May / June 2020
May / June 2020
May / June 2020
43 Book Review
Spiritual Link
Science of the Soul Research Centre
Guru Ravi Dass Marg, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, India
Copyright © 2020 Science of the Soul Research Centre ®
Articles and poems that appear without sources have been written by the
contributors to this magazine.
4 Spiritual Link
2. Have you been able to keep the attention at the eye centre all the time
during meditation?
That should be an easy question to answer. Mostly, we know when
our attention slips down and either our mind runs wild or we fall
asleep. If we are sitting because we want to out of love for our Master,
not just because it is a duty, we will keep trying to focus.
3. Have you vacated the body of all consciousness and brought it to the
eye centre?
If we have, we will probably have seen the light and heard the sound
and maybe even met the Shabd form of the Master. Coming to the
eye centre is the result of a high degree of continuous focus.
In Spiritual Gems, Maharaj Sawan Singh says, “It may be said
safely that if any earnest student should hold his attention fully
upon the given centre for three hours, without wavering, he must go
inside.” Three hours of continuous focus is all it takes!
4. Have you tried to live the Sant Mat way of life, detaching yourself
gradually from the world and attaching your thoughts to the Lord
Masters know that we cannot do this all at once, so they recommend
a slow and steady approach. One disciple asks Hazur, in The Master
Answers, “Supposing I work only six hours a day and spend all the
other time in meditation or trying to?” Hazur replies:
I personally feel, if we are regular and punctual in our meditation
and we are living in Sant Mat and for Sant Mat, that two hours and
thirty minutes or three hours daily are sufficient for meditation.
He says that two and one-half hours are enough if we are living in
Sant Mat and for Sant Mat. In other words, we need to live the Sant
Mat way of life 24/7 and always keep our spiritual goal in mind.
5. Have you kept the names with you most of the time?
Doing simran during the day is a great help in living the Sant Mat
way of life. If we are doing simran, we are not thinking about
6. In other words, have you followed the instructions given to you at the
time of initiation?
Every question that Hazur has asked in this letter has been about
the instructions given when our Master initiated us. And they all
concern perfecting our meditation practice. Are we doing what we
promised to do? Hazur then adds: “If we have not done our part, we
cannot complain about the shortcomings of Sant Mat.”
Hazur is not asking these questions to chastise us. He is just saying
that if we are not following these instructions, we cannot expect to
reach the eye centre and travel within to our true home. We need to
do the work that we promised to do. It is very straight forward.
Hazur ends with:
Please remember that all are struggling souls on the path. We
all have to strive and do our best and then leave the rest to him.
There is no need to feel so disheartened. This is a path of hope and
courage. Live within the will of the Lord; do your duty every day
and leave the rest to him. He is always with you.
6 Spiritual Link
The Sound Current
The Sound Current, the Shabd, Nam, the Logos is the flow of energy that
comes from God into the creation. We are told it is that same current
of energy that will take us back to God. Do any of us know what this
mysterious divine force is? Maharaj Sawan Singh, in Philosophy of the
Masters, Vol. IV, attempts the nearly impossible – to give us some sense of
what the Shabd is, and what it does. He writes:
The Shabd, Sound Current, Word, or Holy Spirit is not a subject matter
for speech or writing. In order to make it understood, we can only say this
much, namely that it is the quintessence of the Lord and that it sustains
millions of universes and regions. It is the soul-current of consciousness. It
is the celestial melody. It is the life-current which originates from the Lord
and pervades everything. The Lord creates and sustains the entire universe
through this current of power.… Shabd is a string which connects everyone
and everything with the Lord.
While there are many names for this Sound Current – Shabd, Word,
Tao – mystics in all spiritual traditions seem to agree that God is not a
thing or an object. God is a current, a force, a power of love, light, and
truth that moves in and around what we can see and experience.
When we think of currents, what might come to mind are tides, oceans,
and rivers in the physical universe. Sometimes the image of water conveys
the power of currents. Riptides along the beach can carry an unaware
swimmer out to sea unless he or she knows how to swim with the flow of
that current. There are also currents in the air. Hawks reach unbelievable
heights by riding the thermal currents that rise vertically from the earth.
