Biogeography Notes
Biogeography Notes
Biogeography Notes
The study of organisms.
It is concerned with the origin of plants and animals and the way they organize
It is also concerned with the interaction between organisms and their environment, how
the environment supports them and how they in turn affect the environment.
An ecosystem is a distinctive grouping of plants and animals (biotic) that interact with
each other and with the non-living component or physical (abiotic) of the environment.
The study of ecosystems seeks to understand the links between the various
units/parts/components and the transferences of chemicals and energy between them.
Ecosystems are considered at any scale from a small area, such as a pond ecosystem or
hedge ecosystem up to an area such as the earth itself.
The structure of ecosystems
The parts or components of an ecosystem are classified or categorized as either biotic or abiotic.
Biotic means the living environment or parts of an ecosystem.
These include;
Vegetation(living and decomposing)
Mammals, insects, birds, mcro-organisms.
People (who rarely seem to live in harmony with the environment)
The total mass of plant and animal life in an ecosystem is called the biomass.This is mainlyplant
Abiotic means non-living, chemical or physical components of the ecosystem.
These include;
Climate and in particular the seasonal patterns of temperature and rainfall.
Air which provides oxygen, essential for all forms of life and carbon dioxide.
Solar energy from the sun, which is the primary source of energy as well as providing
heat and light.
Rocks whichprovide nutrients and which may be permeable or impermeable.
Soils which vary in depth, acidity (pH), nutrients and fertility.
Relief of the land.
Drainage characteristics
-+ +KJ
The systems approach to ecosystems
Ecosystems are open systems because energy and living matter both enter and leave the
Any system has inputs, outputs, stores and flows.
These are the things that go into a system. They are needed in order for the system to
work properly.
The most important input is energy from the sun, which drives photosynthesis and so
enables plants to grow.
Other inputs are animals that arrive from elsewhere.
Water, transported into the ecosystem by precipitation or rivers.
These are the products of a system. They are transferred out of the system in a number of
Animals physically move out.
Water moves out of the ecosystem through rivers, evapotranspiration, through flow and
ground water flow.
The transfer or movement of nutrients from one store to another.
For example from the soil to the vegetation through capillary uptake by plant roots.
These are the areas where the nutrients are containedor kept.
The three main stores of nutrients in an ecosystem are vegetation, soil and plant litter.
Energy flow
Each ecosystem is sustained by the transfer of energy through it. Thus energy flow is the
movement or transfer of energy through an ecosystem.
The sun is the main source of energy in an ecosystem and is used to make carbohydrates
from carbon dioxide and water through the process of photosynthesis. In this way the
plants grow and increase their biomass.
Energy is then able to pass through the ecosystem in the food chain.
Food chain
Is the transfer of energy through the ecosystem from primary producers to consumers and
Plants are eaten by animals, some animals consume each other.
In the food chain, each link in the chain feeds on and obtains energy from the link
preceding it. In turn it is also consumed by and provides energy for the link that follows.
An example of a food chain is;
Grass goat hyena lion vulture
Food web
a system, or a group of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community of
organisms with their environment.
). Plant Succession
The concept of a climax community assumes that the plants colonizing and
establishing themselves in a given region can achieve stable equilibrium. The idea
that succession ends in the development of a climax community has had a long history
in the fields of biogeography and ecology. One of the earliest proponents of this idea
was Frederic Clements who studied succession at the beginning of the 20th century.
However, beginning in the 1920s scientists began refuting the notion of a climax state.
By 1950, many scientists began viewing succession as a phenomenon that rarely
attains equilibrium. The reason why equilibrium is not reached is related to the nature
of disturbance. Disturbance acts on communities at a variety of spatial and temporal
scales. Further, the effect of disturbance is not always 100 percent. Many disturbances
remove only a part of the previous plant community. As a result of these new ideas,
plant communities are now generally seen as being composed of numerous patches of
various size at different stages of successional development.
One of the earliest studies of plant succession was done by Dwight Billings in the
1930s (see 1938, Ecological Monographs 8: 437-499). In this investigation, Billings
examined the succession of plant species that occurred on abandoned agricultural
fields in North Carolina. Billings studied a number of fields that had been deserted
from just a few years to a maximum of about 150 years. From observations of the
plant communities that existed in these sites, Billings was able to construct a detailed
successional sequence.
After about 5 to 15 years, the sites were then colonized by a number of different
softwood tree species including loblolly pine (Pinustaeda), shortleaf pine
(Pinusechinata), Virginia pine (Pinusvirginiana), and sweetgum. As the softwoods
increased in their numbers and grew in height, they began forming a forest canopy.
This canopy reduces the amount of light reaching the forest floor. The resulting
shaded understory conditions caused the exclusion of many light loving perennial
herb and shrub species. Low light conditions also inhibited the germination of pine
seedlings. Perennial herb and shrub species that were adapted to low light conditions
now began to take over the ground cover. The canopy also changed the microclimate
of habitat near ground level. It was now more humid, has moderated temperatures,
and less wind. These conditions, plus the development of a soillitter layer, allowed
for the germination of hardwood species, like oak (Quercus spp.) and various species
of hickory (Carya spp). The seedlings of these tree species also tolerate low light
By about 50 to 75 years after the initial colonization of the pioneer species, the
hardwoods started to replace the softwood species in the developing forest. At this
stage in the succession, the pines had maximum heights of about 25 meters, while the
oaks and hickories were on average about 10 meters tall. Because of their shorter
lifespans (50 years), many of the softwood species were beginning to die out and the
gap that was created was then filled by a subdominant hardwood tree. Hardwood
species, like oak and hickory, can live for more than 100 years. Sites more than 100
years old were found to be dominated by mature oak forests.
In the first quarter of this century there was considerable debate about the nature of
the community. F.E. Clements (1916) conceived of the community as a sort of
superorganism whose member species were tightly bound together both now and in
their common evolutionary history. Thus, individuals, populations, and communities
have a relationship to each other that resembles the associations found between cells,
tissues, and organs.
The main processes acting to produce the various successional stages of species
dominance, and finally climax, are competition and plant modification of the abiotic
environment. Environmental modification, however, is detrimental to the plants doing
the modifying. Modification changes the environment allowing the establishment of
new colonists, and then results in the subsequent competitive exclusion of the former
inhabitants by these colonists. This facilitative process stops when the climax
community is reached.
