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Hand book”, McGraw Hill, 2002.
5. Kameswara Rao, N.S.V., “Dynamics soil tests and applications”, Wheeler Publishing - New Delhi,

Civil Engineering
3 0 0 3
(Industry run course)
Course Objectives
1. To gain knowledge on practical aspects of design relating to substructure elements using software.
2. To impart knowledge on Geotechnical construction practices.
3. To apply knowledge on field execution.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Identify the various field practices in Geotechnical engineering.
2. Indicate the various safety and quality control aspects in site.
3. Apply the various design aspects in earthquake resistant structures.
4. Design foundations for special structures using software.
5. Evaluate dynamic properties of soil.
6. Choose the appropriate finite element analysis software applied to Geotechnical Engineering.

Module 1: CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES: Geotechnical engineering practices – soil profile – bore

log report review and preparation – geotechnical plant and machinery – safety aspects at site.
Module 2: RETAINING STRUCTURES: Design of retaining wall – design of culvert – design of deep
excavations – sheet pile – diaphragm walls – shoring system – design of caisson.
Module 3: SUBSTRUCTURES: Design of tower foundation – design of floating foundation – design of
pile and pile group – design of under-reamed pile – design of abutment – design of pier – design of mat
foundation – design of piled raft foundation.
Module 4: DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF FOUNDATIONS: Soil behaviour – dynamic properties of soil
– seismic performance analysis – seismic load in foundation – design procedure for earthquake resistant
foundation – soil structure interaction – retrofitting.
Module 5: FINITE ANALYSES AND SOFTWARE APPLICATION: Finite element analysis applied
to geotechnical engineering – ANSYS – modelling – applications – PLAXIS.
Module 6: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: Project planning – construction management – quality
control – quality management – Geosynthetics – Geomembrane.

1. George Paaswell, “Retaining Walls: Design and Construction”, Biblibazaar, 2009.
2. Murthy V.N.S, “Advanced Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 2007.
3. Michael John Tomlinson, R.Boorman., “Foundation Design and Construction”, Prentice Hall PTR,
4. Helmsley, “Design Applications of Raft Foundations”, Thomas Telford, 2000.
5. Davies and Poulos., “Analysis and Design of Pile foundation”, John wiley and sons, 1980.

3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge on offshore environment.
2. To enlighten knowledge on behavior of soils subjected to repeated loading.
3. To study the numerical modeling of marine foundations.
Course Outcomes
Student will be able to
1. Understand the importance of marine ecosystem and its viable environment.
2. Assess the behavior of soil and select necessary design parameters.
3. Formulate and solve problems of marine soil subjected to repeated loading.
Civil Engineering
4. Execute investigation program for marine soil deposits.
5. Design suitable marine foundation as per project requirement.
6. Develop numerical model for response of marine foundation for offshore conditions.

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO OFFSHORE ENGINEERING: Offshore environment – marine

ecosystem – types of soil in marine environment – fundamental design of offshore structures.
Module 2: MARINE SOIL DEPOSITS: Offshore structures and foundations – specific problems related
to marine soil deposits– physical and engineering properties of marine soils
loading on offshore foundations – behavior of sands and clays under cyclic loading – laboratory
experiments including repeated loading– cyclic behavior of soils based on fundamental theory of
mechanics– approximate engineering methods which can be used for practical cases
site investigation in marine environment – different site investigation techniques – sampling techniques–
geophysical methods – recent advancements in site investigation and sampling used for marine soil
Module 5: FOUNDATIONS IN MARINE SOIL DEPOSITS: Different offshore and near shore
foundations– gravity platforms– jack-up rigs – pile foundations – cassions, spudcans
LOADING: Numerical modeling of cyclic behavior of soils – empirical models – elastic-plastic models
– FEM analysis of marine foundations subjected to wave loading.

1. Mohamed A. El-Reedy., “Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance”, Gulf
Professional Publishing, 2012.
2. Thomson Dand BeasleyD. J., “Handbook of Marine Geotechnical Engineering”, US Navy, 2012.
3. Reddy D. V. and M. Arockiasamy., “Offshore Structures”, Volume: 1, R.E. Kreiger Pub and Co.,
4. PoulosH. G., “Marine Geotechnics”, Unwin Hyman Ltd, London, UK, 1988.
5. IS:4651 (Part I-1974,Part II -1969,Part III-1974,Part IV-1979)

2 0 0 0
Course Objectives:
1. To demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts in disaster risk reduction
2. To evaluate disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response policy
3. To impart knowledge on the strengths and weaknesses of disaster management approaches
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify the man-made and natural disaster
2. Evaluate different disasters and its out breaks
3. Examine the areas prone to disasters
4. Create preparedness risk management
5. Analyses the risks involved during disasters
6. Apply emerging trends in mitigations

Module 1: INTRODUCTION: Disaster - factors and significance - difference between hazard and
disaster - natural and manmade disasters – differences: nature - types and magnitude
Module 2: REPERCUSSIONS OF DISASTERS AND HAZARDS: Economic damage - loss of human
and animal life - destruction of ecosystem - natural disasters: earthquakes, volcanisms, cyclones, tsunamis,
Civil Engineering
floods, droughts and famines - landslides and avalanches, man-made disaster: nuclear reactor meltdown,
industrial accidents, oil slicks and spills - outbreaks of disease and epidemics -war and conflicts
Module 3: DISASTER PRONE AREAS IN INDIA: Study of seismic zones - areas prone to floods and
droughts - landslides and avalanches - areas prone to cyclonic and coastal hazards – tsunami - post-disaster
diseases and epidemics
Module 4: DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND MANAGEMENT: Preparedness: monitoring of
phenomena triggering a disaster or hazard - evaluation of risk - application of remote sensing -
meteorological data and other agencies - media reports - Governmental and community preparedness.
Module 5: RISK ASSESSMENT: Disaster risk: concept – elements - disaster risk reduction - global and
national disaster risk situation - techniques of risk assessment - global cooperation in risk assessment and
warning - people’s participation in risk assessment - strategies for survival
Module 6: DISASTER MITIGATION: Concept - strategies of disaster mitigation - emerging trends in
mitigation - structural mitigation and non-structural mitigation - programs of disaster mitigation in India.

1. Dave R. K., “Disaster Management in India: Challenges and Strategies”, Prowess Publishing,
2. Goel S. L., “Disaster Administration and Management Text and Case Studies”, Deep and Deep
Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007
3. Pardeep Sahni, Alka Dhameja, Uma Medury., “Disaster Mitigation: Experiences and
Reflections”, Phi Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2001
4. Larry R. Collins., “Disaster Management and Preparedness”, CRC Press, 2000
5. Brebbia C. A, Alain J. Kassab, E. Div., “Disaster Management and Human Health Risk II:
Reducing Risk, Improving Outcomes”, WIT Press, 2011

Civil Engineering

Sl. No. Course Code Name Of The Course Credits

1 16CE3021 Geopolymer and Its Application in Civil Engineering 3:0:0
2 16CE3022 Soil Chemistry and Behaviour 3:0:0
3 16CE3023 Advanced Environmental Microbiology 3:0:0
4 16CE3024 Ground Improvement Techniques 3:0:0
5 16CE3025 Soil Structure Interactions 3:0:0
6 16CE3026 Environmental Geotechnology 3:0:0
7 16CE3027 Basic of MR Damper for Civil Engineering Applications 3:0:0
8 16CE3028 Seismic Response Control of Structures 3:0:0
9 17CE1001 Surveying and Levelling 1:0:1

10 17CE1002 Basic Civil Engineering 3:0:0
11 17CE2001 Building Materials and Geology 3:0:0
12 17CE2002 Surveying 3:0:0
13 17CE2003 Strength of Materials – I 3:1:0
14 17CE2004 Mechanics of Fluids 3:1:0
15 17CE2005 Applied Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery 3:0:0
16 17CE2006 Strength of Materials - II 3:1:0
17 17CE2007 Soil Mechanics 3:0:0
18 17CE2008 Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering 3:0:0
19 17CE2009 Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements 3:0:0
20 17CE2010 Structural Analysis – I 3:1:0
21 17CE2011 Structural Analysis – II 3:1:0
22 17CE2012 Construction Practices 3:0:0
23 17CE2013 Foundation Engineering 3:0:0
24 17CE2014 Design of Steel Structures 3:0:0
25 17CE2015 Transportation Engineering 3:0:0
27 17CE2016 Concrete Technology 3:0:0
28 17CE2017 Estimation and Costing 3:1:0
29 17CE2018 Strength of Materials Laboratory 0:0:2
30 17CE2019 Computer Aided Building Drawing 0:0:2
31 17CE2020 Civil Engineering Practices Laboratory 0:0:1
32 17CE2021 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory 0:0:2
33 17CE2022 Surveying Laboratory 0:0:2
34 17CE2023 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 0:0:2
35 17CE2024 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 0:0:2
36 17CE2025 Concrete and Highway Laboratory 0:0:2
37 17CE2026 Computer Application Laboratory 0:0:2
38 17CE2027 Design and Drawing (RCC & Steel) 0:0:2
39 17CE2028 Design and Drawing (Irrigation and Environment) 0:0:2
40 17CE2029 Irrigation Engineering 3:0:0
41 17CE2030 Reinforced Concrete Structures 3:0:0
42 17CE2031 Pre-stressed Concrete 3:0:0
43 17CE2032 Prefabricated Structures 3:0:0
44 17CE2033 Construction Management 3:0:0
45 17CE2034 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 3:0:0
46 17CE2035 Building Services 3:0:0
47 17CE2036 Sustainable Building Concepts and Design 3:0:0
48 17CE2037 Intelligent Buildings 3:0:0
49 17CE2038 Smart Materials and Structures 3:0:0
50 17CE2039 Building Acoustics 3:0:0
51 17CE2040 Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal 3:0:0
52 17CE2041 Municipal Solid Waste Management 3:0:0

2017 Civil Engineering

53 17CE2042 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment 3:0:0
54 17CE2043 Energy and Environmental Engineering 3:0:0
55 17CE2044 Ecology and Environment 3:0:0
56 17CE2045 Air Pollution Management 3:0:0
57 17CE2046 Global Climate Change and Its Impact 3:0:0
58 17CE2047 Environmental Management 3:0:0
59 17CE2048 Hydraulic Structures 3:0:0
60 17CE2049 Participatory Irrigation Management 3:0:0
61 17CE2050 Remote Sensing and GIS in Civil Engineering 3:0:0
62 17CE2051 Geoinformatics Application for Civil Engineers 3:0:0
63 17CE2052 Advanced Surveying Techniques 3:0:0
64 17CE2053 Digital Cadastre 3:0:0

65 17CE2054 Surface Hydrology 3:0:0
66 17CE2055 Groundwater Engineering 3:0:0
67 17CE2056 Subsurface Investigation and Instrumentation 3:0:0
68 17CE2057 Pavement Design 3:0:0
69 17CE2058 Airport, Harbour and Dock Engineering 3:0:0
70 17CE2059 Transportation Systems Planning 3:0:0
71 17CE2060 Traffic Engineering and Management 3:0:0
72 17CE2061 Intelligent Transportation Systems 3:0:0
73 17CE2062 Fundamentals of Coastal Processes 3:0:0
74 17CE2063 Operations Research Techniques in Civil Engineering 3:0:0
75 17CE2064 Disaster Management and Mitigation 3:0:0
76 17CE2065 Water Resources Systems and Operation 3:0:0
77 17CE2066 Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory 0:0:2
78 17CE3001 Advanced Concrete Structures 3:0:0
79 17CE3002 Structural Dynamics 3:0:0
80 17CE3003 Applied Elasticity and Plasticity 3:0:0
81 17CE3004 Pre-stressed Concrete Structures 3:0:0
82 17CE3005 Finite Element Analysis of Structures 3:0:0
83 17CE3006 Design of Bridges 3:0:0
84 17CE3007 Advanced Steel Structures 3:0:0
85 17CE3008 Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures 3:0:0
86 17CE3009 Stability of Structures 3:0:0
87 17CE3010 Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation 3:0:0
88 17CE3011 Advanced Structural Engineering Laboratory 0:0:1
89 17CE3012 Computer Aided Design Laboratory 0:0:1
90 17CE3013 Advanced Concrete Technology 3:0:0
91 17CE3014 Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings 3:0:0
92 17CE3015 Off-Shore Structures 3:0:0
93 17CE3016 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 3:0:0
94 17CE3017 Structural Optimization 3:0:0
95 17CE3018 Design of Substructures 3:0:0
96 17CE3019 Space Structures 3:0:0
97 17CE3020 Design of Steel Concrete Composite Structures 3:0:0
98 17CE3021 Industrial Structures 3:0:0
99 17CE3022 Nonlinear Analysis of Structures 3:0:0
100 17CE3023 Analysis and Design of Precast Concrete Structures 3:0:0
101 17CE3024 Analysis and Design of Plates and Shells 3:0:0
102 17CE3025 Wind and Cyclone Effects on Structures 3:0:0
103 17CE3026 Energy Efficient Buildings 3:0:0
104 17CE3027 Design and Safety of Structures Under Fire 3:0:0
105 17CE3028 Forensic Engineering 3:0:0

2017 Civil Engineering

106 17CE3029 Cement and Concrete Chemistry 3:0:0
107 17CE3030 Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures 3:0:0
108 17CE3031 Structural Health Monitoring 3:0:0
109 17CE3032 Design of Shells and Spatial Structures 3:0:0
110 17CE3033 Soil Structure Interaction 3:0:0
111 17CE3034 Shallow Foundations 3:0:0
112 17CE3035 Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Soils 3:0:0
113 17CE3036 Experimental Geomechanics 3:0:0
114 17CE3037 Slope Stability and Landslides 3:0:0
115 17CE3038 Theoretical Soil Mechanics 3:0:0
116 17CE3039 Deep Foundations 3:0:0
117 17CE3040 Finite Element Methods for Geotechnical Engineering 3:0:0

118 17CE3041 Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations 3:0:0
119 17CE3042 Ground Improvement Techniques 3:0:0
120 17CE3043 Pavement Engineering 3:0:0
121 17CE3044 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 0:0:1
122 17CE3045 Advanced Computer Aided Geotechnical Laboratory 0:0:1
123 17CE3046 Earth Retaining Structures 3:0:0
124 17CE3047 Geology in Geotechnical Engineering 3:0:0
125 17CE3048 Reinforced Soil Structures 3:0:0
126 17CE3049 Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils 3:0:0
127 17CE3050 Professional Practices in Design of Geotechnical Structures 3:0:0
128 17CE3051 Rock Mechanics in Engineering Practice 3:0:0
129 17CE3052 Environmental Geotechnology 3:0:0
130 17CE3053 Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology 3:0:0
131 17CE3054 Water and Wastewater Treatment 3:0:0
132 17CE3055 Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control 3:0:0
133 17CE3056 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 3:0:0
134 17CE3057 Environmental Impact Assessment 3:0:0
135 17CE3058 Elements of Hydrology 3:0:0
136 17CE3059 Design of Hydraulic and Conveyance Structures 3:0:0
137 17CE3060 Water Resources Planning and Systems Engineering 3:0:0
138 17CE3061 Principles of Integrated Water Resources Management 3:0:0
139 17CE3062 Hydrology Laboratory 0:0:2
140 17CE3063 Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory 0:0:1
141 17CE3064 GIS and Computational Laboratory 0:0:2
142 17CE3065 Remote Sensing and GIS 3:0:0
143 17CE3066 Fundamentals of Matlab Programming 3:0:0
144 17CE3067 Cleaner Production and Sustainable Development 3:0:0
145 17CE3068 Electrochemical Water Processing and Water Treatment 3:0:0
146 17CE3052 Environmental Geotechnology 3:0:0
147 17CE3069 Environmental Policies and Legislation 3:0:0
148 17CE3070 Noise Pollution and Control Techniques 3:0:0
149 17CE3071 Occupational Health and Safety 3:0:0
150 17CE3072 Environmental Nanotechnology 3:0:0
151 17CE3073 Isotope Hydrology 3:0:0
152 17CE3074 Hydro Power Engineering 3:0:0
153 17CE3075 River Mechanics and Sediment Transport 3:0:0
154 17CE3076 Fundamentals of Coastal Engineering 3:0:0
155 17CE3077 Forest, Urban and Agricultural Watershed Management 3:0:0
156 17CE3078 Wetland Hydrology 3:0:0

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
 To impart knowledge on the Chemistry in Geopolymer and its applications in Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
 Students are able to understand the Chemistry of Geopolymer and various geotechnical application.

Synthesis of Alumino-silicate mineral geopolymer – Chemistry of geopolymer based binder – properties of

geopolymer cement, mortar and cement – flyash based geopolymer for structure application and soil improvement –
kaolinite based geopolymer – Application of geopolymer for soil stabilization and slope stability.

1. Joseph Davidovits, “Geopolymer Chemistry and Applications” Geopolymer Institute, France, 4th Edition,
2. Hand Book of Alkali-Activated Cement, mortar and Concrete, Wood Head Publishing, U.K.,2015


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objective:
 To impart knowledge on the various factors governing the Engineering behavior of soils and the suitability
of soils for various Geotechnical Engineering applications.
Course Outcomes:
 Students are able to select suitable soils for various geotechnical applications based on the factors
governing the Engineering behavior of soils.

Formation of soils – Genesis of clay minerals – specific surface area – Physical and Physico chemical behavior of
soils – effect of ion concentration – dielectric consent – attractive and repulsive forces in clays – swelling and
shrinkage behavior of soils – swell potential – soil fabric and measurement – soil compaction – Compressibility,
shear strength and permeability behavior of fine and coarse grained soils – liquefaction potential – Conduction in
soils – hydraulic, electrical, chemical and thermal flows in soils – Electro-kinetic process – thermo osmosis – electro

1. Mitchell, J.K., “Fundamentals of Soil Behaviour”, John Wiley, New York, 1993
2. Yong, R.N. and Warkentin, B.P., “Introduction to Soil Behaviour”, Macmillan, Limited, London, 1979
3. Coduto, D.P., “Geotechnical Engineering – Principles and practices”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2002.
4. Perloff, W.H. and Baron, W, “Soil Mechanics”, The Ronal Press Company, 1976.
5. Van Olphen, H., “Clay colloid Chemistry”, John Wiley, 1996
6. Grim, R.E., “Applied Clay Mineralogy”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1966.
7. Lambe, T.W. & Whitman, R.V. “Soil Mechanics”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979.
8. Das, B.M., “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, PWS Publishing Comp, Boston, 1998
9. McCarthy D.F., “Essentials of Soil Mechanics & Foundations”, Prentice-Hall, 2002
10. Robert D. Holtz and William D. Kovacs, “An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering”, Prentice Hall
(UK) International, London, 1981.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objective:
 To provide basic knowledge on microbiology and to enable the students to identity and enumerate bacteria
from samples
Course Outcomes:
 The candidate will have a basic understanding of microbiology and posses the knowledge to analyse the
samples for the presence of various microbes.

Classification of microorganisms - Culture of micro-organisms - media preparation – sterilization - pure culture -

maintenance of cultures - Growth curve-factors affecting growth, nutritional requirements of micro-organisms,
Micro-organisms in Air, water and soil, Aerobic and anaerobic microbiology - Structure and morphology of

bacterial-Gram staining - microscopy - Differential and selective medium - Differentiation of faecal & non-faecal
coliforms - tests for the presence of coliform organisms-presumptive - confirmed and completed test - MPN index -
use of Millipore filter technique, tests for faecal streptococci and clostridium welchi-their sanitary significance -
standards for bacteriological quality - Bioremediation & Biodegradation - Biological process for soil improvement.

1. Pelczar Jr. M.J., Chan, E.C.S, Krieg. R. Noel, and pelczar MernaFoss, “Microbiology”, 5 th Edition, Tata
Mc Graw-Hill company Ltd, New Delhi, 2006
2. Joanne Willey and Linda Sherwood and hristopher J. Woolverton, Prescott’s “Microbiology”, 10 th Tata
Edition, Mc Graw-Hill company Ltd, New Delhi, 2006
3. S.C. Bhatia, “Hand Book of Environmental Microbiology”, 3rd Edition, Atlantic Publishers and
Distributors, 2008.
4. Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba, Terry Gentry and Raina M. Maier, “Environmental Microbiology”, 3 rd
Edition, Academic Press, 2014
5. S.V.S. Rana, “Essentials of Ecology & Environmental Science”, 5th Edition, PHI Learning press, 2013


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Students will be exposed to various problems associated with soil deposits and methods to evaluate them.
The different techniques will be taught to them to improve the characteristics of difficult soils as well as
design techniques required to implement various ground improvement methods.
Course Outcomes:
 Based on the knowledge gained student will be in a position to identify and evaluate the deficiencies if any
in the deposits of the given project area and capable of providing alternative methods to improve its quality
so that the structures built on it will be stable and serve the intended purpose.

Dewatering, vacuum and electro-osmotic methods - Stabilization by thermal and freezing techniques - Compaction
and Sand Drains - design, Blasting and dynamic consolidation-Preloading with sand drains - Theories of sand drain -
lime piles - Root piles and soil nailing - Design and Applications - Earth reinforcement - basic mechanism of
reinforced earth - Synthetic and natural fiber based Geotextiles and their applications - Suspension and solution
grouts - injection methods - Stablization with cement - lime-Stabilization of expansive clays - Recent Development
for soil improvement: Application of geopolymer, biological processing of soil improvement.

1. Pappala, A.J. Huang. J, Han, J, and Hoyos, L.R, “Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics”, Geotechnical
special publication No. 207, Geo Institute, ASCE,2010
2. Cox, B.R and Grifiths S.C, “Practical Recommendation for Evaluation and mitigation of soil liquefaction”
in Arkansas (Project Report), 2010
3. Day, R.W, “Foundation Engineering handbook”, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2006
4. Rowe, R.K, “Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Hand book”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
5. Das, B.M, “Principles of Foundation Engineering”, Fourth Edition, PWS Publishing, 1999

2017 Civil Engineering

6. Moseley, M.P, “Ground Treatment”, Blackie Academic and Professionals, 1998
7. Koerner, R.M, “Designing with Geosynthetics”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall 1997
8. Hehn, R.W, “Practical Guide to Grouting of Underground Structures”, ASCE, 1996
9. Jewell, R.A, “Soil Reinforcement with Geotextiles”, CIRIA, London, 1996.
10. Koerner, R.M. and Welsh, J.P, “Construction and Geotechnical Engineering using Synthetic Fabrics”, John
Wiley, 1990
11. Jones, J.E.P, “Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structure”, Butterworths, 1985
12. Anantharaman R and Jayaram Paniker C.K, “Text book of Microbiology” 6 th Edition 2001, Orient
Longman P. Ltd, Hyderabad
13. Murtala Uman, Khairal Annar Kassim, Kenny Tony Punjchiet, “Biological process of soil improvement in
Civil Engineerng” A review, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, pp 767-774.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 Focus is on idealization of soil response to closely represent continuum behavior and interaction analysis
between the soil-structure with reference to relative stiffness of beams, slabs and piles under different
loading conditions.
Course Outcomes:
 At the end of this course, students will have the capacity to idealize soil response in order to analyze and
design foundation elements subjected to different loadings.

Foundation interaction problems, soil response models, Elastic-plastic behavior, solution of the elastic line-
concentrated and distributed loads on beams-solutions by general method, finite difference and application
packages, elastic continuum, Winkler, Two parameters, Thin and thick plates, simple solution, ACI method,
Numerical analysis of finite plates, Methods of analysis for settlement of pile, settlement of pile groups, Effect of
pile cap, pile raft system, solutions through influence charts and Application packages.

1. Salgado. R, “The Engineering of Foundations”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi,
2. Murthy, V.N.S, “Advanced Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2007
3. Saran. S, “Analysis and Design of Substructures”, Taylor & Francis Publishers, 2006
4. McCarthy, D.F. “Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Basic Geotechnics, Sixth Edition,
Prenticce Hall, 2002
5. Hemsley, J.A, “Elastic Analysis of Raft Foundations”, Thomas Telford, 1998
6. ACI 336,”Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Mats”, American
Concrete Institute, Dehit, 1988
7. Scott, R.F, “Foundation Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 1981
8. Poulos, H.G, and Davis, E.H, “Pile Foundation Analysis and Design”, John Wiley, 1980
9. Selvadurai, A.P.S, “Elastic Analysis of Soil Foundation Intraction”, Elsevier 1979
10. Kurien, N.P, “Design of Foundation Systems, Principles and Practices Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, 1999.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge about soil physics, soil chemistry, hydrogeology, and biological processes along with
the principles of soil mechanics.
Course Outcomes:
 Students are able to select appropriate preventive and remedial measures against soil contamination.

Scope of geoenvironmental engineering - multiphase behavior of soil – role of soil in geoenvironmental applications
– importance of soil physics, soil chemistry, hydrogeology, biological process – sources and type of ground
contamination – impact of ground contamination on geoenvironment - Soil-water-contaminant interactions and its
implications – Factors affecting retention and transport of contaminants -introduction to geotechnical centrifuge


1. Rowe R.K.,"Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Handbook" Kluwer Academic Publications,
London, 2000.
2. Reddi L.N. and Inyang, H. I.,"Geoenvironmental Engineering,Principles and Applications" Marcel Dekker
Inc. New York, 2000.
3. Yong, R. N.,"Geoenvironmental Engineering, Contaminated Soils,Pollutant Fate, and Mitigation" CRC
Press, New York, 2001.
4. Sharma H.D. and Reddy K.R.,"Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Remediation, Waste Containment, and
Emerging Waste Management Technologies" John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 2004.
5. Fredlund D.G. and Rahardjo, H., “Soil Mechanics for Unsaturated Soils”, Wiley- Interscience, USA, 1993.
6. Mitchell, J.K., “Fundamentals of Soil Behavior”, Wiley, 2005.
7. Hillel D., “Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics”, Academic Press, New York, 2003.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the basics of rheology of fluids
 Study the concepts of MR damper
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Choose suitable materials for MR damper
 Analyse the various parameters affecting the Damping force
 Design MR dampers to suite Civil engineering applications

Ferrous alloys and their applications- Rheology – Newtonian and Non-Newtonian flow behaviour -
Magnetorheological fluids-Properties of MR fluid affecting the damping force-applications of MR fluid- Modes of
operation-Mathematical models for MR dampers- Bio-savart law, Magnetic field intensity, Stokes theorem,
Magnetic flux and magnetic flux density, Faraday’s law for electromagnetic induction.

1. Siginer. D A, De Kee.D, Chhabra. R.P, “Advances in the flow and rheology of non-newtonian fluids Part-
B”, Elsevier Publications, 1999.
2. Fridtjov Irgens, “Rheology and non-Newtonian fluids”, springer publications, 2013.
3. Janusz Goldasz, Bogdan Sapinski, “Insight into magnetorheological shock absorbers”, Springer
publications, 2014.
4. Kunquan Lu, Rong Shen, Jixing Liu, “Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions
(ERMR 2004)”, World Scientific publication.2004.
5. John Dixon “The Shock Absorber Handbook”, Wiley Publications, 2008

2017 Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the seismic design philosophy
 To study the various control strategies
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Design structures to resist seismic forces
 Adopt suitable vibration control strategy
 Design retrofitting technique for the requirement

Seismic Design philosophy as per codal provisions- Capacity spectrum method- Seismic testing and performance
evaluation methods- Vibration control- Passive control strategy- semi-active control strategy- Control algorithm-
active control strategy-control algorithms- case studies on existing control systems-retrofitting techniques for
seismic damage control - Smart Materials.

1. T.T Soong, M.C Constantinou, Passive and Active Structural Vibration Control in Civil Engineering”
“Springer publications, 2014
2. Zhao- Dong Xu, ying-qing Guo, Jun-Tao Zhu, Fei-hong Xu, ”Intelligent Vibration Control in Civil
Engineering Structures” Zhejlang university Press, 2016
3. Peter Hagedorn, Gottfried Spelsberg, korspeter,Äctive and passive Vibration Control of Structures”
Springer publication, 2014.
4. Sathish kuma k, Rama Rao, G V, Bharathi Priya, Seismic Response Control and damage mitigation
methodologies for buildings and structures”” CSIR, Sigma publications, 2014.


Credit: 1:0:1

Course Objectives:
 To give hands-on training on the use of chains and leveling instruments
 To familiarize the students with basic surveying procedures.
 To make the students to leveling concepts
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the principles of surveying equipments
 select methods to measure distances
 schedule field surveying operations
 examine the implementation of surveying procedures for contour surveying
 appraise the usage of equipments and methods in leveling procedures
 formulate the surveying methods and executions

Unit I - CHAIN SURVEYING: Introduction and Chain Surveying Definition, principle and classification of
surveying – conventional signs – equipments used in chain survey – ranging and chaining – setting perpendiculars –
offsets – cross staff and optical square – traversing
Unit II - LEVELLING: Levelling - Type of levels and staves – sensitivity of bubble – bench marks – temporary
and permanent adjustments – fly, check, profile and block levelling – booking - reduction – arithmetic checks –
Precise levelling
Unit III - ERRORS AND MEASUREMENTS: Accuracy and errors - Errors in chaining – corrections due to sag,
slope, curvature, temperature, pressure – difficulties and errors in levelling
Unit IV - CONTOURING: Contouring, Areas and Volumes Contouring – characteristics and uses of contours –
calculation of areas from field notes and plan – graphical and instrumental methods – enlarging and reducing the
size of figures – volume of earth work

2017 Civil Engineering

1. Measuring the distance between two stations using a chain
2. Overcoming obstacles in chaining and ranging
3. Observations and plotting the salient features in an area by chain survey.
4. Measurement of bearing of survey lines by prismatic compass.
5. Running a closed compass traverse – plotting and adjustments.
6. Plotting the salient features in an area by plane table survey

Text Books:
1. Kanetkar, T.P and Kulkarni, S.V., Surveying and levelling parts 1 and 2, pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan,
2. Bhavikatti SS, “Surveying and leveling”, I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2008
Reference Books:

1. Rangwala S. C., “Surveying and Levelling”, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2011
2. Basak, N, “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill & Co, 2014


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To give the various aspects construction practices.
 To impart knowledge on the various materials
 To appraise on the scope of infrastructure development
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 illustrate the fundamental aspects of civil engineering
 plan and set out a building
 demonstrate the uses of various building materials, method of construction
 discuss about various services in a building
 discover the technology of the civil engineering construction
 formulate technology for present and future construction

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: General introduction to Civil Engineering - Introduction to types of buildings,

Components of a residential building, Introduction to industrial buildings. Role of civil engineering in infrastructure
and natural resources development and conservation – Dependence of other sectors on civil engineering – Socio-
economic considerations in civil engineering works – Introduction to environmental impact assessment.
Unit II - PLANNING OF A BUILDING: Introduction to planning of residential buildings - Simple building plans;
Introduction to the various building area terms; Setting out of a building.
Unit III - MATERIALS: Bricks, cement blocks, Cement, Cement mortar, Steel; Building components –
Foundations, Brick masonry, Roofs, Floors, Decorative finishes, Plastering, Paints and Painting.
Unit IV - MODES OF CONVEYANCE: Roads - classification, alignment of roads, Railways – cross sections,
gauges, coning of wheels, Airports – components, markings and aids, Harbours – components, types. (Theory only)
track construction, Automation in buildings, Green concepts in buildings – Health, safety and environment in
construction practices, Intelligent Buildings.

Text Books
1. Bhavikatti SS, “Basics of Civil Engineering”, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers, 2010.
2. Rangwala .S.C, “Engineering Materials”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 2012.
1. Chudley, R. and Greeno, R., “Building Construction Handbook”, Addison Wesley, Longman Group,
England, 1990
2. Gopi, S., “Basic Civil Engineering”, Pearson Publishers, 2009.
3. Kandya, A. A., “Elements of Civil Engineering”, Charotar Publishing house, 2015.

2017 Civil Engineering

4. Mamlouk, M. S., and Zaniewski, J. P., “Materials for Civil and Construction Engineering”, Pearson
Publishers, 2016


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To acquire knowledge about the formation of rocks and properties of minerals
 To realize the importance of geological conditions for major projects
 To understand the properties of building materials
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 classify the geologic processes related to the formation of rocks

 define the physical and mechanical properties of earth materials
 identify the work of rivers, wind and sea
 carry out geophysical methods of investigations
 select the building materials for construction.
 adopt modern materials in construction

Unit I - GENERAL GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY: Geology in Civil Engineering – branches of geology –
Earth structure and composition – continental drift and plate tectonics - Earth processes – weathering - work of
rivers, wind and sea and their Engineering importance –symmetry elements of important crystallographic systems –
physical properties of minerals – rock forming minerals – Quartz family, felspar family, hornblende, calcite, garnet
– Properties - behaviour - engineering significance of clay minerals
Unit II - PETROLOGY: Classification of rocks – Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks - Description,
Occurrence and Engineering properties - uses of Granite, Dolerite, Basalt, Sandstone, Limestone, Laterite, Shale,
Quartzite, Marble, Slate, Gneiss and Schist
Unit III - STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY: Geological maps – Attitude of beds – outcrops - study of structures –
folds, faults and joints – their bearing on Engineering investigations – Geological conditions necessary for
construction of dams and Tunnels - Geophysical methods – Seismic and electrical methods for subsurface
Unit IV - BUILDING MATERIALS: Stones - characteristics of stones – material property – Bricks – brick
manufacture – classification - Properties of clay bricks - material test – Timber - Classification and identification of
timber - Defects in timber, seasoning and preservation of timber - Cement and Concrete – raw material –
manufacture methods – types and properties of cement - Steel– alloy steels – plain and deformed bars –Aluminium –
Unit V- MODERN MATERIALS: Glass – Ceramics – Sealants for joints – Rubber – Plastics - Fibre glass
reinforced plastic – Clay products – Refractories – Composite materials – Types – Applications of laminar
composites – Fibre textiles – Geomembranes and Geotextiles for earth reinforcement - colour coated sheets,
insulated wall panels

Text Books:
1. Parbin Singh, “Engineering and general Geology”, Katson publication House, 2010.
2. Varghese P.C., “Building materials”, Prentice Hall, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. Gokhale K.V.G.K. “Principles of Engineering Geology”, BS Publications, 2010
2. Bell F G., “Fundamentals of Engineering Geology”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007
3. Chenna Kesavulu., “Textbook of Engineering Geology” 2nd Edition, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. 2009
4. Rangwala, S.C., “Engineering Materials”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 2008.
5. Surendra Singh, “Building Materials”, Vikas Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1996.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Introduce the principle of surveying methods
 Teach different methods of surveying
 Learn the surveying applications in Civil Engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the principles of surveying equipments
 select methods to measure angles and distances
 schedule field surveying operatins

 examine the implementation of surveying procedures for setting out curves
 appraise the usage of equipments and methods in traiangulation survet
 formulate the surveying methods and executions

Unit I - INTRODUCTION AND LEVELLING: Surveying- basic concepts- ranging – chain surveying -
compass surveying- principles and practices – levelling-Instruments – bench marks - fly, check, profile and block
levelling -Temporary and permanent adjustments – Booking – Reduction- arithmetic checks – longitudinal and cross
sectioning – Curvature and Refraction correction – Reciprocal levelling – Contouring-characteristics and uses
Unit II - THEODOLITE SURVEYING: Theodolite–Principle and practices –Types- Temporary and permanent
adjustments- Horizontal and vertical angles – repetition and reiteration methods – Traversing - Closing error and
distribution-Bowditch’s and Transit rule – Omitted measurements -Heights and distances-Single plane-Double plane
Unit III - TACHEOMETRIC SURVEYING: Tacheometric surveying - Principle of stadia method – Distance and
elevation formulae for staff held vertical – Instrumental constants - Anallactic lens -Tangential method- Substense
Unit IV - CURVES: Curve Surveying: Types of curves - Elements of simple curves – Setting out simple curves by
linear and angular methods – Introduction to transition curve: requirements and functions.
Unit V - TRIANGULATION AND MODERN INSTRUMENTS: Classification of triangulation systems -
Intervisibility and height of stations - Signals and towers – Base line corrections: temperature, pull, sag and slope -
Satellite stations: reduction to centre.Introduction to total station- Basic Principle – Classifications - Sources of
Error, Infrared and Laser Total Station instruments- EDM, and Ariel photographic survey

Text Books:
1. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill & Co., New Delhi 2015.
2. Bhavikatti. S.S., “Surveying: Theory and Practice”, IK International Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2016
Reference Books:
1. Arthur Bannister, Stanley Raymond, Raymond Baker, “Surveying”, Pearson, 2009.
2. Duggal, S.K., “Surveying”, Volume I and 2, McGraw Hill & Co., Third Edition, 2009


Credits: 3:1:0

Course Objectives:
 To learn fundamental concepts of stress, strain and deformation of solids with applications to bars, beams
and trusses.
 To know the mechanism of load transfer in beams, the induced stress resultants and deformations.
 To understand the effect of torsion on shafts and springs.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 define the fundamental concepts of stresses and strains in one dimensional and two dimensional states
 sketch shear force and bending moment diagram for determinate beams
 interpret the stresses acting on plain trusses
 calculate deflection for determinate beams under standard loading condition

2017 Civil Engineering

 evaluate the power required for the shaft
 predict springs for its maximum energy storage capacities

Unit I - STRESS, STRAIN AND DEFORMATION OF SOLIDS: Rigid and deformable bodies – Stability,
strength and stiffness - Axial and Shear Stresses – Deformation of simple and compound bars- Stress strain behavior
of ductile and brittle material in uniaxial state of stress – Biaxial state of stress- Thermal stresses – Elastic Constants
and its relations - Principal planes and principal stresses and its determination using Mohr’s circle.
Unit II - ANALYSIS OF PLANE TRUSSES: Stability and equilibrium of plane frames – Types of frames-
Assumptions-Types of Trusses – Analysis of forces in truss members – Method of joints – Method of tension co-
efficient – Method of sections
Unit III - BENDING OF BEAMS: Beams – Types and transverse loading on beams – Shear force and bending
moment in beams – Cantilever beams – Simply supported beams and over-hanging beams - Theory of simple
bending – Bending stress distribution – Load carrying capacity – Proportioning of sections – Leaf springs – Flitched

beams – Shear stress distribution.
Unit IV - TORSION: Theory of simple torsion - Stresses and deformation in circular and hollow shafts – Stepped
shafts – Shafts fixed at both ends – Stresses and deflection in helical springs- introduction to torsion of rectangular
Unit V - DEFLECTION OF BEAMS: Double Integration method – Macaulay’s method – Area moment method –
Conjugate beam method for computation of slopes and deflections in determinate beams- deflection due to shear.

Text Books
1. Bansal R.K “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications, 2004.
2. Rajput.R.K. “Strength of Materials”, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi 2014.
Reference Books
1. Egor.P.Popo v, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2001
2. Vazirani.V.N, Ratwani.M.M, Duggal .S.K “Analysis of Structures: Analysis, Design and Detailing of
Structures-Vol.1”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 2014.
3. Timoshenko.S.P. and Young .D.H., “Elements of Strength of Materials”, V Edition, Affiliated East-West
Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
4. Beer. F.P. & Johnston.E.R.“Mechanics of Materials”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2010.
5. Subramaniam.R., “Strength of Materials”, Oxford university Press, 2005
6. Prakash Rao.D, “Strength of Materials”, University Press, 2002


Credits: 3:1:0

Course Objectives:
 Introduction of fundamental concepts of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics
 Application of the concepts of flow measurements and analysis of flow through pipes
 To introduce the concepts of boundary layer theory and flow around submerged objects
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the behaviour of fluids under static condition, measure pressure changes and estimate total pressure
on plane surfaces
 explain the flow pattern and the transport of mass, momentum and energy
 demonstrate flow measurement methods
 differentiate laminar and turbulent flows
 select method to design pipe flows including losses
 formulate and solve boundary layer problems

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Fluid Properties – Newton’s law of Viscosity – Classification of Fluids Fluid Statics
Pressure – Pascal’s law – Atmospheric, Absolute, Gauge and Vacuum pressures – Pressure measurement -
Hydrostatics: Forces on plane and curved surfaces-Total pressure and Centre of pressure – Buoyancy and
Metacentric height (Theory only)

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit II - FLUID KINEMATICS: Types of flow – Stream line – Path line – Streak line – Stream tube – Control
volume – Continuity equation – one dimensional and three dimensional flow – velocity potential and stream
function free – and forced vortex flow Equations of Motion Euler’s equation in one dimensional form – Bernoulli’s
Unit III - FLOW MEASUREMENTS: Venturimeter – Orifice meter – Pitot tube – Mouthpiece and Orifice –
Weirs and Notches – Rectangle, Triangular, Broad crested, Narrow Crested Laminar and Turbulent flows:
Definition – Reynold’s Experiment – Reynold’s Number – Hagen Poiseuille equation for a circular pipe Turbulent
flow Definition – Darcy Weisbach’s equation – Moody’s diagram – Friction factor for Laminar and Turbulent flow
– for smooth and rough pipes
Unit IV - FLOW THROUGH PIPES: Loss of energy in pipes – Hydraulic Gradient, Energy Gradient – Major
energy loss – Minor energy losses – Pipes in series and parallel –Equivalent pipe – Power transmission through
pipes – Syphon – Water hammer (Definition)
Unit V - BOUNDARY LAYER FLOW: Boundary layer and its definition - Displacement thickness - Momentum

thickness - Energy thickness - Laminar and turbulent boundary layers – Forces on submerged bodies.

Text Books
1. Modi, P.N. & Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard Book
House, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” , S.Chand and Co., New Delhi,
Reference Books
1. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2005.
2. Som S.R, & Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
3. Subramanya, K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
4. Yunus A.Cengel., “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill India Pvt. Ltd., 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To learn the fundamentals on flow in open channels
 To introduce the concepts of boundary layer theory and flow around submerged objects
 To impart the knowledge on pumps and turbines
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 define the uniform flow conditions for channels
 recognize the non - uniform flow conditions for channels
 demonstrate the application of hydraulic jumps
 relate the physical parameters using dimensional analysis
 experiment on the impact of forces exerted by the jet on inclined, curved and stationary bodies
 investigate the selection and operation turbines and pumps

Unit I - UNIFORM FLOW: Definition and differences between pipe flow and open channel flow - Types of Flow,
Properties of open channel - Fundamental equations - Velocity distribution in open channel - Steady uniform flow:
Chezy equation, Manning equation - Best hydraulic sections for uniform flow - Computation in Uniform Flow -
Specific energy and specific force - Critical depth and velocity.
Unit II - NON UNIFORM FLOW: Gradually Varied Flow: Dynamic equations of gradually varied flow - Water
surface flow profile classifications: Hydraulic Slope and Hydraulic Curve - Hydraulic Slope and Hydraulic Curve.
Rapidly Varied Flow: Application of the energy equation for RVF - Critical depth and velocity - Critical, Sub-
critical and Super-critical flow - Application of the momentum equation for RVF - Hydraulic jumps - Energy
Unit III - DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS AND SIMILITUDE: Fundamental and secondary dimensions –
Dimensional Homogeneity – Rayleigh and Buckingham Pi methods – Similitude – Significance of Dimensionless
Numbers – Classification of hydraulic models – Scale effect

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit IV - TURBINES: Impact of Jet on vanes, Turbines - Layout and Components of Hydro-electric project -
Reaction turbines - Francis turbine - Kaplan turbines - Draft tube - Performance of turbine, Headlosses and
efficiency, Specific speed, Runway speed
Unit V - PUMPS: Centrifugal pumps - Minimum speed to start the pump - Reciprocating pumps - Classification
and Working principle of reciprocating pumps - Comparison between centrifugal and reciprocating pumps.

Text Books
1. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi,
2. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, Edition 9.
Reference Books
1. Modi, P.N. & Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard Book

House, New Delhi, 19th Edition, 2011
2. Jagadeesh Lal J, “Hydraulic Machines Including Fluidics”, Metropolitan Book Co.Pvt Ltd.-New Delhi,
3. Som, S.R, & Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd
Edition, 2014
4. Hubert Chanson, “Hydraulics of Open Channel flow’, Butterworth-Heineman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004.


Credits: 3:1:0
Course Objectives:
 To learn the computation of deflection of beams and trusses using energy principles and to know the
concept of analysis of indeterminate beams.
 To estimate the load carrying capacity of columns and analysis of three dimensional state of stress.
 To understand the concept of theories of failure of materials, unsymmetrical bending, shear center and
fracture of materials.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 find the slope and deflections of beams by energy principles
 sketch shear force and bending moment diagram for indeterminate beams
 calculate the crippling load of a column under different end conditions
 categorize failure of material
 evaluate thin, thick and compound cylinders
 explain the concepts of stress in three dimension

Unit I - ENERGY PRINCIPLES: Strain energy and strain energy density – Strain energy in axial force - Shear,
flexure and torsion – Castigliano’s and Engessor’s theorems – Principle of virtual work – Application of energy
theorems for computing deflections in beams – Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem.
Unit II - INDETERMINATE BEAMS; Propped Cantilever and Fixed Beams – Fixed end moments reactions,
slope and deflection for standard cases of loading –– Continuous beams – support reactions and moments – Theorem
of three moments – Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams.
Unit III - COLUMNS: Behaviour of short and long columns - Euler’s theory of long columns – Critical loads for
prismatic columns with different end conditions - Rankine-Gordon Formula - Eccentrically loaded long columns -
Eccentrically loaded short columns - middle third rule – Core of section.
Unit IV - STATE OF STRESS IN THREE DIMENSIONS: Determination of principal stresses and principal
planes – Volumetric strain – Theories of failure – Principal stress, principal strain, shear stress, strain energy and
distortion energy theories – Application in analysis of stress, load carrying capacity and design of members.
Interaction problems - Interaction curves.
Unit V - ADVANCED TOPICS: Unsymmetrical bending of beams - symmetrical and unsymmetrical sections,
shear centre – stresses on curved beams for simple solid sections – Winkler Bach Formula –Thin cylinders- Thick
cylinders – Compound cylinders - residual stresses, stress concentration, fatigue - torsion of thin walled sections

2017 Civil Engineering

Text Books
1. Bansal R.K “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications, 2004.
2. Rajput.R.K. “Strength of Materials”, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi 2014.
Reference Books
1. Egor.P.Popo v, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2001
2. Vazirani.V.N, Ratwani.M.M, Duggal .S.K, “Analysis of Structures: Analysis, Design and Detailing of
Structures-Vol.1”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 2014.
3. Timoshenko.S.P. and Young .D.H., “Elements of Strength of Materials”, V Edition, Affiliated East-West
Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
4. Beer. F.P. & Johnston.E.R., “Mechanics of Materials”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2010.
5. Subramaniam.R., “Strength of Materials”, Oxford university Press, 2005
6. Prakash Rao.D, “Strength of Materials”, University Press, 2002

Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge to classify the soil based on index properties and to assess their engineering
properties based on the classification.
 To familiarize the students on compaction, stress transformation, consolidation and shear strength of soils.
 To impart knowledge of design of both finite and infinite slopes.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will able to
 examine three phase system in soil properties estimated using three phase system
 evaluate the index and engineering properties of soil
 predict the flow through soil
 estimate the magnitude of settlement due to consolidation process
 determine shear strength parameters and stress changes in soil
 assess both physical and engineering behaviour with stability analysis of slopes

Unit I - SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND COMPACTION: Soil description – Soil structure – Phase relation –
Index properties – Particle size distribution – Atterberg’s limits – Indices - BIS classification – Compaction of soils
–Laboratory tests – Field Compaction methods – Factors influencing compaction of soils
Unit II - EFFECTIVE STRESS AND PERMEABILITY: Soil - water – Static pressure in water - Effective stress
concepts in soils – Capillary phenomena– Two dimension flow – Darcy’s law – Permeability - Laboratory methods
- Constant head - falling head methods – Stratified Strata - Factors influencing permeability of soils – Seepage -
Laplace’s equation – Quick sand – Liquefaction - Flow nets.
Unit III - STRESS DISTRIBUTION AND SETTLEMENT: Stress distribution in homogeneous and isotropic
medium – Boussinesq theory – Point load, Line load and udl – Westergaard’s solution - Use of New marks influence
chart – Components of settlement –– Immediate and consolidation settlement – Terzaghi’s one dimensional
consolidation theory – Computation of rate of settlement. - √t and log t methods – e-log p relationship.
Unit IV - SHEAR STRENGTH: Shear strength of cohesive and cohesion less soils – Mohr-Coulomb failure theory
– Measurement of shear strength - Direct shear, Triaxial compression, UCC and Vane shear tests – Pore pressure
Unit V - SLOPE STABILITY: Stability Analysis - Infinite slopes and finite slopes – Total stress analysis - Friction
circle method – Use of stability number – Method of slices – Fellenious and Bishop’s method –Stability number -
Slope protection measures.

Text Books
1. Arora, K.R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers and Distributors, New
Delhi, 2011.
2. Murthy, V.N.S., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers Distribution Ltd., New
Delhi. 2015
Reference Books
1. McCarthy, D.F., “Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations”. Prentice-Hall, 2006.

2017 Civil Engineering

2. Coduto, D.P., “Geotechnical Engineering – Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd. New
Delhi, 2010.
3. Das, B.M., “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”. Brooks / Coles / Thompson Learning Singapore, 8th
Edition, 2013.
4. Gopal Ranjan and Rao, A.S.R., “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age Ltd., International
Publisher New Delhi (India) 2006.
5. Karl Terzaghi, “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice”, Read Books, 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To learn the fundamentals on water supply and distribution

 To introduce the concepts of wastewater treatment and disposal
 To design water and wastewater treatment units.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 select appropriate sources for water supply
 learn the characterization and testing of water and wastewater
 estimate the quantity and demand of water
 calculate the quantity of flow of wastewater
 design water and wastewater treatment units
 make use of available standards

Unit I - SOURCES, QUALITY AND DEMAND OF WATER: Sources – Types of demand - Population forecast
- Computation of quantity – Design period – Physical Chemical and Biological characteristics - Tests – Water
quality standards.
Unit II - TREATMENT OF WATER: Layout of water treatment plant – Theory and design principles of water
treatment units – Sedimentation, Coagulation and flocculation, Filtration, Disinfection.
Unit III - CONVEYANCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER: Types of pipes - Pipe joints – Laying and
testing – Distribution – Methods, Systems and Layouts – Pipe appurtenances.
Unit IV - WASTEWATER ESTIMATION AND CHARACTERISTICS: Collection systems – Estimation of
quantity – Sewer: section, materials, joints and hydraulics – Laying and testing of sewer – Appurtenances - Physical
Chemical and Biological characteristics
Layout of wastewater treatment plant – Theory and design principles of wastewater treatment units – Preliminary,
primary, secondary and tertiary treatment methods - Disposal methods and standards

Text Books
1. S.K Garg, “Environmental Engineering (I & II)”, 28 th edition, Khanna Publication, 2010.
2. B.C.Punmia, “Water Supply Engineering”, Laxmi Publications, 2012
Reference Books
1. Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., “Wastewater Engineering – Treatment, Disposal and Reuse”, 3rd Edition, McGraw
Hill Book Co, N.Y. 1985
2. Raju, B.S.N., “Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Co., New Delhi, 1995.
3. Steel.E.W.and McGhee, T.J., “Water Supply and Sewerage”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill International
Editions, New York, 1988

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the design philosophies of RCC elements
 To design the structural elements as per IS 456:2000
 To detail the reinforcement as per the design
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 examine the design philosophies for rcc elements
 demonstrate the behaviour of elements for load calculations
 illustrate the lsm for estimating stress resultants

 select sections based on stress resultants
 design the reinforcement for the structural elements
 estimate the safety of the designed sections
 develop suitable detailing diagrams

Unit I - DESIGN PHILOSOPHY: Design Concept of Working stress method, ultimate load method and limit
state method – Design codes and specification – Limit state of collapse & serviceability, partial safety factors for
material & loading. Stress-strain characteristics of concrete & reinforcing steel, Type of section-under reinforced,
over reinforced & balance section- Design of sections for flexure using working stress method.
Unit II - LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF SLABS: Analysis and design of one way, two way and continuous slabs
and cantilever slabs subjected to various boundary conditions
Unit III - LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF BEAMS: Analysis and design of singly, doubly reinforced rectangular and
flanged beams – Design for bond & anchorage, deflection and torsion.
Unit IV - LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF COLUMNS: Introduction to types of columns – Braced and unbraced
columns -Design of short column - axially loaded, uniaxial bending, biaxial bending, long column.
Unit V - LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF FOOTING: Design of wall footing – Design of axially and eccentrically
loaded rectangular and sloped footings – Design of combined rectangular footing for two columns only.

Text Books
1. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdass Menon, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., 2003
2. Ashok, Kumar Jain, “Limit state design of Reinforced Concrete”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2007
Reference Books
1. Sinha. S.N. “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
2. Purushothaman. P, “Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
3. Krishna Raju. N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi 2005
4. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Credit: 3:1:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the methodology of analysis
 To know the different techniques available for the analysis of structures
 To identify the best suitable method of analysis
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 choose strain energy methods for solving various structural elements
 distinguish determinate and indeterminate structures for determining moments
 identify the method of solving determinate and indeterminate structures

2017 Civil Engineering

 compare the force method and deflection method
 analyze the moving loads using influence diagram
 predict failure of structure using plastic hinge analysis

Unit I - STRAIN ENERGY METHOD: Static indeterminancy - Strain energy method - analysis of indeterminate
structures, beams, pin jointed and rigid jointed structures - temperature effect - bending moment and shear force
Unit II - SLOPE DEFLECTION METHOD: Kinematic indeterminancy - Slope deflection method - analysis of
continuous beams and portals - bending moment and shear force diagram.
Unit III - MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD: Moment distribution method - analysis of continuous beams
and portals –Sway and non sway analysis- bending moment and shear force diagram
Unit IV - INFLUENCE LINES: Influence line - influence lines for bending moment and shear force- Maxwell’s
reciprocal theorem-Muller Breaslau’s - principle, determinate and indeterminate beams

Unit V - PLASTIC ANALYSIS: Statically indeterminate structures – Beams in pure bending – Plastic moment of
resistance – Plastic modulus – Shape factor – Load factor – Plastic hinge and mechanism - Static and kinematic
methods – Upper and lower bound theorems -Plastic analysis of indeterminate beams and frames.

Text Books
1. Vazirani & Ratwani, Analysis of Structures, Vol. 1 & II , Khanna publishers, 2003.
2. Bhavikatti, S., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 & 2, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011
Reference Books
1. Vaidyanathan, R. and Perumal, P., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 & 2, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2014
2. S.Ramamrutham, “Theory of structures”, Dhanpat Rai publications, 2004
3. C.S.Reddy, “Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
4. L.S.Negi, “Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2003
5. Rajasekharan & Sankarasubramaiam, “Computational Structural Mechanics”, Prentice-Hall of India. 2000


Credit: 3:1:0
Course Objectives:
 To develop analytic and critical skills through mathematical and visual study of structures
 To differentiate between rigid and deformable structures.
 To understand the principle of force and displacement methods
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the fundamental concepts of structural analysis
 choose structural matrices method for analyse the structure
 analyse typical structures such as three hinged and two hinged arches
 analyze of cables and suspension bridges
 execute analysis of trusses, continuous beams and rigid frames using matrix force method
 determine responses of the structures

Unit I - ARCHES: Three hinged arch – Two hinged arch – parabolic and semi-circular arches – Concentrated loads
– Uniform loads – Temperature effects – Determination of Reaction, Normal Thrust, Radial shear and Bending
Moment – Influence line for Stress Resultants in two hinged and three hinged arches – load position for maximum
Unit II - SUSPENSION CABLES AND BRIDGES: Cables and suspension bridges with three hinged stiffening
Unit III - SPACE FRAMES: Three Dimensional Frames (Determinate) Analysis of pin jointed Space frames –
forces in various members – Analysis of Rigid jointed space frames – Determination of stress resultants –
Application to Simple problems -Use of Analysis Software for application to space trusses.
METHOD: Definition - Application of Principle of Superposition - Properties - Application to Two Degree of
Freedom systems - Structure and element co-ordinates - Transformation of force and displacement - Structure
flexibility in terms of element flexibility - Structure stiffness in terms of element stiffness. Forces not acting at co-

2017 Civil Engineering

ordinates - Formulation of Structure Flexibility matrix - Determination of Displacements - Application to
determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams, frames - Effect of Temperature, lack of fit
Unit V - STIFFNESS METHOD: Forces not acting at co-ordinates _ Formulation of Structure Stiffness matrix -
Determination of Displacements - Application to determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams, frames - Effect of
Temperature, lack of fit - Static Condensation Technique. - Use of analysis software for application to the analysis
of plane trusses and frames.

Text Books
1. Reddy C S, “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2010.
2. Rajasekaran,S., Sankarasubramanian,G., “Computational Structural Mechanics”, Prentice Hall of India,
Reference Books
1. Mukhopadhyay M, “Matrix Finite Element Computer and Structural Analysis”, Oxford & IBH, 2002.

2. McGuire W and Gallagher R H, “Matrix Structural Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
3. Devdas Menon, “Advanced Structural Analysis”, Alpha Science Publications 2009
4. Igor A. Karnovsky and Olga I. Lebed, “Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis”, springer, 2010


Credit: 3: 0: 0
Course Objectives:
 Acquire knowledge about site planning and construction of foundations
 Adopt various methods of constructions and service requirements
 Selection and usage of equipments for construction
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify suitable materials required for construction
 explain construction methodology for different types of construction
 demonstrate the temporary construction methods
 categorize the service requirements for the construction
 examine the distress in the construction
 adapt the safety in the construction site.

Unit I - FIELD PRACTICES: Building Planning - Foundations – Shallow and Deep Foundations – setting out -
Stone masonry – Brick masonry – Composite masonry – Plastering and Pointing - Flooring - Roofs and roof
covering - Damp proofing – Termite proofing
Unit II - CONSTRUCTION METHODS: Construction sequence - Reinforced Concrete framed structures -
Construction of R.C.C. slabs, Beams and Columns – Construction methods: Pre-cast and cast-in-situ concrete, steel
– load bearing structures – underwater construction
Unit III - FORMWORK AND SCAFFOLDING: Formwork – Centering and Shuttering – Sheet piles – Slip and
moving forms –– Joints in Concrete –– Shoring – Scaffolding– Underpinning
Unit IV - CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Selection of equipment for earthwork, concreting, material handling
and erection of structures – Dewatering and pumping equipments- RMC–transit mixers - placement techniques -
pumping of concrete
Unit V - CONSTRUCTION SAFETY: Quality and Safety Concerns in Construction - Accidents and their Causes
– Human Factors in Construction Safety - Costs of Construction Injuries – Occupational and Safety Hazard
Assessment – safety design

Text Books
1. Varghese, P. C., “Building Constructions”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 2007.
2. Bhavikatti S, “Building Constructions”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 2007.
Reference Books
1. Arora, S. P. and Bindra S. P., “Building Construction”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 1997.
2. Punmia, B. C., “Building Construction”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1993.
3. Peurifoy, R. L., “Form work for Concrete Structures”, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1999.

2017 Civil Engineering

4. Richard J. Coble, Jimmie Hinze and Theo C. Haupt, “Construction Safety and Health Management”,
Prentice Hall Inc., 2001


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on site investigation programme.
 To select geotechnical design parameters and type of foundations.
 To familiarize the geotechnical design of different type of foundations and retaining walls.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 interpret soil investigations

 examine the bearing capacity of soils and foundation settlements
 identify the suitable foundation for construction
 design the foundation system for shallow depth
 analyses earth retaining structures for different soil mediums
 estimate pile and pile group capacity

Unit I - SITE INVESTIGATION AND SELECTION OF FOUNDATION: Scope and objectives – Methods of
exploration – Auguring and boring – Wash boring and rotary drilling – Depth and spacing of bore holes – Bore log
report - Soil samples – Representative and undisturbed – Sampling methods – Split spoon sampler, Thin wall
sampler, Stationary piston sampler – Penetration tests (SPT and SCPT) – Data interpretation - Selection of
foundation based on soil condition
Unit II - BEARING CAPACITY: Introduction – Location and depth of foundation – Codal provisions – Bearing
capacity of shallow foundation on homogeneous deposits – Terzaghi’s formula and BIS formula – Factors affecting
bearing capacity – Bearing capacity from in-situ tests (SPT, SCPT and plate load) – Allowable bearing pressure –
Seismic considerations in bearing capacity evaluation. Determination of Settlement of foundations on granular and
clay deposits from plate load test – Total and differential settlement – Allowable settlements – Codal provision –
Methods of minimizing total and differential settlements – ground improvement techniques
Unit III - SHALLOW FOUNDATION: Isolated footing - Combined footing - Mat foundation – Contact pressure
and settlement distribution – Proportioning of foundations – Structural design of isolated and combined footing -
Floating foundation.
Unit IV - PILE FOUNDATION: Types of piles and their functions – Factors influencing the selection of pile –
Carrying capacity of single pile in granular and cohesive soil – Static formula – Dynamic formulae - Engineering
news and Hileys– Capacity from insitu tests -SPT and SCPT – Negative skin friction – Uplift capacity- Group
capacity by different methods - Feld’s rule, Converse – Labarra formula and block failure criterion – Settlement of
pile groups – Interpretation of pile load test -Under reamed piles
Unit V - RETAINING WALLS: Plastic equilibrium in soils – Active and passive states – Rankine’s theory –
Cohesionless and cohesive soil – Coulomb’s wedge theory – Condition for critical failure plane – Earth pressure on
retaining walls of simple configurations – Culmann Graphical method – Pressure on the wall due to line load –
Stability analysis of retaining walls – Codal provision.

1. Arora, K.R. “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers and Distributors, New
Delhi, 2011.
2. Varghese, P.C., “Foundation Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, NewDelhi, 2005.
Reference Books
1. Murthy, V.N.S., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers and Distributers Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2015.
2. GopalRanjan and Rao A.S.R. “Basic and Applied soil mechanics”, New Age International (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, 2006.
3. Das, B.M. “Principles of Foundation Engineering” (Eigth edition), Thompson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore,

2017 Civil Engineering

4. Kaniraj, S.R. “Design aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing
company Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
5. Punmia, B.C., “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Laxmi Publications Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi, 2005.
6. Venkatramaiah, C., “Geotechnical Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
7. Karl Terzaghi, “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice”, Read Books, 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Acquire knowledge on limit state design of steel structural elements
 Ability to explain and design bolted and welded connection
 Design the structural systems such as roof trusses, gantry girders as per provisions of current code (IS 800

2007) of practice.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
 classify different types of steel connections
 recommend suitable type of connection
 assess the strength of steel connections
 explain the behaviour of steel structural elements
 design steel structural elements
 differentiate the types of roof trusses.

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO STEEL CONNECTIONS: Properties of structural steel – Classification of steel

sections – Limit State Design Concepts – Loads and load combination – Connections - welding, bolting – Design of
bolted and welded joints – Eccentric connections - Efficiency of joints.
Unit II - DESIGN OF TENSION MEMBERS: Types of sections – Net area – Net effective sections for angles
and Tee in tension – Design of Connections in tension members – Lug angles – Design of tension splice – Concept
of shear lag.
Unit III - DESIGN OF COMPRESSION MEMBERS: Types of compression members – Theory of columns –
Compression member design – Slenderness ratio – Design of single section and compound section compression
members – Design of laced and battened type columns – Design of column bases – Gusseted base.
Unit IV - DESIGN OF BEAMS: Design of laterally supported and unsupported beams – Built up beams – Beams
subjected to Uniaxial and biaxial bending – Design of welded plate girders - Intermediate and bearing stiffeners
Unit V - DESIGN OF ROOF TRUSSES: Roof trusses – Types - Loading - Roof and side coverings – Design of
purlin and elements of truss; end bearing –Design of gantry girder.

1. L.S Jayagopal & D.Tensing, “Design of Steel Structures” Vikas Publications , 2015
2. Duggal. S.K, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2014
Reference Books
1. Gambhir. M.L., “Fundamentals of Structural Steel Design”, McGraw Hill Education IndiaPvt. Ltd., 2013
2. Shiyekar. M.R., “Limit State Design in Structural Steel”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Learning Pvt.
Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2013.
3. Bhavikatti.S.S, “Design of Steel Structures by Limit State Method as per IS:800–2007”, IK International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2014
4. Shah.V.L. andVeena Gore, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, IS 800–2007Structures Publications,
5. Subramanian.N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013.
6. IS 800 :2007, General Construction in Steel - Code of Practice, (Third Revision), Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi, 2007

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the importance of transportation and characteristics of different modes of transportation
 To study about the geometric design of highways
 To impart knowledge in planning, geometric design, construction, operation and maintenance of Highways,
Railways, Airports and Harbours
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the concepts of highway planning, design and project formulation
 carry out surveys involved in planning and highway alignment

 design cross section elements, sight distance, horizontal and vertical alignment
 describe different types of highwaypavements
 recognize the importance of different elements of permanent way in railways
 generalize the constituents and basic design concepts of airports and harbours

Unit I - HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING: Different modes of transportation – characteristics -

historical Development of road construction- Highway Development in India –Classification of roads-Road
patterns- Planning Surveys – Highway planning in India- Highway alignment - Engineering Surveys for Highway
Locations – Highway project – Built operate and transfer (BOT)
Unit II - GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS: Highway crosses sectional elements- Sight Distance –
Design of horizontal alignment - Super elevation- Extra-widening of Pavements on horizontal curves- Transition
Curves- Set-back Distance- Design of Vertical alignment – Gradients- summit and Valley Curves
Unit III - HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE AND DRAINAGE: Pavement Failures –Flexible and Rigid Pavement –
Maintenance of Highways –Pavement Evaluation -Importance of highway drainage - Surface Drainage- Subsurface
drainage - Road construction in water logged areas– maintenance of various roads - Road side development and
arboriculture - Problems on Hill Roads
Unit IV - RAILWAY ENGINEERING: Railway Transportation and its development – Elements of permanent
way – Rails, Sleepers, Ballast, rail fixtures and fastenings, Subgrade and Embankment – Track Alignment – Survey
for track alignment – Points and crossing – Track Junctions – Station and Yards – Signalling & control System
Unit V - AIRPORTS AND HARBOURS: Airport Planning-Airport Components –Apron, Terminal Building,
Passenger facilities &Services, Hangers , Runway, Parking Area - Airport Obstructions- Runway Orientation –
Wind rose Diagram – Runway design- Harbours – History of water transportation – Modern trends in water
transportation- components of harbour –Requirements of Harbour- Classification of harbours – Site Selection and
Planning oh harbours - ports and docks – Navigational Aids

Text Books
1. Khanna .S.K, Justo .C.E.G, “Highway Engineering,” Nemchand & Bros, 2001.
2. Partha Chakroborty and Animesh Das, “Principles of Transportation Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 2003.
Reference Books
1. Kadiyali.L.R. “Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering”, Khanna Technical Publications, 8th
edition Delhi, 2013.
2. Rangwala, “Railway Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 2013.
3. Mundrey J.S. “A course in Railway Track Engineering”. Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
4. Rangwala, “Airport Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 2013.
5. Rangwala, “Harbor Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 2013.
6. Oza.H.P. and Oza.G.H. “A course in Docks & Harbour Engineering”. Charotar Publishing Co., 2013
7. Saxena Subhash C and Satyapal Arora, “A Course in Railway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi,
8. Satish Chandra and Agarwal M.M, “Railway Engineering”, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, New
Delhi, 2013.
9. Khanna .S. K, Arora .M, G Jain .S.S, “Airport Planning and Design” Nemchand and Bros, Roorkee, 2005.
10. Bindra .S.P. A “Course in Docks and Harbors Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2001.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To acquire knowledge on constituents of concrete materials
 To study the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
 To design the concrete mixes
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the functional role of ingredients of concrete
 predict the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
 illustrate the durability of concrete
 demonstrate techniques of non destructive testing of concrete structures

 appraise innovative materials for use in concrete
 design a concrete mix based on various parameters

Unit I - CONCRETE MATERIALS: Cement: Composition and properties of Portland cement - tests on material
properties - cement types - composition - properties - uses under different constructional and weather conditions - IS
code specifications - Water: Requirements of water for concrete making - IS Code specifications - Aggregates:
Classification - Mechanical Properties - deleterious substances in aggregates - Bulking of sand - Alkali Aggregate
reaction - Grading requirements - IS Code specifications - Admixtures: Admixtures and Construction chemicals
Unit II - FRESH CONCRETE AND HARDENING OF CONCRETE: Fresh Concrete: Workability - Factors
affecting workability - Tests for workability - Segregation - Bleeding - Process of manufacture of concrete - creep
and shrinkage - Maturity of concrete - Micro cracking - autogeneous healing - Evolution of heat and expansion -
effect due to chemical, temperature - Hardened Concrete: Strength Test: Compression test – Split Tension test -
Flexure Test - Test for Bond strength– Determination of modulus of elasticity - IS Code provisions - Accelerated
strength tests - non-destructive strength evaluation -In site strength determination - Factors affecting strength test
results – concrete quality check.
Unit III - DURABILITY : Strength and durability relationship –Impact of W/C ratio on strength and durability -
Permeability – Chloride penetrability – impact strength-Acid attack: mineral and organic acids – corrosion of steel-
Thermal expansion and shrinkage – Freezing and Thawing – Carbonation attack - Sulphate attack - Fire resistance -
Resistance to Abrasion, erosion and Cavitation - Acoustic properties - creep of concrete - factors influences it -
Marine atmosphere - Methods to improve durability
Unit IV - MIX DESIGN: Concept - basic consideration- mix design methods - BIS method, American concrete
institute method, and British codal method of mix design - mix design for concrete with flyash
Unit V - SPECIAL CONCRETES: Light weight concrete- Aerated concrete – no fines concrete – high density
concrete – Sulphur infiltrated concrete – fiber reinforced concrete – prepacked concrete – shotcrete – vaccum
concrete – ferrocement – self compacting concrete – bacterial concrete – Geo polymer concrete - behavior of
concrete with rice husk, nano materials like silicafume

Text Books
1. A.R. Santhakumar, “Concrete Technology” Oxford University press, Jai Singh road, Delhi, 2006
2. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology”, S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2005
Reference Books
1. Gambhir, M.L., “Concrete Technology’, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi,
2. Neville, A.M, “Properties of Concrete”, Longman Scientific & Technical, England, 1995
3. Neville, A.M., “Concrete Technology”, Longman Scientific & Technical, 1990.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the types of estimates
 To identify the methods used for different structural components
 To understand rate analysis and process of preparation of bills

2017 Civil Engineering

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 list the detailed specification for different types of structures
 explain valuation reports and cost quality control
 plan the rate analysis of civil engineering works
 determine the rates of various items of civil works
 justify estimated cost of civil construction projects
 evaluate the actual value of any property


surveying–purpose of estimates - Types of estimates - various items to be included in estimates - Principles in
selecting units of measurement for items, various units and modes of measurement for different trades - I.S. 1200,

Specifications – purpose and basic principles of general and detailed specifications: detailed specifications for
various items of work.
Unit II - ANALYSIS OF RATES: Rate analysis & preparation of bills – Data analysis of rates for various items of
works – abstract estimates for Building projects
Unit III - QUANTITY ESTIMATION FOR BUILDING AND SANITARY: Estimation of building – Method of
estimate, estimate of walls, Estimate of masonry platform - estimate of single room building with verandah -
estimate of two roomed building - Sanitary - Estimation of a septic tank and soak pit
R.C.C and Steel works - RCC Slab – RCC beam – RCC column with foundation, RCC framed building. Road- RCC
slab culvert Detailed estimate for WBM, Bituminous road.
Unit V - VALUATION: Valuation- rent fixation, Gross income, Net income, Depreciation, different methods of
calculating depreciation–straight line method, declining balance method, sinking fund method, plinth area required
for residential building

Text Books
1. Dutta.B.N, “Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering Theory and Practice,” 2002.
2. Birdie.G.S, “A Text Book on Estimating and Costing”, DhanpatRai and Sons, New Delhi, 2000.
Reference Books
1. Jogleka.P.T, “Practical Information for Quantity Surveyors”, Institution of Surveyors, 1978.
2. Rangwala.S.C, “Elements of Estimating and Costing”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 1987.
3. Rangwala .S.C, “Valuation of Real Properties”,Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 1984.
4. Jagannathan.G, “Getting More at Less Cost“,-The Value Engineering Way, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,


Credits: 0: 0: 2

Course Objectives:
 To apply the theory of mechanics of solids on real specimens
 To expose the students to the testing of different materials under the action of various forces and
determination of their characteristics experimentally
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 demonstrate the application of theories
 evaluate the quality of the materials
 identify the behavior of structural materials.
 categories the material based on their property
 examine the material behaviour
 suggest the quality materials for constructions
List of experiments:
1. Tension test on mild steel rod
2. Double shear test on metal
3. Brinell Hardness Tests

2017 Civil Engineering

4. Rockwell Hardness Tests
5. Charpy Impact test
6. Izod Impact test
7. Test on Helical Springs open coiled
8. Test on Helical Springs closed coiled
9. Static bending test on wood
10. Deflection Test on Cantilever Beam
11. Torsion test on mild steel rod
12. Compressive strength of Burnt clay
13. Deflection Test – Carriage Spring
14. Torsion test on Mild steel Rod
15. Study on Fatigue test
16. Study on cold Bend Test on Steel

Reference Books:
1. Jindal, U.C, “Strength of Materials”, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd, 2007.


Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To adopt the principles of building planning bye laws in drawing
 To draft the plan, elevation and section of various structures
 Create architectural drawings using modern softwares.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 define the principles of civil engineering drawing and planning
 perform computer aided drafting of building components and systems
 develop plan, elevation section and site plan of various types of buildings
 build architectural plan and elevation using appropriate software.
 detail interior design in various building drawings
 explain the landscape drawing for various buildings
List of experiments:
1. Introduction to planning and drafting softwares
2. Building Cross section
3. Plan, elevation and section of residential building
4. Plan, elevation and section of school building
5. Plan, elevation and section of auditorium building
6. Plan, elevation and section of hostel building
7. Plan, elevation and section of hospital building
8. Architectural drawing of residential building
9. Architectural drawing of commercial building
10. Architectural drawing of industrial building
11. Architectural drawing of Stadium
12. Architectural drawing of nuclear plant

Reference Books
1. Balagopal Prabhu, T. S., “Building Drawing and Detailing”, Spades Publishing, KDFA Building, Calicut,
2. Sikka V.B, “A Textbook of Basic Drawing for Architects and Civil Engineers”, S.K. Kataria & Sons; 2015
3. AUTO CAD Tutorials and Manual- Autodesk Work Book on AUTO CAD Level I and II CAD/CAM centre,
4. Gurucharan Singh, “Civil Engineering Drawing”, Standard Publications; New Delhi, 2009.

2017 Civil Engineering

5. IS: 962 – 1967, Code of Practice for Architectural and Building Drawing, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
6. IS: 4021 – 1983, Specification for Timber Door, Window and Ventilator Frames, Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi
7. IS: 1003 – 1977, Part I, II Specification for Timber Panelled and Glazed Shutters, Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi


Credit: 0:0:1

Course Objectives:
 Introduce the application of civil engineering theory in to practices.
 Analyze and design bar bending schedule and welding joints.

 Impart knowledge on using modern equipment in civil engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 list electrical and plumbing work for buildings and factories
 outline the foundation marking using modern survey equipment
 select appropriate flooring for building work
 explain the bar bending schedule to supervisors
 measure the strength of welding joints
 construct a brick masonry wall
List of experiments:
1. Foundation Marking Using Total Station
2. Practices in Brick Masonry Construction
3. Practices in Brickwork Plastering
4. Welding Practices in Civil Engineering
5. Preparation of Bar bending Schedule
6. Engineering Practices in Plumbing Services
7. Engineering Practices in Electrical Services

Reference Books
1. Saravanapandian M, Pranitha S, Jeyapoovan T., “Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual”, VRB
Publishers Private Ltd 2009
2. Jeyachandran.K, Natarajan.S and Balasubramanian.S. “A Primer on Engineering Practices Laboratory”,
Anuradha Publications, 2007.
3. Bawa.H.S, “Workshop Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007.
4. Rajendra Prasad.A and Sarma P.M.M.S., “Workshop Practice”, Sree Sai Publication, 2002.


Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To give hands on training on principle and working of different flow measuring instruments
 To impart knowledge on working of different types of turbines.
 To demonstrate energy losses in pipe connections
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the principles of instruments used in flow related measurements
 describe the flow measurement methods
 demonstrate energy losses in pipe connections
 appraise the flow measurement techniques
 experiment and select turbines and pumps
 investigate the operation of turbines and pumps

2017 Civil Engineering

Fluid Mechanics
1. Determination of Darcy’s Friction Factor.
2. Calibration of Flow Meters.
3. Flow over weirs / Notches.
4. Flow through Mouth piece / orifice.
5. Determination of Minor Losses in pipes
6. Determination of Manning’s Co-efficient of Roughness.
7. Calibration of pressure Gauges.
8. Impact of jet on vanes.
9. Reynolds’ Experiment.
Fluid Machinery
1. Performance of Centrifugal Pump

2. Performance of Submersible Pump
3. Performance of Reciprocating pump
4. Performance of Gear Oil pump
5. Performance of Jet pump
6. Performance of Vertical Turbine pump
7. Load Test on Pelton Wheel.
8. Load Test on Francis Turbine
9. Load Test on Kaplan Turbine
Reference Books
1. Modi, P.N. & Seth, S.M., “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics Machines”, Standard
Book House, New Delhi, 10th Edition, 2002
2. Rajput, R.K.,” A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S.Chand and Co., New Delhi,
3. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2010


Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
• To train the students to acquire skill in operation of various survey instruments
• To give hands on training on the use of conventional and modern tools of surveying
 To enhance the knowledge of the students to carryout and interpret the field surveying procedures
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 memorize the procedures of usage of surveying instruments
 identify the method for a typical survey
 demonstrate the appropriate methods of surveying
 organize the field operations during surveying
 judge the mistakes during surveying execution
 construct layouts and diagrams as per the field data
1. Use of Dumpy level - fly levelling
2. Use of Dumpy level – reciprocal levelling
3. Measurement of horizontal angles by the method of repetition
4. Measurement of horizontal angle by the method of reiteration
5. Single plane method
6. Double plane method
7. Stadia tacheometry and determination of constants of a theodolite
8. Tangential tacheometry
9. Setting out a simple circular curve by ordinates from long chord
10. Setting out a circular curve by Rankine’s method of tangential angles
11. Measurement of area using Total station

2017 Civil Engineering

12. Measurement of volume using Total station

Reference Books:
1. Kanetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni, S.V., “Surveying and Levelling”, Part 1 & 2, Pune, Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, 2011.
2. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill& Co., 2015.


Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To provide the hands on training in determination of Engineering and index properties of soils, applied in

field problems.
 To provide the knowledge on the use of experimental results pertaining to foundation problems
 To estimate shear strength of soils by direct shear test, triaxial shear test, vane shear test and unconfined
compressive test
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will able to
 determine the index properties of soil
 determine the insitu density and compaction characteristics of soil
 determine the engineering properties of soil
 calculate the shear strength parameters of the soil
 analyse the settlement of the saturated soil
 determine the optimum moisture content and dry density of the soil
1. Determination of moisture content using i) Oven drying method and ii) Infrared moisture balance iii)
2. Determination of moisture content and specific gravity of soil
3. Determination of relative density of soil
4. Grain size distribution using Sieve Analysis
5. Grain size distribution using Hydrometer Analysis
6. Standard Proctor compaction test
7. Determination of field density using i) Sand replacement method and ii) core cutter method
8. Determination of Liquid limit & Plastic limit
9. Determination of Shrinkage limit
10. Permeability test using i) Constant head method and ii) Variable head method
11. Direct shear test
12. California bearing ratio test
13. Unconfined Compression test
14. Consolidation Test
15. Triaxial Compression test
Reference Books:
1. Saibaba Reddy, E. Ramasastri, K. “Measurement of Engineering Properties of Soils”, New age
International (P) limited publishers, New Delhi, 2008
2. Lambe T.W., “Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1951. Digitized 2008.
3. IS Code of Practice (2720) Relevant Parts, as amended from time to time, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
4. G.Venkatappa Rao and Goutham .K. Potable, “Geosynthetics Testing – A laboratory Mannual”, Sai Master
Geoenvironmental Services Pvt. Ltd., 1st Edition 2008.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 0: 0: 2

Course Objectives:
 To give hands on training on water quality analysis
 To carry out the quantitative estimation of water quality parameters.
 To interpret the quality of water and wastewater
Course Outcomes
After completion of the course the student will have:
 recall the principles of environmental experiments related to water quality
 select appropriate method to quantify a water quality parameter
 demonstrate the experiments related to bacteriological contamination

 experiment on air quality parameters appraise statistical analysis and interpret laboratory results
 construct reports on water quality tests and parameters
1. (a) Determination of Color.
(b) Determination of Taste and Temperature
2. Determination of (a) Total Suspended and Dissolved Solids.
(b) Organic and Inorganic Solids.
3. (a) Determination of pH and Electrical Conductivity.
(b) Determination of Turbidity.
4. (a) Determination of Acidity.
(b) Determination of Alkalinity.
5. Determination of Hardness
6. (a) Determination of Chlorides.
(b) Determination of Sulphates.
7. (a) Determination of Dissolved Oxygen.
(b) Determination of Residual Chlorine.
8. (a) Determination of Optimum Coagulant Dose.
(b) Determination of MPN Index of water.
9. (a) Ambient Air Quality Monitoring.
(b) Determination of Ambient Noise.

Reference Books:
1. B.Kotaiah & N.Kumara Swamy, “Environmental engineering laboratory manual”, Choraotar Publishing
2. Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater 22nd Ed by APHA


Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives
 Hands on training in testing of concrete materials
 Methods of mix Design
 Examine the highway material properties.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the field condition of materials through experimentation
 evaluate the quality of concrete and the materials used in the construction
 design the concrete mix for the field condition
 identify the materials for highway
 determine the bitumen property
 compile the melting point of Bitumen

2017 Civil Engineering

Tests on cement:
1. Specific gravity
2. Fineness
3. Consistency
4. Initial and final setting time
5. Soundness Test
6. Compressive strength of cement mortar
Tests on fine aggregate:
1. Tests on particle size distribution and fineness modulus
2. Specific gravity
3. Bulking of sand

Tests on coarse aggregate:
1. Tests on particle size distribution and fineness modulus
2. Specific gravity
Concrete mix design:
1. IS method for different mixes
Test on fresh concrete:
1. Slump test
2. Compaction factor test
Tests on hardened concrete:
1. Compression test on cubes and cylinder
2. Modulus of rupture test
3. Split tensile strength test
4. Determination of modulus of elasticity
Tests on highway material
1. Flakiness index
2. Elongation index
3. Crushing test
Test on aggregate
1. Impact strength test
2. Attrition test
3. Abrasion resistance test using Deval’s abrasion and Los Angeles Abrasion test.
Test on bitumen
1. Marshall stability test on asphalt
Ductility test for bitumen/tar
1. Penetration of bitumen
Softening point
1. Determination of softening point
2. Flash and fire point of bitumen

Reference Books:
1. Shetty, M. S., “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi, 1998.
2. Khanna, S. K., and Justo, C.E.G., “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Bros., 2005.
3. Gambhir, M.L., “Concrete Technology – Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd, New
Delhi, 2011.
4. IS 2386 – 1963 Part I, III, “Methods of test for aggregate for concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
5. IS 516 – 1959, “Method of test for strength of concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
6. IS 10262-2009, “IS standard for recommended guidelines for concrete mix design”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi..

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To adopt the concepts of spread sheet development for civil engineering applications
 To make the students to analyse and design structural elements using STAAD Pro
 To give hands on training on finite element analysis software.
 To introduce the concepts of project management using Primavera
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 model 2d and 3d building frames using staad
 analyse concrete and steel building frames using software’s
 design different structural elements using software’s

 evaluate the structural behaviour of building components
 develop the design for the building components
 formulate the construction resource planning
Structural analysis and design using STAAD pro:
1. Analysis of plane beams
2. Analysis of 2D and 3D Rigid jointed frames using
3. Analysis and design of steel Truss
4. Analysis and design of multi storied buildings for dead and live loads.
5. Analysis and design of multi storied steel frames subjected to lateral loading.
Structural analysis using ANSYS:
1. Analysis of simply supported, cantilever and continuous beams
2. Analysis of plane frames subjected to different types of loads.
Development and implementation of programmes for the following using excel spread sheet:
1. Designing elementary profile of gravity dam.
2. Design of Staircase and retaining wall.
3. Design of one-way and two-way slab.
4. Design of septic tank.
5. Design of water tanks.
Computer application in construction management using primavera (demonstration only):
1. Planning – Scheduling and Resource Analysis

Reference Books
1. Sham Tickoo, “Learning Bentley Staad.Pro V8i for Structural Analysis”, Dreamtech Press; 2015
2. Shah, V.L., “Computer aided design in reinforced concrete”, Structures publication, Pune, 2009.
3. Sarma T S, “STAAD Pro V8i for Beginners: With Indian Examples”, Notion Press; 2014.
4. “Project planning and Management” – Primavera Reference Guide.
5. STAAD Pro 2007 V8i Analysis Reference Manual
6. Divya Zindani, Apurba Kumar Roy, Kaushik Kumar, “Working with ANSYS A Tutorial Approach”, I K
International Publishing House, 2016.
7. Saeed Moaveni, “Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS”, Pearson India; 2008
8. IS 800-2007, Code of practice for general construction in steel, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
9. IS 456- 2000, Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete , Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Credits: 0:0:2
Course Objectives
 To design and detail RCC structures.
 To design and detail steel structures.
 To prepare detailing in appropriate professional formats.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to

2017 Civil Engineering

 recall the design procedures of various structures
 estimate the various loads on the structures
 choose the appropriate dimensions and sections
 design the reinforcement for the resultant moments
 prepare the detailing diagram in software
 interpret the detailing diagrams
Design of Reinforced Concrete structures
1. Building Floor System design
2. Column and Footing design
3. Dog legged Staircase design
4. Cantilever Retaining wall design

5. Slab Bridge design
6. Circular Water tank design
Design of Steel Structures
1. Tension member design
2. Slab base column and foundation design
3. Gusseted base column and foundation design
4. Welded Plate Girder design
5. Gantry Girder design
6. Roof Truss connection design

Reference Books
1. KrishnaRaju N.., “Structural Design and Drawing”, University Press, 2005.
2. Ramamurtham and Narayanan, “Reinforced concrete structures”, Dhanpat Rai publishers, 2009.
3. Ramchandra, “Limit State Design”, Standard Book House, Delhi-6, 2005.
4. Ramchandra, “Design of Steel Structures”, Standard Book House, Delhi-6, 2004.
5. Sinha.S.N, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd., 2005.
6. Krishna Raju, N and Pranesh, R.N., “Reinforced Concrete Design – IS 456 – 2000 Principles and Practice”,
New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
1. Duggal .S.K, “Design of steel structures”, Tata Mcgraw –Hill Publishing company Ltd, 2009.


Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To design and draw the components of irrigation structures
 To analyse, design and draw various water treatment units
 To maintain and operate irrigation and environmental structures
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 define the basic concepts in the design of structures
 select the methods for design of various structures
 demonstrate the procedure for designing the structural components
 organise the design to develop the system
 judge the operation of the system
 construct the irrigation and treatment structures
Design of the following irrigation works are to be worked out and detailed drawings are to be drawn:
1. Earthen Dams - Sections of different types of earth dams, plan showing drainage systems.
2. Tank sluice - wing type
3. Tank surplus weir.
4. Canal Regulator (Head regulator)
5. Canal drop.

2017 Civil Engineering

6. Syphon aqueducts
Design of the following Environmental Engineering works are to be worked out and detailed drawings are to be
1. General layout of water supply scheme.
2. Mixing basin, flocculation and sedimentation tanks.
3. Slow and rapid filters - service and clear water reservoirs.
4. General layout for drainage scheme.
5. Manholes, pumping station, septic tank with dispersion trenches and imhoff tank.
6. Primary and secondary settling tanks - trickling filter and storm water separator.
Reference Books
1. Krishnamoorthy, P., Structural. Design Drawing, CBS Publishers 2001
2. Satyanarayanamurthy, C., Design of Minor Irrigation and Canal Structures, Wiley Eastern Limited, June

3. Ellis, W.M., “College of Engineering Manual: Irrigation”, The Textile Institute Publishers, 1955.
4. Gharpure, V.N., “A Text Book of water supply Engineering”, Allied Publishers limited. 2006


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge about surface and ground water irrigation methods
 To acquire ideas about different types of irrigation structures
 To understand the operation of irrigation water management structures
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 state the concepts of duty, crop and crop seasons
 classify the irrigation methods
 demonstrate the irrigation methods
 examine irrigation management techniques
 appraise and design of impounding structures and cross drainage works
 construct the irrigation projects

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Irrigation – Need and mode of irrigation – Merits and demerits of irrigation – Crop and
crop seasons – consumptive use of water – Duty – Factors affecting duty – Irrigation efficiencies – Planning and
Development of irrigation projects.
Unit II - IRRIGATION METHODS: Canal irrigation – Lift irrigation – Tank irrigation – Flooding methods –
Merits and demerits –Sprinkler irrigation – Drip irrigation
Unit III - DIVERSION AND IMPOUNDING STRUCTURES: Weirs – elementary profile of a weir – weirs on
pervious foundations - Types of impounding structures - Percolation ponds – Tanks, Sluices and Weirs – Gravity
dams – Earth dams – Arch dams – Spillways – Factors affecting location and type of dams – Forces on a dam –
Hydraulic design of dams.
Unit IV - CANAL IRRIGATION: Alignment of canals – Classification of canals – Canal drops – Hydraulic design
of drops – Cross drainage works – Hydraulic design of cross drainage works – Canal Head works – Canal regulators
– Aqueducts - River Training works.
Unit V - IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENT: Need for optimization of water use – Minimizing irrigation
water losses – water pricing - On farm development works - Participatory irrigation management – Water users
associations – Changing paradigms in water management – Performance evaluation.

Text Books
1. Punima B.C. & Pande B.B .Lal, “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering”, Laxmi Publishing, New Delhi
2. Santhosh Kumar Garg, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2016.

2017 Civil Engineering

Reference Books
1. Dilip Kumar Majumdar, “Irrigation Water Management (Principles & Practices)”, Prentice Hall of India
(P), Ltd, 2000
2. Basak, N.N, “Irrigation Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New Delhi, 1999.
3. Asawa, G.L., “Irrigation Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, 2000


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To study the design of Staircase, retaining walls and water tanks
 To study the design of bridges
 To study the design of miscellaneous structures

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 identify the behaviour of various structures
 predict the typical failure modes of structures
 estimate the loads on the structures
 apply the principles, procedures and indian code requirements forthe analysis and design
 design & detail rc structures
 develop the reinforcement detailing diagrams as per standard formats

Unit I - STAIRCASE: Definition of technical terms, Requirements of good stair, Types of Stairs, Geometrical
design of RCC Stair stair, Dog legged staircase, Open newel staircase.(Plan and sectional elevation).
Unit II - RETAINING WALLS: Types, behaviour and application of retaining wall, stability criteria, design &
detailing of cantilever & counterfort type retaining wall for various ground conditions - Concepts of shear key.
Unit III - WATER TANKS: Design of circular tanks- flexible and rigid base, rectangular water tanks- tanks resting
on ground, underground and overhead tanks - Classification of water tank and method of analysis, permissible
stresses, codal provisions, Design of circular and rectangular under-ground water tanks using IS code method.
Unit IV - BRIDGES: Introduction to Bridges- Classification of bridges- bridge deck system- IRC Loading class-
Design Consideration-Slab Spanning in one direction-Slab Spanning in two direction- Pigeaud's Chart- T-Beam
deck slab - Courbons Method.
Unit V - MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES: Introduction – Design of Corbel-Modes of failure of Corbel-IS
code recommendations, Design of deep beams - Design aspects in deep beam-IS code recommendations, - domes
types - grid floor and flat slab.

Text Books
1. Punmia B.C Ashok, Kumar Jain, “Limit state design of Reinforced Concrete”, LaxmiPublications, New
Delhi, 2007
2. S. S Bhavikatti, “Advance RCC Design (RCC Vol.II)”, New Age International Publishers, 2016
Reference Books
1. Sinha. S.N. “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
2. Krishna Raju. N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi 2005
3. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
4. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. IS 3370 (Part I) - 1975 - Code of Practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
6. IRC 6-2000 – Standard specification and code of practice for road bridges
7. IRC 21 -2000 – Standard specification and code of practice for road bridges
8. IS 3370 (Part I) - 1975 - Code of Practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
9. IRC 6-2000 – Standard specification and code of practice for road bridges
10. IRC 21 -2000 – Standard specification and code of practice for road bridges

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Acquire knowledge on various prestressing methods, types and advantages of prestressing techniques
 Design of prestressed concrete structures subjected to flexure
 Evaluation and estimation of losses of prestressing
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the suitable prestressing techniques
 classify the different types of losses in prestressing
 explain the behaviour of prestressed concrete elements

 analyse the continuous beams in prestressed concrete
 design prestressed concrete structural elements
 evaluate the strength and deflection of prestressed concrete elements

Unit I - INTRODUCTION – THEORY AND BEHAVIOUR : Basic concepts – Advantages – Materials required
– Systems and methods of prestressing –Analysis of sections – Stress concept – Strength concept – Load balancing
concept – Effect of loading on the tensile stresses in tendons – Effect of tendon profile on deflections – Factors
influencing deflections – Calculation of deflections – Short term and long term deflections – Losses of prestress –
Estimation of crack width.
Unit II - DESIGN FOR FLEXURE: Basic assumptions for calculating flexural stresses – Permissible stresses in
steel and concrete as per I.S.1343 Code – Design of sections of Type I and Type II post-tensioned and pre-tensioned
beams – Check for strength limit based on I.S. 1343 Code – Layout of cables in post-tensioned beams – Location of
wires in pre-tensioned beams – Design for shear based on I.S. 1343 Code.
Unit III - DESIGN OF ANCHORAGE ZONE : Determination of anchorage zone stresses in post-tensioned
beams by Magnel’s method, Guyons’ method and IS1343 code – design of anchorage zone reinforcement – Spalling
tension - Check for transfer bond length in pre-tensioned beams.
Unit IV - COMPOSITE BEAMS AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS: Analysis and design of composite beams –
Methods of achieving continuity in continuous beams –Analysis for secondary moments – Concordant cable and
linear transformation – Calculation of stresses – Principles of design
Unit V - MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES: Design of tension and compression members – Tanks, pipes and
poles – Partial prestressing –Definition, methods of achieving partial prestressing - merits and demerits of partial

Text Books
1. Krishna Raju N., “Prestressed concrete”, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Company, NewDelhi, 2012
2. Rajagopalan.N, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publishing House, 2014.
Reference Books
1. Dayaratnam.P., “Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Oxford and IBH, 2013
2. Pandit.G.S. and Gupta.S.P., “Prestressed Concrete”, CBS Publishers and Distributers Pvt. Ltd, 2012
3. Lin T.Y. and Ned.H. Burns, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Third Edition, Wiley India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
4. IS1343:1980, “Code of Practice for Prestressed Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi 2012


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Acquire knowledge on industrialized construction methods.
 Design of prefabricated elements
 Explain and Recommend suitable types of joint for prefabricated structural connections.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the suitable prefabrication building system

2017 Civil Engineering

 classify the different types of precast construction
 explain the behaviour of prefabricated structures
 examine the behaviour of precast structural connections
 recommend suitable types of joints for prefabricated structures
 design for precast structure against progressive collapse

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Need for prefabrication – Principles – Materials – Modular coordination –

Standarization –Systems – Production – Transportation – Erection.
Unit II - PREFABRICATED COMPONENTS: Behaviour of structural components – Large panel constructions –
Construction of roof and floor slabs – Wall panels – Columns – Shear walls
Unit III - DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Disuniting of structures- Design of cross section based on efficiency of
material used – Problems in design because of joint flexibility – Allowance for joint deformation.

Unit IV - JOINT IN STRUCTURAL MEMBERS: Joints for different structural connections – Dimensions and
detailing – Design of expansion joints
Unit V - DESIGN FOR ABNORMAL LOADS: Progressive collapse – Code provisions – Equivalent design loads
for considering abnormal effects such as earthquakes, cyclones, etc., - Importance of avoidance of progressive

Text Books
1. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2013
2. Kim S. Elliott, “Precast Concrete Structures”, Second Edition, CRC Press, 2016
Reference Books
1. IS 15916 (2011): Building Design and Erection Using Prefabricated Concrete - Code of Practice
2. Code of Practice for “Precast concrete construction”, PCI Design hand book, 2003
3. Gerostiza C.Z., Hendrikson C. and Rehat D.R., “Knowledge based process planning for construction and
manufacturing”, Academic Press Inc., 1994
4. CBRI, Building materials and components, India, 1990
5. Koncz T., “Manual of precast concrete construction”, Vol. I, II and III, Bauverlag, GMBH,1997
6. Structural design manual, “Precast concrete connection details”, Society for the studies in the use of precast
concrete, Netherland BetorVerlag, 2009


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
• To introduce the concepts of management, resources and construction planning
• To establish the labour laws, principle of accounting
• To adapt fundamentals and concepts of computer applications in construction management
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 choose the resources and labours in construction
 assess the construction projects
 evaluate the contracts and tenders
 examine the construction schedule
 execute the work as per schedule
 integrate computer application in construction projects

Unit I - PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT: Principles of Management Definition - Importance - Functions of

management – construction sector in India - Govt., Quasi Govt. Departments - Private contractors, and contracting
firms – Organisation - Basic Economic concepts - Economic decisions, fixed, variable costs -Break Even Analysis -
probabilistic estimates – project feasibility reports.
Unit II - PLANNING FOR CONSTRUCTION: Planning for construction projects – Objectives, principles,
advantages, limitations, stages – Construction Planning: Collection of field data - preliminary estimates - approval
and sanction of estimates - Budget provision - Construction stages - Resource Planning: Planning for materials,
machines and men -organisation - resource allocation - construction contracts and specification – Tendors and

2017 Civil Engineering

agreement – Construction financing ad control - Labour And Labour Welfare: Relationship between management
and labour – Labour problems - labour legislation - minimum wages act - settlement of disputes - industrial
Unit III - SCHEDULING: Definition, uses, advantages, classification, methods -–line of balance technique –
project management through network – events, activities, dummies- network types - Fulkerson’s rule – Program
Evaluation and Review Technique( PERT)- time estimate, slack, critical path, probability of completion of project –
Critical path method(CPM) – time estimate, float, criticality, critical activity- difference between PERT/CPM –
precedence networks – decision network -Resource Oriented Scheduling - Scheduling with Resource Constraints
and Precedences - Use of Advanced Scheduling Techniques - Scheduling with Uncertain Durations
Unit IV - EXECUTION OF WORK: Departmental Works: Procedure - departmental labour - quality control,
inspection and duties of personnel - safety requirements - Departmental procedure and accounting -Accounts and
Stores: Measurements of work - recording - checking - types of bills - mode of payment - budget estimate - revised
estimates - completion reports and certificates - claims and transfer classifications of transactions - ledger accounts -

Imprest Account - Cash book. Suspense classification - stores - maintenance and inspection- inventories –
Accounting of surplus and of shortage of stores - procedures adopted in P.W.D. and C.P.W.D
Unit V - ECONOMICS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT: valuation engineering - Introduction to Computer
Application in Construction Management Planning – Scheduling and Resource Analysis - Recording and Operations
– Project Accounting, Costing and Finance – artificial intelligence in construction industry

Text Books:
1. Seetharaman,S., “Construction Engineering and Management”, Umesh Publications, 2007.
2. Sengupta,B., and Guha,H., “Construction Management and Planning”, Tata McGraw-Hill Book cc, 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Rana,V.K., “Construction Management Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing CO, 2000
2. Chitkara,K.K., “Construction Project Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing COM, 2000.
3. Calin M. Popescu, Chotchai Charoenngam, “Project Planning, Scheduling and Control in Construction:
An Encyclopedia of terms and Applications”, Wiley, New York, 1995.
4. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, “Project Management for Construction – Fundamental Concepts for
Owners, Engineers, Architects and Builders”, Prentice Hall, Pittsburgh, 2000.
5. Moder, J., C. Phillips and E. Davis, “Project Management with CPM, PERT and Precedence
Diagramming”, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Third Edition, 1983.
6. Willis, E. M., “Scheduling Construction Projects”, John Wiley & Sons, 1986.
7. Halpin, D. W., “Financial and Cost Concepts for Construction Management”, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1985.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the principles of dynamics of structures
 To study the behaviour of structures subjected to seismic forces
 To analyse and detail structures as per codal provisions
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the dynamic properties of structures
 estimate the forces on the structures
 assess the response on the structures
 detail the reinforcement for shear resistance
 evaluate the failure of structures
 incorporate suitable remedial measures

Unit I - SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEM: Definition of degree of freedom – Idealization of

structure as SDOF system – Formulation of equation of motion for various SDOF system – D‟ Alemberts Principles
– Effect of damping – Free and forced vibration of damped and undamped structures – Response to harmonic forces
and periodic forces.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit II - MULTI DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEM: Formulation of equation of motion for multidegree of
freedom (MDOF) system – Evaluation of natural frequencies and modes – Eigen values and Eigen vectors –
Response to free and forced vibration of undamped and damped MDOF systems.
Unit III - INTRODUCTION TO EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING: Elements of Engineering seismology –
Definitions, Introduction to seismic hazard, Earthquake phenomenon – Seismotectonics – Seismic instrumentation –
Characteristics of strong earthquake motion – Estimation of earthquake parameters.
Unit IV - EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES: Effect of earthquake on different types of structures
– Behaviour of RCC, Steel and prestressed Concrete Structures under earthquake loading – Evaluation of
Earthquake forces – IS Code 1893: 2002 – Response Spectra – Lessons learnt from past earthquakes.
considerations/Architectural concept (IS 4326–1993) – Guidelines for Earthquake resistant design – Earthquake
resistant design of masonry buildings 67 – Design consideration – Guidelines – Earthquake resistant design of
R.C.C. buildings – Lateral load analysis – Design and detailing (IS 13920:1993)

Text Books:
1. Damodarasamy S.R, Kavitha.S, “Structural Dynamics and Asiesmic design” , Phi Learning Private Ltd.,
2. Duggal S.K., “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, OUP India Private Ltd.2013.
Reference Books:
1. Mario Paz, “Structural Dynamics – Theory and Computations”, Third Edition, CBS publishers, 2004
2. Jai Krishna, Chandrasekaran. A.R., and Brijesh Chandra, “Elements of Earthquake Engineering”, South
Asia Publishers, 2009
3. Minoru Wakabayashi, ‘Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings”, McGraw – Hill Book Company, 2006
4. Humar.J.L, “Dynamics of Structures”, Prentice Hall Inc., 2012.
5. Anil K Chopra, “Dynamics of structures – Theory and applications to Earthquake Engineering”, Prentice
Hall Inc., 2001.
6. Moorthy.C.V.R., “Earthquake Tips”, BMTPC, NICEE, IIT Kanpur, 2005


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To understand the need for essential services in buildings- Mechanical, electrical and plumbing services
 To gain knowledge about safety provisions in buildings
 To pioneer the concepts of sustainable and intelligent buildings
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 synchronize the construction activities with installation of building services
 select the suitable electrical as well as mechanical services for particular requirements of buildings
 apply various types of fire services as per requirements of building based on NBC regulations
 plan for rain water harvesting systems for buildings
 provide acoustic and sound insulation to buildings
 understand and apply green and intelligent building technology

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO BUILDING SERVICES: Objective and uses of services, applications of services
for different types buildings, classification of building services, lighting and ventilation-definition, types, factors for
designing lighting and ventilation systems for different buildings. Air conditioning- definition, principle and types
of air conditioners - Electrical services in the building- distribution of power, earthing, types of wiring and
insulations - Plumbing system for building - internal water supply, sanitary plumbing in buildings, arrangement of
sewerage systems in housing, septic tank and soak pits.
Unit II - FIRE PROTECTION, ACOUSTIC AND SOUND INSULATIONS: Causes of fire and effects of fire-
General Requirements of Fire Resisting building as per IS and NBC 2005 ,Characteristics of fire resisting materials
- Fire Fighting Installations, fire safety measures- NBC provisions . Introduction to building acoustics-requirement
of good acoustics, Factors to be followed for noise control in different types of buildings
Unit III - M UNICIPAL BYE LAWS AND REGULATIONS: Definition, role of building bye laws in planned

2017 Civil Engineering

development, objectives of bye laws, Classification of buildings as per NBC, Basic and important terms- Plinth area,
carpet area, super built up area, FAR, etc. Open space requirements, minimum dimensions required for various
rooms, Building bye laws for various building components.
Unit III - PROVISIONS FOR BARRIER FREE LIVING: Introduction to barrier free planning and designing,
Special features for elderly and physically challenged people in buildings. Vertical transport in buildings - Lifts and
Escalators - Uses of different types of elevators and escalators
Unit IV - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: Need and novelty of Rain Water Harvesting Systems (RWHS) -
Types of rain water harvesting systems - Components of RWH systems. Lightning protection systems for building-
role of LPS, components. Physical security systems - Access control systems – types - CCTV’s- types, choice of
selection - Structural health monitoring: definition, importance, components, case study.
Unit V - SUSTAINABLE AND INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS: Concept of green buildings, components of green
building and energy efficiency - LEED rating, Green building rating systems in India- GRIHA, IGBC, BEE.
Intelligent buildings - Building automation - Smart buildings - Building services in high rise buildings - Smart

materials and systems for artificial intelligence, Case studies on Green and Intelligent buildings.

Text Books
1. David V. Chadderton, “Building Services Engineering”, Routledge; 6th edition, 2013
2. Bajwa G. S., “Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering”, Deep Publishers, Shimla, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. National Building Code of India – 2005, Bureau of Indian Standards, BIS, New Delhi
2. Jain V.K, “Fire Safety in Buildings”, new age publishers- 2010
3. R. Udaykumar “A text book on Building Services”, Eswar press- 2007
4. Subhash M Patil, “Building Services: Environmenal & Electro Mechanical Services”, Sm Patil- 2014.
5. Gupta R S, “A Handbook of Fire Technology”, Universities Press, 2010
Government of India, “Model Building Bye-Laws”, Young Global Publications; 2016


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the concept of sustainable development and principles of environmental management
 To develop an understanding in long-term mitigation to promote eco-sustainable developments
 To emphasize the integrative approaches for cleaner production, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and
sustainable management.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 sketch the philosophy and art of environmental management systems
 paraphrase the life cycle assessments
 illustrate policy options for addressing the political and economic sources
 discriminate the environmental pollution problems and their sustainable solutions
 recommend systems for comforts in buildings
 adapt the principles for sustainable practices

Unit I - SUSTAINABILITY: Introduction, Need and concept of sustainability- Sustainable development -

Nexus between Technology and Sustainable development - Sustainable wastewater treatment - Zero waste
concept - 3 R concept - Resource degradation - Climate change - Carbon credits and carbon trading - carbon
foot print.
Unit II - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF BUILDINGS: Carbon emissions- Building materials:
sources, methods of production and environmental Implications - Transportation Energy for Building Materials
- Maintenance Energy for Buildings.
Unit III - ENERGY OF BUILDINGS: Framed Construction - Masonry Construction - Resources for
Building Materials - Alternative concepts - Recycling of Industrial and Buildings Wastes - Biomass Resources
for buildings.
Unit IV - COMFORTS IN BUILDING: Thermal Comfort in Buildings- Issues; Heat Transfer Characteristic
of Building Materials and Building Techniques - concepts of Solar Passive Cooling and Heating of Buildings.

2017 Civil Engineering

Energy efficient and environment friendly building - Psychometrics – passive heating and cooling systems -
Energy Analysis – Active HVAC systems - Preliminary Investigation – Goals and policies – Energy audit –
Types of Energy audit – Analysis of results – Energy flow diagram – Energy consumption / Unit Production -
Energy efficient design strategies – Contextual factors – Longevity and process Assessment – Advanced
building Technologies – Smart buildings
Unit V - GREEN COMPOSITES FOR BUILDINGS: Concepts of Green Composites - Water Utilisation in
Buildings - Low Energy Approaches to Water Management - Management of Solid Wastes - Management of
Sullage Water and Sewage – Vertical farming - Urban Environment and Green Buildings - Green Cover and
Built Environment.

Text Books
1. K.S.Jagadish, B. U. Venkataramareddy and K. S. Nanjundarao. “Alternative Building Materials and
Technologies”, New Age International, 2007.

2. Osman Attmann, “Green Architecture advanced technologies and Materials”, McGraw Hill, 2010.
Reference Books
1. Moore F., “Environmental Control system”, Mc Graw Hill, Inc. 1994.
2. T. A. Markus and E. N. “Morris Buildings Climate and Energy”, Pitman, London, 1980.
3. Sustainable Building Design Manual. Vol 1 and 2, Teri, New Delhi, 2004.
4. T N Seshadri; Mela Ram Sharma; Sharafat Ali, “Climatological and Solar Data for India”, CBRI and
Sarita Prakashan, 1969


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives
 To provide knowledge on the underlying concepts of intelligent buildings
 To provide the working principles of building automation systems, office automation systems, and
communication systems
 To get an exposure to air conditioning and fire safety arrangement in Intelligent buildings
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify benefits, impacts and driving forces of intelligent buildings, and its subsystems
 describe the principles of construct automated buildings
 illustrate design philosophy of building automation systems
 analyze the intelligent building design concepts
 design hvac, lighting and fire safety systems for intelligent buildings
 adapt sensors, actuators and controllers for the design of thermal comfort control and building automation

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Intelligent buildings - Basic concepts - Building automation system -
Cost analysis of intelligent buildings – Introduction to smart materials- Intelligent Building Management System.
Unit II - HEATING VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING: Introduction - Human comfort - Comfort
air-conditioning – Classification - Air conditioning systems - Electrical installations and illumination - Introduction,
terminologies in electrical power engineering - Electrical power transmission to buildings - Electrical power quality
in buildings - Lighting systems in buildings – correlating the systems
Unit III - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS: Introduction - Type of fire service installations - Automatic fire
alarm detection – Sprinklers - Hose reels hydrants - Foam systems -Microprocessor based alarm.
Unit IV - SECURITY AND SAFETY SYSTEMS: Introduction - Designing a security system - Intrusion sensors
and space sensors – access control and intrusion detection systems- Closed circuit television system –selection of
camera- Central alarm systems – Health monitoring systems.
Unit V - BUILDING ELECTRONICS: Introduction - Microprocessor based control - Programmable logic
controller – Communication principles - Telephone systems - Communal aerial broadcasting - Satellite
communication - Fiber optic system

Text Books
1. Shengwei Wang, “Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation”, Spon Press, London, 2009.
2. Derek Clements, Croome Routledge, “Intelligent Buildings: An Introduction”, 2013

2017 Civil Engineering

Reference Books
1. Derek Clements Croome, “Intelligent Building Design, Management and Operations”, Thomas Telford
Publishing, London, 2004.
2. Albert Ting – pat SowaiLok Chan, “Intelligent Building Systems”, Kluwer Academic Publisher, U.S.A,
3. Ehrlich, C., “Intelligent Building Dictionary: Terminology for Smart, Integrated, Green Building Design,
Construction, and Management” San Francisco, Calif: Hands-on-Guide, 2007.
4. Michael Wigginton, Jude Harris, “Intelligent Skins”, Architectural Press, Burfington, 2003.


Credit: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To familiarize with the structure and physical properties of smart materials

 To focus on the stability properties and degradation processes
 To acquire knowledge on various smart sensors
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the behaviour of smart materials
 select the smart materials for smart structures
 know the properties of piezo electric sensors
 measure the strain using strain gauges
 design the smart structures using smart materials
 apply the smart materials in structural applications

Unit I - OVERVIEW OF SMART MATERIALS: Introduction to smart materials - Piezoelectricty -

Piezoceramic Materials - Single crystals vs Polycrystalline systems - Piezoelectric Polymers - Principles of
Magnetostriction - Magnetostriction and Magneto-resistance Effect - Electro-active Materials - Electronic Materials
- Electro-active Polymers - Ionic Polymer Matrix Composite - Shape Memory Effect - Shape Memory Alloys -
Polymers, Shape Memory Actuators - Active Vibration Control - Active Shape Control - Passive Vibration Control -
Hybrid Vibration Control Electro-rheological Fluids - Magneto Rhelological Fluids.
Unit II - HIGH-BAND WIDTH, LOW STRAIN SMART SENSORS: Piezeoelctric Strain Sensors - In-plane and
Out-of Plane Sensing - Shear Sensing – Accelerometers - Effect of Electrode Pattern - Active Fibre Sensing -
Magnetostrictive Sensing - Magnetic Delay Line Sensing - Application of Smart Sensors for Structural Health
Monitoring - System Identification using Smart Sensors - Fiber Optics - Fiber characteristics - Fiber optic strain
Unit III - VIBRATION ABSORBERS AND STRAIN GAUGES: Parallel damped vibration absorber -
Gyroscopic vibration absorber - Active vibration, absorber - Applications - Vibration Characteristics of mistuned
systems - strain Measuring Techniques using Electrical strain gauges - Types – Resistance – Capacitance –
Inductance – Wheatstone bridges – Pressure transducers – Load cells – Temperature Compensation – Strain
Unit IV - ADVANCES IN SMART STRUCTURES & MATERIALS: Self-Sensing Piezoelectric Transducers,
Energy Harvesting Materials, Autophagous Materials, Self Healing Polymers, Intelligent System Design, Emergent
System Design
Unit V - APPLICATIONS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Application of Shape Memory - Alloys in Bridges –
Concept of smart bridges – Application of ER fluids - Application of MR dampers in different structures –
Application of MR dampers in bridges and high rise structures – Structural health monitoring - Application of
optical fibres - Concept of smart concrete.

Text Books
1. Srinivasan, A.V., and Michael McFarland. D., “Smart Structures – Analysis and Design”, Cambridge
University Press, 2001.
2. Brian Culshaw, “Smart Structures and Materials”, Artech House, Boston, 1996.
Reference Books
1. Gandhi, M.V and Thompson, B.S., “Smart Materials and Structures”, Chapman and Hall, 1992.
2. Inman D.J. and Farrar C.R., “Damage Prognosis”, John Wiley and Sons, 2005.

2017 Civil Engineering

3. Gaudenzi, P., “Smart Structures”, Wiley, 2009 (c) Cady, W. G., Piezoelectricity, Dover Publication, 2009


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To learn the fundamentals of building acoustics
 To incorporate acoustic design in planning and design of buildings
 To know about the Environmental and Architectural aspects of Acoustics
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 enumerate the principle of acoustic design
 compare materials for design of sound fields in rooms

 illustrate outdoor and indoor noises for various type of buildings
 analyze speech privacy between in buildings
 evaluate parameters to isolate buildings from highway noise pollution
 design building for environmental and architectural acoustics of buildings

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Acoustics Engineering - Requirements for good acoustics - General principles of
acoustic design - Fundamentals: Noise, Frequency, Sound, Band, Wavelength, Decibel, Reverberation Time
Unit II - SOUND ABSORBERS AND ROOM ACOUSTICS: Sound Absorbers: Introduction - Main categories
of absorber, Porous materials - Sound Transmission, Characterization and properties of single walls and floors -
Room Acoustics: Introduction - Modeling of sound fields in rooms, Room acoustics parameters
Unit III - PLANNING AND DESIGN: Planning and design against outdoor and indoor noise, Residential, Office,
Hospital, Hotels and hostels, laboratories and test house, miscellaneous building.
Unit IV - ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTICS: Weighted sound levels speech interference – highway noise –
noise induced hearing loss noise and architectural design specification and measurement of some isolation design of
Unit V - ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS: Building skin envelope, Inter-space noise control, Interior space
acoustics, Mechanical equipment noise - Sound in enclosure – A simple model for the growth of sound in a room –
reverberation time - Sabine, sound absorption materials – measurement of the acoustic output of sound sources in
live rooms – acoustics factor in architectural design.

Text Books
1. National Building Code-Part VIII Building Services- Section 4, Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise
Control- Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2005
2. M.David Egan, “Architectural Acoustics”, J.Ross Publishing, India, 2008
Reference Books
1. Heinrich Kuttruff, “Acoustics an Introduction”, Taylor and Francis published, NewYork, 2007
2. Marshall Long, “Architectural Acoustics”, Academic Press, December 2005.
3. Marc Asselineau, “Building Acoustics”, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, New York London, 2015
4. William Cavanaugh and Joseph.A Wilkes, “Architectural Acoustics Principles and Practice”, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1999.
5. IS: 2526 – 1963 (reaffirmed 1996) Code of Practice for Acoustical Design of Auditoriums and Conference
Hall- Ninth reprint December 1998 (incorporating Amendment No: 1) New Delhi


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To know the sources, characteristics of various industrial waste, effects, and fundamental methods in
Industrial waste treatment
 To impart knowledge about disposal of effluents and the standards for disposal
 To impart knowledge on strategies for pollution prevention and control.

2017 Civil Engineering

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 have an insight into the pollution from major industries including the sources and characteristics of
 discuss about the wastewater characteristics
 design facilities for the processing and reclamation of industrial wastewater.
 plan and minimization of industrial waste.
 gain knowledge in waste management
 acquire skills to undertake major project related to industrial treatment

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Industrial scenario in India – Industrial activity and environment- Sources and
characteristics of various industrial process and waste – Population equivalent – Effects of industrial waste on

streams, sewer, land, sewage treatment plants and on human health – Environmental legislations and standards
related to prevention and control of industrial pollution and hazardous waste – Toxicity of industrial effluents and
Bioassay tests.
Unit II - CLEANER PRODUCTION: Waste management approach – Waste audit – Volume reduction – Strength
reduction – Material and process modification – Recycle, reuse and byproduct recovery – Waste Minimization- Cost
benefit analysis – Pay back period – Implementing and promoting Pollution Prevention Programs in Industries.
Unit III - INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT: Flow and load equalization – Neutralization-
Removal of suspended, floating and dissolved organic solids – Removal of fats, oil and grease- Removal of
inorganic constituents – Precipitation, Nitrogen and phosphorous removal, Adsorption, Ion exchange, Eletrodialysis-
Removal of Organic constituents- Biological treatment process, Chemical oxidation processes-Advanced oxidation
Unit IV - POLLUTION FROM MAJOR INDUSTRIES: Industrial manufacturing process description,
wastewater characteristics, source reduction options and waste treatment flow sheet for selected industries such as –
Textiles, Tanneries, Pharmaceuticals – Pulp and paper – Diary- Sugar – Distilleries- Steel plants – Oil Refining –
Fertilizer- Thermal power plants – Wastewater reclamation and reuse concepts.
Unit V - EFFLUENT STANDARDS AND LEGISLATIONS: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) -
Environmental Auditing, ISO-14000 - Polluter Pays Principle - Environmental Protection Act - Air Act - Water Act
- Wetland Regulatory Notification and Coastal Zone Regulation.

Text Books
1. Rao, M.N. and Dutta, “Waste Water Treatment”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Ltd., Calcutta, 2012.
2. Eckenfelder, W.W., “Industrial Water Pollution Control”, McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi, 1999.
Reference Books
1. Shen T.T., “Industrial Pollution Prevention”, Springer, 1999.
2. Stephenson R.L and .Blackburn J.B, Jr.,“Industrial Wastewater Systems Hand book”, Lewis Publisher,
New York, 1998
3. Freeman H.M., “Industrial Pollution Prevention Hand Book”, McGraw Hill Inc., New Delhi, 1995.
4. Bishop P.L., “Pollution Prevention: Fundamental & Practice”, McGraw Hill, 2000.
5. Pandey, “Environmental Management” Vikas Publications, 2010.
6. “Industrial Wastewater Management, Treatment and Disposal”, WEF Manual of practice - FD3, McGraw
Hill, 2008.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge and skills with different aspects of the types, sources, generation, storage, collection,
transport, processing and disposal of solid waste.
 To impart knowledge on various recycling options available for the solid waste.
 To educate the engineering principles, design criteria, methods and equipments available to manage the
solid waste.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

2017 Civil Engineering

 analyze the nature and characteristics of municipal solid wastes
 sort out the functional elements for solid waste management
 apply the techniques and methods used in transformation, conservation and recovery of materials from
solid waste
 identify and design waste containment systems
 gain knowledge in regulatory requirements regarding municipal solid waste management
 apply the basic scientific principles for solving practical waste management challenges

Unit I - SOURCES AND TYPES: Types and Sources of municipal solid waste – Need for solid and hazardous
waste management- characteristics – methods of sampling and characterization; Effects of improper disposal of
solid wastes-Public health and environmental effects-Elements of integrated waste management and roles of
stakeholders – Social and financial aspects- Municipal solid waste (M&H Rules)- Public awareness; Role of NGO’s

Unit II - WASTE CHARACTERISATION AND SOURCE REDUCTION: Waste generation rates and variation
– Factors affecting generation- Composition, physical, chemical and biological properties of solid wastes –
Hazardous characteristics – TCLP tests – Waste sampling and characterization plan - Source reduction of wastes –
Waste exchange – Reduction, recycling and reuse.
Unit III - ONSITE STORAGE AND PROCESSING: Handling and segregation of wastes at source -Onsite
storage methods- Analysis of collection systems- Need for transfer and transport- Public health and economic
aspects of open storage- Compatibility, storage, labeling and handling of hazardous wastes – waste segregation and
storage-case studies under Indian conditions- Hazardous waste manifests and transport.
Unit IV - OFF-SITE PROCESSING: Objectives of waste processing – Physical processing techniques and
equipments – Chemical conversion technologies– Resource recovery from solid waste composting and
biomethanation – – Methods and controls of Composting -Solidification and stabilization of hazardous wastes –
Case studies under Indian conditions-Treatment of biomedical wastes.
Unit V - DISPOSAL: Land disposal of solid waste; Sanitary landfills- site selection, design and operation of
sanitary landfills – Landfill liners – Management of leachate and landfill gas- Landfill bioreactor– Dumpsite

Text Books
1. Bhide A.D. and Sundaresan, B.B, “Solid Waste Management Collection”, Processing and Disposal, 2001
2. Paul T Willams, “Waste Treatment and Disposal”, John Wiley and Sons, 2000
Reference Books
1. Tchobanoglous.G. Theisen, H. M., and Eliassen, R. “Solid. Wastes: Engineering Principles and
Management Issues”. New York: McGraw Hill, 1977.
2. Manual on “Municipal Solid Waste Management”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Vesilind, P.A. and Rimer, A.E., “Unit Operations in Resource Recovery Engineering”,Prentice Hall, Inc.,
4. Manser A.G.R. and Keeling A.A, “Practical Handbook of Processing and Recycling of Municipal solid
Wastes”, Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, 1996
5. George Tchobanoglous and FrankKreith, Handbook of “Solid waste Management”, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2002


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To expose the students to the need, methodology, documentation and usefulness of environmental and
social impact assessment
 To develop the skill to prepare environmental management plan.
 To provide knowledge related to the broad field of environmental risk assessment, important processes that
control contaminant transport and tools that can be used in predicting and managing human health risks.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the importance of impact assessment

2017 Civil Engineering

 outline the impacts and risks caused by development activities
 list process and different stages of analysis
 classify methodologies of assessment
 compose detailed report of impact assessment
 explore the legal requirements of environmental and risk assessment for the projects

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: EIA in Project Cycle. Legal and Regulatory aspects in India – Types and
limitations of EIA –.EIA process- screening – scoping - setting – analysis – mitigation. Cross sectoral issues
and terms of reference in EIA – Public Participation in EIA-EIA Consultant Accreditation.
Unit II - IMPACT INDENTIFICATION AND PREDICTION: Matrices – Networks – Checklists –Cost
benefit analysis – Analysis of alternatives – Software packages for EIA – Expert systems in EIA. Prediction
tools for EIA – Mathematical modeling for impact prediction – Assessment of impacts – air – water – soil –

noise – biological –– Cumulative.
Relationship between social impacts and change in community and institutional arrangements. Individual and
family level impacts. Communities in transition Documentation of EIA findings – planning – organization of
information and visual display materials
Unit IV - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN: EIA Report preparation. Environmental
Management Plan - preparation, implementation and review – Mitigation and Rehabilitation Plans – Policy and
guidelines for planning and monitoring programmes – Post project audit – Ethical and Quality aspects of
Environmental Impact Assessment- Case Studies
Environmental risk assessment framework-Hazard identification -Dose Response Evaluation – Exposure
Assessment – Exposure Factors, Tools for Environmental Risk Assessment– HAZOP and FEMA methods – Event
tree and fault tree analysis – Multimedia and multipath way exposure modeling of contaminant- Risk
Characterization Risk communication - Emergency Preparedness Plans –Design of risk management programs.

Text Books
1. Lawrence, D.P., “Environmental Impact Assessment – Practical solutions to recurrent problems”, Wiley-
Interscience, New Jersey. 2003
2. Canter, L.W., “Environmental Impact Assessment”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1996
Reference Books
1. World Bank –Source book on EIA 4. Cutter, S.L., “Environmental Risk and Hazards”, Prentice-Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
2. Kolluru Rao, Bartell Steven, Pitblado R and Stricoff, “Risk Assessment and Management Hand book”,
McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 1996.
3. K. V. Raghavan and A. A. Khan, “Methodologies in Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment”, Manual
by CLRI, 1990.
4. Sam Mannan, “Lees' Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Hazard Identification, Assessment and
Control”, 4th Edition, Butterworth Heineman, 2012.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To provide an idea of the challenges in the field of energy engineering,
 To provide a perspective on energy technology, systems dimensions of the energy problem, Historical
perspective on energy technology and system development.
 To provide an idea about pollution arising due to energy generation and their control methods
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand about different energy resources
 apply technology for energy generation
 know about the pollution resulted from the energy generation
 solve the pollution issues by using engineering technology

2017 Civil Engineering

 know about global standard and issues regarding energy
 can know about law and regulations of the country

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: energy past, present and future, definition, origin, forms of energy, energy supply and
demand, energy and the environment classification of energy resources and their availability,
Unit II - RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: Wind energy- wind rose, wind power, wind turbine, design
considerations, Hydro energy: hydroelectric energy, tidal energy, power generation, Geothermal energy: resources,
heat pumps, Solar energy: the sun, electric power generation, solar thermal power stations, OTEC, solar ponds,
photo voltaic cells
Unit III - NONRENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: Thermal energy: heat and temperature thermo dynamics,
thermal devices,, Biomass energy: photo synthesis, power generation by biomass, Fossil fuels; petroleum, coal
Nuclear energy: fission and fusion ,

Unit IV - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: open access and tragedy of commons, efficiency standards, pollution,
safety standards, benefits of environmental protection, cost- benefit analysis, economic impacts, environmental
legislation and global issues
Unit V - ENERGY SCENARIO IN INDIA: Availability of conventional and nonconventional energy resources
and future energy demand; Indian reserves and resources of natural oil and gas, coal and nuclear minerals; potential
of hydroelectric power, solar energy, thermal, nuclear, wind, tidal wave and biomass based power in India;
Introduction to hydrogen energy and fuel cells.

Text Books
1. Reza Toossi, “Energy and the Environment: Sources, Technologies, and Impacts”, VerVe Publishers.
2. Wen-Pei Sung, ‎Jimmy‎C.M. Kao, Ram Chen, “Frontiers of Energy and Environmental engineering”, CRC
Press, 2012
Reference Books
1. Chuck Lancaster , “Energy and Environmental Engineering”, Callisto Reference, 2015
2. Smriti Srivastava, “Energy Environment Ecology and Society”, S.K. Kataria & Sons, 2011
3. Barrow, C. J, “Environmental Management and Development”, Taylor and Francis Group, London, New
York. 2005
4. Chremisinoff, N.P, “Environmental management systems handbook for refineries”, Gulf Publishing
Company, Houston, Texas. 2006


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To Impart basic knowledge about the environment and its allied problem
 To apply knowledge in Economic development without destroying the environment
 To have knowledge on renewable energy and non-renewable energy sources
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the processes, chains and systems of ecology and environment
 impart knowledge on climate changes occurring on earth
 classify pollutions and their causes
 evaluate effects of pollution on human and species
 learn about the solution and legislations for maintaining environment
 apply knowledge for the solutions of environmental pollution problems

Unit I - ECOLOGY: Introduction – definition - environment and its components -functions of an Ecosystem - types
Unit II - BIODIVERSITY: Indian Biodiversity - Animal diversity and Plant diversity in India - endangered and
vulnerable flora and fauna - Protected area network, Conservation efforts,
Unit III - CLIMATE CHANGE: introduction, global warming, acid rains, ozone layer depletion and heat island
effects, Impact of climate change- India, Mitigation strategies,
Unit IV - ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution,
thermal pollution, nuclear pollution and light pollution, causes, effects and measures against pollutions.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit V - LEGISLATION: Climate change organizations - Acts and policies - Institutions and measures -
Environmental organizations - International environmental conventions - Environmental issues and Health effects

Text Books
1. Majid Husain, “Environment and Ecology: Biodiversity, Climate Change and Disaster Management”,
access publishing, 2014
2. P.D.Sharma, “Ecology and environment”, Rastogi Publications, 2011
Reference Books
1. Singh, J.S., Singh S.P. and Gupta S.R.. “Ecology, Environment and Resource Conservation”, Anamaya
Publishers, New Delhi. 2006
2. Singh K.P. and. Singh J.S. “Tropical Ecosystems: Ecology and Management”, Wiley Eastern Limited,
Lucknow, India, 1992.
3. Anuj Kumar Purwar, “Environment and Ecology”, I K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd; First

Edition, 2012
4. Townsend, C.R., Begon, M. and Harper, J.L. “Essentials of Ecology”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To imparts knowledge on the causes and effects of air pollution.
 To evaluate behavior of air pollutants.
 To apply appropriate control measures of air pollution.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand causes of air pollution
 analyze different types of air pollutants
 impart knowledge on different atmospheric components
 evaluate air pollutant behaviour in the atmosphere
 choose appropriate control technology for air pollution
 develop air pollution reduction techniques

Unit I - POLLUTION SOURCES AND EMISSION INVENTORIES: Anthropogenic and natural sources.
Particulates, Carbon monoxide, sulphur oxide, Nitrogen oxide, Hydrocarbons, Oxidants, Emission factors. Sampling
train – stack sampling – Phytomonitoring of air quality.
Unit II - EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTANTS: Effects of different air pollutants on human beings, animals, plants
and materials.
Unit III - PLUME DISPERSION AND PLUME RISE: wind roses, mixing depths, inversions, plume behaviour.
The Gaussian Model , Diffusion coefficients, Box model, Inversion effects.
Unit IV - AIR POLLUTION CONTROL: Zoning – Town planning – Control of particulate matter – Settling
chambers, cyclons, bag –filter, electrostatic precipitators – Removal of gaseous matter – SO2, NOX, VOCs and CO.
Unit V - AIR POLLUTION AND LEGISLATION: Legislation – Air Act, 1981, and Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986.

Text Books
1. Rao M N and Rao HVN, “Air pollution”, TMH Publications, 2007
2. Garg S K, “Sewage Disposal & Air Pollution Engineering”, Khanna Publications, 2011
Reference Books
1. Thod Godesh, “Air Quality, Lewis India Edition, 2013.
2. Peavy S.W., Rowe D.R. and Tchobanoglous G. “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
3. Mark Z. Jacobson, “Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation”, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 2002.
4. Daniel Vallero, “Fundamentals of Air Pollution”, 4th Edition, Academic Press, Burlington, 2008.

2017 Civil Engineering

5. ISO 14001/14004: “Environmental management systems – Requirements and Guidelines”, International
Organisation for Standardisation, 2004
6. ISO 19011: 2002, “Guidelines for quality and/or Environmental Management System auditing, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2002.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on global climate
 To understand the principle of global climate changes
 To choose appropriate climate model for impact control measures

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the fundamentals of climate science
 provide knowledge on climate and weather
 expose elements and process related to climate change
 evaluate impacts of global climate change
 develop climate mitigation and adaption models
 apply the knowledge in global climate change and its control measures

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Ancient Earth - Climate and Chemical Histories, Paleo-indicators of climate, Global
energy balance, Concern about Climate Change, Climate Change and Sustainable development.
Unit II - CLIMATE AND WEATHER: Factors affecting global, regional and local climates - Tropical, Monsoon,
Polar, Desert, Mid-latitude climates and their role in global climate change - Antarctica, Greenland and the North
Pole case studies.
of the earth. Earth’s carbon reservoirs- marine and terrestrial carbon cycles - The Atmosphere - Radiation budget,
Circulation, Stability, Chemistry of Atmosphere - Global wind systems, weather maps - Importance of water, Global
Ocean Circulation - Industrialization and urbanization - Greenhouse gases, lifestyle changes.
Unit IV - IMPACTS OF GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE: The Greenhouse effect – Ecosystems and species
interactions, global warming, sea level rise, ozone problem, El Nino and southern oscillation, storms, thunderstorms,
tornadoes, changes in agricultural production, droughts, spread of epidemics, wildfires and other extreme weather
events - Nuclear winter.
Unit V - CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION / ADAPTATION: Climate change and the political realm.
Mission of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - International agreements and protocols - Future use of
energy and fossil fuels - Role of Governments, industries, and individuals - Concept of CDM and carbon finance

Text Books
1. Lee, R. Kump, Kasting, F. James and Robert, C. Crane, “The Earth System”, 2 nd Edition, Prentice Hall,
2. Houghton, J.T., “Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
U.K., 2001.
Reference Books
1. Ruddiman, W.F., “Earth's Climate: Past and Future”, W.H. Freeman and Company, 2001
2. Henson R., “The Rough Guide to Climate Change”, 3rd edition, Rough Guides Ltd., London, 2011
3. IPCC. 2007. “Climate Change- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPCC)’s Fourth Assessment
Report, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 2007
4. Maslin, Mark, “Climate Change: A Very Short Introduction”, 3 rd Edition. Oxford UP, 2014.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on Environmental Management
 To understand different environmental standards
 To develop skills on pollution prevention
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course student will be able to
 understand different environmental standards
 appreciate the elements of Corporate Environmental Management systems complying to international
environmental management system standards

 lead pollution prevention assessment team and implement waste minimization options
 develop, Implement, maintain and Audit Environmental Management systems for Organizations
 impart knowledge in environmental management audit
 evaluate and success environmental management system for different industries

Unit I - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT STANDARDS: Unique Characteristics of Environmental

Problems - Classification of Environmental Impact Reduction Efforts – Evolution of Environmental Stewardship –
Environmental Management Principles - National policies on environment, abatement of pollution and conservation
of resources - Environmental quality objectives – Rationale of Environmental standards.
Unit II - PREVENTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT : Pollution control Vs Pollution Prevention -
Opportunities and Barriers – Four Stages and nine approaches of Pollution Prevention - Getting Analysis of Process
Steps – Material balance – Preventive Environmental Management over Product cycle.
environmental policy– legal and other requirements- environmental management programs – structure and
responsibility – training awareness and competence- communication – documentation and document control –
operational control –monitoring and measurement – management review.
Unit IV - ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT: Roles and qualifications of auditors - Environmental performance
indicators and their evaluation –Corrective and preventive actions -compliance audits – waste audits and waste
minimization planning – Environmental statement - Due diligence audit
Unit V - APPLICATIONS: Applications of EMS - Waste Audits and Pollution Prevention opportunities in Textile,
Sugar, Pulp & Paper – Electroplating - Tanning industry – Dairy – Cement - Chemical industries, etc

Text Books
1. Mike Russo., “Environmental Management: Readings and Cases”, 2nd Edition, Sage Publications, 2008.
2. Canter, W Larry., “Environmental Impact Assessment”, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1996
Reference Books
1. Christopher Sheldon and Mark Yoxon, “Installing Environmental management Systems – a step by step
guide”, Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 1999.
2. ISO 14001/14004: “Environmental management systems – Requirements and Guidelines”, International
Organisation for Standardisation, 2004
3. ISO 19011: 2002, “Guidelines for quality and/or Environmental Management System auditing, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Jain, R.K., Urban, L.V., Stacey, G.S. and Balbach, H.E., “Environmental Assessment”,
McGraw-Hill, 1993.
5. Rau, J.G and Wooten, D.C., “Environmental Impact Analysis Handbook”, McGraw-Hill, 1980.
6. Jain, R.K., Urban, L.V., Stacey, G.S. and Balbach, H.E., “Environmental Assessment”, McGraw-Hill,
7. UNEP/IED Technical Report Serial No.2., “Environmental Auditing”, 1990

2017 Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To integrate the hydraulics and water resources background in the design of hydraulic structures
 To solve multi‐variable hydraulic design problems in an open‐ended solution space.
 To develop understanding of the basic principles and concepts of analysis and design of hydraulic
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the concepts of storage structures
 describe the forces acting on the dams

 operate the system component in the dam site
 distinguish the functions of the components of dams
 appraise the execution the water resource projects
 investigate the construction of dams and structures

Unit I - MULTIPLE-STEP DESIGN: Internal stresses in gravity dams - stress distribution around openings -
stress distribution around a circular hole in an infinite plate due to a normal stress on the plate - stress distribution
around a horse shoe shaped gallery using phillips and zanger’s tables - design of reinforcement around galleries in
Unit II - DAMS: Arch Dams: Economic central angle of an arch dam - constant radius method - constant angle
method- variable radius and variable angle design of arch dams -trial load method of analysis of arch dams - Earth
Dams: Seepage analysis - stability analysis of infinite slopes with and without seepage - stability analysis of finite
slopes – friction circle method - method of slices - ordinary method of slices - simplified Bishop method of slices -
spencer’s method.
Unit III - SPILLWAYS: Design of reinforcement in the crest region of an ogee spillway - hydraulic design of chute
spillways - morning glory spillways - side channel spillways. Intake structures - Trash Racks.
Unit IV - WATER CONDUCTOR SYSTEM: Economic analysis for determination of sizes of water conductors -
analysis and design of lined pressure tunnels - water hammer analysis - analysis and design of surge tanks of various
types - design of anchor blocks for penstocks - design of penstock junctions – design of scroll cases and draft tubes.
Vertical lift gates - tainter gates - cylindrical gates - butterfly valves - Howell – Bunger valves - needle valves - flow
induced forces on vertical lift gates - flow induced vibration of vertical lift gates - Layout of Power Houses.

Text Books
1. S K Garg, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2014
2. Vischer, D.L and Hager, W. H. “Dam Hydraulics”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998.
Reference Books
1. Yanmaz A. M. “Applied Water Resources Engineering”, METU press, 2001.
2. Roberson, J.A., Cassidy, J.J. and Chaudhry, M.N. “Hydraulic Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1998.
3. Mays, L.W. “Hydraulic Design Handbook”, McGraw‐Hill Professional; 1st edition, 1999.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To introduce the students to the concept of farmer involvement in water management.
 To highlight the value of participatory approach for better performance of the irrigation systems
 To provide other facilities to the water users through organized associations.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the concepts of system approach
 discuss the application of socio-economical concepts in the operation of water resources system

2017 Civil Engineering

 solve water resource problems using linear and dynamic programming techniques
 organizethe concepts of integrated planning in water resources projects
 appraise the pros and cons in the execution of water resources projects
 formulate the problems and solve using Simulation techniques

Unit I - FUNDAMENTALS OF SOCIOLOGY: Sociology as a science: basic concept – Perspectives of sociology

– Social system – Early sociological thought
Unit II - CONCEPT OF PARTICIPATION: Introduction – Dublin statement – Irrigation as a socio-
technical process – System management by agencies and users – Farmers organization and participation: need, and
contribution to irrigation management (greater productivity, improved water distribution, conflict management,
greater resources mobilization and sustained system performance).
Unit III - WATER USER ASSOCIATION: Kinds of participation – Activities in irrigation management – Water

users Association – Types and levels of operation and organization in irrigation systems – User roles in irrigation
management – Role of community organizers – The context of participation: factors in the environment -
Organizational structure for watershed management - Role of SHGs and NGOs- Participatory planning and
implementation of watershed projects
Support – Experimentation, phasing and flexibility – Bottom-up approach – Existing organizations – Ownership –
Non-political associations – Bureaucratic reorientation – Compatibility of objectives – Choices in organizational
design – Scope of activity – Size and structure – Membership and decision making – Leadership and responsibilities
– Legal basis – Development strategy – Channels for implementation.
Unit V - IMPROVING AGENCY RELATION WITH FARMERS: Agency incentives – Technical cooperation
– Special roles and style of agency –Agency organization – Irrigation management transfer

Text Books
1. S.S. Kalamkar & A Narayanamoorthy, “Participatory Irrigation Management: Evolution, Perception and
Impact”, Gyan Publishing House 2011
2. David Groenfeldt & Mark Svendsen, “Case Studies in Participatory Irrigation Management”, world bank
publicaion, 2000
Reference Books
1. Abraham Mark, “Social Research Methods”, Prentice. Hall Inc. Eaglewood Cliffs, N.J. 1993.
2. Chambers R., “Managing Canal Irrigation”, Oxford IBM Publishing Co., New Delhi. 1988.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the basic concepts and principles of various components of remote sensing.
 To understand the satellite image analysis and interpretation
 To provide an exposure to GIS and its practical applications in civil engineering.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the principles of remote sensing and gis
 describe the analysis methods RS and GIS data
 interpret the data for modeling applications
 distinguish sensors and satellites datas for specific applications
 appraise the usage of data models
 formulate methods to solve issues related to environment using RS and GIS techniques

remote sensing and its components – Electromagnetic spectrum – wavelength regions important to remote sensing –
Wave theory, Particle theory, Stefan-Boltzman and Wein’s
Displacement Law – Atmospheric scattering, absorption – Atmospheric windows – spectral signature concepts –
typical spectral reflective characteristics of water, vegetation and soil.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit II - PLATFORMS AND SENSORS: Types of platforms – orbit types, Sun-synchronous and
Geosynchronous – Passive and Active sensors – resolution concept – Pay load description of important Earth
Resources and Meteorological satellites – Airborne and spaceborne TIR and microwave sensors.
Unit III - IMAGE INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS : Types of Data Products – types of image
interpretation – basic elements of image interpretation - visual interpretation keys – Digital Image Processing – Pre-
processing – image enhancement techniques – multispectral image classification – Supervised and unsupervised.
Unit IV - GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM: Introduction – Maps – Definitions – Map projections –
types of map projections – map analysis – GIS definition – basic components of GIS – standard GIS softwares –
Data type – Spatial and non-spatial (attribute) data – measurement scales – Data Base Management Systems
Unit V - DATA ENTRY, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS: Data models – vector and raster data – data compression
– data input by digitization and scanning – attribute data analysis – integrated data analysis – Modeling in GIS
Highway alignment studies – Land Information System.

Text Books:
1. Lillesand T.M., Kiefer, R.W. and J.W.Chipman. “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation” 5 th Edition,
John Willey and Sons Asia Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
2. Anji Reddy, M. “Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System” 2 nd edition. BS
Publications, Hyderabad, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Lo.C.P.and A.K.W.Yeung, “Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems”, Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002
2. Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, “Principles of GIS”, Oxford University Press, 2000
3. Ian Heywood “An Introduction to GIS”, Pearson Education Asia, 2000


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the applications of geoinformatics technique for resources Management
 To impart knowledge about measurement of structural changes
 To provide an exposure to applications of geoinformatics in infrastructure management
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 repeat different surveying procedures which includes total station, gps, topographic and bathymetric
 identify deformaton in structural aspects
 execute the applications of remote sensing techniques
 organize intelligent transportation systems
 appraise the application of modeling tools for water resources planning and management
 formulate and solve civil engineering problems using geoinformatic applications

Unit I - LAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Total Station and GPS Surveys – Topographic and Bathymetric
Surveys – Cadastral Information – Soil and Land Use Surveys - Land Information System (LIS) – Real Estate
Information System
Unit II - STRUCTURAL STUDIES: Deformation studies of deflection - Dam deformation - structural movement -
Pavement yield - shifting sand-bank and shoreline – Landslide Risk Analysis
Unit III - SOIL CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT: Soil survey interpretation and mapping - impact of
agricultural and industrial activity on soil properties - soil erosion - factors influencing soil erosion - soil
contamination using Hyper spectral Remote Sensing - mining pollution- EMR responses with contaminated soil -
modeling soil characteristics using satellite data - soil degradation assessment using Remote Sensing and GIS - Land
reclamation studies
Unit IV - URBAN AND TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT: Monitoring Urban Growth through Remote
Sensing - Geo-demographic Analysis – Property Market Analysis Urban Renewal - traffic analysis - accident
analysis - site suitability analysis for transport infrastructure –transportation databases: creation and maintenance -
Vehicle routing – Highway maintenance system – Intelligent Transportation System

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit V - WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT: Location of storage/diversion works –
capacity curve generation – sediment yield - modelling of catchments – Delineation of watershed - Watershed
modelling for sustainable development - Rainfall – Runoff modelling –LiDAR Mapping for Urban area –Water
quality mapping and monitoring – Flood Risk Zoning - Flood damage assessment – Flood Modelling - Assessment
of droughts and mitigation

Text Books:
1. Basudeb Bhatta, “Remote Sensing and GIS”, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press 2011.
2. C.P.Lo.Albert K.W.Yeung, “Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems”, 2 nd edition,
PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi, 2014.
Reference Books:
1. Andrew N. Rencz, “Manual of Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing for Natural Resource Management and
Environmental Monitoring”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, April 2004

2. Rashed, Tarek; Jürgens, Carsten (Eds.), “Remote Sensing of Urban and Suburban Areas”, Springer, 1st
Edition. 2010.
3. Harvey J. Miller, Shih-Lung Shaw, “Geographic Information Systems for Transportation – Principles and
Applications”, Oxford University Press, 2001.
4. Gert A. Schulitz Edwin T. Engman, “Remote Sensing in hydrology and Water Management”, Springer -
verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2000.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce advanced surveying techniques
 To give an understanding of linear and angular measurements
 To explain surveying methods and procedures
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the principles of surveying &levelling
 describe the preparation of contour and topographic maps
 implement surveying effectively to minimize the errors
 distinguish the astronomical objects
 appraise the appropriate usage of instruments for measurements
 develop methods to solve problems using photogrammetric methods

Unit I - GPS – PRINCIPLES: EDM – Principle, sources and error, GPS – Principles, Errors, Differential GPS,
Instruments and Setting out of tunnel, bridge.
Unit II - MAP PROJECTION: Fundamental properties of Map projection – Classification of Map projection-
Principles of selecting map projection - Surveying and map projection.
Unit III - BASICS OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY: Principles of photography – instruments – photographic
measurements – vertical photographs – stereoscopic viewing and parallax - Photomaps & Mosaics – Tilted
photographs – Oblique and panoramic photographs – Terrestrial photogrammetry – around controls – photographic
Unit IV - ASTRONOMICAL SURVEYING: Field Astronomy - measurement of time - determination of Azimuth
- Latitude and longitude.
Unit V - MISCELLANEOUS RECONNAISSANCE: Route surveys for highways, railways and waterways –
Hydrographic survey: Tides – MSL – Sounding methods – Three point problem – River surveys – Measurement of
current and discharge – Mine surveying Equipment – Weisbach triangle – Tunnel alignment and setting out.

Text Books
1. Bannister, A., Raymond, S., Baker, R., “Surveying”, Pearson Education, 2006
2. Punmia P.C., “Surveying” volume 3, Lakmi publications, 2004
Reference Books
1. Chandra, A.M., “Higher Surveying”, New Age International Publishers, 2002

2017 Civil Engineering

2. Wolf, P.R., “Elements of Photogrammetry”, Mc.Graw – Hill International Book Company, 1998


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the students to the cadastral survey methods and its application
 To develop an understanding about inventory of land areas, land use and determine land tax
 To familiarize about land rights
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 define the principles of cadastral system, records and taxation
 classify the various methods used for cadastral surveying,

 interpret from cadastral maps and maintain cadastral records
 distinguish within the photogrammetric methods
 support the systematically recording of land rights
 develop the digital cadaster and land information system

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: History of cadastral survey - Types of survey - Tax - Real Property – Legal cadastre -
Graphical and Numerical Cadastre, Legal Characteristics of Records, Torrens System
Unit II - METHODS OF SURVEYING: Cadastral Survey Methods - Steps in survey of a village - Instruments
used for cadastral survey & mapping - Orthogonal, Polar survey methods - Boundary survey - Rectangulation -
Calculation of area of Land- GPS and Total Station in Cadastral survey.
Unit III - MAINTENANCE AND MEASUREMENTS: Cadastral survey maintenance - Resurveys -
Measurement of sub-division - Measurement of obstructed lines - Survey of urban areas - Control requirement for
Urban survey use of Satellite Imagery in boundary fixing.
Unit IV - PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS: Photogrammetry for cadastral surveying and mapping -
Orthophoto map – Quality control measures - Organisation of cadastral offices – international scenario
Unit V - MAPPING PROCEDURES AND LIS: projection for cadastral maps – Conventional symbols -map -
reproduction processes - Automated cadastral map, Management of Digital Cadastral - Creation of Land Information
System - Integrating LIS – Land administration

Text Books:
1. James, M. Anderson and Edward N. Mikhail, “Introduction to Surveying”, McGraw Hill Book Co, 1985
2. Kazi Humayun Kabir, “An Investigation into Geospatial Tools for a Multipurpose Cadastre”, Laambart
Academic Publishing, 2011
Reference Books:
1. Alias Abdul Rahman, Siyka Zlatanova,Volker Coors, “Innovations in 3D geo information systems”,
2. Kahmen&Faig, “Surveying”, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1993.
3. Peter F. Dall, John D. MeLauglin, “Land information management”, Oxford Press.1988


Credit: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To understand the main processes involved in water flow above the surface
 To learn the various measurement techniques
 To execute the models for runoff estimation.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the system concepts, water budget equation and hydrologic cycle
 describe energy, momentum and continuity principles
 solve the problems related to atmospheric hydrology
 distinguish the modeling tools to optimize hydrographs
 appraise the application of statistical tools to manage hydrology related problems

2017 Civil Engineering

 investigate channel flow and catchment storage problems

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Hydrologic cycle, water budget equation, world water quantities, residence time,
systems concept, transfer function operators, hydrologic model classification
Hydrologic processes: Reynold's Transport Theorem - continuity equation - momentum equation - energy equation
- discrete time continuity.
Unit II - ATMOSPHERIC HYDROLOGY: Atmospheric circulation - water vapor - formation of rainfall - types
and forms of precipitation - precipitable water - monsoon characteristics in India - rainfall measurement - density
and adequacy of rain gauges; Thunderstorm Cell model - IDF relationships - spatial averaging methods of rainfall -
Factors affecting evaporation - estimation and measurement of evaporation - energy balance method, aerodynamic
method - Priestly-Taylor method and pan evaporation.
Unit III - SURFACE WATER: Catchment storage concept, Hortonian and saturation overland flow - streamflow

hydrographs - base-flow separation. Phi-index - ERH & DRH - algorithm for abstraction using Green-Ampt
equation - SCS method - overland and channel flow modeling - time area concepts and stream networks.
Unit IV - UNIT HYDROGRAPH: General hydrologic system model - response functions of a linear hydrologic
systems and their inter-relationships - convolution equation; definition and limitations of a UH - UH derivation from
single and complex storms - UH optimization using regression - matrix and LP methods - Synthetic unit hydrograph,
S-Curve, IUH.
Unit V - HYDROLOGIC STATISTICS: Probability concepts - random variables - laws of probability - PDFs &
CDFs; Normal and Binomial distributions - Statistical parameters: expected value - variance, skewness, and
peakedness - Fitting of a probability distribution, methods of moments and maximum likelihood: Testing the
goodness of fit - Chi-square test -
Frequency analysis: return period - probability plotting - Extreme value distributions - frequency factors - Log-
Pearson distribution - confidence limits.

Text Books:
1. Ven T. Chow, David R. Maidment, and Larry W Mays, “Applied Hydrology”, McGraw Hill International
Editions, 2013
2. K. Subramanya “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013
Reference Books:
1. Larry W. Mays, “Ground and surface water hydrology”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2011
2. SK Garg, “Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering”, Khanna Publisher, New Delhi, 2005


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the principles of Groundwater governing Equations
 To identify the characteristics of different aquifers
 To understand the techniques of development and management of groundwater.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the aquifer properties and its dynamics
 identify the practical problems of groundwater aquifers
 solve the problems related to well hydraulics
 organize the mathematical modelling to solve problems in groundwater management
 select methods to solve groundwater quality issues
 investigate the groundwater conservation & artificial recharge techniques

Unit I - HYDROGEOLOGICAL PARAMETERS: Introduction – Water bearing Properties of Rock – Type of

aquifers - Aquifer properties – permeability, specific yield, transmissivity and storage coefficient – Methods of
Estimation– Ground water table fluctuation and its interpretations – Groundwater development and Potential in
India – GEC norms.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit II - WELL HYDRAULICS: Objectives of Groundwater hydraulics – Darcy’s Law - Groundwater equation –
steady state flow - Dupuit Forchheimer assumption - Unsteady state flow - Theis method - Jacob method -Slug tests
- Image well theory – Partial penetrations of wells.
Unit III - GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT: Need for Management Model – Database for groundwater
management –groundwater balance study – Introduction to Mathematical model – Conjunctive use – Collector well
and Infiltration gallery.
Unit IV - GROUNDWATER QUALITY: Ground water chemistry - Origin, movement and quality - Water quality
standards – Health and aesthetic aspects of water quality - Saline intrusion – Environmental concern and Regulatory
Unit V - GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION: Artificial recharge techniques – Remediation of Saline
intrusion– Ground water management studies – Protection zone delineation - Contamination source inventory -
remediation schemes - Ground water Pollution and legislation.

Text Books
1. Raghunath H.M., “Ground Water Hydrology”, New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Todd D.K., “Ground Water Hydrology”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2000.
Reference Books
1. Fitts R Charles, “Groundwater Science”, Elsevier, Academic Press, 2002.
2. Ramakrishnan S, “Ground Water”, K.J. Graph arts, Chennai, 1998.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the importance of site investigation and planning of sub soil investigation.
 Interpretation of investigated data to design suitable foundation system.
 Importance of site investigation, planning of sub soil investigation, interpretation of investigated data to
design suitable foundation system.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will able to
 understand the procedure, applicability and limitations of various methods of geotechnical investigation as
well as the field tests to be conducted
 plan and execute the sub soil investigation programme
 determine the basic properties of disturbed and undisturbed soil samples
 demonstrate the basic properties of the soil
 interpret the investigated data and design suitable foundation system
 select suitable soils for various geotechnical applications based on the factors governing the Engineering
behaviour of soils.

an exploration program - methods of exploration - exploration for preliminary and detailed design, spacing and
depth of bores, data presentation - Geophysical exploration and interpretation, seismic and electrical methods, cross
bore hole, single bore hole – up hole - down hole methods.
Unit II - EXPLORATION TECHNIQUES: Methods of boring and drilling - non-displacement and displacement
methods - drilling in difficult subsoil conditions - limitations of various drilling techniques - stabilization of
boreholes - bore logs.
Unit III - SOIL SAMPLING: Sampling Techniques – quality of samples – factors influencing sample quality -
disturbed and undisturbed soil sampling advanced sampling techniques - offshore sampling - shallow penetration
samplers - preservation and handling of samples.
Unit IV - FIELD TESTING IN SOIL EXPLORATION: Field tests, penetration tests, Field vane shear, Insitu
shear and bore hole shear test, pressure meter test, dilatometer test - plate load test–monotonic and cyclic; field
permeability tests – block vibration test - Procedure, limitations, correction and data interpretation of all methods
Unit V - INSTRUMENTATION: Instrumentation in soil engineering, strain gauges - resistance and inductance
type - load cells - earth pressure cells - settlement and heave gauges - pore pressure measurements - slope indicators
- sensing units, case studies.