One can try to measure electrical currents or electromagnetic currents. By
looking at this material world, we may be able to grasp that essential forces
move in, around, and through us.
Great Master uses the example of currents in this world to describe the
Shabd. He says in Philosophy of the Masters, Vol. IV:
This sound or melody pervades all. It is even inside stones and wood,
as these are made up of atoms and motion is inherent in them.
How do we ride that Sound Current home to our true country where
we will find this divine melody? Masters come into this world to teach us
how to ride that current back home to the Lord. Whatever the mysterious
pull of the Shabd is, most of us are at least a little conscious of the pull
of the Master. To meet a saint, a Shabd Master, is to encounter the living
water that bestows eternal life. The saints come to us to tell us how to
merge into the Shabd. The Great Master says in Philosophy of the Masters,
Vol. IV, “The waves of the ocean of Shabd are surging in each one of us.
Those who drink of its waters are no longer troubled by thirst or hunger
and gain eternal life.”
Thus, we are urged to listen. We are asked to meditate. We are encour-
aged to focus our attention at the eye centre. We have to go where the
current is flowing to ride it home. We will not experience the Shabd while
we are on our cell phones or watching a captivating TV series nor in
the many outer distractions competing for our attention. We must turn
inward to reach the eye centre. At least we must try – even though we
discover that our attention keeps going out.
How do we get past the barriers of the mind and the resistance of the
ego? Who is it that gets to ride this current and be carried back on the
ocean of love? Great Master answers this very powerfully and directly in
various parts of Philosophy of the Masters, Vol. IV:
The beneficent Master makes us hear the Shabd, which stills the
wanderlust of the mind.… The Shabd is a boon from the Master. The
Master makes it dwell in our hearts. It is impossible for anyone else to
manifest it.… The Master points to this indescribable and formless Shabd
and makes the disciple turn inward. With his power, he then connects the
disciple with Shabd.
8 Spiritual Link
He gives us a glimpse of how to reach the Shabd when he tells us: “The
unending music is wonderful. It cannot be obtained by our own mental
processes or activities. It can only be had as a result of the grace of the
Master. It is the supreme gift of a perfect Master.”
So, we arrive at the inevitable paradox of all spiritual practice – effort
and grace. For us, the key is simran, and we have to work long and hard
in meditation to move the attention to the eye centre where the pull of
the Sound Current begins. At the very same time, we are reminded that
only the grace of the Master can allow us to hear the Shabd. Human effort
alone cannot take us home. It is his gift.
The supreme Lord [took] great pity on us in our extreme distress and
misfortune. Seeing the soul, his beloved child, in such a sad plight, that
Ocean of Mercy and Compassion surged in swelling tides and, assuming
the human form, came to the world to save us.
Maharaj Jagat Singh, The Science of the Soul
The Masters and saints give us the perspective of a spiritual life. They
maintain that life in this physical world itself is only an illusion, a dream
in which we find ourselves. They tell us that we cannot find permanent
happiness through external objects. In the Bhagavad Gita we read:
Pleasures from external objects
Are wombs of suffering.
10 Spiritual Link
They have their beginnings and their ends;
No wise man seeks joy among them.
Quoted in Living Meditation
Living in this world, yet not of it, the Master is ever in touch and
present with the Shabd or primal essence of God. His words and actions
12 Spiritual Link
The Inseparable Companion
You alone exist! I do not, O Beloved!
You alone exist I do not!…
If I speak, You speak with me;
if I am silent, You are in my mind.
In this poem, Bulleh Shah is describing the state where he sees his master
all around him. His master is deep within him, and he is with his master
in all his activities as well as sleeping, walking, and in silence. In short, he
is saying there is no separation between the master and him.
In Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. I, Maharaj Charan Singh says, “The
concept that we have of ourselves should be the same as our concept of
the Lord.” But it is not, because mind creates the illusion of separateness.