Gleason argued that the holistic view point of Clements was inadequate in explaining
the mechanism of succession. For example, Gleason suggested that Clementsian
concepts could not properly explain the occurrence of such phenomena as
retrogressive successions. In reference to his view of succession, Gleason stated that
".... every species of plant is a law unto itself, the distribution of which in space
depends upon its individual peculiarities of migration and environmental
requirements". Thus, associations of plants, or communities, were not highly
organized, but aggregations of independent plant species, each specialized to survive
on habitats they were adapted for. Retrogressive successions were possible in
Gleason's model if environmental variables deteriorated with time, changing the
pattern of establishment, growth and reproduction of plants in a habitat. Clements'
model, however, assumed long term climatic stability, and this assumption does not
allow for short term retrogressive community change.
Our current view on the nature of community structure is close to the individualistic
concept. Results of many studies indicate that a given location, by virtue mainly of its
physical characteristics, possesses a reasonable predictable association of species.
However, a given species that occurs in one predictable association is also quite likely
to occur with another group of species under different conditions elsewhere.
Types of Succession
Primary succession - is the establishment of plants on land that has not been
previously vegetated - Mount Saint Helens. Begins with colonization and
establishment of pioneer species.
Table 9i-1 describes some of the plant, community, and ecosystem attributes that
change with succession.
Succession Mechanisms
The essential feature of facilitation succession, in contrast with either the tolerance or
inhibition models, is that changes in the abioticenvironment are imposed by the
developing plantcommunity. Thus, the entry and growth of the later species depends
on earlier species preparing the ground.
The inhibition model applies when all species resist invasions of competitors. Later
species gradually accumulate by replacing early individuals when they die. An
important distinction between models is the cause of death of the early colonists. In
the case of facilitation and tolerance, they are killed in competition for resources,
notably light and nutrients. In the case of the inhibition model, however, the early
species are killed by very local disturbances caused by extreme physical conditions
or the action of predators.
Adaptive radiation - period of time (usually millions of years) during which numerous
new species evolve to fill vacant and new ecological niches in changed environments,
usually after a mass extinction.
Barrier islands - Long, thin, low, offshore islands of sediment that generally run parallel
to the shore along some coasts.
Bioregion - a unique life-place with its own soils, landforms, watersheds, climates, native
plants and animals, and many other distinct natural characteristics.
Biotic potential - maximum rate at which the population of a given species can increase
when there are no limits of any sort on its rate of growth.
Carrying capacity (K) - maximum population of a particular species that a given habitat
can support over a given period of time.
Clear-cutting - method of timber harvesting in which all trees in a forested area are
removed in a single cutting.
Coastal wetland - Land along a coastline, extending inland from an estuary that is
covered with salt water all or part of the year. Examples are marshes, bays, lagoons, tidal
flats, and mangrove swamps.
Consumer - organism that cannot synthesize the organic nutrients it needs and gets its
organic nutrients by feeding on the tissues of producers or of other consumers; generally
divided into primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), tertiary
(higher-level) consumers, omnivores, and detritivores (decomposers and detritus feeders).
Coral reef - formation produced by massive colonies containing billions of tiny coral
animals, called polyps, which secrete a stony substance (calcium carbonate) around
themselves for protection. When corals die, their empty outer skeletons form layers that
cause the reef to grow. They are found in the coastal zones of warm tropical and
subtropical oceans.
Crown fire - extremely hot forest fire that burns ground vegetation and tree tops.
Desert - biome where evaporation exceeds precipitation and the average mount of
precipitation is less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) a year. Such areas have little
vegetation or have widely spaced, mostly low vegetation.
Ecological diversity - the variety of forests, deserts, grasslands, oceans, streams, lakes,
and other biological communities interacting with one another and with their nonliving
Ecological niche - total way of life or role of a species in an ecosystem. It includes all
physical, chemical, and biological conditions a species needs to live and reproduce in an
Ecology - study of the interactions of living organisms with one another and with their
nonliving environment of matter and energy; study of the structure and function of
Environmental science - study of how we and other species interact with each other and
with the nonliving environment of matter and energy. It is a holistic science that uses and
integrates knowledge from physics, chemistry, biology (especially ecology), geology,
geography, resource technology and engineering, resource conservation and
management, demography (the study of population dynamics), economics, politics, and
Estuary - partially enclosed coastal area at the mouth of a river where its fresh water,
carrying fertile silt and runoff from the land, mixes with salty seawater.
Extinction - complete disappearance of a species from the earth. This happens when a
species cannot adapt and successfully reproduce under new environmental conditions or
when it evolves into one or more new species (speciation).
Food web - complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding
Forest - biome with enough average annual precipitation (at least 76 centimeters,or 30
inches) to support growth of various species of trees and smaller forms of vegetation.
Gene pool - the sum total of all genes found in the individuals of the population of a
particular species.
Grassland - biome found in regions where moderate annual average precipitation (25 to
76 centimeters, or 10 to 30 inches) is enough to support the growth of grass and small
plants, but not enough to support large stands of trees.
Indicator species - species that serve as early warnings that a community or an ecosystem
is being degraded.
Inland wetland - land away from the coast, such as a swamp, marsh, or bog, that is
covered all or part of the year with fresh water.
Keystone species - species that play roles affecting many other organisms in an
Limiting factor - single factor that limits the growth, abundance, or distribution of the
population of a species in an ecosystem.
Native species - species that normally live and thrive in a particular ecosystem.
Old-growth forest - virgin and old, second-growth forests containing trees that are often
hundreds, sometimes thousands, or years old.
Overpopulation - state in which there are more people than can live on Earth or in a
geographic region in comfort, happiness, and health and still leave the planet or region a
fit place for future generations. It is a result of growing numbers of people, growing
affluence (resource consumption), or both.
Pioneer community - first integrated set of plants, animals, and decomposers found in an
area undergoing primary ecological succession.
Pioneer species - first hardy species, often microbes, mosses, and lichens, that begin
colonizing a site as the first stage of ecological succession.
Primary succession - sequential development of communities in a bare area that has never
been occupied by a community of organisms.
Riparian zones - thin strips and patches of vegetation that surround streams. They are
very important habitats and resources for wildlife.
