1st Sessional Datesheet

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Technology Education & Research Integrated Institution, Kurukshetra

DATE SHEET FOR B.TECH 1st SESSIONAL THEORY EXAM 2019( Even Semester ) to be started w.e.f. 25/02/2019

2nd Semester
Morning Evening
25/02/2019 Introduction to Electromagnetic
MONDAY Theory(ME+CIVIL) ES-105A Programming for Problem Solving
BS-115A Semiconductor Physics(CSE+EEE)
Morning Evening
TUESDAY BS-141A Biology ES-109A Engineering Graphics & Design

Morning Calculus and Linear

Multivariable Evening
27/02/2019 BS-136A
BS -134A Probability ans Statistics(CSE+EEE)
Timings: Morning Session 10:00-11:30 AM Evening Session 2:00-3:30 PM
Mobile Phones are not allowed in Examination Hall

4th Semester
Morning Evening
AS-201N Mathematics-III (CSE+ME) ME-202N Production Technology-I
HS-201N Fundamentals of Management(CE+EEE) EE-210N Electrical Engineering Materials & Processes
CSE-202 N Object Oriented Programming
CE-202N Structural Analysis-II

Morning Evening
EE-204N Electrical Measurements & Measuring Inst. CSE-210 N Operating System
CE-204N Design of Steel Structures-I EE-206N Signals & Systems
ME-204N Steam Generation & Power CE-206N Fluid Mechanics-II(CIVIL)
CSE-204 N Internet Fundamental ME-206N Mechanics of Solids-II

Morning Evening
CSE-206 N Digital Data Communication EE-202N Digital Electronics
27/02/2019 EE-208N Electrical Machines-II CSE-208 N Microprocessor & Interfacing
WEDNESDAY CE-208N Soil Mechanics ME-210N Dynamics of Machines
ME-208N Fluid Mechanics(MECHANICAL) CE-210N Surveying-II

Timings: Morning Session 10:00-11:30 AM Evening Session 2:00-3:30 PM

Mobile Phones are not allowed in Examination Hall
6th Semester
Design of Steel Structures-II Evening
Irrigation Engineering-I
CE-302N Refrigeration and Air Conditioning CE-304N
ME-302N CSE-209N Essentials of IT (Mechanical)
CSE 302N Compiler Design CSE 304N Essential of Information Technology
EEN-302N Power System Engineering EEN-304N Data Communication & Networking

Disaster Management Evening
CE-306N CE-308N Geotechnology-II
Tribology & Mechanical Vibration
ME-306N Operation Research ME-304N
CSE 306N Mobile Computing CSE 308N Web Technology
Electrical Machine Design
EE-308N EEN-306N Micro Processor & Micro Controller

Transportation Engineering- I Evening
CE-310N CE-312N Water Supply & Treatment
ME-308N Computer Aided Design & Man ME-310N Machine Design-II
CSE 310N Software Engineering Business Intelligence and Entrepreneurship
EE-310N Electric Drives & Traction EEN-312N Digital Signal Processing

Timings: Morning Session 10:00-11:30 AM Evening Session 2:00-3:30 PM

Mobile Phones are not allowed in Examination Hall

8th Semester
Morning Evening
CSE 420N Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic CSE-420N Cloud Computing
25/02/2019 EEN-402N Modern Trends in Communication EEN-404N Modeling and Simulation
MONDAY ME-402N Automobile Engineering ME-422N Foundry Engg.
CE-402N Bridge Engg. CE-404N Railway & Airport Engg.

Morning Evening
CSE-412N Software Testing EEN-422N Radio and TV engg.
26/02/2019 EE-406N Special Electrical Machines ME-404N Power Plant Engg.
TUESDAY ME-426N Manufacuring Management CE-414N Geosynthetics Engg.
CE-406N Industrial Waste Water Treatment

Morning Evening
CSE-404N Mobile Apps Development
27/02/2019 ME-406N Quality Assurance & Reliability
WEDNESDAY EEN-428N Software Engg.
CE-422N Environmental Impact Assessment

Timings: Morning Session 10:00-11:30 AM Evening Session 2:00-3:30 PM

Mobile Phones are not allowed in Examination Hall
Sessional Incharge

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