547 - English Level Test Advanced c1
547 - English Level Test Advanced c1
547 - English Level Test Advanced c1
1. People were amazed that the burglary took place in 8. Life is a _____ deal easier for immigrants who can
_____ daylight. speak the local language.
A) wide A) far
B) broad B) huge
C) large C) big
D) open D) great
2. She invested a lot of time _____ researching the most 9. The experiment _____ testing people’s responses
appropriate university course. before and after drinking coffee.
A) to A) contained
B) for B) incorporated
C) with C) involved
D) in D) consisted
3. The police claimed that they acted in self _____. 10. We may be a bit late. We’re _____ in a traffic jam.
A) interest A) buried
B) confidence B) stuck
C) defence C) blocked
D) discipline D) surrounded
4. I _____ remember putting my briefcase down on that 11. Having _____ his driving test several times, Paul
shelf. finally passed at the fourth attempt.
A) deeply A) taken
B) entirely B) made
C) clearly C) had
D) strongly D) attended
5. He turned _____ to be considerably older than I had 12. Gospel music has been a major influence _____ other
imagined. musical styles, especially soul.
A) over A) with
B) up B) to
C) out C) about
D) round D) on
6. The windows in this house are in urgent _____ of 13. Maintaining an accurate balance sheet is essential.
replacement. _____ business you’re in.
A) need A) however
B) help B) wherever
C) want C) whatever
D) demand D) whenever
7. Speed cameras _____ shown to reduce accidents. 14. It’s _____ likely that this novel will win a literary prize.
A) have A) totally
B) were being B) deeply
C) have been C) strongly
D) are being D) highly
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English Level Test Advanced C1
15. It’s no __________ for me to get Brad’s phone number 18. Very rarely _____ here in July.
- I’ll be seeing him tonight.
A) it rains
A) point B) does it rain
B) wonder C) is it raining
C) secret D) it is raining
D) problem
19. I prefer to buy CDs __________ download music from
16. I’d lived in Australia, so I was used to __________ on my computer.
the left side of the road.
A) in contrast to
A) driving B) as opposed to
B) drive C) rather than
C) having driven D) in comparison to
D) drove
20. The number of turtles on the island __________ by
17. I don’t think the colours in Julia’s outfit _____ together. 70% over the last decade.
A) has declined
A) fit B) has been declining
B) suit C) has been declined
C) match D) is declining
D) go
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English Level Test Advanced C1
Answer Key:
1: B 11: A
2: D 12: D
3: C 13: C
4: C 14: D
5: C 15: D
6: A 16: A
7: C 17: D
8: D 18: B
9: C 19: C
10: B 20: A
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