S.2 Biology Class Notes: Kugonza H. Arthur
S.2 Biology Class Notes: Kugonza H. Arthur
S.2 Biology Class Notes: Kugonza H. Arthur
Soil is finely divided material covering the earth crust or surface. It consists of air, water, humus, living organisms,
and weathered rocks.
Importance of soil
It is a medium for plant growth.
It is a means of water storage, supply and purification.
It modifies earth’s atmosphere.
Soil is a habitat (home) for many organisms such as earth worms, termites, bacteria fungi and arthropods.
Soil provides a medium through which man and all other animals dispose of their wastes.
Soil is an important natural resource which provides construction materials, supports agriculture, craft and art.
It is formed from parent rocks by the process of weathering. This occurs over several years. The process of
weathering takes place in three ways;
1. Physical weathering:
This occurs in the following ways;
i) Alternate heating and cooling of the rocks on exposed mountain sides, causes expansion and contraction which
cause the rock to crack and break up.
ii) By water; this is where rivers and streams wear away the rocks over which they flow by rolling pebbles and other
hard particles on them.
iii) During sandstorm when wind blows sand against bare rocks
iv) Frosting: frost is weather condition where temperatures fall below 00C, water in cracks freezes and expand,
causing the rock to break up.
2. Chemical weathering:
This is brought about mainly by the action of water especially rain water on the rocks. As it rains, rain dissolves
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to form weak solution of carbonic acid which when falls on soft rocks for example
lime, it dissolves them, this results in the release of mineral elements like calcium, magnesium, Aluminium, etc. which
are components of soil.
In hot damp conditions (tropics) the constituency of rocks especially those containing iron, oxidizes very quickly. The
oxidized rocks disintegrate to form soil.
3. Biological weathering:
This is brought about by the action and presence of living organisms on rocks. Certain organisms such as lichens are
able to grow on bare rock while other small flowering plants are able to grow between the rock fragments. When
these die, they form humus which is a component of soil.
Man contributes to biological weathering through direct splitting of rocks during road and house construction and
indirectly through cultivation.
This is the vertical arrangement of the various soil layers called
horizons. It represents the different layers at various stages of soil
A soil with distinguished soil layers is known as mature and that without
clear profile is immature or young. The profile consists of the following:
i) Top soil
ii) Sub soil
iii) Parent or underlying rock
There are basically six components of soil. These are:
i) Inorganic particles, iv) Air,
ii) Humus, v) Mineral salts, and
iii) Water, vi) Soil living organisms
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These are produced during the process of weathering. Soil particle vary in size and their sizes are used to classify
them. The different soil particles are clay, silt, fine sand, coarse sand and gravel.
Soil particle Diameter (mm)
Gravel > 2.0
Coarse 0.2 – 2.0
Fine sand 0.02 – 0.2
Silt 0.002 – 0.02
Clay < 0.002
Soil air exists between the soil particles. Airspaces in the soil are important for growth of plant roots and health of
soil organisms. It is mainly oxygen and nitrogen. (Carbon dioxide is usually in solution as carbonic acid). The depth to
which the roots can grow depends on how deep the air can penetrate through the soil
Importance of soil air
It provides oxygen for respiration of soil organisms and plant roots.
Oxygen is also needed for the decay that produces humus.
It also provides nitrogen for fixation by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. The nitrogen absorbed is needed in
the formation of nitrates and proteins.
Carbon dioxide in the air increases soil acidity which favours proper growth of some plants.
Carbon dioxide present in the air dissolves in water to form carbonic acid for weathering.
Experiment to determine the percentage of air in the soil
Apparatus: Measuring cylinders (2), dry soil sample, water, and glass rod.
1. Measure about 50 cm3 of dry soil in a measuring cylinder and tap the container to level out the soil.
2. Measure 50 cm3 of water in another measuring cylinder.
3. Add the two together (observe carefully as you pour the water onto the soil)
4. Allow the mixture to stand until no more bubbles appear. Read and record the final level of water plus soil in the
measuring cylinder. Calculate the air content in terms of percentage.
Volume of soil = 50cm3
Volume of water = 50cm3
Final volume of water + soil after mixing = 85cm3
Volume of air in soil (100 - 85) = 15cm3
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𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑖𝑟
Percentage of air = 𝑥 100%
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑
Percentage of air = 50
𝑥 100%
Percentage of air = 30%
While analyzing a soil sample, the following results were obtained
Volume of sand = 200cm3
Volume of water = 300cm3
Volume of water and sand after stirring = 450cm3
The percentage of air in the sand was.
Soil water comes from rain. Also some rise up from the ground water by capillary action to replace water lost by
evaporation from the surface. It is found as a thin film surrounding the soil particles.
The following experiment was done to find out the percentage of humus in a given soil sample. The soil sample
weighing 120g was heated in an oven kept at 100o C. The dry soil weighed 112g. The soil was then heated slowly to
burn away humus. The weight of soil after all humus had burnt was 106g
a) Why was the soil not heated properly at first?
b) What was the weight of humus in the soil?
c) Calculate the percentage of humus in the soil.
d) How many times was water more than humus?
a) Because burning the soil strongly will burn the humus containing water.
b) Weight of fresh soil = 120g
Weight of soil after burning humus =106g
Weight of dry soil =112g
Weight of humus =112 – 106 = 6 g
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𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑠
c) Percentage of humus = 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑥 100%
Percentage of humus = 120 𝑥 100%
= 5%
d) Weight of water = 120 – 112 = 8 g
Therefore water is more than humus 2 times (8g – 6g)
Revision questions
1. A tin of volume 100 cm3 was completely filled with a certain kind of soil labelled X. the soil was
emptied into a measuring cylinder of water raising the level of water from the 600cm 3 mark to the
670cm3 mark.
a) i) Why did the level not rise to the 700cm3 mark?
ii) What was the percentage of air in soil X? (Show your working).
b) The above experiment was repeated with a different kind of soil Y. This time the water level at the
end of the experiment was 650cm3.
i) What was the percentage of air in soil Y? (Show your working).
ii) From the tow experiments, what do you think the soil X and Y were?
Soil X: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Soil Y: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. A student carried out two experiments on soil and obtained the following results.
Experiment 1
Volume of soil = 250ml
Volume of water and soil before stirring = 450ml
Volume of water and soil after stirring = 375ml
Experiment 2
Weight of crucible = 14.5g
Weight of crucible + soil = 37.0g
Weight of crucible and dried soil = 32.0g
Weight of crucible and soil after heating to red hot = 29.5g
a) What physical properties of soil was the student studying?
b) Calculate the percentage composition of the physical properties named in (a) above in the soil.
c) What is the importance of these physical properties in the soil?
Source: Rubahamya, J.B. UCE Biology revision questions for O-Level with answers (2007)
These are chemical elements inform of ions, dissolved in the film of water, surrounding the soil particle.
Some of the mineral elements in soil are; Sulphur, phosphorous, nitrogen, silicon, magnesium, iron and Aluminium
ions which results from weathering of rocks.
