PBL - Integumentary

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System Illness/Disease Signs/Symptoms Diagnostics/Labs Medical Management Surgical Nursing Intervention

(at least 6 clinical Management

Integumentary Allergic Itching  Patch testing  Medicated  Assess skin, noting
System Eczema Warm, tender skin  Blood test products applied the color, moisture,
Scaly, raw or thickened  Skin biopsy to the skin texture, temperature;
Skin  Allergy skin testing  Drug to flight note erythema, edema
Rash  Buccal Swabs infection and tenderness
Darkening or lightening  Pills that can  Assess the skin
of the skin near the control systematically. Look
rashes inflammation for areas of irritant
Shortness of Breath  Wet dressing and allergic contact.
 Light therapy  Assess skin for
 Antihistamines lesions. Note presence
for severe of excoriations,
itching erosions, fissures, or
 Topical thickening.
pimecrolimus or  Bathe or shower using
tacrolimus for lukewarm water and
eczema in mild soap or nonsoap
sensitive sites cleansers.
not responding  Encourage the patient to
to simpler avoid aggravating
treatment factors. Some change in
 Topical lifestyle may be indicated
corticosteroids to reduce triggers.
like- cream and
ointments used
to reduce
swelling and
redness during

Erythrodermic Chills or fever  Skin biopsy  Cyclosporine  Administer prescribed

Psoriasis Joint pain  Punch biopsy (Neoral) and medications, which
Rapid heartbeat  Previous history if Remicade may include coal tar
Swollen ankles psoriasis if there (infliximab) are therapy, and topical
Skin rash is. standard first- corticosteroids.
Severe burn that could  Laboratory line treatments  Enhance skin
increase the risk of examination for integrity
infection looking fir erythrodermic  Discuss and assist
Heart and lung failure eosinophilia psoriasis. with the
Dehydration  CTCL  Some doctors administration of
 Extensive history may prescribe additional medical
looking for culprit methotrexate treatments, which
medications (Otrexup) or may include coal tar
 Physical exam acitretin shampoos,
(Soriatane) intralesional therapy
instead, but (i.e. injection of
these work more medication directly
slowly. Acitretin into lesion), systemic
(Soriatane) or cytotoxic medication,
methotrexate to photochemotherapoy,
control cell occlusive dressing.
growth.  Prevent Infection
 Enbrel  Instruct the client to
(entanercept) or avoid sun exposure
using during
combination photochemotherapy.
therapy This regimen of
 Medications phototherapy with
include tar ultraviolet A (PUVA)
preparations light decreases
and anthralin, cellular proliferation.
salicylic acid, PUVA therapy results
and in photosensitivity
corticosteroids. and the client should
Medications avoid exposure to
may be in the sunlight during this
form of lotions, time.
pastes, creams
and shampoos.
 Laboratory
studies are
monitored to
ensure that
and renal
systems are

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