OHT 2 With Solution
OHT 2 With Solution
OHT 2 With Solution
As shown in Figure 1, Building A is subjected to a lateral step force 𝐹(𝑡). The force-time history is shown
in Figure 2. Before the application of 𝐹(𝑡), the building has no initial motion.
Let’s assume that the maximum lateral displacement and shear force determined against the given 𝐹(𝑡)
are too high, and we need to find a way to reduce the responses. Two schemes are proposed for this
purpose. The first scheme is to connect Building A and Building B by a rigid link as shown in Figure 3.
The second scheme is to connect Building A and Building B by an elastic spring as shown in Figure 4.
The stiffness of this spring is also given in Figure 4.
By connecting the low-stiffness Building A with the high-stiffness Building B, it is expected that the lateral
displacement and column base shear in Building A due to the lateral step force 𝐹(𝑡) will be reduced. But
it is not clear which scheme will be more effective in reducing the responses. You are therefore requested
to find out the followings:
Task 1: Find the natural frequency and vibration mode shape of the combined structure. [05 Marks].
Task 3: Find the natural frequencies and vibration mode shapes of the combined structure. [20 Marks].
In all cases, it can be assumed that the modal damping ratio of any vibration mode is 0.01.
The response 𝑢(𝑡) of any given SDF system against the step impulse shown in Figure 2 can be
approximately determined as follows. Please ignore the effect of damping while determining the
response using this expression.
𝑢(𝑡) = (1 − cos 𝜔𝑡)