2017 Civil Engineering

Text Books
1. Hunt R.E., “Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Manual”, McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Alam Singh and Chowdhary, G.R., “Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice Volume-2, Geotechnical
testing and instrumentation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Winterkorn, H.F. and Fang, H.Y., “Foundation Engineering Hand Book”, a Nostrand Reinhold 2013.
2. Nair, R.J. and Wood, P.M., “Pressuremeter Testing Methods and Interpretation”, Butter-worths, 1987.
3. Dunnicliff J and Green, G.E., “Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance”, John
Wiley, 1993.
4. Hanna, T.H., “Field Instrumentation in Geotechnical Engineering”, Trans Tech., 1985.
5. Day, R.N., “Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering”, Design and Construction, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
6. Bowles, J.E., “Foundation Analysis and Design”, 5th Edition, The McGraw-Hill companies, Inc., New
York, 1995.

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To gains knowledge on various IRC guidelines for designing rigid and flexible pavements.
 To assess quality and serviceability conditions of roads.
 To relate the performance evaluation and maintenance of pavements
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the different pavement materials for flexible and rigid pavements
 infer pavement construction procedures and its equipment’s
 analyse and design flexible and rigid pavements based on irc guidelines
 practice the pavement evaluation and overlay design
 understand the methods of pavement stabilization
 experiment the field control stabilisation on roads

Unit I - PAVEMENT MATERIALS: Basic road construction materials such as soils, aggregates, bitumen and
Portland cement - types, sources, functions, requirements, properties, tests and specifications for use in various
layers of road. Properties of subgrade layers in flexible/rigid pavement construction,
Unit II - TYPES OF PAVEMENT: Types and component parts of pavements – Flexible, Rigid, Semi-rigid
&Composite - Functions & desirable characteristics of pavements –Comparison of Rigid & Flexible Pavements -
Highway and airport pavements - Factors affecting design and performance of pavements
Unit III - DESIGN OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT: Stresses and strains in flexible pavements: Boussinesq's
equations - Burmister's two layer and three layer theories, Wheel load stresses, various factors in traffic wheel loads,
Equivalent single wheel load of multiple wheels. Repeated loads and EWL factors–Flexible pavement design
methods for highways - Empirical, semi empirical and theoretical approaches in IRC method of pavement design –
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORT) specifications
Unit IV - DESIGN OF RIGID PAVEMENT: Stresses in rigid pavements - Westergaard's equations for
calculation of stresses in rigid pavement - rigid pavement analysis, EWL - factors influencing design of rigid
pavements – Design procedure as per IRC guidelines– Design of Joints
Pavement Evaluation – causes of distress in rigid and flexible pavements – Evaluation based on Surface
Appearance, Cracks, Patches and Pot Holes, Undulations, Ravelling, Roughness, Skid Resistance. Structural
Evaluation by Deflection Measurements – Pavement Serviceability index – Pavement maintenance (IRC
Recommendations only) - Design of overlays - Stabilization of Pavements - Choice of stabilizers – Testing and field
control Stabilisation for rural roads in India – use of Geosynthetics in roads.

Text Books
1. Yang H Huang, “Pavement Analysis and Design”, Pearson, Paperback, 2008
2. Khanna, S.K., Justo C.E.G. and Veeraragavan. A., “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Brothers, 10th
Edition, Roorkee, 2014.

2017 Civil Engineering

Reference Books
1. Yoder, R.J. and Witchak M.W. “Principles of Pavement Design”, John Wiley 2000.
2. IRC-37–001, “The Indian roads Congress, Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements”, New Delhi,
3. IRC 58-1998, “The Indian Road Congress, Guideline for the Design of Rigid Pavements for Highways”,
New Delhi, 1991
4. Rajib B.Mallick, Tahar El-Korchi, “Pavement Engineering: Principles and Practice”, 2 nd Edition, CRC
Press, 2013.
5. Wright P.H. “Highway Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1996.
6. Kadiyali, L.R. “Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering”, Khanna tech. Publications, New Delhi,


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand about the Railway planning, construction and maintenance
 To learn about the aircraft characteristics, planning and components of airport.
 To study about the types and components of docks and harbours.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 develop and design the elements of permanent way
 generalize the concepts of signalling & interlocking in railways
 understand the concepts of air transport growth and planning
 design the runway, taxiway, and airfield pavements as per guidelines
 recognize the importance of water transport with proper planning and designing of harbour and docks
 construct the layout and facilities of Harbour and Docks

Unit I - RAILWAY PLANNING: Significance of Road, Rail, Air and Water transports – Coordination of all
modes to achieve sustainability – Elements of permanent way: Rails, Sleepers, Ballast, rail fixtures and fastenings, –
Track Stress, coning of wheels, creep in rails, defects in rails – Route alignment surveys - conventional and modern
methods – Soil suitability analysis – Geometric design of railways – gradient - super elevation - widening of gauge
on curves- Points and Crossings - Signalling & Interlocking
Unit II - RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE: Earthwork – Stabilization of track on poor soil
– Tunnelling Methods, drainage and ventilation – Calculation of Materials required for track laying – Construction
and maintenance of tracks –Modern methods of construction & maintenance – Railway stations and yards and
passenger amenities- Urban rail – Infrastructure for Metro, Mono and underground railways.
Unit III - AIRPORT PLANNING: Air transport characteristics-airport classification-airport planning: objectives,
components, layout characteristics, socio-economic characteristics of the Catchment area, criteria for airport site
selection and ICAO stipulations, typical airport layouts, Case studies, parking and circulation area.
Unit IV - AIRPORT DESIGN: Runway Design- Orientation, Wind Rose Diagram – Runway length – Problems on
basic and Actual Length, Geometric design of runways, Configuration and Pavement Design Principles – Elements
of Taxiway Design – Airport Zones – Passenger Facilities and Services – Runway and Taxiway Markings and
Unit V - HARBOUR ENGINEERING: Definition of Basic Terms: Harbour, Port, Satellite Port, Docks, Waves
and Tides – Planning and Design of Harbours: Requirements, Classification, Location and Design Principles –
Harbour Layout and Terminal Facilities – Coastal Structures: Piers, Break waters, Wharves, Jetties, Quays, Spring
Fenders, Dolphins and Floating Landing Stage – Inland Water Transport – Wave action on Coastal Structures and
Coastal Protection Works

Text Books
1. Khanna S K, Arora M G and Jain S S, "Airport Planning and Design", Nemchand and Brothers, Roorkee,
2. K.P.Subramanian, “Railways, Airports and Harbour Engineering”, SCITECH Publications (India) Pvt Ltd,

2017 Civil Engineering

Reference Books
1. Rangwala, “Airport Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 2013.
2. Rangwala, “Harbor Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, 2013.
3. Oza.H.P. and Oza.G.H. “A course in Docks & Harbour Engineering”. Charotar Publishing Co., 2013
4. Srinivasan R. Harbour, “Dock and Tunnel Engineering", 26th Edition 2013
5. Bindra S P, “A Course in Docks and Harbour Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2013


Credit: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To know about the process and concepts of transportation planning
 To impart knowledge in the rudiments and advancements in Transportation Planning and Travel Demand

 To identify the suitable Landuse and public transportation system for developing countries
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 relate the principles of the transportation planning process and demand estimation
 analyse the trip production and trip attraction models
 practice the growth factor, gravity and opportunity models
 infer the mode choice behaviour and mode split models
 evaluate the shortest path models for route assignment
 recognize the Land use and public transportation system

Unit I - URBANISATION PROCESS: Urban Transportation System Planning - Goals and objectives -
Hierarchical levels of transportation System planning - Forecast - Implementation – Constraints - UTP survey -
Urban growth mechanism – Urban morphology - Urbanisation & travel demand - Urban development planning
policy – NUTP - Urban transport projects - Urban transport problems in India
Unit II - TRAVEL DEMAND ESTIMATE: Urban travel patterns - Study area delineation- Zoning - Planning
surveys - Urban activity system- Sustainable urban transport - Systems approach - Trip based and activity based
approach - Four stage travel demand modelling - Data needs and outputs - Quick response techniques - Survey
Unit III - TRIP GENERATION & TRIP DISTRIBUTION: Productions & Attractions - Influential factors –Trip
rate analysis-Category analysis- Simple & Multiple linear regression models – FHWA method -Interchange matrix –
Growth factor methods – Synthetic methods – Calibration of Gravity model
Unit IV - MODAL SPLIT & TRIP ASSIGNMENT: Influential factors – FHWA Procedure – Diversion curves &
surfaces- Discrete choice models, Concept, Types, BL,MNL & HL models - Trip Assignment procedure –
Diversion curves- BPR model - All or Nothing assignment - Multipath assignment - Capacity restraint assignment –
User equilibrium and system equilibrium approach - Stochastic assignment approach
Urban spatial structure – Accessibility - Location theory - Land use models - Land use transport models, Lowry &
Garin – Lowry models. Urban growth and public transport needs - Transit mode classifications - Transit
characteristics - Fleet size and capacity estimation - Multiple regression models - Category analysis - Trip
production models - Trip distribution models - Linear programming approach. Modal split models - Behavioural
models - Probabilistic models - Utility functions - logit models - Two stage model

Text Books
1. Papacostas C.S., Prevedouros, “Transportation Engineering and Planning”, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi, 2008
2. Konstadinos G. Goulias “Transportation Systems Planning: Methods and Applications” CRC Press,
Taylors and Frances Group, 2008.
Reference Books
1. John D.Edwards (Edr.), “Transportation Planning Hand Book”, 2nd Edition, Institute of Transportation
Engineers, Prentice Hall Inc.,, Washington DC, USA, 1999
2. Ennio Cascetta “Transportation Systems Analysis: Models and Applications” 2 nd Edition, Springer New

2017 Civil Engineering

3. John Khisty C, Kent Lall B, “Transportation Engineering – An Introduction”, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi, 2002
4. Chennai Metropolitan Development authority (CMDA), Chennai Metropolitan Area – Second Master Plan,
Chennai, 2006
5. Chennai Metropolitan Development authority (CMDA) Chennai Comprehensive Transportation study 2008


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To illustrate the fundamentals of traffic engineering
 To identify the different theories of traffic flow
 To impart the importance of traffic safety and management

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 impart the fundamental of traffic engineering
 carry out different traffic studies
 design channels, intersections, signals, roundabouts and parking arrangements
 express the application of traffic flow theory
 enhance safety and environment in all design aspects
 develop Traffic management Systems

Unit I - FUNDAMENTALS OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Scope of Traffic Engineering - Elements of Traffic

Engineering - road user, vehicle and road way. Road Characteristics – Road user characteristics – PIEV theory –
Vehicle characteristics - IRC standards - Design speed, volume – Performance characteristics – Fundamentals of
Traffic Flow – Urban Traffic problems in India –
delay surveys – Vehicles Volume Survey including non-motorized transports – Methods and interpretation – Origin
Destination Survey – Methods and presentation – Parking Survey – Accident analyses -Methods, interpretation and
presentation – Statistical applications in traffic studies and traffic forecasting - Level of service – Concept,
applications and significance - Highway capacity - Capacity of urban and rural roads - PCU concept and its
limitations – Road user facilities - Parking facilities - Cycle tracks and cycle ways - Pedestrian facilities – Traffic
Flow theory
Unit III - TRAFFIC DESIGN AND VISUAL AIDS: Design of at-grade intersections – Principles of design –
Channelization - Design of rotaries - Traffic signals - pre-timed and traffic actuated - Design of signal setting - phase
diagrams - timing diagram – Signal co-ordination – Roundabouts - Grade separated intersections - Geometric
elements for divided and access controlled highways and expressways
Unit IV - TRAFFIC SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT: Road furniture - Street lighting -Traffic signs including
Variable Message Sign and road markings – Significant roles of traffic control personnel – Networking pedestrian
facilities & cycle tracks - Traffic regulation and control Traffic Safety – Principles and Practices – Road Safety
Audit – Traffic and environment hazards – Air and Noise Pollution, causes, abatement measures – Promotion and
integration of public transportation – Promotion of non-motorized transport
Unit V - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: Area Traffic Management System – Traffic System Management (TSM)
with IRC standards – Traffic Regulatory Measures-Travel Demand Management (TDM) – Direct and indirect
methods – Congestion and parking pricing – All segregation methods- Coordination among different agencies –
Intelligent Transport System for traffic management, enforcement and education – Car pooling

Text Books
1. Kadiyali.L.R. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2013
2. Salter. R.I and Hounsell N.B, “Highway Traffic Analysis and design”, Macmillan Press Ltd.1996
Reference Books
1. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn and Walter P.Kilareski, “Principles of Highway Engineering and
Traffic Analysis”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011
2. Garber and Hoel, “Principles of Traffic and Highway Engineering”, CENGAGE Learning, New Delhi,

2017 Civil Engineering

3. SP:43-1994, IRC Specification, “Guidelines on Low-cost Traffic Management Techniques” for Urban
Areas, 1994
4. John E Tyworth, “Traffic Management Planning, Operations and control”, Addison Wesly Publishing
Company, 1996
5. Hobbs.F.D. “Traffic Planning and Engineering”, University of Brimingham, Peragamon Press Ltd, 2005
6. Taylor MAP and Young W, “Traffic Analysis – New Technology and New Solutions”, Hargreen
Publishing Company, 1998.
7. Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Specifications: Guidelines and Special Publications on Traffic Planning and


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To learn the fundamentals of ITS.
 To study the ITS functional areas
 To employ the ITS implementation in developing countries
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the concept of its, with particular emphasis on advanced traffic management and traveller
information issues
 explain the human factor issues for its
 generalize the sensor and communication technologies
 apply the various its methodologies
 define the significance of its under indian conditions
 describe the elements of Vehicle Location, Route Navigation and Guidance concepts

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: ITS Objectives - Historical Background - Benefits of ITS - Architecture – ITS
Architecture Framework –Dynamic Message Sign - ITS Data collection techniques – Detectors - Automatic Vehicle
Location (AVL) - Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Video data
Unit II - TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN ITS: Importance of telecommunications in the ITS system, Information
Management - Traffic Management Centres (TMC) - Vehicle – Road side communication – Vehicle Positioning
System ITS functional areas – Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS)
(CVO) - Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS) - Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) -
Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS)
Unit IV - ITS USER NEEDS AND SERVICES: Travel and Traffic management - Public Transportation
Management - Electronic Payment - Commercial Vehicle Operations - Emergency Management - Advanced Vehicle
safety systems - Information Management - Incident Management
Unit V - AUTOMATED HIGHWAY SYSTEMS: Vehicles in Platoons – Integration of Automated Highway
Systems - ITS Programs in the World – Overview of ITS implementations in developed countries -ITS in
developing countries – Case studies

Text Books
1. Sussman, J. M., “Perspective on ITS”, Artech House Publishers, 2005.
2. Kan Paul Chen, “ITS Hand Book 2000: Recommendations for World Road Association”, (PIARC) John
Miles, 2000
Reference Books
1. Henry F.Korth, and Abraham Siberschatz, “Data Base System Concepts”, McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. Turban E., “Decision Support and Export Systems Management Support Systems”, Maxwell Macmillan,
3. Sitausu S. Mittra, “Decision Support Systems – Tools and Techniques”, John Wiley, New York, 1986.
4. Cycle W. Halsapple and Andrew B.Winston, “Decision Support Systems – Theory and Application”,
Springer Verlog, New York, 1987

2017 Civil Engineering

5. National ITS Architecture Documentation, US Department of Transportation, 2007 (CD-ROM).


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce Coastal Processes
 To relate it to the principles and practice of coastal engineering
 To design for coastal erosion and adopt principles of harbours and breakwaters
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 adapt the fundamentals of the hydraulic processes in coastal zone

identify sedimentary processes that shape the active coastal zone
 analyse problems related to coastal protection
 design solutions to coastal erosion
 illustrate the design principles of harbours and breakwaters
 apply knowledge on the beach nourishment and other coastal protection measures

Unit I - WAVE HYDRODYNAMICS: Water waves - impact on the coasts and coastal erosion processes. Linear
long waves - theory and approximations. Sine waves - application, flow field, pressure field, flow velocity. Wave
statistics - random waves, expected maximum wave heights, wave groups.
Unit II - WAVE MEASUREMENT: Offshore wave measurements - design conditions, tides, how these affect
design Outside the surf zone - breakwaters and harbours, types, typical designs, key constraints. Inside the surf zone
- wave setup, surf beat, long-shore currents, Influence in coastal management and planning
Unit III - WAVE RUN UP: Beach face process - wave run-up - tsunami run-up - Impact of these processes in
terms of coastal inundation and coastal safety
Unit IV - COASTAL PROTECTION: Beach groundwater - coastal aquifers, dispersion of pollutants, vegetation -
Surf safety - rip currents - Beach profiles and erosion cycles - differences between short and long term erosion,
protection against the different modes
Unit V - COASTAL MODELLING AND ANALYSIS: Coastal sediment transport - sediment budgets, how to
analyse, coastal cells Long-shore and cross-shore transport principles - key drivers, influence of man-made and
natural structures, mitigation measures. Coastal area modelling - present state-of-the-art in hydrodynamic models
and morphology

Text Books
1. Sundar, V, “Ocean Wave Mechanics: Applications in Marine Structures” Wiley, 2015
2. Chakrabarti, S.K, “Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures” Springer-Verlag, 1987
Reference Books
1. Peter Nielsen, “Coastal and Estuarine Processes” World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009
2. Hermans, A.J, “Water Waves and Ship Hydrodynamics”, Springer Netherlands, 2011
3. Svendsen, Ib A, “Introduction to Nearshore Hydrodynamics”, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006
4. Horikawa, K., “Coastal Engineering”, University of Tokyo Press, 1978


Credit 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To introduce students to quantitative methods and techniques for effective optimization
 To formulate mathematical modeling and application
 To learn various techniques that are used in solving Civil Engineering Problems
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the characteristics of different type of problem
 demonstrate the model problem for civil engineering application
 choose suitable algorithm for a specific problem

2017 Civil Engineering

 analyze using various techniques
 appraise the traditional and non-traditional algorithms
 develop tools for civil engineering problems


Objective function, constraints-equality and inequality constraints-design space- feasible and infeasible- convex and
concave-active constraint-local and global optima - Differential calculus-optimality criteria-Single variable
optimization-Multivariable optimization with no constraints-Lagrange multiplier method with equality constraint-
Khun Tucker Criteria with inequality constraints
Unit II - LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Formulation of problems-Graphical solution –Analytical methods-Standard
form-Slack, Surplus and artificial variable-canonical form-basic feasible solution –Simplex method –Two phase
method-Penalty method-Duality theory-Primal Dual algorithm
Unit III - NON LINEAR PROGRAMMING: One dimensional minimization methods: Unidimensional –

Unimodal function-Exhaustive and Unrestricted search-Dichotomous search-Fibonacci method –Cauchy’s steepest
descent method-Conjugate gradient method (Fletcher Reeves)
Unit IV - GEOMETRIC AND DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Posynomial –degree of difficulty – reducing GPP
to a set of simultaneous equations – unconstrained and constrained problems with zero degree of difficulty-Concept
of solving problems with one degree of difficulty
Bellman’s principle of optimality-Representation of multistage decision problems-concept of sub optimization using
classical and tabular methods
Unit V - NON TRADITIONAL OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM: Genetic algorithms, working Principle,
Difference and Similarities between GAs and traditional methods, GAs for constrained optimization - Introduction
to neural network and fuzzy logic

Text Books
1. Taha H.A., “Operations Research: an Introduction”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Rao.S.S., “ Engineering Optimization, theory and Practice”, New Age International (p) Ltd., New
Reference Books:
1. David.W.A. Rees., “Mechanics of optimal Structural Design”, John wiley and Sons, 2009
2. Rajasekaran.S, and Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic and Genetic algorithm”, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 2003.
3. Kalyanmoy Deb., “Multi-Objective Optimization using evolutionary Algorithm”, John Wiely and Sons,
4. Fletcher R., “Practical Methods of Optimization Volumes 1,2”, John Wiley 1980, 1981.
5. Luenberger and Ye, “Linear and Nonlinear Programming”, Third Edition, Springer, 2008.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To introduce the students about types of natural and environmental disasters.
 To help students to develop skills in various stages of disaster preparedness, mitigation and management.
 To teach the students the methodologies for disaster risk assessment.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the types of natural and environmental disasters and its causes
 discuss about organizational and Administrative strategies for managing disasters
 demonstrate the early warning systems, monitoring of disasters effect and necessity of rehabilitation
 compare the engineering and non-engineering controls of mitigating various natural disasters
 appraise the key roles of capacity building to face disaster among government bodies, institutions,
NGO’s, etc
 develop methodologies for disaster risk assessment with the help of latest tools like GPS, GIS, Remote
sensing, information technologies, etc

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit I - NATURAL DISASTERS – OVERVIEW: Introduction- Natural disasters around the world- Natural
Disaster Risk Assessment- Earth and its characteristics Human dimensions of global environment change – Disaster
mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery- comprehensive emergency management Early warning systems
and Disaster Preparedness– Rehabilitation, Vulnerable Populations - Logistics and services, food, nutrition and
shelter -Role of UN Red Cross and NGOs.
Unit II - NATURAL HAZARDS: Introduction and Review - Natural Disasters -Principles, Elements, and Systems
- Geological- Geomorphological aspects, - Earthquake-Geology, Seismology, Characteristics and dimensions–
Landslides- Human impact on the mountainous terrain and its relationship with Rainfall, liquefaction etc- Tsunami -
Nature and characteristics.
Unit III - CLIMATE SYSTEM ASPECTS AND PROCESSES: Oceanic, Atmospheric and Hydrologic cycles -
Severe Weather & Tornadoes , Cyclones, Floods and Droughts - Global Patterns - - Mitigation & Preparation –
Drought – Famine- nature and dimensions – Drought Assessment and Monitoring.
Unit IV - NATURAL DISASTER COMMUNICATION: Mapping - Modeling, risk analysis and loss estimation

– Natural disaster risk analysis - prevention and mitigation - Applications of Space Technology (Satellite
Communications, GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing and Information / Communication Technologies ( ICT ) in Early
warning Systems - Disaster Monitoring and Support Centre– Information Dissemination, mobile communication –
Unit V - ADMINISTRATIVE MECHANISMS: Community and Social organizations – Education and Training –
Establishment of capacity building among various stake holders – Government - Educational institutions – Use of
Multi-media knowledge products for self education.

Text Books
1. Kovach, Robert L. Earth's Fury, An Introduction to Natural Hazards and Disasters, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,
Prentice Hall, 1995
2. Iyengar, C.B.R.I.,“Natural Hazards in the Urban Habitat” , Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2001.
Reference Books
1. Jon Ingletone, “Natural Disaster management”, Tulor Rose, 1999.
2. Singh, R.B., “Disaster Management”, Rawat Publications, 2000.
3. Sachindra Narayan, “Anthropology of Disaster management”, Gyan Publishing House,2000
4. Damon P. Coppola, “Introduction to International Disaster Management”, Elsevier Publication, 2011


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the student to the concept of Mathematical approaches for managing the water resources
 To make the students apply an appropriate system approach to simulate a water resource system.
 To enable the student to carryout the procedures required for a system operation
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the concepts of system approach
 discuss the concepts of socio economical aspects and analysis of water resources system
 demonstrate the concepts of integrated planning of a water resources project
 experiment with various systems problems through linear and dynamic programming
 select the appropriate programming technique for systems operation and allocation
 formulate the problem according to real world problem and solve it

Unit I - SYSTEM APPROACH: Philosophy of modelling – Goals and Objectives – Basics of system analysis
concept – scopes and steps in systems engineering.
Unit II - PHYSICAL AND SOCIO - ECONOMIC DATA: Collection, evaluation and processing – project
appraisal – public involvement, master Comprehensive and integrated planning of water resources project.
Unit III - LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Operation research - introduction - Problem Formulation-graphical
solution- Simplex method – Sensitivity analysis - simple applications

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit IV - DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Optimality criteria Stage coach problem – Bellman’s optimality criteria
Problem formulation and Solution - simple applications
Unit V – SIMULATION: Basic principles – Methodology and Philosophy – Model development – input and
outputs – Deterministic simulation - simple applications

Text Books
1. Vedula, S., and Majumdar, P.P. “Water Resources Systems – Modeling Techniques and Analysis”, Tata
McGraw Hill, 5th reprint, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Chadurvedi M.C., “Water resource Systems Planning and Management”, Tata McGraw Hill inc., New
Reference Books
1. Hall Warren, A. and John A. Dracup., “Water Resources System Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1998

2. Taha H.A., “Operation Research”, McMillan Publication Co., New York, 1995.


Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the basic concepts of GIS
 To carryout satellite image analysis and classificatin
 To provide an exposure to GIS and its practical applications in civil engineering.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the principles of remote sensing and gis
 describe the analysis methods rs and gis data
 interpret the data for modeling applications
 distinguish sensors and satellites datas for specific applications
 appraise the usage of data models
 formulate methods to solve issues related to environment using RS and GIS techniques
List of experiments:
1. Creating Shape files and assigning co-ordinate system
2. Editing data in shapefile
3. Georeferencing the shapefiles
4. Creating rasters
5. Overlay analysis using vector data
6. Query analysis
7. Creating buffers, using clip, intersect options
8. Image classification using ERDAS and ArcMap
9. Landuse change detection study
10. Creating DEM from contours
11. Watershed delineation
12. Suitability analysis study
Reference Books
1. Lillesand T.M., Kiefer, R.W. and J.W.Chipman. “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation” 5th Edition,
John Willey and Sons Asia Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
2. Anji Reddy, M. “Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System” 2 nd edition. BS
Publications, Hyderabad, 2001.
3. Lo.C.P.and A.K.W.Yeung, “Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems”, Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002
4. Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, “Principles of GIS”, Oxford University Press, 2000
5. Ian Heywood, “An Introduction to GIS”, Pearson Education Asia, 2000

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on the limit state design of RC Structural components
 To understand the behavior of various structures
 To design the special structural elements as per Indian standard codes of practice.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 interpret the concept of rcc design
 classify different types of roofing system
 discuss the structural behavior of special structures

 design different types of rcc structures
 evaluate the quality of rcc construction
 identify the solution for failure of structures

Unit I - LIMIT STATE DESIGN: Review of limit state design of structural elements – Moment rotation behavior
- Limit state serviceability - Design for bond - Calculation of deflection and crack width according to IS, BS and
ACI Codes
Unit II - DESIGN OF FLAT SLABS: Introduction - Action of flat slabs - Direct design methods - Shear in flat
slabs - Equivalent frame method - Design of edge beam - Effect of openings
Unit III - DESIGN OF SPECIAL RCC ELEMENTS: Plates and Shells - Types - Design of Shell Roof -
Cylindrical and hyperbolic paraboloid - Structural behaviour and Design of folded plates
Unit IV - DESIGN OF SPECIAL STRUCTURE: Introduction - Difference between bunker and silo - Design of
Bunkers – Design of Silo – Design of RC walls.
Unit V - FIELD PRACTICE AND DETAILING Reason for building failure - Structural Integrity - Ductility
detailing - Design of joints in frames - Construction details at connections and special situations - Fire resistance of
structural members – Quality control of concrete

1. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdass Menon “Reinforced concrete Design’, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
2. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Prentice Hall of India, 2007.
3. Varghese, P.C, “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.
4. Bhavikatti S.S, “Advanced RCC Design”, New age International Pvt. Ltd. 2006.
5. Varghese, P.C., "Advanced Reinforced concrete structures ", Prentice – Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi 2003.
6. Krishnaraju,N., "Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design", CBS publications, New Delhi 2005


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To gain knowledge on the basic principles of free and forced vibration (both undamped and
damped) of single degree of freedom system
 To learn modal analysis of multiple degree of freedom systems as well as distributed parameter systems
 To get exposed to the solution techniques for free and forced vibration analysis of building frames
subjected to dynamic loads
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the elements of vibratory system and to choose the basic theorems and the relevant mathematical
tools for dynamic analysis of structure
 explain the causes and effects of structural vibration and methods of vibration isolation
 determine the fundamental frequency and mode of vibration of structural elements
 calculate the response of the components of structural system due to undamped or damped free and forced

2017 Civil Engineering

 compare the response of vibrating structural elements obtained by rigorous mathematical approach and
functional approximation methods
 model the multi-storied building frame and generate the overall response due to dynamic loads using mode
superposition method

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLES OF DYNAMICS: Principles of vibration analysis: Elements of

vibratory system and simple harmonic motion - D'Alembert's principle - Hamilton's principle – Principle of
virtual work; Idealization of a structure as SDOF system - Equation of motion - Damped and undamped free
vibrations - Critical damping - Logarithmic decrement Undamped forced vibration - Response to support
motion - Response to harmonic excitation, damped or undamped - Response to arbitrary periodic loading-
Response to general d ynamic loading (blast or earthquake) - Duhamel's integral –Vibration isolation.
two degree of freedom system- free and forced vibration with and without damping – normal modes of vibration –

application to vibration absorber and tuned mass damper.
MDOF system - Free vibration of undamped MDOF systems - Natural frequencies and mode shapes –
Orthogonality conditions - Analysis for natural frequencies and mode shapes - Solution of the Eigen value
problems: Stodala Power method - Jacobi method - Holzer method - Transfer matrix methods - Dunkerlay's
equation – Rayleigh and Rayleigh-Ritz methods; Response to forced vibration by mode superposition method.
Unit IV - DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF CONTINUOUS SYSTEM: Mathematical model for continuous system-
free and forced vibration of bars - Analysis for undamped free a n d f o r c e d vibration of simply supported and
cantilever beams - Effect of axial loads; Rayleigh Ritz method.
Idealizations of multi-storeyed building frames for dynamic analysis - Shear buildings – Stiffness - flexibility
and mass matrices - Free and forced vibration with and without damping – solution by step by step direct
integration - Central Difference method - Houbolt method - Wilson-θ-method - Newmark method.

1 . Clough, R.W., and Penzien, “Dynamics of Structures”, McGraw Hill Book Co Ltd, 1986.
2. Paz Mario, “Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.,
3. Leonard Meirovitch, “ Elements of Vibration Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2007
4. Anil K. Chopra, “Dynamics of Structure”, Pearson, 2015
5. Joseph W. Tedesco, William G. McDougal and C. Allen Ross., “ Structural Dynamics”, Addison Wesley
Longman Inc., California, 1998


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To und er stand the co ncep t o f 3 dimensio nal stress and strain analysis.
 To obtain solutions for selected problems in rectangular and polar coordinates as well as torsion of
prismatic bars, thin walled open sections and closed tubes
 To understand the plastic stress-strain relations, criteria of yielding and elasto- plastic problems
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recite the basic equations of elasticity and plasticity and recognize the methods of solution of elastic,
elastic-plastic and plastic problems of solid mechanics
 explain the concept of stress at a point, strain at a point, stress or strain transformation, principal plane and
principal stress, strain- displacement relations, yield criteria, yield surface, plastic stress -strain relation
 calculate the principal stress/strain at a point in a stressed body and their associated directions
 carry out rigorous analysis of a stressed body, examine its stess distribution and to compare the same with
results obtained by strength of material approach

2017 Civil Engineering

 justify the importance of rigorous analysis of solid mechanics problems by theory of elasticity and theory
of plasticity for weight- sensitive applications
 develop equations governing the behaviour of physical problem consistent with the kinematic constraints


COORDINATES: Analysis of stress in 3D Cartesian coordinates: Body force, Surface forces - Uniform state of
stress – Stress at a Point – Differential equations of equilibrium- Stress transformation laws – Principal stresses -
Analysis of strain in three dimension - Strain displacement relations – St.Venant Compatibility conditions - State of
strain at a point - Strain transformations - Principal strain - Principle of superposition - Stress-strain relations -
Generalized Hooke's law; Methods of formulation of elasticity problems - St.Venant principle.
Two Dimensional Problems in Cartesian Coordinates: Plane stress and plane strain problems – Airy's stress function

- Polynomials -Application to:, bending of a beam - Stress distribution; S y m m e t r i c a l Stress distribution in
thick cylinder - rotating disc - P ure bending of curved bars; Bending of a curved bar by force at the end - Effect of
circular hole on stress distribution - Concentrated force at a point of a straight boundary - Forces on wedges -
Circular disc with diametric loading.
Unit III - TORSION OF NON-CIRCULAR SECTIONS: Torsion of noncircular sections: General solutions of
the problem by displacement (St. Venant's warping function) and force (Prandtl's stress function) approaches -
Membrane analogy - Torsion of shafts of noncircular (elliptic, triangular and rectangular) cross sectional shapes -
Torsion of thin rectangular section - torsion of thin walled open sections - torsion of hollow thin walled single and
multi-celled sections.
Unit IV - BEAMS ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION: Analysis of prismatic Euler beam on elastic foundation:
Idealization of soil medium – Winkler model – Infinite beams – Semi infinite and Finite beams – Point load and
uniformly distributed load – Various boundary conditions – Solution by closed form integration and finite difference
Unit V - INTRODUCTION TO PLASTICITY: Elasto-plastic and Plastic analysis: Yield criteria – Rankine's
theory - St.Venant's theory - Tresca's criterion - Beltrami theory - Von-Mises criterion; Stress-space representation
of Von-Mises and Tresca yield criteria through Westergard stress space - Elasto-Plastic problems - Beams in
bending - Thick hollow cylinders subjected to internal pressure - Torsion of bar of circular cross section - Nadai's
sand heap analogy.

1. Chakrabarthy, T., “Theory of Plasticity”, Elsevier, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Chandramouli, P.N., “Theory of Elasticity”, Yes Dee Publishing Private Ltd., Chennai, 2017
3. Chow, P.C and Pagano, N.J., “Elasticity, Tensor, Dyadic and Engineering approaches”, Dover Publications
Inc, , New York, 1992.
4. Mendelson, A., “Plasticity - Theory and Applications”, MacMillan Co., New York, 1968
5. Sadhu Singh, “Theory of Elasticity”, Khanna Publishers, New.Delhi, 1995
6. Sadhu Singh, “Theory of Plasticity”, Khanna Publishers, New.Delhi, 1995
7. Timoshenko, S. and Goodier, J.N., “Theory of Elasticity”, McGraw- Hill Book Co., New Delhi, 2010


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Understand the Principles of pre-stressing
 Analyse and design the prestressed concrete elements
 Apply the concepts of prestressing techniques
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 Identify the suitable pre-stressing systems and methods
 Choose the appropriate pre-stressing system
 Interpret the behaviour of PSC structural elements
 Analyze the PSC structural elements
 Design PSC structural elements

2017 Civil Engineering

 Evaluate the strength and durability of PSC structures

Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Review - Basic concepts of prestressing - IS 1343-2012 code provisions - Factors
affecting strength and deflection - Layout of cables - Introduction to ACI and BS codal provisions
Unit II - DESIGN FOR FLEXURE, SHEAR AND TORSION: Behaviour of flexural members, determination of
ultimate flexural strength – Various Codal provisions - Design of flexural members, Design for shear, bond and
Unit III - DESIGN OF CONTINUOUS AND CANTILEVER BEAMS: Analysis and design of continuous
beams - Methods of achieving continuity - concept of linear transformations, concordant cable profile and gap
cables – Analysis and design of cantilever beams
Unit IV - DESIGN OF POST TENSIONED CONCRETE SLAB: Design of one way and two way spanning
floors - flexure in flat slab - tendon profile - anchorage bursting reinforcement - Design of railway sleepers

Unit V - DESIGN OF COMPOSITE MEMBERS: Composite beams - Applications - analysis and design,
ultimate strength - Partial prestressing - advantages and applications.

1. Arthur H. Nilson, “Design of Prestressed Concrete”, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2004.
2. Krishna Raju, “Prestressed Concrete”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2008.
3. Lin.T.Y.,and Burns.H, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York,
4. Rajagopalan.N, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Sinha.N.C.and.Roy.S.K, “Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete”, S.Chand and Co., 1998.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To understand the basic concept of finite element and the finite element procedure
 To study the development of shape functions, strain displacement relations, stiffness matrix and load
vector for one, two, and three dimensional finite elements including plate and shell elements.
 To get exposure to mesh generation techniques and the working of commercial softwares
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 Reproduce conservation of energy principle, variational principle and methods of weighted residual for
developing finite element model
 Explain the finite element procedure by taking a simple 2D truss problem.
 Develop the shape function, strain displacement-relation, stiffness matrix and consistent load vector for
structural members.
 Analyze scalar and vector variable problems
 Justify the approximate solution by finite element method by comparing with closed form solution of bench
mark problem.
 Choose appropriate finite element for analysis depending on the nature of the problem.

Unit I - ANALYSIS OF ONE DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM: Concept of Finite Element: Element types – Strong
and weak formulations - Variational principles - Principle of virtual work - Rayleigh-Ritz method - Galerkin’s
method of weighted residual - Energy Principles - Displacement, stress and hybrid models - Convergence and
compatibility requirements; One Dimensional Problems: scalar and vector variable problems concept of shape
functions – Bar, beam and truss elements– global, local and natural coordinate systems – generation of stiffness
matrix and consistent load vector– finite element procedure
Unit II - ANALYSIS OF TWO DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: Two Dimensional Problems: Plane stress and
plane strain problems - Triangular Elements - Constant strain triangle - Element stiffness matrix - Various Methods
of evaluating element stiffness - higher order triangular elements - comparison of different elements. Rectangular
Elements - Serendipity family - Lagrangian family - Hermitian family – static condensation tecnique; Sub-Iso-Super
parametric elements - Shape function - Mapping - Linear iso-parametric quadrilateral
Unit III - ANALYSIS OF THREE DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: Three dimensional problems: Numerical
Integration using Gaussian Quadrature - Weights and Gauss points - Selective and reduced integration -

2017 Civil Engineering

Axisymmetric stress analysis - Tetrahedron element family - Parallelepiped element - Hexahedron Element family -
ZIB 8 and ZIB 20 elements.
Unit IV - ANALYSIS OF PLATES AND SHELLS: Analysis of plates; Introduction to Kirchhoff and Mindlin
plate theories- Triangular and rectangular elements - BFS Element, Mindlin plate element; Analysis of Shells:
Faceted element for shells - Semi-loof elements - Degenerated shell elements – 4 noded bilinear shell element-
Axisymmetric shell elements – shear and membrane locking; Finite strip method: Development of stiffness matrix
and consistent load vector - Application to folded plates and bridge decks
Unit V - MESHING AND SOLUTION PROBLEMS: Component mode synthesis –finite element model for
vibration and buckling – elements for fracture analysis - Ill conditioned elements- Discritization errors - error
evaluation - Higher order elements - Auto and adaptive mesh generation techniques – Mesh refinement technique - P
and H methods of mesh refinement – requirement for selection of commercial software for structural analysis-
Principles of modeling and analysis using software.

1. Bathe, K.J., “Finite Element Procedure”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2014
2. Chandrakant, S.Desai and John, F.Abel, "Introduction to the Finite Element method, A numerical Method
for Engineering. Analysis", CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Deli, 2005
3. Chennakesava R. Alavala, “Finite Element Method: Basic Concept and Applications”, Prentice Hall inc.,
4. Cook R.D., “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Metod”, Wiley John & Sons, 2014
5. Moaveni,S., “ Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Application using ANSYS”, Pearson Education, 2011
6. Rajasekaran, S., “Finite Element Methods in Engineering Design”, S.Chand & Co Ltd., New Delhi, 2015
7. Rao, S.S., “ Finite Element Method in Engineering”, Butterworth - Heinemann, 2014
8. Reddy, J.N., “ An Introduction to Finite Element Method”, McGraw-Hill International edition, 2008
9. Tirupathi, R.Chandrupatla and Ashok, D. Belegundu, "Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering",
Prentice Hall of India Private Limited., New Delhi, 2004.
10. Zienkiewinz, O.C., “The Finite Element Method”, Vol. 1 & 2", Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York,


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Know the loading standards of IRC
 Study the design principles of bridges
 Analyse and design different types of bridges.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 Classify bridges according to different loading standards
 Choose the appropriate bridge with respect to span and loading
 Analyse different types of bridges
 Design the different components of bridges
 Examine the stability of sub structure
 Interpret the intricacies in construction and failure of bridges

Unit I - SHORT SPAN RC BRIDGES: Types of bridges and loading standards - Choice of type - I.R.C.
specifications for road bridges – Design of RCC solid slab bridges -analysis and design of slab culverts , Tee beam
and slab bridges.
Unit II - LONG SPAN RC BRIDGES: Design principles of continuous girder bridges, box girder bridges,
balanced cantilever bridges – Arch bridges – Box culverts - Cable stayed and suspension bridges.
Unit III - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BRIDGES: Flexural and torsional parameters – Courbon’s theory –
Design of girder section – maximum and minimum prestressing forces – Eccentricity – Live load and dead load
shear forces – Cable Zone in girder – check for stresses at various sections – check for diagonal tension –
Diaphragms – End block

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit IV - STEEL BRIDGES: General – Railway loadings – dynamic effect – Railway culvert with steel beams –
Plate girder bridges – Box girder bridges – Truss bridges – Vertical and Horizontal stiffeners.
Unit V - BEARINGS AND SUBSTRUCTURES: Different types of bearings – Design of bearings – Design of
piers and abutments of different types – Types of bridge foundations – Design of foundations.

1. Jagadeesh.T.R. and Jayaram.M.A, “Design of Bridge Structures”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2004.
2. Johnson Victor, D. “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi, 2001.
3. Ponnuswamy, S., “Bridge Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
4. Raina V.K. “Concrete Bridge Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2010


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Study the behaviour of steel connections
 Analyse and design the Industrial buildings
 Evaluate the performance of light gauge steel structures
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 select the suitable structural steel section
 explain the behaviour of different types of connection
 perform plastic analysis of frames
 design components of industrial building
 assess the performance of the joints
 evaluate the strength of light gauge steel structures

Unit I – GENERAL: Limit state method - Design of members subjected to combined forces – Design of Purlins
and Gable column – Design of slab base and Gusseted bases and Moment Resisting Base Plates.
Unit II - DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS:Types of connections – Welded and Bolted – Throat and Root Stresses in
Fillet Welds – Seated Connections – Unstiffened and Stiffened seated Connections – Moment Resistant Connections
– Clip angle Connections – Eccentric connections - Split beam Connections – Framed Connections.
Unit III - ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS: Types of roof system - loads - Analysis
and design of roof truss – Analysis and design of industrial buildings – Pre-Engineered buildings - Sway and non
sway frames – seismic design of steel buildings
Unit IV - PLASTIC ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES: Introduction, Shape factor, Moment redistribution,
Combined mechanisms, Analysis of portal frames, Effect of axial force - Effect of shear force on plastic moment -
Design of continuous beams. Transmission line structure - loads - bracing system - design of microwave towers
Unit V - DESIGN OF COLDFORMED STEEL STRUCTURES: Behaviour of Compression Elements -
Effective width for load and deflection determination – Behaviour of Unstiffened and Stiffened Elements – Design
of webs of beams – Flexural members – Lateral buckling of beams – Shear Lag – Design of Compression Members
– Wall Studs

1. Lynn S. Beedle, “Plastic Design of Steel Frames”, John Wiley and Sons, 1990.
2. Subramanian.N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2008.
3. Wie Wen Yu, “Design of Cold Formed Steel Structures”, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1996.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To understand the principles of plate tectonics and seismology
 To analyse the forces in the members as per IS 1893 and ductile detailing as per IS 13920
 To study the principle of vibration control methods and retrofitting techniques
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

2017 Civil Engineering

 sequence the basic principles of engineering seismology
 estimate the forces on the structures
 assess the methods for seismic resistant design
 illustrate the codal provisions for seismic resistant design
 recommend suitable alternate techniques
 formulate methods of damaged structures

Unit I - EARTHQUAKES AND GROUND MOTION: Engineering Seismology, Seismotectonics, Earthquake

Monitoring and Seismic Instrumentation (Indian Scenario), Estimation of Earthquake Parameters, Seismic Zoning of
India- Microzonation- Peak Horizontal acceleration (PHA)
MDOFS), Response Spectra - Evaluation of Earthquake Forces as per codal provisions – Static and dynamic

methods- Lessons Learnt From Past Earthquakes
Types of Buildings - Causes of damage - Planning Considerations - Philosophy and Principle of Earthquake
Resistant Design - Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Design - Earthquake Resistant Masonry Buildings - Design
R.C.C. Buildings – Ductile detailing of structures –Rigid Frames – Shear walls.
Unit V - VIBRATION CONTROL TECHNIQUES: Vibration Control - Principles and application- Case Studies,
Important structures- methods of retrofitting.

1. Bruce A Bolt, “Earthquakes” W H Freeman and Company, New York, 2004.
2. C. A. Brebbia, “Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VIII”,WIT Press, 2011
3. Mohiuddin Ali Khan “Earthquake-Resistant Structures: Design, Build and Retrofit”, Elsevier Science &
Technology, 2012
4. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Prentice Hall of
India, 2009.
5. Paulay,T and Priestley, M.J.N., “Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry buildings”, John
Wiley and Sons, 1992.
6. S K Duggal, “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2007.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To learn the basic principles of stability of structures
 To gain knowledge on equilibrium and energy approaches for the buckling of compression members and
beam columns made of solid as well as thin walled open sections
 To understand the buckling behaviour of plates and shells and imperfection sensitivity
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 memorize the stability criteria, energy theorems, and basic mathematical techniques used to determine the
critical loads of structural elements
 explain the cause of bifurcation and limit point buckling of structural elements
 apply equilibrium and energy approaches and develop mathematical equations for buckling of structural
 carry out buckling analysis of structural elements and determine the buckling loads and the associated
buckling modes
 justify the applicability of approximate solution techniques for buckling of structures
 predict the buckling behaviour of a building frame by using stability function and by using linear elastic
stiffness and geometric stiffness of the experiments

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit I - INTRODUCTION AND ELASTIC BUCKLING: Buckling of columns: States of equilibrium - Stability
criteria - Static and dynamic approach - Higher order differential equations - Various boundary conditions - Initially
bent column - Eccentrically loaded column – Energy method - Rayleigh-Ritz method - Galerkin method –Finite
Difference method - Effect of shear on buckling - Large deflection of columns – Inelastic buckling of columns:
Double modulus theory - Tangent modulus theory
Unit II - BUCKLING OF BEAM COLUMNS: Theory of Beam Columns: Beam-columns with concentrated
lateral loads - Distributed loads - Effect of axial force on bending stiffness - Stability of frames with and without
sway- Use of Stability functions – Buckling analysis by finite element method
Unit III - TORSIONAL AND LATERAL BUCKLING: Lateral stability of beams: Differential equations for
lateral buckling - Lateral buckling of beams in pure bending - Lateral buckling of cantilever and simply supported I
beams; Buckling of Thin-Walled Open Sections: Torsional buckling - Torsional flexural buckling - Equilibrium and
energy approaches.
Unit IV - BUCKLING OF PLATES: Stability of plates: Governing differential equation – Equilibrium and energy

concepts - Critical load of a thin plate under uni-axial and biaxial compression – analysis for various boundary
conditions - Critical load of plate in shear - Galerkin’s method - Finite difference method – inelastic buckling of
plate - Post-buckling strength.
Unit V - BUCKLING OF SHELLS: Buckling of shells: Donnel’s equation - Symmetrical buckling of cylinder
under uniform axial compression - Cylinder under uniform external lateral pressure - Cylinder subjected to torsion;
Imperfection sensitivity: Perfect systems - Imperfect systems - Sensitive and insensitive systems - Symmetric and
asymmetric bifurcation - Bifurcation and limit points

1. Ashwini Kukar, “Stability of Structures”, Allied Publishers Limited, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Brush, D.O., and Almorth B.O., “Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells”, McGrawHill, 1975.
3. Chajes, A., “Principles of Structural Stability Theory”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1974.
4. El Naschie, M.S., “Stress, Stability and Chaos in Structural Engineering: An Energy Approach”, McGraw
Hill International Editions, 1992.
5. Iyengar, N.G.R., “Elastic Stability of Structural Elements”, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.
6. Murali, L. Gambir, “Stability Analysis and Design of Structures”, Springer-Verlog, Berlin, 2013.
7. Robert Millard Jones, “Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells”, McGraw-Hill, 2006
8. Simister G.J. and Hodge D.H., “Fundamentals of Structural Stability”, Elsevier Ltd., 2008
9. Timoshenko, S.P., and Gere, J.M., “Theory of Elastic Stability”, 2 nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2013.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Acquire knowledge on various techniques for experimentation
 Illustrate the construction and working principles of various devices
 Formulate complex structures for static and dynamic load
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 plan various experiments and the instruments
 classify the force measurements and the strain measurements for various tests
 choose the vibration analyser and data recorders
 examine various parameters with the appropriate device
 develop complex structures for static and dynamic load
 evaluate the distress in structures
Unit I - FORCES AND STRAIN MEASUREMENT: Choice of Experimental stress analysis methods - Errors in
measurements – Force measurements - Principles of operations of UTM - Hydraulic jacks and pressure gauges –
Electronic load cells – Proving Rings – Calibration of Testing Machines - Strain gauges - principle, types,
performance and uses - Photo elasticity - principle and applications – Long term monitoring – vibrating wire sensors
– Fibre optic sensors.
Unit II - VIBRATION MEASUREMENT: Characteristics of Structural Vibrations – Vibration excitors - Linear
Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) – Transducers for velocity and acceleration measurements - Vibration

2017 Civil Engineering

meter – Seismographs – Vibration Analyzer – Display and recording of signals – Cathode Ray Oscilloscope – XY
Plotter–– Digital data Acquisition systems.
Unit III - FLOW MEASUREMENT: Principles of Pressure and flow measurements - Pressure transducers -
Sound level meter - Flow meters – Venturimeter – Wind tunnel Test - its use in structural analysis
Unit IV - MODEL ANALYSIS: Model Laws – Laws of similitude – Model materials – Necessity for Model
analysis – Advantages – Applications – Types of similitude – Scale effect in models – Indirect model study – Direct
model study - Limitations of models – investigations – structural problems – Usage of influence lines in model
Unit V - DISTRESS MEASUREMENTS AND CONTROL: Diagnosis of distress in structures – Crack
observation and measurements – corrosion of reinforcement in concrete – Half cell - construction and use – damage
assessment – controlled blasting for demolition – Techniques for residual stress measurements – Holography – use
of laser for structural testing – Brittle coating – Half cell potentiometer – corrosion analyzer – rebar locator -
impulse radar techniques

1. Hollman J. P, “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, 7 th edition, McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. 2007
2. Dalley .J. W and Riley. W. F, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York
3. Jindal U. C, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Pearson, New Delhi, 2013.
4. Sirohi.R.S, Radhakrishna.H.C, “Mechanical Measurements”, New Age International (P) Ltd. 1997.
5. Ganesan.T.P, “Model Analysis of Structures”, University Press, India, 2000.


Credits: 0:0:1

Course Objectives:
 To learn the concepts of mix design
 To understand the flexural behaviour of RCC and steel beam by experimental Investigation
 To get an exposure on NDT methods
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 determine the properties of concrete in fresh and hardened state
 explain the behaviour of structural elements
 evaluate the strength and durability of concrete
1. Concrete Mix Design as per IS and ACI
2. Studies on Bending Strength and Deflection Behaviour of RCC Beam
3. Studies on Axial Load Capacity of RCC Column
4. Testing of Steel Beam for Strength and Deflection Behaviour
5. Durability test on concrete using RCPT
6. Non Destructive Testing on structures using
a) Ultra-Sonic Pulse Velocity
b) Rebound Hammer
c) Corrosion Analyser
d) Rebar and Cover meter
1. IS 10262:2009 Indian Standard code for Concrete Mix Design, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
2. Shetty, M. S., “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi, 2005
3. Neville, A.M., “Concrete Technology”, Longman Scientific & Technical, 2005.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 0:0:1
Course Objectives:
 Introduce the application of FEM in Software Packages
 Analyze and design various structural elements using software packages
 Impart knowledge on computer application in civil engineering
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 model the structures with appropriate loading as per the standards
 analyse and design the structures for static and dynamic loads
 estimate the design stresses of structural elements

1. Analysis of RCC/Steel building frame for static loads
2. Analysis of RCC/Steel building for dynamic loads
3. Analysis and design of truss
4. Analysis of Continuous beam/frame (2D)
5. Analysis of Solid beam (3D)
6. Analysis of Plate
1. STAAD Pro 2007 V8i Analysis Reference Manual, 2015.
2. ANSYS 17.1 - Analysis Reference Manual, 2016.
3. Rudra Pratap, “Getting Started with MATLAB”, Oxford University Press, 2002


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To know more about advanced construction chemicals
 To study the strength and durability properties of concrete
 To perform mix design for concrete
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify suitable admixture for concreting
 explain the hydration reaction
 choose the appropriate type of concrete
 analyze the properties of hardened concrete
 recommend suitable mix proportions methods
 evaluate the quality of concrete

Unit I – MATERIALS: Introduction - Concrete ingredients - workability - Role of chemical admixtures - super
plasticizers - self curing agents - viscosity modifying agents - high strength non shrink grouts - foaming agents -
water proofing agents - polymers in concrete - Supplementary cementitious material
Unit II - CONCRETE CHEMISTRY: Hydration chemistry – cooling of aggregates- factors affecting hydration -
CSH gel formation - secondary gel - structure of hydrated cement paste - properties of fresh and hardened concrete –
-factors affecting strength properties of concrete - stress strain relation - strength porosity relationship - failure
modes in concrete - maturity of concrete
Unit III - DURABILITY OF CONCRETE: Hot weather concreting - effect of temperature in concrete - Cold
weather concreting - resistance to freezing and thawing - concrete expansion and contraction - Concrete in marine
environment - corrosion of steel in concrete - corrosion analysing techniques - abrasion resistance - Rapid chloride
penetration test
Unit IV - SPECIAL CONCRETE: Self compacting concrete - Flowability and segregation resistance - mix design
- geopolymer concrete - Fibers in concrete - pumped concrete - light weight concrete - pervious concrete - ultra
high strength concrete - nano materials in concrete - reactive powder concrete - recycled aggregate concrete – Shot-
Crete – foam concrete
Unit V - MIX DESIGN AND QUALITY CONTROL: Statistical quality control - Sampling and testing -

2017 Civil Engineering

Acceptance and rejection criteria - Standard deviation - Concepts of mix design - factors affecting mix proportion -
mix design as per BIS, ACI and BS code- mix design of concrete with admixtures – on-line quality assurance and

1. A.R. Santhakumar “Concrete Technology”, Oxford University Press N Delhi, 2006
2. Neville, A.M., “Concrete Technology”, Longman Scientific & Technical, 2003
3. IS 10262:2009 - Guideline for mix proportioning, Bureau of Indian standards


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To understand the behaviour of tall buildings

 To analyse the resultant forces in various structural forms
 To analyse the stability of tall buildings
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the loads on tall buildings
 illustrate the behaviour of various structural forms
 adopt suitable techniques for analysis
 analyse the forces in the structures
 assess the long term effects in tall buildings
 integrate second order effects into the analysis of tall buildings

Unit I - LOADING AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Loading- sequential loading, Gravity loading, Wind loading,
Earthquake loading, - Equivalent lateral force, modal analysis - combination of loading, – Static and Dynamic
approach - Design philosophy - working stress method, limit state method and plastic design.
Unit II - BEHAVIOUR OF VARIOUS STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS: Factors affecting growth, height and
structural form. High rise behaviour, Rigid frames, braced frames, In filled frames, shear walls, coupled shear walls,
wall-frames, tubulars, cores, outrigger - braced and hybrid mega systems.
Unit III - ANALYSIS AND DESIGN : Modeling for approximate analysis, Accurate analysis and reduction
techniques, Analysis of buildings as total structural system considering overall integrity and major subsystem
interaction, Analysis for member forces, drift and twist - Computerized three dimensional analysis – Assumptions in
3D analysis – Simplified 2D analysis.
Unit IV - STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS: Sectional shapes, properties and resisting capacity, design, deflection,
cracking, prestressing, shear flow, Design for differential movement, creep and shrinkage effects, temperature
effects and fire resistance
Unit V - STABILITY ISSUES: Overall buckling analysis of frames, wall-frames, Approximate methods, second
order effects of gravity of loading, P-Delta analysis, simultaneous first-order and P-Delta analysis, Translational,
Torsional instability, out of plumb effects, stiffness of member in stability, effect of foundation rotation.

1. Taranath B.S., “Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings”, McGraw Hill, 1988.
2. Beedle.L.S, “Advances in Tall Buildings”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1986.
3. Bryan Stafford Smith and Alexcoull, “Tall Building Structures - Analysis and Design”, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., 2005.
4. Gupta.Y.P.,(Editor), Proceedings of National Seminar on High Rise Structures - Design and Construction
Practices for Middle Level Cities, New Age International Limited, New Delhi,1995.
5. Lin T.Y and Stotes Burry D, “Structural Concepts and systems for Architects and Engineers”, John Wiley,

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To learn the theories on offshore structures.
 To understand the behavior and design aspects of offshore structures.
 To understand the accidental loads on offshore structures.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the structures for the specified offshore field theoretically
 explain the significance of offshore structures in oil industry
 choose the various loads and load combination on the structures
 analyze the primary components of the offshore structures

 determine the optimum feasible structure
 design the structure and estimate the global response of the structure

Unit I - LOADS ON OFFSHORE STRUCTURES : Loads on offshore structures -wind loads; wave and
current loads; calculation based on Maximum base Shear and Overturning Moments; Design Wave heights and
Spectral Definition; Hydrodynamic Coefficients and Marine growth; Fatigue Load Definition and Joint Probability
distribution; Seismic Loads.
Unit II - CONCEPTS OF FIXED PLATFORM JACKET AND DECK: Concepts of Fixed Platform Jacket and
Deck - Jacket concepts, redundant framing arrangement; Launch and Lift jackets; Simple Deck configurations for
Lift and float-over installations; In-service and Pre-service Loads and analysis.
Unit III - STEEL TUBULAR MEMBER DESIGN: Steel Tubular Member Design - Principles of WSD and
LRFD; Allowable stresses and Partial Safety Factors; Tubular Members, Slenderness effects; Column Buckling,
Design for Hydrostatic pressure; Design for combined axial and bending stresses (API RP 2A guidelines).Tubular
Joint Design for Static and Cyclic Loads - Simple tubular joints, design using allowable loads; stress concentration
factors; S-N curves and fatigue damage calculations.
Unit IV - SUBMARINE PIPELINES AND RISERS: Submarine Pipelines and Risers - Route selection and
Diameter / wall thickness calculations; Pipeline stability, free span calculations; Concrete coated pipelines and pipe-
in-pipe insulated pipelines; Design using DNV 81 code.
Unit V - DESIGN AGAINST ACCIDENTAL LOADS: Design against Accidental Loads (Fire, Blast and
Collision). Behavior of steel at elevated temperature; Fire Rating for Hydrocarbon fire; Design of structures for high
temperature; Blast Mitigation-Blast walls; Collision of Boats and energy absorption; Platform survival capacity and
Plastic design methods.

1. Chakrabarti, S.K, “Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures” Springer-Verlag. 2005.
2. Chakrabarti, S.K, “Handbook of Offshore Engineering”Elseviers, 2005.
3. Gopu, B, Song, S, Chacko, J, and Ghalambor, A,“Offshore pipelines” GPP Publishers, 2006
4. W.F.Chen and E.M.Lui, “Structural Stability - Theory and Implementation” , Elsevier, 2006
5. Thomas, H.Dawson, “Offshore Structural Engineering”, Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1983.
6. Brebia C.A, and Walker S., “Dynamic Analysis of Offshore structures”, New-nestButterworth, U.K., 1979.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To understand the dynamics of earth and its response, effect on earth structure and measures to mitigate the
 Students are able to develop the design ground motion for a site by suitable response analysis
 To analyse and design geotechnical structures. Students are able to prepare a hazard and risk map.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 apply the principles of earthquake loading
 quantify earthquake intensity and ground motion
 estimate seismic soil design parameters

2017 Civil Engineering

 analyze and design seismic resistant foundation for buildings
 prepare soil risk and micro zonation maps
 assess the hazard resistance to maintain and modify the soil sample


Causes of earthquake - Earthquake Fault sources - Elastic Rebound theory - Seismic wave in Earthquake shaking -
Definition of earthquake terms - Locating an earthquake - Quantification of earthquakes.
Unit II - GROUND MOTION CHARACTERISTICS: Strong Motion Records -characteristics of ground motion
- Factors influencing ground motion - Estimation of frequency content parameters - Seismic site investigations -
Evaluation of Dynamic soil properties.
MOTION: Wave propagation Analysis - Site Amplification, Ground Response Analysis - Method of analysis - One
Dimensional Analysis - Equivalent linear Analysis – shear beam Analysis - site effects - Design Ground Motion -

Developing Design Ground Motion. Application of software package - codal recommendations
Unit IV - SEISMIC STABILITY ANALYSIS: Earthquake Resistant Design of foundation of buildings - Design
considerations - Geotechnical - Architectural - Structural - Capacity Design - Seismic analysis. Earthquake
Response of slopes - Evaluation of slope stability - Pseudostatic Analysis - Newmark's Study of Block Analysis -
Dynamic Analysis - Earth pressure due to ground shaking valuation - Lateral Deformation - codal provisions.
Unit V - EARTHQUAKE HAZARD MITIGATION: Seismic risk vulnerability and hazard - Risk mapping -
scale – changing percept of risk – vulnerability Atlas of India - Hazard assessment - Maintenance and modifications
to improve hazard resistance; Seismic microzonation – methodology – scale of mapping - Different type of
foundation and its impact on safety

1. Mahanti, N.C. Samal, S.K. Datta, P. Nag.N.K., Diaster Management, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, India, 2006.
2. Krammer S.L., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall,Iinternational Series, Pearson
Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
1. Kameswara Rao, N.S.V., Dynamics soil tests and applications, Wheeler Publishing - New Delhi, 2000.
2. Kameswara Rao, Vibration Analysis and Foundation Dynamics, Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi, 1998.
3. McGuire, R.K. Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 2004.
4. Mahanti, N.C. Samal, S.K. Datta, P. Nag.N.K., Diaster Management, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, India, 2006.
5. Wai-Fah Chen and CgharlesScawthem, Earthquake Engineering Hand book, Caspress,2003.
6. Robert W. Day, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Hand book, McGraw Hill, 2002.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To enable the student to understand the importance of optimization of structures
 To bring out the difference between traditional and nontraditional algorithm
 To apply algorithm in method of analysis and design paradigms in different civil engineering problems.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the structural optimization techniques
 illustrate the linear, nonlinear, polynomial and dynamic programming problems
 solve the minimum cost problems in civil engineering
 analyze using various techniques
 choose suitable optimization method
 formulate the optimization algorithm for real time complex problems

Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Basic Concepts of minimum weight - Minimum cost design – Objective function,
constraints. Linear and Non-Linear Programming: Formulation of problems simplex method - Two phase method -
Penalty method - Duality theory - Primal - Dual algorithm - Exhaustive and unrestricted search - Dichotomous

2017 Civil Engineering

search - Fibonacci method - Golden section method - Interpolation methods – Unconstrained optimization
Unit II - GEOMETRIC PROGRAMMING: Unconstrained and constrained problems with zero difficulty -
Concept of solving problems with one degree of difficulty - Dynamic Programming: Bellman’s principle of
optimality - Representation of a multistage decision problem - Concept of sub-optimization problems using classical
and tabular methods.
Unit III - GENETIC ALGORITHM: Genetic Algorithms – Operators – Reproduction – Mutation – Cross Over –
Evolution Strategies – Methods for optimal design of structures, continuous beams and single storeyed frames –
Minimum weight design for truss members - Ant Colony Algorithm: Ant algorithm – Network – The ant – Initial
population – Ant movement – Ant tours – Pheromone – Evaporation –Sample problem.
Biological systems - Artificial neural network - Application characteristics - Overview of learning methods - Review
of probability concepts.

Unit V - FUZZY LOGIC IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Fuzzy set theory and logic – Fuzzy sets operation – Fuzzy
relations - Membership function defuzzyfication - Fuzzy based rule systems –Application

1. Rao, S.S., “Engineering Optimization, Theory and Practice”, New Age International (p) Ltd., New Delhi,
2. Ross,T.J., “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, Mc.Graw Hill, 1995.
3. GoldBerg, D.E., “Genetic Algorithm in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning”, Addison – Wesley,
4. Spunt, L., “Optimum Structural Design”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1971.
5. Gary Parker, R. and Ronald, L., “Discrete Optimization”, Academic press 1988.
6. David Corns, Marco Dorigo and Fred Gloves, “New Ideas in Optimization”, McGraw Hill Company,
London, 1999.
7. Rajasekaran,S. and VijayalakshmiPai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm”, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 2003
8. Belegundu A. and T. Chandrupatla, “Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engineering”, Prentice
Hall, 1999.
9. Gen, M. and R. Cheng, “Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Optimization”, Wiley, 2000.
10. Fletcher R., Practical Methods of Optimization Volumes 1,2, John Wiley 1980, 1981.
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To make students to learn principles of subsoil exploration,
 To design the sub structures.
 To evaluate the soil shear strength parameters.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the principles of subsoil exploration
 identify and evaluate the soil shear strength parameters
 determine the load carrying capacity of each type of foundation
 understand the concepts of settlement analysis
 select appropriate foundations type based on available soil conditions
 design of reinforced concrete shallow foundations, pile foundations, well foundations, and machine

Unit I - SITE INVESTIGATION: In-situ testing of soils - Subsoil exploration - Classification of foundations
systems - General requirement of foundations - Selection of foundations - Computations of Loads - Design concepts.
Unit II - CONCEPT OF SOIL SHEAR STRENGTH PARAMETERS: Settlement analysis of footings, Shallow
foundations in clay, Shallow foundation in sand & C-Ф soils, Footings on layered soils and sloping ground, Design
for Eccentric or Moment Loads.

2017 Civil Engineering

methods, Flexible methods, soil-structure interaction, different methods of modeling the soil - Combined footings
(rectangular & trapezoidal), strap footings & wall footings - Raft – super structure interaction effects & general
concepts of structural design, Basement slabs
Unit IV - DEEP FOUNDATIONS: Load Transfer in Deep Foundations, Types of Deep Foundations, Ultimate
bearing capacity of different types of piles in different soil conditions, Laterally loaded piles, tension piles & batter
piles, Pile groups: Bearing capacity, settlement, uplift capacity, load distribution between piles, Proportioning and
design concepts of piles- sheet piling.
Unit V - TYPES OF CAISSONS: Analysis of well foundations - Design principles - Well construction and sinking
- Foundations for tower structures: Introduction, Forces on tower foundations - Selection of foundation type -
Stability and design considerations - Ring foundations – general concepts.


1. Bowles .J.E., “Foundation Analysis and Design”, McGraw Hill Publishing co., New York, 1986.
2. Swamy Saran, "Analysis and Design of substructures", Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
3. Tomlinson.M.J, “Foundation Design and Construction”, Longman, Sixth Edition, New Delhi, 1995.
4. Varghese.P.C, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations” –PHI learning private limited, New Delhi,
5. Nayak. N.V., “Foundation design manual for practicing engineers”, DhanpatRai and Sons, 1982.
6. Dr.K.R.Arora, “Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers & Distributors, 2005.
7. Winterkorn. H. F., and Fang, H. Y., “Foundation Engineering Hand Book”, Van Nostrard, Reinhold, 1976.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 Acquire knowledge on space structure configuration
 Relate the behavior of space structure
 Design the space structure and the node connectors
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 relate the space structure and its behaviour
 identify the materials for space structure
 develop the behavior of various space structures
 design the node connectors
 evaluate the structure and design the support systems
 construct the dynamic and stability analysis

Unit I - SPACE STRUCTURE INTRODUCTION: Space frames - configuration - types of nodes - Design
Philosophy –- Single and Multi-layer grids - barrel vaults- domes – towers tension Structures - pneumatic structures
- patterns - Material - steel - aluminum - plastics - protection coats for the members - Practical construction methods
– Drainage - Transportation problem - Lifting technique - corrosion protection - Maintenance and fire protection
Unit II – BEHAVIOUR: Behaviour of Space Structures - Different forms of space structures - Tensile structures,
cable roofs - cable supported bridges - tensegrity frame work - pneumatic Structures – Tubular Structures -
Prefabricated Space Structural Systems: Mero, Space Deck, Nodus, Unistrut, Triodetic, Unibat, and NS truss
Unit III - NODE CONNECTORS: Mero - Octatube - Nodus System – Triodetic - Modular System - Tomo Unit
Unit IV - ANALYSIS: Analysis of space frames - Finite element method - Linear – Nonlinear - Collapse -
Dynamic and Stability analysis - Design of Members: Joints - Support systems – Foundations.
Unit V - CONFIGURATION PROCESSING: FORMIAN for generation of configuration - Case Studies -

1. Ramaswamy G. S, Mick Eekhout,Suresh G. R, “Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space
Frames”, Thomas Telford 2002

2017 Civil Engineering

2. Subramanian,N. “Space Structures: Principles and Practice I” Multi Science Publishing Company 2006.
3. Subramanian.N , “Principles of Space Structures”, Wheeler Publishing Co. 1999
4. Woinowsky-Kriege S., “Theory of plates and shells”, Mc Graw Hill 2003.
5. Reinhold Kienzler, Holm Altenbach, Ingrid Ott “Theories of Plates and Shells: Critical Review and New
Applications”, Springer 2013


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Develop an understanding on the behaviour of composite structures
 Study the design of steel concrete composite elements
 Impart knowledge on shear connectors

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 classify different types of shear connectors
 recommend suitable type of profile sheeting
 examine the elastic behaviour of composite structural members
 analyze the steel concrete composite elements
 design different types of composite elements
 evaluate the strength of shear connectors

Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Introduction to steel - concrete composite construction – materials - Composite action
– Moment of resistance - Serviceability - Design criteria - provisions on IS, BS and Euro codes
Unit II - DESIGN OF COMPOSITE FLEXURAL MEMBERS: Design of composite beams - simply supported
and continuous - Design of slabs - profiled sheeting - stiffeners
Unit III - DESIGN OF COMPOSITE COLUMNS AND TRUSSUS: Design of columns - Encased column -
Infilled column - Axially, uni-axially and bi-axially loaded columns, design of composite trusses.
Unit IV - DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS: Shear connectors – Types – Design of connections in composite
structures – behaviour of shear connectors – Partial and full interaction of shear connectors
Unit V - CASE STUDIES: Case studies on steel - concrete composite construction in buildings - fire resistance -
seismic behaviour of composite structures.

1. Johnson R.P., “Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete Beams, Slabs, Columns and Frames for
Buildings”, Vol.I, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2004.
2. Oehlers D.J. and Bradford M.A., “Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Members, Fundamental
behaviour”, Pergamon press, Oxford, 1995.
3. Owens.G.W and Knowles.P, “Steel Designers Manual”, Steel Concrete Institute (UK), Oxford Blackwell
Scientific Publications, 1992.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 Understand the requirements and functional planning of industrial structures
 Analyse the industrial structures
 Learn the design of towers and chimneys
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the suitable industrial roofing system
 explain the requirements of industrial building
 analyse transmission towers with required foundations
 design various components of industrial buildings
 discuss the behaviour of machine foundation
 plan industrial structures for functional requirements

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit I - PLANNING AND FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Classification of Industries and Industrial
structures - planning for Layout Requirements regarding Lighting, Ventilation and Fire Safety - Protection against
noise and vibration - Guidelines of Factories Act.
Unit II - INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS: Steel and RCC - Gantry Girder, Crane Girders - Design of Corbels and
Nibs – Design of Staircase
Unit III - POWER PLANT STRUCTURES: Types of power plants – Containment structures - Cooling Towers -
Bunkers and Silos - Pipe supporting structures
Unit IV - TRANSMISSION LINE STRUCTURES AND CHIMNEYS: Analysis and design of transmission line
towers - Saj and Tension calculations, testing of towers – Design of self supporting chimney, Design of Chimney
Unit V – FOUNDATION: Design of foundation for Towers, Chimneys and Cooling Towers - Machine Foundation
- Design of Turbo Generator Foundation

1. Jurgen Axel Adam, Katharria Hausmann, Frank Juttner, Klauss Daniel, “Industrial Buildings: A Design
Manual”, Birkhauser Publishers, 2004.
2. Manohar S.N, “Tall Chimneys - Design and Construction”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1985
3. Santhakumar A.R. and Murthy S.S., “Transmission Line Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992.
4. Srinivasulu P and Vaidyanathan.C, “Handbook of Machine Foundations”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1976.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To learn the various type of nonlinearities and their sources
 To study the techniques for static nonlinear analysis
 To gain knowledge in carrying out nonlinear elastic-plastic analysis of structural members.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recognize the types of non linearities encountered in structural analysis
 explain the causes of non linearities and the importance of including the same in structural analysis
 calculate maximum deflection of beam, plate, column, truss and frame by carrying out large deflection
 carry out step by step non linear analysis and arrive at the post buckling behaviour and inelastic behaviour
of structural elements
 justify the elastic-plastic analysis of structural elements for rational and economic design
 develop non linear stiffness matrix for complex structural member with arbitrary geometry, loading and
boundary conditions

Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Types of nonlinearities: Geometric nonlinearity, Material nonlinearity - Nonlinear

governing Equation for beams: geometric nonlinearity due to stretching, material nonlinearity - geometrically
nonlinear beam problems - Cantilever beam: Moment-curvature nonlinearity - Centrally loaded beam with two
supports - Cantilever beam subjected to tip load.
Unit II - NONLINEAR STATIC ANALYSIS OF PLATES: Nonlinear static analysis of plates: Geometric and
material nonlinearities - governing nonlinear equations of plates: stress function approach, displacement equations
approach - Boundary conditions and method of solution - large deflection of rectangular plates.
Unit III - NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF COLUMN: Nonlinear analysis of column:Post buckling of cantilever
column - Large deflection of column with both ends hinged.
Unit IV - NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF TRUSSES AND FRAMES: Nonlinear analysis of trusses and frames:
Derivation of nonlinear stiffness matrix - Matrix displacement method for nonlinear analysis of structures -
Nonlinear analysis of plane frames.
Unit V - ELASTIC-PLASTIC ANALYSIS: Elastic-plastic analysis: Displacement transformation matrix for a
member with a hinge - Overall stiffness matrix - Elastic-plastic analysis of a propped cantilever - Elastic plastic
analysis of frames.

2017 Civil Engineering

1. Bathe, K.J., “Finite Element Procedure”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2014
2. Fertis,D.G., “ Nonlinear mechanics” CRC Press, 1999
3. Iyengar, N.G.R., “Elastic Stability of Structural elements”, Macmillan and Co., 2007
4. Madhu B. Kanci, “Matrix metods of structural analysis”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., new Delhi, 1993
5. Majid, K.I., “Non Linear Structures”, Butter worth Publishers, London, 1972.
6. Reddy,J.N., “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis”, Oxford University Press, 2008
7. Sathyamoorthy, M., “Nonlinear Analysis of Structures”, CRC Press, New York, 1998.
8. Zienkiewicz and Taylor R.L., “The Finite Element Metod – Vol. 2”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, London, 1991


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Study different types of prefabricated building system
 Analyse and design precast buildings
 Learn the connections in precast buildings
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 select the suitable prefabricated building system
 identify the suitable erection technique
 explain the behaviour of pre-stressed precast element
 analyze the precast structural frame
 design the precast structural element
 examine the behaviour of joints in precast frame


planning - Materials - fabrication and erection - Transportation -over all structural systems - systems for lateral load
resistance - Roof and floor systems – Components
Unit II - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Introduction - Materials - Loads - Load factors - Analysis
of frame with stability elements - modelling and analysis - Design consideration - Safety against progressive
collapse - Design problems - Beams and Slabs
Unit III - PRE-STRESSED PRECAST CONCRETE: Background and scope - Advantages - typical applications
of pre-stressing for precast elements - Limitations - Special analysis and design aspects for pre-stressed precast
elements - pre-tensioned elements - post tensioned elements - Case studies on construction
Unit IV - SEISMIC DESIGN OF PRECAST STRUCTURES: Design philosophy - design approaches -
limitations of precast concrete applications in seismic regions - moment resisting frames - structural walls -
diaphragms - support details - detailing
Unit V - JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN PRECAST BUILDINGS: Introduction - requirements - details of
connections - column to foundation connections - wall panel to foundation connections - column to column to
connection - floor to beam connection - wall panel to wall panel connection - connection materials

1. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2013
2. IS 15916 (2011): Building Design and Erection Using Prefabricated Concrete - Code of Practice
3. Code of Practice for Precast concrete construction 2003, PCI Design hand book

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To introduce the classical theory of thin plates and shells
 To study the derivation of basic governing equations and their solutions
 Applying the plate and shell theory and design folded plates and shells of different geometries and
boundary condition
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 identify and classify the various types of shells and plates
 differentiate the behavior of different types of shell and plates and their limitations
 apply plate and shell theory to problems using basic governing equations

 analyze problems involving different geometries and boundary conditions
 design different plates and shell structures and give the reinforcement detailing
 implement the detailing for the folded plates in the site

Unit I - CLASSICAL THEORY OF PLATES: Differential equation of laterally loaded and thin rectangular
plates- Levy and Navier solution of plates - small deflection theory of plates - analysis of laterally loaded
(concentrically loaded) circular, thin plates with simply supported or clamped edge
Unit II - DESIGN OF FOLDED PLATE ROOFS: Assumptions in the analysis of folded plates - Analysis of
folded plate roofs as per the ASCE task committee recommendations -Design steps - Minimum thickness and
reinforcements as per I.S. specifications for R.C. folded plates.
Classification of shells - Translational and rotational shells Ruled surfaces - Methods of generating the surface of
different shells - : Design of (a) Spherical shell, (b) Conical shell, (c) Paraboloid and Ellipsoid.
Unit IV - DESIGN OF CYLINDRICAL SHELLS: Design of R.C. cylindrical shell with edge beams using
theory for long shells - Design of shells with ASCE manual coefficientslike hyperbolic paraboloid, elliptic
paraboloid, conoidsetc - Membrane theory of doubly curved shells - Edge disturbances.
Unit V - DESIGN OF HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID SHELLS: Surface definition - Determination of forces -
Forces in the edge members - Buckling consideration - Design example - Detailing of reinforcement - Design of
R.C. Northlight Shells: Analysis of stresses in northlight shells - Design example.

