Transcultural Nursing Midterm Reviewer
Transcultural Nursing Midterm Reviewer
Transcultural Nursing Midterm Reviewer
o Occupation or profession
Culture of nurses
- Groups that have values and norms that are
distinct from those held by the majority
within a wider society.
- Unique shared set of customs, attitudes,
and values, often accompanied by group-
specific language/jargon.
- Leininger’s contributions to TCN rapidly Others identified by the client
gained global and interprofessional as significant to his or her
recognition as many healthcare health, well-being, or healing,
professionals learned about her theory. ie: animals or pets as
- TCN has become more relevant today and culturally appropriate.
there has been heightened societal o Multiple health workers from
awareness that people of all cultures different professional backgrounds
deserve to receive nursing and health care working together with patients,
that are culturally congruent and culturally families, caregivers, and
competent. communities to deliver the highest
quality of care (WHO, 2013)
Andrews/ Boyle Transcultural Interprofessional
o Values and ethics related to
Practice (TIP) Model
interprofessional practice,
- To provide a px or client-centered knowledge of the roles of team
systematic, logical, orderly, scientific members, and a team approach to
process for delivering safe, culturally health care are core values needed.
congruent and competent, affordable, - Communication
accessible, evidence-based, and quality o Meaningful exchange of information
care for people from diverse backgrounds between one or more participants.
across the life span. o Organized, patterned system of
- Context from which people’s health-related behavior that makes all nurse-client
values, attitudes, beliefs, and practices interactions possible. It is the
emerge. exchange of messages and the
o Conditions, circumstances, and/or creation of meaning.
situations that exist when and where o May be verbal or nonverbal.
something happens, thereby o Barriers:
providing meaning to what Different language
transpired. Technical terms,
o Related to the society where abbreviations, idioms,
individuals are raised in and at how colloquialisms, or regional
the culture affects behavior. expressions
Indonesia with its Tone of voice
conservative cultural context. Language what is
Paralanguage is how
it is said and relates
to all aspects of the
voice that are not part
of the verbal
o Nonverbal communication
- Interprofessional healthcare team
o Client is core How people convey meaning
without words, facial
o Other members of the team:
expression, gestures,
Client’s family, significant
posture, proxemics (physical
others, appointed guardian.
distance between the
Credentialed health
o Language primary way that culture
is transmitted from one generation to
the next.
Religious/Spiritual healers
o Interpreters should know
interpreting techniques, knowledge
of medical terminology understands Includes head nodding and
patients’ rights, also knowledgeable short sounds.
about cultural beliefs and health Adaptors- nonverbal
practices. behavior that either satisfy
Ask to meet the px first to some physical need. Ex:
establish rapport and obtain scratching or adjusting
basic descriptive information. glasses.
If no interpreter, use Represent a
electronic devices with psychological need
translation software. such as biting
o Greetings call a person by his or fingernails when
her title unless permitted to address nervous, yawning
less formally. when bored, or
Ask the client or team clenching a fist when
member by what name he or hungry.
she prefers to be called, in Accompany feelings
the initial meeting. of anxiety or hostility.
o Silence sign of respect or sign of o Posture may be open or closed and
agreement. is believed to convey an individuals’
Eye Contact & Facial degree of confidence, status, or
Expressions In the USA, receptivity to another person.
Canada, Western Europe, Open posture- interest in
and Australia, eye contact someone and a readiness to
means conveying interest, listen.
active engagement with the Closed posture- disinterest
other person, forthrightness or discomfort.
and honesty. o Chronemics use of time in
Avoiding eye contact may be nonverbal communication.
perceived as withholding Monochronic- US, Northern
information and/or lacking Europe, Israel, and much of
confidence. Australia. Time is highly
In some parts of Asia, Africa, valued.
the Middle East, and certain Polychronics- Southern
Native American nations, Europe, Latin America, and
direct eye contact is seen as the Middle East. Time is
disrespectful. In some flexible.
cultures, if prolonged it o Proxemics study of space and how
means that the person doing differences in space can make
the staring has a sexual people feel more relaxed or more
interest in the other person. anxious.
o Gestures Intimate space
Emblems- gestures that Personal space
serve the same function as Social space
words Public space
Illustrators- gestures that Gender and age factors to be
accompany words to considered, some px prefer
illustrate a verbal message. the same gender when care
Regulators- convey meaning requires entering his/her
through gestures such as personal space.
raising one’s hand before o Modesty is mixed nonverbal and
verbally asking a question. verbal communication that refers to
reserve or propriety in speech,
dress, or behavior. Ex: Muslim
women wearing hijab.
