Pediatric For Kids
Pediatric For Kids
Pediatric For Kids
Case Report
Amoebic Dysentery Complicated by Hypovolemic Shock and
Sepsis in an Infant with Severe Acute Malnutrition: A
Case Report
Giulia Dal Canto 1,2 , Tawaddud Hassan Eisa Artaiga 2 , Abdulrahman Ibrahiem Mohamed 2 ,
Hayat Amin Makki Hassan 2 , Doaa Mahmoud Adam 2 , Moram Awadalla Ibrahiem Ahmed 2 , Jihad Motwali 2 ,
Manuela Valenti 2 and Susanna Esposito 1, *
1 Pediatric Clinic, Pietro Barilla Children’s Hospital, Department of Medicine and Surgery,
University of Parma, Via Gramsci 14, 43126 Parma, Italy
2 Emergency NGO Onlus, 20122 Milan, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-0521-903524
Abstract: Diarrheal disease continues to be a leading cause of death in children under five years
old in developing countries, where it is responsible for the death of approximately half a million
children each year. Establishing the cause of diarrheal disease can be difficult in developing areas
due to the lack of diagnostic tests, and thus empirical therapies are often required. In these settings,
the choice of antibiotic (or the choice to not give it) depends on suspected agents, host conditions
and local epidemiology. Herein, we report a representative case of a ten-month-old male patient
with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) admitted to the Emergency Paediatric Clinic in Port Sudan
for amoebic dysentery complicated by hypovolemic shock and sepsis, treated by target therapy
for Entamoeba histolytica infection associated with empiric antibiotic therapy. Due to the absence of
clinical improvement, Ciprofloxacin was added to the first-line treatment. This case highlights that in
Citation: Dal Canto, G.; Artaiga, low-income countries amoebiasis, especially in children with SAM, may result in life-threatening
T.H.E.; Mohamed, A.I.; Hassan,
complications. Although stool microscopy remains the most used diagnostic test in these settings, a
H.A.M.; Adam, D.M.; Ahmed, M.A.I.;
novel inexpensive, easy to use and rapid diagnostic test would be warranted to reach a microbiological
Motwali, J.; Valenti, M.; Esposito, S.
diagnosis and guide clinical decision. Further studies will be necessary to identify the patterns of
Amoebic Dysentery Complicated by
Hypovolemic Shock and Sepsis in an
antimicrobial resistance in order to appropriately manage these complicated cases.
Infant with Severe Acute
Malnutrition: A Case Report. Keywords: amoebiasis; antimicrobial resistance; diarrhea; Entamoeba histolytica; malnutrition
Microorganisms 2023, 11, 165.
1. Background
Academic Editor: Jean Tenena
Coulibaly Diarrheal disease continues to be a leading cause of death in children under five
years old in developing countries, where it is responsible for the death of approximately
Received: 25 October 2022 half a million children each year [1]. Common etiologies of diarrheal disease in low-
Revised: 31 December 2022 income countries are Rotavirus, Shigella, Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter, Salmonella and
Accepted: 4 January 2023
enterotoxigenic and shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli (ET-STEC) [2,3]. Amoebiasis is
Published: 8 January 2023
also a widespread cause of diarrhea in several developing areas of Africa, Central and
South America and Asia [4]. Infections caused by multiple agents are possible and can be
facilitated by immunodeficiency conditions such as malnutrition or HIV infection.
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
The major goal of the treatment of diarrheal disease is to restore hydration and prevent
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
dehydration [5]. Avoiding fasting and continuing feeding are also important to reduce
This article is an open access article morbidity. The routine use of antimicrobials for diarrhea in children is not recommended by
distributed under the terms and the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) except for clinically recognizable severe
conditions of the Creative Commons cases and in the following circumstances: cholera, shigellosis, typhoid and paratyphoid
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// fever, dysenteric presentation of campylobacteriosis and non-typhoidal salmonellosis (NTS) when they cause persistent diarrhea, invasive intestinal amebiasis, symptomatic giardiasis
4.0/). and when host immune status is compromised for any reason including severe malnutrition,
2. Case Presentation
A ten-month-old male patient from Sudan presented to the Emergency Paediatric
Clinic in Port Sudan with a history of diarrhea, vomiting and fever from 3 days. On
arrival at our hospital, the child appeared unwell; he was febrile (38.5 ◦ C), tachycardic
(153 bpm), with other vital signs within the acceptable limits according to age. He had
severe acute malnutrition according to the WHO weight-for-height chart (W/H < −3SD).
He was lethargic, with capillary refill > 3 s, cold extremities, weak peripheral pulses, slow
skin pinch and sunken eyes. He had tender and distended abdomen and crepitations at
the chest. As the child was showing signs of hypovolemic shock and sepsis, he received
in the emergency room a bolus of 1/2 normal saline + 1/2 dextrose 5% 10 mL/kg iv in
1 h, O2 0.5 L/min on nasal cannula and wide spectrum antibiotic therapy with Ampicillin
50 mg/kg TID iv and Gentamicin 7.5 mg/kg OD iv. After the first stabilization and
treatment, the child was admitted to our pediatric ward.