He says our distance from the Lord is just an illusion created by our mind.
He is there at the very core of our being. The core of our being, our soul, is
identical to the Lord’s.
So, if the Master is with us always, then – like Bulleh Shah – we can also
experience him the whole day. When Bulleh Shah asked his master, Inayat
Shah, how to realize God, his master told him, “Be uprooted from here
[outside the eye centre] and planted there [within].” In other words, he
advised Bulleh to value the inner life more than the outer life by giving the
interior more importance than the external.
What is the inner life? It is the life or the journey that starts at the eye
centre and takes us back to our spiritual home. The inner life is considered
to be our real life; the time spent nourishing it will be with us even beyond
the death of our physical body.
The outer life is our worldly life, which is fleeting and limited to our
physical body. The inner life is living with the Divine. No matter how much
we attach ourselves to the world by trying to accomplish our many goals,
Like Hazrat Inayat Khan, all true Masters encourage us to value the
inner life. The Master resides just beyond the eye centre in his Radiant
Form. So at the time of initiation, we are told to focus at the third eye and
repeat the Holy Names imparted to us. With this repetition, the inner gate
will gradually open, and we will begin to finally see the Radiant Form of
our Master and begin our journey to oneness with him.
So while we are living the outer life, we should ardently work on our
meditation to pierce the veil that exists between our two lives, so that our
soul can travel between the inner and the outer life at will. In this way, we
prepare for our physical death, when we will leave the outer life forever
and return to our source in the Lord. This preparation is essential.
In an Aesop fable about ants and a grasshopper, the industrious ants
work all year long to provide food for their colony in the winter. The
grasshopper does nothing to prepare and has to beg for food from the
ants when winter comes. We cannot be like the grasshopper and wait until
the last moment to repent for our wasted life. Instead, we should make
a dedicated effort to release ourselves from our outer attachments and
become acquainted with the inner path. We should build our relationship
14 Spiritual Link
with God and live in his consciousness so that at the end of our lives,
we will be ready to go home. To achieve this, we have to take action by
spending the precious time we have in practising our vows, especially our
daily meditation.
But valuing and talking about inner life doesn’t help – only action
helps. What is that action? Follow the instructions of the Master: repeat
the names, focus the attention at the eye centre, listen to the Shabd, and
make a consistent attempt to be with the Master. Action is essential, as
the inner gate opens only when the attention is focused entirely by our
diligent practice of meditation. When we consistently and continuously
apply the pressure of focused simran at the third eye, God will open the
door for us. If we do our part, he will certainly do his.
“The King is waiting with open arms. The Light of His face is shining
upon you.” Yet, where are we? Where is our attention? The Master is so
near, but are we open and receptive to his grace and gift of love? Whether
we know it or not, the Master is at the very centre of our being – he is our
very being. His Shabd form permeates every pore of our very essence, our
soul, from the moment we are initiated.
Through meditation, his grace slowly awakens us to his constant
presence; we experience his divine love, which creates the longing and
thirst to be in his presence and meet him within. Only in meditation can
our connection to the Lord be realized. The saints emphatically tell us
that meditation is a relationship of love between the disciple and the inner
Shabd Master.
The only command is to meditate. There is no other shortcut to
developing our love for the Master and attaining union with him. It is
meditation before all else that leads us into divine love. Thus, the Masters
16 Spiritual Link
tell us meditation must be our objective and priority in life – otherwise, we
remain asleep. As Rumi says, “The gifts are ready.”
It’s time to do our part, play our role, do our meditation practice, with
love, diligence, perseverance, and effort. Ultimately, we will fly on the
wings of love and grace, but we still must take action. This path is one
of action. The Masters come to rouse us from our deep slumber and cut
our bonds to the illusions of this world. In Discourses on Sant Mat, Vol. I,
Maharaj Sawan Singh says:
The saints and Masters cry aloud from the housetop and reveal the way to
the tenth gate that leads inwards but it [the soul] pays no heed and like the
worm in the filth ever remains confined to the nine gates that continually
take it outwards. It is time that we put an end to this reckless wandering!
