In The United States District Court For The District of Colorado

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Civil Action No.

, Plaintiff Heather Valenzuela

Valenzuela & associates law firm

4255 N Nellis Blvd #1046

Las vegas nv 89115

CO AttorneyBar #528754 ABA#43475

Fed Tax ID# 83-1353681


, vs

, Defendant(s).

Mutual of Omaha disability policy, Life Policy.cancer policy accidental death policy

AIG Insurance disability policy

Globe Life Insurance policy

Cancer Life Loans policy

All health life insurance policy claims that I have discrimination of or rewported the mutial of
omaha to regulatory agencies of life insurance companies reported them to regulatory agencies of
attorneys for the illegal unlawful us gov setups not allowed to go on per federal lawjudges and that
illegal what happend to heather once again of copycat ,murdr of this ser upif mex mob of alicia
clqassi inmex mob micking me of the real asvegas mafia doll qmd life of me in real
universalouctures and [pafamount f hilklywood ca and wutness steven seilberg is an exoert tiipay
qnd ciosts of repair of 68.000.00 of ghe life oi gave ios only wealythiest oeioke in world hace the
life i huhave been guven of the real mplants costed ne 2.9 ,i;;ion of myhusnamd and me inkyhave
stolen of my ead oin a sense in hustin edards in marrekl the mafia kinlin namer of gim of drug
varjke if jessica oin casinos iof las vegas ibmex mafia famus of me and her both of the plkaza
casino of the hit obn me in casionos illegal if 20 years ad ,me wiun wpofrom las vbegss nv and a
soejkcial circjmstamces of olayboy mywhile life of the retirement today off cameras off film
porductions lawsuit filimng claims onm al oacino whi rescued me of al oacino and rth scarface
morion pictuires screenwriters and droecrors and me and sam rhima of olatboy mqagaxi e owners
forced sle ti hustler of larry flynt and playbky club shytdown and us gjvand fbi d]forced sgutdwn of
the playbky shyrf]down if hghhefner nd non copoeration of the real mytv luve 24/7
inrodyctionanmd fbi that setthem, alluoaklpoeople who hjad hits nmy lifeis ascspegoatof mexican
mafia kinlin of the mefcio president is a witness against jessiuca martinez and ewhile city against
justin and michelle highes todsy whi set me uolisillegal qnd cistiom sloecial made by federal bureau
of investugation nd the true las vega smafis infio5msnt of nhk ickey olayer of wno i picked to
marry amd from fbiinwppof theor bad mafia fight od[f n seceret servjxes inly woman inwporkld
proteted in seceret services and true maincotrollers and set uop of psychistroc evluation nkt
whatthis for or mex mafia set uo workld wide of lebarnie cartel and lefemme and ciliunbia and 87
l]kinlins og mecicoi mafia hit by justin inklas vegas mafia is whstwas infirmsnt is fir i was and bkt
siuopposed ti be alicia at all and or if medx mib idpf gnsimafia famiky arrested frommyhiuse fr
thatreason e ahad hitsinme snd kaw enfircement innmiband hefekt osi weird pulled over leavung
nyhime and webt tkproson for lufe and stilkk they are nit releaed fior that reainand have her inmtc
of meinnatkonal tv us ehis famoys and set yuoby e by cia headquarters and fbugeadquarters amd
cbiby the rubix owners a woitmess trent or and whole state of nevada and colorado and s\clifornis
conspiracy of controlled situation ion that clai,s are not been paid and approbed of ganh telated
activity even of mexmob and fbi informant are approved on the contrary os a true fact of
jenniferlopez atgack on me tody and alicia classi of wpp violqtuion iof me sne justin onnqtional tv
nd world wide broadband us gov satellite i wasw resvuee by las vegas nv a long time ago qnd the
kas vegass mafia infrrmant if hughhefner and playboy which was a forced sale of mansion to larry
flynt r and larry flynt of huslter snd ,ia,i fl my

Denver Federal Courts

901 19th st

Denver.CO 89115

Please list the following information for each defendant listed in the caption of the complaint. If
more space is needed, use extra paper to provide the information requested. The additional
pages regarding defendants should be labeled “B. DEFENDANT(S) INFORMATION.”

