Impact of Zoonoses On Human Health and Economy
Impact of Zoonoses On Human Health and Economy
Impact of Zoonoses On Human Health and Economy
Dr. R. S. Tayde
Assistant Professor
Dept. of VPH & Epidemiology
Co.V.Sc. & A.H., Mhow, Indore (M.P.)
Impact of zoonoses on human health and economy
• Many of the zoonotic diseases cause serious illness and high mortality in
• The loss of human efficiency and man hours together with medical costs
of control in zoonotic diseases affect the national economy severely.
• On the other hand, countries which have animals and animal products that
could be exported to earn foreign exchange may find their markets
closed or restricted because of endemic infections including several
• E.g., The panic of 1994 plague outbreak in India.The outbreak had resulted
in ban for air travel to the country, which had severe repercussions on
tourism industry and in turn economy. The financial loss to the nation due
to disruption of travel and trade was estimated as 900 crores rupees.