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Exp 1&2

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Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

Experiment 1:Introduction to Power World Simulator

Starting power world simulator (PWS)

Double click on the power world simulator icon present on the desktop; a blank window will be
opened. Now click on the blue icon in the upper left corner and select ‘new case’. A white window
will appear. Power world simulator is started. The next step is to implement a simple power system
in PWS.

Making a new power system in PWS:

Now we will make a power system in PWS. We will have to bring bus, generator, transmission line
etc. in the blank window to do so. So each element is discussed here separately. First make sure
that ‘Edit Mode’ is selected (present below the blue icon). Now go to the ‘Draw’ tab from the tabs
present below the title bar. Now we can insert any element from the network menu.
Bus: Select network->bus. Now in the white window click at any point where you want to place the
bus. As soon as you click it a dialogue box as shown below will appear.

Keep the name and size etc. of the bus to the default value. Go to the ‘bus information’ tab and
check the ‘system slack bus’ option. Click ‘ok’ to close the dialogue box. Now you can see the bus
visible in the white window.

Generator: Select network-> generator. Now in the white window click at bus1 so that generator
will be attached to bus1. As soon as you click it a dialogue box as shown below will appear.

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

For the present case insert ‘500’ in the MW output box. Keep the remaining information to the
default value and click ‘ok’. Now you can see the generator connected to bus1.

Now select another bus (bus2) by following the same steps mentioned for bus1. But this time do not
check the ‘system slack bus’ option.

Load: Select network-> load. Now in the white window click at bus2 so that generator will be
attached to bus2. As soon as you click it a dialogue box as shown below will appear.

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

Put ‘300’ and ‘100’ in ‘MW value’ and ‘MVAr value’ respectively under constant power option. You
can change the orientation to ‘up’, ‘right’ etc as desired. Click ‘ok’ to close the dialogue box. Now
load will be visible attached to bus2.

Transmission Line: Transmission line is always connected between two busses. Select network->
Transmission Line. Now in the white window click at bus1 and drag your mouse to bus2 so that
transmission line will be connected between bus1 and bus2. As soon as you do it a dialogue box as
shown below will appear.
Put 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 for series resistance, series reactance and shunt charging respectively (note
that these values are in per unit). Put 1000 in Limit A under MVA limits. Click ok to close the dialogue

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

Similarly insert a bus3 of 13.8kV, connect transformers between bus2 and bus 3 and between bus1
and bus3 (transformer connection are similar to transmission line). Connect the other elements as
shown in the following figure.

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

Note: save your case periodically (save option is available in the blue icon menu of power world in
the upper left corner). Electricity fluctuations can make you lose your work if you do not save.

Adding Bus and Line Fields

Values of voltage, power angle and power flow can be made visible on the transmission lines and
busses. To do so write click on any bus or transmission line, select the ‘add new fields around
bus/line’ option; a dialogue box will appear like the one below.

Click on any desired position and choose the quantity you want to make visible. Click ‘ok’ to finalize
the selection. Repeat the procedure and select other desired quantity. Do this practice for every
element present in the network.

Running the Simulation

Having completed the power system, click on the run mode present just under the blue icon. Go to
the ‘tools’ tab and click on the play button. Now you can see the power flow represented by the
moving arrows. If you have selected voltage, angle, MW flow and MVA flow on each transformer/
Transmission line, you will see the actual values of these quantities on your network. Show your
simulation to the instructor. Your first simulation on PWS is complete. Now try to explore different
options available in PWS and try to increase your knowledge for this software.

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

 What is the meaning of slack bus? State the other types of bus as well. Mention the type of each
bus in the above network.

 What is the purpose and meaning of the circles present on each transformer and Transmission
line. How does they change when your click on play button?

 What is the meaning of red boxes present at the corners of each element? Try to click on them
and observe the corresponding change. Write your findings here.

 In edit mode, go to ‘draw’ tab then click on network menu (the same menu from where we
picked bus, generator and other elements); what are the other elements present in that menu,
what would the purpose of those unused elements?

(Complete the manual within the lab timings; you have to show the complete manual at the end of
the lab)

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

Experiment No. 2 To calculate the Line Flows and Line Losses

One-line Diagram:

Fig. 1: One-line diagram of power system with line flows and line losses


 Double-click on the power world simulator icon to start the program. Then go
to File > New Case.

 Go to Draw > Network and select Bus. Click on the one-line background at
desired location. Enter Bus name as One, nominal voltage as 138 KV,
orientation as Right. Go to tab Bus Information select as Slack Bus. Click

 Go to Draw > Network and select Generator. Click on the Bus one to attach
the generator. Enter Generator MW output as 413 MW. Go to tab Display
information and select orientation Down. To save the case go to File > Save

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

 Insert bus Two by repeating the same procedure done for inserting bus one.
Insert Load at bus two of values 200 MW, 100 MVAR. Select orientation as Up

 Repeat the steps to insert another bus Three somewhere on the bottom side
of Bus one. Enter nominal voltage= 69 kV.

 Go to Draw > Network and select Transformer. Click on Bus 2 and then draw a line
to Bus 3. Enter the parameters Series Resistance =0.02, Series Reactance(X)=0.08,
Shunt Charging=0.1

 Repeat the above steps to insert transformer between Bus1 and Bus 3.

 Insert Generator at bus 3 and enter value 300 MW and select orientation Down.
Insert Load at bus 3 of value as 400 MW, 200 MVAR. Select orientation as Up.
Insert switched shunt capacitor bank of 10 MVAR at bus 3 and select the
orientation Up.

 Save the case

Inserting Additional Fields

 Go to Draw > Field and select Transmission Line Field.

 Click on the place near bus one. A box appears with different field options as shown
in the figure

 Enter 1 in the Near Bus and 2 in the Far Bus. Enter 4 in the Total Digits in Field
and 2 in the Digits to Right of Decimal. Select Field value as MW Flow

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

 Repeat the above three steps to insert another transmission line field near bus one
and select Mvar flow.

 In order to find transmission line losses, insert transmission line fields on the mid-
point of transmission line between bus 1 and 2. Enter 4 in the Total Digits in Field
and 2 in the Digits to Right of Decimal. Select Field value as MW Losses

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

 Repeat the above step and select Mvar Losses

 Similarly insert transmission line fields (MW Flow and Mvar Flow) near bus 2. Make
sure that 2 is entered in the Near Bus and 1 is entered in the Far Bus. Enter 4 in the
Total Digits in Field and 2 in the Digits to Right of Decimal.

 By following the same procedure find all the unknown quantities indicated in the fig.
1. And match all the results of line flows and line losses as given in Fig. 2.


Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan

Power System Analysis lab manual, Reg #:

Fig. 2: Results of line flows and line losses of the power system


Verify that all the generation (MW and Mvar) is equal to losses (MW+ Mvar) plus
load (MW+Mvar)

Touqeer A Raza EED, MNS UET, Multan


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