Foods That Helps Slow Down Aging - Rhuby Abenoja
Foods That Helps Slow Down Aging - Rhuby Abenoja
Foods That Helps Slow Down Aging - Rhuby Abenoja
Nobody stays young forever, but eating the right kinds of food will slow down the aging process!
Yes, it’s true. There are certain foods that make our age slower. We’re all looking for that one
magic pill that’ll help slow down the aging process. We buy expensive creams, do everything we
can to remain young, but most of us don’t realize that there are foods that make our age slower.
So, if you’re looking for some anti-aging miracle, you won’t find it in creams or pills, you’ll find
it in these foods.
1. Almonds
Almonds have the highest protein content. They’re also rich in copper, biotin, and
vitamin E, which keep your hair, nails, and skin from looking aged.
Most nuts, almonds especially, reduce inflammation that can cause skin to look
older prematurely. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E which helps in reducing signs
of ageing and nourishes your skin. Vitamin E has certain antioxidant properties that
are known to block free radicals in the body that can play a large role in the ageing
2. Apples
One medium-sized apple contains 17 percent of the daily fiber requirements your
body needs. Apples also have a compound called quercetin that works against
inflammation or body pain that makes you feel weak and old.
Apple extract has many anti-aging properties, including a large amount of essential
fatty acids that help to keep skin moist and plump. Apple extract is also key to
minimizing fine lines and wrinkles due to its large amount of vitamin E and C.
3. Carrots
- At least half a cup of carrots daily can increase your body’s protection against
inflammation that triggers arthritis. You don’t even have to cook carrots; you can
crunch on a raw one. They’re so convenient to have in the kitchen.
Carrots are high in beta carotene, an antioxidant that is converted to vitamin A
inside the body. It helps repair skin tissue and protects against the sun's harsh
4. Cheddar cheese
- Cheddar cheese apparently maintains the mouth’s pH levels. As a result,
discoloration and cavity formation on the teeth is prevented, according to a study
in General Dentistry.
You better believe it; cheese can reportedly help keep years off your appearance
—at least according to research published in the journal Nature Medicine.
5. Dark Chocolate
- Dark chocolate has loads of anti-aging benefits, but you must be sure to eat the
type that has 70-percent cacao for best results. It also stimulates the hormone
serotonin, which makes you feel young, happy and positive, as per a UC
Berkeley study.
The latest study (see references below) show that consuming dark chocolate can
do wonders for your skin resulting in a change that will help reduce the
appearance of wrinkles that are caused by excessive exposure to the sun. The
researchers have reported that cocoa extract found in dark chocolate offers
protection against wrinkles caused by UV-Light and even helps reduce the
appearance of dark spots by blocking the breakdown of the dermal matrix.
6. Eggs
- Aside from its high-protein content, eggs are a wonderful source of biotin, which
keeps the nails from growing brittle as you age. Eggs also build bone strength.
Not alw ays recognized for being a superfood, the egg is one
of the mos t effective and contains nine es sential amino acids and
s ix grams of protein that are ess ential in the maintenance and
repair of our skin. With naturally occurring vitamin D , and also
rich in antioxidants (vitamins A, E), eggs help prevent the
formation of new w rinkles. It’s the vitamin E in eggs that w ork to
combat those free radicals respons ible for cellular damage. Eggs
are als o dense in vitamin A, which helps boost the s kin’s
elasticity .
7. Green Tea
This drink contains high amounts of polyphenols that can block cholesterol buildup in
the arteries, thus preventing the development of vascular diseases. Green tea also
fights off inflammation, improves the elasticity of the skin, and limits wrinkle
It not only fights wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots and saggy skin, keeping it firm and
healthy, but also slows down premature ageing as it is rich in oligomeric
proanthocyanidins (OPCs)
8. Milk
- Milk is definitely one of the richest sources of these nutrients. To ward off brittle
bone and osteoporosis, a common condition that affects women, drink at least
three glasses of milk a day.
“The protein found in dairy products can help promote skin elasticity as we
age,” says Dr. Beall. Milk also contains retinol, a known anti-aging and skin-
restoring antioxidant. Plus, milk's vitamin D is also an anti-aging vitamin thanks
to its anti-inflammatory effects and protection from UV rays.
9. Oranges
- Oranges are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, which have great anti-aging
properties. Oranges also aid in the oxidation of bad cholesterol that might cause
blockages in the arteries, so it’s also good for the heart.
Orange is considered a good anti-aging fruit because it contains antioxidant
compounds that fight free radicals, which contribute to aging and a number
of degenerative diseases.
10. Oysters
- Oysters are rich in zinc and vitamin A, which are nutrients essential to the health
of the eye. A diet rich of zinc can prevent macular degeneration in older adults,
according to experts at the National Eye Institute.
Why it works: For firm and beautiful cheeks, indulging in some oysters can sometimes be
helpful. This seafood is not only delicious, but it is also full of zinc, which, when taken along
with Vitamin C helps your body produce more elastin, which makes the skin firm and radiant.
A diet rich of zinc can prevent macular degeneration in older adults, according to experts at
the National Eye Institute.
11. Salmon
- Salmon is rich in omega-3 that will increase good cholesterol content in your
body. It also reduces the blood clots in your arteries and thus lower the risks of
heart attack, as per a study in the journal Lipids.
Salmon gets a gold star when it comes to keeping your skin looking younger! It
contains an antioxidant called astaxanthin that helps with skin elasticity and
hydration. One study comparing astaxanthin to other carotenoids found that
astaxanthin displayed the highest antioxidant activity in the fight against skin-
damaging free radicals.
12. Sardines
- Eating sardines regularly will keep the bones stronger because this food is rich in
vitamin D and calcium.
Sardines, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, promote hair growth and shine to keep your locks
looking young.
13. Strawberries
- Strawberries contain polyphenols, so here’s another great anti-aging food to
indulge in for breakfast or desserts.
Aiding with Anti-Aging
More specifically, strawberries have ellagic acid in them, which works to protect
the skin against UV damage by stopping the enzymes that contribute to collagen
destruction. This helps to prevent wrinkle formation on the skin.
19. Broccoli
- Broccoli has many nutrients, like fiber, vitamins, iron, and antioxidants. While it
can be served raw or cooked, it appears that steaming provides the most health
- It is very low in calories (31 calories per cup) but high in fiber, promoting gut
health. It is relatively high in protein, higher than most whole foods.