1. Ramaswamy, G.S., “Design and Construction of Concrete Shell roofs”, Revised Ed. R.E.Kriegger,
Malabar, Florida, 1984.
2. Timoshenko, S. “Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1990.
3. Chatterjee, B.K., "Theory and design of concrete Shells", Oxford and IBH publishing co, 1971.
4. “Phase 1 - Report on Folded plate construction – Report of the Task Committee on Folded Plate Design,
ASCE Structural Division”, Dec 1963, pp 365– 406.
5. Kelkar, V.S. and Sewell, R.T., “Fundamentals of the analysis and design of shell K structures”, Prentice
Hall, Inc. New Jersey, 1987.
6. P.L. Gould, “Analysis of Shells and Plates,” Springer Verlag ,, New York, United States, July 2012
7. Reddy, J. N., “Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates and Shells,” CRC, 2nd edition, December 2006
8. Rudolp Szilard, “Theory and Analysis of Plates”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, United States, February


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the principles of wind forces
 To study the modelling for experimental and analytical studies
 To analyse and design the structures for cyclone
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

2017 Civil Engineering

 identify the wind parameters on structures
 estimate the wind forces on buildings
 determine the response of structures
 analyse different structures for wind forces
 analyse the forces due to cyclone
 design cyclone resistant structures

Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Introduction, Types of wind – Characteristics of wind – Wind velocity, Method of
measurement, variation of speed with height, shape factor, aspect ratio, drag effects - Dynamic nature of wind –
Pressure and suctions - Spectral studies, Gust factor.
Unit II - WIND TUNNEL STUDIES: Wind Tunnel Studies, Types of tunnels, - Prediction of acceleration – Load
combination factors – Wind tunnel data analysis – Calculation of Period and damping value for wind design -

Modeling requirements - Aero dynamic and Aero-elastic models.
Unit III - EFFECT OF WIND ON STRUCTURES: Classification of structures – Rigid and Flexible – Effect of
wind on structures - Static and dynamic effects on Tall buildings – Chimneys.
Unit IV - DESIGN OF SPECIAL STRUCTURES: Design of Structures for wind loading – as per IS, ASCE and
NBC code provisions – design of Tall Buildings – Chimneys – Transmission towers – Industrial sheds
Unit V - CYCLONE EFFECTS: Cyclone effect on – low rise structures – sloped roof structures - Tall buildings.
Effect of cyclone on claddings – design of cladding – use of code provisions in cladding design – Analytical
procedure and modeling of cladding

1. Cook.N.J. “The Designer's Guide to Wind Loading of Building Structures”, Butterworths, 1989.
2. Kolousek.V, Pirner.M, Fischer.O and Naprstek.J, “Wind Effects on Civil Engineering Structures”, Elsevier
Publications, 1984
3. Lawson T.V., “Wind Effects on Building Vol. I and II”, Applied Science Publishers, London, 1980.
4. Peter Sachs, “Wind Forces in Engineering”, Pergamon Press, New York, 1978.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To learn green building concept and ecological design concepts applicable to modern buildings
 Acquaint students with the principle theories of material and construction technique to create green
 To provide exposure to various national and International rating system as compliance requirements for
green buildings
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 examine the concept of green building
 classify the suitable materials and components
 illustrate the significance in reducing the environmental impacts of buildings
 analyze the ecological footprint of construction operations
 evaluate the green building commissioning
 predict the economic performance of buildings

Unit I - GREEN BUILDING PROCESS AND ECOLOGICAL DESIGN: Conventional versus green building
delivery systems –Green building project execution- the integrated design process-green building- green building
documentation requirements - design versus ecological design - historical perspective - contemporary ecological
design - future ecological design - green design to regenerative design.
Unit II - GREEN BUILDING SYSTEMS: Sustainable sites and landscaping – enhancing ecosystems - building
envelop – selection of green materials - products and practices - passive design strategy – internal load reduction –
indoor environment quality – building water and waste management – relevance to LEED / IGBC standards.
Unit III - GREEN BUILDING IMPLEMENTATION: Site protection planning - health and safety planning -
construction and demolition waste management - reducing the footprint of construction operations - maximizing the

2017 Civil Engineering

value of building commissioning in HVAC System, lighting and non mechanical Systems - costs and benefits
relevance to LEED / IGBC standards.
Unit IV - GREEN BUILDING ASSESSMENT: USGBC LEED building assessment standard - LEED
certification process – green globes building assessment protocol- international building assessment systems -
LEED-NC Platinum / gold / silver building case studies – trends in building rating systems – IGBC standards –
ECBC compliance.
Unit V - ECONOMICS OF GREEN BUILDINGS: Business case for high-performance green buildings - the
economics of green building - benefits - managing initial costs - cost barrier in project management - long-term
environment benefits.

1. Jerry Yudelson, “Green building A to Z, Understanding the Language of Green Building”, New Society
Publishers, Canada, 2007.

2. Green building guidelines: Meeting the demand for low-energy, resource-efficient homes. Sustainable
Buildings Industry Council, Washington, D.C., 2004.
3. Jerry Yudelson, “Green Building through Integrated Design”, McGraw Hill, USA, 2009
4. Means, R.S., “Green building: Project Planning & Cost Estimating”, Wiley, Kingston,


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Impart the knowledge on fire resistance of concrete
 Understand the behaviour of structural members under fire
 Design the structural elements for fire load
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 classify different types of fire
 identify the types of spalling
 explain the material characteristics under fire
 analyse the distribution of temperature in concrete
 design the structural elements for fire loading
 evaluate the strength of fire affected member

Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Classification of fire - Fire action - Fire scenario - Fire test and assessment procedures
- Consequences of a fire on a concrete structure – Codal provisions (IS 456, IS 3809 and EN 1992) – Time
temperature relations - ISO and hydrocarbon curve - Concrete and Fire safety - failure modes in fire.
resistance of concrete and steel - material characteristics - Effect of cover and size on fire resistance - Density -
moisture content - porosity - Effect of rebar mechanical properties of concrete under fire - stress strain behaviour -
performance of structural steel.
Unit III - THERMAL BEHAVIOUR: Thermal properties - Thermal conductivity- Specific heat - Coefficient of
thermal expansion - thermal diffusivity - Significance and types of spalling - thermal stress - thermal strain -
Thermal cracks - Temperature distribution - Thermo-gravimetric analysis - Differential thermal analysis.
Unit IV - DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS: Fire Resistance of RCC and Steel structures –Fire resistant
Design problems as per EN standards - Isotherm method – RCC slab – Simply supported beam – Column – Steel
beams and columns – Composite structures.
STRUCTURES: Introduction - Data collection - Damage analysis - Diagnosis - Chemical analysis - Damage
classification - Repair criteria - Repair methods - Role of fibers - NDT methods - Case studies on fire damaged

1. IS 3809-1979, Fire Resistance Test of Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
2. Tom lennon, “Structural Fire Engineering”, ICE Publications 2011

2017 Civil Engineering

3. “Fire Resistance Design of steel framed buildings”, SCI hand book
4. Paulo Vila Real & Jean-Marc Franssen, “Fire Design of Steel Structures”, Wiley Publications 2012


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To study the causes of damages observed in concrete and steel structures
 Analyse the failure and damage mitigation of structures.
 To know the structural retrofitting and rehabilitation techniques
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 classify the types of cracks

 identify the reasons of distress in structures
 explain the causes of failure of structures
 apply appropriate retrofitting technique
 recommend suitable structural rehabilitation techniques
 evaluate the failure of structure

Unit I - FAILURE OF STRUCTURES: Review of the construction theory – performance problems –

responsibility and accountability – case studies – learning from failures – causes of distress in structural members –
design and material deficiencies – over loading
Unit II - DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF DISTRESS: Visual inspection – non-destructive tests –
ultrasonic pulse velocity method – rebound hammer technique – ASTM classifications – pull-out tests – Bremor test
– Windsor probe test – rebar detection - crack patterns- crack detection techniques – case studies – single and multi-
storey buildings – Fibre optic method for prediction of structural weakness assessments
Unit III - ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS AND NATURAL HAZARDS: Effect of corrosive environments,
chemical and marine environments – pollution and carbonation problems – detection and measurement of corrosion
- Corrosion analyser, durability of RCC structures – damage due to earthquakes and strengthening of buildings –
provisions of S 1893 and 4326, 13935 and IS 456
Unit IV - GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS: Causes of Foundation Failure in Buildings - unequal
settlement and horizontal movement - Overturning - Soil liquefaction - Lateral instability - seasonal changes -
drainage problems - soil saturation
Unit V - MODERN TECHNIQUES OF RETROFITTING: Structural elements - first aid after a disaster – use of
chemicals in repair – application of polymers – ferrocement, fiber composites and fiber reinforced concretes as
rehabilitation materials – strengthening by pre-stressing – case studies – bridges – water tanks – cooling towers –
heritage buildings – high rise buildings.

1. Dovkaminetzky, “Design and Construction Failures”, Galgotia Publication, New Delhi, 2001
2. Hand book on “Seismic retrofit of buildings”, CPWD - Indian building congress, April 2007
3. Hand book on “Repair and rehabilitation of RCC buildings” - CPWD - GoI, 2012


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the hydration chemistry
 To study the microstructure of concrete
 To know about modern micro structure analysis techniques
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 classify the phase system of cement
 explain the cement hydration process
 list the types of pores in concrete

2017 Civil Engineering

 analyse the properties of cement paste and concrete
 discuss the hydration of cement with mineral admixtures
 examine the properties of hardened paste

Unit I - PHASE SYSTEMS: Principles of Cement Classification - Different Phase Systems of Cement Chemistry
(CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–Fe2O3) system - Thermo chemistry of Clinkering Process - Phase Composition of Portland
Cement - Tricalcium Silicate and Alite Phase - Dicalcium Silicate and Belite Phase - Aluminate Phase in Clinker
Unit II - CEMENT HYDRATION: Effect of constituents of cement on Hydration – Properties of Cement Paste -
Rheological Properties of Concrete - Microstructure and Strength of Cement Paste - Volume Changes of the Plastic
Paste - Permeability of Paste - The interfacial transition zone (ITZ) - Chromium Reducers - Phases in the CaO–
SiO2–H2O System
Unit III - CHEMICAL STRUCTURE AND BOND: The Microstructure of C-S-H Gel - The Chemical Structure

of C-S-H Phases - Delayed Ettringite - Cement Paste–Aggregate Bond - Paste–Reinforcement Bond - Corrosion of
Concrete in the Chlorides Solutions - Effect of High temperature on Hydrated Cement Paste - Microstructure of the
Hydrated cement paste - Solids in the Hydrated cement paste - Voids in the Hydrated cement paste - Water in the
Hydrated cement paste
Unit IV - PORE STRUCTURE: Introduction - pore structure and surface area of cement paste - water content of
CSH gel - pore system and classification of pores - application of mercury intrusion porosimetry - effect of w/c ratio
on age and curing conditions of concrete –
Unit V - MICROSTRUCTURE INVESTIGATION: Mineral Admixtures for Cement Production and its
Properties - Mineral Admixture - Flyash, silica fume, slag and metakaolin - formation of secondary gel - Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM) - X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) - Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy (EDAX) -
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) - TGA - DSC

1. Kurdowski & Wieslaw, “Cement and Concrete Chemistry”, Springer Publications 2014
2. Neville, A.M., “Concrete Technology”, Longman Scientific & Technical, 2005
3. Santhakumar A.R, “Concrete Technology” Oxford University press, Delhi, 2006


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To get exposed to the repair and rehabilitation structures and structural elements
 To know the materials used for repair.
 To have a knowledge about the repair techniques
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the failures in the structure
 diagnosis the distress/defects in structures
 apply suitable repair techniques
 analyze the various remedial measures
 justify the strength of rehabilitated structure with reference to original structure
 develop suitable method of rehabilitation relevant to the complex situations

Unit I – INTRODUCTION: General consideration – Quality Assurance - Inspection – Structural appraisal -

Economic appraisal - Types of defects – Cracks: types: structural and non-structural -,monitoring of cracks-
Distresses monitoring- Causes of distresses –diagnosis – remedial measures.
Unit II - CONCRETE STRUCTURES: Introduction - Causes of deterioration - Diagnosis of causes - Flow charts
for diagnosis - Repairing, spalling and disintegration – remedial measures; Moisture Penetration: Sources of
dampness - Moisture movement from ground - Reasons for ineffective DPC - Roof leakage -Dampness in solid
walls – Ill effects of dampness- remedial treatments.
Unit III - STEEL STRUCTURES AND MASONRY STRUCTURES: Steel structures:Types and causes for
deterioration - preventive measures - Repair procedure- welded joints: Defects: remedial measures- Corrosion:
Mechanism of corrosion, preventive measures and remedial measures. Fabrication and erection: errors, Distress,

2017 Civil Engineering

remedial measures; Masonry Structures: Stone masonry structures: Discoloration and weakening of stones - Biocidal
treatments - Preservation – Brick masonry structures: Distresses, remedial measures.
Unit IV - MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES FOR REPAIR: Repair materials: special mortar and concretes,
concrete chemicals, Special Cements And High Grade Concrete – Expansive Cement, Polymer Concrete, Sulphur
Infiltrated Concrete, Ferro Cement, Fiber Reinforced Concrete- admixtures of latest origin; Techniques for Repair:-
surface repair – material selection – surface preparation - rust eliminators and polymers coating for rebars during
repair – repair of cracks in concrete and masonry-methods of repair.
Unit V - RETROFITTING AND DEMOLITION: Retrofitting: causes, types, remedial measures - Strengthening
Measures - Flexural Strengthening, Beam Shear Capacity Strengthening, Column Strengthening, Shoring, Under
Pinning and Jacketing - Demolition of Buildings – Introduction – Planning, Precautions and Protective Measures in
Demolition Work-Sequence of Operations - Demolition of Structural Elements


1. Johnson, S.M., “Deterioration, Maintenance and repair of Structures”, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Newyork, 1965.
2. SP25-84 - Hand Book on Causes and Prevention of Cracks on Buildings, Indian Standards Institution,
NewDelhi, 1984.
3. Richardson, B.A., “Remedial Treatment of Buildings”, Construction Press, London, 1980.
4. Dension, C Alien and Roper, H., “Concrete Structures, Materials, Maintenance and Repair”, Longman
Scientific and Technical, UK, 1991.
5. Alien, R.T. and Edwards S.C., “Repair of Concrete Structures”, Blakie and Sons, UK, 1987.
6. Guha R.K., “Maintenance and Repairs of Buildings”, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd, Calcutta, 1985.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To implement fundamental concepts in structural health monitoring.
 Demonstrate the working principles of sensors and actuators made from smart materials.
 Describe the current real-world applications of damage identification in the aerospace, civil, and
mechanical engineering fields.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
 identify various health monitoring techniques
 interpret the acquired data using diagnostic methods
 predict appropriate shm system for structures
 examine the use of low-cost, long term monitoring systems
 justify the need for health monitoring
 adapt the concepts of rapid after disaster assessment of civil infrastructure

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Structural damage - measurement principles and error sources - design of measuring
system for SHM - Monitoring needs – Benefits - structural health monitoring process – case study
Unit II - SENSORS: Fiber optic Technology – Fiber Bragg grating sensor - sensor packing – sensing cables – strain
components - Elastic and plastic strain – Thermal strain - creep – shrinkage - Distributed strain sensor measurement
- Data management and signal processing systems
Unit III - ELECTRO – MECHANICAL IMPEDENCE TECHNIQUE: Mechanical Impedence of structures –
EMI Technique - Electrical impedance based methods, electric waves and magnetostrictive sensors – Data
Acquisition Systems - Electrical Impedance and wave propagation- signal processing methods
Unit IV - MONITORING STRATEGIES: Building structural members – columns - Frames – slabs – walls –
Bridges – Dams - Statistical pattern recognition and damage detection in structural health monitoring of civil
infrastructure - maintenance strategies and non-destructive evaluation
UNITV: DAMAGE ASSESSMENT: Magnetoelastic stress sensors – PZT patches for load measuring - Vibration
based damage detection techniques - structural health monitoring of infrastructure - Operational modal analysis

2017 Civil Engineering

1. Chee-Kiong Soh, Yaowen Yang, Suresh Bhalla, “Smart Materials in Structural Health Monitoring, Control
and Biomechanics”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
2. Branko Glisic, Daniele Inaudi, “Fibre Optic Methods for Structural Health Monitoring” , John Wiley &
Sons, Technology & Engineering, 2008
3. Keith Worden, “Structural Health Monitoring: A Machine Learning Perspective”, Wiley-Blackwell,
November 2012.
4. Adams Douglas E, “Health Monitoring of Structural Materials and Components: Methods with
Applications”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 Understand the structural behaviour of plate and shell structures
 Study the design of shells, folded plates and space frames
 Apply the software packages for the analysis of shells
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 classify different types of shell
 explain the behaviour of folded plate
 discuss the design principles of space frame
 analyze and various types of shells
 design folded plates and space frames
 compute the forces of elements using software packages

Unit I - CLASSIFICATION OF SHELLS: Classification of shells, types of shells, structural action, - Design of
circular domes, conical roofs, circular cylindrical shells by ASCE Manual No.31.
Unit II - FOLDED PLATES: Folded Plate structures, structural behaviour, types, design by ACI - ASCE Task
Committee method – pyramidal roof.
Unit III - INTRODUCTION TO SPACE FRAME: Space frames - configuration - types of nodes - general
principles of design Philosophy - Behaviour.
Unit IV - ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Analysis of space frames – detailed design of Space frames – Introduction
to Computer Aided Design and Software Packages.
Unit V - SPECIAL METHODS: Application of Formex Algebra, FORMIAN for generation of configuration

1. Billington.D.P, “Thin Shell Concrete Structures”, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1982.
2. ASCE Manual No.31, Design of Cylindrical Shells.
3. Ramasamy, G.S., “Design and Construction of Concrete Shells Roofs”, CBS Publishers, 1986.
4. Subramanian.N, “Principles of Space Structures”, Wheeler Publishing Co. 1999.
5. Varghese.P.C. “Design of Reinforced Concrete Shells and Folded Plates”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
 To study the basics of soil structure interaction, soil foundation models.
 To impart knowledge on finite difference and finite element analysis
 To understand elastic analysis of piles and piled raft.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
 understand various soil response models applicable to soil-foundation interaction analysis
 come up with elastic solutions for problems of pile
 analyse soil-foundation system using software packages
 understand interaction analysis on piles and pile groups

2017 Civil Engineering

 predict load deflection on laterally loaded piles
 design of pile raft system

Unit I - SOIL - FOUNDATION INTERACTION: Introduction to soil – Foundation interaction problems -Soil
behaviour -Foundation behaviour, Interface - behaviour -Scope of soil-foundation interaction analysis -soil response
models. Winkler - Elastic continuum - two parameter elastic models - Elastic – plastic behaviour -Time dependent
Unit II - BEAMS ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION - SOIL MODELS: Infinite beam - two parameters -Isotropic
elastic half space - Analysis of beams of finite length - Classification of finite beams in relation to their stiffness –
Analysis through application packages.
Unit III - PLATE ON ELASTIC MEDIUM: Infinite plate – Winkler -Two parameters - Isotropic elastic medium
-Thin and thick plates - Analysis of finite plates -rectangular and circular plates - Numerical analysis of finite plates
- simple solutions - Analysis of braced cuts – Application packages.

Unit IV - ELASTIC ANALYSIS OF PILE: Elastic analysis of single pile - Theoretical solutions for settlement
and load distribution - Analysis of pile group - Interaction analysis - Load distribution in groups with rigid cap – Pile
raft – Application packages.
Unit V - LATERALLY LOADED PILE: Load deflection prediction for laterally loaded piles - subgrade reaction
and elastic analysis - Interaction analysis -pile raft system - solutions through influence charts - Application

1. Saran, S., “Analysis and design of substructures”, Taylor & Francis Publishers, 2006.
2. Hemsley, J.A., “Elastic Analysis of Raft Foundations”, Thomas Telford, 1998.
3. Poulos, H.G., and Davis, E.H., “Pile Foundation Analysis and Design”, John Wiley, 2008.
4. Murthy, V.N.S., “Advanced Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
5. McCarthy, R.N., “Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics”, Sixth Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2002.
6. Selvadurai, A.P.S., “Elastic Analysis of Soil Foundation Interaction”, Elsevier, 1979.
7. Scott, R.F., Foundation Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1981.
8. Structure Soil Interaction – State of Art Report, Institution of structural Engineers, 1978.
9. ACI 336, “Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Mats”, American
Concrete Institute, Delhi, 1988


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge in selection of foundations
 To design the foundation based on bearing capacity and settlement
 To study different types of shallow foundation.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will be able to
 identify the requirements of good foundation
 select suitable foundation based on bearing capacity
 explain the soil structure interaction
 evaluate the foundation settlement
 design shallow and special foundations
 suggest suitable measures for expansive and difficult soils

Unit I - FOUNDATIONS – GENERAL: Developments – Need of foundation Engineering – Responsibility of

foundation engineer Shallow and deep foundations – Classification - Requirements of good foundations – Selection
of type of foundation – Additional consideration – Hostile environment – Structural integrity – Economy.
Unit II - BEARING CAPACITY: Introduction – Criteria for computing Bearing Capacity – Theoretical methods –
Terzaghi’s formula – Meyerhoff’s method – Effect of compressibility of soil, water table, shape and width of

2017 Civil Engineering

foundation, inclination of load, eccentricity of load, stratification, sloping ground and adjacent footing – Vesic’s
approach – Allowable bearing pressure – Evaluation of bearing capacity from in-situ tests - I.S. code provisions.
Unit III - SETTLEMENT EVALUATION: Introduction – Immediate and time dependant settlement –
Determination – Causes of settlement – Prediction of settlement – Minimizing settlement – Uniform, tolerable and
allowable settlement – Differential settlement – Causes and effects – Factors influencing – I.S. Code provisions –
Special considerations for expansive and collapsible soils.
Unit IV - DESIGN OF FOUNDATIONS: Analysis of foundation – Isolated – Strip – Combined footings and mat
foundations -Conventional – Elastic approach – Soil Structure Interaction Principles – Application –Structural
design of shallow foundations – Working stress method – Limit state method – Codal recommendations-Software
Unit V - SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS: Introduction to special foundations – Floating foundation – Foundation in
expansive soils – Foundation on recent refuse fills – Design of foundation for seismic forces – Methods of
improving bearing capacity.

Reference Books
1. Peck, R.B. Hansen, V.E., and Thornburn, W.H., “Foundation Engineering”, John Wiley, 1974.
2. Winterkorn, H.F and Fang, Y.F., “Foundation Engineering Handbook”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.
3. Bowles, J.E. “Foundation Analysis and Design”, McGraw Hill, New York, 2001.
4. Tomlinson, M.J., “Foundation Engineering’, ELBS, Long man Group, UK Ltd, England, 1995.
5. Swami Saran, “Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation”, Galgottia Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
6. Day, R.W., “Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering”, Design and Construction, McGraw Hill, 2010.
7. Donald P.Coduto, “Geotechnical Engg, Principles and Practices”, Pearson Education, 2010.
8. Robert Wade Brown, “Practical Foundation Engineering Handbook”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.
9. Vargheese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced concrete”, Prentice-Hall of India2009.
10. Muni Budhu, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation”, John Wiley and Sons, INC, 2000.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge on stress-strain characteristics of soils.
 To study the behaviour in the form of stress path.
 To gain knowledge on the concepts of yield and failure criteria.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify shear strength parameters under different drainage conditions
 distinguish stress strain behaviour between cohesionless and cohesive soil
 illustrate stress path for different conditions
 examine the failure criteria of soils
 design rheological models
 justify Elasto plastic laws

Unit I - SHEAR STRENGTH OF COHESIONLESS SOILS: Shear strength of granular soils – Direct shear –
Triaxial Testing – Drained and undrained – Stress-strain behaviour – Dilatation – Contraction and critical states –
Liquefaction and Liquefaction potential. Factors influencing – Stress-strain – Volume change behaviour of soils.
Unit II - SHEAR STRENGTH OF COHESIVE SOILS: Shear strength of clays – Stress-strain behaviour – Vane
shear – UCC – Triaxial testing and stress path plotting – Pore pressure parameter of Skempton and Henkel – Total
stress and effective stress approach – Shear strength of partially saturated clay in terms of stress state variables –
Drained and undrained – Factors influencing stress-strain and shear strength.
Unit III - YIELD CRITERION: Concepts of yield and failure in soils – Yield criteria of von Mises, Tresca,
KvikPatriak, Drucker and Prager and their extended form – their applicability to soils – Detailed discussion of Mohr
– Coulomb failure criterion.
Unit IV - STRESS PATH AND STRESS – STRAIN LAWS: stress path for different cases – Stress path tests –
Stress-strain laws for soils – Hyperbolic law – Linear visco-elastic and Elasto – Plastic laws – Yield functions,

2017 Civil Engineering

hardening law, flow rules and plastic strain computation – Elastic module – Cyclic loading – Limitation of linearity
elastic model – Hyperbolic stress-strain model.
state soil mechanics –boundary Surface – Roscoe and Hvorslev’s – Rheological models of Kelvin, Maxwell and
Burger as applied to soils.

Reference Books
1. Lambe, T.W. and Whitman R.V., “Soil Mechanics in S.I. Units” John Wiley, 1979.
2. Hotlz, R.D. and Kovais, W.D., “Introduction of Geotechnical Engineering”, Prentice – Hall, 1981
3. Atkinson, J.H and Brandsby, P.L., “Introduction to critical state soil mechanics”, Cambridge University
Press, New York, 1990
4. Braja, M. Das, “Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering”, Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning Academic
Resource, Center, 2016.

5. Keedwell, M.J., “Rheology and Soil mechanics”, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd. 1984.
6. Braja, M. Das, “Advanced soil mechanics”, McGraw Hill, 1997.
7. Wood. D.M., “Soil behaviour and Critical State Soil Mechanics”, Cambridge University Press New York,
8. Bazant, Z.P., “Mechanics of Geo-materials”, Rocks, Concrete and Soil, John Willey and Sons, Chilchester,


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge in excavations and boring techniques
 To study in situ soil testing methods
 To gain knowledge on geophysical methods
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
 Recall the different methods of soil investigation.
 Evaluate the properties of soil at different depths.
 Identify the samplers to collect the disturbed and undisturbed soil
 Conduct field test for bearing capacity.
 Design suitable field instrumentation.
 Prepare subsoil investigation reports.

Unit I – GENERAL: Scopes and objectives of explorations – Planning a subsurface exploration – stages in sub
surface exploration – Explorations for preliminary and detailed design – spacing and depth of exploration.
Unit II - OPEN EXCAVATION AND BORINGS OF EXPLORATION: Pits and Trenches – Drifts and Shafts –
Methods of boring – Auger Borings – Wash Borings –Rotary Drilling –Percussion Drilling – Core Drilling.
Unit III - SOIL SAMPLES AND SAMPLERS: Types of soil samples – Disturbed samples –Undisturbed samples
– Design Features affecting the sample Disturbance –Split spoon samplers – Scraper Bucket Samplers –Shell by
Tubes and Thin walled Samplers – Piston Samplers – Denis Samplers – Preservation and handling of samples.
Unit IV - IN-SITU TESTING: Field tests – Standard Penetration Tests – Cone Penetration Tests – In-situ Vane
Shear Test–Plate Load Test – monotonic and cyclic –Field Permeability Tests – In-situ Tests using Pressure meter –
Observation of Ground Water Table. - Instrumentation in soil engineering, strain gauges, resistance and inductance
Unit V - GEOPHYSICAL METHODS: Geophysical methods-types-Seismic Methods – Electrical Resistivity
Methods – Electrical Profiling Method –Electrical Sounding Method – seismic refraction method – Sub-soil
Investigation Report.

Reference Books:
1. Hvorslev, M.J, “Sub surface exploration and Sampling of soils for Civil Engineering Purpose”, Waterways
Station, Vicksburg, Missispi, 1949.

2017 Civil Engineering

2. S.P. Brahma, “Foundation Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi,
3. Shamsher Prakash, Gopal Ranjan and Swami Saran, Sarita Prakasham, “Analysis and Design of
Foundations and Retainig Structures”, Meerut, 1979.
4. V.N.S. Murthy, “Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering”, Vol. 2, Sai Kripa Technical Consultants,
Bangalore, 2002
5. C. Venkataramaiah, “Geotechnical Engineering”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi. 2006


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge on investigation of slopes

 To study stabilization techniques of slopes
 To gain knowledge on analysis and design of slopes
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the purpose of computing slope stability
 classify irregular slopes with different approaches
 evaluate pore water pressure
 analyse the stability of slopes
 interpret the failures of case studies
 execute suitable ground improvement techniques in the field

Unit I - STABILITY OF SLOPES: Introduction – Importance – General characteristics - Types of failures –

Causes of failures – Purpose of stability computation – Investigation of failures – Procedure – Case studies.
Unit II - STABILITY ANALYSIS: Stability analysis – Method of slices – Friction circle method – Soils with
cohesion – Soils with cohesion and angle of internal friction. Critical states for design for embankments – Stability
computations – Evaluation of pore water pressure.
Unit III - IRREGULAR SLOPES : Non-uniform soils – Janbu’s analysis – Taylor’s analysis – Bishop’s analysis –
Total stress and effective stress approaches – composite surfaces of sliding – Block sliding.
Unit IV - LAND SLIDES: General Characteristics-sources–Stability of Hill side slopes – Open cuts – Engineering
problems involving the stability of slopes – Cuts in sand – Cuts in loess – Homogeneous and soft clay slopes –
Sudden spreading of clay slopes – Clay flows - Clays containing pockets and sand masses – Slides in stiff clay
slopes on shale – Slopes on weathered rock; talus slopes, slopes on over consolidated clays – Slides along coastal
areas and tropically weathered residual soils – long term stability of clay slopes.
Unit V - FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND SLOPE STABILIZATION: Field instrumentation – Observation
studies during construction – Post construction, piezometers – Settlement plates – Inclinometer – Case histories.
Compaction of new embankments – Compaction of natural masses of soil and existing fills – Compaction of deep
deposits of sand – Vibroflotation – Compaction of compressible soils – Drainage as a means of stabilization –Soil
Reinforcement– Soil nailing.

Reference Books:
1. Chowdhury, D.F., “Slope analysis”, Prentice Hall, 1988.
2. Winterkorn, H.F. and Fang, H.Y., “Foundation Engineering Handbook”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.
3. Bramhead, E.N., “The Stability of Slopes”, Blacky Academic and Professionals Publications, Glasgow
4. Anderson, M.G., and Richards, K.S., “Slope Stability”, John Wiley, 1987.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To learn elastic solutions.
 To understand stress-strain behaviour.

2017 Civil Engineering

 To impart knowledge on theory of elasticity in anisotropic and non-homogeneous soil.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the stress strain behaviour in soil
 explain the theories of equilibrium and compatibility of soil
 evaluate stress developed using different approaches
 calculate stress-displacement in perfectly plastic material
 develop suitable solutions for different loading conditions
 arrive at solutions by flow net under steady state condition

Unit I - THEORY OF ELASTICITY: Introduction – Material behaviour – Idealistic behaviour – Elastic, viscous
and plastic – Elasticity and stability problems, concept of stress and strain – Plane stress, plane strain and

axisymmetric problems – Equation of equilibrium and compatibility – Stress functions.
Unit II - STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS (ELASTIC SOLUTIONS): Stresses in elastic half-space
medium by external loads – Fundamental solutions – Boussinesq, Flamant, Kelvin and Mindlin solution –
Applications of fundamental solutions – Anisotropic and non-homogeneous linear continuum – Influence charts –
Elastic displacement.
Unit III - LIMIT EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS: Limit equilibrium analysis – Perfectly plastic material – Stress –
strain relationship – Stress and displacement field calculations – Slip line solutions for undrained and drained
Unit IV - LIMIT ANALYSIS: Limit analysis – Principles of virtual work – Theorems of plastic collapse –
Mechanism for plane plastic collapse – Simple solutions for drained and undrained loading – Stability of slopes, cuts
and retaining structures. Centrifuge model – Principles and scale effects, practical considerations.
Unit V - FLOW THROUGH POROUS MEDIA: Flow through porous media – Darcy’s law – General equation of
flow – Steady state condition – Solution by flow net – Fully saturated conditions – Flownet in anisotropic soils –
construction of flownet for different cases.

Reference Books
1. Aysen, A., “Soil Mechanics: Basic concepts and Engineering Application”, A.A.Balkema Publishers, 2002.
2. Ulrich Smoltc, YK, “Geotechnical Engineering Handbook (Vol. 1)” Ernot&Sohn, 2002.
3. Aysen, A., “Problem Solving in Soil Mechanics”, A.A.Balkema Publisher, 2003.
4. Davis, R.O, and Selvadurai, A.P.S., “Elasticity and Geomechanics”, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
5. Taylor, R.N., “Geotechnical Centrifuge Technology”, Blackie Academic and Professional 1995.
6. Wai-Fah Chen, and Liu, X.L., “Limit Analysis in Soil Mechanics”, Elsevier Science Ltd., 1991.
7. Muni Budhu, “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, Network, 2000.
8. Atkinson, J.H., “Foundations and Slopes”, McGraw Hill, 1981.
9. Harr, M.E., “Foundations of Theoretical Soil Mechanics”, McGraw Hill, 1966.
10. Cedergren, H.R., “Seepage Drainage and Flownets”, John Wiley, 1997.
11. Winterkorn, H.F., and Fang, H.Y., “Foundation Engineering Handbook” Galgottia, Booksource, 2000.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To gain knowledge on the design of deep foundations
 To understand the construction of deep foundations
 To study the construction of Cofferdams and underpinning
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 select suitable deep foundations under given situations
 explain the behaviour of single and group of piles
 evaluate bearing capacity and settlements for piles and pile group
 design of caisson foundations
 construct well foundations in field
 choose the right type of foundation

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit I - PILE FOUNDATIONS: General considerations – Function – Classification – Piling equipments and
methods – Pile driving – Pile installation – Load tests on piles – Cyclic load tests – Indian Standard method – Uses
and limitations of load tests – Model studies and their limitation. Pile spacing – Bearing capacity of groups of piles –
Distribution of loading on piles – Culmann’s method – Stress distribution under pile foundation – Settlement of pile
foundation - elastic and consolidation settlements – Negative skin friction.
Unit II - DESIGN OF PILE FOUNDATIONS: Length of piles – Type and structural design – Design of pile caps
– Uplift and lateral forces – Batter piles – Damage to adjacent structural alignment of piles – Wave equation analysis
– Problem on pile foundation in sands, clay, silt, loose and non uniform soils.
Unit III - PIERS AND CAISSONS: Piers – Drilled caissons – Large bored piles – Types – Design – Bearing
capacity – Skin friction – Caisson – Classification – Design aspects – Design loads – Skin friction and sinking effort
- Design of various components of caisson – Open, Pneumatic and floating caissons – Construction aspects of
Unit IV - WELL FOUNDATIONS: Well foundations – Advantages – Elements of a well foundation – Design

aspects – Grip length – Forces acting – Design of various components of well foundation – Stability of well –
Terzaghi’s analysis – IRC method – Construction of well foundation.
Unit V - COFFER DAMS AND UNDER PINNING: Coffer Dams – Problems of Foundations in bad ground and
under water – Types of coffer dams- Braced coffer dam – Cellular cofferdams - design – Lateral pressures stability –
Pipings – Average width of coffer dam – Coffer dam on rock – Coffer dam in deep soil deposit – Interlock stresses
in cellular coffer dams – Construction of different types of coffer dams. Reasons for underpinning – Preliminary
support columns and footings – Pier underpinning

Reference Books
1. Peck, R.B. Hansen, V.E., and Thornburn, W.H., Foundation Engineering, John Wiley, 1974.
2. Tomlinson, M.J., Foundation Engineering, ELBS, Long man Group, UK Ltd, England, 1995.
3. Bowles, J.E., Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw Hill, New York, 2001.
4. Cemica, J.N., Geotechnical Engineering Foundation Design, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1995.
5. Das, B.M., Principles of Foundation Engineering, Design and Construction, PWS., Publishing, 1999
(Fourth Edition).
6. Donald, P. Coduto, Foundation Design Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, 1996.
7. Grigorian, Pile Foundation for Buildings and structures in collapsible Soil, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 1999.
8. Poulos, H.G., Davis E.H., Pile foundation analysis and designs, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1980.
9. Winterkorn, H.F. and Fang, H.Y., Foundation Engineering Handbook, Von Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To develop skills in the finite element analysis of for 1D and 2D problems
 To learn the iso-parametric element formulation problems for 3
 To apply finite element method for analysis of foundations, seepage and consolidation
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 reproduce conservation of energy principle, variational principle and methods of weighted residual for
developing finite element model
 explain the finite element procedure by taking a simple 2d truss problem
 develop the shape function, strain displacement-relation, stiffness matrix and consistent load vector for
structural members
 analyse scalar and vector variable problems
 justify the approximate solution by finite element method by comparing with closed form solution of bench
mark problem
 choose appropriate finite element for analysis depending on the nature of the problem in geo-technical

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO ELASTICITY: Basic equations of solid mechanics – Review of equilibrium
conditions – Strain Displacement relations – Stress strain relations – Equilibrium – Compatibility – Principle of
virtual work and Principle of stationary Potential energy – Variational principles – Rayleigh Ritz method – Galerkin
method of weighted residual
Unit II - ELEMENT PROPERTIES: Discritization – Displacement model – Element properties – Convergence
and compatibility requirements – Natural coordinate system – Generalized Coordinates – Shape function – Element
Stiffness matrix – Nodal load vector – Elements in plane stress and plane strain – Static condensation – Simple
problems only; Boundary conditions, Problems on simple beams, Trusses .
Unit III - TWO DIMENSIONAL ELEMENTS: Lagrangean and Serendipity elements– Mapping – Uniqueness of
mapping – Sub – Iso – Super parametric elements –Numerical integration using Gaussian Quadrature – Examples
two dimensions.
Unit IV - THREE DIMENSIONAL ELEMENTS: Hexaedral elements -Tetrahedral elements- axi-symmetric
elements – axi-symmetric stress analysis due to axi-symmetric loading –Simple examples; Introduction to plate and

shell elements- Introduction to nonlinear finite element analysis
Unit V - APPLICATIONS: Analysis of foundations, dams , underground structures and earth retaining structures
– analysis of flow trough (seepage) dams and foundations – application to consolidations problems – application to
geotechnical designs – requirement of software for analysis of stress in foundation and for stability analysis

Reference Books:
1. Krishnamurthy, Finite Element Analysis – Theory and programming, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co., 1994.
2. Desai C.S., Elementary Finite Element Method, Prentice Hall, IINC, 1979.
3. Rajasekaran S., Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, Wheeler publishing 1993.
4. ChandrapatlaTirupathi, R and Belegundu Ashok, D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
Second edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
5. Potts,D.M., and Zdramcovic,L., “ Finite Element Analysis in Geo-technical engineering”, Thomas Telford,


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To gain knowledge on different types of machine foundation.
 To understand the dynamic properties of soils.
 To impart knowledge on exposure on vibration isolation techniques.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 describe the theories of vibration to solve dynamic soil problems
 evaluate the dynamic properties of soil using laboratory and field tests
 analyse the different types of machine foundation
 design of machine foundation
 compare vibration of foundation studies
 implement vibration isolation techniques

Unit I - THEORY OF VIBRATION: Introduction – Nature of dynamic loads – Basic definitions – Simple
harmonic motion – Fundamentals of vibration – Single degree and multi degree of freedom systems – Free
vibrations of spring – Mass systems – Forced vibrations – Resonance – Viscous damping – Principles of vibrations
measuring systems – Effect of transient and pulsating loads.
Unit II - DYNAMIC SOIL PROPERTIES: Dynamic stress – Strain characteristics – Principles of measuring
dynamic properties – Laboratory techniques – Field tests – Block vibration test – Factors affecting dynamic
properties – Typical values. Mechanism of liquefaction – Influencing factors – Evaluation of liquefaction potential –
Analysis from SPT test – Dynamic bearing capacity – Dynamic earth pressure.
Unit III - MACHINE FOUNDATIONS: Introduction – Types of machine foundations – General requirements for
design of machine foundations – Design approach for machine foundation – Vibration analysis – Elastic Half –
Space theory – Mass-spring-dashpot model – Permissible amplitudes – Permissible bearing pressures.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit IV - DESIGN OF MACHINE FOUNDATION: Evaluation of design parameters – Types of Machines and
foundations – General requirements – their importance - Analysis and design of block type and framed type machine
foundations – Modes of vibration of a rigid foundation – Foundations for reciprocating machines, impact machines,
Two – Cylinder vertical compressor, Double-acting steam hammer – Codal recommendations.- Emprical approach -
Barken’s method – Bulb of pressure concept – Pauw’s analogy – Vibration table studies.
Unit V - VIBRATION ISOLATION: Vibration isolation – Types of isolation – Transmissibility – Passive and
active isolation – Methods of isolation – Use of springs and damping materials – Properties of isolating materials –
Vibration control of existing machine foundation.

Reference Books
1. KameswaraRao, N.S.V., Dynamics soil tests and applications, Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Prakash, S and Puri, V.K., Foundations for machines, McGraw Hill, 1987.
3. Moore, P.J., Analysis and Design of Foundations for Vibrations, Oxford and IBH, 1985.

4. Vaidyanathan, C.V., and Srinivasalu, P., Handbook of Machine Foundations, McGraw Hill, 1995.
5. Arya, S., O’Nelt; S., Design of Structures and Foundations for Vibrating Machines, Prentice Hall, 1981.
6. Major, A., Vibration Analysis and Design of Foundations for Machines and Turbines, Vol. I. II and III
Budapest, 1964.
7. Barkan, D.D., Dynamics of Basis of Foundation, McGraw Hill, 1974.
8. Swami Saran, Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation, Galgotia publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 2010.
9. Das B.M., Principles of Soil Dynamics, McGraw Hill, 1992.
10. Krammer S.L., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, International series, Pearson
Education (Singapore) Pvt Ltd, 2004.
11. Kameswara Rao, Vibration Analysis and Foundation Dynamics, Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi, 1998.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To identify weak soils.
 To suggest suitable improvement methods.
 To be familiar with equipment used for improvements.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 define the parameters of weak soil
 describe field compaction methods
 apply drainage techniques in soil improvements
 analyse the reinforcement techniques in soil
 design load carrying capacity of stone columns
 adopt suitable grouting techniques

Unit I - DEWATERING: Introduction – Scope and necessity of ground improvement – New Technologies – Basic
concepts – Drainage methods – Ground water lowering by well points – Deep well, Vacuum and Electro – Osmosis
Unit II - COMPACTION AND SAND DRAINS: In-situ compaction of cohesionless and cohesive soils – Shallow
and deep compaction – Vibration methods – Vibro-compaction, Blasting, Vibrating probe, Vibratory rollers, Vibro-
displacement compaction, Vibroflotation – Concept, Factors influencing compaction – Heavy Tamping – Vertical
drains – Preloading with sand drains, Fabric drains, Wick drains – Design of sand drains – Relative merits of
different methods – Limitations.
Unit III - STONE COLUMN AND CONSOLIDATION: Precompression and consolidation – Dynamic
consolidation – Electro-osmotic consolidation – Stone column – Functions – Methods of installation – Design
estimation of load carrying capacity of stone column – Settlement of stone column – Lime piles – Earth
reinforcement – Soil Nailing – Types of reinforcement material – Applications.
Unit IV - STABILIZATION Introduction – Stabilization methods – Mechanical, Cement, Lime, Bitumen,
Chemical stabilization – Electrical stabilization – Stabilization by Thermal and Freezing techniques – Ground

2017 Civil Engineering

improvement by excavating and replacing – Stabilization of expansive clays – Prewetting – Special methods –
Introduction to geopolymer, Nano and bio stabilization.
Unit V - GROUTING: Introduction – Applications – Functions – Characteristics of grouts – Types of grout –
Suspension and solution grouts – Basic requirements of grout – Displacement – Compaction grouting, displacement
– Soil fracture grouting, Jet – Displacement grouting, Permeation grouting – Grouting equipment – Injection
methods – Grout monitoring.

Reference Books:
1. Purushothama Raj, P., “Ground Improvement Techniques”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
2. Moseley M.D., “Ground Treatment”, Blackie Academic and Professional, 1998.
3. Shroff, A.V., “Grouting Technology, in Tunneling and Dam”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2009.
4. Koerner, R.M., “Designing with Geosynthetics” (fourth edition), Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To gain knowledge on stress assessment
 To Design Flexible and rigid pavements
 To study different rehabilitation techniques
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the properties of various road materials
 indicate the factors affecting the pavements
 examine the distress in pavements for stability
 design the pavements as per indian standards
 compare causes remedial measures for rehabilitation
 suggest stabilization techniques for soft soils

Unit I - BASIC CONCEPTS: Pavement- types – Historical developments – Approaches to pavement design –
Vehicle and traffic considerations – Behaviour of road materials under repeated loading – Stresses and deflections in
layered systems.
Unit II - FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT: Factors affecting flexible pavements – Material characterization for analytical
pavement design – CBR and stabilometer tests – Resilient modulus – Fatigue subsystem – Failure criteria for
bituminous pavements – IRC design guidelines
Unit III - RIGID PAVEMENT: Factors affecting rigid pavements – Design procedures for rigid pavement – IRC
guidelines – Airfield pavements - Highway pavement – CRC pavements
Unit IV - PAVEMENT EVALUATION AND REHABILITATION: Pavement evaluation and rehabilitation,
condition and evaluation surveys – Causes and types of distress in flexible and rigid pavements – PSI models –
Serviceability index of rural roads – Overlay design, pavements maintenance management and construction.
Unit V - STABILIZATION OF SOILS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTIONS: The need for a stabilized soil –
Design criteria and choice of stabilizers – Testing and field control – Stabilisation for rural roads – Use of geofabrics
in road construction – Case studies.

Reference Books
1. Wright, P.H., “Highway Engineers”, Johwiley& Sons, Inc. New York, 2009.
2. Yoder, R.J and Witchak, M.W., “Principles of Pavment Design”, John wiley, 2000.
3. Khanna, S.K and Justo C.E.G., “Highway Engineering”, New Chand and Brothers, Roorkee, 1998.
4. Design and specification of Rural Roads (Manual), Ministry of rural roads, Government of India, New
Delhi, 2001.
5. Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements, IRC: 37 – 2001, The Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.
6. Guidelines for the Design of Rigid Pavements, IRC: 58 – 1998, The Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.
7. O’ Flaherty, C.A., “Highway Engineering”, (Vol. 2), Edward Arnold Cp. 1978.
8. Kadiyali, L.R., “Transport planning & Traffic Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, 2008.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 0:0:1

Course Objectives
 To attain adequate knowledge in assessing index properties.
 To gain knowledge on Compaction and Compressibility of soils.
 To enrich knowledge on Swell Characteristics and permeability of soils.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the index properties of soil
 classify soil as per indian standard
 evaluate cbr value

 interpret chemical analysis
 calculate the consolidation properties
 predict the expansive nature of soil

Students will be capable of assessing various properties of soils by conducting appropriate tests.
INDEX TESTS: Specific gravity of soil solids-Grain size distribution (Sieve analysis and Hydrometer analysis) -
Liquid limit and Plastic limit tests - Shrinkage limit and Differential free swell tests - Field density Test
CHEMICAL TESTS: Chemical analysis – pH – Conductivity – quantification of ions through flame Photometer –
Determination of organic, sulphate and chlorite content
COMPACTION AND CBR TESTS: Compaction tests - Determination of moisture – density relationship –
Influence of compaction energy – CBR Test.
COSOLIDATION AND PERMEABILITY TESTS: One dimensional consolidation test, Cv, Cc and mv
determination. Permeability of soil – constant and falling head methods
SWELL TESTS: Determination of percent swells – swell pressure - constant volume method; expanded - loaded

1. Alam Singh and Chowdary, G.R., “Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice (Vol.2) Geotechnical Testing
and Instrumentation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, NewDelhi, 2006.
2. Head, K.H., “Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing”, Vol.I and II, Pentech Press, London 1990.
3. Head, K.H., “Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing”, Vol.III, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
4. Bowles, J.E., “Engineering properties of soils and their measurements”, McGraw Hill, 1992.
5. Das, B.M., “Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual”, Engineering Press, Austin, 1997.
6. Al-Khataji, A.W. and Anderstand, O.B., “Geotechnical Engineering & Soil Testing”, Sounders College
Publishing, Fort Worth, 1992.
7. “Soil Engineering Laboratory Instruction Manual”, Published by the Engineering College Cooperative
Society, Chennai, 1996.
8. Lambe T.W., Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990.
9. I.S. Code of Practice (2720): Relevant Parts, as amended from time to time.


Credits: 0:0:1

Course Objectives
 To introduce the application of FEM in Software Packages
 To Analyse and design various structural elements using software packages
 To Impart knowledge on computer application in civil engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the appropriate loading as per the standards
 analyse for static and dynamic loads
 design for static and dynamic loads

2017 Civil Engineering

 estimate the design stresses
 evaluate foundation settlement
 suggest suitable foundation.
1. Analysis of building with flexible foundation.
2. Analysis of building with rigid foundation.
3. Analysis of raft foundation.
4. Analysis of frame. (2D)
5. Analysis of flexible pavements.
6. Analysis of rigid pavements.
7. Evaluation of settlement under different building foundations
8. Analysis of stress distribution in soils.

1. STAAD Pro 2007 V8i Analysis Reference Manual, 2015.
2. ANSYS 17.1 - Analysis Reference Manual, 2016.
3. PLAXIS 3D 2016 - Analysis Reference Manual, 2016


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge on earth pressure theories
 To design retaining walls with and without geosynthetic reinforcements.
 To study sheet pile walls with and without geosynthetic reinforcements.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 define various classical earth pressure theories
 classify different types of earth retaining structures
 demonstrate braced excavation with practical examples
 evaluate forces on the structures under different conditions
 design earth retaining structures based on stability considerations
 adopt appropriate retaining structures based on field observations

Unit I - EARTH PRESSURE THEORIES : Introduction – state of stress in retained soil mass – Classical earth
pressure theories – Active and Passive earth pressures – Earth pressure at rest- Earth pressure due to external loads –
Empirical methods – Wall movements and complex geometry – Graphical method of computing earth pressure –
Rehbann’s and Culmann’s approach.
Unit II - RETAINING WALLS: Retaining walls – Uses and types – forces on retaining walls – design of retaining
walls by limit state method – general principles – design and construction details – Design of solid gravity walls,
Semi – gravity walls, cantilever walls, counterfort walls – Stability of retaining walls – Drainage arrangements and
its influence.
Unit III - SHEET PILE WALLS: Earth retaining structures – Selection of soil parameters – Analysis and design
of cantilever and anchored sheet pile walls – Deadman and continuous anchor – Diaphragm and bored pile walls –
design requirements.
Unit IV - BRACED EXCAVATION: Braced cuts in sand and clay – Lateral pressure on sheeting in Braced
excavation – Stability against piping and bottom heaving – Procedure for computation of lateral earth pressure for
braced cuts and Flexible Bulk heads – Soil anchors – Soil nailing – Soil pinning – Methods of design.
Unit V - REINFORCED EARTH RETAINING WALL: Reinforced earth retaining wall – General principles,
Concepts and mechanism of reinforced earth – Design consideration of reinforced earth – Geotextile, geogrids,
metal strips and facing elements – Construction – Selection of type of retaining structures – construction practice –
Field observations.

1. Winterkorn H.F. and Fang H.Y., “Foundation Engineering Hand book”, Galgotia Book-source, 2000.

2017 Civil Engineering

2. Rowe R.K., “Geotechnical and Geo environmental Engineering Hand Book”, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001.
3. Militisky .J and Woods R., “Earth and earth retaining structures”, Routledge, 1992.
4. Das B.M., “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, 4th edition, The PWS series in Civil Engineering,
5. Clayton C.R.I. Militisky, J and Woods R., “Earth pressure and earth retaining structures”, 2nd edition,
Survey University Press, 1993.
6. McCarthy D.F., “Essentials of soil Mechanics and foundations; Basic Geotechnics”, 6th Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2002.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To understand microscopic study of rocks
 To impart knowledgeon geophysical exploration of ground water and structural geology
 To study the causes and preventing measures of landslides.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify mineral content, texture and structural behaviour of rocks using microscopic study
 classify different faults in rocks
 demonstrate various geophysical investigations
 analyze the causes of landslides
 explain the scope of ground water investigations in civil engineering
 interpret the causes of faults based on field recognition of unconformity

Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Soil formation – Survey – Soils of India – Texture and structure of igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks - Microscopic study – Microscopic study of rocks with particular reference to
texture – microscopic study of unconsolidated sediments with reference to their grain size and mineral content
Unit II - GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION: Geophysical methods of exploration – Electrical, Magnetic,
gravitational, seismic, radioactive and geochemical methods – Influence of structure and texture of rocks,
Engineering properties, foundation problems in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks including recent
sediments- case histories. Investigations for foundation of dams and reservoirs – Problem encountered and
treatment, case studies – Investigation of canals and deep cuts – Case studies.
Unit III - LAND SLIDES : Land Slides – Causes – Preventive and control measures – Engineering problems
related to earthquakes, case studies.
Unit IV - GROUND WATER: Ground Water problems – Location of water tables, composition of ground water –
Ground water surveys – Conservation of ground water – Scope of ground water investigation in Civil Engineering.
Unit V - STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY: Altitude of beds – Dip and Strike, Characteristics, Types, Causes and
mechanism of folding, Classification, Causes and mechanism of faults- Field evidences and Recognition of faults -
Joint systems – Classification and its types, Difference between faults and joints - Definition, importance and field
recognition of unconformity

1. ParbinSingh, “Engineering and General Geology”, Katson Publication House, 1987.
2. Blyth, “Geology for Engineering”, ELBS 1995.
3. Legget, “Geology and Engineering”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1998.
4. Krynine and Judd, “Principles of Engineering Geology and Geo techniques”, CBS Publishers &
Distributors, 1998.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge on geosynthetics.
 To study the design principles and mechanism of reinforced soil and soil nailing.
 To enlighten the applications in dams, embankments, pavements and foundation structures.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the soil reinforcement interaction mechanism
 classify the materials used in reinforced soil structure
 demonstrate various testing and prevention methods
 design various soil reinforcement structures

 summarize the concepts of geosynthetics in earth reinforcement
 judge the performance of reinforced structures

Unit I - PRINCIPLES AND MECHANISMS: Historical background – Initial and recent developments –
Principles – Concepts and mechanisms of reinforced soil – Factors affecting behaviour and performance of soil –
Reinforcement interactions
Unit II - MATERIALS AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Materials used in reinforced soil structures- Fill
materials, reinforcing materials, metal strips, Geotextile, Geogrids, Geomembranes, Geocomposites, Geojutes,
Geofoam, natural fibres, coir Geotextiles – Bamboo – Timber – Facing elements – Properties – Methods of testing –
Advantages and disadvantages – Preservation methods.
Unit III - DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS : Design aspects of reinforced soil – Soil
reinforcement function – Separator, Filtration, Drainage, Barrier function – Design and applications of reinforced
soil of various structures – Retaining walls – Foundations - Embankments and slopes.
Unit IV - GEOSYNTHETICS AND APPLICATIONS: Introduction – Historical background – Applications -
Design criteria – Geosynthetics in roads – Design – Giroud and Noiray approach – Geosynthetics in landfills –
Geosynthetic clay liner – Design of landfills – Barrier walls.
Unit V - SOIL NAILING AND CASE HISTORIES: Soil nailing – Introduction – Overview – Soil – Nail
interaction – Behaviour – Design procedure – Behaviour in seismic conditions - Performance studies of reinforced
dams, embankments, Pavements, Railroads, Foundations - Case studies.

1. Jewell, R.A., “Soil Reinforcement with Geotextile”, CIRIA, London, 1996.
2. John, N.W.M., “Geotextiles”, John Blackie and Sons Ltd., London, 1987.
3. Jones, C.J.F.P., “Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structures”, Earthworks, London, 1982.
4. Koerner, R.M., “Designing with Geosynthetics”, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1997.
5. Proc. Conference on polymer and Reinforcement, Thomas Telford Co., London, 1984.
6. Gray, D.H., and Sotir, R.B., “Biotechnical and Soil Engineering Slope Stabilization. A Practical Guide for
Erosion Control”, John Wiley & Son Inc., New York, 1996.
7. Ramanatha Ayyar, T.S., Ramachandran Nair, C.G. and Balakrishna Nair, N., Comprehensive reference
book on Coir Geotextile, Centre for Development for Coir Technology, 2002.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To study the soil water system
 To interpret the results of direct shear and triaxial test.
 To learn development of hydraulic conductivity models.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the physical properties of air and water
 expalin the interdisciplinary nature of unsaturated soil
 estimate the effective stress state variable and shear strength parameters

2017 Civil Engineering

 prepare suction and moisture profile
 develop hydraulic conductivity models
 interpret soil water characteristic curves

Unit I - STATE OF UNSATURATED SOIL: Definition – Interdisciplinary nature of unsaturated soil – soil
classification – Nature and practice – stress profiles, stress state variables - material variables – constitutive law –
suction potential of soil water
Unit II - PHYSICS OF SOIL WATER SYSTEM: Physical properties of Air and water – partial pressure and
relative Humidity Density of moist air – surface Tension – cavitation of water. Solubility of Air in water – Air –
water solid interface –vapour pressure lowering – soil water characteristic-curve - Capillary tube model – contacting
sphere model -Young Laplace equation – Height of capillary rise – Rate of capillary rise – capillary pore size
distribution – theoretical basis – determination – laboratory method
Unit III - STRESS STATE VARIABLES AND SHEAR STRENGTH: Effective-stress – stress between two

spherical particles – Hysteresis in SWCC – stress parameter, stress tensor – stress control by Axis Translation -
analytical representation of stress –volume change characteristics. Extended Mohr – Coulomb criterion – shear
strength parameters–Interpretation of Direct shear test results and Tri axial test results – unified representation of
failure envelope – Influence of suction in earth pressure distribution.
Unit IV - STEADY AND TRANSIENT FLOWS: Driving mechanism – Permeability and Hydraulic conductivity
– capillary barriers – steady infiltration and evaporation – Vapor flow – Air diffusion in water - Principles for pore
liquid flow – Rate of infiltration, Transient suction and moisture profiles. Principles for Pore Gas flow Barometric
pumping Analysis.
Unit V - MATERIAL VARIABLE MEASUREMENT AND MODELLING: Measurement of total suction –
psychrometers – Filter paper measurement of matric suction – High Air Entry disks – Direct measurements –
Tensiometers – Air-translation technique – Indirect measurements – Thermal conductivity sensors – measurement of
osmotic suction – squeezing technique – soil water characteristic curves and Hydraulic conductivity models.

1. Fredlund, D.G. and Rahardjo, H. “Soil Mechanics for unsaturated soils”, John Wiley & Sons, INC, New
2. Ning Lu and William, J. Likes, “Unsaturated Soil Mechanics”, John Wiley & sons, INC. New Jersey, 2004
3. Ng Charles, W.W., Menzies Bruce, “Advanced unsaturated Soil Mechanism and Engineering”, Taylor &
Francis Group, 2007.
4. Ning Lu, Laureano R. Hoyes and Lakshmi Reddi, “Advances in unsaturated soil, seepage and
Environmental Geotechnics”, ASCE., Geotechnical special publication No.148.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives
 To gain knowledge on practical aspects of design relating to substructure elements using software.
 To impart knowledge on Geotechnical construction practices.
 To apply knowledge on field execution.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the various field practices in geotechnical engineering
 indicate the various safety and quality control aspects in site
 apply the various design aspects in earthquake resistant structures
 design foundations for special structures using software
 evaluate dynamic properties of soil
 choose the appropriate finite element analysis software applied to Geotechnical Engineering

Unit I - Construction Techniques: Project planning – Geotechnical Engineering practices – Soil Profile – Bore log
report review and preparation – Geotechnical Plant and Machinery – Safety aspects at site – Construction
management – Quality Control – Quality Management – Geosynthetics – Geomembrane.
Unit II - Retaining Structures: Design of retaining wall – Design of culvert – Design of Deep excavations – Sheet
pile – Diaphragm walls – Shoring system – Design of Caisson.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit III – Substructures: Design of tower foundation – Design of floating foundation – Design of Pile and Pile
group – Design of underreamed pile – Design of abutment – Design of Pier – Design of Mat foundation – Design of
piled raft foundation
Unit IV - Dynamic Response of Foundations: Soil behaviour – Dynamic properties of soil – Seismic performance
analysis – Calculation of seismic load in foundation – Design procedure for earthquake resistant foundation – Soil
structure interaction – Retrofitting
Unit V - Finite Analyses and Software Application: Finite Element Analysis applied to Geotechnical Engineering
– ANSYS – Modelling – Applications – PLAXIS.

Reference Books
1. Helmsley, “Design Applications of Raft Foundations”, Thomas Telford, 2000
2. Michael John Tomlinson, R.Boorman, “Foundation Design & Construction”, Prentice Hall PTR, 2001.
3. George paaswell, “Retaining Walls: Design & Construction”, Biblibazaar, 2009.

4. Design and Construction of bridge approaches, Transportation Research Board, 1990.
5. M.J. Tomlinson, Taylor and Francis ltd., “Pile design and construction practice”, 1994.
6. Davies and Poulos, “Analysis and Design of Pile foundation”, John wiley and sons, 1980.
7. J.E. Bowles, “Foundation Analysis and Design”, McGraw – Hill, 1997.
8. V.N.S. Murthy, “Advanced Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2007.
9. Swami Saran, “Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations”, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi.
10. Potts and Zdravkovic, “Finite Element Analyses applied to Geotechnical Engineering”, Vol.1 (Theory) and
Vol.2 Applications.


Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives
 To understand the properties of rock and pattern of failure.
 To study the evaluation of stresses.
 To interpret the stability considerations of rock masses.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 recall the formation and classification of rocks in india
 explain the strength parameters of rocks
 evaluate the in-situ stresses developed and methods of measurement
 analyse slope stability
 summarize the design aspects in rocks
 select the appropriate reinforcement of rocks

Unit I - CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS: Rocks of peninsular India and the Himalayas – Index properties and
classification of rock masses, competent and incompetent rock – Value of RMR and ratings in field estimations
Unit II - STRENGTH CRITERIA OF ROCKS: Behaviour of rock under hydrostatic compression and deviatoric
loading – Modes of rock failure – Planes of weakness and joint characteristics – Joint testing, Mohr – Coulomb
failure criterion and tension cut-off, Hoek and Brown Strength criteria for rocks with discontinuity sets.
Unit III - DESIGN ASPECTS IN ROCKS : Insitu stresses and their measurements, flat jack - Over and under
coring methods – stress around underground excavations – Design aspects of openings in rocks – Case studies.
Unit IV - SLOPE STABILITY OF ROCKS: Rock slopes – Role of discontinuities in slope failure, slope analysis
and factor of safety – Remedial measures for critical slopes – Case studies.
Unit V - REINFORCEMENT OF ROCKS: Reinforcement of fractured and jointed rocks – Shotcreting – Bolting
– Anchoring – Installation methods – Case studies.

1. Goodman, R.E., “Introduction to Rock Mechanics”, John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
2. Hool, E and Bray, J., “Rock Slope Engineering”, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, U.K. 1981.
3. Hoek, E and Brown, E.T., “Underground Excavations in Rock”, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, U.K.
4. Obvert, L. and Duvall, W., “Rock Mechanics and the Design of Structures in Rock”, John Wiley, 1967.

2017 Civil Engineering

5. Bazant, Z.P., “Mechanics of Geomaterials Rocks, Concrete and Soil”, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester,
6. Wittke, W., “Rock Mechanics: Theroy and Applications with Case Histories”, Springerverlag, Berlin,


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To acquire knowledge on the geotechnical engineering problems associated with soil contamination
 To study various methods of safe disposal of waste, stabilization of waste and transportation of
 To suggest site remediation techniques

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the causes of soil pollution and suggest suitable methods of remediation for the contaminated sites
 classify the various techniques of waste disposal
 illustrate the contaminant transport and the transformation processes
 evaluate the beam capacity of compacted fills
 explain the case studies on utilization of solid waste and soil improvement
 implement suitable methods of remediation for contaminated sites

Unit I - SOIL – POLLUTANT INTERACTION: Introduction to Geoenvironmental engineering – Environmental

cycle – Sources, production and classification of waste – Causes of soil pollution – Factors governing soil –
Pollutant interaction – Failures of foundations due to pollutants – case studies.
Unit II - SITE SELECTION AND SAFE DISPOSAL OF WASTE: Safe disposal of waste – Site selection for
landfills – Characterization of landfill sites– Risk assessment – Stability of landfills – Current practice of waste
disposal – Monitoring facilities – Passive containment system – Application of geosynthetics in solid waste
management – Rigid and flexible liners.
Unit III - TRANSPORT OF CONTAMINANTS: Contaminant transport in sub surface – Advection – Diffusion –
Dispersion – Governing equations – Contaminant transformation – Sorption – Biodegradation – Ion exchange –
Precipitation – Hydrological consideration in landfill design – Ground water pollution – Bearing capacity of
compacted fills – Foundation for waste fill ground – Pollution of aquifers by mixing of liquid waste – Protection of
Unit IV - WASTE STABILIZATION AND DISPOSAL: Hazardous waste control and storage system –
Stabilization/Solidification of wastes – Micro and Macro encapsulation – Absorption, adsorption, precipitation –
Detoxification – Mechanism of stabilization – Organic and inorganic stabilization – Utilization of solid waste for
soil improvement – Case studies.
Unit V - REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SOILS : Rational approach to evaluate and remediate
contaminated sites – Monitored natural attenuation – Ex-situ and in-situ remediation – Solidification, Bio –
remediation, incineration, soil washing, electro kinetics, soil heating, vitrification, bio-venting – Ground water
remediation – Pump and treat, air sparging, reactive well –Case studies.

Reference Books
1. Wentz, C.A., “Hazardous Waste Management”, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1989.
2. Daniel, B.E., “Geotechnical Practice for waste disposal”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1993.
3. Proceedings of the International symposium of Environmental Geotechnology (Vol. I and II),
Environmental Publishing Company, 1986 and 1989.
4. Ott, W.R., “Environmental Indices, Theory and Practice”, Ann. Arbor, 1978.
5. Fried, J.J., Ground Water Pollution, Elsevier, 1975.
6. ASTM Special Technical Publication 874, Hydraulic Barrier in Soil and Rock, 1985.
7. Westlake, K., “Landfill Waste pollution and Control”, Albion Publishing Ltd., England, 1995.
8. Lagrega, M.D., Buckingham, P.L., and Evans, J.C., “Hazardous Waste Management”, McGraw Hill, Inc.
Singapore, 1994.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge on the transformation of chemicals in the environment
 To educate the basics of microbiology involved in air, water and soil.
 To study the basics of environmental chemistry, chemical reactions and electro kinetic properties.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 learn basic chemical contents in the context of environmental studies
 gain competency in solving environmental issues of chemicals based Pollution
 able to determine chemical calculations required for treatment purpose

 identify contaminating chemicals and learn the conceptual skills required for environmental chemistry
 apply micro organisms for the treatment of wastes, bioleaching and bioaugmentation
 have insight into type, growth metabolism and culturing techniques of micro organisms and their
application to environmental engineering

Unit I - Introduction: Stoichiometry and mass balance - Solubility product - Chemical kinetics Principles of green
Unit II - Aquatic Chemistry: Environmental significance and determination - Fate of chemicals in aquatic
environment – Colloidal and surface Chemistry- Treatment– Oxidation and reduction – sorption- adsorption -
Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms – Applications in water and wastewater treatment.
Unit III - Atmospheric And Soil Chemistry : Atmospheric structure - Chemical and photochemical reactions in
the atmosphere –Photochemical smog- Ozone layer depletion – Acid rain- Agricultural chemicals in soil-
Reclamation of contaminated land; Electrokinetic remediation.
Unit IV - Pathogens In Wastewater: Introduction to water borne pathogens and parasites and their effects on
human, animal and plant health, transmission of pathogens – Control of microorganisms; Microbiology of biological
treatment processes – Microbiology of sewage sludge.
Unit V - Biodegradation And Toxicology: Microbiology of wastewater treatment – Biodegradation,
bioaugumentation, biomagnification, bioassay, microbial leaching - Ecotoxicology – Toxicity testing.

1. Sawyer, C.N. and McCarty, P.L., and Parkin, G.F. “Chemistry for Environmental Engineers", 3rd Edition.
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013
2. Ronbald A. Hites, “Elements of Environmental Chemistry”, Wiley, 2007.
3. Bhatia, S.C., “Handbook of Environmental Microbiology”, Vol. I, II & III, Atlantic Publ. & Dist. Ltd.,


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge on characteristics of water and wastewater, primary and secondary treatment.
 To educate the methods of disposal of sludge and treated wastewater.
 To educate the students on the working principles and design of various physical, chemical treatment
systems for water and wastewater.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 design the water supply and wastewater treatment systems
 determine the treatment efficiency of treatment units
 ability to estimate wastewater generation
 discuss the characteristics and composition of wastewater
 perform basic design of the unit operations
 plan house drainage including onsite wastewater treatment and disposal

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit 1: Introduction: Water and Wastewater Quantity Estimation Population forecast-Water demand for various
purposes- Estimation of wastewater quantity -Temporal and spatial variation in quantity of water and wastewater -
Water supply/distribution systems -Wastewater collection systems-Underground drainage systems.
Unit 2: Physical Treatment: Wastewater characteristics-Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment-Physical unit
processes: screening, commutation, grit removal, equalization, sedimentation.
Unit 3: Chemical Treatment: Coagulation-Flocculation-Filtration- Disinfection- Aeration and gas transfer-
Precipitation Softening- Adsorption and ion exchange-Membrane technology.
Unit 4: Biological Treatment: Biological Treatment of Wastewater Types of microorganism -Aerobic treatment:
suspended growth aerobic treatment processes-Activated sludge process and its modifications-Attached growth
aerobic processes: Trickling filters and rotating biological contactors-Anaerobic treatment: fluidized bed and sludge
blanket systems-Nitrification- Denitrification.
Unit 5: Natural Treatment: Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems Ponds and lagoons-Wetlands and root-zone

systems-Surface and ground water treatment for potable water supply

1. "Manual on water supply and Treatment", CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, GoI, New Delhi,
2. Bajwa, G.S. Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering, Deep Publishers, Simla, 2003
3. Metcalf and Eddy, “Wastewater engineering, Treatment and Reuse”,Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
4. Kuruvilla Mathew, Stewart Dallas, Goen Ho, Decentralized Water and Wastewater Systems, IWA
Publications, 2008


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge about atmospheric pollution.
 To introduce various measurement techniques and control measures.
 To make use of different tools available for atmospheric environmental pollution.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the principles of atmospheric chemistry in air pollution
 classify, characterize and quantify different types of air pollutants
 analyse the effects of air pollution on environment
 choose appropriate technology to control air pollution
 apply suitable measures in controlling air pollution
 develop model for atmospheric pollution

Unit I - Basic Concepts: sources and types of air pollutants, effects on environment, sampling and measurement of
particle and gaseous pollutants
Unit II - Dispersion of air pollutants: atmospheric stability and inversion-plume rise estimation, dispersion
Unit III - Particulate and gaseous pollutant control: control methods, selection of control equipment, principle
and design aspects of settling chambers, cyclone separators, scrubbers, filters, electrostatic precipitators- absorption,
adsorption and precipitation, engineering control concept
Unit IV - Air pollution emission standards and legislation: Standards and legislation for air pollution emission
control - Control measures for industrial application
Unit V - Introduction to air pollution models: CALINE, SCREEN 3, ISCST3; basics of AERONET; case studies.

1. Rao C S, “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering”, New Age International (p) Limited, 2006.
2. M. N. Rao, “Air Pollution”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publication, 1989.
3. Noel de Nevers, “Air Pollution control Engineering”, Mc-Graw Hill Publication, New York, 1999.

2017 Civil Engineering

4. Lawrence K.Wang, Norman C Perelra, Yung-Tse Hung, “Air Pollution Control Engineering”, Tokyo,
5. David H.F Liu, Bela G.Liptak, “Air Pollution”, Lewis Publishers, 2000.
6. Anjaneyulu.Y, “Air Pollution & Control Technologies”, Allied Publishers (P) Ltd, India, 2002.
7. Mudakavi, J R, “Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control and Analysis” IK International, 201


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on solid and hazardous wastes.
 To choose appropriate method for solid and hazardous waste handling.

To apply suitable technique for disposal of solid and hazardous waste.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the characteristics of different types of solid and hazardous wastes
 classify waste in different categories
 suggest suitable technical solutions for treatment
 identify suitable methods of storage, collection and transport
 explore waste processing techniques
 propose suitable waste disposal method

and hazardous wastes - Need for solid and hazardous waste management –- Salient features of Indian legislations on
management and handling of municipal solid wastes and hazardous wastes
Unit II - WASTE CHARACTERIZATION AND SOURCE REDUCTION: Waste generation rates and variation
- Composition, physical, chemical and biological properties of solid wastes – Hazardous Characteristics – TCLP
tests – Waste sampling and characterization plan - Source reduction of wastes –Waste exchange - Extended
producer responsibility
Unit III - STORAGE, COLLECTION AND TRANSPORT OF WASTES: Handling and segregation of wastes
at source – Storage and collection of municipal solid wastes – Analysis of collection systems - Need for transfer and
transport – Transfer stations optimizing waste allocation– Compatibility, storage, labeling and handling of hazardous
Unit IV - WASTE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES: Objectives of waste processing – Material separation and
processing technologies – Biological and chemical conversion technologies – Methods and controls of composting -
Thermal conversion technologies and energy recovery – Incineration - Treatment of biomedical wastes
Unit V - WASTE DISPOSAL: Waste disposal options – Disposal in landfills: Landfill Classification,
types and methods, site selection, design and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills and landfill bioreactor-
Leachate and landfill gas management

1. CPHEEO, “Manual on Municipal Solid waste management, Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organisation , Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Vesilind P.A., Worrell W and Reinhart, “Solid waste Engineering”, Thomson Learning Inc., Singapore,
3. Paul T Williams, “Waste Treatment and Disposal”, Wiley, 2005
4. Michael D. LaGrega, Philip L Buckingham, Jeffrey C. E, “Hazardous waste Management”, Mc-Graw Hill
International edition, New York, 2001
5. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel A, Vigil, “Integrated Solid Waste Management, Mc-
Graw Hill International edition, New York, 1993.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To enable students to acquire necessary skills to assess the impact of environmental and water resources
 To help students in taking necessary steps to bring down the adverse environmental impacts during
inception of new projects
 To make the students prepare environmental audit reports for EIA projects
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify environmental attributes to be considered for the EIA study
 prepare environmental base map based on impact evaluation and analysis

 specify methods for prediction of the impacts
 conduct environmental audit
 evaluate the audit data and prepare the report
 formulate environmental management plan

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO EIA: Basic concept of EIA: Initial environmental examination - Elements of EIA -
Factors affecting EIA - Impact evaluation and analysis-Preparation of Environmental base map -Classification of
environmental parameters.
Unit II - METHODS OF EIA: EIA methodologies: introduction, criteria for selection of EIA methodology- EIA
methods: ad-hoc methods, matrix methods, network method, environmental media quality index method, overlay
methods -Cost/benefit analysis.
Unit III - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: Hydrologic and water quality impacts – Ecological and biological
impacts – Social and cultural impacts – Soil and landscape changes – Agro economic issues – Human health impacts
– Ecosystem changes.
Unit IV - ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING: Environmental audit and environmental legislation -Objectives of
environmental audit- Types of environmental audit -Audit protocol- Stages of environmental audit -Onsite activities-
Evaluation of audit data -Preparation of audit report.
Unit V - APPLICATION OF EIA: Case studies and preparation of environmental impact assessment statement
for a few water resources development projects.

