Minimal and Professional Startup Pitch Deck Presentation

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QUME - Group 9
About Dataset
150 records
of customer travelling
through an airline that constitutes of two types of
travel- Business and Personal.
Attributes included- distance travelled, class, age,
gender, passenger loyalty etc.
Constitutes of two subsets- Business travel and
Personal travel
The main purpose of this dataset is to predict whether a future
customer would be satisfied with their service given the details of the
other parameters' values.
Identify parameters that greatly influence the customer satisfaction
level and how these parameters are inter-related to each other to
generate higher satisfaction.
Future developments that airlines can take into consideration with
respect to age of the customer and distance travelled.
Processes that have been used for data analysis are descriptive
analysis, predictive analysis and ANOVA.
About the Business Travel
Analysing the customer base

The gender ratio between The ratio between loyal and Majority of the customers fall in
males and females is 9:11 disloyal customers is 9:16 the range of 20-60 age group

Out of 75 customers 19 Out of 75 customers - 6

Out of 75 customers - 50
travelled in business travelled in business
travelled in business
class, covering class, covering distance
class, covering
maximum distance, distance(mean = (mean = 403.66)
(mean = 1491.14) 681.05) Total distance covered:
Total distance covered:
Total distance covered: 2422
74557 12940

Parameters influencing
customer ratings
Flight Distance
Inflight wifi service
Ease of Online booking
Gate location
Food and drink
Online boarding
Inflight entertainment
On-board service
Understanding the different parameters

Majority of customers Majority of customers comprising 25 % of total consumers rated

comprising of 28% of total of 23% of total awarded "4" rating inflight services between "2" -"3"
awarded "4" rating to on-board to departure/arrival time rating. This parameter wasn't
services. convenience. rated as high as onboard services
and departure/arrival time
21% of total customers awarded Majority of customers comprising Majority of customers comprising
rating between "2" - "3" to ease of 28% of total awarded "4" rating of 31% of total awarded "4" rating
of online booking. to seat comfort. to inflight entertainment.
20% of the total customers rated
Majority of the customers, about 28% of total customers, formingg
online booking services between
21% awarded a very poor rating a majority rated gate location
"3" - "5", indicating that the
to food and drink services services as "3", indicating that
services provided are above
,indicating that the quality was gate location services provided to
average and caters to customer
not upto the mark. them was on an average level.

NOTE : 1 NOTE : 2
Loyal customers Disloyal customers
were most satisfied were not satisfied
by : by :
On-board Seat comfort
service Food and drink
Inflight Inflight wifi
entertainment service.
Seat comfort Inflight

Average rating of MANAGERIAL ACTIONS :

Loyal Customers > As a manager, one need to
Average ratings of understand what are the parameters
Disloyal Customers.
because of which customers are not
To understand the reason
we performed descriptive happy or what is the scope of
analysis of both the improvement looking at those ratings
customer base seperately .

to understand it better.
Various factors could be :
AGE, Distance , Personal requirement
CORRELATION: Link to the correlation

The correlation coefficient is a

value that indicates the strength of dsheets/d/1fYtvS0EByoDMNk
the relationship between variables. H9aJEWWr_i4IF9hVnH/edit#gi
-1: Perfect negative correlation. d=1434571875
The variables tend to move in
opposite directions
NOTE : 1 0: No correlation. The variables
do not have a relationship with
1: Perfect positive correlation.

Managerial Inferences
In "Age v/s Parameters", we can infer
that with an increase in age group, seat
comfort becomes the first priority for
every customer. In order to cater to
maximum customer satisfaction, the
airline industry should focus first on
Statistical Analysis giving adequate seat preferences and
also provide quality food and drink
The above correlation result tells us that age and flight services.
distance are linked with each of the parameters. In "Flight Distance v/s Parameters", we
There is no perfect positive correlation in this case. can infer that with an increase in flight
The highest positive correlation in case of age and distance, customers give more priority
flight distance v/s the other parameters are found in to inflight entertainment services to
"Seat Comfort" and "Inflight Entertainment"" keep themselves engaged during their
respectively. journey.
The lowest positive correlation in case of age and The airline industry should also ease
flight distance v/s the other parameters are found in the process of online booking when it
"Food and Drink" and "Ease of Online Booking" comes to booking tickets online for a
respectively. long-distance travel. This will certainly
attract more potential customers.
no relationship between the
subjects in each sample.
The different groups/levels must
have equal sample sizes.
dependent variable is normally


Used one-way ANOVA for three or The ANOVA F value can tell if there
more groups of data, to gain is a significant difference between
information about the relationship the levels of the independent
between the dependent and variable, when p < .05. So, a higher
F value indicates that the treatment
independent variables.
variables are significant.