Only the Satguru, who has initiated us and abides within us in his
Radiant Form, can break our chains to the mind, the senses, and the
world. Through meditation, we awaken to the reality of the Master within
us. Until then, we are dissipating our spiritual resources and energy in the
world. Now is the time to put an end to this reckless wandering.
We must meditate. Only that prepares us to have a silent, listening,
waiting, receptive heart. We must open ourselves and consciously be in
his presence. The Master waits for every disciple to merge in him and
be carried on the current of Shabd to our true home, Sach Khand. The
mission of the saints is to take us back to the Father.
The Lord has given us this human birth so that we can merge in him.
We need to give him our time and attention. That is how we activate our
relationship with him. We need to be open, attentive, and receptive. Then
we realize that Master’s grace is showering upon us all the time. All effort
we put forth in meditation builds and strengthens our relationship of love
with the Master.
The Masters tell us the most important factor in spirituality is bireh or
longing. A yearning, longing heart kindles that fire of love for the Lord.
This longing comes to us through the Master. It is a gift that nurtures our
receptivity during our meditation. He always encourages us to be sincere,
attentive, and present with him in the darkness, saying the Holy Names.
18 Spiritual Link
Homeward Bound
It is safe to tell the pure in heart that they shall see God, for only the pure in
heart want to.… There have been times I think we do not desire heaven; but
more often I find myself wondering whether, in our heart of hearts, we have
ever desired anything else.
C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain
You have come all the way from your eternal home,
so why delay now?
Accomplish quickly the task for which you are here,
O Lord – please do not procrastinate.…
Enshrine the pearl of your Name in my heart
so that I may fulfil the purpose of my life.
Soami Ji Maharaj, Sar Bachan Poetry
Where is one whose sorrow
is not from separation from You
or whose joy is not from being close to You?…
All Your qualities are hidden in every soul.
Not one vein can open or close
without Your command.
Rumi, Jalal al-Din Rumi: Divan-e Shams-e Tabrizi
The perfect mystic is not an ecstatic devotee lost in contemplation of
Oneness, nor a saintly recluse shunning all commerce with mankind.
The true saint goes in and out amongst the people and eats and sleeps
with them and buys and sells in the market and marries and takes part in
social intercourse, and never forgets God for a single moment.
Abu Saīd b. Abī al-Khayr (d. 1049 CE)1
At this level, the mind calculates who we are but has no idea of the
grandeur of the soul, our real self. Jesus said, “Is it not written in your law?
Have I not told you? Ye are gods!” Referring to Psalms 82:6, he states, “I
have said, ye are Gods. Sons of the Most High. All of you.” These are the
same teachings that have been repeated by the mystics throughout time.
20 Spiritual Link
Experiencing our true selves is the direction our meditation points
us to, but this is only possible under the guidance of a living Master. The
Masters, on a mission of mercy, appear in this world to bring us the truth.
Still, we carry on with our ego selves as if that is who we are.
Mind and maya are the powers that have created this illusory self, and
the soul is helpless to overcome its enslavement to this grand falsehood.
Great Master says in Philosophy of the Masters, Vol. III:
Man considers himself to be limited and feeble, and it is indeed true that
one becomes what he thinks himself to be. But the soul is a particle of the
Lord, and the Lord is infinite. If the particle thinks of the infinite for some
time, it finds itself to be infinite.
22 Spiritual Link
In the Seekers’ Guide on the RSSB website (, we read:
At the time of Initiation, the seeker is asked to take four vows, promising to
abide by them for life. The first three vows must be adhered to for a certain
period of time before applying for Initiation.
The four vows are:
1. To adhere to a lacto-vegetarian diet.
2. To abstain from alcohol, tobacco products, habit-forming and mind-
altering drugs.
3. To lead a pure moral life while performing one’s duties in the world.
4. To practise meditation with sincerity and dedication for two and a half
hours daily, as taught at the time of Initiation.
