SOP For Airflow Velocity and Uniformity Test
SOP For Airflow Velocity and Uniformity Test
SOP For Airflow Velocity and Uniformity Test
Uniformity Test
The purpose of the SOP for this test is to evaluate airflow velocity and uniformity of
airflow velocity in cleanrooms and clean zones.
General considerations:
1. The measurement area shall be cross sectional area of the filter face normal to
the airflow. This area shall consist of the net effective filter media area, which
is exclusive of the filter frame or patch area of filter.
2. When using single point measurement instrument, such as hot wire
anemometer, divide the net filter face into grids of equal area of not greater
than 0.09 square meters (1.0 square foot).
3. When using multi-point instrument, divide the net filter face into grids of
equal area of not greater than 0.37 square meters (4.0 square feet).
4. Special care is necessary to keep the sampled area unobstructed during the air
flow measurement. The use of a support stand is recommended with single
point type measuring instruments.
5. Take the measurements for a minimum 5 seconds or as per instrument
manufacturer’s guidelines.
1. The average airflow velocity for the filter should be within +/- 10 % of that
specified in the contract documents or as agreed between the customer and the
2. The standard deviation (if required) should not exceed 15 % unless otherwise
specified in the contract documents or as agreed between the customer and the
By agreement between the customer and the supplier, the following information and
data should be recorded: