Occupational Health12ett

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Refer to non-technical skills (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that everybody

will need in order to perform satisfactorily at work and in society and are
considered portable and transferable irrespective of jobs and industrial settings.


Competency which covers knowledge, skills and attitudes required when

practicing, evaluating, leading, establishing and managing OHS programs in the

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Follow Occupational Safety and Health Procedures

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to follow work safety and health procedures.

Performance Required Required

Criteria Knowledge Skill
1. Prepare for safe and 1.1 Awareness of 1.1 Terms related to 1.1 Communication
healthy work practices legislation that occupational safety skills
outlines the and health 1.2 Knowledge
minimum 1.2 Elements of an management
standards for effective 1.3 Interpersonal skills
occupational occupational 1.4 Critical thinking
safety and health safety and health skills
requirements/reg program 1.5 Observation skills
ulations are 1.3 Benefits of
emphasized implementing an
1.2 Benefits of occupational
implementing an safety and health
occupational program
safety and health 1.4 Own work
program are process and
identified procedures
1.3 Safety 1.5 Standard
requirements/ emergency plan
regulations of and procedures
own work role are
1.4 Workplace’s plan
and procedures for
incidents and
emergencies are
1.5 Prevention and
measures to
prevent accident
and work
injuries are
2. Obey safety and health 2.1 Safety 2.1 Work standards 2.1 Communication
instructions and instructions, and procedures skills
requirements when
performing tasks
safety signs and 2.2 Safe handling 2.2 Knowledge
symbols are procedures of management
followed tools, equipments 2.3 Organizing skills
2.2 Tools, and materials 2.4 Critical thinking
equipment and 2.3 Standard skills
materials are emergency plan 2.5 Observation skills
handled safely and procedures
according to 2.4 Different OSH
OSH standards control measures
2.3 Work is 2.5 Standard
performed accident and
according to illness reporting
work standards procedures
and procedures
2.4 Safe guards and
are used properly
following OSH
2.5 Hazards,
incidents, work
injuries and
sickness are
following work
standards and

3. Maintain good housekeeping 3.1 Reusable, 3.1 Principles of 5S 3.1 Communication

recyclable 3.2 Environmental skills
requirements relative
materials are to industrial wastes
3.2 Knowledge
sorted in disposal management
accordance with 3.3 OSH requirements 3.3 Organizing skills
work standards relative to safe 3.4 Critical thinking
and procedures handling and disposal skills
of materials
3.2 Unnecessary 3.4 Personal hygiene
3.5 Observation skills
items are practices
removed and 3.5 If applicable,
disposed of in troubleshooting
accordance with instructions of
work standards tools/equipment to
procedures be used
3.3 Cleanliness and 2.6 Workplace’s
orderliness of reporting
work area are procedures for
maintained in defective
accordance with tools/equipment
work standards
and procedures
3.4 Tools and
equipment are
cleaned in
accordance with
3.5 Minor repairs
are performed on
tools and
equipment in
accordance with
3.6 Defective tools
and equipment
are reported to
1. Safety requirements/ May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Permit to Operate
1.6 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
1.7 Department Order No. 13 (Construction Safety and Health)
1.8 ECC regulations
2. Incidents and May include but are not limited to:
emergencies 2.1 Chemical spills
2.2 Equipment/vehicle accidents
2.3 Explosion
2.4 Fire
2.5 Gas leak
2.6 Injury to personnel
2.7 Structural collapse
2.8 Toxic and/or flammable vapours emission.
3. Prevention and control May include but are not limited to:
3.1 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous machine
3.2 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room and
operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
3.3 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace the
machine with a safer one)
3.4 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give
trainings on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related
topics, issue warning signages, rotation/shifting work
3.5 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use safety
guards to machine)
3.6 Use personal protective equipment
3.7 Safety, Health and Work Environment
3.8 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of

4 Work injuries May include but are not limited to:

4.1 Burns/scalds
4.2 Concussion
4.3 Cuts and abrasions
4.4 Foreign bodies in the eye
4.5 Fractures
4.6 Poisoning
4.7 Shock
5 Safety devices/PPEs (personal May include but are not limited to:
5.1 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
protective equipments)
5.2 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
5.3 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
5.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
5.5 Hard hat
5.6 Face protection (mask, shield)
5.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
5.8 Anti-static suits
5.9 High-visibility reflective vest

