Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivsim
Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivsim
Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivsim
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in 1993 and then republished in 2013
by Performance Improvement Quarterly. © 2013 International Society for Performance
Improvement Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI:
10.1002/piq.21143. The original citation is below:
The need for a bridge between basic learning research and educational
practice has long been discussed. To ensure a strong connection between
these two areas, Dewey (cited in Reigeluth, 1983) called for the creation and
development of a “linking science”; Tyler (1978) a “middleman position”; and
Lynch (1945) for employing an “engineering analogy” as an aid for translating
theory into practice. In each case, the respective author highlighted the
information and potential contributions of available learning theories, the
pressing problems faced by those dealing with practical learning issues, and a
general lack of using the former to facilitate solutions for the latter. The value
of such a bridging function would be its ability to translate relevant aspects of
the learning theories into optimal instructional actions. As described by
Reigeluth (1983, p. 5), the field of Instructional Design performs this role.
Why this emphasis on learning theory and research? First, learning theories are
a source of verified instructional strategies, tactics, and techniques. Knowledge
of a variety of such strategies is critical when attempting to select an effective
prescription for overcoming a given instructional problem. Second, learning
theories provide the foundation for intelligent and reasoned strategy selection.
Designers must have an adequate repertoire of strategies available, and
possess the knowledge of when and why to employ each. This knowledge
depends on the designer’s ability to match the demands of the task with an
instructional strategy that helps the learner. Third, integration of the selected
strategy within the instructional context is of critical importance. Learning
theories and research often provide information about relationships among
instructional components and the design of instruction, indicating how specific
techniques/strategies might best fit within a given context and with specific
learners (Keller, 1979). Finally, the ultimate role of a theory is to allow for
reliable prediction (Richey, 1986). Effective solutions to practical instructional
problems are often constrained by limited time and resources. It is paramount
that those strategies selected and implemented have the highest chance for
success. As suggested by Warries (1990), a selection based on strong research
is much more reliable than one based on “instructional phenomena.”
These seven questions provide the basis for the article’s structure. For each of
the three theoretical positions, the questions are addressed and an example is
given to illustrate the application of that perspective. It is expected that this
approach will enable the reader to compare and contrast the different
viewpoints on each of the seven issues.
Current learning theories have roots that extend far into the past. The
problems with which today’s theorists and researchers grapple and struggle are
not new but simply variations on a timeless theme: Where does knowledge
come from and how do people come to know? Two opposing positions on the
origins of knowledge-empiricism and rationalism have existed for centuries and
are still evident, to varying degrees, in the learning theories of today. A brief
description of these views is included here as a background for comparing the
“modern” learning viewpoints of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism.
Rationalism is the view that knowledge derives from reason without the aid of
the senses (Schunk, 1991). This fundamental belief in the distinction between
mind and matter originated with Plato (c. 427-347 B.C.), and is reflected in the
viewpoint that humans learn by recalling or “discovering” what already exists in
the mind. For example, the direct experience with a tree during one’s lifetime
simply serves to reveal that which is already in the mind. The “real” nature of
the tree (greenness, woodiness, and other characteristics) becomes known, not
through the experience, but through a reflection on one’s idea about the given
instance of a tree. Although later rationalists differed on some of Plato’s other
ideas, the central belief remained the same: that knowledge arises through the
mind. From this perspective, instructional design issues focus on how best to
structure new information in order to facilitate (1) the learners’ encoding of
this new information, as well as (2) the recalling of that which is already
Behaviorists attempt to prescribe strategies that are most useful for building
and strengthening stimulus-response associations (Winn, 1990), including the
use of instructional cues, practice, and reinforcement. These prescriptions
have generally been proven reliable and effective in facilitating learning that
involves discriminations (recalling facts), generalizations (defining and
illustrating concepts), associations (applying explanations), and chaining
(automatically performing a specified procedure). However, it is generally
agreed that behavioral principles cannot adequately explain the acquisition of
higher level skills or those that require a greater depth of processing (e.g.,
language development, problem solving, inference generating, critical thinking)
(Schunk, 1991).
