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€207 BUSINESS ACTIVITY REPORT ; Monstr Cookies Malaysia X BebeChukala fo} UBSS 1032 | SEC 31] by Group 7 Sem 1 2022/2023 DR. UMAR HAIYAT BIN ABDUL KOHAR @BEBECHUKALA TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 UTM XCITE E-CERT 02 INTRODUCTION 03 ORGANIZATION CHART 04 ROLES 05 SWOT ANALYSIS 06 01 02 03 04 BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS 09 07 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 08 TEASER 09 HARD SELL 10 SOFT SELL 11 CUSTOMER 12 SALES REPORT 13 TIME MANAGEMENT 14 SELF REFLECTION @BEBECHUKALA 11 12 13 14 16 23) 25 (] att uTmycrre PERAKUAN PENDAFTARAN ‘SYARIKAT PEMULA PELAJAR UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA Dengan int diperakui bahawa perniagaan yang dijalankan dengan nama ‘BEBECHUKALA ENTERPRISE NO. PENDAFTARAN : XCITE - 202380044 telah didaftarkan pada 13 DISEMBER 2022 di bawah Pusat Inovasi Mahasiswa dan Keusahawanan Teknologi (UTMXCITD, Institut Siswazah Tersedia Kehidupan (UTM iLeaGue), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perniagaan ini beralamat di NO. 3604, LORONG 4A, TAMAN SOURABAYA INDAH, JALAN BAKO, PETRA JAYA, 93050 KUCHING, SARAWAK. Kod Pendaftaran Subjek 100 -SUBJEK UHAK10321UBSS1032 Nama Ahli Kumpulan [NURSAFIVA ADHA BINTI RAMZI FATEHAH NORMAH HAMDAN TAUFIK BATRISYIA NADIRAK BINTI MAZELAN NURUL ATIKAH AMIRA BINTI AZRUL MIZA ZULAIKHA BINTI MISRI SITINUR ANISA BINTI ZAMRI Jumlah Anti : BORANG Tempoh Sah Laku 47 MAC 2023 PROF. MADYA. DR. ABDUL RASHID BIN HUSAIN Pengarah Pusat Inovasi Mahasiswa dan Keusahawanan Teknologi UTM (UTMXCITE) Institut Siswazah Tersedia Kehidupan (UTM iLeaGue) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia INTRODUCTION €202 | LYOd3¥ ALIAILIV SSINISNG ORGANISATION CHART NURSAFIYA ADHA BT RAMZI B22BE0175 coo ACCOUNTANT MANAGEMENT ‘ NURUL ATIKAH AMIRA BATRISYIA NADIRAH SITI NUR ANISAH BT AZRUL BT MAZELAN BT ZAMRI B22BE0070 B22BE0148 B22BE0182 MARKETING MULTIMEDIA FATEHAH NORMAH MIZA ZULAIKHA HAMDAN TAUFIK BT MISRI 822BE0152 B22BE0158 @BEBECHUKALA 03 ROLES BUSINESS ACTIVITY REPORT | 2023 04 @BEBECHUKALA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) NURSAFIYA ADHA BT RAMZI My role as Chief Executive Officer or known as CEO is to function as the single proprietor or owner of the company. In addition, | have responsible for ensuring that our company's financial resources are sufficient for us to grow our stock or restock in the future. After deciding the product and contacting with the supplier, | registered the enterprise to UTMXCITE. | lead most of the meeting and guide each part of members. 42¥ sSaNisne = z rs Fe =| S CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER (COO) > NURUL ATIKAH AMIRA BT AZRUL My role as an Chief Operating Officer known as COO is to coordinate the conversation with my coworkers in order to manage the business strategy. To maintain track of our company goals, weekly and monthly goals are developed. Aside from that, | always keep an eye on current business trends in order to grasp the current business market and improve our firm. The timetable is intended to ensure that we meet our goal. | will constantly make certain that our company's operations run smoothly and effectively in all aspects. ACCOUNTANT BATRISYIA NADIRAH BT MAZELAN My role as the accountant is being the person responsible of the money flow in the business. Providing a bank account that is solely for Bebechukala business. By doing this, it is a much easier and focused way to keep track of money incoming and outgoing. In addition to that, | also am responsible to provide the money for any group members that needs it for modal and for stock purchases. In summary, | have to ensure the money is well kept and safe as it shows the sales and profit of our business. ‘SITI NUR ANISAH BT ZAMRI My role as a management manager of BebeChukala is responsible to coordinate team meetings so that we could keep in track of our company goals. In order to make the company as productive as possible, we evaluated our existing practices and developed a new one. | try to keep up with the current