الدراسة 4
الدراسة 4
الدراسة 4
The effect of a proposed program of motor games in the development of
sensory perception of the movement of first-year students at the beginning
of the age (6-7) years"
- A pilot study on the first year pupils in Batna
Professor: Ahmed Emad Eddin Younis
Cognition is one of the keys to learning and its effective means. Effective learning
requires an effective awareness of the stimuli received by the learner, and we note
that children lacking cognitive development will exhibit failure and inability to
achieve competencies in aspects such as reading, spelling and writing. Psychologists
and those interested in child development agree The importance of kinetic
experiences as an important source in the cognitive development of children and
play is educational (pedagogy) through which children recognize their ability to be
aware of feelings, and test the world around them, and they can acquire a correct
view of things and Aqatha and its importance for this study, this came to know the
impact of kinetic games in the cognitive abilities of motor development when
students first year of primary school through A proposed program to be applied to
Introduction: Since the early childhood, the child's perceptions, perceptions and
feelings grow through the movement of his body, because the child's body is the
physical or tangible framework or construction of the meaning of existence in its
philosophical and philosophical context. The child's relationship itself is a complex
process that goes through several stages until it unites. The relationship of the child
to his body, and as long as the body works through movement, the body and
movement are essential communication tools with the soul.
A number of researchers and experts in the field of sports stressed the importance of
playing games, including sports, for their effectiveness in improving the abilities of
students. They stressed that they act as a means of physical growth and development
of sensory-motor abilities, as well as the development of basic movements and
1. Are there statistically significant differences between the mean and post-
experimental measures of the experimental group in sensory-motor cognition among
first-year students at the age of 6-7 years?
2. Are there statistically significant differences between the mean of the two
dimensions of the experimental group and the control group in the sensory-motor
cognition of first-year students at the age of 6-7 years?
. 2/Objectives of the study :
This research aims at identifying the effect of the proposed program on a
series of small motor games on the development of cognitive perception in the first
year primary students.
Building and designing a dynamic program based on scientific and
methodological basis based on motor and small games, which works to develop the
various aspects of cognitive perception in the primary school children aged 6-7
.3/ the importance of studying : Cognitive play is of great importance in
the development of the child's personality in all its aspects, through which the child
learns many mathematical concepts such as congruence, sequencing and assembly,
develops visual synergy as well as sensory and motor synergies, trains the child's
senses and increases his ability to use them, It also contributes to the preparation of
the child for mental processes such as analysis, installation, attention, memory and
exploration, and works to coordinate and organize the movements and increase the
ability to maintain parallel .
. 4/Study Hypotheses:
- The main hypothesis: Following the proposed program with motor
games improves the visual perception of first-year students beginning with 6-7 years
of age.
- Partial hypotheses:
1. There are statistically significant differences between the averages of the
tribal and remote measures of the experimental group in the sense-motor perception
of the first year students on the Hayud scale and for the benefit of the post-test.
2. There are statistically significant differences between the post-
measurement mean and the control group of the first-year students on the Hayud
scale and for the experimental group.
5/. Key words in the study:
5.1. Sensory perception - Kinetic: Sensory perception is a mental process
that precedes any movement. It is the formation of a clear image in the brain which
is the correct position of the movement. It develops through the repetition,
experience, experience, personality and efficiency of the individual. , 199)
Hussein 1998 defined him as: "The stimulation of sensory organs in the
muscles, nerves and joints provides the brain with information and what parts of the
body must do when performing any skill." (Sajailaa Faiq Hashim al-Baghdadi,
2005, 9)
The procedure is defined as: "is to obtain the highest degree of sensory-
kinesthetic tests in the light of the Hayud test items, which includes six (06)
5/2 Kinetic Games: Are "those games that lead to the development of
various physical organs and to test the extent to which they perform their functions
and to discover the evolution of their growth, both in shape and size, or weight"
(Hanoura and Abbas, 1996, 57).
They are those games that activate the various body organs and work to
develop psychosocial abilities as well as physical and motor abilities. It also
develops in the child all mental and mental abilities such as intelligence, thinking,
analysis, computation and calculation processes, Size, weight, color, dimension, etc.
5/3 Motion Program: This area of kindergarten curriculum and primary
school, which meet the needs of this age range, using the various dynamic
performance. (Amin Anwar al-Khuli, Osama Kamel Rateb, 1982, 44).
It is defined as a procedure: "sports activities, motor activities and small
games chosen by the researcher to be applied to the sample members (children aged
6-7 years) by the research group and with the help of the teacher."
