Hyperpigmentation and ACTH - An Overview of Literature
Hyperpigmentation and ACTH - An Overview of Literature
Hyperpigmentation and ACTH - An Overview of Literature
Introduction. ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) is a key regulator of adrenal production involving cortisol
as an essential hormone for life. The melanin is a pigment which is produced by melanocytes at the level of
melanosomes (the melanogenesis). Both MSH and ACTH are generated by the cleavage of POMC (proopi-
omelanocortin) after CRF (corticotropin-releasing factor) stimulation and then MSH acts on the skin causing
Aim. To introduce clinical data of literature that link hyperpigmentation with ACTH excess. Three main topics
are introduced: Addison’s disease, ectopic Cushing’s syndrome, and Nelson’s syndrome.
Method. This is a short overview of literature including papers that have been mostly published within last 5
General data. Hyperpigmentation in relationship to ACTH includes its high levels in addition to low cortisol in
Addison’s disease and Nelson’s syndrome and high non-suppressible cortisol in ectopic Cushing’s disease.
ACTH has a pituitary origin in first two situations and malignancy in the third one. A pituitary tumour is found
in cases with Nelson’s syndrome. An autoimmune background may be associated with Addison’s disease. An
iatrogenic component is brought by Nelson’s syndrome. All three situations are severe and life threatening of
different scenarios.
Conclusion. Hyperpigmentation may be the clue to connect dermatology to endocrine pathologies and
ACTH massive release by a pituitary or a non-pituitary origin involves a complex panel of conditions.
ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone MSH = melanocyte stimulating hormone
ASP = Agouti signalling protein MC1R = melanocortin receptor type 1
CRF = corticotropin-releasing factor PET = positron emission therapy
Beyond endocrine and cardiovascular connec- and mucosa is one of the main clinical features (9).
tions, ACTH is also linked to the skin and melano- Others skin conditions like vitiligo may be associ-
genesis and this goes through MSH (melanocyte ated in cases with polyglandular autoimmune syn-
stimulating hormone) interplay (4,5). Alpha-MSH drome (10). Primary adrenal insufficiency may be
is a regulator of pigmentation in normal humans lethal if adequate substitution is not provided (9).
(5,6). This is done in association with other mel- More than 30 causes are described, including ge-
anocortins whose roles are more or less understood netic types (9).
until present time (5,6). Alpha-MSH as well as ASP
(Agouti signalling protein) acts on melanocortin re- Ectopic Cushing’s syndrome
ceptor type 1 (MC1R) of melanocytes displaying Cushing’s syndrome is the excess of glucocorti-
melanogenic effects, but also mitogenic actions coid of either endogenous or exogenous cause
(5,6). Skin melanocytes are activated by paracrin (11,12). Endogenous sources includes the adrenal
and autocrin factors, for instance, in case of pro- itself and ACTH derivate forms like corticotropino-
longed sun exposure (5,6). The melanin is a pig- ma and ectopic Cushing’s syndrome (also called
ment which is produced by melanocytes at the level ACTH-dependent types) (11,12). This last men-
of melanosomes (the melanogenesis) (6). Both tioned type comprises between 10% and 20% of all
MSH and ACTH are generated by the cleavage of ACTH-dependent cases (11,12). The cause of
POMC (proopiomelanocortin) after CRF (corti- ACTH is a non-pituitary tumour despite the fact
cotropin-releasing factor) stimulation (6,7). The that a concomitant pituitary incidentaloma might
acquired hyperpigmentation it comes with an ab- be registered due to the high prevalence in general
normal ACTH in parallel with high MSH as it hap- population (13,14,15,16). The most frequent forms
pens in ACTH tumour-derivate secretion of pitui- of cancer causing ectopic Cushing’s syndrome are
tary and non-pituitary origin (5,6,7). located in thorax-abdominal region (12,17). Among
them we mention small cell lung carcinoma, med-
Aim ullary thyroid cancer, neuroendocrine tumours of
the lung and gastro-intestinal tract (17,18,19,20).
To introduce clinical data of literature that link The typical endocrine assessment includes the con-
hyperpigmentation with ACTH effects at the level firmation of persistent cortisol secretion which is
of the skin. Three main topics are introduced: Addi- not suppressible at high-dose dexamethasone sup-
son’s disease, ectopic Cushing’s syndrome, and pression test (18,19). The imaging tests are com-
Nelson’s syndrome. All these conditions are associ- plex from computed tomography, magnetic reso-
ated with high levels of ACTH of either pituitary or nance imaging up to PET (positron emission
non-pituitary tumour as cause, benign or malign, therapy) imaging (18,19). The therapy targets the
and this goes with hyperpigmentation. specific profile of the causing tumour and, in cases
with unknown/unidentified cause, bilateral adre-
Material and method nalectomy might be necessary to control the dam-
age due to Cushing’s syndrome (21). In these cases
This is a short overview of literature including the CRF but mostly the ACTH excess associates
papers that have been mostly published within last with hyperpigmentation even in a relative short pe-
5 years regarding medical data that involves high riod of time (19).
ACTH and skin hyperpigmentation. A selection of
30 papers is done. Nelson’s syndrome
Nelson’s syndrome represents another particular
General data situation where ACTH increase is part of the path-
ogenic loop and its values can get extremely high
Addison’s disease (22,23,24). This happens after bilateral adrenalec-
Addison’s disease is a rare, heterogeneous con- tomy for Cushing’s disease and it represents a rath-
dition where the destruction of the adrenal glands is er atypical option nowadays due to others several
done mainly based on an autoimmune or tubecur- medical and surgical therapeutical resources which
culosis background (8). Low cortisol causes an are preferred (22,25,26). The complication is rare;
ACTH increase based on a feedback mechanism it involves high ACTH with known complications
between pituitary and adrenal glands while hyper- including the skin,and corticotropinoma enlarge-
pigmentation at the level of skin (including scars) ment (26,27). Prior radiotherapy might be protec-
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