Virtual Class: Aben 131. Module 3
Virtual Class: Aben 131. Module 3
Virtual Class: Aben 131. Module 3
5th Virtual
ABEn 131. Module 3
Overview Postharvest Operations of AB
Dr. Roberto C. Guarte
20 November 2020 10:00-12:00 Noon
Updates on Class Activities and Reminders
Postharvest Technology
Postharvest technology (PT) includes all operations which
are required for processing of food, feed, and by-products on
farms between harvesting and consumption or further
industrial processing.
Components of Postharvest Technology:
1. Technical operations that include any of the following:
• Harvesting, separation, peeling, dehusking, cutting,
grinding, crushing, grating, pulping, expelling,
threshing, fermentation, preservation, handling,
cleaning, drying, storage, milling, and transport
2. Associated trading- and mal-practices
Postharvest Technology
Postharvest technology (PT) includes all operations which
are required for processing of food, feed, and by-products on
farms between harvesting and consumption or further
industrial processing.
Components of Postharvest Technology:
1. Technical operations - include any of the following:
▪ Harvesting, separation, peeling, dehusking, cutting,
grinding, crushing, grating, pulping, expelling,
threshing, fermentation, preservation, handling,
cleaning, drying, storage, milling, and transport, other
technical operations specific to the product
Postharvest Technology
8. Fermentation
o Improper fermentation (cocoa, coffee, tea, tobacco,
Causes of Postharvest Losses
9. Drying
o Non-uniform drying
o Insufficient drying (rainy season)
o Change of sensorial properties due to enzymatic reactions
o Losses due to insects, birds, and rodents
o Theft
o Contamination with dust
o Contamination with pathogenic microorganisms or substances
o Growth of microorganisms due to long drying time Formation of
Causes of Postharvest Losses
10. Storage
o Losses due to adverse weather conditions
o Losses due to rodents and insects
o Contamination with animal excrements
o Respiration losses
o Change of sensory properties due to microorganism growth
o Oxidation of fatty acids (copra, nuts, oil seeds)
o Formation of mycotoxins (copra, nuts, peanuts, corn)
o Contamination with pesticide residuals (Lindan, malathione,
o Bag storage favors losses due to insects and rodents
Causes of Postharvest Losses
11. Processing
o Milling losses
o Peeling losses
o Extraction losses (sugar, coconut oil, palm oil, starch)
12. Packaging
o Weight losses and reduction of quality due to packaging
material, which is not adapted to the product
- Air tight Dry meat, dry fish
- Air permeable Tubers, grains
- Lightproof Dried fruits, medicinal plants
Rice Production
and Postharvest Operations
I. Rice Origin, Distribution, and Description
1.1 Description
▪ Rice is a cereal grain (Oryza
sativa) of the grass family
▪ Rice is the staple in the diet for much of the world. It runs a close
second to wheat in its importance as a food cereal in the human
1. Soils
2. Irrigation
Figure 10. The depth of the water layer may vary during
the growing season.
II. Rice Production
2.6. Disease and Insect Pests
1. Rice Thrips (RTH): Stenchaetothrips biformis (Bagnall)
(Thysanoptera: Thripidae )
Hauling Threshing Winnowing Drying
Combine Harvester
Postharvest Technology of Rice
2. Field Pre-Drying
▪ Combined
threshing and
▪ Winnowing done through the help of
external fan or blowers
Postharvest Technology of Rice
5. Drying
Mechanical drying
Low-cost dryer
▪ Quality assurance
▪ Better storage