Secondary succession - sequential development of communities in an area in which
natural vegetation has been removed or destroyed but the soil is not destroyed.
Successional Theory - Current theory holds that ecosystem development results from
modification of the physical environment by the biotic community acting as a whole (the
holistic component); the interaction of competition and coexistence between component
populations (the individualistic component); and a shift in energy flow from production
to respiration as more and more of the available energy is required to support the
increasing organic structure (the community metabolic component).
Biotic: Living factors such as plants, animals, fungi, protist and bacteria are all
biotic or living factors. Biotic factors depend on abiotic factors to survive. Th kind of
biotic factors (living organisms) in a given area is often as a result of abiotic
conditions of that area.
Habitat: the area where an organism lives, including the biotic and abiotic factors
that affect it
Food Web: The complex feeding network occurring within and between food chains
in an ecosystem, whereby members of one food chain may belong to one or more
other food chains.
Habitat: The place where a particular population (e.g., human, animal, plant,
micro-organism) lives and its surroundings. Example, The anaconda snake lives in
water and thrives very well there.
A group of individuals of a given species that live in a specific geographic area at a
given time. (example is Gill and his family and friends and other fishes of Gill’s species)
Note that populations include individuals of the same species, but may have different
genetic makeup such as hair/eye/skin colour and size between themselves and other
This includes all the populations in a specific area at a given time. A community
includes populations of organisms of different species. In the diagram above, note how
populations of gold fishes, salmons, crabs and herrings coexist in a defined location. A
great community usually includes biodiversity.
As explained in the pages earlier, ecosystems include more than a community of living
organisms (abiotic) interacting with the environment (abiotic). At this level note how
they depend on other abiotic factors such as rocks, water, air and temperature.
A biome, in simple terms, is a set of ecosystems sharing similar characteristics with
their abiotic factors adapted to their environments.
When we consider all the different biomes, each blending into the other, will all
humans living in many different geographic areas, we form a huge community of
humans, animals and plants, in their defined habitats. A biosphere is the sum of
all the ecosystems established on Earth.
What is a biome?
Biomes are very large ecological areas on the earth’s surface, with fauna and flora (animals and plants
adapting to their environment. Biomes are often defined by abiotic factors such as climate, relief,
geology, soils and vegetation. A biome is NOT an ecosystem, although in a way it can look like a
massive ecosystem. If you take a closer look, you will notice that plants or animals in any of the biome
have special adaptations that make it possible for them to exist in that area. You may find many units
ecosystems within one biome.
There are five major categories of biomes on earth. In these five, there are many sub-biomes, under
which are many more well defined ecosystems.
The Desert Biomes: They are the Hot and Dry Deserts, Semi Arid Deserts, Coastal Deserts and Cold
The Aquatic Biomes: Aquatic biomes are grouped into two, Freshwater Biomes (lakes and ponds,
rivers and streams, wetlands) and Marine Biomes (oceans, coral reefs and estuaries).
The Forest Biomes: There are three main biomes that make up Forest Biomes. These are the Tropica
Rainforest, Temperate and Boreal Forests (also called the Taiga)
The Grassland Biomes: There are two main types of grassland biomes: the Savanna Grasslands and
the Temperate Grasslands.
The Tundra Biomes: There are two major tundra biomes—The Artic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra.
Biomes play a crucial role in sustaining life on earth. For example, the Aquatic biome is home to millio
of fish species and the source of the water cycle. It also plays a very important role in climate
formation. The terrestrial biomes provide foods, enrich the air with oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide
and other bad gases from the air. They also help regulate climate and so on.
Food chains
All living things need to feed to get energy to grow, move and reproduce. But what do these living thi
feed on? Smaller insects feed on green plants, and bigger animals feed on smaller ones and so on. Th
feeding relationship in an ecosystem is called a food chain. Food chains are usually in a sequence, w
arrow used to show the flow of energy. Below are some living things that can fit into a food chain. Ca
build it? Click to play.
Would you like to see a good example of another food chain in the Tundra? Click here!
In the diagram above, arrow shows the direction of energy flow. It points to the animal doing the eating.
Energy transfer:
Energy is transferred along food chains from one level to the next. Some of the energy is used up in g
reproduction repair, movement and other ways, and not made available to the next level.
Shorter food chains retain more energy than longer chains. Used up energy is absorbed by the enviro
The levels of a food chain (food pyramid) is called Trophic levels. The trophic level of an organism is
level it holds in a food pyramid.
The sun is the source of all the energy in food chains. Green plants, usually the first level of any fo
chain, absorb some of the Sun’s light energy to make their own food by photosynthesis. Green plants
(autotrophs) are therefore known as ‘Producers’ in a food chain.
The second level of the food chains is called the Primary Consumer. These consume the green pl
Animals in this group are usually herbivores. Examples include insects, sheep, caterpillars and even c
The third in the chain are Secondary Consumers. These usually eat up the primary consumers a
other animal matter. They are commonly called carnivores and examples include lions, snakes and ca
The fourth level is called Tertiary Consumers. These are animals that eat secondary consumers.
At the top of the levels are Predators. They are animals that have little or no natural enemies. The
the ‘bosses’ of their ecosystems. Predators feed on preys. A prey is an animal that predators hunt to
feed on. Predators include owls, snakes, wild cats, crocodiles and sharks. Humans can also be called
When any organism dies, detrivores (like vultures, worms and crabs) eat them up. The rest are b
down by decomposers (mostly bacteria and fungi), and the exchange of energy continues. Decompos
start the cycle again.
Living tissue contain carbon, because they contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The carbon in th
(living or dead) tissues is recycled in various processes.
Let's see how this cycle works using the simple sketch below:
Human activities like heating homes and cars burning fuels (combustion) give off carbon into the
atmosphere. During respiration, animals also introduce carbon into the atmosphere in the form of car
The Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by green plants (producers) to make food in
When animals feed on green plants, they pass on carbon compounds unto other animals in the uppe
of their food chains. Animals give off carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during respiration.
Carbon dioxide is also given off when plants and animals die. This occurs when decomposers (bacter
fungi) break down dead plants and animals (decomposition) and release the carbon compounds sto
Very often, energy trapped in the dead materials becomes fossil fuels which is used as combustion a
a later time.
The Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen is also key in the existence of ecosystems and food chains. Nitrogen forms about 78% of th
earth. But plants do not use nitrogen directly from the air. This is because nitrogen itself is unreactiv
cannot be used by green plants to make protein. Nitrogen gas therefore needs to be converted into
compound in the soil by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil, root nodules or lightning.
2. Nitrates don’t only come from Nitrogen in the air. They can also be obtained by the conversio
ammonia, commonly used in fertilizers by nitrifying bacteria in the soil. Some root nodules can also c
nitrogen in the soil into nitrates.
4. When animals like cows, eat these plants, they in turn use it to build animal protein.
5-6. When these animals (cows) poop, pee or die, the urea, excreta or carcass are broken dow
decomposers and the nitrogen is re-introduced into the soil in the form of ammonia.
7. Nitrates in the soil can also be broken down by denitrifying bacteria (in specific conditions) an
into the air as nitrogen. This process can help make the soil infertile, because it will lack the nitrates
for plant use.
Once nitrogen gets back into the air, the cycle continues.
1. What is soil?
Different people mean different things when they use the word “soil”. To civil engineers it is unconsolidated lo
material that isn’t rock – so geological deposits like estuary mud, lake clays, boulder clay, loess (wind-blown sil
deposits) and sand dunes might be included. To gardeners and farmers it is, perhaps the top 40 cm or so of the g
the bit that you dig, and sink fence-posts into. A grave digger is traditionally interested in the top 2 metres! For
purposes of soil study we are close to the grave digger. Soil scientists and surveyors who map soil types usually
the surface of the earth to about 1.2 metres, although in most parts of the world, as we shall see, soil can be muc
than this. In practice, many soils are quite shallow, as they are developed in hard rocks, but we need a cut-off p
metres is a practical depth, as health and safety legislation in several countries rightly insists on shoring and har
once you get deeper than this. Much survey work is done with a hand auger – a screw tool like a wood auger th
up samples. These are usually one to 1.2 metres long. So soil can be defined as the physically altered top 1.2 m
earth’s crust. We will see that the physical and chemical alterations of the earth's surface at these depths are ver
significant, especially for the growth of plants.
We can all recognise topsoil when we see it. It is a dark crumbly looking material that readily breaks up in the
and leaves your fingers dirty. Most people, if asked, will say that it is a mixture of mineral particles and organic
from decomposed plants. Moist topsoil shaken in the hand will break up into lumps of various sizes, but these l
are obviously made of some kinds of mixed materials stuck together, and will break down further if we grind th
between our fingers, or with a pestle and mortar. Those who study soil have agreed to consider the basic miner
particles in four categories, depending on their size. The finest particles are known as clay defined as having a
diameter of less than 2 micrometres (m, a micrometre is one thousandth of a millimetre. Just for comparison, a
blood cell is about 7m in diameter). Clay does not easily separate into individual particles as it is very cohesiv
study it we have to disperse it in water using chemicals that break the bonds between particles. The next size o
is called silt and has a diameter of 2 to 60m. Particles larger than this can be seen with the naked eye, and are
as sand sometimes divided into fine, medium and coarse sand. Sand, silt and clay contitute what is known as th
earth”. Particles larger than 2000m (2 mm) are included with stones which vary from fine grit, or gravel to lar
Soil samples, of course, are never composed of just one of these particle-sizes. They contain mixtures of sand s
clay, and this mixture is conventionally called the texture or “particle size-class” of the soil. Stones also occur
soils, but they are considered seperately, and do not constitute part of the particle size-class. The word “loam” h
to be used for a good mixture containing enough clay to provide nutrients and enough silt and sand to give good
drainage and water-holding properties to the soil. Thus soil scientists refer to sandy loams, silt loams, silty clay
and clay loams depending on the proportions of these particle-sizes in the mix. Soils with more than 35% clay-s
particles are called clay, whilst those with more than 80% sand are called loamy sands and sands. There is more
information on this available from the Wikipedia entry on “soil” - see . Althou
rather technical in parts, this is, in general, a useful source of further information on most aspects of this course.
The dark colour of topsoil is caused by finely divided organic matter, or humus. This is the stuff that sticks to y
hands and makes them dirty. In fact, it sometimes reacts chemically with fluids on and in the skin, staining the
cells. (Soil scientists know this well, as it takes ages to clean hands that have been dealing with humus-rich soil
are also likely to see some recognisable fragments of plants – pieces of stem, leaf, flower fruit, root etc. in vario
of preservation, and often some animals like earthworms, ants, millipedes, slugs or insect larvae. A magnifying
lens will reveal more detail, including ways in which the humus is distributed through the other materials, and s
soil fauna like springtails. The architecture of the soil becomes evident, with living and dead roots, often formin
mats near the surface, and leaving impressions in the form of pores. The fauna also create pores, whilst the cast
droppings of earthworms and other animals may be visible. Sometimes there are chemical concretions that have
precipitated out in the soil; small nodules of manganese and iron for example, or larger fragments of ironpan – w
discuss this later in relation to waterlogged and upland soils, and to the laterite soils of tropical areas.
We begin to get the feeling that this is pretty special and complex stuff. The feeling is right! Chemists have spe
centuries prying into the chemical components of soil, and are still some way from identifying all the molecules
make it up. This is not so surprising when we consider the origin of the materials in soil. The minerals are deri
geological deposits that were there before soil formed. These, in themselves, are chemically and physically
complicated, having been created ultimately from the earth’s mantle in volcanic activity that heated and pressur
rocks near the earth’s surface. Although clay particles are minute, their molecules are very complex and varied,
depending on the chemical origin of the rocks from which they are derived. As well as being chemically versati
molecules in clay have complicated three dimensional structures that affect the ways in which mineral elements
to them, and they play an important role in the storage and distribution of important plant nutrients. They also a
acidity or alkalinity of the soil. This important characteristic has a fundamental effect on what will grow in the
The rocks from which the soil particles (sand, silt, clay and stones) derive may be acidic in themselves.
