Inglés 1°B

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Inglés 1° B E.E.S.

N° 35
Prof. Araceli Castillo

Cuadernillo de Inglés – 1° B
1) Match the questions to the answers. (UNIR LAS PREGUNTAS CON LAS RESPUESTAS)

1) Who’s your favourite sportsperson? 2) Who is your favourite actor or actress?

3) Who’s your favourite singer? 4) How old are you?
5) What’s your favourite sport? 6) Where are you from?
7) What’s your cellphone number? 8) What’s your full name?

a. My favourite actress is Meryl Streep. .2..

b. My cellphone number is 87430299 …..
c. My favourite sport is hockey. …..
d. I’m from Argentina. …..
e. My favourite sportsperson is Messi. …..
f. I’m thirteen years old. …..
g. My favourite singer is Tini Stoessel. …..
h. It’s María Lopez. …..

2) Answer the questions about you. (CONTESTAR SOBRE VOS. USAR EL PUNTO 1 DE AYUDA)

a. What’s your full name? ___________________________________________________

b. How old are you? _______________________________________________________
c. Where are you from? ____________________________________________________
d. Who is your favourite actor or actress? _______________________________________
e. What is your favourite sport? _______________________________________________
f. Who is your favourite sportsperson? _________________________________________
g. Who’s your favourite singer? _______________________________________________

3) Write the numbers in letters. Choose from the box. (ESCRIBIR EL NUMERO EN LETRAS DEBAJO DEL NÚMERO

10 19 2 7 5 13 17 3 12 18

…….... …….…. ………… ………… ………… …………. …………. .………… …………. …………..

1 20 6 14 15 4 11 8 9 16

……..…. …………. ………… ………… …….…… …………. ………….. ……...…. ……….…. …………

3) Count and write the number in letters. (CONTAR Y ESCRIBIR LOS NÚMEROS EN PALABRAS)

……………. flowers. …………. pens. …………… house …………… balls.


Los pronombres subjetivos los utilizamos para nombrar personas o cosas.

Los subject pronouns nombran o reemplazan a los sujetos (personas o cosas) en una oración.


 I am Araceli Castillo. Subject Pronoun Spanish Version

 Hello! How are you, Lucas?
I Yo
 Alberto Fernandez is Argentina’s president. He is 61 years
old. You Vos /ustedes
 My sister’s name is Gisela. She is a teacher.
 This is my house. It is big and brown. He Él
 My family and I are from Argentina. We live in Bahía Blanca.
She Ella
 My friends are Mateo and Tatiana. They are good friends.
It Una cosa, animal o
We Nosotros/
They Ellos / ellas
Muchas cosas

4) Complete. Use the subject pronouns in the box. (Completar. Usar los pronombres del cuadro para reemplazar a
las personas o sujetos subrayados).

they - it - we - she - he - it
they - I - he you

a. Jorge is my dad. ________ is 50 years old.

b. I go to school n° 3. _________ is very big.
c. I like apples. _________ are good for me.
d. My mum and I watch Netflix. _______ like series.
e. Tom has got a bicycle. _____ likes riding his bicycle.
f. This is Victoria. _______ is my best friend.
g. “Good afternoon. My name is Araceli. ____ am a teacher.”
h. “Hey, Carla! Are _______ in my class?”
i. ______ is my book.
j. My brothers are Benjamín and Teo. __________ are at secondary school.

 El verbo BE en español significa “ser” o “estar”.
 Tiene 3 formas (am, is, are) según el sujeto del que hablamos.
 Existe una forma larga (full form) y una forma corta o abreviación (short form).
 La forma que más se usa es la forma corta, ya que es más rápida al hablar. (Cuando hablamos con familiares
o amigos).
 La forma larga se usa en situaciones formales para mostrar respeto (Cuando hablamos con un adulto, con
alguien que no conocemos, con alguien importante).


Subject BE full form (forma larga) Short form (forma corta o


I AM (soy /estoy) ‘M →I’m

YOU ARE ( vos sos/ estás - ‘RE →You’re

ustedes son/ están)

HE IS (es/ está) ‘S → He’s

SHE IS (es/ está) ‘S → She’s

IT IS (es/ está) ‘S → It’s

WE ARE (somos / estamos) ‘RE → We’re

THEY ARE (son / están) ‘RE →They’re


 I am a teacher.
 You are a student.
 Messi is a football player. ( Messi = he)
 My sister is a doctor. (My sister = she)
 The cat is black. (The cat = it)
 We are at home.
 My friends are nice. (My friends = they)

5) Complete with the full form of verb be. Use: am, is, are.

Example: María is Spanish.

a. He ________ Australian.
b. You ________ eleven years old.
c. My brothers ________ twins.
d. She ________ my friend Samanta.
e. I ________ Argentinian.
f. You ________ dancers.
g. My family and I ________ at home.
h. My dog ________ is very intelligent.
i. Books ________ expensive.

6) Complete with the short form of verb be. Use: ‘m, ‘s, ‘re.

a. We ________ students.
b. Duki ________ a singer.
c. The cat ________ white.
d. You ________ very nice.
e. I ________ tired.