Source: Rwakasisi, R., Jada C. and Ali G. Fountain revision Biology Questions and Answers for
secondary schools (Fountain publishers, 2005)
Soil is grouped basing on size and nature of soil particles. On this basis, there are 3 main types of soil namely: Clay
soil, Loam soil and Sand soil.
1. Sandy soils;
Sandy soils contain large space between the particles and these spaces allow water to drain off very quickly.
They have a gritty feel when wet and felt between the thumb and figure.
They contain only very small quantities of water and they may be deficient in calcium and magnesium
They are described as light soils because they are relatively easy to work with.
2. Clay soil:
They have small fine particles i.e. fine texture.
The soil particles in clay are closely parked together leaving very small spaces between them. This causes
clay soils to have poor water drainage and also become water logged.
They are difficult to work with and therefore described as heavy soils.
They have a sticky feel when wet.
When lime is added to clay soil, the small clay particles aggregate to form larger particles. This helps to
improve aeration and drainage, and also reduce the acidity of the soil. This is called Flocculation.
Experiment to compare the drainage and retention of water in sand and clay soils
filter funnels, Equal volumes of dry sand and dry clay soils,
measuring cylinders, Water and
filter papers Beakers
i) Measure an equal volume of each soil sample.
ii) Fold filter papers properly and put one in each funnel.
iii) Place clay soil in the filter paper in one funnel and the sand in the other.
iv) Place the funnels with their contents over measuring cylinders, at the same
time pour an equal volume of water on each of the soil samples as shown in
the diagrams. Observe which soil allows water to drain through quickly.
v) Allow the set up to stand for some time till water stops draining through the
Water passes through sand soil faster than clay soil. So much water is collected in the cylinder with sand soil and
less water is collected in the cylinder containing clay soil.
Conclusion: Clay soil holds more water than sand soil and sand soils drains water faster than clay.
Explanation: Sand soil has larger air spaces which enable water to drain through more rapidly and on the other
hand clay soil retains more water than sand because it has many small particles which can hold more water.
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5. Capillarity through different soils:
Capillarity through soil means how well water can rise up in the soil and this depends on the size of air spaces
between the soil particles.
Sand soil has the lowest capillarity of water while clay soil has the highest water capillarity and loam soil has medium
water capillarity.
Experiment to demonstrate and compare capillarity through sand, clay and loam soils
Materials: capillary tubes, a glass trough, cotton wool, retort stands, samples of dry sand, clay and loam soils.
i) Put cotton wool at the bottom of the capillary tubes.
ii) Fill one capillary tube with dry sample of sand soil and pack it well ensuring that there are no spaces in the soil.
iii) Repeat this with clay and loam soils.
iv) The capillary tubes are stood vertically with the ends with cotton wool immersed in a glass trough containing
enough water. The capillary tubes are supported upright with retort stands and clamps
Set up: Observation:
Water rises faster for a short distance in sand soil while in clay soil
water rises slowly but to higher distances. In loam soil, water rises
moderately to a moderate distance
Clay soil has the highest capillarity of water.
Sand soil has the lowest capillarity while loam has moderate water
Water rises to the greatest height at the nearest stages of the experiment
in sand soil because sand has large spaces that enable water to rise
more rapidly in the first hours.
Clay soil shows the highest rise of water hence the highest water capillarity because it is composed of tiny soil
particles which present the large surface area over which water molecules cling.
Water rises at a slow rate in clay soil because clay has small air spaces between its particles.
This is the removal or washing a way of top soil by animals, wind or running water. The extent of soil erosion is
dependent upon the intensity with which the rain falls and not the amount of water.
Soil fertility
Soil fertility refers to the amount of nutrients in the soil that can support the growth of plants. Soil can lose its fertility
through the following ways.
i) Soil erosion.
ii) Leaching; this is the washing down of soluble minerals from topsoil layers to bottom layers where they cannot
be accessed by plant roots.
iii) Soil exhaustion; this is the depletion/reduction in soil nutrients as a result of monoculture, over cropping, etc.
iv) Soil compaction; this is the hardening of soil on the surface due to action of heavy machinery, movement of
animals and man on soil, etc. Soil compaction prevents water from penetrating into the soil.
Soil conservation
This is the protection and careful management of soil to maintain its fertility. It includes methods of controlling erosion
and others such as:
Intercropping: Here, plants are alternately planted in a systematic or even random manner e.g. coffee, beans, and
banana can be intercropped.
Fallowing: Land is left to rest and grow back to bush.
Crop rotation: The farmer carefully rotates his crops season after season, so that the plants make different
demands on the soil.
Revision questions
1. What do you understand by the following terms?
i) Flocculation iv) Soil drainage
ii) Soil capillarity v) Water retention capacity
iii) Leaching vi) Soil erosion
2. Under what conditions is sheet erosion likely to occur?
3. Describe briefly how tree planting on a steep slope prevents erosion.
4. Name three other ways a farmer can use to prevent erosion on a moderate slope.
5. Why is it better to water a garden in the evening than in the middle of the day?
6. On a certain mountain top the soil is only a few centimeters thick, where as in a forest at the foot of
the mountain the soil is about 15metres thick. Suggest reasons for this difference.
7. Outline 4 ways in which mulching might be useful in maintain soil fertility.
8. Suggest two reasons why it might be necessary to add lime to the soil.
Source: Rwakasisi, R., Jada C. and Ali G. Fountain revision Biology Questions and Answers for
secondary schools (Fountain publishers, 2005)
Nutrition refers to the process by which living organisms obtain, consume and use food substances to maintain their
life processes (metabolic processes). These food substances are called nutrients. The nutrients in green plants are
water, mineral salts and carbon dioxide; in animals they are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, etc.
Modes of nutrition
Nutrition is broadly classified into two groups namely; Heterotrophic nutrition (nourishment on others) and Autotrophic
nutrition (self-nourishment).
1. Autotrophic nutrition
This is a mode of nutrition where by an organism is able to synthesize its own food from inorganic nutrients using
some external source of energy. Such organisms are called Autotrophs.
Autotrophic nutrition can be divided into two depending on the external source of energy used to drive there
i) Photosynthesis:
This is the type of nutrition where organisms make food with the help of sunlight energy. Examples include;
green plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria.
ii) Chemosynthesis:
This is where organisms make their own food with the help of energy from specific chemical reactions
(oxidation of various inorganic compounds). Examples are the nitrosomonas bacteria which converts ammonia
to nitrite ions and nitrobacter bacteria which converts nitrites to nitrate ions in soil.
2. Heterotrophic nutrition
This is the mode of nutrition where by organisms obtain their food by feeding on already manufactured organic (food)
compounds. Heterotrophs are incapable of making their own food. They include; all animals, fungi, insectivorous
plants and most bacteria.
Heterotrophic nutrition is of 5 major types, which include:
1. Parasitism:
This is an association between two living organisms of different species in which one organism (parasite) obtains
food and shelter from the other organism (host) which instead suffers injury and harm. For examples;
A tape worm in the gut of man.
A tick sucking blood from a cow.
A bedbug sucking blood from man.
2. Mutualism:
This is a nutritional relationship between two organisms of different species where both organisms benefit. However,
only one organism benefits nutritionally.
Examples include;
Lichens (a fungus and photosynthetic algae). Lichens are found in terrestrial environments that lack soil,
such as tree bark or bare rock. The algae in a lichen are protected from drying by the fungus; in return, they
provide sugars produced by photosynthesis.
The nitrogen fixing bacteria in the root nodules of leguminous plants. The bacteria gets shelter inside the
root nodule while the plant absorbs the nitrates released by the bacteria.
Egret white bird removing ticks from a cow.
The cellulose digesting bacteria in the rumen of ruminant animals.
Amoeba feeds on microscopic algae and bacteria. It captures the food by developing pseudopodia around the food
and it engulfs it. The cytoplasm flows around the food. This one now forms the food vacuole.
Digestive enzymes are produced which break the food particles into soluble food substances. The products are
utilized and amoeba moves away from undigested food remains. This is called egestion.
4. Saprophytic/saprotrophic nutrition:
Saprotrophic nutrition is a mode of heterotrophic nutrition where an organism feeds on dead decaying matter where
by they absorb solutions from this dead decaying matter. Examples include; Mushrooms, mucor and common bread
5. Holozoic nutrition;
This is the mode of nutrition where by food nutrients are taken into the body and broken down into smaller soluble
molecules which can be absorbed and assimilated (utilized) by the body.
Animals which undergo holozoic nutrition can be classified into three groups;
Herbivores; These live entirely on plant vegetation.
Carnivores; These feed on flesh only e.g. lion, cat, dog.
Omnivores; These feed on both plants and animals e.g. man and a pig.
Food is any substance which can be digested and absorbed by the body to maintain the body’s life processes
(Metabolic process).
Food is required by organisms for:
i) Growth so as to build new cells.
ii) Respiration to produce energy
iii) Repair of worn out cells or tissues
iv) Protection of the body against diseases e.g. vitamins, proteins.
Classes of food
There are three classes of food, namely:-
a) Energy giving foods (fats and oils).
b) Body building foods (growth foods) e.g. proteins.
c) Protective foods, these protect the body against infections and diseases e.g. vitamins and minerals.
2) Disaccharides
Disaccharides (di=two, saccharide= sugars) are carbohydrates molecules made up two simple sugars joined
together. When the two monosaccharides combine, it results in the loss of one molecule of water and this reaction is
called a condensation reaction.
Glucose + Glucose = maltose + water
Glucose + Galactose = lactose + water
Glucose + Fructose = sucrose + water
The disaccharides have the following properties:
i) They are sweeter than monosaccharides
ii) They can be crystallized
iii) They are soluble in water
iv) Can be broken down into simple sugars by dilute mineral acids and enzymes
Examples of disaccharides include:
i) Sucrose (present in sugar cane)
ii) Maltose (present in germinating seeds)
iii) Lactose (present in milk)
3) Polysaccharides
Polysaccharides (poly = many, saccharide = sugar) are complex carbohydrates made up of many units of simple
Properties of polysaccharides include:
Are not sweet
Do not dissolve in water
Cannot be crystallized
Do not change the colour of Benedict’s solution
Examples are: Starch, Glycogen and Cellulose.
Functions of carbohydrates
i) They provide energy in the body when oxidized during respiration.
ii) They are the cheap sources of energy for living things
These are food nutrients containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and sometimes Sulphur or phosphorus.
The smallest and basic building unit of proteins are called Amino acids. The amino acid molecule can condense to
form dipeptide; further condensation gives rise to polypeptide molecule (protein).
The amino acids can be differentiated into essential and non-essential amino acids. There are a total of twenty (20)
amino acids present thus allowing the formation of a variety of proteins.
Types of amino acids
i) Essential amino acids: These are amino acids which cannot be synthesized in the body. This means they can
only be got from the diet.
ii) Non-essential amino acids: These are amino acids that can be synthesized by the body so they are not
essential in the diet.
Sources of proteins: Food substances rich in proteins are eggs, lean meat, beans, Soya, milk and its products, fish
and groundnuts.
Properties of proteins
i) Most dissolve in water to form colloidal or sticky suspensions.
ii) They are denatured by high temperatures-there structure is completely changed.
iii) They have both acidic and alkaline properties
Symptoms of kwashiorkor
i) Loss of appetite iv) Growth retardation
ii) Diarrhea v) Pot belly i.e. swollen lower abdomen
iii) The hair becomes soft and can easily be plucked vi) Swollen legs and joints i.e. Oedema.
out accompanied by loss of its colour. vii) Wasted muscles
The reagents used are sodium hydroxide and copper (II) sulphate solution. This test is known as the Biuret test
The Biuret test:
Properties of lipids
i) They make a permanent translucent mark or spot on papers.
ii) They also don’t dissolve in water
Functions of lipids
i) Energy production during respiration
ii) Insulate the body to prevent excessive heat loss.
iii) Prevent water loss and entry in cells and tissues
iv) They are also constituents of waxy cuticle of animals and plants and the cell membrane.
v) In some areas of animals they act as shock absorbers
vi) They can be used as a source of water in desert animals such as camels- when stored fat is broken down in the
body, much water is produced.
They are tested for using the emulsion test or the grease spot (translucent spot) test.
a) The emulsion test:
The reagents used are ethanol and water.
Procedure Observation Deduction
To 1 cm of food solution, add 1 A turbid solution turns to a cream emulsion
3 Lipids present.
cm3 of ethanol and shake. Then Turbid or colourless solution remains a turbid or Lipids absent.
add 5 drops of water and shake. colourless solution.
These are organic compounds required in small amounts in the diet for the normal functioning of the body. They are
designated with alphabetical letters and are classified into two: Water soluble vitamins and Fat soluble vitamins.
Water soluble vitamins are those which dissolve in water. They include vitamins B and C.
Fat soluble vitamins dissolve in fats but not in water. They include vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Revision questions
The table below gives the results of an experiment to determine the amounts of ascorbic acid in solutions
D and E.
Substance DCPIP Number of drops
0.1% ascorbic 0.1% 24
x% D 0.1% 40
2.8% E 0.1% 3
a) What is the percentage of ascorbic acid in solution D? Show your working.
b) What is the relationship between ascorbic acid concentration and the number of drops used?
c) You are given two fresh fruits. Describe briefly how you find out which one has more vitamin C.
Source: Rwakasisi, R., Jada C. and Ali G. Fountain revision Biology Questions and Answers for
secondary schools (Fountain publishers, 2005)
These are inorganic food constituents required in small amounts but whose deficiency affects the normal functioning
of the body leading to deficiency diseases.
Mineral salts can be divided into;
Essential mineral elements (macro elements): These are mineral elements required in relatively large amounts.
They are sodium, potassium, phosphorous, calcium, iron, etc.
Non-essential or Trace mineral elements (micro- elements): These are mineral elements required in relatively
very small amounts. However, their presence in the diet is of at most importance. They are Zinc, Molybdenum,
cobalt, Manganese, etc.