The organic soil constituents are even more complex, consisting of the breakdown products of plants mixed w
substances excreted by animals and micro-organisms. Some of this material is readily recognisable as fragment
plant tissue, but most of it is broken down – either by passing through the digestive tracts of animals, or by bein
incorporated into microbial material. This humus is found in particular parts of the soil – especially in the topso
where it glues fragments of soil together, and coats the surfaces of the resulting structural units, which are know
peds. If you shake some garden soil in your hand it will usually break into breadcrumb shaped fragments a few
couple of cm in diameter. These are the peds. Their surfaces are often coated with humus, whilst pores that run
through them may also contain enhanced amounts of this material.
This leads us on to the physical structure of soil. Peds are a unique feature of the material, and can be used to id
ancient soil deposits, for example below the archaeological “occupation layers” formed from the debris of huma
the remains of buildings and the accumulated junk that people have discarded over the centuries – or even mille
the base of these layers it is usual to find soil that has been preserved by the overlying layers. Below Mediaeval
Roman layers in York U.K. , for example, I have seen topsoils with peds and the remains of earthworm casts sti
identifiable after 2000 years.
Soil is never homogeneous - the solid mineral parts are mixed with humus, air and water to form a complex syst
which the "whole is more than the sum of the parts". The mixture of mineral particles giving the texture is itself
organised into the larger, compound peds - soil structural units. Subsoils often form into blocky or prismatic pe
which may have angular or more rounded surfaces. These peds form by wetting and drying of the soil, by the b
and secreting actions of roots and by the activities of the soil animals. They often have a zonation of organic ma
content, with most of the OM coating the surfaces of the peds. The ped surfaces may be coated with other mate
such as iron and manganese oxides, or clay that has been re-distributed by water flowing through the soil pores
the ped surfaces.
Porosity is a subdivision of structure - pores and fissures occur between peds, but also within the ped structures
form through root penetration and decay, and through the activities of small boring animals like nematodes and
worms. Larger earthworm channels extend from the surface to as much as 1.5 m. depth.
So far I have been talking mainly about the topsoil. This is the dark brown, black or grey layer extending about
cm below the surface. Under wild (natural orsemi-natural) vegetation it contains a dense mat of roots from the
to about 10 cm down. In grassland it is this root mat that can be scraped up as turf and used for laying lawns. M
people regard the topsoil layer as the soil, and don’t think too much about what lies below it. However, if you l
soil sections exposed in road sides, quarries and so on, you will notice that the layer immediately below the tops
often called the subsoil, still has some characteristics which distinguish it from the material from which it is dev
It is often a brownish colour, contrasting with the material below. Closer inspection will show that it still contai
and soil animals, and the pores, fissures and peds that we saw in the topsoil. These are all soil characteristics an
used to differentiate soil from non soil. The material from which the soil is developed is called the “parent mate
(see box 1). It is conventional to call the organic matter-enriched topsoil, the A horizon, whilst the distinctive la
below, which is not as dark and has fewer roots is called the B horizon. The B horizon is of particular importan
depth, structure and wetness are critical to plant growth, and to the way the land can be managed. The colour an
structure of the horizons below the topsoil give us vital information about the character and potential of the soil,
used to classify the soil. The relatively unaltered parent material below this is called the C horizon. The C horiz
be solid rock, much weathered rock, or a variety of unconsolidated deposits like sands, silts, clays etc. In tempe
regions the rock surfaces were often strongly altered by freezing and thawing during the period just after the gla
retreated. During this period too, large deposits of boulder clay were deposited from the glaciers leaving a mate
(properly called till) that contains chaotic mixtures of sand, silt, clay and stones, including large boulders.
Write your own definition of soil, and describe how it is used in your local area. What do you think are the most
important factors for maintaining or improving the quality and sustainability of your local soils?
What are the best opportunities for examining soil in your area? Are there good roadside exposures, or other pla
where soil profiles are visible?
If you have access to the world-wide web, look up some soil characteristics like soil structure, soil profile etc. W
you think of the results? Are they in agreement with what you have learnt so far, or do they create confusion?
Pedogenesis can be defined as the process of soil development. Late in the 19th century, scientists H
in the United States and the Russian Dukuchaev both suggested independently that pedogenesis was
principally controlled by climate and vegetation. This idea was based on the observation that compa
soils developed in spatially separate areas when their climate and vegetation were similar. In the 19
Hans Jenny extended these ideas based on the observations of many subsequent studies examining t
processes involved in the formation of soils. Jenny believed that the kinds of soils that develop in a
particular area are largely determined by five interrelated factors: climate; living organisms; parent
material; topography; and time (Figure 10u-1).
Figure 10u-1: The development of a soil is influenced by five interrelated
factors: organisms, topography, time, parent material, and climate.
Climate plays a very important role in the genesis of a soil. On the global scale, there is an obvious
correlation between major soil types and the Köppen climatic classification systems major climatic
At regional and local scales, climate becomes less important in soil formation. Instead, pedogenesis
more influenced by factors like parent material, topography, vegetation, and time. The two most im
climatic variables influencing soil formation are temperature and moisture. Temperature has a dire
influence on the weathering of bedrock to produce mineral particles. Rates of bedrock weathering
generally increase with higher temperatures. Temperature also influences the activity of soil
microorganisms, the frequency and magnitude of soil chemical reactions, and the rate of plant grow
Moisture levels in most soils are primarily controlled by the addition of water via precipitation min
losses due to evapotranspiration. If additions of water from precipitation surpass losses from
evapotranspiration, moisture levels in a soil tend to be high. If the water loss due to evapotranspirati
exceeds inputs from precipitation, moisture levels in a soil tend to be low. High moisture availabilit
soil promotes the weathering of bedrock and sediments, chemical reactions, and plant growth. The
availability of moisture also has an influence on soil pH and the decomposition of organic matter
Living Organisms have a role in a number of processes involved in pedogenesis including organic m
accumulation, profile mixing, and biogeochemical nutrient cycling. Under equilibrium conditions
vegetation and soil are closely linked with each other through nutrient cycling. The cycling of nitrog
carbon in soils is almost completely controlled by the presence of animals and plants. Through litte
and the process of decomposition, organisms add humus and nutrients to the soil which influences
structure and fertility. Surface vegetation also protects the upper layers of a soil from erosion by wa
binding the soils surface and reducing the speed of moving wind and water across the ground surfac
Parent Material refers to the rock and mineral materials from which the soils develop. These mate
can be derived from residual sediment due to the weathering of bedrock or from sediment transporte
an area by way of the erosive forces of wind, water, or ice. Pedogenesis is often faster on transporte
sediments because the weathering of parent material usually takes a long period of time. The influen
parent material on pedogenesis is usually related to soil texture, soil chemistry, and nutrient cycling
Topography generally modifies the development of soil on a local or regional scale. Pedogenesis is
primarily influenced by topography's effect on microclimate and drainage. Soils developing on mod
to gentle slopes are often better drained than soils found at the bottom of valleys. Good drainage enh
an number of pedogenic processes of illuviationandeluviation that are responsible for the developm
soil horizons. Under conditions of poor drainage, soils tend to be immature. Steep topographic grad
inhibit the development of soils because of erosion. Erosion can retard the development through the
continued removal of surface sediments. Soil microclimate is also influenced by topography. In the
Northern Hemisphere, south facing slopes tend to be warmer and drier than north facing slopes. Thi
difference results in the soils of the two areas being different in terms of depth, texture, biological a
and soil profile development.
