p1 p2 l1 p1 l1 l2 p2 l1 l3 p1 p2: Course: Hardware Software Co0Design Assignment 1 (10 Marks) Last Date: 3 MRCH 2023

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Course: Hardware Software Co0Design

Assignment 1 (10 marks)

Last date: 3rd Mrch 2023
Q. Find a State Machine as the following and as expressed in a floorplan diagram.
At the default state, the lights are all turned off. When you enter the house, you can press one of the 2
push buttons you have, p1 or p2. When you press any of those buttons, the l1 light turns
on. Imagine this is the entrance light, and you can take your jacket off. Once you are done, you decide
which room you want to enter (kitchen or bedroom, for example). If you press the button p1, l1 turns
off andl2 turns on. Instead if you press the button p2, l1 turns off and l3 turns on. Pressing another
time any of the 2 buttons, p1 or p2, the light that is currently on will turn off, and we’ll get back at
the initial state of the system.
Model the system using SystemC and write test bench to run the simulation. You need to submit a single
pdf file containing the problem statement, FSM diagram, zSystemC code, test bench, and assumptions
made if any. The code should be commented on appropriately.
You can preferably use Modelsim 32-bit version provided to you by the Institute.

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