Defendant 1:
Mutual of Omaha
4400 M Omaha
Omaha Nebraska 00033

Defendant 2:
AIG Imsurance

Defendant 3:
Globe Life

Defendant 4: Cancer Life Loans

Federal question pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331

List the specific federal statute, treaty, and/or provision(s) of the United States
Constitution that are at issue in this case. Colorodao Federal Statute

Diversity of citizenship pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 $1.4 million disability policy $245
million accidental death policy amount of settle offers out of court or enforced
judgment being asked to pay policy owed claims filed due to me

Plaintiff is a citizen of the State of . Colorado

If Defendant 1 is a corporation, Mutual of Omaha

Defendant 1 is incorporated under the laws of Colorado

Defendant 1 has its principal place of business in Colorado

State clearly and concisely every claim that you are asserting in this action. For each claim,
specify the right that allegedly has been violated and state all facts that support your claim,
including the date(s) on which the incident(s) occurred, the name(s) of the specific
involved in each claim, and the specific facts that show how each person was involved in each
claim. You do not need to cite specific legal cases to support your claim(s). If additional space
is needed to describe any claim or to assert additional claims, use extra paper to continue that
claim or to assert the additional claim(s). Please indicate that additional paper is attached and
label the additional pages regarding the statement of claims as “D. STATEMENT OF