At the clinical reassessment, he still presented signs of severe dehydration and he re-
ceived a second bolus iv (1/2 normal saline + 1/2 dextrose 5% 10 mL/kg in 1 h), followed by
10 h of alternated oral ReSoMal 10 mL/kg and F75, with improvement of hydration. Blood
test revealed leukocytosis (white blood cells [WBC] 32,900/µL, granulocytes 19,200/µL),
metabolic acidosis (pH 7.31, PaCO2 16 mmHg, Lactate 1.2 mmol/L, HCO3 —8.1 mmol/L,
BE—18.2 mmol/L) and hypokalemia (K 2.7 mmol/L). The urine microscope examination,
HIV rapid test, malaria rapid test and blood film were negative. A stool microscope ex-
amination showed uncountable leukocytes, abundant mucous and few red blood cells
associated with the presence of Entamoeba histolytica parasites. Due to these findings, the
child was started on Metronidazole 10 mg/kg TID iv and Ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg OD iv and
Ampicillin and Gentamicin were stopped. Hypokalemia was treated with oral integration
of Potassium chloride 1 mEq/kg two times, with subsequent normalization of the values
on day 3. On admission, Omeprazole iv was also started to avoid stress-induced gastritis.
During the following 48 h, the child had persistent diarrhea, vomits and intermittent
fever. On day 3 from admission, he again developed signs of severe dehydration and
he received one bolus of 1/2 normal saline + 1/2 dextrose 5% 10 mL/kg iv in 1 h and
a subsequent blood transfusion of whole blood 10 mL/kg, with clinical improvement.
Considered the persistence of symptoms despite the antibiotic therapy, Ciprofloxacin
15 mg/kg BID iv was added to the treatment for 5 days (day 3).
The clinical condition of the child gradually improved, and he maintained stable
vital signs and apyrexia. Diarrhea and vomits reduced and the child went through the
transition and rehabilitation phase of re-feeding, gaining body weight (+12% in 7 days).
At discharge, his WBC had decreased and the granulocyte were normalized. The stool
Microorganisms 2023, 11, 165 3 of 6
microscope examination became negative for Entamoeba histolytica. Table 1 summarizes the
blood examinations at admission and during hospitalization.
The patient was discharged with instructions to complete antibiotic therapy with oral
metronidazole and ciprofloxacin at home (for a total duration of treatment of 7 days). We
also referred the child to the local feeding center for malnutrition for follow up.
3. Discussion
Amoebiasis is a public health problem, especially among rural areas of developing
countries. In the large Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS), amebiasis ranked among
the top seven pathogens causing dysentery in children under the age of five years living in
seven countries of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia [2]. Amoebic disease is caused by
the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Infection usually begins with the ingestion
of the cysts in water or food that has been contaminated by human feces. The parasite
travels through the stomach and the small intestine, and excysts within the terminal ileum
or colon to form the trophozoite stage. Trophozoites reproduce by binary fission and
encyst, completing the lifecycle when infectious cysts are excreted into the environment in
stool. Secreting proteinases that dissolve host tissues, Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites
invade the intestinal mucosa, causing amoebic colitis and dysentery [7]. In some cases,
amoebas can travel through the portal circulation to the liver, where they cause abscesses.
Amoebic dysentery also may progress to fulminant colitis, toxic megacolon, colonic ulcers
and perforation [8]. Furthermore, intestinal amebiasis can manifest as asymptomatic
colonization or non-invasive recurrent diarrhea, which may adversely affect growth and
nutritional status [9].
In the present case, the diagnosis of amoebic dysentery was reached with stool micro-
scope examination. In areas where amoebiasis is endemic, as in our pediatric clinic in Port
Sudan, amoebic colitis is commonly diagnosed by identifying cysts or motile trophozoites
in the stool microscopy. However, this method has two main limitations: its accuracy is
highly dependent on the competence of the diagnostic laboratory, and it is incapable of
differentiating Entamoeba histolytica from non-pathogenic species such as Entamoeba dispar
or Entamoeba moshkovskii [10]. Currently, specific and sensitive diagnostic methods to detect
Entamoeba histolytica in stools include stool antigen detection and polymerase chain reaction
Microorganisms 2023, 11, 165 4 of 6
(PCR) techniques based on amplification of the target parasite RNA and DNA [4]. Unfortu-
nately, in low-resource countries, where the incidence of amoebiasis is highest, these tests
are not routinely used and are not widely available for the diagnosis. Unfortunately, in our
hospital blood and fecal cultures are also not available. The characteristics of stool, such as
whether it is watery, bloody, mucoid, purulent or bilious, are important for classifying the
etiology of acute diarrhea as non-inflammatory (mostly due to a viral infection) or inflam-
matory (mostly due to an invasive or toxin-producing bacterial infection) [11]. However,
stool’s macroscopic characteristics are misleading. Microscopic evaluation of fecal samples
is an inexpensive, rapid and highly accurate method of diagnosing in developing countries.
