The Creation
The Creation
The Creation
In regard to the teaching of evolution, Pres Joseph F. created things were to fall they must be created in a
Smith said: higher state than the state they would be in after the
“In reaching the conclusion that evolution Fall. To fall is to go downward, or forward, not
would be best left out of discussions in our Church upward” (Bruce R. McConkie, Sermons and Writings of Bruce R.
schools, we are deciding a question of propriety and McConkie [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1998], 194).
Author: Evenson, William E.
The scriptures tell why man was created, but they do not
tell how, though the Lord has promised that he will tell
that when he comes again (D&C 101:32-33). In 1931,
when there was intense discussion on the issue of
organic evolution, the First Presidency of the Church,
then consisting of Presidents Heber J. Grant, Anthony
W. Ivins, and Charles W. Nibley, addressed all of the
General Authorities of the Church on the matter, and
concluded, Upon the fundamental doctrines of the
Church we are all agreed. Our mission is to bear the
message of the restored gospel to the world. Leave
geology, biology, archaeology, and anthropology, no
one of which has to do with the salvation of the souls of
mankind, to scientific research, while we magnify our
calling in the realm of the Church…. )