Land Law Assignment

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NAME - rf Fe LLb. 3 YR T SEM 2) OLL Nod 6 @z==0) CLASS | ATA fANIWANT LAND Law ASSTGNMENT - L Lond Acquision Puovinions Keloded fo Fablee feanpore FON the wtf bard A Ad of prsocee- Ee dings Out om al “geld a Hw je know feat A otic Tee den He band Ag Collect s_ I of af ae wale oad oh (udiciol | lok aa jie Chanock. Who a — Governned! interds fe occupy Ja. iw ty olin hoo taue a woh kin ie cael a aeble, ts ae o iit wokce idler b 4 Be gouncet is dk Hee ate Tad ei ac Be tadembiow Hes floveewunind! fo re 2 Nomd adits Goviemua afl fh uveskoakel Oud “al Loin wlll He red le Alditoble Bu Hie _ psp | The peckon al wanhu if mandates —_ Ms offers pu puso dudbotiind by doe “give o —__|twobiel ity, devin ove i When A tala bAlding ol. Ane. im Oany — bocodity, Thi ot wc ab potion Me filocus of fond _ [ peg fw. fics ublataind fen hee hor AY dvd wort fou! lad diroude all! \\dispucto! a 4 dw moat Fee Coldeckul Und Seckows 3 the "pe i i ei da Uolr . Y Culvo fa _Ontiblel fo nina _ Ow idureet i qanation] Com biriae Ow bch, lu wach Bod | flsson. The Collector abs aden jb fetes ho hoe forall _clauimd vohor —decition tu Loin _ TAM Un Cowideosing Puck ) He __ Sechon = -ofion Within Owe fu nobkick ze uae ‘Palin tt } | ‘apis doer! Pee . | Aten tu dectanabion under Schom 6 Cobledr tar bY dake Orden from Hae spake Qoveeinmend- toleben ittke oh Condo ahasaitn. ot iw Jrndens lomd wrdun seckon 4. The Wed Hef Otg inion in thot Hu Colle fos to! Gurse I bbe anhed ont ened Onno Of Plaaptuch flee bbe wode Acewald tundew it ald done. kequitomd 0 Sin \atchion deal owt wil uxinadon — Oud Boer wal ult exact || weasoe iz [let Ae bafrd Puocena fala ede uvlen sockon aman on at Cows con im bovdowies fond fb le atguired ate by. bling Buemdbes Y Gu fining —badudaa os “pods. tly b ccilitate Weel aud _ plrepdsacion 4 igual flow buck abo et te CS eS m. U Bnd be faa tee el le dow © u ID See boeda Hee foverunend depute wl ny Nothiceven be HN Ore, Obaken ee earl mune Teg aI with On tmplisonnumt not exceeding Vows Yat _oned a a line 'Pumovalliy Od woke Clrinun foe todtpew. befow | Linn. V 4a Uns Acchion beg uit oll Puwows fan feat Haz Lowe ee ge Collect. 6 tae tool” woke ve be he Locality wt idiom ote fe OCCupowrts Oke _pleple wall be oa bbe Oyuitled oud ot ote intel.” Weck Wakip Be de oceans a LO Oo fused f delivux names + inflanubon hehawding Orly Ohne _ perrron det : Hell fall Ube ie Osa LAainy Le eat Bw led fon de Look ok ob tela tquining rim at deliver wc te rai Hn! Collbchey buy wal ning ive nate seckom 145 omd 146 lt ral all Bebidas Neva Code S4Tbe _olofeck Baiaivnkeg i volte Hoe Colleclon fo _Gucistain! Kia _Comgensation | by giving lim voy idea. ee The Feral seh sh Colbechts 's fsccerdin iyvolve au toy Bu! Collechn tbl tn dbjectios mode cag by | te ernerbel Purvoms Leegdsding Iie ptroceesbiry cero § omg! 4 dw Nivakind an Obood WI Claiming Cowspuvintion ou Ve value bond dod) of —wobiioton under Seckon tavolves tenant faut who Oppeon with Bb Be abc || tonlesdigate Hate | clainne Lue omblen Hu objections owl edd} ot tw ofpluwraton fe oocundajn tu valu of Bhs Wold clascmate. | Buch Ou enguiid Cm te Adjowmnel ftrom hue b > Hime a twl beck trinks | ft amd Van Qwod & fe etched al Ro edt oi Bee cng, Thu word wade witigt be orden tre follows Mune Srondy | x Connect Osa of lowd hound of motion he tints thentd be even. : [Si he hy porlsowmbct 4 Connpoosadion if { Seckiom {4 waka it Obligabey gw bw fost of [olbectn fb rdheguand lbw V ivteada 4 oll a inducted even! buy rignd —nbE trol dope Lae bee im. Ou uontdling Wanpdmaakion Lae a Obedor. —shrowld — Look] tt! —cakinanle viet Give due gids b&b Ue Hc qi Vohaue Bw erhy te He ct Gun be me on callbuta The “A shold te mode within 2 rave \

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