Best for nurses to refrain
from touching clients or
coworkers of either gender
unless necessary and with
TIP Model
o Technology-assisted
Smartphones, pagers,
tablets, etc to improve px
Nurse should identify the
client’s preferred mode of
o Literature, Art, Music & Dance
Communicate to the world
the cherished values, beliefs,
history, traditions, and
contributions of people from
nations, tribes, and
population groups.
- Problem-solving process
o Cultural assessment includes self-
assessment and a holistic
assessment of the client.
o Mutual goal setting takes into
account the perspectives of each
member of the health care team.
o Planning care includes input from
and dialogue with members of the
healthcare team.
o Implementation of the care plan
o Evaluation of the care plan
Is effective in achieving the
intended goal
Care is culturally congruent
with the patient’s culture and
Reflects the delivery of
culturally competent care by
nurses and other members of
the team.
Quality care that is safe,
affordable, and accessible.
Evidence based practices,
integrates research into care.
of understanding about each other in order
to facilitate collaboration and cooperation
o Recognizing that there is a large
amount of cultures that exist
o Respecting each other's differences
CULTURAL DIVERSITY o Acknowledging that all cultural
expressions are valid
- The existence of a variety of cultural groups o Valuing what cultures have to bring
within a society. Culture, religion, ethnicity, to the table
language, nationality, sexual orientation, o Empowering diverse groups to
class, gender, age, disability, health contribute
o Celebrating differences, not just
differences, geographic location, and lots of
tolerating them
other things.
- Cultural diversity poses challenges within - Examples of Cultural Diversity:
the healthcare setting, particularly regarding o In A Workplace: Having a
the question of how health professionals multilingual team, having a diverse
can resolve the tension between respecting range of ages working together,
having policies that are vocally
cultural norms or child-rearing practices and against discrimination, etc.
the importance of determining what o In A School Setting: Having
constitutes harm and child maltreatment. students from all over the world
- Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or (like), being accepting of all religious
different cultures, as opposed to practices and traditions that students
monoculture, the global monoculture, or a partake in, supporting students to
share their cultures with one
homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural another, etc.
evolution. The term cultural diversity can - Espousing diversity in healthcare can lead
also refer to having different cultures to cultural competency, the ability of
respect each other's differences. Moreover, healthcare providers to offer services that
it is often used to mention the variety of meet the unique social, cultural, and
linguistic needs of their patients. In short,
human societies or cultures in a specific
the better a patient is represented and
region, or in the world as a whole. It refers understood, the better they can be treated.
to the inclusion of different cultural
perspectives in an organization or society. - CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN EDUCATION
- Cultural diversity is about appreciating that HELPS TO SUPPORT:
society is made up of many different groups o Deep Learning
with different interests, skills, talents, and Learning happens within the
needs. It also means that you recognize that curriculum and outside of it.
people in society can have different With a diverse student
religious beliefs and sexual orientations population, students have the
from you. privilege of gaining more
- Cultural diversity is synonymous with understanding about people
multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is and backgrounds from all
defined by, "the view that cultures, races, over. This also contributes to
and ethnicities, particularly those of minority the diversity of thought and
groups, deserve special acknowledgment of perspectives that make
their differences within a dominant political learning more interesting and
culture. dynamic.
- Cultural diversity is important because our o Confidence and Growth
country, workplaces, and schools When students participate
increasingly consist of various cultural, with people from varied
racial, and ethnic groups. We can learn from cultures, it provides them
one another, but first, we must have a level with more confidence in
dealing with things outside of population (the total number of
their comfort zones. humans currently living) of the world.
