Ceo Midterm Exam Review
Ceo Midterm Exam Review
Ceo Midterm Exam Review
RETAINING WALL - a structure used for
Shallow Foundations maintaining the bottom surfaces at very
different elevations on either aspect of it.
1. ISOLATED /SPREAD FOOTING - This It provides lateral support to vertical
is the most common and simplest type of slopes of soil. They keep soil that might
foundation as this is the most economical otherwise collapse into an additional form.
type of foundation. They are generally
used for ordinary buildings GRAVITY RETAINING WALLS -
Depends on its self- weight only to resist
2. WALL FOOTING OR STRIP FOOTING lateral earth pressure. massive because it
- This type of footing is used to distribute requires significant gravity load to
loads of structural load-bearing walls to encounter act soil pressure sliding,
the ground. Wall foundation runs along overturning and bearing forces shall be
the direction of the wall. taken into consideration while this type of
retaining wall structure is designed that it
3. COMBINED FOOTING - When the can be constructed from different
columns of the structure are closely materials such as concrete, stone,
placed, or the bearing capacity of the soil masonry units.
is low and their footing overlap each
other, this type of footing is provided. TYPES OF GRAVITY RETAINING
the footings under the columns are built 1. CRIB RETAINING WALL - are
individually and connected by strap beam. constructed of interlocking individual
boxes made from timber or pre-cast
5. RAFT OR MAT FOUNDATION - used concrete then the boxes are filled with
where other shallow foundation or pile crushed stone or granular materials to
foundation is not suitable. It is also create a free draining structure suited to
recommended in situations where the support planter areas, but it is not
bearing capacity of the soil is poor, the recommended for support of slopes or
load of the structure is to be distributed structures.
over a large area or structure is constantly
subjected to shocks or jerks. 2. GABION RETAINING WALL - are
multi-celled, rectangular wire mesh boxes,
DEEP FOUNDATIONS which are filled with rocks or other
suitable materials employed for 8. HYBRID SYSTEMS - Retaining walls
construction or erosion control structures that use both mass and reinforcement for
used to stabilize steep slopes. stability
among the most economical and most
commonly constructed retaining walls is
supported by selected fills (granular) and
held together by reinforcements, which
can be either metallic strips or plastic
meshes types include panel, concrete
block and temporary earth retaining walls.