What exactly does it mean to vow to do something? Is it the same as to
promise? Yes. When we vow to do something, we have given our word, we
are making a firm commitment to do it. There is an old saying, “My word
is my honour.” I will not break this promise; you can believe me because I
am giving you my word, my vow, as an honourable, trustworthy person.
Doesn’t the Master give his “word” to us – in the same sense – when he
promises that if we do our best to reach him at the eye centre in our daily
meditation practice, he will take us home to God to be with God forever?
The Master gives us his word (with a small “w”) in the form of a
promise, a vow, a commitment that he will take us home with him. And,
he gives us the means to make that journey by giving us his Word (with a
capital “W”) by connecting us – our souls – to the Shabd, the Word, that
inner creative power that is Sound and Light and that created and sustains
all that we see and all that we do not see.
Maharaj Sawan Singh, in Philosophy of the Masters, Vol. V, explains
something about this Word, this Shabd:
The Shabd or divine music is the perfect Master. The Shabd is
indistinguishable from the Supreme Lord. It is a conscious current of that
great power which created the universe and which fully pervades it. All the
universe emanated from this Shabd.
So this commitment is much more than saying aloud, “Yes, I will follow
the four vows.” Commitment involves dedicating ourselves to the Master
and the path, wholeheartedly, single-mindedly, and with enthusiasm,
diligence, resolve, persistence, tenacity, and drive.
When we commit to the Master and the path, we are all in and we don’t
give up ever – no matter what. We march on with resilience and persever-
ance through our karmas, never forgetting for a second why we are here
and what our goal is. We keep on going, doing our simran and bhajan
every day, every day, every day.
Until one day, we don’t.
What happens if, after Initiation, we don’t honour our commitment,
we don’t keep our word; we break our vows? In the context of a worldly
contract, there are tangible and often painful consequences if we break our
word: we lose money, a job, our home; we may even be sued. Not so with
the Master’s contract: if we break our internal contract with him, we waste
the opportunity to liberate our souls from bondage to eternal freedom.
We lose the opportunity to return to our source. Instead, we may be
reborn again into another life – another set of karmas, ups and downs,
pains and sorrows. A life that could be more of what we have right now, or
perhaps even worse. There are no guarantees that our next life will be better.
Hazur Maharaj Charan Singh in Divine Light points out:
24 Spiritual Link
The one thing not attainable in any other form of life is God-realization.
This privilege and capacity has been given exclusively to the human
species. If once we let this opportunity slip by, there is no knowing when
again we shall get it or whether we shall get it at all.
The Masters tell us that not everyone is given this opportunity; not
everyone is meant to find this path in this lifetime. It is extremely good
karma that the Master has found us and offered this deal to us. He says,
don’t let this opportunity pass you by; for what are you waiting?
Maharaj Charan Singh says:
If you want to live out the brief span of your life in this body in peace and
happiness, if you want to return to the Lord, there is only one way: engage
in the practice of the Word. Apart from meditation on the Word, there is
no other method or technique.
Spiritual Discourses, Vol. II
Master says to leave the world behind, meaning, try to detach your
focus from the world. It will never give permanent happiness. Turn your
back on the world and follow me, practise the Word, do your meditation,
and be happy, not just now but forever.
The Seekers’ Guide clearly states:
You are strongly advised to search your heart sincerely before applying
for Initiation to make sure that you thoroughly understand these
commitments, and that you are willing and able to live up to them.
Masters are fully dedicated to their mission, but they also have a
human body and physical limitations. While undertaking their spiritual
seva, Masters are also subject to the human condition and karma. They
too are subject to fatigue and illness. Yet they continue to carry out their
seva in spite of physical limitations. When we consider the dedication
the Master shows toward his disciples, it may also be important for
us to appreciate how hard he works on the physical plane. Knowing
this, perhaps we will be more motivated to participate in a reciprocal
relationship and do the work he has asked us to do. This is a matter that
is difficult to fully comprehend because on one level the Masters are
above suffering. In Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. I, a questioner asks, “Then
why should a Master suffer from any disease, or be unwell, physically?”
