PP1 Schemes of Work Creative Activities

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1 1
2 1- 1.1 By the end of the sub- Digital literacy Peace Realia 1.Observ
2 PICTURE Drawing strand the learner 1. What would you Communication Unity Provide learner with Charts ation
1.1.1 should be able to: like to draw? and Love drawing materials 2.Oral
MAKING Scribbling a) develop simple 2. What do you see collaboration respect question
TECHNIQU and pictures using in the environment? Learning to how to hold drawing s
ES doodling scribbling techniques 3. What material do learn tools
for fine muscle you use for drawing
development , develop simple
b) develop simple pictures using
pictures using scribbling technique
doodling techniques
for eye hand co- develop simple
ordination, pictures using
doodling technique

and comment on own

and others work

3 1- 1.1 By the end of the sub- Critical thinking Love Realia .Observa
2 Drawing strand the learner 1. What would you Responsibilities Respect Provide learner with tion
Scribbling should be able to: like to draw? Unity drawing materials 2.Oral
and , 2. What do you see Peace question
doodling a) develop simple in the environment? how to hold drawing s
pictures using 3. What material do tools
doodling techniques you use for drawing
for eye hand co- develop simple
ordination, pictures using
b) appreciate own and scribbling technique
others drawn work
develop simple
pictures using
doodling technique

and comment on own

and others work

4 1- 1.1Drawi By the end of the sub- Critical thinking Love Realia .Observa
2 ng strand the learner 1. What would you Responsibilities Respect Provide learner with charts tion
1.1.2 Dot should be able to: like to draw? Unity dotted online images 2.Oral
joining a) develop simple 2. What do you see Peace question
pictures by dot joining in the environment? how to hold drawing s
techniques for 3. How do they tools
enjoyment, look like?
b) draw simple 4. What do you like develop simple
pictures using drawing about your drawn pictures by joining
materials for work? dots
, and discuss own and
c) appreciate own and others work
others drawn work
5 1- Coloring leaner should be able Communication Love Realia Observat
2 to: 1. Which colour do and Respect Guide learners to charts ion
a) identify common you like most? collaboration Unity identify colors in
colours in the 2. What colour are Peace the environment
environment for found in the
colouring pictures environment collect materials of
b) learners apply different colour from
colour on drawn plant the environment
pictures for aesthetic
value leaders to distribute
c) appreciate own an papers to learners in
others coloured work groups

6 1- Coloring By the end of the sub- Communication Love Realia .Observa
2 strand the leaner Which colour do and Respect Guide learners to charts tion
should be able to: you like most? collaboration Unity identify colors in 2.Oral
a) learners apply . What colour are Peace the environment question
colour on drawn found in the s
animal pictures for environment collect materials of
aesthetic value different colour from
b) appreciate own an the environment
others coloured work
leaders to distribute
papers to learners in

color drawn items

and discuss their


7 1- 1Painting By the end of the sub- Communication Love Realia .Observa

2 strand the leaner What do you use and Respect Guide learners to charts tion
should be able to: for painting? collaboration Unity select painting 2.Oral
a) create images using 2. What do you do Critical thinking Peace materials question
finger painting after painting and problem
techniques for solving use one colour
enjoyment Imaginative and
b) perform free creative create images using
choice fingers
painting on paper for
enjoyment paint according to
c) appreciate own and their own interest
others painted work
painted work

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8 1- Painting By the end of the sub- Communication Love Realia .Observa

2 strand the leaner What do you use and Respect Guide learners to tion
should be able to: a) for painting? collaboration Unity select painting 2.Oral
apply paint on shapes 4. What do you do Critical thinking Peace materials question
for enjoyment b) after painting and problem s
perform free choice solving use one colour
painting on paper for Imaginative and to
enjoyment creative draw shape
c) appreciate own and
others painted work apply paint on shapes
using brushes

painted work

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9 1- 2.1Printin By the end of the sub- Communication Respect Realia .Observa

2 g strand the leaner and Unity Guide learners to tion
Pattern should be able to: 1. Which colour do collaboration Peace select printing 2.Oral
making a) make patterns using you like for making Critical thinking materials question
objects for creativity patterns and problem
b) appreciate own and 2. Which materials solving use one colour
others painted work do you use for Imaginative and
making patterns? Self efficacy apply paint on objects
3. Which printing using brushes/Sponge
do you like
patterns using
different objects

painted work

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1 1- 2.1Printin By the end of the sub- Communication Respect Realia .Observa

0 2 g strand the leaner 1. Which colour do and Unity Guide learners to tion
Pattern should be able to: you like for making collaboration Peace select printing 2.Oral
making a) make patterns using patterns Critical thinking materials question
objects for creativity 2. Which materials and problem s
b) appreciate own and do you use for solving use one colour
others painted work making patterns? Imaginative and
3. Which printing Self efficacy apply paint on objects
do you like using brushes/Sponge

patterns using
different objects

painted work

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1 1 Mosaic By the end of the sub- Critical thinking Respect Realia .Observa
1 strand the leaner What should we use Imaginative and Unity Guide learners to tion
should be able to: to make mosaic Self efficacy Peace collect materials for 2.Oral
a) identify locally items? Communication making mosaic items question
available materials 2. Which material and s
for making mosaic do you like most? collaboration leaders to distribute
pictorials for fun. b) materials to Learners
create a simple to create simple
pictorial using paper mosaic items
cuts for enjoyment.
c) appreciate the sue of when using materials
locally available
materials in creating appreciating own and
pictorials others work as
learners express their

1 1 Mosaic By the end of the sub- Critical thinking Respect Realia .Observa
2 strand the leaner What should we use Imaginative and Unity Guide learners to tion
should be able to: to make mosaic Self efficacy Peace collect materials for 2.Oral
a) identify locally items? Communication making mosaic question
available materials for 2. Which material and items s
making mosaic do you like most? collaboration 3.written
pictorials for fun. leaders to distribute question
b) create a simple materials to Learners s
pictorial using paper to create simple
cuts for enjoyment. mosaic items
c) appreciate the sue of
locally available when using materials
materials in creating Guided in
pictorials appreciating own and
others work as
learners express their

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