Cloud Computing: Security

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Cloud Computing

Somasuntharam Kokul
Cloud Computing


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my lecture Mr. T. Suresh, who taught
me and gave me good knowledge in Cloud Computing and to do this wonderful assignment,
which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things,
I am really thankful to my lecture Mr. T. Suresh. And also, thanks to our coordinator. Secondly, I
would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this assignment
within the limited time frame.
Somasuntharam Kokul
CSD - 16

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Cloud Computing

Table of Contents
LO1 : Fundamentals of Cloud Computing and its architecture..................................................................... 5

Introduction to Cloud Computing ............................................................................................................. 5

Advantages of Migrating to Cloud Computing ......................................................................................... 5

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing .......................................................................................................... 6

Data Mining Process in Zee Lanka (PVT) Ltd ............................................................................................. 7

Architectural Cloud Computing framework for Zee Lanka (PVT) Ltd. ...................................................... 8

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 9

LO2: Deployment models, service models and technological drivers of Cloud Computing ....................... 10

Service of Cloud Computing .................................................................................................................... 10

Deployment Models of Cloud Computing .............................................................................................. 11

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 15

LO3: AWS’s Service Provider’s Framework ................................................................................................. 16

Global Infrastructure............................................................................................................................... 18

AWS Networking ..................................................................................................................................... 20

AWS Compute ......................................................................................................................................... 21

AWS Storage ........................................................................................................................................... 22

AWS Databases ....................................................................................................................................... 23

AWS Application Services ....................................................................................................................... 24

AWS for Zee Lanka (PVT) Ltd................................................................................................................... 26

Drawback of the AWS ............................................................................................................................. 26

Overcome these drawbacks.................................................................................................................... 27

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 28

LO4: Technical challenges and protect their data when they migrate to a cloud solution ........................ 29

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Common Migration Challenges .............................................................................................................. 29

Overcome common migration challenges .............................................................................................. 29

Technical Challenges and solution when we migrate to cloud computing ............................................ 30

Security Issues in Cloud Computing ........................................................................................................ 31

Overcome the security issues ................................................................................................................. 32

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 33

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 34

References .................................................................................................................................................. 35

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Table of figures

Figure 1 Cloud Computing ......................................................................................................... 5

Figure 2 Data Mining Architecture .............................................................................................. 7
Figure 3 Cloud Computing Architecture for Data Mining ............................................................. 8
Figure 4 Service Models ...........................................................................................................11
Figure 5 Public Cloud ................................................................................................................12
Figure 6 Private Cloud ..............................................................................................................12
Figure 7 Hybrid Cloud ...............................................................................................................13
Figure 8 Community Cloud........................................................................................................13
Figure 9 Slide 1 .........................................................................................................................16
Figure 10 Slide 2 .......................................................................................................................16
Figure 11 Slide 3 .......................................................................................................................17
Figure 12 Slide 4 .......................................................................................................................17
Figure 13 Slide 5 .......................................................................................................................18
Figure 14 Slide 6 .......................................................................................................................19
Figure 15 Amazon Global Architecture ......................................................................................19
Figure 16 Slide 7 .......................................................................................................................20
Figure 17 Slide 8 .......................................................................................................................21
Figure 18 Slide 9 .......................................................................................................................22
Figure 19 Slide 9 .......................................................................................................................23
Figure 20 Slide 9 .......................................................................................................................24

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LO1 : Fundamentals of Cloud Computing and its architecture

Introduction to Cloud Computing

 Cloud Computing is the trending technology in the IT industry. It gives different services
like software, storage, servers, databases, networking. It offers innovation, flexible
resources and economic of sale.
 There are a lot of Cloud Computing service providers.
o Example: Amazon’s AWS, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, etc…

Figure 1 Cloud Computing

Advantages of Migrating to Cloud Computing

 Low Cost: Reduce the capital expenditure. No need to purchase hardware. – Purchasing
hardware for the data center, installing, hire technicians, maintain and manage then are
more expensive.
 Security: In cloud computing data is stored and handles very securely. It is better to save
data in the cloud compared to our servers and data centers. It is impossible to hack
 Mobility: We can access cloud via mobile devices.