Supporting facts: On or about june of 2019 i bought a mutual of omaha policy of life
insurance and paid premiums of 269.00 a month of the direct withdraw of my premium
monthly and prior a life insurance policy of the life accidental death policy and cancer
policy and life casulty of 100,000 face value and if a gravely disability is consumed that is
going to kill me as cancer diagnosed stage 4 and hasbeen diagnosed and face value of
30,000.00 30% of life policy is due to a claim and disabiloty policy of 4500 a month for 3
years and total claims of 144,000.00 claims due to me unpaid and answered the claims to
my handwriting is unlegible and claims to AIG of 750,000.00 in case of a deadly
diagnosis or loss of work or wages covered in case of disability insurance due is
750,000.00 of stage 4 cancer diagnosed and compassionate care referral by doctor for
expedited payment means something is fatally killiong me and stage 4 diagnosed by dr of
axis physicians in june 2021 and the disability policy never released of funds and of
premiums paid of total 269.00 month since june 2019 and diagnosed by dr on claims filed
on file of mutual of omaha supervisor were eligible and for policy paid and due was
discrimination or of conspiracy of same answer of 4 year appeal of ssi claims of stage 4
cancer diagnosed and a wrongful termination of ssi and a reason of ssi and at same time of
2 contract mex mob hits on me and of grand junction co and of lawsuit complaint of on
jennifer lopez of settlement of gang related apoproved accidental death insurance claims
policys of the justin edwards case of alicia classi and wpp caseoffrank daniels of mesa
county courts and in which jessica martinez and tammy eret of cbi wpp case of ron teck
and the grand junction fbi has intervened of the case and las vegasmafia of justin of nhl
hockey player i was engaged to of las vegas nv and the fact iu just happen to be in the
lasvegfas mafia and was a hit for hire on me of los angeles ca mafia and death row records
justin just happen to be a mex mob informant for of asset seizures of the death row records
and shutdown of the copmpany and murder of shug knight in prison at san quinton and
being the main controller of mobs set up at same time alicia classi and justin edwards the
mex mob informant of justin of mexico informant of las vegas nv all of them andmyself
las vegas mafia informant of justin since 1998 and the time of in which this occurrence at
1800 main st apt a1 grands junction co 81501 mesa vista apartments and section 8
assistance witness of mesa county housing authority of state of colorado or and the
eminem witnesses of eminems posse since 19987 and the rock maintenance man of
apartments living in and of great new homes landlord and owner of my home purchased of
2980 krista st grand junction co 81501 andtredbud subdivision and home owners
association of witness security and witness protection of frank daniels since 1998 and of
the msu college student since 1998 of witness eric janusz gjpd ex officer and msu security
today at msu campus and unlv campus since 1998 of lasvegas nv froom justin edwards and
nikki cernusak of the mafia informant of las vegas famous mafia and of hughhefmner of
playboy in 2002 of may of justin set up in las vegas of us gov of alicia classi and federal
state witness for him sgainst her and for cia excutions of the case in which he was set up
by female unauthorized and illegally in use ofmex mob and las vegas mafia illegally and
involved inseyt up on florioda mafia and which affected my life severely abnd when i got
sick and was dead or woke up dead andbleeding pure black blood out of my urine and
woke u[p of my home at 2980 krista st ingrand junction and woke up of the day before
raergan autry born on or about may 2 2002 just weeks prior of diagfnosed kidney stones
and i ternal organ failure almost and emergency operation necessary of my body shutting
down unable to perform corrdctly with internal organs needed removed that wete only ⅛
ofa kidney performing correctly to live and function off of and the other organ not
functioning at all and couldn't be cleansed enough to keep me alive with one ⅛ of a
kidney functioning ill and of the removal of my kidneys to remove the sick portion was too
risky to try to function off of alone is what the doctor told me and just let it heal itself and
led to 4 operations to remove them and were bigger than golf balls to pass the stones and
was in chronic pain ten times stronger than morphine is the only medication that i could
keep myself managed on and in and out of pain and baby due in two weeks so sick and
was in mob being monitored illegally of preston anddr murray of grand junction co st
marys hospital where i was employed or doing work study as a PTA and Phd pending
psychologist student and NFL cheerleader and in surgery of dr murray and the mother of
mine had come to town because pf baby monitors was what she was doing placing nanny
cams in the baby crib and her comments behind my back in the ciand mob and the mex
mob in town of gabby mills a witness then and amber thoms of jesica martinez violation of
privacy and act of hate or negligence today lawsuit on the state or entitlement fir justin set
up and fraud case on cwmh is for rainy raines at cwmh lude sex acts with the mex mafia or
whos there in town and breaking the law against cwmh according tovicki and or using 7
homeless mex mob infjrmants on streetsas infurmanrs of mex mib himself with hit on fbi
agents of gj co of in which he liesand not an fbi infurmant at all or their lude esex acts with
my overfriendlyfriend in my wpp i felt sorry for and lied to fbi in gj in non cooperation
with me and now trying to appear and set me up by michelle hughes of the s/NAMI cases
of 11 cults out of control ingj co and the 400 cultleadersnot set up of the origunalpoubt of
this cult of las vegas mafia informant i was and am of justin of nhl or las vegas justin of
universal pictures and paramount fof heather valenzuela or hefners of hefner's wilkins
mathers and kardashians this has caused and done by experts upon justin leaving for prison
and me an informant for him and the set up of mex mafia by cia what alicias told some
hells angels and is who is the woman in fbi with mob hit is mistaken identity and scared of
justin and dont want to be homeless on streets by justin is technically amex mob
informant for justin would never sit this way and be rescued by las vegas nafua then
crying its no big deal i let her do this with or for me is biggest mistake of my life and stole
my identity of who is supposed to be incontrol here by lawjudge asking or is in wrong on
delta as well of her is a criminal prosecution on the woman and never tol;d eere in wpp
from her and state of disaster of declared federal management emergency because of her
and i can't help the situation at all and have to sit here in wedgelock and railroaded with no
resources and robbery burgalary and illegal mafia setups not allowed to go onper fbi of gj
of alicia classi should be arretsedand the death toll so high if the entire usa hit and the us
gov no control of the mex mafia issue in las vegas for 20 years of me and drug traffiucing
wifes of doenroen me anf jwow amd the situation off nmtvreality sears of i need her ofgf
the tv with begligece and or nobody capable of rescuing me or justinof 700000decipals of
comtrol ibleieve os behind it all of himeles cioalution of herself whe believes is me is nnot
true and herself thats set up by fbi and mob or mexmafia of meherself and lying or
brainwashing this fir herself illeghally and dont eben know what to do about it or gas
control to fresxue ort steal my manin motion oicturex ofr active statius live production
inlive tv andembarresing of kjennifer lopez alsio on thevoice tv showlive in
cnnwiotnedssecuroty and they dontknow uitthenfriomtakmy aksoi abhheavior issue
needstyrned inagaiunst fbi for mrx miobis asinine and frivi,ous vongroled set up if mex
mand me and ofco springs and glkenwood abdgjco or las vegas abdhollyuwoiod cavband
flkoruda wpp of m,iami