A table showing some elements and their deficiency diseases
Fe (Iron) Meat, liver, kidney, green It is a constituent of Anemia (Reduced red blood cell account).
vegetables. Haemoglobin. Reduction in oxygen transportation rate.
Ca (Calcium) Vegetables, fish, milk, Hardening of bones and Rickets in children
eggs. teeth. Soft bones and poor skeletal growth.
Blood clotting Delay in blood clotting
PO4 3- Dairy foods, eggs, meat, Component of ATP, nucleic Tiredness
(Phosphate) vegetables. acids, bones and teeth. Weak bones and teeth.
I (Iodine) Iodized salts and sea It is a constituent of the Goiter: Swelling of the Thyroid gland.
foods growth hormone Muscle cramp (sharp pains in muscles).
F (Fluorine) Drinking water Strong bones and teeth. Improves resistance to tooth decay
K (Potassium) Fish, beef, liver, Transmission of nerve Muscular cramp
mushrooms impulses along neurons.
Na (sodium) Common salt (NaCl) and
Balanced Diet:
A balanced diet is a meal containing all food nutrients in their right proportions. If a person depends on a poor diet
(unbalanced diet) i.e. containing inappropriate quantities of nutrients, then the person suffers from Mal nutrition.
This simply refers to an unhealthy state of the body resulting from a long term deficiency or excess of one or more of
the essential nutrients.
Malnutrition is normally detected by the onset of some deficiency diseases like kwashiorkor, marasmus, obesity, etc.
Enzymes are organic compounds protein in nature that speed up the rate of biochemical reactions in the body of an
organism and remains unchanged at the end of the reaction.
Importance of enzymes
They speed up the rate of the reaction without changing the product formed and the nature of reaction.
They also control metabolic processes hence promoting normal body functions.
Nomenclature/naming of enzymes
Enzymes are named by adding a suffix “ase” to their substrates. A substrate is a substance, which the enzyme acts
upon, or simply it is the raw material for the enzyme.
Examples of enzymes and their substrates
Enzyme Peptidase lipase Maltase Sucrose Lactase Cellulase
Substrate Peptides Lipids Maltose Sucrose Lactose Cellulose
Some enzymes however retained their names they had before this convention. Such enzymes include pepsin and
Sometimes the enzymes digesting carbohydrates are generally called carbohydrases and those digesting proteins as
Properties of enzymes
1) They are all protein in nature.
2) They are specific in their action i.e. they catalyze specific food i.e. Maltase on Maltose.
3) They speed up the rate of chemical reactions (they are catalysts).
4) They are effective even in small amounts.
5) They remain unchanged at the end of the reaction.
1) Concentration of substrate:
A substrate is a substance (food) acted upon by the enzyme to form simpler products.
The rate of enzyme reaction increases with increase in substrate concentration and enzymes work slower when the
substrate concentration is low. However, further increase in substrate concentration will not increase enzyme
reaction rate since all its active sites are fully saturated with food.
2) Temperature:
Very low temperatures inactivate enzymes. The rate of enzyme activity increases with increasing temperatures.
Very high temperatures denature enzymes (completely destroys the enzyme structure). Most enzymes work best at
optimum temperatures of (approximately 370C). An optimum temperature is one that promotes maximum enzyme
A graph showing the variation of enzyme activity with temperature
Catalase enzyme is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas.
2H2O2 catalase enzyme O2 + 2H2O
The enzyme is found in living tissues like liver, meat and Irish potatoes.
Hydrogen peroxide is toxic and can poison cells, yet it constantly forms in living cells as a metabolic waste. Therefore
it is important that catalase enzyme speeds up its breakdown to avoid cells from being poisoned.
When hydrogen peroxide is broken down, the oxygen gas released is observed as colourless bubbles or froth at the
top of the solution. If a glowing splint is brought close, it relights which confirms that the gas is oxygen.
The more metabolically active the tissue, the more catalase it contains and therefore the more rapid the bubbling
when dropped in hydrogen peroxide. Accordingly the liver contains a higher concentration of catalase than most of
the other tissues and gives very rapid frothing/bubbling.
Revision question
An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of an enzyme
catalyzed reaction by salivary amylase. The pH was maintained slightly alkaline. The results are shown
in the table below.
Temperature/ 5 10 20 25 30 35 38 45 50
Rate of reaction 0.3 0.5 1.25 2.0 3.5 4.8 4.8 2.5 0.8
Mammals have different types and shapes of teeth and they are thus termed Heterodonts. Those which have teeth
of the same size and shapes are termed as Homodonts.
In mammals teeth consist of an exposed portion known as a crown and a portion that is firmly fixed or anchored in a
jaw bone called a root.
Types of teeth in mammals
There are 4 types of teeth in mammals and these include;
1. Incisors
These are the front teeth in both the upper and lower jaws in man. The crowns A drawing of an Incisor tooth
have sharp flat edges and have only one root.
Incisors are used for cutting food.
Have sharp chisel-sharped edge for cutting food.
Have one long root for anchoring the tooth firmly into the jaw.
Revision questions
The figures below show three types of teeth. Use them to answer the questions that follow.
a) Name each tooth.
b) How are the teeth shown above adapted to their functions?
c) Mention three structural differences between a molar tooth
and a canine tooth.
d) Draw and label the working surface of a molar tooth.
Dental formula
This is a formula indicating the number of each type of teeth in half upper jaw and half the lower jaw. The dental
formula gives evidence that the dentition of an animal is closely related to its diet. The number of teeth in the upper
jaw is written above that of the lower jaw. The different types of teeth are represented by letters i.e.
Incisors-I, Canines-C, Molars M, Premolars-PM
2 1 2 3
The dental formula of an adult human is written as: I ; C ; PM , M = 32
2 1 2 3
This means that man has 2 incisors on each half on the top and lower jaws, one canine on each half of the top, lower
jaws, and 2 premolars on each half of the top and lower jaws and 3 molars on each half.
Therefore man has 8 teeth on each half on the jaws which adds up a total of 32 teeth.
Dog 3 1 4 2 42
I ; C ; PM , M
3 1 4 3
Rat 1 0 0 3 16
I ; C ; PM , M
1 0 0 3
Cow 0 0 3 3 32
I ; C ; PM , M
3 1 3 3
Carnivore dentition
Carnivorous animals such as dogs, cats and lions are adapted for feeding on other animals. Their teeth are adapted
for capturing and killing other animals and tearing their flesh. Their incisors are chisel shaped and enable them to
grip and strip off pieces of flesh from bones.
Their canines are long, curved and pointed used for piercing the prey and preventing it from escaping.
Herbivore dentition
Herbivorous animals e.g. cows, goats and elephants eat plant foods such as grass, leaves and small stems. Their
teeth are adapted for crushing and grinding vegetables. Their incisors and canines are chisel shaped and only found
in the lower jaw. In the upper jaw, the incisors and canines are replaced by a thick horny pad. Grass and other
vegetables are gripped between the incisors and canines on the lower jaw and the horny pad. Between the front
teeth and the cheek teeth is a large gap called diastema. It provides space for the tongue to manipulate vegetation in
such a way that the material being chewed is kept away from that which is freshly gathered.