In our patient, amoebic dysentery was initially treated by iv Metronidazole due to
the poor clinical conditions with impossibility of oral administration. Metronidazole has
been used for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections for >50 years [12]. Metronidazole
is considered to be a cost-effective drug because of its low cost, good activity against
pathogenic anaerobic bacteria and protozoa, favorable pharmacokinetic and pharmacody-
namic properties and minor adverse effects. However, several mechanisms of resistance
to Metronidazole in anaerobic bacteria have been proposed. These mechanisms differ
among organisms, but the primary basis for resistance is decreased uptake of the drug
or altered reduction efficiency [12]. Moreover, the normal microflora serve as a reservoir
of antibiotic-resistance determinants, where some dissemination of resistance can occur.
The impact of Metronidazole on the normal microflora varies depending on the body site
involved. In addition to Metronidazole, the use of fluids was of key importance to restore
hydration and prevent dehydration. The management of dehydration in malnourished
children is different from that recommended in well-nourished children, as they need
special alternative fluids to avoid electrolyte imbalances and fluid overload [13]. In this
case, rehydration therapy included both bolus of 1/2 normal saline + 1/2 dextrose 5% and
oral ReSoMal alternated with F75.
Upon arrival, empiric antibiotic therapy with Ampicillin and Gentamicin was started
due to the presence of SAM. In fact, WHO recommends antibiotic treatment in children
with SAM as they have an increased risk of severe infections, including bacteremia [3].
This suggests that children with SAM are severely immunological impaired; however, the
precise underlying mechanisms are still unclear.
The choice of antimicrobial drug in diarrheal disease is challenging due to the broad
pattern of possible pathogens according to age and local epidemiology. The human gut
is full of diverse bacteria, many of which harbor resistances against a broad range of
antibiotics [14]. As the gut microbiota develops and evolves throughout life, so does the
resistome. Though antibiotic use (and misuse) invariably contributes to antimicrobial
resistance and the composition of the resistome, there are other factors that play a role as
well (i.e., diet, infections, animals and the environment) [14]. SAM children have alterations
in gut microbiota, including increased Proteobacteria and decreased Bacteroides levels [15].
Additionally, the gut microbiota of SAM children exhibit lower relative diversity compared
with healthy children [15]. Although stool culture or PCR would be warranted to guide
therapy, they were unavailable in our Unit. Therefore, after the identification of uncountable
leukocytes and mucous in stool microscopy (i.e., findings compatible with enteric bacterial
co-infection), antibiotic therapy was switched to Ceftriaxone iv. This broad-spectrum
antibiotic is effective against Shigella, Yersinia and gram-negative Enterobacteria and it is
well-tolerated in children [16]. However, since the clinical picture did not improve in the
following 48 h, Ciprofloxacin iv was also added. Fluoroquinolones are effective against a
wide variety of enteric infections (i.e., shigellosis, salmonellosis, cholera and Campylobacter
infections) [17]. Although Ciprofloxacin is not routinely recommended in pediatric age,
its use is suggested in presence of antimicrobial resistance [18]. Increase in antimicrobial
resistance has also been observed in developing countries [19]. Knowledge as well as
control of this phenomenon would be fundamental to direct empiric antibiotic therapy, but
there are a lack of adequate epidemiological studies to identify local pattern of agents and
antimicrobial resistance in low-resource countries.
Microorganisms 2023, 11, 165 5 of 6
4. Conclusions
This case highlights that in low-income countries, amoebiasis, especially in children
with SAM, may result in life-threatening complications such as hypovolemic shock and
sepsis. Although stool microscopy remains the most-used diagnostic test in low-resource
settings, a novel inexpensive, easy-to-use and rapid diagnostic test would be warranted to
reach a microbiological diagnosis and guide clinical decision. Metronidazole represents
the mainstay treatment of amoebiasis; however, broad-spectrum empiric antibiotic therapy
is required in children with SAM and when a bacterial co-infection is suspected. Further
studies will be necessary to identify the patterns of antimicrobial resistance in order to
appropriately manage these complicated cases.
Author Contributions: G.D.C. was in charge of the patient’s management and wrote the first draft
of the manuscript. T.H.E.A., A.I.M., H.A.M.H., D.M.A., M.A.I.A. and J.M. supported the patient’s
management. M.V. led the Emergency Paediatric Unit, provided scientific contributions and critically
revised the paper. S.E. supervised the preparation of the manuscript and provided a substantial
scientific contribution. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the principles of the
Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee of Area Vasta Emilia Romagna
Nord (PED-2022-01).
Informed Consent Statement: Written informed consent for patient management and for the publi-
cation of this case report was obtained from the parents of the child involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: All the available data are reported in the case presentation.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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