.5/4 Middle childhood: This stage starts from the age of 6-9 years and is
designated by a number of researchers in the first primary stage, where the child
enters the primary school stage either directly from the home or moving from a
nursery or kindergartens, and at this stage widen the mental and cognitive prospects
of the child and learn academic skills He also learns the physical skills needed for
games and the colors of normal activity. (Sami Mohammed Melhem, 2004, 264)
It is known as a procedure: It is the appropriate age for the nature of the
study and the tool used in the research, ie children aged 6-7 years, which
corresponds to the first year of primary education, which is the first contact of most
students in school.
Second: Theoretical background and previous studies:
1. Theoretical background:
1.1. Cognitive perception: Cognition is one of the keys to learning and its
effective means, because effective learning requires an effective awareness of the
stimuli received by the learner, giving them value and meaning, so that they can be
retrieved in the future (Adnan Yousef Al-Atoum, 2004, 113).
In this regard, Medin & Ross (2006) pointed out that the matter must be
determined. When determined, we will be able to access the central part of the
knowledge associated with mutual interaction with that object. For example, it may
be important to know whether the extended object is a piece of Rope or snake,
because the information we receive from the senses is stored in the brain, and is
retrieved in various forms depending on the methods of knowledge acquisition,
collection, preservation and conversion based on brain phasing (Douglas Medin,
Brian Roos, 2006, 127).
Cognitive theory has focused on both the cognitive environment and
cognition. Knowledge is a term that refers to cognition and understanding, and
Plato is one of the first to mention the relationship between play and
work. "Do not train children with coarseness or strength but direct them to work by
entertaining their minds and thus become more able to detect it very carefully." In
his famous book, The early role played in all the colors of the game, because if they
are not surrounded by such an environment they will not become good citizens at the
old age "(Khairuddin Aweys, 1997, p. 10) , Jean-Jacques Rousseau also called
for giving children great freedom to play and play faith in nature. Maria
Montessori also advocated the importance of giving children wide freedom in their
movement and games. Herbert Spencer considered playing the origin of art as one
of the oldest forms of culture. , And that the manifestations of innovation were
closely linked to play. (Afaf Othman Osman, 2011, 29)
1.5. Educational importance of play:
Frédic Frbel , Jean Piaget and Bastalotzzi have pointed to the importance
of play for a child as the child learns, develops and develops his or her thinking and
personality through movement. The game and the movement are the child's life. The
game provides the child with the ability to control and control the surrounding
objects that he recognizes through play. (Ibtahaj Mahmoud Tolba, 2014, 93)
Piaget's theory of play is linked to stages of growth. Each stage of growth
has its own games, and the types of games differ from one society to another. Piaget
considers play to be a measure of the child's development and development.
Sigmund Freud assumes that human behavior is determined by the pleasure
or pain that accompanies it. As the child tends to seek experiences, seeking pleasure
and pleasure, the child attempts to create a world of imagination in which he
experiences his pleasure and pleasure without the intervention of others. Frued
playing plays a function in which to relieve tension and emotions resulting from
inability to fulfill desires. (Khairuddin Aweys, 1997, 14)
1.6. Islam and toys:
Islam looks positively at the children's play so that Islam commands that
the child be allowed to play. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) narrates the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and their
seven companions and seven of them and their companions to seven. The life of the
rest of the imams of Islam also shows us that they left the children playing but were
also playing them. (Ryan Salim Bedair, Ammar Salem Al-Khazraji, 2008, 30)
We find that Abwa Hamed al-Ghazali in his book revival says: "It should
be authorized after the departure of the book to play a beautiful game resting from
the fatigue of the office so as not to play tired, preventing the boy from playing and
tired to learn always die his heart and intelligence and sneeze it Live until he asks
for the trick of salvation from him. " (Abwa Hamed al-Ghazali,2004,123)
2. Previous studies:
First Study: A study entitled "Effect of the effectiveness of a proposed
locomotive training program in the development of some cognitive abilities for pre-
school children at the age of 4-5 years. This is a study for students: Mohammed
Khader Asmar, Qutaiba Zaki, University of Mosul, published in 2004, and the
goal of research in the disclosure of the following:
1. Effect of the effectiveness of a proposed training program in the
development of some cognitive abilities (sense-kinetics) for pre-school children.
2. Differences between the two groups of research in some cognitive abilities
(sense-kinetics) in the pre-school and post-school preschools.
The sample of the study was composed of children of Kindergarten in
Ninawa Governorate for the academic year 2002-2003 (40) children and girls,
divided into two equal groups, one experimental and the other an officer and the
number of (20) children and girls for each group.