Hazur answers:
We feel that they are suffering physically, from a health point of view.
Actually, they are above the cycle of karmas and can clear any karma.…
So we may think they are suffering. Really, the soul is not at all bothered
with what the body is going through.
Yet, on the physical level, the body definitely has limitations. In the
diary, With the Three Masters, Vol. II, we are given a glimpse of the
26 Spiritual Link
demands on the Great Master and the effect of those demands on his
health. In entries dated August and September 1945, the author writes:
During the night, at about 3am, Hazur developed a stomach problem and
could not sleep. He spent the whole night sitting up.… Hazur may have
become ill because of stress. On the 23rd, he travelled from Kalu ki Bar all
the way to Amritsar. On the way, people insisted that he give satsang.…
The second satsang was a long one and Hazur became too tired even to
sleep. In the morning, one of his wisdom teeth started to hurt. We advised
him to have the tooth extracted, but in the evening he preferred to go to
satsang instead and spent the night in pain.… This kind of hard work is
responsible for his poor health.
The Master takes his seva seriously and works resolutely and tirelessly
for our benefit. He travels all over the world, gives satsang, patiently
answers questions, gives interviews, oversees the management of the Dera
and the satsang centres across the world, and much, much more.
Master’s hard work is for one purpose – to bring us the teachings and
to inspire us to experience the teachings in our own lives through our
meditation. Masters show us how to live a spiritual life while in this limited,
temporary body that is subject to fatigue, disease, decay and death. And
with that understanding we can similarly dedicate ourselves, with our
utmost effort, to our most important work – to sit for two and one-half
hours a day in meditation and to live a Sant Mat way of life. That is the only
“work” he asks of us. That work is our duty as human beings. By devoting
ourselves to that work, we discover the purpose of our human life.
In Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. I, Hazur says:
Don’t worry about the suffering of the Master. Let him play his own role.
We have to play our own role. When a tree doesn’t yield any fruit, is the
gardener happy? Doesn’t he suffer so that the tree can yield fruit? He feeds
it all sorts of nutrients, he waters it and does all sorts of things with that
tree. He wants the tree to yield fruit because he has planted it. He has
aligned himself with the tree.
Master has “aligned himself ” with us. Let’s do our work with love and
determination, inspired by the tireless dedication of our Master.
28 Spiritual Link
and our thoughts, and ultimately transforms us. The saint Eknath said in
Many Voices, One Song, “The mind has one great gift: if it takes hold of
spirituality, salvation becomes its slave.” The saints show us the way to still
our minds and break away from old habits and deep attachments. From
their own inner experience, they have realized the Divine. They give us the
same technique to reach our spiritual home and fulfil our destiny. They
have given us the compass; they point our direction inward. Saints have
given us the encouragement to put in the effort to do our daily meditation,
and most importantly, they create a love for the Lord within us. Ultimately
it’s that love that becomes our focus, eliminates attachments, and stills our
mind. That love transforms us and is the greatest reward. Hazur says in
Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. II:
You are meditating because you are in love with him, you want to become
one with him. A lover never loves because he wants the wages of his love. If
a lover wants the wages of his love, he is not a good lover at all.
With the help of our spiritual teacher and our meditation, we develop
true love, and in that love, we enjoy the inner stillness in which we
eventually experience what the saints mean when they quote Psalm 46:10
from the Bible, “Be still and know that I am God.”
30 Spiritual Link
our lives – family background, challenges, strengths, weaknesses, personal-
ity, intellect. We may have a sweet and kind disposition, and then maybe
we have to learn how to assert ourselves, or we may have a depressed and
defensive disposition, and we may need to learn how to be more positive
and how to trust other people and trust the Master. We’re different from
one another, with different strengths and weaknesses, and we are also
alike – struggling souls wanting to reunite with our source. We all have our
individual karmic journey and relationship with the Master.