It can build the strength of o 78 million people is one percent of
character, pride, and the total global population of 7.8
confidence. billion.
o Preparation for The Future o World population projected to reach
If a workplace has done the 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in
necessary work, it's bound to 2100
be culturally diverse. US population 2020-
Attending a culturally diverse 331,449,281
institute of education will China's population 2020-
prepare students for their 1,439,323,776
future in a workplace. India's population in 2021-
o More Empathy 1,390,000
Interacting with people who Philippines population-
have diverse practices, 101,340,780 as of
beliefs, life experiences, and September 17, 2021
culture promotes empathy.
While you can never fully - Race is a category of humankind that
understand someone's life shares certain distinctive physical traits.
without being them, you can o Race is usually associated with
learn, listen, and understand. biology and linked with physical
characteristics, such as hair texture
- South Korea has the best health care or skin color and covers a relatively
systems in the world, that's according to the narrow range of options. Yet people
2021 edition of the CEOWORLD magazine of similar complexions/hair textures
Health Care Index, which ranks 89 countries can be defined as different races,
according to factors that contribute to and definitions in the United States
overall health. have changed over time.
o The quality and efficiency of a o Race as a Social Category
country's healthcare system can Humans vary remarkably in
have a massive impact on its wealth, exposure to
citizens' quality of life. environmental toxins, and
access to medicine. These
- 10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicine factors can create health
with Best Healthcare in the world (WHO): disparities. Krieger (2000)
o France describes disparities that
o Italy result from racial
o San Marino discrimination as "biological
o Andorra expressions of race
o Malta relations".
o Singapore o African Americans, for example,
o Spain have higher rates of mortality than
o Oman other racial groups for 8 of the top
10 causes of death in the U.S.
o Austria
(Race, Ethnicity, and Genetics
o Japan
Working Group, 2005). Although
these disparities can be explained in
- POPULATION (WORLD) part by social class, they are not
o The current world population is 7.9 reducible to class distinctions.
billion as of September 2021 o Scientific Racism
according to the most recent United The U.S National Institute of
Nations estimates elaborated by Medicine has noted that
Worldometer. The term "World “historically, studies on race,
Population" refers to the human ethnicity, age, nationality,
religion, and sex have
sometimes led to o 20 metropolitan areas with the
discriminatory practices” largest number of immigrants in
(Wizemann & Pardue, 2001). 2015
In the same way that science Seattle
based on “inherent sex Sacramento
difference” was used San Francisco
throughout the eighteenth San Jose
and nineteenth centuries to San Diego
justify women’s exclusion Los Angeles
from science and the Las Vegas
professions, and to deny Riverside
women the rights of Phoenix
citizenship, science based on Dallas
“inherent racial difference” Houston
was used to justify the Chicago
continued subordination of Detroit
non-white people. Boston
o Ethnicity New York City
Broader term than race. Philadelphia
Groups of people according Washington DC
to their cultural expression Atlanta
and identification. Orlando
o Race categories Miami
American Indian or Alaska o Leading 10 Primary Destinations
Native of Immigrants (2000)
Asian Germany received 1, 383,
Black or African American 580 new migrants into the
Native Hawaiian or Other country in 2018, by far the
Pacific Islander largest number by any OECD
White member country. The
number of new migrants
- The Immigrants arriving the country that year
o People living in a country other than was just 438 fewer than in
that of his or her birth. No matter if 2017, but a substantial
that person has taken the citizenship reduction of the more than 2
of the destination country, served in million new migrants who
its military, married a native, or has arrived in the country in
another status – he or she will 2015.
forever be an international migrant. United States formally
o Social migration moving received 1, 096, 611
somewhere for a better quality of life migrants into the country in
or to be closer to family or friends. 2018, a nearly 3% decrease
o Four types of immigrants from the previous year.