ls or a RICO law should be even haplaw on justyhermajor catasrtrophic fir me abd

declared a state ofdysaster of pandemic if trump fir heather valenzuelariday a nvstate
hospital set up for instotuion fir life furrescuing justin edwards atr all fromme and
everything he pi=ut me throghjmy entire life there in toiwn of gj at all inmy wpp of the cia
high security and reason of no us givconytroi fir twenty years it was a so severe and i was
getting ready for child birth as werll for my kidney operations flown in immediately.

n a fight in the turned her in for pre meditated murder and already in wpp by frank daniels
in may 2002 to the GJ FBI and since the mex mob informant was who turned her in to by
westbrook lawjudge opens a new case of misconduct judicial on the mesa county and
second offense on jessica mariinez and third frank daniels was arrested and a cult leader is
what the issue was for ands blackmail technically a felony on me to turn justin edwards or
on my stepmother to set me up or go to prison is mistaken me for justin and illegal
unlawful us gov setups nit allowed to go on per federal lawjudges and that illegql what
happened to me then is what this filin g is for it wasnt until today alicia was setup and
himeless instreets by amweeicsn famous gangsters who she set uo by cia and m,ex mob or
justin ahesmarried to and is nkt her this was abot butr je or trhhefbi was talking to and if
they have no control there roday in gj co u need to really rescue him again or of her is
tured to the fbi becauuse of las vegasmafia and mex mob as and florida is came from of
the village inn of the famous mafia waitress or shoneys how we got dennys in las vegas nv
was the spot and shoneys of the realals vegas mafianformant orand an fbi informant was
who that was since 1998 of mesa county courts and of leonard valenzuela my father my
witness andof the of may and the policys of my kids and also 4 of them rural and AIG
po,icy of 750,000 face value
State the relief you are requesting or what you want the court to do. If additional space is needed
to identify the relief you are requesting, use extra paper to request relief. Please indicate that
additional paper is attached and label the additional pages regarding relief as “E. REQUEST
Paymernt to pay settlement offers of disability policy total to enforce this judgenent rhats due
diligence do;ogence of thre homeless of justin edwards rwo cintract mex mib hits ofthe cia ser up
person inlas vegas mafia is who iknow and ama infirmant for and in cia if hradquarters of thre
fbi of las vegas and cia entertinmemt liasion and celebrty hollywood alist and lets uo never in
world history has caused and such expertise and hollywood qgemts of perfectionism of individual
hilywood member ir snd iof internatuonak syt=tunt asicuatiob nadnwitneses against her and fior
aloacini if herself and justin edwards of ellqgioa witness abd cedsars oalace and mgm grsnd of
alopacjnio and voukderstatuon arizina cgarkies qbd okqza and kuzofr and mansayaby
awitnessesagaiunst jlo aeven atthids ojn and themor my life at risk by the other partyof
judgement of 1,3 million to dettlr out of court on disabilitypolicy and accidentalk poilicy 245
million and is


I declare under penalty of perjury that I am the plaintiff in this action, that I have read this
complaint, and that the information in this complaint is true and correct. See 28 U.S.C. § 1746;
18 U.S.C. § 1621.

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, by signing below, I also certify to the best of my
knowledge, information, and belief that this complaint: (1) is not being presented for an improper
purpose, such as to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation;
(2) is supported by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending or modifying
existing law; (3) the factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified,
will likely have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or
discovery; and (4) the complaint otherwise complies with the requirements of Rule 11.
Heather D Valenzuela


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