Working Capital Management of Smes in Carcanmadcarlan
Working Capital Management of Smes in Carcanmadcarlan
Working Capital Management of Smes in Carcanmadcarlan
Keywords: SMEs, Working Capital Management, Cash Management, Accounts Receivable Management, Accounts Payable
Management, Inventory Management
726 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(4),725-727,2017
financing decisions, in practices, it becomes necessary for Table 1. Respondents of the Study
firms to separate the two because working capital Municipality Population of SMEs Sample Size
management is an integral part of a firms overall financial Carrascal 18 13
management.[4]. Implicit in the references cited above is the Cantilan 55 39
need for a wider view of working capital management. In Madrid 74 52
support of this, the central question of working capital Carmen 5 4
management is what type and how much of each of the Lanuza 10 7
current assets are ideal in order to maximize the returns to the TOTAL 162 115
owners of the organization. They therefore identified the task
of the financial manager as trying to determine an optimum
mix and quantity of current assets so that there is neither too 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
little nor too much working capital [5]. The cross-sectional After gathering responses from the respondents, the following
and time series data suggested that the industrialization data were obtained.
process normally begins with rapid growth of small-scale Table 2: Cash Management Practices
industries, some of which grow to become medium and Activities WM VI
eventually large-scale firms while the rest survive the market Monitors cash outlay 3.76 High
Keeping record of cash receipts 3.67 High
niche where they can remain competitive with large-scale
Cash flow projections was updated at 3.36 High
enterprises [6]. least once a week
Other authors also argue that SMEs have advantages over Optimize flows about cost reduction 3.3 High
their large-scale competitors because they are able to adapt and managing operational risk
more easily to market conditions given their skilled Paying a bill as soon as cash comes in 3.13 Moderate
technologies. They explain that due to their flexible nature, Forecasting is done on a weekly basis 3.13 Moderate
SMEs are able to withstand adverse economic conditions [7]. Making daily deposits 3.1 Moderate
They are more labour- intensive than larger firms and Having an on-line access or mobile 2.71 Moderate
therefore, have relatively low cost of capital associated with access
job creation. The term SMEs covers a wide range of GRAND MEAN 3.27 HIGH
perception and measures, varying from country to country The table indicated that cash management practices were
and between the so, total net assets, sales and investment High with a grand mean of 3.27 among SMEs in
level [8]. CarCanMadCarLan. Monitoring cash outlay with a weighted
mean of 3.76 was the highest among the practices but some
2. MATERIAL AND METHODS of the businesses have no access in mobile nor in internet
The study was conducted using the descriptive survey design. having a weighted mean of 2.71. This indicated that some
The research design was preferred for the study since it SMEs in CarCanMadCarLan don’t make use of high
provided a quick, efficient and accurate means of accessing technology for faster work instead; they prefer to use the
information about the population and it is more appropriate manual method.
where there is a lack of secondary data. The descriptive Table 3 Accounts Receivable Management
evaluation was meant to opinions and perceptions of Activities WM VI
owners/managers of small businesses on working capital Monitor all accounts receivable 3.77 High
management practices. Use “payment due upon receipts” 3.68 High
Keep a running record of all contracts 2.94 High
Participants and Procedure:
Credit and accounts receivable were 2.87 High
This study focused in the municipalities of Carrascal keep tracked
(CAR),Cantilan (CAN), Madrid (MAD), Carmen (CAR) and Assess customer credit in their ability 2.34 Moderate
Lanuza (LAN), Surigao del Sur. to pay by establishing credit policies
CarCanMadCarLan is a settlement area in the province of Offer early payments discounts 2.34 Moderate
Surigao del Sur, Philippines and is about the northernmost Call in a professional credit and 1.85 Moderate
quarter of the province. accounts receivable outsourcing service
The respondents of this study were the owners/managers of Offer electronic payment options 1.82 Low
SMEs operating in CarCanMadCarLan whose capitalization GRAND MEAN 2.7 MODER
was from P500,000.00-P15,000,000.00 and apply various ATE
working capital management practices. Table 3 clearly showed that the extent of accounts receivable
The researchers believe that the data needed for this study can management among SMEs was Moderate with a grand mean
be given by the respondents who are engaged in a Small of 2.7.The businesses monitor their accounts receivable
Medium Enterprise business. having a weighted mean of 3.77. For them, this is essential to
have control and careful collection management of their
receivables. However, some of the SMEs do not offer
electronic payment options having a weighted mean of 1.82.
Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(4),725-727,2017 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 727
Table 4 Inventory Management Table 6 Summary of Results
Activities WM VI Activities WM VI
Use proper asset categorization 4.05 High Cash Management Practices 3.27 HIgh
Simplify re-ordering processes 3.84 High Accounts Receivable 2.7 Moderate
Look for underlying problems 3.62 High Management
Reduce repair- cycle times 3.33 High Inventory Management 3.27 High
Use a solid forecasting capability 3.28 High Accounts Payable Management 2.87 Moderate
that can help plan inventory Grand Mean 3.03 Moderate
Maintain minimal stock levels 3.17 Moderate
Evaluate new array of models in 2.77 Moderate The table showed that SMEs has moderate Working Cpaital
inventory management covers from Manangement most particular with their accounts receivable
time to time management. Cash Management Practices evidently hve high
Use automatic identification and 2.10 Low applications as well as their management on their inventories.
data capture (AIDC) asset tracking
processes 4. CONCLUSIONS
GRAND MEAN 3.27 HIGH Based on the results of the study the researchers concluded
Table 4 revealed that inventory management practices among that SMEs in CarCanMadCarLanwere often practicing some
SMEs in CarCanMadCarLan were High with a grand mean of of the best activities at managing their working capital. In
3.27. The findings further reveal that there was proper asset depth analysis of the study, it was revealed that SMEs relied
categorization of the SMEs with a weighted mean of4.05. It is on manual methods of inventory and majority was unaware
important to categorize assets for easy management of of modern technologies that were widely used by other SMEs
inventory. On the other hand,the results also showed that in improving their business operations through the use of
some of the SMEs does not use AIDC (Automatic electronic devices. Moreover, the owner’s/manager’s
Identification and Data Capture) having the lowest weighted experience was found to be more important than the
mean of 2.10. Some of the SMEs in CarCanMadCarLan application of theories of both inventory and cash
preferred to use the manual method than to divert for easier balances.The SMEs lack resources to manage their
way through technology. This poses a big challenge since it receivables, in particular they have no proper debt collection,
ties up the working capital of the business. accounting department and no credit officers were employed.
Table 5 Accounts Payable Management
Activities WM VI 5. REFERENCE
Always pay for original invoices 3.62 High [1] Barrow, C. Financial Management for the Small
There is a policy in entering invoice 3.03 Moderate Business (5th Edition), The Sunday Times, London. (
number 2001)
The amount of the invoices should be 2.83 Moderate [2] Ang, J. S, , “On the theory of finance for privately held
entered as billed firms”, The Journal of Small BusinessFinance,,
All invoices have an account coding 2.78 Moderate 1(3):185 – 203(1992)
[3] Ang, J.S,”Small Business Uniqueness and Theory of
Adopting more robust governance 2.73 Moderate
Financial Management”, The Journal of Small Business
Centralizing accounts payable 2.62 Moderate Finance, 1( 1 ):1-13(1991)
processing and reporting [4] Baldacchino, G, “An Exceptional Success: The Case
Do not enter invoices as a batch 2.57 Moderate Study of an Export Oriented, Locally Owned, Small
All invoices go to the accounting 2.10 Low Scale Manufacturing Firm in a Small Island Country”,
department first before being sent for Journal of Pacific Studies, 23(1) (1999)
approval [6] Berryman, J., “Small Business Failure and Bankruptcy, A
GRAND MEAN 2.87 MODER Survey of the Literature”, European Small Business
ATE Journal 1( 4 ):47-59(1983)
Table 5 showed that accounts payable management practices [7] Barrow, C. Financial Management for the Small
among SMEs in CarCanMadCarLan were Moderate with a Business (5th Edition), The Sunday Times, London.
grand mean of 2.87. It further showed that majority of the (2001)
SMEs always pay their original invoices with a [8] Barrow, C. The Complete Small Business Guide: A
weightedmean of 3.62.However, the businesses do not prefer Source for New and Small Business. New Edition,
to go to the accounting department for the approval of their Wiley Publishing( 2002 ).
invoicesgetting the lowest mean of 2.1 maybe because they
don’t have the certain department in their business