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 Accessibility and Availability: We can access cloud quickly and easily anytime, anywhere
through internet.
 Collaboration: A group of people can share information between them quickly and easily.
– In a larger project there will be a group of people working together. So, they can share
data related to their project and collaborate to complete projects from different physical
locations. Field workers working on the same project can update data from their location
through internet.
 Pay as you go: We only pay for what we use. Service providers charge for only based on
feature based, storage, number of users, time and memory space among other factors.
So, there is no need to pay more. Costs will be reduced.
 Unlimited Capacity (Scalability): There is no limit to cloud services. We can access any
limit of services. Need for growth of resources is unexpected. Sometimes we need a
low-level need of resources and sometimes we need a large number of resources. In
cloud computing we can get addition resources like storage or other features whenever
we need them. In On-Premises it is impossible to purchase quickly, we in cloud
computing we can access it in a few minutes.
 Automatic Updates: All the software updates will be updated automatically by the service
providers. In On-Premises we should monitor the updates and security updates of the
software. But in cloud service providers will maintain the all the updates and security

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

 Internet Connectivity: We need internet connectivity to access cloud computing services.
Without Cloud computing we can’t access Cloud.
 Vendor Lock-in: Organizations who use the service of cloud service providers may face
the problem when they change from one service provider to another service provider.
 Limited Control: Service providers have the major part of the control.

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Data Mining Process in Zee Lanka (PVT) Ltd

 Zee Lanka is the one of the leading Data Mining Company in Sri Lanka. They want to
establish new branches in the foreign countries. They feel that their computerized
system and web server is not enough and the speed of the webserver is low.
 This picture is the basic architecture of the Data Mining.

Figure 2 Data Mining Architecture

 In an On-Premises method of Data Mining, The Source of the data is the database,
World Wide Web, text files, and other documents. These data are stored in database or
data warehouse, which means database server.
 Before the data process all the data will be cleaned, integrated and selected. And data
mining engine is the major part of the data mining. It does the computing activities like
association, characterization, classification, clustering, prediction, time-series analysis
etc… It has a combination of software and instruments to do data mining.
 Pattern Evaluation Model: Pattern Evaluation Model does the work of investigate the
pattern by using a threshold value. It focuses on the search on exiting patterns.
 Graphical User Interface interacts between the data mining system and the user. It
displays the output of queried by the user.

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Architectural Cloud Computing framework for Zee Lanka (PVT) Ltd.

 This is the architecture model of Data Mining, after the development-based Cloud

Figure 3 Cloud Computing Architecture for Data Mining

 Here we can use our own private cloud for the design of cloud infrastructure. For the
storage we can choose our own storage (private), because any of the system fails our
data will not loss. We can recover them from our own private cloud. We can de For the
interaction between the user, we can use any of the cloud providers to create a website
and collect data because it’s just a skin of the system and doesn’t mean any important
compared to any other part of the system. Expect the storage we can choose any of the
service provider.

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Cloud Computing is the trending technology nowadays. Cloud computing is delivery of
computing resources like storage, servers, databases etc. Most of the organization uses this
technology. It is very costless, high security, accessibility, reduces maintenance, no need to
update (auto update) and other many benefits mention in this learning outcome. . Cloud
Computing has three primary types of deployment models. And it has different type of service
models which provides different types of services. Everyone is different from everyone. Every
organization in the IT nowadays migrates from on-premises to cloud computing.

