Professional Program in Data Analytics: Outcome Driven, Practitioner Designed
Professional Program in Data Analytics: Outcome Driven, Practitioner Designed
Professional Program in Data Analytics: Outcome Driven, Practitioner Designed
This program gradually transforms learners with no data analytics background into job-ready Data Scientists at an entry level.
The first part of this program will help you build foundational skills in statistics, data analysis, data visualization, programming,
and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). During this foundational phase you will learn how to apply common
statistical methods for data analysis using Excel. In the process, you will learn how to organize data in the form of tables, and
how to better visualize it using graphs and pivot tables. You will then be introduced to RDBMSs and learn how to work with
large and complex data sets. Then, you will learn to do programming using Python. Python has become a preferred
programming language in the world of analytics. You will further sharpen your analytical skills by using specific Python libraries
that have been designed to improve the productivity of data analysts. You will get an opportunity to programmatically store
and manipulate data in an RDBMS and analyze it using Python. At this stage you will be ready to do Exploratory Data Analysis
You will then be introduced to an advanced data visualization tool called Tableau. Using Tableau, you will be able to do visual
analytics and create interactive dashboards and be able to effectively tell stories using data – a critical skill in the modern
workplace. At the end of the program, you would be completing a capstone project to perform to demonstrate the EDA and
visualization skills using Tableau.
Structurally, the program is broken down into individual courses. Each course focuses on competency development – either
introducing a new competency or enhancing an existing one to the next level. Each learning sprint within a course typically
require minimum 10 hours of learning effort. Each learning sprint is mapped to a distinct task. It is built around a challenge
that validates a learner’s ability to perform that task effectively and provides granular feedback to the learner as well as the
mentor. By completing all activities in a Learning Sprint, learners acquire the necessary knowledge & skills to complete a task
and master the associated concepts. It is expected that learners spend 70% of the learning effort in a sprint on doing hands-on
practice or reviewing & refactoring their work to complete the sprint.
The table below details the competencies developed and the associated learning outcomes.
2. Analytics using Learn to represent data in Creating & manipulating ER modelling fundamentals
SQL the form of tables in a Database Objects with DDL (create tables, set
Relational Database. Create, constraints constrains, insert data, modify
update and retrieve data Query Data using SQL tables and drop tables)
stored in MySQL (RDBMS) Retrieve Data from Multiple DML(query using grouping,
database. Use Structured Tables using joins filtering, conditional query, query
Query Language (SQL) to Retrieve Data using logical operators)
perform various operations subqueries Joins, Subqueries & views
on the database.