1. John, G., Riki, T., Andrew, C., “Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment”, Routledge Taylor&
Francis Group, III Edition, 2005.
2. Prabhakar, V.K., “Environmental Impact Assessment”, Anmol Publications, 2001.
3. Marriott, Betty B., “Environmental Impact Assessment: a Practical Guide”, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
4. Richard, K.M., “Environmental Impact Assessment- a Methodological Perspective”, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2002


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce hydrological processes in water balance studies
 To develop the ability in hydrological data acquisition, analysis and interpretation
 To make them understand the importance of management of groundwater resources
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the components of hydrologic cycle
 predict hydrologic extreme events for hydrologic design
 interpret groundwater field data
 compute hydrologic mass balance in a river basin
 conduct pumping test and estimate groundwater potential

2017 Civil Engineering

 carryout groundwater budget

Unit I - HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES: Description of hydrologic cycle - Precipitation: rain gauge network,
test for consistency and continuity of data, analysis of rainfall data, intensity-duration-frequency analysis and depth-
area-duration analysis-
Unit II - ABSTRACTIONS FROM PRECIPITATION: Evaporation: estimation using Thornthwaite and
Penman-Monteith methods- Evapotranspiration -Infiltration process: infiltration indices and effective rainfall;
Unit III - STREAM FLOW MEASUREMENT: stream flow measurement, stage-Discharge relationship and
rating curve, runoff characteristics – Hydrograph theory: direct runoff hydrograph, unit hydrograph, hyetograph -
Occurrence and movement of groundwater: groundwater budget; classification of aquifers
Unit IV - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SUBSURFACE MEDIA: Darcy’s law, hydraulic head, permeability,
hydraulic conductivity, porosity, void ratio, transmissivity, storativity, steady state flow and transient flow;
Unit V - GROUNDWATER HYDRAULICS: Steady state equations of flow (confined and unconfined aquifers) –

Uniform and radial flow to a well (confined and unconfined) - Theis equation-Dupit equation- Unsteady state flow
in confined and unconfined aquifers - Thiem method for estimating drawdown using observation wells–Pumping
test and estimation of parameters.

1. Fetter C. W., “Applied Hydrogeology”, Merril Publishing Co., Columbus, OH, 2001.
2. Hiscock K., “Hydrogeology, Principles and Practice”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2005.
3. Todd D. K., “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Willey & Sons Inc., 2007.
4. Bear, J.,” Hydraulics of Groundwater”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1979.
5. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
6. Chow V.T., Maidment D.R., Mays L.W., “Applied Hydrology”, McGraw Hill Publications, New York,
7. Maidment, D.R. (editor), “Handbook of Hydrology”. McGraw-Hill, New York,I993.
8. Singh V.P., “Elementary Hydrology”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, I994.


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge about various types of hydraulic structures
 To introduce the planning and design concepts of hydraulic structures.
 To inculcate the importance of basic water supply and drainage systems in society
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the design criteria for various the types of dams
 analyse and design various hydraulic structures
 design a water supply distribution network
 design a storm water drainage system
 develop a water reuse system
 design irrigation channels and cross drainage works

Unit I - Dams: types and classification, selection of site for dams, choice of dams, dam safety, Design and
construction of gravity and earth dams, flow nets;
Unit II - Spillways: principles and classification, design of ogee and open channel spillways - Energy dissipation
devices, basins, buckets and gates - Canals: types, components, selection, design of irrigation canals, maintenance of
Unit III - Irrigation channels: Design of irrigation channels- Irrigation outlets- Canal masonary works - Principles
of design, use of flow net- Khosla’s theory - Highway drainage: importance, principles of surface drainage, roadside
drains; cross drainage works
Unit IV - Water distribution networks: flow through pipes, solving pipe network flow problems - Use of
computer software for network analysis -Cross country pipline; hydraulic transient analysis;

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit V - Basic approaches to urban drainage- Runoff quantity and quality - Wastewater and stormwater reuse-
Major and minor systems

1. Punmia & Pandey, “Irrigation & Water Power Engg.” Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2016.
2. M.M.Dandekar and K.N.Sharma, “Water Power Engineering”, 2 nd edition Vikas publishers, 2013.
3. Asawa G.L. “Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering” -New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, 1 st
edition, 2005.
4. Garg S.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers N.D. 13 th edition, 1998.
5. Modi,”Irrigation, Water Resources and Water Power Engineering”, P.N. -Standard Book House,New
Delhi, 2nd edition, 1990.
6. Design of small dams, United States Bureau of Reclamation, Third Edition, 1987.

Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce application of systems concepts to water resources planning
 To make the students learn the optimization techniques in modeling water resources systems
 To impart knowledge on National Water Policy
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the steps involved in planning a water resources project in an integrated way
 gain knowledge about different components of National Water Policy
 understand the economic policy to carryout cost-benefit analysis
 formulate the objective function and constraints
 apply few optimization tools and techniques
 develop reservoir operation policy

Unit I - CONCEPTS OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS: definition, approach to water resources planning and
management- Water resources management: reservoir operation and water allocation policy
Unit II - OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: Overview, objectives and constraints - Formulation of linear
programming models- Graphical method - Simplex method - Sensitivity analysis - Application of linear
programming in water resources
Unit III - DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Bellman’s principle of optimality: forward and backward recursive
dynamic programming; curse of dimensionality; application of dynamic programming for resource allocation;
reservoir capacity expansion.
Unit IV - WATER RESOURCES PLANNING: concepts and definitions, functions and role of water resources -
Phases of water resources planning - Data requirements for water resources planning - National Water Policy:
planning objectives, public involvement in identifying objectives, project scale - Implementation of water resources
projects - Planning strategies for water resources projects - Constitutional provisions for water resources
Unit V - ECONOMIC POLICY: Water allocation priorities; Master plan approach; mechanics of water resources
plan; shadow pricing on project costs- International funding agencies.

1. Vedula, P.P., and Mujumdar, S., “Water Resources Systems: Modelling Techniques and Analysis”, Tata-
McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Leonard Douglas James and Robert Rue Lee, “Water Resources Economics” Oxford Publishers, 2005.
3. Bhave, P. R., “Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks”, Narosa Publishing house, 2003.
4. Loucks, Daniel P., van Beek, Eelco; Stedinger, Jery R., Dijkman, Jozef P.M., Villars, “Water Resources
Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models and Applications” , UNESCO
publishing, 2005.
5. Quentin Grafton R., and Karen Hussey, “ Water Resources Planning and Management”, Cambridge
University Press, 2011.

2017 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the concepts of IWRM and highlight the inter-disciplinary nature
 To expose to sustainable water resources management, water security and public-private partnership issues
 To brief about integrated multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional issues in developing water resource management
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the concepts of IWRM principles
 plan integrated water resources development projects considering sustainability aspects

 involve in water management projects from a multi-objective and multi-purpose perspective
 develop various water conservation techniques
 understand Private Public Partnership (PPP)
 analyse the environmental and health issues due to different water issues

Unit I - CONCEPTS, PRINCIPLES AND TERMINOLOGIES: IWRM: definition and principles- Social,
economic, environmental and institutional factors in water management - Water needs for human beings and nature-
Concepts of ‘blue’, ‘green’ and ‘grey’ water- Ecosystem approach- Global climate change and its effect on water
Unit II - SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Concept of sustainable development-
Dublin Conference and Earth Summit- National Water Policy: highlights and limitations –River basin approach –
Small watershed management- Environmental flows- Minimum water table.
erosion- Reservoir sedimentation-Salinity intrusion into surface and groundwater sources- Waterlogging in
command areas-Sand mining-Impact of population and anthropogenic activities on water resources
development - Rainwater harvesting – Artificial recharge – Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater-Inter basin
transfer-Conservation of ‘green’ water – Treatment of ‘grey’ water- Basics of desalination and water treatment and
Unit V - PPP AND PRIVATE MARKETS: Introduction to water economics- Water pricing - Private sector
involvement in water resources management: PPP objectives, options, process and limitations-PPP case studies

1. Negi S.S., “Integrated Watershed Management”, Oriental Enterprises, 2001
2. Cech Thomas V., “Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management and Policy”, John
Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2003.
3. Cap-Net, Tutorial on Basic Principles of Integrated Water Resources Management, Cap-Net, IRC, IWMI,
HRWallingford, IUCN, WSS, UNDP (
4. Integrated Water Resources Management Plans, Training Manual and Operational Guide, CIDA, 2005.


Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To impart practical knowledge in hydrologic processes
 To help the students in understanding the practical implications of aquifer parameters
 To enable them to conduct field experiments
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 gain better understanding of hydrologic processes
 make use of groundwater flow and transport models
 estimate the aquifer parameters

2017 Civil Engineering

 analyse the subsurface characteristics
 conduct water balance studies
 carryout groundwater budget
1. Rainfall data collection by natural siphon recording type raingauge and determination of mass curve and
hyetograph from obtained data
2. Determination of Ф- index by double ring type infiltrometer
3. Measurement of permeability
4. Determination of rate of evaporation
5. Pumping test on well
6. Theissen polygon method
7. Calculation of crop water requirement

8. Determination of soil particle size distribution for textural analysis
9. Determination of hydraulic conductivity
10. Determination of field density by sand replacement method
11. Electrical resistivity method

1. Fetter C. W., “Applied Hydrogeology”, Merril Publishing Co., Columbus, OH, 2001.
2. Hiscock K., “Hydrogeology, Principles and Practice”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2005.
3. Todd D. K., “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Willey & Sons Inc., 2007.
4. Bear, J.,” Hydraulics of Groundwater”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1979.
5. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008
6. Chow V.T., Maidment D.R., Mays L.W., “Applied Hydrology”, McGraw Hill Publications, New York,


Credits: 0:0:1

Course Objectives:
 To demonstrate the sampling techniques and analytical methods in assessing air and water quality in the
 To introduce the principles of instrumentation in air and water quality analysis
 To enable the students to conduct characterisation studies on solid watste
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 collect the samples for analysis
 monitor and assess air and water quality of samples
 design suitable treatment method and control measures for water and air pollution problems
 analyse the pollution impact
 develop water and air quality index
 make use of instrumentation techniques
1. Determination of heavy metals in the sample using UV Spectrophotometer
2. Estimation of Total Organic Carbon
3. Determination of Chemical and Biological Oxygen Demand Microbial analysis
4. Synthesis of nanoparticles (1 experiment)
5. Solid Waste Analysis (Density, Components and Energy value)
6. Noise Measurement by using sound level meter
7. Determination of Air Quality by air sampler.
1. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 14 th ed, American Public Health
Association, Washington, DC, 1999.

2017 Civil Engineering

3. CPHEEO, Manual on “Municipal Solid waste management, Central Public Health and
Environmental Engineering Organization, Government of India,” New Delhi, 2010.
4. C.N. Sawyer, P.L. MacCarty and G.F. Parkin, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science”,
Tata McGraw-Hill, Fifth edition, New Delhi, 2003.


Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To demonstrate the application of different components of GIS and computational techniques in
environmental and water resources systems
 To impart soft computing skills

 To enable the students to apply statistical tools
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand and analyse numerical solutions for linear and nonlinear systems
 apply GIS for temporal and spatial data acquisition and analysis
 develop forecasting and prediction
 estimate groundwater potential
 develop soft computing techniques for prediction and forecasting
 apply multivariate statistical methods
1. Computation of flow duration curve based on field data
2. Testing and validation of simple monthly rainfall-runoff model
3. Factor Analysis using SPSS
4. Prediction using Artificial Neural Network
5. Estimation of evapotranspiration using Penman-Monteith Method
6. DO fluctuation model in streams and rivers
7. Thematic Map creating using ArcGIS
8. Groundwater Quality Assessment using ArcGIS
9. Curve fitting using MATLAB
10. Correlation and regression analysis using MATLAB and SPSS
1. Rastogi, A.K., “Numerical Groundwater Hydrology”, Penram International Publishing (India), 2006
2. John, E. G., “Introduction to Hydraulics and Hydrology with Applications for Stormwater Management”,
DELMAR, Thomson Learning, USA, 2002.
3. Ian Heywood Sarah, Cornelius and Steve Carver, “An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems”,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To familiarize the principles of Remote Sensing and GIS
 To demonstrate temporal and spatial data acquisition and analysis
 To impart knowledge in digital image processing
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the principles and components of Remote Sensing and GIS
 analyse and interpret satellite images using digital image processing
 create thematic maps for various applications
 implement overlay analysis for various environmental and water resources application
 create spatial and temporal variation maps
 apply GIS and RS tool in environmental and water resources projects

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit I - REMOTE SENSING : Basic Concepts of remote sensing - Electromagnetic radiation (EMR), Interaction
of EMR with atmosphere, earth surface, soil, water and vegetation - Remote sensing platforms – Monitoring
atmosphere, land and water resources - LANDSAT, SPOT, ERS, IKONOS – Scanners, radiometers - Data types and
Unit II - DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING: Satellite Data analysis - Image interpretation: multi-spectral, multi
temporal and multi-sensoral – Digital image processing – Image preprocessing – Image enhancement – Image
classification – Data merging.
Unit III - GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM: Definition – Components of GIS – Map projections and
co-ordinate systems – Data structures: raster, vector – Spatial relationship – Topology – Integrated GIS database -
Sources of error
Unit IV - SPATIAL ANALYSIS: Thematic mapping – Measurement in GIS: length, perimeter and areas – Query
analysis – Reclassification – Buffering - Neighbourhood functions - Map overlay: vector and raster overlay –

Spatial interpolation
approach for water resources system – Thematic maps - Rainfall-runoff modeling – Groundwater potential
mapping– Water quality modeling - Flood inundation mapping and modeling

1. Lillesand T.M. and Kiefer,R.W., “Remote Sensing and Image interpretation”, VI edition of John Wiley &
2. John R. Jensen, “Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective”, 2nd Edition,
3. John A.Richards, “Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis”, Springer –Verlag,1999.
4. Ian Heywood Sarah, Cornelius and Steve Carver, “An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems”,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Charles Elachi and Jakob J. van Zyl , “Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing” ,
Wiley Series in Remote Sensing and Image Processing, 2006


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the elements and application of computer programming through MATLAB
 To impart knowledge about development of GUI
 To make the students familiarize about database management system
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the programming concepts in MATLAB
 develop MATLAB code for solving engineering problems
 analyse the engineering problems using various plots
 develop a Database Information System (DIS)
 create user defined functions using MATLAB commands
 develop GUI for various applications

Unit I - PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT: Computer algorithm - Pseudo-code - Flowchart – Introduction to

programming logic and MATLAB interface- Data types: expressions, constants, variables -Assignment statement –
Matrix operations – Arrays.
Unit II - CONTROL STATEMENTS: Flow control - Conditional statements: If, Else, Elseif - Repetition
statements: While, For loop –Nested loops – Switch/ Case.
Unit III - FUNCTIONS AND SCRIPTS: Creating functions – Functions as arguments - Returning functions as
values- M-files: script files, function files - Formatted console input-output – String handling - Writing to a text file
- Reading from a text file - Randomising and sorting a list.
Unit IV - PLOTTING AND VISUALIZATION OF DATA: Basic plotting - Built in functions – 2D, 3D plots –
Mesh and surface plots - Figures and subplots.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit V - GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE: Attaching buttons to action – Handle graphics – Graphics objects –
Properties of objects – Menu driven programs - Controls: uimenu and uicontrol.

1. Holly M., “MATLAB for Engineers”, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition, 2012.
2. Rudra P., “Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers”, Oxford
University Press, 2010.
3. Duane, C.H., “Mastering MATLAB”, Pearson Education Inc., 2012
4. Amos, G., “MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications”, 4rth Edition, 2011


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the importance and different approaches of cleaner production in industries
 To impart knowledge on the process of pollution prevention and reduction along with operating costs
 To give exposure to methodology of cleaner production projects, methods of their implementing into
industrial establishment.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 apply different approaches in clean production
 understand and choose the different principles of sustainable development
 implement green building concepts
 conduct material balance studies
 comment on the evolution of corporate environmental management strategies
 describe cleaner production measures
 conduct energy and waste audit

Unit I - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Indicators of Sustainability – Industrialization and sustainable

development – Regulations to Encourage Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production – Regulatory versus market
based approaches.
Unit II - PRINCIPLES OF CLEANER PRODUCTION: Benefits, promotion & barriers – Environmental
Management Hierarchy – Source Reduction Techniques – Process and equipment optimization.
Unit III - CLEANER PRODUCTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT: Assessment Steps - Material Balance –
Technical and Environmental Feasibility analysis – Economic valuation of alternatives – Preparing a Program Plan –
Waste audit.
Unit IV - SUPPORT INSTRUMENTS OF PREVENTION METHODS: Life cycle analysis – Eco Labelling –
International Environmental Standards – ISO 14001 – Green building & green energy concepts and management.
Unit V - CASE STUDIES: Industrial applications of CP, LCA, EMS and Environmental Audits, green energy and
green process management.

1. Paul L. Bishop, Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice, McGraw Hill International, 2000.
2. Prasad modak C. Visvanathan and Mandar parasnis, “Cleaner Production Audit‟, Environmental System
Reviews, No.38, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, 1995.
3. World Bank Group, "Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook towards Cleaner Production", World
Bank and UNEP, Washington D.C, 2005.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
• To introduce the basic concepts of electrochemistry
• To help the students understand the electrochemical methods in wastewater treatment

2017 Civil Engineering

• To familiarize the students with design concepts
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the basic concepts of electrochemistry
 analyse the characteristics of the effluent and sludge produced
 design electrochemical reactor
 under the mechanism of electrodialysis for desalination
 apply electrochemical methods for heavy metal removal
 develop new electrodes for electrocoagulation and capactive deionization

Unit I - BASIC ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY:Chemistry and electricity: Electro neutrality and

potential differences at interfaces.-Electrochemical cells: Transport of charge within the cell- Conductivity of

electrolyte solutions-Cell description conventions, - Electrodes and electrode reactions- Standard half-cell potentials
and reference electrode- Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
Unit II - ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTORS DESIGN:Costing an electrolytic process- Figures of merit:
Materials yield-Current efficiency- Percentage conversion- Product quality- Energy consumption- Space time yield-
Electrolysis parameters- Principles of cell design: Typical cell designs- Tank cells and Flow cells - Monopolar and
Bipolor cells
technology: Electrolytic production of free halogens- Chlorination process description Bromination process
description-Electrolytic generation of bromine and chlorine -Metal ion removal and metal recovery- Electrochemical
process for the removal of iron in acid baths
Unit IV - ELECTRODIALYSIS (ED): Electrodialysis: Performance characteristics- General purpose electro-
dialysis unit -ED units for specialized application, Demineralizer, Advantages of electrodialysis and general
characteristics-Desalination system
Unit V - ELECTROCOAGULATION: Electrocoagulation in water treatment- Principle of Electrocoagulation-
Reactions at the electrodes and solutions- Electrode passivation and activation - Comparison between
Electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation. Typical designs of the EC Reactors : Factors affecting

1. Ralph Zito, “Electrochemical Water Processing”, Wiley 2011.
2. Derek Pletcher, “Industrial Electrochemistry”, Chapan and Hall Ltd 1982.
3. Stephen K. Lower, “Electrochemistry- Chemical reactions at an electrode, galvanic and electrolytic cells”,
4. C. Comninellis and G. Chen, “Electrochemistry for the environment” Springer 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To analyze the legislative and judicial responses to environmental problems
 To apply environment advocacy and approaches for using litigation in environment protection will receive
special attention
 To expose to the administrative system of environment related laws such as air, water, land, and hazardous
substances etc.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 recall different policies and rules framed for the environmental protection
 recognize the formation of boards at different levels
 discuss the functions of Central Pollution Board and the State Pollution Boards.
 know about different duties of pollution control boards
 assess about the actions taken by government for the violation of rules
 enumerate about the prevention of advanced pollution

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit I - WATER ACT: Constitution, functions and powers of central and state boards – Prevention and control of
water pollution, Penalties – Prevention and control of pollution rules - Annual report.
Unit II - AIR ACT: Constitution, functions and powers of central and state boards – Prevention and control of air
pollution, Penalties – Prevention and control of pollution rules - Annual report.
Unit III - ENVIRONMENTAL (PROTECTION) ACT: General powers of the Central Govt., Prevention, Control
and abatement of environmental pollution – Rules- recipient system – Standards for emission – Prohibition and
restriction on location of industries – Furnishing information to authorities and agencies, prohibition and restriction
on handling hazardous substances.
– Responsibility of the occupier, grant of authorization, power to respond or cancel, packaging, labeling, transport,
disposal or import, Accident reporting, appeal. Rules for Manufacture, storage – Mitigation of the major accident,
safety reports-Preparation of on- site and off -site emergency plans
Unit V - OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS: The Bio-medical waste (Management and handling) rules -

ozone depleting substances (Regulations & Control) rules – The recycled plastics manufacture and usage rules -
Noise pollution rules.

1. C P Kaushik, Anubha Kaushik, “Perspectives in Environmental Studies”, 4th edition, New Age
International Publishers Ltd.-New Delhi, 2006
2. Layzer, J. “The Environmental Case: Translating Values into Policy”, 3rd edition, CQ Press, 2012.
3. Vig, N. J. and Kraft, M. E. “Environmental Policy: New Directions for the Twenty-First Century”, 8th
edition, CQ Press, 2013.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
 To learn the fundamental concepts in the field of noise pollution and control.
 To impart knowledge on the sources, effects and control techniques of air pollutants and noise pollution.
 To impart knowledge on measurement and analysis of noise.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the nature and characteristics of noise pollution
 analyze the noise pollution problems
 detect the various effects of noise pollution
 apply suitable preventive measures
 identify the technologies and methods to control of noise
 choose suitable noise adsorbent materials
 gain knowledge about the various noise pollution regulations

Unit I - SOURCES OF NOISE POLLUTION: Sources - Types - Units and Measurements of Noise –
Unit II - CHARACTERIZATION OF NOISE POLLUTION: Characterization of Noise – Control Measures –
Outdoor and indoor noise propagation - Effects of noise pollution - Noise Pollution Analyzers.
Unit III - PREVENTION & CONTROL OF NOISE POLLUTION: Fundamental Definitions – Prevention and
Control of Noise Pollution – Control of noise - Annoyance rating schemes - Sound Absorbent materials –
Auditorium Designing – Anti Noise Device.
Unit IV - ACOUSTICS OF NOISE: Industrial Noise Control – Special noise environments - Noise indices -
OSHA Noise standards – Public education – other non-legislative measures.
Unit V - REGULATORY ASPECTS OF NOISE POLLUTION: Legislation and Administrative Function – The
Rajasthan noise control Act 1963, Railway Act 1890 (Related to noise only), The Aircraft Act 1934 (Related to
noise only), Factories Act 1948 (Related to noise only), The Environmental Protection Act 1986 – Noise pollution

2017 Civil Engineering

1. Antony Milne, “Noise Pollution: Impact and Counter Measures”, David & Charles PLC, 2009.
2. Handbook of Noise Measurement – APG Peterson & EE Gross PH, Englewood cliffs New Jersey, latest
3. Environmental Noise Pollution – PE Cunniff, McGraw Hill, New York, 1987


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge about the occupational hazards, industrial safety issues, control measures and
emergency procedures.
 To assist the student in implementing the safe healthy practices in workplace.

 To review methods and controls in order to evaluate occupational safety and health.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify hazards in workplace
 analyse the industrial toxicology
 understand the significance of health and safety in the workplace
 propose methods to eliminate the hazard
 understand the emergency procedures and safety law
 implement safe work practices

Unit I - INDUSTRIAL CONTAMINANTS AND HEALTH HAZARDS: Theory of accidents - Industrial

atmospheric contaminants – Industrial Health Hazards – Asbestos hazards – Hazard reorganization, evaluation and
Modes of entry of toxic substances into the human body - Industrial toxicology – Cleaning chemical spills -
Threshold Limit Values - Industrial Hygiene Survey – Diagnosis – Remedial measures – Occupational Health and
Safety Management System (OHSMS) - BS OSHAS 18001.
Unit III - INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION: Industrial Ventilation - general principles of air flow - general dilution
ventilation - comfort ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation - principles of hood and duct design - duct system design
- fans.
Unit IV - CONTROL MEASURES: Air cleaning Devices - relative efficiencies - Testing of local exhaust
ventilation systems - Industrial Noise Control - general engineering principles of control standards – Rationale for
health and safety training – Ergonomics – Emergency preparedness.
- glare – types & levels of illumination. Industrial plant sanitation - housekeeping - worker facilities

1. Industrial Ventilation Manual, American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists, 1993
2. Friend, Mark A.; Kohn, John P.. “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health”, 6th edition. 2010
3. Occupational Health and Safety Management: A Practical Approach, Second Edition, 2008


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce nanotechnology and nanoscience
 To demonstrate various techniques for synthesis of nanomaterials
 To make students know about the novel developments of nanotechnology in environmental applications.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the principles of nanotechnology
 synthesis different types of nanoparticles for various applications

2017 Civil Engineering

 conduct characterisation studies of nanomaterials
 develop nanosensors
 analyse the impact of nanomaterials on environment
 design efficient and effective treatment method


application of nanomaterials in water and wastewater treatment;: Synthesis of nanomaterials: magnetic
nanoparticles, Carbonaceous nanoparticles; nanocomposites; clay supported nanoparticles, aerogels- Methods of
synthesis: Sol-Gel method, microemulsion method, electrospinning method, plasma technique, Chemical Vapour
Deposition (CVD)
NANOMATERIALS: Separation techniques- Morphology studies: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) - Surface

charge and optical properties of nanoparticles: zeta potential, UV-Vis spectrometry-Elemental composition of single
nanoparticles using EDAX, elemental composition of bulk nanoparticles-X-ray diffraction (XRD) - FTIR
Unit III - MEMBRANE PROCESSES: Overview of membrane technology- Types of membrane filtration,
microfiltration, ultra filtration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis – Transport principles-Membrane fabrication and
characterization- Nanoparticle membrane reactor
Unit IV - NANOMATERIALS AS ADSORBENTS AND OXIDANTS: Metals oxides (Titanium oxides, Iron
oxides, Copper, Zinc) – Carbon nanoadsorbents: CNTs (single and multiwaled), Fullerenes- Molecularly imprinted
polymers for removal of micropollutants- Advanced Oxidation Process: Photocatalytic oxidation, Fenton process
the fate of NMs /NPs in environment: aggregation, reaction, adsorption, deposition; ecotoxicity of NMs/NPs;-
Effect on human health and environment- Introduction to nanosensors

1. Lens P., Virkutyte J., Jegatheesan V., and Al-Abed S., “Nanotechnology for Water and Wastewater
Treatment’, IWA Publishing, 2013
2. Ajay Kumar Mishra, “Application of Nanotechnology in Water Research”, Scrivener Publishing LLC.
3. Eugene T, Michele De Kwaadsteniest, “Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Applications”, Caister
Academic Press, 2010
4. Handbook of Nanotechnology, Edi-Bharat Bhushan, Springer, 2004.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce fundamentals of isotope hydrology
 To demonstrate the application of this tool to solve simple practical problems in hydrology and water
resources engineering
 To familiarize the students in instrumental techniques
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the chemistry involved in isotope hydrology
 apply the isotope fractionation concept in hydrological processes
 understand different instrument techniques involved in analyzing isotopes
 estimate isotope footprints of water samples from various sources
 conduct mass balance studies using stable isotopes
 apply environmental isotopes in identifying the recharge sources, pollution source

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO ISOTOPES: Introduction: elements, nuclides, isotopes- Isotopes and their
characteristics- Natural abundance of radioactive and environment isotopes- Isotope fractionation.
Unit II - ISOTOPE MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: Standards and measurement techniques- -Mass
spectrometric sampling and analysis of stable isotopes.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit III - TRACING THE HYDROLOGIC CYCLE: Meteoric Water Line (MWL) -Partitioning of isotopes in
the hydrologic cycle- Deuterium excess and source identification-Condensation/precipitation- Rayleigh distillation-
Lake dynamics – Water balance: groundwater inflow and outflow estimates – Estimation of lake sedimentation rates
– Seepage from dams and reservoirs – Seepage from canals - Percolation tank hydrology.
velocity in saturated zone -Identification of recharge processes – Seawater intrusion - Migration of pollutants.

1. Rao, S.M., “Practical Isotope Hydrology”, New India Publishing Agency, 2006.
2. Mook W.G. (Editor), “Environmental Isotopes in Hydrological Cycle, Principles and Applications”, IHP-
V, Technical Documents in Hydrology, No 39, Vol 1, UNESCO, Paris, 2000.

3. “Use of Artificial Tracers in Hydrology”, Proc. Adv. Group Meeting, Vienna, IAEA, 1990.
4. Kendall, C.,and McDonnell J.J., “Isotopes in Catchment Hydrology”, Elsevier, 1998.


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the working principles of different power plants
 To design power canals, silting basin, types of dams
 To explain about transmission system, financial implications etc.,
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 estimate the hydropower potential
 analyse the financial implications and maintenance of hydropower systems
 design various components of hydropower system
 understand the construction details of a hydropower plant
 analyse the implication of hydropower plant in water demand and evaluation
 design silting basin

Unit I - INTRODUCTION: development of water power; estimation of hydropower potential; comparison of

hydro, thermal and nuclear power; firm power; secondary power; load and load duration curves; load factor etc.
Unit II - TYPES OF HYDROPOWER PLANTS: classification of hydropower plants; run-of-river plants; valley
dam plants, high head diversion plants, diversion canal plants, pumped storage plants, tidal power plants.
Unit III - WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM: power canals; alignment; design of power canals; flumes; covered
conduits and tunnels; drainage and ventilation in tunnels.
Unit IV - PENSTOCKS: alignment; types of penstocks; anchor blocks; spillways: types; spillway gates; design of
stilling basins. types of turbines and their utility;
Unit V - POWER HOUSE: Fore bay; intakes;, balancing reservoir; escape; surge shafts/ inclined shafts;
underground power stations; general transmission system: general introduction; basic principles of design and
construction; financial implications of hydropower plants; maintenance of hydro power plant.

1. Birdie, “Irrigation Engineering (including Water Power Engineering)” – Dhanpat Rai Publishing
Company, New Delhi – 110002, 2012.
2. Dr. P.N. Modi, “Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering”, Standard Book House-
Rajsons Publication Private Limited, New Delhi- 110002, 2012.
3. Santosh Kumar Garg, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures” , Khanna Publishers, Delhi – 110
006 – 28th Revised Edition – 2014.
4. Nigam P.S., Handbook of Hydroelectric Engineering, Nem Chand Publisher, 1985
5. Warnick, C.C., “Hydropower Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1984.
6. Manual on planning and design of small hydroelectric scheme, publication no. 280, Central Board of
Irrigation and Power, 2001.

2017 Civil Engineering

7. “Guidelines for Hydraulic Design of Small Hydro Plants”, Alternate Hydro Energy Research Centre, 2011.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the concepts of flow through rivers and the theoretical and empirical formulation of energy
and momentum principles
 To demonstrate the sediment transport in terms of first principles
 To enable the students understand the causes of river channel change and river training
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 identify the various types of flow and their profile

 analyze the transport of sediments
 estimate the sediment load
 develop strategies for sediment routing
 analyse the impact of erosion, deposition and sedimentation on flow
 design a sedimentation basin

Unit I - BASIC CONCEPTS AND EQUATIONS: Basic mathematical concepts: fluid continuum, fluid element –
Kinematics and dynamics – Continuity equations: Equations based on conservation of momentum and energy:
mechanical potential energy and kinetic energy
Unit II - VARIED FLOWS: Free surface flow, uniform flow, gradually varied flow - Flow profiles - Prismatic
channels energy and momentum principles- Flow measurements: weirs, flumes -Basic equations of various flows,
velocity of flood wave discharge, flood routing,
Unit III - ORIGIN AND PROPERTIES OF SEDIMENTS: Incipient movement of sediments -Shields analysis,
bed formation and flow regimes- Sampling and measurement techniques of sediment lead - Forms of sediment
transport- Estimation of bed load transport
Unit IV - SEDIMENT ENTRAINMENT AND TRANSPORT: Geomorphological concepts: load-discharge
relations, sediment yield and denudation rate – Forces on sediment particles – Sediment transport: Shield’s diagram,
Hjulstrom curves –sediment transport and bed forms- Settling, deposition, consolidation, attrition, erosion, Rouse
Unit V - RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION,: aggradations and degradation - Design of stable channels, river
training methods, bank protection - Groynes or spurs, deflectors, cut off - Sedimentation basin

1. Garde, R.J. and Ranga Raju, K.G. “Mechanics of Sediment Transport and Alluvial Stream Problems”, New
Age International (P) Ltd. Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Subramanya. K, “Open channel flow”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2010.
3. Yang, C.T. “Sediment transport theory and Practice”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
4. Graf, W.H. “Hydraulics of sediment transport”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1971.
5. Garde, R.J. “History of Fluvial Hydraulics”, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 1995.
6. Garde, R.J. “River Morphology”, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the basics of coastal engineering
 To enable students to understand coastal management problems
 To impart knowledge on coastal protection structures
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the principles of wave theory and hydrodynamics in coastal engineering management
 analyse and predict different types of waves

2017 Civil Engineering

 design basic harbour structures
 analyse the coastal morphology
 conduct coastal erosion studies
 design coastal protection structure

Unit I - COASTAL GEOMORPHOLOGY: introduction to winds, waves and maritime structures; classification
of waves; formation of waves;
Unit II - WAVE THEORIES: Linear wave theory -Cnoidal theory- SMB and energy based methods of wave
prediction- Wave reflection- Wave refraction; Wave diffraction- coastal erosion and accretion processes- Wave run-
up and overtopping
Unit III - COASTAL PROTECTION STRUCTURES: breakwaters and sea walls; consideration of
hydrodynamics in the design of harbour structures- Harbour protection works- Wave forces on coastal structures-

Breakwaters- Classification, Design and application in coastal protection and harbor planning
Unit IV - COASTAL EROSION: Planning and methods of coast protection works - Design of shore defense
structures-Coastal Features - Beach Features - Beach cycles - Beach Stability - Beach profiles
Unit V - CASE STUDIES: case studies of Cochin, Chennai, Vishakhapatnam harbours; Case studies on erosion
and accretion – Malabar and Coromandel coasts.

1. Robert M. Sorensen, “Basic Coastal Engineering”, 2nd edition, Springer Science+ Business Media, Inc,
2. A. Vallega, “Fundamentals of Integrated Coastal Management”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Netherlands, 1999.
3. Timothy Beatley, David Brower, Anna K. Schwab, “An Introduction to Coastal Zone Management”, 2nd
edition, Island Press, 2002.
4. J. W. Kamphuis, “Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management”, 2 nd edition, World Scientific
Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd.,2010
5. A. M Muir Wood,“Coastal hydraulics”.New York, Gordon and Breach, 1969.
6. Dominic Reeve, Andrew Chadwick, Christopher Fleming, “Coastal Engineering: Processes, Theory and
Design Practice”, Spon press, 2004.
7. Shore Protection Manual Vol 1, Coastal Engineering Research Centre, Department of the Army,
Wachrieays Experiment Station, Corps of Engineering, Wichsbarg, Mississippi, the US, 1984.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on underlying hydrologic processes associated with the flow of water through
forested watersheds
 To give exposure about nutrient budget and agricultural management practices
 To familiarize the students with water conservation techniques in a watershed
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand the hydrologic principles in forest, urban and agricultural management
 apply the techniques for soil erosion control, flood management and storm management
 develop an integrated watershed management plan
 calculate nutrient budget for a watershed
 develop stormwater management strategy for a watershed
 apply water conservation techniques in green buildings

Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO WATERSHED: Watershed development: definition and concepts, objectives and
need- Integrated and multidisciplinary approach for watershed management- Characteristics of watershed: size,
shape, physiography, slope, climate, drainage, land use, vegetation, geology and soils - Watershed delineation.

2017 Civil Engineering

Unit II - FOREST WATERSHED MANAGEMENT: Influence of forests on hydrologic processes - Causes of
deterioration of watershed -Forests and water yield/lowflows - Forests and peakflows – Deforestation and
accelerated erosion – Forests and snow.
Unit III - AGRICULTURAL WATERSHED MANAGEMENT: Global agricultural trends – Agricultural
impacts on soil and water: non-point source pollution, erosion and sediment, drainage, storage and irrigation -
Nutrient budget – Soil and water conservation – Watershed development projects – Indicators – Monitoring and
Urban site design – Landuse planning and conservation – Stormwater management- Flooding and floodplain
management – Urban water supply – Water and green buildings.
Unit V - CASE STUDIES: Case study on forest hydrology of Western Ghats (MoEF) – Case study on cultivated
watersheds (DST/CWRDM/JICA) – Case study on urban watershed (DST/UNDP/MATURE)

1. Murthy, J.V.S., “Watershed Management”, New Age International Publishers, 1998.
2. Martin, M.K., Daniel T.R., and Kent, S.M., “Urban Watersheds: Geology, Contamination, and Sustainable
Development”, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.
3. Bernier, P.Y., Woodard, P.D., “Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management”, IAHS Press, 1987,
4. Ghanshyam D., “Hydrology and Soil Conservation Engineering”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi. 2000.
5. Das Madan Mohan and Saikia Mimi Das, “Watershed Management”, PHI publishers, 2012.
6. Kenneth N. Brooks, Peter F.Folliott, Joseph A. Magner, “Hydrology and the Management of Watershed”,
John Wiley & Sons, 2012.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on hydrology of wetland ecosystems
 To introduce the students to the management and conservation of wetlands
 To impart the concepts of wise use of wetlands
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 understand different aspects of wetland management
 conduct water balance studies in wetland
 apply the hydrological principles in wetland management
 estimate the exchange processes in coastal wetlands
 model sediment dynamics in wetland conservation
 develop suitable wetland management strategy in catchment and coastal hydrology

Unit I - DEFINITION OF WETLAND: classification of wetlands; wetlands types according to Ramsar Bureau;
hydrologic features of aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems and wetland ecosystem
Unit II - HYDROLOGY OF WETLANDS: hydroperiod-signature of a wetland; water balance of wetland,
residence time, turnover time; conceptual model showing relationship between hydrologic, chemical and biological
processes; chemical cycles in wetlands
containing, water purification, agriculture, aquatic tourism, drinking water, inland navigation, fisheries, biodiversity;
Unit IV - WISE USE OF WETLANDS: Integrated river basin management in relation to wise use of wetlands;
sustainability concept in relation to wetland management
Unit V - ESTIMATION OF EXCHANGE PROCESSES: Exchange processes in estuaries-modified tidal prism
method, coefficient of eddy diffusivity, flushing time; sediment dynamics; case studies: impact of manmade
structures on downstream wetlands, Success stories in wetland conservation- Chilika and Loktak.

1. William J. Mitsch, James G. Gosselink, “Wetlands”, John Wiley & Sons. Copyright. Inc, 2007.

2017 Civil Engineering

2. W.J. Mitsch, M. Stra kraba, S.E. Jorgensen,“Wetland Modelling”, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V, 1988.
3. Deanne Hickey, “The Role of Wetland Hydrology on Vegetative Structure in a Coastal Wetland
Environment”, University of Sydney, 2009.
4. Jos T.A. Verhoeven, Boudewijn Beltman, Roland Bobbink, Dennis F. Whigham., “Wetlands and Natural
Resource Management”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

2017 Civil Engineering

Sl. Course
Name of the Course Credits
No. Code
1 15CE2004 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory 0:0:1
2 15CE2005 Strength of Materials Laboratory 0:0:1
3 15CE3024 Cement and Concrete Chemistry 3:0:0
4 15CE3025 Seismic Design of Steel Structures 3:0:0
5 16CE1001 Evolution of Civil Infrastructure 3:0:0

6 16CE2001 Intelligent Buildings 3:0:0
7 16CE2002 Building Acoustics 3:0:0
8 16CE2003 Prestressed Concrete Structures 3:0:0
9 16CE2004 Strength of Materials and Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Laboratory 0:0:2

10 16CE3001 Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology 3:0:0
11 16CE3002 L L Lab
Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control 3:0:0
12 16CE3003 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 3:0:0

13 16CE3004 Elements of Hydrology 3:0:0
14 16CE3005 Design of hydraulic and conveyance structures 3:0:0
15 16CE3006 Water Resources Planning and Systems Engineering 3:0:0
Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory
GIS and Computational Laboratory
Cleaner Production and Sustainable Development
19 16CE3010 Environmental Geotechnology 3:0:0
20 16CE3011 Environmental Policies and Legislation 3:0:0
21 16CE3012 Noise Pollution and Control Techniques 3:0:0
22 16CE3013 Occupational Health and Safety 3:0:0

23 16CE3014 Nanotechnology for Water and Wastewater Treatment 3:0:0

24 16CE3015 Hydro Power Engineering 3:0:0

25 16CE3016 River Mechanics and Sediment Transport 3:0:0

26 16CE3017 Advanced Design of Precast Concrete Structures 3:0:0
27 16CE3018 Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures 3:0:0
28 16CE3019 Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures

29 16CE3020 Introduction to Structural Health Monitoring 3:0:0
Course Code Version Name of the Course Credits

14CE1001 1.1 Basic Civil Engineering 3:0:0

14CE2001 1.1 Survey 3:0:0
14CE2002 1.1 Mechanics of Solids 3:1:0
14CE2003 1.1 Mechanics of Fluids 3:1:0
14CE2004 1.1 Building Materials and Geology 3:0:0
14CE2005 1.1 Applied Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery 3:0:0
14CE2006 1.1 Strength of Materials 3:1:0
14CE2007 1.1 Soil Mechanics 3:0:0
14CE2008 1.1 Water and Waste water Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2009 1.1 Reinforced Concrete Structures 3:0:0
14CE2010 1.1 Structural Analysis 3:1:0

2016 Civil Engineering

14CE2011 1.1 Water Resources Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2012 1.1 Foundation Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2013 1.1 Design of Steel Structures 3:0:0
14CE2014 1.1 Transportation Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2015 1.1 Construction Technology 3:0:0
14CE2016 1.1 Strength of Materials Lab 0:0:2
14CE2017 1.1 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab 0:0:2
14CE2018 1.1 Survey Lab 0:0:2
14CE2019 1.1 Building Drawing Lab 0:0:2
14CE2020 1.1 Geotechnical Engineering Lab 0:0:2

14CE2021 1.1 Environmental Engineering Lab 0:0:2
14CE2022 1.1 Concrete and Highway Lab 0:0:2
14CE2023 1.1 Computer Application Lab 0:0:2
14CE2024 1.1 Design and Drawing (RCC & Steel) Lab 0:0:2

14CE2025 1.1 Estimation and Costing 0:0:2
14CE2026 1.1 Design and Drawing (Irrigation and Environment) Lab 0:0:2
14CE2027 1.1 Engineering Practices Lab 0:0:1

14CE2028 1.1 Construction Management 3:0:0
14CE2029 1.1 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structure 3:0:0
14CE2030 1.1 Advanced Structural Analysis 3:0:0
14CE2031 1.1 Concrete Technology
ni 3:0:0
14CE2032 1.1 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design 3:0:0
14CE2033 1.1 Building Services 3:0:0
14CE2034 1.1 Advanced Structural Engineering Lab 0:0:1
14CE2035 1.1 Advanced Computer Application Lab 0:0:2
14CE2036 1.1 Prefabricated structures 3:0:0
14CE2037 1.1 Advanced Design of Steel Structures 3:0:0
14CE2038 1.1 Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal 3:0:0

14CE2039 1.1 Solid waste Management 3:0:0

14CE2040 1.1 Environmental Chemistry and Micro-Biology 3:0:0

14CE2041 1.1 Air Pollution Management 3:0:0

14CE2042 1.1 Global Climate Change and its Impact 3:0:0
14CE2043 1.1 Disaster Management and Mitigation 3:0:0
14CE2044 1.1 Advanced Environmental Engineering Lab 0:0:2

14CE2045 1.1 GIS Lab 0:0:1

14CE2046 1.1 Smart Materials and Structures 3:0:0
14CE3001 1.1 Applied Elasticity and Plasticity 3:0:0
14CE3002 1.1 Advanced Concrete Technology 3:0:0

14CE3003 1.1 Structural Optimization 3:0:0

14CE3004 1.1 Advanced Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 3:0:0
14CE3005 1.1 Structural Dynamics 3:0:0
14CE3006 1.1 Finite Element Methods in Engineering 3:0:0
14CE3007 1.1 Seismic Design of Structures 3:0:0
14CE3008 1.1 Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation 3:0:0
14CE3009 1.1 Advanced Design of Metal Structures 3:0:0
14CE3010 1.1 Advanced Bridge Engineering 3:0:0
14CE3011 1.1 Computer Aided Design Laboratory 0:0:1
14CE3012 1.1 Advanced Structural Testing Laboratory 0:0:1
14CE3013 1.1 Design of Structures for Dynamic load 3:0:0

2016 Civil Engineering

14CE3014 1.1 Design of Space Structures 3:0:0
14CE3015 1.1 Design of Tall Buildings 3:0:0
14CE3016 1.1 Design of Offshore Structures 3:0:0
14CE3017 1.1 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 3:0:0
14CE3018 1.1 Design of Substructures 3:0:0
14CE3019 1.1 Design of Composite Structures 3:0:0
14CE3020 1.1 Stability of Structures 3:0:0
14CE3021 1.1 Prestressed Concrete Structures 3:0:0
14CE3022 1.1 Industrial Structures 3:0:0
14CE3023 1.1 Advanced Design of Prefabricated Structures 3:0:0

14CE3024 1.1 Analysis and Design of Plates and Shells 3:0:0
14CE3025 1.1 Energy Efficient Buildings 3:0:0
14CE3026 1.1 Introduction to IWRM 3:0:0
14CE3034 1.1 Fundamentals of MATLAB Programming 3:0:0

14CE3036 1.1 Hydrology Practicals 0:0:2
14CE3038 1.1 Environmental Impact Assessment 3:0:0
14CE3039 1.1 Isotope Techniques in Water Resource Management 3:0:0

14CE3040 1.1 Water and Wastewater Treatment 3:0:0
14CE3044 1.1 Remote Sensing and GIS 3:0:0
14CE3045 1.1 Forest, Urban and Agricultural Watershed Management 3:0:0
14CE3048 1.1 Electrochemical Water Processing and Water Treatment
ni 3:0:0
14CE3053 1.1 Wetland Hydrology 3:0:0
14CE3054 1.1 Fundamentals of Coastal Engineering 3:0:0
Credits: 0:0:1
Co-requisite: 14CE2003 - Mechanics of Fluids

Course Objective:
 To give hands on training on the principle and working of different types of turbines

 To impart knowledge on open channel flow profiles

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to

 Identify various forms of flows and flow measurement

 Select and operate pumps and turbines

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Modi, P.N and Seth, S.M., “Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines”, Standard Book House, New
Delhi, 2007.
2. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S.Chand and
Co., New Delhi, 2002.

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 0:0:1
Co-requisite: 14CE2002 - Mechanics of Solids

Course Objective:
• To apply the theory of mechanics of solids on real specimens
• To give hands on training on testing of real specimens

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Demonstrate the application of theories
 Determine various strength of the materials by experiments


The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.


1. Jindal, U.C, “Strength of Materials”, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd, 2007.


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To study the properties of cement paste
• To impart knowledge in the behaviour of the microstructure of concrete

Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Understand the microstructure and strength of cement paste
 Analyse the properties of cement paste and concrete

 Assess the hydration of cement with mineral admixtures

Principles of Cement Classification - Different Phase Systems of Cement Chemistry (CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–

Fe2O3) system - Phase Composition of Portland Cements - Effect of constituents of cement on Hydration
– Properties of Cement Paste - Rheological Properties of Concrete - Relationship Between the
Microstructure and Strength of Cement Paste - Volume Changes of the Plastic Paste - Permeability of

Paste - Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ)- Chemical Structure of C-S-H Phases- Ettringite Formation-
Effect of carbonation - Corrosion of Concrete in Cl2 solutions - Bond characteristics – Microstructure of
the Aggregate phase - Mineral Admixtures for Cement Production and its Properties – Application of
XRD, SEM, EDAX, TEM, FTIR in concrete microstructure studies.

1. Kurdowski & Wieslaw, “Cement and Concrete Chemistry” Springer Publications 2014.
2. Neville, A.M., "Concrete Technology", Longman Scientific & Technical, 2005.
3. Santhakumar A.R, “Concrete Technology” Oxford University press, New Delhi, 2006.

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits 3:0:0

Course Objective:
 To understand the basic concepts of seismic design of structures
 To learn the basics of behavior of bracing systems
 To study the dynamic behavior of steel structures

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Design the steel structures for earthquake forces
 Choose suitable system to resist dynamic loads
 Improve the existing structures for earth quake forces

Steel Material Properties and Design-Behavioral characteristics – Ductility under cyclic loading –
Hysterics. Behavior of Bracing Systems - Cantilever and portal methods of analysis – Concepts of drift

assessment and Design of framed structures – Post yield deflection consideration-Dynamic Behavior of
Steel Building – Ductile Moment Resisting frames. Use of response spectra- Post Yield behavior –
Connection design. New generation steel structures- Improving existing structures - Dog bone systems -
Buckling restrained braces -Buckling inhibited shear panels –Retrofitting - Solution for connections.

1. Robert E. Englekirk, “Controlling Behaviour Through Design”, John Wiley & Sons,1994.
2. Victor Gionc and Federico Mazzolani, “Seismic Design of Steel Structures”, CRC Press,2013.
3. Michel Bruneau, Chia-Ming Uang , and Rafael Sabelli S.E. ,“Ductile Design of Steel Structures”,
2nd Edition,McGraw Hill Professional Publishers,2011.
4. IS1893: 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures



Credits: 3:0:0

Course objectives:
 To enlighten the students with the various construction practices over the years
 To impart knowledge on the various materials used in the ancient and modern construction

 To enable the students to appraise on the scope of infrastructure development for the next

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Demonstrate the various construction practices during various ages
 Classify the materials used for construction with respect to technology development
 Discover the technology of the Civil Engineering construction marvels
 Formulate technology for present / future construction for the individual and the society

From Neolithic construction to sky scrapers- Evolution of building materials, construction methods and
technology – Planning of a building - Structural and utility components of building - Construction
practices in the present scenario: Pre-engineered buildings, fast track construction, Automation in

2016 Civil Engineering

buildings, Green concepts in buildings - Intelligent transportation system: Roads, Railways, Airports and
Harbours – Water retaining structures – Case studies on failure of structures.

1. Palanichamy, M. S.,“Basic Civil Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Limited, New
Delhi, 2008.
2. Ramesh Babu V., ‘Basic Civil Engineering’, Anuradha Agencies, Kumbakonam, 2001
3. Devadass. C.S.C., Jemimah Carmichael. M and Sheeba Ebenezer. J., “Basic Civil Engineering”,
Shristi Publishers, Coimbatore, 2004.
4. Emani Siva Nagi Reddy, "Evolution of Building Technology: Early and medievel in Andhradesa,

Vol.2 1998
5. P K K lee, " Structures in the New Millenium" CRC press 2015
6. Shengwai Wang " Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation " Taylor and Francis, 2010

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
 To introduce the basic concepts and principles of intelligent buildings
 To provide exposure to the working principles of building automation systems, office automation
systems and communication systems ni
 To provide basic knowledge of the construction and installation of the structured cabling system
enabling integrated system connections
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Understand the concept of intelligent building
 Analyze the different HVAC and security systems

 Evaluate systems to automate buildings


Basic Concept - Intelligent buildings- Building automation –Cost Analysis- Introduction to Smart
materials- Heating Ventilation and Air-conditioning systems- Electrical installation and illuminations –
Electrical Power transmission in buildings-lighting systems-Fire protection systems – Security and safety
systems – Health monitoring systems – Building Electronics-–Communication principles

1. Shengwei Wang, “Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation”, Spon Press, London, 2009.

2. Derek Clements Croome “Intelligent Building Design, Management and Operations”, Thomas
Telford Publishing, London, 2004.
3. Albert Ting –pat So wai Lok Chan, “Intelligent Building Systems”, Kluwer Academic Publisher,
U.S.A, 1999.
4. Ehrlich, C., “Intelligent Building Dictionary: Terminology for Smart, Integrated, Green Building
Design, Construction and Management”, San Francisco, Calif: Hands-on-Guide, 2007.
5. Michael Wigginton, Jude Harris, “Intelligent Skins”, Architectural Press, Burfington, 2003.

2016 Civil Engineering


Course Objectives:
 To learn the basics of acoustics
 To learn to incorporate acoustic design in planning and design of buildings
 To know about the environmental and architectural aspects of acoustics

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Understand the requirements of acoustic design
 Apply the principles of acoustic in different types of buildings
 Assess architectural acoustics in buildings

Requirements for good acoustics - General principles of acoustic design -Fundamentals of Acoustics-
Sound Absorbers and Room Acoustics- Planning and design against outdoor and indoor noise-

Residential, Office, Hospital, Hotels and hostels, laboratories and test house, miscellaneous-
Environmental Acoustics-Highway Noise- architectural design specification and measurement of some
isolation design of portions- Architectural Acoustics-Building skin envelope-Interior space acoustics,
Mechanical equipment noise - reverberation time - Sabine, sound absorption materials –acoustics factor in
architectural design. ni
Text Books:
1. National Building Code-Part VIII Building Services- Section 4, Acoustics, Sound Insulation and
Noise Control- Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 200.5
2. IS: 2526 – 1963 (reaffirmed 1996) Code of Practice for Acoustical Design of Auditoriums and
Conference Hall- Ninth reprint December 1998.



Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
 To understand the concepts of prestressing concrete structures and the design of various structural


Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Analyse and design prestressed concrete structural elements

 Understand the intricacies in the construction of prestressed concrete structures
 Evaluate the design of prestressed concrete structures using international code books

Prestressing systems - Analysis of prestress and bending stresses, concept of load balancing - losses of
prestress, deflection, design for flexure, shear and torsion-Design of Anchorage Zone, Concordant cables
-Analysis and Design of continuous beam, Circular prestressing, Partial prestressing, non-prestressed
reinforcement-Tension Members-Poles and Sleepers-Application of prestressing in precast construction.

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Krishna Raju, N., "Prestressed Concrete", 4th Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
Delhi, 2007.
2. Rajagopalan.N, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Perumalsamy Balaguru, Antonio Nanni, James Giancaspro, “FRP Composites for Reinforced and
Prestressed Concrete Structures: A Guide to fundamentals and design for repair and retrofit”,
CRC Press. 2008
4. Loo/Chowdhury, “Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete: Analysis and Design with Emphasis on
application of AS 3600 – 2009, Cambridge University Press., 2010
5. Rajagopalan N, “Prestressed Concrete”, CRC Press. 2002


Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
• To give hands on training on testing of real specimens

• To train in operating pumps and turbines

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 determine various strength of the materials
 identify various forms of flows and flow measurement
 select and operate pumps and turbines
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments from both categories and get
the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Jindal, U.C, “Strength of Materials”, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd, 2007.

2. Modi, P.N and Seth, S.M., “Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines”, Standard Book House, New
Delhi, 2007.
3. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S.Chand and
Co., New Delhi, 2002.



Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
• To impart knowledge on various aspects of chemistry and microbiology and their relevance in
environmental engineering.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
• understand the principles of chemistry and microbiology in controlling pollution
• analyse and characterize the samples for chemical and biological parameters
• develop innovative and cost effective treatment methods

2016 Civil Engineering

Significance of environmental chemistry in environmental engineering - stoichiometry and mass balance-
beer- lambert's law- the carbonate system- principles of optical and chromatographic methods- aquatic
chemistry- concept of colloidal and quantitative chemistry, complex chemistry, solubility chemistry,
biochemistry in water, photocatalysis, amphoteric hydroxides, buffer index; soil chemistry: environmental
properties of soil, salt affected soils and it's remediation - atmospheric chemistry - photochemical and
chemical reactions in the atmosphere, ozone chemistry, aerosols and radiations - diversity of
microorganisms - growth kinetics of microorganisms - measurement techniques - microbes of public
health importance - metabolic pathways – ecotoxicology – enzymes: Michaelis-Menten equation.

1. C.N. Sawyer, P.L. MacCarty and G.F. Parkin, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and
Science”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fifth edition, New Delhi, 2003.
2. G.W. Vanloon and S.J. Duffy ‘Environmental chemistry – a global perspective,, Oxford

University press,New York., 2000.
3. Buell P. and Girard J. “Chemistry Fundamentals: An Environmental Perspective (2nd edition)”,
Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2000.
4. Harrison R.M. (Edited) “Understanding our Environment: An Introduction to Environmental

Chemistry and Pollution”, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999.
5. Tortora. G.J, B.R. Furke, and C.L. Case, “Microbiology-An Introduction” (4th Ed.),
Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Co., Inc., California, 1992.
6. Pelczar,M.J.,Chan E.C.S. and Krieg,N.R., “Microbiology”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi,1993.
Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge about atmospheric pollution

 To introduce various measurement techniques and control measures


Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the principles of atmospheric chemistry in air pollution
 classify, characterize and quantify different types of air pollutants
 apply suitable measures in controlling air pollution

Basic Concepts: sources and types of air pollutants - effects on environment - sampling and measurement

of particle and gaseous pollutants - dispersion of air pollutants: atmospheric stability and inversion-plume
rise estimation, dispersion theories - particulate and gaseous pollutant control: control methods, selection
of control equipment, principle and design aspects of settling chambers, cyclone separators, scrubbers,
filters, electrostatic precipitators- absorption, adsorption and precipitation, engineering control concept -
air pollution emission standards and legislation - Control measures for industrial application -
introduction to air pollution models: CALINE, SCREEN 3, ISCST3 - basics of AERONET - case studies.

1. Rao C S, “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering”, New Age International (p) Limited,
2. M. N. Rao et al., “Air Pollution”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publication, 1989.

2016 Civil Engineering

3. Noel de Nevers, Air Pollution control Engineering, Mc-Graw Hill Publication, New York, 1999.
4. Lawrence K.Wang, Norman C Perelra, Yung-Tse Hung, “Air Pollution Control Engineering”,
Tokyo, 2004.
5. David H.F Liu, Bela G.Liptak “Air Pollution”, Lewis Publishers, 2000.
6. Anjaneyulu.Y, “Air Pollution & Control Technologies”, Allied Publishers (P) Ltd, India, 2002.
7. Mudakavi, J R, “Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control and Analysis”, IK
International, 2010.


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on solid and hazardous waste management
 To introduce the principles involved in the effective management of municipal solid and

hazardous waste from source identification up to disposal.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 understand the various sources of solid and hazardous waste and their impacts
 analyse the composition of the waste and its characteristics
 develop an effective and efficient layout for solid and hazardous waste management
Description: ni
Types and sources of solid and hazardous wastes - need for solid and hazardous waste management -
salient features of Indian legislations: legislations on management and handling of municipal solid
wastes, hazardous wastes , management and handling of biomedical wastes - elements of integrated
waste management and roles of stakeholders: waste generation rates, waste sampling, waste
characterization, TCLP tests, source reduction of wastes, recycling and reuse - handling and segregation
of wastes at source: lead acid batteries, E-waste - storage and collection of municipal solid wastes:
analysis of collection systems, need for transfer and transport, transfer stations, labeling and handling of

hazardous wastes - waste processing: processing technologies, biological and chemical conversion
technologies, composting, thermal conversion technologies, energy recovery, incineration -

solidification and stabilization of hazardous wastes: treatment of biomedical wastes, disposal in landfills
- site selection: design and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills and landfill bioreactors,
leachate and landfill gas management, landfill closure and environmental monitoring, landfill
remediation, bioreactors, ocean dumping, elements of integrated waste management - Case studies

1. CPHEEO, Manual on “Municipal Solid waste management”, Central Public Health and
Environmental Engineering Organization, Government of India,” New Delhi, 2010.

2. George Tchobanoglous, “Integrated Solid Waste Management”, MCGraw-Hill Publishers,

3. B.Bilitewski, G.HardHe, K.Marek, A.Weissbach, and H.Boeddicker, “Waste Management”,
Springer, 2004.
4. R.E.Landreth and P.A.Rebers, “Municipal Solid Wastes – problems and Solutions”, Lewis
Publishers, 2002.
5. Bhide A.D. and Sundaresan, B.B., “Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries”,
INSDOC, 2003.
6. Micheael D. LaGrega, Philip L Buckingham, Jeffrey C. E vans and “Environmental Resources
Management”, “Hazardous waste Management”, McGraw-Hill International edition, New York,

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce hydrological processes in water balance studies
 To develop the ability in hydrological data acquisition, analysis and interpretation

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the components of hydrologic cycle

 predict hydrologic extreme events for hydrologic design
 interpret groundwater field data and compute hydrologic mass balance in a river basin


Introduction: description of hydrologic cycle - precipitation: rain gauge network, test for consistency and
continuity of data, analysis of rainfall data, intensity-duration-frequency analysis and depth-area-duration
analysis; abstractions from precipitations: evaporation, estimation using Thornthwaite and Penman-

Monteith methods, evapotranspiration, infiltration process,infiltration indices and effective rainfall -
stream flow measurement: stream flow measurement, stage-discharge relationship and rating curve,
runoff characteristics - hydrograph theory: direct runoff hydrograph, unit hydrograph, hyetograph -
occurrence and movement of groundwater - groundwater budget - classification of aquifers - physical
properties: Darcy’s law, hydraulic head, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, porosity, void ratio,
transmissivity, storativity, steady state flow and transient flow - groundwater hydraulics: uniform and
radial flow, Theis, Dupit and Theim methods for estimation of drawdown - pumping test.
1. Fetter C. W., “Applied Hydrogeology”, Merril Publishing Co., Columbus, OH, 2001.
2. Hiscock K., “Hydrogeology, Principles and Practice”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2005.
3. Todd D. K., “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Willey & Sons Inc., 2007.

4. Bear, J., “Hydraulics of Groundwater”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1979.

5. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.

6. Chow V.T., Maidment D.R., Mays L.W., “Applied Hydrology”, McGraw Hill Publications, New
York, 2010.
7. Maidment, D.R. (editor), “Handbook of Hydrology”. McGraw-Hill, New York,I993.
8. Singh V.P., “Elementary Hydrology”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, I994.



Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge about various types of hydraulic structures
 To introduce the planning and design concepts of hydraulic structures.
 To inculcate the importance of basic water supply and drainage systems in society
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the types of dams and diversion structures, canals and cross drainage works
 analyse and design various hydraulic structures
 design water supply and drainage systems

2016 Civil Engineering

Dams: types and classification, selection of site for dams, choice of dams, dam safety, Design and
construction of gravity and earth dams, flow nets - spillways: principles and classification, design of ogee
and open channel spillways, energy dissipation devices, basins, buckets and gates - canals: types,
components, selection, design of irrigation canals, maintenance of canals - cross drainage works: types
and selection, design principles - water distribution networks: flow through pipes, solving pipe network
flow problems, use of computer software for network analysis - cross country pipline - hydraulic transient
analysis; basic approaches to urban drainage – runoff quantity and quality – wastewater and stormwater
reuse – major and minor systems

1. Punmia & Pandey, “Irrigation & Water Power Engg.”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi,

2. M.M.Dandekar and K.N.Sharma, “Water Power Engineering”, 2nd edition Vikas publishers, 2013.
3. Asawa G.L,, “Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering”, New Age International (P) Ltd.
Publishers, 1st edition, 2005.
4. Garg S.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers N.D. 13th

edition, 1998.
5. Modi, P.N., “Irrigation, Water Resources and Water Power Engineering”, Standard Book House,
New Delhi, 2nd edition, 1990.
6. Design of small dams, United States Bureau of Reclamation, Third Edition, 1987.
Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To introduce application of systems concepts to water resources planning

 To make the students learn the optimization techniques in modeling water resources systems
Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 understand the steps involved in planning a water resources project in an integrated way
 develop reservoir operation policy and analyse the economic cost of the projects
 make use of few of optimization tools and techniques to optimize water resources problems

Concepts of systems analysis: definition, approach to water resources planning and management -
objectives and constraints - overview of optimization techniques - linear programming: graphical method,

simplex method, sensitivity analysis, duality - dynamic programming: concepts, formulation of recursive
equation - water resources planning: concepts, functions, phases, data requirement - National Water
Policy: objectives, planning strategies and implementation of water resources projects, constitutional
provisions - economic policy: shadow pricing on project cost - calculation of shadow pricing of water
supply - international funding agencies - water resources management: reservoir operation and water
allocation policy

1. Vedula, P.P., and Mujumdar, S., “Water Resources Systems: Modelling Techniques and
Analysis”, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2005.

2016 Civil Engineering

2. Leonard Douglas James and Robert Rue Lee, “Water Resources Economics” Oxford Publishers,
3. Bhave, P. R., “Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks”, Narosa Publishing house, 2003.
4. Loucks, Daniel P., van Beek, Eelco - Stedinger, Jery R., Dijkman, Jozef P.M., Villars, Monique
T., “ Water Resources Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models
and Applications” , UNESCO publishing, 2005.
5. Quentin Grafton R., and Karen Hussey, “ Water Resources Planning and Management”,
Cambridge University Press, 2011.


Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To demonstrate the sampling techniques and analytical methods in assessing air and water quality
in the laboratory
 To introduce the principles of instrumentation in air and water quality analysis

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 monitor and assess air and water quality of samples from various sources
 design suitable treatment method and control measures for water and air pollution problems
 The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval
of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
1. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 14th ed, American Public Health
Association, Washington, DC, 1999.

3. CPHEEO, Manual on “Municipal Solid waste management”, Central Public Health and

Environmental Engineering Organization, Government of India,” New Delhi, 2010.

4. C.N. Sawyer, P.L. MacCarty and G.F. Parkin, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and
Science”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fifth edition, New Delhi, 2003.


Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
 To demonstrate the application of different components of GIS and computational techniques in
environmental and water resources systems

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand and analyse numerical solutions for linear and nonlinear systems
 apply GIS for temporal and spatial data acquisition and analysis
 develop forecasting and prediction models using statistical methods and artificial intelligence

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Rastogi, A.K., “Numerical Groundwater Hydrology”, Penram International Publishing (India),
2. John, E. G., “Introduction to Hydraulics and Hydrology with Applications for Stormwater
Management”, DELMAR, Thomson Learning, USA, 2002.
3. Ian Heywood Sarah, Cornelius and Steve Carver, “An Introduction to Geographical Information
Systems”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
• To introduce the concept of sustainable development and principles of environmental

• To develop an understanding in long-term mitigation to promote eco-sustainable developments
• To emphasize the integrative approaches for cleaner production, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
and sustainable management.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
• explain the philosophy and art of environmental management systems
• work as a professional member of a team in conducting Life Cycle Assessments
• identify policy options for addressing the political and economic sources of technology
Principles of cleaner production: cleaner production project development and implementation, assesment
steps and skills, material balance, cleaner production financing, measuring progress, waste audit - life
cycle assessment and environmental management systems - life cycle costing, design for the environment

- international environmental standards - ISO14001 - environmental audit - concept of sustainable

management - millenium development goals, - environment and development linkages - resource

degradation - sustainablity and the tripple bottom line - components of sustainablity, - ecosystem integrity
- structural and functional linking of developmental dimensions - sustainability development and
international response - international summits - sustainable livelihoods - framework for achieving
sustainability - operational guidelines -science and technology for sustainable development - performance
indicator of sustainability and indicator mechanism - case studies - industrial applications of CP, LCA,

EMS and environmental audits - green energy - green process management - case studies


1. World Bank Group " Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook - Towards Cleaner
Production ", World Bank and UNEP, Washington D.C, 1998.
2. Paul L Bishop, ‘Pollution Prevention : Fundamentals and Practice’, McGraw Hill International,
2000 .
3. Prasad Modak, C.Visvanathan and Mandar Parasnis, ‘Cleaner Production Audit’,Environmental
System Reviews, No.38, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, 1995.
4. Sayer, J. and Campbell, B., The Science of Sustainable Development : Local Livelihoods and the
Global Environment (Biological Conservation, Restoration & Sustainability), Cambridge
University Press, London, 2003.
5. Bowers, J., Sustainability and Environmental Economics – An Alternative Text, Longman,
London, 1997.

2016 Civil Engineering

6. Kirkby, J., O’Keefe, P. and Timberlake, Sustainable Development, Earthscan Publication,
London, 1993.


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To i ntr oduce the fundamentals of geotechnology in environmental planning and analysis of

 To impart knowledge on fundamental behavior of soil and its relevance to environmental
engineering operations and applications
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 understand the principles of soil treatment techniques
 identify suitable site investigation techniques and explore the contaminant transport mechanisms
 analyse the engineering properties of soil for selected geotechnical engineering problems.

Soil as a multiphase system; soil-environment interaction; properties of water in relation to the porous
media; water cycle with special reference to soil medium; soil mineralogy: significance of mineralogy in
determining soil behavior,mineralogical characterization, mechanisms of soil-water interaction; diffuse
double layer models; force of attraction and repulsion; soil-water-contaminant interaction; theories of ion
exchange; influence of organic and inorganic chemical interaction; introduction to unsaturated soil
mechanics; water retention property and soil-water characteristic curve; flow of water in unsaturated soil;
concepts of waste containment facilities; desirable properties of soil; contaminant transport and retention;
contaminated site remediation; introduction to advanced soil characterization techniques: volumetric
water content, gas permeation in soil, electrical and thermal properties, pore-size distribution,
contaminant analysis; applications


1. Mitchell, J. K and Soga, “Fundamentals of Soil Behavior”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2005.
2. Fang, H-Y, “Introduction to Environmental Geotechnology”, CRC Press, 1997.
3. Daniel, D. E, “Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal”, Chapman and Hall, 1993.
4. Rowe, R. K., Quigley, R. M. and Booker, “Clay Barrier Systems for Waste Disposal Facilities”,

J. R., E & FN Spon, 1995.

5. Rowe, R. K, “Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Handbook”, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001.
6. Reddi, L. N. and Inyang, H. F, “Geoenvironmental Engineering - Principles and

Applications”, Marcel Dekker, Inc, 2000.

7. Sharma, H. D. and Lewis, S. P, “Waste Containment Systems, Waste Stabilization and Landfills:
Design and Evaluation”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1994.


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To educate the students on Indian Constitution, administrative regime and laws of pollution

2016 Civil Engineering

 To equip the students with the skills needed for interpreting laws, policies and judicial decisions
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the laws, policies and institutions in the field of environment
 acquire the skills needed for interpreting laws, policies and judicial decisions in a holistic perspective
 to evaluate the role of law and policy in conservation and management of natural resources and
pollution prevention

Basics of jurisprudence - criminal law - common Law - relevant sections of the code of civil procedure -

Indian Penal Code: introduction, fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy, article 48 (A)
and 51-A(g) Judicial enforceability, constitution and resources management and pollution control, Indian
Environmental Policy (1992): administrative regulations, constitution of Pollution Control Boards
powers, functions, accounts, audit - constitutional remedies writ jurisdiction Article 32, 226 136 special

reference to Mandamus and Certiorari for pollution abatement, Water (prevention & control of
pollution) Act 1974 as amended by Amendment Act 1988 - Water (prevention and control of pollution)
Rules 1975 Water (prevention & control or Pollution) Cess Act. 1977 as amended by Amendment Act

1987 and relevant notifications - relevant notifications in connection with hazardous Wastes
(management and handling) biomedical wastes (management and handling - noise pollution, eco-

References: ni
1. “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Lucknow, 12th Edn. 2007.
2. Pandey J.N., “Constitutional Law of India”, (31st Edn.) Central Law Agency Allahabad, 2007.
3. Kesari U.P.D., “Administrative Law 12008”, Universal Book Trade Delhi.
4. Tiwari H.N., “Environmental Law”, Allahabad Law Agency 2007.
5. Divan A., and Noble M., “Environmental Law and Policy in India (cases, Materials and
Statutes)”, Tripathi Bombay, 2001.
6. “Environmental Policy, Forest Policy”, Bare Acts - Government Gazette



Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on the sources, effects and control techniques of noise pollution.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 understand the nature and the characteristics of noise pollution

 identify the sources of noise pollution
 adopt suitable control measure in abating noise pollution

Noise: various sources, basics of sound waves and specification of sound, acoustic energy and sound
intensity,; acoustic wave equation - characterization of noise - measurement and analysis of sound -
psycho-acoustic effects, noise menace - special noise environments - noise control and abatement
measures : resonators and filters, acoustic impedance, exchange chamber type of filters - noise
instrumentation and measuring procedure - noise indices - architectural acoustics. - indoor noise
pollution - case studies

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Handbook of Noise Measurement – APG Peterson & EE Gross PH, Englewood cliffs New
Jersey, latest edition.
2. Environmental Noise Pollution – PE Cunniff, McGraw Hill, New York, 1987.
3. Antony Milne, “Noise Pollution: Impact and Counter Measures”, David & Charles PLC, 1979.


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To enable the students to learn about the occupational hazards
 To impart knowledge on occupational health, safety and standards

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 acquire knowledge on the occupational standards and nature of occupational hazards
 investigate existing occupational safety issues

 develop suitable occupational safety measures in the working place.

Introduction: occupational health and safety - acts - National Occupational Standards (NOS) -
ergonomics: task Analysis, preventing ergonomics hazard, ergonomics program - occupational hazard and
control: hazard analysis and control - occupational safety: fire prevention and protection, electrical safety,
product safety - occupational health: health consideration, personal safety equipments, accidents,
causation - investigation methods and models - occupational health problems in various types of
industries - construction; textile, chemical, food and pharmaceutical.


1. Goetsch D. l., “Occupational safety and Health for technologist”, Engineers and managers,
Prentice Hall Publications, 1999.

2. Heinrich H. W., “Industrial Accident Preventions”, McGraw Hill Publications, New York, 1980.
3. Colling D.A., “Industrial Safety Management and Technology”, Prentice Hall Publications, New
4. Della D.E. & Giustina, “Safety and Environmental Management”, Van Nostrand reinhold

international Thomson publishing inc., 1996.

5. CPHEEO, Manual on sewage treatment.
6. Industrial Safety and Pollution Control Handbook, National Safety Council and Associate (Data)
Publisher Pvt. Ltd., 1991.

7. Dr. K.C. Arora, “ISO 9000 to OHSAS 18001”, S.K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi.


Credits: 3:0: 0

Course Objectives:
 To impart the knowledge about the application of nanomaterials and nanoparticles in water and
wastewater treatment

2016 Civil Engineering

 To introduce the methods of synthesis of nanoparticles in the laboratory and characterization of
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the principles of nanotechnology in removal of pollutants from water and wastewater
 synthesis different types of nanoparticles for various applications
 develop nano composites, nanomembranes and nanosensors for treatment of water and


Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology - overview of existing application of nanomaterials in
water and wastewater treatment - synthesis of nanoparticles and nanomaterials: magnetic nanoparticles -
carbonaceous nanoparticles - nanocomposites - clay supported nanoparticles - physical and chemical
analysis of nanoparticles: separation techniques - morphology studies: scanning electron microscopy -

surface charge and optical properties of nanoparticles: zeta potential, UV-Vis spectrometry - elemental
composition of single nanoparticles: x-ray diffraction - elemental composition of bulk nanoparticles -
nanotechnology in water treatment: carbon based nano adsorbent, regenerable polymeric nanoadsorbents,

nanoclays, silver nanoparticles for water disinfection, electrospun nanofibrous membrane filtration -
nanotechnology in wastewater treatment: activated carbon based palladized iron nanoparticles for site
remediation, Mg(OH)2 nanoadsorbent , phosphate removal, site remediation, desalination, molecularly
imprinted polymers for removal of micropollutants - - fate and toxicity of nanoparticles and nanomaterials
- processes determining the fate of NMs /NPs in environment - processes determining the fate of NMs
/NPs in environment: aggregation, reaction, adsorption, sedimentation - ecotoxicity of NMs/NPs - effect
on human health and environment - introduction to nanosensors - case studies
1. Lens P., Virkutyte J., Jegatheesan V., and Al-Abed S., “Nanotechnology for Water and
Wastewater Treatment’, IWA Publishing, 2013
2. Ajay Kumar Mishra, “Application of Nanotechnology in Water Research”, Scrivener Publishing

LLC. 2014
3. Eugene T, Michele De Kwaadsteniest, “ Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Applications”,

Caister Academic Press, 2010


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
 To understand the working principles of different power plants

 To design power canals, silting basin, types of dams

 To explain about transmission system, financial implications etc.,
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 estimate the hydropower potential
 analyse the financial implications and maintenance of hydropower systems
 design various components of hydropower system, construction of power plant

Introduction: development of water power - estimation of hydropower potential - comparison of hydro,
thermal and nuclear power - firm power - secondary power - load and load duration curves - load factor

2016 Civil Engineering

etc. types of hydropower plants: classification of hydropower plants - run-of-river plants - valley dam
plants, high head diversion plants, diversion canal plants, pumped storage plants, tidal power plants.
water conveyance system: power canals - alignment - design of power canals - flumes - covered conduits
and tunnels - drainage and ventilation in tunnels. penstocks: alignment - types of penstocks - anchor
blocks - spillways: types - spillway gates - design of stilling basins. types of turbines and their utility -
power house details: fore bay - intakes - balancing reservoir - escape surge shafts/ inclined shafts -
underground power stations - general transmission system: general introduction - basic principles of
design and construction - financial implications of hydropower plants - maintenance of hydro power

1. Birdoi – DAS, “ Irrigation Engineering (including Water Power Engineering)” – Dhanpat Rai
Publishing Company, New Delhi – 110002, 2012.
2. Dr. P.N. Modi, “ Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering”, Standard Book

House- Rajsons Publication Private Limited, New Delhi- 110002, 2012.
3. Santosh Kumar Garg, “ Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures” , Khanna Publishers,
Delhi – 110 006 – 28th Revised Edition – 2014.
4. Nigam P.S., Handbook of Hydroelectric Engineering, Nem Chand Publisher, 1985

5. Warnick, C.C., “Hydropower Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1984.
6. Manual on planning and design of small hydroelectric scheme, publication no. 280, Central Board
of Irrigation and Power, 2001.
7. “Guidelines for Hydraulic Design of Small Hydro Plants”, Alternate Hydro Energy Research
Centre, 2011.
Credits: 3:0:0

Course objectives:

 To introduce the concepts of flow through rivers and the theoretical and empirical formulation of
energy and momentum principles
 To demonstrate the sediment transport in terms of first principles

 To make the students understand the causes of river channel change and river training
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 identify the various types of flow

 analyze the transport of sediments

 develop strategies for sediment routing

Free surface flow, uniform flow, gradually varied flow, flow profiles, prismatic channels energy and
momentum principles – basic equations of various flows, velocity of flood wave discharge, flood routing,
origin and properties of sediments, incipient movement of sediments – shields analysis, bed formation
and flow regimes, sampling and measurement techniques of sediment lead, forms of sediment transport,
estimation of bed load transport, suspended load transport and total transport, application of RS in
estimating sediment load, settling, deposition, consolidation, attrition, erosion, Rouse profile, reservoir
sedimentation, aggradation and degradation, design of stable channels, river training methods, bank
protection, Groynes or spurs, deflectors, cut offs; sedimentation basin

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Garde, R.J. and Ranga Raju, K.G. “Mechanics of Sediment Transport and Alluvial Stream
Problems”, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Subramanya. K, “Open channel flow”, Tata McGraw Hill,3rd Edition, 2010.
3. Yang, C.T. “Sediment transport theory and Practice”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
4. Graf, W.H. “Hydraulics of sediment transport”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1971.
5. Garde, R.J. “History of Fluvial Hydraulics”, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New
Delhi, 1995.
6. Garde, R.J. “River Morphology”, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
 To design precast structural components and its joints

 To design of precast structures subjected to dynamic forces
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Understand the production, transportation and erection process of precast elements
 Design the precast structural members
 Analyse and design the different types of joints and its behaviour

Introduction – Precast concrete structural elements - Prefabricated systems - Advantages – Materials –
Production – Transportation – Erection – Quality control - Design considerations and requirements ––
Bearing for precast units - Design of members – Slab - Beam – Wall – Joints and connections –
Requirements of structural joints – Types of joints – Detailing of joints - Diaphragm connection –
Beam/Column/Wall connections – Joint fillers - Design requirements for safety against progressive
collapse – Design of ties - Case studies on precast construction and failures.


1. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2013.
2. IS 15916 (2011): Building Design and Erection Using Prefabricated Concrete - Code of Practice.
3. Code of Practice for Precast concrete construction 2003, PCI Design hand book.



Course Objectives:
 To introduce the fundamental principles about the structural behaviour and design criteria of
prestressed concrete structures
 To review the current technology available to prestressed concrete structures.
 To extend knowledge in the design using international code books
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Analyse and design prestressed concrete structural elements
 Understand the intricacies in the construction of prestressed concrete structures
 Evaluate the design of prestressed concrete structures using international code books

2016 Civil Engineering

Prestressing systems – analysis and design of members for bending, shear, torsion and combined bending
and torsion - creep and shrinkage effects - detailing requirement – deflection and crack width – Design of
continuous beams, composite beams, one way slab, two way slab and flat slabs - Box girders - Piles -
sleepers – Construction and failure of prestressed concrete structures – case studies – studies using IS,
ACI and BS codes.

1. Krishna Raju, N., "Prestressed Concrete", 4th Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
Delhi, 2007.

2. Rajagopalan.N, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
3. T.Y. Lin & Ned H. Burns, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, John Wiley & Sons, 3rd
edition, 1981.
4. IS 1343:2012, BS 8110 & ACI 318-08, TR 43 Hand Book.

Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
• To get exposed to the repair and rehabilitation of structures and structural elements
• To know the materials used for repair.
• To have a knowledge about the repair techniques
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Identify different types of defects in structures
 Analyse and formulate suitable rehabilitation, retrofitting and demolition procedures
 Recommend suitable solutions for existing structures

Maintenance: Facets and Importance - Quality Assurance and control - Structural appraisal : concrete,

steel and masonry structures – Strength evaluation of existing structures - Assessment procedure for
evaluating a damaged structure – Non destructive testing methods - classification of cracks - nonstructural
cracks: causes, repair and rehabilitation methods – structural cracks: causes, preventive measures, repair
and rehabilitation methods for Masonry, Concrete and Steel Structures – Materials used for rehabilitation-
Retrofitting: Methods of retrofitting viz., global and local - Techniques of retrofitting. Demolition of

structures: Engineered demolition techniques for structures - case studies: monument, bridge and
multistory building.

1. Johnson, S.M., “Deterioration, Maintenance and Repair of Structures”, McGraw-Hill book
company, New York, 1965.
2. Allen, R.T., and Edwards, S.C., “Repair of concrete structures”, Blake and Sons, UK, 1987.
3. Denison Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, “Concrete structures - Materials, Maintenance and
Repair”, Longman Scientific and technical, UK, 1991.
4. Deofferey, P .Sims, “The Rehabilitation of Dams and Reservoirs”, Brown &Root Services, UK.
5. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology- Theory and Practice”, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi,
6. Gambhir, M.L., “Concrete Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits 3:0:0

Course Objective:
 To implement fundamental concepts in structural health monitoring.
 To demonstrate the working principles of sensors and actuators made from smart materials.
 To describe the current real-world applications of damage identification in the aerospace, civil,
and mechanical engineering fields.
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 Identify various health monitoring techniques.
 Interpret the acquired data using diagnostic methods.
 Formulate appropriate SHM system for structures.

Motivation and objectives of structural health monitoring - State-of-the-art in damage monitoring –A

statistical pattern recognition paradigm for SHM- Sensing Techniques: Fibre optic (FBG), Piezo electric
sensors, Electrical impedance based methods, electric waves and magnetostrictive sensors – Data
Acquisition Systems: Lab view – Damage diagnostic methods: Vibrational Response, Electrical
Impedance and Wave propagation- Advanced signal processing methods - Applications using hands on
training in laboratory. ni
1. Keith Worden, “Structural Health Monitoring: A Machine Learning Perspective”,Wiley-
Blackwell ,November 2012.
2. Dr Charles R. Farrar and HoonSohn, “Structural Health Monitoring: A Statistical Pattern
Recognition Approach”, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
3. Daniel Balageas, Claus-Peter Fritzen, Alfredo Güemes, “Structural Health Monitoring”,John

Wiley & Sons, 2010.



Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:

 To understand the selection of building materials and site

 To apply the purified water and treat the sewage eater
 To produce general layouts on transportation systems

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Demonstrate the principles of surveying and basic functions of buildings
 Select appropriate construction materials for structures
 Justify the need of water purification, transportation and irrigation engineering

Engineering – Civil Engineering – Characteristics of good building materials such as stones, bricks,
timber, cement, concrete and steel sections – Basic principles of surveying - Field measurement - Area of
a plot - Basic functions of buildings – site selection - Major components of buildings and its construction
methods - Valuation of a building by plinth area method - Sources of water supply –water requirements –

2016 Civil Engineering

Purification of water by sedimentation, filtration and disinfection - Rainwater harvesting - Sewerage
systems – Working principle of Septic tanks and oxidation ponds – Collection and disposal of solid
wastes – transportation engineering - Classification and Cross sections of water bound macadam,
bituminous and cement concrete roads - Importance of railways – Gauges – Components of a permanent
way - General layout of an airport and harbour – Bridges and its types – Dams, its purpose and its types –
Selection of site for a dam - Irrigation and its types.

1. Palanichamy, M. S., “Basic Civil Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Limited, New
Delhi, 2008.

2. Ramesh Babu V., ‘Basic Civil Engineering’, Anuradha Agencies, Kumbakonam, 2001.
3. Devadass. C.S.C., Jemimah Carmichael. M and Sheeba Ebenezer. J., “Basic Civil Engineering”,
Shristi Publishers, Coimbatore, 2004.

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite: 14CE2018 - Survey Lab

Course Objective:
 To understand the principles of land and hydrographic surveying
 To know the application of surveying in civil engineering projects
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 Illustrate various conventional instruments involved in surveying with respect to utility and
 Develop the ability and analyse to solve survey and survey related problems
 Adapt control surveying for field applications.

Principle and practices of leveling, contouring, calculation of areas and volumes - Principle and practices

of theodolite surveying, omitted measurements, closing error and distribution, heights and distances -
Principle of tacheometric surveying, curve surveying – simple curves, transition curves - Triangulation
systems, intervisibility of stations, base line corrections, satellite stations : reduction to centre.

1. Duggal, S.K., “Surveying”, Volume I and II, McGrawHill & Co., New Delhi 2009.
2. Kanetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni, S.V., “Surveying and Levelling”, Parts 1 and 2, Pune Vidyarthi
Griha Prakashan, 2012.

3. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill & Co., New Delhi 2011.
4. Arthur Bannister, Stanley Raymond, Raymond Baker, ”Surveying”, Pearson, 2009.
5. Bhavikatti. S.S., “Surveying: Theory and Practice”, IK International Publishing House Pvt Ltd,


Credits: 3:1:0 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite: 14CE2016 - Strength of Materials Lab

Course Objective:
 To learn the state of stress and principal stresses and strains

2016 Civil Engineering

 To study the bending moment and shear force of determinate beams
 To study the different types of stresses on structural elements
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 Demonstrate the fundamental concepts of mechanics
 Analyse the behavior of structural members under different loading conditions.
 Categorise suitable method for analysis of structures

Axial, shear and thermal stresses and strains in solids- Elastic constants and relationship between them -

Analytical and graphical methods for determination of principal stresses and strains - Bending moment
and shear force of determinate beams – Theory of pure bending and elastic torsion -Stresses in beams due
to bending, shear and torsion- strength of section- power transmitted by shafts

1. Egor, P.Popov, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids” ,Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Rajput, R.K., “Strength of Materials”, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
3. Bansal, R.K .,“Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications, New Delh, 2007.

4. Subramanian R., ”Strength of Materials”, Oxford University Press, 2005.
5. Srinath L S., “Advanced Mechanics of Solids”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 2003.

Credits: 3:1:0
(Version 1.1)
Course Objective:
• To introduce the fundamental concepts of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics
• To introduce the concepts of flow measurements, flow through pipes
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Understand the various types of flow and flow profiles

 Carry out flow measurements

 Design pipe networks


Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics :Viscocity, Density, Perfect gas, vapour pressure and surface tension-
Basic equation of fluid satistics- Pascal’s Law- Basic Concepts of Fluid Flow: Classification of flows-
streamline, Streak line and pathlines- Flownets- Dynamics- Concepts of system and control volume-
Application of control volume to continuity, energy and Momentum- Euler’s equation and Euler’s

equation of motion and Bernouilli’s equation- Flow through Pipes: Reynold’s number- Laminar flow-
Turbulent flow –Energy Loss in pipes – Hydraulic gradient – Energy gradient- Flow Measurement:
Venturimeter- orifice meter- pitot tube- mouthpiece and orifice- Open channel flow-Weirs and notches.

1. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 9 th
2. Modi, P.N. & Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard
Book House, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Som, S.R, & Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill,
2nd edition,2007.

2016 Civil Engineering

4. Hubert Chanson, “Hydraulics of Open Channel flow”, Butterworth-Heineman Ltd., 2nd Edition,
5. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” , S. Chand and Co., New
6. Agarwal, S.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Co.New Delhi, 2006.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To impart the knowledge of geology
 To study the basics of seismology
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Identify the quality of building materials for construction
 Incorporate geological concepts in Civil Engineering structures
 Investigate the geological formations and their contributions.

Building materials: bricks, cement, timber, steel, concrete, water proofing materials, miscellaneous
building materials - Properties, tests, applications - General geology- geology for engineers- branches -
geological formations: action of water and wind on rocks- Mineralogy- Study of rock forming minerals –
Petrology: Classification - engineering properties and description- Structural geology: geological maps-
folds, faults and joints, hydro geology, study of structural models- Geophysical methods and
investigations- Investigation of landslides and subsidence- causes and mitigation.

1. Parbin Singh, “Engineering and general Geology”, Katson publication House, 2010.

2. Gokhale K.V.G.K. “Principles of Engineering Geology”. BS Publications, 2010.

3. Bell F G., “Fundamentals of Engineering Geology”,Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.

4. Michael H. De Freeitas , “Engineering Geology” Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

5. Chenna Kesavulu., “Textbook of Engineering Geology” 2nd Edition,Macmillan Publishers India
Ltd. 2009.
6. Varghese P.C., “Building materials“, Prentice Hall, 2005.



Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Pre-requisite: 14CE2003 - Mechanics of Fluids

Course Objective:
• To learn the fundamental flow in open channels
• To introduce the concepts of boundary layer theory and flow around submerged objects
• To impart the knowledge on pumps and turbines
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Design channels with different flow conditions
 Determine the forces on submerged bodies and its impact moving and stationary objects

2016 Civil Engineering

 Capable to and select operate pumps and turbines

Open Channel Flow : Types of flow- Chezy’s and Manning’s equation- Specific energy- critical flow-
Varied flow: Hydraulic jump- Gradually varied flow- Backwater and drawdown curves- Boundary Layer
and Dimensional Analysis: Displacement, Momentum and energy thickness- laminar and turbulent
boundary layers- forces on submerged bodies –drag- Momentum Principle: Impulse momentum equation-
Application of linear momentum principle- Impact of Jet- Turbines : Typical layout and components of
Hydro- electric project- working principles of Pelton wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbine- Draft tube -
Specific Speed –Inlet and outlet velocity triangles- Headlosses and efficiency – Specific Speed – Positive

Displacement pump: Reciprocating pump- Types and components , working principle- miscellaneous


1. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,
Edition 9. 2011.
2. Modi, P.N. & Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard
Book House, New Delhi, 19th Edition, 2011.

3. Som, S.R, & Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill,
Edition 3. 2011.
4. Hubert Chanson, “Hydraulics of Open Channel flow’, Butterworth-Heineman Ltd., 2nd Edition,
2004. ni
5. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S. Chand and Co., New
Delhi, 2006.
6. Agarwal, S.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Co., Edition 1. 2002.
Credits: 3:1:0 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2002: Mechanics of Solids

Course Objective:
 To understand the concepts of deflection, stability criteria, theories of failure

 To study the analysis of indeterminate beams

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Perform basic calculation and determine the stresses

 Develop the relation between material properties and strength

 Adapt the concept failure theories in structural members

Biaxial bending- Deflection of Determinate beams- Double integration, Macaulay’s method - Moment
area method - Conjugate beam method - Bending moment and Shear force of Indeterminate beams -
Columns and struts - behaviour of axially loaded short, medium and long
members - Critical loads with different end conditions - Euler’s method, Analysis of thin and thick
cylinders, Failure theories, Concept of Shear Center

1. Egor, P.Popov ,“ Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Rajput, R.K., “Strength of Materials”, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
3. Bansal, R.K., “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.

2016 Civil Engineering

4. Bedi, D.S., “Strength of Materials”, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd., Delhi, 2003.
5. Bhavikatti S..S., “Strength of Materials, 3E”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2009.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To gain knowledge about index and engineering properties of soil
 To study about stress distribution and settlement behaviour of soil

 To gain knowledge about stability of slopes
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Determine the describe the index and engineering properties of soils from tests and basic theories

 Describe and classify the soil according to standards
 Apply the knowledge in the selection of appropriate substructures.

Index properties of soil such as water content, specific gravity & classification of soil according to BIS,
Phase relations and plasticity characteristics - Engineering properties of soil such as permeability,
compaction and consolidation- Stress Distribution analysis by Boussinesq equation & Westergaard’s
analysis and Causes & methods of minimizing settlement - Determination of Shear Strength by lab and
field methods & Stability of Slopes and analysis by slip circle and friction circle method

1. Punmia, B.C., “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Punmia B.C., Suara & Co., Madras 2005.
2. Arora, K.R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi,
3. Gopal Ranjan, A S R Rao, “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age International (P)

Limited, 2005.
4. Purushothama Raj. P., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering” Pearson Education, 2008.

5. Murthy V N S, “Geotechnical Engineering”, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data,

6. IS 2720 (Parts 1 to 10, 13, 14, 30, 36).


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite: 14CE2021 - Environmental Engineering Lab

Course Objective:
 To educate the students in planning and design concepts related to water storage and distribution
 To impart knowledge on the design concepts related to waste water collection, treatment and
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 Estimate the quantity of water and waste water
 Design and develop appropriate sewerage system
 Recommend house connections in civil engineering works

2016 Civil Engineering

Water Supply System: water demand - population forecast – water quality – water treatment: screening,
sedimentation, filtration, disinfection – water distribution: pipe materials, laying and jointing, analysis of
pipe network. Sewerage System: wastewater and storm water quantity – wastewater characteristics –
wastewater treatment: flotation, primary sedimentation, suspended and attached growth process. House
service connection: septic tank – one pipe and two pipe system – sanitary fixtures and fittings.

1. Arceivala, S. J., “Wastewater Treatment for Pollution Control", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd edition

2. Bajwa G. S., “Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering”, Deep Publishers, Shimla,
3. “Manual on water supply and Treatment”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, GoI, New
Delhi, 1999.

4. "Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook – Towards Cleaner Production", World Bank
and UNEP, Washington, 1998.
5. Barbara Hauser A., “Practical Hydraulics Handbook”, Lewis Publishers, New York, 2 nd edition,

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To study the behavior and design of RCC structural elements
 To study the design of supporting components of the buildings
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Examine the design concept of various structural elements
 Analyze and design structural elements of building

 Interpret the concepts in design of buildings


Design philosophies – limit state design of one way, two-way, continuous slab and circular slabs –
rectangular and flanged beams – axial and eccentrically loaded columns, straight, dog legged and open
well staircases, Deep and Shallow foundations – resting on ground and underground water tanks –

cantilever and counterfort retaining wall.

1. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdass Menon, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill

Publishing Co. Ltd., latest edition 2003.

2. Ashok, Kumar Jain, “Limit state design of Reinforced Concrete”, Laxmi Publications, New
Delhi, latest edition. 2007.
3. Sinha. S.N. “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, latest edition. 2002.
4. Purushothaman. P, “Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., latest edition 2006.
5. Krishna Raju. N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors,
Delhi latest edition 2005.
6. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
7. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

2016 Civil Engineering

8. IS 3370 (Part I) - 1975 - Code of Practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids, Bureau
of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Credits: 3:1:0 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2006 - Strength of Materials

Course Objective:
 To understand the deflection and force methods for the analysis of structures

 To learn the concepts of moving loads and influence lines
 To study the analysis of indeterminate beams and frames
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to

 Interpret the behaviour of structures using appropriate methods
 Analyze statically determinate and indeterminate structures
 Recommend suitable methods for analyzing the structures.

Work energy principles – Principle of virtual work-Castigliano’s first, second theorem- Williott diagram-
Rolling loads and Influence lines- reaction, shear force and bending moment- Muller Breslau’s principle
-Slope Deflection- Analysis of continuous beams and rigid frames with and without sway, Moment
Distribution method – short cut methods – Multistoried frame analysis by substitute frame method, portal
and cantilever method.
1. Bhavikatti, S., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 & 2, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
2. Devadas Menon, “Advanced Structural Analysis”, Alpha Science International, 2009.

3. Norris and Wilber, “Elementary Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2005.
4. Reddy, C.S., “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2005.

5. Vaidyanathan, R. and Perumal,P., “Structural Analysis” Vol.1 & 2, Laxmi Publications, New
Delhi, 2004.
6. Pandit, G.S. and Gupta, S.P., “Structural Analysis – A Matrix Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., 2006.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
• To introduce the concepts of surface and ground water hydrology
• To enable the student to develop skills to appreciate water resources systems
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Recognise the concepts to manage water resources and apply for hydrological modelling
 Decide and plan basic water resources projects
 Solve water related environment problems

2016 Civil Engineering

Surface water hydrology : Hydrologic cycle and hydrological data-forms of precipitation- Hydrologic
abstractions- Run-off – flood estimation by emprical formulae-Groundwater Hydrology – types of
aquifers- steady flow towards well in confined and unconfined aquifer- pumping test- artificial recharge-
conjunctive use of surface and groundwater - Potable Water - Water for Energy and other uses:Basic
components of Hydro-electric project , Conservation of water: Reservoir- Single and multi purpose –
Flood levees and flood walls.

1. Linsley, R. K. and Franzini, J.B., “Water Resources Engineering”, McGraw Hill Inc, 4 th edition

2. Subramanya, K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill,4tn edition, 2013.
3. Sahasrabudhe, S.R., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Katson Publishers, 3rd

4. Garg S. K., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2009.
5. Michael, A.M., “Irrigation – Theory and Practices”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2007 - Soil Mechanics

Course Objective:
 To gain knowledge about exploration and bearing capacity of soil
 To study about types, selection and design of foundation
 To gain knowledge about pile and shallow foundation in detail
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Apply the basic theories in determining suitable soil parameters

 Perform geotechnical design of various types of foundation

 Develop an appreciation of the modes of failure

Objectives of Soil Exploration, Sampling & methods and Requirement, Choices & factors governing
selection of Foundation- Bearing Capacity of soil analysis by Terzaghi & Skempton, Determination &
methods of improving - Earth Pressure analysis by Rankine, Coulomb, Culmann & Rehbann’s methods,

Design of shallow foundations such as rectangular combined footing & trapezoidal combined footing
and types, functions and designing of deep foundations, Sheet Pile Walls.

1. Punmia, B.C., “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Punmia B.C., Suara & Co., Madras 2005.
2. Kasmalkar, B.J., “Foundation Engineering”, Pune, Vidyarthi Griha Prabakar, Pune, 2002.
3. Arora, K.R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi,
4. Purushothama Raj. P.,”Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering” Pearson Education, 2008.
5. 5.Murthy V NS., “Geotechnical Engineering” Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
Data, 2002

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To study the design of connections
 To study the design of axial and flexural members
 To study design of roof truss
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Classify the various structural connections

 Analyze and design the structural elements
 Interpret the concepts in design of structures.

Concepts of steel design – Design of Bolted and Welded connections - Design of Members for Axial
forces –Tension splices-lug angle - Design of Lacings, battens and Column bases - Design of Flexural
Members - beams, rolled and built-up section- laterally restrained and unrestrained beams, welded plate

girder and Beam Columns - Design of Industrial Roof Truss and Gantry Girder .

1. Jayagopal.L.S and Tensing.D., “Design of Steel Structures”, Vikas Publishing, New Delhi 2015
2. Subramanian N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2008.
3. Duggal S.K, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
4. “Teaching Resources for Structural Steel Design – Vol. I & II”, INSDAG, Kolkatta.
5. Bhavikatti S.S., “Design of Steel Structures(By limit state method as per IS 800:2007)”, I K
International Publiishing house pvt ltd, 2010.
6. IS 800-2007, Code of practice for general construction in steel, Bureau of Indian Standards, New



Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:

• To impart knowledge in planning, geometric design, construction and operation of highways and
• To understand the layouts and operation of airport and harbours
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

• Classify and design highways as per standards
• Apply supply methodology in the design of railways
• Plan and design airports and harbours

Introduction to Transportation Engineering - Planning and Geometric design of highways - super
elevation – design principles of flexible and rigid pavements – Defects in pavements - Planning,
Geometric design and construction of Railways – Maintenance and materials- Conventional and modern
methods (GIS &GPS), Airport planning, wind rose diagram, runway design and airport terminal buildings
- Planning of harbor terminal buildings – Navigational aids and coastal structures – Dredging methods

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Saxena S.C & Arora S.P., “A Text book of Railway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai Publishers, 2001.
2. Khanna, S.K., and Justo C.E.G., “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Bros, 2005.
3. Oza H. P. and Oza G. H., “Dock and Harbour Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2013.
4. Rangwala, S. C., “Airport Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013.
5. Narasimha Murthy A.S, Henry R. Mohle., “Transportation Engineering Basics” ASCE press

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To impart knowledge about site planning and construction of foundations.

 To study the various methods of constructions and service requirements
 To understand the usage of equipments for construction

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Understand the principles of planning the building.
 Choose the construction methodology and its sequences
 Adopt the appropriate construction equipment for the construction.
Planning of Building –setting of foundation- Methods of Construction – Concrete, Steel, Brick and stone
Masonry, Hollow block masonry, pre-cast, roofs, Expansion joints, damp proof course, Composite-
Formwork, shoring, underpinning and scaffolding – Service and safety Requirements - Construction

1. Varghese P.C, “Building Constructions “, Prentice Hall, 2007.

2. Rangwala S.C., Building Construction, Charotar Book Stall, Anand, 2003.

3. Punmia, B.C., “Building Construction”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., 2008.
4. Relevant IS Codes and National Building Code of India.
5. Sushil Kumar, “Building Construction”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
6. Arora, S.P. and Bindra, S.P., “Building Construction”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2003.



Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)

Co-requisite: 14CE2002 - Mechanics of Solids

Course Objective
• To apply the theory of mechanics of solids on real specimens
• To give hands on training on testing of real specimens
Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Determine the various mechanical properties and strength of materials
 Study the behaviour of various structural elements

2016 Civil Engineering

Test on mechanical properties of materials – Verification of theorems- Deflection studies
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Jindal, U.C, “Strength of Materials”, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd, 2007.

Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite: 14CE2005 - Applied Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery

Course Objective:
 To give hands on training on the principle and working of different types of turbines
 To impart knowledge on open channel flow profiles
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course students will be able to
 Identify various forms of flows and flow measurement
 Select and operate pumps and turbines
Experiments ni
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
1. Modi, P.N and Seth, S.M., “Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines”, Standard Book House, New
Delhi, 2007.
2. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S.Chand and

Co., New Delhi, 2002.



Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite: 14CE2001- Survey

Course Objective:

 To train the students to operate various survey instruments effectively

 To give hands on training on the use of conventional and modern tools of surveying
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Acquire skill in operation of various survey instruments
 Develop an understanding on the use of conventional and modern tools of surveying
 Demonstrate various types of surveying

Description: Measurements of distance and area using different survey equipments- Measurement of
reduced levels - estimation of height of elevated objects - setting out curves.

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Kanetkar, T.P and Kulkarni, S.V., “Surveying and Levelling”, Part 1 and 2, Pune Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan 2010.
2. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill & Co. 2011.


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)

Course objectives:
 To understand the principles of planning and byelaws
 To draw plan, elevation and section of load bearing and framed structures
 To draw plan, elevation and section of public and industrial structures

 To prepare detailed working drawing for doors, windows, etc.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 Understand the principles of civil engineering drawing

 Apply the knowledge to plan commercial and residential buildings
Building planning - Building bye-laws- Building Information model (BIM) - Detailed drawings using
AutoCAD ni
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Shah M.G. Kalec. M. & Patki SY Building Drawing, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.

2. AUTO CAD Tutorials and Manual- Autodesk Work Book on AUTO CAD Level I and II
CAD/CAM centre, Coimbatore.

3. Gurucharan Singh & Jagdish Singh, “Building Planning, Designing and scheduling”, Standard
Publishers, New Delhi, 2001.
4. IS: 962 – 1967, Code of Practice for Architectural and Building Drawing, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
5. IS: 3021 – 1983, Specification for Timber Door, Window and Ventilator Frames, Bureau of

Indian Standards, New Delhi.

6. IS: 1003 – 1977, Part I, II Specification for Timber Panelled and Glazed Shutters, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi Revit Package Manual.


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite: 14CE2007 - Soil Mechanics

Course Objective:
 To determine the index and engineering properties of soil
 To classify the soil according to standards
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

2016 Civil Engineering

 Determine the index and engineering properties of soil
 Determine the describe and classify soil according to standards

Description: Determination of various index and engineering properties of soil

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.


1. Lambe, T.W., “Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990.
2. IS 2720-1983, “Indian Standard Code of Practice: Methods of tests for Soil”, , Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.

Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite: 14CE2008 - Water and Wastewater Engineering

Course Objective:
 To make the students conversant with the experimental procedures for quantitative estimation of
water quality parameters ni
 To give hands on training on the testing of wastewater quality
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Examine the characteristics of water and waste water
 Categorise the water according to standards
 Recommend for necessary water and waste water treatment

Description: Analysis of physical – chemical properties of water and waste water


The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Sawyer, N.C., and McCarty, P.L., “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering”, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., New York, 2003.
2. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water”, APHA- AWWAWPCF,

latest Edn.,Washington (D.C). 1995.


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
• To give hands on training in testing of cement and aggregates
• To give hands on training in testing of concrete and highway materials
• To impart knowledge on mix design procedures

2016 Civil Engineering

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 understand the field problems through experimentation
 check the quality of material used in the construction of building and highway
 carry out concrete mix design
Destructive and non destructive tests on constituents of concrete - Tests on aggregates, bitumen and
bituminous mixes


The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.


1. Shetty, M. S., “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi, 2005.
2. Gambhir, M.L., “Concrete Technology – Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Ltd, New Delhi, 2009.
3. IS 2386 – 1963 Part I, III, “Methods of test for aggregate for concrete”, Bureau of Indian

Standards, New Delhi.
4. IS 516 – 1959, “Method of test for strength of concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. IS 10262-2009, “IS standard for recommended guidelines for concrete mix design”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi. ni
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2011 - Water Resources Engineering

Course Objective:
 To give hands on training on Matlab Programming

 To analyze and design various structural elements using STAAD Pro

Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Write programmes for design and project management
 Analyse the design problems analytically.
 Develop matlab program for real time structures

Developing Matlab program for the design of structural elements – Project management software -
Analysis of structures using STAAD Pro software

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Rudra Pratap Getting Started with MATLAB Oxford University Press, 2002.
2. STAAD Package Manual.

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2009 - Reinforced Concrete Structures
14CE2013 - Design of Steel Structures

Course objectives:
 To design and detail RCC structures
 To design and detail steel structures
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Summarise the reinforcement detailing in the field
 Design various structures for the requirements for the society
 Develop the reinforcement detailing for various structures

Detailed design of the reinforced concrete structures and drawing using software - Detailed design of the
steel structures and drawing using software

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

References: ni
1. Dayaratnam P., “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, Oxford & IBH Publishers & Co.,
New Delhi, 2011
2. Victor, D.J., “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford & IBH Publishers Co., New Delhi.
3. IS456-2006 Code of practice for Plain and reinforced concrete code of practice.
4. SP-34-1987, Handbook on Reinforcement and Detailing.
5. SP 6: Part 1: 1964, Handbook for Structural Engineers - Structural steel sections.

6. IS 800-2007, “General Construction in Steel - Code of Practice”, Bureau of Indian Standards,

New Delhi.


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To impart techniques of estimation of buildings, roads, and irrigation structures
 To introduce the concepts of rate analysis
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course students will be able to

 Execute rate analysis of various works in construction,
 Estimate the total construction cost of structures
Estimate of buildings - Estimate of road, sanitary and retaining structures - Specification and tenders –
Valuation - Report preparation.

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Dutta.B.N, “Estimating and Costing”, UBS Publications, 2005.
2. Rangawala..S.C., “Estimating and Costing”, Charotar Anand, 2002.
3. IS 1200-1 (1992): Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works, Part - 1:
Earthwork [CED 44: Methods of Measurement of Works of Civil Engineering].
4. IS: 1200 - 1974- Parts 1 to 25, Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering
Works, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2008 - Water and Waste Water Engineering
14CE2011 - Water Resources Engineering

Course Objective:
 To impart the knowledge about the design of irrigation and environmental engineering structures
 To give hands-on experience in drawing of irrigation and environmental engineering structures

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 Design and draw irrigation structures
 Design and draw environmental engineering structures
Design of major irrigation works to be worked out and detailed drawings using software- Design of major
environmental engineering works to be worked out and detailed drawings using software.
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Ellis, W.M., “College of Engineering Manual: Irrigation”, The Textile Institute Publishers, 2012.

2. Santosh Kumar Garg., “A Text Book of water supply Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, 2010.


Credits: 0:0:1 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To study the basic practices in civil engineering construction

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Inspect electrical and plumbing works for buildings
 Explain the bar bending schedule
Plumbing and electrical services - Welding joints - Bar bending - Brickwork –plastering- floor finishing
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Saravanapandian M, Pranitha S, Jeyapoovan T., “Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual”,
VRB Publishers Private Ltd 2009.
2. Jeyachandran.K., Natarajan.S. and Balasubramanian.S., “A Primer on Engineering Practices
Laboratory”, Anuradha Publications, 2007.
3. Bawa.H.S., “Workshop Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007.
4. Rajendra Prasad.A. and Sarma.P.M.M.S., “Workshop Practice”, Sree Sai Publication, 2002.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
• To introduce the concepts of management, resources and construction planning

• To introduce the labour laws, principle of accounting
• To introduce fundamentals concepts of computer applications in construction management
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

• Manage resources and labours in construction
• Plan construction projects
• Estimate the cost of the project and evaluate tenders

Management Principles –Functions – Construction Management - Quantity method of management-
management by network analysis and control – CPM/PERT - control by graphical representation, by bill
of quantities and by network analysis - Tender and tender documents- Definition - calling of tenders -
tender documents - submission of tenders - processing of tenders - negotiations and settlement of
contracts – Contracts –Arbitration- Software applications in Recording and Operations – Environment
health and safety (EHS).

1. Seetharaman, S., “Construction Engineering and Management”, Umesh Publications, 2007.

2. Sengupta, B., and Guha, H., “Construction Management and Planning”, Tata McGraw-Hill Book
Co., 2000.
3. Rana,V.K., “Construction Management Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co.,2000.
4. Chitkara, K.K., “Construction Project Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co., 2000.

5. Sharma, J.L., “Construction Management and Accounts”, Sathya Prakashan, New Delhi, 2011.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2009 - Reinforced Concrete Structures

Course Objective:
 To introduce the fundamental design concepts of advanced structural elements
 To design the bridges as per IRC loading conditions
 To emphasize the importance of grid flooring
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Elaborate the design concepts of complex structural elements.
 Analyze and design the structural elements as per standards.

2016 Civil Engineering

 Prepare detailing in appropriate professional formats.

Design of flat slab- components, BIS codal recommendations, direct tension method, Equivalent frame
method – Design of box culverts and road bridges (slab and T beam) as pr IRC codal provisions – Design
of Corbels: brackets and nip – Design of deep beam, grid floor – Design of RCC domes

1. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdas Menon, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd. 2003.

2. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Punmia.B.C., Ashok, K. Jain., Arun.K.Jain , “Limit State Design of Reinforced concrete”, Laxmi
Publications (P). 2007.

4. Krishna Raju, N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors,
Delhi. 2005.
5. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

6. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
7. IRC Bridge Codes and Pigeaud's charts.

Credits: 3:0:0
Pre-requisite: 14CE2010 - Structural Analysis
(Version 1.1)
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge about arches, suspension bridges and space trusses
 To analyze indeterminate structures using flexibility and stiffness method

 To determine shear centre and analyze curved

 To analyse structural elements

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Identify the degrees of freedom and formulate flexibility and stiffness matrix
 Interpret the concept of structural stability in structural design
 Apply the theoretical concepts in computer applications for structural analysis

Arches-parabolic and semi circular arches- cables and suspension bridges - Analysis of space trusses –

Matrix flexibility method – Determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames-Matrix Stiffness
method- Determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames - curved beams.

1. Norris and Wilber, “Elementary Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2005.
2. Punmia, B.C., Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, “Theory of structures”, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Reddy, C.S., “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2005.
4. Vaidyanathan, R. and Perumal, P., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 & 2, Laxmi Publications New

2016 Civil Engineering

5. Pandit, G.S. and Gupta, S.P., “Structural Analysis – A Matrix Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., 2006.
6. Wang, C.K., “Intermediate Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To study about the constituents of concrete

 To study the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
 To understand the concepts of mix design methods
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Examine the properties of concrete and its constituents
 Design concrete mixes by various mix design methods
 Evaluate special concretes for construction field

Concrete- Constituents: cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates, Admixtures: chemical and
mineral, Properties, Compositions and Tests - Properties of Fresh Concrete- workability, segregation,
bleeding, mixing compaction and curing - strength and durability studies on Hardened Concrete - Mix
Design: BIS, ACI and BS method - special concrete: light weight concrete, ready mix concrete, fiber
reinforced concrete, Aerated concrete, No fines concrete, high strength concrete, ferrocement, high
performance concrete, shortcrete, pumped concrete, preplaced concrete - repair and rehabilitation.
1. Neville, A.M., “Concrete Technology", Longman Scientific & Technical, 2005.
2. Gambhir, M.L., Concrete Technology, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company limited,

New Delhi, 2004.

3. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology", S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2013.

4. Santhakumar A.R, “Concrete Technology”, Oxford University press, Jai Singh road, Delhi, 2006.
5. Adam Neville, “Concrete: Neville’s insights and issues”, Thomas Telford Books, 2006.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:

 To introduce the phenomena of earthquakes, the process, measurements and the factors that
affects the design of structures in seismic areas.
 To introduce the concepts of seismic design of buildings
 To understand codal provisions and the aseismic design methodology.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Adopt the basic concepts of dynamics in seismic design
 Analyse the structures for seismic forces
 Apply the concepts to strengthen the existing buildings

2016 Civil Engineering

Theory of vibrations – One degree, two degree of freedom system with and without damping- free and
forced vibration-Response spectrum- Seismology-Plate tectonics- lessons from past earthquakes-seismic
zone map of India- Seismic analysis of RCC and steel building using codal provision- improving seismic
resistance of masonry buildings-strong column-week beam concept- Ductile detailing - Seismic
strengthening and Structural control methods –Base isolation, bracings, dampers.

1. Pankaj Aggarwal, Manish Shrikande, “Earthquake resistant design of structures”, Prentice Hall of
India, Delhi, 2006.

2. Anil K. Chopra, “Dynamics of structures- Theory and applications to earthquake engineering”,
Prentice hall of India, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Mario Paz, M., “Structural Dynamics – Theory & Computation”, CSB Publishers & Distributors,
Shahdara, Delhi, 2004.

4. NPEEE Publications, 2005.
5. Roy R Craig Jr, Andrew J Kurdila., ”Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics”, John Wiley and
Sons, 2011.
6. IS1893:2002,Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Bureau of Indian Strandards,

New Delhi
7. IS 13920:1993, Ductile detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to seismic forces,
Bureau of Indian Strandards, New Delhi.

Credits: 3:0:0
(Version 1.1)
Course Objective:
 To learn about water supply and sanitation arrangements in a building
 To understand the essentials of electrical installations in a building
 To get an exposure to air conditioning and fire safety arrangement

 To pioneer the concepts of intelligent building

Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Identify the byelaws for building services
 Design the service and safety systems for buildings
 Recommend suitable building services for various applications

Building Sanitation and Byelaws- septic and sewage treatment plant-Rain water harvesting - Electrical
Installations in Buildings-wiring system-main and distribution boards, transformers, switch gears-lighting

design - Air Conditioning System and Applications- Natural and artificial ventilation - Fire Safety control
measures and Regulations - Introduction to Intelligent buildings- building automation- green buildings,
Smart buildings.

1. Arceivala, S. J., "Wastewater Treatment for Pollution Control", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd edition
2. Bajwa G. S., “Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering”, Deep Publishers, Shimla,
3. National Building Code-Part VIII Building Services- Section 4, Acoustics, Sound Insulation and
Noise Control- Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2005.

2016 Civil Engineering

4. IS: 2526 – 1963 (reaffirmed 1996) Code of Practice for Acoustical Design of auditoriums and
Conference Hall- Ninth reprint December 1998 (incorporating Amendment No: 1) New Delhi.
5. Shengwei Wang, “Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation”, Spon Press, London, 2009.


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2031- Concrete Technology
14CE2009 - Reinforced Concrete Structures

Course Objective:

 To learn the concepts of mix design
 To understand the flexural behaviour of RCC and steel beam by experimental Investigation
 To get an exposure on NDT methods
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Design various concrete mixes
 Investigate the flexural behaviour of RCC and steel beam
 Conduct the NDT tests in the field

Mix Design - High performance concrete – behavior of beams, columns, slabs – NDT Tests – Steel beam,
column test – joints test - frame test.
Experiments ni
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
1. Kukreja C.B, Kishore K and Ravi Chawla, “Material Testing Laboratory Manual”, Standard
Publishers, New Delhi, 2001.
2. IS 10262 Indian Standard code for Concrete Mix Design, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2010 - Structural Analysis
14CE2009 - Reinforced Concrete structures

14CE2013 - Design of Steel Structures

Course Objective:
 To analyze and design various structural elements using SAP/ETABs and Matlab
 To impart knowledge in analysing the structural elements using ANSYS Software

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Model 2D and 3D building using STAAD
 Analyse the RCC and Steel Building Frame
 Design structural elements
Analysis of structures using SAP/ETABs, Matlab
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

2016 Civil Engineering

1. SAP / ETABS Package Manual.
2. ANSYS Package Manual.
3. Matlab Manual.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2009 - Reinforced Concrete structures

Course Objective:

 To study the design of prefabricated structural components and its joints
 To study the design of prefabricated structures subjected to dynamic forces
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Adopt prefabrication techniques and methods for residential buildings
 Adopt prefabrication techniques for industrial structures

Prefabrication and its components Modular co-ordination- standardization systems- production-
transportation- erection- Behaviour of structural components- construction of roof and floor slabs-wall
panels-columns-shear walls - Design Principles- Disuniting of structures- Design of cross section based
on efficiency of material used - Joints in Structural members - Design for dynamic forces – Progressive
collapse-Equivalent design loads for considering abnormal effects such as earthquake, cyclones,
explosions and fire
1. John D. Quale., “Sustainable, Affordable, Prefab: The EcoMOD Project”, University of Virginia
Press, 2012.
2. Gerostiza C.Z., Hendrikson C. and Rehat D.R., “Knowledge based process planning for

construction and manufacturing”, Academic Press Inc., 2012.

3. Koncz T., “Manual of precast concrete construction”, Vols. I, II and III, Bauverlag, GMBH,

4. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2013.
5. Colin Davies., “The Prefabricated Home”, Reaktion Books, 2005.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To study the design of advanced types of framed connections
 To study the concepts and design of pre-engineered buildings
 To study the analysis and design of towers and chimneys
 To understand the behaviour of Composite members and design the composite slab, beam and
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Classify different types of bolted and welded joints
 Design steel beams and columns
 Assess the resistance of shear connectors in composite sections

2016 Civil Engineering

Design of Bolted and Welded connections for framed structures and Advanced connections – stiffened
and unstiffened seat connections - Design of Industrial bents, sway and non-sway frames, Gable column,
purlins and Bracings – Analysis and design of Towers and Chimneys - Design of steel concrete composite
beams and columns – IS and Euro codal provisions – ultimate load theory – design of shear connectors –
Composite deck slab.

1. Subramanian N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008.

2. Duggal S.K, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
3. “Teaching Resources for Structural Steel Design – Vol. I & II”, INSDAG, Kolkatta, 2003.
4. IS 800-2007, Code of practice for general construction in steel, Bureau of Indian Standards, New

5. Johnson R.P., "Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete", Blackwell Scientific Publications,

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2009 Water and Wastewater engineering

Course Objective:
• To know the effects, importance and fundamental methods in Industrial waste treatment
• To impart knowledge about disposal of effluents and the standards for disposal
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Identify the impacts of waste on environment
 Select suitable method for industrial waste treatment and disposal


Effects of industrial wastes on environment, waste minimization techniques: volume and strength
reduction - Physical, chemical and biological treatment of industrial sewage, advanced wastewater
treatment – manufacturing process, wastewater characteristics and treatment processes of major industries
- Effluent standards and legislations, zero discharge concepts - environmental protection act – Air Act –
Water Act – Wetland Regulatory Notification and Coastal Zone Regulation.

1. Rao, M.N. and Dutta, “Waste Water Treatment”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Ltd. Calcutta, 2008.

2. Eckenfelder, W.W., “Industrial Waste Pollution Control”, McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi
3. Nemerow, N.L., “Theory and Principles of Industrial Waste Treatment”, Addison Wesley,
Reading Mass, 2003.
4. Water Environment Federation., “Industrial Waste water Management Treatment and Disposal
3E”, Mc Graw Hill, 2008.
5. Frank Woodard., “Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001.

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
• To educate the students on the principles involved in the management of municipal solid and
hazardous wastes
• To impart knowledge on various solid waste treatment strategies
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
• Use the principles in the management of solid waste

• Select appropriate solid waste collection and treatment methods
• Develop skills to undertake major projects related to municipal solid waste management


Types and sources of solid waste, integrated waste management, legislations on municipal solid waste,
hazardous wastes, biomedical wastes - Composition, physical, chemical and biological properties of solid
waste, Source reduction, recycling and reuse - Storage, collection and transport of solid waste, handling
of hazardous waste and its transport - Material separation and processing technologies - biological,

chemical and thermal conversion and disposal – treatment of biomedical wastes.

1. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel, A. Vigil, “Integrated Solid Waste
Management”, McGraw- Hill International edition, New York, 2012.
2. “CPHEEO Manual on Municipal Solid waste management”, Central Public Health and
Environmental Engineering Organisation, Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Micheael, D. LaGrega, Philip, L. Buckingham, Jeffrey, C. E., “Environmental Resources
Management, Hazardous waste Management”, McGraw-Hill International edition, New York,
4. Vesilind, P.A., Worrell, W and Reinhart, “Solid waste Engineering”, Thomson Learning Inc.,

Singapore, 2002.
5. Jagbir Singh, A. L Ramanathan, “Solid Waste Management Present and future Challenges”, IK

International, 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To educate on the chemistry of water, air and soil
 To impart knowledge on the role and impact of microorganisms on the environment

Course Outcome:
At the of the course the student will be able to
 Assess the chemical reaction in the environment
 Relate chemical reactions with the causes of environmental changes
 Investigate the metabolism, distribution and isolation of microorganisms

Chemical reactions, Chemical equilibrium and thermodynamics, Instrumental methods - chromatographic
and spectroscopic techniques - Complex formation, oxidation, reduction and sorption in aquatic
environment - Chemical and photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, photochemical smog, green

2016 Civil Engineering

house gases and global warming - Distribution of microorganisms in water, air and soil, indicator
organisms, metabolism of microorganisms, isolation of microorganisms.

1. Sawyer C.N, MacCarty P.L and Parkin G.F, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and
Science”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fifth edition, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Vanloon G.W and Duffy S.J “Environmental chemistry – a global perspective”, Oxford
University press, New York., 2000..
3. Pradipta K Mohapatra., “Environmental Microbology”, I K International, 2008.
4. Anita Rajor., “Practical Methods for Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology”, Krishna

Prakashan Ltd. Meerut, 2002.
5. Mehrotra And Sumbali, “Principles of Microbiology”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2009.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To educate the students on various sources of air pollution and their effects on environment

 To expose the students on the different strategies of air pollution management
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Classify the different types of air pollutants
 Select suitable air pollution control methods

Sources and classification of pollutants and their effects on human health vegetation and property,
emission standards, atmospheric stability, atmospheric diffusion theories - plume rise – Methods for the
control of particulate and gaseous contaminants - operational considerations and monitoring - Process
modification for the minimization of automobile pollution, Technical and Economic Feasibility of

emerging technologies for air pollution control , indoor air quality, noise measurements and standards –
Radioactive pollution and its control.

1. Rao C S, “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering”, New Age International (p) Limited,
2. Lawrence K.Wang, “Norman C Perelra, Yung-Tse Hung, “Air Pollution Control Engineering”,

Tokyo, 2004.
3. David H.F Liu, Bela G.Liptak, “Air Pollution”, Lewis Publishers, 2000.
4. Anjaneyulu.Y, “Air Pollution & Control Technologies”, Allied Publishers (P) Ltd, India, 2002.

5. Mudakavi, J R, “Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control and Analysis” IK International,


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2012 - Water Resources Engineering

Course Objective:
• To appreciate the global climate change scenario, causes and consequences
• To learn about climate change modelling

2016 Civil Engineering

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 List the factors affecting global climate change
 Analyse the impacts of climate change across the globe
 Develop strategies to adapt climate change

Concept of Global Climate: cliamte in the spot light- the earth’s natural green house effect- Green house
gases- vital importance of monsoon rains, clouds, storms and climate - Causes for climate change:
Patterns of large-scale variability - Influences and feedbacks of hydrological changes on climate -

Climate modelling - Potential consequences and impacts of climate change- Water-related adaptation to
climate change in the fields of ecosystems and biodiversity- Agriculture and food security, land use and
forestry, Human health, water supply and sanitation, infrastructure and economy (insurance, tourism,
industry and transportation) -Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable development.

1. Olav Slaymaker, Thomas Spencer Christine Embleton, ”Geomarphology and Global
Environmental change”, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

2. Thomas R Karl , Jerry Melillo., “Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States”, U S
Global Change Research. 2009.
3. Syed M. H., “Climate Change”. Daya Publishing House, 2009.
4. Syed M.H, Encyclopaedia of SAARC Nations, Gyan Publishing House, 2003.
5. Alper Baba, Gökmen Tayfur, “Climate Change and Its Effects on Water Resources” Springer
Publishers, 2010.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:

• To expose the students to the natural and manmade disasters

• To train the students the effect of disasters and methods for mitigation

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be to
• Examine the effects of natural and man - made disasters
• Develop mitigation methods for various disasters
• Adopt disaster management strategies

Types and effects of natural disasters, climate change: sea level rise and global warming, ozone layer

depletion - Types of man-made disasters, effects on the environment, types of accidents - Mitigation of
natural disaster, national disaster management framework, financial arrangements, community based
organizations, role of central, state, district and armed forces in disaster response, police and other
organizations - Skills and strategies for disaster preparedness, reconstruction and rehabilitation, risk-time

1. Iyengar, C.B.R.I.,“Natural Hazards in the Urban Habitat” , Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2001.
2. Jon Ingletone,“Natural Disaster management”, Tulor Rose, 1999.
3. Singh, R.B.,“Disaster Management”, Rawat Publications, 2000.
4. Sachindra Narayan, “Anthropology of Disaster management”, Gyan Publishing House, 2000.

2016 Civil Engineering

5. Damon P. Coppola Introduction to International Disaster Management”, Elsevier Publication,


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE2021 Environmental Engineering Lab

Course Objective:
 To give hands-on training on the site as well as laboratory methods of water and wastewater

 To educate the students on the analysis of chemical and biological parameters of water and
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

• Examine the physio-chemical and biological characteristics of water and waste water
• Analyse the heavy metals in water and waste water
Physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis of industrial and municipal wastewater - Analysis of

heavy metals in water and waste water – air quality parameters.
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
1. Sawyer, N.C., and McCarty, P.L., “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering”, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., New York, 2002.
2. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water”, APHA-AWWAWPCF,
Washington (D.C), 2012.

14CE2045 GIS LAB


Credits: 0:0:1 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To give hands-on training on the applications of GIS in the context of water resources
Course Outcome:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Analyse the geo- spatial maps and related data
 Model geographical information systems

 Manage land and water resources

Map processing - Spatial analysis – Overlay analysis - land use – land cover changes
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Lillesand, T. M. and Kiefer, R. W. “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”., Third Edition.
John Wiley and Sons, New York, Fifth Edition 2003.
2. Basudeb Bhatta. “Remote Sensing and GIS”. Oxford University Press. 2nd Edition 2011.

2016 Civil Engineering

3. Lo C P Yeung, K W Albert, Concepts and Techniques of GIS, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
4. Michael N. Demers, “Fundamentals of GIS with Lab Manual Set”, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective
• To give an in-depth knowledge on properties of smart materials and their use in structures.
Course Outcome

At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Examine the properties of smart materials
 Choose various measuring techniques suitable for building elements’ characteristics
 Recommend appropriate smart materials for structures

Properties of smart materials- mechanisms and properties - fiber optic strain sensors, vibration absorbers-

vibration characteristics of mistuned systems strain measuring techniques control systems: classical
control, modern control, optimal control and digital control - active structures in practice, Application of
smart materials in bridges, high rise structures – structural health monitoring - concept of smart concrete.

References ni
1. Srinivasan, A.V., and Michael McFarland. D., “Smart Structures – Analysis and Design”,
Cambridge University Press, 2001.
2. Brian Culshaw, “Smart Structures and Materials”, Artech House, Boston, 1996.
3. Donald J. Leo, “Engineering Analysis of Smart Material Systems” John Wiley & Sons. 2007.
4. Hartmut Janocha, “Adaptronics and Smart Structures: Basics, Materials, Design, and
Applications”, Springer, 2007.
5. Brebbia C. A, Samartin A., “Computational methods for smart structures and materials II”, WIT

Press/Computational Mechanics Publications, 2000.



Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:

 To study the stress and strain analysis of 2D and 3D problems and torsion
 To have a brief introduction to failure criteria and elasto-plastic problems of beams in bending,
pressure vessels and torsion

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Describe the stress distribution in two and three dimensional problems of elasticity
 Apply failure criteria for complex state of stress
 To predict the yield strength of structural elements

Analysis of stress and strain in three dimensional Cartesian coordinates, generalized Hook’s law,
formulation of elasticity problems, two dimensional problems in rectangular and polar co-ordinates
,torsion of non-prismatic bars and thin walled open and closed sections, Yield criteria, elasto–plastic
problems –Beams in bending, cylinders subjected to internal pressure and torsion of bars.

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Sadhu Singh., "Theory of Elasticity", Khanna Publishers, N.Delhi, 2013.
2. Sadhu Singh., "Theory of Plasticity and Metal forming", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.
3. Timoshenko, S and James M Gere, "Theory of Elasticity Stability", Dover Publication, 2009.
4. Chakrabarthy, J., “Theory of Plasticity”, BH publishers, 2006.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To study about the constituents of concrete
 To study the properties of fresh and hardened concrete

 To apply new theories and testing techniques
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Examine the properties of concrete and its constituents

 Analyse the behaviour and formation of cracks in concrete.
 Predict the behaviour of concrete structures by destructive and non-destructive methods.

Description: ni
Concrete- Constituents: cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates, - use of various additives,
production techniques and chemical processes, degree of control over the properties of specific concretes
for a wide range of applications - New theories, models and testing techniques, Fracture mechanics of
hardened concrete, advanced cementitious composites, production of durable, economical and sustainable
concrete – Non destructive testing of concrete.


1. Advanced Concrete Technology 2: Concrete Properties, “John Newman, B S Choo,. Butterworth-

Heinemann”. 2003.

2. Murari Lal Gambhir, “Concrete Technology: Theory and Practice” Tata McGraw-Hill
Education. , 2013.
3. Nayak N. V., Jain A. K., “Handbook on Advanced Concrete Technology”, Alpha Science
International, Limited, 2012.
4. Zongjin Li. “Advanced Concrete Technology”, John Wiley & Sons. 2011.



Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To enable the student to understand the concept of optimization
 To enable them apply optimization concept to different civil engineering problems
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Describe conventional and non-conventional optimization technique
 Analyse and optimize the structural element.
 Apply the knowledge in designing real time problems

2016 Civil Engineering

Concepts of minimum weight - minimum cost design, constrained and unconstrained optimization
techniques, linear and non-linear programming- simplex algorithm, geometric programming, dynamic
programming, Non- conventional optimization techniques-genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm,
artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic in civil engineering. Optimal design of beams, frames and trusses.

1. Rao, S.S., “Engineering Optimization, Theory and Practice”, New Age International (p) Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2002.
2. David. W. A Rees., “Mechanics of Optimal Structural Design: Minimum Weight Structures”,

John Wiley and Sons, 2009
3. Rajasekaran,S. and Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and GeneticAlgorithm”,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 2003.
4. Kalyanmoy Deb.,”Multi-Objective Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithm”, John Wiley and

Sons, 2001.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective: ni
 To understand the behavior of structural elements
 To study the design of special structures
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Examine the design concepts of special structural elements
 Analyze and design structural elements
 Evaluate the intricacies in construction and maintenance of structures


Limit State Design of Beams for Shear, Torsion and Bond, Composite column and Tubular column,
Design of Bunkers and Silos, design of RCC chimney, cooling tower and nuclear structures. Limit state
analysis and design of isotropically and orthotropically reinforced slabs of various shapes, Design of flat
slabs, Limit state analysis and design of Statically Indeterminate Structures, Check on rotation capacity,

Grid floors, Shells and folded plates of simple configuration.

1. Bhavikatti S.S “ Advanced RCC Design” New age International Pvt. Ltd.2006.

2. Varghese, P.C., "Advanced Reinforced concrete structures ", Prentice – Hall of India Ltd, New
Delhi 2003.
3. Krishnaraju,N., "Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design "CBS publications, New Delhi 2005.
4. Punmia B.C “Advanced RCC Design” Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd”, 2006.
5. James K. Wright, James Grierson MacGregor, “Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (4th
Edition), Pearson Education, Limited, 2012.

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To impart knowledge free and forced vibration SDOF, MDOF and distributed parameter
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Create the mathematical model of vibrating system
 Explain the dynamic properties of vibrating structure
 Evaluate the displacement-time history of vibrating structures

Principles of dynamics, single degree of freedom- damped and undamped free and forced vibration –
transmissibility - response to general dynamic loading (blast or earthquake), two degrees of freedom

systems, normal modes of vibration –vibration absorber, mathematical modeling of multiple degree of
freedom system- shear building,free vibration of undamped system- orthogonality of normal modes,
solution of eigen value problem, distributed parameter system, solution for equilibrium equations in


1. Clough, R.,W., and Penzien, "Dynamics of Structures", McGraw Hill Book Co Ltd, 1986.
2. Paz Mario," Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation", CBS publishers, US, 1999.
3. Anil K. Chopra, “Dynamics of Structures” (4th Edition), Prentice Hall - 2011.
4. Roy R. Craig, Andrew J. Kurdila., "Fundamentals Structural Dynamics ", John Wiley and Sons,
UK, 2011.
5. Thomson, W.T., "Theory of Vibrations with applications", Prentice Hall of India, 2008.
6. Humar J. “Dynamics of Structures”, Third Edition, CRC Press. 2012


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To understand the basic concept of finite element for one, two, and three dimensional finite
 To study the various finite element procedures and solution techniques for linear and nonlinear

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to

 Identify the appropriate finite element techniques to be used for different types of problems
 Understand the limitations and errors in solution using finite element methods
 Analyse complex problems not aminable for closed form solutions

Concept of finite element, variational and weighted residual methods, convergence and compatibility
requirements , elements for trusses, beams and frames, stress and strain analysis of two dimensional
planar problems, concept of shape functions - triangular elements - rectangular elements, iso-parametric
elements stress analysis (three dimensional elements): numerical integration techniques plate and shell
elements- finite strip method nonlinear, vibration and thermal problems, meshing and solution problems-
auto and adaptive mesh generation techniques .

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Robert D.Cook, e tal, “ Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. Singapore, 2007.
2. Bathe. K.J., "Finite Element Procedure", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Zienkiewicz O. C., Robert Leroy Taylor., "The Finite Element Method Vol. 1 & 2", McGraw Hill
Book Company, New York, 2005.
4. Tirupathi, R.Chandrupatla and Ashok, D. Belegundu., "Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering", Prentice Hall of India Private Limited., New Delhi, 2004.
5. Rajasekaran, S., "Finite Element Methods in Engineering Design", S.Chand& Co Ltd.,

NewDelhi, 2003.
5. Mukhopadhyay, M., "Matrix, Finite Element Computer and Structural Analysis", Oxford & IBH
publishing Co., Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1993.

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To introduce to the student to seismology
 To introduce the concepts of seismic design of buildings
Course Outcome: ni
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Identify suitable methods of seismic analysis
 Design the buildings for seismic loads
 Recommend suitable retrofitting method for buildings

Engineering seismology, lessons learnt from past earthquakes , conceptual design considerations, seismic

methods of analysis, lateral load analysis using codal provisions , principles of earthquake resistant
design, ductility consideration of earthquake design of rc buildings - capacity based design , behavior and

design of shear wall in earthquake, seismic design of masonry buildings, seismic behaviour of steel
structures - design of steel structures ,response control concepts, methods of retrofitting.

1. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrinkhande., “Earthquake Resistant Design ofStructures”, Prentice

Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.

2. Duggal, S.K., “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Oxford University Press,New Delhi,

3. Chopra, A.K., “Dynamics of Structures - Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering”,

Prentice Hall of India private limited, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Steven, L.Kramer., “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India PvtLtd., New
Delhi, 2004.
5. Naeim, F., “The Seismic Design Hand Book”, 2nd Edition, Kluwer academic publishers, London,

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
• To study the various techniques for experimentation
• To study the Modeling of different structures
• To understand the various non destructive tests
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Summarise the data acquisition systems and its measurements.

 Analyse complex structures for static and dynamic load
 Adapt suitable load test on wind tunnel, bridges and dams.


Forces and strain measurement, principles and operation , vibration measurements- velocity and
acceleration measurements,digital data acquisition systems, acoustics and wind flow measurement,
structural modeling, Model analysis for concrete structures, wind tunnel, load tests on actual structures-
bridges and dams ,distress measurements and control tests on beams and structures, , non-destructive

testing methods.

1. Arthur P. Boresi, Ken Chong, James D. Lee “Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics” , John Wiley
& Sons. 2012
2. Dalley, J.W and Riley, W.F, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Mc Graw Hill Book Company,
New York, 2004
3. GanesanT.P., “Model Analysis of Structures”, University Press, India, 2005.
4. Sadhu Singh, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
5. William N. Sharpe, Jr., William N. Sharpe, “Springer Handbook of Experimental Solid
Mechanics”, Springer, 2008


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To study the design of framed connections, pre-engineered buildings and towers and chimneys.

 To understand the behaviour of composite members and design

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to

 Classify the structural steel joints and connections

 Analyse and Design the Steel structural members
 Examine the failure of structural members and their connections
Design for simple and moment resistant connections- welded and bolted seat connections, Limit state
design of Beams and Beam columns, lateral torsional buckling, modes of failure, Design of Industrial
steel buildings, pre-engineered buildings, Wind load analysis and Design of Towers & Stacks, Design of
light gauge steel sections, Concepts of Plastic analysis, continuous beams and portal frames.

1. N. Subramanian, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, USA, 2008

2016 Civil Engineering

2. Dayaratnam, P., “Design of Steel Structures”, A.H.Wheeler& Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 2008
3. Arya and Ajmani, “Design of Steel Structures”, NemChand Brothers, Roorkee, 2007
4. Punmia B.C., Ashok kumar Jain and Arunkumar Jain, “Design of Steel Structures”,
ArihantPublications, Bombay, 2008
5. Gray, C. S. Kent L.E Mitchell, W.A., and Godfey, W.B., "Steel Designer's manual", English
Language Book Society and Granade Publishing, London, 2003
6. Teaching Resource Materials on Steel – SERC, INSDAG, Anna University and IIT Madras


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To get exposed to the design aspects of various types of bridges using IRC specifications and

 To learn the concept of design of substructure for the bridges
 To learn the construction and maintenance of bridges

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Design various types of bridges and substructures
 Examine the possibilities of failures in RCC and Steel bridges

Design of Concrete Bridges-slab, T-beam and- slab, arch, bow string girder types, Prestressed Concrete
Bridges- simple spans, continuous decks, Steel Bridges- Plate girder, box girder, truss and arch types -
Cable stayed bridges and suspension bridges - principles of design, aerodynamic stability and vibrations,
Substructure design: piers and abutments and Foundations, River draining works, Design of bearings,
Erection techniques, Bridge maintenance management: inventory, inspection and rehabilitation. Failures –
case studies.


1. Johnson Victor, D., "Essentials of Bridge Engineering", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.,New
Delhi, Fourth Edition, 2007.
2. Ponnuswamy, S., "Bridge Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Krishna Raju, N., "Design of Bridges", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, Third Edition,

4. Jagadeesh T.R., Jayaram M.A., “Design of Bridge Structures”, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2007.


Credits: 0:0:1 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
• To introduce the application of FEM in Software Packages
• To enable the students to analyze and design various structural elements using software packages
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Model the structures with appropriate loading as per the standards
 Analyse and design the structures for static and dynamic loads

2016 Civil Engineering

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HoD
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. STAAD Pro 2007 V8i Analysis Reference Manual.
2. ANSYS 11.0 Analysis Reference Manual.
3. SAP Analysis Reference Manual – “Computers and structures”.
4. Rudra Pratap Getting Started with MATLAB Oxford University Press, 2002

Credits: 0:0:1 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
• To impart basic knowledge on properties of building materials
• To impart knowledge on concrete mix design for low strength and high strength concrete

• To study the behaviour of fresh and hardened concrete, high performance concrete
• To impart knowledge on non-destructive testing
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Determine the properties of concrete in fresh and hardened state
 Analyse the behaviour of structural elements for various loading
The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments on static and dynamic loading
tests and get the approval of HoD and notify it at the beginning of the semester.


1. Neville, A.M., "Concrete Technology", Longman Scientific & Technical, England, 2008.
2. Gambir, M.L., “Concrete Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.

3. Shetty, M.S., "Concrete Technology", S.Chand& Co., New Delhi, 2005.

4. Krishnaraju, N., “Design of concrete mixes", Sehgal Educational Consultants & Publishers
Pvt.Ltd., Faridabad, 2007.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To study the basic principles of dynamic loads
 To study the behaviour of structures subjected to dynamic loads
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Identify the behaviour of structures subjected to earthquake forces
 Analyse the response of structures subjected to various dynamic forces
 Evaluate suitable strategies for vibration control of structures
Dynamic loads, behavior under impact and cyclic loads: concrete, steel, masonry and soil – design against
earthquakes: hydraulic structures, life line structures, terminal buildings, towers, tunnels. Inelastic

2016 Civil Engineering

earthquake analysis of multi-storey building frames, Pushover Analysis, Design against blast and impact,
design against wind and cyclone– aero elastic and aerodynamic effect - design as per BIS code of practice
including gust factor approach – tall buildings, stacks and chimneys, Passive and active control of
vibrations, new and favorable materials., Stability of nonlinear and time varying Systems, Inverse
Problems in Vibrations: System identification approaches.

1. Paulay,T and Priestly, M.N.J “Aseismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings”,
John Wiley and Sons, 1991.
2. Alan G. Daven Port, “Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures”, Proceedings of the Jubileum

Conference on Wind effects on Structures, Port Alegne, Brazil, pp 25-29, Balkema A.A.
Publishers, 1998.
3. Virdi K. S., Matthews R, Clarke J. L, Fikry Garas, “Abnormal Loading on Structures:
Experimental and Numerical Modelling”, CRC Press. 2000

4. Theodor Krauthammer, “Modern Protective Structures”, CRC Press. 2008
5. Graham, M.L. Gladwell, “Inverse Problems in Vibration”, Springer Verlag. 2004
6. Datta T. K, “Seismic Analysis of Structures”, John Wiley & Sons (Asia). 2010

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
• To understand the concept of space structures
• To understand the behaviour of space structures
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Understand the knowledge of space structures
 Analyse and design the space structural systems

 Construct and maintain space structures.


Space structures - Single and multi-layer grids - Barrel vaults – Domes - Towers - Tension structures -
Pneumatic structures - Material- Protection coats for the members. Practical Construction Methods–
Drainage - Transportation problem - Lifting technique corrosion protection - Maintenance and fire
protection.forms of space structures - Tensegrity frame work – Tensile structures- Pneumatic structures
Prefabricated Space Structural Systems: Mero, Space deck, Nodus, Unistrut, Triodetic, Unibat and NS

truss. Node Connectors: Mero - Octatube - Nodus system – Triodetic - Modular system – Tomo unit truss.
Finite element method - Linear – Nonlinear - Collapse - Dynamic and Stability analysis. Design of
Members: Joints - Support systems – Foundations. Configuration Processing: Formian Algebra - Case

Studies - Failures.

1. Ramaswamy G. S, Mick Eekhout,Suresh G. R “Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space
Frames” Thomas Telford 2002.
2. Subramanian,N.” Space Structures: principles and Practice I” Multi Science Publishing Company
3. Timoshenko S, S. Woinowsky-Kriege “ Theory of plates and shells” Mc Graw Hill 2003.
4. Reinhold Kienzler, Holm Altenbach, Ingrid Ott “Theories of Plates and Shells: Critical Review
and New Applications”Springer 2013.

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To provide an insight into the techniques for the analysis tall buildings.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Classify various structural forms for tall buildings
 Analyse the response of structural systems
 Evaluate the second order effects of the structures

Design principles and loading: methods of live load reduction ,Behaviour of various structural systems:
factors affecting growth, height and structural form - high rise behavior: rigid frames, braced frames, in-

filled frames, shear walls, coupled shear walls, wall-frames, tubular, cores, outrigger braced and hybrid
mega systems, modeling for approximate analysis , computerized general three dimensional analysis,
stability of tall buildings, p-delta analysis

1. Bungale S Taranath, “Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings”, McGraw Hill, 2011.
2. Bungale S. Taranath, “Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildings”, CRC Press, 2009
3. Bungale S. Taranth , “Wind and Earthquake Resistant Buildings: Structural Analysis and
Design”, CRC Press, 2005
4. Guy Nordenson, “Tall Buildings”, Museum of Modern Art. , Delhi, 2003.
5. Mark P Sarkisian, “Designing Tall Buildings: Structure as Architecture”, Routledge, 2012.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective

 To learn the theories on wave motion

 To understand the behavior and design aspects of offshore structures
Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
 Understand the wave motion and its effect on structures.

 Analyse the shore protection works

 Design offshore structures

Theories of periodic wave motion - mathematical formulation of wave problem - forces due to ocean
waves on structures: wave forces on breakwaters and sea walls due to non-breaking and broken waves -
wave forces on piles. Shore protection works: natural and artificial, design of breakwaters, Functional
aspects and design of piers, wharf , quay walls, gravity dry docks - floating dry docks - dolphins - fenders
- offshore mooring buoys - offshore marine platform.

1. Mohamed A. El-Reedy, “Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance Gulf
Professional Publishing, 2012
2. Gudmestad O.T, Holand I., Jersin E., “Design of Offshore Concrete Structures”, CRC Press. 2002

2016 Civil Engineering

3. Ben C. Gerwick, Jr, “Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures, Third Edition, CRC Press,
4. API Recommended Practice, “Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms”,
American Petroleum Institute Publication, RPZA, Dallas, 1999.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Pre-requisite: 14CE3007 Seismic Design of Structures

Course Objective:
 To provide fundamental knowledge of soil-dynamics and seismic behavior of soils.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Classify the types of waves through various media
 Analyse the behaviour of soil under dynamic loads
Evaluate procedures for strengthening the soil characteristics

Wave Propagation, Attenuation of stress waves, Dispersion, waves in a layered medium. Static and
dynamic characteristics of soils. Ground Response Analysis: Equivalent and nonlinear finite element
approaches; soil-structure interaction. Liquefaction, Earth Pressure: Active and passive earth pressures;
Terzaghi’s passive wedge theory, numerical methods, earth pressure measurements. Seismic design of
retaining walls, Types of earthquake induced landslides; Evaluation of slope stability Ground
Improvement Techniques- Applications.
1. Prasad Bharat Bhushan, “Advanced Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering”, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd..2011.

2. Ranjan, G. and Rao A.S.R., “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New AgeInt. Ltd.2000.
3. Kameshwara, Rao, N.S.V, “Dynamic Soil Tests & Applications”, Wheeler Publications. 2000.

4. Day Robert, W., “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook”, McGraw-Hill.2001.

5. Kramer, S.L., “Geotechnical-Earthquake Engineering”, Pearson Education –Indian Low Price
6. Saran, S. “Soil Dynamics & Machine Foundation”, Galgotia Publication. 2006.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To study the design of various types of foundation.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Summarise soil investigation methods and selection of foundation
 Analyse and design various types of foundation
 Design various types of foundations for real time structures on different soils.
Soil Investigation and Selection of foundation, Design of reinforced concrete isolated, strip, combined
and strap footings – mat foundation, pile foundations , pile load test – structural design of straight piles,

2016 Civil Engineering

structural design of pile cap. Types and design of well foundation – lateral stability - principles of design
of machine foundation design for reciprocating machines and impact machines, vibration isolation.
Foundation on expansive soils, under-reamed pile foundation, foundation for concrete towers, chimneys,
anchors- reinforced earth retailing walls.

1. Swamy Saran, “Analysis and Design of substructures”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
2. Varghese.P.C, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations” – PHI learning private limited, New
Delhi – 2009

3. Tomlinson.M.J, “Foundation Design and Construction”, Longman, Sixth Edition, New Delhi,
4. Kameswara Rao N. S. V., “Foundation Design: Theory and Practice”, John Wiley & Sons, 2010

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To understand the behavior of steel concrete composite structures
 To design composite elements and structures and their connections
Course Outcome: ni
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Examine the elastic behaviour of Composite structural members
 Analyze and Design the Steel concrete composite sections
 Evaluate the usage of shear connectors in composite sections

Steel - concrete composite construction -IS, BS and Euro code provisions, elastic and ultimate load

behavior, Design of simply supported and continuous steel – concrete composite beams with solid deck
slabs and profiled deck slabs. Design of composite trusses and columns, Design of Connections, typical

shear connectors and interaction with concrete, Seismic behaviour of composite structures – case studies
on steel-concrete composite construction in buildings and bridges.

1. Johnson, R.P., “Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete”, Blackwell Scientific Publications,

UK, 2008.
2. Narayanan R., “Steel-Concrete Composite Structures”, CRC Press. 2005.
3. Alain Nussbaumer, Luis Borges, Laurence Davaine, “Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite

Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures”, John Wiley & Sons. 2012.
4. INSDAG, “Design of Composite Truss for Building”, Institute for Steel Development and
Growth Publishers, Calcutta.
5. IS: 11384-1985., “Code of Practice for Composite Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete”,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
6. Appropriate IS, British and Euro Codes.

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To understand the basic principles of stability
 To understand the buckling behaviour of columns, plates and shells
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 List the criteria for stability of structures
 Interpret the different buckling behavior of structures

 Evaluate the buckling strength of structures

Concept of stability, stability criteria, static and dynamic approach stability of columns - large deflection

of columns, effect of shear on buckling, Inelastic buckling theories, beam columns: stability of frames,
stability functions, lateral stability of beams, buckling of thin-walled open sections, stability of plates,
post-buckling strength, buckling of shells, Donnel’s equation, sensitive and insensitive systems -

symmetric and asymmetric bifurcation

1. Stephen P. Timoshenko, James M. Gere., "Theory of Elastic Stability", 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill,
2012. ni
2. Iyengar, N.G.R., "Elastic Stability of Structural Elements", Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi,
3. Murali, L. Gambir, “Stability Analysis and Design of Structures”, Springer-Verlog, Berlin, 2004.
4. Robert Millard Jones, “Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells", Mc Graw Hill, 2006.
5. George J. Simitses, Dewey H. Hodges, “Fundamentals of Structural Stability”, Butterworth-
Heinemann. 2006.
6. Chen W.F., Lui E.M, “Principles of Structural Design” CRC Press, 2005.

7. Iyengar NGR, “Elastic Stability of Structural Elements”, Macmillan, 2007.



Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective
 To introduce the fundamental principles about Prestressed Concrete Structures
 To impart the design concepts as per limit state of collapse and serviceability
 To interpret the concepts in the design of different structural elements

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Understand the systems of prestressing and behaviour of structural elements
 Analyse and design prestressed concrete structural elements
 Interpret the design concepts in designing structural members

Prestressing systems - Analysis of prestress and bending stresses, concept of load balancing - losses of
prestress, deflection, design for flexure, shear and torsion-Design of Anchorage Zone, Concordant cables
-Analysis and Design of continuous beam, Circular prestressing, Partial prestressing, non-prestressed
reinforcement-Tension Members-Poles and Sleepers-Application of prestressing in precast Construction.

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Krishna Raju, N., "Prestressed Concrete", 4th Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
Delhi, 2007.
2. Rajagopalan.N, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Perumalsamy Balaguru, Antonio Nanni, James Giancaspro, “FRP Composites for Reinforced and
Prestressed Concrete Structures: A Guide to fundamentals and design for repair and retrofit, CRC
Press. 2008.
4. Loo/Chowdhury, “Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete: Analysis and Design with Emphasis on
application of AS 3600 – 2009, Cambridge University Press., 2010.

5. Rajagopalan N, “Prestressed Concrete”, CRC Press. 2002.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To provide an insight to the techniques for the analysis and design of industrial buildings

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Identify the requirements of industrial buildings
 Analyse and design the components of industrial buildings
 Recommend suitable foundations for industrial buildings
Functional Requirements of industrial buildings, Design and detailing of R.C. gable frames, corbels,
bunkers, silos and chimneys - North light roofs - Cooling towers -Application of prefabrication
techniques, gantry girders, steel bunkers, silos and chimneys - High pressure boilers and piping design.
Design of nuclear containment structures, power transmission structures: cables, transmission line towers

- Substation structures - Tower foundations – Design of machine foundations.


1. Mohamed A. El-Reedy, “Construction Management and Design of Industrial Concrete and Steel
Structures, CRC Press, 2010.
2. Bhavikatti S.S, “Design Of Steel Structures” (By Limit State Method As Per Is: 800 2007), I. K.
International Pvt Ltd, 2009.

3. Handbook on Fundamental Requirements of Industrial Buildings (Lightingand Ventilation), BIS.

4. Dayaratnam, P., "Design of Steel Structures", A.H. Wheeler & Co., Ltd., Allahabad, 1999.
5. Duggal, “Design of Steel Structure” - 3E, Tata McGraw-Hill Education., 2009.