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LO2: Deployment models, service models and technological

drivers of Cloud Computing

Service of Cloud Computing

 SaaS (Software as a Service): Here licenses are given to customers as pay as you go
model, which means we only pay for the usage of us. Here cloud service provider
manages hardware, data, networking, runtime, data, middleware, operating systems and
applications. We access the SaaS through the web interface. Salesforce, GoToMeeting,
Dropbox, Google Apps and Cisco WebEx are some of the SaaS services in the
technology world. SaaS software can be available through web, can install on the
computer and can be executed through the browser.
 IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): Here we get services from Operating Systems to
Servers and storage. We get connectivity through IP based. There is no need to
customers to purchase servers and software on an out-sourced and on demand service.
We get the data infrastructure components like servers, virtualization, storage, software
and networking. Users can access their service by remotely. Organizations can install
their own platform according to their need and can do the development.
 PaaS (Platform as a service): It is complex service compared to others. It has some
similarities between SaaS. In a SaaS we deliver software through internet, but in a
PaaS, we create software through internet. Here software components and framework
are given by the service providers to build. Here service provider manages servers,
virtualization, storage, software and networking. PaaS can work in both private and
public cloud.

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Figure 4 Service Models

Deployment Models of Cloud Computing

 Deployment models define the access to the cloud. There are four types of deployment
models. (Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Community Cloud)
 Public Cloud:
Public Cloud are accessible to anyone, so it is a less secure because of its openness.
Here same storage is used by the multiple users. It is low cost compared to other
deployment models. It is location independent because its services are offered through
the internet. It has low security because it is accessible by everyone.
Example: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Sun Cloud, Google Cloud, I Cloud etc.

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Figure 5 Public Cloud

 Private Cloud: Private Cloud are specially designed for an organization and can be only
accessed by that organization. It is more secure because of it privateness through
firewalls and internals hosting. It has more controls compared to other deployment
models. It has better performance compared to other deployment model because of it’s
privateness. But it costs high compared to other models.
Example: Bank Networks, HP data centers, Microsoft etc.

Figure 6 Private Cloud

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 Hybrid Cloud: Hybrid Cloud is the combination of both public cloud and private cloud.
Here critical activities are performed by private cloud and non-critical activities are
performed by public cloud to make the network fast and more efficiency. Most of this
hybrid cloud are used by universities, finance and healthcare organizations. It is more
flexible cost less compared to private cloud. But problem with the hybrid cloud is to
networking public and private cloud.

Figure 7 Hybrid Cloud

 Community Cloud: Here systems and services can be accessed by the several groups of
organizations. It is a combination of organization. It can be owned, managed and
operated by the organizations in the community. It is a costless deployment method
because it is shared with many organizations. And her sharing responsibilities with
organizations is difficult.

Figure 8 Community Cloud

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Example: Government of Sri Lanka share computing infrastructure with

organizations in the cloud to manage data.

For the Zee Lanka (PVT) Ltd I recommend hybrid deployment model because it is a
combination of public and private cloud. Private cloud is highly secured but cost for the
cloud is very high. Public cloud is costless but security is very low. It very risky to depend
only in one cloud deployment. So, Hybrid Cloud is the best for this organization.

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Cloud computing has different types of deployment models and different type of service models.
Deployment models are private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud and community cloud. Private
cloud is specially designed for an organization. Public cloud is accessible to everyone. Hybrid
cloud is combination of public cloud and private cloud. Community clouds are accessible to the
several groups of computers. Service models are software as a service (Saas), Platform as a
service (Paas) and Infrastructure as a service (Iaas). Several organizations provide the more
than services to the users. Through these type of different type of deployment models and
service models we can access the service of cloud computing very effectively.

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LO3: AWS’s Service Provider’s Framework

Figure 9 Slide 1

Figure 10 Slide 2

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Figure 11 Slide 3

 AWS is the one of the leading cloud service providers in the market, which provides
cloud services for networking, computing, database, application development, storage,
deployment and administration.

Figure 12 Slide 4

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Global Infrastructure

Figure 13 Slide 5

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Figure 14 Slide 6

 AWS global infrastructure is the basic important factor in the AWS. In this global
infrastructure there are approximately 25 regions. These regions are located in multiple
difference locations in the world. Every region is independent and physically separated.
Other cloud vendors define region as one data center, but AWS define region with
multiple Availability Zone consisted with cluster of data centers. Every Availability Zone
has separated power, cooling system and physical security. It has redundant and ultra-
low-latency networks. Every region has two or three Availability Zone and every
Availability Zone has data centers.