Dentition of a sheep
Digestion is the process by which complex The human digestive system and the alimentary canal
food substances are broken down into
simpler soluble compounds that can be
absorbed and assimilated (utilized) by the
body. Digestion can be divided into;
physical (mechanical) digestion and
chemical digestion.
Physical digestion: This is the breakdown
of food due to the mechanical action of
teeth, muscular contractions and bile juice.
Chemical digestion: This is the
breakdown of food catalyzed by enzymes.
Steps involved in digestion of food
Ingestion Digestion Egestion
Ingestion: This is the taking in of food into
the body.
Egestion: This is the process by which
insoluble undigested compounds of food
are discharged or expelled from the body
as faeces.
Digestion takes place in the alimentary
The ileum shows various adaptions to suit the process of absorption which includes:
i) It is highly coiled/folded and consequently long thus providing a large surface area for digestion and absorption
of food. (It is six (6) meters long).
ii) Has a thin layer of cells to reduce the diffusion distance over which soluble food passes through.
iii) They are highly supplied with blood capillaries and lacteals which transport away absorbed food thus maintaining
a diffusion gradient.
Revision questions
1. The figure below shows the degree of digestion of three different classes of food substances along the
human alimentary canal from the mouth to the ileum.
The figure below shows the changes in the total quantity of digested food along the human alimentary
canal from the mouth to the ileum.
(a) Suggest the type of class of food A, B, and C, giving reasons for your answers in each case.
(b) Describe the changes in the total quantity of food digested from; P to Q, Q to R and R to S
(c) Give a reason to explain the changes described in (b) above.
Source: Unknown
This is the largest organ in the body. It carries out several functions within the body. The liver is the body’s metabolic
center as it receives all nutrient supplies from the blood through the hepatic portal vein from the intestines.
Functions of the Liver
i) Metabolism of carbohydrates. The liver converts excess glucose absorbed from the intestine into glycogen.
Once the glycogen store is full, excess carbohydrate will be converted to fat by the liver.
ii) Metabolism of lipids. Lipids entering the liver may either be broken down or modified for transport to storage
areas elsewhere in the body.
iii) Metabolism of proteins. Proteins are not stored by the body and so the excess amino acids are deaminated in
the liver.
iv) Production of heat. Since there are many metabolic reactions occurring in the liver, there is a lot of heat
generated and this heat can be used to compensate any fall in body temperature.
v) Manufacture of plasma proteins. The liver is responsible for the manufacture of proteins found in the blood like
Albumin, Globulin and fibrinogen which are important in body process like clotting of blood (stopping bleeding).
vi) Production of bile. The liver produces bile which is important in the process of digestion i.e. in the
emulsification of lipids.
vii) Storage of minerals. The liver stores minerals like iron, potassium, copper and zinc.
viii) Storage of vitamins. The liver stores vitamins which can later be released if deficient in the diet.
ix) Formation and breakdown of red blood cells. Red blood cells in the fetus are produced by the liver but in
adults, they are made in the bone marrow. The adult liver however continuous to break down the expired red
blood cells at the end of their 120-day life span.
x) Storage of blood. Blood vessels in the liver can expand and contract such that the amount of blood in the liver
can vary from 300cm3 – 1500cm3, an increase of five times thus the liver can be a blood reservoir.
Revision questions
1. The diagram below shows an experiment which is intended to show what
happens in the human gut. After being set up, glucose, but not starch
passes out of the bag into the surrounding water.
a) How could you show that glucose has leaked out, but starch has not?
b) How would you explain this result?
c) To what extent is this similar to what happens in the human gut?
2. Explain each of the following
i) If you chew a piece of bread for long enough, it eventually begins to
taste sweet.
ii) When you swallow a piece of food, the food normally does not go up
into the nose cavity.
(Source: Roberts, M., Biology (Nelson science)
3. The enzyme lipase acts on fats producing fatty acids. The indicator cresol red changes to yellow when
acidic. 3cm3 of milk were placed in each of the test tubes and then other substances were added, as
shown in the table below. In each case, the indicator was red at the start of the experiment.
Test tube 1 Test tube 2 Test tube 3 Test tube 4
0 0 0
Temperature 37 C 37 C 37 C 40C
Material present 3cm of milk + 3cm of milk + 3cm of milk + 3cm3 of milk +
3 3 3
Animals that depend on plant materials (herbivores) like leaves, wood, grass are faced with a problem of digesting
the cellulose that make up the plant walls. It is necessary to break down cellulose into glucose and also break
through the cellulose to release the inside cell nutrients which are required by the herbivores.
These herbivores cannot secret the enzyme cellulase which catalyzes the digestion of cellulose to glucose.
Some micro-organisms live in the guts of these herbivores in a harmless beneficial nutritional association called
symbiosis. They secret the enzyme cellulase that catalyzes the digestion of cellulose in the guts of these animals.
In the mouth, the saliva does not contain any enzyme. So only mastication (chewing) and softening of food takes
place. The food moves through the oesophagus by peristalsis (wave like motion) to the rumen.
In the rumen, the cud is mixed with the bacteria which secrets cellulase enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of
cellulose to glucose, which in turn is fermented to organic acids. These fatty acids are absorbed into the blood
through the rumen wall and are the major source of energy for ruminants. The fermentation produces carbon dioxide
and methane, which are belched out.
The fermented grass passes to the reticulum and is formed into balls (‘cud’), which are regurgitated to the mouth for
further chewing. The reticulum also sieves out the hard materials and either retains them or sends them back to the
mouth for further chewing. The fine ‘cud’ is then swallowed and passed to the Omasum.
In the Omasum much water is re-absorbed from the cud. The cud is then passed to the abomasum.
In the abomasum, normal gastric secretions begin to digest the proteins of grass. The abomasum is the true
stomach. The chyme then passes to the duodenum and then to the small intestines, where digestion is completed
and the products of digestion are absorbed.
Nutrition in plants is by a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the formation of complex organic
substances inside the cell containing chlorophyll from carbon dioxide and water using sunlight energy.
The process of photosynthesis occurs in all green plants in organelles called chloroplasts most of which are found
in leaves. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which traps sunlight energy.
The process of photosynthesis is very complicated but it can be summarized by the equations below.
Carbon dioxide + water Sunlight energy starch (Glucose) + oxygen
6 CO2(g) + H2O(l) Chlorophyll C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g)
Sunlight energy
Importance of photosynthesis
It is the means by which the sun’s energy is captured by plants for use by all organisms.
It provides a source of complex organic molecules for heterotrophic organisms as food.
It releases oxygen for use by aerobic organisms.
It reduces on gaseous carbon dioxide, which would accumulate in the atmosphere to cause pollution.
Revision questions
1. A scientist grew some cereal plants in a field. During the course of one day he took several plants
every 4 hours and measured the amount of sugar in the leaves.
