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Subject Teacher
General Direction: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer then shade
the answer that corresponds to your choice in the given answer sheet. Avoid erasures
and do not leave unnecessary marks on this test booklet. BE HONEST, EVEN IF

1. Which of the following is the main theme of Indonesian music that was greatly
influenced by the great culture they have?
A. Hate B. Love C. Time D. Adventure

2. Slendro is a kind of Indonesian music scale. How do we characterize this musical

A. Six in the scale tone
B. Homophonic in scale tone
C. Five equidistant tones in octave
D. Heptatonic tone scale with semi-tone

3. What is the best example of polyphonic music in terms of instruments?

A. Mary singing the National anthem
B. Chorale singing the Leron- Leron Sinta
C. Playing violin in your room while dancing
D. Teacher dance and sing the La Vida Local

4. Which of the following instruments DOES NOT belong to the group?

A. Metallophones B. Xylophones C. Gongs D. Violins

5. How do China and Myanmar similar in music?

A. They are similar in music in terms of their songs
B. They are similar in dance especially on costumes
C. They are similar in drama for it is their everyday living
D. They are similar in Churches because it reflects their beliefs.

6. What do you think is the best example in determining the loud sounds in terms of
A. Room B. Municipal hall C. School bus D. Open-air
7. The following are known Southeast Asian instruments. Which IS NOT an instrument
of Haing Waing in Myanmar?
A. Hone B. Da YAk
C. Maung Hsaing D. Pat Waing

8. Malaysian`s music genre was influenced by different racial groups. Which of the
following DID NOT influence Malaysian music?
A. Chinese B. Malay C. Roman D. Eurasian

9. Which of the following is TRUE about the country Malaysia?

A. There are three regions of Malaysia
B. It is a constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia
C. The country is not a multi-ethnic and not multi-cultural
D. Trading does not increase when immigrants flocked to Malaysia

10. Among the many occasions and festivities in Malaysia, specific musical ensembles
were used in different occasions. When will they use a gong-based musical
A. During baptism B. During summer
C. During funerals D. During rainy season

11. Which is TRUE about the country Thailand?

A. Ruled by Eastern power
B. Formerly known as Siam
B. The land of the brave and love
D. It is the sole country of Southeast Asian

12. Which is TRUE about Thai folk music?

A. It has a simple song with simple melodic lines
B. It gives emphasis to its son and style of voices
C. It brings energy to its vocal and life after death
D. It has a vibration in music and gongs in instrument

13. If you consider yourself as a religious person and you go to your church after, what
do you usually use in your church?
A. Sacred B. Secular C. Symmetrical D. Shadow

14. Which of the following IS NOT an instrument of Thailand?

A. Piphat B. Khrueang Sai C.Kulintang D. Mahori
15. As a Filipino youth, how should you show respect and appreciation to the musical
identity and genre of the other countries in Southeast Asian?
A. By keeping them in a safe and sound
B. By destroying the music of other countries
C. By preserving the music of other countries
D. By laughing some music that are not good enough

16. In Cambodia, there are many colors that symbolize their textiles. What do you think
is the color used as insect nests in terms of Cambodian textiles?
A. Red B. Blue C. Yellow D. Green

17. Cambodian weaving is one part of their lifestyle. Which is TRUE about Ikat
technique in Cambodian weaving?
A. Five Equidistant tones in octave
B. Heptatonic tone scale with semi-tone
C. Portion of weave take a six piece of cloth
D. Weavers tie and dye portions of weft yarn before weaving begin

18. Which of the following IS NOT a use of the Cambodian silk?

A. Wrap shirts B. Furnishings
C. Cooking fan D. Pictorial tapestries

19. Which of the fabric in Cambodia will you use in garments and for household
A. Silk B. Leaves C. Threads D. Cotton

20. How do tradition and belief of women in Laos in terms of wearing a sihn?
A. Woman in Laos weaves all the sihns she would wear without punishing anyone.
B. Woman in Laos weaves all the sihns she would wear throughout her lifetime.
C. Woman in Laos weaves all the sihns she would wear for faith in their God.
D. Woman in Laos weaves all the sihns she would wear to be in peace.

21. The type of materials used in making textiles, determines the place where it is
produced. Where do we find the golden threads silk?
A. Laos B. Thailand C. Cambodia D. Vietnam
22. If you are to make a Flying lantern in Thailand, what materials would you use?
A. Use a stick paper with a metal frame, which contain a fuel cell.
B. Use a wood paper with a clay frame, which contain a fuel cell.
C. Use a warm paper with a dried frame, which contain a fuel cell.
D. Use a rice paper with a bamboo frame, which contain a fuel cell.