5. Unnecessary items May include but are not limited to:

5.1 Non-recyclable materials
5.2 Unserviceable tools and equipment
5.3 Pictures, posters and other materials not
related to work activity
5.4 Waste materials
6. Minor repairs May include:
6.1 Replacement of parts
6.2 Application of lubricants
6.3 Sharpening of tools
6.4 Tightening of nuts, bolts and screws


1. Critical aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1 Emphasizes awareness of OSH legilations
1.2 Identifies benefits of implementing OSH
1.3 Identifies and follows safety requirements of own
1.4 Identifies and applies OSH control measures and
emergency plan
1.1 Practices safety measures when handling tools,
equipment and materials according to OHS
requirements and company policies
1.2 Reports hazards, incidents, injuries and sickness
following workplace procedures
1.3 Maintains cleanliness and orderliness of work area
(5S procedures) including tools and equipment
1.4 Removes and disposes unnecessary items in
accordance with workplace procedures
1.5 Reports defective tools/equipment and performs
minor repairs (if necessary), in accordance with
manufacturer’s instruction/manual

2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Facilities, materials tools and equipment necessary for the
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2 Third party report
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting
UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Practice Occupational Safety and Health

Procedures UNIT CODE :

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to practice and
promote safety and health at work.

Required Required
Element Performance Criteria
Knowledge Skill
1. Prepare to practice 1.1 1.1 Elements of an 1.1 Communication
health and safety at wareness of effective skills
legislation that occupational 1.2 Knowledge
outlines the safety and management
minimum health program 1.3 Interpersonal
standards for 1.2 Benefits of skills
occupational implementing an 1.4 Troubleshooting
safety and health occupational skills
requirements/re safety and health 1.6 Critical thinking
gulations are program skills
emphasized 1.3 Safety 1.7 Observation
1.2 requirements of skills
enefits of own work and of
implementing an other workers
occupational 1.4 Standard
safety and health emergency plan
program are and procedures in
identified the workplace
1.3 1.6 Different OSH
afety control measures
regulations of
own work and
of other workers
are familiarized
1.4 Workplace
standards and
procedures for
incidents and
are determined
revention and
including use
of safety
to avoid
injuries and
sickness are
2. Comply and promote 2.1 Safety 2.1 General OSH 2.1 Communication
compliance of workers to instructions and principles skills
occupational health and
safety signs are 2.2 Work 2.2 Knowledge
safety instructions and followed and standards and management
requirements disseminated procedures 2.3 Interpersonal
to co-workers 2.3 Safe handling skills
2.2 Safe handling of procedures of 2.4 Troubleshooting
tools, equipment tools, equipments skills
and materials is and materials 2.5 Critical thinking
learned and 2.4 Standard skills
shared with co- emergency plan 2.6 Observation
workers and procedures in skills
2.3 Execution of the workplace 2.7 Monitoring skills
own work and 2.5 Different OSH 2.8 Reporting skills
of co-workers is control measures
monitored if 2.6 Standard
according to accident and
safe work illness reporting
procedures procedures in the
2.4 Use of safe workplace
guards and 2.7 Monitoring
safety devices system on
is monitored compliance to
2.5 Hazards, work health and
incidents, safety
injuries and
sickness in the
workplace are
standards and

1. Safety requirements / May include but are not limited to:
regulations 1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Permit to Operate
1.6 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health
1.7 Department Order No. 13 (Construction Safety and
1.8 ECC regulations
2. Incidents and May include but are not limited to:
emergencies 2.1 Chemical spills
2.2 Equipment/vehicle accidents
2.3 Explosion
2.4 Fire
2.5 Gas leak
2.6 Injury to personnel
2.7 Structural collapse
2.8 Toxic and/or flammable vapours emission.
3. Prevention and control May include but are not limited to:
3.1 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous machine
3.2 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room and
operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
3.3 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace the
machine with a safer one)
3.4 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give
trainings on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related
topics, issue warning signages, rotation/shifting work
3.5 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use safety
guards to machine)
5.1 Use personal protective equipment
5.2 Safety, Health and Work Environment
5.3 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of
4. Safety devices/PPEs May include but are not limited to:
4.1 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
(personal protective
4.2 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
eqipments) 4.3 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
4.5 Hard hat
4.6 Face protection (mask, shield)
4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
4.8 Anti-static suits
4.9 High-visibility reflective vest
5. Disseminate Dissemination activities may be through the following:
5.1 Peer-to-peer
5.2 During small or group meetings
5.3 Signages
5.4 Use of social media