Time influences the temporal consequences of all of the factors described above. Many soil process
become steady state overtime when a soil reaches maturity. Pedogenic processes in young soils are
usually under active modification through negativeandpositive feedback mechanisms in attempt to
achieve equilibrium.
Principal Pedogenic Processes
A large number of processes are responsible for the formation of soils. This fact is evident by the la
number of different types of soils that have been classified by soil scientists (see topic 10v). Howev
the macro-scale we can suggest that there are five main principal pedogenic processes acting on soil
These processes are laterization, podzolization, calcification, salinization, and gleization.
Laterization is a pedogenic process common to soils found in tropical and subtropical environments
temperatures and heavy precipitation result in the rapid weathering of rocks and minerals. Moveme
large amounts of water through the soil cause eluviation and leaching to occur. Almost all of the by
products of weathering, very simple small compounds or nutrient ions, are translocated out of the so
profile by leaching if not taken up by plants for nutrition. The two exceptions to this process are iro
aluminum compounds. Iron oxides give tropical soils their unique reddish coloring. Heavy leaching
causes these soils to have an acidicpH because of the net loss of basecations.
Podzolization is associated with humid cold mid-latitude climates and coniferous vegetation.
Decomposition of coniferous litter and heavy summer precipitation create a soil solution that is stro
acidic. This acidic soil solution enhances the processes of eluviation and leaching causing the remo
soluble basecations and aluminum and iron compounds from the A horizon. This process creates a
layer in the A horizon that is white to gray in color and composed of silica sand.
Calcification occurs when evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation causing the upward movement
dissolved alkaline salts from the groundwater. At the same time, the movement of rain water causes
downward movement of the salts. The net result is the deposition of the translocated cations in the B
horizon. In some cases, these deposits can form a hard layer called caliche. The most common sub
involved in this process is calcium carbonate. Calcification is common in the prairie grasslands.
Salinization is a process that functions in the similar way to calcification. It differs from calcificatio
that the salt deposits occur at or very near the soil surface. Salinization also takes place in much drie
Gleization is a pedogenic process associated with poor drainage. This process involves the accumul
of organic matter in the upper layers of the soil. In lower horizons, mineral layers are stained blue-g
because of the chemical reduction of iron.
It takes about 1000 years for one centimetre of soil to form. In many parts of Britain we have had only 10,000 y
since the last Ice Age stripped the original surface soils away.
Minerals from the parent material are added to the soil by physical and chemical weathering.
Different soils will form on different degrees of slope and aspect. Gravity and temperatures will affect the degre
slope movement and weathering.
Whether water can or cannot move through the soil easily will affect the development of the soil profile.
How much water and air enter the soil - and their temperatures - will affect the organic life of the soil and evapo
rates on the surface.
The type and quantity of plant cover will affect the amount of organic material added to the soil. This is called h
When people change the angle of a slope through construction, or change the vegetation cover and/or drainage i
area, the soil will also change.
The video below shows a soil scientist explaining what soil is and what
made from.
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In a wistful allusion to the genetics of living organisms the raw materials from which soils form are called pare
The formation of a new soil depends on the presence of new soil material – obtained either by denudation - the
scraping clean of a surface by action of wind, water or ice - or deposition of new materials from erosion elsewh
example river gravels, rock-falls or blowing sand - or the formation of new rocks by uplift of the ocean bed or v
action. Thus there is a huge variety of possible parent materials, all with uniquely different characteristics which
incorporated into the soils which form on them.
Soils form from these parent materials by processes of weathering - i.e. the breakdown of the material under th
influence of gravity, wind and water, accelerated by the chemical and physical effects of plant roots and animal
Soils are also formed by the formation and decay of OM and by pedogenic processes - the leaching and evapor
effects of water and the biochemical actions of bacteria and other living things. In the illustration above, soils fo
the silty estuarine sediments are colonised by hardy plants which trap more sediment, and eventually raise the su
level beyond the reach of normal tides.
Read pp. 22 - 26 of “The Nature & Properties of Soils” by NC Brady (10th edition 1990) – or similar mat
the web.
A Lithosere is a sequence of vegetational development - succession - on terrestrial soils which have newly for
a particular parent material (PM). As plant species colonise the PM, so the soil itself begins to change - a proc
called soil formation.
We only see the stages of the sere where new, unvegetated materials appear - e.g. naturally as when a river chan
course leaving fresh alluvium or gravel, or artificially where quarrying exposes new rock, sand, gravel or clay fa
New material is sometimes exposed within existing ecosystems - e.g. The falling trees in forests expose new so
material for colonisation - so sometimes soil formation re-starts on material altered during a previous phase of
vegetation. Land-slips, earthquakes, floods, powerful winds or volcanic activities can also provide fresh parent
2. Formation conditions determine the type of vegetation and the type of soil which will develop from the fre
The nature of the eventual soil is determined by:
a. PM
c. Climate - the chemical breakdown of the PM is influenced by heat and cold, ice formation, wind etc.
d. Vegetation and the activity of animals - roots bind soil particles, and cleave rocks, whilst animals burrow int
soil and mix the various components including organic matter from decaying organisms, mineral particles and
chemicals produced by physical - chemical and biological activity in the soil.
can be divided into Inputs, movement / change / organisation, and Outputs. These all change with Time.