6. Somerville G., “The Design Life of Structures”, CRC Press.2003.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To know the prefabrication technique of various structural components
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Understand the principles of prefabrication

2016 Civil Engineering

 Adopt prefabrication techniques for residential buildings and industrial structures
 Design various Prefabricated buildings

Principles of prefabrication, Transportation, Erection, Analysis and design of prefabricated floors, stairs,
roofs and joints, walls: leak prevention, joint sealant and sandwich wall panels. materials, erection and
joining techniques used in precast construction, design for handling and erection stresses, prefabricated
roof for industrial sheds precast roof trusses, roof panels, crane-gantry girders, corbels, columns and
wind bracing - joints between columns and foundations

1. Maurice Levitt, “Precast Concrete: Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage”, Taylor and
Francis Group, 2007.
2. Lasslo Mokk, "Prefabricated concrete for Industrial and Public sectors", Akademiai Kiado,

Budapest, 2004.
3. Seismic Design of Precast Concrete Building Structures: State-of-art Report edited by
International Federation for Structural Concrete, FIB - Féd. Int. du Béton. 2003.
4. Kim Elliott, “Prefabricated concrete structures”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.

Credits: 3:0:0 ni (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To enable the student to understand the structural behavior of plates and shells
 To enable the student to analyze and design different types of shells and folded plates
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Identify the structural behavior of plates and shells

 Analyse and design different structural components

 Evaluate the structutral response of plates and shells

Classical theory of plates, levy and naviers solution of plates - small deflection theory of plates -analysis
of laterally loaded (concentrically loaded) plates: circular thin plates with simply supported or clamped

edges. Design of folded plate roof, design of shells: spherical shell, conical shell, paraboloid, ellipsoid.
R.C. Cylindrical shell, prestressed Cylindrical shells, hyperbolic paraboloid shell, design of R C north-
light shells

1. Timoshenko S, S. Woinowsky-Kriege “Theory of plates and shells” Mc Graw Hill 2003.
2. Reinhold Kienzler, Holm Altenbach, Ingrid Ott “Theories of Plates and Shells: Critical Review
and New Applications”Springer 2013
3. Farshad M,” Design and Analysis of Shell Structures” Springer 2010
4. “Design of Cylindrical concrete shell roofs", Manual of Engineering Practice No.31 ASCE, New
York, 1952.
5. Varghese PC,”Design of Reinforced Concrete Shells and Folded Plates”, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd,

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objective:
 To give the concept of Energy efficient buildings with the holistic approach
 To acquaint the students with the international assessment systems and documentation
 To be aware of the economic benefits of High performance buildings
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to

 Explain the concepts of green building
 Assess energy efficient buildings
 Evaluate the economic performance of buildings as related to their resource-consumption and
environmental performance.

Energy efficient building concepts and materials - the integrated design process - documentation

requirements - Sustainable sites and landscaping- Indoor environment quality – building water and waste
management - Green building implementation and assessment (IGBC and LEED standards) of residential
building, Industrial building and commercial building – Planning - Site protection- health and safety-
waste management - reducing the footprint of construction operations - maximizing the value of building
commissioning in HVAC System, lighting and non mechanical Systems - Evaluation of existing buildings
and recommendations for improvement- Managing initial costs- cost barrier in project management- long-
term environmental benefits.
1. Jerry Yudelson, “Green building A to Z, Understanding the Language of Green Building”, New
Society Publishers, Canada, 2007.
2. Jerry Yudelson, “Green Building through Integrated Design”, McGraw Hill, USA, 2009.

3. Means, R.S., “Green Building: Project Planning & Cost Estimating”, Wiley, Kingston, 2006.
4. Charles J. Kibert, “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, 2nd Edition,

Wiley, New Jersey, 2007.

5. Green building guidelines: Meeting the Demand for Low-energy, Resource-Efficient homes.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council, Washington, D.C., 2004.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the concepts of IWRM and highlight the inter-disciplinary nature
 To expose to sustainable water resources management, water security and public-private
partnership issues
 To brief about integrated multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional issues in developing water resource
management plans
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand IWRM principles in sustainable water management
 plan integrated water resources development projects considering sustainability aspects
 involve in water management projects from a multi-objective and multi-purpose perspective

2016 Civil Engineering

IWRM: definition and principles; water crisis-national and global - concepts of ‘blue’ and ‘green’ water;
holistic or ecosystem approach - impact of global climate change on water resources - sustainable water
resources development: Dublin conference and national water policy, river basin and small watershed
approach, water allocation, environmental flows - water related environmental problems: introduction to
risk analysis - floods, droughts, sedimentation, water logging, groundwater depletion, pollution due to
urban sewage and industrial effluents as well as agro-chemicals - water borne and related diseases - water
conservation and development: rainwater harvesting, artificial recharge, conjunctive use, interbasin
transfer - sanitation and health care; water economics: virtual water and water security, PPP, conflict

resolution, private water market - awareness creation and participatory approach.

1. Negi S.S., “Integrated Watershed Management”, Oriental Enterprises, 2001

2. Cech Thomas V., “Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management and
Policy”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2003.
3. Cap-Net, Tutorial on Basic Principles of Integrated Water Resources Management, Cap-Net,
IRC, IWMI, HRWallingford, IUCN, WSS, UNDP (

4. Integrated Water Resources Management Plans, Training Manual and Operational Guide, CIDA,
5. Training Course Report in Water Assessment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Prediction in Unguaged and
Data Scarce Basins, 21-25 January 2008, Cap – Net
6. Vinita Bhati. “India's Water Resources: Planning and Management”, Universal Scientific, 2003
7. Technical Advisory Committee, “Integrated Water Resources Management”, Technical Advisory
Committee Background Paper 4. Global Water Partnership, Stockholm, Sweden. 2002.
8. Technical Advisory Committee, “Poverty Reduction and IWRM” Technical Advisory
Committee, Background paper 8. Global Water Partnership, Stockholm, Sweden, 2003.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the elements and application of computer programming through MATLAB
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to

 understand the programming concepts in MATLAB

 develop procedural languages for computing
 solve engineering problems using MATLAB

Basic Matlab programming: algorithm, pseudo-code, flowchart, interface, data types -expressions,
constants, variables, assignment statement, arrays - control statements: if,else, then, while, for loop,
nested loop, swtich/case; functions and scripts - formatted input and output statements - reading from and
writing to a text file - sorting; basic plotting: 2D and 3D plots, figures and sub plots - introduction to GUI:
graphics handling, objects, uicontrol - application examples in environmental and water resources

1. Holly M., “MATLAB for Engineers”, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition, 2012.

2016 Civil Engineering

2. Rudra P., “Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers”,
Oxford University Press, 2010.
3. Duane, C.H., “Mastering MATLAB”, Pearson Education Inc., 2012
4. Amos, G., “MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications”, 4rth Edition, 2011.


Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:

 To impart practical knowledge in hydrologic processes
 To help the students in understanding the practical implications of aquifer parameters
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

 gain better understanding of physical processes and phenomena involved in the evaluation and
prediction of water movement in all phases of the hydrologic cycle
 solve the groundwater problems using groundwater flow and transport models

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

1. Fetter C. W., “Applied Hydrogeology”, Merril Publishing Co., Columbus, OH, 2001.
2. Hiscock K., “Hydrogeology, Principles and Practice”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2005.
3. Todd D. K., “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Willey & Sons Inc., 2007.
4. Bear, J.,” Hydraulics of Groundwater”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1979.
5. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008
6. Chow V.T., Maidment D.R., Mays L.W., “Applied Hydrology”, McGraw Hill Publications, New

York, 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:

 To enable students to acquire necessary skills to assess the impact of environmental and water
resources projects
 To help students in taking necessary steps to bring down the adverse environmental impacts

during inception of new projects

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 identify environmental attributes to be considered for the EIA study
 specify methods for prediction of the impacts
 formulate environmental management plan

Introduction to EIA: elements of EIA, factors affecting - preparation of base map - methods of EIA:
criteria selection - Ad-hoc methods, matrix and network method, overlay method - cost benefit analysis -
hydrological, ecological, social, cultural and human health impacts - soil, landscape and ecosystem

2016 Civil Engineering

changes - environmental auditing: objectives, types, protocol, stages of environmental audit, evaluation of
audit data and preparation of report - case studies and EIA statement.

1. John, G., Riki, T., Andrew, C., “Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment”, Routledge
Taylor& Francis Group, III Edition, 2005.
2. Prabhakar, V.K., “Environmental Impact Assessment”, Anmol Publications, 2001.
3. Marriott, Betty B., “Environmental Impact Assessment: a Practical Guide”, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
4. Richard, K.M., “Environmental Impact Assessment- a Methodological Perspective”, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2002


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To introduce fundamentals of isotope hydrology

 To demonstrate the application of this tool to solve simple practical problems in hydrology and
water resources engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the chemistry involved in isotope hydrology
 estimate isotope footprints of water samples from various sources
 apply environmental isotopes in identifying the recharge sources, pollution source, salt water

Introduction to isotopes: elements, stable and radioactive isotopes, isotopic characteristics, isotopic

fractionation; Isotope measurement techniques: mass spectrometer, isotopic footprints - partitioning of

isotopes - Deuterium excess and source identification - tracing the hydrologic cycle - Rayleigh distillation

- application of isotopes in surface and groundwater hydrology: streamflow measurement, lake dynamics,
groundwater recharge process, saltwater intrusion, migration of pollutants, groundwater velocity - paleo

1. Rao, S.M., “Practical Isotope Hydrology”, New India Publishing Agency, 2006.
2. Mook W.G. (Editor), “Environmental Isotopes in Hydrological Cycle, Principles and
Applications”, IHP-V, Technical Documents in Hydrology, No 39, Vol 1, UNESCO, Paris, 2000.

3. “Use of Artificial Tracers in Hydrology”, Proc. Adv. Group Meeting, Vienna, IAEA, 1990.
4. Kendall, C.,and McDonnell J.J., “Isotopes in Catchment Hydrology”, Elsevier, 1998.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To introduce physical, chemical and biological aspects of water and wastewater quality
 To elaborate the aspects of design and management of water and wastewater plant

2016 Civil Engineering

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the water quality standards, physico-chemical processes, design and operational
parameters involved in treatment of water and wastewater
 analyse and characterize the wastewater samples from different unit operations
 plan and design the water and waste water treatment plant

Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water and wastewater - population forecast - water
demand analysis - quantity estimation of wastewater - wastewater collection systems - introduction to

primary, secondary and tertiary treatment units - principles and design of physical unit operations:
screening, commutation, grit chamber, sedimentation tank - secondary treatment units: aerobic and
anaerobic processes, activated sludge process, trickling filter, rotating biological contactor, fluidized bed -
tertiary treatment system: coagulation, flocculation, filtration, disinfection, aeration, precipitation,

softening, adsorption, ion exchange, membrane technology - membrane bioreactor - in-situ and ex-situ
bioremediation - characterization of treated effluent and sludge: SEM, XRD, EDAX and FTIR - case
studies of wastewater treatment plants

1. Metcalf and Eddy, “Wastewater Engineering - Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse”, Third Edition ,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 1995.
2. Casey T.J., “Unit Treatment Processes in Water and Wastewater Engineering”, John Wiley &
Sons England 1993.
3. Stuetz R., T Stephenson, “Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes”, IWA
Publications, 2009
4. Kuruvilla M., Stewart D., Goen Ho, “Decentralized Water and Wastewater Systems”, IWA
Publications, 2008.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To familiarize the principles of Remote Sensing and GIS
 To demonstrate temporal and spatial data acquisition and analysis

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the principles and components of Remote Sensing and GIS
 analyse and interpret satellite images and create thematic maps for various applications.

 apply GIS and RS tool in environmental and water resources projects

Basics of remote sensing: concepts, EMR and its interaction with atmosphere, soil, surface, water and
vegetation - remote sensing platforms: LANDSAT, SPOT, ERS, IKONOS, scanners, radiometers - digital
image processing: preprocessing, enhancement, classification, merging - introduction to GIS:
components, map projections, raster and vector data, topology - hierarchical, network, relational models -
data types, quality and meta data - spatial analysis: thematic layers, query analysis, measurement,
reclassification, buffering, interpolation - raster and vector overlay - network analysis, DEM, TEM - case

2016 Civil Engineering

1. Lillesand T.M. and Kiefer,R.W., “Remote Sensing and Image interpretation”, VI edition of John
Wiley & Sons-2000.
2. John R. Jensen, “Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective”, 2nd
Edition, 1995.
3. John A.Richards, “Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis”, Springer –Verlag,1999.
4. Ian Heywood Sarah, Cornelius and Steve Carver, “An Introduction to Geographical Information
Systems”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Charles Elachi and Jakob J. van Zyl , “Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote
Sensing” , Wiley Series in Remote Sensing and Image Processing, 2006.

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on underlying hydrologic processes associated with the flow of water
through forested watersheds

 To give exposure about nutrient budget and agricultural management practices
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the hydrologic principles in forest, urban and agricultural management
 apply the techniques for soil erosion control, flood management and storm management
 develop an integrated watershed management plan
Watershed development: definitions, integrated and multidisciplinary approach - watershed
characteristics: size, slope, shape, physiography - watershed delineation - forest watershed management:
forests and hydrologic processes, forests and water flows - agricultural watershed management: impacts

of agricultural activities on soil and water, nutrient budget - soil and water conservation - monitoring and
evaluation of water development projects - urban watershed management: urbanization and hydrology,

water supply and stormwater management, landuse planning - water and green building.

1. Murthy, J.V.S., “Watershed Management “New Age International Publishers, 1998.
2. Martin, M.K., Daniel T.R., and Kent, S.M., “Urban Watersheds: Geology, Contamination, and

Sustainable Development”, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.

3. Bernier, P.Y., Woodard, P.D., “Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management”, IAHS Press,

4. Ghanshyam D., “Hydrology and Soil Conservation Engineering”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi. 2000.
5. Das Madan Mohan and Saikia Mimi Das, “Watershed Management”, PHI publishers, 2012.
6. Kenneth N. Brooks, Peter F.Ffolliott, Joseph A. Magner, “Hydrology and the Management of
Watershed”, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.

2016 Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course objectives:
• To introduce the basic concepts of electrochemistry
• To help the students understand the electrochemical methods in wastewater treatment
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the basic concepts of electrochemistry
 analyse the characteristics of the effluent and sludge produced

 develop cost effective treatment method using electrochemical methods

Basic aspects of electrochemistry - chemistry and electricity: electrochemical cells - transport of charge

potentials and the electromotive series - biociding technology - electrolytic production of free halogens-
chlorination - metal ion removal and metal recovery - electrochemical process for the removal of iron in
acid baths - electrodialysis (ED): performance characteristics, applications - chemical coagulation and

electrocoagulation (EC) in water treatment - electroflotation: electrochemical reactions and gas generating
rate - electrodes arrangement - typical cell design combination of ED with EC.
1. Ralph Zito, “Electrochemical Water Processing”, Wiley 2011.
2. Derek Pletcher, “Industrial Electrochemistry”, Chapan and Hall Ltd 1982.
3. Stephen K. Lower, “Electrochemistry- Chemical reactions at an electrode, galvanic and
electrolytic cells”, 2004.
4. C. Comninellis and G. Chen, “Electrochemistry for the environment” Springer 2010.



Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)


Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on hydrology of wetland ecosystems
 To introduce the students to the management and conservation of wetlands
Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 understand the aspects of wetland management and conservation
 develop suitable wetland management strategy in catchment and coastal hydrology

Definition of wetland - classification of wetlands - wetlands types according to Ramsar Bureau -
hydrologic features of aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems and wetland ecosystem - significance of
hydrology in wetland studies - hydroperiod-signature of a wetland - water balance of wetland, residence
time, turnover time - conceptual model showing relationship between hydrologic, chemical and biological
processes - chemical cycles in wetlands - water management and conservation values of wetlands –
recharging, flood containing, water purification, agriculture, aquatic tourism, drinking water, inland
navigation, fisheries, biodiversity - concept of wise use of wetlands - integrated river basin management
in relation to wise use of wetlands - sustainability concept in relation to wetland management - estimation
of exchange processes in estuaries-modified tidal prism method, coefficient of eddy diffusivity, flushing

2016 Civil Engineering

time - sediment dynamics - case studies: impact of manmade structures on downstream wetlands, Success
stories in wetland conservation- Chilika and Loktak.

1. William J. Mitsch, James G. Gosselink, “Wetlands”, John Wiley & Sons. Copyright. Inc, 2007.
2. W.J. Mitsch, M. Stra kraba, S.E. Jorgensen,“Wetland Modelling”, Elsevier Science Publishers
B.V, 1988.
3. Deanne Hickey,‘The Role of Wetland Hydrology on Vegetative Structure in a Coastal Wetland
Environment’, University of Sydney, 2009.
4. Jos T.A. Verhoeven, Boudewijn Beltman, Roland Bobbink, Dennis F. Whigham., ’Wetlands and

Natural Resource Management’, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,2006.


Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)

Course Objectives:

 To introduce the basics of coastal engineering
 To enable students to appreciate coastal management problems
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 understand the principles of wave theory and hydrodynamics in coastal engineering management
 analyse and predict different types of waves
 design basic harbour structures
Coastal geomorphology - introduction to winds, waves and maritime structures - classification of waves -
formation of waves - simple wave theories-Cnoidal theory - SMB and energy based methods of wave

prediction - wave reflection - wave refraction - wave diffraction - coastal erosion and accretion processes
- coastal protection structures – breakwaters and sea walls - consideration of hydrodynamics in the design

of harbour structures - harbour protection works- breakwaters and jetties - case studies of Cochin,
Madras, Vishakhapatnam harbours - Case studies on erosion and accretion – Malabar and Coromandel

1. Robert M. Sorensen, “Basic Coastal Engineering”, 2nd edition, Springer Science+ Business
Media, Inc, 1997.
2. A. Vallega, “Fundamentals of Integrated Coastal Management”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,

Netherlands, 1999.
3. Timothy Beatley, David Brower, Anna K. Schwab, “An Introduction to Coastal Zone
Management”, 2nd edition, Island Press, 2002.
4. J. W. Kamphuis, “Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management”, 2nd edition, World
Scientific Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd.,2010
5. A. M Muir Wood,“Coastal hydraulics”.New York, Gordon and Breach, 1969.
6. Dominic Reeve, Andrew Chadwick, Christopher Fleming, “Coastal Engineering: Processes,
Theory and Design Practice”, Spon press, 2004.
7. Shore Protection Manual Vol 1, Coastal Engineering Research Centre, Department of the Army,
Wachrieays Experiment Station, Corps of Engineering, Wichsbarg, Mississippi, the US, 1984.

2016 Civil Engineering


Program Core –36 credits, a full and a

Sub. Code Part Semester project Credits
Name of the Subject
14CE3049 Computational Techniques in Transportation Engineering 3:0:0
14CE3050 Intelligent Transportation Systems 3:0:0
14CE3051 Principles of Highway Traffic 3:0:0
14CE3052 Urban Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Design 3:0:0
15CE2001 Irrigation Engineering 3:0:0
15CE2002 Watershed Management 3:0:0
15CE2003 Introduction to Water Quality Analysis and Modeling 3:0:0
15CE3001 Statistical Methods for Engineers 3:0:0
15CE3002 Building Bye laws 3:0:0
15CE3003 Construction Equipment 3:0:0
15CE3004 Project Formulation and Appraisal 3:0:0
15CE3005 Quantitative Techniques in Management 3:0:0
15CE3006 Construction Project Management 3:0:0
15CE3007 Advanced Construction Techniques 3:0:0
15CE3008 Contract Laws and Regulations 3:0:0
15CE3009 Construction Planning, Scheduling and Control 3:0:0
15CE3010 Energy Efficient Buildings 3:0:0
15CE3011 Quality Control lab 0:0:2
15CE3012 Construction Personnel Management 3:0:0
15CE3013 Shoring, Scaffolding and Formwork 3:0:0
15CE3014 Resource Management and Control in Construction 3:0:0
15CE3015 Economics and Finance Management in Construction 3:0:0
15CE3016 Project Safety management 3:0:0
15CE3017 Management Information Systems 3:0:0
15CE3018 Urban Land economics 3:0:0
15CE3019 Principles of Rating and Insurance 3:0:0
15CE3020 Laws for acquisition and contract 3:0:0
15CE3021 Town and regional planning 3:0:0
15CE3022 Valuation of Real Estate 3:0:0
15CE3023 Property laws 3:0:0
Sub. Code Version Name of the Subject Credits
14CE3013 1.1 Design of Structures for Dynamic load 3:0:0
14CE201 -- Prefabricated Structures 3:1:0

2015 School of Civil Engineering


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
Learn to develop mathematical models of phenomena involved in transportation engineering

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
Understand the important physical phenomena from the problem statement
Develop model equations for the given system
Demonstrate the model solving ability for various processes/unit operations

Introduction to systems approach - Typical transportation systems - Mathematical models - Fundamentals of
simulation - Monte Carlo method - Continuous and discrete models - Simulation languages - Probability concepts -
Random numbers - Pseudo random generators - Arrival patterns - Service time distributions – Manual simulation of
simple queuing system Applications of GPSS - Simple queuing problems - Inventory problems - Simulation of ports
- Railway platforms and level crossings - Traffic signals - Analysis of simulation results - Model validation -
Replication of random conditions - Time series analysis - Genetic Algorithm - Terminology in GA – Strings,
Structure, Parameter string - Data Structures – Operators - Algorithm - Fuzzy Logic - Artificial Neural Networks -
Topology - Learning Processes - Supervised and unsupervised learning - Least mean square algorithm - Back
propagation algorithm - Application in Transportation – Airport Traffic control modelling - Intermodal freight
transportation - Artificial intelligence applications

1. Gordon, G., “System Simulation”, Prentice-Hall of India, 2005
2. GPSS/PC, User Manual, Minuteman Software, USA, 2005
3. Zurada J.M., “Introduction to artificial neural systems”, Jaico Publishers, 2006
4. Kalyanmoy Deb, “Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples” PHI learning Pvt.
Ltd., 2009.

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study the concepts of ITS
To understand the various methods used in different countries

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
Understand and appreciate the concepts related to ITS technologies
Design technologies for applications of the field

Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) – Definition of ITS and Identification of ITS objectives -
Historical background - Benefits of ITS - ITS Data collection techniques – Detectors - Automatic Vehicle Location
(AVL) - Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - video data collection -
Information management - Traffic Management Centres (TMC) - Vehicle road side communication – Vehicle
positioning system - ITS functional areas – Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) - Advanced Traveler
Information Systems (ATIS) - Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) - Advanced Vehicle Control Systems
(AVCS) - Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) - Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS) -
ITS user needs and services – Travel and Traffic management - Public Transportation Management - Electronic
Payment - Commercial Vehicle Operations - Emergency Management - Advanced Vehicle safety systems -
Information Management - ITS for Pedestrians - ITS Programs in the world - Overview of ITS implementations in
developed countries - ITS in developing countries

1. Kan Paul Chen, John Miles, “Recommendations for World Road Association (PIARC)”, ITS Hand Book
2. Sussman J. M., “Perspective on ITS”, Artech House Publishers, 2005.
3. National ITS Architecture Documentation, US Department of Transportation, 2007

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To learn Principle components and design of highways.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
Understand the important elements of traffic engineering
Learn elements in highway design
Learn principles and practices in highway

Road user - vehicle and roadway - vehicle characteristics - IRC standards - Design speed and volume - Highway
capacity and level of service - capacity of urban and rural roads – PCU concepts and limitations - road user facilities
- parking facilities - cycle tracks and cycle ways – Pedestrian facilities - Traffic volume studies - origin destination
studies - speed studies - travel time and delay studies - Parking studies - Accident studies - Alignment - Cross
sectional elements - stopping and passing sight distance - horizontal curves - vertical curves - Design problems - Hill
roads - Signs and markings - Traffic System Management - Design of at-grade intersections - Principles of design -
Channelization - Design of rotaries - Traffic signals - pre-timed and traffic actuated - signal coordination - Design of
signal setting - phase diagrams - timing diagram - Signal co-ordination - grade separated intersections - Geometric
elements for divided and access controlled highways and expressways - Road furniture - street lighting - Traffic
Safety - road safety programmes - Ramp metering - Design of parking - lighting and terminal facilities - Geometric
Design - Sight distance requirements - Vehicle cornering - Horizontal and Vertical alignments - Traffic flow and
queuing theory

1. ITE Hand Book, “Highway Engineering Hand Book”, Mc Graw – Hill, 2009.
2. AASHTO, “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highway and Streets”.
3. Pignataro L.J., “Traffic Engineering – Theory & Practice”, John Wiley, 2012
4. Salter R. J and Hounsel N. B., “Highway Traffic Analysis and Design”, Macmillan Press Ltd, 2003.
5. Relevant IRC codes.

2015 School of Civil Engineering


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
Design of Intersections, Interchanges, Parking and Terminal Facilities to be provided in an urban area

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
Understand the important elements in urban transportation
Design different elements of transportation system

Basic considerations – simplicity – uniformity – Separation of conflict points – Design Elements – Design speed –
Intersection curves – Superelevation for curves at Intersection – Intersection sight distance - capacity and LOS -
Design of rotary and signalized intersections - Vehicle actuated signals - Signal co-ordination - Area Traffic Control
System (ATCS) - Pedestrian planning at Grade intersections - Design of Grade separators – Principles - Design
Criteria – Layout design - GAD preparation – Pedestrian foot over-bridge and subway design – pedestrian planning
for Grade separated intersections - parking demand – characteristics – space inventory – Accumulation – duration –
turn over index – Design of Multi Storeyed and surface parking facility - Bus Terminus – Design principles –
Design elements – Design and case studies of Inter Modal Transfer facilities – Design and case studies of bus and
rail terminals - Characteristics of interrupted traffic - Traffic characteristics at un-signalized intersections - Design of
signalized intersections capacity and LOS of signalized intersections - Transportation system management -
Guidelines for low cost traffic management techniques for urban areas - IRC Specifications - Advanced transit
technologies - Bus route network planning and management

1. Robert F Baker, “Hand Book of Highway Engineering”, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 2003
2. New Jersy, “Transportation and Traffic Engineering Hand Book”, Institute of Transportation Engineers,
Prentice Hall, INC, 2006
3. Kanna, S.K. and Justo, C.E.G. “Highway Engineering”, Nemchand and Brothers, Roorkee, 2002

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
• Impart knowledge about surface and groundwater irrigation methods
• Impart knowledge about irrigation structures

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be enabled to
Plan the irrigation project
Apply the concepts of irrigation methods
Apply the irrigation management techniques

Irrigation engineering : definition, need and mode of irrigation, merits and demerits of irrigation; water requirement
of crops: FAO methods, irrigation efficiency, crop ratio; Irrigation methods: canal irrigation, lift irrigation, tank
irrigation, flooding methods, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation; impounding structures : weirs and barrage,
percolation ponds, tanks, sluices, dams; crops drainage structures Irrigation water management: water logging and
soil salinity, irrigation water losses, optimization of water use, participatory irrigation management, land
reclamation; major irrigation projects in India

1. Sharma R.K., “Irrigation Engineering”, S. Chand and Co. 2007.
2. Punima B.C. and Pande B.B .Lal. “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering”, Laxmi Publishing, New
Delhi, 16th Edition 2009.
3. Michael, A.M, “Irrigation Theory and Practice”, Vikas Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2 nd Edition 2006.
4. Garg, S. K., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
5. Dilip Kumar Majumdar, “Irrigation Water Management (Principles and Practices)”, Prentice Hall of India
(P), Ltd, 2008.
6. Asawa, G.L., “Irrigation Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, 2000.
7. Sahasrabudhe, S.R., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Katson Publishers, 3rd edition,
8. Allen R G, Pereira L S, Raes D Smith M, “Crop Evapotranspiration – Guidelines for computing crop water
requirements” Irrigation and Drainage, FAO, Rome Italy, 1998

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Impart knowledge on the characteristics of watershed
Understand the processes leading to degradation of soil and waterresources and implementation of
conservation measures.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be enabled to
Delineate watershed of a river basin
Apply the knowledge on water conservation techniques
Estimate the rainfall runoff using curve number method.

Introduction to watershed: definition, concepts, objectives and need; characteristics of watershed: size, shape,
physiography, slope, climate, drainage, land use, vegetation, geology and soils, hydrology and hydrogeology, runoff
estimation using curve number method; watershed management: definition, factors affecting watershed
management, controlling of soil erosion and soil salinity; estimation of soil loss due to erosion using Universal Soil
Loss Equation; watershed delineation; landuse impacts on watershed; types and design of soil and water
conservation, water harvesting structures for different types of catchments; rainwater harvesting; soil moisture
conservation; check dams; artificial recharge; sustainability concepts.

1. Murthy J V S, “Watershed Management”, New Age International Publishers, 2011
2. Ghanshyam Das, “Hydrology and Soil Conservation Engineering”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2000.
3. Suresh R., “Soil and Water Conservation Engineering”, Standard Publishing Distributors, New Delhi.
4. Timothy O. Randhir, “Watershed Management: Issues and Approaches”, IWA Publishing, 2007
5. Vijay P. Singh, Ram Narayan Yadava, “Watershed Management”, Allied Publishers, 2003

2015 School of Civil Engineering


Credits 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the physical, chemical and biological processes influencing water quality
Impart knowledge on the potential role of models in water quality management

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be enabled to
understand the instrumental methods
apply the concepts of modeling in water quality analysis
analyse the water samples

Water quality description; various characteristics of water; water quality criteria and standards, Water quality
problems associated with excess iron, fluoride, arsenic, hardness, nitrate, heavy metals, pesticides and Ecoli; types
of water pollution; classification of pollutants; eutrophication effects and control; instrumental methods of water
quality analysis: UV spectrophotometer, flame spectrophotometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer; Elements
of reaction kinetics, spatial and temporal aspects of contaminant transport, transport mechanisms in rivers and
streams; introduction to water quality modeling.

1. Steven C.Chapra, “Surface Water Quality Modeling”, McGraw-Hill-Companies, Inc., New York, 2008.
2. Manahan S.E, “Environmental Chemistry” (7th Ed), Lewis Publications, Florida, U.S.A, 2000.
3. Stumm, Werner and James J. M, “Aquatic Chemistry, Chemical Equilibria and Rates in Natural Waters”,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 3rd Edition, 2013
4. Sawyer, C.N. and McCarty, P.L., and Parkin, G.F., “Chemistry for Environmental Engineers”, 4 thEdn.
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003
5. Miguel Valcárcel Cases, “Principles of Analytical Chemistry: A Textbook”, Springer Science and Business
Media, 2000
6. Qasim, Motley, Guang, “Water Works Engineering”, Prentice-Hall India, 2006

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the concepts of Statistical methods and its applications in Engineering.
Acquire knowledge on the effect of estimation theory, testing of hypothesis, correlation and regression,
randomized design, and multivariate analysis.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Apply probability and statistical methods in the field of construction management
Analyze and solve conflict problems
Design problems with random parameter

Estimators: Unbiasedness, Consistency, Efficiency and Sufficiency – Maximum Likelihood Estimation – Method of
moments, Tests based on Normal, t, X2 and F distributions for testing of means, variance and proportions – Analysis
of r x c tables – Goodness of fit. Multiple and Partial Correlation – Method of Least Squares – Plane of Regression –
Properties of Residuals – Coefficient of multiple correlation – Coefficient of partial correlation – Multiple
correlation with total and partial correlations – Regression and Partial correlations in terms of lower order co-
efficient - Analysis of variance – One-way and two-way classifications – Completely randomized design –
Randomized block design – Latin square design, Random vectors and Matrices – Mean vectors and Covariance
matrices – Multivariate Normal density and its properties – Principal components: Population principal components
– Principal components from standardized variables.

1. Gupta.S.C., and Kapoor, V.K., “Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics”, Sultan Chand and Sons, Eleventh
Edition, 2002
2. Freund J.E., Mathematical Statistical”, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
3. Jay L.Devore, “Probability and statistics for Engineering and the Sciences”, 5 th Edition, Thomson and
Duxbury, Singapore, 2002
4. Murray.R. Spiegeland Larry J.Stephens, “Schaum’sou Tlines- Statistics”, Third Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
5. R.A. Johnson and C.B. Gupta, “Miller & Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers”,
Pearson Education, Asia, 7th Edition, 2007
6. Richard A. Johnson and Dean W. Wichern, “Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis”, Pearson Education,
Asia, 6th Edition, 2007

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the provisions of the act of building byelaws
Knowledge on the procedure of applying building permit
Knowledge on the building performance byelaws
Application of Byelaws in different forms

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Apply the Building Bye laws for planning of buildings
Function effectively in obtaining sanctions
Adapt safety measures in construction

Preamble – Provision of the act – Jurisdiction – Repeal and Saving - Commissioner – corporation – Dwelling Unit –
Existing Buildings – Floor Area Ratio – Form – Ground coverage – Height of a building – Land use – Master plan –
Period of construction – Plinth – Sanctioned Design and Specification – Sanctioned use – Schedule – Setbacks or
Margins - Building permit and Building use permit – Procedure for obtaining a variance - Environmental
Management – Pollution control – Structural Safety – Fire prevention and safety – Maintenance and upgradation -
Heritage conservation byelaws – General planning byelaws - Schedules and forms

1. Building bye laws of Delhi, 2005

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the various types of equipments used for earthwork, tunneling, drilling, blasting, dewatering,
material handling conveyors
Applications of various equipments in construction projects.

Course Outcome:
At the end of this course students will be able to
Choose suitable equipments for the construction projects.
Decide the equipments for special projects
Improve the site performance by effective equipment management.

Identification – Planning of equipment - Equipment Maintenance and Management in Projects - Cost Control of
Equipment - Depreciation Analysis – Replacement Analysis - Safety Management - types of earth work Equipment
- Equipment for Dredging, Trenching, Drag line and clamshells, Tunneling, pile driving and erection, Dewatering,
Grouting, Demolition - pumps used in Construction - Different Crushers, Feeders and Screening Equipment for
aggregate – Handling, Batching, Mixing and pumping Equipment – Equipment for Ready mix concrete, Concrete
pouring, Asphalt laying - Forklifts and related equipment - Portable Material Bins – Material Handling Conveyors,
Cranes- Industrial Trucks

1. Jha Kumar Neeraj, Kumar Neeraj Jha, “Construction Project Management: Theory and Practice”, Pearson
Education India. 2011
2. Peurifoy, R.L., Ledbetter, W.B. and Schexnayder, C., Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods,
McGraw Hill, Singapore, 2006.
3. Douglas D. Gransberg, Calin M. Popescu, Richard Ryan, “Construction Equipment Management for
Engineers, Estimators, and Owners”, of CRC Press, 2006
4. Robert L. Peurifoy, Cliff Schexnayder, William B. Ledbetter, “Construction Planning, Equipment and
Methods”, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2001
5. Douglas D. Gransberg, Calin M. Popescu, Richard Ryan Construction Equipment Management for
Engineers, Estimators, and Owners, CRC Press. 2006
6. Keoki Sears S., Glenn A. Sears, Richard H. Clough Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide
to Field Construction”, John Wiley and Sons. 2010

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the formulation, costing of construction projects, appraisal, finance and private sector

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Demonstrate the knowledge of report preparations
Plan the key Indicators of the project
Formulate effective technology transfer mechanisms

Project – Concepts – Capital investments - Generation and Screening of Project Ideas - Project identification - Pre-
Feasibility Report and its Clearance, Project Estimates and Techno-Economic Feasibility Report, Detailed Project
Report – Project Clearances - Project Cash Flows – Time Value of Money – Cost of Capital - Pay Back Period –
Indian Practice of Investment Appraisal – International Practice of Appraisal – Analysis of Risk – Selection of a
Project and Risk Analysis in Practice. Project Financing – Financial Institutions – Special Schemes – Key Financial
Indicators – Ratios - Private sector participation in Infrastructure Development Projects - Technology Transfer and
Foreign Collaboration - Scope of Technology Transfer

1. Kim H. Pries, Jon M. Quigley, “Total Quality Management for Project Management”, CRC Press. 2012
2. Matthias Kipping, Timothy Clark, “The Oxford Handbook of Management Consulting”, Oxford University
Press, 2012
3. George Ritz, Sidney Levy, “Total Construction Project Management, Second Edition” , McGraw Hill
Professional, 2013
4. Prasanna Chandra, Projects – Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation Review, McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi. 2006.
5. Rajendra Mishra, Project Management, Excel Books, 2012
6. Subhash Chandra Das, “Project Management And Control”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2011

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand various quantitative methods applied to the elements of management.
Application Techniques on production management, finance management, decision theory and managerial

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Interpret the path of operations of the project
Examine the Quality of execution
Decide on the budget of the projects

Introduction to Operations Research - Linear Programming – Graphical and Simplex Methods, Duality and Post –
Optimality Analysis – Transportation and Assignment Problems -Inventory Control - EOQ - Quantity Discounts -
Safety Stock – Replacement Theory – PERT and - CPM – Simulation Models – Quality Control - Working Capital
Management – Compound Interest and Present Value methods – Discounted Cash Flow Techniques – Capital
Budgeting - Decision Theory– Decision trees – Utility Theory - Cost Concepts – Break-even analysis – Pricing
Techniques – Game theory Applications

1. George E. Monahan, “ Management Decision Making: Spreadsheet Modeling, Analysis, and Application”,
Volume 1, Cambridge University Press, 2000
2. Hamdy A.Taha, “Operations Research: An Introduction”, Prentice Hall, 2010.
3. Andreas Klose, M. Gracia Speranza, Luk N. Van Wassenhove, “Quantitative Approaches to Distribution
Logistics and Supply Chain Management”, Springer, 2002
4. Andreas Klose, M. Gracia Speranza, Luk N. Van Wassenhove, “Quantitative Approaches to Distribution
Logistics and Supply Chain Management”, Springer Science and Business Media, 2002
5. Tang S.L., Irtishad U.Ahmad, Syed M.Ahmed, Ming Lu, Quantitative Technique for Decision making in
Construction, Hongkong University Press, HKU, 2004.
6. Schroeder, R.G, “Operations Management”, McGraw Hill, 2009.
7. Vohra, Nd., “Quantitative Techniques in Management”, Third Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Company Ltd,

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand various management techniques for successful completion of construction projects.
Understand the effect of management for project organization, design of construction process, labour,
material and equipment utilization, and cost estimation.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Apply the modern trends in project management viz
Design and cost estimate for the project construction
Maximize the use of resource unitisation

Project Life Cycle - Types of Construction - Selection of Professional Services - Construction Contractors -
Financing of Constructed Facilities - Legal and Regulatory Requirements - Changing Environment of the
Construction Industry - Role of Project Managers - Project Management –Constructor Sequence - Design and
Construction as an Integrated System – Innovation, Technological and economical feasibility - Functional Design -
Construction Site Environment - Job-Site Productivity - Labour Relations - Collective Bargaining - Materials
Management - Choice of Equipment and Standard Production Rates - Construction Processes Queues and Resource
Bottlenecks - Cost Estimation - Estimate Based on Engineer's List of Quantities - Operating Costs.

1. Chitkara, K.K., “Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and Control”, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel, “Project Management: A Managerial Approach”, John Wiley and
Sons, 2011
3. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, “Project Management for Construction – Fundamental Concepts for
Owners, Engineers, Architects and Builders”, Prentice Hall, Pittsburgh, 2000.
4. Frederick E. Gould, “Construction Project Management”, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Vary E.
Joyce, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.
5. George J.Ritz and Sidney Levy, “Total Construction Project Management”, McGraw-Hill Inc, 2013.
6. Mishra R. C and Tarun Soota, “Modern Project Management”, New Age International (P) Limited,
Publishers, 2006

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the latest construction techniques applied to engineering construction for sub structure, super
structure, special structures
Knowledge on rehabilitation and strengthening techniques and demolition techniques

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Apply the modern construction techniques to be used in the construction
Organize rehabilitation and strengthening techniques.
Execute the operations of the project sequentially.

Jacking - Under water construction of diaphragm walls and basement - Laying operations for built up offshore
system - Large reservoir construction - Concrete paving technology – Techniques of construction of tall buildings -
Large span structures – Erection of transmission line structures – Construction sequence in cooling towers, Silos,
chimney, sky scrapers - Bow string bridges, Cable stayed bridges - Construction of jetties and break water structures
– Construction sequence and methods in domes – Support structure for heavy equipment and machinery in heavy
industries – Erection of articulated structures and space decks. Seismic retrofitting - Protection methods of structures
– Micro piling and underpinning for strengthening floor and shallow profile - Sub grade water proofing, Soil
Stabilization techniques. Demolition Techniques - Advanced techniques using Robotic Machines

1. Gajaria G.T., “Laws Relating to Building and Engineering Contracts in India”, LexisNexis Butterworths
India, 2000
2. Jimmie Hinze, “Construction Contracts”, McGraw Hill, 2001.
3. Joseph T. Bockrath, “Contracts and the Legal Environment for Engineers and Architects”, McGraw Hill,
4. Thomas E. Uher, Philip Davenport, “Fundamentals of Building Contract Management”, UNSW
Press. 2009
5. Paul Watson, Tim Howarth, “Construction Quality Management: Principles and Practice”, Routledge, 2012
6. Bajirao Shankarrao Patil, “Civil Engineering Contracts and Estimates”, Universities Press (India) Private
Limited, 2006.

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the various types of construction contracts and their legal aspects and provisions.
Knowledge on the tenders, arbitration, legal requirement, and labour regulations.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Classify the contracts in construction
Apply various regulations for construction
Combine suitable laws for the project under consideration

Indian Contracts Act – Elements of Contracts – Types of Contracts – Design of Contract Documents – Law of Torts
- Prequalification – Bidding – Accepting – Evaluation of Tenders – Contract Formation and Interpretation – World
Bank Procedures and Guidelines – Tamilnadu Transparency in Tenders Act - Comparison of Actions and Laws –
Appointment of Arbitrators – Conditions of Arbitration – Powers and Duties of Arbitrator – Rules of Evidence -
Enforcement of Award – Costs Insurance and Bonding – Laws Governing Sale, Purchase and Use of Urban and
Rural Land – Land Revenue Codes – Tax Laws and their Influence on Construction Costs – Legal Requirements for
Planning – Statutory Regulations - Social Security – Welfare Legislation – Insurance and Safety Regulations - Other
Labour Laws.

1. Gajaria G.T., “Laws Relating to Building and Engineering Contracts in India”, Lexis Nexis Butterworths
India, 2000
2. Jimmie Hinze, “Construction Contracts”, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001
3. Joseph T. Bockrath, “Contracts and the Legal Environment for Engineers and Architects”, 6th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2000
4. Hugh Collins, “The Law of Contract”, Cambridge University Press, 2003
5. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, “Project Management for Construction – Fundamental Concepts for
Owners, Engineers, Architects and Builders”, Prentice Hall, Pittsburgh, 2000.

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the concept of planning, scheduling, cost and quality control,
Knowledge on safety during construction,
Organization and use of project information necessary for construction project.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Develop suitable scheduling for execution
Choose control methods for cash flow
Adopt modern technology for information

Basic Concepts in the Development of Construction Plans – Estimating Activity Durations – Estimating Resource
Requirements for Work Activities – Construction Schedules – Critical Path Method – Scheduling with Resource
Constraints and Precedence’s – Use of Advanced Scheduling Techniques – Calculations for Monte Carlo Schedule
Simulation – Crashing and Time/Cost Tradeoffs - The Cost Control Problem – The Project Budget – Control of
Project Cash Flows –Schedule Control - Quality and Safety Concerns in Construction – Statistical Quality Control
with Sampling by Attributes and Variables – Safety - Types of Project Information – Computerized Organization
and Use of Information – Information Transfer and Flow.

1. Albert Lester Project Management, “Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction and
Manufacturing”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013
2. Daniel W. Halpin, Bolivar A. Senior, “Financial Management and Accounting Fundamentals for
Construction”, John Wiley and Sons. 2011
3. Saleh A. Mubarak, “Construction Project Scheduling and Control”, John Wiley and Sons, 2010
4. Charles Patrick, “Construction Project Planning and Scheduling”, Pearson Education India. 2000
5. Willem Kymmell,“Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects”,
McGraw Hill Professional. 2008
6. Chitkara, K.K., “Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and Control”, McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2010.
7. Sandra Christensen Weber, “Scheduling Construction Projects: Principles and Practices”, Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2005

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
Knowledge on material selection through the material testing based on specification
Utilizing the sophisticated spread sheets programs,
Application on estimation software and other package programs

Course Outcomes:
On completion of this laboratory course students will be able to
Design the concrete mixes as per IS, ACI and BS methods.
Apply various tests on hardened concrete
Develop scheduling of constructions projects using tools like primavera and MS projects.

Mix design - Flow characteristics of Self Compacting concrete - workability, strength and durability studies -
Quantity takeoff, preparation and delivery of the bid or proposal of an engineering construction project - Design of a
simple equipment information system for a construction project - Scheduling of a small construction project using
Primavera scheduling systems including reports and tracking - Scheduling of a small construction project using tools
like MS project scheduling systems including reports and tracking - Simulation models for project risk analysis.

1. Neville, A.M., "Concrete Technology", Longman Scientific and Technical, England, 2008.
2. Krishnaraju, N., “Design of concrete mixes", Sehgal Educational Consultants and Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
Faridabad, 2007.
3. Primevera, Software Manual


Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objectives:
Hands on training on testing of cement and aggregates
Hands on training on testing of concrete
Knowledge on mix design procedures
Knowledge on testing of highway materials

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Carry out the experiments on materials
Perform the analysis on test results
Suggest the good materials for construction

Tests on Cement - Tests on Fine Aggregate - Tests on Coarse Aggregate - Test on Fresh Concrete - Tests on
Hardened Concrete – Analysis of Results - Non Destructive Test

1. Shetty, M. S., `Concrete Technology’, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi, 2005.
2. M L Gambhir; Neha Jamwal, “Building and Construction Materials: Testing and Quality Control”, 1e (Lab
Manual), Tata McGraw-Hill Education. 2014
3. Khanna, S.K., and Justo C.E.G., Highway Engineering, Nem Chand and Bros. 2005.
4. Hamant. Sood, “Laboratory Manual on Testing of Engineering Materials”, New Age International. , 2003

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Fundamentals of human behaviour under various situations
Relate the behaviour pattern to manpower planning in organizational setups
Understand the means of management of construction personnel
Knowledge on the methods to adopt training as a tool for improvement

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Apply various processes in manpower planning
Make use of human resources effectively
Choose appropriate organization and welfare measures.

Manpower planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling – personal principles - Organization charts –
Staffing plan – Development and Operation of human resources – managerial Staffing – Recruitment – Selection –
Placement Human management – basic individual psychology – job design and performance management –
Managing groups at work – Leadership – Behavioral aspects of decision making; and communication for human
management - Compensation – Wages and Salary, employee benefits, employee appraisal and assessment –
Employee services – Safety and Health – Discipline and discharge – Special Human resource problems – Employee
handbook and personal manual - Productivity of Human resources – Staff training and evaluation

1. Dwivedi R.S, “Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour”, Macmillian India Ltd., 2005.
2. Charles D. Reese, James Vernon Eidson, “Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety and Health”, Second
Edition, CRC Press. 2006
3. Reddy R.J., “Personnel Management”, APH Publishing, 2004
4. Andrew Dainty, Martin Loosemore, “Human Resource Management in Construction: Critical
Perspectives”, Routledge, 2013
5. Paul S. Chinowsky, Anthony D. Songer, “Organization Management in Construction”, Routledge, 2011
6. Dwived R.S. “Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour”, Macmillan, 2011

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the overall and detailed planning of formwork, plant and site equipment.
Understand the design and erection of forms for various elements such as slabs, beams, columns, walls,
shells and tunnels.
Knowledge on the latest methods of form construction.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Detail the planning of formwork,
design the formworks and
Formulate the erection methods of form work.

Planning, Site Equipment and Plant for Form Work - General Objectives - Planning for Safety - Basic System - Cost
Reduction - Overall Programme - Detailed Programme - Scaffold Frames - Framed Panel Formwork - Materials
Accessories Proprietary Products and Pressures - Lumber, Plywood, Reconstituted Wood, Steel, Aluminum,
Hardware and Fasteners - Uplift on Shores - Design of Forms and Shores - Building and Erecting the Form Work -
Forms for Domes and Tunnels, Slip forms and Scaffolds

1. Mary Krumboltz Hurd, “Formwork for Concrete”, American Concrete Institute. 2005
2. JHA, “Formwork for Concrete Structures”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education. 2012
3. “The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America” U.S. Government Printing Office, 2004
4. Raissa Patricia Douglas Ferron, “Formwork Pressure of Self-consolidating Concrete: Influence of
Flocculation”, Pro Quest. 2008.

2015 School of Civil Engineering


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the management and control of various resources involved in construction.
Knowledge on the effect of resource planning, labour management, material and equipment, time
management, and resource allocation and resource leveling in construction.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Allocate and resource leveling in construction.
Formulate resource planning and management
Develop the attitude of time management

Resource Planning, Procurement, Identification, Personnel - Planning for material, Labour, time schedule and cost
control - Labour Management - Systems approach, Characteristics of resources, Utilization - Materials and
Equipment - Material: Time of purchase, quantity of material, sources, Transportation, Delivery and Distribution –
Equipment utilization - Time Management - Personnel time, Management and planning, managing time on the
project, forecasting the future, Critical path measuring the changes and their effects – Cash flow and cost control -
Resource allocation - computer application

1. Andrew P. Sage, William B. Rouse, “Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management”, John Wiley
and Sons. 2011
2. Tang S.L., Irtishad U. Ahmad, Syed M. Ahmed, Ming Lu, “Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making
in Constructio”, Hong Kong University Press. 2004
3. Thomas Uher, Adam S. Zantis., “Programming and Scheduling Techniques”, Routledge, 2012
4. Thomas Uher, Adam S. Zantis, “Programming and Scheduling Techniques”, Routledge. 2012
5. Andrew Whyte, “Integrated Design and Cost Management for Civil Engineers”, CRC Press, 2014

2015 School of Civil Engineering


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the concepts of Construction Economic and Finance such as comparing alternatives proposals,
evaluating alternative investments, management of funds, and management of accounting.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Apply the concepts in economics and finance in constructions
Analyse the sources of finance and its utilization
Solve financial issue using various methods

Basic Principles - Time Value of Money – Cash Flow diagram – Nominal and effective interest- continuous interest
- Payment Methods - comparing alternatives proposals - Present Worth analysis, Annual Worth Analysis, Future
Worth Analysis, Rate of return analysis and Incremental rate of return analysis – Evaluating alternative investments
– Real estate - Funds Management - Sources of finance - Working Capital Management, Inventory valuation,
Mortgage Financing - International financial management - Fundamentals of Management Accounting – principles -
basic concepts, statements.

1. Leland T. Blank, Anthony J. Tarquin, “Engineering Economy”, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
2. Sasmita Mishra, “Engineering Economics and Costing”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2009
3. Patel, B M, “Project management- strategic Financial Planning, Evaluation and Control”, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 2000
4. Shrivastava,U.K., “Construction Planning and Management”,2 nd Edn. Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi. 2000
5. John A. White, Kenneth E. Case, David B. Pratt, “Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis”, Wiley,

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the various safety concepts and requirements applied to construction projects.
Knowledge on the construction accidents, safety programmes, contractual obligations, and design for

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Illustrate various constructions safety concepts
Develop the safety culture in the work place
Prioritize the responsibilities as an owner

Construction Accidents and their Causes – Human Factors in Construction Safety – Costs of Construction Injuries –
Occupational and Safety Hazard Assessment – Legal Implications - Problem Areas in Construction Safety – Site
Safety Assessment and Management – Substance Abuse – Safety Record Keeping - Safety Culture – Safe Workers
– Safety and First Line Supervisors – Safety and Middle Managers - Top Management Practices – Safety
Personnel – Sub contractual Obligation – Project Coordination and Safety Procedures – Workers Compensation -
Owner’s responsibility – Role of designer in ensuring safety

1. Richard J. Coble, Jimmie Hinze, Theo C. Haupt, “Construction Safety and Health Management”, Prentice
Hall Inc., 2000
2. Tamilnadu Factory Act, Department of Inspectorate of factories, Tamil Nadu. Health Management,
Prentice Hall Inc., 2001
3. David MacCollum, “Construction Safety Engineering Principles (McGraw-Hill Construction Series)”,
McGraw Hill Professional, 2007
4. Steve Rowlinson, “Construction Safety Management Systems”, Routledge, 2004

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Concepts of information systems and their applications
Knowledge on system development and information systems
Implementation of control and system audit.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the students will be able to
Organize structured design using modern tools
Choose suitable security measures.
Assess the risk to interpret suitable solutions

Information Systems – Establishing the Framework – Business Models – Evolution of Information Systems -
Modern Information System – Structured Methodologies – Designing Computer based Methods – Designing
Structured Programs - Integrated Construction Management Information System – Project Management
Information System – Functional Areas, Finance, Marketing, Production, Personnel – Comparison, Concepts and
Knowledge Representation – Managing International Information System – Testing Security – Validating – Cost
Benefit Analysis – Assessing the value and risk of Information System - Software Engineering qualities –
Verification and Validation

1. Caryn Alison Conley, “ Design for Quality: The Case of Open Source Software Development”, ProQuest,
2. Effy Oz “ Management Information Systems”, Cengage Learning, 2008
3. Sadagopan S, “Management Information Systems, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2014
4. Johannes Govardus Maria van der, “Designing Management Information Systems”, Oxford University
Press, 2009
5. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane Price Laudon, “Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology
in the Networked Enterprise”, Prentice Hall, 2000
6. Gordon Schulmeyer G., “Software Quality Assurance and Management”, Artech House, 2008.
7. Janakiraman V. S., Sarukesi K., “Decision Support for Managers”, Prentice Hall, 2008

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the features of growth and use of urban land
Knowledge on real estate market

Course Outcome:
On completion of the course the student will be able to
Illustrate the knowledge of urban infrastructure development
Survey the real estate market
Estimate the land prices

Features of growth: geographical area of settlement – migration population and density – occupational pattern –
Uses of urban land: factor in supply; effects of zoning and development control – Urban infra-structure: bulk
delivery of civic services: communication and transportation – real estate market: investments in real estate –
Development decisions: agencies for decisions – factors affecting urban land value – land prices in the major cities:
determining forces: comparative variation: globalization and its effect.

1. Cliff Moughtin, “Urban Design: Street and Square”, Routledge, 2007
2. Richard U Ratchiff, “Urban land Economics”, Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company, Pvt., Ltd., 2009
3. John F. McDonald, Daniel P. McMillen, “Urban Economics and Real Estate: Theory and Policy”, John
Wiley and Sons, 2010
4. Alan Evans, “Economics, Real Estate and the Supply of Land”, John Wiley and Sons, 2008
5. Cornelis Van Kooten G, “Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development: Economic Policies and
the Common Good”, UBC Press, 2011
6. Jean-Marie Huriot, Jacques-François Thisse, “Economics of Cities: Theoretical Perspectives”, Cambridge
University Press, 2000

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Knowledge on the sources of rating law in India
Understand the valuation principles and techniques
Understand the Insurance policies and loss claim

Course Outcome:
On completion of the course the student will be able to
Interpret the taxes in the construction industry
Assess insurance for different categories
Evaluate the settlement issues

Differences between rating law in India, England and USA – valuation and levy of tax on property for municipal
taxation purposes in the Indian context – principle of communibus annis and rebus sic stantibus – considerations for
fixing ratable value - Unit of assessment - incidences of tax owner’s share and occupier’s share – Municipal taxes -
profit basis and contractor’s method– judicial decisions on rating - Insurance and Loss Assessment - liabilities –
Policies– Risk management – Insurance market– valuation principles and techniques - inflation provisions, -
obsolescence and betterment – principles of claim settlement – obligations and rights of insures and insured – third
party claims

1. Ian J. Bateman, “Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of the Contingent Valuation
Method in the US, EU, and Developing Countrie”, Oxford University Press, 2001
2. Rangwala S. C., “Valuation of Real Properties”, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2008
3. Peter Wyatt, “Property Valuation”, John Wiley and Sons, 2013
4. Angadi D B, “ Civic property Tax”, Radha Publications, Madras, 2005
5. David Murphy, Russell D. Longcore, “Insurance Claim Secrets Revealed!”, Russell Longcore, 2007
6. Jyotsna Sethi and Nishwan Bhatia, “Elements of Banking and Insurance”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2007

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the Jurisprudence
Understand the constitutional provisions, powers and functions sources of revenue
Knowledge on Contract and Tort

Course Outcome:
On completion of the course the student will be able to
Explain the laws of land acquisition
Choose suitable contracts for projects
Adapt suitable sales procedures

Elementary Jurisprudence: Law – its origin, source and ramifications – legislative enactments –– Indian Legal
system - salient features - Centre – State relationship – Local Government - rural and urban – constitutional
provisions, powers and functions sources of revenue – Contract and Tort - formation of a contract - mis-
representation and fraud – termination of contract - performance of contract - law of agency - tort affecting valuation
– outline procedure for sale of immovable property - contract by correspondence – Acquisition and requisition of
immovable property – enactments – land acquisition act 1894 (1 of 1894) – provisions for acquisition of land under
the municipal laws – law of arbitration and conciliation

1. Karl N. Llewellyn, Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice, Transaction Publishers, -2011
2. Curzon L. B., Routledge-Cavendish, “ Jurisprudence”, Psychology Press, 2002
3. Sharma, Sharma B.k, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2007
4. Nilima Bhadbhade Contract Law in India, Kluwer Law International, 2010
5. Suraj Prasad Singh, Indrajit P. Singh, “Law of Tort: Including Compensation Under the Consumer
Protection Act”, Universal Law Publishing Company, 2006
6. John Stephenson, “Building Regulations Explained”, Taylor and Francis, 2001

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
Highlight on evolution of planning
Understand the land use planning and management
Course Outcome:
On completion of the course the student will be able to
Demonstrate effective town planning
Choose suitable agencies for various activities
Adopt suitable legal mechanism for planning
Evolution of Planning – planning practices in India – Planning process and hierarchy of planning - Principles and
Necessity of town planning – uses of land – site planning – collection of data – types of surveys – preparation of
layouts – land use planning and management – concept of city and Building byelaws - their effect on valuation –
preparation of development plan – land use zoning principles and its effect on real estate – threshold theories for
utility services - Agencies involved in plan, preparation and implementation: Effect of Development Plan on
valuation - Legal mechanism for enforcement of planning document – Regional planning – laws affecting planning

1. Rangwala S C, Rangwala K S, Rangwala P S, “A text Book of Town Planning”, Charotar Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd. 2009
2. Jonathan Barnett, “Urban Design as Public Policy and Architectural Record”, Mc Graw Hill Publication,
3. Kopardekar H D, “Social Aspects of Urban Planning”, All India Institute of Local Self Government,
Bombay, 2002
4. “Model Town and Country Planning Act” Published by Town and Country Planning Organization, Govt.
of India. 2002

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the Income approach to value
Acquire knowledge on rate capitalization

Course Outcome:
On completion of the course the student will be able to
Apply various methods for valuation of land
Experiment with appropriate sale analysis techniques
Assess the other factors influencing the value of property

Income approach to value – market approach to value – real estate market – cost approach to value: depreciated
replacement cost – statistical and analytical methods in valuation – land characteristics – belting theory –
hypothetical plotting scheme – hypothetical building scheme – transfer of development rights - market comparison
techniques – adjustment grid model – regression analysis – residual technique – comparison by weight ages assigned
to various factors – principles of income approach - sale analysis techniques and deriving rate of interest from sale
transaction – rate capitalization – reversionary value of land – impact of other forms of investments on value of

1. Joni Larson, “Valuation Handbook”, LexisNexis, 2014
2. Walter Roy Huber, William H. Pivar, “Real Estate Appraisal: Principles and Procedures”, Educational
Textbook Company, 2006
3. Peter Wyatt, “Property Valuation”, John Wiley and Sons, 2013
4. Richard M. Betts, “Basic Real Estate Appraisal, OnCourse Learning, 2012
5. Ronald L. Brown, “Valuing Professional Practices and Licenses”, Aspen Publishers, 2013

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
Understand the laws related to immovable property
Acquire knowledge on leases

Course Outcome:
On completion of the course the student will be able to
Demonstrate the knowledge of laws pertaining to ownership of property
Inspect transfer of immovable property
Develop legal statements of possession of property as per the Indian acts

Laws relating to immovable property and easement – ownership and possession – co-ownership and concurrent
ownership – co-operatives and condominiums – Transfer of Property Act 1882 – Transfer of Immovable property:
sale, mortgage, gift, exchange, assignment – leases: lessor and lessee, sublease, period of lease, ground rent –
expiration and renewal of leases – Indian Easement Act 1882 – Leave and license – laws of evidence – personal
laws affecting inheritance of property – Indian Succession Act: Will and testament; succession certificate

1. Ugo Mattei, “Basic Principles of Property Law: A Comparative Legal and Economic Introduction”,
Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000
2. Shailendra Kumar Awasthi and Dwivedi, “Law of Land Acquisition and Compensation”, Law Agency,
3. Avtar Singh, Harpreet Kaur, “Textbook on the Transfer of Property Act”, Universal Law Publishing, 2009
4. Joseph Bockrath and Fedric Plotnick, “Contracts and the Legal Environment for Engineers and Architects”,
Mc Graw Hill Education, 7th Edition 2010
5. Das M N, “Laws Relating to Partition”, Jawahar Publishers (p) Ltd. 2001

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Pre-requisite: 14CE3005-Structural Dynamics

Course Objective
Knowledge on the basic principles of dynamic loads
Behavior of structures subjected to dynamic loads

Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
carry out analysis and design various tall buildings and other structures subjected to various Dynamic

Dynamic loads, behavior under impact and cyclic loads: concrete, steel, masonry and soil – design against
earthquakes: hydraulic structures, life line structures, terminal buildings, towers, tunnels. Design against blast and
impact,design against wind and cyclone– aero elastic and aerodynamic effect - design as per BIS code of practice
including gust factor approach – tall buildings, stacks and chimneys, Passive and active control of vibrations, new
and favorable materials.

1. Andreas Kappos, “Dynamic Loading and Design of Structures”, CRC Press, 2001
2. Ted Stathopoulos, Charalambos C. Baniotopoulos, “Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind-
Sensitive Structures”, Springer Science and Business Media, 2007
3. VirdiK. S., MatthewsR, ClarkeJ. L,FikryGaras,“Abnormal Loading on Structures: Experimental and
Numerical Modelling”,CRC Press. 2000
4. Theodor Krauthammer, “Modern Protective Structures”, CRC Press. 2008
5. Robert E. Englekirk Seismic Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Buildings”, John Wiley and Sons,

2015 School of Civil Engineering

Credits: 3:1:0

Course Objective:
Design of Prefabricated structural components and its joints
Design of prefabricated structures subjected to dynamic forces

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Understand the modular construction and industrialized construction
Design the prefabricated elements
Assemble the elements for the construction.

Unit I Introduction
Need for prefabrication – Principles – Materials – Modular coordination – Standardization Systems – Production –
Transportation – Erection

Unit II Prefabricated Components

Behaviour of structural components – Construction of roof and floor slabs – Wall panels – Columns – Shear walls

Unit III Design Principles

Disuniting of structures- Design of cross section based on efficiency of material used – Problems in design because
of joint flexibility – Allowance for joint deformation.

Unit IV Joint in Structural Members

Joints for different structural connections – Dimensions and detailing – Design of expansion joints

Unit V Design for Abnormal Loads

Progressive collapse – Code provisions – Equivalent design loads for considering abnormal effects such as
earthquakes, cyclones, explosions, fire. Importance of avoidance of progressive collapse

Text Books
1. Koncz T., Manual of precast concrete construction, Vols. I, II and III, Bauverlag, GMBH, 1971.
2. John D. Quale., “Sustainable, Affordable, Prefab: The EcoMOD Project”, University of Virginia Press,
3. Maurice Levitt, “Precast Concrete: Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage”, Taylor and Francis
Group, 2007.
4. Lasslo Mokk, “Prefabricated concrete for Industrial and Public sectors”, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 2004

2015 School of Civil Engineering


Subject Code Name of the Subject Credits

13CE307 Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation Methods 4:0:0
13CE308 Energy Conservation Techniques in Building Construction 4:0:0
13CE309 Chemical Behaviour of Concrete Composites 4:0:0
14CE1001 Basic Civil Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2001 Survey 3:0:0
14CE2002 Mechanics of Solids 3:1:0
14CE2003 Mechanics of Fluids 3:1:0
14ME2001 Engineering Mechanics 3:0:0
14CE2004 Building Materials and Geology 3:0:0
14CE2005 Applied Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery 3:0:0
14CE2006 Strength of Materials 3:1:0
14CE2007 Soil Mechanics 3:0:0
14CE2008 Water and Waste water Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2009 Reinforced Concrete Structures 3:0:0
14CE2010 Structural Analysis 3:1:0
14CE2011 Water Resources Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2012 Foundation Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2013 Design of Steel Structures 3:0:0
14CE2014 Transportation Engineering 3:0:0
14CE2015 Construction Technology 3:0:0
14CE2016 Strength of Materials Lab 0:0:2
14CE2017 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab 0:0:2
14CE2018 Survey Lab 0:0:2
14CE2019 Building Drawing Lab 0:0:2
14CE2020 Geotechnical Engineering Lab 0:0:2
14CE2021 Environmental Engineering Lab 0:0:2
14CE2022 Concrete and Highway Lab 0:0:2
14CE2023 Computer Application Lab 0:0:2
14CE2024 Design and Drawing (RCC & Steel) Lab 0:0:2
14CE2025 Estimation and Costing 0:0:2
14CE2026 Design and Drawing (Irrigation and Environment) Lab 0:0:2
14CE2027 Engineering Practices Lab 0:0:1
14CE2028 Construction Management 3:0:0
14CE2029 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structures 3:0:0
14CE2030 Advanced Structural Analysis 3:0:0
14CE2031 Concrete Technology 3:0:0
14CE2032 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design 3:0:0
14CE2033 Building Services 3:0:0
14CE2034 Advanced Structural Engineering Lab 0:0:2
14CE2035 Advanced Computer Application Lab 0:0:2
14CE2036 Prefabricated Structures 3:0:0
14CE2037 Advanced Design of Steel Structures 3:0:0
14CE2038 Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal 3:0:0

2014 School of Civil Engineering

14CE2039 Solid Waste Management 3:0:0
14CE2040 Environmental Chemistry and Micro-Biology 3:0:0
14CE2041 Air Pollution Management 3:0:0
14CE2042 Global Climate Change and its Impact 3:0:0
14CE2043 Disaster Management and Mitigation 3:0:0
14CE2044 Advanced Environmental Engineering Lab 0:0:2
14CE2045 GIS Lab 0:0:1
14CE2046 Smart Materials and Structures 3:0:0
14CE3001 Applied Elasticity and Plasticity 3:0:0
14CE3002 Advanced Concrete Technology 3:0:0
14CE3003 Structural Optimization 3:0:0
14CE3004 Advanced Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 3:0:0
14CE3005 Structural Dynamics 3:0:0
14CE3006 Finite Element Methods in Engineering 3:0:0
14CE3007 Seismic Design of Structures 3:0:0
14CE3008 Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation 3:0:0
14CE3009 Advanced Design of Metal structures 3:0:0
14CE3010 Advanced Bridge Engineering 3:0:0
14CE3011 Computer Aided Design Laboratory 0:0:1
14CE3012 Advanced Structural Testing Laboratory 0:0:1
14CE3013 Design of Structures for Dynamic load 3:0:0
14CE3014 Design of Space Structures 3:0:0
14CE3015 Design of Tall Buildings 3:0:0
14CE3016 Design of Offshore Structures 3:0:0
14CE3017 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 3:0:0
14CE3018 Design of Substructures 3:0:0
14CE3019 Design of Composite Structures 3:0:0
14CE3020 Stability of Structures 3:0:0
14CE3021 Prestressed Concrete Structures 3:0:0
14CE3022 Industrial Structures 3:0:0
14CE3023 Advanced Design of Prefabricated Structures 3:0:0
14CE3024 Analysis and Design of Plates and Shells 3:0:0
14CE3025 Energy Efficient Building 3:0:0

Electives for Non-CBCS students

14CE201 Prefabricated Structures 3:0:0

14CE202 Prestressed Concrete Structures 3:1:0
14CE203 GIS applications in Civil Engineering 4:0:0
14CE204 GIS lab 0:0:1
14CE205 Programming using MatLab 0:0:1

2014 School of Civil Engineering


Credit: 4:0:0

Course Objectives:
To have a knowledge on the advanced types of equipment used in lab and field
To understand the testing methods of concrete
To learn the principles of measurements of static and dynamic response of structures and carryout the
analysis of results.

Course Outcome:
Students will
Gain knowledge on various testing methods and technologies
Acquire skills for carrying out experiments related to civil engineering problems
Gain inspiration for lifelong learning towards applying latest equipment in the field

Unit I: Concrete Testing Methods

Determination of cement content – Determination of original w/c ratio – Physical method – Accelerated Curing test
Non-Destructive Test
Tests on composition of hardened concrete - Rebound Hammer Test – Ultrasonic pulse echo, Impact echo, impulse
radar techniques – core cutter method - Penetration Techniques –– acoustic emission– ultrasonic testing principles
and application – Holography – use of laser for structural testing – Brittle coating, Advanced NDT methods:,
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) - Resonant frequency methods - Dynamic or vibration methods - Electrical methods
- Pullout tests for rehabilitation

Unit II: Strain Measurement:

Introduction – electrical resistance strain gauges – strain gauge circuits – recording instruments – strain analysis
methods – Strain rosettes - Photo elastic experiments on disc, beam, frames and other structural models – concept of
Moiré' and stress freezing techniques.

Unit III: Tests on Beams and Structures:

Modulus of rupture of plain beams – slope and deflection of beams – shear studies in RC beams – Creep test –
Model analysis for concrete structures – Testing on two hinged parabolic arch with variable moment of inertia –
fatigue/cyclic load test - Load tests on structural frames.

Unit IV: Equipment and Instrumentation:

Principles of operations of UTM, hydraulic loading systems, force measuring devices, etc., used in the experiments
planned in the laboratory - Transducers – types – Linear Variable Displacement Transducers (LVDT) – working
principles – Demountable mechanical strain gauges - Load cells - Proving rings - Calibration of testing machines -
Long-term monitoring - Vibrating wire sensors - Fibre optic sensors.

Unit V: Testing of Earthquake Resistant Structures

Shake table – working principles – applications - accelerometers – types – Oscilloscope – types - Data acquisition
systems – Amplifiers – Vibration generators

Text Books
1. Dalley, J.W and Riley, W.F, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York,
2. Sadhu Singh, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Chopra, A.K., “Dynamics of structures - Theory and applications to Earthquake Engg”, Prentice hall of
India, New Delhi, 2002
4. M.S. Shetty, “Concrete Technology- Theory and Practice”, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2005

1. Paz Mario," Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation", CBS publishers, 2003

2014 School of Civil Engineering

2. Sirohi, R.S., Radhakrishna, H.C., “Mechanical Measurements”, New Age International (P) Ltd, 2004.
3. Bray, D.E. and Stanley, R.K., “Course Material on Non-destructive Evaluation”, McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New York, 2006
4. Ganesan, T.P., “Model Analysis of Structures”, University Press, India, 2005.


Credit 4:0:0

Course Objectives:
To enable the students to learn the energy production systems and conservation.
To study the energy efficient design methods
To understand the principles of energy management and energy audits

Course Outcome:
Students will be
Able to understand the concepts of energy efficient design
Able to design Green and smart buildings and have an exposure in the management of services.
Able to do energy audit of buildings

Unit I Introduction
Fundamentals of Energy – Energy production systems – Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning – Solar Energy
and conservation – Geothermal energy - Energy economics Analysis – Energy conservation – Domestic energy
consumption – savings – challenges – Primary energy use in buildings – Residential – commercial – Institutional
and public buildings

Unit II Environmental Parameters

Energy and resource conservation –– Evaluation tools for building energy – Embodied and operating energy – Peak
demand – Visual and acoustical quality – Land, water and materials – airborne emissions and Waste Management

Unit III Design

Natural building design consideration – Energy efficient design strategies – Contextual factors –Longevity and
process assessment – Renewable energy sources and design –Acoustic Design- Rain Water harvesting -Design of
green buildings –Indian Green Building Council and LEED standards - Advanced building technologies – Smart
buildings – Economics and cost analysis.

Unit IV Services
Energy in building design – Energy efficient and environmental friendly building – thermal phenomena –– climate,
sun and solar radiation –Psychometrics – Passive and Active HVAC systems – Preliminary investigations – Goals
and policies – Energy audit – Types of Energy Audit – Analysis of results – Energy flow diagram – Energy
consumption/Unit production – Identification of wastage –Priority of conservative measures.

Unit V Energy Management

Energy management of electrical equipment – Improvement of power factor – Management of maximum demand –
Energy savings in pumps – Fans – Compressed air systems – energy savings in lighting systems – Energy
management in Façade systems - Air conditioning systems – Applications – Facility operation and maintenance –
Facility modifications – Energy recovery dehumidifier – Water heat recovery – Steam plants and distribution
systems – Improvement of boiler efficiency – Frequency of blowdown – steam leakage – Steam flash and condense

Text book:
1. Vaughn Barshaw., "The Building Environment- Active and Passive Control Systems” John Wiley & Sons.,

2014 School of Civil Engineering

2. Brown, G.Z, Mark DeKay “Sun, Wind and Light: Architectural design Strategies ", John Wiley & Sons.,
3. Parag Diwan, Mohammed Yaqoot, “Energy Management”, Pentagon Press, 2010

1. National Building Code-Part VIII Building Services- Section 4, Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise
Control- Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2005
2. IS: 2526 – 1963 (reaffirmed 1996) Code of Practice for Acoustical Design of Auditoriums and Conference
Hall- Ninth reprint December 1998 (incorporating Amendment No: 1) New Delhi
3. IGBC Rating system Abridged Reference Guide, October 2013
4. LEED 2011 for India for New Construction and Core & Shell Projects, Green Building Rating systems –
Detailed reference Guide


Credits: 4:0:0

Course Objectives:
To enable the student to study the composition and specifications of cement
To make the student learn the properties of concrete
To enable the students to understand the microstructure of concrete and the admixtures

Course Outcome:
Students will be
Able to understand the concepts of chemistry of concrete composites
Able to identify the suitable composition of concrete composites
Able to bring solutions to existing problems using composite materials

Unit - I Chemistry of Cement

Introduction – Composition of cement phases – Phase diagrams – Oxide components of cement – Cement related
systems – Chemical analysis of Portland cement – Alkali content – Use of compound content in cement

Hydration of Cement
Introduction – Heat of hydration - Hydration of pure clinker minerals – Hydration of silicate, aluminate and ferrite
phases – Energy of hydration – Hydration in the absence of sulphate – Hydration of composite cementitious

Unit- II Components and Properties of Concrete

Introduction – Types of aggregates – Classification and composition – Properties of natural aggregates – Influence
of aggregates on concrete properties –Water and its quality - binders – Interrelation of cement properties to concrete
- Durability properties – Influence of aggregates on concrete properties – Iron ore aggregates - Synthetic aggregates

Unit- III Microstructure of Concrete

Introduction – Microstructure of aggregate phase – Water in hydrated cement phase – Significance and influence of
interfacial transition zone on properties of concrete – Strength-Porosity relationship - Optical examination of
cementitious material – X-ray diffraction analysis – Scanning electron microscopy of cementitious material

Unit - IV Mineral Admixtures

Lime slag cement- Portland blast furnace cement- Composition of blast furnace Slag -Hydration of Portland blast
furnace - Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) - Cementitious properties of flyash – chemical
composition of flyash - Effect of flyash on hydration of cement - Condensed silica fume (CSF) - Pozzolanic material
- Chemical resistance – Flyash - CSF combination

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Unit - V Chemical Admixtures and Composites
Chemical Properties of: Air-entraining admixtures - Water reducing and plasticizing admixtures - Super plasticizing
admixtures - Retarding admixtures - Accelerating admixtures - water proofing admixtures
Polymers: Polymerization - Composite materials - Constituents of Composite materials - Fiber reinforced
composites – Layered composites - Processing of fiber reinforced composites

Text Books
1. Neville, A.M., "Properties of Concrete", Pearson Publications, 2006
2. Peter. C. Hewlett, Butterworth, “Lea’s Chemistry of Cement and Concrete”, Heinemann Publications, 2004
3. J. Bensted and P. Barnes, Taylor and Francis, “Structure and Performance of Cements”, e-library, 2008.
4. P. Kumar Mehta and Paulo J.M. Monteiro, “Concrete-Microstructure, Properties and Materials”, Tata
McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi, Edition 2006

1. Mehta, P.K., and D. Manmohan, “Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on the Chemistry of
Cements”, Editions, Septima, Vol.III, Paris 1980.
2. ACI committee report 209R-2, Prediction of creep, shrinkage and temperature effects in concrete
structures, ACI manual of concrete practice, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI 2005.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To understand the selection of building materials and sites
To supply the purified water and treat the sewage water
To produce general layouts on transportation systems.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
Apply the basic knowledge of Civil Engineering to further advanced learning concepts.

Engineering – Civil Engineering – Characteristics of good building materials such as stones, bricks, timber, cement,
concrete and steel sections – Basic principles of surveying - Field measurement - Area of a plot - Basic functions of
buildings – site selection - Major components of buildings and its construction methods - Valuation of a building by
plinth area method - Sources of water supply –water requirements – Purification of water by sedimentation, filtration
and disinfection - Rainwater harvesting - Sewerage systems – Working principle of Septic tanks and oxidation
ponds – Collection and disposal of solid wastes – Transportation engineering - Classification and cross sections of
water bound macadam, bituminous and cement concrete roads - Importance of railways – Gauges – Components of
a permanent way - General layout of an airport and harbour – Bridges and its types – Dams, its purpose and its types
– Selection of site for a dam - Irrigation and its types.