Citizens Spain received 559, 998
Residents migrants in 2018, 23%
Non-immigrants increase from the number of
Undocumented immigrants migrants accepted in 2017.
o World’s largest percentage of Japan 519, 683, 9%
immigrants increase from 2017.
India has the largest number South Korea 495, 079, 9%
of migrants living abroad- increase.
17.5 million United Kingdom 486, 452,
Mexico 11.8 million 6% decline.
China 10.7 million Turkey 466, 890, 28%
Chile 339, 350, 64% beliefs, thoughts, and
increase priorities in the health-
Canada 321, 045, 12% seeking behaviors of different
increase patient populations.
Italy 285, 500, 5% decrease.
o Push factors are the reasons why - Factors The Nurse Should Consider
people leave an area: When Caring for Culturally Diverse
Lack of services Groups
Lack of safety o Awareness
High crime o Avoid making assumptions
Crop failure o Learn about other cultures
Drought o Build trust and rapport
Flooding o Overcome language barriers
Poverty o Educate patients about medical
War practices
o Pull factors are the reasons why o Practice active listening
people move to a particular area: - Identified primary areas of cultural
Higher employment diversity by ANA
More wealth o Health insurance and healthcare
Better services
Good climate
o Racial and ethnic minority
Safer, less crime
Political stability
o Mental health
More fertile land
Lower risk from natural o Elderly
hazards o Bariatric/obesity
o Migration usually happens as a Patients in each of these
result of a combination of this push areas can experience
and pull factors. barriers in receiving an
appropriate level of care if
providers do not account for
cultural differences.
Nurses who are trained to
deliver culturally competent
care are prepared to alleviate
these types of stress.
Nurses must also understand
how to accommodate
patients' cultural beliefs in
conjunction with conventional
medical practices.
Acknowledging these types
of patient differences can
decrease the stress of the
- Factors to Consider in the Nursing Care patient, which can positively
of Culturally Diverse Groups impact the outcomes of their
o Understanding the true treatments.
importance of cultural diversity in
Nursing - Culturally Competent Nurses
Code of Ethics describes the o As the likelihood of working with
values and duties that each patients from different cultural
nurse must fulfill. backgrounds increases, nurses must
o Diversity Awareness be motivated to learn about cultural
ANA defines it as diversity in their nursing practices to
acknowledgement and reduce risks to patients during
appreciation of the existence treatment.
of differences in attitudes,
o A National Institute of Health (NIH)
study found that nurses who lack a
firm grasp of cultural differences can
experience stress and frustration
when working with culturally diverse
patients and their families.
o To better prepare for these
situations, nurses follow a cultural
competence model to identify their
own cult' health care beliefs, gain
knowledge and skills about caring
for different cultural groups, and
engage with diverse patients to
practice their skills on an ongoing
o These actions can reduce risks to
patients by opening lines of
communication, which can reduce
medical errors and make it easier for
providers to identify early indications
of disease, according to a study in
the journal Critical Care Clinics.
- Educator “It’s important to help patients get - The Necessity for Curriculum Revision
information from reliable sources and to Nurses can be the missing link between the
know if a suggested alternative treatment, conventional medicine and CAM. The
such as herbal supplements, may interfere nursing community should develop its role
with the medications they are currently in CAM and be a reliable source for patients
prescribed or may be detrimental to their who use CAM or are willing to use it.
health Nursing curricula have constantly been
o As nurses, we can be informed evolved to improve patient care and keep
about CAM and help consumers to pace with the ever-changing health care
make smart decisions to system. The integration of CAM therapies in
complement or give alternatives to the nursing curriculum is no exception.
routine therapeutic approaches. Our o Nurses should play an active role in
biggest concerns are safety. the development of evidence-based
o CAM is still unregulated and not performance in the field of CAM
guaranteed to work. Nurse as through research.
practitioner. Nurses may choose to o By introducing CAM in nursing
study CAM practices, become curriculum, nurses can educate and
proficient in their use, and integrate change attitudes and practices, and
their use into an existing nursing
provide comprehensive and effective
care and treatment for patients