Edtpa Lesson Plan Guide LPG
Edtpa Lesson Plan Guide LPG
Edtpa Lesson Plan Guide LPG
Name: Katlyn Jumper Grade/Subject: 9-12 Principles of Agriculture Date: 03/27/23
1. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): (C2)
2. Deconstructing/Unpacking the TEKS: (C2) What students will know and be able to do
Essential Question: What patterns are seen in some breeds that make them similar and different?
4. Central Focus The purpose of this lesson is to understand and know the breeds and classes of livestock.
(C4) Students will be able to determine different characteristics of breeds and how they are utilized
How will this lesson link within the agriculture industry. This is the building block for future lessons on livestock because
with other lessons in the the knowledge of breeds and classes are essential for future material.
Learning Targets “I can identify the breeds and classes of livestock and apply them in class.” “I can apply the
I CAN statements that knowledge of breeds and classes in future discussion topics in class.”
Clearly show alignment
with TEKS
5. Academic Language
(C5) Language Function (an active verb that students will use to demonstrate their learning in the
assessments; some examples are- explain, describe, predict, summarize, compare, evaluate, interpret,
Academic language Develop, evaluate, identify, describe, recognize
represents the language
of the discipline that
students need to learn and Vocabulary (words, phrases, and/or symbols that are used within disciplines):
use to engage in the Equine, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, mare, stallion, gelding, cow, heifer, bull, boar, sow, gilt,
content area in ewe, ram, buck, doe, angus, brahman, quarter horse, arabian, hampshire, Yorkshire, angora,
meaningful ways. saanen, suffolk, merino
-Talk: Password. Students will describe the word on the board for their teammate to guess.
Summative: Students will present their project with their group and along with their knowledge
of breeds, the vocabulary/language demand will be included. Within the rubric, they will have
to meet certain vocabulary/language demands.
8. Hook (C7) Hook activity (make connections to prior learning) Conversation starters – have pictures of
different breeds to get students to start talking about what we will learn that day.
Closure (C7) Closure Activity: (make connections to prior learning). 3-2-1 – this will show me where the students
are at after the lesson.
Personal assets: refers to specific background information that students bring to the learning
Student Assets (C7) environment
Cultural assets: refers to the cultural backgrounds and practices that students bring to the
learning environment
Community assets: refers to common backgrounds and experiences that students bring from the
community where they live
Katlyn Jumper
9. Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies and I DO – Teacher will provide the vocabulary associated with breeds/species through the lesson
Learning Task(s) on a PowerPoint. The teacher will also have picture of different breeds to show which breed is
(C9) which and using vocabulary along with it.
Be sure to include: WE DO – Students will be split into 2 teams. Each group will alternate sending a team member
How will students learn to the front of the class. Their teammates will write a word over their head from a list that the
and use academic teacher made. The teammates will be able to read the board, but the team member in the front of
language? the class will not. The team will give hints (not using the word) until they guess the word or
time runs out (10-20 seconds). The team with the most points wins.
Three higher order YOU DO – Students will create a PowerPoint presentation in groups over different
thinking questions. breeds/species that they have learned and researched. They will use their knowledge on different
characteristics and how they are similar/different.
Marzano Strategy Differentiation-(GO TO page) (Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the
content, process, product, and/or learning environment):
(E7) (How might you differentiate materials and resources for learners with various needs?)
Students could have the option to either use their computer or use pen/paper. I can also give
them a printed outline instead of them having to take their own notes.
Add 3 procedures
2. Having students work alone on some assignments instead of the group work
Strategies for ELLs (strategies that support language acquisition)
4. Setting realistic expectations for your students who speak little English
5. Don’t rush to answer questions when students are struggling. Be patient to let student be