a. Inputs include the original PM + organic matter from living and dead organisms. As the vegetation develops
material to the soil - by fixing carbon from the air, organic matter or humus is added. The fungi, algae and bacte
the developing soil are able to free plant nutrients bound in the OM and the rocks into forms more easily taken u
plants, so the fertility gradually increases. Certain plants, with the help of bacteria, are able to take nitrogen from
and form it into nitrates and ammonia compounds in the soil - again essential nutrients for flowering plants a pro
known as nitrogenfixation.
b. Movement occurs in a number of ways - on slopes there is movement under gravity. As vegetation covers th
surface the tendency for material to move down slopes is reduced. Mature vegetation may stabilise steep slopes
Change and "organisation" is related to movement and occurs in a number of ways:
Roots mould the soil into aggregates or peds, and may release sticky substances as they operate or decay. The l
materials and humus are rich in energy, and attract:
soil animals which make tunnels through the soil and ingest and egest soil materials, mixing them with their ow
secretions. The soil begins to take on its own organisation or architecture, which may improve natural drainage
make nutrients available to a competing flora and fauna. Animals also bring in materials on their feet and surfac
especially seeds and spores, whilst the larger and more mobile animals often deliver materials from elsewhere in
and faeces. The developing soil is affected by:
Climate. The speed of OM decay depends on temperature and humidity, whilst rainfall washes (leaches) substa
especially soluble nutrients and iron-rich compounds - from the upper layers (horizons) into the lower ones. In
tropical climates evaoration of soil water causes compounds like salts to accumulate in the surface horizons. On
material can be washed into the soil from above. Wind can also bring in mineral grains and OM from elsewhere
c. Outputs comprise the materials lost from the soil. Plant materials can blow away, or be eaten by animals and
removed. Crop plants are harvested and removed. Soil material itself can be removed by erosion by wind wate
ice. Some of the substances moved by leaching may enter water courses above or below the ground, and be mo
of the system.
There are three main British soils; podzol, brown earth and gley.
Podzols are easily recognisable by their distinct layers or horizons. A grey or light-coloured 'E' horizon is the re
severe leaching, or eluviation, which washes out everything but quartz grains.
Eluviation is the removal of soil, clay, silt or fine organic matter in suspension from a soil horizon.
The iron and aluminium oxides collect in the 'B' horizon where the iron oxides can accumulate to form a thin lay
hardpan, which impedes drainage through the soil.
Illuviation is the process of deposition of soil material removed from one horizon to another, usually from an up
lower horizon as material is washed down profile by percolating water. Some iron and aluminium oxides get thr
the iron hardpan, giving this 'B' horizon its dull orange colour.
These soils are found where there is good drainage and soil water is strongly acidic. They tend to be found on th
slopes of upland areas where precipitation is heavy or where the vegetation is coniferous forest, producing an ac
The acidic conditions are not liked by soil organisms which would normally merge the boundaries of the horizo
Brown earth
Brown earth soils are widespread in Britain, except in highland areas.
Soil organisms, like earthworms, mix the materials together, merging the boundaries between the horizons.
These soils are leached, but not heavily, so the aluminium and iron oxides are dispersed through the soil to give
overall brown colour.
The original vegetation was deciduous forest, resulting in a layer of decaying leaves giving a rich humus.
The deep roots of these trees reached down to the 'B' horizon, unlike with coniferous trees, tapping the nutrient s
and allowing good drainage.
Soil structure (properties)
Soils have four main parts: water, air, minerals and organic matter, their relationships
produce a number of properties found in soil which are outlined below.
Refers to the shape of peds (individual soil particles) and their grouping. The shape of peds,
their alignments, along with particle size/texture determines the size and number of pore
spaces. Structure can be improved by ploughing.
Soil texture:
How fine or course the mineral matter is in the soil that is dependent on the amount of sand,
silt and clay particles in the soil.
Chemical elements in the soil are vital for plant growth and soil fertility. They come from
rainwater, fertilizer, parent rock, decaying organic matter and clay. Minerals from decaying
organic matter are positively charged ions (cations), those from clay are negatively charged ions
Exchanges that occur are known as cation exchange and this is where bases are made available
for plants.
Soil moisture:
This is important because it influences upward and downward movement of nutrients and
water in the soil.
Other properties of soil include temperature, acidity, biota, air, organic and inorganic matter.
Includes numerous processes but is primarily the downward movement of water or materials
in soil. The main features of translocation are shown below:
Zonal soils
These are classified on a global scale and have climate as the major determining factor. They
are mature, have distinct profiles and clear horizons. They are strongly tied to climatic
regions as shown in the chart below:
Soil Type:
Arctic Tundra
Red yellow
Equatorial Latosols
Azonal soils
Far more recent, and soil forming processes have not been in operation for long. Horizons are
unclear and they are not linked with climate and vegetation. Their immaturity is a result of high
altitudes, low temperatures and slow decay of organic matter. Examples include scree, till and
volcanic soil.
Intrazonal soils
Soils found within the climate belt are different from normal, they are a result of a dominant
local factor, for example, parent rock. Three types exist:
Develops if precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration. Often soils are sandy, coniferous forest
exists and the climate is cool. A typical podsol is shown below:
Leaching is intense, humus acidic, and horizons are bleached as iron, aluminium and organic
matter is removed. Horizons are clear as the cool conditions lead to acidic soils, which do not
encourage earthworms.
Brown earths
These are moderately or well-drained soils, found where precipitation exceeds potential
evapotranspiration, and particles move downward through the soil. They are the main soil in
the UK due to the warm temperate climate. Annual leaf fall contains nutrients and mull
develops which is fertile humus. Top horizons are dark and become lighter in the B horizon as
leaching and eluviation occur. The soil is reasonably fertile.
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(2) There are climatic effects that create soil. Moisture and
rain combine with the temperature to do amazing things to
rocks. We just explained that when it rains you have runoff and
erosion. Those physical activities break down the rocks and
hard surfaces. Temperature plays a role when you move below
and above the freezing point. When water freezes, it expands.
Rocks and soil that hold water can be cracked when the water
freezes and expands. They pop open with a cracking sound!
(4) In the same way that there are large geologic factors,
chronological factors play an important part in the process.