We will get what the Lord wants to give us. When it is time for us to go
back to him, he will pull us. However, we have to put in our absolute best
effort to overcome our weaknesses. But sometimes our efforts seem to fail.
Being so imperfect helps us to realize how dependent we are on the Lord’s
grace. We become humbled. Isn’t that what Sant Mat is all about? To lose
our ego, to realize that we are nothing, and he is everything? We have no
choice but to lean on the Father – the Master, the Shabd – when we realize
how small we are and how powerful he is.
The Master does not ask us to be perfect. He asks us to keep trying, to
do our bhajan and simran and pick ourselves up after we fall and begin
again. The Masters impress on us that the Lord is with us and loves us,
regardless of our behaviour, how bad we think we are or how dark we may
feel. Hazur wrote to one disciple, “We should never lose heart when we
have pitfalls or when we have fallen or think that we are being driven from
the path. He never leaves us.”
The Master has initiated us. He wants us to go back to the Father more
than we do. Coming to terms with our imperfections is a way for us to
keep moving forward. The Masters tell us we need to go with the flow, to
accept what he gives. Then we can relax and do what will help us most –
our meditation. If we hate ourselves, we’ll never be able to love the Master
or anyone genuinely. We won’t be able to meditate, to transform ourselves.
When we practice kindness toward ourselves, we learn how to be kind
to others. We unlock a softness in ourselves so that we can become more
receptive to the Master’s love and grace.
Coming to terms with ourselves, practicing kindness toward ourselves,
relaxing with our brokenness, paradoxically makes us stronger, more able
to withstand the storms of life. As Ernest Hemingway wrote in his novel
32 Spiritual Link
Simply Put
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream.
The expression “out of the mouths of babes” certainly rings true with this
simple nursery rhyme of unknown origin. Who knew that this well-loved
song many of us happily sang over and over in our childhood contained a
“divine” message for living our lives?
We have been told we need to be as simple as a child. We need to trust,
be enthusiastic, wake up every day expecting the best, and doing our best.
If we take this song, line by line we will see Master’s teachings in an
uncomplicated way.
Row, row, row – Meditate, meditate, meditate. Just like rowing a boat,
meditation is the hard, constant work necessary to reach our goal. It can
be tiring but will make us stronger and with each stroke, or round of
simran – repetition of the five holy names – we are proceeding closer to
our destination, which is the eye centre. When we can, we need to put all
our effort into this meditation practice. If we stop this rowing or repeti-
tion, we cannot move forward. Of course, rowing in calm waters is a lot
less strenuous than when the water is wavy or choppy. Our meditation will
help to still our mind or calm the water, so to speak.
Your boat – Our life is unique. There is no one else like us because we
all carry our own individual karmic load. Only our meditation and a true
Master can help rid us of this burden and free us from this body and the
cycle of birth and death so we may travel home to the Lord.
Gently down the stream – Go with the flow. No amount of planning
or maneuvering will change our destiny one bit. Our karma has to be gone
through. It is our attitude we can change by being positive and upbeat no
matter what happens.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily – As Hazur lovingly advises us in
Die to Live, “Live a simple, happy and relaxed life.”
Life is but a dream – As we have been told, we are spiritual beings
going through a human experience. Baba Jaimal Singh reminds us
34 Spiritual Link
Being Carefree
Master watches over us like a loving parent caring for and protecting
his child. Maharaj Charan Singh compares this to the mother, who
continually keeps an eye on her baby while she goes about her business.
As long as the baby is content and playing with toys, she lets the child
play; but when the baby tires of the toys and notices his mother’s
absence, he begins to cry. Then the mother goes to the child, picks him
up, and comforts him. The child only thinks about his mother when he
grows tired of the toys, but the mother is always watching the child even
though the child is unaware of the mother’s presence. She cannot be
indifferent to him.
We have an even stronger connection with the Lord. The Lord is never
unmindful of us for even a second. We are never alone. When we sense
Master’s loving presence, we know that we are safe and secure and that
he is watching, guiding, and protecting us at every step. When we realize
that the Lord is watching over us like the mother and her baby, then our
behaviour changes. We begin to behave so that he will like what he sees,
and we will win his favour.