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Time of day 4am 8am 12noon 4pm 8pm 12mid 4am
Sugar concentration 0.45 0.60 1.75 2.00 1.4 0.5 0.45
(arbitrary units)
a) Plot the data on a graph paper
b) What is the probable concentration of sugar in the leaves at 10am and 2am?
c) At what time of the day is sugar probably at a maximum in the leaf and why?
d) Explain why the sugar concentration changes over the 24hr period.
(Source: Roberts, M., Biology (Nelson science)
The presence of starch is evidence that photosynthesis has been taking place.
Apparatus: A green leaf, water bath, Iodine solution, Water, absolute alcohol (99%-OH), beaker, white surface or tile
1) A leaf from a health plant which has been receiving sunlight is removed and placed in boiling water (water bath)
for about 5 minutes. This softens the leaf cell wall protoplasm and makes it permeable to Iodine.
2) The leaf is then placed in a beaker containing 99% alcohol and boiled using a water bath until all the chlorophyll
is dissolved out. This decolorizes the leaf and makes detection of any colour changes possible and easier.
3) The leaf is then washed in hot water which softens it.
4) The leaf is now spread on a white surface tile and drops of iodine added on it.
A blue black colour shows that starch is present.
NOTE: If the brown colour of iodine remains, this shows that the leaf lacks starch or the starch is absent.
Conclusion: The presence of starch in a leaf shows that photosynthesis was taking place.
The parts, which were covered by the stencil, turned brown while the parts exposed to light turned blue-black.
Conclusion: Light is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.
Putting the leaf in darkness removes starch in the leaf by all the starch being converted into simple sugars. Putting
the plant in light is to allow photosynthesis to take place. Covering the leaf with a stencil is to prevent light from
reaching certain parts of the leaf. During exposure to light, the parts covered do not access sunlight and do not
photosynthesize while the un-covered parts access sunlight and photosynthesize. Testing for starch helps to find out
whether photosynthesis took place or not.
Revision questions
1. In an experiment, a leaf from a plant which had been kept in darkness overnight was boiled in water
for 10 minutes, boiled in alcohol and then washed in warm water, iodine solution was lastly added
onto the leaf.
a) Why was the leaf boiled in: (i) water and (ii) alcohol?
b) What observation was made after adding iodine to the leaf? Give a reason for your answer.
c) What is the aim of the experiment?
This refers to the movement of materials from one part of the organism to another.
Requirements of transport system
The materials to be transported
The medium of transport
The channels of transport
Materials to be transported:
In animals, they include respiratory gases oxygen and carbon dioxide, nitrogenous excretory products e.g. uric acid,
nutrients e.g. glucose, amino acid, etc. In plants, they include oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The medium of transport:
The medium of transport in plants and lower animals is water and it is blood in vertebrates and in a few invertebrates
like arthropods, annelids (earth worm).
The channels of transport:
In most animals, these are blood vessels, in others like earth worms, it is the body cavity (coelom). In higher plants,
there is a vascular system or system of xylem and phloem.
Circulation of blood in animals requires energy supplied from respiration used in pumping of the heart and muscle
This is the process by which animal cells take in liquid materials into their bodies. Thus it is said to be cell-drinking.
This is the process by which animal cells take in solid materials. The cell engulfs/invaginates or takes in solid
materials and form a food vacuole where the food is digested.
Importance of phagocytosis
1) Used by amoeba during feeding
2) White blood cells destroy pathogens by phagocytosis
3) Unicellular animals egest undigested material by phagocytosis
Active transport
This is the movement of molecules from the region of low concentration to the region of higher concentration
against concentration gradient using energy.
The red litmus papers will turn blue in series from the one closest to the cotton wool to the one far away from the
cotton wool.
Diffusion occurs in gases.
Note: The cotton wool soaked in ammonia gives off ammonia vapour which then diffuses away from the cotton wool
throughout the glass tube turning the red litmus papers blue.
When a mixture of starch and glucose solution is put into the visking tubing
and placed in distilled water, only glucose molecules pass through the visking
tubing membrane but not starch molecules. This is because glucose molecules
are small thus can pass through the semipermeable membrane but starch
molecules are large hence can’t pass through a semipermeable membrane.
Sucrose and maltose molecules don’t cross semi permeable membranes
because their molecules are also large since they are disaccharides.
This is the movement of water/solvent molecules from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution across a semi
permeable membrane.
It is the movement water/solvent molecules from a solution of low solute concentration to a solution of high solute
concentration across a semi permeable membrane.
Diagram showing details of osmosis
A semi/partially/selectively permeable membrane is one
which can allow the passage of some materials to occur
and prevent other materials from passing across it.
When 2 solutions are separated by a semi permeable
membrane having small pores, water molecules continue
to move from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution
through it.
Osmosis takes place in living tissues and does not take place in boiled tissues because boiling the tissues destroys
membrane semi permeability and then it becomes freely permeable.
Living tissues have cell membrane or cell walls acting as semi permeable membrane and allow water to move
through by osmosis while boiling a living tissue makes it freely permeable.
Revision question
Red blood cells are sensitive to changes in the ion concentration of an external solution. The cells shrink
when immersed in a highly concentrated salt solution. They burst or haemolyse when immersed in a low
concentrated salt solution. The table below shows the percentage of red blood cells that haemolyse at
different salt concentrations. Use the information to answer the questions that follow.
% salt concentration 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55
% red blood cells haemolysed 100 95 85 50 20 0
a) Plot a graph to represent the data above with the percentage of salt concentration on the horizontal
axis and the percentage of the haemolysed red blood cells on the vertical axis.
b) At what percentage of salt concentration are all red blood cells haemolysed?
c) At what percentage of salt concentration are the number of haemolysed cells equal to non-
haemolysed cells?
d) Briefly explain the process of haemolysis.
e) What would you expect to happen to the red blood cells if they are placed in 0.6% salt solution?
f) From the figures given in the table, suggest the safest percentage of salt concentration for human
blood. Give reasons for your answer.
Source: Maina, A., Kelemba, J. & Majani, D. Comprehensive Secondary Biology Form 2 (Oxford, 2004)
Revision questions
1. Define cell physiology?
2. State factors that affect diffusion.
3. In the experimental set up shown below, a student took samples of water from the boiling tube. This
was done at the beginning of the experiment and after twenty minutes.
The student tested the samples from the boiling tube for starch and
glucose, and recorded the results as shown in the table below.
Time (mins) Test for starch Test for glucose
Start (0 mins) Absent Absent
After 20 mins Absent Present
a) Give an explanation for the:
i) Presence of glucose in the water
ii) Absence of starch in the water sample
b) During the experiment it was noted that the levels of the distilled water in the boiling tube and the
liquid inside the visking tube had changed. What changes occurred in the: (i) Boiling tube? And
(ii) Visking tube?
c) Briefly explain the changes observed above.
Source: Maina, A., Kelemba, J. & Majani, D. Comprehensive Secondary Biology Form 2 (Oxford, 2004)
4. Six identical potato cylinders measuring 2.0 cm in length were each placed in a different
concentration of sugar solution. After two hours, the potato cylinders were removed from the
solutions and re measured. The table below shows the results.
Concentrations of sugar solutions in mol l-1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Length of potato cylinders after 2 hours (cm) 2.40 2.25 2.15 2.05 1.98 1.02
Difference in length of potato cylinders after 2 hours (cm)
(a) Complete the table by filling in the difference in length of each potato cylinder after two hours.
(b) Plot a graph of the difference in length after 2 hours against concentration of sugar solutions.
Transporting tissue in plant is xylem and phloem. It involves movement of water, salts and organic molecules
(manufactured food).
Water absorption by the root hairs to the xylem
Up take of water also called absorption is a continuous stream through the plant. Root hairs in the soil are
surrounded by a film of water containing mineral salts/soil solution.
The soil solution once inside the root hair vacuole is called cell sap and has a lower osmotic potential than the soil
solution. Osmotic potential is the pressure which must be applied to prevent osmosis into a solution when
separated from pure water by a semi-permeable membrane. The cell membrane of the root hair is semi permeable.
The above conditions enable water to move from the soil, pass through the cell membrane into the vacuole by
Root hair vacuoles contain a high concentration of solute than the surrounding water. Water is absorbed by root hairs
by osmosis. This causes the root hair vacuoles to become less concentrated than those of the adjacent cortex cells.
Water is then passed into the cortex cells by osmosis and it then enters the xylem tissue.
Water moves through the root cortex from cell to cell by 3 path ways:
i) Some of the water flows along the cell walls (Apoplast).
ii) Some water travels in the cytoplasm (Symplast).
iii) Most of the water moves from vacuole to vacuole.
The inner most region of cortex (endodermis) is made up of an impermeable casparian strip which controls the entry
of water from the cortex into the xylem.
This is a process by which plants lose water in form of water vapour mainly through leaves to the atmosphere.
Transpiration can also occur from flowers.
Types of transpiration
1. Stomatal transpiration: This is the transpiration through the stomatal opening. This contributes up to 80-90% of
water lost.
2. Cuticular transpiration: This occurs through the leaf cuticle which amounts for about 20% of the water lost.
3. Lenticular transpiration: This occurs through the stem pores called lenticels and accounts for about 0.1% of
the water lost.
Water can also be lost from the plants as water droplets in a process called guttation through special structures found
on leaf margins.
An experiment to show that water is lost mainly from leaves during transpiration
Potted plant, transparent polythene sheet, thread and Cobalt (II) chloride paper or anhydrous copper (II) sulphate.
i) Tie polythene sheet around the tin of the potted plant. Using a string to avoid evaporation of water from the soil
ii) Tie a transparent polythene sheet around the leafy shoot of the plant.
iii) Set up another similar control experiment but with leaves removed and dry plant.
iv) Leave the experiment to settle for 3 hours in bright sunlight.
v) Remove the polythene sheet around the leafy shoot and test the drops of liquid inside the polythene using
anhydrous copper (ii) sulphate / cobalt (ii) chloride paper.
i) A leafy shoot of a plant is cut under water to prevent air bubbles from entering as these would block the xylem
ii) The leafy shoot is fixed into the air-tight seal (cork) and then fitted into the mouth of the potometer vessel full of
iii) Vaseline is smeared at the interface of the shoot and the cock to prevent entry of air into the apparatus.
iv) A meniscus is set inside the capillary tube and its cm level with the ruler is noted and recorded. V1
v) At a given mark V1, reached by the meniscus, a stop clock is started and after a given time t, the new position of
the meniscus, V2, is noted and recorded.
𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒃𝒖𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆
Rate of transpiration=
𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏
vi) In any given set of environmental conditions, about 3 experiments can be performed, resetting the meniscus
after each experiment by opening the tap and then closing it.
vii) Average rate is then calculated and taken as the rate of transpiration in that environment.
Precautions taken when using a potometer in order to ensure that accurate results are obtained
A leafy shoot should be used to ensure significant water loss.
The shoot must be cut under water to prevent air from entering and blocking the xylem vessels.
The whole apparatus must be full of water.
There should be no air bubbles in the capillary tube.
The meniscus should not be allowed to go past the ruler calibrations.
Adaptations of plants to reduce transpiration rate
i) Shedding off of leaves in deciduous plants to reduce transpiration since most of it occur from the leaves
ii) Reducing the number, size and distribution of the stomata and only on lower epidermis
iii) Structural adjustments in stomata i.e. some plants have sunken stomata and others have hairy stomata which
reduces evaporation from them.
iv) Reduction in leaf structure i.e. some plant leaf are reduced to narrow or thorny / spines structures that reduce
surface area over which transpiration occurs.
v) Rolling of leaves to create a humid atmosphere around the stomata in order to reduce water loss.
vi) Possession to thick cuticle of the leaves to prevent water loss through it.
vii) Thick leaves that store water
viii) Changes in the rhythm of stomata opening i.e. they close during day and open at night when temperatures are
very low.
ix) They shed off their leaves in extremely hot environment to cut down water loss.
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Importance of transpiration (functions/advantages)
i) Results in the absorption of water and its movement up the plant to aid processes like photosynthesis.
ii) Contribution to maintenance of continuous stream of water throughout the plant.
iii) Transported water keeps the plant cells turgid and cools the plant.
iv) Results in the movement of mineral salts up the plants to where they are needed.
Disadvantages / dangers of transpiration
i) Excessive water loss from the plant may lead to wilting, drying and even death of the plant.
ii) Water may lead to over cooling which affect metabolic activities
iii) Over absorption of mineral salts with water lead to soil exhaustion.
Revision questions
1. A freshly cut leafy shoot was set up in a simple potometer made of a capillary tube. The number of
minutes taken for the bubble to run over 15cm in the tube was recorded with the potometer set under
different environmental conditions, as in the table below:
Environmental conditions
Time taken to run over 15 cms (in mins) 60 50 25 75
Rate of bubble movement cm/min
a) Calculate the rate of bubble movements in conditions A, B, C, D and fill in the table above.
b) What does the rate of bubble movement under each conditions represent in this experiment?
c) Give at least 2 important precautions you would take when setting up the shoot in the potometer,
to ensure that the apparatus works well.
2. Suggest a reason for the following:
a) It is better to water plants in the evening than in the middle of the day.
b) Before transplanting a plant it is a good idea to remove some of its leaves.
c) Water moves up a stem more quickly on a day than on a humid day
d) In very humid conditions water may drip from leaves.
e) When a greenfly feeds on a plant it sticks its proboscis into the phloem.
f) If a tree is felled, a watery liquid may ooze out of the stump for a while.
3. Explain how the following features helps plants that live in hot, dry places to cope with the shortage
of water in their environment.
a) Thick cuticle covering the leaves
b) Small leaves
c) Stomata sunk down into pits in the epidermis
d) Very deep roots.
e) Roots just beneath the surface of the soil.
Source: Roberts, M., Biology (Nelson science)
These are the tubes that carry blood throughout the body and they include: arteries, veins, and capillaries
Arteries and veins both have three layers in their walls but the layer of the muscles (elastic tissue).is much greater in
arteries than in the veins.
These carry blood from the heart to the body capillaries. Arteries divide Transverse section of an artery
into smaller vessels called arterioles which then divide repeatedly to form
They have no valves except at the base of the pulmonary artery and
They carry oxygenated blood except the pulmonary artery and umbilical
They all carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body.
Adaptations of arteries to their functions
Has three layered wall which is strong to withstand the high pressure resulting from pumping action of the heart.
They have fibrous outer wall so as to withstand high pressure
Their walls are elastic to allow stretching due to high blood pressure.
They have narrow lumen than veins which maintains blood flow at high pressure.
These carry blood from tissues to the heart. The pressure in them is steady and less than in arteries. All veins carry
de-oxygenated blood except pulmonary vein. They have less elastic muscles.
Blood in the veins flows slowly after losing pressure in the capillaries; however the sluggish flow of blood is
maintained by:
Possession of valves which prevent back flow.
Having a wide lumen that offers a low resistance to blood flow.
Action of skeletal muscles against veins as they contract during movement increases blood pressure in veins.
Inhaling lowers the pressure in thoracic cavity leading to flow of blood towards the heart.
Transverse section of a vein transverse section of a vein
Revision questions
1. Describe the movement of blood from the alimentary canal to the lungs in mammals.
2. Describe the route taken by urea made in the liver to where it is excreted.
3. Give ways in which the content of blood carried by the hepatic artery is different from that in hepatic
portal vein.
4. How are veins and arteries suited to their functions?
5. How is blood flow in veins maintained?
Its function is to pump blood around the body. The whole heart is surrounded by the pericardium which has two
layers between which is the pericardial fluid that reduce friction between them.
The heart is made of tissues called cardiac muscles which have the potential to contract rapidly.
It’s divided in to four chambers. The upper chambers are called atrium/auricle and the lower chambers are each
called ventricle.
The heart is divided in to sections i.e. left and right by a muscular septum whose function is to prevent mixing of
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
Blood flow in one direction in the heart is maintained by the presence of valves.
The auricles receive blood from all parts of the body while the ventricles pump blood to the body e.g. the left atrium
receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary vein and pump it to the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve.
The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body from the vena cava and pumps it to the right
ventricle via the tricuspid valve.
The ventricle walls are more muscular (have thicker walls) to generate a high pressure than those of the auricles
because the auricle pump blood to shorter distance i.e. to the ventricle while the ventricles pump blood longer
distances to body parts and lungs.
The walls of the left ventricle that pump blood in to the systemic circulation are thicker than those of the right
ventricle which pump blood to pulmonary circulation.
Flow of blood through the heart:
Blood flows in to the heart from the rest of the body via the vena cava to the right atrium which pumps it to the right
ventricle via the tricuspid valve.
The right ventricle pumps blood to the pulmonary artery to the lungs and blood flows back to the left atrium via the
pulmonary vein which pumps it to the left ventricle via the bicuspid valve and then finally pumped to the rest of the
body via the aorta.
Blood is a connective tissue made up of cells suspended in a fluid matrix called plasma. There are two types of cells
in blood i.e. White blood cells (leucocytes) and red blood cells (erythrocytes). The platelets (thrombocytes)
are fragments of cells.
In an adult human being, there are five to six liters of blood with blood making up approximately 10% of the body
Main components of blood
1. Red blood cells/erythrocytes
2. White blood cells/leucocytes
3. Platelets/thrombocytes
4. Plasma
General importance of blood in the bodies of animals
i) It transports oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body.
ii) It transports digested food from the ileum to other parts of the body for use.
iii) It transports Carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
iv) It transports nitrogenous wastes from the liver to the kidney where they are excreted.
Some white blood cells destroy foreign particles by releasing antibodies, which destroy the particles. White blood
cells, which produce antibodies, are called lymphocytes. There are four types of antibodies produced.
1) Opsonins; these attach to the outer surface of the foreign particle and make it easier for phagocytic white blood
cells to engulf them.
2) Agglutinins; these cause the foreign particles to stick together. In this condition the foreign particles cannot
invade the tissues.
3) Lysins; these destroy bacteria by dissolving their outer coats.
4) Anti-toxins; these combine with and so neutralize the toxins produced by foreign particles.
Types of immunity
Immunity may be inborn, may follow infection by disease, may by induced by vaccination or may be acquired from
another organism. There are four main types of immunity; natural active, natural passive, artificial (or acquired) active
and artificial passive.
1. Natural active immunity:
There are many disease-producing organisms to which man is immune. This is because the human body
produces antibodies easily and quickly which repel the invasion of these germs so successfully that no disease
symptoms ever occurs. Once the body has started to manufacture antibodies in response to a disease-causing
agent, it may continue to do so for a long time after, sometimes permanently. It is for this reason that most
people suffer diseases such as mumps and measles only once in their lifetime.
2. Natural passive immunity:
Pre-formed antibodies from one individual are passed to another individual of the same species. This provides
temporary immunity. For example, many babies are immune to many diseases because certain antibodies are
passed through the placenta or the milk produced first, called colostrum. The protection slowly disappears.
There are 4 main blood groups i.e.
1) Blood group A 3) Blood group AB
2) Blood group B 4) Blood group O
When one has got less blood than necessary, blood transfusion is carried out. The one who gives blood to a patient
is called a donor and the one receiving is known as a recipient. Doctors have to match the blood of the donor to that
of the recipient because when incompatibles blood is mixed, the red blood cells stick together (agglutinate) and blood
clots. This is a fatal situation.
Agglutination is caused by the presence of proteins called antigens on the surface of cells being mixed with specific
antibodies, which work against them. Blood groups are determined by the type of antigens one has in blood. This
means that one having antigen A belongs to blood group A. Those with antigen B belong to blood group B. Those
with antigens A and B belong to blood group AB while those without antigens belong to blood group O. Each blood
produces particular antibodies, which work against particular antigens when introduced into the body. For example,
blood group A produces antibody b (anti B). This means that blood group A is anti (against) blood containing antigen
B (blood group B).
The table below shows the blood groups, the antigens they carry and the antibodies they produce.
Blood group Antigen present Antibody produced
A A b or (anti B)
B B a (anti A)
AB A and B None
O No antigen a and b or (anti A and B)
Antibodies are represented by small letters while antigens are represented by capital letters. Before doctors can carry
out transfusion, they carry out tests to make sure that the patient’s and donor’s blood are compatible (the recipient’s
blood must not contain antibodies that act on the antigens in the donor’s blood. For example antigen A would
agglutinate if mixed with blood containing antibody a. i.e. blood group B.
Table of compatibility
A X X Key
B X X X --------- Incompatible
--------- Compatible
Blood group AB can receive blood from all other blood groups because it has no antibodies and it is therefore called
a universal recipient.
Blood group O can donate blood to all blood groups because it has no antigens and it is therefore called a universal
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