Figure 15 Amazon Global Architecture

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AWS Networking

Figure 16 Slide 7

 If we want to use a cloud service, we need a highly secured and reliable network
connectivity. Normally we get connectivity through public cloud networking to manage
and monitor traffic. But sometimes we need private network connectivity like VPN to
manage sensitive data. AWS provides some different type of network connectivity to his
customers to maintain their application in on premises and in the cloud.

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Amazon VPC, AWS Direct Connect, Elastic Load Balancing and Amazon Route 53
are some of the networking services provided by the AWS.

Amazon VPC: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud helps to define and launch AWS resources
in a logically virtual private network.

AWS Direct Connect: AWS directly create a private connection between users on
premises data center and AWS resources using public network.

Elastic Load Balancing: Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) automatically distributes

incoming application traffic across multiple targets and virtual appliances in one or more
Availability Zones (AZs).

Amazon Route 53: It is an extremely reliable and cost-effective way to direct end users
by translating domain names into numbered IP addresses. It helps to route users inside
and outside the cloud.

AWS Compute

Figure 17 Slide 8

 Every application and system act like a human brain, which needs processing power to
do computational risks. AWS Compute provides users resizable and secured compute
capacity service in the cloud via set of instructions.
Lambda, EC2, Elastic Container Services, LightSail, Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic
Load Balancer are some of the compute services provided by the AWS.

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Lambda: It is a serverless computing platform, which can run your code. Here payment
will be decided by the compute time, no need to pay any money if our code is not

Elastic Container Service: It is a highly scalable, fast container management

service that makes it easy to run, stop, and manage containers on a cluster.

LightSail: Easiest way to launch and manage virtual private server.

Elastic Beanstalk: It helps to deploy and scale web applications, which are developed
using Java, .Net, PHP, Node.js, Ruby etc.

Elastic Load Balancer: It routes traffic that coming to application across multiple
targets and virtual appliances in one or more Availability Zones.

AWS Storage

Figure 18 Slide 9

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 Nowadays data storage is one of the fundamental needs of a single human being to
larger organizations. Cloud storage is the most popular one now. AWS provides data
storage facility within low cost and high durability and ability.
AWS provides storage service, such as Amazon S3, Amazon EC2 instance, Amazon
Elastic File System, Amazon Elastic Block System etc.

AWS S3: It provides static storage service for web hosting, media distribution, version
management, big data analysis and archiving.

Amazon Elastic File System: It is a scalable cloud-based file system for workloads.

Amazon Elastic Block System: It helps to store persistent data.

AWS Databases

Figure 19 Slide 9

 Amazon provides database service to users, which is easy to setup, operate and scale a
relational database via cloud. Like other services in the cloud, it is cost efficient and

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Amazon provides different types of database services.

Example: Document DB, Dynamo DB, ElastiCache, Redshift, Aurora etc.
Amazon Aurora: It is specially designed for AWS. It is a little bit combination of MySQL
and PostgreSQL.
Document DB: It is compatible with MongoDB. Here we need JSON language to store,
index and query.

AWS Application Services

Figure 20 Slide 9

 AWS Application services provides computing resources to the host create applications,
which is reliable, cost-effective, and scalable.
 Amazon API Gateway, Amazon AppStream, Amazon Elastic Transcoder and
Amazon SWF are some of the services provided by the AWS.
Amazon AppStream: It is an application streaming service, which provides users
instant access to their desktop applications remotely.
Amazon Elastic Transcoder: It is a media transcoding in cloud, which is specially
designed for developers.

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AWS for Zee Lanka (PVT) Ltd.

I recommend some of the Amazon Web Services to Zee Lanka.

 Here in the Scenario, we need Database Server, so as a Network Analyst I recommend

Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3). We can store any scale of data here.
 For the query of the data, we can user Amazon Athena, which is a serverless,
interactive query service from Amazon Simple Storage Service.
 For the pattern evaluation model, I choose Amazon Redshift, which has a high
performance, petabyte-scale data warehouse service optimized for the online analytical
processing (OLAP) queries typical of analytic reporting and business intelligence
 Backup is one of the important things here, we can use AWS Backup tool to take a backup
of our data.
 For users to interact with the users, we need website with graphical user interface for the
creation of the website we can use Amazon Cloud Front, Amazon Route S3, Amazon
S3 services.
 This is the architectural Cloud Computing model I recommend for the Lanka (PVT) Ltd.