1. f value >f critcal value,
reject null hypothesis . This
also means that the
parameters ratings are not
really linked. (3.60>1.95)
2. Using paired comparison we
found that customers were
MANAGERIAL DESCISION : most satisfied with onboard
To increase the customer satisfaction for people service Inflight

travelling in business class airline need to work on

entertainment, Seat
their Inflight wifi service.
Ease of online booking and departure arrival time comfort ,Online boarding
About the Personal Travel
Analysing the customer base

The gender ratio between males and Youths and Middle aged people are
females is 9:11 frequent flyers

Out of 75 customers - 6 Out of 75 customers - 62 Out of 75 customers - 7

travelled in Business traveled in Eco class,
class, covering distance
travelled in Eco-Plus
covering a maximum
of 3060 km (mean = 510 class, covering
distance of 56190 km
km ) distance of 4679 km
(mean = 906.29 km )
(mean = 582.71km )
Understanding the different parameters

Majority of customers Majority of customers comprising 37 % of total consumers rated

comprising of 35% of total of 42% of total awarded "5" rating inflight wifi services between "1" -
awarded "4" rating to on-board to departure/arrival time "2" rating. This indicates that they
services. convenience. were dissatisfied with the same.
Understanding the different parameters

52% of total customers awarded Majority of customers comprising Majority of customers comprising
rating between "1" - "2" to ease of 50% of total awarded "4"-"5" of 46% of total awarded "4"-"5"
of online booking. rating to seat comfort. rating to inflight entertainment.
Understanding the different parameters

57% of the total customers rated

Majority of the customers, about 41% of total customers, formingg
online booking services between
37% awarded a very poor rating a majority rated gate location
"3" - "5", indicating that the
to food and drink services services as "3", indicating that
services provided are above
,indicating that the quality was gate location services provided to
average and caters to customer
not upto the mark. them was on an average level.

NOTE : 1 NOTE : 2
Loyal customers Though Customers
were most satisfied were not very
by : satisfied by
On-board service Ease of Online
Departure/ Booking
Arrival Time
In-flight Wifi
Seat comfort
Food and drink
But they stayed

loyal to the airline
Managerial Inferences
In "Age v/s Parameters", we can infer that
with an increase in age group, Online
Boarding is provided well for every
customer. In order to cater to maximize
customer satisfaction, the airline industry
can focus on giving advance check-in
Statistical Analysis services via internet with good ease of use
and quick response time.
The above correlation result tells us that age and flight In "Flight Distance v/s Parameters", we can
distance are linked with each of the parameters. infer that with an increase in flight distance,
There is no perfect positive correlation in this case. customers need Seat Comfort better in
The highest positive correlation in case of age and respect to seat design, Cushioning and
flight distance v/s the other parameters are found in legroom for more distance and the airlines
"Online Boarding" and "Gate Location" respectively. should focus and prioritize it immediately.
The airline industry should also ease the
The lowest positive correlation in case of age and flight
process of on-board service when it comes
distance v/s the other parameters are found in "On
to hospitality for a good experience. This
board Service" and "Seat Comfort" respectively.
will help meet specific and unique
customer needs.
Understanding Age groups' preferences
We can observe that the mid-senior age group followed by the adult
group travels more distance. We may infer that people around 50-55
yrs travel for vacations or voyages or professional, business trips.
Students or New incumbents belonging to 18-26 yr generally travel
around their home, college and job location.
The Airlines should try to improve on In-flight WIFI service as it has
got the lowest rating among all age groups
We also observe that older people tend to get satisfied more with
the services of the airlines than younger generation who expect
more features and improved services
Furthermore departure/arrival timings are convenient for people to
travel according to their necessities with minimal deviation in time
duration, for which the parameter has received the highest ratings.
Thank You!

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