business trends to understand the current business market in order to improved our company. The timetable is intended to make sure our team keep in track of progress to reach the goals. €20Z | LYOd]Y ALIAILIV'SSINISAS FATEHAH NORMAH HAMDAN TAUFIK As a marketing manager, | am in charge for managing and running marketing campaigns through social media platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp , Telegram and also flyers. This requires me to plan and create content including text, posts and videos to use on the social media. The promotions of our products were done by me and my teams on respective platforms regularly. As our main platform is Instagram, | keep on track the social engagement of our business page such as likes, views and followers to ensure our promotion is reaching the potential customers. €20Z | LYOd3e ALIAILIV SSANIENS MULTIMEDIA MIZA ZULAIKHA BT MISRI Me as a multimedia manager are responsible in planning and oversees a wide range of department which may include developing web content, media , printing and photography. For examples, I'm in charge in taking pictures or video reviews of customers to posted it in our social media as a feedback. Other than that, | have to do an editing for the photos and videos in order to convince people and attract them to buy our products. €70Z | LYOdaY ALIAILOV SSANISNS SWOT ANALYSIS <) STRENGTH Variety of choices to choose Fast delivery Good quality of comfort food Affordable prices Cover for all states in Malaysia WEAKNESS Time constraint Less followers on social media OPPORTUNITY Comfort foods people's choice Have cats that are in the university as our mascots that attracts people Can be shared with love ones that are usually THREAT Other groups sell comfort food Other bigger brands that people knows better and prefer Customers have to wait for stock to arrive rather than having in stock other type of @BEBECHUKALA og BUSINESS MODEL ~~ CANVAS ea ™ Nees KEY RESOURCE VALUE PROPOSITIONS CUSTOMER RELANTIONSHIP PSE e Kol ley Ri Si ie = x a @ . : cre a @BEBECHUKALA 09 3NIS 3 EXECUTIVE ores SUMMARY ~~ Total Sales RM 1100 Total Profit RM 210.10 Followers Gigescn 43 followers Post 37 posts @instagram Followers 62 followers @facebook BEBECHUKALA 10 TEASER Snstagram ¢ COMINGSOON COMING SOON COMING SOON es = Se 2 . = v 8 BEBECHUKALA HARD SELL “Any SOFT SELL THIS OR THAT "9 THIS OR THAT hw eer s | Rs Av CUSTOME @BEBECHUKALA 5 €70Z | LYOdaY ALIAILOV SSANISNS SALES REPORT NURSAFIYA ADHA BINTI RAMZI rors ro CCTM RM466.00 Coens eed EEL RM733.90 Yearly Performance @BEBECHUKALA V7 €70Z | LYOdaY ALIAILOV SSANISNS SALES REPORT NURUL ATIKAH AMIRA BINTI AZRUL on ay RM68.00 RM68.00 (eyed Yearly Expenses RM733.90 RM733.90 Monthly Performance Yearly Performance @BEBECHUKALA 8 €70Z | LYOdaY ALIAILOV SSANISNS SALES REPORT BATRISYIA NADIRAH BINTI MAZELAN Monthly Sales Panos RM122.00 RM122.00 0.00 (ies a Catt) Monthly Performance Yearly Performance NE Total Sales MN Total Expenses fotal Profit RM122.00 SebeCndal 16012 ant Socleds @BEBECHUKALA MN Total Sales, ME Total Expences fotal Profit RM122.00 ‘SaLvERY ato ‘CHOCOUAR Kt C4 19012 €70Z | LYOdIY ALIAILOV SSANISNS SALES REPORT SITI NUR ANISAH BINTI ZAMRI ae CT EeaT CT CraT estoy Peterman eat Pertormanes Total Profit RM42.00 Go-eCommerce @BEBECHUKALA 20 €70Z | LYOdaY ALIAILOV SSANISNS SALES REPORT FATEHAH NORMAH HAMDAN TAUFIK eer X) Eee) CLE} ETc) nti Petomance -RM447.90 -RM447.90 Go-eCommerce @BEBECHUKALA 2 €70Z | LYOdaY ALIAILOV SSANISNS SALES REPORT MIZA ZULAIKHA BINTI MISRI oe iaashesed ony Patemance lod Ht oat RM76.00 RM76.00 Go-eCommerce RA Gos te le BA Gas” te coos a @BEBECHUKALA 22 €70Z | LYOdaY ALIAILOV SSANISNS ee TIME MANAGEMENT @BEBECHUKALA 23 ee ee I vodas Ayanoe ssauisng og a) |r| | ae, i ares ay aepdn 7l7 [re [ete 7 eAyes'yeyaresesiN Kionijap pue a6e\s0d npg [7 [e [7 7[? [777 EZIW'eSIN'YRAPEN uoRouioud [195 - ple mw L L i L L yeyares‘Yeupen uoROWOid [jas - yos ‘Te [-{e- {eee [eee i $19P10 3231109 Tle tert tet tes ee ebay, Taydins yum 1e8q 7[7 [7 [7 7[7[7 qeyarey’edyes Buraumkdos og Awe yeyesqeapen ‘ddesyeym pure weibeysur sepdn ee ee ee 7{7 u Tnpoid ayy