4. Monitor Monitoring activities may be done through:

4.1 Regular and random checks on safe execution of work
4.2 Observes proper handling tools, equipment and materials
4.3 Routine checks on functionality of tools and equipment
4.4 Gather and assess reported cases of work-related injuries and

1. Critical aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1 Emphasizes awareness of OSH legilations
1.2 Identifies benefits of implementing OSH program
1.3 Identifies safety requirements of own work and of co-
1.4 Identifies and shares with co-workers OSH
control measures and emergency plan in the
1.5 Identifies and shares with co-workers the control
measures to prevent accident, injuries and sickness
1.6 Follows and disseminate to co-workers the
safety instructions and safety signs at work
1.7 Learns and shares with co-workers the learnings on
safe handling of tools, equipment and materials
1.8 Monitors safe execution of own work and of co-
1.9 Monitors compliance to safety measures
1.10 Reports hazards, incidents, injuries and sickness
following workplace procedures

2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Facilities, materials tools and equipment necessary for the
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2 Third party report
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Comply with Occupational Safety and Health

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
practice safety and health, and comply with OSH
requirements relevant to work

Element Performance Criteria Required Required

Knowledge Skill
1. Observe workplace 1.1 Arrangement of 1.1 General OSH 1.1 Communication
procedures for work area and principles and skills
hazards and risk
items in legislations 1.2 Knowledge
accordance with 1.2 Principles of management
company good 1.3 Interpersonal
housekeeping housekeeping skills
procedures is (5S) 1.4 Troubleshootin
followed 1.3 Company/ g skills
1.2 Work standards workplace 1.5 Critical thinking
and procedures policies/ skills
are followed guidelines 1.6 Observation
1.3 Preventive and 1.4 Standards and skills
control safety
measures, requirements of
including use of work process and
safety procedures
gears/PPE are 1.5 Standard
applied Workplace
1.4 Standards and emergency plan
procedures for and procedures
incidents and
emergencies are
studied and
applied, as
2. Participate in 2.1 Orientations on 5.5 Safety and health 2.1 Communication
arrangements for OSH requirements of skills
workplace health and
safety maintenance
requirements/ tasks 2.2 Knowledge
regulations of 5.6 Workplace management
tasks is guidelines on 2.3 Collaborating
participated providing skills
2.2 Feedback on feedback on 2.4 Troubleshooting
health, safety, OSH and skills
and security security 2.5 Critical thinking
concerns are concerns skills
provided to 5.7 OSH regulations 2.6 Observation
appropriate 5.8 Hazard control skills
personnel as
required in a procedures
sufficiently 5.9 OSH trainings
detailed manner. relevant to work
2.3 Workplace
procedures for
reporting hazards,
incidents, injuries
and sickness are
2.4 OSH
regulations and
workplace safety
and hazard control
procedures are
reviewed and
reported to
personnel, as
2.5 Needed OSH-
related trainings
are identified and
proposed to


1. Prevention and control May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous machine
1.2 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room and
operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
1.3 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace the
machine with a safer one)
1.4 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give
trainings on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related
topics, issue warning signages, rotation/shifting work
1.5 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use
safety guards to machine)
1.6 Use personal protective equipment
1.7 Safety, Health and Work Environment Evaluation
1.8 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of
2. Safety gears /PPE May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
(Personal Protective
2.2 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
Equipments) 2.3 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
2.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
2.5 Hard hat
2.6 Face protection (mask, shield)
2.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
2.8 Anti-static suits
2.9 High-visibility reflective vest

3. Incidents and May include but are not limited to:

emergencies 3.1 Chemical spills
3.2 Equipment/vehicle accidents
3.3 Explosion
3.4 Fire
3.5 Gas leak
3.6 Injury to personnel
3.7 Structural collapse
3.8 Toxic and/or flammable vapours emission.
4. OSH requirements / May include but are not limited to:
regulations 4.1 Clean Air Act
4.2 Building code
4.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
4.4 Waste management statutes and rules
4.5 Permit to Operate
4.6 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health
4.7 Department Order No. 13 (Construction SH)
4.8 ECC regulations