The goal of instruction for the behaviorist is to elicit the desired response from
the learner who is presented with a target stimulus. To accomplish this, the
learner must know how to execute the proper response, as well as the
conditions under which that response should be made. Therefore, instruction
is structured around the presentation of the target stimulus and the provision
of opportunities for the learner to practice making the proper response. To
facilitate the linking of stimulus-response pairs, instruction frequently uses
cues (to initially prompt the delivery of the response) and reinforcement (to
strengthen correct responding in the presence of the target stimulus).
In the late 1950’s, learning theory began to make a shift away from the use of
behavioral models to an approach that relied on learning theories and models
from the cognitive sciences. Psychologists and educators began to de-
emphasize a concern with overt, observable behavior and stressed instead
more complex cognitive processes such as thinking, problem solving, language,
concept formation and information processing (Snelbecker, 1983). Within the
past decade, a number of authors in the field of instructional design have
openly and consciously rejected many of ID’s traditional behavioristic
assumptions in favor of a new set of psychological assumptions about learning
drawn from the cognitive sciences. Whether viewed as an open revolution or
simply a gradual evolutionary process, there seems to be the general
acknowledgment that cognitive theory has moved to the forefront of current
learning theories (Bednar et al., 1991). This shift from a behavioral orientation
(where the emphasis is on promoting a student’s overt performance by the
manipulation of stimulus material) to a cognitive orientation (where the
emphasis is on promoting mental processing) has created a similar shift from
procedures for manipulating the materials to be presented by an instructional
system to procedures for directing student processing and interaction with the
instructional design system (Merrill, Kowalis, & Wilson, 1981).
Learner and task analyses are also critical to both cognitivists and behaviorists,
but once again, for different reasons. Cognitivists look at the learner to
determine his/her predisposition to learning (i.e., How does the learner
activate, maintain, and direct his/her learning?) (Thompson et al., 1992).
Additionally, cognitivists examine the learner to determine how to design
instruction so that it can be readily assimilated (i.e., What are the learner’s
existing mental structures?). In contrast, the behaviorists look at learners to
determine where the lesson should begin (i.e., At what level are they currently
performing successfully?) and which reinforcers should be most effective (i.e.,
What consequences are most desired by the learner?).
The philosophical assumptions underlying both the behavioral and cognitive
theories are primarily objectivistic; that is: the world is real, external to the
learner. The goal of instruction is to map the structure of the world onto the
learner (Jonassen, 1991b). A number of contemporary cognitive theorists have
begun to question this basic objectivistic assumption and are starting to adopt
a more constructivist approach to learning and understanding: knowledge “is a
function of how the individual creates meaning from his or her own
experiences” (p.10). Constructivism is not a totally new approach to learning.
Like most other learning theories, constructivism has multiple roots in the
philosophical and psychological viewpoints of this century, specifically in the
works of Piaget, Bruner, and Goodman (Perkins, 1991). In recent years,
however, constructivism has become a “hot” issue as it has begun to receive
increased attention in a number of different disciplines, including instructional
design (Bednar et al., 1991).
Constructivists do not share with cognitivists and behaviorists the belief that
knowledge is mind-independent and can be “mapped” onto a learner.
Constructivists do not deny the existence of the real world but contend that
what we know of the world stems from our own interpretations of our
experiences. Humans create meaning as opposed to acquiring it. Since there
are many possible meanings to glean from any experience, we cannot achieve
a predetermined, “correct” meaning. Learners do not transfer knowledge from
the external world into their memories; rather they build personal
interpretations of the world based on individual experiences and interactions.
Thus, the internal representation of knowledge is constantly open to change;
there is not an objective reality that learners strive to know. Knowledge
emerges in contexts within which it is relevant. Therefore, in order to
understand the learning which has taken place within an individual, the actual
experience must be examined (Bednar et al., 1991).