The researchers used the Dayton scale for sensory perception of children
as a research tool. A proposed locomotor training program was developed to
develop cognitive abilities for a period of 6 weeks with 4 units per week and 20
minutes per unit.
The researchers concluded the following:
1. The proposed locomotor training program has a positive and effective
effect on the development of some cognitive abilities (sensory-kinetics) of pre-
school children.
2. There are significant differences between the two research groups in some
cognitive abilities (sense-kinetics) in the tribal and post-test and for the benefit of
the post-test
The second study: A study conducted by the Faculty of Physical Education
at Mosul University in Iraq, published in 2004, aims to reveal the impact of mental
training. The research community included the third stage students in the Faculty of
Physical Education, Mosul University. The sample was randomized to 28 students
from the original community. Divide them To two groups, one experimental and the
other an officer. Thus, the percentage of the research sample reached 22% of the
original society. It was concluded that mental training has a direct impact on the
development of
Third Study: The impact of the use of popular games in the development of
sensory perception - the movement of the first-grade students in the lesson of
physical education "was conducted at the Faculty of Basic Education, University of
Diyala Iraq, the physical education has developed significantly using different
teaching methods, but there are some methods not addressed many Of the specialists
are the use of popular games as a way to take the lesson of physical education as a
game selected to suit the capabilities and capabilities of students and do not need the
tools and high possibilities to develop the perception - kinetic as these games to me
T just fun and investing time, but games are contributing to the compatibility of
muscle development, a nervous origin in the observation and perception, they are
not It is not the basis for education processes but rather the way to improve motor
behavior. The researcher used the experimental method and used the Hayud test to
measure the sensory-motor perception. The results showed superiority in favor of
the experimental group on the control group, which means:
The popular games play a major role in the development of sense perception -
kinetic as compared to traditional sports.
Third: Field Action:
Methodology: We conducted this study by comparing the tribal
measurements with the experimental group and the remote control measurements of
the visual perception abilities, and based on the experimental design of the equal
group approach using the appropriate tribal and remote measurement for the current
2. Study Sample: Based on the purpose of the research and based on the
nature of the experimental research approach, which depends on the application of a
proposed 12-point dynamic program and the need to collect the sample elements in
all these classes, which necessitated reliance on the intended sample, and the choice
of primary school Abdelhamid Bouakaz, The first group represents the
experimental group and the second represents the control group with 15 students in
each group. We observed the homogeneity of the study sample in the following
points: height, weight, chronological age, mental age, multiple intelligences.
2.1. Sample Characteristics:
Table No. 01:
The Variables Arithmetic Medi The vein sprain
number mean ator s
1 Length in cm 120.47 120 120 0.14
2 Weight in kg 21,26 21 20 0.96
3 The chronological age 78.06 76 75 0.49
by months
4 Mental age (by months) 96.40 99 99 0.50
5 Multipe intelligences 46.79 44.49 35.69 0.94
The values shown in this table indicate that the sample is homogeneous in
weight, height, age, mental age, age, and multiple intelligences, since the torsion
coefficient is less than 3, and the arithmetic and intermediate mean values are very
2.2. Equal control and experimental groups:
Table 02: Equivalence of the control and experimental groups in the
tribal test
The variables
al group ULAT
±E M- ±E M- ED
1 Visual perception (constant Not
size of objects, place and 4.00 1.07 4.40 1.35 0.88 significant
2 Visual perception (total and Not
2.87 0.83 2.6 0.83 0.87
partial perception significant
3 Sensory perception Not
(identification of parts of 3.60 1.91 3.80 2.14 1.66 significant
the human body).
4 Sensory perception MORAL
(differentiation between the
2.33 1.30 2.93 1.03 1.71
left and right parts of the
5 Sensory perception Not
1.2 0.41 1.07 0.27 1.06
(balance). significant
6 Audio recognition Not
2.6 1.84 2.67 1.23 0.17
(location). significant
Total items 17.4 18.6 Not
3.58 3.92 0.78
7 8 significant
The table shows the parity of the experimental and control groups in sensory-
motor abilities by testing (T) in all variables because the value of (t) calculated for
most variables (6/7) is less than (T) Indicating that there were no statistically
significant differences between the two groups in the variables.