23. What cause the flying lantern in Thailand to rise?

A. When the fuel is lit B. When the base flame heats
C. When the gas is in cold D. When the friction begins to move

24. The Sky lantern in Thailand is very famous. It is used during the month of July.
Which of the following is the other calling for these lanterns?
A. Pray lanterns B. Creation lanterns C. Faith lanterns D. Wish lantern

25. In Cambodia and Laos, almost they are similar in arts especially to handicraft.
Which IS NOT a handicraft of Cambodian and Laos?
A. Clay B. Baskets C. Jars D. Pottery

26. Which of the following is TRUE about the Wayang Kulit of Indonesia?
A. Formerly known as Siam.
B. Ruled by Eastern power
C. The land of the brave and love
D. Wayang means show or perform.

27. There are lot of materials used in Thailand in terms of sculpture. Which of the
following IS NOT one of them?
A. Wood B. Stone C. Bottle D. Ivory

28. Which of the following traditional religious DOES NOT influence the sculpture of the
A. Taoism B Gothism C. Buddhism D. Confucianism

29. What do you call a small hot air balloon made of paper with an opening at the
bottom where a small candle or fire is placed?
A. Wau kite B. Sky lantern C. Diya lamp D. Papier Mache
30. Based on the photo. Which is TRUE about the Malaysian sculpture?

A. Partially carved or in of another surface in terms of sculpture of Malaysia

B. The sculptures of Malaysia rely on a base or not plane to support them
C. Sculpture of Malaysia is Four dimensional and five dimensional
D. Most of Malaysia`s sculptures are relief

31. Which of the following is the procedure in getting the weight?
A. Wear hot clothes, on bare foot.
B. Record body mass to the nearest 0.5 kilogram
C. Distribute your weight on the center of the scale
D. Adjust the scale to zero point. Record the score in kilogram.

32. The BMI of Norma is 26.9. How do you classify her BMI?
A. Underweight B. Normal C. Overweight D. Obese

33. What do you think is the actual BMI classification of Rhea when she has a 31.21
A. Obese C. Normal
B. Overweight D. Underweight
34. What is the right words to complete the given procedure for test taker in getting the
height of a person?
“Stand on your heels, buttocks and __________ pressed against the wall with the
tape measure.”
A. Back B. Head C. Shoulders D. Knees

35. Why do people measure their waist?

A. A good predictor of the amount of visceral fat which increases risk for
cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
B. A wise selection of fats that has a carbs on its waist that gives a heart disease
and lung cancer which lead to death.
C. A kind of light that are selected to other diseases that cannot prevent nor cure.
D. A free consumption on body saturated fats which give emphasis to other viruses
especially to some disease that are involve.

36. What is the purpose of having a ninety-degree push up test?

A. To measure speed of the person
B. To measure strength abdominal muscles
C. To measure strength of the upper extremities
D. To measure the flexibility for the lower extremities

37. What is the best given procedure for the test taker in executing the ninety-degree
push up test for the boys.
“Straighten the arms, keeping the back and knees straight. Lower the arms until
there is a 90-degree angle at the _________.”
A. Head B. Waist C. Feet D. Elbows

38. What is the purpose of doing curl-ups in Physical Fitness Test?

A. To measure the speed of the person
B. To measure strength abdominal muscles
C. To measure flexibility of lower extremities
D. To measure strength of the upper extremities

39. What will be the first thing to do in doing the Curl-ups?

A. Do not stop or rest while at the bottom position.
B. The feet should not be held or rested against an object.
C. Lie on your back with the knees bent and your feet 12 inches from your buttocks.
D. Completely a slow, controlled curl-up, sliding fingertips along the floor until they
touch the second tapeline.
40. What is the purpose of the physical fitness 3-minute step test?
A. To measure flexibility of lower extremities
B. To measure strength abdominal muscles
C. To measure cardiovascular endurance
D. To measure strength of the upper extremities

41. What is the purpose of having a Sit and Reach?

A. To measure cardiovascular endurance
B. To measure strength of the upper extremities
C. To reach forward as far as possible without bending the hamstring.
D. To touch the fingertips together behind the back by reaching over the shoulder
and under the elbow

42. How will you complete the given procedure for the test taker in Sit and Reach.
“_______ on the floor with back flat on the wall and feet approximately 12 inches
A. Sit B. Stretch C. Stand D. Squat