VERB BE – Negative
Para formar oraciones negativas seguimos el mismo orden de palabras que las oraciones afirmativas. Sólo que el
verbo va a cambiar.
Ejemplo: I am not a doctor / I’m not a doctor. (Yo no soy doctora)

Subject BE full form (forma larga) Short form (forma corta o


I AM NOT (no soy / no estoy) ‘M NOT

YOU ARE NOT ( vos no sos/ no estás - ustedes no son/ no AREN’T


HE IS NOT (no es/ no está) ISN’T

SHE IS NOT (no es/ no está) ISN’T

IT IS NOT (no es/ no está) ISN’T

WE ARE NOT (no somos / no estamos) AREN’T

THEY ARE NOT (no son / no están) AREN’T

7) Circle the correct option for each negative sentence. (marcar la opción correcta para completar las oraciones).

1. She ____ my best friend.

a) am not b) isn't c) aren't

2. I ____ happy.
a) am not b)is not c) are not

3. My grandmother ____ 80 years old.

a) am not b) is not c) are not

4. My uncle ____ in Japan.

a) ‘m not b) isn't c) aren't
5. Our new car ____ red.
a) am not b) isn't c) aren't

6. Peter and Tom ____ bus drivers.

a) am not b) is not c) are not

7. It ____ a small house.

a) ‘m not b) isn't c) aren't

8. Peter and I ____ tired.

a) am not b) is not c) are not

8) Look at the pictures and choose the correct option. (ELEGIR LA OPCIÓN CORRECTA -Tienen que mirar la foto para
decidir si va en afirmativo o negativo).

A) B)

C) D)

E) F)


9) Look at the family tree. (Mirar el árbol familiar de Pat)


Mother: madre
Father: padre
Parents: padres
Grandmother: abuela
Grandfather: abuelo
Grandparents: abuelos
Sister: Hermana
Brother: hermano
Uncle: tío
Aunt: tía
Cousin: primo/ prima
Nephew: sobrino
Niece: sobrina

Complete with the words from the box. (Mirar el árbol familiar y completar las oraciones sobre la familia
de Pat. Usar las palabras del cuadro que está debajo)

cousin brother sister mother grandmother

uncle aunt father grandparents parents grandfather

Hello! My name is Pat. I live in the USA. This is my family..

A. George and Margaret are my parents .
B. Liz is my ______________________
C. Liam is my _______________________
D. Sue is my ____________________
E. Chris is my ____________________
F. Sarah is my ____________________
G. Fiona and David are my ___________________
H. Fiona is my ___________________
I. David is my _________________
J. George is my _______________
K. Margaret is my ______________

Vocabulario para describir personas



(largo / corto) (lacio / ondulado)

Possession and Descriptions

Usamos have got/ haven’t got cuando hablo de yo, vos, nosotros, ellos. ( I, you, we, they)
Usamos Have got para expresar lo que tenemos.
Usamos Haven’t got para expresar lo que no tenemos.

E.g. I have got one brother and one sister.

I haven’t got a dog.

Responder preguntas: Yes, ... have. / No, … haven’t.

Have you got a pet? Yes, I have.

Have your parents got a car? Yes, they have.
Have we got computers at school? No, we haven’t.

10) Look at the photos and answer T(true) or F (false). = Mirar las fotos y decidir si las oraciones son verdaderas
(T) o falsas (F).

a. He is fat. ___ d. She is short. ___

b. He has got long hair. __ e. She has got curly hair. ___
c. He hasn’t got black hair. ___ f. She isn’t slim. ___

11) Complete the sentences about yourself. (Completar las oraciones sobre vos).

Use: have got / haven’t got.

a) I …………………… sisters.
b) I ……………………. brothers.
c) I ……………….. books.
d) I ………………………. Hamsters.

Usamos Has got / hasn’t got cuando hablo de he, she, it (él, ella, un animal o una cosa)
Usamos has got para expresar lo que alguien tiene.
Usamos hasn’t got para expresar lo que alguien no tiene.

Ejemplo: My mum has got a car. (Mi mama tiene un auto)

Responder preguntas: Yes, .. has / No, he hasn’t.

Has she got a car? Yes, she has.

Has Pedro got a computer? No, he hasn’t.
Has your dog got a long tail? Yes, it has.

12) Answer about her. Use: Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
(Responder sobre la chica) Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

a. Has she got long hair? …………………………

b. Is she tall? .......................
c. Has she got black hair? ........................
d. Has she got curly hair? ……………..……….
e. Is she fat? ...........................
13) Label the pictures. (Nombrar las imágenes. Usar las palabras del cuadro)

14) Complete the chart about you. (Completar la tabla con las comidas del punto anterior sobre lo que te gusta y
lo que no te gusta).


…………………………..………………… …………………………..…………………
…………………………..………………… …………………………..…………………
…………………………..………………… …………………………..…………………
…………………………..………………… …………………………..…………………
…………………………..………………… …………………………..…………………
…………………………..………………… …………………………..…………………

15) Answer about you. (Contestar sobre vos). Use Yes, I do or No, I don’t.

a. Do you like asado? …………………………………………………………………….

b. Do you like orange juice? …………………………………………………………………….
c. Do you like broccoli? …………………………………………………………………….
d. Do you like spaghetti? ………………………………………………………………….


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