5 OSH-related trainings May include but are not limited to:

5.1 Safety Orientations relevant to tasks
5.2 Safe and Correct Operation of Tools and
5.3 Health Orientations/trainings (Healthy Lifestyle,
Prevention of drug/alcohol dependence, violence in
the workplace, work-stress)
5.4 Prevention and Control of OSH Hazards in the
5.5 Chemical Handling
5.6 Safety Trainings (Fire Safety, Construction
Safety, Confined Space)
5.7 Prevention and Control of Work-related Injuries and
5.8 Basic First-aid Trainings
5.9 Emergency Response Trainings
5.10 Trainings on use of fire-extinguisher

1. Critical aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Follows work and housekeeping procedures, and
complies with its requirements
1.2 Follows work standards and procedures

1.3 Applies OSH preventive and control measures,

including emergency plan, standards and
1.4 Participates in orientations on OSH requirements of
1.5 Provides feedback on health, safety, and security
concerns in a sufficiently detailed manner.
1.6 Practices workplace procedures for reporting
hazards, incidents, injuries and sickness
1.7 Reviews and reports compliance to workplace OSH
regulations and hazard control procedures
1.8 Identifies and proposes OSH trainings relevant to

2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Facilities, materials tools and equipment necessary for the
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2 Third party report
3.3 Written exam

4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Lead in implementation of Occupational Safety and Health

(OSH) Program, Procedures and Policies/Guidelines


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead
the implementation of workplace’s safety and health program,
procedures and policies/guidelines.

Element Performance Criteria Required Knowledge Required Skills

1. Identify workplace 1.1 Hazards in the 1. General OSH 1. Skills on
hazards and risk workplace and/or Principles preliminary
its indicators of identification of
its presence, are 2. Occupational workplace
identified hazards/risks
2. Knowledge
1.2 Evaluation 3. OSH organizations management
and/or work providing services 3. Critical thinking
environment on OSH evaluation skills
measurements and/or work 4. Observation skills
of OSH environment
hazards/risk measurements
existing in the (WEM)
workplace is
conducted by 4. National OSH
company OSH
personnel or policies and
agency protocols
1.3 OHS issues
5. Systematic gathering
and/or of OSH issues and
concerns raised concerns
by workers are
2. Identify and implement 2.1 Prevention and 2.1 General OSH 1. Knowledge
appropriate control control Principles management
measures 2.2 Appropriate
measures, 2. Analytic skills
including use of prevention and 3. Critical thinking
control measures for
PPE (personal skills
specific hazards
protective 4. Coordinating skills
2.3 Hierarchy of risk
equipment) for 5. Communication
specific hazards skills
2.4 Familiarity on
identified and
established in the
2.2 Appropriate
risk controls
based on result
of OSH hazard
evaluation is

2.3 Contingency
during workplace
incidents and
are recognized
and established
in accordance
with organization

3. Implement OSH 3.1 Information to 1. General OSH 1. Knowledge

programs, procedures work team about principles management
and policies/ guidelines
company OHS 2. Interpersonal skills
program, 2. National OSH 3. Coordinating skills
procedures and 4. Communication
policies/guidelin 3. Company OSH and
es are provided recording protocols , 5. Troubleshooting
3.2 Implementation procedures and skills
of OSH policies/guidelines 6. Presentation skills
procedures and 7. Training skills
policies/guidelin 4. Training and/or
es are counselling
participated methodologies and
3.3 Team members strategies
are trained and
advised on OSH
standards and
3.4 Procedures for
records are


1. Hazards May include but are not limited to:

1.1. Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise,
vibration, extreme temperature, radiation
1.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
1.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke,
gasses, vapors
1.4 Ergonomics
 Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive force,
awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct pressure, varying
metabolic cycles
 Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
1.6 Safety hazards (unsafe workplace condition) –
confined space, excavations,falling objects, gas
leaks, electrical, poor storage of materials and
waste, spillage, waste and debris
1.7 Unsafe workers’ act (Smoking in off-limited areas,
Substance and alcohol abuse at work)
2. Indicators May include but not limited to:
2.1 Increased of incidents of accidents, injuries
2.2 Increased occurrence of sickness or health
2.3 Common complaints of workers’ related to OSH
2.4 High absenteeism for work-related reasons

3. Evaluation and/or work May include but not limited to

environment measurements 3.1 Health Audit
3.2 Safety Audit
3.3 Work Safety and Health Evaluation
3.4 Work Environment Measurements of Physical and
Chemical Hazards
4. OHS issues and/or concerns May include but not limited to
4.1 Workers’ experience/observance on presence of
work hazards
4.2 Unsafe/unhealthy administrative arrangements
(prolonged work hours, no breaktime, constant
overtime, scheduling of tasks)
4.3 Reasons for compliance/non-compliance to use of
PPEs or other OSH procedures/policies/ guidelines

5. Prevention and control May include but are not limited to:
5.1 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous
5.2 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room and
operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
5.3 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace the
machine with a safer one)
5.4 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give
trainings on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related
topics, issue warning signages, rotation/shifting work
5.5 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use
safety guards to machine)
5.6 Use personal protective equipment
5.7 Safety, Health and Work Environment
5.8 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of
6. Safety gears /PPE May include but are not limited to:
(Personal Protective 6.1 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
6.2 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
Equipments) 6.3 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
6.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
6.5 Hard hat
6.6 Face protection (mask, shield)
6.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
6.8 Anti-static suits
6.9 High-visibility reflective vest

7. Appropriate risk controls Appropriate risk controls in order of impact are as follows:
7.1 Eliminate the hazard altogether (i.e., get rid of the
dangerous machine)
7.2 Isolate the hazard from anyone who could be
harmed (i.e., keep the machine in a closed room
and operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area
7.3 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative
(i.e., replace the machine with a safer one)
7.4 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk
(i.e., train workers how to use equipment safely;
train workers about the risks of harassment; issue
7.5 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e.,
attach guards to the machine to protect users)
7.6 Use personal protective equipment (i.e., wear
gloves and goggles when using the machine)

8 Contingency measures May include but are not limited to:

8.1 Evacuation
8.2 Isolation
8.3 Decontamination
8.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel
9 Emergency procedures May include but are not limited to:
9.1 Fire drill
9.2 Earthquake drill
9.3 Basic life support/CPR
9.4 First aid
9.5 Spillage control
9.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
9.7 Disaster preparedness/management
9.10 se of fire-extinguisher

10 Incidents and May include but are not limited to:

emergencies 10.1 Chemical spills
10.2 Equipment/vehicle accidents
10.3 Explosion
10.4 Fire
10.5 Gas leak
10.6 Injury to personnel
10.7 Structural collapse
10.8 Toxic and/or flammable vapours emission.
11 OSH-related Records May include but are not limited to:
11.1 Medical/Health records
11.2 Incident/accident reports
11.3 Sickness notifications/sick leave application
11.4 OHS-related trainings obtained

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1. Identifies hazards/risks in the workplace and/or its
2. Requests for evaluation and/or work environment
measurements of OSH hazards/risk in the workplace
3. Gathers OSH issues and/or concerns raised by workers
4. Identifies and implements prevention and control
measures, including use of PPE (personal protective
equipment) for specific hazards
5. Recommends appropriate risk controls based on result of
OSH hazard evaluation and OSH issues gathered
6. Establish contingency measures, including emergency
procedures in accordance with organization procedures
7. Provides information to work team about company OHS
program, procedures and policies/guidelines
8. Participates in the implementation of OSH procedures and
9. Trains and advises team members on OSH standards and
10. Implements procedures for maintaining OSH-related

2. Resource The following resources should be provided:

Implications 2.1 Workplace or assessment location
2.2 OHS personal records
2.3 PPE
2.4 Health records

3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Portfolio Assessment
3.2 Interview
3.3 Case Study/Situation
3.4 Observation/Demonstration and oral questioning
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Establish and manage OHS program relevant to the

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
establish and manage safety and health program relevant to the

Element Performance Criteria Required Knowledge Required Skills

1. Organize OSH 1.1 Safety and 1.1 General OSH 1.1 Skills on
committee health Principles implementing
committee is 1.2 Occupational workplace
convened/ hazards/risks programs and
1.3 National OSH policies/guidelin
1.2 Roles and es
company OSH
responsibilities policies and 1.2 Interpersonal
of OSH protocols skills
committee 1.4 Systematic 1.3 Coordinating
members are gathering of OSH skills
clarified issues and 1.4 Communication
1.3 Relevant OSH concerns skills
plan and 1.5 OSH programs 1.5 Expertise on
program, and activities OSH
prevention and 1.6 OSH requirements of
control Management tasks
measures, are 1.7 OSH Planning 1.6 Familiarity of
formulated by the and OSH legislations
team Programming and company
1.4 OSH recording policies/
system are guidelines
established by 1.7 Management
the team skills
1.8 Leadership
1.9 Knowledge
1.10 Planning and
organizing skills
1.11 Communication