The goal of instruction is not to ensure that individuals know particular facts
but rather that they elaborate on and interpret information. “Understanding is
developed through continued, situated use … and does not crystallize into a
categorical definition” that can be called up from memory (Brown et al., 1989,
p. 33). As mentioned earlier, a concept will continue to evolve with each new
use as new situations, negotiations, and activities recast it in a different, more
densely textured form. Therefore, “memory” is always under construction as a
cumulative history of interactions. Representations of experiences are not
formalized or structured into a single piece of declarative knowledge and then
stored in the head. The emphasis is not on retrieving intact knowledge
structures, but on providing learners with the means to create novel and
situation-specific understandings by “assembling” prior knowledge from
diverse sources appropriate to the problem at hand. For example, the
knowledge of “design” activities has to be used by a practitioner in too many
different ways for them all to be anticipated in advance. Constructivists
emphasize the flexible use of pre-existing knowledge rather than the recall of
prepackaged schemas (Spiro, Feltovich, Jacobson, & Coulson, 1991). Mental
representations developed through task-engagement are likely to increase the
efficiency with which subsequent tasks are performed to the extent that parts
of the environment remain the same: “Recurring features of the environment
may thus afford recurring sequences of actions” (Brown et al., p. 37). Memory
is not a context-independent process.
We believe that the critical question instructional designers must ask is not
“Which is the best theory?” but “Which theory is the most effective in
fostering mastery of specific tasks by specific learners?” Prior to strategy(ies)
selection, consideration must be made of both the learners and the task. An
attempt is made in Figure 1 to depict these two continua (learners’ level of
knowledge and cognitive processing demands) and to illustrate the degree to
which strategies offered by each of the theoretical perspectives appear
applicable. The figure is useful in demonstrating: (a) that the strategies
promoted by the different perspectives overlap in certain instances (i.e., one
strategy may be relevant for each of the different perspectives, given the
proper amount of prior knowledge and the corresponding amount of cognitive
processing), and (b) that strategies are concentrated along different points of
the continua due to the unique focus of each of the learning theories. This
means that when integrating any strategies into the instructional design
process, the nature of the learning task (i.e., the level of cognitive processing
required) and the proficiency level of the learners involved must both be
considered before selecting one approach over another. Depending on the
demands of the task and where the learners are in terms of the content to be
delivered/discovered, different strategies based on different theories appear to
be necessary. Powerful frameworks for instruction have been developed by
designers inspired by each of these perspectives. In fact, successful
instructional practices have features that are supported by virtually all three
perspectives (e.g., active participation and interaction, practice and feedback).
Figure 1. Comparison of the
associated instructional strategies of the behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist
viewpoints based on the learner’s level of task knowledge and the level of
cognitive processing required by the task.
For this reason, we have consciously chosen not to advocate one theory over
the others, but to stress instead the usefulness of being well versed in each.
This is not to suggest that one should work without a theory, but rather that
one must be able to intelligently choose, on the basis of information gathered
about the learners’ present level of competence and the type of learning task,
the appropriate methods for achieving optimal instructional outcomes in that
And to this we would add that we also need adaptive learners who are able to
function well when optimal conditions do not exist, when situations are
unpredictable and task demands change, when the problems are messy and ill-
formed and the solutions depend on inventiveness, improvisation, discussion,
and social negotiation.
Bednar, A. K., Cunningham, D., Duffy, T. M., & Perry, J. D. (1991). Theory into
practice: How do we link? In G. J. Anglin (Ed.), Instructional technology: Past,
present, and future. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Bower, G. H., & Hilgard, E. R. (1981). Theories of learning (5th ed.). Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated cognition and the culture
of learning. Educational Researcher, 18(1), 32-42.
Hulse, S. H., Egeth, H., & Deese, J. (1980). The psychology of learning (5th ed.).
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Smith, P. L., & Ragan, T. J. (1993). Instructional design. New York: Macmillan.
Editor’s Note: The following update was published in Performance Improvement
Quarterly in 2013 by the authors to accompany the 30 year anniversary and republication
of the original article.
This prompts us to consider whether this easy access to, and constant
interaction with, others has actually transformed the learning process.
According to at least one set of authors, this is indeed the case, noting that
learning is now being reconceptualized as a “continual conversation with the
external world and its artefacts (SIC), with oneself, and also with other learners
and teachers” (Sharples et al., 2005, p. 7). Siemens (2004) agreed, stating, “The
ability to access people and information has changed the way people learn. …
Know-how and know-what is being supplemented with know-where (the
understanding of where to find knowledge needed)” (¶4). According to Brown
(2002), the Web has functioned as a transformative technology, comprising
not only an informational and social resource, but a learning medium as well,
where learning with and from each other is both supported and facilitated.