ayoWIOIg ii me ueqsies UeNpeN yonpoid ayy SoNpaRUT 7 aaa yeusiesyebny abed weibeysui dmas 7 iL ekyes yeyarey 060] ubiseq Z ebay aayddns puy pue Aaains 7 7 ‘auieu Aueduior ai apped 7 Plos aq Oy Npord auTULAIeq LNAIWASVNVW AWIL BUSINESS ACTIVITY REPORT | 2023 24 @BEBECHUKALA €70Z | LYOdaY ALIAILOV SSANISNS SELF REFLECTION SELF REFLECTION NURSAFIYA ADHA BINTI RAMZI B22BE0175 @BEBECHUKALA 26 SELF REFLECTION NURUL ATIKAH AMIRA BINTI AZRUL B22BE0070 Alhamdulilah, | am grateful to be able to study in this "Introduction to faeces occ It ool Lech an oleae OL TCO LUSH OL LCI Te) from my degree field which is about business even though | had taken this course during my diploma. | want to add experience by selling chocolate products that are loved by many people. Although | have ros tela Talecmeso1 UM LoL MOL a MC ALS tLe PT Le From selling homemade chocolate cakes, | am now an authorized agent MCMC ecm ac MIr tN mCR RUT Ta melon cM cmon ie the products we sell and buy them again and again. Next, what | gained through this course is the spirit of cooperation in the group. Even if there is a problem but consider it as a challenge to be better in the future. Put the right amount of effort into achieving what we want and believe in it. Dare to take any risk and have a strong mentality. This subject has also improved me in making posts for hard and soft sales and how to interact with customers further. Social media is a great medium to market our products globally because it allows us to connect Orem fctofeN CNT TeUteNcLemeeVACC MAIN Centcn 71am (ata LCT | AN I ToNT| Go TT cca) thank my teammates for helping each other, all the knowledge and experience | have gained throughout my studies in this course. @BEBECHUKALA €20Z | LYOd3Y ALIAILOV SS3NISNE 27 Tare MOL ea CCM elec Mem Meola cll cre Co) my course which is Architecture but turned out it does. | have learnt so much that it broaden my understanding on business as well as being an entrepreneur. | now truly appreciated the work that goes behind doors on someone who has or wanting to be an entrepreneur. Having to actually build an enterprise and sell products really showed how much dedication, hard work and team work needed to make it work. Besides basic skills such as communications and teamwork, my confidence as well as been improved. | was initially scared starting it because | thought it would turn into a failure but it was the opposite. | now truly enjoy it and is interested in it. | appreciate to those who have supported our business. Not to forgot our lecturer, Dr. Umar or Pak Ngah, who helped us and always encourage and be so dedicated to his students. Honestly, this class is enjoyable and thank you to my group members, friends, Dr. OTe Um-Ule ae eA eM el Ven Ean fdirae esol ET WaT UNO) BE NTA: SELF REFLECTION SITI NUR ANISAH BINTI ZAMRI B22BE0182 @BEBECHUKALA SELF REFLECTION FATEHAH NORMAH HAMDAN TAUFIK B22BE0152 @BEBECHUKALA 30 ETL cei Ccrel ev cameo 1a emeNe Lee) [Ce Co) EY SMUG LoL) LTC MTL) ele MYR oC MOLT should | take this classes?. it is give benefit for my future as an architect?. But as | attended the classes, the more | found that they are similarities in both fields. For example, SDG or Sustainable Development Goals. With each goals has its meaning behind it and by having that in our business or building, it truly shows how in tune we are with the world's revolutions. Besides that, the skills that we learn from this Cot Cyocome TK mal xe ce UMUC MLO Teg MOON TN Ce=LeCOlt Ld] Ame oe etn) dL and critical thinking that really does corelates to my course too. Not only that, both architecture and entrepreneurship has the initial ideas and the process to achieve a better idea or better way would always be there. | really do value the things that | have learnt and | do feel that | have improved myself in some ways to be a better person or student than | was when | first started attending this class. that's all summary from me, thank you. €20Z | LYOd3Y ALIAILOV SS3NISNE MONSTER COOKIES MALAYSIA X BEBECHUKALA | BY GROUP 7 UBSS 1032 | SEC 31 | SEM 1 2022/2023,

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