2. Maintain OSH 2.1 Safety and health 2.1 General OSH 2.1 Implementation
program committee is met Principles skills
implementation 2.2 Occupational
regularly for 2.2 Interpersonal
program update hazards/risks skills
2.3 National OSH
2.3 Coordinating
and evaluation company OSH skills
2.2 OSH concerns policies and 2.4 Communicatio
and issues are protocols n skills
discussed and 2.4 OSH programs 2.5 Planning skills
acted upon and activities 2.6 Analytic skills
2.3 Necessary 2.5 OSH 2.7 Facilitation
adjustments or Management skills
modifications on 2.6OSH Planning 2.8 Familiarity of
OSH plan and and OSH
program, programming legislations
prevention and and company
control measures, policies/
are made guidelines
2.9 Management
2.10 Leadership
3. Monitor compliance 3.1 Work activities 3.1 General OSH 3.1 Monitoring skills
to safe and healthy are monitored if Principles 3.2 Interpersonal
work procedures and 3.2 Occupational
done following skills
safe and healthy hazards/risks 3.3 Coordinating
3.3 National OSH skills
procedures and
processes 3.4 Communication
company OSH
3.2 Compliance to policies and skills
workplace protocols 3.5 Analytic skills
procedures for 3.4 OSH programs 3.6 Facilitation skills
reporting and activities 3.7 Familiarity of
hazards, 3.5 OSH OSH legislations
incidents and Management and company
injuries is 3.6 OSH Planning and policies/
monitored programming guidelines
3.3 Data on 3.7 Inspection or 3.8 Leadership skills
safety audit 3.9 Decision-making
occurrence of
workplace skills
3.8 Safety and Health
injuries and issues/concerns
diseases/ sickess 3.9 OSH Promotion
are monitored to 3.10 Monitoring
be used for system/
program procedures
planning on OSH
3.4 Inspections and
safety audits are
conducted in
accordance with
job requirements
3.5 Counselling
disciplining staff
where safety
issues are
breached is
3.6 Consistent safety
messages are
provided to
others, through
words, written
documents and
modeling correct


1. Safety and Health Safety and Health Committee may include the following members
Committee :
1. Management representative (Manager or
i al)
2. HR representative
3. Workers/Labor Union representative
4. Health Staff and/or First-aider
5. Safety Officer
6. Secretary

2. Prevention and control May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous
2.2 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room and
operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
2.3 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace the
machine with a safer one)
2.5 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e.
give trainings on how to use equipment safely;
OSH-related topics, issue warning signages,
rotation/shifting work schedule)
2.6 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use
safety guards to machine)
2.7 Use personal protective equipment
2.8 Safety, Health and Work Environment
2.9 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of
3. OHS concerns and issues May include but not limited to
3.1 Workers’ experience/observance on presence of
work hazards
3.2 Unsafe/unhealthy administrative arrangements
(prolonged work hours, no breaktime, constant
overtime, scheduling of tasks)
3.3 Reasons for compliance/non-compliance to use of
PPEs or other OSH procedures/policies/ guidelines

4. D May include but are not limited to:

ata 4.1 Statistics on incidence of accidence and injuries
4.2 Morbidity (type and number of sickness)
4.3 Mortality (cause and number of deaths)
4.4 Accident Rate

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Identifies hazards/risks in the workplace and/or its
1.2 Requests for evaluation and/or work environment
measurements of OSH hazards/risk in the workplace
1.3 Gathers OSH issues and/or concerns raised by workers
Identifies and implements prevention and control measures,
including use of PPE (personal protective equipment) for
specific hazards
1.4 Recommends appropriate risk controls based on result of
OSH hazard evaluation and OSH issues gathered
1.5 Establish contingency measures, including emergency
procedures in accordance with organization procedures
1.6 Provides information to work team about company OHS
program, procedures and policies/guidelines
1.7 Participates in the implementation of OSH procedures and
1.8 Trains and advices team members on OSH concepts and
1.9 Implements procedures for maintaining OSH-related

2. Resource The following resources should be provided:

Implications 2.1 Workplace or assessment location
2.2 OHS personal records
2.3 PPE
2.4 Health records

3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Portfolio Assessment
3.2 Interview
3.3 Case Study/Situation
3.4 Observation/Demonstration and oral questioning
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting

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