1. Palanichamy, M. S.,“Basic Civil Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Limited, New Delhi,
2. Ramesh Babu V., ‘Basic Civil Engineering’, Anuradha Agencies, Kumbakonam, 2001
3. Devadass. C.S.C., Jemimah Carmichael. M and Sheeba Ebenezer. J., “Basic Civil Engineering”, Shristi
Publishers, Coimbatore, 2004.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

14CE2001- SURVEY
Credit: 3:0:0

Co-requisite: 14CE018: Survey Lab

Course Objective:
To understand the principles of land and hydrographic surveying
To know the application of surveying in civil engineering projects

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Choose modern survey equipments to measure angles and distances
Extend the knowledge to other civil engineering field
Analyze and solve the problems related to survey

Principle and practices of leveling, contouring, calculation of areas and volumes - Principle and practices of
theodolite surveying, omitted measurements, closing error and distribution, heights and distances - Principle of
tacheometric surveying, curve surveying – simple curves, transition curves - Triangulation systems, intervisibility of
stations, base line corrections, satellite stations : reduction to centre.

1. Duggal, S.K., “Surveying”, Volume I and II, McGrawHill & Co., New Delhi 2009
2. Kanetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni, S.V., “Surveying and Levelling”, Parts 1 and 2, Pune Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, 2012.
3. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill & Co., New Delhi 2011.
4. Arthur Bannister, Stanley Raymond, Raymond Baker, “Surveying”, Pearson, 2009.
5. Bhavikatti. S.S., “Surveying:Theory and Practice”, IK International Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2010


Credit: 3:1:0

Co-requisite: 14CE2016: Strength of Materials Lab

Course Objective:
To learn the state of stress and principal stresses and strains
To study the Bending moment and shear force of determinate beams
To study the different types of stresses on structural elements

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Establish the fundamental concepts of mechanics of deformable solids; including static equilibrium, geometry
of deformation, material constitutive behavior stress and strain.
Adopt systematic methods for solving engineering problems in solid mechanics
Discuss the basic mechanical principles underlying modern approaches for design of various types of structural
members subjected to axial load, torsion, bending, transverse shear, and combined loading.
Build the necessary theoretical background for further structural analysis and design courses

Axial, shear and Thermal stresses and strains in solids- Elastic constants and relationship between them - Analytical
method and Graphical methods for determination of Principal stresses and strains - Bending moment and Shear
force of determinate beams – Theory of pure bending and elastic torsion -Stresses in beams due to bending, shear
and torsion- Strength of section- power transmitted by shafts

2014 School of Civil Engineering

1. Egor, P.Popov, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids” ,Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003
2. Rajput, R.K., “Strength of Materials”, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010
3. Bansal, R.K ., “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications, New Delh, 2007.
4. Subramanian R., ”Strength of Materials”, Oxford University Press, 2005
5. Srinath L S., “Advanced Mechanics of Solids”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 2003.


Credit: 3:1:0

Course Objective:
• To introduce the fundamental concepts of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics
• To introduce the concepts of flow measurements, flow through pipes

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Understand the various types of flow and flow profiles
Carry out flow measurements
Design pipe networks
Built capacity to carry out dimensional analysis and model studies

Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics :Viscocity, Density, Perfect gas, vapour pressure and surface tension- Basic
equation of fluid satistics- Pascal’s Law- Basic Concepts of Fluid Flow: Classification of flows- streamline, Streak
line and pathlines- Flownets- Dynamics- Concepts of system and control volume- Application of control volume to
continuity, energy and Momentum- Euler’s equation and Euler’s equation of motion and Bernouilli’s equation- Flow
through Pipes: Reynold’s number- Laminar flow- Turbulent flow –Energy Loss in pipes – Hydraulic gradient –
Energy gradient- Flow Measurement: Venturimeter- orifice meter- pitot tube- mouthpiece and orifice- Open channel
flow-Weirs and notches.

1. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 9th edition, 2011.
2. Modi, P.N. and Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard Book
House, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Som, S.R and Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd edition,
4. Hubert Chanson, “Hydraulics of Open Channel flow’, Butterworth-Heineman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004.
5. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” , S. Chand and Co., New Delhi,
6. Agarwal, S.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Co.New Delhi, 2006.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To impart the knowledge of Geology
To study the basics of seismology

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Classify an appreciation of the geologic processes related to the formation of different soils and rocks
Define the physical and mechanical soil properties commonly used in engineering practice

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Interpret the causes and mitigation of Land slides

Building Materials – Bricks, Cement, timber, steel, concrete, water proofing materials - Miscellaneous Building
Materials-Properties, tests, applications-General Geology- Geology for engineers- Branches- Geological formations-
action of water and wind on rocks- Mineralogy- Study of rock forming minerals - Petrology – Classification-
engineering properties and description- Structural Geology- Geological maps- folds, faults and joints, Hydro
Geology, Study of structural models- Geophysical methods and Investigations- Investigation of landslides and
subsidence- causes and mitigation.

1. Parbin Singh, “Engineering and general Geology”, Katson publication House, 2010.
2. Gokhale K.V.G.K. “Principles of Engineering Geology”. BS Publications, 2010
3. Bell F G.,” Fundamentals of Engineering Geology”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.
4. Michael H. De Freeitas, “Engineering Geology”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009
5. Chenna Kesavulu., “Textbook of Engineering Geology” 2nd Edition, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. 2009
6. Varghese P.C., “Building materials “, Prentice Hall, 2005


Pre-requisite: 14CE2003: Mechanics of Fluids

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To learn the fundamentals on flow in open channels
• To introduce the concepts of boundary layer theory and flow around submerged objects
• To impart the knowledge on pumps and turbines

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Design channels with uniform flow conditions
Define the displacement, momentum and energy.
Determine the forces on submerged bodies and the forces due to impact on moving and stationary objects
Apply the linear momentum principle, Impact and forces exerted by the jet on inclined, curved and stationary
Build capacity to operate and select turbines and pumps

Open Channel Flow : Types of flow- Chezy’s and Manning’s Equation- Specific energy- critical flow- Varied flow:
Hydraulic jump- Gradually varied flow- Backwater and drawdown curves- Boundary Layer and Dimensional
Analysis: Displacement, Momentum and energy thickness- laminar and turbulent boundary layers- forces on
submerged bodies –drag- Momentum Principle: Impulse momentum equation- Application of linear momentum
principle- Impact of Jet- Turbines : Typical layout and components of Hydro- electric project- working principles of
Pelton wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbine- Draft tube -Specific Speed –Inlet and outlet velocity triangles-
Headlosses and efficiency – Specific Speed – Positive Displacement pump: Reciprocating pump- Types and
components , working principle- miscellaneous pumps.

1. Bansal, R.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, Edition 9. 2011.
2. Modi, P.N. & Seth, S.M., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Standard Book
House, New Delhi, 19th Edition, 2011.
3. Som, S.R, & Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, Edition 3.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

4. Hubert Chanson, “Hydraulics of Open Channel flow’, Butterworth-Heineman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004.
5. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi,
6. Agarwal, S.K., “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Co., Edition 1. 2002.


Pre-requisite: 14CE2002: Mechanics of Solids

Credit: 3:1:0

Course Objective:
To understand the concepts of deflection, stability criteria, theories of failure
To study the analysis of indeterminate beams

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Independently perform basic calculations and determine the internal mechanical stresses in loaded structural
Develop an understanding of the relation between material properties and strength of materials

Biaxial bending- Deflection of Determinate beams- Double integration, Macaulay’s method - Moment area method -
Conjugate beam method - Bending moment and Shear force of Indeterminate beams - Columns and struts -
behaviour of axially loaded short, medium and long members - Critical loads with different end conditions - Euler’s
method, Analysis of thin and thick cylinders, Failure theories, Concept of Shear Center

1. Egor, P. Popov, “ Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Rajput, R.K., “Strength of Materials”, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006
3. Bansal, R.K., “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications Ltd., New Delhi, 2010
4. Bedi, D.S., “Strength of Materials”, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd., Delhi, 2003
5. Bhavikatti S..S., “Strength of Materials, 3E”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2009


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To gain knowledge about index and engineering properties of soil
To study about stress distribution and settlement behaviour of soil
To gain knowledge on stability of slopes

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Explain the multiphase nature of soils and to derive quantities relating to the volumes and masses of the
different phases of a soil
Describe and classify soils according to Indian Standard
Determine and describe the engineering properties of soils from tests and basic theories

Index properties of soil such as water content, specific gravity and classification of soil according to BIS, Phase
relations and plasticity characteristics - Engineering properties of soil such as permeability, compaction and
consolidation- Stress Distribution analysis by Boussinesq equation and Westergaard’s analysis and Causes &

2014 School of Civil Engineering

methods of minimizing settlement - Determination of shear Strength by lab and field methods - Stability of slopes -
Analysis by slip circle and friction circle method

1. Punmia, B.C., “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Punmia B.C., Suara & Co., Madras 2005.
2. Arora, K.R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Gopal Ranjan, A S R Rao, “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age International (P) Limited, 2005
4. Purushothama Raj. P., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering” Pearson Education, 2008
5. Murthy V N S, “Geotechnical Engineering” Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2002.
6. IS 2720 (Parts 1 to 10, 13, 14, 30, 36)


Co-requisite: 14CE2021Environmental Engineering Lab

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To educate the students in planning and design concepts related to water storage and distribution
To educate the students in planning and design concepts relating wasterwater collection, treatment and

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
apply the concept to manage water resources and also apply it for hydrological modeling
Plan and design basic water resources projects
List the characteristics of wastewater
Estimate the quantity of wastewater
Design and develop appropriate sewerage systems
Recommend the house connections in civil works

Water Storage and Distribution: population forecast- water demand for various purposes- estimation of waste water
quantity- Water Quality and Treatment: waste water characteristics- Industrial Waste water treatment: Equalisation
- Neutralisation - Oil separation - Flotation - Precipitation - Heavy metal removal - Wastewater collection -
Wastewater – Primary: Philosophy of treatment- Unit operations of processes-Biological treatment: types of micro-
organisms- Aerobic treatment: Suspended growth aerobic treatment process- Secondary treatment and Disposal:
Underground drainage systems

1. Arceivala, S. J., "Wastewater Treatment for Pollution Control", Tata McGraw Hill,3 rd edition 2006.
2. Bajwa G. S., “Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering”, Deep Publishers, Shimla, 2003.
3. “Manual on water supply and Treatment”, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, GoI, New Delhi,
4. "Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook – Towards Cleaner Production", World Bank and UNEP,
Washington, 1998.
5. Barbara Hauser A., “Practical Hydraulics Handbook”, Lewis Publishers, New York, 2 nd edition, 1995.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study the behavior and design of RCC structural elements
To study the design of supporting components of the buildings

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
apply the fundamental concepts of working stress method and limit state method
apply IS code of practice for the design of concrete elements
design structural components like water tanks and retaining walls
detail reinforcement for various RCC structural elements

Design philosophies – limit state design of one way, two-way, continuous slab and circular slabs – rectangular and
flanged beams – axial and eccentrically loaded columns, straight, dog legged and open well staircases, Deep and
Shallow foundations – resting on ground and underground water tanks – cantilever and counterfort retaining wall

1. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdass Menon, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., 2003
2. Ashok, Kumar Jain, “Limit state design of Reinforced Concrete”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,. 2007
3. Sinha. S.N. “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
4. Purushothaman. P, “Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
5. Krishna Raju. N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi 2005
6. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
7. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
8. IS 3370 (Part I) - 1975 - Code of Practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.


Pre-requisite: 14CE2006 Strength of Materials

Credit: 3:1:0

Course Objective:
To understand the deflection and force methods for the analysis of structures
To learn the concepts of moving loads and influence lines
To study the analysis of indeterminate beams and frames

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Analyze statically determinate trusses, beams, and frames and obtain internal loading
Analyze cable and arch structures

Work energy principles – Principle of virtual work-Castigliano’s first, second theorem- Williott diagram- Rolling
loads and Influence lines- reaction, shear force and bending moment- Muller Breslau’s principle -Slope Deflection-
Analysis of continuous beams and rigid frames with and without sway, Moment Distribution method – short cut
methods – Multistoried frame analysis by substitute frame method, portal and cantilever method.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

1. Bhavikatti, S., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 & 2, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.
2. Devadas Menon, “Advanced Structural Analysis”, Alpha Science International, 2009.
3. Norris and Wilber, “Elementary Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2005.
4. Reddy, C.S., “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2005.
5. Vaidyanathan, R. and Perumal,P., “Structural Analysis” Vol.1 & 2, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2004.
6. Pandit, G.S. and Gupta, S.P., “Structural Analysis – A Matrix Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd., 2006.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To introduce the concepts of surface and ground water hydrology
• To enable the student to develop skills to appreciate water resources systems

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Select the water sources, treatment and distribution methods
Acquire skills to undertake major water supply projects

Surface water hydrology : Hydrologic cycle and hydrological data-forms of precipitation- Hydrologic abstractions-
Run-off – flood estimation by emprical formulae-Groundwater Hydrology – types of aquifers- steady flow towards
well in confined and unconfined aquifer- pumping test- artificial recharge- conjunctive use of surface and
groundwater - Potable Water - Water for Energy and other uses:Basic components of Hydro-electric project ,
Conservation of water: Reservoir- Single and multi purpose – Flood levees and flood walls.

1. Linsley, R. K. and Franzini, J.B., “Water Resources Engineering”, McGraw Hill Inc, 4th edition 2013.
2. Subramanya, K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill,4tn edition, 2013.
3. Sahasrabudhe, S.R., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Katson Publishers, 3 rd edition,2011.
4. Garg S. K., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2009.
5. Michael, A.M., “Irrigation – Theory and Practices”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004


Pre-requisite: 14CE2007 Soil Mechanics

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To gain knowledge about exploration and bearing capacity of soil
To study about types, selection and design of foundation
To gain knowledge about pile and shallow foundation in detail

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Apply the basic theories in determining suitable soil parameters.
Interpret the application of field and laboratory tests
Perform geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations and understand limitations and uncertainties
in geotechnical design.
Develop an appreciation of the modes of failure of retaining walls and foundation supports.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Objectives of Soil Exploration, sampling methods and requirement, Choices - factors governing selection of
foundation - Bearing Capacity of soil - Analysis by Terzaghi and Skempton, Determination and methods of
improving - Earth Pressure analysis by Rankine, Coulomb, Culmann and Rehbann’s methods, Design of shallow
foundations such as rectangular combined footing & trapezoidal combined footing and types, functions and
designing of deep foundations, Sheet Pile walls.

1. Punmia, B.C., “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Punmia B.C., Suara & Co., Madras 2005
2. Kasmalkar, B.J., “Foundation Engineering”, Pune, Vidyarthi Griha Prabakar, Pune, 2002.
3. Arora, K.R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Purushothama Raj. P., ”Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Pearson Education, 2008
5. Murthy V NS., “Geotechnical Engineering” Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2002


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study the design of connections
To study the design of axial and flexural members
To study design of roof truss

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Design the structural elements and its joints
Classify the structural steel connections in industrial building
Evaluate the strength of light gauge steel elements

Concepts of steel design – Design of Bolted and Welded connections - Design of Members for Axial forces –
Tension splices-lug angle - Design of lacings, battens and Column bases - Design of Flexural Members - beams,
rolled and built-up section- laterally restrained and unrestrained beams, welded plate girder and Beam Columns -
Design of Industrial Roof Truss and Gantry Girder .

1. Subramanian N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2008.
2. Duggal S.K, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2010
3. “Teaching Resources for Structural Steel Design – Vol. I & II”, INSDAG, Kolkatta
4. Bhavikatti S.S.,”Design of Steel Structures (By limit state method as per IS 800:2007)” I K International
Publiishing house pvt ltd, 2010
5. IS 800-2007, Code of practice for general construction in steel, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To impart knowledge in planning, geometric design, construction and operation of highways and railways
• To understand the layouts and operation of airport and harbours

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Classify the different types of transportation engineering

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Plan various public transportation system
Classify and design roads as per IRC Standards
Design pavements as per IRC recommendations
Demonstrate various test methods for highway materials
Plan, design airports and harbors and recognize its operation

Introduction to Transportation Engineering - Planning and Geometric design of highways - super elevation – design
principles of flexible and rigid pavements – Defects in pavements - Planning, Geometric design and construction of
Railways – Maintenance and materials- Conventional and modern methods (GIS and GPS), Airport planning, wind
rose diagram, runway design and airport terminal buildings - Planning of harbor terminal buildings – Navigational
aids and coastal structures – Dredging methods

1. Saxena S.C and Arora S.P., “A Text book of Railway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai Publishers,2001
2. Khanna, S.K., and Justo C.E.G., “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Bros, 2005.
3. Oza H. P. and Oza G. H., “Dock and Harbour Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013.
4. Rangwala, S. C., “Airport Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013.
5. Narasimha Murthy A.S, Henry R. Mohle., “Transportation Engineering Basics” ASCE press 2000.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To impart knowledge about site planning and construction of foundations.
To study the various methods of constructions and service requirements
To understand the usage of equipments for construction

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Classify the different types of construction materials
Select the construction methodology for different types of construction
Plan and execute construction projects
Tell about disposal of effluents and the standards for disposal
Maximize the knowledge on waste management
Develop skills to undertake major project related to industrial treatment

Planning of Building –setting of foundation- Methods of Construction – Concrete, Steel, Brick and Stone masonry,
Hollow block masonry, pre-cast, roofs, expansion joints, damp proof course, Composite-Formwork, shoring,
underpinning and scaffolding – Service and safety requirements - Construction equipments.

1. Varghese P.C, “Building Constructions”, Prentice Hall, 2007
2. Rangwala S.C., “Building Construction”, Charotar Book Stall, Anand, 2003
3. Punmia, B.C., “Building Construction”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., 2008
4. Relevant IS Codes and National Building Code of India, 2005
5. Sushil Kumar, “Building Construction”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 2003
6. Arora, S.P. and Bindra, S.P., “Building Construction”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2003

2014 School of Civil Engineering


Co-requisite: 14CE2002 Mechanics of Solids

Credits: 0:0:2

Course Objective
• To apply the theory of mechanics of solids on real specimens
• To give hands on training on testing of real specimens

Course Outcome
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Determine the important mechanical properties of materials
Identify the materials for practices based on mechanical properties
Verify the theorem studied in engineering mechanics

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Jindal, U.C, “Strength of Materials”, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd, 2007


Co-requisite: 14CE2005 Applied Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
To give hands on training on the principle and working of different types of turbines
To impart knowledge on open channel flow profiles

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Adopt the working principles and select the turbines
Identify various forms of open channel flows

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Modi, P.N and Seth, S.M., “Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines”, Standard Book House, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Rajput, R.K., “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S.Chand and
Co., New Delhi, 2002.


Co-requisite: 14CE2001 Survey

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
To train the students to acquire skill in operation of various survey instruments

2014 School of Civil Engineering

To give hands on training on the use of conventional and modern tools of surveying

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Acquire skill in operation of various survey instrument
Develop an understanding on the use of conventional and modern tools of surveying
Demonstrate various types of surveys

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Kanetkar, T.P and Kulkarni, S.V., “Surveying and Levelling”, Part 1 and 2, Pune Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan 2010.
2. Basak, N., “Surveying and Levelling”, McGrawHill & Co. 2011.


Credit: 0:0:2

Course objectives:
To understand the principles of planning and bylaws
To draw plan, elevation and section of load bearing and framed structures
To draw plan, elevation and section of public and industrial structures
To prepare detailed working drawing for doors, windows, etc.

Course outcomes:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Understand the principles of civil engineering drawing
Plan Residential and commercial buildings

Building planning - Building bye-laws- Building Information model (BIM) - Detailed drawings using AutoCAD

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Shah M.G. Kalec. M. & Patki SY, “Building Drawing”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000
2. AUTO CAD Tutorials and Manual- Autodesk Work Book on AUTO CAD Level I and II, CAD/CAM
Centre, Coimbatore
3. Gurucharan Singh and Jagdish Singh, “Building Planning, Designing and scheduling”, Standard Publishers,
New Delhi, 2001
4. IS: 962 – 1967, Code of Practice for Architectural and Building Drawing, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
5. IS: 3021 – 1983, Specification for Timber Door, Window and Ventilator Frames, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi
6. IS: 1003 – 1977, Part I, II Specification for Timber Panelled and Glazed Shutters, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi
7. Revit Package Manual

2014 School of Civil Engineering


Co-requisite: 14CE2007: Soil Mechanics

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
To determine the index and engineering properties of soil
To classify the soil according to IS

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Explain the multiphase nature of soils and to derive quantities relating to the volumes and masses of the
different phases of a soil
Describe and classify soils according to Indian Standard
Determine and describe the engineering properties of soils from tests and basic theories

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Lambe, T.W., “Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990.
2. IS 2720-1983, “Indian Standard Code of Practice: Methods of tests for Soil”, Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi


Co-requisite: 14CE2008 Water and Waste Water Engineering

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
To make the students conversant with the experimental procedures for quantitative estimation of water
quality parameters
To give hands on training on the testing of wastewater quality

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Recall the characteristics of water and wastewater
Examine the water quality parameters
Categorize the water samples according to BIS standards
Recommend for necessary water or wastewater treatment required

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Sawyer, N.C., and McCarty, P.L., “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 2003.
2. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water”, APHA- AWWAWPCF, latest
Edn.,Washington (D.C). 1995

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
• To give hands on training in testing of cement and aggregates
• To give hands on training in testing of concrete and highway materials
• To impart knowledge on mix design procedures

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Test all the concrete materials as per IS code
Design the concrete mix using ACI and IS code methods
Determine the properties of fresh and hardened of concrete
Measure the physical properties of the bitumen

Destructive and non destructive tests on constituents of concrete - Tests on aggregates, bitumen and bituminous

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Shetty, M. S., “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi, 2005
2. Gambhir, M.L., “Concrete Technology – Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd, New
Delhi, 2009
3. IS 2386 – 1963 Part I, III, “Methods of test for aggregate for concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
4. IS 516 – 1959,” Method of test for strength of concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. IS 10262-2009, “IS standard for recommended guidelines for concrete mix design”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.


Pre-requisite: 14CE2011 Structural Analysis

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
To give hands on training on Matlab Programming
To analyze and design various structural elements using STAAD Pro

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Create ‘c’ programs for analysis and design of structures
Develop spreadsheets in Ms Excel to solve problems in civil engineering
Formulate programs and spreadsheets for economical design of structures

Developing Matlab program for the design of structural elements – Project management software - Analysis of
structures using STAAD Pro software

2014 School of Civil Engineering

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Rudra Pratap, “Getting Started with MATLAB”, Oxford University Press, 2002
2. STAAD Pro Package Manual


Pre-requisite: 14CE2009 Reinforced Concrete Structures

14CE2013 Design of Steel Structures

Credit: 0:0:2

Course objectives:
To design and detail RCC structures
To design and detail steel structures

Course outcomes:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Summarize the reinforcement detailing in the field
Design various structures for the requirements of the society as per IS codes
Develop the reinforcement detailing for various structures for various structures

Detailed design of the reinforced concrete structures and drawing using software - Detailed design of the steel
structures and drawing using software

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Dayaratnam P., “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, Oxford & IBH Publishers & Co., New Delhi,
2. Victor, D.J., “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford & IBH Publishers Co., New Delhi. 2009
3. IS456-2006 Code of practice for Plain and reinforced concrete code of practice.
4. SP-34-1987, Handbook on Reinforcement and Detailing.
5. SP 6: Part 1: 1964, Handbook for Structural Engineers - Structural steel sections.
6. IS 800-2007, “General Construction in Steel - Code of Practice”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
To impart techniques of estimation of buildings, roads and irrigation structures
To introduce the concepts of rate analysis

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Execute rate analysis of various works in construction
Estimate the total construction cost of the structure

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Estimate of buildings - Estimate of road, sanitary and retaining structures - Specification and tenders – Valuation -
Report preparation

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Dutta.B.N, “Estimating and Costing”, UBS Publications, 2005.
2. Rangawala..S.C., “Estimating and Costing”, Charotar Anand, 2002.
3. IS 1200-1 (1992): Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works, Part- 1: Earthwork
[CED 44: Methods of Measurement of Works of Civil Engineering]
4. IS: 1200 - 1974- Parts 1 to 25, Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works, Bureau
of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Pre-requisite: 14CE2008 Water and Waste Water Engineering

14CE2011 Water Resources Engineering

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
The purpose of this course is to impart the knowledge about the design of irrigation and environmental
engineering structures
To get hands-on experience in drawing of irrigation and environmental engineering structures

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
design and drawing of various irrigation structures
Match the requirements of irrigation design engineers in large and small consulting firms, and at all levels
of government and Private sectors

Design of major irrigation works to be worked out and detailed drawings using software- Design of major
environmental engineering works to be worked out and detailed drawings using software.

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Ellis, W.M., College of Engineering Manual: Irrigation, The Textile Institute Publishers, 2012.
2. Santosh Kumar Garg., “A Text Book of water supply Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, 2010


Credit: 0:0:1

Course Objective:
To study the basic practices in civil engineering construction

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Course Outcome
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Inspect electrical and plumbing work for buildings and factories
Explain the bar bending schedule to supervisors
Select appropriate flooring for building work

Plumbing and electrical services - Welding joints - Bar bending - Brickwork –plastering- floor finish

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and
notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Saravanapandian M, Pranitha S, Jeyapoovan T., “Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual”, VRB
Publishers Private Ltd 2009
2. Jeyachandran.K., Natarajan.S. and Balasubramanian.S., “A Primer on Engineering Practices Laboratory”,
Anuradha Publications, 2007.
3. Bawa.H.S., “Workshop Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007.
4. Rajendra Prasad.A. and Sarma.P.M.M.S., “Workshop Practice”, Sree Sai Publication, 2002.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To introduce the concepts of management, resources and construction planning
• To introduce the labour laws, principle of accounting
• To introduce fundamentals and concepts of computer applications in construction management

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Manage the resources and labours in the construction
Plan the construction projects
Estimate the cost of the projects and evaluate the tenders

Management Principles –Functions – Construction Management - Quantity method of management- management by
network analysis and control – CPM/PERT - control by graphical representation, by bill of quantities and by
network analysis - Tender and tender documents- Definition - calling of tenders - tender documents - submission of
tenders - processing of tenders - negotiations and settlement of contracts – Contracts –Arbitration- Software
applications in Recording and Operations – Environment health and safety (EHS)

1. Seetharaman, S., “Construction Engineering and Management”, Umesh Publications, 2007.
2. Sengupta, B., and Guha, H., “Construction Management and Planning”, Tata McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
3. Rana,V.K., “Construction Management Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co.,2000.
4. Chitkara, K.K., “Construction Project Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co., 2000.
5. Sharma, J.L., “Construction Management and Accounts”, Sathya Prakashan, New Delhi, 2011.

2014 School of Civil Engineering


Pre-requisite: 14CE2009 Reinforced Concrete Structures

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study the design on structural components
To study design of bridges for IRC loadings

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Adopt the design methods
Design the advanced reinforced concrete structures like brideges, corbels etc.
Verify the structural stability.

Design of flat slab- components - BIS codal recommendations, direct tension method - Equivalent frame method –
Design of box culverts and road bridges (slab and T beam) as per IRC codal provisions – Design of Corbels and
brackets – Design of deep beam, grid floor – Design of RCC domes

1. Unnikrishna Pillai and Devdas Menon, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd. 2003
2. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2000
3. Punmia.B.C., Ashok, K. Jain., Arun.K.Jain , “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Laxmi
Publications (P). 2007
4. Krishna Raju, N, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
5. IS 456-2000, “Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
6. SP 16-1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
7. IRC Bridge Codes, IRC-21 and Pigeaud's charts


Pre-requisite: 14CE2010: Structural Analysis

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To impart knowledge about arches, suspension bridges and space trusses
To analyze indeterminate structures using flexibility and stiffness method
To determine shear centre and analyze curved
To apply analysis to Civil Engineering Structures

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Demonstrate the basic concept of numerical analysis and formulation of analytical models of structure
Identify degrees of freedom and formulate flexibility and stiffness matrix
Interpret the concept of structural stability and its significance in structural design
Apply the theoretical concepts in computer applications for structural analyses

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Arches-parabolic and semi circular arches- cables and suspension bridges - Analysis of space trusses – Matrix
flexibility method – Determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames-Matrix stiffness method- Determinate
and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames - curved beams.

1. Norris and Wilber, “Elementary Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2005.
2. Punmia, B.C., Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, “Theory of structures”, Laxmi Publications, New
Delhi, 2004.
3. Reddy, C.S., “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2005.
4. Vaidyanathan, R. and Perumal, P., “Structural Analysis”, Vol.1 & 2, Laxmi Publications New Delhi,2004.
5. Pandit, G.S. and Gupta, S.P., “Structural Analysis – A Matrix Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd., 2006.
6. Wang, C.K., “Intermediate Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2010


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study about the constituents of concrete
To study the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
To understand the concepts of mix design methods

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Understand about concrete making materials, properties of fresh and hardened concrete
Apply the concepts of durability of concrete, special concretes and non- destructive testing of concrete
Design the concrete mixes by various mix design methods
concrete mixes by various mix design methods

Concrete- Constituents: cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates, Admixtures: chemical and mineral,
Properties, Compositions and Tests - Properties of Fresh Concrete- workability, segregation, bleeding, mixing
compaction and curing - strength and durability studies on Hardened Concrete - Mix Design: BIS, ACI and BS
method - special concrete: light weight concrete, ready mix concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, Aerated concrete, No
fines concrete, high strength concrete, ferrocement, high performance concrete, shortcrete, pumped concrete,
preplaced concrete - repair and rehabilitation.

1. Neville, A.M., "Concrete Technology", Longman Scientific & Technical, 2005.
2. Gambhir, M.L., Concrete Technology, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi, 2004
3. Shetty, M.S., "Concrete Technology", S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2013
4. Santhakumar A.R, “Concrete Technology” Oxford University press, Jai Singh road, Delhi, 2006
5. Adam Neville, ”Concrete: Neville’s insights and issues”, Thomas Telford Books, 2006


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To introduce to the student the phenomena of earthquakes, the process, measurements and the factors that
affects the design of structures in seismic areas.
To introduce the concepts of seismic design of buildings
To understand codal provisions and the aseismic design methodology.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Apply the basic concept of seismic design of concrete structures.
Adopt design methods for various structures.
Theory of vibrations – One degree, two degree of freedom system with and without damping- free and forced
vibration-Response spectrum- Seismology-Plate tectonics- lessons from past earthquakes-seismic zone map of
India- Seismic analysis of RCC and steel building using codal provision- improving seismic resistance of masonry
buildings-strong column-week beam concept- Ductile detailing - Seismic strengthening and Structural control
methods –Base isolation, bracings, dampers.

1. Pankaj Aggarwal, Manish Shrikande, “Earthquake resistant design of structures”, Prentice Hall of India,
Delhi, 2006
2. Anil K. Chopra, “Dynamics of structures- Theory and applications to earthquake engineering”, Prentice
hall of India, New Delhi, 2007
3. Mario Paz, M., “Structural Dynamics – Theory & Computation”, CSB Publishers & Distributors, Shahdara,
Delhi, 2004
4. NPEEE Publications, 2005
5. Roy R Craig Jr, Andrew J Kurdila., ”Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics”, John Wiley and Sons, 2011
6. IS1893:2002, Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
7. IS 13920:1993, Ductile detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to seismic forces, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To learn about water supply and sanitation arrangements in a building
To understand the essentials of electrical installations in a building
To get an exposure to air conditioning and fire safety arrangement
To pioneer the concepts of intelligent building

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Explain different services required for building
Classify different types of air conditioning systems.
Plan electrical, sanitation and air conditioning system in the building

Building Sanitation and Byelaws- septic and sewage treatment plant-Rain water harvesting - Electrical Installations
in Buildings-wiring system-main and distribution boards, transformers, switch gears-lighting design - Air
Conditioning System and Applications- Natural and artificial ventilation - Fire Safety control measures and
Regulations - Introduction to Intelligent buildings- building automation- green buildings, Smart buildings.

1. Arceivala, S. J., "Wastewater Treatment for Pollution Control", Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd edition 2006.
2. Bajwa G. S., “Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering”, Deep Publishers, Shimla, 2003.
3. National Building Code-Part VIII Building Services- Section 4, Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise
Control- Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2005.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

4. IS: 2526 – 1963 (reaffirmed 1996) Code of Practice for Acoustical Design of auditoriums and Conference
Hall- Ninth reprint December 1998 (incorporating Amendment No: 1) New Delhi.
5. Shengwei Wang, “Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation”, Spon Press, London, 2009.


Credit: 0:0:2

Pre-requisite: 14CE2031 Concrete Technology

14CE2009 Reinforced Concrete Structures

Course Objective:
To learn the concepts of mix design
To understand the flexural behaviour of RCC and steel beam by experimental Investigation
To get an exposure on NDT methods

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Experiment with RCC and Steel beam and column
Determine the behaviour of concrete materials
Design the mix proportions of concrete

Mix Design - High performance concrete – behavior of beams, columns, slabs – NDT Tests – Steel beam, column
test – joints test - frame test.

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 3 and Part 5
2. IS 2386 – I, II – Methods for test of aggregates for Concrete, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
3. IS 10262 Indian Standard code for Concrete Mix Design, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi


Credit: 0:0:2

Pre-requisite: 14CE2010: Structural Analysis

14CE2009: Reinforced Concrete structures
14CE2013: Design of Steel Structures

Course Objective:
To analyze and design various structural elements using SAP/ETABs and Matlab
To analyze the structural elements using ANSYS Software

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Model 2D and 3D building frames using STAAD
Analyse the RCC and steel building frame
Design the structural elements

Analysis of structures using SAP/ETABs, Matlab

2014 School of Civil Engineering

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. SAP / ETABS Package Manual
2. ANSYS Package Manual
3. Matlab Manual


Pre-requisite: 14CE2009: Reinforced Concrete structures

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study the design of Prefabricated structural components and its joints
To study the design of prefabricated structures subjected to dynamic forces

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Adopt the prefabrication technique and methodology of residential structures
Adopt the prefabrication technique of various industrial structures

Prefabrication and its components - Modular co-ordination- standardization systems- production- transportation-
erection- Behaviour of Structural components- construction of roof and floor slabs-wall panels-columns-shear walls
- Design principles- Disuniting of structures- Design of cross section based on efficiency of material used - Joints in
Structural members - Design for dynamic forces – Progressive collapse-Equivalent design loads for considering
abnormal effects such as earthquake, cyclones, explosions and fire

1. John D. Quale., “Sustainable, Affordable, Prefab: The EcoMOD Project”, University of Virginia Press,
2. Gerostiza C.Z., Hendrikson C. and Rehat D.R., “Knowledge based process planning for construction and
manufacturing”, Academic Press Inc., 2012
3. Koncz T., “Manual of precast concrete construction”, Vols. I, II and III, Bauverlag, GMBH, 1971.
4. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures”, Wiley, 2013
5. Colin Davies., “The Prefabricated Home”, Reaktion Books, 2005


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives
To study the design of advanced types of framed connections
To study the concepts and design of pre-engineered buildings
To study the analysis and design of towers and chimneys
To understand the behaviour of composite members and design the composite slab, beam and column

Course outcomes:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Classify different types of bolted and welded joints
Design the steel beam and columns

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Plan, analyse and design the industrial building

Design of bolted and welded connections for framed structures and advanced connections – stiffened and
unstiffened seat connections - Design of Industrial bents, sway and non-sway frames, Gable column, purlins and
bracings – Analysis and design of Towers and Chimneys - Design of Steel Concrete Composite Beams and
Columns – IS and Euro codal provisions – ultimate load theory – design of shear connectors – Composite deck slab

1. Subramanian N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008
2. Duggal S.K, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2010
3. “Teaching Resources for Structural Steel Design – Vol. I & II”, INSDAG, Kolkatta, 2003
4. IS 800-2007, Code of practice for general construction in steel, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. Johnson R.P., "Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete", Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2004


Credit: 3:0:0

Pre-requisite: 14CE2009 Water and Waste water engineering

Course Objective:
• To know the effects, importance and fundamental methods in Industrial waste treatment
• To impart knowledge about disposal of effluents and the standards for disposal

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Select suitable method for industrial waste treatment and disposal
Design industrial waste treatment plant
Determine the water quality

Effects of industrial wastes on environment, waste minimization techniques: volume and strength reduction -
Physical, chemical and biological treatment of industrial sewage, advanced wastewater treatment – manufacturing
process, wastewater characteristics and treatment processes of major industries - Effluent standards and legislations,
zero discharge concepts - environmental protection act – Air Act – Water Act – Wetland Regulatory Notification
and Coastal Zone Regulation.

1. Rao, M.N. and Dutta, “Waste Water Treatment”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Ltd. Calcutta, 2008
2. Eckenfelder, W.W., “Industrial Waste Pollution Control”, McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi 2003
3. Nemerow, N.L., “Theory and Principles of Industrial Waste Treatment”, Addison Wesley, Reading Mass,
4. Water Environment Federation., “Industrial Wastewater Management Treatment and Disposal 3E”, Mc
Graw Hill, 2008
5. Frank Woodard., “Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To educate the students on the principles involved in the management of municipal solid waste and
hazardous wastes – from source identification up to disposal.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Involved the principles in management of municipal solid waste and hazardous wastes from source
identification up to disposal
Select municipal solid waste collection and treatment methods
Develop skills to undertake major projects related to municipal solid waste management

Types and sources of solid waste, integrated waste management, legislations on municipal solid waste, hazardous
wastes, biomedical wastes - Composition, physical, chemical and biological properties of solid waste, Source
reduction, recycling and reuse - Storage, collection and transport of solid waste, handling of hazardous waste and its
transport - Material separation and processing technologies - biological, chemical and thermal conversion and
disposal – treatment of biomedical wastes.

1. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel, A. Vigil, “Integrated Solid Waste Management”,
McGraw- Hill International edition, New York, 2012.
2. “CPHEEO Manual on Municipal Solid waste management”, Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organisation, Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Micheael, D. LaGrega, Philip, L. Buckingham, Jeffrey, C. E., “Environmental Resources Management,
Hazardous waste Management”, McGraw-Hill International edition, New York, 2001.
4. Vesilind, P.A., Worrell, W and Reinhart, “Solid waste Engineering”, Thomson Learning Inc., Singapore,
5. Jagbir Singh, A. L Ramanathan, “Solid Waste Management Present and future Challenges”, IK
International, 2010


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To educate the students the chemistry of water, air and soil and the microbiology of the environment.

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Assess the chemical reactions in the atmosphere
List the micro-organisms in air, water and soil
Analyse the reduction and sorption in aquatic environment

Chemical reactions, Chemical equilibrium and thermodynamics, Instrumental methods - chromatographic and
spectroscopic techniques - Complex formation, oxidation, reduction and sorption in aquatic environment - Chemical
and photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, photochemical smog, green house gases and global warming -
Distribution of microorganisms in water, air and soil, indicator organisms, metabolism of microorganisms, isolation
of microorganisms.

1. Sawyer C.N, MacCarty P.L and Parkin G.F, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science”,
Tata McGraw-Hill, Fifth edition, New Delhi, 2002
2. Vanloon G.W and Duffy S.J “Environmental chemistry – a global perspective”, Oxford University press,
New York., 2000.
3. Pradipta K Mohapatra.,”Environmental Microbology”, I K International, 2008
4. Anita Rajor.,” Practical Methods for Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology”, Krishna Prakashan
Ltd. Meerut, 2002
5. Mehrotra And Sumbali, “Principles of Microbiology”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2009

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To educate the students on various methods of control of particulate and gaseous air pollutants

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Classify different types of pollutants
Analyse the possibilities of air pollution and control
Measure the noise and develop the standard’s for control

Sources and classification of pollutants and their effects on human health, vegetation and property, emission
standards, atmospheric stability, atmospheric diffusion theories - plume rise – Methods for the control of particulate
and gaseous contaminants, operational considerations and monitoring - Process modification for the minimization of
automobile pollution, Technical and Economic Feasibility of emerging technologies for air pollution control, indoor
air quality, noise measurements and standards – Radioactive pollution and its control.

1. Rao C S, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International (p) Limited, 2006.
2. Lawrence K.Wang, Norman C Perelra, Yung-Tse Hung, “Air Pollution Control Engineering”, Tokyo,
3. David H.F Liu, Bela G.Liptak “Air Pollution”, Lewis Publishers, 2000.
4. Anjaneyulu.Y, “Air Pollution and Control Technologies”, Allied Publishers (P) Ltd, India, 2002.
5. Mudakavi, J R, “Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control and Analysis” IK International, 2010


Pre-requisite: 14CE2012: Water Resources Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To appreciate the global climate change scenario, causes and consequences
• To learn about climate change modelling

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
List the factors affecting global climate change
Analyze the impacts of global climate change
Explain the importance of water

Concept of Global Climate: cliamte in the spot light- the earth’s natural green house effect- Green house gases- vital
importance of monsoon rains, clouds, storms and climate- Causes for climate change: Patterns of large-scale
variability - Influences and feedbacks of hydrological changes on climate- Climate Modelling - Potential
consequences and impacts of climate change- Water-related adaptation to climate change in the fields of Ecosystems
and biodiversity- Agriculture and food security, land use and forestry, Human health, water supply and sanitation,
infrastructure and Economy (insurance, tourism, industry and transportation) -Adaptation, vulnerability and
sustainable development.

1. Singh, K. P., “Geomorphology and global climate change”, 2011.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

2. Thomas R Karl , Jerry Melillo., “Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States”, U S Global Change
Research. 2009
3. Syed M. H., “Climate Change”. Daya Publishing House, 2009
4. Syed M.H, Encyclopaedia of SAARC Nations, Gyan Publishing House, 2003
5. Alper Baba, Gökmen Tayfur, “Climate Change and Its Effects on Water Resources” Springer Publishers,


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To expose the students to the natural and manmade disasters
• To train the students to study the effect of disasters and methods to mitigate disasters.

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Students exposed to the natural and manmade disasters
Develop the mitigate methods for various disasters
Adopt the disaster management strategies.

Types and effects of natural disasters, climate change: sea level rise and global warming, ozone layer depletion -
Types of man-made disasters, effects on the environment, types of accidents - Mitigation of natural disaster, national
disaster management framework, financial arrangements, community based organizations, role of central, state,
district and armed forces in disaster response, police and other organizations - Skills and strategies for disaster
preparedness, reconstruction and rehabilitation, risk-time charts

1. Iyengar, C.B.R.I., “Natural Hazards in the Urban Habitat” , Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2001.
2. Jon Ingletone, “Natural Disaster management”, Tulor Rose, 1999.
3. Singh, R.B., “Disaster Management”, Rawat Publications, 2000.
4. Sachindra Narayan, “Anthropology of Disaster management”, Gyan Publishing House, 2000
5. Damon P. Coppola, “Introduction to International Disaster Management”, Elsevier Publication, 2011


Pre-requisite: 14CE2021: Environmental Engineering Lab

Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective:
To give hands-on training on the site as well as laboratory methods of water and wastewater analysis
To educate the students on the analysis of chemical and biological parameters of water and wastewater

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Estimate the BOD and COD in water samples
Analyse the chemical properties of water and waste water
Classify the heavy metals in waste water

Physical analysis of water and wastewater - Chemical analysis of water and wastewater - Estimation of BOD and
COD of wastewater samples - Analysis of heavy metals in water - Bacteriological analysis of water and wastewater

2014 School of Civil Engineering

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Sawyer, N.C., and McCarty, P.L., “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 2002.
2. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, APHA-AWWAWPCF, Washington
(D.C), 2012.

14CE2045 - GIS LAB

Credits: 0:0:1

Course Objectives:
To give hands-on training on the applications of GIS in the context of water resources

Course Outcome:
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Analyse the geo spatial maps and related data
Model geographical information system
Manage land and water resources

Map processing - Spatial analysis - Assessment of water quality and quantity - land use – land cover changes

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and
notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Lillesand, T. M. and Kiefer, R. W. “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”., Third Edition. John Wiley
and Sons, New York, Fifth Edition 2003.
2. Basudeb Bhatta. “Remote Sensing and GIS”. Oxford University Press. 2nd Edition 2011.
3. Lo C P Yeung, K W Albert, “Concepts and Techniques of GIS”, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
4. Michael N. Demers, “Fundamentals of GIS with Lab Manual Set”, John Wiley & Sons, 2000


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
• To give an in-depth knowledge on properties of smart materials and their use in structures.

Course Outcome
Students at the end of the course will be able to
Select the smart materials for smart structures
Apply the smart materials in the construction
Design the smart structures using smart materials

Properties of smart materials- mechanisms and properties - fiber optic strain sensors, vibration absorbers- vibration
characteristics of mistuned systems strain measuring techniques control systems: classical control, modern control,
optimal control and digital control - active structures in practice, Application of smart materials in bridges, high rise
structures – structural health monitoring - concept of smart concrete.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

1. Srinivasan, A.V., and Michael McFarland. D., “Smart Structures – Analysis and Design”, Cambridge
University Press, 2001.
2. Brian Culshaw, “Smart Structures and Materials”, Artech House, Boston, 1996.
3. Donald J. Leo, “Engineering Analysis of Smart Material Systems” John Wiley & Sons. 2007
4. Hartmut Janocha, “Adaptronics and Smart Structures: Basics, Materials, Design, and Applications”,
Springer, 2007
5. Brebbia C. A, Samartin A., “Computational methods for smart structures and materials - II”, WIT
Press/Computational Mechanics Publications, 2000


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To study the stress and strain analysis of 2D and 3D problems and torsion
To have a brief introduction to failure criteria and elasto-plastic problems of beams in bending, pressure
vessels and torsion

Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
apply the concept of advanced structural mechanics in real time structures

Analysis of stress and strain in three dimensional cartesian coordinates, generalized Hook’s law, formulation of
elasticity problems, two dimensional problems in rectangular and polar co-ordinates,torsion of non-prismatic bars
and thin walled open and closed sections, Yield criteria, elasto–plastic problems –Beams in bending, cylinders
subjected to internal pressure and torsion of bars.

1. Sadhu Singh., "Theory of Elasticity", Khanna Publishers, N.Delhi, 2013.
2. Sadhu Singh., "Theory of Plasticity and Metal forming", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.
3. Timoshenko, S and James M Gere, "Theory of Elasticity Stability", Dover Publication, 2009.
4. Chakrabarthy, J., “Theory of Plasticity”, BH publishers, 2006.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study about the constituents of concrete
To study the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
To apply new theories and testing techniques

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
understand the behaviour of the concrete
carry out the mix design by various methods and for special concrete

Concrete- Constituents: cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates, - use of various additives, production
techniques and chemical processes, degree of control over the properties of specific concretes for a wide range of
applications - New theories, models and testing techniques, Fracture mechanics of hardened concrete, advanced

2014 School of Civil Engineering

cementitious composites, production of durable, economical and sustainable concrete – Non destructive testing of

1. John Newman, B S Choo,. “Advanced Concrete Technology 2: Concrete Properties”, Butterworth-
Heinemann. 2003
2. Murari Lal Gambhir, “Concrete Technology: Theory and Practice” Tata McGraw-Hill Education. , 2013
3. Nayak N. V., Jain A. K., “Handbook on Advanced Concrete Technology”, Alpha Science International,
Limited, 2012
4. Zongjin Li. “Advanced Concrete Technology”, John Wiley & Sons. 2011


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To enable the student to understand the concept of optimization
To enable them apply optimization concept to different civil engineering problems

Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
carry out cost optimization of structures using different methods
apply the knowledge in designing real time problems

Concepts of minimum weight - minimum cost design, constrained and unconstrained optimization techniques, linear
and non-linear programming- simplex algorithm, geometric programming, dynamic programming, Non-
conventional optimization techniques-genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic
in civil engineering. Optimal design of beams, frames and trusses.

1. Rao, S.S., “Engineering Optimization, Theory and Practice”, New Age International (p) Ltd., New Delhi,
2. David. W. A Rees., “Mechanics of Optimal Structural Design: Minimum Weight Structures”, John Wiley
and Sons, 2009
3. Rajasekaran,S. and Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and GeneticAlgorithm”, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 2003.
4. Kalyanmoy Deb., “Multi-Objective Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithm”, John Wiley and Sons,


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To understand the behavior of structural elements
To study the design of special structures

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
apply knowledge to analyse and design statically indeterminate structures

Limit State Design of Beams for Shear, Torsion and Bond - Composite column and Tubular column - Design of
Bunkers and Silos - design of RCC chimney - cooling tower and nuclear structures - Limit Analysis and Design of

2014 School of Civil Engineering

isotropically and orthotropically reinforced slabs of various shapes - Design of flat slabs, Limit Analysis and Design
of Statically Indeterminate Structures - Check on rotation capacity - Grid floors - Shells and folded plates of simple

1. Bhavikatti S.S, “Advanced RCC Design”, New age International Pvt. Ltd. 2006.
2. Varghese, P.C., "Advanced Reinforced concrete structures ", Prentice – Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi 2003.
3. Krishnaraju,N., "Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design", CBS publications, New Delhi 2005.
4. Punmia B.C “Advanced RCC Design”, Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd”, 2006.
5. James K. Wright, James Grierson MacGregor, “Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (4th Edition),
Pearson Education Limited, 2012


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To impart knowledge free and forced vibration SDOF, MDOF and distributed parameter

Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
carry out vibration studies and their importance to structural engineering problems
analyze multi storied buildings subjected to dynamic loads

Principles of dynamics, single degree of freedom- damped and undamped free and forced vibration –
transmissibility - response to general dynamic loading (blast or earthquake), two degrees of freedom systems,
normal modes of vibration –vibration absorber, mathematical modeling of multiple degree of freedom system- shear
building,free vibration of undamped system- orthogonality of normal modes, solution of eigen value problem,
distributed parameter system, solution for equilibrium equations in dynamics

1. Clough, R.,W., and Penzien, "Dynamics of Structures", McGraw Hill Book Co Ltd, 1986.
2. Paz Mario, "Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation", CBS publishers, US, 1999.
3. Anil K. Chopra, “Dynamics of Structures” (4th Edition), Prentice Hall; 2011
4. Roy R. Craig, Andrew J. Kurdila., "Fundamentals Structural Dynamics ", John Wiley and Sons, UK, 2011.
5. Thomson, W.T., "Theory of Vibrations with applications", Prentice Hall of India, 2008.
6. Humar J. “Dynamics of Structures”, Third Edition, CRC Press, 2012


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To understand the basic concept of finite element for one, two, and three dimensional finite elements
To study the various finite element procedures and solution techniques for linear and nonlinear structures.

Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
• analyze the discrete and continuum problems using finite element method.

Concept of finite element - variational and weighted residual methods - convergence and compatibility
requirements - elements for trusses - beams and frames - stress and strain analysis of two dimensional planar
problems - concept of shape functions - triangular elements - rectangular elements - iso-parametric elements stress

2014 School of Civil Engineering

analysis (three dimensional elements): numerical integration techniques plate and shell elements - finite strip method
nonlinear - vibration and thermal problems, meshing and solution problems - auto and adaptive mesh generation
techniques .

1. Robert D.Cook, e tal, “ Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Singapore, 2007
2. Bathe. K.J., "Finite Element Procedure", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Zienkiewicz O. C., Robert Leroy Taylor., "The Finite Element Method Vol. 1 & 2", McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York, 2005
4. Tirupathi, R.Chandrupatla and Ashok, D. Belegundu., "Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering",
Prentice Hall of India Private Limited., New Delhi, 2004.
5. Rajasekaran, S., "Finite Element Methods in Engineering Design", S.Chand& Co Ltd., NewDelhi, 2003.
5. Mukhopadhyay, M., "Matrix, Finite Element Computer and Structural Analysis", Oxford & IBH publishing
Co., Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1993.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To introduce about the seismology
To introduce the concepts of seismic design of buildings

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
analyse and detail buildings for seismic resistance
apply knowledge to strengthen the existing buildings

Engineering seismology - lessons learnt from past earthquakes - conceptual design considerations - seismic methods
of analysis - lateral load analysis using codal provisions - principles of earthquake resistant design - ductility
consideration of earthquake design of RC buildings - capacity based design, behavior and design of shear wall in
earthquake - seismic design of masonry buildings - seismic behaviour of steel structures - design of steel structures -
response control concepts, methods of retrofitting.

1. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrinkhande., “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.
2. Duggal, S.K., “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Chopra, A.K., “Dynamics of Structures - Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering”, Prentice
Hall of India private limited, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Steven, L.Kramer., “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi,
5. Naeim, F., “The Seismic Design Hand Book”, 2nd Edition, Kluwer academic publishers, London, 2001.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
• To study the various techniques for experimentation
• To study the Modeling of different structures
• To understand the various non destructive tests

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course student will be able to
Apply the knowledge to various experiments
Model complex structures for static and dynamic load
Analyze the distress in structures

Forces and strain measurement, principles and operation - vibration measurements - velocity and acceleration
measurements - digital data acquisition systems, acoustics and wind flow measurement - structural modeling -
Model analysis for concrete structures - wind tunnel, load tests on actual structures - bridges and dams - distress
measurements and control tests on beams and structures - non-destructive testing methods.

1. Arthur P. Boresi, Ken Chong, James D. Lee “Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics”, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Dalley, J.W and Riley, W.F, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York,
3. GanesanT.P., “Model Analysis of Structures”, University Press, India, 2005.
4. Sadhu Singh, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
5. William N. Sharpe, Jr., William N. Sharpe, “Springer Handbook of Experimental Solid Mechanics”,
Springer, 2008


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study the design of framed connections, pre-engineered buildings and towers and chimneys.
To understand the behaviour of composite members and design

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to
apply the codal provisions for the design of steel structural elements
design the components of pre-engineered buildings
design the composite structural members

Design for simple and moment resistant connections- welded and bolted seat connections, Limit state design of
Beams and Beam columns, lateral torsional buckling, modes of failure, Design of Industrial steel buildings, pre-
engineered buildings, Wind load analysis and Design of Towers and Stacks, Design of light gauge steel sections,
Concepts of Plastic analysis, continuous beams and portal frames.

1. N. Subramanian N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, USA, 2008
2. Dayaratnam, P., “Design of Steel Structures”, A.H.Wheeler& Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 2008
3. Arya and Ajmani, “Design of Steel Structures”, NemChand Brothers, Roorkee, 2007
4. Punmia B.C., Ashok kumar Jain and Arunkumar Jain, `Design of Steel Structures', ArihantPublications,
Bombay, 2008
5. Gray, C. S. Kent L.E Mitchell, W.A., and Godfey, W.B., "Steel Designer's manual", English Language
Book Society and Granade Publishing, London, 2003
6. Teaching Resource Materials on Steel – SERC, INSDAG, Anna University and IIT Madras

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objectives:
To get exposed to the design aspects of various types of bridges using IRC specifications and railways
To learn the concept of design of substructure for the bridges
To learn the construction and maintenance of bridges

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
design various types of bridges and substructures
carry out the construction and maintenance of buildings

Design of Concrete Bridges-slab, T-beam and- slab – arch - bow string girder types - Prestressed Concrete Bridges -
simple spans, continuous decks - Steel Bridges - Plate girder, box girder, truss and arch types - Cable stayed bridges
and suspension bridges; principles of design, aerodynamic stability and vibrations - Substructure design: piers and
abutments and Foundations - River draining works - Design of bearings - Erection techniques - Bridge maintenance
management: inventory, inspection and rehabilitation. Failures – case studies.

1. Johnson Victor, D., "Essentials of Bridge Engineering", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, Fourth
Edition, 2007.
2. Ponnuswamy, S., "Bridge Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007
3. Krishna Raju, N., "Design of Bridges", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, Third Edition, 2007.
4. Jagadeesh T.R., Jayaram M.A., “Design of Bridge Structures”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2007.


Credit: 0:0:1

Course Objective
• To introduce the application of FEM in Software Packages
• To enable the students to analyze and design various structural elements using software packages

Course Outcome
• Student capacitated to analyse and design RCC and steel structures by using software packages

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HoD and notify it
at the beginning of the semester.

1. STAAD Pro 2007 V8i Analysis Reference Manual.
2. ANSYS 11.0 Analysis Reference Manual.
3. SAP Analysis Reference Manual – “Computers and structures”.
4. Rudra Pratap, “Getting Started with MATLAB”, Oxford University Press, 2002


Credit: 0:0:2

Course Objective
• To impart basic knowledge on properties of building materials

2014 School of Civil Engineering

• To impart knowledge on concrete mix design for low strength and high strength concrete
• To study the behaviour of fresh and hardened concrete, high performance concrete
• To impart knowledge on non-destructive testing

Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
• identify the suitable materials needed for concreting
• understood the behaviour of concrete for different types of loading

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments on static and dynamic loading tests and
get the approval of HoD and notify it at the beginning of the semester.

1. Neville, A.M., "Concrete Technology", Longman Scientific & Technical, England, 2008.
2. Gambir, M.L., “Concrete Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Shetty, M.S., "Concrete Technology", S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2005.
4. Krishnaraju, N., “Design of concrete mixes", Sehgal Educational Consultants & Publishers Pvt.Ltd.,
Faridabad, 2007.


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To study the basic principles of dynamic loads
To study the behaviour of structures subjected to dynamic loads

Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
carry out analysis and design of various tall buildings and other structures subjected to various dynamic

Dynamic loads - behavior under impact and cyclic loads: concrete, steel, masonry and soil – design against
earthquakes: hydraulic structures, life line structures, terminal buildings, towers, tunnels - Inelastic earthquake
analysis of multi-storey building frames, Pushover Analysis, Design against blast and impact - design against wind
and cyclone– aero elastic and aerodynamic effect - design as per BIS code of practice including gust factor approach
– tall buildings, stacks and chimneys - Passive and active control of vibrations - new and favorable materials -
Stability of nonlinear and time varying Systems - Inverse problems in vibrations: System identification approaches.

1. Paulay,T and Priestly, M.N.J “Aseismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings”, John
Wiley and Sons, 1991.
2. Alan G. Daven Port, “Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures”, Proceedings of the Jubileum Conference
on Wind effects on Structures, Port Alegne, Brazil, pp 25-29, Balkema A.A. Publishers, 1998.
3. Virdi K. S., Matthews R, Clarke J. L, Fikry Garas, “Abnormal Loading on Structures: Experimental and
Numerical Modelling”, CRC Press. 2000
4. Theodor Krauthammer, “Modern Protective Structures”, CRC Press. 2008
5. Graham, M.L. Gladwell, “Inverse Problems in Vibration”, Springer Verlag. 2004
6. Datta T. K, “Seismic Analysis of Structures”, John Wiley & Sons (Asia). 2010

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credits 3:0:0

Course Objective
• To understand the concept of space structures
• To understand the behaviour of space structures

Course Outcome
At the end of the course student will be able to
design the space structures

Space structures - Single and multi-layer grids - Barrel vaults – Domes - Towers - Tension structures - Pneumatic
structures - Material- Protection coats for the members - Practical construction methods – Drainage - Transportation
problem - Lifting technique - corrosion protection - Maintenance and fire protection - forms of space structures -
Tensegrity frame work – Tensile structures - Pneumatic structures Prefabricated Space Structural Systems: Mero,
Space deck, Nodus, Unistrut, Triodetic, Unibat and NS truss - Node Connectors: Mero - Octatube - Nodus system –
Triodetic - Modular system – Tomo unit truss. Finite element method - Linear – Nonlinear - Collapse - Dynamic and
Stability analysis - Design of Members: Joints - Support systems – Foundations. Configuration Processing: Formian
Algebra - case studies - Failures.

1. Ramaswamy G. S, Mick Eekhout,Suresh G. R, “Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space
Frames”, Thomas Telford 2002
2. Subramanian,N. ”Space Structures: principles and Practice I” Multi Science Publishing Company 2006.
3. S. Woinowsky-Kriege, “Theory of plates and shells”, Mc Graw Hill 2003.
4. Reinhold Kienzler, Holm Altenbach, Ingrid Ott “Theories of Plates and Shells: Critical Review and New
Applications”, Springer 2013


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To provide an insight into the techniques for the analysis of tall buildings.

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
perform linear and non-linear and stability analysis of tall buildings.

Design principles and loading: methods of live load reduction - Behaviour of various structural systems: factors
affecting growth, height and structural form - high rise behavior: rigid frames, braced frames, in-filled frames, shear
walls, coupled shear walls, wall-frames, tubular, cores, outrigger braced and hybrid mega systems, modeling for
approximate analysis , computerized general three dimensional analysis, stability of tall buildings, p-delta analysis

1. Bungale S Taranath, “Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings”, McGraw Hill, 2011.
2. Bungale S. Taranath, “Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildings”, CRC Press, 2009
3. Bungale S. Taranth , “Wind and Earthquake Resistant Buildings: Structural Analysis and Design”, CRC
Press, 2005
4. Guy Nordenson, “Tall Buildings”, Museum of Modern Art. , Delhi, 2003.
5. Mark P Sarkisian, “Designing Tall Buildings: Structure as Architecture”, Routledge, 2012.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To learn the theories on wave motion
To understand the behavior and design aspects of offshore structures

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
analyze and design offshore structures

Theories of periodic wave motion - mathematical formulation of wave problem - forces due to ocean waves on
structures: wave forces on breakwaters and sea walls due to non-breaking and broken waves - wave forces on piles.
Shore protection works: natural and artificial, design of breakwaters, Functional aspects and design of piers, wharf ,
quay walls, gravity dry docks - floating dry docks - dolphins - fenders - offshore mooring buoys - offshore marine

1. Mohamed A. El-Reedy, “Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance Gulf Professional
Publishing, 2012
2. Gudmestad O.T, Holand I., Jersin E., “Design of Offshore Concrete Structures”, CRC Press. 2002
3. Ben C. Gerwick, Jr, “Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures, Third Edition, CRC Press, 2007
4. API Recommended Practice, “Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms”, American
Petroleum Institute Publication, RPZA, Dallas, 1999.


Pre-requisite: 14CE3007 Seismic Design of Structures

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To provide fundamental knowledge of soil-dynamics and seismic behavior of soils.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
apply the concept of soil dynamics for seismic design

Wave Propagation, Attenuation of stress waves – Dispersion - waves in a layered medium - Static and dynamic
characteristics of soils - Ground Response Analysis: Equivalent and nonlinear finite element approaches - soil-
structure interaction – Liquefaction - Earth Pressure: Active and passive earth pressures; Terzaghi’s passive wedge
theory, numerical methods, earth pressure measurements.; Seismic design of retaining walls - Types of earthquake
induced landslides - Evaluation of slope stability - Ground Improvement Techniques - Applications.

1. Prasad Bharat Bhushan, “Advanced Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
2. Ranjan, G. and Rao A.S.R., “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New AgeInt. Ltd., 2000
3. Kameshwara, Rao, N.S.V, “Dynamic Soil Tests & Applications”, Wheeler Publications, 2000
4. Day Robert, W., “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook”, McGraw-Hill, 2001
5. Kramer, S.L., “Geotechnical-Earthquake Engineering”, Pearson Education, 2004
6. Saran, S. “Soil Dynamics & Machine Foundation”, Galgotia Publication, 2006

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To study the design of various types of foundation.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
carry out soil investigation and selection of foundation
design various types of foundations.

Soil Investigation and Selection of foundation - Design of reinforced concrete isolated, strip, combined and strap
footings – mat foundation, pile foundations , pile load test – structural design of straight piles, structural design of
pile cap - Types and design of well foundation – lateral stability - principles of design of machine foundation design
for reciprocating machines and impact machines, vibration isolation - Foundation on expansive soils, under-reamed
pile foundation - foundation for concrete towers, chimneys, anchors- reinforced earth retaining walls.

1. Swamy Saran, “Analysis and Design of substructures”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
2. Varghese.P.C, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations” – PHI learning private limited, New Delhi –
3. Tomlinson.M.J, “Foundation Design and Construction”, Longman, Sixth Edition, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Kameswara Rao N. S. V., “Foundation Design: Theory and Practice”, John Wiley & Sons, 2010


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To understand the behaviour of steel concrete composite structures
To design composite elements and structures and their connections

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
design steel concrete composite beams, columns, trusses with connection details

Steel - concrete composite construction -IS, BS and Euro code provisions, elastic and ultimate load behavior, Design
of simply supported and continuous steel – concrete composite beams with solid deck slabs and profiled deck slabs -
Design of composite trusses and columns - Design of Connections, typical shear connectors and interaction with
concrete, Seismic behaviour of composite structures – case studies on steel-concrete composite construction in
buildings and bridges

1. Johnson, R.P., “Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete”, Blackwell Scientific Publications, UK, 2008.
2. Narayanan R., “Steel-Concrete Composite Structures”, CRC Press. 2005
3. Alain Nussbaumer, Luis Borges, Laurence Davaine, “Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures:
Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures”, John Wiley & Sons. 2012
4. INSDAG, “Design of Composite Truss for Building”, Institute for Steel Development and Growth
Publishers, Calcutta.
5. IS: 11384-1985., “Code of Practice for Composite Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete”, Bureau
of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
6. Appropriate IS, British and Euro Codes.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To understand the basic principles of stability
To understand the buckling behaviour of columns, plates and shells

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
apply the principles of stability for civil engineering structures

Concept of stability, stability criteria, static and dynamic approach stability of columns - large deflection of
columns, effect of shear on buckling, Inelastic buckling theories, beam columns: stability of frames, stability
functions, lateral stability of beams, buckling of thin-walled open sections, stability of plates, post-buckling strength,
buckling of shells, Donnel’s equation, sensitive and insensitive systems - symmetric and asymmetric bifurcation

1. Stephen P. Timoshenko, James M. Gere., "Theory of Elastic Stability", 2 nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2012.
2. Iyengar, N.G.R., "Elastic Stability of Structural Elements", Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 2007
3. Murali, L. Gambir, “Stability Analysis and Design of Structures”, Springer-Verlog, Berlin, 2004.
4. Robert Millard Jones, “Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells", Mc Graw Hill, 2006.
5. George J. Simitses, Dewey H. Hodges, “Fundamentals of Structural Stability”, Butterworth-Heinemann.
6. Chen W.F., Lui E.M, “Principles of Structural Design” CRC Press, 2005
7. Iyengar NGR, “Elastic Stability of Structural Elements”, Macmillan, 2007


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To understand the concepts of prestressing concrete structures and the design of various structural

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
analyse and design prestressed concrete structures

Prestressing systems - Analysis of prestress and bending stresses, concept of load balancing - losses of prestress,
deflection, design for flexure, shear and torsion, combined bending, torsion and transverse shear - composite
construction of prestressed and in-situ concrete, concordant cables - analysis and design of continuous beam -
Circular prestressing - partial prestressing - non-prestressed reinforcement.

1. Krishna Raju, N., "Prestressed Concrete", 4th Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi,
2. Rajagopalan.N, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Perumalsamy Balaguru, Antonio Nanni, James Giancaspro, “FRP Composites for Reinforced and
Prestressed Concrete Structures: A Guide to fundamentals and design for repair and retrofit”, CRC
Press. 2008
4. Loo/Chowdhury, “Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete: Analysis and Design with Emphasis on
application of AS 3600 – 2009”, Cambridge University Press., 2010
5. Rajagopalan N, “Prestressed Concrete”, CRC Press. 2002

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To provide an insight to the techniques for the analysis and design of industrial buildings

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
perform the analysis and design of industrial buildings

Functional Requirements of industrial buildings, Design and detailing of R.C. gable frames, corbels, bunkers, silos
and chimneys - North light roofs - Cooling towers -Application of prefabrication techniques, gantry girders, steel
bunkers, silos and chimneys - High pressure boilers and piping design. Design of nuclear containment structures,
power transmission structures: cables, transmission line towers - Substation structures - Tower foundations – Design
of machine foundations.

1. Mohamed A. El-Reedy, “Construction Management and Design of Industrial Concrete and Steel
Structures”, CRC Press, 2010
2. Bhavikatti S.S, “Design of Steel Structures” (By Limit State Method As Per Is: 800 2007), I. K.
International Pvt Ltd, 2009
3. Sp32: 1986 - Handbook on “Fundamental Requirements of Industrial Buildings (Lighting and
Ventilation)”, BIS.
4. Dayaratnam, P., "Design of Steel Structures", A.H. Wheeler & Co., Ltd., Allahabad, 1999.
5. Duggal, “Design of Steel Structure” - 3E, Tata McGraw-Hill Education., 2009
6. Somerville G., “The Design Life of Structures”, CRC Press.2003


Credit: 3:0:0

Course Objective
To know the prefabrication technique of various structural components

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
design various Prefabricated buildings

Principles of prefabrication - Transportation, Erection - Analysis and design of prefabricated floors, stairs, roofs and
joints, walls: leak prevention - joint sealant and sandwich wall panels - materials, erection and joining techniques
used in precast construction, design for handling and erection stresses - prefabricated roof for industrial sheds -
precast roof trusses, roof panels, crane-gantry girders, corbels, columns and wind bracing - joints between columns
and foundations

1. Maurice Levitt, “Precast Concrete: Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage”, Taylor and Francis
Group, 2007.
2. Lasslo Mokk, "Prefabricated concrete for Industrial and Public sectors", Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 2004.
3. “Seismic Design of Precast Concrete Building Structures: State-of-art Report”, edited by International
Federation for Structural Concrete, FIB - Féd. Int. du Béton. 2003
4. Kim Elliott, “Prefabricated concrete structures”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Credit : 3:0:0

Course Objective
To enable the student to understand the structural behavior of plates and shells
To enable the student to analyze and design different types of shells and folded plates

Course Outcome
Student enabled to analyze and design shells and folded plate roofs

Classical theory of plates - levy and naviers solution of plates - small deflection theory of plates -analysis of laterally
loaded (concentrically loaded) plates: circular thin plates with simply supported or clamped edges - Design of folded
plate roof, design of shells: spherical shell, conical shell, paraboloid - ellipsoid. R.C. Cylindrical shell, prestressed
Cylindrical shells, hyperbolic paraboloid shell, design of R C north-light shells

1. S. Woinowsky-Kriege “Theory of plates and shells”, Mc Graw Hill 2003.
2. Reinhold Kienzler, Holm Altenbach, Ingrid Ott “Theories of Plates and Shells: Critical Review and New
Applications”, Springer 2013
3. Farshad M, ”Design and Analysis of Shell Structures” Springer 2010
4. “Design of Cylindrical concrete shell roofs", Manual of Engineering Practice No.31 ASCE, New York,
5. Varghese PC, “Design of Reinforced Concrete Shells and Folded Plates”, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2010


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objective:
To give the concept of Energy efficient buildings with the holistic approach
To acquaint the students with the international assessment systems and documentation procedure
To be aware of the economic benefits of High performance buildings

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
document and assess the energy efficient building
Evaluate the economic performance of buildings as related to their resource-consumption and
environmental performance.

Energy efficient building concepts and materials - the integrated design process - documentation requirements -
Sustainable sites and landscaping- Indoor environment quality – building water and waste management - Green
building implementation and assessment (IGBC and LEED standards) of residential building, Industrial building and
commercial building – Planning - Site protection- health and safety- waste management - reducing the footprint of
construction operations - maximizing the value of building commissioning in HVAC System, lighting and non
mechanical Systems - Evaluation of existing buildings and recommendations for improvement- Managing initial
costs- cost barrier in project management- long-term environmental benefits.

1. Jerry Yudelson, “Green building A to Z, Understanding the Language of Green Building”, New Society
Publishers, Canada, 2007.
2. Jerry Yudelson, “Green Building through Integrated Design”, McGraw Hill, USA, 2009
3. Means, R.S., “Green Building: Project Planning and Cost Estimating”, Wiley, Kingston, 2006.

2014 School of Civil Engineering

4. Charles J. Kibert, “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, 2nd Edition, Wiley,
New Jersey, 2007.
5. Green building guidelines: Meeting the Demand for Low-energy, Resource-Efficient homes. Sustainable
Buildings Industry Council, Washington, D.C., 2004.


Credits: 3: 0: 0

Course Objective:
To study the design of Prefabricated structural components and its joints
To study the design of prefabricated structures subjected to dynamic forces

Course Outcome:
At the end of this course the student shall be able to appreciate modular construction, industrialized construction and
shall be able to design some of the prefabricated elements and also have the knowledge of the construction methods
using these elements.

Unit I Introduction
Need for prefabrication – Principles – Materials – Modular coordination – Standardization Systems – Production –
Transportation – Erection

Unit II Prefabricated Components

Behaviour of structural components – Construction of roof and floor slabs – Wall panels – Columns – Shear walls

Unit III Design Principles

Disuniting of structures- Design of cross section based on efficiency of material used – Problems in design because
of joint flexibility – Allowance for joint deformation.

Unit IV Joint in Structural Members

Joints for different structural connections – Dimensions and detailing – Design of expansion joints

Unit V Design for Abnormal Loads

Progressive collapse – Code provisions – Equivalent design loads for considering abnormal effects such as
earthquakes, cyclones, explosions, fire - Importance of avoidance of progressive collapse.

Text books
1. John D. Quale., “Sustainable, Affordable, Prefab: The EcoMOD Project”, University of Virginia Press,
2. Koncz T., “Manual of precast concrete construction”, Vols. I, II and III, Bauverlag, GMBH, 1971.

Reference Books:
1. Gerostiza C.Z., Hendrikson C. and Rehat D.R., “Knowledge based process planning for construction and
manufacturing”, Academic Press Inc., 2012
2. Kim S Elliott, Colin Jolly., “Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed structures” Wiley, 2013
3. Colin Davies., “The Prefabricated Home” Reaktion Books, 2005


Credits: 3:1:0

Course Objective
To understand the performance of prestressed concrete structures
To impart knowledge on design of prestressed concrete

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Course Outcome
At the end of the course students will be able to
design prestressed concrete structural members

Unit I Introduction – Theory and Behaviour
Basic concepts – Advantages – Materials required – Systems and methods of prestressing – Analysis of sections –
Stress concept – Strength concept – Load balancing concept – Effect of loading on the tensile stresses in tendons –
Effect of tendon profile on deflections – Factors influencing deflections – Calculation of deflections – Short term
and long term deflections - Losses of prestress – Estimation of crack width

Unit II Design for Flexure and Shear

Basic assumptions for calculating flexural stresses – Permissible stresses in steel and concrete as per IS1343 Code –
Design of sections of Type I and Type II post-tensioned and pre-tensioned beams – Check for strength limit based
on IS 1343 Code – Layout of cables in post-tensioned beams – Location of wires in pre-tensioned beams – Design
for shear based on IS 1343 Code.

Unit III Deflection and Design of Anchorage Zone

Factors influencing deflections – Short term deflections of uncracked members – Prediction of long term deflections
due to creep and shrinkage – Check for serviceability limit state of deflection. Determination of anchorage zone
stresses in post-tensioned beams by Magnel‟s method, Guyon‟s method and IS1343 code – design of anchorage
zone reinforcement – Check for transfer bond length in pre-tensioned beams.

Unit IV Composite Beams and Continuous Beams

Analysis and design of composite beams – Methods of achieving continuity in continuous beams – Analysis for
secondary moments – Concordant cable and linear transformation – Calculation of stresses – Principles of design.

Unit V Miscellaneous Structures

Design of tension and compression members – Tanks, pipes and poles – Partial prestressing – Definition, methods of
achieving partial prestressing - merits and demerits of partial prestressing

Text Books
1. Krishna Raju N., "Prestressed concrete", 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi, 2008
2. Pandit.G.S. and Gupta.S.P., "Prestressed Concrete", CBS Publishers and Distributers Pvt. Ltd, 2008.

Reference Books
1. Rajagopal, N., “Prestressed Concrete”, 2nd Edn., Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Lin,T. Y., “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1995.
3. Dayaratnam.P., "Prestressed Concrete Structures", Oxford and IBH, 2013
4. Lin T.Y. and Ned.H.Burns, "Design of prestressed Concrete Structures", Third Edition, Wiley India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
5. IS 1343-2012, “Prestressed Concrete - Code of Practice”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Credits: 4:0:0

Course Objective:
To introduce the concepts of GIS, Spatial Analysis DEM and DTM
To impart knowledge on application of GIS for land information system, Civil, water resources
management, environmental analysis, Network analysis and urban sprawl analysis

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Students enabled to apply GIS concepts in various aspects of Civil Engineering

2014 School of Civil Engineering

Unit I Introduction: Definition – Map and map analysis, - Coordinate concepts - History and development of GIS
– GIS components- - Standard packages.

Unit II Data Entry, Storage and Maintenance:

Type of data - Spatial and non spatial data - Data structure - Points, lines, polygon - Vector and raster - Files, file
organization – Database - Digitiser, scanner - Dbase files and data formats – Data compression.

Unit III Data Analysis and Modelling: Spatial Analysis - Data retrieval - Query, simple analysis - Recode,
overlay - Vector data analysis, raster data analysis - Modelling in GIS - Digital Elevation Model – DTM - Artificial

Unit IV Data Output and Analysis: Types of output data - Display on screen, printer and other output devices -
Sources of errors - Types of errors - Elimination, accuracies

Unit V GIS Applications: Application - Civil engineering – transportation engineering - Environmental analysis -
Network analysis - Remote sensing applications – software – ArcGIS, QGIS - introduction.

Text Books:
1. Thomas M. Lillisand, “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”, Wiley India (p) Ltd., 2007.
2. Peter, A. Burrough, “Principle of Geographical Information System” ,Oxford University Press, 2000

Reference Books:
1. Ian Heywood, “An introduction to Geographical Information systems”, Pearson Education Limited, 2003.
2. M.Anji Reddy, “Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems”, BS Publications,


Credit 0:0:1

Course Objective:
• To introduce the application of GIS

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to
• apply GIS in various fields of engineering

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and
notify it at the beginning of the semester.

Reference Books:
1. GIS lab manual


Credit 0:0:1

Course Objective:
• To introduce the application of Matlab

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
• analyse and design RCC and steel structures by using Matlab

2014 School of Civil Engineering

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HoD and notify it
at the beginning of the semester.

References Books:
1. Matlab manual

2014 School of Civil Engineering

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