Drawback of the AWS

 It is tendency to transition too much too quickly without knowing the cost. AWS has high
price tags, so it will take us to a huge amount of cost.
 AWS has more than 200 services, so it is hard to choose for our user. For an example if
we want to use database service of AWS, there are more than 15 database service so
without knowledge we can’t choose what is best for us.
 It is hard to understand billing system of the AWS.
 Need a deeper knowledge to understand AWS architecture.
 AWS costs high level of technical support fee.
Here are some of the fees for supporting:

Developer: $29/month
Business: Greater of $100 – or –
10% of monthly AWS usage for the first $0–$10K

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7% of monthly AWS usage from $10K–$80K

5% of monthly AWS usage from $80K–$250K
3% of monthly AWS usage over $250K
Enterprise: Greater of $15,000 – or –
10% of monthly AWS usage for the first $0–$150K
7% of monthly AWS usage from $150K–$500K
5% of monthly AWS usage from $500K–$1M
3% of monthly AWS usage over $1M

Overcome these drawbacks

 Let us prepared for the additional costs and add more budget for the unexpected costs
occurred by the AWS.
 Discuss with the AWS expert or consulting partner before selecting any service from
 Educate employees about the AWS, specially billing and pricing.
 Expect new employees AWS knowledge as a mandatory.
 Avoid to depend on the AWS and use private cloud as much as possible.

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Cloud Company is also a trending business over in the IT market. There are a lot of service
providers in the market. IBM, Microsoft, Amazon AWS, Oracle, Sales force are some of them.
Amazon’s AWS is the first in this market because of its reliable, secure, efficient and cost
effectiveness. It provides more than 200 services to the users such as compute, storage,
database, developer tools, and security. Any organization which is small or large can access
the service of AWS. Amazon costs only for pay as you, which means we only pay for what we
use, we don’t pay for if we don’t use.

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LO4: Technical challenges and protect their data when they

migrate to a cloud solution

Common Migration Challenges

 It is not east to build a cloud platform for organization. When an organization migrate
from on-premises to cloud, they will face a lot of problems at the start. It is very risky. It
may lead to data loss, system failure and can create loop holes in the system. So, it is
necessary to beware when create a cloud platform for an organization.
 Financial Cost: Cloud Migration sees low admin cost and increased efficiency. But
there are some costs for cloud migration.
o We need to rewrite the cloud architecture.
o We need technical people who are expertise in cloud computing field to migrate
o We should train employees to the new technology.
o We need higher and more uninterrupted bandwidth (internet connection).
Above things will costs when we migrate to cloud.
 Adoption Resistance: People are resisting to change. When introducing new
technology to an organization, employees don’t like to change. They want to be in a safe
 Lack of skills: Employees in the organization need cloud computing knowledge to
operate, manage and maintain it. McAfee says that lack of knowledge in cloud
computing slowing the business by 40 percentage.
 Choose a cloud service: They are a lot of service providers in the market. When we
choose, we should have a clear view of our requirements, so we can choose our service

Overcome common migration challenges

 Proper Planning: Before the migration we should have proper plan of what we are
going to change, when we are going to chance. Correct selection can reduce the cost.
 Migrate to hybrid cloud: Private clouds are highly secured but costs high. Public cloud

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Costless but security is very low. But hybrid cloud is combination of these two clouds.
We can afford the cost for the hybrid cloud.
 Change Smoothly: When we change the whole system in the organization suddenly,
people in the organization can’t change to the environment quickly. For this we can
change everything part by part, so they will adopt the change and try to change.
 Invest in training programs: People in the organization tent to resist change. It may be
the reason of lack of knowledge in cloud. So, we can arrange training session to teach
them about cloud practically. With the proper training they will be familiar with the tools.
 Hire people: We can hire people temporary or permanent who are expert in cloud. We
can hire them for long term or short term.