43. The purpose of the Zipper test as your physical fitness test is to see your flexibility.
Which of the equipment’s below should you use?
A. Bench B. Ruler C. Tape D. Wood

44. What is the main purpose of Basic Plank in Health-Related Physical fitness?
A. To measure flexibility of lower extremities
B. To measure strength abdominal muscles
C. To measure cardiovascular endurance
D. To measure strength of the upper extremities

45. What will be the procedure for the test take in 3-minute step test.
“At the signal Go, step up and _____ for 3 minutes at a rate of 24 steps per minute.
A. Bend B. Above C. Down D. Straight

46. Gender is something that can define who you are. Which of the following gender
looks like a feminine?
A. Playing Baseball B. Playing Softball
C. Playing Basketball D. Playing Soccer
47. Which of the following is NOT a masculine type according to their choices of task to
A. Fetching water B. Car wash
C. Washing Cloths D. Attend a gym

48. What do you think is the major aspect of personality?

A. Sex B. Gender C. Sexuality D. Gender role

49. Some are sexually involved in determining the sex of a person. Which of the
following IS NOT?
A. Name given at birth
B. Understand positive feedbacks
C. The toys played with the clothes worn
C. The roles and responsibilities at home

50. Who is the best example of Heterosexual?

A. Mario wants to court maria.
B. Mario wants to court his Rafael.
C. Mario wants to court Jenny and Rafael
D. Mario wants to court all his classmates.

51. If Lea is in love with man, woman, gay and lesbian, what type of sexuality DOES
she has?
A. Heterosexual B. Asexual C. Pansexual D. Homosexual

52. Kevin is a gay, he has a crush on Katy and Romel. What type of gender does Kevin
A. Bisexual B. Omnisexual C. Asexual D. Parasexual

53. It is important to have a sound decision making sills. The following are steps in
decision making, except one. Which one is it?
A. Determine the problem
B. Explore the alternatives
C. Request love for knowledge
D. Consider the consequences
54. Your parents are going to a party this weekend. This is the first time that you are
asked to attend by a friend but then you discern that your parents will not approve.
What will be your decision?
A. Request a letter that will be your guide in going to the party.
B. Determine the problems and consequences in attending the party.
C. Consider the consequences but just go, don’t mind your parent decision.
C. Explore some parties that is your first time to attend without any permission.

55. Media plays a vital role in the lives of every individual. How media affect your human
A. It gives pride and honor to make someone to be good.
B. It gives love and affection oh how to become somebody.
C. It gives information and inquiries about human sexuality
D. It gives extension and promotion on how to omit our goals.

56. The following are some double standards of morally gives the impression of men
being superior to women. In as much as we would like to practice gender equality,
the rules for human conduct and human appropriateness are not alike for both
sexes as practiced by many in the Philippines. Which of the following DOES NOT
support the above statement?
A. Boys and men are permitted to stay out more and up to a later time than girls and
B. Women are not expected to remain virginal until they marry while it is generally
acceptable for men to have sexual experience before marriage.
C. Men who stay at home to do household chores instead of having jobs to earn
money for the family are considered by some as under d Saya.
D. Women are socially judge and legally penalized for adultery and for having a
child out of wedlock.

57. What should you do to advocate gender equality in your school?

A. Listen to men only
B. Listen to Women only
C. Notice unconscious bias
D. Decrease the number and visibility of female leaders
58. Which characterizes a good decision?
A. Easy to make
B. Makes your friends happy
C. One that your teacher told you to make
D. Arrived at after thoughtful consideration of consequences

59. Why is understanding human sexuality important in creating a healthy attitude

towards family?
A. to know when your parents need your help to do household chores so that you
can escape
B. to build a strong relationship with your parents and to understand their needs
and wants
C. to know the weakness of your parents so that you can use it against them
D. both A & C

60. Which of the following situations shows an effective consideration of consequences?

A. A girl who read an article about Justin Bieber being gay and spread the news to
her friends.
B. A teacher who received a text message coming from an anonymous person
saying that her student stolen her wallet and punish the student immediately
C. A lawyer read an article about a rape victim accusing her neighbor as a suspect
but then researcher more pieces of evidence to provide proofs needed for
further investigation
D. A person who received a message about a super typhoon coming toward Gen.
San. and immediately evacuate to a safer place
Prepared by: Checked & Verified: Approved:
Subject Teacher Head Teacher III School Principal I

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