Chronological means time. You need time to make soil. That's
it. Sediment can move around quickly but it takes a long time
to break down bedrock. We can't just sit and watch this
process happen. We have to study it over many years. Also, if
we pollute our soil we can't renew it in our lifetime. It takes
hundreds to thousands of years.
The world desires wood; the timber industry is here to supply it. An increasing human
population desires food; farmers are here to supply it. How can the demands for
farmland, wood and wood products be reconciled with the preservation of forests?
Most deforestation, as has been pointed out, results from exploitation of forests to
generate foreign exchange or to provide subsistence. This means that rainforests can
Many solutions to the problem of tropical rain forest loss have been proposed, but it will
There is disagreement about how forests might best be preserved, and how to reconcile
the need for forest products with the need for conservation. Formerly, protection of old-
growth forests by keeping them intact was the preferred model. More recently, in the
1980’s, the concept of forest dynamism and the potential for regeneration was
ascendant. Now that so much forest has disappeared, stress has been laid on the ability
biodiversity. Since it seems impossible to keep humans away from forests, we must
discover ways to preserve them in conjunction with some human activities. What are
endangered species
12) Increase in basic research on tropical rainforests
Soil is the mineral and organic material on the earth’s surface which provides the necessities for plant
growth. It is alive and dynamic. Soils are complexes in which chemical, physical and biological activity
takes place.
Soil profile
It is made up of distinct layers or horizons. The upper layer/ horizons are A and B which are able to
support plants. These are made up of minerals and organic material.
The lowest horizon C, is composed of the parent rock in the form of either solid rock or as partly
weathered rock. Horizon C is entirely mineral in composition
Classification of soils
Zonal classification
This is base on the premise that mature soils develop over a long period of time to a point where
there is equilibrium between the soil and its environment, mainly climate and vegetation.
Zonal soils
These are soils that have developed over a long period of time and have become mature.the soils
are in equilibrium with their environment namely climate and vegetation. The soils nolonger
have the strong effect or influence of the parent rock and have a distinct profile.
Intrazonal soils
These are soils whose development has been interrupted in their development by the influence or
effect of one soil forming factor such as ground water or parent rock.
Azonal soils
These are immature soils which have only started to develop. They show no distinct profile and
exist on new alluvial materials and on sand dunes.
Soil erosion/ deterioration
Causes of soil erosion
Soil erosion occurs under natural conditions but is often caused or accelerated by human
activities or actions.
Human causes of soil erosion
The removal of surface vegetation. This is done when people clear land for agricultural purposes
or cultivation and for settlement. This leaves the land bare and exposed to agents of erosion such
as wind and water. At times the trees are felled without any replanting. Rain drop impact is
increased and runoff is accelerated.
Poor farming methods
Stream bank cultivation
Ploughing along slopes
Soil characteristics
Factors influencing the development of soil
Soil forming processes
Is the breakdown of rock material by physical and chemical means. This provides the
basic soil material. The rate of weathering and the type of weathering depends largely on
climate. Weathering releases colloids and bases from parent rock. and these are
distributed through the soil by the percolation of soil water.
Leaching and enrichment
Soil types
Soil profiles
Tropical soil catena/the role of slopes in soil formation
Upward capillary movement of water and minerals
Soil fertility
Soil erosion processes and solutions
The human impact
Sustainable management of soil in some areas
Soil catena
This refers to the differences in soil types and characteristics from the top of a slope
It is the different soils that are found down a slope with each soil facet showing different
characteristics but all occurring in the same climate and on the same underlying parent
A catena shows the lateral variations in soils over a hillslope where the climate and
parent material is the same from the op to the bottom.
The slope varies in gradient. The top is steep and erosion takes place easily while the
bottom is gentler and materials tend to accumulate.
It illustrates the way in which soils change down a slope where there are no marked
changes in climate and parent material when sufficient time has passed for equilibrium to
be reached between processes that bring materials into a facet and the processes that take
material away.
Each catena shows an example of a small-scale open system with its inputs, processes
and outputs.
The slope itself is in a delicate state of dynamic/changing equilibrium with the soils and
landforms being in a state of flux/flow and where the ratio of erosion and deposition
varies between the different soil facets.
The slope is divided into or broken into sections known as a ridge, crest, mid-slope and
The lower slope/Toeslope /upper part
Soils on the lower slopes tend to be deeper and has more moisture or wetter than those on
the upper slope. The soils on the lower is also richer than the upper slope due to leached
Richer in clay and organic matter.
The soils are thicker or deeper because they gain materials due to iluviation.
Water content is higher on the lower part of the hillslope.
The middle slope/central slope
Is the thinnest and driest.
The main process is the transportation of materials on the middle of the slope.
The crest or steeper slope
Is freely drained.
The soils are thin or shallow and drier due to run-off due to exposure.
The soils lose materials such as mineral salts where they are washed away by rain water
Steep slopes encourage movement down the slope rather than through the soil. This
means that nutrients are washed downslope, along with small particles. This has an effect
on the texture and pH of the soil.
A soil catena is created by a balance of processes such as precipitation, infiltration and runoff.
The soil catenas develop in stable environments where there are little changes in climate and
The importance of a soil catena
Is the variation of soils across a small area such as a slope.
This helps in the mapping of soils across a given region.
Soil catenas help to understand the influence of soil hydrology on soil formation.
Soil catenas also help us understand the history of the land surface, its hydrology,
erosion, sediment transport and deposition as well as pedogenic processes.
In the field it helps us understand processes operating within the soil such as ;
The depth of organic matter. It is linked with cycling efficiency, wetness,
temperature and acidity by analyzing its structure.
Red and grey colours indicate the oxidation status.
Leaching processes can be deduced from accumulation lower down in the soil
Human activities are influenced by soil quality.
Ernst Schlichting (1923-1988) who was professor at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart
pioneered the approach of considering the soil always as part of the landscape. He proposed that
soils in different positions in the catena exchange materials through transport processes and thus
could be compared to the transfer processes between horizons in a soil profile. He and his
students have shown that the downward transport of solids or solutions may lead to a direct or an
indirect linkage between catena elements (Sommer and Schlichting, 1997; see above figure). In
Schlichting’s view, the genesis of a soil can only be understood if its relation to the other soils in
the catena is taken into consideration.