Technical Challenges and solution when we migrate to cloud

 Prioritization: When we migrate to cloud, we can’t migrate a massive amount of data
cloud through network. So, we need to spilt data into small pieces and migrate them is
easy way. But there will be question “what is the first thing we need to migrate?”.
Identifying critical services and components and give them first priority and migrate them
is not an easiest one.
Solution: We can use small sprints to migrate them to cloud. We can prioritized them as
need basis or whatever we need.
 Data loss: Every organization has sensitive data. So, when we migrate to cloud, there
are possible to data leaks and data loss.
Solution: Take a backup of the system. Create a centralized security policy.
 Integration: Integration of data, system and process is the major issue we face first
when we migrate to cloud.
 Data security: When we migrate data to cloud, they will many chances to cyber-attack
and other security issues. Poorly designed application and weak control can give access
to unauthorized persons.
Solution: Ensure the routable path and data are secured when we migrate. Specially
ensure the firewall is on all the times. This will hide the data even though hacked. Get
Security as a Service from the service provider and use them in cloud migration.

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Security Issues in Cloud Computing

 Misconfiguration: Misconfiguration leads to data breaches. If we configure wrong,

sometimes it will create a way to attackers to enter into the system. Cloud computing is
easy and accessible so a unauthorized person can enter into the system easily can
make any changes without we know anything. This will lead to business loss and the
impact may last long for many days.
 Threats from inside: It is easy to identify threats from outside but it is hard to identify
the threats inside. Employees inside the organization can misuse their access to the
cloud to access the sensitive information such as account, bank details and other
sensitive details.
 Malware Injection: Structure of cloud computing will easily affect by the malware
attacks. An attacker can inject the malware inside the cloud computing infrastructure.
After the injection the malware will start to act. This will lead to covert eavesdropping,
data manipulation and data theft. The SQL injection attack, Cross Site Scripting and The
wrapping attack are some of the malware injection attacks.
 Data Leakage: Cloud computing infrastructure is easy to share the data and resources
compared to on-premises. We can share the data in the cloud computing by direct e-
mail invitations or distributing public links. This will cause security issues and
unauthorized access in the cloud. If the sensitive information wind up in the wrong hands
is major threat for organization, which created them.

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Overcome the security issues

 Choose a best service provider: Before migrate to cloud computing, we should choose
best cloud computing service provider who we trust in protecting our data and encrypt
the data. When choosing we should consider what type of security framework they have.
 Cloud Antivirus: Cloud antivirus is like a normal antivirus, which acts in a cloud server.
It is a small software which has facility to access larger database and real-time definition
updates, takes small space.
 Use an antimalware: This will prevent the cloud from suspicious URLs and downloads.
And it offers remote wipe, backups, and device location services.
 Use multi-factor authentication: It is more than a password. Username and passwords
are vulnerable to attacks and can be stolen. Multi-factor authentication will add more
security to our accounts. It may be a password or pin, badge or smartphone, biometric
like fingerprints, face recognition, voice recognition.
 Encrypt the data before upload: We can use third party software to encrypt the data
we need to upload to the cloud.

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Above all the benefits of the cloud computing, it has many common problems and security
issues. Those problems and issues can lead to data leakage, data breaches, data loss, financial
cost and more. From migrating from on-premises to cloud we need to face some problems
mention before. We can overcome those issues by techniques used by some of the
organization. Security issues are most common in the cloud because cloud computing is easy to
access. So we need proper training to avoid those issues and protect sensitive data from
malicious attackers and unauthorized access.

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Cloud computing is one of the trending technology in this world. There are a lot of service
providers here. AWS, IBM, Microsoft are some of them. They provide the services in the models
of software as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service etc. They have
deployment models like private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud and community cloud. Many
organizations migrate from on premises to cloud computing. When migrate to cloud computing
they face many common problems and many security problems. With the proper security we
can use the cloud computing and can benefit from them.

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