Yet, there are times when we forget that the Master is watching over
us, and cares and worries take control of our mind. Stressful situations
arise, and we can easily forget him. The Master encourages us to remain
positive and to refrain from fear even in stressful situations. Perhaps we
first experienced this feeling of separation when we left our true home
and identified ourselves as separate beings in the creation.
Fear is very different from love. In love, we feel unity with the Lord;
in fear, we act as if we are separate from him. Love is the only reality.
Saints assure us that love is our inherent nature. It is a spark of God that
is placed within us when he created us. The remedy for fear is love.
Dr. Gerald Jampolsky writes in Love is Letting Go of Fear:
“To give is to receive” this is the law of Love. Under this law, when we give
our Love away to others we gain, and whatever we give we simultaneously
receive. The law of Love is based on abundance; we are completely filled
with Love all the time, and our supply is always full and running over.
36 Spiritual Link
When the Lord himself stands guard,
who can harm a hair on Paltu’s head?
Unconcerned am I– what is mine is his;
it’s for him now to take care of me.
I have no further worries;
all my cares are now on his shoulders.
Not for a moment does he forget me –
he is in touch with me at all times.
One who has passed on his burden to the Lord
and cares not what others think,
Sleeps, O Paltu, carefree,
for the Lord himself is his watchman.
How fortunate are to have a true Master to watch over, teach,
and guide us every step of the way. By following his instructions, we
become carefree.
38 Spiritual Link
• He will enrol us in the greatest of investment programmes ever
devised: simran, dhyan, and bhajan.
• Whatever we invest, he will multiply from his inexhaustible wealth.
It is at the benefactor’s discretion how he manages the account. He will
decide how much of our wealth will be available to us in our lifetime – if at
all. However, he guarantees on our behalf to keep it safe for us at the time
of death.
How do we invest in this account? By following the Masters’ teachings
and integrating them into our very being and, most importantly, by
focusing our attention within and attaching it to the Audible Life Stream,
the Shabd or Nam. This is a direct connection the Lord has kept within
every one of us. It has always been within us since time immemorial,
and yet we are ignorant of it. To help attach us to it, the Master tells us in
which direction to point our lives and how to set our spiritual compass.
He encourages us to look at the priorities we have in life and asks that we
consider whether our actions reflect those lofty goals.
By following the Master’s advice, we achieve investment returns that are
literally out of this world.
40 Spiritual Link
It is our meditation that will restore to us the awareness of who we truly
are. These flawed minds, bodies, and personalities are simply coverings
that hide our Divine essence. As we continue to practice our meditation,
we will gradually be able to let go of all we are not and discover who we
actually are. Being blessed with a human birth allows us to find out who
we really are.
In from self to Shabd, we read about how we are stuck in identification
with our personality. The author states:
While the true Master is identified with Shabd, the disciple is identified
with his body and personality, and therein lies the only difference between
the spiritual Master and the disciple.
Ultimately, we will be freed from all the illusions that have broken our
hearts and discover the greatest secret of all – that we are, and always have
been, under the unfailing guidance and protection of a true living Master
and that he will see us back to our eternal home.
42 Spiritual Link
When Things Fall Apart:
Heart Advice for Difficult Times
By Pema Chodron
Publisher: Boston: Shambhala Publications. ISBN: 1-57062-344-9
44 Spiritual Link
in the heart dissolves, it becomes softened and purified, and one can then
become more open and compassionate.
People often say that this practice goes against the grain of how we
usually hold ourselves together.… The practice dissolves the walls we’ve
built around our hearts. It dissolves the layers of self-protection we’ve
tried so hard to create. In Buddhist language, one would say that it
dissolves the fixation and clinging of the ego. Tonglen reverses the usual
logic of avoiding suffering and seeking pleasure. In the process we become
liberated from very ancient patterns of selfishness.
Book reviews express the opinions of the reviewers and not of the publisher.
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