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Registration No: -

Total Number of Pages:02 B. Tech

5thSemester Regular / Back Examination: 2021-22
109 109 109 STRUCTURAL
109 - II 109 109 109
Branch: CIVIL
Max Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hours
Q Code: OF235
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Part- I
109 Q1 Only109
Short Answer Type 109 Questions (Answer
109 All-10) 109 109 109 (02×10)
a) Define rotation factor. (2)
b) Write assumptions made in slope deflection method. (2)
c) Define distribution factor. (2)
d) Differentiate between stiffness and relative stiffness. (2)
e) Write applications of fixed arches. (2)
f) State two conditions for sway in the frame. (2)
g) Distinguish between flexibility matrix method and stiffness matrix method. (2)
109 h) Differentiate
109 between 109
elastic hinge and plastic
109 hinge. 109 109 109 109(2)
i) Write the value of shape factor of rectangular section. (2)
j) Define plastic moment of resistance. (2)
Part- II
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of Twelve) (06×08)
A beam AB of span 4 m fixed at A and simply supported at B carries two point loads 100 kN and 60 kN (6)
at a distance of 2m and 3m from fixed end A. Find the support moment and draw the bending
momentdigram. Use moment distribution method for this analysis. The beam is uniform section
109 109
throughout 109
(EI = constant). 109 109 109 109 109
A continuous beam ABC consists of spans AB= 3m and BC = 4m. The ends A and C being fixed. The (6)
spans AB and BC carry uniformly distributed loads of intensity 4 kN/m and 5 kN/m respectively.
Determine the support moments using slope deflection method. The beam is uniform section throughout
(EI = constant).
A continuous beam ABC of uniform section consists of spans AB and BC of lengths 3m and 4m (6)
respectively. The ends A and C are being fixed. The span AB and BC carry uniformly distributed loads
4kN/m and 5 kN/m respectively. Find the support moments. Adopt rotation contribution method ( Kani’s
109 109 ).
method 109 109 109 109 109 109

A continuous beam ABC consists of spans AB and BC lengths 6m and 4m respectively. The end A is (6)
simply supported while the end C is fixed. The span AB carries a uniformly distributed load of 30 kN/m.
The span BC does not carry any load. Determine the support moment using rotation contribution method
(Kani’s method). The beam is uniform section throughout (EI = constant).
A two hinged arch parabolic arch of span 20m and a rise of 4m carries a uniformly distributed load of 50 (6)
e) kN per meter on the left half of the span. Determine the reaction at supports and the position of maximum
positive bending moment.
109 109 109
A two hinged parabolic arch of span 25109 109
m and rise 5m carries a uniformly109
distributed load 109
of 40 kN/m 109
f) over the left half of the span and a concentrated load of 100 kN at the crown. Find the horizontal thrust at
each support.
The two hinged girders of a suspension bridge have a span of 100m, the dip of supporting cable being (6)
g) 10m. If the girder is supported two point loads 200 kN and 400 kN at distances of 20m and 80m from left
end respectively. Determine the maximum tension in the cable.
h) Derive the relationship between stiffness and flexibility matrix. (6)
109 A symmetrical
109 portal 109
frame ABCD consists109 of columns AB 109 and DC of height
109 5m and beam109(BC)length 109(6)
6m. The beam BC carries uniformly distributed load of 12 kN/m over the whole span. If moment of inertia
of BC is twice of AB and CD. Both the supports A and D are fixed. Develop stiffness matrix for this
j) Determine the shape factor for a circular section of radius R. (6)
Determine the collapse load for a beam of span L, carrying uniformly distributed load over the entire span. (6)
The beam is fixed at both ends. The plastic moment capacity is Mp throughout.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
l) Describe in detail about beam mechanism, sway mechanism and combined mechanism. (6)
Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four) (02×16)
A continuous beam ABC consists of spans AB and BC of lengths 5 m and 8m respectively. The end A is (16)
simply supported while end C is fixed. The span AB carries a uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m and
109 109
Q3 the span BC carries a109
point load of 30109kN at middle of109 109
the span. Find the 109
support moments. Assume 109

uniform section (EI is constant) throughout the beam. E= Young’s modulus of elasticity, I=moment of
inertia of the section. Adopt rotation contribution method (Kani’s method).
A suspension bridge of 100 m span has two-hinged stiffening girders supported by two cables having (16)
central dip of 10 m. The dead load on the bridge is 5 kN/m2 and the live load is 6kN/ m2, which covers left
half of the span. Determine the shear force and bending moment for the girder at 25 m from the left end.
Find also the maximum tension in the cable for this position of the load. The road way is 6 m.
Q5 A rectangular portal frame ABCD consists of the beam BC of span 4.5 m and columns (AB & DC) of (16)
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
heights 3m. The columns are hinged at the base (at A and D). The beam BC carries a vertical point load of
160 kN at the centre of the span and a horizontal load of 40 kN is applied horizontally at B ( ). Taking
load factor as 1.75, determine the collapse moment. State also how the frame will collapse.
Q6 A continuous beam ABC consists of spans AB= 5m and BC = 6m, the ends A and C being fixed. The span (16)
AB and BC carry uniformly distributed loads of intensity 4 kN/m and 3kN/m respectively. Determine the
support moments and draw the bending moment diagram for the beam. The beam is uniform section
throughout (EI is constant). Use matrix stiffness method. E= Young’s modulus of elasticity, I=moment of
inertia of the section
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

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