3. Data collection tools:
a . Hayud Scale of Sensory Sense: A scale designed for children aged
(5-7) years used for the first time on the environment of Saudi Arabia (Mustafa) in
1998, and codified (Mufti) in 2000, the Iraqi environment exclusively Nineveh
province, (kindergarten wind) and obtained the parameters of stability of 85%,
Cognitive cognitive abilities in children aged (5-7) years.
Scientific conditions of the scale used: This measurement was calculated
by applying and re-applying the test. In the light of this, the first test was performed
on the exploratory sample and then re-applied for the second time after (15) days,
taking into account the stabilization of all the conditions in which the first test was
performed. The coefficient of test stability was calculated by means of the Yerson
correlation law and after the treatment of the results statistically, the scale used in
the research has a high degree of stability and from the obtained results, the self-
honesty of the high test was obtained and is shown in the following table:
Table 03: Reliability and stability coefficients of the Hayud test for kinetics of
sensory perceptioN
(differentiation 2.33 1.30
between the left and
right parts of the body)
5 Sensory perception 1.8 0.41 4.58 MORAL
(balance). 1.2 0.41
6 Audio recognition 4.8 0.41 4.90 MORAL
(location). 2.6 1.84
Total items 32.47 1.59 18.7 MORAL
17.47 3.58 8
The table shows that the values calculated using the T test for the interrelated
groups ranged from 4.13 to 18.78 and by detecting the tabular T value at a mean of
0.05 for a single end test and a free degree of 14 was 1.76.
There are statistically significant differences between the pre-test and post-
experimental tests of all Hayud test items, sensory-motor perception abilities and the
post-test benefit, because all values of "T" For the post-test of all test items is greater
than the "X" values of the test.
1.2. Results of the second hypothesis:
Table 05: Significance of Differences between Post-Standard
Measurements of the Pilot Group and the Control Group
The The control T T significant
experimental group CALCU TAB e
The variables
group LATED LE
±E M- ±E M-
1 Visual perception 5.93 0.25 4.33 1.29 4.71 MORAL
(constant size of
objects, place and
2 Visual perception 4.6 1.24 2.8 0.67 4.93 MORAL
(total and partial
3 Sensory perception 10.53 1.24 4.8 1.47 11.51 MORAL
(identification of
parts of the human
body). 1.7
4 Sensory perception 4.87 0.35 3.2 1.08 5.76 MORAL
between the left and
right parts of the
5 Sensory perception 1.8 0.41 1.07 0.25 5.82 MORAL
6 Audio recognition 4.8 0.41 2.73 1.38 5.53 MORAL
Total items 32.47 1.60 19.00 3.18 14.64 MORAL
It is clear from the table that the values calculated using the T test for the
interrelated groups ranged from 4.71 to 14.46 and by the detection of the tabular T
value at a level of 0.05 for a single end test and a free degree of 28 was 1.701.
Since all the values of T calculated for all test items are larger than the T
value, there are statistically significant differences between the two groups between
the mean of the two dimensions of the experimental and control groups in the sense-
motor and for the experimental group, Because all the values of the "X" for the post-
test of the experimental sample for all test items are greater than the "X" values for
the post-test of the control sample.
2. Discussion of the study results: The results of the first hypothesis show
that there is an improvement in the general level of the experimental sample in all
cognitive sense items. It can be attributed to the fact that the proposed motor
program, which depends primarily on small games, This improvement, because of
its characteristics in line with the specificities of the child of this stage, especially its
motivational and recreational, as these games form a mediator between sport and
play, allowing the teacher to develop the sensory perception of the movement of his
students, the same as the study of Mohammed Khader Asmar and others.
The results of the second hypothesis, through Table 6, show that there is
also an improvement in the overall level of the experimental sample in sense-motor
perception and stability at the control sample level,
This is also due to the proposed motor program applied to the experimental
sample and consistency in the control sample level on which the program was not
applied. We understand from this that the small games have positive results on the
experimental sample, which confirms the validity of the study hypotheses.
From this we conclude that the proposed locomotor program works to
develop and improve the cognitive perception abilities of children aged 6-7 years
and achieve the general hypothesis which is in line with the findings of Majida
Hamid Kambash.
3. Conclusions: Through this study we reached the following conclusions:
1 Use of a small-scale exercise program in the physical education lesson
plans to develop and improve the cognitive-motor abilities of first-year primary
2. The good organization of the games and the use of simple tools have had a
role in the success and implementation of the teaching plans and reflects the
development of cognitive abilities - motor.
3. The usual teaching plans currently used in the primary school for the first
year do not meet the objectives required for their weak effectiveness in developing
sensory-motor abilities or that teachers who are authorized to teach them are not
qualified for this.
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