Related to these changes in technology access and tools are changes attributed
to the learners themselves. According to Prensky (2010), “More and more
young people are now deeply and permanently technologically enhanced,
connected to their peers and the world in ways no generation has ever been
before” (p. 2). Not only do today’s students want and prefer to learn differently,
they seem exceptionally capable of doing so. Siemens (2004) suggested that
technology has actually rewired learners’ brains. Although we don’t yet have
physical proof that the brains of digital natives are structurally different than
those of digital immigrants, evidence is accumulating that signifies very real
differences in their thinking patterns (Barone, 2003; Brown, 2002). According
to Winn (cited in Prensky, 2001), “Children raised with the computer think
differently from the rest of us. They develop hypertext minds. They leap
around. It’s as though their cognitive structures were parallel, not sequential”
(p. 3).
Siemens (2004) argues that these changes have occurred because of the tools
students use. This idea is supported by research from social psychologists (cf.,
Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Norenzayan, 2001), which suggests that thinking
patterns change depending on our experiences, including the culture in which
we grew up. Given that digital natives have grown up “accustomed to the
twitch-speed, multitasking, random-access, graphics-first, active, connected,
fun, fantasy, quick-payoff world of their video games, MTV, and the Internet”
(Prensky, 2001, p. 5), the suggestion that these experiences have changed
learners’ thinking patterns does not require a huge leap.
In 1993, constructivism was the new kid on the block; as such, there were very
few, if any, teaching methods that aligned with this perspective. Currently,
however, constructivism is considered the dominant educational theory; it has
been embraced by nearly every educational reform initiative within the last
two decades (Karagiorgi & Symeou, 2005). As a result, various constructivist
theories such as social constructivism, situated learning, and connectivism
(Sharples et al., 2005), have become the foundation for the majority of
teaching methods that have taken hold in recent years (e.g., problem-based
learning, authentic instruction, computer supported collaborative learning).
In addition to the general acceptance of constructivism as the basis for our
teaching methods, the conceptualization of learning as both a personal and
social process (Sharples et al., 2005) has been enhanced by the convergence of
three critical changes: 1) the development of technologies that allow for
immediate and effective access to information, 2) the motivation of learners
who desire and need learning experiences that promote high levels of
interaction and activity, and 3) the demands of employers who now expect
learners to acquire relevant 21st century skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem
solving, creativity) before entering the workforce (Kay, 2010). In response to
these changes, interest has increased in the theoretical perspectives (e.g.,
connectivism, mobile learning, social constructivism) that align with those
teaching methods that can develop these required skills in ways that meet the
needs of today’s learners.
As noted above, there have been tremendous changes over the last 20 years
that have impacted the learning process – tools have changed, learners have
changed, and as a consequence, teaching methods have also changed. Yet,
despite these tremendous changes, the underlying principles of our “old”
theories still remain relevant. People still learn through stimulus-response
associations (e.g., game-based learning), through practice and feedback
opportunities (e.g., computer simulations), as well as through the processes of
collaboration and social negotiation (e.g., collaborative wiki writing). And
although learning contexts have changed (from fixed, formal settings to mobile,
informal ones), as well as the tools used to facilitate knowledge construction
(from individual, analog tools to social, digital ones), understanding is very likely
still being constructed in ways similar to the past, only with increasing
opportunities to construct that knowledge 24-7.
Similarly, the role of designers remains that of understanding the strengths and
weaknesses of each learning theory in order to optimally select and implement
strategies that support student learning in a variety of contexts. Whether
learners are learning in-transit or storing their knowledge in their friends,
learning needs still emerge (as they have always) “when a person strives to
overcome a problem … in everyday activity” (Vavoula cited in Sharples et al.,
2005, p. 5).
Application Exercises
Brown, J. S. (2002). Growing up digital: How the web changes work, education,
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Kay, K. (2010). 21st Century skills: Why they matter, what they are, and how
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